Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names!

Minecraft 1.13.1 Update Aquatic Videos ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk Minecraft 1.13.1 the Update Aquatic will add 34 new tropical fish names that are visible in the tooltip of a tropical fish bucket! Hermitcraft VI: #3 - Custom Mob Farm! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKNYZDQgW5w Links! ● Second Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/xisumatwo ● Livestreams http://www.twitch.tv/xisuma (You can see my stream schedule there) ● Twitter https://twitter.com/xisumavoid ● Discord Server http://discord.gg/xisuma ● Facebook http://on.fb.me/xisuma_facebook ● Website http://www.xisumavoid.com ● Patreon https://www.patreon.com/xisuma Other series on my channel Hermitcraft VI Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/hermitcraft6 Minecraft Tutorials Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/tutorials Do You Know Minecraft? Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/doyouknow Minecraft Myth Busting Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/mythbusting Minecraft Showcase Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/showcase #minecraft #snapshot #update

Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 48,506 views

Minecraft 1.13.1 Update Aquatic Videos ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk Minecraft 1.13.1 the Update Aquatic will add 34 new tropical fish names that are visible in the tooltip of a tropical fish bucket! Hermitcraft VI: #3 - Custom Mob Farm! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKNYZDQgW5w Links! ● Second Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/xisumatwo ● Livestreams http://www.twitch.tv/xisuma (You can see my stream schedule there) ● Twitter https://twitter.com/xisumavoid ● Discord Server http://discord.gg/xisuma ● Facebook http://on.fb.me/xisuma_facebook ● Website http://www.xisumavoid.com ● Patreon https://www.patreon.com/xisuma Other series on my channel Hermitcraft VI Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/hermitcraft6 Minecraft Tutorials Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/tutorials Do You Know Minecraft? Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/doyouknow Minecraft Myth Busting Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/mythbusting Minecraft Showcase Playlist ► http://xisuma.co/showcase #minecraft #snapshot #update

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Most popular comments
for Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names!

xisumavoid - 6 years ago
Watch to the end of the video! I found all 34 names of the tropicalfish.... the title tells you that tho XD
Fragile Badger
Fragile Badger - 6 years ago
Cichlid = "sick lid"
angrywolfjr - 6 years ago
yes ! an other person use XD
good bye
good bye - 6 years ago
Xisuma when you were looking at the performance of the water you were not paying attention to the mobs falling which looked like they moved smother in the video when you were in 1.13.1
1977music43 - 6 years ago
xisumavoid I don't know fish types well but the same name on different fish kind of makes sense. For example dogs. The Springer spaniel is much larger than the King Charles...
Don't Tread On Memes
Don't Tread On Memes - 6 years ago
Blue Tang Clan ain't nothing to f*** wit
Milos Ivanov
Milos Ivanov - 6 years ago
Youre a silly man X I Sumavoid and I like it
Jack White
Jack White - 6 years ago
Xisuma, I suggest you maybe check NBT tags to get some idea what is actually going on? Can you put any color of fish or is it generated from a hash number?
-Shuriken- - 6 years ago
Trying to catch all the kinds of tropical fish can be a cool game, maybe first to win can get an elytra for a prize
Wednesday Service
Wednesday Service - 6 years ago
xisumavoid Triggerfish triggers me mann.
7 sub
7 sub - 6 years ago
xisumavoid do you know the coowardinets for vintagebeef's space base?
Jamesboy4444 - 6 years ago
Muhammed khan
Muhammed khan - 6 years ago
Nice video
montydan - 6 years ago
Hi :-P
LoekTheKing - 6 years ago
Lol XD
Dreymasmith Dreams
Dreymasmith Dreams - 6 years ago
As always, thanks for this. Your efforts are appreciated.
Lautner93 - 6 years ago
I love this!
can you still nametag fish when in a bucket?
Gostlyplays Gostlyplayer
Gostlyplays Gostlyplayer - 6 years ago
Name = pattern not fish shape/size
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
This could be a really cool implication in education mode, not just for fish but other creatures as well. Imagine learning to identify your local flora and fauna by collecting them and clicking links which provide pictures, descriptions and etc. Might be cool.
Dragonhda Armstrong
Dragonhda Armstrong - 6 years ago
Sick-lid is how you pronounce the name
youtuberfanlife - 6 years ago
Never mind i heard the rest of your vid
Matias Sjölund
Matias Sjölund - 6 years ago
misplaced sanity
C_Turtle0923 - 6 years ago
I want to build an aquarium, now.

