You'd NEVER expect to see all these species in HERE... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Fish Paradise: 4200 W Hallandale Beach Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33023 Phone #: 954-961-5050 Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

HUGE EXOTIC FISH ROOM TOUR!! *FEEDING* sentiment_very_dissatisfied 211

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 320,736 views

You'd NEVER expect to see all these species in HERE... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Fish Paradise: 4200 W Hallandale Beach Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33023 Phone #: 954-961-5050 Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments

Paul Cuffaro
Paul Cuffaro - 6 years ago
Seeing these awesome Fish Feedings, and the BEST fans in the WORLD in one place...AMAZING! Thank You All for the Support, I truly do appreciate it!
Marvin Pascual
Marvin Pascual - 6 years ago
Zenaida Lingad
Zenaida Lingad - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro 8
Asha T.A
Asha T.A - 6 years ago
Please make a betta fish fighting vedio
Pink Unicorn Waters
Pink Unicorn Waters - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro cool
Shah Esfelazi
Shah Esfelazi - 6 years ago
You move to fast makes me dizzy
Yeok Ee Leow
Yeok Ee Leow - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro P!
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Paul it’s not a bad ass shrimp it’s a baby horse show crab they’re gianormus when they are adult
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Wait I know the shop but not name
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro is a alligator gar a sea water fish if it is I know that shop
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Paul cuffaro what the shop called
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 6 years ago
Melissa Schroeder I can edit I do it if u want
Leo Snipe
Leo Snipe - 6 years ago
Christopher Follosco
Christopher Follosco - 6 years ago
good vid
Mega K
Mega K - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro you have inspired me to get my own fish tank. I have a 20 gallon tank which my dad is helping me out and I just love all of your videos I have been watching ever since my dad was going to get me a fish. Thank you for everything you do for us!!❤️❤️
fortnite clips
fortnite clips - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro get a asian red tail
The Fishee
The Fishee - 6 years ago
Love your videos bro, best youtube in the world making people happy
Ultimate Home Alone Gaming Channel
Ultimate Home Alone Gaming Channel - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro your friend Catch more tanking you little goldfish
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro ask them if u can have them for the pond
Fouzia Zahid
Fouzia Zahid - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro I am an pakistani boy in pakistan people dont fish they dont make them their pets but when isee your vids 8 fell it is a hobby I love your all vids you always made a biggest smile on my face
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
ZeResonate i
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro i
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro i8
Travon Morgan
Travon Morgan - 6 years ago
I love the videos can I please get a fish tank my turtles live in a bucket 1 is two big for a bucket my address is 8721 Denver Avenue Los Angeles California I know you're probably not going to read this if you do please
Jesus Garcia
Jesus Garcia - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro. I come home tired from a long day of work and have to make some time for your videos Lol have two tanks and hoppfully if everything goes well im getting a custom tank done soon
MatthewDiroo Vlogs
MatthewDiroo Vlogs - 6 years ago
Paul you awesome and I love watching your vids I hope to meet you one day I sometimes low key watch your videos at school.If you ever travel to illinois can you a meet up.If you do ever visit illinois I know a pretty cool fish store that have a lot of cool fish.Its in Hoffman Estes in illinois we could go together.Paul you awesome. Keep up the awesome work!
James Games
James Games - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro love your vids ;)
Caleb the boss
Caleb the boss - 6 years ago
You need to get a turtle
Jazlyn Delafuente
Jazlyn Delafuente - 6 years ago
hey paul to day is my 11th birthday can you give me shout out plz we love your vids I also got to gold fish you inspired me and Im suffering from a mild concussion from a car crash
Alfonso Ocampo
Alfonso Ocampo - 6 years ago
Also yes express lanes baby lol
Jock Chandler
Jock Chandler - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro what happened to your albino pacu
Shrimp Z
Shrimp Z - 6 years ago
Awsome video keep up the good work and you inspired me to make my own pond and get fish tanks
Orlando Ponce
Orlando Ponce - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro mini mo is gone
Tyler Samuel
Tyler Samuel - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro are you having a arowana for the big fish tank
SoCal Mel Schroeder
SoCal Mel Schroeder - 6 years ago
Your videos are awesome I live in SoCal California and my sister and I went to the koi fish store in garden grove the one you went to to with Greg I was amazed with that place. I also been working on a small patio pond I have some videos on it in my channel if you want to look at it I'm unable to edit my videos at this time so there just raw video clips I wish I could get some one to edit my videos to look much better but it's all good. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us thank you for taking the time to read this your awesome.
VonAlegado Animal and Game
VonAlegado Animal and Game - 6 years ago
Thank you for see my comment
Noah Bartos
Noah Bartos - 6 years ago
Yo Paul I think it would be pretty cool if you lifted the Tacoma ;)
Logan Ima
Logan Ima - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro when are you going to stock your pond
Buffon4 - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro hey just wanted to say that before you get the turtle make sure you make a fence around the pond so it doesn’t escape
Mordecai Eleuthere
Mordecai Eleuthere - 6 years ago
Would you ever get a salt water tank
mauuu 5
mauuu 5 - 6 years ago
Paul please get a pacu for the big pond
Adrian Tafoya
Adrian Tafoya - 6 years ago
We're here to support you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Misael Adames
Misael Adames - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro I'm getting a pleco fish
Aquatics Forever
Aquatics Forever - 6 years ago
Paul check out ur 165 gallon tank
Mau - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro
PhotographyJo- Taj Alami
PhotographyJo- Taj Alami - 6 years ago
Paul Cuffaro always lit
Ud33 17
Ud33 17 - 6 years ago
14:19 when your mom opens your window in the morning
Alex Odysseos
Alex Odysseos - 6 years ago
Diego Vaiasuso
Diego Vaiasuso - 6 years ago
I lost track how many times you misidentified those fish
Mr. Wallace
Mr. Wallace - 6 years ago
That's fishes paradise I've been going their for 20 years they've been around for over 40.
PREDATOR - 6 years ago
People use Molly's ect to help cycle a marine tank
Grand 2
Grand 2 - 6 years ago
Oscar Fish
Oscar Fish - 6 years ago
Ive got a pike like that on and its 13 inches and aggressive as hell
Oomuu - 6 years ago
red cherry shrimp


lady lex 9999
lady lex 9999 - 6 years ago
if you didnt look it up yet, Mollie are brackish water fish. they can adapt to salt water but I'm not sure if it has any side affects like shorter lifespan or immune system problems.
Ben wahl
Ben wahl - 6 years ago
Take a shot for every cringy "brooooo". Im wasted now.
Karma One
Karma One - 6 years ago
It’s too expensive all the fish
ACUARIOS FA - 6 years ago
me encanta este video
Mototrips - 6 years ago
At 4:33, that is a Red Devil, not a Midas.
Asep Saiful Alfazr
Asep Saiful Alfazr - 6 years ago
Very interesting. Love you
D L M - 6 years ago
Be Safe
Joshua Edwards
Joshua Edwards - 6 years ago
Hey nice videos I thinking about getting a another freshwater puffer fish but I want to know the best place to get my fish .
mr saepul
mr saepul - 6 years ago
red arwana pleaseee
Beast and sky
Beast and sky - 6 years ago
I seen a white flowerhorn in my local fish store today


Jayr Cometa
Jayr Cometa - 6 years ago
two thumbs up for u bro!!!
Gavin Walmsley
Gavin Walmsley - 6 years ago
I have 2 pepper Cory catfish 2black Molly’s and two black tail Dalmatians molly
Annie Nava
Annie Nava - 6 years ago
Mollies in the wild swim from fresh to saltwater
sunny bapatla
sunny bapatla - 6 years ago
You inspired me to make my pond
SRIRAM MURUGAN - 6 years ago
Hi friend
judge is the king
judge is the king - 6 years ago
That wasnt a pike, look like a barracuda
Kazi Tariqul Islam Sohel
Kazi Tariqul Islam Sohel - 6 years ago
Please Paul spot the odd one
Cars Super
Cars Super - 6 years ago
If u were wondering pike are common in northern Michigan (it sounded like u didn’t know what they were so just informing u if u didn’t know)
Mathew Landry
Mathew Landry - 6 years ago
Way to go down the aisles and read the species names off the tanks, but with lots of enthusiasm!
