I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!!

I met up with one of the best bass fisherman in the Pacific Northwest to fish a mysterious, foggy lake, and was absolutely SHOCKED by the freaks we caught!! Hopefully this is just a start of some amazing footage I can get with Colby exposing bass fishing in this part of the country. Follow Colby ► http://bit.ly/2IsKKau New? SUBSCRIBE and help me reach 100k subscribers!! http://bit.ly/2mjkWmW Follow me on IG ► http://bit.ly/2irzYIi Use #millikenfishing to be FEATURED on my page!!! BUY MF Gear to be FEATURED ► http://bit.ly/2h4nJBT THANK YOU for watching! Be sure to COMMENT down below and SUBSCRIBE for more ice fishing content! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►►► ADD ME ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA ◄◄◄ ► INSTAGRAM: Milliken Fishing http://bit.ly/2irzYIi ► FACEBOOK: Milliken Fishing http://bit.ly/2woo7AC ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► EMAIL FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: benmilliken@msn.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►►►PLAYLISTS◄◄◄ ► FIRE FISHING VLOGS → http://bit.ly/2ipCzCJ ► SICK TOURNAMENT VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2xsvofM ► BANK FISHING VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2vYRAjP ► MUST SEE TIP VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2xcLydV ► SPRING BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2vYUmFF ► SUMMER BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2woqX8K ► TACKLE REVIEW VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2xsHsO8 ► MTB Unboxings & Challenges → http://bit.ly/2voxT1k ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Filming Gear ◄ Vlogging Camera: http://amzn.to/2w4gdtQ Vlogging Camera Lens: http://amzn.to/2v6djr5 My GoPro: http://amzn.to/2v6djr5 My GoPro Mic: http://amzn.to/2xsVzms My Chest Mount: http://amzn.to/2w3oHkN My Editing Computer: http://amzn.to/2vYxbvd My Sd Card: http://amzn.to/2vYSY5V My Drone: http://amzn.to/2xsN2zV *Above links are Amazon Associate Links*

I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 40,138 views

I met up with one of the best bass fisherman in the Pacific Northwest to fish a mysterious, foggy lake, and was absolutely SHOCKED by the freaks we caught!! Hopefully this is just a start of some amazing footage I can get with Colby exposing bass fishing in this part of the country. Follow Colby ► http://bit.ly/2IsKKau New? SUBSCRIBE and help me reach 100k subscribers!! http://bit.ly/2mjkWmW Follow me on IG ► http://bit.ly/2irzYIi Use #millikenfishing to be FEATURED on my page!!! BUY MF Gear to be FEATURED ► http://bit.ly/2h4nJBT THANK YOU for watching! Be sure to COMMENT down below and SUBSCRIBE for more ice fishing content! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►►► ADD ME ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA ◄◄◄ ► INSTAGRAM: Milliken Fishing http://bit.ly/2irzYIi ► FACEBOOK: Milliken Fishing http://bit.ly/2woo7AC ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► EMAIL FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: benmilliken@msn.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►►►PLAYLISTS◄◄◄ ► FIRE FISHING VLOGS → http://bit.ly/2ipCzCJ ► SICK TOURNAMENT VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2xsvofM ► BANK FISHING VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2vYRAjP ► MUST SEE TIP VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2xcLydV ► SPRING BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2vYUmFF ► SUMMER BASS FISHING → http://bit.ly/2woqX8K ► TACKLE REVIEW VIDEOS → http://bit.ly/2xsHsO8 ► MTB Unboxings & Challenges → http://bit.ly/2voxT1k ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Filming Gear ◄ Vlogging Camera: http://amzn.to/2w4gdtQ Vlogging Camera Lens: http://amzn.to/2v6djr5 My GoPro: http://amzn.to/2v6djr5 My GoPro Mic: http://amzn.to/2xsVzms My Chest Mount: http://amzn.to/2w3oHkN My Editing Computer: http://amzn.to/2vYxbvd My Sd Card: http://amzn.to/2vYSY5V My Drone: http://amzn.to/2xsN2zV *Above links are Amazon Associate Links*

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Most popular comments
for I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!!

