How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.

Today I talk about how to make your first $1000 breeding tropical fish. It can be difficult to make a profit breeding fish, but if you can avoid the mistakes most people make you'll be a leg up. We talk about breeding discus. Breeding Cherry Shrimp. Breeding Angelfish and Breeding Guppies. As well as making java moss. If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.

How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 105

Tropical fishing 9 years ago 171,154 views

Today I talk about how to make your first $1000 breeding tropical fish. It can be difficult to make a profit breeding fish, but if you can avoid the mistakes most people make you'll be a leg up. We talk about breeding discus. Breeding Cherry Shrimp. Breeding Angelfish and Breeding Guppies. As well as making java moss. If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.

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Most popular comments
for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Rebekah Laflin
Rebekah Laflin - 6 years ago
So much great advice, whats sad is there are so few independent pet stores to buy from breeders. when I was a kid I used to sell rats to all the local pet stores...even worked at one for a while but they have since all dried up...its a wasteland of petco and petsmart's :(
Brian Moritz
Brian Moritz - 6 years ago
Great vid! Glad I watched it as I just got back into the hobby. 10 gallon, planted, full of starburst endlers livebearers. Things breed like rabbits on steroids.
invincible Invincible bro
invincible Invincible bro - 6 years ago
I'm going to start breeding shrimp is it better to remove the Mom after she has the babies
Marie Meneses
Marie Meneses - 6 years ago
thank you so much this helped me thank you thank you. I don't plan on breeding and selling. But now I know I can add guppies to my cherry shrimp tank :) so its more fun to watch my tank on my days off
WhichOnesPink - 6 years ago
I managed a fish store for 3 years on Long Island, NY. I sold 2 discuss in total during that time so you are right on there.
Daniel Lewis
Daniel Lewis - 6 years ago
Do large corporations like petsmart and petco buy home breed fish?
WhichOnesPink - 6 years ago
Yes, they'll normally give you store credit if they are interested.
Big Hunter
Big Hunter - 6 years ago
I want a good looking pair of guppy what would you recommend
Joshua Sheldon
Joshua Sheldon - 6 years ago
whats your opinion on breeding cory catfish?
Joshua Sheldon
Joshua Sheldon - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thanks a lot! cant wait to get started
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
You can do well with sterbais and julii

10. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.

Victor Monaco
Victor Monaco - 6 years ago
Lol... The guy selling fish for a living is basically telling everyone they can make enough money to support a beer habit selling fish. Hysterical.
Boy Hi
Boy Hi - 6 years ago
I just do guppies and goldfish and shrimp and snails and Berta fish with around 30 tanks I got for a discount on all of them cause I bought tons
Sage Oblouk
Sage Oblouk - 6 years ago
I just want to be able to afford my hobby. Even if I just get enough for fish food and supplies. Hopefully I can find someone who will buy something simple like this.
bigdickinit injapan
bigdickinit injapan - 6 years ago
Im starting with 12 nebula guppies
FreakyStar9119 Gamer
FreakyStar9119 Gamer - 6 years ago
I plan on breeding guppies, killifish, mystery snails, and shrimp for business.
FreakyStar9119 Gamer
FreakyStar9119 Gamer - 6 years ago
Any idea of good prices for selling?
Johnnie nowells
Johnnie nowells - 6 years ago
Very useful info! Thank you for making this series.
Steward Storer
Steward Storer - 6 years ago
Cory is neon tetra good sellers like fancy guppys the reson im asking i watched your video im breeding guppys and have java moss orderd on ebay and i going to do cherry shrimp in the long run i have a 55 gallon tank and a 30 gallon tank im looking for anouther good seller in the pet store is neon tetra one of them or would you recommend something else
Mike Publes
Mike Publes - 6 years ago
hello cory , hey my friend 1st nice to meet you , i watch every video you have so far , love it .. learning from you ..
today i got a question , why people in this hobby don't breed rummy nose ???
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
They are at farms, but mostly its due to how much work it takes.
Sock monkey
Sock monkey - 6 years ago
Pleco breeder here!
Greg Cxox
Greg Cxox - 6 years ago
I have literary watched this video 10 times. Good advice never gets Old

20. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.

Seamus McEntee
Seamus McEntee - 6 years ago
Just curious what should you do if your competitor is a child and can bring their price really low and is there any tactics that a kid like myself to be taken seriously in the fish industry
Adrian Burke
Adrian Burke - 6 years ago
Thank you, very helpful! I’m going to start breeding albino corydoras.
Pradeep P
Pradeep P - 6 years ago
Guppy valarthal aadhayakaramano
Jose Rivera
Jose Rivera - 6 years ago
What do u think about selling 3 types of peacocks that are never available at my local LFS
Jose Rivera
Jose Rivera - 6 years ago
I want my name back thanks for your feedback
I want my name back
I want my name back - 6 years ago
Jose Rivera not Cory but based on his replies do you know why they're never there? If they're always sold out because people buy them your chance of selling them is really good. If they aren't there because they don't sell the store is probably not interested in buying them.
SilverFlame819 - 6 years ago
I'm a "shrimp nerd", and I think Rili shrimp are kind of stupid too. Most of them just look "messy" to me. If they were being bred like Oreos, with a full colored head and tail, and all clear in the middle, I might be more interested. But instead, they're just like... smeared. They don't have the same "wow" effect that Bee/Crystal/Cara shrimp do, which have opaque white background, rather than the clear segments that Rilis do.
SilverFlame819 - 6 years ago
I have the things I breed that I can ask the LFS if they have any interest in buying, but then I always ask, "What's something you'd like to sell in your store that you have a hard time finding?" and then contemplate whether it's something I have any interest in raising. If the LFS can buy whatever I'm breeding (some common thing) for much cheaper from a mass supplier, they generally (IME) don't have any interest in buying from a local, no matter how much they want to support the local hobbyist, because it's simply not profitable for them, and they're a business.
Yougotnomilk - 6 years ago
would you take discus off me when i sell them for a penny each
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
So you think you're just getting a basic lesson in fish breeding and selling and he goes full on business 101 on us. Literally some of the things he tells u is straight out of business class. I wonder if he knows all this stuff from owning his own store and learning hands on or if he went n did all the fancy book learnin
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op you're enthusiasm and knowledge of fish is definitely helping me out as I cycle my tank while I'm trying to figure out which fish to get. I feel mislead by my local shops in orange county especially after your filter video. They told me I have to get a new ten dollar filter pad every time I did a water change last time I had fish... how convenient.... thanks for passing knowledge on.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
In my opinion college is a waste of time for most people. The knowledge you can gain from the internet and hands on this day in age far outweighs college. Imagine you didn’t understand 2 things in the span of a year, you’ve got 40k to pay someone to teach you one on one instead of a class setting.
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
How many guppies/mollies can a 40 gallon take?
VogelKonigin - 6 years ago
A good way to get cheap tanks is craigslist. Even some for free, so far i've seen at least 5 free 50+gal tanks but they get snatched up within minutes of the owner posting them. So check everyday, multiple times a day.

30. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.

VogelKonigin - 6 years ago
Sadly petstores around here only accept donations or they'll give store credit (and i dont like to support chain petstores unless I have to)
Kaalo Lovett
Kaalo Lovett - 6 years ago
Great info. thank you
SeaMonster874 - 6 years ago
So if I had a 50 gallon cherry shrimp tank, and sold each for $1, I would make a good profit? The store sells em for $3 per shrimp, and I sell them by the 50 per month. I would get $50 per month, and the store would accept, because they get 2 times the price they paid
SeaMonster874 - 6 years ago
Can I have some tips btw? I would like to breed neon tetras, Chinese algae eaters, java moss, micro sword, and cherry shrimp. This is what I currently have in my tank, and I would like to breed em
Brent - 6 years ago
Love Your Videos! You are a blessing to the Fish keepers Hobby!
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
I have some spotted blue eyes and I will probably try to start raising the fry.
Joshua Ballesteros
Joshua Ballesteros - 6 years ago
Interesting video. Good insight thank you!
Grimm Reapo
Grimm Reapo - 6 years ago
in my area there are only 2 pet stores that sell fish and fish related products. they are very small and part of a chain and they wont buy anything from hobbyists. they have a strict policy of only ordering from certain wholesalers. even if they are getting flooded with demands for a certain fish species and you show up with a bunch in hand they wont take them so i now i just sell online, but when i was younger and lived in a big city there was one private fish store guy that wanted my angels for $1 a piece. he was turning around and selling them for $29.99 each. they were Altum angel. i said no and just started selling them locally for $10 ea and i couldn't keep up! this is 20 years ago when Altums were like the holy grail of Angel here in Canada. i bred them until i was 16 and bought my first car with my own money from breeding angels for like 6 years. i was line breeding for thinner stripes but higher quantity of stripes. i wanted to call them Tiger Altums! if anyone bought Altum Angels from a farm house outside London Ontario from a 10 yo kid that was me lol
Matty23 - 6 years ago
This was legitimately one of the most honest and most useful videos I have ever watched.
Paul Krueger
Paul Krueger - 6 years ago
Pet Smart ran the local mom and pop shop out of business. Big Box stores won't buy from hobbiest. Found a small store an hour a way that will take fish off of my hands for no money.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
If they went out of business to a petsmart. They shouldn't have been in business anyway.
Tayah Coleman
Tayah Coleman - 6 years ago
This video was very helpful! I am very interested in doing small scale breeding for profit it my 20 gallon tank to make money for my other aquarium projects. The problem is, I am only fourteen years old and I am worried that my local fish store wouldn't want to take me seriously and buy consistently. Would this be the case? Thanks
Beaster565 - 6 years ago
I have a 46gal platy tank. I have bred some very beautiful varieties. Some are a honey-peach color, while others are blue with spots and orange fins. I'd love if someone could take a few, since I have a ton of fry!
Steve S
Steve S - 7 years ago
Old video, but is there a certain color of fancy guppy that you would recommend? I was looking at nebula steel guppies and know you mentioned what you think is cool might not necessarily sell.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Depends on the local market.
sarah clements
sarah clements - 7 years ago
So I loved these videos and just took things super slow starting with just one guppy and just making sure I like guppies and really wanted to. I got more guppies and like the day I got them one of the females had a bunch of fry and I thought it was so cool but then I'm pretty sure there are only five of those ones left and there are a bunch. And then my local fish store shut down. I've had to change the thing I had my guppies are in and my java moss looks just awful (had to buy something for fry cover so got hornwort cause I'm familiar with it) I've got like like tops top 80(20 per litter??lol) fry and they keep getting eaten when they were too big to hide but still small enough.. and it's only been a few months.and to make things 100% worse one of my females also somehow got the middle of her missing. Like she ripped it but like a giant chunk is missing all the way up her tail.. My sponge filter is too big cause I had to switch to my like 15gal and the sponge filter is for like 40 and under and idk if that's bad. I ended up cutting up the sponge and not using the plastic things and just putting the tube in the sponge... and I'm way stressing out cause no one will take them and I feel bad cause like I don't have like a great set up for them.. and it makes me feel sad when the fry get eaten cause it's because my inability to keep the plants alive....ahh
Joe Acey
Joe Acey - 7 years ago
Cory cat fish... Every time I ever have them in a tank I end up with loads of them and have to sell them off. Only fish I have bred well.
Cuyahoga Aquatics
Cuyahoga Aquatics - 7 years ago
Is there any reason the guppies keep attacking and killing bristlenose fry or is that just the temperament of the fancy guppies I got. Wondering if you have experienced that.
Savanna The Aqua Llama
Savanna The Aqua Llama - 7 years ago
Cuyahoga Aquatics, guppies will attack or try to eat any fry. You have to have adequate cover or a separate tank for fry, if you can't get enough hiding spaces in the main tank. My guppies eat eggs, go after Cory fry or their own fry, baby snails, etc. So you need a lot of mosses, small caves etc. You can try a rock pile with gaps small enough for fry to get in, but not large enough for adults to get in. There's many methods but at the end of the day if the adults can get to or see fry, they will go for them.
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 7 years ago
Really interesting. I just bought a parcel of 10 endlers with a view to making some funds to cover my other fish expenses. They suit my water and are small enough to go in a small tank. I never thought of selling my yellow cherry shrimp. Lol.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Robert Lingwood
Robert Lingwood - 6 years ago
Great advice. I have 3 pairs of Cryptoheros nanoluteus. I got them because I like them. If they breed that's just an added bonus.
Eric Hebert
Eric Hebert - 6 years ago
I just started a month ago and am breeding guppies. I have Cory cats in my tank as well but hadn't thought about breeding those. Also you made me think that since I've been to my local stores multiple times a week for the past month and no one can keep enough albino Cory's then that might be the way to go. I'll look at doing shrimp as well. I have 2 10g tanks, 1 for females and 1 for all the fry. Love all this info
chris jones
chris jones - 7 years ago
amazing vid to watch, ive got a 14 gallon tank, im going to get the guppys, as you say i dont need it for pay bills it will be for fun , will update on how it goes
Geckomander - 7 years ago
Amazing and informant video!
Yellow Pleco Caverns
Yellow Pleco Caverns - 7 years ago
Just curious - if I wanted to make a little bit of money off this hobby now & do it full time when I retire someday in the future -- would it be more profitable to sell mushroom coral for saltwater or plecos for fresh water?
nick nuthouse
nick nuthouse - 7 years ago
I breed koi.....What I mean is my koi do what they do and then I cull the fry in mid July selling the 3 inch fish for 5 bucks a pop basicly it pays for the koi food for the year and maybe a new pump or toy

50. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.

smea87 - 7 years ago
Love the vids! Have you had any issues with the shrimp eating the guppy fry?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
No, I don’t think the shrimp could catch em or be strong enough to do it
Ryan Todd
Ryan Todd - 7 years ago
How much are severums worth?
JuggheadJones - Vivacity
JuggheadJones - Vivacity - 7 years ago
I live in LA so i know multiple tropical/oddball fish & pet stores. I'm skeptical of a couple stores' accepting my offers because they're buying from solely wholesalers but hopefully some of the smaller shops are interested. I was thinking starting w/ 2 separate community fish in a 20 gal then moving onto a bigger tank for either peacocks and haps or other compatible mass selling cichlids. Any thoughts?
MegaRandomGuy97 - 7 years ago
You Sir are really good at explaining, you seem like a chill guy. Thanks for the high quality content.
Cade - 7 years ago
What do you think the most profitable thing to breed in a 29 gallon is that isn't a live bearer? I'm thinking Rams?
Cade - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thanks!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
German blue rams, or possibly mystery snails.
Tim Lawrence
Tim Lawrence - 7 years ago
If I breed fish like guppy I do it cuz I injoy it not really for money at all
john weinberg
john weinberg - 7 years ago
Just curious but if someone already breeds crickets , could he grind his dead crickets into fish food for guppys and other fish? I have lots of dead crickets ...... is there a fish you would recomend to breed if someone had unlimited crickets for feed?
Not Enough Tanks
Not Enough Tanks - 7 years ago
Great series Cory! Thanks for everything you do.
mariakoth - 7 years ago
cory's marketing seminar
Aussie Reptiles and Aquarium Fish
Aussie Reptiles and Aquarium Fish - 7 years ago
Discus for 30$!? In Australia an average discus costs around 100$...
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
I'm a farmer and looking on adding some "unconventional" livestock lol. Looking at breeding fish, cause I already keep aquariums. I've bred platys, and mollies before. There is more of a market for feeders (a lot of fishermen around here, including me. I prefer worms though) in my area. Probably gonna do rosey reds.
Fish Aquatics
Fish Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great Video!
William Whitmore
William Whitmore - 7 years ago
Hey man your a nice funny guy and you know what you are talking about Thanks
Ryan D'Ercole
Ryan D'Ercole - 7 years ago
Do you have videos on how to breed cherry shrimp, guppies and moss
I have a good question I am a amatur Guppy Breeder from Indonesia but untuk now none of my fish has sold, how to make a money from my hobby. Thank you
Gino Foogle
Gino Foogle - 7 years ago
i agree and disagree with this vid.. sure goldish and guppies sell by the millions but the return is marginal and the effort\upkeep is high.. id rather breed an exotic expensive fish and sell less fish but for more money rather than sell small for less.. it might not be a constant stream (pun intended) of sales but depending on how much space you have it would make more sense to have less fish that are more expensive than have alot of fish for less money..
Mohamad Ibrahim
Mohamad Ibrahim - 7 years ago
Best man ever thx for sharing u help me A lot
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
The ground work is everything other wise you could possibly waste a lot of money and waste your time
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
You are the first actual you tuber to reply huh I like you already and yeah it doesn’t sell in a lot of areas I can rarely find a petstore around me anymore
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
For my area, saltwater doesn't make any money.
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
You want money you get into saltwater
Reece Drystek
Reece Drystek - 7 years ago
The angels story is so true. I have an LFS that sells angels for 1.50 USD, and has about 400. The problem is that angelfish have such large spawns so often a pair can lay equivalent to 600 eggs a month, guppy spawns are much smaller.
Luna 1235410
Luna 1235410 - 7 years ago
f15alice - 7 years ago
my uncle and I used breed plecos when I was middle school
man, I miss those days specially how much my mom hate those red cactus plecos!
Derek Nickerson
Derek Nickerson - 7 years ago
If I wanted to sell my fish to pet stores do I need to have a lisence
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
most likely if you were following the law for your state.
Daniel 360
Daniel 360 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video I'm going to bread some Guppys, plattys, mollys and velvet shrimp
Kenji4PREZ - 7 years ago
this is like monopoly 101
Jakub Žiha
Jakub Žiha - 7 years ago
Hello I have 200l aqarium in it i have goldfish.
Now I start to like guppy can i have goldfish with guppyes together?
Please answer.
Yours truly Jakub
Daniel 360
Daniel 360 - 7 years ago
Jakub Žiha if the gold fish are big they could eat the Guppys and gold fish can be aggressive
Jakub Žiha
Jakub Žiha - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Typically goldfish will eat guppies.
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
How do you get gava miss?
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
Hey I’m doin what you say before this vid and I see it so hopefully I’ll make money
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
Like I told my hubby, I love betas but I love guppies more. The reason is a male beta needs a tank to himself. Guppies...the more the merrier.
Daniel 360
Daniel 360 - 7 years ago
bebebutterfield1 if you get a peaceful strain you might be able to mix them
Kdogx fish
Kdogx fish - 7 years ago
how much cherry shrimp shd i keep in a 20g tank
vk aquatics
vk aquatics - 7 years ago
I think I can breed guppies and mollies in the same tank with shrimp and java moss and I can make more money too
Crazyrandomnamehere - 7 years ago
Does anyone know if I can add oak or walnut wood as decorations if I soak it well for a few weeks to get tannins out? Or are the oils or anything else in the wood toxic?
jason vallance
jason vallance - 7 years ago
this was good info for any1 starting to think about breeding for profit. I did this back in the late 80`s and early 90`s and i made more $$$ selling sail-fin mollies/guppies/betas and platys than i did with convicts/firemouths/sevrums/discus ect. thank you. this site is always a good place for good info. i am in the process of getting back into the hobby after a 20 year gap, but the best thing is to start off breeding for fun, then when u have done it a few times then swap some of ur juvi fish for store credit, it cuts out some of ur costs and is a good starter way of getting towards breeding for profit. i also made more from plants than any of the so call " expensive fish", the only cichlids that sold well were the dwarfs like blue rams,nanochromis and such
Peter Thiele
Peter Thiele - 7 years ago
Thanks for the teaching Corey....
Unlucky - 7 years ago
I'm wanting to breed GBR and Bloody Mary shrimp :)
For fun, though!
me.vs.disease. x
me.vs.disease. x - 7 years ago
What about selling it online?
Gatch - 7 years ago
As a kid with no source of income I'm looking to breed fish and sell to my shop so I can fund my hobby
Edward Nygma
Edward Nygma - 7 years ago
what about fancy bettas?
Corey Momsen
Corey Momsen - 7 years ago
Single handily the most useful video on breeding shrimp for profit
Deep Contractor
Deep Contractor - 7 years ago
Won't the 20-gallon tank be overpopulated by this 3 things
Unlucky - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op would you make a video covering things like that? We now know what to breed and how to deal with our shops, but not a lot of tips on how :) didn't know water changes helped growth
Deep Contractor
Deep Contractor - 7 years ago
Aye, Thanks for the for the reply
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Well you'd be doing a lot of water changes etc to maximize growth when breeding fish for profit.
Xpouii -
Xpouii - - 7 years ago
Gonna try this system out with guppies, shrimp and a small handful of mystery snails.
James McCarl
James McCarl - 7 years ago
Question for you Corey. My local pet store dropped fish altogether a few years back. Only one around for about 20 miles is petco. How would you approach that issue if you want to breed but don't have a local outlet at all? I'm not a fan of petco personally, I think their quality is garbage and they're contracted anyways. Thanks in advanced if you see this!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
You would be forced to find your market which could be craigslist, facebook, or shipping fish online.
B's Aquatics
B's Aquatics - 7 years ago
What about fry getting eaten by fish and baby shrimp getting eaten my fry?
triggershot YT
triggershot YT - 7 years ago
Very very helpful I just got some trouble go copies from my neighbor and it is his own coach he made them and now I'm making my own clutch with them keep up the good work thank you
Aidan Garcia
Aidan Garcia - 7 years ago
This is great, I already have a great relationship with my lfs, they sell out of bn plecos, cherry shrimp, and java moss constantly and hardly ever have it in since they sell out almost immediately. And I happen to have a tank that produces all three
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Sounds like a perfect match.
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
please...dwarf shrimps get eaten in a big ampunt by the Guppies! It s ok if the group cherry shrimps ate already in a very big group. But put 10 to 20 shrimps in there and they loose more then they can reproduce. The Guppies can enjoy live depends on if you wanna breed the shrimps pr of they are the ones that are to light colored batch. then it s ok as it will be chesp food for Guppies.
Keep your expensive shrimps out of the fishtanks!
Everything yhat fits in the mouth of a fish and isn t fast enough it ll get eaten by fish.

