I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?

In this video I explore a hidden pond I found on google earth! Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 618fishing.com - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear* Grasshopper----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y9zp6rgq Crickpopper------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/y7zxnx5a rod--------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ycs2mrv5 line-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/yd2td59o boots----------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ybyysajp Sunglasses ------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/k9jkyrv backpack----------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y94ebaxv Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC by Andrew Applepie - https://andrewapplepie.bandcamp.com/ 1st Song: "Tropical Thunder" by Andrew Applepie -https://exit.sc/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fandrewapplepie.bandcamp.com%2Falbum%2F18 2nd Song: "Let Go" by Andrew Applepie - https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie/let-go *Amazon Associate links

I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 900

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 1,397,651 views

In this video I explore a hidden pond I found on google earth! Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 618fishing.com - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear* Grasshopper----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y9zp6rgq Crickpopper------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/y7zxnx5a rod--------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ycs2mrv5 line-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/yd2td59o boots----------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ybyysajp Sunglasses ------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/k9jkyrv backpack----------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y94ebaxv Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC by Andrew Applepie - https://andrewapplepie.bandcamp.com/ 1st Song: "Tropical Thunder" by Andrew Applepie -https://exit.sc/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fandrewapplepie.bandcamp.com%2Falbum%2F18 2nd Song: "Let Go" by Andrew Applepie - https://soundcloud.com/andrewapplepie/let-go *Amazon Associate links

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Most popular comments
for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?

618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
This fishing adventure was shot entirely on PUBLIC PROPERTY. I do not condone trespassing. You should always ask permission before fishing on someone else’s property. Thanks for watching and tight lines!
Jonrey Gaudel
Jonrey Gaudel - 6 years ago
Nice fishing sir
Mathew Tran
Mathew Tran - 6 years ago
why dont you keep and cook it?
VitalFishing - 6 years ago
Just subbed, nice vids bud!
Mungo Munro
Mungo Munro - 6 years ago
Keep your rod tip up..Don't pull it in sideways like a thug pointing a gun.I found a pond half as big as that first one and it was a crappie hole,3/4 to 11/2 pounders all day long.It was deep and well hidden,nothing but crappies. HOW does that happen?
sickb2200 - 6 years ago
The Grasspappy rocks!
mdo686 - 6 years ago
"What is going on everybody?" STFU
Eric Shpunt
Eric Shpunt - 6 years ago
i would throw scumfrogs, prolly get a bunch of bass in those ponds
Jay Cook
Jay Cook - 6 years ago
U need a Tiny Torpedo, best lure ever made
Jay Cook
Jay Cook - 6 years ago
Why u gotta walk for? U walking down a road

10. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?

Tommy Behel
Tommy Behel - 6 years ago
big azz beaver done that. they can take out big trees like that.
Earl Ladroma
Earl Ladroma - 6 years ago
Amazing fishing
Swaggy Lei
Swaggy Lei - 7 years ago
Why is he not taking the fish though? They are going to die
zervelle - 7 years ago
tiny little pond? it looks like a lake
Mark Verg Cagyat
Mark Verg Cagyat - 7 years ago
What a big catch
Biff Roberts
Biff Roberts - 7 years ago
Lol..."That's something for a baby... it's pretty creepy" made me laugh
chris abelitis
chris abelitis - 7 years ago
there's no water in both of those pond's....but some of the best pond's I've fished have been natural beaver dam ponds
Patrick Sherwood
Patrick Sherwood - 7 years ago
Love your videos. My son and I love to Google Earth nearby ponds and fish them. It's a ton of fun!!! Oh that beaver was trying to cut that tree down so it can get access to the branches. It was probably a few beavers working together. Their teeth constantly grow too, so they have to chew on stuff to wear them down.
Elliott Mudge
Elliott Mudge - 7 years ago
It's not a secret any more 1.3 million people now know
blank anonymous
blank anonymous - 7 years ago
That was a decent large mouth you got there at 3:35. That pond isn't very little though. I have seen stock ponds smaller then that.
blank anonymous
blank anonymous - 7 years ago
Also it's not a pooper. They are called Pop'Rs. I have never seen a cricket on before, only chubs.

20. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?

Larrt Rawls
Larrt Rawls - 7 years ago
That Beaver was delusional Wash D C
Jeff Mullinix
Jeff Mullinix - 7 years ago
nice little striped bass . These are good eating when they are that size .
Mike Ky
Mike Ky - 7 years ago
Great vid.
Shows how true fishermen will brave all hazards to drop a line... Im the same:D
Alphonse Mele
Alphonse Mele - 7 years ago
Hook an animal through it's jaw, drag it out of it's world, unhook it then say,,, see ya later little buddy... The fish has a 30% chance of ever eating again from the trauma.. It's so weird how people catch and release and act like they do the fish a favor
christopher james
christopher james - 7 years ago
There was a pond near my house in an old abandoned quarry. It grew over and I couldn't find it for years. Until I used Google Earth.....
Patrick Belk/ Kunta Kinte
Patrick Belk/ Kunta Kinte - 7 years ago
Are you from E St L. What does 618 represent to you
Veronica Dinola
Veronica Dinola - 7 years ago
Nice fishing
Gold Vulcan
Gold Vulcan - 7 years ago
You can't do this in my area. Rednecks carry rock salt and seriously defend land that doesn't belong to them lol
Amy Polenz
Amy Polenz - 7 years ago
Hes cute
Stalker - 7 years ago
Great my friend, I am from Scotland and fish in some great wee hidden spots!

30. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?

Margie Mcintosh
Margie Mcintosh - 7 years ago
Think like a fish
Margie Mcintosh
Margie Mcintosh - 7 years ago
Did you ever notice that 90 percent of your strikes come within 10 yards of shoreline..?
lou cifer
lou cifer - 7 years ago
Uncle Steve would love this pond
Mrbarbel Barbello
Mrbarbel Barbello - 7 years ago
That's what it's all about. Nice one.
Shadow Phace
Shadow Phace - 7 years ago
I just discovered your channel and I love it... great stuff
MUTA ALI - 7 years ago
What state is this?
Thomas Pyles
Thomas Pyles - 7 years ago
it's always good to see someone else enjoying themselves in the great outdoors
Matthew Norman
Matthew Norman - 7 years ago
How in the fuck does this get over a million views?! He caught a perch and tiny ass bass?! These are the fishing trips when your buddy says "did y'all catch any".... Nahh they weren't bitin man
Diablo Match
Diablo Match - 7 years ago
Man, this video gave me hope. I'm stuck in northern Illinois where we are freezing for 8 months out of the year. I can't wait to get back out and explore. Awesome video.
Steve Tindall
Steve Tindall - 7 years ago
Please talk less.
charliepapa - 7 years ago
tiny / giant = same thing
Shockyxo - 7 years ago
reallyfeelsbadman - 7 years ago
See ya later buddy
beachidiot - 7 years ago
Them Rebel Crick Hoppers are hard to beat.
angie williams
angie williams - 7 years ago
I love the way you take every bit of your surroundings in and delight in them. Definitely the way I've been fishing since I was a kid. Best way to fish as well. Not just about the fish but the whole experience.
Kate Roberts
Kate Roberts - 7 years ago
found my new favorite channel!
Golem Max
Golem Max - 7 years ago
Why did you released those fish? you faggot!!!
dragonsblood6664 dragonsblood6664
dragonsblood6664 dragonsblood6664 - 7 years ago
Do you always just walk on to others peoples property to fish? Ever heard the word TRESPASSING?
munterboy - 7 years ago
Oh cool you catch the last fish that have been living in ponds for years. Good on you for wiping out other species
Robert Koowalski
Robert Koowalski - 7 years ago
I love those little small ponds. No to sound smart-ass, but at 4:58 or 5:17 I bet that must have scared fish the hell out at like half of the lake. Secluded lake (fish not used to sounds coming from people ashore), low bank (sounds travels especially easy), on top with all sort of dried wood laying on the ground sounds to me as "rig for ultra-quiet captain!". I mean I know access was difficult, still, I would be trying sneaking on my tip toes as quietly as I could. When I was a kid there used to be aquarium at our house. I could spend hours watching fish. I remember that such a minute thing as say doping a pencil on a hardwood floor, like 15 feet away from the tank would cause all fish in the tank to jerk nervously in unison and make them stare towards the direction where the sound comes from. Another example. If you ever in many story hotel, try going to a bathroom, seat quietly and motionlessly in the corner for 5 minutes then try picking on all sounds you can hear. If you lucky you might hear people 1, 2 floors up and down making noises, hear them making conversation and picking single words. Now fill the bathtub with the water, put your head under water and try the same. Chances are you will be able to hear very clearly EVERY word of conversation some guy living 10 floors up making with his wife. If somebody one floor above you farts, you will hear it.

50. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?

Brandon Parker
Brandon Parker - 7 years ago
Was this public land/water?
Whynot Whynot
Whynot Whynot - 7 years ago
Only problem is that the pond in on a Superfund cleanup site. That's why nobody is fishing it.
Michael D'Anna
Michael D'Anna - 7 years ago
I hope the landowner isn't too pissed when they see that someone was trespassing on their property.......at least you practiced catch and release.
Terry Grier
Terry Grier - 7 years ago
I enjoyed the video. Thanks for taking the time.
Red RyCe
Red RyCe - 7 years ago
U remind me of my man jesus
Jim Fodera
Jim Fodera - 7 years ago
really nice looking bass, clean colors. I wish i could find a pond like this near me.. and it wasnt -14 degrees
Joe Vatts
Joe Vatts - 7 years ago
not even gonna watch the video. read the title. Dude thinks he's the first person to find a pond in some woods?
Brandon Croft
Brandon Croft - 7 years ago
Probably trespassing
Poop Loop
Poop Loop - 7 years ago
This guy is fake as fuck!! He puts live fish in these ponds
Dante Jackson
Dante Jackson - 7 years ago
Skinny Post Malone
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
I know where I am from, if you go walking on someone's property and fish in their ponds without permission, chances are you are either gonna have the police called on you or catch a pattern of birdshot.