Matt D
Matt D - 6 years ago
I wanna go there lol


Vincent Cordes
Vincent Cordes - 6 years ago
Do a saltwater aquarium
Megan Ceja
Megan Ceja - 6 years ago
That’s a monster gouarami
Clint Dobson
Clint Dobson - 6 years ago
We have pikes up by me they can get huge. There as common as bass up here
Melissa Hilliard
Melissa Hilliard - 6 years ago
Why don't you do saltwater tanks?
Raphaels Reptiles
Raphaels Reptiles - 6 years ago
The ending tho
Hail Beer
Hail Beer - 6 years ago
Those peacocks are gangsters.
Peter_the_best_lucky - 6 years ago
Wow they are all expensive..
I bought the turtles you saw in this video for 3 Singapore dollar each and Angel fishes for 0.50 each xD
Moeez Tahir
Moeez Tahir - 6 years ago
where is this place
Ethan Walsh
Ethan Walsh - 6 years ago
1:28 "u got games on your phone"
SPOILED FISH - 6 years ago
sweet store
cute sweetie
cute sweetie - 6 years ago
Jithin Simon K
Jithin Simon K - 6 years ago
Peacocks are indian species isn't.r they introduced or native
Stepen _Tampubolon
Stepen _Tampubolon - 6 years ago
Hi , im from indonesia . I love you video and I love animal to. Keep going.
An Abnormal Girl With Fictional Dreams
An Abnormal Girl With Fictional Dreams - 6 years ago
I low-key want to draw you.
Did that sound weird??
AMJSTAR LIVE - 6 years ago
Actually mollies can survive in salt water
Berg Audry
Berg Audry - 6 years ago
Get an angelfish for the mini pond
Jerome Harms
Jerome Harms - 6 years ago
you need camera skills god
Lee Hong Jin
Lee Hong Jin - 6 years ago
I have a case of Fishomania, please help meeee
Majora Gamer
Majora Gamer - 6 years ago
What's the name of the place
Jonathan Rocha rodriguz
Jonathan Rocha rodriguz - 6 years ago
Poor fish


V 10137
V 10137 - 6 years ago
I swear I saw this exact place in my dreams but I never heard of it until now
sahil Dhaije
sahil Dhaije - 6 years ago
you are so fast catch vidio
วรวัฒน์ มานพ
วรวัฒน์ มานพ - 6 years ago
Storm Smash
Storm Smash - 6 years ago
I can literally go to an asian market in CA and get a large mouth bass for 3.99
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly - 6 years ago
Hey yo te koi fish that would be really cool if you got more koi fish
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly - 6 years ago
I hope you all got time for my idea
kevin weiser
kevin weiser - 6 years ago
good fish pond
Vs M
Vs M - 6 years ago
You are the best YouTuber that I whach about fish I ever knew
ABHINAV catching the first
ABHINAV catching the first - 6 years ago
Its massive to cool please continue making videos . I am from india kerala
Dylan Atkincon
Dylan Atkincon - 6 years ago
The 1st tank on “Molly’s r female sword tails
Dylan Atkincon
Dylan Atkincon - 6 years ago
U forgot about the pictus catfish in the first African Cyclad tank
Rum Mug the Orc
Rum Mug the Orc - 6 years ago
Peacock bass are still cooler than the peacock chickens that were blocking your car.
Connor Penney
Connor Penney - 6 years ago
can you get a bass
Anastasiya Badi
Anastasiya Badi - 6 years ago
How’s he supposedly know stuff about fish but keeps his beta in a 1 g tank
Hansa Arya
Hansa Arya - 6 years ago
where is this shop beautiful fishes
brooke e.e
brooke e.e - 6 years ago
"some fish in a log"
Daniel Bohnet
Daniel Bohnet - 6 years ago
Dude your videos give me a headache you keep moving the camera too fast you need to slow down with your camera side to side motion.!!!!!!
ThatGusDoode - 6 years ago
Please get an arowana for the 160 lol it would look so sick in there
Rithin Vasu
Rithin Vasu - 6 years ago
super paul
Elijah Maquera
Elijah Maquera - 6 years ago
By a 3 clown put in the you mini pond
UNDERDOG 56 - 6 years ago
That Paco killed 1 of my around wants so I sold it to them

It was mine
UNDERDOG 56 - 6 years ago
UNDERDOG 56 - 6 years ago
I'm a regular over there
Jack bender
Jack bender - 6 years ago
That “grouper” was a barramundi cod
Vishnunu Gador
Vishnunu Gador - 6 years ago
Vishnunu Gador
Vishnunu Gador - 6 years ago
Actually i cant help my self because of your vids.
Bella Dreamer
Bella Dreamer - 6 years ago
I had an Oscar that was an okay size he was around 6-8 inches in length but sadly he delt with ick a ton from his old owner and he had it when I got him.He was alone in the tank and he got over the ick from my help but out of no where like 6-8 months later it came back and killed him.
Emiliano .Gam4
Emiliano .Gam4 - 6 years ago
Mollys are known to last long in saltwater tanks
Bob Schor
Bob Schor - 6 years ago
Where you live peacocks in new york pigeon
brahma lover, Madison haven roberts
brahma lover, Madison haven roberts - 6 years ago
they HUGE
Naturalli - 6 years ago
Omg I love peacocks, wish I had one.
Alice Etkin-Bell
Alice Etkin-Bell - 6 years ago
I used to like you but now that you like feeder fish shit. Then you know what fuck that shit I'm done with you
Alice Etkin-Bell
Alice Etkin-Bell - 6 years ago
Anywhere who sells feeder fish 8s a crap place. So disgusting
scorpio song
scorpio song - 6 years ago
Camera moves tooooo fast!
Matt Hill
Matt Hill - 6 years ago
Basic saltwater fish like a Molly or a catfish is totally capable of being saltwater. Google it! You can transform them
Kristine De Jesus
Kristine De Jesus - 6 years ago
Hannah Tuck
Hannah Tuck - 6 years ago
Omg thank you for picking me I love your videos so much they always make my day and being picked made it even more special thank you so much.
Breckin Faber
Breckin Faber - 6 years ago
Awesome vids Paul keep it up! I was one of your first 500 subs.
alyana s
alyana s - 6 years ago
Cooper Gadd
Cooper Gadd - 6 years ago
Those fish are beasts
Maddox Thompson
Maddox Thompson - 6 years ago
knite lore
knite lore - 6 years ago
bruh in singapore is around $12 to $18
Johan Hallberg
Johan Hallberg - 6 years ago
Ger a bass for de pond
Ryguy K
Ryguy K - 6 years ago
You are so amazing. You inspired me to try to convince my dad to let me get a 20 gallon tank for 5 platys 2 gouramis and a few tetras. You teach me so much on how to take care of my betta community tank. I would never have bought a fish without you on yt
Aidan Lapham
Aidan Lapham - 6 years ago
we have a fish store like that in colorado and it has almost the same fish its just alot smaller
Reynol Carril
Reynol Carril - 6 years ago
I don't know about the catfish but mollies can live in fresh brackish or saltwater
They're pretty gnarly
potato lord 01
potato lord 01 - 6 years ago
It looks like a black market for fish
Vincent Wong
Vincent Wong - 6 years ago
hi paul I Love your bass
Vincent Wong
Vincent Wong - 6 years ago
I Love your fish pual
Vincent Wong
Vincent Wong - 6 years ago
I Love your bass pual
Fatal - Fortnite
Fatal - Fortnite - 6 years ago
I went there it’s lit
david parry
david parry - 6 years ago
That's not a grouper that's a barramundi cod
Darian Pinkerton
Darian Pinkerton - 6 years ago
Paul are you a fresh water or salt water type of guy or both?


Uno Paťko CZ
Uno Paťko CZ - 6 years ago
Awesome i love aqarium fishes and this is cool
Amanda Gibson
Amanda Gibson - 6 years ago
Are platties and mollies in the same family as goldfish?
