Large Tropical Fish Tank at Dental Office Revisited in 10 Months Watch large tropical fish tank with colorful tropical fish at a dental office in Delta BC revisited in ten months. The same fish which was shown in my video before is now considerably larger. While last time I added 17th century guitar music which I played myself to the video, this time I play the ukulele and sing my version of a Czech pop love song from Petr Novák called Sedm Prázdných Dnů. It's my tribute to this great Czech singer, guitarist and song writer. The song is a love song about love that didn't work out. If you would like to watch the fish in my earlier video and hear me play 17th century music on guitar just click on the link below. If you'd like to know the names of the fish then check out the description of that video as well. Enjoy.

Large Tropical Fish Tank at Dental Office Revisited in 10 Months sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Tropical fishing 12 years ago 2,017 views Watch large tropical fish tank with colorful tropical fish at a dental office in Delta BC revisited in ten months. The same fish which was shown in my video before is now considerably larger. While last time I added 17th century guitar music which I played myself to the video, this time I play the ukulele and sing my version of a Czech pop love song from Petr Novák called Sedm Prázdných Dnů. It's my tribute to this great Czech singer, guitarist and song writer. The song is a love song about love that didn't work out. If you would like to watch the fish in my earlier video and hear me play 17th century music on guitar just click on the link below. If you'd like to know the names of the fish then check out the description of that video as well. Enjoy.

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Most popular comments
for Large Tropical Fish Tank at Dental Office Revisited in 10 Months

Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
Mockrát Děkuju za komentář a jsem rád že se Ti to líbilo. Tu písničku jsem se naučil před mnoha lety jenom z not, bez toho abych jí někdy slyšel. Tak jsem jí nedavno taky nahrál. Potom jsem ji našel i na YouTube v Petrově provedení. Nemůžu se s ním samozřejmě vůbec srovnávat, ale doufám, že jde aspoň poznat, že zpívám tu samou písničku. Pošlu Ti link na originál zpívaný Petrem Novákem. Myslím, že měl víc než jednu verzi. Později zpíval některé svoje písničky trochu jinak než původně.
Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
Diky, ozvu se. Kdy ta soutěž začíná?
standa52 - 12 years ago
Ozvi se prosím na mou adresu rád bych tu to tvou píseň zařadil do naší každý pořádané soutěže o nejlépe zazpívanou písničku Patra Nováka -pořádá Fan club Patra Nováka .Díky
Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
Thank you. Tropical fish are incredibly colorful. I like the blue color the most but they are all very nice.
Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
Thank you very much Gigi. I'll check the message.
Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
It takes quite a while to learn a language, even at the basic level. But the effort is more that worth it. Thanks for the comment.
Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
Diky za komentář. Jsem moc rád, že se díváte a že se Vám to líbí.
Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
Thanks for the visit and for watching and commenting.
babka anka
babka anka - 12 years ago
Díky za vidko i písničku, milé zpestření :-)

10. comment for Large Tropical Fish Tank at Dental Office Revisited in 10 Months

thecandykissme - 12 years ago
Beautiful fish. :)
Vance Sova
Vance Sova - 12 years ago
Thank you very much for the nice comment.
JESSIE BIRD SAYS IT ALL - 12 years ago
Wow Vance .. Great job .. and the fish are beautiful .. I'm off to see them when they were smaller . @ See you there ! :oD

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