Please help identify this tropical exotic aquarium fish my frien FLBASSMASTER caught while catching bait for giant freshy tarpon! STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

IDENTIFY this Exotic FISH we CAUGHT!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 66

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 69,748 views

Please help identify this tropical exotic aquarium fish my frien FLBASSMASTER caught while catching bait for giant freshy tarpon! STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using Promo Code: CATCHEM Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

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Most popular comments
for IDENTIFY this Exotic FISH we CAUGHT!!

Crayfish TV
Crayfish TV - 7 years ago
It looks like a hybrid of a tilapia and a trophius cichlid
Crayfish TV
Crayfish TV - 7 years ago
Broman1978 I didn’t say it was a crossbred I said it *looks like * a crossbred
Invomitus Maelstrom
Invomitus Maelstrom - 7 years ago
pedrokz Nice call !! Cichlasoma Bimaculatum commonly referred to as the Black Acara or two-spot cichlid.
Funny Wolf
Funny Wolf - 7 years ago
TheLego Catfish I was about to say trophius cichlid
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Yes because he said hybrid. Then he thinks they can crossbreed
EL CHAPO - 7 years ago
Broman1978 are you stupid to believe that he believes that
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Are you so stupid that you think that a tipapia and a tropheus can crossbreed?
EL CHAPO - 7 years ago
Looks like a 10 pound bass
BassManiac Snake
BassManiac Snake - 7 years ago
I was thinking bluegill and talapia
ze gaming
ze gaming - 7 years ago
TheLego Catfish
Zaid Khan
Zaid Khan - 7 years ago
seems so
Cody Johnson’s Aquatics
Cody Johnson’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
Waxi ur stupid
305 Angling
305 Angling - 7 years ago
No its a black acara
pedrokz - 7 years ago
its a Cichlasoma bimaculatum , not an hybrid.
Waxi - 7 years ago
Looks like an Oscar
Blain's life
Blain's life - 7 years ago
Hunter Gelwicks
Hunter Gelwicks - 7 years ago
TheLego Catfish it’s not a tropheus* anything as a dominant trait they pass is a rounded head I know because I breed cichlids mostly African cichlids
Steven Setteducato
Steven Setteducato - 6 years ago
Black Acara
Villaz Mic Check
Villaz Mic Check - 6 years ago
The cichlid maybe is a Astroloherus Facetus
Red Vaporizer
Red Vaporizer - 6 years ago

Edit: I think the fish is a tilapia and Midas hybrid
The best Chanel, i am from Brazil like
SaltlifeGirl - 7 years ago
That’s a black acara cichlid there are a lot of those in a little pond down the road from my house
joeybear - 7 years ago
African cichlid of some sort.
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali - 7 years ago
That's what Guyanese call a patwah
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
It's definitely a cichlids looks like a African one maybe not but could of been introduced

10. comment for IDENTIFY this Exotic FISH we CAUGHT!!

Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams - 7 years ago
It's a black acara
Etienne Olivera Rocha
Etienne Olivera Rocha - 7 years ago
its a cichlasoma dimerus
Nick Rusin
Nick Rusin - 7 years ago
A IS FOR EFFORT - 7 years ago
Looks like tribute to the Mighty Shamu
iZinzy - 7 years ago
its a convict chilid
Aidan July
Aidan July - 7 years ago
It is patwa fish
Sauve Arts
Sauve Arts - 7 years ago
it looks like a black acara cichlid
Farly Farrelino Vlogs
Farly Farrelino Vlogs - 7 years ago
its called mujair fish
Trace martin
Trace martin - 7 years ago
Hello I am going to be in panama and I would like to meet you
Ugly bore
Ugly bore - 7 years ago
Its a shark

20. comment for IDENTIFY this Exotic FISH we CAUGHT!!

Wesley Hanshans
Wesley Hanshans - 7 years ago
Its mujaer
Sam Yim
Sam Yim - 7 years ago
Tilapia or oscar
Fishing, Fun, And Gun
Fishing, Fun, And Gun - 7 years ago
It’s a jack Dempsey I have one of my Fishtank
Carson Jordan
Carson Jordan - 7 years ago
Its a brim
I have one in my freshwater tank.
they are shiny when on the sun, and have stripes when closely looked at the top. Very good baitwell or pet. You should find them in freshwater lakes and ponds and canals. So that should be all the information you should need. Oh yeah, and if you put one in a tank they can easily eat beta flakes or if big enough little minnows or tiny baby bass.
Landyndestroyer ferraro
Landyndestroyer ferraro - 7 years ago
A sunfish
fire beast king savage
fire beast king savage - 7 years ago
That fish looks like sicklick
Thomas Scroggins
Thomas Scroggins - 7 years ago
ya bro u need a salt water pond
Jose Aguirre
Jose Aguirre - 7 years ago
Trophius definitely
Challenge Accepted
Challenge Accepted - 7 years ago
It looks like a dink
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 7 years ago
Black Acara cichlid.

30. comment for IDENTIFY this Exotic FISH we CAUGHT!!