Probably not the best idea encouraging people to trespass without the land owners permission.
truth h
truth h - 7 years ago
And you got permission from all private landowners. Right?
BassYakwards TV
BassYakwards TV - 7 years ago
Nice video! Gotta love finding hidden ponds. No telling what you’ll find in em!
Q Stone yogyakarta
Q Stone yogyakarta - 7 years ago
Man i love how u take shot, the video was amazing and the editing so well. I just start fishing and really fun haha. Hope u keep making more exited video!
Henry Schwarie
Henry Schwarie - 7 years ago
Google earth doesn't give you the right to fish on somebody's private pond. Try that with the wrong property owner and you might find yourself in some legal trouble or worse.
william blackstock
william blackstock - 7 years ago
The last time I found a pond out in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, it only had water moccasins all in the pond, and all around the pond.
I would cast out, and hundreds of snakes would take off out of the tree branches into the water, I cut about ten lines, caught nothing but snakes, and left, never went back.

It was like a horror dream from a movie, craziest thing I have ever seen.
Jody Dorsett
Jody Dorsett - 7 years ago
what i used to do as a young man. Can't anymore, so your videos are quite enjoyable.
Jon Nigaavich
Jon Nigaavich - 7 years ago
NSANE BEEF - 7 years ago
This is bullshit I have a pond in my yard and another one just off the property I'm aloud to fish in because of videos like this where you tell people to look on Google Earth to find ponds we catch people all the time and they steal shit out of our yard and throw trash every where and sometimes break stuff so needless to say I hope you get caught for trespassing and arrested.
OzarkWanderer - 7 years ago
Do you eat what you catch. Or do you only catch release
Mykiel Zingara
Mykiel Zingara - 7 years ago
In small ponds you would do alot better with live bait.
Rockstar Fishing
Rockstar Fishing - 7 years ago
like the videos! i just gave it my first try please check out my show rockstar fishing!
Sipong Chang
Sipong Chang - 7 years ago
Why catch fish if you are to release it? Catch to eat..
Mike angel
Mike angel - 7 years ago
That was a nice bass
Stryder Tesshu
Stryder Tesshu - 7 years ago
You seem like a nice lad. The world needs more nice people.
David B
David B - 7 years ago
wow, couple little bluegills and a bass, big deal.
trike rider
trike rider - 7 years ago
Would be a big deal to me!
prathamesh nikam
prathamesh nikam - 7 years ago
Where is this located?? I mean which country??
Nature Boy
Nature Boy - 7 years ago
Nice video man, you should try these; been using them all my life, over here in the U.K Perch (similar to bass) love them ... Lemme know what you think, I find the gold coloured ones are more successful ... Nice slow retrieve and be careful of snags!

Donnie Hoppe
Donnie Hoppe - 7 years ago
That’s a small pond?
7pinky7 - 7 years ago
Well done for finding such a place.
Steve Kulacz
Steve Kulacz - 7 years ago
Not sure if you want to say what state your fishing in but I'm just curious
Roderick Barringer
Roderick Barringer - 7 years ago
Hang urself. But not before giving 1.1M views back.
Roderick Barringer
Roderick Barringer - 7 years ago
1.1M views. Holy shit.
Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg - 7 years ago
Nice clickb8 m8.
Tam fit4life
Tam fit4life - 7 years ago
i really enjoyed your vid. thank you
Workout Clips TV
Workout Clips TV - 7 years ago
Yo y'all mother fuckers that are commenting are straight fucking asshole pussies. Talking big shit, mad at him for what? Cause he lives the life y'all wish y'all could live? God I can't stand negative people, go fucking die.
Terrance Autrey
Terrance Autrey - 7 years ago
Word of advice to the guy in the video! Next time you venture into the woods bring someone else with you...
Terrance Autrey
Terrance Autrey - 7 years ago
Prince Mononoke good! That way if you get bit by a snake, your hobo friend can at least keep you alive and carry your ass back to safety!
Prince Mononoke
Prince Mononoke - 7 years ago
Terrance Autrey good idea! Then old hobo willie and me'll have two buttholes to go pokin' in.
rab woody
rab woody - 7 years ago
CU later Buddy... Enjoyed Ty.
Charles Loftis
Charles Loftis - 7 years ago
This was an enjoyable video. Thanks for sharing your adventure with the rest of us.
sambhavya koirala
sambhavya koirala - 7 years ago
the best clckbait in this video would be "i saw a ghost kid while fishing!!!!"
Judge Gently
Judge Gently - 7 years ago
FaK Fatkids
FaK Fatkids - 7 years ago
Man made cattle tanks
AWSOMUS PRIME - 7 years ago
Should've used red tail worm....
NzmAnh Dee
NzmAnh Dee - 7 years ago
I was here for the thumbnail but reality > expectation
Hazyj peepme
Hazyj peepme - 7 years ago
Make sure to catch aids..
Thomas Morman
Thomas Morman - 7 years ago
Trespassing, Private property. Fishing my stocked pond, 600 yards inside my property line.
Think, damn it, think. The property belongs to somebody. If you aren't the owner, you're trespassing. Knock it off. If I catch you, I'll shoot you and leave you for the buzzards, coyotes and bugs. In three days your body will be consumed and your bones spread about. No one will ever know what happened to you.
Thomas Morman
Thomas Morman - 7 years ago
Prince Mononoke
Jesus plays no role, dumbass.
But, by all means tresspass, you little faggot. March your little ass across posted land. But leave a note for your momma.
Prince Mononoke
Prince Mononoke - 7 years ago
Thomas Morman i bet you make Jesus proud with your murderous hate filled words of "wisdom". Have a nice evening.
Thomas Morman
Thomas Morman - 7 years ago
Prince Mononoke
As I said before, you know nothing.
I'm retired. I served my country and worked 40 years saving money while my friends spent theirs on new cars and various other niceties. I put my family first and denied myself luxuries. I saved enough money to buy a nice chunk of land. Now, while I'm trying to enjoy the fruits of my lifelong labors, I'm suppose to look the other way while some little liberal faggot like yourself trespasses and poaches on my land. Ain't gonna happen. There are plenty of places to go hunting or fishing without tresspassing on my land. Remember this you little dumbass, it'll save your life. I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Prince Mononoke
Prince Mononoke - 7 years ago
Thomas Morman i guess I'll let you have this one, i mean what does it say about me if I'm spending my life arguing with someone who's obviously not a day over 14. Have a good one, kiddo.
Thomas Morman
Thomas Morman - 7 years ago
Prince Mononoke
Spoken like a true idiot who owns nothing and knows nothing.
Land is the only thing worth owning. If i want to grow bass and catfish in my ponds, i should without concern of some faggot stealing my fish. If I catch you, I'll kill you and no one will ever know how you died.
Prince Mononoke
Prince Mononoke - 7 years ago
Thomas Morman so you would do something psychotic to a person and ruin their life and the lives of their loved ones for what? For going on "your" property and leaving it exactly how they found it? For doing something that does absolutely no harm whatsoever. This idea of owning land only exists in your head. It's just a silly social construct. That land was there long before you and will be there long after you are dead. Do me a favor, try giving something, anything, some critical thought for once in your life before running your ignorant mouth.
Antowan Blackett
Antowan Blackett - 7 years ago
Rain rain go away 618 is fishing today
Indian citizen
Indian citizen - 7 years ago
Man should have taken bass home n coicked him fir dinner
Natefisher - 7 years ago
Jonah Switzer
Jonah Switzer - 7 years ago
When fishing ponds Ive never fished before I use Rooster Tails and they work 9 times out of 10!!! Awesome video!!

100. comment for I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?

Levi Toso
Levi Toso - 7 years ago
cool vid
Terd Fart
Terd Fart - 7 years ago
"Surface popper"? Its a shallow diving cricket crank!
Dj Freeman
Dj Freeman - 7 years ago
Just Dubois NL yeah he did
Diablo Match
Diablo Match - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone , You're a fox.
Just Dubois NL
Just Dubois NL - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone he never said that
Ronald Dayman-green
Ronald Dayman-green - 7 years ago
Wow i use google maps to find ponds in the uk. Great video
Wale '
Wale ' - 7 years ago
What was the point
OXBADCODE 657 - 7 years ago
Fathnill 9262
Fathnill 9262 - 7 years ago
To much talking. So bored. Annoying
Derpy Animations
Derpy Animations - 7 years ago
4:30 what did u say?
DawidHere - 7 years ago
Big Kat
Big Kat - 7 years ago
More fish less talking ❤️
odmaodmadot odma
odmaodmadot odma - 7 years ago
Nigga that’s a puddle
NITRO 2mlnways
NITRO 2mlnways - 7 years ago
Nice sunglasses
shivam kessa
shivam kessa - 7 years ago
Samuel Lees
Samuel Lees - 7 years ago
00:21 Im just laughing at the fact he wouldve had to go bak to get that camera
BenK18 - 7 years ago
I have the same bagpack
David McGuire
David McGuire - 7 years ago
Cool video. I love fishing ponds when I can. What kind of fish was number 2?
OverSizedMidget - 7 years ago
1:09 "Pretty dang big"
Title "I Found a TINY POND in the WOODS!?"
And it's not even small.
Fishing with Michael Consul
Fishing with Michael Consul - 7 years ago
Awesome find! Just subbed
Hot Dog123
Hot Dog123 - 7 years ago
I. Love. You Fishing
Greshnik Official
Greshnik Official - 7 years ago
Hell yeah
FaZe Prime
FaZe Prime - 7 years ago
Bro ur a clickbaited u said u found a tiny pond but where is it I just see a big pond another clickbait or else I will unsubscribe to you
diana-burrows 11917
diana-burrows 11917 - 7 years ago
that was a pumpkin seed
Andrew Gamble
Andrew Gamble - 7 years ago
One other thing, I do all of my fishing either on foot or in a 10' aluminium sears boat thru tight creeks from 6" to 6' and taking care of your rods is important. I used 2 Wright McGill skeet Reese rods for 6 seasons of hard heavy use until I caught one in a sticker Bush and broke the tip and then the next day the other one went!

Use the rod socks and foam reel covers when hiking. I take at least 2 rods with me. 6'10" medium for lighterapps and moving baits and a 7' med hvy with 15 lb fluro for jigs/plastics/heavy spinners and I've caught everything from fingerling smallies to 7lb6oz largemouth all fishing from the bank getting creative.

I keep: Tactical folding knife, serrated. I use a Benchmade Griptilian bc I don't lose them, but a good 40 wall mart special will do...trimmers to clear out branches or vines. Be careful not to destroy cover just bc you can't cast! Pair of workgloves for when have to pull climb or drag heavy/sharp stuff. Lastly, I have either a machete or tomahawk to deal with deeper brush to make just enough room to cast at the right angle.