Jordan Pabian
Jordan Pabian - 6 years ago
where do you live? i thought arowana's were illegal in the US
Antionette Fernandez
Antionette Fernandez - 6 years ago
I like your videos and you make me happy to getting me more fish for life
Zack Jake
Zack Jake - 6 years ago
Do you guys know what fish is at 2:10? I have that fish cause it was given to me, but I'm unsure of the species
Txawj Teeb Xyooj
Txawj Teeb Xyooj - 6 years ago
The new Pond looks dope. Can't wait to see fishes in the new pond.
Christopher Young
Christopher Young - 6 years ago
Love this video very cool
Hypes With Hype
Hypes With Hype - 6 years ago
Should get 2 red ear sliders and make a area where they can't escape, and create underwater barrier so when they get large enough they don't eat baby fish
Pranav Prakash
Pranav Prakash - 6 years ago
where is this
wendy - 6 years ago
molly, platties, and guppies are brackish water fish. meaning half salt water half fresh water but i guess they can survive in complete salt water?
Dirtbike_Kody - 6 years ago
The Molly and cats are brackish water fish and the can stand high salt content
Aqua addict
Aqua addict - 6 years ago
Im surprised you didn't know that Colombian sharks and Molly's can live in brackish and saltwater
fish for dinner
fish for dinner - 6 years ago
Bro that's crazy cool
Ashlynn Wright
Ashlynn Wright - 6 years ago
I love to watch your videos they inspired me to get into fishing and wanting me to build a pond. I love to see your pretty fish tank.
Mr. KING - 6 years ago
Change the black rubber thingy that u put in to small pound in your backyard into white and put LED lights around and in the pound.
Boredom Freaks
Boredom Freaks - 6 years ago
It's just amazing watching your videos, it's been a month since I joined the team but I've learned alot. I appreciate the good work, keep it runnin' bro......btw, more fish store tours like this one would be epic
Rayyan Joomun
Rayyan Joomun - 6 years ago
I love your videos keep make videos
Rayyan Joomun
Rayyan Joomun - 6 years ago
Paul you need to get sharks
Professor Frog
Professor Frog - 6 years ago
Can you plz do a reptile video
Changsang John
Changsang John - 6 years ago
U make my day a lot better than yesterday
Rhino Does Stuff
Rhino Does Stuff - 6 years ago
They had a horseshoe crab at the store!!!
Brannenboss2002 blahh
Brannenboss2002 blahh - 6 years ago
I miss Bruce
Jimcho Montalbo
Jimcho Montalbo - 6 years ago
Add the fish to pond and put turtles paul pls
Vince Belen
Vince Belen - 6 years ago
I love your vids thank you for inspiring me to build my own pond you always put a smile on my face thank you
passtum works
passtum works - 6 years ago
According to Chinese legend,if an arowana jumps out and dies it means bad luck is coming towards the owner.
wali ahmed
wali ahmed - 6 years ago
zak have your mini muu.....
hi have been stole it from you bro
oJAUIOF - 6 years ago
do you go to school
- Dige
- Dige - 6 years ago
Buy rainbowfish
- Dige
- Dige - 6 years ago
buy picasso fish
- Dige
- Dige - 6 years ago
PRAKASH MOULAY - 6 years ago
Yor Turtle has good
Brendan Fleming
Brendan Fleming - 6 years ago
Your my favorite YouTuber and every time I watch your video it makes me want a fish pond even more, Plz Subscribe To Me.
Lance Kirkman
Lance Kirkman - 6 years ago
Next time you're in Portland, OR, check out the Wet Spot Tropical Fish store...
They're SIMPLY amazing!
Anthony Dellanno
Anthony Dellanno - 6 years ago
Go to that pet store again and get more GUPPIES
Anthony Dellanno
Anthony Dellanno - 6 years ago
Steal back mini moo
robin morty
robin morty - 6 years ago
Stupid Americans
Veronica Shaw
Veronica Shaw - 6 years ago
Mollys and Colombian sharks are able to live freshwater, saltwater, and brackish water. To keep them healthy you should put a table spoon of aquarium salt for every gallon.
Virgo rules
Virgo rules - 6 years ago
Hey u can build a fish tower or a fish sphere above the water of your pond! I think it will look pretty dope especially on top of your big pond
Larry Zeno
Larry Zeno - 6 years ago
You inspired me to fix up my backyard and pond... so nice to have my old hang out back in action to enjoy. I will send a pic when I tighten it up a bit. Much love brother!
Rediculos SC
Rediculos SC - 6 years ago
It looks like the side door to a porn shop. Does it have any actual signs?
Diamond vlogger
Diamond vlogger - 6 years ago
Paul cuffaro tomorrow is my birthday so can you please send do a shout out for me and I like you a lot and I watch every video that you post
Terrance Boykins
Terrance Boykins - 6 years ago
Thank you so much you inspire me to get my own fish and you just is a great YouTuber and keep doing your sick cool videos because everyone that you post it on YouTube I watched since day one thank you
Connor Gross
Connor Gross - 6 years ago
That place seems mega sketchy
Gabriel Ibarra
Gabriel Ibarra - 6 years ago
Get some oscars
Aquatics 101
Aquatics 101 - 6 years ago
Paul catch em all stole mini mu
DragonKnight - 6 years ago
At an furniture store I saw an big big arowana and a small big brained fish
Caelan Carmichael
Caelan Carmichael - 6 years ago
I have seen a pike before I live in London Ontario.
BRIAN PENDLETON - 6 years ago
paul you inspireme to make a pond
charitylmc - 6 years ago
love your vids so keep going and never stop and keep dreaming
Love_all _fish
Love_all _fish - 6 years ago
That’s my local fish store
Music Skits Shorts
Music Skits Shorts - 6 years ago
2:11 that’s a Rafael catfish
Blood cell Human
Blood cell Human - 6 years ago
Love Forever
Love Forever - 6 years ago
For your pond are you going to buy fish there
i am fan of ankle
i am fan of ankle - 6 years ago
pikes are op !
bannana is nice
bannana is nice - 6 years ago
pike get massive
TKLp HD - 6 years ago
More videos like this please!!!
Gerardo ramirez
Gerardo ramirez - 6 years ago
My arowana just died to jump out of my tank :(
C-Lay Rapper
C-Lay Rapper - 6 years ago
Hey guys can y’all check out my new betta fish tank set up video? Thank you!
Just4fun -Family
Just4fun -Family - 6 years ago
Awesome vid bro.. I was just in Florida for my bday.. anyway, what is that huge black fish in first tank that was near the albinos..with the sucker mouth?!
GamingWithVir - 6 years ago
Beta plz
Matthew Bradford
Matthew Bradford - 6 years ago
#steal mini moo back!!!!!!
manjari M
manjari M - 6 years ago
I love your smile I love it
Mahalakshmi Santhanakrishnan
Mahalakshmi Santhanakrishnan - 6 years ago
Paul you buy the big flower horn in the 300 gallon aquarium
Darth Sarkoa
Darth Sarkoa - 6 years ago
dude you should get some silver arrowanas for the pond or some oscars
Fishing for days
Fishing for days - 6 years ago
Does this count +
Advaith and Surya Adventures
Advaith and Surya Adventures - 6 years ago
Can any of u pls subscribe to me
violin 42199
violin 42199 - 6 years ago
Thank You Paul for the amazing videos, you have inspired me to upgrade my fish tank. Stay awesome. BTW, Mini-Mu was captured by Zach!!!!
Jackal Jack
Jackal Jack - 6 years ago
If u get the arowana just know u got scammed I got mine same size for around 17 dollars and they look way better then those do
dipika Ghosh
dipika Ghosh - 6 years ago
You are my best you tuber I love your video and you inspired me to build my own tank Scape's
what is life without a pet
what is life without a pet - 6 years ago
Bro Zak has taken away the gold fish
Lttle Fish Tank King
Lttle Fish Tank King - 6 years ago
@8:31 that’s s a electric blue acara not a ram
Sagar Nishad
Sagar Nishad - 6 years ago
Molly are origanally salt water fish
Cristian Borboa
Cristian Borboa - 6 years ago
iceslinger 555
iceslinger 555 - 6 years ago
Can somebody explain to me how there’s a Molly with a clown fish, seriously interested
Finlay Gibson
Finlay Gibson - 6 years ago
We have pike in England!
