I Called the Cops
Tropical fishing 8 years ago 1,303,708 views
While fishing at a small creek I stumbled across a suspicious bag.. Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear: #1 Rod---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hx7gbsc #1 Reel--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hsb5oac #1 Line 10lb-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzqemur #2 rod--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj #2 reel--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h5swgdc #2 line--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zfyymtl #2 bobber--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hzlp4xm Camera Gear: Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC: 1st Song - "All I Need" by Ehrling - https://soundcloud.com/ehrling/ehrling-all-i-need 2nd Song - "Doms" by LAKEY INSPIRED - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/doms
ya, im 13 years old and i live on a ranch in wyoming. Trout fishing is my favorite thing to do
we actually can get everything we need from plants, it's just super annoying and involves a shit ton of soy pretty much.
Also, insects aren't single celled animals, and I fail to see how you can advocate for some animals, yet let others be completely ignored and still maintain that you aren't in the same boat as the rest of us.
It's like saying you're a saint because you only killed 5 children instead of 9. Guess what? Both parties are equally guilty of murder.
What about all those millions of lives that your existence has displaced? How do you live with yourself knowing you're a mass murderer?
You can stop the holier than thou line of reasoning, it's pretty flawed. Plus, how effective do you think your point is if you simply insult everyone who doesn't follow it? That's not exactly helping the animals, now is it? If you actually cared about it, you wouldn't be so abrasive; unless you're just spouting off about this to validate yourself, which I handled in my first paragraph.
Where do you think cows get their protein from?
Please explain how our herbivorous anatomy resembles that of a carnivore.
Make sure to include our lack of sharp claws/fangs, the length of our intestines, pores, etc...
Even the World Health Organization classified meat as a carcinogen linked to colon cancer.
And btw
Plants are not sentient beings, no nervous system, no brain, no feelings.
A plant doesn't wilt because it's thirsty, it simply lacks turgor.
And even if PlantLivesMatter was a thing,
You would be contributing to more plant deaths by eating livestock that was fed thousands of dead plants.
My peer and I saw crab pot so I hooked my line on it and pulled it up and there was a dead dog I know how you feel now is disgusting
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50. comment for I Called the Cops
i dunno why someone would leave so much meat behind. man i need to get me some more deer jerky.....
This was baking a drama ham for the sake of youtube...
100. comment for I Called the Cops
(I was 6 ish and scared, don't blame me for not calling the police or telling anyone)
Oh my fucking--...
I laughed!
Just a deer carcass
Violets are blue
The part you want is at 3:22
One thing i dont understand is why fish and game complain when you ask to take the deer you hit home. Just tag and document it. Waste letting the meat rot in a pit dug by them lined with lime..
Don't thank me
The answer is deer organs
But my family owns a lot at a lake :)
i allready said that
You'd be amazed at what Game Wardens are able to figure out.
These are people who have dedicated their lives to protecting state game, they know how to track a carcass' path.
And we'll keep on fighting, till the end!
you still did not answer the question how the fuck would they find out who shoot it?
.. jesus.. people these days
They'll send a Department of Natural Resources (DNR/Game Warden) Officer out there and they'll determine whether or not the deer was illegally poached.
Depending on the outcome, the state DNR will then open up a criminal investigation into the matter.
- Police 2016
jesus they have better things to do than this bullshit
Do you really need to call me an idiot?
With that kind of greeting the majority of people you meet are clearly pleased with your presence knave.