BigBearFishing - 6 years ago
Great vid Ben! It is weird that one was up in there so shallow with the water on the cold side.
AJ Geiger
AJ Geiger - 6 years ago
I think he tied an fg knot it's what I use its the strongest knot ever I love it for braid to flouro
Ryan Lawrence
Ryan Lawrence - 6 years ago
Love this lake !
J M - 6 years ago
Did not look like 5.5 AT ALLLLLLLL
Paul Mailliard
Paul Mailliard - 6 years ago
Awesome. What lb and type of line are you using?
Indiana Steelhead and Salmon Fishing
Indiana Steelhead and Salmon Fishing - 6 years ago
The knot is called a modified Albright knot, it is also called a modified Alberto knot.
BassGeek - 6 years ago
Questions you don't want to hear your fishing partner ask. Am I in you? That's what he said. Literally at 3:08. LMFAO!
Loren Smith
Loren Smith - 6 years ago
What part of Oregon was this place?
Iron Ugly
Iron Ugly - 6 years ago
Someone is a Prof fan!

10. comment for I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!!

#Fabi - 6 years ago
Very nice video!
MrNicholas8902 - 6 years ago
Loven the videos, keep up the great work
part_time_ fishing
part_time_ fishing - 6 years ago
What tubes are you using ?
Hayden Stiles
Hayden Stiles - 6 years ago
What is the soft plastic texas tig lure hes using at 9:57 of video???
Itz Guiding FTW
Itz Guiding FTW - 6 years ago
Hayden Stiles it's a tube
S.O.B. Southern Oklahoma Bassin'
S.O.B. Southern Oklahoma Bassin' - 6 years ago
Milliken, what connection knot were you using that failed? I have been using the FG Knot for about 6 months on my spinning gear and I’m wanting to go from braid to leader on my casting setups... what knot do you recommend? I’m seriously racking my brain trying to decide between the FG and Blood knot, but now there is this knot you showed in the vid. Mind blown lol.
Adam Stamm
Adam Stamm - 6 years ago
alberto knot. Colby is a beast!
Jackson Smith
Jackson Smith - 6 years ago
how’s that irod fish with a leader? I’ve got the large swimbait (4-10oz) but I’ve always used straight 25lb
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 6 years ago
Great vid. Watching your channel makes me want to get some gear and take my boy out this summer. Keep up the great work.
Both Days Fishing
Both Days Fishing - 6 years ago
seems like a great day! I wanna go fish up in the NW
Nolan Pahmahmie
Nolan Pahmahmie - 6 years ago
Fishing with new Pp.

20. comment for I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!!

Gage420sGames - 6 years ago
dude i live in oregon and ive never caught a largie that big
Daniel Cole
Daniel Cole - 6 years ago
I know where this lake is lol
Ray Warren
Ray Warren - 6 years ago
great stuff again!
Fishing Channel
Fishing Channel - 6 years ago
well done, love the vid
Adam Meeker
Adam Meeker - 6 years ago
What rod is that? Also, whatever happened to your jon boat?
Spicesnight - 6 years ago
SO CLOSE TO 100k your on 98k. Can't wait
kyle sam
kyle sam - 6 years ago
Hey man I just purchased the 6th sense 15 deep diver , it looks pretty big weighing 1oz, do they catch all sizes of bass?
crawford fite
crawford fite - 6 years ago
can i get a hooyah?!?
Vincent Velarde
Vincent Velarde - 6 years ago
Alberto knot and u don't have to wrap it seven times each
Kevin Harrington
Kevin Harrington - 6 years ago
Still got ice in Minnesota, this is killin' me! Awesome vid
Jason Schrantz
Jason Schrantz - 6 years ago
Kevin Harrington Good panfishing time yet tho!

30. comment for I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!!