Mariah Kumher
Mariah Kumher - 6 years ago
"All of y'all" I'm glad I'm not the only one who says that lol. Some of my friends think I am weird.
Faith Allene
Faith Allene - 6 years ago
Is it just me or does everyone come in the comments during the video just to see what is happening in he. If so before it happens or if your just like automatically go to comment section and then have to rewatch the video because you didn’t pay attention ...... just me k
Oskar Stahl
Oskar Stahl - 6 years ago
Good Viedeo Paul
Manikandadas Karthikeyan
Manikandadas Karthikeyan - 6 years ago
lewis gaskell
lewis gaskell - 6 years ago
I think them monster fish need a bigger tank
April Showers
April Showers - 6 years ago
lewis gaskell FINALLY!! I seen that and went right to the comment section to see if anyone else thought the same thing! I think it sad and mean to A.) Over stock a tank! & B.) To pile waayyy TOO MANY big monster fish in a tank that should MAYBE ONLY have like 3!! It REALLY chaps my ass!! Theres NO NEED OF THIS AT ALL!! Its cruel imo!
TheGavaranian - 6 years ago
Riyaz Manandhar
Riyaz Manandhar - 6 years ago
U should buy discus from here for the huge tank
Saba Parveen Lodi
Saba Parveen Lodi - 6 years ago
How is minimu hi hi hi
namepi - 6 years ago
Bro you should put a small bass in your pond so you can watch it grow. Even though CatchEmAll started the trend, you by far have the best pond. Or be different and put in heaps of colorful African cichlids.
base Aquatic
base Aquatic - 6 years ago
Hey Paul
Luv the vids. Mollies like being in brackish water and actually thrive in it
Taj Mcbeth
Taj Mcbeth - 6 years ago
You have inspired me to build my own pond
Balbhadra Singh
Balbhadra Singh - 6 years ago
I like your videos and I am your biggest fan and a fish hobbiest .. I cannot afford big tanks so I have a bowl with two mollies they are very happy in it
Beatriz !
Beatriz ! - 6 years ago
Bro I hate my life every time I go to Beverly’s or fish paradise I keep missing u and zac by 1 day I’m sad
Advaith and Surya Adventures
Advaith and Surya Adventures - 6 years ago
I meant zak
Advaith and Surya Adventures
Advaith and Surya Adventures - 6 years ago
Ask took back mini moo
Advaith and Surya Adventures
Advaith and Surya Adventures - 6 years ago
Your videos make my day and the only time I use YouTube is either to upload or see ur videos and your ponds updates.pls subscribe to my channel if you can
Karess Martin
Karess Martin - 6 years ago
Paul i watch your videos everyday from school to home. You inspire to many people like me you inspired me. Keep it up your hard work. Thanks paul
Waleed Qureshi
Waleed Qureshi - 6 years ago
I love ur videos so much. You inspired me to build my own pond. And ur a Legend!!!!
Birat Roy
Birat Roy - 6 years ago
U buyed an arowana u listened my words but its not asian but okk
Madden Ladden
Madden Ladden - 6 years ago
Birat Roy Can't buy Asian Arowana in America, illegal to have as a pet here :/
Nicholas Theos
Nicholas Theos - 6 years ago
U not supposed to join the angelfish with the other fish
Craig torr
Craig torr - 6 years ago
The Columbian cat shark is a brackish fish as it gets bigger probably why its fine in that tank
Craig torr
Craig torr - 6 years ago
Get arrowana for the pond
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 6 years ago
That’s a fish store
Craig torr
Craig torr - 6 years ago
Raphael catfish I've had one for 5 years in a 350 litre it's only 3 inch all my over fish are leaving it behind
Sahir Khan
Sahir Khan - 6 years ago
I love your videos and you have inspire me to keep an aquarium. Keep it up
eyla0824 - 6 years ago
That was an awesome tour! They had all the fish I love! Thank you Paul for taking us along. I can’t wait to see you build your little pond in your gorgeous new back yard. Keep up the good work! PS thanks for buying Nick a new arrowana. I was so sad when his committed suicide.
GOLD Lumley
GOLD Lumley - 6 years ago
I used to have an electric blue ram but 2 days ago his eyes fell out and he died because he had Popeye
ender boy 71
ender boy 71 - 6 years ago
In indonesia you can hace 5 flower fish for 3 dollars
Akhil S Kumar
Akhil S Kumar - 6 years ago
DavnVH - 6 years ago
Grab those archers for your pond mate, they get nice and big and are awesome outside if your climate permits it. We get them here in Australia up in the top end of the country. New to the channel but loving your videos and enthusiasm, remind my of myself as a younger bloke. Keep it up mate!
Kashif Kashif
Kashif Kashif - 6 years ago
Buy the arowana for big pond
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 6 years ago
Buy discus for the 160 gallon
Sagar Yadav
Sagar Yadav - 6 years ago
got a flowerhorn by watching you and you inspire me to have one its a red dragon flowerhorn which I named FRANK
if you r reding this then i hope you also keep your future flowerhorn name FRANK
love your work ✌
Lebogang Forgive
Lebogang Forgive - 6 years ago
Zach took Mini Mu
scorchmane - 6 years ago
There not red eared sliders dude there’re Mississippi map turtles
Muhd Arif
Muhd Arif - 6 years ago
Paul Caffaro i think you should buy a koi fish or platiumGar,Arapaima fish for the pond i hope you agree what i say.. you make my day full of your sick vidio..i hope you continue to have vidio whit your hobby.. tq
Joshua Silva
Joshua Silva - 6 years ago
Go to Philippines and you can see very nice flowerhorns and they are so cheap
JakeÀñD jHøÑ'sVïñës
JakeÀñD jHøÑ'sVïñës - 6 years ago
Hey put some thing different in your pond it will look cool with your insane pond I can't live without watching your videos
Monster Fins
Monster Fins - 6 years ago
You should go check out Neighborhood Fish Farm in kendall
SharkBAIT RUDY - 6 years ago
What happened to your pacu
flickr - 6 years ago
I couldn’t stop laughing at the catfish at 2:12.
Julien Dgèdge
Julien Dgèdge - 6 years ago
That's not Mollys but...Xyphos..
Fearfuz - 6 years ago
Get archerfish for the mini pond
awe awe
awe awe - 6 years ago
mini muuu = monster muuuuuu
Reshane Raman
Reshane Raman - 6 years ago
U should get a turtle for the big pond
Blue Archor
Blue Archor - 6 years ago
Mark Railey
Mark Railey - 6 years ago
Your amazing man. Your videos are awesome. Keep up the hard work...PEACE....✌
Priti Raut
Priti Raut - 6 years ago
Which one fish you are going to have in back yard pond
LilOne Collor
LilOne Collor - 6 years ago
Since you like live plants why not aquascape you big tank
benjamin blizzard
benjamin blizzard - 6 years ago
Mini mu has gone
Harry Matterface
Harry Matterface - 6 years ago
Get the Oscar
Kookamongus - 6 years ago
Ever think of making an intro like catchemall?
Davie J
Davie J - 6 years ago
My local Fish stare.
Hyumanggis Fatsou
Hyumanggis Fatsou - 6 years ago
Paul, how tall are you?
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
i love the giraffe cat
Vhiajane July Tabalbag
Vhiajane July Tabalbag - 6 years ago
bush boy salespeople opposed photojournalists
UNDERDOG 56 - 6 years ago
My dad looking for one
GamingWithVir - 6 years ago
Love your vids
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 6 years ago
Yay catch them all
namepi - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing tell Joey he’s a bitch for blocking ppl
bush boy
bush boy - 6 years ago
Catch Em All!
Courtney Parchment
Courtney Parchment - 6 years ago
Zak took minimo
prajwal*46 nitro
prajwal*46 nitro - 6 years ago
Show the betta fisj
lance bernardino
lance bernardino - 6 years ago
You have the best fish pond thing ever!!!