I ve been raising and breeding shrimp for couple of years and they really eat a whole lot of your shrimps...indeed shrimps can be breeding like crazy and if you ve got people that are willing to take a bunch on regular basis do it. But know that you can go bankrupt uf only selling shrimp as only income.
Michael Ibach
Michael Ibach - 7 years ago
My dad started his first business the right way, slow, keeping overhead low, buying only what he needed, typically used. He became very successful and then sold his business. With the money he tried to start businesses the wrong way, fast, leasing new equipment, high overhead and failed every time.
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
at this rate my tank is overrunning with snails. so i could sell them. keep male and female when they grown to continue breeding. its just figuring out where to sell to. and price to sell per snail.
worddunlap - 7 years ago
You should breed what sells. I bred Convicts, perhaps thousands and had a stable strain of albinos. There was no market for them. I was just playing and it wasn't important to make money but there was plenty of production of beautiful, stable, healthy fish. Most my 'sales' were to fish stores to feed my tropical fish addiction. If I did it again I would do a market study and determine what people wanted, With the internet and direct marketing it would be much easier now. Back then I had to build most all of the equipment and use veterinary drugs for large animals for 'medicine". You are all so lucky now LOL.
Christian Velasquez
Christian Velasquez - 7 years ago
Who would I sell to
Jerry Wallendal
Jerry Wallendal - 7 years ago
What would be a good combo to use for plants and is there a shrimp or something else I could raise with swordtails

100. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.

Sam Joe
Sam Joe - 7 years ago
Would clownfish be a good choose to breed??? And if they r how much do u think I could make with a pair of regular clownfish??? If anyone can answer that would be great.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm not familiar with the saltwater clown fish market, but I believe there are quite a few breeders doing it.
Kris W
Kris W - 7 years ago
What an excellent video on breeding, so much valuable info here to digest. Thank you for this- moving on to the other videos in this series!
Randy Roechel
Randy Roechel - 7 years ago
the fancy goldfish and kois breeding can you make a video about that?
Green Pillows
Green Pillows - 7 years ago
Who do you sell to though? If you asked pet smart they'd tell you to screw yourself. and pop aquarium shops???
King Quagsire
King Quagsire - 7 years ago
How good do bettas sell? I'm currently In the process of breeding a crowned tail and plakat and I have a empty other 10 gallon that I might use for red cherry shrimp or Cory's Any advice?
Crystal Anderson
Crystal Anderson - 7 years ago
King Quagsire post the bettas you have for sell on Instagram
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+King Quagsire I find it to be a tough market to unload that many bettas
Cow Daddy
Cow Daddy - 7 years ago
does he ever talk about breeding fancy guppies? i turned it off after 10 minutes. i mean, i think it's great that he does these videos for people who have nothing else to do, but i am kind of busy today.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Cow Daddy no, I've never talked about fancy guppies. Was too busy that day
Penis Pichles
Penis Pichles - 7 years ago
Stupid question, but if you had Java moss in a fry tank, would you need a filter?
Luka Ninic
Luka Ninic - 7 years ago
can we make money from the bettas
Luka Ninic
Luka Ninic - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op tnx
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Possibly with mouth brooding bettas, but you need to be able to ship splendens to do well in my opinion.
matthew o'dea
matthew o'dea - 7 years ago
ive got to say this is b far the greatest vieo ive ever seen well done iv watch up to part 4 going to watch the rest once iv time well done ur spot on
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm glad you're enjoying them. I tried to give people a real honest look at how I made money doing it.
Steven Pham
Steven Pham - 7 years ago
I just started breeding guppy and I don't know what to feed the fry
Martin Salvador
Martin Salvador - 7 years ago
Steven Pham brine shrimp
A.C. Aquatics
A.C. Aquatics - 7 years ago
I'm trying to keep BN Plecos, Guppies, Panda Cory and Cherry Shrimp in a 55g. I would like to try to breed everything in the tank. What water parameters would you suggest? pH, kH, dH, temp, etc?
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
Adam C. only put the cory and shrimps together.zguppy s will eat the shrimp.Cory s aren t known to eat them that much and are more willing to just eat their fishfood.
GameGuardian - 7 years ago
Wait so let's say I start off with a 20 gallon tank, and I have 3 platies, 2 female, 1 male the females give birth, now there are 30 fish in the 1 tank! Way overcrowded! How do you deal with that?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+GameGuardian well I would use a larger tank but we have had customers do this and they change water a few times a week and feed heavily
GameGuardian - 7 years ago
Where would you find the price the wholesalers are selling for?
GameGuardian - 7 years ago
How old do the fish have to be? Full adults?
freshwater aquatics
freshwater aquatics - 7 years ago
whats the minimum tank size for a brown knife fish
catherine estoya
catherine estoya - 7 years ago
Jake - 7 years ago
how much java moss is $20? like a 5 gallon bucket or half of one?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Jake half a bucket at retail is like 80 bucks or more probably? Depends hose dense it's packed
KrispyAquascape - 7 years ago
Cory i like the video except for one catch with a story of mines. I have a solid color crystal red shrimp colony running for my own amusement. I saw some really low quality in a local fish store close to me selling for $8 a piece. I sold 20 to them for $3.00 a piece once Which they immediately flipped all of them in one week for $10 a piece. They wanted to buy some more of my shrimps and i told them that it wasn't happening for $3.00 a piece because i sell them on some other websites for at $8 a piece and sold well. All i ask was for $1 more and hit a stalemate. The owner got mad and told me to never visit their store anymore. I wanted to say the same thing but was respective from a business point of view. I had to drive 2 and a half hour one way to their store and took a %60 profit loss. The owner didn't have to pay for shipping and basically received free merchandise to flip. I wanted to support that store because i like what the owner was into and doing but there is a difference between a .25 cent guppy that's worth $1.50 that breeds easy monthly and a $3 Pure Red Line Crystal Red Shrimp that i can successfully sell for $8 a piece which was not an easy task to breed. You forgot to mention that not all local fish stores are equal. Some don't really want to establish some form of mutual respect for what you breed. They just want to make a major profit off of you forever.
Kern Albert
Kern Albert - 6 years ago
That fish store more than likely has hard and soft costs to cover monthly. Rent, wages, insurance, utility bills, maintenance and lost livestock. A dollar more on a three dollar transaction is a 33% increase in cost.
david groves
david groves - 6 years ago
hi krispyaquascape i have the same problem going on right now with a store, i took over 1000 fish and sold them for not a great deal of money in 2017
and obviously they made a small fortune of my fish which were all communal by the way,
in January of this year they called me and wanted me to cut my prices even more, i refused to do that as i travel to the store in my wheelchair with a box of fish on my lap a five hour return journey by the way, because i refused i have only been asked to deliver my fish 3 times this year,
i have five large 240ltr tanks which i just love, im talking to another store owner now but he only wants to give me a credit note,
but i may take him up on his offer because i love the fish world and like to get my own fish out there which are much better than the imported weak fish most stores sell
Matty23 - 6 years ago
“Basically free merchandise to flip”. Free? You were charging the store $3 apiece. How is that free? “They don’t have to pay for shipping” True. But that’s also why they pay wholesalers so much less per fish or per shrimp- because the wholesalers sell in bulk, which is how they make their own profit.
“I had to pay gas money.” Well, no offense, but most store owners aren’t calling local hobbyists and begging them to bring products in to sell. “They just want to make a major profit.” Well, maybe. But isn’t that the idea- to make enough money that your work is rewarded? And don’t you think that maybe they also don’t want to take a chance on such fragile animals? Even hardy fish and plants are still delicate. A store owner still has to feed and care for the animals and plants they buy from you. Animals and plants aren’t shoes or jeans that sit on a shelf that require no more cost to maintain. Shoes and jeans don’t die when the heater gets stuck on. Again, no offense, but you sound like the guy at a pawn shop saying “well, you sell these items in your store for $50. So why won’t you buy mine for $50?” You have to leave them some room to make money but also some room for them lose a few fish along the way, spend money on food, lighting, paid labor, rent, etc.
Catherine Vollmer
Catherine Vollmer - 7 years ago
Egereria densa
Plant s
Catherine Vollmer
Catherine Vollmer - 7 years ago
KrispyAquascape Egeria densa
AGENTSIXTY9 - 7 years ago
KrispyAquascape I once took over $200 worth of Christmas moss to a fish store and the owner wanted to give me only 3 java ferns lol use craigslist or aquabid instead. I don’t even go to lfs anymore unless I need something ASAP but I buy everything online. For example they sell flourish excel for $19 a bottle and I can get it on amazon for $13 free shripping. I just got a a dozen blue velvet shrimp from aquabid for $40 and the lfs wanted $84.
Xpouii -
Xpouii - - 7 years ago
I raise chickens and the same basic thing applies here where even if you're flooded or just starting you want to start with the good reasonable and profitable price per chick/egg. Because later if you suddenly figure out you need to make more, it becomes an insult to raise your prices. So always be generous with yourself when you're starting out selling. Carefully research and make sure you're getting what you have to get right away.
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op I think being in that position with white pearl shrimps getting less then upkeeping.LFS is making 8 euro a piece and wanted to buy 200 for only 50 dollars. I said that as they weren t honest that they wree not gonna give me the bottom price I asked and already spent the time and travelingcosts and couldn t sell below a 1 dollar a piece and would make 3 times as much selling to private buyers that don t have much to spent.And is my lowest offer. Thet could take the this time and wouldn t get any after this batch of they wouldn t agree and keep the agreement.I only wanted to get my money out of it and made very little money on it as it was even with the dollar a piece .You need to have money in case you ll get a desease or die from heat that s why my price was as it was. the lfs took it in a good way and apoligized.They on return wem went bankrupt told people where thet could get good quality place was advised.( they have had a desease outbreak and have to start again new.

