I Called the Cops

While fishing at a small creek I stumbled across a suspicious bag.. Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear: #1 Rod---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hx7gbsc #1 Reel--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hsb5oac #1 Line 10lb-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzqemur #2 rod--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj #2 reel--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h5swgdc #2 line--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zfyymtl #2 bobber--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hzlp4xm Camera Gear: Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC: 1st Song - "All I Need" by Ehrling - https://soundcloud.com/ehrling/ehrling-all-i-need 2nd Song - "Doms" by LAKEY INSPIRED - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/doms

I Called the Cops sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1165

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 1,303,708 views

While fishing at a small creek I stumbled across a suspicious bag.. Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear: #1 Rod---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hx7gbsc #1 Reel--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hsb5oac #1 Line 10lb-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzqemur #2 rod--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj #2 reel--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h5swgdc #2 line--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zfyymtl #2 bobber--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/hzlp4xm Camera Gear: Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC: 1st Song - "All I Need" by Ehrling - https://soundcloud.com/ehrling/ehrling-all-i-need 2nd Song - "Doms" by LAKEY INSPIRED - https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/doms

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Most popular comments
for I Called the Cops

MMG'S Fat BRATWURST - 8 years ago
thats sickening too all the real sportsmen
Luca nealon
Luca nealon - 6 years ago
That's sickening in general
Logan Jensen
Logan Jensen - 7 years ago
mmg boys
sindessa orellia
sindessa orellia - 7 years ago
I'm walking with my fishing gear along the river , see that on the ground- I'm saying thank you (( Free Chum)) That's wrong of that Hunter to do but I will take advantage of it .
Utah Fishing
Utah Fishing - 7 years ago
definetly!! that shit is stupid, I hope those people get arrested...
Félix Tanguay
Félix Tanguay - 7 years ago
MMG'S Fat BRATWURST hey im a mmg fan too he has the fattest brat on youtube
dtdolan 1
dtdolan 1 - 7 years ago
Jacob Mallas
Jacob Mallas - 7 years ago
Random Vids phi vo
Random Vids phi vo - 7 years ago
Racks and Spurs Outdoors
Racks and Spurs Outdoors - 7 years ago
Trevor Morrison
Trevor Morrison - 7 years ago
MMG'S Fat BRATWURST it makes hunting even more fun when you have to hide from the deer and the cops lol
Tad 436
Tad 436 - 7 years ago
Miyu Miyu wtf....im so disappointed in you now..
Alejo - 7 years ago
Miyu Miyu well aren't you the greatest
Miyu Miyu
Miyu Miyu - 7 years ago
I'm eating an endangered animal sandwich while i'm reading through the comments.
Smokey G
Smokey G - 7 years ago
fat dick like me
black_cat _girl
black_cat _girl - 7 years ago
I mean Roblox
black_cat _girl
black_cat _girl - 7 years ago
Amy Drewer I think I know roblpx
Movielife E
Movielife E - 7 years ago
Smokey G huh in roblox?
Smokey G
Smokey G - 7 years ago
get fun run arena so we can play an you gust add me
Movielife E
Movielife E - 7 years ago
Smokey G h
Smokey G
Smokey G - 7 years ago
nice car
Brandt Pawlowski
Brandt Pawlowski - 7 years ago
Miss Hmong Minnesota you watch MMG
Miss Hmong Minnesota
Miss Hmong Minnesota - 7 years ago
mountainman47 - 7 years ago
Definitely made the right call bud. Definitely looked like a poached deer to me. Real hunters would have never wasted all of that meat. Pisses me off.
Pebble TM
Pebble TM - 7 years ago
tina vallance
tina vallance - 7 years ago
WilsonOA _Gaming
WilsonOA _Gaming - 7 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen g
Hamad El-taweel
Hamad El-taweel - 7 years ago
Drew Winters Same but I'm in colorado
Drew Winters
Drew Winters - 7 years ago
Lps paws Yay
ya, im 13 years old and i live on a ranch in wyoming. Trout fishing is my favorite thing to do
Movielife E
Movielife E - 7 years ago
Lps paws Yay lol me and you litter have the same life except there's only cropy and blue gill
Lps paws Yay
Lps paws Yay - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen I'm a 10 year old fisher girl I live in Ohio and we have this pong in my neborhood and the biggest fish I have ketches in that pond is about a 20 pounder large mouth bass I love to fish and some people think it's gross but I love fishing I use night crawlers to Catch blue gill then I use the blue gill to catch the bass it's so fun
Watcher 01A
Watcher 01A - 8 years ago
Harker Gamez What branch were you in? And where were you in Afghanistan? What was your M.O.S.
Jeremy Raifaisen
Jeremy Raifaisen - 8 years ago
OSMxLOBBIES you do realize your doing the same thing to those fucking plants you eat right
matanuska high
matanuska high - 8 years ago
TannerMiller we...tell that to an eskimo or Inuit or anyone from northern Europe an descent. none would have survived without meat. not to many plants that grow In ice and tundra..
Danny - 8 years ago
OSMxLOBBIES so why are you so special that you get to tell people what to eat ? And sorry to hurt your feelings but in some places hunting and fishing are a necessary evil used to control populations and areas where animals where introduced and fucked up the food chain. Also I'm pretty sure you do other things that hurt the environment
ThatBastardFromIreland Hehe
ThatBastardFromIreland Hehe - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen I know man!!
Coco Lopez
Coco Lopez - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen
Vedran Resic
Vedran Resic - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen p
The fish Challah as
The fish Challah as - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen yeah
MAWILE ISAWESOME - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen dude im the 666th comment
James Dobson
James Dobson - 8 years ago
SPECOPS GAMING - 8 years ago
did i tell you im vegan btw?
matanuska high
matanuska high - 8 years ago
OSMxLOBBIES cowspericy? really dude? lol where do people hunt cows? gimme a break I live in Alaska a vegan diet isnt even feasible here.. you should see the rotten shit they try to pass of at the grocery stores here.. I'd rather kill and eat my own food and grow my vegetables in summer without some fucking liberal shitbag trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't do...
matanuska high
matanuska high - 8 years ago
OSMxLOBBIES stfu plant murderer...stop eating my foods food...dick..
TheRussianCheesecakes gameplay
TheRussianCheesecakes gameplay - 8 years ago
LPGVlogs a dear
LPGVlogs - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen what was it
YeaBoy - 8 years ago
618 fishing cool fishing roods
Ballers4Life - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen yeesssssiiirrrr also everyone subscribe to my channel
Jade Viaene
Jade Viaene - 8 years ago
another one triggered.
MysteryKillerOne - 8 years ago
Bogob Speaks that is true...
Physical Kid
Physical Kid - 8 years ago
MysteryKillerOne untrue the most unhealthiest diet is where you don't eat at all
MysteryKillerOne - 8 years ago
OSMxLOBBIES it has been proven that vegan is the unhealthiest diet. Vegetarian diets are said to be the healthiest while normal eating (meat and plants) comes as second. You wanna know what the true definition of murderer is? Go on the dark web.
Fallen - 8 years ago
Rick and Morty musically compilation !
Rick and Morty musically compilation ! - 8 years ago
Matthew Chastain understand it was near a river, which could pollute the whole creek
Harker Gamez
Harker Gamez - 8 years ago
I don't think of murdering innocent animals for fun is a so called sport. I can't help it as there is millions of hardcore hunters so I just have to turn a blind eye. But I find it saddening and sickening to see this. Yet I don't react much anymore as if seen some shit. I guess I learned to love animals more after my time in the military. Because I watched people die. I learned that life is precious and can be taken away with one finger or one sentence. Sorry if your not very good with gory stuff but in the military when I was stationed in Afgan I Watched an entire line of cartel members get blown away in pieces by a mortar. Another sad tale is a about a soldier right next to me who was barely 21 by the looks of it with a M4A1 in his hands about to shoot got 1/4 of his dead blown off by a explosive 50. cal round.
TheRussianCheesecakes gameplay
TheRussianCheesecakes gameplay - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen at first I thought it was a dog and I was like aw what the fuck man
Bo Brannen
Bo Brannen - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen p
Drake Lindsay
Drake Lindsay - 8 years ago
yes that is fucking disgusting
Erynn Collier
Erynn Collier - 8 years ago
yeh, if you want to see gross, look up what happens when you puncture the gut while field dressing a deer
Kaleb Riley
Kaleb Riley - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen I love hunting but I don't even eat my kill I give it to homeless but I'd never leave meat laying
Vietnam flashback squidward #1
Vietnam flashback squidward #1 - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen very true
Noisjack - 8 years ago
hmm i did not find that gross well gross but ive seen worse
rikardo 459
rikardo 459 - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen xxxxxxxxx
Max Holland
Max Holland - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen ya
Jonah Cotter
Jonah Cotter - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen the
Erynn Collier
Erynn Collier - 8 years ago
What do you mean Brandyn? Just saying no doesn't tell me anything.
Charles Jones
Charles Jones - 8 years ago
I don't agree with poaching and even if you do at least eat the damn thing....
Dr. Mike Zahalsky
Dr. Mike Zahalsky - 8 years ago
+Brandyn Matusich No, Erynn Collier.
Jessy James
Jessy James - 8 years ago
+mike potes My father killed a huge black bear and he got a picture of it in the paper. I was proud of him, we also got bear meat to last us months lol.
mike potes
mike potes - 8 years ago
Erynn Collier people like him will never understand, they are too brainwashed by biased scientists to see the truth. There's a hierarchy of which lives matter and those that don't. If I kill a carp and post a photo nobody bats an eye but if shoot a bear and post a photo holy shit people go nuts. Which is funny seeing how this guy has not said one thing about my picture, yet calls people who hunt murderers.
Brandyn_ nite
Brandyn_ nite - 8 years ago
Vector311Productions who me
Dr. Mike Zahalsky
Dr. Mike Zahalsky - 8 years ago
It's a fucking plant you hippie. What do you eat for food then buddy?
mike potes
mike potes - 8 years ago
+Noah Hart okay they can absorb more protein than us this is called a fact.
Erynn Collier
Erynn Collier - 8 years ago
But what about the plants you kill for food? Why do plant lives matter less than animal lives?
Jessy James
Jessy James - 8 years ago
TannerMiller well, I want meat, it's delicious. And although hunting is fun I don't do it for sport I eat what I kill, and it's fun doing it.
TannerMiller - 8 years ago
im no vegan, i love meat, but we do not need meat. period.
Noah Hart
Noah Hart - 8 years ago
+Hotel1 Gaming lol no. not even. the "scientists" that come out with those "facts" are tree huggin mofos that dont want us to eat animals.
Hotel1 Gaming
Hotel1 Gaming - 8 years ago
mike potes

