How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish

Four guppies are introduced into a 250 liter tropical aquarium. The best method I have found is to isolate the guppies in a mini tank inside the larger fish tank, so that the predators and guppies become accustomed to each other's behaviour. Then while you feed the predators on one side of the fish tank as a diversion, introduce the guppies on the other side. The two Black Tiger Oscars instantly try to attack and kill the Guppies. This separation of the fish helps the safe introduction of guppies with predators.

How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 126

Tropical fishing 12 years ago 36,573 views

Four guppies are introduced into a 250 liter tropical aquarium. The best method I have found is to isolate the guppies in a mini tank inside the larger fish tank, so that the predators and guppies become accustomed to each other's behaviour. Then while you feed the predators on one side of the fish tank as a diversion, introduce the guppies on the other side. The two Black Tiger Oscars instantly try to attack and kill the Guppies. This separation of the fish helps the safe introduction of guppies with predators.

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Most popular comments
for How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish

峜钨宝 - 8 years ago
Follow me onto Youku
Farhan Rafat
Farhan Rafat - 8 years ago
He made another video with the same guppy with "black spots", there was another guppy, probs dead, and a golden algae eater
mrpineapple 010
mrpineapple 010 - 9 years ago
go breed with your family
Waz Khan
Waz Khan - 9 years ago my Oscar in my community tank with guppies and tetras and 30 other fish
OscarBait77 - 9 years ago
Is that fucking tank filled with Mountain Dew, Jesus fuck, do a water change
Rainbow Pets
Rainbow Pets - 9 years ago
Poor suffering betta and guppies espicially the koi its cold water fish
am ber
am ber - 9 years ago
ooohh my....would that stress out your guppies..and I think its just mean to put them with bigger fish that are aggresive at times..
Jemima Hughes
Jemima Hughes - 9 years ago
How do you get your bubbles to come up from the bottom all the way along the base of the tank
OscarBait77 - 9 years ago
A long bubble rock thing
TienDung Dang
TienDung Dang - 10 years ago
No brainer? You must be the famous tofu-head

10. comment for How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish

_dino. - 10 years ago
bogan sadistic cunt
Yoyo Dobson
Yoyo Dobson - 10 years ago
Are the guppies freshwater or saltwater
josephb - 8 years ago
saltwater dur

freshwater kidding
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
Facepalm obviously fresh
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 9 years ago
+Yoyo Dobson duh freshwater
Troll Lol
Troll Lol - 9 years ago
Andre Deleon
Andre Deleon - 10 years ago
Why the f****k would u do this! How would u like it if u were introduced in to that tank as a guppie?? Do u think people will like this? Grow up!
MrDeathrene - 10 years ago
next day, "where did the guppies go?"
streamleazefishhouse - 10 years ago
shudders at the dodgy fish selection.   Please read the comments people are posting and find a suitable home for your pond fish and trops. 
stivenburg - 10 years ago
Those Oscars were too small to eat guppies at that point. Did they eat most of their tank mates yet?

There were obviously too many nippers in that aquarium for a betta.

The Oscars, the betta, and the koi were bad choices for that aquarium. Otherwise the set up would have been fine.

Don't get me wrong. I have made mistakes when I started out. This isn't to bash but to warn beginners this is not a good idea.
Kiky Mi
Kiky Mi - 10 years ago
I haven't seen such a big fish soup yet XD
Brisha Roxberry
Brisha Roxberry - 10 years ago
Literally go kill yourself please, for everyone. You must have read some comments on what you're doing wrong, and you're obviously, still not getting it. You must be retarded. I bet most your fish are dead by now, so when those ones die, don't EVER buy anymore fish if you're gonna continue being a dumb fuck.
JTB Reptiles
JTB Reptiles - 11 years ago
Koi can get 100cm long. Oscars can get a foot long, as can kissing gourami. Pearl gouramis can get 15cm and these are actually a great choice for a tank of that size - without the others. Siamese fighters aren't predators at all, are scared of pretty much everything other than rival males and guppies which they sometimes fight with. The amount of food you added was well to much - hungry fish are happy fish, but not starving! The 'male' guppy is a female and you'd need at least nine females to spread aggression between the three males - or no females at all. It may sound as if I'm having a go but there is some research to be done if you are really concerned about the welfare of your pets. Each of your fish can be fantastic given the right conditions. Good luck!
MSK Chess
MSK Chess - 11 years ago
dude that's pretty cruel, imagine if you were put in a confined space with two killers? saying that those Pearl Gourami are gorgeous