Erik Galvan
Erik Galvan - 6 years ago
You a good friend
Leilani K
Leilani K - 6 years ago
Dude slow down when filming . You're moving to quick, make people like me motion sick lol.
horadora footballer
horadora footballer - 6 years ago
Lindsey Breeden
Lindsey Breeden - 6 years ago
In the 300 galon tank therse a catfish that i have in my 5 gallon
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 6 years ago
6:37 a marbled gar not a pike lol
NMV 2 - 6 years ago
Can you please get a flowerhorn
DANE LAWRENCE COO - 6 years ago
I am sad for you poul
Rohith Narayanan
Rohith Narayanan - 6 years ago
Ralph Loquias
Ralph Loquias - 6 years ago
Wow it's so nice pet store
Michael Johnston
Michael Johnston - 6 years ago
2:00 that's a red mammon not a Midas I'm pretty sure
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 6 years ago
Excellent tour those fish are awesome great job
aquatics and me
aquatics and me - 6 years ago
Great video
Jaden Padilla
Jaden Padilla - 6 years ago
He should go to aquarium aquatics in Milwaukee
Pet Lover
Pet Lover - 6 years ago
Go check king of diy fish there are all cool and lit.
I'll shank you so fuck off
I'll shank you so fuck off - 6 years ago
Lexiana Petty "Popi's"?
gotta_get_thatMunge 007
gotta_get_thatMunge 007 - 6 years ago
Have you counted your fish from your pond recently hehehe
gotta_get_thatMunge 007
gotta_get_thatMunge 007 - 6 years ago
Jen DragonLover I know mission 007 mini-mu was a success
Jen DragonLover
Jen DragonLover - 6 years ago
Mini-Mu has been stolen and taken back home. He's fine.
Mr. Legend
Mr. Legend - 6 years ago
Are you geting gar for the pond? Vi
Finn B
Finn B - 6 years ago
Get a baby arrowana for the 160!
Abbey Strian
Abbey Strian - 6 years ago
Paul, please get some guppies when the mini pond gets redone! That or you can put them in your big tank, I have a 65 gallon tank with guppies, mollies, and platyies. Keep up the good work, and that new big pond is sick!
vince Belen
vince Belen - 6 years ago
i was shock with that comment i thouth it was me because that profile is like mine anyway iam vincent gerard b belen a 10 year old kid from philippines i watch your video every single day you always put a smile on my face keep up the good work you are a nice guy
fishes DA WaY
fishes DA WaY - 6 years ago
Zdont get turtles
Adrian Kinkle
Adrian Kinkle - 6 years ago
Something positive
Mad Maxon
Mad Maxon - 6 years ago
The flowerhorn at 7:09 is in horrible shape:(
Scranter Society
Scranter Society - 6 years ago
paul the tank you were confused about id a brackish tank, which means it is a low salt content tank so you can have a freshwater and saltwater fish in the same tank. A lot of puffers are brackish fish, also clownfish
GBRAquatics - 6 years ago
You should do a German ram tank, you can get gold ram, electric blue, and German blue all will breed with each other just dif color variants, and they are usually kept with discus and are a good alternative if discus are to pricey.
pretzzel 2
pretzzel 2 - 6 years ago
U should get some salamanders an turtles
Hannah Caves
Hannah Caves - 6 years ago
You make me want to build my only pond I which your video everyday
Tortol Turtle
Tortol Turtle - 6 years ago
Paul get a Thai silk flowerhorn. Their super cool and have a lot of personality
Jon 710
Jon 710 - 6 years ago
Nice shirt mannn
Johannes Huang
Johannes Huang - 6 years ago
And please give me subtitel
And can you give your fish ???
Thanks you
Johannes Huang
Johannes Huang - 6 years ago
I new subcriber
I'm from indonesia
You know indonesia????
Victor Lopez
Victor Lopez - 6 years ago
When are you getting the flowerhorn????
Gamer dan
Gamer dan - 6 years ago
I try to get all the fish u got
Nick Kollin
Nick Kollin - 6 years ago
i actually passed this place when i was working about 4 days ago i saw it and was like i have to go one day to see what they have and you just showed me whats up
sarthak gamer
sarthak gamer - 6 years ago
Poul if you wanna buy flowerhorn check its head colour and check whether the fish is active or not.
Conner Coppernall
Conner Coppernall - 6 years ago
thank you for posting posting every day and ceep up the good work.
White Fangz
White Fangz - 6 years ago
Buy Some Catfish Paul plss like if u agree
TheNorse Squid112
TheNorse Squid112 - 6 years ago
Omg omg in from deleware
Jonix Vinco Villanueva
Jonix Vinco Villanueva - 6 years ago
Paul buy some female bettas and make a sorority tank
Pratham Bandekar
Pratham Bandekar - 6 years ago
Show me our flowerhorn fish please please please
Yash Gokhale
Yash Gokhale - 6 years ago
When you will bring flowerhorn???
Daniel Gamez
Daniel Gamez - 6 years ago
Instead of the discus you should get Angelfish
billy bounce Squad
billy bounce Squad - 6 years ago
Yes he's going to get a turtle
Sweet tropical slimes and squishys
Sweet tropical slimes and squishys - 6 years ago
Just for all those haters roses are red violets are blue if you don’t like Paul then really who are youuuuuuuuuuuuuu????????????????

Colleen McCarthy-Zeigler
Colleen McCarthy-Zeigler - 6 years ago
Super stoked by seeing all those different fresh water fish! Can't wait for you to find yourself a Flowerhorn and see the other fish back like Thump and whatever you put with him! Watching all the YouTube guys come and see what you've accomplished was so awesome! You are and inspiration for me to start out with a tank first! Thanks PC! Mac
Chad Long
Chad Long - 6 years ago
Do thay have puffer fish
PVT. BlackHat
PVT. BlackHat - 6 years ago
The Columbian shark is a brackish fish
Justin Sartain
Justin Sartain - 6 years ago
My birthdays on Wednesday
Utah Fishing
Utah Fishing - 6 years ago
Paul. Kinda bugs me that u won't focus on ANY catfish. Like dude, I understand u lost a dang platinum redtail. Oh well for us I suppose.
Gibson Greenwell
Gibson Greenwell - 6 years ago
In my opinion best youtuber
Momin Raheel
Momin Raheel - 6 years ago
Please make video of your pound fishes
Momin Raheel
Momin Raheel - 6 years ago
Please make the video of your new pound fish
Rubie Vargas
Rubie Vargas - 6 years ago
they should have sharks
Oscars Stuff
Oscars Stuff - 6 years ago
9:56 that's a barramundi cod
and keep up the good work paul
RYAN LE - 6 years ago
Love to watch your videos... very Cool
Sophia Mumford
Sophia Mumford - 6 years ago
I love how excited he gets looking at all those beautiful and awesome fish! Keep up the great work Paul!!!!!!!
Shreyas Krishnaiah
Shreyas Krishnaiah - 6 years ago
What about the mini pond Paul?
Fredrick Nirmal
Fredrick Nirmal - 6 years ago
Chloe Niemiec
Chloe Niemiec - 6 years ago
I love your videos soo much you have inspired me to get fish of my own so now I have a pond with fish and turtles and it is basically cause of u keep up the awesome videos #cuffaro4life
spencer vogts
spencer vogts - 6 years ago
when you bringing back thump
Nicole Olson
Nicole Olson - 6 years ago
You are one of my favorite YouTubers, I love your videos and your fish. :3
Nhat Nguyen
Nhat Nguyen - 6 years ago
I realy like arowana fish..
Spencer Rudningen
Spencer Rudningen - 6 years ago
Zak went here in his vlog
Caudopunk - 6 years ago
Wow, quite the selection of fish. Many of them (pacus, tiger shovelnose catfish, red tail catfish, giant gourami) get so big they’d need tanks that are easily 500+ gallons. If you’re ever in Ohio you should reach out to Ohio Fish Rescue and see if you can do a video tour. :)
DON_ TIBBY - 6 years ago
Get hatchet fish
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 6 years ago
In the Philippines the baby silver arowana is only 5 dollars.