Used the terrain to your advantage. Is there a laydown that you can climb onto to use like a dock and get further out? Find one that was blown down by the wind and took the roots up right on the edge. It is the best spot for bass and other big fish because it is prob the only good cover and structure that most ponds have. Here in northeast, alot of ours only have some rock and maybe cattails bc the carp have decimated any grass or plants in the water! So finding lay downs is the best and surest way to catch big bass when bank fishing. Being by a point and depth change doesn't hurt either.
Andrew Gamble
Andrew Gamble - 7 years ago
I fish remote places the same way worth goggle maps the last 5 or 6 years and caught some of my biggest bass walking thru woods to ponds that are never fished, but I throw bigger stuff and iut never fails. I can always use smaller stuff in a medium casting rod and also pitch jigs into that brush where the big boys are.

Awesome video!
Michael Getachew
Michael Getachew - 7 years ago
the funnest lure to use is a tiny popper
W3NN - 7 years ago
Fucking click bait stop wasting people’s time with your thumbnails prick
ClickBait - 7 years ago
Love this video man I wanna fish with you but make more time creek or tiny stream fishing videos
Joshua Walter
Joshua Walter - 7 years ago
Are those the gentleman's joggers sungleasses!? Respect
Roy Dean
Roy Dean - 7 years ago
Growing up I had a tiny farm pond out in the middle of nowhere I used to fish. It had cattails growing all around it and was hard to fish, but the largemouth bass were HUGE. 26" huge. I wonder if the pond is still there or if it has been filled with silt by now.
Jake Melendez
Jake Melendez - 7 years ago
Haha it says WOODS?!?! lol before people that's where most of em are
B H - 7 years ago
Invest in a bike
Juansimon Arrouave
Juansimon Arrouave - 7 years ago
its a puddle
Jeff Patton
Jeff Patton - 7 years ago
unfished ponds like the one your at...are best fished with live minnows ..you will even slay them big bass with em
Timothy Ellis
Timothy Ellis - 7 years ago
618, you from Illinois?
The other fella
The other fella - 7 years ago
I can't believe Ashton Kutcher goes fishing!
out there watching/listening
out there watching/listening - 7 years ago
Obviously the 598 thumbs down are not fisherman. I enjoyed your process of finding new "secret" ponds.
Prince Mononoke
Prince Mononoke - 7 years ago
out there watching/listening it's people that are hysterical over the slight chance that he may be trespassing.
Michael O'Neal
Michael O'Neal - 7 years ago
Don't you worry about trespassing ? Getting arrested ?
Haiqal Haswan
Haiqal Haswan - 7 years ago
Michael O'Neal he ask for a permission dude
Jim Layhe
Jim Layhe - 7 years ago
Dude, the Super Fluke Jr swim bait is pretty much the ultimate large/small mouth bait in small/large lakes and small/large ponds here in Kentucky. Rig it weedless with light jerks and you WILL FEEL THE POWEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thebowhunter Ke
Thebowhunter Ke - 7 years ago
I found an even smaller pond near my house with some ok sized fish
Janithra De silva
Janithra De silva - 7 years ago
nice fishing
Tobias Olausson
Tobias Olausson - 7 years ago
Something for a baby so it's pretty creepy, haha
CRAIG HOUGHTON - 7 years ago
Slim Stickly
Slim Stickly - 7 years ago
Dude, use worms. Hit an old pond in upstate Virginia. Reeled in like 6 smallies.
robert bevill
robert bevill - 7 years ago
Hell yeah I know of a pond that's about that size and it's got some chunks in it !
Danny BallsofDoom
Danny BallsofDoom - 7 years ago
Slaying whoppers!
Boxkat Nick
Boxkat Nick - 7 years ago
I like he uses Google Earth to look for fishing spots. It's like fishing at places people haven't tried.
Michal Cverna
Michal Cverna - 7 years ago
He looks like a Sagan
Marc Nemitz
Marc Nemitz - 7 years ago
Great Video, greetings from Germany
Hova Mane
Hova Mane - 7 years ago
He caught the same bass twice
Stephen Klick
Stephen Klick - 7 years ago
The beavers probably just use that tree to bite on, It has stronger wood being larger and they like to chew on that sometimes for managing their teeth because smaller trees don't do enough for them, and they probably don't want to cut down smaller trees if they are not going to use them. If they wanted that tree down it would be down. Also maybe they just started on it and realized they couldn't safely fall it so they left it. Most likely a chewing tree that they've left alone.
CD - 7 years ago
I know an AMAZING hidden spot in central Illinois. You have to drive down a dirt road, then hike about a mile. The fishing there is incredible. Mostly bass and catfish.
Donny Marrion
Donny Marrion - 7 years ago
Love your vids men! Makes me want to hike and fish on the lakes and ponds on my hiking trip
Sara Patrick
Sara Patrick - 7 years ago
Wish i could do that were im from people shoot you for trying to fish
Jindotales - 7 years ago
This guy is so cool...what a great way to spend your day
mike a saintz
mike a saintz - 7 years ago
That's a fucking lake
Donn Worry
Donn Worry - 7 years ago
618 you from Illinois?
NotYour AverageGunny
NotYour AverageGunny - 7 years ago
Tighten your drag
OUTLAW Crocker
OUTLAW Crocker - 7 years ago
Looks like trespassing to me
Giokyo - 7 years ago
Holy shit its aj styles!!!!!!
Christie Lewis
Christie Lewis - 7 years ago
Watch lunkerz fishing tiny creek fishing part one best video ever
hades773 - 7 years ago
1:35. Dude says see you later buddy. But look where the hook went through! That fish is dead man.
Reade Stallings
Reade Stallings - 7 years ago
@618 Fishing, what kinda of camera do u have
Ryan Hughes
Ryan Hughes - 7 years ago
Someone take this cunt salmon fishing.....
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park - 7 years ago
Very nice video, no fake no bullshit, thank you, you are seem a nice guy. Do more videos like this!!!!
siv johnsen
siv johnsen - 7 years ago
It's Me Michael
It's Me Michael - 7 years ago
The bas I think you could have kept
It's Me Michael
It's Me Michael - 7 years ago
And the second one
Kongmeng - 7 years ago
What would you do if a mud monster comes out.
KarmasSoldier - 7 years ago
this is the fishing i love. First vid i've seen of yours but enjoyed it a lot. Thumbs up n subscribed
Brandon Matthew
Brandon Matthew - 7 years ago
Unfortunately here in my part Florida there are no such ponds. They're either on private property, on preserves closed to the public or fished to the point that the bass won't bite often.
Danial Salleh
Danial Salleh - 7 years ago
I like all of your videos sir
dylan litton
dylan litton - 7 years ago
That was a bluegill perch not a sunfish learn there names i have 5 ponds and we stocked them with those bluegill
Zacschill //Films//
Zacschill //Films// - 7 years ago
Blake Darby
Blake Darby - 7 years ago
I bet you that pond has some big catfish!!
Charisma_XP - 7 years ago
I use a similar crawfish and cricket. They never disappoint.
Brendan Craven
Brendan Craven - 7 years ago
Typical American.....about as much finesse as a whale on rollsrskates!
jackdaw31 - 7 years ago
what make of rod are you using
tony so cool
tony so cool - 7 years ago
Love your fishing
ClassiK x
ClassiK x - 7 years ago
The crickhopper is my go to bait
Fanter Fishing
Fanter Fishing - 7 years ago
Nice one man
justreallybored - 7 years ago
Tiny pond = Just a normal pond.
justreallybored - 7 years ago
Aka trespassing
Wrecked 276
Wrecked 276 - 7 years ago
Lures bro
Stacy Gordon
Stacy Gordon - 7 years ago
Be careful, lot of land owners have animal traps, I knew I guy trespassing lost his left foot to a beaver trap. Huge hospital bill and criminal record for trespassing....
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
That's true, if you get caught in a man trap you won't have a leg to stand on and somebody will have to foot the bill.
Basically you're out on a limb!

( excuse my limp jokes )
Chris Stokes
Chris Stokes - 7 years ago
Cool video. Good job
dost ric
dost ric - 7 years ago
It does not state anything about making sure you permission from the land owner before hand, I would like to think he does.
Mike Martin
Mike Martin - 7 years ago
Needs to watch just walking on ponds. Some people wont appreciate it
Henry - 7 years ago
hey 618 fishing, there are 618 comments
Rammy Fishing
Rammy Fishing - 7 years ago
Drej 101
Drej 101 - 7 years ago
Wow! A pond?!?!? In the woods?!? Holy shit that's normal as fuck. People make any trash videos these days I guess
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
Didn't watch it?
You're full of shit you know damn well you did!
Drej 101
Drej 101 - 7 years ago
Clive Bindley you're a moron, didn't watch it. Saw a trash title for a trash video and talked shit. Now I'm responding to a piece of trash named Clive hahahahaha
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
And yet you watched it knowing what it was about!
Some people will type any trash comments these days I guess.
trout stalker
trout stalker - 7 years ago
very cool.. I like your style.. tight lines bro.!!
Paul Bellefleur
Paul Bellefleur - 7 years ago
If you don't own it and you don't have permission you're trespassing bottom line!!!
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
In UK you can't be had up for trespass if you are just on the land.
If you are causing damage or stealing then you can be charged.

