I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 1,397,651 views
In this video I explore a hidden pond I found on google earth! Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 618fishing.com - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear* Grasshopper----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y9zp6rgq Crickpopper------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/y7zxnx5a rod--------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ycs2mrv5 line-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/yd2td59o boots----------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ybyysajp Sunglasses ------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/k9jkyrv backpack----------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y94ebaxv Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC by Andrew Applepie - https://andrewapplepie.bandcamp.com/ 1st Song: "Tropical Thunder" by Andrew Applepie -https://exit.sc/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fandrewapplepie.bandcamp.com%2Falbum%2F18 2nd Song: "Let Go" by Andrew Applepie - https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie/let-go *Amazon Associate links
10. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?
20. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?
Shows how true fishermen will brave all hazards to drop a line... Im the same:D
30. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?
50. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?
Probably not the best idea encouraging people to trespass without the land owners permission.
I would cast out, and hundreds of snakes would take off out of the tree branches into the water, I cut about ten lines, caught nothing but snakes, and left, never went back.
It was like a horror dream from a movie, craziest thing I have ever seen.
Think, damn it, think. The property belongs to somebody. If you aren't the owner, you're trespassing. Knock it off. If I catch you, I'll shoot you and leave you for the buzzards, coyotes and bugs. In three days your body will be consumed and your bones spread about. No one will ever know what happened to you.
Jesus plays no role, dumbass.
But, by all means tresspass, you little faggot. March your little ass across posted land. But leave a note for your momma.
As I said before, you know nothing.
I'm retired. I served my country and worked 40 years saving money while my friends spent theirs on new cars and various other niceties. I put my family first and denied myself luxuries. I saved enough money to buy a nice chunk of land. Now, while I'm trying to enjoy the fruits of my lifelong labors, I'm suppose to look the other way while some little liberal faggot like yourself trespasses and poaches on my land. Ain't gonna happen. There are plenty of places to go hunting or fishing without tresspassing on my land. Remember this you little dumbass, it'll save your life. I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Spoken like a true idiot who owns nothing and knows nothing.
Land is the only thing worth owning. If i want to grow bass and catfish in my ponds, i should without concern of some faggot stealing my fish. If I catch you, I'll kill you and no one will ever know how you died.
100. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?
Title "I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?"
And it's not even small.
Use the rod socks and foam reel covers when hiking. I take at least 2 rods with me. 6'10" medium for lighterapps and moving baits and a 7' med hvy with 15 lb fluro for jigs/plastics/heavy spinners and I've caught everything from fingerling smallies to 7lb6oz largemouth all fishing from the bank getting creative.
I keep: Tactical folding knife, serrated. I use a Benchmade Griptilian bc I don't lose them, but a good 40 wall mart special will do...trimmers to clear out branches or vines. Be careful not to destroy cover just bc you can't cast! Pair of workgloves for when have to pull climb or drag heavy/sharp stuff. Lastly, I have either a machete or tomahawk to deal with deeper brush to make just enough room to cast at the right angle.
Used the terrain to your advantage. Is there a laydown that you can climb onto to use like a dock and get further out? Find one that was blown down by the wind and took the roots up right on the edge. It is the best spot for bass and other big fish because it is prob the only good cover and structure that most ponds have. Here in northeast, alot of ours only have some rock and maybe cattails bc the carp have decimated any grass or plants in the water! So finding lay downs is the best and surest way to catch big bass when bank fishing. Being by a point and depth change doesn't hurt either.
Awesome video!
Basically you're out on a limb!
( excuse my limp jokes )
You're full of shit you know damn well you did!
Some people will type any trash comments these days I guess.
If you are causing damage or stealing then you can be charged.
Signs that read "Trespassers will be prosecuted" are meaningless as you cannot be prosecuted for trespass - it is a civil wrong, not a criminal offence. It's therefore more accurate to have a sign that reads: "Keep out - private property. You are trespassing."
fish: "i don't wanna see you anymore!"
I have watched all the movie several times.
I'm not a faggot and not that way inclined.
May I take this opportunity to congratulate you on choosing a most appropriate user name?
Well done!
Get them pants down boy, squeak like a pig.
Weeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeee.
The only place where humanity is truly "Native" is Africa.
Now all this being said, I bet that if we look through YOUR people's history, we will find a fair share of conquering, enslaving and expansionism. So careful how you point fingers.
Now, unless everything you own...Car, Phone, Home, food, etc is completely up for grabs to anyone and everyone and you wont fight to protect it and keep it because...well...your ancestors did some conquering at some point...you have nothing to say.
Do the right thing. Ask permission to come onto someone's property that they or their family has put blood, sweat, tears and money into. Have some common decency and manners. The world is severly lacking in both.
Good luck.
I do hope that you are just being a troll though and that you understand the point.
Kids (including mine) watch these shows on youtube. It would be nice if the people offering the content exhibited ALL the aspects of a responsible fisherman.
Im kinda amazed that anyone would get butt hurt about wanting people to do the right thing...but, society being the way it is and lack of respect for others and other's property being at the low level it is...i guess I shouldnt be surprised.
On another note: i have watched many of these Youtube fishing channels and a common click bait theme is "they called the cops...wtf?!"...and each of them say the same thing "i was just fishing and I wasnt hurting anything"...thats not the point. Its common courtesy. You wouldn't walk into someone's back yard and borrow their bbq grill without asking. You arent hurting anything by using it and leaving it in the condition you found it, but you would still ask.
Bottom line Sean...if you feel that its okay for someone to use property without asking, do you just let strangers come in your house to use your stove while you arent there? Or how about swim in your pool without asking? Or use your bathroom?
Common courtesy and respect. We need more of it. Ask permission. You would be amazed the friends you make.
And if this is a public park, sweet. Have fun fishing. But if this is indeed someone's property, do your due diligence, find out who the owner is and ask permission.
Common courtesy.
want to get one like that to play with!
tiny pond is actually a big pond
Nice videos, man.
glad you threw them back...
you have a great attitude towards what You catch if that makes sense but I'd really recommend you go to a place I know !!!!
Pawleys island Georgetown sc. it's where a river meets the paean it's really calm
High tide and low tide you will catch fish every cast and not know what you have haha
Flounder , pinfish, some weird fish with a huge head , reds,blues , sea trout, puffer stingray baby jack ,
Please! I'm 17 I got 50$ together out a Chang jar and just went for the day haha I live about 3 hours way
It really makes me think how many hidden ponds their are and how many awesome fish their are in them.
That was an adventure of an episode and I loved it!
I cant wait for more epic vids!
Great Fishing!
Glad to see you back.
Also, What'ssss uppppp Leo...
If "you" do not know who owns the property and access that property "you" are trespassing, regardless of any type of "posting".
This matter is covered in specific detail in every law and code in all municipalities, and is a matter of Rights of private land owners.
Ignorance of the law, or boundry lines, is not an exception or excuse.
and always were camo clothing if ur alert and smart and aware u will never get caught. there some great fishing adventures for people willing to work for it
Live Free
Trespassing is entering someone elses property without permission. Signs are a courtesy, not a requirement. Some folks have no sense of right and wrong.
I sure didn't!