How To Ship Guppies! || My Method of Bagging and Shipping Small Tropical Fish || Shipping Fish Easy!
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 4,509 views
This video shows how to ship live tropical fish! Watch how I bag and package my guppy fry for shipping! I show how much water to put in a poly fish bag, my favorite shrimp net to use for catching small fish, how to get the guppies in the bag, how to tie a fish bag with a rubber band so that it does not leak any water, how to make a fish bag fry safe, how to protect the fry while shipping and how to insulate a shipping box! Have you shipped guppies? Let me know below! QUESTIONS?! Leave me a comment below! Thanks for watching! If you LIKE this video please give it a THUMBS UP! Have a good one! -Will ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve tried lots of products and these are the ones that I like the most! They show up frequently in all of my videos! I do not get paid by the manufactures of these products, only the advertising of them. My favorite aquarium net‼️ - My fish food‼️ - The CHEAP Sponge Filters I use‼️ - and the air pump - High Quality airline tubing‼️ - My favorite aquarium light‼️ - and the clamp light holder - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‼️ Thanks for watching ‼️ ➡️ Subscribe! HERE ➡️ ⬅️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌱🌱Want to get some plants?! Here are my go to shops and some promo codes!🌱🌱 ✔ Han Aquatics 10% Off ► LLA10 ✔ Buce Plant Click here ► and use the code LLA15 to get 15% off! -OR- Click here ► to generate a $5 Off Coupon Code :) ✔ H20 Plants 10% Off ► LLA10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH ME! Instagram ► @lowlightaqua Google+ ► Website ► ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☀️►Looking for some awesome ☼ LIGHTing ☼ options for a nano tank?!? Check out my first article/blog post for some budget lights! ☀️► ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♫ Songs ♫ Departure by Imagined Herbal Flows ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- how to ship guppies how to ship fry how to ship small fish how to package guppies how to safely ship fry how to ship a guppy shipping guppies shipping guppy fish How To Package Live Fish Ready For Shipping-Postage How to ship fish how to ship live fish Bagging fish Shipping fish How to post fish how to mail fish how to ship fish shipping aquarium fish order fish online buy aquarium fish aquarium fish shipping how to pack fish fish shipping how to ship aquarium fish how to ship live fish shipping fish how to ship fish,shipping aquarium fish Shipping Livebearers How I ship Tropical Fish ship fish How to Ship Tropical Fish shipping live fish how to pack aquarium fish Shipping bettas fishkeeping (hobby) aquarium aquariumcoop how to pack fish fish tank How to post Fish fish shipment posting fish how to bag fish how to guide bag buddies fish posting methods African Cichlids Tropical Fish marine fish South American Cichlids New World Cichlids Central American Cichlids fry Mbuna haps peacocks aquarium tank,water how to ship fish shipping fish bolly12345 african cichlid hub How to package fish how to package live fish Guppy Guppies Fish Aquariums Breeding fish eBay Unboxing Pets Water Tank shipping pleco fish shipping aquarium fish how to ship aquarium fish how to ship fish aquarium fish shipping shipping fish shipping plecos how to ship live aquarium fish how to ship live fish steenfott aquatics shipping live fish in cold weather How to Ship Tropical Fish fish aquarium aquarium fish tank buy aquarium fish fish shipping how to ship fish usps how to ship fish overnight aquariumcoop tank shipping live fish aquarium fish shipping tropical fish Aquariums Planted aquarium Planted-tank Dirted tank Freshwater Fish Live Plants Tanks aquascaping Shipping ~~~~~ ------ ~~~~~ Low Light Aquatics LLA Low Light Aquatics Planted tanks Low Light Aquatics Guppy Tanks Low Light Aquatics Betta fish Low Light Aquatics Shrimp
I hope you enjoyed the video! Updated shipping method coming soon as well as some new bagging techniques I learned while in Vietnam!
The insulation does a great job of maintaining the temperature inside the box and not allowing the water temperature to rise or fall too quickly. In some cases I think the heat pack would actually do more harm!
I have a ton of purple and orange juveniles with females containing mosaic or spotted potential.
-not the small ones I used in the video-i found a big pack for $1 at Walmart!)Send me a picture of your purple moscow! I'd love to see them :) my email is
I ship through USPS, and i charge the standard flat rate of $15 for the medium sized box. And you can get the boxes from a USPS store for free!
Let me know if you have any other questions! I'd be happy to help :)
10. comment for How To Ship Guppies! || My Method of Bagging and Shipping Small Tropical Fish || Shipping Fish Easy!
If you're interested in the fish I have, I currently have the extra fry pack I mentioned in the video and I also have a young breeding group with 2 males that are starting to display their full body color and 4 females.
Looks like I have a few things I need to pick up! Going to check the LFS for the container first!
Thanks again!