we actually can get everything we need from plants, it's just super annoying and involves a shit ton of soy pretty much.
Noah Hart
Noah Hart - 8 years ago
and as for the people that say we can get the same stuff from plants the cows do. I hope yall relies that it takes a person 6 hours to digest something and it takes a cow one week to past things through it 5 stomachs. the intestine of a full grown cow fills a 55 gallon drum. People cant digest corn but cows can. I use that as a point to show that cows can get more then people can.
Noah Hart
Noah Hart - 8 years ago
+mike potes you saiid that primates can do it because of their long intestine but they cant live off 100% matter
Ewan Adcox
Ewan Adcox - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen it was just a gut bag
mike potes
mike potes - 8 years ago
+Noah Hart yeah but that still is not a vegan diet so I'm sorry but I don't understand your point here.
Noah Hart
Noah Hart - 8 years ago
+mike potes while you are right that we cant get everything from plants neither can primates. Chimps and orangutan and gorillas all eat small amounts of meant because they crave it. Most chimps actually eat a lot of clams and bugs and fish. Almost all animals will eat meat for that matter. Pigs will eat ANYTHING people included.
Brandyn_ nite
Brandyn_ nite - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen how do u know is fake
Reagan Stone
Reagan Stone - 8 years ago
hunting is natural for humans for thousands of years its not murder its survival
mike potes
mike potes - 8 years ago
OSMxLOBBIES by the way since you wanted to bring up biology the you CANNOT get all the protein that you need from plants primates have a much longer intestine than us so that allows them to absorb more protein. Our bodies are not built for a vegan diet do your research before you open your mouth.
mike potes
mike potes - 8 years ago
OSMxLOBBIES ok you clearly don't know what you're talking about so let teach you something. Factory ag farming is just as bad as factory meat farming. For starters plants are living breathing lifeforms so you are still killing, secondly when they run the combines they millions and no I'm not exaggerating I mean millions of animals each year including rabbits, squirrels, birds, and many many more oh and the biggest one fawns. The only natural defense for a fawn is to lay still so they get killed all the time. So yes you are still killing deer. Not mention all the pesticides that are put in the air that kill insects, which is another lifeform you are involved in killing. Not to mention all the unnatural reasons that veganism is NOT healthy and actually quite unhealthy. Do you need to go into your own diet and make you look like fool with that too?
Adrian & Amy Perdue
Adrian & Amy Perdue - 8 years ago
Noah Hart couldn't of said it better my self
Henry Wiseman
Henry Wiseman - 8 years ago
I agree where else do we put it, not related but i have luck on weekends mostly (my opinion) if i put it in the garbage can it rottens until Thursday and nobody wants that let the circle of life continue
Noah Hart
Noah Hart - 8 years ago
And as far as the hunters being murderers thing going on here. +OSMxLOBBIES go ahead and preach all you want. You have your opinions and we have ours. I hunt. I hunt ever chance I get. I enjoy it. I kill and eat animals all the time. There is nothing wrong with it. For a lot of us its a family tradition and way of life.
Noah Hart
Noah Hart - 8 years ago
+WOLF its butchered yes he left the bad but he got all the usable meat. Where would you like us to put the carcass in your garbage can? Animals with eat whats left.
WOLF - 8 years ago
Parker The Sportsmen that's stupid to clean the deer then just abandoned it
Hotel1 Gaming
Hotel1 Gaming - 8 years ago
Also, insects aren't single celled animals, and I fail to see how you can advocate for some animals, yet let others be completely ignored and still maintain that you aren't in the same boat as the rest of us.

It's like saying you're a saint because you only killed 5 children instead of 9. Guess what? Both parties are equally guilty of murder.
Hotel1 Gaming
Hotel1 Gaming - 8 years ago
+OSMxLOBBIES What about insects, hmm?

What about all those millions of lives that your existence has displaced? How do you live with yourself knowing you're a mass murderer?

You can stop the holier than thou line of reasoning, it's pretty flawed. Plus, how effective do you think your point is if you simply insult everyone who doesn't follow it? That's not exactly helping the animals, now is it? If you actually cared about it, you wouldn't be so abrasive; unless you're just spouting off about this to validate yourself, which I handled in my first paragraph.
ChickenYale - 8 years ago
MyLonewolf25 think I haven't heard that one before? lol it's already fact that everything we need comes from plants.
Where do you think cows get their protein from?

Please explain how our herbivorous anatomy resembles that of a carnivore.
Make sure to include our lack of sharp claws/fangs, the length of our intestines, pores, etc...
Even the World Health Organization classified meat as a carcinogen linked to colon cancer.

And btw
Plants are not sentient beings, no nervous system, no brain, no feelings.
A plant doesn't wilt because it's thirsty, it simply lacks turgor.

And even if PlantLivesMatter was a thing,
You would be contributing to more plant deaths by eating livestock that was fed thousands of dead plants.
MyBallsUrJaws - 6 years ago
This is the pluck, skin and bones from a harvested deer. The only problem with this video is they dumped it in a plastic bag... This is in deer season so not a poached animal... I hate the ignorant comments.
Gaby Robledo
Gaby Robledo - 6 years ago
It was a dead deer!!!
Ivan - 6 years ago
wow youre a fucking pussy
cool kid0609
cool kid0609 - 7 years ago
its a deer
tim mesich
tim mesich - 7 years ago
All you people assume its eighter hunting..or poaching.....maybe somebody wanted the hide and rack off a roadkill....
Big Jake Gaming
Big Jake Gaming - 7 years ago
I was once fishing on
My peer and I saw crab pot so I hooked my line on it and pulled it up and there was a dead dog I know how you feel now is disgusting
Jeyan A
Jeyan A - 7 years ago
What settings do you use on your gopro
David Lefebvre
David Lefebvre - 7 years ago
Why did you open the bag when you knew what was in it.

10. comment for I Called the Cops

gaming outdoors
gaming outdoors - 7 years ago
I kill deer and gut hogs for a living i think im fine
Atom Metal Detecting
Atom Metal Detecting - 7 years ago
I found a guy that had shot himself in the Saline River. It was ten minutes before I arrived according to a witness who said hi to the guy before he killed himself.
Darrell Taber
Darrell Taber - 7 years ago
They didn't take the meat from the body! They killed it just to kill it
Jacoby McCauley
Jacoby McCauley - 7 years ago
Yall call the cops for everything wtf can the cops do
AJ Calacci
AJ Calacci - 7 years ago
Back when I was 10 or 11 I found a deer that was poached in a field behind my grandparents house. It was a gruesome sight. The assholes killed it, cut open the skull enough to separate the rack from the head and left it. I found it the next morning swollen like a balloon, covered in flies, and with blood and stuff everywhere.
Jade Janczylik
Jade Janczylik - 7 years ago
now that is gross
Jonathon Parker
Jonathon Parker - 7 years ago
City boy.
I Lee
I Lee - 7 years ago
LOL, he called the cops just for a dead deer. weirdo.
Muh. Rifai taher
Muh. Rifai taher - 7 years ago
can u do a under water fishing?
WAXER 12G - 7 years ago
I identified that in about a tenth of a second as a deer carcass. You just wasted law enforcement time. WHATEVER DUDE

20. comment for I Called the Cops

angela sheppard
angela sheppard - 7 years ago
I'm glad you called
911 Tech
911 Tech - 7 years ago
Nice vid... Just wondering who would take the time to bag their deer organs and then take them to a remote place to dump them? Usually you leave the gut pile where you killed the deer. Nature cleans that stuff up rather quickly. Placing them in a bag prevents natural decomposition.
foreskin -facemask
foreskin -facemask - 7 years ago
I say we take all the poachers and put them on a secluded Island and have all of the regular Hunters pay for a license to hunt the poachers
Leon Springs Boys TV
Leon Springs Boys TV - 7 years ago
Lol I threw that shit there fag... Get Shrekt skrubz
RooSalad - 7 years ago
clickbait. a setup from the beginning. lost a lot of respect from this one... likely to stop clicking your videos now. shame. was really getting into them
RooSalad - 7 years ago
graphic content? a gutted deer? really? wtf LOL What a joke.
Matthew Miltenberger
Matthew Miltenberger - 7 years ago
People like that make it so difficult for the rest of us to hunt by giving us such a bad name.
Matt Miller
Matt Miller - 7 years ago
I cut up deer for a leaving
Matt Miller
Matt Miller - 7 years ago
It’s just a deer skeleton
gsxr 1000
gsxr 1000 - 7 years ago
calm down guys the deer made a full recovery

