How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank - If you would like to embed this video please visit: This film will show you how to set up an aquarium for tropical fish. It will show you how to add gravel, water, plants and equipment to the aquarium or tropical fish tank.

How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 170

Tropical fishing 16 years ago 523,406 views - If you would like to embed this video please visit: This film will show you how to set up an aquarium for tropical fish. It will show you how to add gravel, water, plants and equipment to the aquarium or tropical fish tank.

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Most popular comments
for How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank

amanda//Colin fryett
amanda//Colin fryett - 7 years ago
what make is the filter you using in this video
Mini Mixers
Mini Mixers - 8 years ago
you need to cycle the tank which will usually take at least a week you don't just let the tank "sit and run" :)
kiss my pixel
kiss my pixel - 8 years ago
ha they used coldwater...... its not that bad but it will not  help your heater at all use warm water.
Customer - 8 years ago
Vault -Tech It doesn't matter what temperature the water is when your starting a new tank that why the heater is there it gradually adjusts the water temperature
Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams - 8 years ago
tap water? can you us R O water if you wanted?(its want I,m told you use for salt tanks, so I think its better then tap?)
Leah Pearson
Leah Pearson - 8 years ago
This is our local aquarium shop and it's so weird seeing it on video!
Kazz - 8 years ago
nigga ended the video as "Done" lmao
Hector Rodriguez
Hector Rodriguez - 8 years ago
It took me more than two days to get my water to have nitride which is the perfect condition for tropical fish. The whole water cycle took me two weeks
Luke Williams
Luke Williams - 9 years ago
A couple of days to cycle a tank? Are you kidding? I left mine for about a month so bacteria could properly build up!
butthurt - 7 years ago
Do you need to turn your filter on? And turn it off at night?
amanda//Colin fryett
amanda//Colin fryett - 7 years ago
a week is perfect for a tropical tank mine was spot on with me fish
alex bomb
alex bomb - 9 years ago
u wait that long????ur tank empty for 1 month?
Luke Williams
Luke Williams - 9 years ago
marcus Outhwaite
marcus Outhwaite - 9 years ago
+Luke Williams the longer you leave the tank the better
LOUIS TENNESSEE - 9 years ago
0:40 ahh fuck it
tase keom
tase keom - 8 years ago

10. comment for How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank

David Osoja
David Osoja - 9 years ago
Is it ok to not put plants inside of the aquarium?
Phillip Nguyen
Phillip Nguyen - 9 years ago
Yes. Live plants are optional.
Hawksart - 10 years ago
Don't be assholes people. (Previous commenters) if you can't properly care for a fish then stay away from the hobby. Honestly, your ignorance isn't amusing. Every fish deserves appropriate water quality, temperature, and space
Ritesh Suvarna
Ritesh Suvarna - 10 years ago
what's the difference betn cold water and tropical water fishes?
Platys and Mollys Tertas and Plecos
Platys and Mollys Tertas and Plecos - 7 years ago
Ritesh Suvarna FIRST IT IS FISH NOT FISHES OH MY GOD GET YOUR GRAMMAR RIGHT. And second tropical need warmer water to live in.
Linda Sin
Linda Sin - 9 years ago
Jürgen Kaßnitz
Jürgen Kaßnitz - 10 years ago
That`s what I´ve found somewhere on "Wikipedia" to explain it rather simple:
"Coldwater fish, in the context of aquariums, refers to fish species that prefer cooler water temperatures than tropical fish, typically below 68 °F (20 °C). These species tend to grow more slowly and live longer than fish that live in warmer waters, and are generally felt to be easier to keep. Coldwater fish are fish such as goldfish, koi and other members of the carp family that are able to survive in cold water temperatures. When kept in a household aquarium, they do not require a heater and are quite comfortable at around 60°F (15°C). These fish are also desirable choices for outdoor ponds and can stand temperatures down to 10°C.
Tropical fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropical environments all around the world, including both freshwater and salt water species. Fishkeepers keep tropical fish in freshwater or saltwater aquariums.
Tropical fish are popular choices for freshwater aquariums and the most common type of aquarium. Tropical fish may include wild-caught species, individuals born in captivity including lines selectively bred for special physical features or colorations. Some fish may be hybrids of more than one species.
Many marine tropical fish, particularly those of interest to fishkeepers, are those that live among or in close relation to coral reefs (saltwater/marine/reef aquariums). The fish stand out as particularly colourful and interesting to watch. Hundreds of species can exist in a small area of a healthy reef, many of them hidden or well camouflaged."