I only ll sell till made my money back when gonna sell. And people that can t afford it can get the less pigmented for free.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yes completely. I would have never sold shrimp to a store at $3 if I wasn't making money off of them as a hobbyist. The mistake is selling an item for a price, then next time it goes up. It's no different then Mcdonalds selling a hamburger for $1. Then the next time you go, it's $1.50 and you decide you'd rather not buy it.
KrispyAquascape - 7 years ago
I know that this is ludicrous but do you agree that hobbiest would make more money not supporting their local fish stores because they're expecting dirt prices? Lol
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+KrispyAquascape I wanted to say as well I would tell someone to not come back, but I would decline to buy more
KrispyAquascape - 7 years ago
That right there is the problem. Let me explain this one more time. The owner didn't have to pay for shipping, paid $60 and made $200 in one week. I was taking losses just to support the store, not because i was in any rush to make any money. Would you have ever paid more for the shrimp after the 3rd or fourth transaction? I apologize but i didn't invest hundreds of dollars into something just to have a store see the success at the end. I made more than double the amount selling by myself. That is just ridiculous man. That's like saying someone bought discuss from Hans discus for hundreds of dollars and stores are justifying the price at $5 a piece for the off springs. There is more money to be made not selling and supporting your local fish store and that is a fact for any breeders. I could only imagine what Lupdiesel was dealing with before he got his own store and brand.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+KrispyAquascape I would have done the same thing as a store owner. I wouldn't be interested in having the price go up each transaction either.
Jack Blotzke
Jack Blotzke - 7 years ago
One question 20 long or 20 tall?
Jack Blotzke
Jack Blotzke - 7 years ago
OK so just personal preference then. Thanks.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Either really. I use 20 talls cause i like them better
J. Guest
J. Guest - 7 years ago
would you buy from fl
J. Guest
J. Guest - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op if i could and it was possible i would but im only 14
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
For me personally typically the water in Florida is too hard for me here so fish don't acclimate well from FL.
Rich Grenfell
Rich Grenfell - 7 years ago
As someone who has been in the hobby a very long time, I find it refreshing that you have such a grasp on the hobbyist/store owner relationship. Also, very good info on targeting your market. Great stuff! I wish I lived in your area, I'd sell you fish every week!
BraydensBettas - 7 years ago
Would it help that I know the owner of my local fish store personally?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I would think that could only help you.
BraydensBettas - 7 years ago
Cuz he's friend of the family
BraydensBettas - 7 years ago
African Cichlids sell just as much as guppies over here. And goldfish probably too the list
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yeah except a 20 gallon tank can hold a lot of guppies and not many africans to families buying fish.
Betta Aquatics
Betta Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video
My local store wouldn't buy or give me store credit for my fish. They wouldn't even look at my fish.
They were guppies and were juveniles
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
No one really wants Juveniles, they want ready to sell fish.
Ash - 7 years ago
"What you think is cool... is not what sells" - you hit the nail on the head there! Some people in my local fish club complain that they can't shift their llivebearers, C numbers and L numbers to anyone but other local hobbyists. Here I am having sold out of my current batch of pure endler fry online. Don't get me wrong, I love all these fish they are producing but it doesn't take a genius to work out the issue. The average person doesn't want a seemingly boring fish!
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
Ash I think some people just have a to pvetpopulated fishtank and not knowing the value just want a quick sell and sell them under their worth and dont have loss cause they dodn t plan on having that much fosh anyway so any dollar given to them is profit. ;-)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Ash Jenkins yep plenty of people selling at a loss and think it's a business
Ash - 7 years ago
nods I've only started tentatively selling fish recently so my sample size isn't huge but I've found that people (including me!) love to buy fry to grow on themselves - a win/win really given how prolific some of these fish are.

Some great tips here too, particularly for me the part about undercutting and longevity. I had been scratching my head wondering how people sell some of the same things as me for less money on eBay when I know exactly how much it costs in fees and postage; I hadn't really considered that some people might not take the time to work out how much money they actually make on a sale.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
People love color and easy to care for in my experience.
shane williams
shane williams - 7 years ago
Thank you for making this series.
Ivan Tchesnokov
Ivan Tchesnokov - 7 years ago
Ivan Tchesnokov
Ivan Tchesnokov - 7 years ago
What would be a good salt water alternative to guppies, cherry shrimp and java moss?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Ivan Tchesnokov for the plant, chaeto. But I'm. It sure what fish are profitable in saltwater
Ivan Tchesnokov
Ivan Tchesnokov - 7 years ago
Thank you, I got a free 80 galloon salt water tank and was interested in breeding guppies. Any suggestions? I don’t know how to transition them since I got a clown fish, and a angelfish already. Also some flat yellow fish. Will sores buy salt water guppies?
Ivan Tchesnokov
Ivan Tchesnokov - 7 years ago
Will guppies survive in salt water? How salty?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They can go full salt, but I'm not sure how long the transition takes.
bill sandford
bill sandford - 7 years ago
Ok Cory we bought 5 fancy guppies 3 cherry shrimp and java moss my 6and 8 year old are going for the millions one guppy at a time . They are very excited . We home school so there new little business is going to serve as a classroom for biology and business . This video as always is great. Watched it twice. Thanks for the advise.
Dani M
Dani M - 6 years ago
bill sandford "goin for the millions" i love this.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
I plan on breeding fish for extra money in addition to breeding rabbits, and selling bunnies to other breeders and farmers.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
I'm homeschooled aswell, but cause I'm a farmer.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Sounds like fun :)
Nicholas Kendall
Nicholas Kendall - 7 years ago
This is all well and good, but how long will it take for you to be able to sell your first guppies.4 months?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yes, usually 4 months at the minimum depending on how well versed someone is at raising fish.
Lisa C
Lisa C - 7 years ago
I sold my first guppies!! XD Thank you Cory for your time and advice! I now have a running credit tab at my lfs to fund my hobby :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Awesome :) Keep it up.
W Kan
W Kan - 7 years ago
lmfao business advice from this guy...
that fish breeder
that fish breeder - 7 years ago
hey i got a koi pond and i koi have spawned spawned twice in 2016 it is winter here and i wondering if it possible to breed them for fun and maybe a little bit of profit? i got a petstore contact that will pay about one dollar an inch for one koi but they want koi at 5 icnh and less. my pond size is 5500 gallons... i got high end variety koi like gosanke varietie shiro bekko and ogon problem is my pond getting overloaded they have spawned 3 years in row since i have had them. i have even culled them. my question is what is your est advice? thank you in advanced p.s my adult koi are well over 2ft and 8lb
MiniMe Goldfinger
MiniMe Goldfinger - 7 years ago
End of the story is if u wanna breed commerical u hav to sell to wholesale not ur local shop
Santos Lee
Santos Lee - 7 years ago
Fantastic advice! Thanks!
Seedy Mcfly
Seedy Mcfly - 7 years ago
This gave me some good insight! I'm pretty new to the fishkeeping hobby but I will definitely consider the guppy / shrimp/ java moss breeding for the future. An extra days pay a month or so for something I love to do and do anyway?! Can't go wrong :)
E Littles
E Littles - 7 years ago
Wasn't thinking of ever having fish breed in my care, much less breed for profit. This video has definitely made me interested in possibly trying this out in the future.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
It's fun to make fish and trade them for more fish related things you want for sure.
Mike jones
Mike jones - 8 years ago
most money I've made was when I was breeding discus
Dakota Strack
Dakota Strack - 8 years ago
i think guppies are cool does that mean i wont be able to sell them
videyOHgamer - 8 years ago
VERY well done! Loved this! Many thanks for the perspective! Love growing moss and breeding shrimp and needed a bit of insight into whether or not it was worth trying to up my output for some cash. I work from home so this is the perfect daily distraction! Great video! I owe you a 5g of java moss for you time!~
walt russell
walt russell - 8 years ago
It like dope dealing
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
pretty sure drug dealers make more. LOL
Tantidar - 8 years ago
I work in a pot shop and I was about to say the same thing haha
walt russell
walt russell - 8 years ago
Yeah your right about the angle fish
walt russell
walt russell - 8 years ago
It's all luck I'm trying to breed koi fish just to have pick out the one like
Hunter Claflin
Hunter Claflin - 8 years ago
any advice i am 12 and have a 12gallon tank with fancy guppies will the pet store take me seriosley if i try to sell some
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
depends on how good you present yourself.;') take a close friend and practice on him or her with how you talk to store owners you d want to sell to.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I've bought from 12 year olds before, and others I have not. depends on how you carry yourself I suppose.
its__ kayden
its__ kayden - 8 years ago
Im ten years old and I'm going to breed guppies in a ten gallon tank tips please
bill sandford
bill sandford - 8 years ago
Ok so this video was awesome thanks for sharing
LightsOut Sports
LightsOut Sports - 8 years ago
There is a discus breeder here in Michigan and he sells them for about $20
Alistair Bangera
Alistair Bangera - 8 years ago
Excellent Video! well done!
Vincent Lieu
Vincent Lieu - 8 years ago
So instead of java moss, would "xmas moss" be fine?
Savanna The Aqua Llama
Savanna The Aqua Llama - 7 years ago
I think Willow moss as well. I'm always looking for all three and can't get them except from other hobbyists!
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
yeah it would. it s great for shrimptanks and very in fashion for shrimptanks.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Yeah, that would work as well.
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 8 years ago
the best thing you can do is don't sell to shops unless you really have to they give next to nuthin private sell everything and take out the middle man ;)
Wisteria Lacoss-Arnold
Wisteria Lacoss-Arnold - 8 years ago
You look dead! :D
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Wisteria Lacoss-Arnold the walking dead!
Aiden Meredith
Aiden Meredith - 8 years ago
just found out that there are 12 angelfish breeders near me.... D:>
Aiden Meredith
Aiden Meredith - 8 years ago
and there's only one LFS within 3 hours....
Wisteria Lacoss-Arnold
Wisteria Lacoss-Arnold - 8 years ago
Can I pout shrimp in with corydoras?
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
Wisteria Lacoss-Arnold if it s a smallest race of cora s you ll have chance it will be just fine.Remeber fish eat live shrimp!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Wisteria Lacoss-Arnold it can be done , but I'm guessing it will cut down on the shrimp production quite a bit.
Northernvlogsquad - 8 years ago
Hey Cory, I actually plan on selling java moss that's been grown completely submerged as well as flame moss, with guppies, what would be a good price to sell to the store for the moss
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
A 5 gallon bucket would contain many portions. Possibly it's be like 10 portions which would be $33.33
Northernvlogsquad - 8 years ago
So if I brought and a 5 gallon bucket Id get $3.33?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
We pay I believe 3.33 per portion,
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 8 years ago
I Started with 6 guppies and a 10 gallon tank. I still have the tank from 6 years ago! I'm on to bettas and going to attempt corys. it's easy to start with guppies add crushed food 3 times a day and change water XD Egg layers are a whole different ball game it's overwhelming at first and people make so many mistakes then give up
hunter lindsey
hunter lindsey - 8 years ago
well I'm making 175$ a month with 4 ten gallon tanks and I'm only 15 years old and thank you.
Boba Fett
Boba Fett - 6 years ago
Do you think that trying to breed neon tetras or any other kind of tetra would be profitable? If not I'll just go with certain strains of guppies, java ferns/moss, and cherry shrimp.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
I want to get back into breeding fish.
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show
Alexis' Fishin', Huntin', and Farming Show - 7 years ago
Wow, good job man!!! I breed rabbits, and sell them for 10 dollars each. I am also planning on selling to rural king. They buy rabbits.
hunter lindsey
hunter lindsey - 8 years ago
guppies " mosscows and red endlers " ,cory catfish,and java moss
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+hunter lindsey nice work hunter! What are ya breeding?
Susan Shafer
Susan Shafer - 8 years ago
What do you think about selling flowerhorns for profit or arrowanas?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Possibly flowerhorns if your have the market for it, arowanas I think it would hard to make a profit due to size of breeding tanks etc.
Op Mister
Op Mister - 8 years ago
"Would you buy discus if I can breed them?" -- I appreciated the somewhat British accent when you said this. I pictured the monopoly man presenting you with fish lol
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I think you should be upfront with the price. If you want to set the president for bargaining, then do that, but bargaining wastes time for the most part. No bargaining goes on when you buy from wholesalers etc.
kjonus adolfus hitlorus
kjonus adolfus hitlorus - 8 years ago
i have a 10g tank could i use this for breeding guppy's
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Sure, it's been done.
saitama From opm
saitama From opm - 8 years ago
Thank you so much this video really put it in to perspective
Aussie Reptiles and Aquarium Fish
Aussie Reptiles and Aquarium Fish - 8 years ago
Wait a second, Discus only 30 dollars over there? Over here a discus that is considered cheap is 75$ and most of the big quality ones cost over 150$!
Aquatic Fanatic
Aquatic Fanatic - 8 years ago
Will I make money off breeding danios
Jim The Hammer Shapiro
Jim The Hammer Shapiro - 8 years ago
Hey Cory I have a question that's puzzling me. Why are some species more expensive then others if they aren't profitable to sell? Not sure how to word this but let's use your analogy on the discus, if there's not much money to be made breeding them because you can't move them fast enough, then why are the prices set so high in the first place? Shouldn't fish pricing be based on supply and demand or is there a lot of artificial inflation going on that isn't really logical?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Lets pretend you have a washing machine from 1982. And I'm the only guy that has bothered to keep the part you need in stock at my store, but it's 5x the price of the same part for a 2012 washing machine. They stopped making the 1982 part long ago because demand was so low for it, so the price of it for anyone who needs it would be more expensive. Where as the one from 2012, may still be in production. They might retail for $10 and the one from 1982 is $50. Basically it costs money to store things that don't have a high turn over rate. So if the part sits on a shelf and turns over one every 10 years for that old part, and the 2012 part turns over once a week. It's no different. I sell 500+ guppies for every discus I sell easily.
TEMPO690 - 8 years ago
Thank you for your time and information. Gratefully appreciated.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+TEMPO690 no problem, I'm here to help.
TEMPO690 - 8 years ago
Wow! I taking notes... I have a question about bettas.
I'm getting some very colorful betta fish from indonesia imported. Are these a good start? do they really sell? I'm guessing they can sell for about 15 to 20 dollars each.