Signs that read "Trespassers will be prosecuted" are meaningless as you cannot be prosecuted for trespass - it is a civil wrong, not a criminal offence. It's therefore more accurate to have a sign that reads: "Keep out - private property. You are trespassing."
jestione - 7 years ago
Fred S.
Fred S. - 7 years ago
That crawfish is one of the best lures I've ever used
oak mitchell
oak mitchell - 7 years ago
never thaught of using Google Earth for fishing spots.awesome idea!
netflix netflix
netflix netflix - 7 years ago
Would be a better vid without the music.
Big John
Big John - 7 years ago
Small fish,,, looks like rock bass
Sebastian - 7 years ago
You should be using a landing net and should not be pulling the fish out the water like that. You are dangling the entire weight of the fish from its mouth! Respect the fish and put its welfare first. Irresponsible angling indeed!
Rahman Raiyen Raiyen Mat
Rahman Raiyen Raiyen Mat - 7 years ago
So quite and nice to catch fishing
Alysa Bregitzer
Alysa Bregitzer - 7 years ago
Great, another faggot pretentious hipster kid making click bait fishing videos.
kyjarhead12 - 7 years ago
If you snuck up on them and narrated later, I bet you'd catch more fish and bigger fish. Other than my constructive criticism, you have a great YouTube channel and happy fishing mate!
your face sucks
your face sucks - 7 years ago
The man of ever present teeth.
aokspage - 7 years ago
Nice day
bobby anderson
bobby anderson - 7 years ago
And pull monster cats out
bobby anderson
bobby anderson - 7 years ago
Bruh if it was me , I'd have catfish poles out , plus bass pole , juhh saiyan , super
kenwes69 - 7 years ago
I love hidden ponds
luis vega
luis vega - 7 years ago
U should look into a fat tire bike to make your hiking time dissapear
wolfie498 - 7 years ago
EAT THEM MORON! Why just half kill the poor little fuckers?
wolfie498 - 7 years ago
Why do you put the big juicy ones back?
Metal Pillowcase
Metal Pillowcase - 7 years ago
Make sure that it isn't private land if you do this. Getting caught fishing on private land without permission from the owner is illegal and a great way to get shot at.
Highstranger951 - 7 years ago
Dude got creeped out by some junk in the woods. Where did you park your Prius
James Brede
James Brede - 7 years ago
Your videos are very good ! Keep it up !
omoThreezy Gang
omoThreezy Gang - 7 years ago
click bait
Duke Of_Cleveland_East
Duke Of_Cleveland_East - 7 years ago
I fished a pond like this in the middle of a cow pasture in north Alabama and we caught a few crappie that weighed around 3 pounds
alian liu
alian liu - 7 years ago
"see you later buddy "
fish: "i don't wanna see you anymore!"
ColtDeltaElite10mm - 7 years ago
I eat what I catch. Otherwise fishing is a waste of time. Lol.
Nayr Ahc
Nayr Ahc - 7 years ago
Go back & use Gary Yamamoto worms. Cinco style or straight. It works for bass & big crappie. & they also have Gary Yamamoto worms that are over size. The bigger the bait,the bigger the fish.
Paul jones
Paul jones - 7 years ago
Bearded nit
Wes G
Wes G - 7 years ago
looks like fun, but for the love of god stop cranking the handle when drag is going out...line twist city lol
what? - 7 years ago
searching for random ponds off on some ones land seems like a good way to get a shot gun pointed at you. Just saying ive had it happen before.
Damian Patrick McNamara
Damian Patrick McNamara - 7 years ago
I was hoping this would be a short clip, fishing attracts bores like this prat
Jack Black
Jack Black - 7 years ago
Great video brother ... keep it up
H K - 7 years ago
Bait and switch
Harry Hathaway
Harry Hathaway - 7 years ago
I fished a quarry when I was 21ish at Penn Valley Rd. at the Walt Disney school in Levittown Bucks County ,Pa.I caught in one day while raining a Large mouth bass, Rock Bass, huge black crappy, huge blue Gill, beautiful yellow AND white Perch,a fish I had no clue what it was,a catfish and that was it. However....there were pike in this lake cause I seen the fingerlings about 5-6" long. Carp were out of hand but never caught one.This lake is approx a 1/4 mile x 1/4 mile. Not huge but Crystal clear and deep.Rumor is that. Bull dozers were moving earth and when they came back the next day....the equipment was submerged and still there today.This was over 45 years ago.
jack sparrow
jack sparrow - 7 years ago
Josh Gunn
Josh Gunn - 7 years ago
I do the same exact thing...I bring 4 or 5 cams...hike, bury bugout items, sometimes camp...I have thousands of little secret spots from Google Earth....it's addictive. ...I'll be making some videos soon...I just have had a lot of work lately building my off grid studio loft...I actually stock my blue water natural spring pond with huge bluegill I catch out these spots...Keep up the good work bro!!! Sub'd!! :)
acik jaws
acik jaws - 7 years ago
in malaysia we take all the fish we caught and let the population extinct
DAN on MV - 7 years ago
You remind me of the "you're gonna have a bad time" dude off South Park
James Pham
James Pham - 7 years ago
Fucking amateur
Travis Meadows
Travis Meadows - 7 years ago
To much talking for my taste. You are scaring all of the fish away
cpayne2180 - 7 years ago
No way dude !! I don't believe that you were just walking in the woods and found a pond!! No way that never happens!!!! RARE.
The pumpkin Seller
The pumpkin Seller - 7 years ago
That beaver must of been huge!
bustedrav - 7 years ago
Tighten that drag!
Rahn Raethke
Rahn Raethke - 7 years ago
Well if hipsters can fish then I guess anyone can. But only hipsters bitch about random shit to make things seem more real a 3 mile hike that's a short trip ever hear of a flashlight aside from the shades?
trike rider
trike rider - 7 years ago
Not ONCE did I hear him complaining about bowel movements.
Darrell Johnson
Darrell Johnson - 7 years ago
The Outdoors Guy
The Outdoors Guy - 7 years ago
D Quit
D Quit - 7 years ago
Hey bro u should try a surface lure called a grassfrog I've done really well with it there is also a lure put out by mepp' s called a timber doodle it's great for shore fishing when u have to get through a lot of downed trees, stumps and weed' s u should also bring yourself a good machete to clear yourself from overhead obstruction's so u can cast further. and u were also saying something about the whole area being flooded,so I'm thinking that baby seat vary well could have floated there. good luck & cool video.
Kgw100 - 7 years ago
misleading title....
LINYE ZHOU - 7 years ago
nice bra
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
So do you trespass or do you call for permission? Is this public land?
& - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Sean Smith your a bitch I'm sure you have AIDS
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Smith lol, dad won't give you the keys anyways. Have a good day, Merry Christmas
Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R come on faggot. Stop flirting with your butt buddy and drop the location. Don’t be a punk bitch
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Smith lol, have a good day dickhead.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R you too dude!
Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R you said I was a coward. Don’t be afraid of a coward. Give the location so you can shoot me like your buddy told you to
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Smith I wont, nor would any person give that info out on the internet. Don't worry, calm down go get a hug from mommy and you will feel better, besides you wouldn't want anything to happen to your parents truck.
Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R ok, so give me the exact location of your property. I can show you better than I can tell you
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell lol, merry Christmas
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R then cut him up and feed him to the hogs
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R shoot that bitch
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Smith no you wont, because you are a coward. Only cowards talk so stupid
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Sean Smith nice
Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R where’s your property? I’ll drive my truck straight through to your pond and fish as long as I want, leave beer cans everywhere, then bone your wife before I leave
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell no harm no foul
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R sorry I was a bit harsh.
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell that's exactly right. A little commen courtesy goes a long way. Take care
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R agreed. So where are you so I'll know to knock on your door and ask permission to fish on your land? Go Trump!
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell each to their own
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R there is hope if you voted for trump I'll give you that. And I get what your saying but give the guy a break. Your still a bastard
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell who talks like that? First of all I voted for Trump and will again. I don't have to let anyone on my property because it's mine. I don't understand why no one can respect property lines, I don't know who those fisherman are so I don't want them on my land. Every time it happens the result is the same, they get off my land with some persuasion from my firearm. Learn some respect you dumb fuck
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R let some guy go fishing as long as he covers his tracks and isn't a liability no harm no problem. I'm sure you supported Hillary. I seriously hope you die from als.
Tbone 72 86 R
Tbone 72 86 R - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell how am I bitch? By abiding the law? Step on my property see what happens
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
Tbone 72 86 R your a bitch fuck you
chloesdad/bobberdown79 - 7 years ago
NICE WORK! This ended up being a pretty good video.
David Borodziuk
David Borodziuk - 7 years ago
Good video
Isaac Harrell
Isaac Harrell - 7 years ago
Love ur videos keep up the work
E vazkee
E vazkee - 7 years ago
Nothing like strolling through poison oak
crazy bob
crazy bob - 7 years ago
It looks like it was sprinkling
Deangelo Smith
Deangelo Smith - 7 years ago
I subscribed to your channel plus I rang the bell
Stan Quick
Stan Quick - 7 years ago
You've got to get a jitterbug for top water. Would have been the ideal lure for the weather you were fishing in.
LazyGameS - 7 years ago
He looks like all the characters in sunny in Philadelphia mixed together
Joshua Jordan
Joshua Jordan - 7 years ago
I feel like this guy is just trespassing on people's properties.
Carlos Villasenor
Carlos Villasenor - 7 years ago
Thats a lake in cali
the worst one
the worst one - 7 years ago
Did you just saw that!? 6: 22 scary af!
the worst one
the worst one - 7 years ago
Dont click edited
Extreme Baller
Extreme Baller - 7 years ago
The first fish you caught was a blue gill
Aussie Angler Pros
Aussie Angler Pros - 7 years ago
Your gonna get butt fucked one day in the woods
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
No mate, I was quoting from the movie, I didn't mean I was going to rape you.
I have watched all the movie several times.
I'm not a faggot and not that way inclined.
May I take this opportunity to congratulate you on choosing a most appropriate user name?
Well done!
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 7 years ago
Enwach Is a fucking cunt, was it? I don't remember that at all? I like your logic that says it's ok for that guy to rape your little punk butt hole, as long a you get to shoot him in the back with an arrow later though. What a gaywad! Lol!
Aussie Angler Pros
Aussie Angler Pros - 7 years ago
Shelby Seelbach Actually I am thinking about it and I can remember the arrow into the back because that was a scene in the movie you retarded hoe
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 7 years ago
Enwach Is a fucking cunt, funny, people only remember the rape. Think about it.
Aussie Angler Pros
Aussie Angler Pros - 7 years ago
Clive Bindley Yeah then I put a fucking arrow in your back faggot you obviously didn't watch that part
jason james
jason james - 7 years ago
Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt Enwach Is a fucking cunt, hi...
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 7 years ago
Enwach Is a fucking cunt that's hot!
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
You speaking from experience?
Get them pants down boy, squeak like a pig.
Weeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeee.
Alfred Selle
Alfred Selle - 7 years ago
Looked like a mudhole nothing more
phaze ho
phaze ho - 7 years ago
Wow someone actually posting watchable vids, so much nicer than little twatsticks posting useless dribble
mrouterrim - 7 years ago
How do you know public from private land ?? And how do you choose an area to recon
Great music
Aaron Fry
Aaron Fry - 7 years ago
Just goes to show, ya never know where a great spot might be. Cool video!
TriaNglle - 7 years ago
Cute little ass?
Corey Read
Corey Read - 7 years ago
I subscribed i love your videos
Zebure 01
Zebure 01 - 7 years ago
Plot twist-he caught an white shark
JAMES Byrd - 7 years ago
That baby car seat though that ain't right.
Wesley Travelbee
Wesley Travelbee - 7 years ago
Samuel Caban
Samuel Caban - 7 years ago
popcorn fish
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne - 7 years ago
stop saying see you later buddy
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne - 7 years ago
fuck you##
Andra Utd
Andra Utd - 7 years ago
why i find you looks like mike shinoda..??
Adrind Azril
Adrind Azril - 6 years ago
Andra Utd no..
Chum Fart
Chum Fart - 7 years ago
this reminds me of coming up for air by george orwell
Tanner Doherty
Tanner Doherty - 7 years ago
Fucking wanna be faggot
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne - 7 years ago
hi mister know everything
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne
TrollerTrollerXXGamer DeOne - 7 years ago
Tanner Doherty
Tanner Doherty
Tanner Doherty - 7 years ago
That wasn't s beaver you stupid fucking idiot
Tanner Doherty
Tanner Doherty - 7 years ago
Dude u fucking suck so bad. You are a fake fisherman. Go home dude
garioldwin - 7 years ago
In united states you can catch either a bass or a sunfish i presume from a lot of videos.There isnt any other smaller fish becouse of these two.
Fidel Mendoza
Fidel Mendoza - 7 years ago
Im afraid of spiders. So exploring and having to go through bushes/forests and multiple spider webs no sir...
shloeberr - 7 years ago
First time I see an American fisherman who doesn't overreact and screams like a little kid when he hooks up, no effence though. But it always annoys me, great video man!
Eric Slim
Eric Slim - 7 years ago
shloeberr u ain't never seen me fish,he's in a city park,compaired were I go! 2 300 big bream ain't nothing. freezing cold,fish that don't bury for the winter and hang out on the shallow sunny end for warmth and close to deep water for protection.Find em first then creep away low to fetch fire wood your fishing 0° weather for huge sunfish before Spring breeding. Quick as u slang a line in lil piece of night crawler from Walmart,n line will cut the water like a knife b4 ur bait hits bottom. No time to string em flip em back behind u n pile em up,have had eagles n hawks fly off with few.
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS - you are subjected to the objective world which is made up of substance and the substance is used practically. Thats how we progress and have what we have today. Do you have any practical demonstrations that proves were on a giant blue testicle with gas and water clinging to it in an infinite vacuum with two opposing pressure systems adjacent with no solid barrier inbetween? Does a pressure system even work without a container? Do you admit there is a positive pressure system ie atmospheric pressure? Do you admit there is a vacuum right next to it ie negative pressure? Do you admit there is nothing solid separating the two ie space travel?
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS - if you make a claim however indirect it may be it means the burden of proof is on you and what you are representing. Myself and others are just questioning our reality. The opposite of what we were taught. And found out theres no practical dmonstrations for all of the assumptions made. Its nothing but fellacious rhetoric and mathematics based off selective variables.
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS - Maybe you need to tell your globe cult you can see the curve at 30,000 ft up then cause they dont agree, well some say at sea level, others say much higher.. all the same religion and none can agree. Theres no curve. You need to visit an optician. Your observation doesnt make a measurment of the earth. Thats like me saying i see its flat so it is. Lol. When you ascended on your ball earth why would your sides rise up?
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS - Yea why would you take anything serious? You are the kind of joke thats never been funny.
TheBadAIDS - 7 years ago
The Minds Eye Lmao, you’re not going to convert anyone. It’s not my responsibility to provide proof of anything to you at this point. You’re the type that’s such a contrarian, you’ll take the obscure/unpopular opinion just for the sake of doing so because you have no real personality, you just need to be different. I’ve seen the Earth curve from thousands of feet up, bro. Until I see otherwise with my own eyes, you’re just a guy online drinking the kool-aid.
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS - There is no map or model of the earth I trust. I do not place any beliefs because of the obvious lie in the middle. I know what I know because of substance. Substance which can be fully measured if you have all the dimensions. A body of water cannot conform to an exterior shape. A body of water needs a container and its surface remains a constant level no matter the scale the body of water is measured by. Can you provide proof you live on a giant blue testicle in an infinite vacuum? Or would you like to just insult more to feel superior?
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS - Yea, I learned about aids studying the shape of the earth. Are you content with letting everyone think and talk for you? Sure sounds like it.
TheBadAIDS - 7 years ago
The Minds Eye Did you learn all that from your flat earth videos? Lmao.
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS And BTW im american! Shocker! Only the dumb are proud of such things.. and prop it up especially.
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS even your name says stuff about you.. aids is from prolonged malnutrition and filth ie human beings essentially starving to death. You are an immoral bastard living off moral people all around the world.
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
TheBadAIDS you have one thing right.. "we dont think"
TheBadAIDS - 7 years ago
The Minds Eye We ignore everything else for the same reason other countries do the opposite towards us. America is number one, baby. Been on YouTube for a long time, people from other countries comment and think about us a lot. We don’t think about you at all. Lmao
Objective Reality Rapper
Objective Reality Rapper - 7 years ago
lance cuckborn "foreigner" is youtube a nation? Americans think everything is theirs... thats for sure. (An american) "whats your country?" (Anyone not in america) "braz.." (An american) "you are a foreigner!" Anything outside their pond/paradigm is ignored. I understand what you mean by stereotyping americans together because they are more indoctrinated than everyone else.
Terd Fart
Terd Fart - 7 years ago
monster mike
Sevin skies
Sevin skies - 7 years ago
Bro get out more.
Cary Meyer
Cary Meyer - 7 years ago
shloeberr it’s sad when someone cares that much about fishing that he’d be annoyed about that.
Vaughn Rouse
Vaughn Rouse - 7 years ago
Please someone tell me the name of the song in this FISHING trip
shloeberr - 7 years ago
Robert Goldman Guessing you're American?
Robert Goldman
Robert Goldman - 7 years ago
shloeberr fuck off back to whatever shit country you live in, you jealous little cunt lmfao.
Clever Happy Derp
Clever Happy Derp - 7 years ago
shloeberr your comment is a little bit stupid
lance cuckborn
lance cuckborn - 7 years ago
first time i see a butthurt foreigner in the comments... oh wait...
urweetoddid - 7 years ago
shloeberr yeah, only Americans overreact and scream like a little kid when they hook a fish.
first name last name
first name last name - 7 years ago
Wow...what a snooze fest...zzzzzzzzz
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
What, your comment you mean? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
clhuke64 - 7 years ago
I have been telling my brother for years, that state records, are going to be taken in out of the way places.......
The Kentucky Patriot
The Kentucky Patriot - 7 years ago
That was awesome!
J Garrett
J Garrett - 7 years ago
A Dnr guy was telling me that fish, snails, etc get to these ponds as eggs stuck in ducks and geese legs! I love to fish ponds cause you never know what your going to hook into...
Steve Miller
Steve Miller - 7 years ago
Thought I should add they keep shutting that part down because of all the male prostitution going on bunch of old creepy men lmao
Steve Miller
Steve Miller - 7 years ago
Yep this pond is so hidden... though you can just drive down to the back and it opens up on the road too a drainage pipe..
Kody leatherdale
Kody leatherdale - 7 years ago
That's awesome. Planning on doing this with my son in Ontario. Pretty amazing how much water there is here and not marked.
tosgem - 7 years ago
You were trespassing on private property, guess your real proud of yourself
Adrind Azril
Adrind Azril - 6 years ago
tosgem Kiddo...This is public property..
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Alex Attard since you seem to be ignorant of human history, let me help you with something...those you call "Native Americans" are immigrants from Asia who followed animal herds to the region. All "Native American" tribes can trace their ancestry back to these immigrants who, quite possibly came and took this land from other groups of less advanced human ancestors. Then as the world got smaller due to improved travel methods, the same situation happened.