Taf10 - 6 years ago
Paul you have influence me to get back in to keeping fish I have a 36 gal salt water tank and if I never found your channel I don’t think I would of ever gotten back into keeping fish.thank you for posting so often I have something to look forward to everyday
Kathryn Richards
Kathryn Richards - 6 years ago
You are the best and strongest fishing family you encourage me to make ponds. Love Samantha
Patrick Hurley
Patrick Hurley - 6 years ago
Mollies are brackish
Salvin CM
Salvin CM - 6 years ago
Molly’s are brackish water fish (high salt ) they can be acclimated to salt water
Patrick Hurley
Patrick Hurley - 6 years ago
Columbian Sharks are Brackish
Taf10 - 6 years ago
Paul you should totally get a pike they grow up to about 2 1/2 feet. They will reck baits out of your hand they jump out of the water completely, and I know for a fact that you could train one if you get one
A&L Bettas
A&L Bettas - 6 years ago
Thx so much for tour awesome and "sick" vids you inspired me to build my own pond and ill he putting fish in it in the summer.
Hunter Reinholtz
Hunter Reinholtz - 6 years ago
The pike fish you saw was a northern pike they are more comen in the northwrn parts of the U.S and candida keep up wut you are doing because u r asome!
Patrick Hurley
Patrick Hurley - 6 years ago
Paul the weird catfish you saw in the beggining is a raphael catfish
Under Water World
Under Water World - 6 years ago
Good morning Paul everyday when I see your video I feel happy.keep doing it paul.
Roger Smith
Roger Smith - 6 years ago
Oh i miss thump
Under Water World
Under Water World - 6 years ago
Hey Zak went there and a video last month do you know that ?
Audrey Bierman
Audrey Bierman - 6 years ago
i love your videos man! it feels good to share the same passion as someone, but i challenge you to get a saltwater tank because trust me they are so cool and so worth it
owen rice
owen rice - 6 years ago
You can not have red ear sliders where you live
Catherine Realista
Catherine Realista - 6 years ago
Gar pls
Adrian Paolo
Adrian Paolo - 6 years ago
From what i had researched a long time ago is that Mollies are Hardy/versatile that can live in Fresh/salt water if acclimated correctly.
Jar Kas
Jar Kas - 6 years ago
Red tail boa care guide!!!!
Alucard- Demon Hunter
Alucard- Demon Hunter - 6 years ago
In my local pet shop
2 inch flower-horns are 10$
4 inch Arowana for 20$
Fishy Business
Fishy Business - 6 years ago
mollys are a fish that can go into saltwater they are great for cycling a tank
TheNukeMan - 6 years ago
It annoys me when you call swordtails mollies
James Games
James Games - 6 years ago
Sick lights on the pond
Cycu756 - 6 years ago
I am begging u buy a gigant guarami to ur big pond
Ty Chapman
Ty Chapman - 6 years ago
You can’t get baby turtles for the big pond with thump
Taylor lee
Taylor lee - 6 years ago
Molly's and some other fish can be converted to salt water
Brian Peterson
Brian Peterson - 6 years ago
Sorry i have not been watching the videos lately needed a new phone
Carson’s Aquariums
Carson’s Aquariums - 6 years ago
Erik Galvan
Erik Galvan - 6 years ago
Clint Gopaul
Clint Gopaul - 6 years ago
He took the goldfish
Kristina Jofish
Kristina Jofish - 6 years ago
Thank you for everyday colorful fishy video, so it ....
I am a walking Friend zone
I am a walking Friend zone - 6 years ago
There are peacocks in Florida?
jyotsna chauhan
jyotsna chauhan - 6 years ago
Best video ever
svboating101 - 6 years ago
U make my day all the time and inspired me to have lots of fish as pets and lots of tanks, I am sure u did for many others too, keep up the good work, Paul Cuffaro.
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 6 years ago
Bought my red tail there
bill powers
bill powers - 6 years ago
My friends and I talk about u at school your vids are amazing keep up the grind. Would make my YEAR if I got the shoutout
Khoa Tran
Khoa Tran - 6 years ago
the fishes there are pricey!
svboating101 - 6 years ago
And by batta
svboating101 - 6 years ago
I buy all my koi from there
svboating101 - 6 years ago
That’s my dads friend store
Alec Williams
Alec Williams - 6 years ago
Mollies are brackish fish so they can survive in either fresh or saltwater
Gavin Cheung
Gavin Cheung - 6 years ago
Those catfish in the salt water tank needs brackish water. They are called black fined sharks or shark catfish.
Allie Zech
Allie Zech - 6 years ago
Andi Pratama
Andi Pratama - 6 years ago
shreesh Patil
shreesh Patil - 6 years ago
Paul, why don't you buy some of fishes for your pond
3BricksHigher - 6 years ago
You keep your channel interesting by changing up all the time; the ponds, fishing boxes, store aquariums... This channel is here to stay! Keep it up man. Sub'd
Mini Team
Mini Team - 6 years ago
Who gets the fish brain add?
Trish Mesa
Trish Mesa - 6 years ago
He needs more subscribers
Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 6 years ago
When r the new fish and tump goimg in the big pond
Noah Rivera
Noah Rivera - 6 years ago
I think if u acclimate a molly to saltwater it can survive
Erik Schmidt
Erik Schmidt - 6 years ago
dope vids keep it up
sneakmangeckos - 6 years ago
If you ever come to Glenn burnie MD you have to go to house of tropicals
Jaxon Brannon
Jaxon Brannon - 6 years ago
You should get your fish for the 160 from that store
Ebert Combs
Ebert Combs - 6 years ago
I like that store lol
Alfonso Ocampo
Alfonso Ocampo - 6 years ago
Paul collect plecos
Mystique Gaming
Mystique Gaming - 6 years ago
Catch em all fishing
Mystique Gaming
Mystique Gaming - 6 years ago
Catch em all first go in there you are the and Second YT go in there
Colton Worley
Colton Worley - 6 years ago
I thought turtles were against the law to own in Florida.
Colton Worley
Colton Worley - 6 years ago
Golden Rose oh okay because there is this one person named solid gold aquatics who had to give her turtles back because there illegal I forgot which type they were
Colton Worley
Colton Worley - 6 years ago
MAXXL guns are not very easy to own.
MAXXL - 6 years ago
Colton Worley its funny but Animals are illegal in america but you can get guns very easily... And they still blame FPS games for the shootings..
Golden Rose
Golden Rose - 6 years ago
Colton Worley some breeds are illegal like the yellow eared slider. But that's all over the united states. Most turtles are legal to own.
Mya Nee
Mya Nee - 6 years ago
When you going to buy a turtle, your pond is already finish.
Wesley kurt
Wesley kurt - 6 years ago
all ur videos, r dope, u hella should build ponds for living with ur buddy greg
Omega Wolf
Omega Wolf - 6 years ago
Hi paul cuffaro you are like a fish in my pond because you are a hard working guy and loving,kind of all your fans
Archer960 - 6 years ago
I just live how the stores fish tanks all have pebbles, aerators, filters and decorations! You can tell how much care goes to these fish! :D
Kera Stroski
Kera Stroski - 6 years ago
I’m getting a fish this weekend and starting a whole 10 gallon tank. I love getting educated in fish and I’m naming my first fish Paul
vloging Gecko
vloging Gecko - 6 years ago
You inspire me to go fishing .
Crispy Productions
Crispy Productions - 6 years ago
You should do a video on putting the fish in the pond
kandel anmol
kandel anmol - 6 years ago
greatest youtuber ever you make my moode good if i am feeling bad thanku very much paul
Christopher Harris
Christopher Harris - 6 years ago
I love your videos so much I come home and watch your videos an they always cheer me up I can’t wait to see the whole backyard finished keep making us happy
Spy hacker
Spy hacker - 6 years ago
Paul i love your videos very much , keep up the good work and i wish you could soon have 1 million subcribers !!
Samuel Buchanan
Samuel Buchanan - 6 years ago
you should get some angelfish for the small pond
avery williams
avery williams - 6 years ago
Thank you for you SICK videos!! I have been here since the beginning and love to watch your YouTube grow. Not only on YouTube but as a person. Thank you so much!!!
Lance Nebu
Lance Nebu - 6 years ago
Great vid
C Haines
C Haines - 6 years ago
Like the videos keep up the good work I love to come home eat food a watch your YouTube channel I have seen almost all your videos keep up the good work
Sam Rosen
Sam Rosen - 6 years ago
Get some catfish
Thomas Myers
Thomas Myers - 6 years ago
No! Don't get turtles. Remember what happened to deer meat's pond?
