I Love This Bait!!! Fishing The Ned Rig in Deep Water

The Ned rig has breathe new life into finesse fishing. It's so simple and everyone can use it. I've started to experiment with it in deeper water in the last year or so with amazing results. In this video I give a little insight on how I like to fish this bait in deeper water where I typically would fish drop shot. While I have serval Zman Plastics that I love to use the Streakz 3.75 is my first go to. I also like the Hula stickz secondly and the TRD is also a staple. The weight of my finesse shroomz jig head varies but fishing vertically I always use a 1/5oz. I solely use 10lb Seaguar Smackdown Braid tied to a 9.8lb Seaguar Grand Max Fluorocarbon leader. My rod is a Favorite Jackhammer 7' M paired with a Abu Garcia MGX 30 Spinning reel. I hope you enjoy this trip as much as I did! ~B.Lat

I Love This Bait!!! Fishing The Ned Rig in Deep Water sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 7,029 views

The Ned rig has breathe new life into finesse fishing. It's so simple and everyone can use it. I've started to experiment with it in deeper water in the last year or so with amazing results. In this video I give a little insight on how I like to fish this bait in deeper water where I typically would fish drop shot. While I have serval Zman Plastics that I love to use the Streakz 3.75 is my first go to. I also like the Hula stickz secondly and the TRD is also a staple. The weight of my finesse shroomz jig head varies but fishing vertically I always use a 1/5oz. I solely use 10lb Seaguar Smackdown Braid tied to a 9.8lb Seaguar Grand Max Fluorocarbon leader. My rod is a Favorite Jackhammer 7' M paired with a Abu Garcia MGX 30 Spinning reel. I hope you enjoy this trip as much as I did! ~B.Lat

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Most popular comments
for I Love This Bait!!! Fishing The Ned Rig in Deep Water

kalibercutz - 6 years ago
Nice fishes my man. I enjoyed watching.
The Nature of Fishing
The Nature of Fishing - 6 years ago
Ned's a great rig. Never really thought about vertical Ned'n. Love the look of that Streakz too. Thanks.
Hal Parker
Hal Parker - 6 years ago
Sponsers ought to be all over you. You are one of the most likable humble dudes. Your videos fire me up.
Reel G Fishing
Reel G Fishing - 6 years ago
Nice video. Thanks
BassGee - 6 years ago
I drove up from below Atlanta for the Classic experience today. First time for me at one of these. Enjoyed the expo and hung out at the Falcon Boats display area for awhile. Anthony Gagliardi(very cool guy) spent some time talking with me about the brand and in particular the F195. That boat looks awesome and the price is great. One of the other corporate guys also answered all my questions. I'm sold on that boat. I was considering waiting for the new Vexus brand, but decided against that when I saw the prices for their aluminum. I imagine they are going way up market to catch glory grabbers more worried about impressing buddies at the ramp than actually catching fish. I'm not in that club. I need a rig with all the goodies and leave me some gas money to boot. I'd suggest to anyone in the market for a nice rig to look at the Falcon line-up. After I get my old Ranger sold and one of my hotrods, I'm ordering my new F195!
As a side note: I was hoping I'd run into to you at Falcon's display just to say hi and thanks for all the good info in your content.
Adam Freeman
Adam Freeman - 6 years ago
Great video man will have to try this out...cant beat a big spot
Terry Weaver
Terry Weaver - 6 years ago
Awesome fishing!,,,,I got a 5 14 spot on a quarter ounce jig 3 weeks ago,,,missed breaking the Tennessee state record by 4 ounces!!
Christopher Manuel
Christopher Manuel - 6 years ago
Love how you still get pumped up no matter what’s on the end of the line , shows you still have passion
scott - 6 years ago
Great video, Brian!!

10. comment for I Love This Bait!!! Fishing The Ned Rig in Deep Water

Michael Perez
Michael Perez - 6 years ago
I planned on getting into the ned rig thing this year. So I will have to remember this technique. Awesome video!
bill nelson
bill nelson - 6 years ago
Brian I would love to go fishing with you
bill nelson
bill nelson - 6 years ago
Great video
Larry Doner
Larry Doner - 6 years ago
Awesome video man definitely will be fishing lake Russell this year
wabassin11 t
wabassin11 t - 6 years ago
All those bass had fat tummies!
Wil Martin
Wil Martin - 6 years ago
Just awesome. What a great day out. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much.thanks for sharing B Lat
randand1 - 6 years ago
I believe the real difference maker today was the muck boots. Wear those the rest of the season and cash you some checks!
1Fish NoFish
1Fish NoFish - 6 years ago
Looks like you had a blast
Chad Wilson
Chad Wilson - 6 years ago
B.Lat love fishing drop and ned. Will you be at the Expo on Sunday? Would love to meet you. school
Thank you for technical vids. Learnin' a bunch to share with my kids in school club. Keep up the good work!
/Fish - 6 years ago
Been rockin this in Australia, works fantastic on a fish out here called Flathead (not the flathead catfish). Imagine a mix between a walleye and a flounder. I miss some good ol bass fishing in the States but Australia has been pretty nice with other fish. Enjoy the videos and keep at it!