Lamar Mcdonald
Lamar Mcdonald - 7 years ago
Is called an black acara
super rex2419
super rex2419 - 7 years ago
U should put more than they can eat and see how they hunt
Chris Dalo
Chris Dalo - 7 years ago
Luke Arbuckle
Luke Arbuckle - 7 years ago
I think a cow fish
Marlen Tapia
Marlen Tapia - 7 years ago
Probably a black acara
Gage Young
Gage Young - 7 years ago
I’m the 500th comment
My Life
My Life - 7 years ago
The mystery fish looks like a black a car out
Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 7 years ago
Looks like my sister's in law
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Please report this channel for animal abuse. Fishes swimming in their own waste. Fishes tortured after they get catched. Zak is no fish lover. He treat the fish like garbage and that makes him garbage. Please report this channel everyone
Kevin Kromopawiro
Kevin Kromopawiro - 7 years ago
It's called krobia
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
And that pond and tank are discusting!!!!! Those fish are swimming in poison! Zak you are an idiot
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
All people commenting here are just as stupid as Zak. Its not a hybrid, its not a flowerhorn. Its one of the most common cichlids and i wont freakin tell you the id of the fish. Get your info by yourselves. Its not rocket science to learn about cichlids. OMG you all are stupid.
Neveen Corinthias Chandra
Neveen Corinthias Chandra - 7 years ago
Ikan mujair /mujair fish
I think its a creature that live underwater,have a fin,and other weird stuff or fish
TRY THIS AT HOME MYTHS - 7 years ago
The back of the dorsal fin is pointed like a redbelly tilapia it could be a hybrid
Kimberly Deorsey
Kimberly Deorsey - 7 years ago
Looks like a bluegill
nascargamer1999 - 7 years ago
Why doesn’t the peacock eat lol me shamu
Christian Pantoja
Christian Pantoja - 7 years ago
Black acara!
Elyjah Evins
Elyjah Evins - 7 years ago
What happens to the piranha ?
Paulpro PP
Paulpro PP - 7 years ago
Before I knew they were acara cichlids I'd just call them Culprit guys

50. comment for IDENTIFY this Exotic FISH we CAUGHT!!

Extreme Hunter78
Extreme Hunter78 - 7 years ago
It’s a octopus
Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 7 years ago
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
pugkill all
pugkill all - 7 years ago
joeySlam is a murder I say this as a bad thing not good at all wink wink
yassiel martinez
yassiel martinez - 7 years ago
Black acara cichlid
nicholai manny
nicholai manny - 7 years ago
In trinidad we call it a cuscurub
Federico Cervantes
Federico Cervantes - 7 years ago
Shut up you stupid
PANDA天空 - 7 years ago
Keep him to show later what he looks like at a bigger stage /color an growth.
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
Ohhhh that fish! Ive caught tons of those! I remember bringing one to Uni and asking the biologist what fish it is. He said it was a hybrid but depends which area they're from. So I asked him what the species are and he told me that weird looking hybrid fish is called, a fish.
LAW BRECKER - 7 years ago
it is a sickle
madellyn Canton
madellyn Canton - 7 years ago
Jaguar/ tilapia
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Black acara
Don Derrick Ramos
Don Derrick Ramos - 7 years ago
Its a magikarp bro
wayne butkoon
wayne butkoon - 7 years ago
It's called a kuskurub in Trinidad
Joe Martinez
Joe Martinez - 7 years ago
Zach how's the P been? Has it been eating ok? And do u think you'll ever be able to get it to eat on camera or during the day? Are peacock harder to train? I'm really curious about this so someone or you, zach, let me know.
Kayleb Carlos
Kayleb Carlos - 7 years ago
A fish
crf50hugo1 - 7 years ago
Its an Acara
Tiffany Windley
Tiffany Windley - 7 years ago
Fishingohio 44 your right
Tiffany Moore
Tiffany Moore - 7 years ago
It is a Savage
AlecChrz - 7 years ago
Black acara cichlid
monster fishkeeper
monster fishkeeper - 7 years ago
A black acara
Dave Gonzales
Dave Gonzales - 7 years ago
Black Acaria. According to florida fish and wildlife conservation commission website.
lego world 444
lego world 444 - 7 years ago
Can I have your YouTube clothing
lego world 444
lego world 444 - 7 years ago
No I am not
Phenom Thacker
Phenom Thacker - 7 years ago
back blue gill
tlsmoke23 - 7 years ago
Got to give the bass big bait before feeding others.
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
It's a black acara mixed
StayAlone Paul
StayAlone Paul - 7 years ago
Stop advertising with every sentence. Its getting really annoying bro.
amir hill
amir hill - 7 years ago
Black Acara
charredninja 25
charredninja 25 - 7 years ago
I know what it is...

A fish. What did u think i was going to say
Emily Bozeman
Emily Bozeman - 7 years ago
It kinda looks like a flower horn and tilapia mix
WilliamTomFrank - 7 years ago
Black Acara
dommate Marcelle
dommate Marcelle - 7 years ago
That a hgbrid bluegill. It look like the ones i have in my pond
dommate Marcelle
dommate Marcelle - 7 years ago
Where do i go if i want to buy a shirt
Navin Deonarine
Navin Deonarine - 7 years ago
That fish is common in Guyana
Nathan Mazalewaki
Nathan Mazalewaki - 7 years ago
its a black acara
Aiden Smith
Aiden Smith - 7 years ago
Keeeeeeeeeep it pls
David Rembert
David Rembert - 7 years ago
It’s a largemouth snook
Tiffany Swhenand
Tiffany Swhenand - 7 years ago
Patna they are tasty
Jose Rojas
Jose Rojas - 7 years ago
Give taht fish too your grama
T Miller
T Miller - 7 years ago
Can I have one
John Seth Dizon
John Seth Dizon - 7 years ago
what fish is shamu?
D Teeluck
D Teeluck - 7 years ago
It's a cuscurub
Hamlet Dergalestanian
Hamlet Dergalestanian - 7 years ago
Blue fish
Samantha Time4AdventureWithSamantha
Samantha Time4AdventureWithSamantha - 7 years ago
Can't buy the merch because you don't have my size.I love your Peacock bass .Will you have kid sizes soon?
Bulba JT
Bulba JT - 7 years ago
What do you mean exotic
Geets Chedilall
Geets Chedilall - 7 years ago
That is a patwa and it's related with the tilapia
Typical White Guy
Typical White Guy - 7 years ago
Black Acara
Tavion grimmett/parker/simms
Tavion grimmett/parker/simms - 7 years ago
it's a perch
Jaheim Bruce
Jaheim Bruce - 7 years ago
It is a flowerhorn
misiek77 - 7 years ago
Cichlasoma bimaculatum or  black acara

100. comment for IDENTIFY this Exotic FISH we CAUGHT!!