You can`t mix them in one aquarium of course - in either case you need special equipment, water conditions, filtration, maintenance and so on - there are fish species that prefer even brackish water - for futher information please check the internet, because otherwise it would go beyond the scope here.
FireBlaze81 - 10 years ago
well i dont have an air pump nor and air pump but i think you only a tank, gravel (maybe), and a filter dats it (and maybe decorations)
Chuchie 46
Chuchie 46 - 9 years ago
PunkSkaful - 10 years ago
Done! lol
Ethan Webster
Ethan Webster - 10 years ago
Fuck that shit if your kid wants a fish just simply grab a cereal bowl put some toilet water in it (preferable dirty) buy a damn fish and put it in the bowl and feed it whenever you fell the need to
Chuchie 46
Chuchie 46 - 10 years ago
The car guy war right,because fish likes dirt,BUT WITH THE CEREAL BOWL,,,,,,,,no:(
Jürgen Kaßnitz
Jürgen Kaßnitz - 10 years ago
OMG !!!  Do I really have to put water and all these stuff into an aquarium ???  OMG !!!   Sorry, but I have to look after my fish immediately and aerate the store-room - maybe ;-)
FireBlaze81 - 10 years ago
Adoinc - 10 years ago
There are some fucked up people on the internet (sometimes I overreact) and you can't hear sarcasm through the internet.
Ethan Webster
Ethan Webster - 10 years ago
Nope I was being dead serious, couldn't you sense that I was joking? Dumbass
Adoinc - 10 years ago
I hope you are kidding. If not I seriously hope that you die in a car accident with your family and that all of your pets (if you have any) get their necks broken or hung by a string. Goodbye.
KittiesRulez - 11 years ago
why are people talking about dating??? what does running an aquarium have anything to do with dating???
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
0:33 ooohh da GAR. wish i could afford to keep one
SamCrowe98 - 11 years ago
last step buy these fish: /watch?v=Yib3NUJhA_8 /watch?v=4hWM7zimE9U Marble hatchet fish
TAIR ANOUAR - 11 years ago
I want to learn to have more sex. My buddy has started dating a stunning lady because 2 months ago he signed up to an internet site named Master Attraction (Google it if you desire to learn how.) I'm so envious because I want to fall in love as well. I'm gonna take a look at this Jake Ayres man's emails and figure out if it will help someone like me. Funny point is, he used to have Zero results with females. How could you transform that swiftly? His lady's like a model...
Juan Perez the bean
Juan Perez the bean - 7 years ago

20. comment for How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank

Marcoooo40 - 11 years ago
Excellent video for beginner's. Thank you.
Hanamura Lyu
Hanamura Lyu - 11 years ago
What is the filter name?
jovan walker
jovan walker - 11 years ago
what filter is it the name please
cockneyb2k - 11 years ago
nope you can put fish into a fresh water tank within two days as this video said. a marine tank you have to wait for the NC. and a fish tank can take years to get establised not just after the first stag of NC as the NC never ends. 25% water change every week sound a bit to much to me you need to let some bio build up or you will start loosing fish taking to much calcium ect out of the water that fish need. i have been keeping fresh water and marine fish for years now and learned a lot.
cockneyb2k - 11 years ago
if your changing 10/15% of the water every month i don't think the nitrogen cycle wouldn't be of any concern unless your trying to set up a marine/salt water aquarium.
sophie keen
sophie keen - 11 years ago
It's a fluval 3 plus
Andre Santos
Andre Santos - 11 years ago
what type of filter is that
jovan walker
jovan walker - 11 years ago
whats the name of that filter
XxLkira55xX - 11 years ago
I have a filter called Akaline Hydrogen Water is used for purifiying drinking water. I was wondering if that type of water would harm my frish? anyone? thanks.
foo yongdae
foo yongdae - 11 years ago
Good video, what I needed. Step by step instead of watching someone taking their time to remove items from the tanks, washing them and adding an irritating song in the background.

30. comment for How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank

foo yongdae
foo yongdae - 11 years ago
Are they by any chance, Korean fishes? LOLOL
412tt - 11 years ago
My fish are called Gary,Peter, Kim Jon un, Tyrone and Tyrone jr
jordan Mastne
jordan Mastne - 12 years ago
people at videojug are dumb
Mad Phrog
Mad Phrog - 12 years ago
She didn't mention anything about the nitrogen cycle, at the end she says "you are now an Aquarius done" wrong you told people nothing about the most important thing. The nitrogen cycle, sure you said what you need to have a tank but you said nothing that will keep it going, you will also need a API freshwater master kit to test your pH levels, your ammonia levels, your nitrite levels and you nitrate levels.
Lee Johnstone
Lee Johnstone - 12 years ago
Check out my coldwater tank tell me what you think Thanks sub and rate
GLORIOUS CHANNEL - 7 years ago
Lee Johnstone its good
jason bourne
jason bourne - 12 years ago
shutup i hate that voice and go away you dont know anything people probaly tell you what to say
Henry Coughlan
Henry Coughlan - 12 years ago
have a look at Fishy-Things, this site shows you all about how to set up an Aquarium and maintenance
Joseph Mccallum
Joseph Mccallum - 12 years ago
cant just add fish you need to cycle the filter load of pish
Qliphotic - 12 years ago
SleepyTheMexican - 12 years ago
no you need a filter
SleepyTheMexican - 12 years ago
this depends on what type of filter you have if you have one with water falling into the tank then most likely not if you see your fish coming to the top to get oxygen then you should get an air pump
ShrimpMage - 12 years ago
What the hell is a fish?
glitsy mitsy
glitsy mitsy - 12 years ago
at the end done its like its telling you to leave or something
Ethan Stephenson
Ethan Stephenson - 12 years ago
if you had an bubeler would the keep it clean
Sixto Pacheco
Sixto Pacheco - 12 years ago
Yes fish need oxygen in the tank
Zeke Ramirez
Zeke Ramirez - 12 years ago
wow that lady talking left out a lot of info!!
kittycatpony01692 - 12 years ago
im no expert but i don't think you need to check that
Joris Vietrinas
Joris Vietrinas - 12 years ago
Glad u said ur opinion but i see u dont know anything about fishes so i think u should pull your hand out of ur ass :)
Don't tread on me
Don't tread on me - 12 years ago
firefox add blocker you will love it
Boy Waskito
Boy Waskito - 12 years ago's only a basic set up...if you want to keep fish, especially like Discus, trust me you'll need the full aquarium set up...