I have lots of aquariums in storage ranging from ten gallons all the way up to a big 300 gallon. I live in southwest michigan, so I've been really thinking about breeding fish. for sure i want to work with bettas but not your ordinary betta you could get at petsmart. Through your videos i understand now that, what I think is cool is not what sells. so im thinking about setting up a big breeding tank for guppies, java moss, and cherry shrimp. so i can start supplying local pet stores. Im re watching your videos just to absorb as much knowledge as i can but I'm still kinda confused on which fish are best to start with.
TEMPO690 - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Thank you for the advice.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+TEMPO690 in my opinion they wouldn't be a good choice based on how many actually sell. People only buy 1 Betta at a time. You want to breed fish that people buy in groups.
r_topp3 - 8 years ago
when you talk about a java moss portion,how big of portion are you talking about? 1" x 1",2" x 2" or another size?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Typically golf ball sizes compacted.
Fins FurLife
Fins FurLife - 8 years ago
hi I have guppies that I unintentionally bred and wanted to get rid of so I gave about 12 away to a local store and want to know how I would get then to pay me for the rest
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Well, if they were able to sell the ones you gave them, say you have more and you'd like to sell them as the first batch was a test to make sure they sold for them.
Meaghan Edwards
Meaghan Edwards - 8 years ago
I got 3 male guppies for free and I still have 2 of them.
They eat the 3rd one.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Males can get a little nippy with each other if there are only males in the tank.
Anthony Bell
Anthony Bell - 8 years ago
Hey did you say your from Washington?
Anthony Bell
Anthony Bell - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op oh awesome! ill have to come check your shop out! I live in Bellingham Washington
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Yes, our retail store is in Edmonds, Washington.
Paris Stylianou
Paris Stylianou - 8 years ago
Thanks very much its been very educated and from a marketing way well explain, im not leaving in the US but in Cyprus, im quit sure the same market is also here .
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Glad you found it useful :)
DementedCyborg - 8 years ago
where does one get quality Java moss to start growth with? if I understood you, you said that usually the stuff you buy would be mediocre at best, where do you get decent bits to work with?
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
DementedCyborg moss in the plastic cupps with equal quatity per cupp are the good quality. If your Dutch I could help you through good Javamoss stores...but I guess mote chance yoir not living in my country, Holland.;-)
Kayla. Simmer
Kayla. Simmer - 8 years ago
Very smart and logical video. Thanks for sharing! :)
Justin Gripp
Justin Gripp - 8 years ago
would you suggest getting the proper license needed in your state you live in to sell fish? or thought if you sell out of your house. as of now only selling to local stores for cash or store credit. thanks for your thoughts.
Justin Gripp
Justin Gripp - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thanks. less stress selling to stores. will be looking into what I need to get legal. good point about not under selling when you sell to stores. thanks for your time.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Justin Gripp I recommend doing things legally, yes.
Ocean Green
Ocean Green - 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Cory. You're a generous guy!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Thanks for the support :)
Rainer Jadischke
Rainer Jadischke - 8 years ago
Excellent advice!
Dakota14breyer - 8 years ago
What would the general public's opinion of crystal shrimp? Like you said with Rili shrimp, the average person thinks they are missing color, but with the crystals of course, you have that white. I have always thought they were cool, but like you said, I am a hobbyist, not a new fish person. What is your opinion? Thank you so much!
Dakota14breyer - 8 years ago
That makes sense, thank you!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Dakota14breyer usually. The easier and more colorful the easier it is to sell.
Dakota14breyer - 8 years ago
Thanks! Does harder to keep also cover harder to sell? Or are they almost universally liked?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Dakota14breyer I think crystal shrimp are awesome just harder to keep than neos.
Moises Longoria
Moises Longoria - 8 years ago
There is no local fish store near me. It's only petsmart
Joey _
Joey _ - 8 years ago
Moises Longoria that's what I thought than I found 3-4 from asking Google
Cole Stitt
Cole Stitt - 8 years ago
abacus no they mean pets mart won't buy from you. They only buy fish from bulk producers that have legal agreements with the company.
Chloe Davis
Chloe Davis - 8 years ago
Petsmart isn't that bad when it comes to fish, make sure it's healthy (check for dropsy and fin rot).
harvey Ryan21
harvey Ryan21 - 8 years ago
Great advice I'm actually over run with guppies ATM and this has given me some excellent ideas also I have one odd Black guppy female hoping to get some more
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+ryan harvey glad to help.
Nik Marren
Nik Marren - 8 years ago
I really like your videos. However, it is hard to watch all of them in their entirety because they 're so long. It would be super nice if you could shorten your videos! Maybe find a way to efficiently get the contents of your video across.
Andrew Smedley
Andrew Smedley - 8 years ago
Nik Marren I like hearing this guy talk. I could listen to it for hours. I demand longer videos. 10 hours minimum
Justin pierre
Justin pierre - 8 years ago
nice you got me thinking i wanted to do oscars but not anymore.
João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves - 8 years ago
I really loved this video. looking up for the next one. suscribed
João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves - 8 years ago
Could you also make a topic with some tips on how to succesfuly run a fish store?
Kyle Mason
Kyle Mason - 8 years ago
I have two 29 gallon fish tanks. i got one cull tank ( guppies that go to my pet store) there are healthy but lack color.
the other tank a new strain i made my self.... i have had the same blood line for 8 years. i find very hard to sell just 30 ever 3 months am doing something wrong ? p.s the culls didn't have illness or bent backs. i make $1 dollar each.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
There really shouldn't be any fish lacking color. This would mean the genes you are working with are sub par.
Jake - 8 years ago
Nice video keep it up!
Name Unavailable.
Name Unavailable. - 8 years ago
I really want to breed guppies. I think they would be a good starter fish and should be easy emough to sell. and I don't need a bunch of tanks for it.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Average Joe glad I coukd help.
Name Unavailable.
Name Unavailable. - 8 years ago
I also never concidered doing shrimp,snails and moss. thanks for these videos. they are super helpful starting out.
Fishing and Fish
Fishing and Fish - 8 years ago
Thanks for this video and and all of your work. Extremely helpful! So much knowledge, practicality and experience shared with us!
horsegirltoyou - 8 years ago
this is so helpful thank you
horsegirltoyou - 8 years ago
thanks so much
wonwhore - 8 years ago
What would be a good price for a cherry shrimp ?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
$1 would be decent.
Kim Johnson
Kim Johnson - 8 years ago
So nice to hear the real deal, you're not going to make millions, but you can turn a small profit with the right planing. It's all about marketing. Wish my local store would market the local fish AS local fish, I'd be more willing to buy, I think others would, too.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Yeah, at my store use use a blue tag for anything locally bred. Where as normal fish are white tagged.
ucft - 8 years ago
Hi if I was interested in breeding guppies but there isnt a market for red cherry shrimp or java moss where I am in Ireland, what would you recommend as an alternative to utilise a 20 gallon tank?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I feel like if they don't have shrimp and java moss, this is perfect to supply them with it? Most people would want it, but perhaps the store doesn't know how to care for them. This is part of the breeders job, educating the store, and making them more money.
ucft - 8 years ago
Guppies are fine, sell really well. They are definitely a go for me. Only 2 fish stores in my town (population approx. 50k ppl). 1 store is a chain so cant deal with them. Other is great, but no shrimp there or live plants on sale in store. Very freshwater orientated. Thats why i was wondering if there is an alternative to the shrimp and java moss to allow me to utilise the rest of the tank with the guppies.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+ucft what is the local market interested in? What type of fish? I find it weird those arent marketable as guppies are the #1 sold fish in the world.
Travis Tran
Travis Tran - 8 years ago
How to breed tetra neon? Lol. That s money
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Travis Tran its pretty imvolved, the breeding isnt the hardest part, its getting the eggs to hatch and raising they fry that is the hard part.
FRANK1BHOY - 8 years ago
25 a month for guppys,what about the grow time,25 every 4 months then take away food,electricity water
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+FRANK1BHOY in 4 months you should have made 100 just off guppies.
Kali Wolfe
Kali Wolfe - 8 years ago
Very informative. I am a truck driver that broke my hand badly and although I can use it somewhat casually, my career is essentially over. I have 2 surgeries in my near future, 1 in 2 weeks so in total 3 surgeries I will had had done so I am looking fr something I can do at home that I will enjoy, and I can make a profit. I have thought about breeding fish. Right now I have a bonded pair electric blue acara. I was thinking of getting it a try. Not really a big deal if I fail, but if I succeed it would be cool.

This is a great video. it really puts things in perspective. It takes a lot of sales to be profitable. I was considering electric blue jack Dempsey as well. We will see.

I think it would be fun.
truckvid - 6 years ago
Troll! You don't have a clue
StripperTipper-405 - 6 years ago
Why can't you be a truck driver with an injured hand?!?!