30. comment for I Called the Cops

Zach Novosad
Zach Novosad - 7 years ago
Well I had my scare of this today at the lake. I was searching for a new spot and I thought I had a shortcut. Well it took me into a more remote part of the woods. So I decided I didn't want to turn back, I would keep going and I found a spot I was going to walk up. Well right there there were bones. A spinal chord, and some leg bones. I kind of had thought they were deer in the first place but I wasn't 100% and I didn't have cell service. Just to make sure I called the police and a trooper came out and examined the bones. He came to the conclusion that they were deer and not human. I was relieved and felt better about having someone else come out and check them. It's better to be safe than sorry cause it very well could've been human bones. I wouldn't have been able to sleep knowing about it and not saying something. Truly when you do see something say something. You never know what it could be
madi mayden
madi mayden - 7 years ago
Have you had to call them since?
Daniel Ebeltoft
Daniel Ebeltoft - 7 years ago
Anonymek PL
Anonymek PL - 7 years ago
Im on your chenel 2 day but i see its super
KingDoggames - 7 years ago
Damm it he found my porn stash
dirty 4 play
dirty 4 play - 7 years ago
Basically you are a nerd fishing for tiny fish and you call cops
dirty 4 play
dirty 4 play - 7 years ago
You fuckin cop caller
greg Perez
greg Perez - 7 years ago
Dude where do you find this music in your vids?? Awsome!
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
nice jeep. ima stalk you now... lol. just kidding. good videos and a BIG THANK YOU FOR REPOTING THEM ASSHOLES... THEY MAKE GOOD OUTDOORSMAN LOOK BAD AND RUIN SPOTS FOR OTHERS!!!! BITCHES
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
nice jeep. ima stalk you now... lol. just kidding. good videos and a BIG THANK YOU FOR REPOTING THEM ASSHOLES... THEY MAKE GOOD OUTDOORSMAN LOOK BAD AND RUIN SPOTS FOR OTHERS!!!! BITCHES
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
hot dogs really??? just get some fucking nightcrawlers and support your local baitshop man
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
hot dogs really??? just get some fucking nightcrawlers and support your local baitshop man
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
goodness. I couldnt imagine being by myself way in the boonies and finding a body.... sad story broski
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
goodness. I couldnt imagine being by myself way in the boonies and finding a body.... sad story broski
Kaiden FTW
Kaiden FTW - 7 years ago
Try using corn
Spetsgruppa - 7 years ago
Called the polie for a dead deer lol fuck me first world problems
Noah Naugler
Noah Naugler - 7 years ago
I have less of a problem with illegal hunting than what you found there. Any boy who kills an animal without using every part of the body possible is deplorable, and not worthy of being called a man. If, dear comment reader, you ever find yourself hunting, make damn sure you have plans for every part of the animal that is usable. All the meat gets eaten, the hide is used, antlers are utilized or kept for show, bones and rinds are used for food and/or tools. Otherwise, just get your food at the supermarket, it wouldn't be any different except that it contributes to the economy.
Jorge Garcia
Jorge Garcia - 7 years ago
Jon b sucks compare to your editing
Allegany Outdoors
Allegany Outdoors - 7 years ago
Deer hunters dump deer all the time near creeks and on the edge of Fields.
Gabe Finley
Gabe Finley - 7 years ago
Nick is the only person to make a great vid were he doesn't actually catch anything

50. comment for I Called the Cops

gerardo muniz
gerardo muniz - 7 years ago
awsome editing and quality
The Conley Boys
The Conley Boys - 7 years ago
Whoever eats a hotdog, say goodbye to your once healthy body. Eating dirt every day is healthier than a hotdog.
Deny Eclipse
Deny Eclipse - 7 years ago
Anyone else see the face on the bag at 3:16 ??????
Leggomyeggo 580
Leggomyeggo 580 - 7 years ago
At least this isn't some fake crap
Matthew Music
Matthew Music - 7 years ago
RIP deer
Tyler Moore
Tyler Moore - 7 years ago
dude ur a bitch thats why our public agencies are over extended whos gives about a dumb fuckin deer you snitch
cbf 24
cbf 24 - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but those rims on your jeep are awful looking
john michael
john michael - 7 years ago
That deer is a paid actor
FeineProduction - 7 years ago
idk how people fish in fucking lakes salt water is where its at the fish in salt weigh as much as the poles you use for your 3 pound bass
Hykra - 7 years ago
I'm all for hunting but just killing a deer for a mount is a douche move. People have families to feed. If you want a mount, buy one from a taxidermist.
nathaniel wilson
nathaniel wilson - 7 years ago
I subbed to you the other day and now I'm already unsubbed, the last 5 videos I've watched are either one fish or none... soooo boring
little nick
little nick - 7 years ago
Lol why would you call the cops wtf are they going to do
johnny adamany
johnny adamany - 7 years ago
you just got a new subscriber!!!!
johnny adamany
johnny adamany - 7 years ago
congrats on a 1 million view vid.
Walker Bait
Walker Bait - 7 years ago
where is there any indication it was illegally killed?
Matthew Thompson Productions
Matthew Thompson Productions - 7 years ago
it was a gut pile
Owen - 7 years ago
Clickbait even though it actually happened
Boosted Lawnmower
Boosted Lawnmower - 7 years ago
What was inside that bag?
John Naipo
John Naipo - 7 years ago
urieaal kissmyA
urieaal kissmyA - 7 years ago
that was a deer... lol.. i dunno though usually you just remove the bladder , maybe the head but usually if you actually know how to shoot you go for the heart not the head just encase you want to mount it....and skin it unless you want the skin, weird.....

i dunno why someone would leave so much meat behind. man i need to get me some more deer jerky.....
302 Reap
302 Reap - 7 years ago
U called the cops for a dead deer ? Pussy
Jenny Combs
Jenny Combs - 7 years ago
Aww poor deer looks like one.
jasper thomas
jasper thomas - 7 years ago
wat did u think was in the bag u stupid fuck why even open it
jasper thomas
jasper thomas - 7 years ago
no one wants to c u walking or driving ur jeep dude
dirt_monkey - 7 years ago
you call game and inland fisheries to report something like that not the cops. also since the video was made around December I'm pretty sure it was still hunting season
Chloe Crafts
Chloe Crafts - 7 years ago
so they killed a deer illegally and didn't even eat it
Jdogg Thekiller
Jdogg Thekiller - 7 years ago
Why that poor deer
Adam Breeze
Adam Breeze - 7 years ago
What's that song called?
Noah Poston
Noah Poston - 7 years ago
looks like the leftovers from a deer
Shari Hodge
Shari Hodge - 7 years ago
So what some guts
Vianey Ornelas
Vianey Ornelas - 7 years ago
so fake
Bleach Quenn666
Bleach Quenn666 - 7 years ago
I thought it was puppies..
BUILD that WALL - 7 years ago
gamer kimberly
gamer kimberly - 7 years ago
it a deer
Snothieman 22
Snothieman 22 - 7 years ago
What in t the he'll was in that bag?!!
Nature Boy
Nature Boy - 7 years ago
One time I opened a bag like that and dog shit pored out
Jarik Mueller
Jarik Mueller - 7 years ago
God damit I'm eating a pop tart
尺口匚KS匕丹尺ム丹爪工れム32 - 7 years ago
618 Fishing I subscribed
Kenzie L
Kenzie L - 7 years ago
I would of called the fish and wild life department... game wardens have more power in that area
rubaluva - 7 years ago
What make of rubber boots do you have? Are they insulated?
Brock Milam
Brock Milam - 7 years ago
That's a waste of meat and that sickens me
Amelia Price
Amelia Price - 7 years ago
ThThis was a really good thing to domwell done a good roll model and a good sport :)
Rick Perry
Rick Perry - 7 years ago
618 area here......Edwardsville area. Like your vids.
SilenceBark - 7 years ago
Best title ever !
Wildside - 7 years ago
FlyfishermanNick - 7 years ago
What is illegal about that? Dumping scraps is not illegal. Dumping wasted meat is, but not scraps. At least not in my home state.
Antone Anania
Antone Anania - 7 years ago
hey can you tell me how you got that wide screen anamorphic look at the beginning of the video?
RIPPER334 - 7 years ago
Why would you call the police for this?? ...theyre not going to "investigate" it. And what would they investigate? Litering? December... deer seson is in peak swing... it was obviously field dressed for the meat, no reason or evidence to think the deer was taken illegally... the only "crime" committed was the tossing of some plastic. Jesus H. Christ... Let's tie up a first response personnel for a garbage bag. Nut up, dump out the guts for the possums to eat, and put the plastic in a garbage can on your way out!

This was baking a drama ham for the sake of youtube...
Virginia Clement
Virginia Clement - 7 years ago
was it a corpse
Sickem Jenkins
Sickem Jenkins - 7 years ago
So.. did you think that they could do anything about it? Honestly, you can't do anything about that unless the hunter was caught doing it...lol

100. comment for I Called the Cops

This Guy
This Guy - 7 years ago
congratulations asshats that deer was boned out. the meat is probably in a freezer somewhere. the head id probably in the bag. the only crime here is littering.
TJ McMahon
TJ McMahon - 7 years ago
You just earned a sub my dude
bob the bitch
bob the bitch - 7 years ago
Oh. I thought it was important
RAIN MAYHEM - 7 years ago
you wasted the cops time there not going to find out who did it most likely or even try to find out who did it
MelloPanda 78
MelloPanda 78 - 7 years ago
the ending is funny
- Hollytail
- Hollytail - 7 years ago
Ah,Fishing.Wait...A Weird Bag?Nvm...
ItzJustMeMsp - 7 years ago
Why would anyone do that yuck!
Emma Juren
Emma Juren - 7 years ago
Who the fuck would waste a perfect deer?? I am done with people that illegally hunt! And when he said the head is missing, I could tell right away that this deer was probably a buck. There are sadly stupid people out there that kill bucks, take the head for the antlers, and throw away everything that you eat! It makes me so mad! I'm a hunter myself and I'm tired of people yelling at me for hunting because I apparently "waste" the animal. No I don't waste the animal I eat the animal to live. And I would NEVER in my life illegally hunt
Dogma - 7 years ago
Nigga calls the cops and doesn't even know where he is.
Jessmr 05
Jessmr 05 - 7 years ago
elfthan games
elfthan games - 7 years ago
yawn fake small intestine
Charlotte Bond
Charlotte Bond - 7 years ago
I hate people who hurt animals on perpose
Charlotte Bond
Charlotte Bond - 7 years ago
I'm a vegan and I'm crying my eyes out
Ketchup DIY
Ketchup DIY - 7 years ago
I thought it was a cow lol
Hillaree Harper
Hillaree Harper - 7 years ago
It's just deer meat probably gone bad or it was an old deer. I mean I'm commenting this befor he opens the bag so
Olivia Illingworth
Olivia Illingworth - 7 years ago
I took a picture of a body and I wasn't sure if it was human or not. I took it back home,looked at it a bit more carefully,and then I saw the hands....
Jim Eastridge
Jim Eastridge - 7 years ago
dude it's the country
Madison Mae
Madison Mae - 7 years ago
What was in the bag
adelaidetumbles - 7 years ago
Ok a white bag. Bones. Cricket bat. Blood. Skeleton of a deer = dead deer
MultiTask - 7 years ago
Dancing while clicking that sub button :D
Undead Cowboy
Undead Cowboy - 7 years ago
get rid of that shitty music,if u can call it music.
Ravioli Ravioli
Ravioli Ravioli - 7 years ago
I was on vacation to a lake and was staying in a house with I small beach front. I was about 6 or 7 at the time so I decided to play on the beach and build sand castles. While digging for sand, I hit something so I dug it up and it was a finger with a ring on it. I got so scared, I ran away and told no one until now..