50. comment for How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank

SamCrowe98 - 12 years ago
my fish jump about 5 inches when i clean the tank out - check them out on my channel
Timothy Iorlando
Timothy Iorlando - 12 years ago
RULE #1 NEVER PUT SMALL GRAVEL OR ROCKS WITH GOLD FISH, goldfish are bottom feeders and will sometimes eat rocks,then eventualy will die from not being able to eat and crap,only get pebbles, pluss the look cool
sarah1717 - 12 years ago
I have a fish tank and i have a dog, and the dog is much much more easier to care for than a fish tank. If you dont cycle your tank, you fish will die. If you put plain tap water in the tank, your fish will die. This video was obviously made by someone who doesnt know how to take care of fish.
chris geller
chris geller - 12 years ago
not all metal is ferrous. which means it may not contain iron, and if it did it would rust within the first few days.
FORGED - 12 years ago
I have tropic fish and they do fine with out a heater do i need one
hotlips4000isback2 - 12 years ago
You are not suppose to put the thermometer on the same side as the heater!! It should be on the opposite end of the tank so that you get a correct reading of the temp in tank, and not a false one Basically to make sure the heater is warming the water up, and isn't cold at one end and warm at the other!
Brennan Sagle
Brennan Sagle - 13 years ago
so mait do you need real or fake plants or does it matter
Dylan Muddle
Dylan Muddle - 13 years ago
MY fish are thriving and I cycled, i havent had problems yet so I do believe there needs to be more in this video if it is about setup.
Dylan Muddle
Dylan Muddle - 13 years ago
This was a good video. Anyone who is against it should think again, for a video this displays all the basics needed. If you want to learn more there are other videos, pull your finger out of your asses.
SlateCommander - 13 years ago
What a horrible and cheap way to setup a tank. You should not add any fish into a new tank right away, I let my tank cycle for a month before I added any live stock. Plus, fish are not easy to take care of since you have to top off your tank water once it gets low and you need to maintain the proper water chemistry and on top of that it is probably one of the most expensive hobbies. My favorite down fall of the video is, ADD TAP WATER, who in their right mind uses tap water for a tank lol
some Guy
some Guy - 13 years ago
SUCKY VIDEO! there is alot more to keeping fish
colmenac - 13 years ago
I agree. I can't believe. What a nasty and awful service, they don't even talk about cycling which is one of the most important steps. Men, hopefully this people read this comments!
Hotlips4000isback - 13 years ago
What about cycling the tank?! :/
Alpha Unit
Alpha Unit - 13 years ago
@FishFreak102 Not really
pracrok - 13 years ago
its a trash
kye88 - 13 years ago
@jessicanguyen111 what do you mean? I may be able to help.
kye88 - 13 years ago
@virsification123 i don't think a piranah can be kept with goldfish, they eat meat. due to goldfish growing quiet large they are best kept by themselves.
kye88 - 13 years ago
ok this was a very basic vid, however you don't wait 2 days before you add the fish. the tank hasn't cylced. there will be high levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels that are harmful to fish. min is 2 weeks before adding any fish. and you add them gradually not all at once. that's one way to get people starting out to kill there fish. :(
idk makeup
idk makeup - 13 years ago
DONE! :)
TIYX - 13 years ago
@shadowfaithx Actual there are many plants the require high iron levels and with the proper substrate the pH is no a problem.
jessica nguyen
jessica nguyen - 13 years ago
do you have to do that with guppies ?
Jamie King
Jamie King - 13 years ago
@shadowfaithx they are weights you IDIOT
Enriquegg - 13 years ago
@shadowfaithx cool story bro
LNG Talk Show
LNG Talk Show - 13 years ago
watch this video... best setup video ever on how to set up a fish tank /watch?v=EL_INyH6xfc
Forrest Daley
Forrest Daley - 13 years ago
@shadowfaithx fishtank expert here
Rhys Pauline
Rhys Pauline - 13 years ago
what about water!!!
matthew wainwright
matthew wainwright - 13 years ago
i would recommend waiting much longer than just two days, the water's balance needs much more time in order to stabilise and for the water conditioner to take full effect. another tip i have learnt is add fish slowly and at different intervals, for example add angel fish first, then wait another couple of weeks before adding another type of species such as neon tetras, and so on.
12Achilleas - 13 years ago
Nice very helpful I like the end that'd says DONE it's like SAYING OK DONE IM GETTING PAID AND BAY BAY SUUCKERS
gilang kristiawan
gilang kristiawan - 13 years ago
@CaptainHooksHook its simple chemistry, if your water go acidic it means the pH get lower....ok kid?
captainhookshook - 13 years ago
@technologicftw It incrisses you dumbo spickle
FatPanda - 13 years ago
Very Helpful thank you
JtothaR - 13 years ago
@ciph3ro +1 for adblock plugin!
Ovi Wan Kenobi
Ovi Wan Kenobi - 13 years ago
@harrowrudeboy or just install the adblock plugin in chrome or firefox :) I haven't seen an add on the internet for 4-5 years !!!
robert sexton
robert sexton - 13 years ago
i had tiger barb they all died one by one what happened?
robert sexton
robert sexton - 13 years ago
i had tiger barb they alldied one by one what happened?
Richie87 - 13 years ago
@mehtab1k it helps with surface movement witch alows oxygen to get in the water,
mehtab ali shah
mehtab ali shah - 13 years ago
But wait my filter shoots water form a hight and causes bubbles maybe that's why my fish lives happily
mehtab ali shah
mehtab ali shah - 13 years ago
But my fish live with out air pump
Ariana Dourre
Ariana Dourre - 13 years ago
@Magritka how? I mwan why would building an aquarium like this cause them to die?
AreYouBoredShow - 13 years ago
JtothaR - 13 years ago
to skip ads click 0:00
Matt Dowling
Matt Dowling - 13 years ago
very important
mehtab ali shah
mehtab ali shah - 13 years ago
plz answer
mehtab ali shah
mehtab ali shah - 13 years ago
is air pump important for freshwater tank
jacksfreebies - 13 years ago
Arrrgh adverts before vids do my head in
Margareta Bieche
Margareta Bieche - 13 years ago
wow this video made me somehow upset o.O when you build up a aquarium like this your fish will start dieing just after two or tree days
Matthew Doherty
Matthew Doherty - 13 years ago
strange i was always told to set up equipment before decorations strange
Island728 - 13 years ago
Mitsuko Matsudaira
Mitsuko Matsudaira - 13 years ago
If retailers can include iron in their tank, I am an expert
paul hooper
paul hooper - 13 years ago
Honestly this is not the way to set up a tank, to anybody watching who is interested in setting up a tropical tank visit a decent forum that will give advice in cycling your tank before adding any fish!