Henry Ryan Alvarez
Henry Ryan Alvarez - 7 years ago
It looks like a black acara
MasterManGaming - 7 years ago
Dump all of the bait in the pond at once and hopfuly starts a feeding frenzy.
Zackary Berry Duncan
Zackary Berry Duncan - 7 years ago
It is called the Shamu doner
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 7 years ago
I believe the mystery fish is a aequidens portalegrensis
Christian Suryawan
Christian Suryawan - 7 years ago
baby tilapia in indone its nila/mujair
peyton cox
peyton cox - 7 years ago
I made the 1000 like
Sourabh Deshpande
Sourabh Deshpande - 7 years ago
It's a SCK cichlid
Ryan White
Ryan White - 7 years ago
You should keep the fish and wait till it gets big to see how big it gets
THE BEAST DMH - 7 years ago
its a little blue gill
NoCatchYet 5
NoCatchYet 5 - 7 years ago
Its tilapia
Tyler Brick
Tyler Brick - 7 years ago
Flower horn cichlid?
Mark Angelo Lagdameo
Mark Angelo Lagdameo - 7 years ago
That's a tilipia in philipines
Colton Stotts
Colton Stotts - 7 years ago
it's a fish
daniel king
daniel king - 7 years ago
It's a patwa,it's a very tasty fish and very expensive.
marc palma
marc palma - 7 years ago
your friend currie
your friend currie - 7 years ago
Were i live theres snow
Richie Ardjoen
Richie Ardjoen - 7 years ago
HunZ_ - 7 years ago
Clark Castillo
Clark Castillo - 7 years ago
Thats right
dj aryan prashant
dj aryan prashant - 7 years ago
its a baby tilapia
xD Boi
xD Boi - 7 years ago
please share my channel...
xD Boi
xD Boi - 7 years ago
my videos are great...
xD Boi
xD Boi - 7 years ago
my videos are great...
Laurens Nel
Laurens Nel - 7 years ago
Iets a kirper
cynthiamgaucin - 7 years ago
It kinda looks like fish to me
Wiz Kean
Wiz Kean - 7 years ago
You should put that fish to the lower pond haha
KAYAK KOWBOY - 7 years ago
It's an Acara
big bass fishing and more
big bass fishing and more - 7 years ago
make a catch em all song
Domeshine Clown
Domeshine Clown - 7 years ago
It's Fishy McFishface.
we are pinky perfect
we are pinky perfect - 7 years ago
28 402 ed
BA7ARO - 7 years ago
black acara
kenzie gamer
kenzie gamer - 7 years ago
You should get a nother pacu
Farooq Ahmad Shah
Farooq Ahmad Shah - 7 years ago
And when u will make u r big pond
Farooq Ahmad Shah
Farooq Ahmad Shah - 7 years ago
U should put them in ur tank
kenzie gamer
kenzie gamer - 7 years ago
African sichilid
Raportagen's Fliegender LSD Lappen
Raportagen's Fliegender LSD Lappen - 7 years ago
Get the exotic fish in Paul Cuffaro's new pond
Elton Chong
Elton Chong - 7 years ago
its a baby tilapia
NikeGaming - 7 years ago
It’s a fish. :P
Markgeriz Gilamon
Markgeriz Gilamon - 7 years ago
looks like a juvi flower horn? but no sure
Jeff Priscaro
Jeff Priscaro - 7 years ago
I think it’s a black acara chiclid but not sure
Angel Villarreal
Angel Villarreal - 7 years ago
Blue talapia
thekidwhoplayz - 7 years ago
Probably a horse
steven loves gaming
steven loves gaming - 7 years ago
Well, that fish is obviously a white shark
Nataliyah Ottaviano
Nataliyah Ottaviano - 7 years ago
it was a tiger fish
Jeffrey Gorayeb
Jeffrey Gorayeb - 7 years ago
Black acara cichlid
Juan Pablo Santander163
Juan Pablo Santander163 - 7 years ago
Thats a hybrid of tilapia we called nilo tilapia
Cody Johnson’s Aquatics
Cody Johnson’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
The fish joey killed is a black acara it’s so easy to indentify
Mohamed Y
Mohamed Y - 7 years ago
Looked like a tilapia.
abedali jouni
abedali jouni - 7 years ago
I think it’s a blue gill fish
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
It’s a ting goes skkkkkrrrrrrrrraaaaaa cichlid. Very common, especially in other YouTube vids.
DaVante' Riley
DaVante' Riley - 7 years ago
It looks like an acara cichlid
mandi smith
mandi smith - 7 years ago
That o
Fishes name is dead
Carlo Ferraro
Carlo Ferraro - 7 years ago
That fish is some type of fish I think
Vet-Ty - 7 years ago
Love the new ending! Badass
Kaleb Camilleri
Kaleb Camilleri - 7 years ago
Jakob Bennett
Jakob Bennett - 7 years ago
copped the merch. STRAIGHT FIRE
AS 7
AS 7 - 7 years ago
ikan puyu versi org putih punya
305 Angling
305 Angling - 7 years ago
Flying Hollander
Flying Hollander - 7 years ago
A Dutch Tarpon
Arif Muhammad
Arif Muhammad - 7 years ago
305 Angling
305 Angling - 7 years ago
ZAK ITS A BLACK ACARA I AM RIGHT PLZ LISTEN TO ME...u know what why am I making a big deal he prolly won't look at this...AP bassing is better... JK CATCH EM ALL FOR LIFE
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago

That was literally a ten pounder...
Flying Hollander
Flying Hollander - 7 years ago
Greetings from Holland. Keep the good work up.
Cole Church
Cole Church - 7 years ago
now all i want that live target lure
Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez - 7 years ago
You can name it tyrant
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Daniel Gonzalez Pokémon!
Cole Church
Cole Church - 7 years ago
thank you for getting me in to fishing more thanks
MRINAL PARUI - 7 years ago
That's the flower horn baby
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
MRINAL PARUI - 7 years ago
Cow Tiger lol it looks like a flower horn baby
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Gavin Doss
Gavin Doss - 7 years ago
Salvini cichlid
Ricardo Mohammed
Ricardo Mohammed - 7 years ago
Dats a cuscurub broo
Oscar Lugo
Oscar Lugo - 7 years ago
Theduke Dmjb
Theduke Dmjb - 7 years ago
It might be a hybrid of some sort
Joslyn Bryan
Joslyn Bryan - 7 years ago
Butter bream or a hybride
lego world 444
lego world 444 - 7 years ago
It's a sunny
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
DJ turtle 184 he said he’s never seen it tho...

Plz tell me ur joking
Elijah Sampson
Elijah Sampson - 7 years ago
It’s a krobia fish it’s a cichlid
Saylor Palmer
Saylor Palmer - 7 years ago
Black acara
The savages
The savages - 7 years ago
Or a stringed tilapie
The savages
The savages - 7 years ago
It’s a fluretish flattyier
MCPE RITHEAD - 7 years ago
It is a cuskarub
Gamer_ NoMoney
Gamer_ NoMoney - 7 years ago
It call tilapia
Rafan Raad
Rafan Raad - 7 years ago
That fish is fuck fish ther porn with bass and other fish
Tricia Conner
Tricia Conner - 7 years ago
It looks like a cross between tilapia and brim and large mouth
Ibrahim Wadood
Ibrahim Wadood - 7 years ago
that is a peacock malawi chichlid
Deshawn McDove
Deshawn McDove - 7 years ago
We call it dog teeth here in Jamaica where it's abundant in the swamps
King Nate X_X
King Nate X_X - 7 years ago
Got u bud
King Nate X_X
King Nate X_X - 7 years ago
It's an Acara cichlid
Brandon King
Brandon King - 7 years ago
Black acara
Myles C
Myles C - 7 years ago
That looks like a salvini cichlid otherwise know as baits.
Sean Aldrich
Sean Aldrich - 7 years ago
Black acara. I have 2 and 6 electric blue acaras
BIRCH VERDINO - 7 years ago
finley sun fish good food
Garrius Williams
Garrius Williams - 7 years ago
black acara let me get some of them fish
Sans The comic12555
Sans The comic12555 - 7 years ago
Were u trying to get a pet tarpon?
B mans fish world
B mans fish world - 7 years ago
It looks like hybrid chichild
FiDe Swifty
FiDe Swifty - 7 years ago
That is 100% a rainbow cichlid
Aidan Lapham
Aidan Lapham - 7 years ago
black archa child
Psychic Ghouls
Psychic Ghouls - 7 years ago
That fish is a black acara chiclid
marcus balkaran
marcus balkaran - 7 years ago
Black a care
Suhail Lopez
Suhail Lopez - 7 years ago
Spotted tallapia
mlp universe
mlp universe - 7 years ago
It's a black acara cichlid they are common in the pet trade
Random Tube
Random Tube - 7 years ago
I did some research to see what it is and it is a Black acara cichlid
Guy M
Guy M - 7 years ago
He should make a saltwater pond
cichlid62 - 7 years ago
It's an Acara
Fishing PA WATERS - 7 years ago
It's a acara
Kaylee Henry
Kaylee Henry - 7 years ago
Its a red tail
MedTHC Ontario
MedTHC Ontario - 7 years ago
Looks like bait! Lol
Guppy the Koi
Guppy the Koi - 7 years ago
Idk it looks like a oscar hybrid
Adam Gitmed
Adam Gitmed - 7 years ago
Looks hella like my Jack Dempsey
hidn gaming
hidn gaming - 7 years ago
Its an acara cichlid
GangsterRap Worldwide
GangsterRap Worldwide - 7 years ago
Tilapia/Flower Horn Fish
ivan angeles
ivan angeles - 7 years ago
ciooooooooooooooooooool! "!!!!!!!!!
Lol Wut
Lol Wut - 7 years ago
Dadgum jewel cichlid go to south Missouri and catch some new fish bro. Get to travel make ducats and catch fish 100% win
Lol Wut
Lol Wut - 7 years ago
Actually flw 2018 in October is in middle Missouri where I live come fish make bank and chill with yer boy 250$ per boat $150 per co-angler
silverarow180 - 7 years ago
Its a black acara cichlid
The SamuraisBlade
The SamuraisBlade - 7 years ago
Raise that weird fish and make it huge
The SamuraisBlade
The SamuraisBlade - 7 years ago
"crystal clear"
*POKEMON* *TRAINER* - 7 years ago
I love ur video bro why the hell u were not posting for 2 to 3 days
Drew gusanders
Drew gusanders - 7 years ago
Trash merch. I be come Hellen Keller when I see it
Christos Andrianopoulos
Christos Andrianopoulos - 7 years ago
It’s called a black acara cichlid
Saifudeen's World
Saifudeen's World - 7 years ago
I think its an acara fish
Saifudeen's World
Saifudeen's World - 7 years ago
We have those in trinidad
John Koutsantonis
John Koutsantonis - 7 years ago
that tank on those buckets is gonna start leaking bro. I did the same thing and luckily came home to my oscar laying on its side in 2 inches of water. the bottom pane of glass was pushed up from the weight of the tank (55gallon) and the seal broke and water started to leak, the weight of the tank should be on the plastic rim, it took a few months before it happened, just a heads up.
smile more
smile more - 7 years ago
It's a Mexican fire ciclid
Susan Doughton
Susan Doughton - 7 years ago
Keep it and let it get big it's a hybrid tilapia
Tyrese Osborne
Tyrese Osborne - 7 years ago
It's called a common tilapia it's native to Guyana south America
Anton J
Anton J - 7 years ago
100% a barracuda!!!
Aaron Libert
Aaron Libert - 7 years ago
Its a cuscurob a local fish in Trinidad. It is found trinidad rivers and ponds.By the way I'm from Trinidad so I know what it is and I caught it so many times than I can count. It is really shy and territorial fish. So I advise if you keep these fish it is best to alone or with tilapia.
Jucie Ftm
Jucie Ftm - 7 years ago
Keep this fish put it in the small pond don’t kill keep it let it grow see how he looks he looks cool
OutDoorLiving OutDoorLiving
OutDoorLiving OutDoorLiving - 7 years ago
it looks like a sheepshead acara to me
OutDoorLiving OutDoorLiving
OutDoorLiving OutDoorLiving - 7 years ago
It is more then likely a Sheephead acara it looks almost identical to mine
gene samuels
gene samuels - 7 years ago
i think that is a krobea
Malakai.carter - 7 years ago
Jonathan Camps
Jonathan Camps - 7 years ago
Having your aquarium on buckets can bust the bottom of your tank just FYI love your videos every day.
Prism pixel Gaming
Prism pixel Gaming - 7 years ago
I'll tell you what kind of fish it is.