Jared Saldana
Jared Saldana - 6 years ago
Damn not a bad catch and is that a new reel?
Keith Morgan
Keith Morgan - 6 years ago
Was that bright green braid line you were using? Been wondering if that'd work good or not?
Jeff Zabriskie
Jeff Zabriskie - 6 years ago
what tube were you using? looks good and sweet video
ColoradoFishingFreak - 6 years ago
serious fun right there!!!!
aaron goldsby
aaron goldsby - 6 years ago
You need to get with N.O.D.R. while in Oregon!!!!!!!
CZYK Republic
CZYK Republic - 6 years ago
LOL, meanwhile Milliken is thinking "Dude, STFU!"
Jacob High
Jacob High - 6 years ago
Come to Washington!!!
Fishing With Lou
Fishing With Lou - 6 years ago
those were really good size fish i need this mystery pond :-)
Ethan Aschenbrenner
Ethan Aschenbrenner - 6 years ago
So you’re telling me this lake in Oregon beat mine? Maybe I’ll need some redemption this summer.
Christopher H
Christopher H - 6 years ago
Great video, I think the northwest has some of the most under rated bass fishing. When I was stationed at Fort Lewis Washington I really though my bass fishing days were over living up there. I ended up putting my boat into some little lakes on post and was surprised when I caught my first 6 pounder fishing with a blue and black jig. I think you need to do some more fishing videos in the northwest lakes there are some slaunches in the water up there.
Firstpelon Lastpelon
Firstpelon Lastpelon - 6 years ago
Just seen u at walnut good luck today MFer
The Bopper
The Bopper - 6 years ago
Alberto Knot. Good knot. I use Uni to Uni too.
Brandon Knuckles
Brandon Knuckles - 6 years ago
Alright I've seen you slay enough on that tube what color n who makes it
LipRippinTV - 6 years ago
What kinda rod was u using for the tubes ?
Ryan Mcgaffick
Ryan Mcgaffick - 6 years ago
Ive used that knot for years.. looks like a version of what we call a Tony Pena knot...here in San Diego... love it
Doug Norton
Doug Norton - 6 years ago
its called an alberto knot
D Cotto
D Cotto - 6 years ago
huge pond bro, that's a lake my way!
X-Pert 0utdoors
X-Pert 0utdoors - 6 years ago
Can you do a vid on kastking? And if the reels of yours are good.
Random Pond Guy
Random Pond Guy - 6 years ago
X-Pert 0utdoors I’ve never had any luck with kast king
GoneFishin - 6 years ago
That outro!!! That outro!!! always gets me!!hahahahahaha
GoneFishin - 6 years ago
Its great when guys catch a 20+ bag of fish and say it was a bad day...lol...I would love days like this....smh...fml....lol..thanks dude!! always great videos!!

50. comment for I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!!

Bryce Paige
Bryce Paige - 6 years ago
Hey bro am I in you? Brotherly love
Andrew Muellner
Andrew Muellner - 6 years ago
I'm from Omaha too. I live in SC now. I'll try my best to come chat at the Bassmaster Expo. I really hope I can get there to talk to you. I really want to share some ideas for videos you could try while you're around. I work at the airport (btw Milliken Field), so maybe I'll see you while I work.

Damn, this post is going to be way to long. I know you're going to be making connections with the pros, but they have boats. I don't. I have pics on fishbrain app to prove all of this below. Keep reading for video ideas.

I dont have a boat, so all my fish have been caught from the bank. First and foremost. The public areas to fish from the bank in SC lakes all suck horribly. Most lakefronts are inaccessable, private or closed by or before sundown. Dont waste your time with vids unless you have a boat.

Right now I got a magic spot on Lake Murray (In-laws neighborhood). Largemouth spawn started about 3 weeks ago. I've seen a few double digit females cruising the spawning beds, but havent had any luck with the ladies. Males will swallow the jig faster than Flare. The slab Crappie are coming in shallow to feed pre-spawn. I've never caught a Crappie under 16" from this spot. The kitty cats and chain pickerel are cruising the shallows too. Catching them all on the micro set up with 2" crappie jigs. Can't get them to bite anything else yet.

I can also give you exclusive access from my residence to fish a river reservoir waterfall/dam combo for Smallmouth tanks, and monster Stripers...maybe a rare gator. The water levels have been a bit high though. The water has been fast flowing and muddy lately, but it's normally really clear when it warms up.

Both spots are an hour to an hour and a half from Greenville in the Columbia area. I'll show you all the vids/pics, and tell you how to find these spots if I see you.
j fishslayer
j fishslayer - 6 years ago
Thats the same knot i tie for leader line. Good stuff
Eric Guerr
Eric Guerr - 6 years ago
And come to falcon lake broseph. Mi casa es su casa
leo pena
leo pena - 6 years ago
I’d been wondering what Oregon was like as far as bass fishing... it looks amazing
Eric Guerr
Eric Guerr - 6 years ago
Asked my grandpa about that knot... He said that's the "Tampax" knot.. Same knot that they use to attach the string to a tampon
Brandon Cha
Brandon Cha - 6 years ago
Hit me up.. steelhead fishing is prime right now. They fight and taste way better
DD - 6 years ago
im no shimano fanboy but glad to see you using a higher end reel instead of that kastking garbage
Coleary8897 - 6 years ago
Looks like a blood knot
Wishiwazfishin - 6 years ago
solid video as usual! Crushed it on the tube.
Jacob Miller
Jacob Miller - 6 years ago
That connection knot is called an Alberto knot, Ive had great success with it
john doe
john doe - 6 years ago
ScottE fish
ScottE fish - 6 years ago
So going to start using that knot.
Matthew Hairell
Matthew Hairell - 6 years ago
Crazy Alberto Knot
William Becerra
William Becerra - 6 years ago
That's a crazy Alberto knot. Very good knot, I use it when I go offshore for yellow tail and deep drop/rig fish.