10. comment for Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names!

Caesar Calad
Caesar Calad - 6 years ago
Easy Pokemon
Christopher Heldgaard
Christopher Heldgaard - 6 years ago
cichlids are freshwater fish though... so are bettas.
Nathan Brown
Nathan Brown - 6 years ago
Phhhht, if etho can play on this snapshot, you can too
Jaime Futter
Jaime Futter - 6 years ago
misplaced sanity
Crocoduck - 6 years ago
Cichlid is pronounced as “sick-lid”.
Raygune eXplosion
Raygune eXplosion - 6 years ago
fishtron go?
Hannes Ahlén
Hannes Ahlén - 6 years ago
hi there! what kind of macro do you use to afk fish farm?
Raffy Punzal
Raffy Punzal - 6 years ago
so you were the culprit of the Great Disappearance of Aquatic Mobs on the hermitcraft server, with your Prolific Pufferfish Prank! egad!

(glad it was fixed tho!)
k98killer - 6 years ago
"Presentate"? Is that supposed to be like "conversate"? For being the people who originated the English language, y'all use some strange, fake words :p
Eric Scott
Eric Scott - 6 years ago
they are actual fish, but the yellow tang seems to be the wrong color

20. comment for Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names!

Ethan wong
Ethan wong - 6 years ago
can someone send me the link for the 1.13 texture pack that u use on the hermitcraft server?
Ethan wong
Ethan wong - 6 years ago
im pretty sure its the official texture pack released by mojang but i cant seem to find it lol
Muser - 6 years ago
yeh noticed that with this snapshot even when i light up areas the mobs still spawn lol
Mathias Strange
Mathias Strange - 6 years ago
Buggy, but at least better than cheaty slime chunk farms :)
Andrew Rutter
Andrew Rutter - 6 years ago
"Misplaced sanity". Look in the very beginning of the video
Audun Olsen
Audun Olsen - 6 years ago
If you shoot an enderman with a spectral arrow it will get the spectral effect but the arrow won't hit it.
anus kan
anus kan - 6 years ago
Krololol Nothing more
Krololol Nothing more - 6 years ago
This will become very useful as I just planed a fish shop on the server I’m playing on
DeltaNedas - 6 years ago
Get Grian to say the fish names ;D
Australian Sloth
Australian Sloth - 6 years ago
Right at tye start of the video you can see that X has searched for "misplaced sanity" in the top right corner..
Vyasa Nayak
Vyasa Nayak - 6 years ago
Gotta catch'em all


30. comment for Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names!

