How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.
Tropical fishing 9 years ago 171,154 views
Today I talk about how to make your first $1000 breeding tropical fish. It can be difficult to make a profit breeding fish, but if you can avoid the mistakes most people make you'll be a leg up. We talk about breeding discus. Breeding Cherry Shrimp. Breeding Angelfish and Breeding Guppies. As well as making java moss. If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.
10. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.
today i got a question , why people in this hobby don't breed rummy nose ???
20. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.
30. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.
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50. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.
man, I miss those days specially how much my mom hate those red cactus plecos!
Now I start to like guppy can i have goldfish with guppyes together?
Please answer.
Yours truly Jakub
For fun, though!
Keep your expensive shrimps out of the fishtanks!
Everything yhat fits in the mouth of a fish and isn t fast enough it ll get eaten by fish.
I ve been raising and breeding shrimp for couple of years and they really eat a whole lot of your shrimps...indeed shrimps can be breeding like crazy and if you ve got people that are willing to take a bunch on regular basis do it. But know that you can go bankrupt uf only selling shrimp as only income.
100. comment for How to Breed fish for Profit. Part 1. Fancy Guppies, Java Moss, Cherry Shrimp, African Cichlids.
and obviously they made a small fortune of my fish which were all communal by the way,
in January of this year they called me and wanted me to cut my prices even more, i refused to do that as i travel to the store in my wheelchair with a box of fish on my lap a five hour return journey by the way, because i refused i have only been asked to deliver my fish 3 times this year,
i have five large 240ltr tanks which i just love, im talking to another store owner now but he only wants to give me a credit note,
but i may take him up on his offer because i love the fish world and like to get my own fish out there which are much better than the imported weak fish most stores sell
“I had to pay gas money.” Well, no offense, but most store owners aren’t calling local hobbyists and begging them to bring products in to sell. “They just want to make a major profit.” Well, maybe. But isn’t that the idea- to make enough money that your work is rewarded? And don’t you think that maybe they also don’t want to take a chance on such fragile animals? Even hardy fish and plants are still delicate. A store owner still has to feed and care for the animals and plants they buy from you. Animals and plants aren’t shoes or jeans that sit on a shelf that require no more cost to maintain. Shoes and jeans don’t die when the heater gets stuck on. Again, no offense, but you sound like the guy at a pawn shop saying “well, you sell these items in your store for $50. So why won’t you buy mine for $50?” You have to leave them some room to make money but also some room for them lose a few fish along the way, spend money on food, lighting, paid labor, rent, etc.
Plant s
I only ll sell till made my money back when gonna sell. And people that can t afford it can get the less pigmented for free.
My local store wouldn't buy or give me store credit for my fish. They wouldn't even look at my fish.
They were guppies and were juveniles
Some great tips here too, particularly for me the part about undercutting and longevity. I had been scratching my head wondering how people sell some of the same things as me for less money on eBay when I know exactly how much it costs in fees and postage; I hadn't really considered that some people might not take the time to work out how much money they actually make on a sale.
I'm getting some very colorful betta fish from indonesia imported. Are these a good start? do they really sell? I'm guessing they can sell for about 15 to 20 dollars each.
I have lots of aquariums in storage ranging from ten gallons all the way up to a big 300 gallon. I live in southwest michigan, so I've been really thinking about breeding fish. for sure i want to work with bettas but not your ordinary betta you could get at petsmart. Through your videos i understand now that, what I think is cool is not what sells. so im thinking about setting up a big breeding tank for guppies, java moss, and cherry shrimp. so i can start supplying local pet stores. Im re watching your videos just to absorb as much knowledge as i can but I'm still kinda confused on which fish are best to start with.
They eat the 3rd one.
the other tank a new strain i made my self.... i have had the same blood line for 8 years. i find very hard to sell just 30 ever 3 months am doing something wrong ? p.s the culls didn't have illness or bent backs. i make $1 dollar each.
This is a great video. it really puts things in perspective. It takes a lot of sales to be profitable. I was considering electric blue jack Dempsey as well. We will see.
I think it would be fun.
Sounds like a deadbeat who doesn't want to work so he claims workman's compensation and disability instead.
Prepare the person that ypu pray for that not everyone s prayer gets answered on earth in the way we would want. And God might say no and have good reasons not to heal or not at that time, heal on other things in their lives etc.
People get damaged and hurt by prayers that yhey don t see answered and where the people praying or suggest to pray don t tell them that it might not be answered but that that doesn t depend on the person and slsi foesn t mean they aren f worth it, that Gpd didn t hear them, or they need to ho on praying and make God heal, or that it s lack of faith etc.
Fuck off if you want to just complain and whine for no apparent reason annoy someone in real life not the internet. See how that goes. The rest of us don't deserve your bullshit. Complain to your fish how bored you are. That is like stabbing yourself over and over and complaining how it hurts to everyone. You have gone full retard and are clearly lacking certain mental faculties.
Like if we keep the guppies in the tank with their fry so will they not eat it up (if I only have guppies) no moss and no shrimps and no decorations in the tank just a heater....?
But if they are worh a very large group of shrimp enoigh will survive and need a very big anount of moss for the baby shrimps to hide from fishes in...if you got a group thats exmpl. 10 to 20 shrimps then they ll only by miracle and overfeeding yout fish survive..and overfeeding will get you in trouble with waterquality.
Not in large quantities?
Pomacanthidae found in tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean. Other
common names include flame angel, flaming angelfish, and Japanese pygmy
The type of money it takes to setup a serious fish farm is about the same as buying your first house. Then you have to pay taxes, rent, utilities and high end water bill.
Two really good fish farms in Maryland that do Discus:
Here is another good fish farm down in TX:
Browse this list of professional fish farms:
ANYBODY getting into this hobby with the intent to make a lot of profit is CRAZY!
It is very difficult to have any small business these days. The professional fish farms will CRUSH anyone trying to do this out of their house. ;-)
I have a tank of baby discus I'm growing out right now. They require multiple feedings a day and 90% water changes every two days. I will make LESS THAN minimum wage after getting them to a size I can sell based on time put in.
Good info. Making money in ANY business is HARD WORK and you better love doing it or it will destroy your soul. ;-)
I drove about an hour to buy 10 RCS,the store owner asked if I was planning to breed them and said she would buy from me.i was planning on breeding not to sell just wanted a successful shrimp tank.Her offer tickled my fancy and thought it would be cool to sell at least once.
turns out I suck at shrimp keeping
anyway I enjoyed learning about this,thanks for the video
One thing you didn't mention is if your LFS doesn't buy from hobbyists at all, only from wholesalers.
Another point: I think your analysis overlooks the time commitment that you need to put into raising the fish, though maybe you planned on mentioning it in the future. You only really consider the cost of equipment, which is dwarfed by the hours of labor that go into water changes, etc. If someone does the math, figures out they are making $1.50 an hour for all the work they put in, they may not think it's worth it.
And of course, I assume you run your store differently (no doubt that there are some really good owners like yourself out there).