20. comment for I Love This Bait!!! Fishing The Ned Rig in Deep Water

Jace Jacoby
Jace Jacoby - 6 years ago
Big Fan Tastic
Five Rivers Overland
Five Rivers Overland - 6 years ago
B.Lat, you just combined my favorite 2 early spring baits, I've got to try this tomorrow. I live on Cherokee Lake in east Tennessee where the Elite Series was this time last year and Wheeler won it on the Damiki Rig. Nediki sounds like it will work
Jim James
Jim James - 6 years ago
Bubble gum TRD is deadly been slammin rainbow trout and bass all winter on them. Nice video.
812 Media
812 Media - 6 years ago
I can’t find that color anywhere on tackle warehouse. Is that something they poured just for you or something?
812 Media
812 Media - 6 years ago
Jace Jacoby only place I found that color was on zmans website
Jace Jacoby
Jace Jacoby - 6 years ago
812 Media It's there tackle warehouse , Google it, zman plastics streakz 3.75
Jacob Wynn
Jacob Wynn - 6 years ago
Thanks for the tips. Love your vids!
Casey Watkins
Casey Watkins - 6 years ago
How long is your tippet? Love your work. Thank you
Steven Turner
Steven Turner - 6 years ago
love it wish my graphs was that nice haha
Mr. Nikie
Mr. Nikie - 6 years ago
let's visit my fishing chanel
FFOG - 6 years ago
Nothing better than seeing a grown man having fun like a kid while fishing. Great video Brian. You are a joy to watch!
jamie reynolds
jamie reynolds - 6 years ago
Are you going to be at the expo this weekend? My 5 year old son loves your videos and would love to meet you.
Brice Rizzetta
Brice Rizzetta - 6 years ago
I was also wondering the same thing Brian, really enjoy your videos and would love to have the chance to talk fish!

30. comment for I Love This Bait!!! Fishing The Ned Rig in Deep Water

Ozarks Hillbilly
Ozarks Hillbilly - 6 years ago
Gotta love those spots don't you? And the way the graph just blows up when you catch one. Like a video game! Thank you for sharing.
Cory L
Cory L - 6 years ago
Nice video man! Wish you had a few of those last weekend at Lanier. Keep fishing hard. I see your time coming in the flw.
Thomas Gursky
Thomas Gursky - 6 years ago
nice job! The Ned Rig is deadly...wish we had spots up north here :)
Bass Dojo
Bass Dojo - 6 years ago
More fun than a video game! I'm trying it this weekend. Thanks.
Jerome Torrez
Jerome Torrez - 6 years ago
Your awsome dude I wanna do that as soon as I can get out thanxz for the tricks u dah man.
Russell Wittie
Russell Wittie - 6 years ago
Good vid man and technique, now all you need is to find good school of crappies. Ha ha
Mychael 23
Mychael 23 - 6 years ago
DOPE stuff BRO
Nates Fishing Adventures
Nates Fishing Adventures - 6 years ago
so dope
Hank Howard
Hank Howard - 6 years ago
Hank Howard
Hank Howard - 6 years ago
Looks like to much fun
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
Hank Howard my man
Bassin time
Bassin time - 6 years ago
Awesome! Gonna go out tomorrow and try this one out!
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
Bassin time it works
Lee Daye
Lee Daye - 6 years ago
Look like you was having fun keep the videos coming. #adversityisdope
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
Lee Daye thanks man
DW B - 6 years ago
Thanks Brian. My drop shot is coming off in favor of the ned.
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
DW B I know man!!!
Alex Williams
Alex Williams - 6 years ago
Sweet video B. Lat! If i get the opportunity to fish with you through the #adversityisdope i would love to learn how to fish offshore like that, i've always wanted to try that technique. you have taught me so much it is unreal watching your approach in recent tournaments and casual fishing has really helped me rip some lips this year! Excited to learn more! Also, NICE KUNG-FU PANDA on the nedmiki!!
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
Alex Williams it’s a lot of fun
Ntizda - 6 years ago
Can you post links on the exact tackle you are using? Also would you still run that color scheme in a pretty dirty colored lakes? I’ve been learning dropshotting and fishing deep structure on Lake Wateree but haven’t been able to get them to bite even though I can mark them all day
3rdgenbassindiaries - 6 years ago
Love PURE fishing man. I did this same rig a week ago.
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
3rdgenbassindiaries awesome
Mel Maroon
Mel Maroon - 6 years ago
I love your character Brian. I found you a couple of weeks ago and been following you. I just wanted to wish you luck in the future and it’s going to be cool to watch you learn new things and hopefully work your way up the rankings. I’m pulling for you. And thank you for taking time for your fans and followers. Good luck brother!
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
Mel Maroon thanks for following man
Mike Bledsoe
Mike Bledsoe - 6 years ago
Brian what brand gloves you're wearing; are they water proof? Thank you.
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
Mike Bledsoe just felt gloves
Matt Bell
Matt Bell - 6 years ago
Awesome video. Thanks for the tips. This is one of the techniques I hope to learn this year.
LongviewGarage - 6 years ago
What camera do you film with, just curious.
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
LongviewGarage iPhone 6
rippnlipzNsmacknbass Savage
rippnlipzNsmacknbass Savage - 6 years ago
Just recently started fishing the NED. Looking forward to fishing this way. Keep up the good work man. Good luck this year!! #rippnlipzNsmacknbass.
Brian Latimer
Brian Latimer - 6 years ago
Mill Creek Outfitters Chasing Deer thanks my man

50. comment for I Love This Bait!!! Fishing The Ned Rig in Deep Water

Dick Hoskins
Dick Hoskins - 6 years ago
Greta video Man! I love the ned rig. I use the chartruse head and the black on a 6'6 rod
jared chambers
jared chambers - 6 years ago
What are you doing out there sore lipping all my fish??
Enjoy watching you. Keep it going brother.
Isaac JStrom56
Isaac JStrom56 - 6 years ago
Great Vid!!
Earl Burt
Earl Burt - 6 years ago
Top of the morning big dog....
Tennessee Bass Busters
Tennessee Bass Busters - 6 years ago
What's up bro

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