100. comment for How To Set Up A Tropical Fish Tank

TK LIGHT ELECTRICAL - 13 years ago
IDIOT !! those metal clap from the plant root that clamping the cotton will give out iron that is VERY acidic to your water and increases your pH DRASTICALLY !!!! If they are instructor , then i'm a pro !!
TK LIGHT ELECTRICAL - 13 years ago
@Mcheale too true
amthebadman - 13 years ago
@jaycymru i been with fish for years so i know alot and F.Y.I people come to my house to seemy fish and ive helped over 700 people have a great lively tank with fish in tip top shape 1-2 weeks is low ur right but i am aswell i am i understand but spicy is right and jaycymru u dont have the right to tell him to read more he dont have the right to do the same to you because nobodys perfect nobody is a perfect expert at fish we all need to read more no trolling just have peace its about the fish.
Jay G
Jay G - 13 years ago
@Spicy741 - Did you actually read what I wrote? If it is 2 weeks, where does the ammonia come from to start the nitrogen cycle? Oh thats right, it comes from nothing as there will be no source of ammonia even if you wait for years, water will just go stagnant...... Real aquarists will know this, trust me, I have been at it around 30 years...... I won't get into a trolling episode, but it is you my friend that needs to read a little more.
Spicy741 - 13 years ago
@jaycymru , amthebadman is right! U need to read more. Every aquarist knows that two week is an absolutly minimum to start the tank. The time for Nitrifying bacteria!
Jay G
Jay G - 13 years ago
@amthebadman - 1-2 weeks huh, read a bit more, it's a lot longer than that whichever way you do it ;-)
amthebadman - 13 years ago
u fucking cruel assholes! u must wait 1-2 weeks not 2 days u fuckin son of a bitch! UPDATE------------YOU DONT A NEED AIR PUMP U CAN HAVE ONE FOR BETTER FILTRAITION WHAT THE FUCK ARE U TALKING ABOUT I HAVE FISH IM COOL BUT THIS IS TAKING THE PISS IF U DONT KNOW ABOUT FISH DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT FOLLOW THIS GUIDE lol (i didn't know i had caps on)
amthebadman - 13 years ago
u fucking cruel assholes! u must wait 1-2 weeks not 2 days u fuckin son of a bitch!
HolySasquatchTurd - 13 years ago
@aqinthe I don't have a camera rrrrrawr. I got my 75 on craigslist. I use flourescent T5 lights by Cora-Life. They are great and not insanely costly like top of the line lights. Fertilizer is a must. I use liquid ferts and what I use is Seachem Flourish. I actually use all like 8 of them lol. Pricy but I don't don't go crazy on dosing. It's Potassium, Phosphorus, Nitrogen, 2 different Trace Elements, Iron, Equilibrium, and Excel (excel is the alternative to a Co2 system).
aqinthe - 13 years ago
@HolySasquatchTurd I had a 65 then got the 125 off of Craigs List. I do need to get some more lighting for it. You should post some vids of your tanks. Do you add any fertilizer and how much lighting do you have. I'm still trying to get the right amount of lighting.
HolySasquatchTurd - 13 years ago
@aqinthe 125g? I'm jealous. I have a 60g, 75g, (both planted) and an 80 gal pond. I did the ammo-chips in my 60. They were good sized fish too and still remains zero with that stuff in there. You can stick them in external power filters and canister filters using a filter media bag or you can hide it in the tank somewhere but works best where water passes through constantly.
aqinthe - 13 years ago
@HolySasquatchTurd I will have to try that when I do another set up. When I set up my 125 I did it the old fashion way and waited a few weeks (4 1/2 I think) What tank(s) do you have?
HolySasquatchTurd - 13 years ago
@aqinthe I recently did 4 days but I used ammonia chips so I had dead zero for ammo and nitrite. I was using bacteria every day though of course for many weeks afterword to build bacteria and only had 2 fish for starting off. I would never just stock the crap outta the tank on a 4 day new tank. Didn't have a problem. Ammo chips are magic.
HolySasquatchTurd - 13 years ago
Why did they not talk about the most important thing with keeping fish? CYCLING! and you're supposed to soak driftwood in a bucket of water for about 24 hours to remove the brown colour new wood can give off.
2001ibanezfanatic - 13 years ago
is this video part 1 or 2
wolverine1865 - 14 years ago
@MrChannelisland thats know where near big enough for 1 piranha, never mind 2 or 3. they need to be in groups of at least 5 or 6 and need at least 300 gallons
XXLucasBlitzxX - 14 years ago
@Hotlips4000isback dont forget you have to put in some fish to cycle the tank
spongeex - 14 years ago
@Hotlips4000isback hey if u put the bacteria in that bottle it wil stat up in 2 days u need 1 thing more water what is already filtered lng time put hem together and wait 2 days and get some water go to the store and lets test it most do it free if they say yes buy fish
Hotlips4000isback - 14 years ago
The tank needs to cycle for at least two weeks, not two days! ;S before adding Fish!
jim grand
jim grand - 14 years ago
check ouy my tank. just started uploading vids
aqinthe - 14 years ago
@michael60964 I would say you just got lucky.
aqinthe - 14 years ago
@SkatingErBestUansett I agreed with you. 3 weeks is minimun time to wait. I waited 6 weeks. Waiting only 2 days like this video suggest will only get you dead fish.
aqinthe - 14 years ago
@SkatingErBestUansett 3 weeks minimum. I waited about a month and half for my tank. Waiting 2 days will only get you another trip to the pet store to replace your fish that died.
lolopieman124 - 14 years ago
If u have nutrafin cycle then u have to wait 2 days the trades just don't tell you
JonSabbath1 - 14 years ago