Zacchary Hulsman
Zacchary Hulsman - 6 years ago
cichlid, pronounced sick - lid. Cichlid's are freshwater african or south american fish depending on species. so a bit odd them being in the ocean... Should add freshwater rivers maybe?
Thad Lipinski
Thad Lipinski - 6 years ago
Cichlid- pronounced “sick-lid”
Esmi Medina
Esmi Medina - 6 years ago
Pe already had this LOL
Ryan Vickers
Ryan Vickers - 6 years ago
AntVenom made a video back in March about a massive increase in the speed at which fire spreads in Minecraft. The part that stood out to me more than anything else was the remark he made about the chances of it being a bug, versus being an intentional change. To quote, "some have speculated that this might actually be an unintentional change entirely, but I'm less sure. For me, the math that goes into calculating how fire spreads seems like a very specific bit of code that would have to be a targeted change for this to happen." That seems like a very reasonable conclusion, delivered by someone who's been playing the game for long enough to know it well. However, that's where things go off the rails. The truth is, things like this are routine in Minecraft. Almost every version seems like it brings another of these nearly incomprehensible bugs, or a fix to one that they introduced previously. I say incomprehensible because they're so random and specific that, as AntVenom says, it's hard to believe that this could be an accident, and yet, time after time these changes get rolled back before long, indicating that they were in fact unintentional. For evidence of this, you need look no further than this video. That bug where stone appears if you resize your window is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. If that doesn't do it for you, how about the mob spawning issues Xisuma mentioned at the very beginning? It happens enough that to me, Minecraft is characterized by these oddities, and this video is a great example of them. For that reason, I must thank you for sharing. Your update videos are always great but I appreciate this one in particular for the reasons I've just explained. Finally, if anyone wants to disagree or discuss another opinion, I'd welcome you to do so below provided you're capable of forming a coherent argument based on the content of my comment. If you're here to throw hypocritical insults just because you don't understand what I'm saying, please find someone else to troll.
OhhXel - 6 years ago
"misplaced sanity"
Josh T
Josh T - 6 years ago
1:45 squid: hEy i M heR e tO o !! !
Omecats - 6 years ago
Have you misplaced your sanity?
Sophie Hughes
Sophie Hughes - 6 years ago
We should probably try to find it.Or not,sanity is overrated anyway.
Purple Fire 28
Purple Fire 28 - 6 years ago
Wait... Is the slime swimming just a bug in that snapshot or is it a new feature?
JimmyMACfluster - 6 years ago
Dude Yuo
Dude Yuo - 6 years ago
When did slimes gain the ability to swim?
BobsYourUncle - 6 years ago
Doc will not be pleased
Antilles1974 - 6 years ago
madmat2001 - 6 years ago
FWIW cichlid is pronounced sick-lid.
WG101 - 6 years ago
they should add daytime mob spawning as a feature to hardcore mode.
Clex - 6 years ago
what texture pack are you using?
Kaiteki Gēmu
Kaiteki Gēmu - 6 years ago
Pretty sure cichlid is either pronounced sick-lid or seek-lid
Kavukamari - 6 years ago
this is so bizarre but I love it, imagine the mapmaking potential

hopefully nobody makes a locked door where the only key is a SPECIFIC tropical fish :P
Bibasik7 - 6 years ago
50% "It's pronounced sick-lid."
50% actual comments that contribute something to the video
OrigamiMarie - 6 years ago
40% sick-lid
40% you were counting the wrong thing when analyzing lag
20% normal comments.
ahmet çavuş
ahmet çavuş - 6 years ago
Good video ex-aye-zuma
ChinChamp - 6 years ago
I was using the buckets of tropical fish before this snapshot and I always got confused of which one is which. This feature helped me so much!

50. comment for Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names!

Oletta Liano
Oletta Liano - 6 years ago
Good video as always. Proof I'm weird. Minecraft 1.13 has all these new aquatic things, but I still prefer to live in the desert.
Antonio Bateza
Antonio Bateza - 6 years ago
Hey x um next season of hermit craft what if instead of shops u did a trading them where there is a trading center and districts based off a job so the fellow hermits have to trade for goods
Antonio Bateza
Antonio Bateza - 6 years ago
Like there could be the miners the treasure hunters the lumberjacks the black Smith's the landscapers and the mechanics and the wizards lol so hermit craft would be like a large community
Antonio Bateza
Antonio Bateza - 6 years ago
Instead of diamond economy lol
Antonio Bateza
Antonio Bateza - 6 years ago
Just an idea to spice things up
Mike McDaniel
Mike McDaniel - 6 years ago
Off topic, but I really thought it was uncool that impulse didn't sell ya a pass. Everyone knows you return a prank with a prank, not refuse shop service. Even EA would take your money. I think you should make pufferfish a regular part of impulse's life.
R3Testa - 6 years ago
"Anemone?" Why!?
Christian Sarmiento
Christian Sarmiento - 6 years ago
I'm glad i decided to not create a function pack to name all the fishes
Milos Ivanov
Milos Ivanov - 6 years ago
My finger is bleeding halp
Guillo 15
Guillo 15 - 6 years ago
Xisuma, the tropical fish names have to be bugged out on the snapshot, I believe their supposed to have parity with Java. You can see the names found on the Bedrock edition in the Minecraft wiki.
Shadow Reaper
Shadow Reaper - 6 years ago