(I was 6 ish and scared, don't blame me for not calling the police or telling anyone)
toria chan1
toria chan1 - 7 years ago
dude that might be chum for fishing but its better safe then sorry
Violet May
Violet May - 7 years ago
is it just me or do all the fishing water outdoors channels find the weirdest things
Jack Apostolo
Jack Apostolo - 7 years ago
It's not illegal hunting it's call field dressing it's where you get the meat and then dump the carcus in the woods get your facts right
Joan Danos
Joan Danos - 7 years ago
what was in the bag
J.K.P Mon
J.K.P Mon - 7 years ago
Haya Khrais
Haya Khrais - 7 years ago
I was watching Popularmmos then I found myself here
Jordan Tupou
Jordan Tupou - 7 years ago
That is so sick and so disturbing
MightSnow - 7 years ago
I found a body once he had just shot himself in the while standing on the gravelbar in the Saline River.
All-About- Horse-Shows
All-About- Horse-Shows - 7 years ago
When I was watching this the State Farm ad came on and then it came on my tv
jdguy23 - 7 years ago
i am an advocate for hunting real hunting but what i can't stand is huntin for sport and poaching such a disgrace
Freelance Duck Hunting
Freelance Duck Hunting - 7 years ago
Where do you access you music from?
Ninja_Ben - 7 years ago
Sub to me and I will sub back with this account, just comment "done".
Musical Recorder
Musical Recorder - 7 years ago
Now this is some good editing.
Jolly Giant
Jolly Giant - 7 years ago
Call Wildlife officer and Catch those poachers
PrimeSense Playz
PrimeSense Playz - 7 years ago
the bag hade poached fish?
b dandridge
b dandridge - 7 years ago
Good call buddy I would of too
Pokemongo KommSchnappSieDir
Pokemongo KommSchnappSieDir - 7 years ago
fuck him right in the pussy
Tadd Mason
Tadd Mason - 7 years ago
I assume the 618 means your from Southern Illinois
Jonathon Corosanite
Jonathon Corosanite - 7 years ago
I live in philadelphia and was exploring a abandoned homeless site with my friends and found a gun and called the police
Tessa Liston
Tessa Liston - 7 years ago
It looked like a human in the bag
Who Dunn'it
Who Dunn'it - 7 years ago
my reaction:
Oh my fucking--...
Josie Barber
Josie Barber - 7 years ago
Kyler - 7 years ago
snitch lol
Daniel Ziegler
Daniel Ziegler - 7 years ago
Nice intro, good to have a break of those 3D names having a seizure on the screen.
Joe Myerscough
Joe Myerscough - 7 years ago
there goes my lunch
AT Gaming
AT Gaming - 7 years ago
What was inside the bag!
AT Gaming
AT Gaming - 7 years ago
Clickbait is real! But nice video I enjoyed it was interesting
SSLC - 7 years ago
a butchered deer and guts in a bag wow your a dum ass
Miso_Soup!Go - 7 years ago
Well that was a waste of my time xD Thought it was a body
jacob chtiwood
jacob chtiwood - 7 years ago
yes its poached but the poacher disposed of it properly correctly from what i see thats why the head is missing
TheDiamondLegend - 7 years ago
618-###-#### is cops? hashtags because it's blurred
Typical Tyler
Typical Tyler - 7 years ago
love the intro and music
KING LOW - 7 years ago
5:18 i couldnt even imagine a more fun to hang out place..
RP County
RP County - 7 years ago
This weird fuck is touching me leg and sitting really close to me
Danny K
Danny K - 7 years ago
Wow kids in Africa could have eaten that bag.
Steve jenkins
Steve jenkins - 7 years ago
John Jackson
John Jackson - 7 years ago
Ur fagot it's a bag full of guts and they took most of the meat
LUKE BENEDICT - 7 years ago
I like you vids
Madison Harvell
Madison Harvell - 7 years ago
what is that
Jeffrey George
Jeffrey George - 7 years ago
Did the cops ever come??
Connor Weatherman
Connor Weatherman - 7 years ago
" a suspicious looking deer" lol
ZC BMX - 7 years ago
My dog died 2/28/2017
George Motz
George Motz - 7 years ago
It really blows my mind you would waste the sheriff's time on such ridiculousness....... I know in my area "West Virginia" It is very common for ppl to dump dead deer. Yes even in a plastic bag. They probably didn't want blood all over there car. No its not ok to litter but its not something to waste the sheriff's time over. They will never find who's it was and even if they did they get a littering fine.
DontTread0nMe - 7 years ago
It's obvious it's a gut pile in a bag. It had an animal carcass next to it. You are dumb as dirt
Meximan of Steel
Meximan of Steel - 7 years ago
Hope you cleaned up before you got in your girlfriends keep, Daisy.
BirdKing - 7 years ago
Action at 2:58
Aden Childerson
Aden Childerson - 7 years ago
what part of Illinois do u live in?
Clay Sensiba
Clay Sensiba - 7 years ago
I think even if it's legally taken it's still a crime to waste the meat like that, at least that's how it is here in New Mexico
Retz - 7 years ago
I actually had the sort of same idea for catching small fish that you do, I was going to get these ham cubes that usually go on pizza and stuff (since they are already pre-cut and the perfect size) and then get some burley or tuna oil and soak them in it so it smells like fish so fish will hopefully get attracted to it.
David Dube'
David Dube' - 7 years ago
Where would someone get 6mil clear bags like that?
Coffee - 7 years ago
nice jeep
MEME LORD - 7 years ago
Wow really they just do that and throw it out like that that's a discrace
Owens.E - 7 years ago
What's the brand of your boots?
gavin ward 193
gavin ward 193 - 7 years ago
what was it
Gaming For Dayz
Gaming For Dayz - 8 years ago
Snitch bitch
Paige Ritchie
Paige Ritchie - 8 years ago
This stuff makes me want to puke, cry, and get angry all at the same time. Why the deer? The poor little innocent deer. It was probably just walking in the woods looking for its mom then BANG its dead, I don't understand how people could do that to animals
nicks 420
nicks 420 - 8 years ago
Look at the phone number it's 618 that's not the cops
Lilly Bird
Lilly Bird - 8 years ago
he looks in the bag at 3:00 minutes
Ryan Bumbalo
Ryan Bumbalo - 8 years ago
Pleases sub to me
Landon Danielson
Landon Danielson - 8 years ago
Gag me
The J squad Goals
The J squad Goals - 8 years ago
Plz subscribe to my channel
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Who noticed him saying "I'm at the creek near the creek"
Ciara Atorn
Ciara Atorn - 8 years ago
Onec the cops found a dead body under my floor in my room that was pretty tromatizing
krionic - 8 years ago
4:06 "suspicious looking deer"

I laughed!
Undead Warlord
Undead Warlord - 8 years ago
You find out what it was?
jamal Cieleszko
jamal Cieleszko - 8 years ago
lmao just tell her where u dumb fuck lol im at creek and........ its 30 yards east.
Szkielet - 8 years ago
Love the introduction
Yiannis yt
Yiannis yt - 8 years ago
sub in my channel
stephen rose
stephen rose - 8 years ago
when you look at the phone it says 618 not 999 or 911
slime gurl
slime gurl - 8 years ago
I love ur intro
Thiccy Games
Thiccy Games - 8 years ago
i love the incredible cinematography
Laura Cosse
Laura Cosse - 8 years ago
he did the right thing
Joseph _Hernandez
Joseph _Hernandez - 8 years ago
you are dumb
Alexander E
Alexander E - 8 years ago
Probably hit the guts trying to dress the deer, no excuse for that anyway
DuramaxRepublic - 8 years ago
you should add a light bar to your jeep, and maybe a winch
Minecraftlovers:3 - 8 years ago
The police never came
New York Rangers
New York Rangers - 8 years ago
Connor h yea
wyatt bastian
wyatt bastian - 8 years ago
that fucking bastard wasting a deer that they fucking killed and left there
Sprite the Bird
Sprite the Bird - 8 years ago
Why the f** would someone do that
David Gomez
David Gomez - 8 years ago
haha spoons
Semy - 8 years ago
First channel I have ever found thats about fishing ;-;
Astro Alliance
Astro Alliance - 8 years ago
Oh Dear!
Yaya Love
Yaya Love - 8 years ago
The part when he looks in the bag starts at 3:00
The McQuack255
The McQuack255 - 8 years ago
Lane Murphy
Lane Murphy - 8 years ago
how did you get the clips at the beginning?! they were so cool omg
Jack Bizub
Jack Bizub - 8 years ago
you realize its just a deer that someone killed and skinned and those are the organs and blood
Adam Barhaoua
Adam Barhaoua - 8 years ago
That's deep s**t
Fortnite Daily
Fortnite Daily - 8 years ago
I'm his 50,001
Nickie Is Back
Nickie Is Back - 8 years ago
50 001st sub
ArthurTDH - 8 years ago
So like I did move my head from the screen because I don't eat meat
meefking8404 - 8 years ago
Suspicious looking deer
Jessica Esqueda
Jessica Esqueda - 8 years ago
omg was that a dog?
Kathleen Stevenson
Kathleen Stevenson - 8 years ago
Did the rite thage
Eli Howells savage
Eli Howells savage - 8 years ago
Mr Nipper
Mr Nipper - 8 years ago
uhhhhh thats discussing
BruhhItsAurora - 8 years ago
msprincesss115 - 8 years ago
its not like the cops can do anything about a dead deer.. no way to know who did it, so why would the cops go look at it, lol..
Samantha Ockerman
Samantha Ockerman - 8 years ago
What is slack water?
Maxie :p
Maxie :p - 8 years ago
Spoiler alert