Sounds like a deadbeat who doesn't want to work so he claims workman's compensation and disability instead.
shoelesblondlady - 6 years ago
You can always sell your soul to satan and be a guitarist. Just a different idea. Good luck with your hand
Slfx - 6 years ago
Kali Wolfe Howd the surgeries go?
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
ibachmike3 indeed pray for Gods wil...cause a lot of peopke will not heal as we expect when we pray. God makes His own decicipns in the prayers He hears.
Prepare the person that ypu pray for that not everyone s prayer gets answered on earth in the way we would want. And God might say no and have good reasons not to heal or not at that time, heal on other things in their lives etc.
People get damaged and hurt by prayers that yhey don t see answered and where the people praying or suggest to pray don t tell them that it might not be answered but that that doesn t depend on the person and slsi foesn t mean they aren f worth it, that Gpd didn t hear them, or they need to ho on praying and make God heal, or that it s lack of faith etc.
Michael Ibach
Michael Ibach - 7 years ago
ryan rogers what if it's not Gods will for this person to be healed of this infirmity? What if God, with his infinite wisdom, understands that if this person continues driving truck something much worse is going to happen to them? Be careful what you pray for, you might just get it and hate it. Pray instead, Gods will be done.
Dev Jay
Dev Jay - 7 years ago
ryan rogers
ryan rogers - 8 years ago
Kali in the name of Jesus I speak to your hand and say be healed right now! I declare your truck driving career will be restored to you in Jesus name. God bless you with his amazing love and healing.
Turner Bernardi
Turner Bernardi - 8 years ago
good luck!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
You can technically put those two together, but can run into some issues depending on male/female ratio and size of tank.
Michael Levesley
Michael Levesley - 8 years ago
devonah hursey
devonah hursey - 8 years ago
I have my Molly in a tank with goldfish and beta fish and snail and a pleco
AWMR Vortex
AWMR Vortex - 8 years ago
+4ventedda1 I'm the same way but I'm breeding balloon Molly's but I'm 10 so I wanna give them to my pet store .
Cagri Ergen
Cagri Ergen - 8 years ago
Hey Cory, I have an empty 40 gal breeder and a 29 gal tanks and thinking about getting and breeding super red flower horn OR discus. I will get the fish in juvenile stage and raise them then try to breed them. I don't care to make money. I want to do it for fun. Which one do you recommend?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I'd do discus before flowerhorns personally. As I think you'd need bigger tanks to pull of the flowerhorn breeding.
LoganD cardenas
LoganD cardenas - 8 years ago
you talk too much
Savanna The Aqua Llama
Savanna The Aqua Llama - 7 years ago
Talking often happens in a lecture/presentation style informative video. I'd say probably search for videos more within what you like to watch. I like the long, informative videos because I want to learn what he has to teach. But if it's not for you, I'd say reserve your comments and look for what you like. Not everything is for everyone :)
NL711 2000
NL711 2000 - 8 years ago
thank You Very Much for your kind comment
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 8 years ago
+Nony Largo
Fuck off if you want to just complain and whine for no apparent reason annoy someone in real life not the internet. See how that goes. The rest of us don't deserve your bullshit. Complain to your fish how bored you are. That is like stabbing yourself over and over and complaining how it hurts to everyone. You have gone full retard and are clearly lacking certain mental faculties.
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 8 years ago
Well then watch other videos that suite where you are in the hobby. It's redundant to make that comment and does sound negative. What other purpose could there be to it. Everyone knows he is talking a lot. Clearly he is not talking to you but a different targeted audience which clearly this isn't a video that suites you so your comment serves no other purpose really. If your bored and this is all stuff you know then why are you watching.
Harold Davies
Harold Davies - 8 years ago
Ayy no fish breeders in my area apart from like one guy
Randy Jarrett
Randy Jarrett - 8 years ago
very very very good and informative video! always great content here. I was thinking about breeding endler guppies and growing java Moss, now I'm going to do it for sure! I'm not looking for profit but that would be a plus and now I kinda know how the market works. I'm currently breeding bettas and that is also teaching me a lot!
Nolan McEachern
Nolan McEachern - 8 years ago
great video your a great speaker
Mohammad Tavakoli
Mohammad Tavakoli - 8 years ago
So I have a beginner question. For this 20 gallon guppy tank that you mention, you don't need to separate the fry? Or separate the male and female fry? I've read a lot of contradictory information on this online. I would greatly appreciate the help.
CytroGhost - 8 years ago
Like Java moss and don't put a pregnant guppy or it would stress her if you put her in too early and effect her giving birth.
CytroGhost - 8 years ago
Just have cover for the fry to hide to have a good chance of surviving
4vendetta1 - 8 years ago
Dude tis was so fun to watch, im not even thinking of breeding to sell but as someone new to the hobby this was awesome! thanks!
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
4vendetta1 same
TheNewMC 2016
TheNewMC 2016 - 8 years ago
Could you please make a tutorial on how to breed or grow java moss whatever you'd call it
Joel Waters
Joel Waters - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it :)
Dmaculate - 8 years ago
If you can sell guppies for about 50-75 cents, how much on the low and high end can you sell some great looking fire red cherry shrimp? Also do you sell guppies in pair's 25 males, 25 females, or mixed just same price per fish doesn't matter sex? Thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Typically you try to give them both male and female in a even mix. I'd say low end is 50 cents for shrimp and high end would be 2.50
DJ Ward
DJ Ward - 8 years ago
are live plants required for cherry shrimp
Mr. FishPlants
Mr. FishPlants - 8 years ago
highly recommend
Jacob Stewart
Jacob Stewart - 8 years ago
How old do you have to be to breed and sell fish
Jacob Stewart
Jacob Stewart - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op awesome
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
No age, I have kids who breed fish for my store.
N M - 8 years ago
I have a question :
Like if we keep the guppies in the tank with their fry so will they not eat it up (if I only have guppies) no moss and no shrimps and no decorations in the tank just a heater....?
Abby Stevens
Abby Stevens - 7 years ago
N M all fish that fot a shrimp on their mouth can and will eat the shrimps.
But if they are worh a very large group of shrimp enoigh will survive and need a very big anount of moss for the baby shrimps to hide from fishes in...if you got a group thats exmpl. 10 to 20 shrimps then they ll only by miracle and overfeeding yout fish survive..and overfeeding will get you in trouble with waterquality.
N M - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op oh okay thanks for the fast replies:)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Every fish eats shrimp, it's how you set up the tank, is whether they will be able to live together or not.
N M - 8 years ago
+Nirankush Monga moss
N M - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op with the shrimps and the miss going on ( will Molly eat shrimps)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
In a larger tank yes.
N M - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op thank you and can I replace guppies from mollies?
N M - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op thank you and can I replace guppies from mollies?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Nirankush Monga anything really. Theyll eay what the adults eat. I use lots of froze. Cyclops and baby brine shrimp.
N M - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op actually tell me what should I feed the guppy fry?
N M - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op and like what should I feed the guppies and their fry?
N M - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op okay thanks for the reply:)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Nirankush Monga you can try it that way but youll get a lot less fry surviving without the moss.
Aquarium 931
Aquarium 931 - 8 years ago
Thanks for all the advice I started breeding guppies and come across some swordtail males from the 2nd generation babies so I'm trying to keep the swordtail DNA going so I pulled all the other males put them in another tank but anyways I started this guppy breeding project not for money but just as a hobby I just got cheep assorted guppies to begin with just to try it out I may try fancy guppies in another tank but I just tried cheap guppies for now and like I said the 2nd generation babies produced swordtail males its all just been experimental but I been having plans of doing more in future but thanks for making this video because I had all kinds of plans of building a giant fish breeding room with angels plecos and guppies I still hopefully want to do that but you helped me keep things in perspective and just start one tank at a time as far as angels and plecos go I'm going to just set up one tank with at least 6 angels to see if they pair off and go from there and I already have one tank with bristlenose plecos one male and 2 female its still all experimental I've learned to be patient and your video has helped me because I wanted to just go out and buy 20 tanks but I'm going to just take it one step at a time and hopefully gain experience along the way
American Aquatics
American Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great video man! This was actually really helpful! I have been selling some plants on the side, and made a few hundred dollars last summer! Wanted to get into guppy and RCS breeding, and this video series really helped me out! Thanks a lot!
Jim Cameron
Jim Cameron - 8 years ago
If you answered this previously, my apologies: do you take a futures order from the local aquarium store, or do you call you local buyer store once your baby fish are ready for sale? I assume this is cash on delivery. I can ask my local store owner too. Thank you for this video.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I've never been down that road as you'd have to be certified as a clean kitchen etc. Once things are for human consumption you have a whole new world of legalities to deal with.
Jim Cameron
Jim Cameron - 8 years ago
Thank you so much. I followed Part 2 and so far you stand out as making an invaluable contribution to a really neat trade. Have you thought of selling to grocery stores? Say, for example, crabs or crawfish? Thank you for the helpful video! Jim
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Typically you ask them when you have the fish. Cause everyone "plans" on breeding this fish etc..
Chin Chin
Chin Chin - 8 years ago
java moss is so hard to find in NZ and when you do its 20$!!!! ($12usd)
Chin Chin
Chin Chin - 8 years ago
i have started
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+meorge potatoes all the more reason for you to make it. You should fet good money from the stores.
Vash The Stampede
Vash The Stampede - 8 years ago
Have you considered a career in comedy? I understand this an informational video but i've been steadily laughing for about 10minutes here haha
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Glad the video helped :)
Vash The Stampede
Vash The Stampede - 8 years ago
It certainly does not. Great series by the way I would of been that guy asking my LFS what to breed if it wasn't for this, completely changed my outlook.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I'm told that I'm funny and have a good sense of humor. But comedy doesn't pay :P
Rachel K.
Rachel K. - 8 years ago
Hi! I was wondering what your tips are for breeding guppies in a community tank. Anyone can answer this! Thanks! I just started aquarium keeping about a year ago, WOW I've learned a lot! So these tips would help greatly!!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
The more cover you have and the more food you feed the more babies can survive.
Sean Potgieter
Sean Potgieter - 8 years ago
thanks so much.
Sean Potgieter
Sean Potgieter - 8 years ago
Do you have a video on how to set up a breeding tank, am I able to breed Platys and Guppies in the same tank and what is a good size tank for breeding (not looking to make a profit).
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Sean Potgieter
Sean Potgieter - 8 years ago
So basically what you are saying is that you should breed fish that would do well together in a community tank because then you would have more chance of selling them in greater numbers at one time.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Exactly. Complimentary products well sell together better.
AristotleX2016 - 8 years ago
Lols you just saved me a ton of money watching this video I was about to buy 4x 20 Gallon tanks and do the BIG BREEDING set up, I will go a lot slower.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+AristotleX2016 Awesome. Glad it helped.
trz - 8 years ago
Thank you sir, I am gonna watch every episode! 1 Sub+
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Sait ISIS Cinar thamks for koining the team
Veronica Harnden
Veronica Harnden - 8 years ago
Hey Cory, I just wanted to let you know you have hit the nail on the head with a lot of your info. I live here on the Oregon coast, and my local pet store has asked me to breed guppies and Mystery Snails for him. He pays me $0.50 per snail and guppy. He gives me store credit which works great because that little bit does add up and I basically don't have to pay for food, filters or water conditioner out of my own pocket. In reference to your comment about not to have too many tanks set up...all I have for the Guppies and Mystery snails is...1 - 10 gallon with my adult guppies and my mystery snails, a 1.5 gallon for the newly hatched snails, a 5 gallon with under gravel filter for newborn guppy fry, and a 10 gallon for the snails and guppies that are getting close to size for selling. Keep up the awesome how-to videos. 1 request though...could you please post more ideas for guppy fry traps kind of like the plastic mesh cylinder one? Thank you.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Veronica Harnden I'll see what I can do about some more traps.
BOPGUN - 8 years ago
This has been a real eye opener for me.just about everything you said was a mistake is what I was going to do.thank you for your time and sharing your knowledge.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+BOPGUN No problem. I'd say I'm not right on everything, but most of this holds true no matter where in the world you are. But sometimes local markets are different. But I think most people would agree who have done this on any type of scale.
Ian R
Ian R - 8 years ago
I thought you were an idiot at the beginning. I think you are quite smart at the end.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Ian R Make sure you check out the rest of the series as well :)
Dio Jodianto
Dio Jodianto - 8 years ago
I love this channel, keep making videos!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Dio Ivanov Thanks. Will do! You can help us grow by sharing our content with those who need it and liking our videos :)
joshua Shipton
joshua Shipton - 8 years ago
What about Bettas?
Not in large quantities?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+joshua Shipton Well it's just hard to unload a lot of bettas to stores. As they mostly come out the same color etc.
Randy Hoge
Randy Hoge - 8 years ago
what do you think about breeding The flame angelfish is a marine angelfish of the family
Pomacanthidae found in tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean. Other
common names include flame angel, flaming angelfish, and Japanese pygmy
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Randy H I'm not a saltwater guy really. But in saltwater people value captive raised fish more than wild caught so I'd so it should be a worth while thing for you to do. Find a store that appreciates captive bred and you'll probably do well.
Javier Duenas
Javier Duenas - 8 years ago
Tremendous advice. Thanks!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Javier Duenas Thanks. Make sure you catch up with episode 2 and 3, as part 4 comes out tomorrow morning!
dave wuest
dave wuest - 8 years ago
cory got street cred
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+dave wuest zoinks!
srbsilver - 8 years ago
great video, got a question. would guppies and plecos be a good mix to breed in one tank?
srbsilver - 8 years ago
thank you, any suggestions on what pleco to breed, with guppies, looking for something more fancy, not the common pleco
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+srbsilver It can be done. Gotta keep everything well fed to pull it off.
paducahFishFan - 8 years ago
I hate Java Moss. The reason a plant farm doesn't have java moss is because it's like it crawls on other plants like a vine and chokes them out. Hate that plant.