A dead one.
Gabriel Jimenez
Gabriel Jimenez - 7 years ago
bro thats a Salvini Cichlid
Unknown Fisherman
Unknown Fisherman - 7 years ago
It is a badis
Touge - 7 years ago
Krobia cichlid
Brooke Taylor
Brooke Taylor - 7 years ago
name it Bob
Michael Johnston
Michael Johnston - 7 years ago
It was an acara cichlid or a keyhole cichlid or a hybrid between the two. I'm assuming
ShAdOw DuSt 1946
ShAdOw DuSt 1946 - 7 years ago
Looks like a tilapia or cichlid hybrid
Alex Wathen
Alex Wathen - 7 years ago
Monster mike catches them
Rj Epps
Rj Epps - 7 years ago
Its a whale
Rj Epps
Rj Epps - 7 years ago
Its a shark
Tobi Kool
Tobi Kool - 7 years ago
bro the red tail catfish is my fish bro I don t have a red tail but I have catfish I love the catfish catch more catfish
Swapna Debnath
Swapna Debnath - 7 years ago
tilapia and flower horn hybrid
Vikash  Ramkissoom
Vikash Ramkissoom - 7 years ago
That is common in trinidad
Legend Monstar
Legend Monstar - 7 years ago
I think its a convict chiclid
KOS On Blitz
KOS On Blitz - 7 years ago
Monstar Aquatics no it isnt. Ive raised convict cichlids and they have black ish blue stripes across it
Vikash  Ramkissoom
Vikash Ramkissoom - 7 years ago
Chanee Williams
Chanee Williams - 7 years ago
THaT fish was called a ygytrqaserferfrtghytdfefartfish
Erik Salgado
Erik Salgado - 7 years ago
Its a salvini cichlid. Extremephillyfishing just caught one i thing at the g15 canal. If you have any questions on identifying fish he is your man. #Reellegensneverdie
Landon The boss
Landon The boss - 7 years ago
Jared Higginson
Jared Higginson - 7 years ago
That my friend is a very piosioness fish, it is a black acara cichlid, you are a lucky man, those dorsal spines are filled with venom that can kill a full grown man, they are very invasive and kill many predetoriol fish using the venom in the spine, I recommend do not feed it to your pets fish it may cause harm or death to your fish,
I am always looking out for you and your fish, you are awesome
Static ThaVicious96
Static ThaVicious96 - 7 years ago
Shamu is a monster bro
Kyle Klenk
Kyle Klenk - 7 years ago
spotted tolopia
Eddy Ortiz
Eddy Ortiz - 7 years ago
Zak place the aquarium on top of some milk crates they are sturdy and make sure all four corners are supported that's a lot of weight.I have no idea what that thing is like a hybrid .
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 7 years ago
It's a shark
Ambur Chambers
Ambur Chambers - 7 years ago
Mr poopypants y
Mr poopypants y - 7 years ago
You should put like a spider crab or something that Shamu doesn't eat in the pond
shock69 Boom
shock69 Boom - 7 years ago
Tilapia evolved
Laurent Bédard
Laurent Bédard - 7 years ago
I'm 99 percent sure its a black acara
Kadin Bond
Kadin Bond - 7 years ago
It is a Acura tillipede cichlid
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Name that fish Mysterion !
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
I see some Crobia comments (definitely NOT a Crobia). It doesn't look anything like a Crobia during ANY stage of a Crobia's life development.
hunting,fishing, and other stuff Beebee gun master
hunting,fishing, and other stuff Beebee gun master - 7 years ago
firemouth cilchid and that is a south American fish
Garrett, Take A Chill Pill!
Garrett, Take A Chill Pill! - 7 years ago
nyck f not a fire mouth. Fire mouth have pink/red around their gills
Yuri Kroeff
Yuri Kroeff - 7 years ago
Hey smart one it’s a cichlid
Yuri Kroeff
Yuri Kroeff - 7 years ago
Most likely an African cichlid I have those
Legit Challenges
Legit Challenges - 7 years ago
Fuck u catch em all
Colin _sbmx
Colin _sbmx - 7 years ago
Peacock ciclid
Ben Southall Outdoors
Ben Southall Outdoors - 7 years ago
Black acara
Reaper - 7 years ago
It’s a rare hybrid between a bass and a sun fish, I have caught one in lake norman NC and did some research and found out it was a hybrid
Strom4Real - 7 years ago
It’s a Krobia cichlid
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Zak, Put that unidentified fish into your tank and grow it out so we can see what it becomes. It looks like it could end up growing a nucal hump like a Flowerhorn. Definitely a hybrid.
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Definitely has Black Acara in it. For some reason I think it will grow a nucal hump / KoK
Amaurie Captain
Amaurie Captain - 7 years ago
tag extreme philly fishing
Ronnielee Griffin
Ronnielee Griffin - 7 years ago
100% black acara cichild
Travion Bell
Travion Bell - 7 years ago
Bro u call all the fish exotic. They are just local fish, maybe immigrant fish but most likely grew up where u got it. Exotic doesnt get views we just watch the vids cause the channel is cool dont fish for views using Exotic in the titles