Just a deer carcass
Jake Toth
Jake Toth - 8 years ago
I've used hot dogs to fish for cat fish. caught two nice sized channel cat. 1 put up a fight.
Spicy - 8 years ago
Them damn hunters
talk cheap dude
talk cheap dude - 8 years ago
Why do deer poachers always throw the carcass into streams when they cut the heads off deer and leave the body.
Ricrudy The Godzilla
Ricrudy The Godzilla - 8 years ago
Ben Hoops
Ben Hoops - 8 years ago
618 like southern illinois
superacer1 - 8 years ago
This dudes a bitch
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 8 years ago
good video the music sucks
Nickvan Javier
Nickvan Javier - 8 years ago
sam taylor
sam taylor - 8 years ago
His wife was nice
jeff bibble
jeff bibble - 8 years ago
i thought it was a dead human body
Izzy Cortes
Izzy Cortes - 8 years ago
"I bet they dumped it out there" sorry that just cracked me up......
Spatsclan and Lelas
Spatsclan and Lelas - 8 years ago
what was in the bag
Lil Berry
Lil Berry - 8 years ago
thats bad
JustAlan - 8 years ago
3:05 is where to find there reason your here:)
Hurricane Harvey
Hurricane Harvey - 8 years ago
start making your vids 6:18 mins long this one was only 6:14
Just_Olly_twist -
Just_Olly_twist - - 8 years ago
What is it
SpiderMay - 8 years ago
Sounds like he said 619 fishing
KC_EDITS 84 - 8 years ago
what was it
Charles Fake
Charles Fake - 8 years ago
it deer guts from the deer some one illegally killed it
David Apolinar
David Apolinar - 8 years ago
Was that a persons body?
RIPJonghyun YouDidWell
RIPJonghyun YouDidWell - 8 years ago
OML if I found that I would be scarred for life
Mike J
Mike J - 8 years ago
your misleading tittle and shitty video makes me very upset i hate youtubers like you
DarkWorldGaming - 8 years ago
=O Your intro is amazing!!
HazWin ϟϟ
HazWin ϟϟ - 8 years ago
is the deer alive or? hello info?
Popick - 8 years ago
it could be a body placed in fish and deer
Crank It Up
Crank It Up - 8 years ago
What song is that? It's really good
Kalan Thomas
Kalan Thomas - 8 years ago
Did the police end up coming?
Gewoon Doen
Gewoon Doen - 8 years ago
Mr MoJo Risin
Mr MoJo Risin - 8 years ago
poaching at its worst just sad man, well good luck out on your next trip
jason justice
jason justice - 8 years ago
I'm subscribing rn
fire king
fire king - 8 years ago
rippppppp deer
bryana anne xo
bryana anne xo - 8 years ago
was that a dead body
BlueJays - 8 years ago
thats a lie hes calling 618 check
big Tuck gang
big Tuck gang - 8 years ago
Oh god we do this all the time when we go hunting
Death craft
Death craft - 8 years ago
Death craft
Death craft - 8 years ago
I think I found drugs in the bush no joke it was in a mint tin thing and the tin was painted black it was rlly rusted and I needed branch to open it, I was rlly curious I ended up throwing it at the wall :P
Anthony Jurado
Anthony Jurado - 8 years ago
you a puss boy
I'mSpecial - 8 years ago
This is the first video i've seen of yours and i got 30 seconds in and subscribed
Ian Benne
Ian Benne - 8 years ago
Who's "They" she said? Or do you not know?
Hype Verzi
Hype Verzi - 8 years ago
Pause the vid at 3:16 , am I the only one that sees that creepy face ?
Hype Verzi
Hype Verzi - 8 years ago
In the guts ^
Tara Atkinson
Tara Atkinson - 8 years ago
oh i hate hunting but are im fishing
Drew B
Drew B - 8 years ago
I get that it's illegal hunting but what are the cops gonna do about it? The animal already died
The Epic Ballers arrive
The Epic Ballers arrive - 8 years ago
3:25 is what your here to see
Ethan Thomas Moto
Ethan Thomas Moto - 8 years ago
I almost puked when you showed us inside the bag and then there was that yellow stuff
Gussy's Vidz
Gussy's Vidz - 8 years ago
Did the cops come ps I thought it was a human
Bike Maniac
Bike Maniac - 8 years ago
the subtitles at 5:10 lol
Mason Macleod
Mason Macleod - 8 years ago
your editing skills is up ther with casy nistat
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The part you want is at 3:22
kayla starr
kayla starr - 8 years ago
What was that
Endless Weekend
Endless Weekend - 8 years ago
Sweet Channel- Subbed man
abby marciniak
abby marciniak - 8 years ago
What is that
Pizzapants Gaming
Pizzapants Gaming - 8 years ago
5k likes woooohooo
CyPrEs Vantage
CyPrEs Vantage - 8 years ago
R.I.P Bambi
you said
you said - 8 years ago
Clickbait successful, sir.
MAWILE ISAWESOME - 8 years ago
was in colorado visting a reletive in Aroura and I saw the Aroura shootings
Accksel - 8 years ago
what drone do you have?
KleverStudios - 8 years ago
Hey, I like the intro man!
Pandasaurs - 8 years ago
Umm...GREAT editing
Mehmed Pehlic
Mehmed Pehlic - 8 years ago
there is no good fishing spots in the 618. i grew up here and would often travel out of state just to fish
The Three Bitches
The Three Bitches - 8 years ago
when he was calling nine-one-one why do they say 618
Oaltakrouri - 8 years ago
I love that intro! Very creative.
Antonio Santana
Antonio Santana - 8 years ago
idc u get my sub
Stephen Drew
Stephen Drew - 8 years ago
TMP playz
TMP playz - 8 years ago
I had to dislike for my fav song
Luca Fidanza
Luca Fidanza - 8 years ago
Your Content Is Really Good Love Your Style Of Editing!!!
Camqq Gardiner
Camqq Gardiner - 8 years ago
What editing software do you use
FAKE FAZE GAMING - 8 years ago
dan kirkman
dan kirkman - 8 years ago
What animal is it?
Dangerous Vackor
Dangerous Vackor - 8 years ago
Si Gmye
Si Gmye - 8 years ago
"Click bait" af we thought it was a human
Echoz8 Gaming
Echoz8 Gaming - 8 years ago
Did she accuse you of dumping the bag?
Finley - 8 years ago
I'd assume so the way the audio changed seemed as though she was talking to one of her colleagues and the fact she said "they" out of context made me think she was talking about him.
undertalefan9000 TECHNO SUCKS
undertalefan9000 TECHNO SUCKS - 8 years ago
RHYS DONNELLAN - 8 years ago
was it a dead body??
Snipe Stud00
Snipe Stud00 - 8 years ago
Im a ferm beleiver in killing for food, or property and livlyhood protection not trophies.... I hate seeing potchers and that take an animal just for fun..

One thing i dont understand is why fish and game complain when you ask to take the deer you hit home. Just tag and document it. Waste letting the meat rot in a pit dug by them lined with lime..
King of Majestic Sea Flap Flaps
King of Majestic Sea Flap Flaps - 8 years ago
I have no problem with the graphics but leaving the body? Who f*cking does that
Professional Blackman
Professional Blackman - 8 years ago
which parts of illinois do you fish in. i fish southern illinois
TheNoisePolluter - 8 years ago
SPOILER It's just a deer guts in the bag.
Crafty202 - 8 years ago
Kassandra Isenhour
Kassandra Isenhour - 8 years ago
What was in the bag?
Will Ra
Will Ra - 8 years ago
Septipler Fan girl wow didn't u watch the vid. it had deer meat and parts
No Rest Gamer
No Rest Gamer - 8 years ago
Dude your editing is fantastic
Niko Topdog
Niko Topdog - 8 years ago
It's funny how many people watch this but don't subscribe
Luke Goodrum
Luke Goodrum - 8 years ago
Man why would you just kill a deer for sport man every deer I kill I eat it it makes me mad to see that because I'm a hunter and I kill for food and is don't agree than you are dumb
Anon 231
Anon 231 - 8 years ago
Love the channel subbed
Ryandraws 1
Ryandraws 1 - 8 years ago
Why would they just dump it out there they didn't they just wanted the antlers they left the meat
dont sub please
dont sub please - 8 years ago
What do you use to edit you videos
Joel Bulger
Joel Bulger - 8 years ago
Great video
Michael The Boss
Michael The Boss - 8 years ago
What camera and accessories for the camera do you use?
Jk Jeeplife
Jk Jeeplife - 8 years ago
Love the jeep man!!
Jacky Soeum
Jacky Soeum - 8 years ago
Why did you call 911
PAULr_Gamer - 8 years ago
Guys I swear I just got free.$2200.paypal.money from this amazing website: (just type in g00gle)=> freepplcash xyz
WaxinYoMomma13 - 8 years ago
I live in 618 I see that barn all the time. lol that's awesome
TURTLELOZ3ER - 8 years ago