Sick... Lid.
Korra 228
Korra 228 - 6 years ago
Crazy bugs with 1.13 snapshots, we've never seen this before!
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Korra 228 1.13 is the buggiest version of the game so far
Anthony Bebbington
Anthony Bebbington - 6 years ago
blue tang and clown fish anyone else thinking finding nemo?
Arcanine of Blue Fire
Arcanine of Blue Fire - 6 years ago
So since theres 21 predefined fish with 13 random colored ones (assuming it cant be the same color twice) that means theres...

21 + 13*15*16 = 3,141. Really? Wow.

3,141 potential different fish. If you want to catch 'em all, I hope you really want to.
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Arcanine of Blue Fire ok. It's really unclear how it works, we dont know if these 13 fish types are actually linked to their look (colors, size) or not. Dunno if the 16 colors is valid here. But your estimation may be accurate still.
Arcanine of Blue Fire
Arcanine of Blue Fire - 6 years ago
He said there are 34 different fish (and later he said there were 21 predetermined, and it says it in the title...?), and Minecraft has 16 colors of wool, dye, beds, shulker boxes, and everything else colored. The fish seemed to have the same colors, so I assumed the fish could have any of the 16 different colors in Minecraft as we saw cyan, blue, light blue, and all the other fish he didnt catch with other colors, so it's not much of a stretch to say they can be any color.

Edit: I should specify tropical fish, in case that wasnt obvious enough. With it being in the title and the topic of the video, and all.
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Arcanine of Blue Fire how do you know there are 34 different fish in total, and 16 colors?
Arcanine of Blue Fire
Arcanine of Blue Fire - 6 years ago
That's how you find all possible combinations: amount for choice A (13 colorful fish (34 total fish, 21 predetermined. 34 - 21 = 13))
multiplied by the amount for choice B (16 colors in Minecraft)
multiplied by the amount for choice C (15 other colors, assuming it cant be the same twice), etc.