@yahhtrick1000 You're not supposed to remove the fish when you clean the tank!!! Do a 10% water change every week, and occasionally clean the filter.
LiliFromHali - 14 years ago
@helpinguser Betta and angelfish will kill each other, don't put them in together!
LiliFromHali - 14 years ago
@Mcheale Oh, is it just that they said to wait 2 days when you should wait more?
LiliFromHali - 14 years ago
@twolate2l00k You don't need to heat the goldfish tanks, they're cold water fish.
LiliFromHali - 14 years ago
@Mcheale What was done wrong here?
Electric Crystals
Electric Crystals - 14 years ago
this is complete BULLSHIT! you youtubers, do your selves a fishless cycle! but not in this matter. Do a complete research on how to do a fishless BIO-cycle it may take more that just 2 days!!! possibly weeks to do a full complete cycle. If you do it there way, your just wasting your money and time and keeping your local Fish Shop's owners children in COLLEGE, while your bills pile up! instead, be patience and do your research before hand; so that your fish may life its life span, happily!
Brandon Wessel
Brandon Wessel - 14 years ago
people sayn it takes three weeks b4 u can put ur fish in ur tank but i got a question wat if ur cleaning the water and tank and stuff like that r u sapposed 2 keep ur fish out for 1week plus cuz most peolpe dont got another tank to put dar fish in for 1week+ i on the other hand do but still
MyWeichen - 14 years ago
and my arowawa which was RM128 for 3 inch
MyWeichen - 14 years ago
if you were a fish i will cook you with sesame oil
MyWeichen - 14 years ago
fuking die you idiot
MyWeichen - 14 years ago
you fucking killed my stingray
Bx Zel
Bx Zel - 14 years ago
@looneyirish wtf your noob no way 2 weeks lol
tomcat13claws - 14 years ago
@mrfolopi First, you have to pass English 101...You clusterfuck.
MsBoyracer - 14 years ago
malawies all the way
The Lone Doctor
The Lone Doctor - 14 years ago
i put my fish right after i put water and an hour later, my fish died,.,.,
aapenjong - 14 years ago
sounds like she says tropical tanks need to be hated.
twolate2l00k - 14 years ago
is there a specific lant i need to buy or can i just use any and do u know what temperature i need for goldfish the common ones ?
Sven Van den Bossche
Sven Van den Bossche - 14 years ago
You need to remove the iron of the plants
phuc se
phuc se - 14 years ago
Actually you don't need a filtration system. I've known a man who can raise 20 flowerhorns for over 5 years with nothing but air bubbles!
Aphanopanop - 14 years ago
i like the way she saids fiiish!!! but its dont a good idea to put plants that has lead clamped to it in the fish tank. take a piece of lead off and plant.
Sno. - 14 years ago
Nooo! You can't cycle a tank in 2 days! (well, you could fish cycle and stress them as the bio filter establishes). Film make me sad :(
Hood'Rat Bishh
Hood'Rat Bishh - 14 years ago
-this rreally dont help beginners at all.!!!
160pitty - 14 years ago
does it really need a light? can i just put a glass top on it?
Hetzer Hasser
Hetzer Hasser - 14 years ago
that's a shit !!!! this doesn't helps begginers at all !
jamie birchall
jamie birchall - 14 years ago
i have just started with tropical fish i have had me tanck set up for 4 days but neans in i have pump filter and heater lost 2 fish over night can any one help me out on what i can do to stop it thanks jamie
roberto Thegreat
roberto Thegreat - 14 years ago
producing air bubles in water makes water clean ?
jackson jones
jackson jones - 14 years ago
hey does any one no this pls help me i started a new tank yesterday but before i added filter or any their were bubbles sticken to the walls of the tank can ne one tell me y tht is
Antonio Carranza
Antonio Carranza - 14 years ago
What is this? Why they don't mention that hou HAVE to let the tank alone several weeks and check water parameters BEFORE adding any fish? Even i, that don't are a "aquarist" know that... this people are so irresponsible T_T Poor fish that could be dying rigth now if someone follow this guide to disaster!
TSAquariums - 14 years ago
Hey Guys! I know you may be hating me for this but I couldln't really find any other way so here I go! If you like these videos then be sure to hop on over to my channel for more aquarium videos and more are on the way! I'm not begging you to hit the subscribe button but If you like what you see then be sure too! Thanks Youtube!
schouk - 14 years ago
What a bad video giving a bad message....
BIGGESTxxEMINEMxxFAN - 14 years ago
@ripstickcamp i dunno if you still want an answer but.. you you carnt keep an oscar in a 150 liter tank ! well you could keep a small one but they can grow 9 inches in there first year , and can get 15 inches would be cruel to keep an oscar in a 150 liter
Alan S
Alan S - 14 years ago
@mrfolopi theres always a catch....
witchy Denise
witchy Denise - 14 years ago
unless you have a product that adds good bacteria to the tank then you can not do this. you have to let the tank cycle before adding fish this can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months.
XxB34DYxX - 14 years ago
If you follow this clip you will fail, badly...
Jan Blahák
Jan Blahák - 14 years ago
really bad setup...
Zephyrus34 - 14 years ago
@Fisharecool11 hahah great
Aidas - 14 years ago
Some of the tips are very bad..
Yolo Swaggins
Yolo Swaggins - 14 years ago
Do you need light?
3mopanda666 - 14 years ago
finally a simple yet very knowledgeable video where they dont advertise or make me buy things i don't need! thanks!
TrickyDicky89 - 14 years ago
hi i have a 165 litre tank with every thing i need the only thing is i dont no how to use the bubbler please help
steven k