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Travion Bell cool. I got lazy and didn’t care, and didn’t want to change my reply. Not saying ur comment is wrong as they are very common in Florida, but they are technically exotic
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Its a south american cichlid, isnt that exotic. Almost all fish they get are from south america and asia
Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson - 7 years ago
No biology deals with the involvements of invasive species. Geography is the location of which a species may originate but I'm more appalled by the fact you just described Americans as a species lol. There is only one race lol. The human race. And it's just like any other race and has a lot of different variants depending on location and evolution. But I'm not exactly trying to teach class tonight so. Bring a valid argument next time.
Travion Bell
Travion Bell - 7 years ago
But immigrant fish exist or every American is an invasive species lol instead of immigrants or should those fish be called refugee lol
Travion Bell
Travion Bell - 7 years ago
Cameron you mean geology. Biology class doesn't teach location. Cow tiger lol u need to read replies before making such comments, for i said they are called invasive not exotic im my first reply
Cameron Johnson
Cameron Johnson - 7 years ago
This entire argument has literally made my day. Those individuals arguing that this fish is native or not exotic are incompetent and likely to have failed biology.
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Travion Bell immigrant fish don’t exist. It is called invasive or alienated.
Myles C
Myles C - 7 years ago
Travion Bell The fish were introduced to Florida that's an exotic species.
Travion Bell
Travion Bell - 7 years ago
Im not African im a black American. Never been to Africa so im native in American. That fish probably never seen waters where the species comes from and most likely thought it was the waters where he was taken today. That fish in particular is native and not Exotic just like you and me and those iguana
Travion Bell
Travion Bell - 7 years ago
I said they are immigrant fish, meaning the specimen doesn't originate there. But if its born there and reproduced there its now native, or atleast not exotic. They dont consider iguana exotic do they, no because they grew up and reproduced there. Thats what we call invasive not exotic.
hambone2111 - 7 years ago
Travion Bell they are exotic as in non native. Most of he catches on hos channel are non native invasive species. In isolated ponds thats kind of cool but any bidy of water that connects or could connect to native waters they should not catch and release non natives.
Origami light
Origami light - 7 years ago
Definitely a salvini cichlid
Origami light
Origami light - 7 years ago
Thought it was a black acara but it looked more like a Salvini Cichlid at the end
Adam Ramkissoon
Adam Ramkissoon - 7 years ago
In Trinidad and Tobago we call them coscorub they are really great to eat
Sandy Stevens
Sandy Stevens - 7 years ago
Its a type of afican peacock cichlid
302 Fishing
302 Fishing - 7 years ago
It’s an acara cichlid
obscurr - 7 years ago
definite cichlid
b_rock martin
b_rock martin - 7 years ago
It is a bluegill
Autum Morehead
Autum Morehead - 7 years ago go look this is what he is
Miguel Hernandez Uribe
Miguel Hernandez Uribe - 7 years ago
Less plugs and more action please
Zaky Khan
Zaky Khan - 7 years ago
when are you going to make the new pond
xD Boi
xD Boi - 7 years ago
my videos are great...
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
That isn't how you catch tarpon buddy at least not those canal tarpon. You are never catching them on those things. If you want to catch them freeline a goldfish color superfluke. Cast it out, let it sink and as they are tolling in the area just twitch it off the bottom and one of the tarpon will pick it up on a reaction bite. They know damn well that fish is a bait and not forage as it just sits there swimming in circles dying. Tarpon are smarter than that.
Mendel Anwar
Mendel Anwar - 7 years ago
It's the 1st hokage of the hidden leaf village
Luke Govaert
Luke Govaert - 7 years ago
I still don’t understand your way of thinking?!?! Your “pets” are wild animals... they need to live in the wild, not in a damn small swimming pool!!
U are crazy man...
Anjanie Singh
Anjanie Singh - 7 years ago
Luke Govaert has ybtbubybybyvughg bbjjjyuy
Jack Jack
Jack Jack - 7 years ago
Luke Govaert go hug a tree u fagget
deserthairyscorpion - 7 years ago
You’re BLOWN
Joseph Vance
Joseph Vance - 7 years ago
Luke Govaert I don't understand your way of are so dumb your acting like they don't get fed and like they have a terrible live buts is probably better than if they were in the wild cuz there are less predators
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Meanwhile while Luke is typing...