And then the 21 for the predetermined fish

13*16*15 + 21
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Arcanine of Blue Fire 13*15*16 ? Where does that come from
Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy - 6 years ago
Is this what happened to the mob generation on the server a few days ago? When no passive mobs were spawning? Did someone on the server have a giant aquarium?
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Mister Itchy 16 fish were enough to stop spawning so maybe not so giant
Henry Zhang
Henry Zhang - 6 years ago
The Colorman
The Colorman - 6 years ago
The water causes TPS lag, not FPS lag
Ethan Karp
Ethan Karp - 6 years ago
7:00 Oh, so that might have been what was happening on hermitcraft
TheKincognito - 6 years ago
Ethan Karp
Yeah i was thinking the same.
Maybe a certain someone shouldn't have trolled everybody with Pufferfish ^^
Kraken The Kode
Kraken The Kode - 6 years ago
So was the lack of sea life on hermitcraft Xisuma's fault for the pufferfish traps everywhere?
Leopardmask - 6 years ago
"Hey you know how we were trying to fix some things that went wrong with the Aquatic Update? Well we seem to have deleted the restrictions on hostile mob spawning so they're all in every biome during the day" How does that even happen XD
anus kan
anus kan - 6 years ago
Leopardmask dunno,great for mob farms tho
OrigamiMarie - 6 years ago
The sarcastic answer: complete lack of automated testing.
A possible real answer: they were messing with the drowned spawning behavior in the ocean thingies, and they left some debugging variable flipped wrong from testing or they just woopsed something in the general area.
Frona - 6 years ago
"Hey yo guys let's add one line of a tooltip to fish buckets! Oh well shit holy tits everything's broken stop what how"
Ethan Karp
Ethan Karp - 6 years ago
This would be a fun snapshot to try in survival if you really want a challenge.
PavleGamesRS - 6 years ago
I found A HUGE BUG in the snapshot - Slimes and all other mobs are spawning on the surface during the day and when I switched back to 18w32a it was all fine.
AlexCubed - 6 years ago
@ 5:30 you should've looked at the server tick time. In the latest snapshot it takes around 20ms for a single tick (if it goes above 50ms, the game has less than 20tps) while in 1.13 it took around 120ms. You also saw that on the movement of the mobs, the mobs in 1.13 were falling slower because the tps was so low.
StrikeWing17971 - 6 years ago
The names seem bugged. The Wiki explans the fish.
SuperE the 3rd
SuperE the 3rd - 6 years ago
Xisuma don't keep posting videos promoting your streams, going to get a strike for promoting other services!
The Hermithood
The Hermithood - 6 years ago
You know I don't have any slimes so I am going to have at it with some looting 3 for some fun :-)
ninja hero
ninja hero - 6 years ago
oh yes pokemon go in minecraft!!
Isuru Wanigasooriya
Isuru Wanigasooriya - 6 years ago
CICHLID !!! Pronounced like "Sik-lid"
T Minus
T Minus - 6 years ago
I told you that your pufferfish were polluting the server! Just wait until the NHO hears about this...
tarquinnff3 - 6 years ago
Gotta catch 'em all, Xisumamon!
T Minus
T Minus - 6 years ago
Collectors tool-tips were exactly what I was thinking would make tropical fish amazing yesterday, I can't believe they actually added them!
Netsong - 6 years ago
X I S ixuma.
Herr Klockow
Herr Klockow - 6 years ago
Cichlid is pronounced SICK-lid
Mihael Slavic
Mihael Slavic - 6 years ago
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Upupa epops
Upupa epops - 6 years ago
Those look like mostly real fish names. Like if you Google "Yellow Tang" or "Red Snapper" you will get photos of a real fish species named that.
Frona - 6 years ago
That's because they're real fish. Unfortunately they're horribly misnomered and mistextured. That is not what a yellow tang looks like, nor a blue tang. Cichlids don't go by colour but by type.
FuntimeFoxy Plays
FuntimeFoxy Plays - 6 years ago
it is a cool challange mobs in day
NeonBluz - 6 years ago
Cichlid is pronounced like sick-lid
Jet Lag
Jet Lag - 6 years ago
Oh man I looove the way the game looks underwater. Building bases underwater is going to be soooo fun.
We just need more animals and plants. Squids, octopuses, stingrays, jellyfish, crabs, starfish etc.
It'd be cool if there was a type of underwater tree. Yes, I know there's no such thing as underwater trees IRL but this is Minecraft.
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Jet Lag well, size-wise and shape-wise it's as close as nature (and minecraft) gets for underwater trees, afaik. But i may not know much after all.
Jet Lag
Jet Lag - 6 years ago
Corals are corals, not underwater trees.
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Jet Lag arent corals underwater trees? :)
Nolan Strebel
Nolan Strebel - 6 years ago
How do you guys get such High fps? V-sync is off, framerate is unlimited and I get capped at 60fps
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Nolan Strebel laptop -> 2.4 ghz max processor -> minecraft not happy
Minecraft mainly uses CPU and only one core so the frequency matters the most sadly
Nolan Strebel
Nolan Strebel - 6 years ago
I have an HP Omen gamming laptop... I should be able to get 200+fps easy
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Frona the game actually uses a ton of resources because of how unique it is. Cant make great stuff without great power
Frona - 6 years ago
i don't think 30 is "high fps" but gimme some of that crack why dont you