Wyatt Burnett
Wyatt Burnett - 6 years ago
Sweet vid
Elizabeth Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer - 6 years ago
omg why do i love your channel so much? i was never interested in fish until you! your so amazing keep inspiring!
Fred Espinosa
Fred Espinosa - 6 years ago
Will Paul ever explains the drama between him and Luke
Blane be fishin
Blane be fishin - 6 years ago
Pleasseeeeee get some turtles in your pond dude!!
Natasja Autar
Natasja Autar - 6 years ago
Kool first
Put's Ponds
Put's Ponds - 6 years ago
Pretty cool that you're so into fish... it's rare that your generation is fascinated with this hobby, congrats!!! Enjoy
Niña  Frondozo
Niña Frondozo - 6 years ago
Zak from catch em all go that like a month
Weird Stuff
Weird Stuff - 6 years ago
Sorry I’m late
Nate Bailey
Nate Bailey - 6 years ago
Never was that red devil $100
Jorge Lopez
Jorge Lopez - 6 years ago
I’m glad I hit that subscribe button because I love your vids keep up the good work much love till the next video
Shwifty Entertainment
Shwifty Entertainment - 6 years ago
Get a water frog
aotrpr - 6 years ago
When I am sad you make me happy
aotrpr - 6 years ago
Can you shoot me out for a notafaction squad I am a big fan I like your vids you expire me to buy fish
Shrimp Z
Shrimp Z - 6 years ago
Awsome video keep up the good work and you inspired me to make my own pond and get fish tanks THX!
Free Subscriber
Free Subscriber - 6 years ago
you hella cool and i dislike watching fish videos but yours are nice and intresting COOLIO
Kristen Van Fleet
Kristen Van Fleet - 6 years ago
You lucky duck!!
Andrew Lopez
Andrew Lopez - 6 years ago
Paul is this the store that catch em went to like 5-3 months ago
K !
K ! - 6 years ago
Won’t the turtles climb out o the pond?
Noah Alarie
Noah Alarie - 6 years ago
6:03 *swordtails
Riley Berning
Riley Berning - 6 years ago
Amazing vid your my favorite YouTuber love you dude keep them coming
kevin coughlin
kevin coughlin - 6 years ago
Get another oscar and name him Bruce.jr
Steve Reyes
Steve Reyes - 6 years ago
Get a pink belly side neck turtle from Kamp Kenan !!!!
kevin coughlin
kevin coughlin - 6 years ago
Get a giant gouramia
Bass Fishing Maine
Bass Fishing Maine - 6 years ago
i had a glass catfish
Mariana Crespo
Mariana Crespo - 6 years ago
Catch em all got mini mu from the tank
Cantos de Aves / Bird songs
Cantos de Aves / Bird songs - 6 years ago
Make a saltwater pond
Lil Boss
Lil Boss - 6 years ago
I bought 4 fish without telling my parents and you inspired me to do that
James Russell
James Russell - 6 years ago
Molly’s are actually a brackish water fish and can slowly be converted to full saltwater and actually do better in salt water . Just a little FYI, love the channel keep it up !
Danny Fuette
Danny Fuette - 6 years ago
Mini moo gone check your tank mini moo gone
Jucie Ftm
Jucie Ftm - 6 years ago
Zack was actually at that same store not so long ago
Ryan Wong
Ryan Wong - 6 years ago
Catch em all took back mini moo
I love Fishing
I love Fishing - 6 years ago
Sorry I’m late the internet wasn’t working great video
Samuel Fogel
Samuel Fogel - 6 years ago
@Paul Cuffaro Maybe the 160 should become a saltwater tank...?
AJ alleckson
AJ alleckson - 6 years ago
zak stole mini muffins
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 6 years ago
Hey Paul have you ever seen a Chinese highfin shark? They are wild looking... almost looks like a black drum the juvenile coloration
Kouching Chen
Kouching Chen - 6 years ago
Dude put some drift wood in the pond
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee - 6 years ago
those flowerhorns look beat the fuck not sure I would buy from this place..seems like if one fish gets sick it would contaminate all the other tanks from equipment sharing..
JM Lansang
JM Lansang - 6 years ago
Paul buy a african cichlids
Heartbroken DC
Heartbroken DC - 6 years ago
What's up Paul? Love the videos. Worth leaving a game of fortnite to watch, sometimes lol what are you stocking the new ponds with? The mini pond would be a cool angelfish pond in my opinion.
Daymon Bursell
Daymon Bursell - 6 years ago
How did you keep your ghost shrimp alive with the betta mine died 2-3 days in the tank
Jucie Ftm
Jucie Ftm - 6 years ago
U should introduce zack and rob to they can make a video together sense u know them both
Jesse Blauvelt
Jesse Blauvelt - 6 years ago
Catch'em All was here first
kurey smith
kurey smith - 6 years ago
It is too late... mini mu has succeeded on his mission and is now back home "_" #catchemall
Jadon LaGorio
Jadon LaGorio - 6 years ago
Minimoo has left!!!
Brianna Ortega
Brianna Ortega - 6 years ago
It’s 2018 anything is possible....
Blaine Renn
Blaine Renn - 6 years ago
When are u getting ur fish into the new pond
Official Destroyer_YT
Official Destroyer_YT - 6 years ago
Get a saltwater tank
FISH GUY100 - 6 years ago
Nice video
Everything Evan
Everything Evan - 6 years ago
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 6 years ago
Didn't catchemall go here like a month ago? ;)
OSSO - 6 years ago
Molly fish are brakish
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 6 years ago
I really dislike the feeding live 'feeder fish' it's just unnecessary. All the fish hobby YouTubers I watch with large 'predator' type fish don't do this, it's only the fishermen who then get decide they want a catfish or something that do the live feeding.
Jen DragonLover
Jen DragonLover - 6 years ago
It's natural and likely healthier... just don't do it if you don't like it. You don't have to expect the world to conform to your opinion, you'll just depress yourself. Try being more positive in thinking and open your mind to the fact that everyone thinks differently.
MYST1C 11 - 6 years ago
I wanna see your pond again
Carlos Ordaz
Carlos Ordaz - 6 years ago
Love your videos !
Chris 10:30
Chris 10:30 - 6 years ago
Thanks for giving us the Cuffaros time to see your epic videos and giving me a smile on my face when you post your new videos, keep grinding
Christian Tentory
Christian Tentory - 6 years ago
Chris 10:30 I like my own comment and I hope you like it to paul cuffaro
박정우 - 6 years ago
Wild pecocks are a thing?
gaming with kevon
gaming with kevon - 6 years ago
u cussing at 17 what a savage XD
Eddie Meunier
Eddie Meunier - 6 years ago
mac and cheeze
mac and cheeze - 6 years ago
I love ur vids Paul keep it up
Eddie Meunier
Eddie Meunier - 6 years ago
I wanna put red dress turttels in my pond but don’t know if they can live in cold ponds
Kookie Monster
Kookie Monster - 6 years ago
Paul you should get a snail for your Bettas
Huy Pham
Huy Pham - 6 years ago
Was that where catch them all fishing went?
Devante Bailey
Devante Bailey - 6 years ago
Get turtles
JJ salas
JJ salas - 6 years ago
Hey Paul I think that u do is so cool and o hope u keep on growing and I think that you are pretty cool and every time I see your video even if I have bad day they make my day thanks keep on doing what u do
Lucas Oliveira
Lucas Oliveira - 6 years ago
I'm Brazilian and love your video's
ganeurify - 6 years ago
Adobe cool place!!!!!!
Pro Gamer
Pro Gamer - 6 years ago
Dude you are the best you keep on making amazing videos. Keep up the good work.
Pranav Jaichandar
Pranav Jaichandar - 6 years ago
Glass catfish for the mini pond
Jackie Yin
Jackie Yin - 6 years ago
thx for the AWSOME vids
Bstier73 - 6 years ago
I'm surprised to see a pike in a tank they one get huge and are a northern fish so it's a surprise to see one in Florida
Elisabeth Williams
Elisabeth Williams - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for making the videos u make my day.When I come home from a boring day of testing I watch your videos and they make me smile. Thank u so much.