Timothy Alvarado
Timothy Alvarado - 6 years ago
“Am I in you?”
Todd Henderson
Todd Henderson - 6 years ago
Nice ones!!
Richie 03
Richie 03 - 6 years ago
That knot is called the Alberto knot. I love this knot.
Reis Bond
Reis Bond - 6 years ago
Shasta bass baits hoodie when you coming to fish Shasta!!!!!!!!!
TheKodiakWay - 6 years ago
Woop- Oregon representing!
FISHING FOR HAWGS - 6 years ago
Great video..Oregon is very beautiful...!!!
Grizzly Beard Outdoors
Grizzly Beard Outdoors - 6 years ago
That's a fg knot . It is a great knot but it's a bitch to tie takes practice at least for me it took some time to learn
jaenksta - 6 years ago
That knot is called an Alberto knot. It is a modified Albright Knot and it is very good.
Hunter Tassie
Hunter Tassie - 6 years ago
do more tournements
lojo.fishing - 6 years ago
FREAKS is right!!! DAMN!!!
Josiah Carl
Josiah Carl - 6 years ago
Another great vid Ben. Thanks for visiting our neck of the woods. I’ll be looking forward to the next one.
Cody hampton
Cody hampton - 6 years ago
Been using that knot every time I tie on a leader to my braid and have not had it once fail . Easy to tie and it works !
Kaleb Nicklas
Kaleb Nicklas - 6 years ago
What do you think about the Curado k ? I just had one shipped .. super stoked
Also that I rod?
Nathan Gibson
Nathan Gibson - 6 years ago
How did you like that shimano?
Utah Outdoors Channel
Utah Outdoors Channel - 6 years ago
I worked with Colby in 2016 on a store set. He is a super hard working dude and is full of knowledge! I specifically remember him telling me a story about steelhead fishing and how passionate he was about bassin, awesome guy! Great video Ben! Cheers!! Thanks for more great content
Gui Jo
Gui Jo - 6 years ago
Unless I was naked, afraid, and starving, I would not be eating any bass... have tried dozens of ways to cook and season them and nothing has ever worked.
Moto13Man - 6 years ago
What kind of rod we're you using that you had paired with the Shimano curado k?
Antonios T
Antonios T - 6 years ago
Can’t wait fort you to hit 100k you deserve it man
Kyle Konvicka
Kyle Konvicka - 6 years ago
How are those costa glasses? I’m looking at getting some and want to know how good they are?
Evan carlson
Evan carlson - 6 years ago
pls tell me those are your rods and reels
matt meyer
matt meyer - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that was an improved albright knot. They are great knots
Bryan S
Bryan S - 6 years ago
Colby is a mad hammer
fishing47254 - 6 years ago
FG knot
JLH Bassin’
JLH Bassin’ - 6 years ago
I’m telling you that Curado k is the BEST
NC Bassin
NC Bassin - 6 years ago
Those fish were so fat
Kelly Moore
Kelly Moore - 6 years ago
Great use of the seasons!
Tony Ferro
Tony Ferro - 6 years ago
I love how he says MFers!
Mighty Chang
Mighty Chang - 6 years ago
What brand of reel is that?
Henry Steinitz
Henry Steinitz - 6 years ago
Mighty Chang Shimano, its a Curado K
Bud Weiser
Bud Weiser - 6 years ago
That’s the improved Albright knot and I can’t believe you don’t know it. Colby is prob the best fisherman you have ever met and you need to keep him in more videos.
Chris Mata
Chris Mata - 6 years ago
It’s called the Alberto knot. For the most part I’ve had success with it except for one time a backlashed and it popped and my jig and the fluoro leader went flying. But i had also caught about six 2-3lbers and a 5lber so the line was probably weak. (40lb braid to 12 lb fluorocarbon)
Maryland Bass Hunter
Maryland Bass Hunter - 6 years ago
Its called an Alberto Knot. I am a braid to leader guy and this is this the best knot. Been using it for 3 years and has never failed me.
JonBoat Tommy
JonBoat Tommy - 6 years ago
Good video, bunch O slaunches!
California Bassin TV
California Bassin TV - 6 years ago
Putting prespawn bass in a live well bro, really?
Shane Smith
Shane Smith - 6 years ago
California Bassin TV bro it’s march they ain’t gonna spawn until May in Oregon
fishfearmetv - 6 years ago
Hit me up when u come to southern oregon. Oregons super underated
Earl Stubblefield Stubblefield
Earl Stubblefield Stubblefield - 6 years ago
allbright knot ,, enjoy !!!!!