The only place where humanity is truly "Native" is Africa.

Now all this being said, I bet that if we look through YOUR people's history, we will find a fair share of conquering, enslaving and expansionism. So careful how you point fingers.

Now, unless everything you own...Car, Phone, Home, food, etc is completely up for grabs to anyone and everyone and you wont fight to protect it and keep it because...well...your ancestors did some conquering at some point...you have nothing to say.

Do the right thing. Ask permission to come onto someone's property that they or their family has put blood, sweat, tears and money into. Have some common decency and manners. The world is severly lacking in both.
Alex Attard
Alex Attard - 7 years ago
John Clayton r u guys in America ? How did u people ask and get permission from real native Americans, stayed there while over-breeding? Think about that and you might realise that you might be an invasive specy in truth.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
John Clayton maybe
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell sure thing kiddo. Enjoy the protection of the interwebs and im sorry you get beat up so much at school. Maybe the girls will stop laughing at you some day.

Good luck.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
John Clayton you inspire to never change
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell once again your idiocy and childishness shows. One day maybe you will grow up and stop being such a douche. Probably not but I am ever the optimist.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
John Clayton maybe you should focus on loosing some weight may tou should take up fishing get some exerxise
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell Dont really take too much seriously. Only reason I am responding is I am at work and not talking to Airplanes...it passes the time.

I do hope that you are just being a troll though and that you understand the point.

Kids (including mine) watch these shows on youtube. It would be nice if the people offering the content exhibited ALL the aspects of a responsible fisherman.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
John Clayton you take yourself way to seriously. lighten up this is youtube its all a joke who cares?
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell pitty will do that...i hope IRL you arent this much of a douche. Would be a lonely life.

Im kinda amazed that anyone would get butt hurt about wanting people to do the right thing...but, society being the way it is and lack of respect for others and other's property being at the low level it is...i guess I shouldnt be surprised.

On another note: i have watched many of these Youtube fishing channels and a common click bait theme is "they called the cops...wtf?!"...and each of them say the same thing "i was just fishing and I wasnt hurting anything"...thats not the point. Its common courtesy. You wouldn't walk into someone's back yard and borrow their bbq grill without asking. You arent hurting anything by using it and leaving it in the condition you found it, but you would still ask.

Bottom line Sean...if you feel that its okay for someone to use property without asking, do you just let strangers come in your house to use your stove while you arent there? Or how about swim in your pool without asking? Or use your bathroom?

Common courtesy and respect. We need more of it. Ask permission. You would be amazed the friends you make.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
John Clayton got you to shake your head didnt i?
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Sean Isbell Oooo...you got me there skippy. Such a clever guy. shakes head gotta love internet muscles.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
John Clayton your a dirty whore
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Some of you folks seriously need to throttle back and learn some common respect. You dont borrow someone's car without asking, you dont swim in someone's pool without asking, you dont come in someone's house without permission and you dont hunt/fish on someone's private land without permission. Zero respect.