The type of money it takes to setup a serious fish farm is about the same as buying your first house. Then you have to pay taxes, rent, utilities and high end water bill.

Two really good fish farms in Maryland that do Discus:

Here is another good fish farm down in TX:

Browse this list of professional fish farms:

ANYBODY getting into this hobby with the intent to make a lot of profit is CRAZY!

It is very difficult to have any small business these days. The professional fish farms will CRUSH anyone trying to do this out of their house. ;-)

I have a tank of baby discus I'm growing out right now. They require multiple feedings a day and 90% water changes every two days. I will make LESS THAN minimum wage after getting them to a size I can sell based on time put in.

Good info. Making money in ANY business is HARD WORK and you better love doing it or it will destroy your soul. ;-)
Tom Leavy
Tom Leavy - 8 years ago
good video i am wanting to to do this but just as a self sufficient kind of thing
Tom Leavy
Tom Leavy - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op yeah if i make a profit and it leads me somewhere then thats good but if it doesnt then i am still reducing the cost of run the tanks i have
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Tom Leavy Yep, thats a great way to be. Keeps you from burning out and getting in too deep as well :)
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 8 years ago
great vid ,ill be waiting for the others . also SUBBED
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+African Cichlids Part 2 is here.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Kingdom1 The minute you have to do it. It can definitely ruin it. Keep it fun.
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 9 years ago
can u do a video on breeding cory cats ..does a sertin strain breed better then other like example do albinos breed easier then orange lasers?..
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 9 years ago
+Chris Gill --- Cory cats are my passion but I warn you that most people see them as trash fish that clean the bottom - there is more money in a lot of other fish - with that said, you can still make money with cory cats but you have to, more important than with most fish, you have to do it the way Cory said in this video - that's experience talking - in the 1980s, I was the number one supplier of Cory cats to all of the Pacific Northwest and I ONLY dealt with my LFS and he did all the dealing with the wholesaler - I know he got a cut, but I got paid, it worked
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 9 years ago
What cory cory cats would u say are easyiest?.im just geting into corys and not sure i got orange laser havent tryed to do anything with them yet but im sure they are the more diffecult ones
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Chris Gill Sure it is in the works. Yeah different corydoras breed differently and different levels of difficulty.
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 9 years ago
wow u totally nailed this video...i have yet to see a video like this on utube!!!thanks alot!!! i was that guy that set up 15 tanks from 110 gallon to 5 gallon and ive just been scatter breeding trying to keep up with the sooooo gona go with ur smaller tank and multi "money makers" in not tryin to replace my job with fish breeding just put a lil back into hobby..i also love how u talk about setting the profite bar.AMAZING VIDEO!!!!
Tropical Aquatics
Tropical Aquatics - 7 years ago
Chris Gill i
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Thanks :)
Chaotic Aquariums
Chaotic Aquariums - 9 years ago
Hey Cory, hows it going? Can we get an update on the guppies and other stuff in the fish room?
Chaotic Aquariums
Chaotic Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Lol yeah so you did it the last two years right?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Chaotic Gaming In theory I want to do a bunch outside. We'll see how it goes when it comes to finding time to do it lol!
Chaotic Aquariums
Chaotic Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Sounds good! I'm gonna throw my new strain outside this summer and a few other strains i'm pretty excited! What about you?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Chaotic Gaming Yeah I did a brief walk through on the latest video which comes out in a week or so I believe.
Chris Morrow
Chris Morrow - 9 years ago
Check out your local shops too, where I live in Northern Ireland, apart from pet shops there is a very limited number of fish stores. I'd love to start but not sure they'd be willing to buy as half of them are large chains
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Chris Morrow Yeah exactly, chains are already in contracts so you need local mom and pop type stores to sell too.
John Martinez
John Martinez - 9 years ago
Fascinating topic. I'd say this is your best, and among the top fish videos I've seen. Regarding the "coolness" factor of certain species or coloration, you have it dead on. I used to work in the furniture industry, literally millions of colors and styles to choose from, and yet invariably the modern square styles in brown are what sells. It's even in music, how many people know of Judas Priest's Breaking The Law versus anything off Painkiller. Crazy I tell you. Great video.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+John Martinez Make sure you watch part 2 on Sunday :)
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 9 years ago
Wow, great series idea. Interesting getting your perspective on the business side of the hobby.
Cagri Ergen
Cagri Ergen - 9 years ago
Cory, you are badass for making such an informative and honest video. I have a breeding room and do guppies and angels strictly for fun. You gave me a lot of tips. Keep up the good work and I will be watching your episodes. Keep them coming.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Hasan Cagri Ergen Will do, Thanks for watching :)
mario vb
mario vb - 9 years ago
guppy eat sherry shrimp
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+mario vb Depends on how you setup your tank and take care of them. All my tanks have shrimp with them. I breed thousands of shrimp a year all with guppies in their tanks that I also spawn. An example here:
Ben Cheek
Ben Cheek - 9 years ago
Great Video!!
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 9 years ago
Thanks Corey!  Now sell me some RCS and Java Moss so I can sell them in Kitsap County.. Friggin The P store wants 3.50 each!  =P  Best wishes bro, appreciate the content.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+erxkeel If the quality is good buy them. It takes money to make money.
tmbacz - 9 years ago
So, I was watching Jacobs Aquariums channel a couple of weeks ago. He set up a pretty cool plant operation in his garage. Essentially an indoor pond. He's got the retail website, whole small scale shebang. From what I can estimate he's bringing in about 1000/ month. Sounds so tempting to try and duplicate. Then you start to realize that he probably works hard for that money. I guess it comes down to this, at least for me. Is it better to work harder at your present job, or start up a part time businesses that you're gambling on. At this point in my life, without a partner involved I can't afford to gamble. Making enough to supplement the costs of the hobby sounds doable though. Got a 20 gal starring me in the face right. Need me some cherries and Java. Lol! I like your vids and ramblings. You seem to have a lot of passion for the hobby.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+tmbacz Yeah it is very difficult to make a living off the industry. I don't recommend it for most people. But making some extra cash? Sure.
David Ensor
David Ensor - 9 years ago
Great video! I'm in the process of starting pleco breeding (practical fish everybody wants) and planned on putting Java moss in the tank, but I hadn't considered snails or shrimp as well. Awesome.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+David Ensor The only problem with plecos is the grow out time.
heatherwanderer777 - 9 years ago
I have tons of guppies, I don't make a profit...I live in a rural area and the closest fish stores do not buy, only give store credit but still its so far to drive the gas costs would eat any profit. So I just advertise on local buy/sell facebook and hobby related groups. Usually with my mixes I sell for a buck a piece or offer a deal buy 5 get them at 75cents each. As soon as I'm done with my own mix, still adding new genetics to it atm, but once the line is stable and gorgeous I'll start selling on aquabid, cause only serious hobbiests are gonna pay what they're worth. The average customer around here is gonna want to pay a dollar for a fish that took me hundreds of dollars and years worth of breeding to refine...the same price they paid for my culls/feeders. I just started breeding cherries, but I have the culls in my guppy tanks and the good colors in their own tank. Soon as I get sufficient number I'm gonna do the same, sell the culls local probably to the same people buying my guppies and when I get the numbers and color better, I'll sell on aquabid
heatherwanderer777 - 8 years ago
+Old School Fish Guy Very true! Just have to breed good strong healthy specific strain and have all the packaging materials and know how to ship safely and properly. :)
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 8 years ago
With you there - I wouldn't mind making money. I did it for a while, but it's harder these days. Of course specialties sell nice on Aquabid as long as you keep your rep good
heatherwanderer777 - 8 years ago
+Old School Fish Guy thank you kindly, I try to be. Probably a bit in between...I sell my guppies pretty cheaply, and I do give away quite a few fry. I've definitely never made a But its all good. I love to watch the guppies swim and I love watching new strains develop in my breeder tanks
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 8 years ago
Thanks for the compliment but I suspect not only am I like that guy, but I suspect you are too. ;-)  If you don't have a LFS, then all of Cory's advice goes out the window. LOL
heatherwanderer777 - 9 years ago
+Old School Fish Guy I met a guy much like you I think, he's part of my facebook group Oregon Guppy Club, basically just a bunch of us who really enjoy guppies who share pictures and videos and talk about our successes and failures. Anyway, one of the guys on there breeds hb tuxedos and dumbos and he frequently posts that if we're willing to come and get them, he'll just give away some of the fry and young adults. He does it for love of the hobby and to help out new people just learning about guppies. He's got a real passion for the hobby.
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 9 years ago
+heatherwanderer777 --- Oh so true - everyone WANTS to make money on their hobby - many try, but few succeed - what they do succeed at is making it difficult for others to succeed LOL BUT it is still possible to make money at this - Cory's tips are exactly how to do it - for me, it's not worth the effort any more - I just relax and enjoy and donate to my aquarium society and sometimes even give my fish away to young folk just starting out
heatherwanderer777 - 9 years ago
I think the important thing is not the profit, sure I'd love to make money instead of losing, but I love the guppy fish and cherry shrimp are just so cute and interesting to watch. I enjoy having tanks everywhere and the work is worth it. The money I make allows me to slow down some of the money going out, but its never gonna make me a millionare and honestly, that doesn't matter that much.
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 9 years ago
Awesome video Cory...really looking forward to the other segments and parts you've got coming up. You're the first person who has really broken it down as to how to actually make a PROFIT from the very start up of just one tank. The 'share the tank' to make more critters to sell along with java or willow moss is a super plan.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+ShelbyRae Lane Thanks, it's not the only plan the works, but it's one of the easiest ones for people to act on.
b.a. Warman
b.a. Warman - 9 years ago
What a great video. Really took some lesson from this. WANT MORE!
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 9 years ago
Very interesting Cory,
I drove about an hour to buy 10 RCS,the store owner asked if I was planning to breed them and said she would buy from me.i was planning on breeding not to sell just wanted a successful shrimp tank.Her offer tickled my fancy and thought it would be cool to sell at least once.
turns out I suck at shrimp keeping
anyway I enjoyed learning about this,thanks for the video
Bryan Malick
Bryan Malick - 7 years ago
I know this is an old post but your water could have been a lot different from the stores water. So it might have not been your fault. You just have to keep trying until you find a strain that works good for your water supply.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Damion Markham Part of the whole " gotta know your skills" part of profiting. It comes down to skill, water make up, temperatures etc. Don't feel bad just move onto something you're good at making :)
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 9 years ago
Great info!