Don't thank me
Darkbackstabber4 - 8 years ago
The video starts at 00:00 seconds no need to thank me
Jack Chobanian
Jack Chobanian - 8 years ago
Great video!
CommanderDerp - 8 years ago
360NOSCOPE_ guy
360NOSCOPE_ guy - 8 years ago
One day. I hope to get pinned
Derail07 Irrelevant
Derail07 Irrelevant - 8 years ago
A suspicious deer?  WTF....
beastly bmp
beastly bmp - 8 years ago
its just a deer carcus notin bad
Ian Cantu
Ian Cantu - 8 years ago
What's the song
cheese .-.
cheese .-. - 8 years ago
can someone tell me what was in the bag?
Zach Jones
Zach Jones - 8 years ago
cheese .-. dead deer
AJ's Vids
AJ's Vids - 8 years ago
Roses are red violets are blue I believe what you are looking for is at 3:22
Alex Ross
Alex Ross - 8 years ago
people get deer but some people are stupid and just throw it in somewhere like a Creek is have seen it before
Cocainal - 8 years ago
leev a l1ke if u l1kd th3 1ntr0
Olivia Hart
Olivia Hart - 8 years ago
R.I.P. deer.
Outdoors Guy
Outdoors Guy - 8 years ago
You did the right thing.
Duski Puchi •
Duski Puchi • - 8 years ago
i thowt it was poop
Josh Jewell
Josh Jewell - 8 years ago
great job u make great content
XxStickman661xX Dank
XxStickman661xX Dank - 8 years ago
Im glad i found this in my recommended What was the name of the animal i couldent quit here it
youngflipsYT - 8 years ago
hey person scrolling threw! hope you have a great day I'm on a mission to hit 250 subs and I'm at 123 so if you would help me it would mean the world to me thanks everyone! if you subbed tell me and ill check your channel out!!!! have a great day!!
Toni Miettunen
Toni Miettunen - 8 years ago
Its so stupid to hunt if you dont even need that meat or dont use it
Lilwill Newell
Lilwill Newell - 8 years ago
Freaking out over nothing hot damn you fucking snitch
Lilwill Newell
Lilwill Newell - 8 years ago
LeafyIsQueer just because it was discarded over a hill doesn't mean it was illegally hunted you don't even know what it takes to illegally hunt without googling it
Lilwill Newell
Lilwill Newell - 8 years ago
LeafyIsQueer and how tf do you know that I hunt whitetail all over the U.S. that corpse has the hams and back straps gone that about all the meat your gonna get from a deer someone just gutted it and took the remains and threw em over a hill rather than having them laying in the yard stinking up the place the buzzards and coyotes would take care of the remains you act like it's a damn dead body
LeafyIsQueer - 8 years ago
Lilwill Newell you're an autistic dumbass. It was an illegally hunted dismembered corpse.
Rαввιтѕ нαвιт
Rαввιтѕ нαвιт - 8 years ago
Props, for being so calm.
DedSecTv - 8 years ago
well that's dandy
Moo - 8 years ago
Skip to 2:57
The answer is deer organs
BO3 BOI - 8 years ago
dude thats just f*cked up
Nickolas Frederickson
Nickolas Frederickson - 8 years ago
Ok this my last time coming back to this video
Terrence G4ming
Terrence G4ming - 8 years ago
This is recommended for me wtf
XxFreshWolfiexX - 8 years ago
he sounds like Laser-Corn
That's a Wrap
That's a Wrap - 8 years ago
What a fucking hero
Aldahir GT
Aldahir GT - 8 years ago
I once saw a bag behind my house and i called the cops they investegated and finds out some old dealers used to live in my house
Simply.Tianna - 8 years ago
Moo Boo
Moo - 8 years ago
And you didn't get the marijuanas.
Jeffery Bauduin
Jeffery Bauduin - 8 years ago
Guys dont be mad, some hunters cut the meat off when they gut them idk why but some do
Carter Lane
Carter Lane - 8 years ago
Jeffery Bauduin but you have to dispose of them though.
Wolferic - 8 years ago
Saucy Lobsters
Saucy Lobsters - 8 years ago
Are you okay
SploogeTube - 8 years ago
im on outube GAMEING how am I here??
Dannan Saw
Dannan Saw - 8 years ago
did anyone stop at when he is calling that the number he was calling was 618
ThomasSchmidt 17
ThomasSchmidt 17 - 8 years ago
He probably wasn't poaching. He probably just dumped a gut pile there
Vader1220 Gaming
Vader1220 Gaming - 8 years ago
thats sick man thats just not right who ever did that is a huge duchebag
Vader1220 Gaming
Vader1220 Gaming - 8 years ago
nice intro man
Cassidy Seese
Cassidy Seese - 8 years ago
He finds the bag at 2:50
Stieger_fx 1
Stieger_fx 1 - 8 years ago
ThatOneRandomGirl - 8 years ago
Would you say using the hotdog as bait is better than worm? Just curious.
ThatOneRandomGirl - 8 years ago
+Bozzik yeah. I know.
Bozzik - 8 years ago
ThatOneRandomGirl or less
ThatOneRandomGirl - 8 years ago
+lilly wolf Well, our worms always end up dying when we either cut them in half or stick the hook through them. They die after about 5 minutes.
Candied Lime
Candied Lime - 8 years ago
ThatOneRandomGirl worms are better bc they move and attract the fishes attention
Mike Borchman
Mike Borchman - 8 years ago
of course you didnt catch anything your using fucking hot dogs lol
LH Gaming
LH Gaming - 8 years ago
Bag at 3:30 you welcome
Isaiah Shaw
Isaiah Shaw - 8 years ago
Are you from illinois?
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
nirvana1991 - 8 years ago
what's in the bag?well I will find out later in the video.
Noah Koenig
Noah Koenig - 8 years ago
who else cringed when he used the rock as a cutting board?
Jack French
Jack French - 8 years ago
get this out of my recommended ffs
Exotic Gaming
Exotic Gaming - 8 years ago
I though it was human bean too
Adam 3run
Adam 3run - 8 years ago
Whats the musick at 0:30
stevepwn - 8 years ago
you probably did it yourself
JoyConKichi - 8 years ago
stevepwn you're retarded
stevepwn - 8 years ago
youre not a hero thumbs down
Drake Surr
Drake Surr - 8 years ago
NoNames friend
NoNames friend - 8 years ago
y is this on my recomended
IchYaBoy Michael
IchYaBoy Michael - 8 years ago
yo dude I live in Carol Stream by Naperville we should go fishing sometime! I'm 18
IchYaBoy Michael
IchYaBoy Michael - 8 years ago
+Havoc well if you ever wanna link up there's a few cool spots around here. Always looking to learn new stuff. Im an amature I literally put hotdog on one of those hooks with weights on them and a bobber and catch fish that way lol. Simple but always works! Carp and bass I get
Havoc - 8 years ago
Chicago's Finest Yo bro I love fishing. I live near there too.
HODLkev - 8 years ago
what kind of pussy do you have to be to call the cops for that wow
Mathias Arknaes
Mathias Arknaes - 8 years ago
I think this guy deserves way more subscribers for his content than this
Elliot Rodger
Elliot Rodger - 8 years ago
Allright i watched the fucking video youtube.
Kellie Childress
Kellie Childress - 8 years ago
nice vid new sub
peter ewart
peter ewart - 8 years ago
2:58 the baggg
DOG1123 world
DOG1123 world - 8 years ago
did he leave the cops?
Hobby Picker
Hobby Picker - 8 years ago
This is the first of your videos i've ever watched and i'm really impressed by your camera/editing skills, so great work!
Julian van den Brink
Julian van den Brink - 8 years ago
When i was fishing i called the cops cuz s fish had cocain
Bozzik - 8 years ago
Julian van den Brink cock ain
Julian van den Brink
Julian van den Brink - 8 years ago
The fish is in good hands now, without, cocain. The local fish no cocain building took the fish, his name was carol, carol cocain
Orion Red
Orion Red - 8 years ago
Oh.. I thought it was a corpse.

YaySlayOfficial - 8 years ago
Wow artsy af
Pizzathehut El
Pizzathehut El - 8 years ago
Oh the fuckery is strong with this one.
AGFGaming - 8 years ago
commenting before it goes viral!
Boomer112 - 8 years ago
Dude wtf... Who kills a Deer or whatever it was then puts it's intestines in a bag?? That's honestly really disgusting... I would've definitely called the cops too if i saw that
Boomer112 - 8 years ago
liam cleary Hah oh my bad :P I thought so
liam cleary
liam cleary - 8 years ago
Not talking bout you bud.
Boomer112 - 8 years ago
Lol nice. What's your problem?
liam cleary
liam cleary - 8 years ago
Learn proper Grammar you fucking nigger.
Boomer112 - 8 years ago
Nah i didn't really sound like a vegan at all and yeah i know you dump the guts in the woods because there can be alot of other weird stuff that people just leave in the woods
Hank J. Wimbleton
Hank J. Wimbleton - 8 years ago
Boomer112 Ya sounded like one mate and I'll just say that usually you dump the guts in the woods for the animals.
Boomer112 - 8 years ago
I know how to clean deer's i would just never do it and i'm also not a vegan xD
Hank J. Wimbleton
Hank J. Wimbleton - 8 years ago
Boomer112 Mate are ya gonna eat a deers guts? Nah your not cause your a little cunt who has no clue how to clean a deer even if it was poached. I can tell your a vegan just from this comment by the way.
SherbetYT - 8 years ago
' m in
Tom Mileham
Tom Mileham - 8 years ago
It looks like a dog
ThatOneSnake - 8 years ago
3:49 am not tired
AdisDasRadieschen - 8 years ago
WTF is that at 6:14 ?!
SJay - 8 years ago
this is the first video seeing of you, and I'm in love with the channel so far! I'm in illinois too and I hunt. I see comments saying that it's ok and to me it really depends on the location. middle of nowhere and I seen it I probably wouldn't think it was ok t do but I'd leave it be. discarding a carcass like that in a bag and just all of it is kinda messed up in my opinion.. looking forward to more videos!
Smack - 8 years ago
That's extremely sad to all hunters...
Maida Baltazar
Maida Baltazar - 8 years ago
I live in Alaska so we normally go dip netting
HOUSTON 0023 - 8 years ago
That music was ear rape
Masterzz 57
Masterzz 57 - 8 years ago
shit in da bag
Glorious Muffin
Glorious Muffin - 8 years ago
who came just to see the part when he found the bag?
717 famous
717 famous - 8 years ago
Where can I find subscribers lol
717 famous
717 famous - 8 years ago
I love finding things but id rather it be money
dippin doge
dippin doge - 8 years ago
he diled 618 look closely
Mustang - 8 years ago
Casey neistat but with fishing tbh
OP PAI - 8 years ago
Mega Savior
Mega Savior - 8 years ago
What kind of shit comeback is that?
OP PAI - 8 years ago
michael petras what you say you mother ugly
Somebody else
Somebody else - 8 years ago
Maxwell Atha
Maxwell Atha - 8 years ago
Get a real car
Nickolas Frederickson
Nickolas Frederickson - 8 years ago
The person that made this made a lot of aggression in the comments
vTc Oatmeal
vTc Oatmeal - 8 years ago
new and i love how your quality
Skomdom - 8 years ago
Sir. Monkey
Sir. Monkey - 8 years ago
Snaily - All Games
Snaily - All Games - 8 years ago
srod 9710 I love fishing when I get the chance because I don't live near any big water :(
But my family owns a lot at a lake :)
Purius - 8 years ago
epic gamer 36 woooow really
BO3 BOI - 8 years ago
Rageslayer2005 that's what she said
BO3 BOI - 8 years ago
srod 9710 that's what she said
Purius - 8 years ago
srod 9710 I did it at my dads summer house it was so fun i almost caught one but he let go
srod 9710
srod 9710 - 8 years ago
Show this YouTube some love ❤️
Matorato the raw tomato
Matorato the raw tomato - 8 years ago
mike48632 - 8 years ago
What state are you in?
Peggy.  Reed Reed
Peggy. Reed Reed - 8 years ago
Tsunami of the SeaWings
Tsunami of the SeaWings - 8 years ago
How did I get here?
Drew Miller
Drew Miller - 8 years ago
fishing was ruined for me because a bad experience
Dee Busta
Dee Busta - 8 years ago
Animal cruelty
Dee Busta
Dee Busta - 8 years ago
Animal cruelty
Dee Busta
Dee Busta - 8 years ago
Animal cruelty
Dee Busta
Dee Busta - 8 years ago
Animal cruelty
ajloveslily - 8 years ago
Click b8
Jbonemastaflash #1 fan
Jbonemastaflash #1 fan - 8 years ago
ajloveslily It's not.
Mason Sichelstiel
Mason Sichelstiel - 8 years ago
ajloveslily he did call the cops didn't he?
Mason Sichelstiel
Mason Sichelstiel - 8 years ago
ajloveslily not really
oofman - 8 years ago
"I bet they dumped it out there"
icedragon092 - 8 years ago
U must be from the Madison county area
rocky thunder
rocky thunder - 8 years ago
what state
OneToothWonder - 8 years ago
Miles Baker
Miles Baker - 8 years ago
Most theatric fishing channel
Kade - 8 years ago
No game, that's disgusting. Real Scummy People out there these days :(
suna KKrabbz
suna KKrabbz - 8 years ago
I love your intro
Game Kollage
Game Kollage - 8 years ago
why is this in my recommended?
Jake The pie rat
Jake The pie rat - 7 years ago
Tyler's Dun YES |-/
Tyler's Dun
Tyler's Dun - 7 years ago
SloshyCheetahV2 - 8 years ago
same. ive never watched anything about fishing or hunting.
Savannah Savage
Savannah Savage - 8 years ago
Game Kollage Same, because you watch one video about fishing.
Nexus mods
Nexus mods - 8 years ago
Game Kollage same
XxSGLxX29 - 8 years ago
Surgical02 stop hating you didn't have to watch it
Tsunami of the SeaWings
Tsunami of the SeaWings - 8 years ago
Game Kollage ikr
Surgical02 - 8 years ago
Also... Why is this guy so lame?
Guess Time
Guess Time - 8 years ago
Game Kollage same here
UF Blooky
UF Blooky - 8 years ago
i thought it was gonna be drugs
pugzilla puggy
pugzilla puggy - 8 years ago
UF blooky ? me to
Seb Welch
Seb Welch - 8 years ago
Oh that so sad who ever did that has no heart
Nickolas Frederickson
Nickolas Frederickson - 8 years ago
I think I saw you do it Just kidding don't go crazy
Seb Welch
Seb Welch - 8 years ago
What was it?
Cristian Argueta
Cristian Argueta - 8 years ago
I think it was thelegend27
ItzBraedon420 - 8 years ago
At 3:32 bottom peft corner of the bag looks like there is a baby in the bag
Logan Wightman
Logan Wightman - 8 years ago
i wish there was a note that said... TheLegend27 was here
Mason Sichelstiel
Mason Sichelstiel - 8 years ago
Logan Wightman #1 rule of 2017...we don't talk about anything that happened in 2016
Thomas Riley
Thomas Riley - 8 years ago
Question: Do you keep your catches or catch and release?
HockeyMasterGaming 28
HockeyMasterGaming 28 - 8 years ago
you did the right thing
No Smoke
No Smoke - 8 years ago
skip to 3: 27 4 intro
Taylor Ferrer
Taylor Ferrer - 8 years ago
What is the intro song
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
i allready said that
bradensgamingvideos - 8 years ago
Darude Sandstorm
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Darude sandstorm
higher power
higher power - 8 years ago
Taylor Ferrer ehrling
higher power
higher power - 8 years ago
Taylor Ferrer all i need by ehrlinh
ASKD Little Retard
ASKD Little Retard - 8 years ago
America is great!
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
Hitler is great
connor muelrath
connor muelrath - 8 years ago
Shocki TheBeast You're god damn right it is.
Kayden Oickle
Kayden Oickle - 8 years ago
TrollTheBowl FTW
TrollTheBowl FTW - 8 years ago
The deer didn't rape!!! Im a Vegan
Names - 8 years ago
wtf are the cops surposed to do.. take hooves prints of the deer and run it against their data base of missing deer?? :P
KaBar41 - 8 years ago