And if this is a public park, sweet. Have fun fishing. But if this is indeed someone's property, do your due diligence, find out who the owner is and ask permission.

Common courtesy.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
ABOLISH AUTHORITY big time, the sense of entitlement is onsane
Kids these days are all brainwashed Commies that think they are entitled to everything.
Sean Isbell
Sean Isbell - 7 years ago
tosgem I hope you die asshole. Let the guy enjoy himself fuck you
tosgem - 7 years ago
Jay Elle like that trespasser was minding he's own business?
Jay Elle
Jay Elle - 7 years ago
Mind ur business
Shelby Seelbach
Shelby Seelbach - 7 years ago
Clive Bindley his ass hole is retarded? Weird!
Nick Zale
Nick Zale - 7 years ago
Oh noooo! He was fishing and not making a mess outta the place,that bastard!
wraithchild G
wraithchild G - 7 years ago
tosgem It's a state park idiot.
The day before today I inquired upon thou
The day before today I inquired upon thou - 7 years ago
tosgem *you're
Alca Bringer
Alca Bringer - 7 years ago
Nice adventure bro.
Marlon's C
Marlon's C - 7 years ago
Just watched now time for bed. See you later buddy lol
n4smotorwerx - 7 years ago
What is your pole and reel set up? I want to know what you were using when you were fishing with that tiny pole set up!
want to get one like that to play with!
Chris Walls
Chris Walls - 7 years ago
What does 618 come from?
Numba1TeddyBear - 7 years ago
Watch out for bears and alligators and snakes and skunks
Rendra Aditya
Rendra Aditya - 7 years ago
Wwbaber wewwsnisbwfcbsmspxihcnsms Lo u doc jm Aldi BMS click on di
John Sullivan
John Sullivan - 7 years ago
Try a strike King bittsy minnow in firetiger, especially in ponds like this.
Rob Cordon
Rob Cordon - 7 years ago
Stupid yanks..............they just obsessed with bass. I would rather catch a carp............more intelligent and harder fighting.
cijoged post
cijoged post - 7 years ago
seems like i am playing harvestmoon, found the secret pond and trying to catch leendary fish
Ralph Barton
Ralph Barton - 7 years ago
Great video
Geeky Ashim
Geeky Ashim - 7 years ago
Please make Catch & Cook Videos.
Dennis Harrison
Dennis Harrison - 7 years ago
We use to fish in a half acher pond in the woods about a half mile from my house every spring me and a friend would go to it no one ever fished it we use to catch huge shell crackers (red ear) sunfish we use to catch a 5 gallon bucket close to full I googled earth it still there doctor owned it his son does now that was in the mid 80's
Art Mehmeti
Art Mehmeti - 7 years ago
I don't know, did you?
Justin Mariano
Justin Mariano - 7 years ago
I never experience fisging.
Dustin H
Dustin H - 7 years ago
What's the with question mark?
The life and times of Barney Taylor
The life and times of Barney Taylor - 7 years ago
you. red a tube get out there man
The life and times of Barney Taylor
The life and times of Barney Taylor - 7 years ago
need not red dumb phone
Shannon Hudson
Shannon Hudson - 7 years ago
I know exactly where you're at
Aussie boi
Aussie boi - 7 years ago
There's a snake in my boot
White Wolf
White Wolf - 7 years ago
I'd get hated on if I made Youtube vids of me fishing, because I would keep the fish. None of this shit you throw them back.
theiran - 7 years ago
We have a bunch of these small ponds in eastern Oklahoma.
Santiago Sanchez
Santiago Sanchez - 7 years ago
Where he from
Richard Skeate
Richard Skeate - 7 years ago
All you need to do is ask. I'm a land owner. I don't hunt, but will let anyone bow hunt if they ask. The key, ASK
J Hoggard
J Hoggard - 6 years ago
Richard Skeate are u in Missouri?!!! I don’t gun hunt but i live to bow hunt lol
Ray Ray
Ray Ray - 7 years ago
you express the simple joy of fishing well.thank you
Matt Jones
Matt Jones - 7 years ago
Coach Pete Turner
Coach Pete Turner - 7 years ago
Very cool! I applaud your sense of adventure.
Darwin Berrios
Darwin Berrios - 7 years ago
Wtf you threw it back again
Mountain Homestead
Mountain Homestead - 7 years ago
Great video, but you should have a net with you. Hal
Marilynne Rapp
Marilynne Rapp - 7 years ago
Flooding from larger lakes thru watershed pathways can either stock a pond or at least 'seed stock' with eggs and some starter species. Hawks or other birds can grab a frog with a belly full of fertilized fish eggs, and drop parts or land in a tree over the pond to eat. As a kid we had a funky little pond about a block long next to a blackberry field and every manner of water creature lived in it. Ah the good old days!
Huge - 7 years ago
a few years ago my family bought acres of land (100+) and we had NO idea what was on the land (mostly trees) and we found a bunch of nice ponds and rivers. We have trout, bass, crappie, everything i could ever want to fish for.
Richard Barrett
Richard Barrett - 7 years ago
Its bloody Brat Pitt fishing?
Keir O'Neill
Keir O'Neill - 7 years ago
I found a miniscule pond on the middle of some woods, I forgot where. It was pretty much just an oversized puddle, not even a foot deep. There was one frog sitting in there all by itself, and pretty much nothing else.
CLP - 7 years ago
Your smoke is bombtastic!
cool video , fish are hiding everywhere. Come and check my channel on fishing with the best of Holland. Sure you will learn a few things.
Yeezy Boi
Yeezy Boi - 7 years ago
I was subscribing since 6k
Chris Villanueva
Chris Villanueva - 7 years ago
what brand sunglasses do you wear?
WildBillHabiki - 7 years ago
jeez, ultimate click bait.

tiny pond is actually a big pond
christopher james
christopher james - 7 years ago
It is a tiny pond. Maybe a half acre at the most. Anyway who gives a shit about how big it is?
Rocket Dog
Rocket Dog - 7 years ago
WildBillHabiki is
simon jackson
simon jackson - 7 years ago
Corey Drums
Corey Drums - 7 years ago
WildBillHabiki shut the fuck up fuckboy..
Billy poppins
Billy poppins - 7 years ago
I hate the fact that I get suckered...
EscobarTV45 - 7 years ago
WildBillHabiki agreed
Robert Romig
Robert Romig - 7 years ago
you are false advertising just to get fucking views on your channel how lame can you be
Robert Romig
Robert Romig - 7 years ago
nice "tiny pond" dumbass that wasn't a pond
The Carnster
The Carnster - 7 years ago
I have that exact green crawfish crank bait at 4:46 good lure.
blaine mercer
blaine mercer - 7 years ago
that was a good video
blaine mercer
blaine mercer - 7 years ago
that was a good video
My Channel
My Channel - 7 years ago
Man... who taught YOU how-ta fish???
Astro Project
Astro Project - 7 years ago
Say it don't spray it
The Reel Life
The Reel Life - 7 years ago
Yes! He used the lure I recommended, the crickhopper
Joy Corcoran
Joy Corcoran - 7 years ago
Congratulations my apartment is infested by demons trying to posess me.
warthogmaster10 - 7 years ago
Your videos are so relaxing
Kevin Pena
Kevin Pena - 7 years ago
I live by a giant lake that stretches miles and I never catch any fish and I went to a new building development and I found fish in a puddle
TheFish Gamer
TheFish Gamer - 7 years ago
Why does "Finding a pond" require a capitalized sentence?
blackjack650 jones
blackjack650 jones - 7 years ago
Thats a decent sized pond in england
KuroiMushi - 7 years ago
I can assure you...it's not a TINY or even small pond :D (I think it's an american thing, you are used to double-triple size everything :P).
MastaX - 7 years ago
Dude no way thats exactly what i do! i also go on google earth and turn on satellite view and also scope out ponds, We think alike.
danielvue96 - 7 years ago
You deserve more than 100k subs
random films
random films - 7 years ago
I was expecting a tiny pond as it was put in capitals but it's not exactly tiny is it?
Leroy Spires
Leroy Spires - 7 years ago
Are you planning on viewing the eclipse tomorrow?
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes - 7 years ago
what bait ur using bro plz help
paupau love
paupau love - 7 years ago
I'm speak Germany and you
Robert Rogers
Robert Rogers - 7 years ago
I love pond fishing. Would love to try that with flyrod and popping bug!
Kirk London
Kirk London - 7 years ago
SteveMRE, is that you?!?