steven k - 14 years ago
i have a tropical 120lt (33 gallons)tank , had the tank for over a year. and i have just bought some aquarium salt, is it ok if i put the aquarium salt in straight away or do i have to build it up as i do water changes? please help. thanks alot.
tristanoliva - 14 years ago
so i guess there is no such thing as cycling a tank for like a month?
Fisharecool11 - 14 years ago
Lol I love how it says in the end, "Done."
jaycad73 - 14 years ago
when do you pour the vinegar in?
TheEbonyShadow1 - 14 years ago
u answered a lot of questions
Myles Prower
Myles Prower - 15 years ago
You forgot the test kits available.
Ozzi - 15 years ago
@mrfolopi lmafao
faithversusluck - 15 years ago
very helpful, thanks!
harryvirgok38 - 15 years ago
Lol, we are now aquarist, I am PRO aquarist. ANyways, check out my handfeeding fishes video (Video response by harryvirgok38) I am sure u ll like it!!
Conway Twitty
Conway Twitty - 15 years ago
i did not wate 2 weeks to put my fish in i watted 1 day and he is perficly fine.
Marc Reyna
Marc Reyna - 15 years ago
4:25 Haha You are now an aquarists
NaoTheFox - 15 years ago
umm yeah dont put a filter in a tank with fry cause thyll be gone :P
bobdigi88 - 15 years ago
Could take a lot longer than a couple of days. I had to wait a week. And it can be longer than that. Get the water tested, rather than just wait two days.
xxHUNGREExx - 15 years ago
can i put plates and bowls in my fish tank...
NICHOLAS CHEN Z.H - 15 years ago
okay okay.. chill... don't cry
donkeyfieldmouse - 15 years ago
@zack3mire I never said it was a Lemon Tetra! I said it was probably H. copelandi, and that it was definitly a Hyphessobrycon sp. Note: NO LEMON TETRA!!! You're the one that brought it up!
NICHOLAS CHEN Z.H - 15 years ago
the one at 1:13 is not lemon tetra !
donkeyfieldmouse - 15 years ago
@zack3mire Lemon tetra is Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis. I really don't know how you made that connection.
NICHOLAS CHEN Z.H - 15 years ago
Hyphessobrycon sp is a lemon tetra , is incorrect. Gosh, i bought the same fish as the video but yet i duno the name !
donkeyfieldmouse - 15 years ago
@xxHUNGREExx It would depend on the history of the coffee cup, however I would suggest not unless it is "dinner safe". If you are uncertain, you can test it. Simply take some house hold acid, vinegar or something, and dilute it to a pH that is reasonnale but extreme for an aquarium (6) and place the cup inside. After one mounth, if it is still shiny, it is probably safe.
donkeyfieldmouse - 15 years ago
@zack3mire The deep bodied ones seem to be Colisa lalia, or Dwarf Gourami. The sleemer ones with black spot is almost definitly a Hyphessobrycon sp., my I would say H. copelandi, but I could be wrong.
NICHOLAS CHEN Z.H - 15 years ago
Can anyboy tell me whats the name of the fish in 1:13 . (the silverish fish)
xxHUNGREExx - 15 years ago
can u use a coffee cup in fish tank
Ryudo - 15 years ago
many false information given in this video, if you're really going to set up a fish tank, don't rely on the informatins given here, most of them are trash.
GladiatorShield - 15 years ago
I guess plants don't need light in Great Britian LOL.
Emma Spinderalla
Emma Spinderalla - 15 years ago
stones from an exsisting tank, put in the filter as part of the media, for about three weeks wil help the bacteria to establish in the speeds the process safely. since i started doing it, i have never lost a fish.
fatoni698 - 15 years ago
Hannah’s Herps
Hannah’s Herps - 15 years ago
sorry, i no, after i posted it, i read it over and relized that i didnt actually help, i think wat i meant was, it might not spead it up, it get tap water and add chemicals (as needed) would be the fastest, but good luck on ur tank !!!
fatoni698 - 15 years ago
Well I wouldn't do it if there was fish in there haha, but I did it and the tank has now cycled, I don't know if it actually helped though. Thanks for the help.
Hannah’s Herps
Hannah’s Herps - 15 years ago
@fatoni698 i recommend u dont, as ammonia (bad thing, if u have 2 much) will build up much faser, use tap water that has the chemicals needed in it, no "other tank" water, bad for the fish, hope i helped :)
fatoni698 - 15 years ago
Would it speed the process if you added some water from an already established tank?
Hannah’s Herps
Hannah’s Herps - 15 years ago
waterever u do, dont put the fish in after 2 day of a NEW tank, to be safe, wait a week or 2, and u dont need a buublr wall (or watever u wont to call it)
Claudia Szlavy
Claudia Szlavy - 15 years ago
DUDE! Never rinse plants in tap water, it will instently kill them, just get a bowl of dechlorinated water and rinse it in that.
Raymond Blanchard
Raymond Blanchard - 15 years ago
In reply to the comment from sloppi1234 the dechlorinator only removes chlorine from the tap water you are adding and do's not mean your tank is ready for the fish.ask any pet shop or fishkeeper
Raymond Blanchard
Raymond Blanchard - 15 years ago
Great video but be warned you cannot put fish into a newly set up tank as claimed here after only 2 days.some hardy fish like tetra's could be introduced to speed up the maturing of the water but dont go puutting expensive fish in for at least 3 to 4 weeks and then only when you have had the water tested to see if the water is ready.any good petshop will test your water or you for a small charge.this will save you time and money !
Louise Sloan
Louise Sloan - 15 years ago
alfor all tropical fish, the temperature should be between 23 degree's celsius, and about 28 degree's celsius. make sure the temperature is steady, as Neon Tetra's are especially sensitive to temperature, so about 26 degree's celsius, would be excelent