You'd be amazed at what Game Wardens are able to figure out.

These are people who have dedicated their lives to protecting state game, they know how to track a carcass' path.
Romeo Cassino
Romeo Cassino - 8 years ago
We are the champions, my friend!

And we'll keep on fighting, till the end!
Justin McGraw
Justin McGraw - 8 years ago
+Names The guy probably didn't have a bucket to dump the guts into so they used a plastic bag. They should have emptied and took the bag with them because that's a littering charge. You also aren't supposed to dump a carcass into or next to a river, it's illegal. The deer probably wasn't poached, people just aren't used to seeing a deer carcass, because most hunters set them out in the woods for other creatures (vultures, coyotes, etc) to scavenge. That deer would have been gone in the next day or two had there not been a plastic bag.
Betah - 8 years ago
Fingerprints, people who live in the area, and not to mention who has deer in the their fridge during that time of the year.
Romeo Cassino
Romeo Cassino - 8 years ago
Gentlemen, we appear to have found a great individual.
Names - 8 years ago
@Kabar duh.. of course it was illegally poached.. why else would it lay around there in a plastic bag.. you think it jumped into the bag and suffocated?
you still did not answer the question how the fuck would they find out who shoot it?
.. jesus.. people these days
Nickolas Frederickson
Nickolas Frederickson - 8 years ago
KaBar41 you are amazing finally someone that has a Brian around here
Betah - 8 years ago
There isn't any deer in my province so I wouldn't know the law but I'd say it wasn't deer hunting season and you aren't suppose to leave a full carcass exposed like that.
KaBar41 - 8 years ago

They'll send a Department of Natural Resources (DNR/Game Warden) Officer out there and they'll determine whether or not the deer was illegally poached.

Depending on the outcome, the state DNR will then open up a criminal investigation into the matter.
Infinitive - 8 years ago
Names grammar
Romeo Cassino
Romeo Cassino - 8 years ago
What is the point of your futile yet temporary ambition?
Anthony Quevedo
Anthony Quevedo - 8 years ago
Looks like dog meat or like a weird animal a wolf or or human killed it
402 Fishing
402 Fishing - 8 years ago
Finally made a channel come check out my first vid
Pandoras Flame
Pandoras Flame - 8 years ago
I highly doubt it was legally taken.
Emerson Bonter
Emerson Bonter - 8 years ago
this dude is a good editor (first vid)
Ashton Bowman
Ashton Bowman - 8 years ago
me and my friend saw a smashed cat in the woods. apparently some kids thought it woud be funny to smash the dead cat. people are fucked in the head
die juden jage
die juden jage - 8 years ago
618 is his area code
die juden jage
die juden jage - 8 years ago
+NickNation cool
NickNation - 8 years ago
Ryan Robbins my area code is 619!!! he lives near me
Gabriel Godoy
Gabriel Godoy - 8 years ago
man i could've eaten that dear
ANGELO CARSON - 8 years ago
Sharon Valerius
Sharon Valerius - 8 years ago
I bet someone saw it on the side of the road, gutted it and cut the head off, who knows
Matthew Lamons
Matthew Lamons - 8 years ago
why do you call the cops I think you did it on accident though let's get to the let's get to it today video
Joshua Wheeler
Joshua Wheeler - 8 years ago
NOOOOO !!!!!! Somebody killed Bambi
Plastic Bag
Plastic Bag - 8 years ago
Joshua Wheeler It's just his dead mom.
Ava Bladzik
Ava Bladzik - 8 years ago
Joshua Wheeler aw don't say that
Toucan Sign
Toucan Sign - 8 years ago
that hotdog made me get hungry.
Lucas Day
Lucas Day - 8 years ago
"I bet they dumped it out there'