100. comment for I CAN'T BELIEVE the FREAKS living in this Mysterious Pond!!!

Waylen Alexander
Waylen Alexander - 6 years ago
What part of Oregon bc I live in oregon
9 h
9 h - 6 years ago
Awesome !!!!
Chri630 - 6 years ago
looks like a lake
3DKDemonsDontDie Krew
3DKDemonsDontDie Krew - 6 years ago
Definitely not a pond lol
efred22 - 6 years ago
The difference, believe it or not, is depth. This is definitely a lake.
Chris Mata
Chris Mata - 6 years ago
Chri630 I know right!
West Michigan Fishing
West Michigan Fishing - 6 years ago
Only knot i use and never failed me!
Cole Rieder
Cole Rieder - 6 years ago
I know that doing a bass catch and cook would make some people mad but you would be getting lots of views
Randy Bethke
Randy Bethke - 6 years ago
Cole Rieder they taste like shit
Daniel Cole
Daniel Cole - 6 years ago
Cole Rieder when I'm fishing the Columbia or the Willamette Rivers I kill as many as I can they don't belong and they eat are salmon smolt so they all must die or at least be controlled
Jordan Blomgren
Jordan Blomgren - 6 years ago
Nobody wants to watch a bass catch and cook that's what crappie and gills are for
William Bannister
William Bannister - 6 years ago
No, not many people would want to see it.
Christopher Hat
Christopher Hat - 6 years ago
Cole Rieder I grew up eating bass in Illinois. There's always a buttload of them and they taste just fine.
adam spade
adam spade - 6 years ago
its just because ppl now a day have to have something to whine, put down, or just flat out bitch about..rather than just enjoy what this earth has to offer us food wise....i bet if the haters were to be served sum bass with sum crappie and sum gills they wouldnt even know the difference....haters got to hate...oh well tho...im eating good and my kids love it as well....
Cole Rieder
Cole Rieder - 6 years ago
adam spade I know I can’t understand why people think bass are so special they are like any other fish they will not die off or affect the fishing if people take a few
adam spade
adam spade - 6 years ago
there is nothing wrong with eating bass,,,i love it....just dont cook the big pig bass...just the eat the minimum size bass you can keep
Cole Rieder
Cole Rieder - 6 years ago
Do a bass catch and cook
Chris Mata
Chris Mata - 6 years ago
Hell no dude
Russ *
Russ * - 6 years ago
Was that a new stick for this year that you were using?
Brokeangler - 6 years ago
Sick vid. Was that a custom made Dobyns?
Chris Mata
Chris Mata - 6 years ago
Brokeangler no it looks like a genesis iRod
Mine Not Yours
Mine Not Yours - 6 years ago
Any day you learn something new is a good day . especially with fattes in the well
WARBAITS FISHING - 6 years ago
Mark Kmiecik
Mark Kmiecik - 6 years ago
That knot is a slight variation on the albright special.
Mark Kmiecik
Mark Kmiecik - 6 years ago
That Ozark fishing style works quite well in Minnesota too. A largemouth by any other name is still a largemouth.
Pamela Pearson
Pamela Pearson - 6 years ago
If there are fish, anywhere, Colby manages to find them! Fun video.
1412TBONE - 6 years ago
If you wanna catch donkies go to Owyhee Reservoir
Robert Lease
Robert Lease - 6 years ago
Great video nice to see open water coming . I'm ice fishing parked with my truck right now 36 inches of ice
THE RYNO - 6 years ago
Intense chem trails at 14:58
Dylan R
Dylan R - 6 years ago
Great opinions there boys. I love it.
Travis Davis
Travis Davis - 6 years ago
Crackin' em per usual. Strong work dude!! #fogPANDAS
Steve Gercone
Steve Gercone - 6 years ago
Nice why to finish up your Oregon trip,great job Ben!!!
camron figueroa
camron figueroa - 6 years ago
Great as always. Next time you come to southern oregon give us a heads up we got lots more to show you around here.
Fishing Films
Fishing Films - 6 years ago
When are you going to make a video about the fish tank
Will Wetherington
Will Wetherington - 6 years ago