Nice videos, man.
Javi Perez
Javi Perez - 7 years ago
Despite the excessive mouth moving while talking, i loved the video
Hero Sanden
Hero Sanden - 7 years ago
Javi Perez what
Jinzo 2400
Jinzo 2400 - 7 years ago
Kyle Collins
Kyle Collins - 7 years ago
What happened to using a good ol' fashion red wiggler worm?
Dingus Dow
Dingus Dow - 7 years ago
I wouldn't call any of those, "tiny ponds"...
J Anderson
J Anderson - 7 years ago
you don't appear to be finding out who owns the land and asking permission. that's the problem with Google Earth and people like you. if you were trespassing without permission you would have more than a 3 mile walk.....you come back to a truck with flat tires or get an armed escort off the land.
Fucked Up Videos
Fucked Up Videos - 7 years ago
MAAN 200 SUBS TO 100K!!!!
John Jackson
John Jackson - 7 years ago
Mark Miller
Mark Miller - 7 years ago
nothing like criminal tresspassing, just walk onto someone else's property and go fishing.
Semaj O.
Semaj O. - 7 years ago
Mark Miller state park land
Hrod Fishing
Hrod Fishing - 7 years ago
Another video for 1 million views:)
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
use mepps number 3's for those small ponfs bro
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy - 7 years ago
use mepps number 3's for those small ponfs bro
Caleb L
Caleb L - 7 years ago
Make a cheap lure fishing challenge
Mauricio Reyna
Mauricio Reyna - 7 years ago
Buy the land!!!plz
Mauricio Reyna
Mauricio Reyna - 7 years ago
It could be a owner land
Semaj O.
Semaj O. - 7 years ago
Mauricio Reyna it's state land
Seth no
Seth no - 7 years ago
The beaver was chewing on it to wear the teeth down. It had no intentions of taking it to the damn. They eat the saplings and bring down the small trees for damn and chew on the big ones. Great video I love finding these little jems
Mike Grover
Mike Grover - 7 years ago
So you are trespassing????  Hope its not in Texas.. You might get your ass shot off....
FSU_V_Pad - 7 years ago
Fish while u talk to us...
Jacob Ison
Jacob Ison - 7 years ago
Should have keep on the chatter bait
Von O
Von O - 7 years ago
Great vid!!
CaniCat - 7 years ago
You discover a tiny hidden ecosystem .. and decide to go and torture the wildlife?
Semaj O.
Semaj O. - 7 years ago
CaniCat "torture the wildlife" wtf
Eli Mueller
Eli Mueller - 7 years ago
CaniCat stfu u ignorant bitch
Corey Keeter
Corey Keeter - 7 years ago
Just randomly found your vid. Change of pace for sure. Seem like a very humble dude on a fishin mission. Keep it up. I look forward to new vids. Hell possibly one day cast a few.
sonikku956 - 7 years ago
I've found three new fishing channels in one day!
Mike McCrane
Mike McCrane - 7 years ago
Where are you located for fishing these hidden ponds? I live in N.Va and would really like to duplicate the same here. Cheers! Mike
Bubba George529
Bubba George529 - 7 years ago
Happy 100k! (hopefully by the time you read this you have 100k because right now there is only 99k.)
Randy D
Randy D - 7 years ago
Almost at 100k man, been watching you since less than 60k...well deserved man keep it up
Tino Cairo
Tino Cairo - 7 years ago
Nice fish man, keep up the good work!
Clayton Ponton
Clayton Ponton - 7 years ago
the fish at 6:51 is definitely a warmouth I used to catch them out my creek all the time
jacob swyka
jacob swyka - 7 years ago
st croix premeir yessir
Nick Berg
Nick Berg - 7 years ago
I swear all this guy has is ultra light stuff
Nick Berg
Nick Berg - 7 years ago
It gets old
TZ3z - 7 years ago
Cool vid I can tell a lot of work went in to it.
Aaron W
Aaron W - 7 years ago
Nice stick
ilike KiWIs
ilike KiWIs - 7 years ago
I Just subbed.
Mag neto
Mag neto - 7 years ago
That's a big pond.
Katrina Thysse
Katrina Thysse - 7 years ago
What cunchere do you life in
Aaron Moody
Aaron Moody - 7 years ago
Dude I subbed. Cya later buddy
a. banks.
a. banks. - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish you caught...
glad you threw them back...
millejosh5028 - 7 years ago
Are you from Illinois? Reppin that 618. I'm from greenville
Jon Davis
Jon Davis - 7 years ago
Absolutely love this kind of fishing. I grew up in Arkansas. All kinds of hidden ponds and creeks. Love your video. Keep on keeping on.
KvNg MaFiA
KvNg MaFiA - 7 years ago
Guerilla Rush
Guerilla Rush - 7 years ago
I love this youtuber but hes the dink master
Fishing Urban Ontario
Fishing Urban Ontario - 7 years ago
The beaver thing was cool.
Addie 1784
Addie 1784 - 7 years ago
Did he say " tiny little pond" ?
Burt Gummer
Burt Gummer - 7 years ago
More than one kind of fishing can be had in those little ponds. Buy yourself a waterproof quality metal detector..learn to use it properly. thank me later.
Jax Raz
Jax Raz - 7 years ago
Dude looks like peter sagan
Franko Chapman
Franko Chapman - 7 years ago
Do some for Sacramento
Sam Root
Sam Root - 7 years ago
Very cool channel man... good stuff.
Scottie Ely
Scottie Ely - 7 years ago
Derek Sando
Derek Sando - 7 years ago
Great vid
Connor Trast
Connor Trast - 7 years ago
Hey Nick... I was recently at Fleet Farm and I saw a huge 18 foot telescoping fishing rod and I'm not veteran fisherman so obviously I have no idea what it is or what it's for but after thinking that I thought about you making a video about catching a bass on an 18 foot rod and I think that would be great
K Fishing
K Fishing - 7 years ago
He looks a lot like mike shinoda!
c p
c p - 7 years ago
Great vid
ECBACKFCB - 7 years ago
how did the fish get in the pond
ECBACKFCB - 7 years ago
Joshua Graham o ok thanks
Joshua Graham
Joshua Graham - 7 years ago
RandomLopez birds carry eggs on their feet
ColdPotatoFilms - 7 years ago
what setup are you using? watching your videos made me really wanna try out ultra light fishing haha
LoganThe MotoBro
LoganThe MotoBro - 7 years ago
Throw bigger baits
Matthew Dacosta
Matthew Dacosta - 7 years ago
Nick, please do a large mouth catch and cook -I have done it they taste awesome!
sneaccy - 7 years ago
Matthew Dacosta he would have to catch one big enough to cook first.
Stupid Man
Stupid Man - 7 years ago
dark colors only, or slow buzz bait in slew gar ponds
fenrir - 7 years ago
Man id take a little tent back there, and make a weekend of it, the Bass fishing looked awesome
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 7 years ago
I remember doing that when I was a kid. I miss it.
Uranuspounder - 7 years ago
My friend showed me a pond just like this a couple weeks ago and I was just about to give up and say fuck it there's no fish here but I decided after several hours without a bite that I'd cast a couple more times before going home and immediately after I said this to my friend, I ended up getting 6 or 7 little half pound largemouth in a row
Dwight Shotts
Dwight Shotts - 7 years ago
Im from indiana, and we have creeks we can walk and catch some of the prettiest blue gills, small mouth, huge pumpkin seeds, creek chubs. Great video, i may do one from here like yours. Good kob.
96Duelfuel - 7 years ago
Combing the satellite maps is always fun for pools, storm water ponds; just about anything that may hold fish.  Always a good time.
Lil Chris
Lil Chris - 7 years ago
Stop just saying fish
USMC29er - 7 years ago
This was amazing.....
GenesisnKaidence - 7 years ago
Here in Texas we call that retarded and wasting your time..
Seth Werrebrouck
Seth Werrebrouck - 7 years ago
Man I found your video, 's great
Natural State Angle
Natural State Angle - 7 years ago
Great video 618 as usual.... Keep up the great content!!
Ole Henrik Høydal
Ole Henrik Høydal - 7 years ago
7:41 what even is that?
Sjones 618
Sjones 618 - 7 years ago
To everyone saying he's trespassing. I fish the same spot it's very public, the gate has been closed due to flooding so you have to park in a public lot and walk that road. Pulled some 3-4 inch monster channels from them ponds lol. Keep them vids coming
favio hewson
favio hewson - 7 years ago
nice video thanks from argentine, nice to tell that is getting dark and have 3 miles to walk, is good to know cos´that could become a nigthmare later. nice fishing
hernekeitto- kalastaa
hernekeitto- kalastaa - 7 years ago
good video ! can you make perch fishing video?
Bluegill Phil
Bluegill Phil - 7 years ago
nice !!!
IdioticApple - 7 years ago
I freaking love your videos! Best YouTuber out there!
Mark Withers
Mark Withers - 7 years ago
Nice little hidden pond bass looked like it got you by surprise
Casual Carolina Fishing
Casual Carolina Fishing - 7 years ago
How about that. That one bass literally jumped for joy when you released him.
ThresherFishing - 7 years ago
Excellent videos.
Ali jokes _Vlogs
Ali jokes _Vlogs - 7 years ago
he absolutely creamed it
ironsights 702
ironsights 702 - 7 years ago
this makes me miss the midwest
ScrubLordCasual - 7 years ago
I don't know if you have a kayak but I bet you could kill them in that larger pond with one.... Although it would be a pain to get it back there...
Miguel Nuñez
Miguel Nuñez - 7 years ago
It sopose to catch and cook
Mikey Dip
Mikey Dip - 7 years ago
Cool concept -- I dig it!
TomoyaMemez - 7 years ago
That sunfish got raped by that hook
Svt. Junior
Svt. Junior - 7 years ago
Im 1 sub away from having 1 sub.
Ryan Hansen
Ryan Hansen - 7 years ago
May i make a recommendation for places like this?
Alan  Call
Alan Call - 7 years ago
Should have brought a white spinnerbait
George Garcia
George Garcia - 7 years ago
what bug or noise was that at 6:40? I hear it in anime all the time
Adam Ruiz
Adam Ruiz - 7 years ago
George Garcia a cicada
Mr Happy Badger
Mr Happy Badger - 7 years ago
Great video bro! i must say though, if the bites dry up, try switching lures. :)
Gunnar Reeves
Gunnar Reeves - 7 years ago
Come again with a machete and clear some of the bank
Jamie Hart
Jamie Hart - 7 years ago
That's not really tiny.
Daylin Barroso-Gonzalez
Daylin Barroso-Gonzalez - 7 years ago
JR-FISHINGTV - 7 years ago
First video i seen, really nice edit and fish, subbed to the channel.
Ciara Jones
Ciara Jones - 7 years ago
Like fish
Rachel Yantis
Rachel Yantis - 7 years ago
What state is that
kinghoppo11 - 7 years ago
I'll sub your channels pretty cool.
nutty - 7 years ago
I found a puddle that turned out to be a pond. I thought I was a goner xD
Kevin Acevedo
Kevin Acevedo - 7 years ago
This video was lit
Josh Jordan
Josh Jordan - 7 years ago
Why do you wear the same shirt in every video?
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 7 years ago
Josh Jordan his lucky shirt
dirkie draadloos
dirkie draadloos - 7 years ago
This is something we could do in the old south africa years ago. Now you don't go on the beach or in the woods alone and avoid it completely at night. Treasure what you got!!
dirkie draadloos
dirkie draadloos - 7 years ago
fishing fever ...... baie baie sleg en hartseer dat so n mooi land so vinnig onder kan gaan.
fishing fever
fishing fever - 7 years ago
dirkie draadloos dis sleg!
SVTsupercharged - 7 years ago
Looks like a lot of fun. I wish I lived somewhere that had small ponds everywhere where you could just go and fish all day without there being fifteen other people fishing.
Ek Sneaks
Ek Sneaks - 7 years ago
Do live bait fishing challenge
lojo.fishing - 7 years ago
SOO CLOSE to 100K man!!! Happy for you!!!
Fish Hawk
Fish Hawk - 7 years ago
I love exploring new fishing spots. So exciting and fun. Closing in on 100k subscribers!
Timothy Mcnees
Timothy Mcnees - 7 years ago
Dude Nick, I dig your idea of fun.
Manuel S
Manuel S - 7 years ago
I think I lost a crappie
michael spignardo
michael spignardo - 7 years ago
So you even know how to set the hook or do you let the fish set the hook gaylord
AngelChivas9 - 7 years ago
I wish i found a pond in the woods because I live right next to them
Cipta Mahendra
Cipta Mahendra - 7 years ago
It's spooky area dude.. be careful with ur surroundings
Raoul Smits
Raoul Smits - 7 years ago
I love your video's hate your voice
A. Tority
A. Tority - 7 years ago
Wish we had bass in the Netherlands, we do do have a pond with sunfish, somebody put them in there they are a invasive species but hella fun to catch. We got alot of roach, bream and carp here tho catched one perch, 30 roach, 3 breams and 1 carp yesterday haha. Gonna go for pike tommorow :P
yaxi zhang
yaxi zhang - 7 years ago
do u cook Pike
A. Tority
A. Tority - 7 years ago
Poepiedoeipie nooooo
Luis Rivera
Luis Rivera - 7 years ago
A. Tority xzssßss
Poepiedoeipie - 7 years ago
we do have bass ...
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Ivan Roux thanks Ivan!
Luke Johnson
Luke Johnson - 7 years ago
you have a great attitude towards what You catch if that makes sense but I'd really recommend you go to a place I know !!!!
Pawleys island Georgetown sc. it's where a river meets the paean it's really calm
High tide and low tide you will catch fish every cast and not know what you have haha
Flounder , pinfish, some weird fish with a huge head , reds,blues , sea trout, puffer stingray baby jack ,
Please! I'm 17 I got 50$ together out a Chang jar and just went for the day haha I live about 3 hours way
Luke Johnson
Luke Johnson - 7 years ago
618 Fishing are you going to do it?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Luke Johnson sounds like a great fishing spot!
LuMiDon - 7 years ago
Bro I love your videos so much,the cinematics,the heart warming feeling,the peace,the beauty,and much more,keep up the amazing videos!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
LuMiDon thank you!
Brendanglo - 7 years ago
The thing I love about your videos is that they're very possible to do for your average Angler. They're great inspiration! Watching guys catch Muskie is great and everything, but I like to see the techniques that you're using when you catch Bass/Panfish/Trout, which you do!
Hafiz Shapiee
Hafiz Shapiee - 7 years ago
Well, I have to say this is the most relaxing fishing channel I ever watch.
deepfish1000 - 7 years ago
MAN that was a awesome vid!
It really makes me think how many hidden ponds their are and how many awesome fish their are in them.
That was an adventure of an episode and I loved it!
I cant wait for more epic vids!
Great Fishing!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
deepfish1000 thanks for watchin!
Carol V
Carol V - 7 years ago
Ticks !
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Carol V haha I've gotten lucky this year!
Ti Make. bg
Ti Make. bg - 7 years ago
Ko kaza ko
Rich Diep
Rich Diep - 7 years ago
Hi Nick
Glad to see you back.
Also, What'ssss uppppp Leo...
Mr Shrimp
Mr Shrimp - 7 years ago
the fishermen these days , whats the poit of catching a fish and the release it , some of the fish he has caught are eatible.
Mr Shrimp
Mr Shrimp - 7 years ago
i know but he never eats a thing
chris anderson
chris anderson - 7 years ago
Mr Shrimp let them get bigger dipshit
Santiago - 7 years ago
jonny clayborn
jonny clayborn - 7 years ago
handsome. how do u catch a fisherman?
Nick Dekalaita
Nick Dekalaita - 7 years ago
The fish at 2:44 looked like a little cat to me lol the way it was rolling when it came up
Matthew Hawkins
Matthew Hawkins - 7 years ago
World needs more people like this dude.
015Froggy - 7 years ago
I once walked through the woods to get to small ponds..TIL I RAN INTO A FUCKING COPPERHEAD
Brandon Victor
Brandon Victor - 7 years ago
Do you have any trout in your area? I would like to see how you fish for trout or any techniques you have
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Brandon Victor I wish! Not native to my area unfortunately. Have a couple vids from Colorado of trout fishing though! "Tiny stream fishing" & "urban fishing a tiny river"
hunter guy
hunter guy - 7 years ago
Should've tried a Texas rig
TheAsianProphat - 7 years ago
618 fishing I know the area you're in and there's a small pond/lake on rt 3 I think you'd like
TheAsianProphat - 7 years ago
It's it's in between Walmart and Prather soccer fields in granite
805 Angler
805 Angler - 7 years ago
Awesome vid man keep going!
bnmnt 21
bnmnt 21 - 7 years ago
You should've tried a plastic worm in that pond.
The Mexicn Batman
The Mexicn Batman - 7 years ago
Just found your channel awesome content subbed
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Brandon Wagenschutz thanks Brandon!
saku pontela
saku pontela - 7 years ago
Like = You are king!
Farhani Ali
Farhani Ali - 7 years ago
Please show us the way you put on your bait
seth cooley
seth cooley - 7 years ago
do you live by st.louis?
E4T6 - 7 years ago
dude you're almost @ 100k, keep it up! love the vids.
ahmad haiqal
ahmad haiqal - 7 years ago
618 fishing vs extreme Philly fishing tiny lure challenge like if you agree
Kevin Wang
Kevin Wang - 7 years ago
next up: fishing in a persons mouth
Steve Hurtado
Steve Hurtado - 7 years ago
Do a catfish video on that pond, looks promising, especially for channels.
Callum Ray
Callum Ray - 7 years ago
You need to make a t shirt that says "see ya later buddy"
Daryk - 7 years ago
I love St. Croix rods
Ryan Solveson
Ryan Solveson - 7 years ago
What state do you live in?
seth cooley
seth cooley - 7 years ago
hannah davis yeah you're right because i live there too
hannah davis
hannah davis - 7 years ago
Ryan Solveson 618 is an area code in southern illinios cause i live there. idk for sure if that is what his channel name means but i think it is.
Lloyd Fowler
Lloyd Fowler - 7 years ago
I wouldve through a senko
Alex Dalum
Alex Dalum - 7 years ago
How come you say "see if I can't catch anything" it doesn't really make sense, but dope vid
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Alex Dalum hahaha so true
oldfrend - 7 years ago
FYI you can use your phone to find these places. you don't need a cell signal to find your location on google maps since it uses GPS signals.
Square Bear
Square Bear - 7 years ago
Coon Hunter
Coon Hunter - 7 years ago
What kind of fishing pole and Will are using
Pete Horn
Pete Horn - 7 years ago
Haha that big ol bass surprised me
Zach Novosad
Zach Novosad - 7 years ago
Ayyy I love the little crawfish crankbait. Small mouth seemed to like it at the lake. But I got 3 ponds near me that aren't fished. 1 of which has fish. But it's private property and it's all overgrown. I know there's huge bass in there though
Fishing Mojados
Fishing Mojados - 7 years ago
Awesome Video
Blaine Elliott
Blaine Elliott - 7 years ago
Do more small ponds
Dave M
Dave M - 7 years ago
at 2:58 CrickHopper! i love 'em, very productive in different colors - try the gray cricket color too
Curtis Piper
Curtis Piper - 7 years ago
Every piece of dirt in the nation is owned by some entity. This is a basic common sense truth and fact. You are correct - unless a person has permission (most laws require written permission in person's possession) that person KNOWS they are trespassing.
If "you" do not know who owns the property and access that property "you" are trespassing, regardless of any type of "posting".
This matter is covered in specific detail in every law and code in all municipalities, and is a matter of Rights of private land owners.
Ignorance of the law, or boundry lines, is not an exception or excuse.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Curtis Piper great point and knowledge every fisherman should know! Fortunately this was on public land in a state park
Janet S Martin
Janet S Martin - 7 years ago
when u go sneak fishing private land never park ur truck close by