Baka_videos 1
Baka_videos 1 - 6 years ago
It takes you an hour to get to Zach’s house !?
Cain Tokarski
Cain Tokarski - 6 years ago
Can you get some of them glass fish for you’re pond
Destroyerz789 Games
Destroyerz789 Games - 6 years ago
Thank you for making vids, you and other people such as the pond guy from aquascapes have inspired me to get my own fish, I have 2 sunburst platys and 1 silver Molly, hoping to get a bigger tank for cheaper price sometime soon, any suggestions where to get one near Tennessee
Ron’s Outdoors
Ron’s Outdoors - 6 years ago
Hi I recently got a 56 gal tank n put my old fish in a 5.5 al in there (they were zebra danios) I looked in there old tank and there’s a bunch of tiny fry I also noticed there were tiny tiny moving specks was wondering if they will harm my frys ANYWAYS Love you vids keep it up thanks!
Heavenly GiftedCritters
Heavenly GiftedCritters - 6 years ago
Ron’s Outdoors Ah ok
Ron’s Outdoors
Ron’s Outdoors - 6 years ago
Detritus is what they were thanks though
Heavenly GiftedCritters
Heavenly GiftedCritters - 6 years ago
Ron’s Outdoors you might have mites in your tank. You’ll have to search up how to treat it.
Eneeliak - 6 years ago
That catfish in the corner of the first tank is ME trying to socialize and act normal
Henry Nace
Henry Nace - 6 years ago
I smacked the subscribe button with my forehead
tattoo charlie
tattoo charlie - 6 years ago
2:17 Raphael catfish
TYLER BLACKMON - 6 years ago
The catfish you asked in the beginning paul cuffaro is a striped raphael catfish. Love your vids dude! your an og!
Oof God
Oof God - 6 years ago
Get decent sized turtles for the big pond and get baby turtles for the small pond
Leandro Ciprian
Leandro Ciprian - 6 years ago
What the place name
wyzemann - 6 years ago
Dude, you were in MY LOCAL FISH HAUNT? How on earth did I miss you! Fish’s Paradise is the booomb! Those guys are the nicest and most accommodating fish sellers!
francis lewis
francis lewis - 6 years ago
i really enjoy your videos they make my evening after school better and i have some thing to look forward to you onspired me to build 2 ponds and i got an albino oscar like bruce today
Chase Gosford
Chase Gosford - 6 years ago
You are amazing and how u are doing things is awesome and keep it litt and keep up the good work keep grinding cuffaro gang
elan martinez
elan martinez - 6 years ago
plz get a pekock bass as a pet
Ammar Bhaiyat
Ammar Bhaiyat - 6 years ago
More vids like this
Parker W.
Parker W. - 6 years ago
Love u Paul u inspired me to build my own pond thank u so much
Max Holliday
Max Holliday - 6 years ago
the Molly and catfish are brackish meaning they can live in fresh and salt water
Chicken_Wing_Wazz 32
Chicken_Wing_Wazz 32 - 6 years ago
Is your 160 gallon going to be exotic fish?
Cindy Lu Roman
Cindy Lu Roman - 6 years ago
Nice seeing the fish always. . Keep doing what you do it's your style...
Karina Rodriguez
Karina Rodriguez - 6 years ago
U should name it Molly
Mighty Snake 78
Mighty Snake 78 - 6 years ago
You should get a peacock bass for thump so he can have a friend
Keaton Widel
Keaton Widel - 6 years ago
Your awsome please showt me out
Eileen Aviles
Eileen Aviles - 6 years ago
Bro un puerto rico they sell pacu for 2$ bro and i love your vid if i had the $ i can make a pond
long le
long le - 6 years ago
Dont get turtle because turtle will mess your pond off
MrNerdyBirdy - 6 years ago
Love your vids
MrNerdyBirdy - 6 years ago
Look at all those fish
Patience Mcgowan
Patience Mcgowan - 6 years ago
Thanks for uploading almost everyday and you're getting little turtles last video I said you should get little turtles they would be perfect for your pond you should get little red ear sliders they are cute and very hardy
LIFETIME VLOGS - 6 years ago
dude i saw you on the high way near palm beach on saturday i was so excited to even see you i was freaking out when i saw the taco with pc stickers on it i was going to wave as we past you but i was so nervous
Daniel. Eventing
Daniel. Eventing - 6 years ago
You should get a saltwater tank!
Shabba Ranks
Shabba Ranks - 6 years ago
Where’s the bullhead?
#Fishingnoob99 ***
#Fishingnoob99 *** - 6 years ago
There Pissed.
is like his fish feeding catchphrase.
David Segura
David Segura - 6 years ago
I Love your vlog keep it up paul
BPABassin - 6 years ago
Can someone help me? Im cycling my new ten gallon aquarium and i keep getting this silky substance on the surface. How do I fix this?!?!?
Annette Strong
Annette Strong - 6 years ago
Kelly Stites
Kelly Stites - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, just wondering if you’ve ever used or know anything about BioOrb tanks? I have one but would appreciate any feedback you might have. Keep up with the sick videos dude!!!
Mohammad Shawar
Mohammad Shawar - 6 years ago
Lmao ve the vids
fortnite Beast bruh
fortnite Beast bruh - 6 years ago
You're the best YouTuber I love your Channel
Hello World
Hello World - 6 years ago
9:32 what is that can anyone tell me please ???
Jurassic Nerd
Jurassic Nerd - 6 years ago
You need to make a saltwater aquarium
Ellie Lopez
Ellie Lopez - 6 years ago
your a very smart kid and you inspire many other people to be responsible and independent.  keep up the good work and builds on
Jack P
Jack P - 6 years ago
2:10 striped Raphael catfish
Gator the gamer
Gator the gamer - 6 years ago
You in spierd me to make my own pond and get my own koi fish I named one after you . thank you for the impression
Charlie Morgan YT
Charlie Morgan YT - 6 years ago
Paul I love your videos so much and they have inspired me to do fish keeping. I love your positive attitude and how you make me laugh and you are always happy. Keep changing the world.
0riginal Lee
0riginal Lee - 6 years ago
Mollies are in the mud minnow family btw and you can acclimate them for sw
travis dogg son
travis dogg son - 6 years ago
You should get a salt water tank and get a sting ray and a shark and a eel.
Liam Anderson
Liam Anderson - 6 years ago
Your videos are awesome man keep up the fantastic work just got my new fish tank and named my fish Paul after u # caffarofam
Baxty81 - 6 years ago
All mollies and some catfish are brackish fish, meaning they live in both fresh and saltwater, they are best kept in tanks with 75% freshwater and 25% saltwater
Laura Smith
Laura Smith - 6 years ago
I love your vids so much keep up the hard work Paul. Every day after school I come check if you posted. By the way your pond looks super dope.
George Hough
George Hough - 6 years ago
that was fred?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
sam 20
sam 20 - 6 years ago
glass catfish are so awesome
Brendan Fox
Brendan Fox - 6 years ago
Your backyard is dope can't wait to see what you do with the mini pond
Luis Morales
Luis Morales - 6 years ago
fish paradise, thats down the street from my house, where i buy all my fish
Jake Dalling
Jake Dalling - 6 years ago
Make the big fish a predator tank arowana red tail cats and gar
Jen DragonLover
Jen DragonLover - 6 years ago
While that tank has decent gallons, it isn't an ideal shape. Being a narrow tank, the Arowana would quickly out grow the tank.
Peter James
Peter James - 6 years ago
I use to go to Fish Paradise when I lived in south Florida, it’s one of the best fish stores you will ever find!
Jaden Ramos
Jaden Ramos - 6 years ago
Thx s much for being a inspiration on my life
Wyatt Blackshaw
Wyatt Blackshaw - 6 years ago
You should get a turtle and a gar for the 160 gallon,and when I get a house that my parents don't have to rent I want to build a pond in my back yard.I am looking forward to seeing thump in the pond and the mini pond build.
Gullg geeg
Gullg geeg - 6 years ago
I am form Pakistan so far form you ... but wish to meat you ,.. you are doing awesome ........ i Made my fish tank ... now i am planing to make pound in back yard ...

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