20. comment for How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor - 11 years ago
the yellow and black sported tail guppy u got there is female the other three are males ive keeped guppys fr yrs u need more females or the males will fight
Andrew Ellickson
Andrew Ellickson - 11 years ago
you need 250 gallons for one koi (not 250 liters) and even more if you keep it with all those other fish, if this is gonna work long term you'll need something like a 300 gallon tank
ok then
ok then - 9 years ago
I thought koi were coldwater ( Because I have a fish pond)
Carmen H
Carmen H - 11 years ago
months on end? so ... they did get eaten? You are a sadistic piece of Australian cunt. :)
gilpi552 - 11 years ago
Sorry but the guppies will be fish food for the Oscars.
Morganna - 11 years ago
 A successful introduction does not mean that the guppies will be always safe. A tank full of predators is never a safe place for small fish, no matter what you do. Get a separate tank for the guppies, or don't buy them at all. On a side note, your silver female guppy appears to be pregnant.  
Jeff Eaton
Jeff Eaton - 11 years ago
worst fish tank ive ever seen. seriously you should be ashamed.
Rhonda Barnett
Rhonda Barnett - 11 years ago
Your stupid
Mreque89 - 11 years ago
Please do respond to this, i need a laugh.

How are your guppys doing now? ( i know they are dead as hell ) But just for the fun of it and to teach others how stupid this is, please reply.

Your fish soup is horrible.
john hodgson
john hodgson - 11 years ago
The yellow guppy with black spots is not a male, quite clearly a female. it also has wasting disease which is fatal for all livebearers. These fish will already be dead, dont watch this vid.
Candace Winn
Candace Winn - 11 years ago
You don't know a thing about keeping fish! Koi, oscars, tropical fish, guppies, and a Siamese fighting fish (not a catfish not sure where u got catfish from). They should never be in the same tank under any circumstances!!

30. comment for How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish

Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 11 years ago
i think the title should be "why not to put guppies in a tropical fish tank filled with predators"
Ayana Wright
Ayana Wright - 11 years ago
those fish will eat the guppies so fast you won't even see it you are doing nothing but breeding guppies and making it 100x easier for them to die
GreenMoonStudio - 11 years ago
10? I had 3 oscars that were 14 inches each, Lol.
terry gillham
terry gillham - 11 years ago
Sorry to say your on another planet . no idea of fish keeping you can't keep Oscars with guppies don't matter how long they are in there Oscars are predatory and sooner or later will eat them. Also koi carp need to be in cold water they will grow fast and will destroy everything carp are dirty fish and unless you have got a super filter it will fowl up quickly . and not to burst you bubble but them Oscars will have to have a bigger tank as they will get up to 10 inch's in no time .
Chris Seng
Chris Seng - 11 years ago
This is wrong on so many levels. Most of these fish are not compatible at all. Koi cannot have a heater...
Tropicalfishkeepers - 11 years ago
SDK - 11 years ago
I have a breeder tank for guppies that I feed to my lemon oscar.
Tom Chesser
Tom Chesser - 11 years ago
you have a koi in your tank
KING - 11 years ago
Oscars will eat anything they can
John Choy
John Choy - 11 years ago
oscar fish can swallow the guppies in 1 second.
峜钨宝 - 11 years ago
read below... learned my lesson. See my other my other videos, feeding my Oscars boiled eggs and peas to control their aggression
acitz7654 - 11 years ago
you are literally sending these 4 poor guppies to the death chamber my friend. Dont you know oscar and koi/goldfish will eat them?
峜钨宝 - 11 years ago
It was a lovely "don't do this at home" experiment that got shut down a week later when I woke up to check the sleeping fish and the Oscar had the guppie halfway in his mouth in the middle of breakfast. I returned the other guppies to the fish shop, mistake learned. They did coexist for a week together so that was an accomplishment but it definitely wasn't a community tank at that early stage.
峜钨宝 - 11 years ago
You're right it's a 250 liter tank - the tank is an Aqua Pro 980 I must have missed this in the description.
Ryan Tran
Ryan Tran - 11 years ago
i have a hard time believing that this tank is 980 liters(258 gallon) there is no way in hell its that big
WeeStrom CO Guy
WeeStrom CO Guy - 11 years ago
understatement of the year
barbie94baby - 12 years ago
I agree. Koi's are cold water fish. The rest are tropical water fish.
峜钨宝 - 12 years ago
Hi. The cichlid are doing fine, and the kois are quite large. I do agree however and have separated the guppies from the more predatory fish. The guppies were too stressed. BTW there are no goldfish in my tank that I know. Thanks for your feedback.
ted nguyen
ted nguyen - 12 years ago
theres cichlid and goldfidh,kois this isnt a good tank setup

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