and always were camo clothing if ur alert and smart and aware u will never get caught. there some great fishing adventures for people willing to work for it
Live Free
Richard Lerch
Richard Lerch - 7 years ago
hey man enjoyed that,, thanks
RA Fishing
RA Fishing - 7 years ago
throw some big swimbaits in there, u should catch some giants for sure
Corey Forsythe
Corey Forsythe - 7 years ago
Cool little spot, I might have to go there. I have passed it along but really never gave it a shot due to always flooding.
Ed J
Ed J - 7 years ago
That crick hopper is one of my favorite lures. Pretty much any fish will hit it. I have 3 of them in different colors.
THE REEL TEST - 7 years ago
Love your vids, This is the best kind of fishing... no boat needed!
Mason Green
Mason Green - 7 years ago
is it just me or does that look like the pond lunkerstv fished the other day (not accusing anybody)
Florida Bassin
Florida Bassin - 7 years ago
I would've tried a miny buzz bait since you caught that one bass reeling in your lure
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Florida Bassin I actually tied one on right after but didn't get any strikes. Love me the buzzbaits!
Matthew Menotti
Matthew Menotti - 7 years ago
Lol I guess I can go anywhere to catch a bass
Curtis Piper
Curtis Piper - 7 years ago
Adrind Azril
Adrind Azril - 6 years ago
John Clayton but this is public property
John Clayton
John Clayton - 7 years ago
Sooo...for those guys talking about the signs...can you just walk into someone's front yard and cast into their garden pond if there is no sign?

Trespassing is entering someone elses property without permission. Signs are a courtesy, not a requirement. Some folks have no sense of right and wrong.
Mitch Speth
Mitch Speth - 7 years ago
No one owns the land the land owns us
Andrew Shaw
Andrew Shaw - 7 years ago
It's allowed if you get permission from the owner.
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
Being on someones land like this is not an offence in UK unless you are stealing or causing damage to property.
Gavin Rocha
Gavin Rocha - 7 years ago
wraithchild G I guess not but I don’t see why anyone is complaining he’s not doing anything to hurt anyone
wraithchild G
wraithchild G - 7 years ago
Gavin Rocha it's true though. ..cant deny that!!
Gavin Rocha
Gavin Rocha - 7 years ago
wraithchild G apples to oranges horrible comparison
wraithchild G
wraithchild G - 7 years ago
Clive Bindley Did you see any signs that say "No Murdering " but you know you can't do that either!
Clive Bindley
Clive Bindley - 7 years ago
Did you see any signs saying Private Land?
I sure didn't!
Jon MacDonald
Jon MacDonald - 7 years ago
Curtis Piper everyone is Trespassing this is all Stolen land!!!

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