sloppi1234 - 15 years ago
bullshit if u use dechlorinator you need to wait 2 days only . soo shut up and dont post before you havent done research. and i dont think that water has nitrogen in it maybe nitrates and nitrites .
TheRobotViking - 15 years ago
looks like a 20 tall to me
jasonman1515 - 15 years ago
once you get the filter just get it running and put all the chemicals like dechloration in. it will be fine.
Tobias Hellström Wärja
Tobias Hellström Wärja - 15 years ago
4:07 He should remove the metal rings around he plants! I think those might be Egeria densa, but I can't see proparly...
joeycharmed - 15 years ago
yeah apparently the oldest koi carp recorded to date was over 226yrs of age. Further proof/evidence was in the organs of the fish.. you can find articles on this story of the worlds oldest koi carp that was often called hanako...
joeycharmed - 15 years ago
good on ya mate.. water test kits and all that etc is just another money making scheme IMO. your fish would easily enough let u know if the water quality aint great. and if you know what you're doing to begin with then u have nothin to worry about :0)
redgravel92 - 15 years ago
lol yeh this vid kicks ass doesnt it , i nearly forgot step one of the video
redgravel92 - 15 years ago
i agree with u , through keepin diff kinds of fish over the years ive kept doin the same stuff and had had good filtration and never had a problem
sadm1234 - 15 years ago
?? You do not need to buy Gravel from a Fish Store its a waste of money?? Get it from like county concrete or something?
Enceladus Jin
Enceladus Jin - 15 years ago
4 Corydorus & 1 pleco which i'm stupid enough to introduced them to the tank as companions for my 7 wakins.The problem is my wakins started to grow in size & attacked my other fishes.
Enceladus Jin
Enceladus Jin - 15 years ago
Not trying to sound arrogant & no insult intended, all these years of fish keeping from arowana to wakins & others,i have never tested my water parameters nor purchase any test kitsThe key is to change water regularly & remember to leave treated water a few hours before you change water.
Enceladus Jin
Enceladus Jin - 15 years ago
I set up my 10g fish tank and fill it up with water from my 55 g tank.I introduce my 7 neon tetras & 3 panda cory only 2 days later & have not lost a single fish.That was more than 2 months ago .I change 20-25% of water 3 times a week & never overfeed them.
Elliot Green
Elliot Green - 15 years ago
ive just set up my old tank again but im scared theyre all gonna die like last time! newcomers all i can say is dont expect to just buy fish and have them survive easily!! i did everything they tell you and i had to replace my dead fish for 3 years believe me i did everything!! this time im gonna have real plants though and add co2 but i dnt know if its gonna work
J. Tee
J. Tee - 15 years ago
i want a fish tank now
JT12's R/C Videos
JT12's R/C Videos - 15 years ago
fish would be a good idea... lol
noah pointer
noah pointer - 15 years ago
i have just bought i 50 gallon tank and i dont know what to put in it
Jeremy John Grant Tyler
Jeremy John Grant Tyler - 15 years ago
dude the reason why they are saying to wait a few days of a few weeks is that you need to start out with hardy gold fish that can handle stresses then you leave them in there for 2 weeks to a month to build up good bactirias so when you put your tropical fish in its way less stress on them and they have a way higher chance of living, dont forget to take the goldfish out,
streamleazefishhouse - 15 years ago
grrr this gives some dodgy advice
PyrateKaptainJoe - 15 years ago
you can actually put fish in on the very first day you know if its tropicals, wait at least 5 hours and you can put them in all this crap of waiting for 2 days or 2 weeks is a bunch of doodie you dont believe me... i got it from 3 different employees that work at aquariums not at the pet stores because pet stores arnt good at all to buy fish they dont know crap so if anyone needs help on where to buy them or where the best places are to get them comment on my channel and i'll get back to ya
PyrateKaptainJoe - 15 years ago
the best tanks to get are nice wide tanks not the thin tall ones that reduces surface area so there will be less oxygen for the fish if anyone has any questions about fish or fish caring go to my channel and ask away i am a fish hobbiest i didnt want to use expert because people might have a go at me lol
The Baker
The Baker - 15 years ago
i Found a really great product to cycle my tank....its called stability and believe it or not i bought it on ebay. Just thought I'd share that with all you new budding fish keepers. =-)
ATXvideo - 15 years ago
ctenophor, please tell me what fish is unable to coexist with plants :) and how do you measure the ph of a fish? Haha I know what you're trying to say, just making fun of the way you said it ;) Peace
filflu - 15 years ago
For chekolov: There are various remedies to reduce algae formation, some of which are: never place an aquarium in direct sunlight as sunlight promotes the growth of algae, purchase strong plants as these compete with algae and they should inhibit their growth or buy some algae eaters, I prefer chinese algae eaters because they are cheap and never stop vacuuming. Never buy snails because you risk being infested and you will never be able to get rid of them.
Dan V
Dan V - 15 years ago
depends if you buy everything new... i bought a 20 gallon everything new and it cost with decorations and accessories 350. I got a running 50 used with fish for 50. some people dont think used tanks are a good idea but I say whats the harm if you see it full of water.