Those may not be his. Remember he is on a trip on the west coast...
Chris Mata
Chris Mata - 6 years ago
Michael Clement Shimano is WAY better than those kastking reel he was using. I’m glad he’s using Shimano
Isaac Pelletier
Isaac Pelletier - 6 years ago
Actually really enjoyed hearing colby's rant at the end. Good stuff.
Matt Thomas
Matt Thomas - 6 years ago
What is up with the hobo beard. You are scaring the fish. Lol. Awesome to see you catching the SLAUNCHES!!! Keep on dowing what you love to do.
Milliken Fishing
Milliken Fishing - 6 years ago
Loved picking his brain. So much that didn’t make the video.
Briar Walrath
Briar Walrath - 6 years ago
when people want to catch big fish they need to call you
Alex Brown
Alex Brown - 6 years ago
Nice fish there bud
Cason Price
Cason Price - 6 years ago
First bass with curado k?
Mark Cornelius
Mark Cornelius - 6 years ago
Michael  Hutchison
Michael Hutchison - 6 years ago
BIG DILL - 6 years ago
What’s the difference with the two reels you guys are using? What one is better to use?
Nathan Buckner
Nathan Buckner - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that's a Albright knot. Same one I use. Sweet video brother!!
Will Wetherington
Will Wetherington - 6 years ago
What do you think of the new 6th Sense Lux rods?
jChannel1111 - 6 years ago
I got the email today about them and kinda curious. I will wait for the Milkman to do a review I guess.
Will Wetherington
Will Wetherington - 6 years ago
Awesome! I love all my 6th Sense stuff, dude. Are you going to have a signature model? I'm quite sure you had a hand in on the design of at least one or two of them...
Milliken Fishing
Milliken Fishing - 6 years ago
They’re in the mail...will know soon!
dumb boy short vids
dumb boy short vids - 6 years ago
Hey Ben, do you have any plans to come up to Washington during your stay in Oregon?
BigBassDreams - 6 years ago
Colby has great taste in graphic tees.
Manuel Caballero
Manuel Caballero - 6 years ago
Fish Idaho!
Sox4Life - 6 years ago
I would love a stretch of hawgs like that! Thanks for sharing!
Seth Banks
Seth Banks - 6 years ago
Can I get a YEE YEE
crawford fite
crawford fite - 6 years ago
NickVargas Fishinfool
NickVargas Fishinfool - 6 years ago
Josh R
Josh R - 6 years ago
Brian P.
Brian P. - 6 years ago
If you ever make it too southern Oregon , I can take you out fishing for giant Klamath Redband trout. Only place in the world where these trout live.
Brian P.
Brian P. - 6 years ago
Mostly the main lake, that’s where I regularly catch trout over 10 lbs.
camron figueroa
camron figueroa - 6 years ago
Brian P. Hey I live in klamath and slay it out at past keno. Where do you like to go?
Brian Avery
Brian Avery - 6 years ago
Was this on private property?! I've been looking for some bass fishing around Eugene for years
Daniel Cole
Daniel Cole - 6 years ago
Brian Avery the Willamette is loaded with smallies almost all the ponds and lakes especially around Salem Lebanon and Albany have a lot of nice bass in them
Mike Chamberlain
Mike Chamberlain - 6 years ago
Hey Ben did you or do you like the Curado K reel you were using? I just bought one and wanted to know your thoughts on it. I do realize that the pole you were using may have been his but you were using it. So what are your thoughts?
Eric Maciel
Eric Maciel - 6 years ago
Shasta bass baits are the shit!! Great content as always!!
Jack The Bronzeback Slayer
Jack The Bronzeback Slayer - 6 years ago
sick vid. what did you think of that i-rod?
Josh Jamison
Josh Jamison - 6 years ago
Get him to start making youtube videos again he has an older channel but it was hella good i was bummed when he stopped making them
Float Tube Masters
Float Tube Masters - 6 years ago
Videos like this get me pumped for fishing here in Ohio. Now if only Winter would get the hint and make like a tree and leave.
Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson - 6 years ago