Luke: U a... Tiggy the Tiger, can you STOP chewing my arm off? And Leo the Lion, I needed that chair!
Danielbrian Dangilan
Danielbrian Dangilan - 7 years ago
Cause reel legends never die
Chance Weeks
Chance Weeks - 7 years ago
Stfu if you hate u upset
Jacob Schmitz
Jacob Schmitz - 7 years ago
Luke Govaert all of them except the bass aren't native to north America, so it's better they're in there
Evan Goldie fishing
Evan Goldie fishing - 7 years ago
yo there is already a fishing company called reel legends he added never die
maali weston
maali weston - 7 years ago
Nice video bro
Fishing.In.Florida - 7 years ago
black acara
Dkfishooks - 7 years ago
You should try trailer hooks for em.youll never miss a strike,well a short strike..
Cherrymae Abelita
Cherrymae Abelita - 7 years ago
Its a fish
Autum Morehead
Autum Morehead - 7 years ago
Tilapia hybrid of some kind
gameing on CLASH
gameing on CLASH - 7 years ago
Its is a fish
Jelano Sinti
Jelano Sinti - 7 years ago
i am from surinam and that fish is realy good to eat do a taste test its called a krobia in surinam
Steven Goewey
Steven Goewey - 7 years ago
Jelano Sinti
Zebedee madness
Zebedee madness - 7 years ago
Black Acara (Cichlasoma portalegrense)
Brody Cooney
Brody Cooney - 7 years ago
I thank it is a pumpkin seed
Veloci Rapper
Veloci Rapper - 7 years ago
New catchphrase “go forth and sacrifice”
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Its a juvenile Black acara. the dark black patches will become a patchy stripe down the side of the fish as it becomes an adult.
Desire Xx
Desire Xx - 7 years ago
Put the fish in your small Pond
WVC Cuhh
WVC Cuhh - 7 years ago
You should just raise that small fish you don’t know what it’s called
Curt H
Curt H - 7 years ago
We caught that before
Crayfish TV
Crayfish TV - 7 years ago
It kinda looks like a flowerhorn but it’s not
james mitchell
james mitchell - 7 years ago
Not even a little haha not even a little
Nandakumar Malgaj
Nandakumar Malgaj - 7 years ago
Name him skull Candy
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
You look like a lego catfish but you are not
Crayfish TV
Crayfish TV - 7 years ago
Hunter's channel he pinned my other comment XD
Noah Dakouras
Noah Dakouras - 7 years ago
That was my first glance just from the colors and how the pattern is set up
I Am Bear
I Am Bear - 7 years ago
TheLego Catfish not really but ok...
305 Angling
305 Angling - 7 years ago
It's a black acara
Romney Turner
Romney Turner - 7 years ago
TheLego Catfish no it does not
Andren Lee
Andren Lee - 7 years ago
TheLego Catfish yaa
Hunter's channel
Hunter's channel - 7 years ago
TheLego Catfish That's what I thought
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 7 years ago
Bro, any chance you could do some under water vids of your pond?
ray metcalf
ray metcalf - 7 years ago
Its a Acara Cichlid they are close to Chocolate Cichlids
Adrian Sullivan
Adrian Sullivan - 7 years ago
Its a fish
Dialgajoe Browne
Dialgajoe Browne - 7 years ago
Plz post more often
Lacie Murphy
Lacie Murphy - 7 years ago
It's a port ciclide hybrid
Fajar Id
Fajar Id - 7 years ago
that fish call 'mujair' but in my country it have bright collor
Al Nicolasora
Al Nicolasora - 7 years ago
Where is your second pond that you said before????? Like your videos BTW
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous
anonymous_bmx_and_stuntrider anonymous - 7 years ago
Put it in the small pond
Jorge Perez
Jorge Perez - 7 years ago
I know what is it it's a fish
Jesus Feris
Jesus Feris - 7 years ago
Please make a saltwater pond
KVNG x Baker
KVNG x Baker - 7 years ago
Good video but don't plug ur shirt every video gets annoying
sj fifamobile
sj fifamobile - 7 years ago
its a kwie kwie
ohad goldfarb
ohad goldfarb - 7 years ago
zac\zak\zack 10:37 keep this fish he is like 10 dolars
Pomorski Hodowca
Pomorski Hodowca - 7 years ago
Polska. Pozdrawia
V Dimond
V Dimond - 7 years ago
I think it is a black acara cichlid
Ryxx 11
Ryxx 11 - 7 years ago
It’s def a acara tho
william Baggett
william Baggett - 7 years ago
blue acara
Otis Starks
Otis Starks - 7 years ago
You should try a new intro
McKenzy B
McKenzy B - 7 years ago
It’s called the joey killed him fish
Daniel Kertesz
Daniel Kertesz - 7 years ago
Cool videos man
Panda Stifler
Panda Stifler - 7 years ago
Mujair Fish ??
Karma_The_Dogs Channel
Karma_The_Dogs Channel - 7 years ago
The fish looks like a Jack Dempsey cichlid and I know what a Jack Dempsey looks like cause I have one and 2 giant tiger Oscars plus Jack dempsey's are freshwater and either African or South American I can't remember
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
Yeah I looked up it a Kronos or black acara. It did look similiar to my blue acara but nothing like a jack dempsey
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
Google it that clearly looks nothing like a JD
Kenneth Junior
Kenneth Junior - 7 years ago
Chris Saldana
Chris Saldana - 7 years ago
lian lian
lian lian - 7 years ago
Maby juel cicild
B Singh
B Singh - 7 years ago
Make more saltwater fishing videos
Weston B.
Weston B. - 7 years ago
PEDRO936CONROE TX - 7 years ago
wetman 2.0
wetman 2.0 - 7 years ago
Catch em all it is a cuscarub
pedrokz - 7 years ago
Cichlasoma bimaculatum
Allen Barlow
Allen Barlow - 7 years ago
Can i say that your probably right
Cade Eavenson
Cade Eavenson - 7 years ago
catch em all
B Singh
B Singh - 7 years ago
That is a hybrid bluegill
cjsocool junior royalty boss
cjsocool junior royalty boss - 7 years ago
Wn - 7 years ago
Thats a Crobia fish
Shayaan Tosemito
Shayaan Tosemito - 7 years ago
Yep krobia
gordon atmo
gordon atmo - 7 years ago