THACHACHA - 16 years ago
go to pets mart n get a 10 gal glass tank with light for $29...i got a 20 gal for 60 bux
Sarah - 16 years ago
i spent 200 on a 16 gal.
stephen kane
stephen kane - 16 years ago
its 10 days u need to wate
snip84 - 16 years ago
i tought i had to wait like 4 weeks for the cycle thing. so whats up with that?
timcread - 16 years ago
2 days yeh alright !
SHAHIDMAFIA - 16 years ago
i have no idea, all i know is it is 25.5 inches long, 9 inches wide and 12 inches high.
SHAHIDMAFIA - 16 years ago
can any1 tell me if a 25.5 inch tank is worth £30 without the lid or anything else? i bought 1 and i think i got ripped off!
noah pointer
noah pointer - 16 years ago
you dont have to do all this bullcrap the only equipment i am using are a filter and a heater i didnt do all of this weird stuff
greatestXhits - 16 years ago
no it should be diaganal sorry spelling but your right on most other things
Saartje05 - 16 years ago
Did I see them put them temp on 23 degrees Celcius? that's too low for tropical fish. Also they just stick the plants in the ground, they don't really 'set it up'. Really really bad video.
Saartje05 - 16 years ago
Also the way the heater is in the tank is more wrong than wrong. It should be straight up and with the top sticking out f the water. If you read the manual with it will say exactly that.
Saartje05 - 16 years ago
yup, this video is not good.
Saartje05 - 16 years ago
This video is totally wrong. First you need than just gravel in the tank. Then, you can't put fish in the tank after two days. First you put iin the plants and then you wait two week so in the tank a biotope can be formed. Only THEN you carefully put some fish in.
SeaCruncher77 - 16 years ago
shitty vid, many plants need CO2, tank needs cycling, light needs specific wattage, many chemicals, good vid to have your fish and plants die after a month
Aaron James
Aaron James - 16 years ago
did they forget to mention that it needs some CYCLING?
christopher bullis
christopher bullis - 16 years ago
this is the worst video for anyone who is starting a tank
shechshire - 16 years ago
dude, listen... the fastest easiest way to set up an aquarium is to number one use a realy good filter and number two use spring water (botled water) and thats it no waiting no preparing. thats what i do atleast. btw i also recomend a product called "cycle" it makes the aquarium start cycling faster than by just waiting alone.
dsheroka - 16 years ago
i suggest no snails ull have and infestation u can get an alge eater but it sounds like alot inless u get a really large pleco u wont have good results the do sell alge killing things u can put into a tank ive never used
Anthony Pham
Anthony Pham - 16 years ago
what plant was that, that he added?
sean johnson
sean johnson - 16 years ago
you are definalty wrong about adding fish 2 days after more like 1 week later and never put a heater side ways always upwards on the bacl
easyeasy900 - 16 years ago
" are relatively easy pets to care for..." hahaha! Compared with what? Pandas?
son dinh
son dinh - 16 years ago
36 gallon tank, dont be surprise i know that sound crazy but a pond is about to be built for them. its still pretty cold to do it but will make it in the next 2 months
metalmilitiaman8 - 16 years ago
koi?! how big is ur tank?!
metalmilitiaman8 - 16 years ago
i agree haha i was like uhmm wat about substrate and co2 system for the plants and proper cycling should take longer than 2 days and ud only need an airpump generally for larger tanks i have a 5 and 25 gallon and dont need 1 for either T_T
son dinh
son dinh - 16 years ago
i think i got lucky. none of the fishes died or anything. now they are growing up like mad. gold fish and koi have grown more than 5 inches in 3 or 4 months now
Albinivik - 16 years ago
Omg that was a ugly tank xD and stupid instructions to..
son dinh
son dinh - 16 years ago
sorry for missing something here,i meant i set up the tank and add water and the fish at the same time.
son dinh
son dinh - 16 years ago
u dont really have to wait for atleast 2 days or a week.i added the fish right after i bought the fish from the store,along with the filter and they live well for like 3 months now.Correct me if i'm wrong,but thats how i did it.anyways thats a nice vid for newbies
clenzpilot32 - 16 years ago
I wouldn't wait 2 days before adding fish. I'd add a couple of golfish after about 2 weeks to produce some ammonia. Then when after six weeks I'd put the actual fish I want in there. They could've mentioned something about cycling and water changes which are both needed for a healthy aquarium.
Meirion Williams
Meirion Williams - 16 years ago
Dead Fish !
fishyfishgirl - 16 years ago
okay dont waste ur time on this crap!!! watch my vids:] trust me they r more usefulll
Lulu Dove
Lulu Dove - 16 years ago
this is really not a proper way to start an aquarium, unless you wish to have algae problems and deaths. and no, you are not an aquarist if you follow these instructions. i'm sorry but videojug should gather more information about fishkeeping before making these sort of videos that people seem to trust.
4k3el - 16 years ago
i've got a naked lady as the background of my fish tank
Jake Thomas
Jake Thomas - 16 years ago
I think this was good except you never mentioned 'cycling' your tank, ie getting the bacteria to desrtoy ammonia and nitrite ready to do so. If you cycle with fish, as implied in the video you run the risk of fish dying.
TheLocust - 16 years ago
any they do sell r small tanks
Enzo Dlv
Enzo Dlv - 16 years ago
That was pretty good..
Pdaddyphatty - 16 years ago

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