Damn with how red their lips were you'd think they would've wanted craws on the bottom
Mike - 6 years ago
Is that your IROD gen ii? How do u like it
leif cave
leif cave - 6 years ago
Only youtuber i watch anymore. Would pay hella money to go fishing with ya.
Terrence Davis
Terrence Davis - 6 years ago
Maryland here. Can't wait to hit our local reservoir
Fleming Outdoors
Fleming Outdoors - 6 years ago
Catching some SLAUNCHES!
American Angling
American Angling - 6 years ago
Impressed man! Would love to see you overtake the other guys!
KEEPCASTING - 6 years ago
Looks something like a FG knot. Great Video of a new place catching some slaunch! Looks like your fishing a new rig?
Dustin DeSimone
Dustin DeSimone - 6 years ago
Who makes that tube
Josh Wooldridge
Josh Wooldridge - 6 years ago
https://www.facebook.com/lethalbaitssoftplastic/ Tell this guy you want a smoke pepper tube. Tell him I sent you. ;-)
Warren Hopkins
Warren Hopkins - 6 years ago
Good day for it being a grind. Beautiful fish. Great job guys.
Chasing Fish
Chasing Fish - 6 years ago
Check out the FG knot. It's a very slim n slender knot n also very powerful
what_goes_boom - 6 years ago
It’s also a pain to tie if using slick braid, Alberto knot easier
Leroy Smith
Leroy Smith - 6 years ago
Alberto knot
Hectic Gaming
Hectic Gaming - 6 years ago
Catch n cook largemouth bass?
Dick Hoskins
Dick Hoskins - 6 years ago
Good video Man! Got some pigs! How you like the curado K
Greg Kotschwar
Greg Kotschwar - 6 years ago
Decent fish. Good job !!
Clayton Scull
Clayton Scull - 6 years ago
It's called the Alberto knot :)
Shawn Knopsnyder
Shawn Knopsnyder - 6 years ago
I've always used the Albright knot and it's extremely similar to this knot, I actually didn't know of the Alberto until your comment, I'll have to try this one out now, see which is easier to tie.
Carlos Colon
Carlos Colon - 6 years ago
One more reason I have to visit Oregon. Slaunchfest up there.
Casey Schor
Casey Schor - 6 years ago
New to your channel and I’m loving the videos I’ve seen so far keep it up!
Richard Hanson
Richard Hanson - 6 years ago
pigs in Oregon.
Seth Sanderson
Seth Sanderson - 6 years ago
Great video as always MILK! Awesome job bro
Jake All Terrain
Jake All Terrain - 6 years ago
Love coming home after a long day of work and watching a good mf video always good man! Any chance of you coming up to Canada to do some fishing? We got some good bass up in northern Ontario!
Bass Fishing Pennsulvania
Bass Fishing Pennsulvania - 6 years ago
Yee yee mothertrucker
Parke Everett
Parke Everett - 6 years ago
Did u get a new reel
Tim McAuliffe
Tim McAuliffe - 6 years ago
"That's why I like working with new peepee"
Shoot Fish Life
Shoot Fish Life - 6 years ago
Digging you channel brother! Stay on that grind.
Jets Tube
Jets Tube - 6 years ago
How heavy a weight is on the infamous tube?
Jamaal Jones
Jamaal Jones - 6 years ago
You should try salmon fishing this year
Jarred Monaco
Jarred Monaco - 6 years ago
I don’t know the name of that knot. But it’s the same one I use. It’s been good to me.
Precision Angling
Precision Angling - 6 years ago
Brutes! Nice work!
jChannel1111 - 6 years ago
I just bought a ton of tubes yesterday... so thanks to you stock in tubes went up.
jChannel1111 - 6 years ago
they put them in their mouths
Michael Jones
Michael Jones - 6 years ago
jChannel1111 those peckerheads love the smokey tube...
Del Stout
Del Stout - 6 years ago
Another great video!
Farm boy Outdoors
Farm boy Outdoors - 6 years ago
What's up
Sinoeh Yanes
Sinoeh Yanes - 6 years ago
Notification squad !!!
Carson Mummey
Carson Mummey - 6 years ago
Yo bro 12
RecordReelers Pro
RecordReelers Pro - 6 years ago
Amazing video love the content
jChannel1111 - 6 years ago
He just posted the video, how did you already watch a 15 minute video in 4 minutes?

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