- Police 2016
Wayn Jul
Wayn Jul - 8 years ago
I just did that a couple of months ago. Some idiot tossed the remains of there poached deer parts inside a plastic bag in the middle of the road that goes to the high school stadium in city limits. They can get fingerprints off the bag.
Long Meaty Shaft
Long Meaty Shaft - 8 years ago
Wayn Jul Finger print scans are unreliable.
mr spanks
mr spanks - 8 years ago
honestly that's kinda disgusting leaving it the but it looked as an animal killed it like did u see what it's body was like
Koselill - 8 years ago
To all of you complaining, if it wasnt such a big deal the lady wouldnt send cops down there to look at it.
Summ Edits
Summ Edits - 8 years ago
+SHANE THE LEGEND haha the profile pic anda banner makes it more funny
Shane Hoffman
Shane Hoffman - 8 years ago
Inbex my brother accidently dialed 911 when he was 4 he said it was an accident but the still showed up because it's the FUCKING LAW
Summ Edits
Summ Edits - 8 years ago
SHANE THE LEGEND haha sure lol
Shane Hoffman
Shane Hoffman - 8 years ago
it's the law
Shane Hoffman
Shane Hoffman - 8 years ago
Inbex yes retard they HAVE TO
Summ Edits
Summ Edits - 8 years ago
SHANE THE LEGEND you fucking idiot so if a 9 year old calls and says i need help with math they will respond?
Shane Hoffman
Shane Hoffman - 8 years ago
Koselill the police have to respond to a call to them no matter what
oscar boxer mexico
oscar boxer mexico - 8 years ago
it looks like a fox
bob masters
bob masters - 8 years ago
you called the cops and i call you a pussy!
bob masters
bob masters - 8 years ago
bob masters
bob masters - 8 years ago
you a big pussy,big fucking deal a deer in a bag!
erik andersson
erik andersson - 8 years ago
editing is sick man!
Naruto - 8 years ago
Dang you make amazing edits where are your 1 million subs!
IamFonix - 8 years ago
What a piece of shit.
srod 9710
srod 9710 - 8 years ago
IamFonix shut fuck up
Adam Gardner
Adam Gardner - 8 years ago
In the bag there was fish too!.
Jonas Lindenblatt
Jonas Lindenblatt - 8 years ago
a little color correction wouldn't hurt your great intro. great video aswell.
Daenerys - 8 years ago
In Alaska, a lot of state troopers are called to investigate human like remains, when they turn out to be grizzly bear remains that hunters dump in the woods. A grizzly paw that is all bones look very human.
Dactus - 8 years ago
I'm not sure if you have potentially dangerous wildlife where you live but if you do that can put other people in real danger if they're in the area and don't realize there's a carcass around. good job reporting that, you're doing all your fellow sportsmen a favor. stay safe out there --
Adam Osman
Adam Osman - 8 years ago
thumbnail is I called the cops yet he still blurrs out the ""number"" to 911 cause he can't disclose their information
Hank J. Wimbleton
Hank J. Wimbleton - 8 years ago
Adam Osman He probably didn't even call the cops and to the person who said he blurred the responders name not really sure if you call 911 the responders name pops up instead of well 911.
Adam Osman
Adam Osman - 8 years ago
Jason Realen ohhh my bad
Jacob Green
Jacob Green - 8 years ago
Adam Osman he blurred out the name of the responder
Cobalt - 8 years ago
Wtf man
Bananakiller Marqui
Bananakiller Marqui - 8 years ago
I went fishing once and my friend asked to fish with me but they didn't have a fishing rod so I let them use mine and she fricken threw my fishing rod in the water
Big C
Big C - 8 years ago
I could not kill a deer
Noah Hassler
Noah Hassler - 8 years ago
Nixon Scaria
Nixon Scaria - 8 years ago
i think it wasent a deer it look liked someone murdered a dog and chopped into pieces and threw it beside the creek
Nixon Scaria
Nixon Scaria - 8 years ago
ok sorry
Ethan Richarte
Ethan Richarte - 8 years ago
Nixon Scaria wow youre stupid
Xi-POPEANZO-iX VVS - 8 years ago
U are a fucking idiot u can clearly tell that that's a deer and he even said it in his outtro dumbass
effy - 8 years ago
Why is this recommended to me??
Alex Halliburton
Alex Halliburton - 8 years ago
I thought it was thelegend27
YGK Mobile
YGK Mobile - 8 years ago
omg he called the cops
Brandon Spahr
Brandon Spahr - 8 years ago
ahh smells delicous
Names - 8 years ago
what the fuck do you think the cops can with it...
jesus they have better things to do than this bullshit
Derrek Boyll
Derrek Boyll - 8 years ago
Killing a animal illegally is actually a serious offense we're you can get jail time and have to pay a big ass fine and will get there gun or whatever ever they used to kill it taken away get there right to hunt taken from them
Hank J. Wimbleton
Hank J. Wimbleton - 8 years ago
Nickolas Frederickson the correct term is shit
SubieBoy - 8 years ago
no nick hes just being logical u triggered fuck
Nickolas Frederickson
Nickolas Frederickson - 8 years ago
Names they can at least call animal control to pick it up and take it I bet your some 11 year old that has nothing else to do but hate
Names - 8 years ago
@wired wtf are the cops surposed to do.. take finger prints of the deer and run it against their data base of missing deer?? :P
SubieBoy - 8 years ago
well who the fuck cares the deer is dead i mean what can they do
The Username
The Username - 8 years ago
illegally hunting he said that
Nickolas Frederickson
Nickolas Frederickson - 8 years ago
Names you shut up if you were in that situation you would probably poop your pants and call the cops
Jeffery Jeffery
Jeffery Jeffery - 8 years ago
just saying 3:26 is the part where he opens the bag
Hermione Puppy lover
Hermione Puppy lover - 8 years ago
Dinkle Productions THANKS
Assas237sin765 - 8 years ago
Disgusting but thanks
damien johnson
damien johnson - 8 years ago
BananaNation Comedy thank you
timothy lanfranco
timothy lanfranco - 8 years ago
I hate niggers fucking slave hang urself
I hate niggers fucking slave hang urself - 8 years ago
BananaNation Comedy thx
Chris Smith
Chris Smith - 8 years ago
When I was a kid my friends and I would head to this creek in the woods to catch frogs and fish. Someone did this to us too, there was an animal carcass left to rot in our favorite fishing spot. The antlers were gone, but everything else was there.
sped - 8 years ago
Who else loves the sound when someone is walking in the woods,oh it's just me,k bye
bc87 - 8 years ago
What a fucking faggot calling the cops n shit over dumb shit like this lmao white people
The Username
The Username - 8 years ago
are you autistic
The Unreal
The Unreal - 8 years ago
im the 420s dislike sry man but i wanted 2 see this number so bad XD
Mrcreeperman246 ا Graphix Designer
Mrcreeperman246 ا Graphix Designer - 8 years ago
You Deserve More Subs!
Will Work For Stem Cells
Will Work For Stem Cells - 8 years ago
Never call the cops. They'll make you the problem.
Smaguris - 8 years ago
+FunnyGamesOG You should definitely look into the laws in your area.
Mystery / intro's & more
Mystery / intro's & more - 8 years ago
i know right... i got problems with the cops by fireworks... hello blacklist...
Smaguris - 8 years ago
LOL what? Everyone has the right to be suspicious of you if they have no proof, there could no way be problems..
Clout Tv
Clout Tv - 8 years ago
Ur a snitch
Devin stead
Devin stead - 8 years ago
you should have called Peta
The Username
The Username - 8 years ago
+Casey James Peta does terrible things to animals thinking they're helping
Casey James
Casey James - 8 years ago
+elrichzann ???
The Username
The Username - 8 years ago
Peta is funny
elrichzann - 8 years ago
Why? Peta probably does way worse than this to every animal they come across. Peta is a hate group, and an abusive one towards animals.
Fortnite Buzz
Fortnite Buzz - 8 years ago
Is the deer stil alive?
Bacon Boy
Bacon Boy - 8 years ago
3:30 and its a dear not human
Clumsy Fool
Clumsy Fool - 8 years ago
Crazy I was thinking it might of been a dog at first.
dps - 8 years ago
Romeo Cassino
Romeo Cassino - 8 years ago
How is that so?
Do you really need to call me an idiot?
With that kind of greeting the majority of people you meet are clearly pleased with your presence knave.
dps - 8 years ago
its a lot worse than a deer idiot
Romeo Cassino
Romeo Cassino - 8 years ago
To be honest that's not anymore worse than a deer.
Eli Jandrew
Eli Jandrew - 8 years ago
Why can't people just mind there own business and continue there day.
Blaine Hooks
Blaine Hooks - 8 years ago
Nova u act like one grammar mistake is a fucking death sentence calm down
Nova - 8 years ago
Trey Gilliland the fact that he disagrees with me doesn't make him wrong. His use of the word there makes him wrong. And in the three schools that I've gone to, (I am currently a high school junior) each one has taught the difference between there, their, and they're
Blaine Hooks
Blaine Hooks - 8 years ago
Nova how the fuck does him disagreeing with you make his grammar wrong what kind if fucking school do you go to lmao
Eli Jandrew
Eli Jandrew - 8 years ago
+Nova Nope not anymore
Nova - 8 years ago
Eli Jandrew what kind of shit school did you go to? They teach that in any basic grammar class
Eli Jandrew
Eli Jandrew - 8 years ago
+Nova We don't learn it at school anymore sadly
Nova - 8 years ago
Eli Jandrew learn the difference between their, there, and they're
JaBrix - 8 years ago
I though it was G18
Tyler French
Tyler French - 8 years ago
i hate fucking pochers
Damiens Awesome Videos
Damiens Awesome Videos - 8 years ago
yummy hotdog can i have some
Post Malone Eat Booty
Post Malone Eat Booty - 8 years ago
For a hunter like me it's so cruel to the animal. When I hunt, I look to kill, not injure the animal. I don't go out to shoot a deer in the butt and immobilize it just so wolves kill it later, no! That's just cruel
Leah Miller
Leah Miller - 8 years ago
why didn't the police come??????
Kinsley Arconti And Friends!
Kinsley Arconti And Friends! - 8 years ago
You have a browning rod?
Ohadyy - 8 years ago
Why was this recommended to me?
XGamingAssassin - 8 years ago
Its just a animals
Theprogamer T
Theprogamer T - 8 years ago
Keith R
Keith R - 8 years ago
Didn't have a father growing up? Is that why you're a pussy.
srod 9710
srod 9710 - 8 years ago
If u showing hate then fucken leave u dome peace gay shit
Keith R
Keith R - 8 years ago
I sure do. So much better to be retarded than some pussy ass snowflake. I see you love talkin about dicks, its what pussy ass females do.
srod 9710
srod 9710 - 8 years ago
Keith R kill your self K
srod 9710
srod 9710 - 8 years ago
Keith R shut the fuck up
Understandable. - 8 years ago
Keith R you have autism and probably don't have a dick.
Keith R
Keith R - 8 years ago
Did I stutter?
ุ Huarache
ุ Huarache - 8 years ago
Keith R are you retarded?
Lukester_13 - 8 years ago
Am I the only one who thought it was a human at first?
xX BELRUPT Xx - 7 years ago
Lukester_13 I that I was a cow
Luz Cornejo
Luz Cornejo - 7 years ago
+Allison Ma. same i watch the comments
Jada Flipzz
Jada Flipzz - 7 years ago
Lukester_13 I did lol
Allison Ma
Allison Ma - 7 years ago
Me I was so scared but when I was scrolling in the comments while watching it keeps on saying about that
the cool plush channel
the cool plush channel - 7 years ago
Lukester_13 no
Hallie Slate (student)
Hallie Slate (student) - 7 years ago
me too
Finley Baker
Finley Baker - 7 years ago
Sophia Larsen
Sophia Larsen - 7 years ago
Lukester_13 no I did
Tap Tap Fish Tutorials
Tap Tap Fish Tutorials - 8 years ago
Lukester_13 You Aren't The Only One
Hamilton Trash
Hamilton Trash - 8 years ago
Lukester_13 I did
Megan Microbiology
Megan Microbiology - 8 years ago
i did
Nicole Briegs
Nicole Briegs - 8 years ago
I did
ArwynDa LitWold
ArwynDa LitWold - 8 years ago
Lukester_13 was I did
TGP Cambo
TGP Cambo - 8 years ago
xDqvid Gaming & More!
xDqvid Gaming & More! - 8 years ago
Lukester_13 nope
John Helki
John Helki - 8 years ago
Lukester_13 I thought it was a human too
Jack Simpson
Jack Simpson - 8 years ago
Lukester_13 I thought it was some sort of living thin that was living but now dead
Mr. Wolf
Mr. Wolf - 8 years ago
618 fishing you will be a big channel because of your amazing videos!!!
Hayden Toland-Yeh
Hayden Toland-Yeh - 8 years ago
Opens bag at 3:24
Understandable. - 8 years ago
Hayden Toland-Yeh you're god
Jordan Boglin
Jordan Boglin - 8 years ago
Production quality is 10/10
Jaume Genaro
Jaume Genaro - 8 years ago

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