How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish
Tropical fishing 12 years ago 36,573 views
Four guppies are introduced into a 250 liter tropical aquarium. The best method I have found is to isolate the guppies in a mini tank inside the larger fish tank, so that the predators and guppies become accustomed to each other's behaviour. Then while you feed the predators on one side of the fish tank as a diversion, introduce the guppies on the other side. The two Black Tiger Oscars instantly try to attack and kill the Guppies. This separation of the fish helps the safe introduction of guppies with predators.
10. comment for How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish
freshwater kidding
There were obviously too many nippers in that aquarium for a betta.
The Oscars, the betta, and the koi were bad choices for that aquarium. Otherwise the set up would have been fine.
Don't get me wrong. I have made mistakes when I started out. This isn't to bash but to warn beginners this is not a good idea.
20. comment for How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish
How are your guppys doing now? ( i know they are dead as hell ) But just for the fun of it and to teach others how stupid this is, please reply.
Your fish soup is horrible.
30. comment for How to safely introduce Guppies into a tropical fish tank full of predator fish