lots of crobia in suriname
Winston Limon
Winston Limon - 7 years ago
It looks like a Crobia
305 Angling
305 Angling - 7 years ago
Wn no it's a black acara
Floyd Hunnigan
Floyd Hunnigan - 7 years ago
You get any herons in your garden bro
GreedoTheMantisBagger - 7 years ago
i have these all over my pond and i can never find what it is well i guess it’s a coi lol
Martina Valentin
Martina Valentin - 7 years ago
Great stuff catchem
JachaiVloGz - 7 years ago
Catch em all
Ty. W
Ty. W - 7 years ago
it looks like a rainbow chiclid.
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Well its not
Gourd Man
Gourd Man - 7 years ago
I agree
John Coyle
John Coyle - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Gorayeb
Jeffrey Gorayeb - 7 years ago
It’s a black acara cichlid there extremely common in my area
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Thx for not being an idiot like everyone else in here and you actually knows something. I find it strange that zak says he loves fish but he dont know shit. He dont even bother to give them a nice life. They just swim around in that poison pond and tank
Sam Jones
Sam Jones - 7 years ago
tilapia mainly or a cross or mix of a tilapia
emperdana - 7 years ago
I saw catch em all, i click
Manu Devil04
Manu Devil04 - 7 years ago
It's a megladon
Rebel Brock
Rebel Brock - 7 years ago
Hybrid bluegill and tilapia mixed
Rebel Brock
Rebel Brock - 7 years ago
It was just a guess
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Thats not a tilapia. Dont you know anything about cichlids? Its a black acara
Rebel Brock
Rebel Brock - 7 years ago
Hybrid bluegill in tilapia mix
Rebel Brock
Rebel Brock - 7 years ago
Ment to say and
James M.
James M. - 7 years ago
It's a black acara, look it up
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
Jason Wirth
Jason Wirth - 6 years ago
Bro man why???
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
He shouldnt be allowed to have fish at all
Broman1978 - 7 years ago
Zak shouldnt be allowed to have fish at all
Fauna Johnson
Fauna Johnson - 7 years ago
MasterManGaming - 7 years ago
LDV Cummins
LDV Cummins - 7 years ago
FishingOhio 44 that would be lite
Soumya Swarup
Soumya Swarup - 7 years ago
Zac Kainamu
Zac Kainamu - 7 years ago
Sounds good every body keep liking this comment and mabey he will do it
Perch and Bass
Perch and Bass - 7 years ago
Superdragn - 7 years ago
Kinda gonna be hard to regulate the saltwater with the freshwater pond he has his pond in the back yard but not the ocean
Clariz Managbanag
Clariz Managbanag - 7 years ago
FishingOhio 44 you are right cauz REELLEGENDSNEVERDIE
Mareko Tuitele
Mareko Tuitele - 7 years ago
Yes saltwater pond
Jameson Aquatics
Jameson Aquatics - 7 years ago
FishingOhio 44 yup
Clash_Marker - 7 years ago
Its a Fish
Aiden Smith
Aiden Smith - 7 years ago
Get a pet salamander but do your research
Josh Daboss
Josh Daboss - 7 years ago
That’s a salvini chiclid
uvuvewewe oyetwvewe ovamovbem osas
uvuvewewe oyetwvewe ovamovbem osas - 7 years ago
Tha't fish name is mujair form indonesia
AS 7
AS 7 - 7 years ago
littlepiggydog on IG
littlepiggydog on IG - 7 years ago
Its a marlin
Splash KingYT
Splash KingYT - 7 years ago
Snoenk - 7 years ago
Can you pls bring out XS RLND
Johnny Pilch Konyot
Johnny Pilch Konyot - 7 years ago
Too much commercial . Annoying to watch. That's sad.
Themanofpower - 7 years ago
Themanofpower - 7 years ago
The only fish i catch are small trout... Rarely: (
Insect Freak
Insect Freak - 7 years ago
In Germany we Call that Kind of Fish maronibuntbarsch
Kaden Bartrug
Kaden Bartrug - 7 years ago
Legend has it Catch Em All doesn't have the balls to pin this comment
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
Kaden Bartrug nah, he just doesn’t like it when people ask for it
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
Isaiah Taylor
Isaiah Taylor - 7 years ago
He doesn't
Kadin Bond
Kadin Bond - 7 years ago
Parker Gibbons
Parker Gibbons - 7 years ago
Tom Smith
Tom Smith - 7 years ago
Yaretzy Cervates
Yaretzy Cervates - 7 years ago
Hi I've been watching you video since you started
Talan Sensinger
Talan Sensinger - 7 years ago
Or tilapia hybrid
Ty. W
Ty. W - 7 years ago
waiting for a catch em all update.... update pops up CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK.
fishingbros58 - 7 years ago
Yes 57
Ashton Pals
Ashton Pals - 7 years ago
cool vid i love your bass bro its the best
TNT BOOOM - 7 years ago
Hi bro I subscribed
Kung fu Koala
Kung fu Koala - 7 years ago
I got 11th like
Will Long
Will Long - 7 years ago
Sick I love yore vids and I am getting a reel legends never die shirt
Talan Sensinger
Talan Sensinger - 7 years ago
Bluegill chilid hybred
I am bored
I am bored - 7 years ago
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
Lol shutup
Lps Brittney Kitty productions
Lps Brittney Kitty productions - 7 years ago
Shamu!!!!! I love you
Erick Boss Velez
Erick Boss Velez - 7 years ago
Erick Boss Velez
Erick Boss Velez - 7 years ago
catsarereal friendly
catsarereal friendly - 7 years ago
Ayyy Im Eaarly
All the Outdoors
All the Outdoors - 7 years ago
Catch em all
Blaze Havoc
Blaze Havoc - 7 years ago
Abdon Atrisco
Abdon Atrisco - 7 years ago
cool dude
Jaxon Brannon
Jaxon Brannon - 7 years ago
5th like
Ty. W
Ty. W - 7 years ago
Ian Thelwell
Ian Thelwell - 7 years ago
Crow Claw
Crow Claw - 7 years ago
Second lol
flash gt
flash gt - 7 years ago
Ender Shakira Drivealott
Ender Shakira Drivealott - 7 years ago
Samurai Sis
Samurai Sis - 7 years ago
Miickhail - 7 years ago

William Kirkendoff
William Kirkendoff - 7 years ago

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