One thing you didn't mention is if your LFS doesn't buy from hobbyists at all, only from wholesalers.
Debbie Arthur
Debbie Arthur - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Thanks for your reply I'm probably advertise on Facebook for 3.00 each.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Debbie Arthur Well in my opinion, these are "assorted" angelfish with unknown genetics. Wholesale for a fish like that can be quarter body size without fines for as cheap as $1.25. So you'll want to sell them in quantity at $1 each. If they are nice looking angels. A lot of mutt angels doesn't look that good to the general public and don't sell. This won't make friends with a store owner as their only goal is to sell them to pay the rent.
Debbie Arthur
Debbie Arthur - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op What do you think of angelfish? My two are breeding every 22 to 25 days, the female is black stripped and the male is a Koa. So far I have three generations the oldest 2 and a half months. What do you think I could sell them for?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Bradford Aquatics (Riley Bradford) Then you travel to one that does. A lot of stores say they don't buy from hobbyists cause it's a waste of time most of the time. But if you watch my series you'll learn how to get their attention, business letter head, price lists etc.
Giblet Bun
Giblet Bun - 9 years ago
Great eye opener. thank you!!
Wizard Gaming
Wizard Gaming - 9 years ago
I breed platies in a 37g and make decent money.
Fhsnoopy Lover
Fhsnoopy Lover - 8 years ago
+Happy Sasha me too
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons
Gosh Hecking Elder Dragons - 8 years ago
+Dollar Pitbull I plan on breeding black mollys
That's Tuff
That's Tuff - 8 years ago
+Collin Klinget same im planning on breeding my Dalmatian Molly with my fancy guppy but later I found out that hybrids don't live that long sadly. But I also going to breed my goldfish too.
Collin Klinger
Collin Klinger - 8 years ago
I'm gonna start on guppies and then Molly's and platties
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 9 years ago
Just need to get my Petland to start buying from me
opticalriot - 9 years ago
I like this video, but I think it needs to include IF your local pet store sells online and ships fish. Then the market has more options for the breeder doesnt it???
East Allen Aquatics
East Allen Aquatics - 9 years ago
This is great! Thanks for doing this video. It helps alot
Vince Smith
Vince Smith - 9 years ago
awesome vid! really helped point me in the right direction.
HeartlandRanchTV - 9 years ago
I've seen every 'fish breeding for money' video on youtube, and this is by far the best one out there. It's great that you threw in so many general business tips as well. Too many people try to turn their hobbies into a business, but they don't even understand the basic fundamentals of business, and just end up crashing and burning. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this series!
Chasity Raymond
Chasity Raymond - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op so what's the best tank to start out with
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
I sell my fish ditect to the public cut out the midle man . I have to be licenst being in the UK. I would never sell my fish at like 70 pence to a fish store. I breed african cichlids of all tipes and south american Oscar, Red hump, JD, Key hole sell in the maybe the market is different here. Who knows.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+HeartlandRanchTV Thanks, I feel like most people don't want to share the actual secrets because they are afraid they'll stop making their money. The only secret is that it actually takes work to do this and most people don't want to do work. If you don't mind the work then just find something to sell to your local stores and there are plenty of fish that everyone can breed fish who wants to.
Iowa Discus
Iowa Discus - 9 years ago
Appreciate the vid, really interesting topic. I'll look forward to future vids on this topic. Coming from a breeder's perspective, I'd like to throw in my two cents. The biggest challenge I have is that store owners will do anything to save money, and will happily buy up cheap fish and let aspiring breeders fold up as a result of a price race to the bottom (the store owner is totally complicit, so why would they be surprised when it happens? They always have the wholesaler to fall back on). The biggest loser is someone who wants to produce quality stock. When a fish store owner can buy runts and fish that were raised locally in poor conditions on the cheap, they do so, knowing the customer might not be able to tell the difference. Then you have a reputable breeder come in with high quality stock, that costs a bit more, and they can't unload them because the guy selling runts he grew in a single 20 gallon tank has cornered the market.

Another point: I think your analysis overlooks the time commitment that you need to put into raising the fish, though maybe you planned on mentioning it in the future. You only really consider the cost of equipment, which is dwarfed by the hours of labor that go into water changes, etc. If someone does the math, figures out they are making $1.50 an hour for all the work they put in, they may not think it's worth it.
Iowa Discus
Iowa Discus - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Awesome, I'll look forward to that. And I want to emphasize that I don't think it's all the store owners fault: they have to keep their store running and I get that 100%. What I regret is that owners buy random people's fish (say, somebody's fish gave birth unexpectedly) instead of being loyal to, and encouraging, small hobbyists who are actually trying to produce a quality product, thereby building a strong breeder-owner dynamic that would be beneficial to the hobby. In my experience, I get the impression owners will buy anything if the price is right, no questions asked. I've never been asked anything about fish I take into a store to sell (not even if they have been in a system that has experienced disease lately!). I think the thing to emphasize is that if you want to sell fish, be prepared to enter a fairly cutthroat, very low return process.

And of course, I assume you run your store differently (no doubt that there are some really good owners like yourself out there).
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
I typed about 1000 words reply then realized I should just reply in a video and explain problems you're running into etc.
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 9 years ago
really interesting topic, u don't disappoint Cory!
The_Thicc_Kobudai - 9 years ago
hey cory i just figured out how close i am to you and would like to stop by your store some time this year your only an roughly an hour away
The_Thicc_Kobudai - 8 years ago
I'd love to
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
You should totally do it :)
Robert Hathaway
Robert Hathaway - 9 years ago
How well do platies, swords and mollies sell in your store?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Robert Hathaway Platies sell well. Then Swordtails are kinda meh, and mollies are low because our water is so soft. In general though Swordtails tend to be really hard to make money off cause they take so long to sex out and retail customers only want males with the sword... That's why they're buying a"swordtail"
GrubGlut - 9 years ago
Btw do you still have that tank with that gigantic iridescent shark catfish in it?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+wanaa66 I don't. It was a used tank when I got it, used it for probably 5 years and sold it off. Then about 3 years ago I had one made for me that was slightly bigger then that one. I have it in the store. It's 72x48x24 tall. Houses guppies and a MBU puffer.
Mik Orf
Mik Orf - 9 years ago
thank you for the info and your time.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Mik Orf Thank you for watching and giving me your time. It's a pleasure :)
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Interesting insight Cory. Appreciate hearing a pro's point of view on this (even if you are stomping on my aspirations to breed discus but certainly not quitting my day job anytime soon lol). What are your thoughts on paying cash (as opposed to store credit) to local breeders for anything ? Looking forward to hear more about this.
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 9 years ago
+Rich's Fishes --- Discus are a rather unique market - if yours are at the very top of the BESTEST list, your LFS will pay decent money - the problem is, most of their customers do not understand how valuable those fish can be - I don't know what a LFS would pay for top discus and I certainly don't know what they'd do with second class discus (which are still beautiful to most people), maybe those would sell even better --- you'd need to talk to your LFS for sure
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Yeah. I understand why the stores would want to offer credit over cash; but I cant imagine ever using that much credit in any local store. Partly because of the prices and partly because they just dont carry what I might need!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Rich's Fishes Well any store would always love to pay credit instead of cash. The problem I find is a lot of stores can be overpriced compared to the internet or not carry the products you need. So if you need say a 1lb can of brine shrimp eggs, and your store only carries small vials. Store credit doesn't help you vs just ordering 1lb can from brine shrimp direct. I've met lots of successful breeders who have a few thousand dollars store credit at a fish store with nothing to spend it on really. And once you've established that you'll take credit it can be much harder to get the shop to switch to cash.
5150jeep - 9 years ago
If you were giving store credit versus cash how much more would you give?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+5150jeep Well when it comes to store credit, I'll give up to half depending on how many and what it is. It also really helps to know what someone is spending it on. For instance like Finnex lights, I'm cheaper than Amazon so there is very little profit margin. But if someone is using their credit to buy fish and plants, especially if it was from another breeder I can give more credit. But on guppies lets say I give $0.75 to $1 each on guppies instead of 50 cents cash etc.
Nikki G
Nikki G - 9 years ago
Very honest and straight forward video. I like it alot. Can you do some breeding videos? Like cherry shrimps, discus, angle fish, etc.
MasterAquatics - 9 years ago
check out my channel to see videos on breeding angelfish
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Nikki G Yep. I plan to do lots of them. Have you seen the ones I've done so far? Here is guppies and shrimp. here is bristlenose plecos.
hdjc86 - 9 years ago
awesome practical advice. thank you for the reality check lol
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+hdjc86 Everyone needs the reality check. Even me.
GrubGlut - 9 years ago
Very informational video, thanks
FortWayne Fishtanks
FortWayne Fishtanks - 9 years ago
Very helpful!!!
Russell Beach
Russell Beach - 9 years ago
Again perfect timing for me. Been researching this for over 2 weeks. Thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 9 years ago
+Russell Beach Great, stay tuned for more in this series. It'll help if you're looking to do this.

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