If you run Minecraft capped at 60 frames you need to stop using a computer from the early 90's. The game uses zero resources.
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Nolan Strebel why'd you want more?
Tyler henry
Tyler henry - 6 years ago
Xisuma pronaunce cichlid like sick-lid
Tygoshot YT
Tygoshot YT - 6 years ago
The-Tides - 6 years ago
When i updated to this snapshot 3 times in a row minecraft messed up its name to micecraft! Now did i just get very lucky or is this glich more common? :/
LeeJow - 6 years ago
I would like to see different textures of the tropical fish.
Rasmus Lyngklip
Rasmus Lyngklip - 6 years ago
TripleThePugg - 6 years ago
This is cool!
HamburgerGamer - 6 years ago
why does he sound autotuned lmao
Adlin Densil
Adlin Densil - 6 years ago
When seeing the website, who noticed a search for 'misplaced sanity'? Easter Egg!!
Kloe - 6 years ago
Okay so the Fish Cap bug fix will stop the NHO Fish Prevention Extortion machine!
jorne66 - 6 years ago
the performance they talk about would probably be the tps not the fps
as in the server performance
Slingo the cat
Slingo the cat - 6 years ago
6:44 Welp, there goes Doc's plans for a fish spawning switch... cough cough I mean, The hermits' filthy pollution.
Oldman Data
Oldman Data - 6 years ago
Lol at your pronunciations. "Cichlid" is pronounced "Sick-lid." Just FYI for the future. I may have had a few aquariums in my lifetime. ;)

My hope with the unique names is they're setting them all up to school with other alike fish. Right now they all school together no matter the species.
OrigamiMarie - 6 years ago
They seem to spawn in like-species groups though, so often I'll find them grouped properly.
SQDexe - 6 years ago
There is 22 unique tropical fish with names like Emperor Red Snapper. Other names like flopper grey-blue are kind of Code where:
-Flopper is pattern and size together (there is 10)
-Grey-blue is base and pattern colour
SQDexe - 6 years ago
MrManGod Swag
MrManGod Swag - 6 years ago
Flooper is officially my favorite word.

100. comment for Minecraft 1.13.1 Snapshot 18w33a All 34 Tropical Fish Names!

Boompoet - 6 years ago
Cichlid is pronounced "Sick-lid" Also, Nautilus is "Nawt-ah-lis"
Neethy Official/Music
Neethy Official/Music - 6 years ago
I know you from mumbo. Now I know 'mumbo redstone' you
Pallalero - 6 years ago
DERP the optimization had got to do with tick lag but you didnt even consider that, but they did fix it where in the 1.13.1 snapshot (20mspt) the tick rate was about 5x better than in 1.13 (110mspt)
ArabGamer Crafter
ArabGamer Crafter - 6 years ago
What is the texture pack?
SQDexe - 6 years ago
Please just check minecraft wiki, just do it. It would solve all tropical fish mysteries...
boraz 4000
boraz 4000 - 6 years ago
XI sumvoid
-Gri an
e.m 1324
e.m 1324 - 6 years ago
I have a question..do i have to buy the full version of 1.13? I downloaded minecraft on my laptop and it only lets me play the demo:(
OrigamiMarie - 6 years ago
You can download it for free, any version on any platform all the time. You can't really play it unless you have an account, which requires $27 (which is a pretty good deal as video games go). Maybe you got a glitchy or hacked version that let you play without an account, but that's not the normal behavior.
saint chuck
saint chuck - 6 years ago
Not from the official site, you didn't.
e.m 1324
e.m 1324 - 6 years ago
Snowy121 last yeat i got 1.12 for free tho:(
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
you have to buy minecraft you can't just download it, once you buy it you will get all of the versions
Kelvin Venema
Kelvin Venema - 6 years ago
e.m 1324 you have to buy it on the official page.
SomeoneOnTheInternet - 6 years ago
The names with the colors underneath (i.e. Kob, Looper, Sunstreak) are, I believe, made up. The rest are real
Frona - 6 years ago
well the kob is a genus of antelope
sammycat203 - 6 years ago
Have they not fixed the game breaking phantom item duplication bug?
Lifeform Lover
Lifeform Lover - 6 years ago
Since I know the names of a lot of fish, I can tell you that those fish names are highly inaccurate. Butterfly fish are more or less yellow and white fish with black around their eyes. Blue tangs are the species of fish that Dory is. The snappers are probably inaccurate, but I didn’t see the models to confirm. I’d assume that those like and light blue fish that you saw were parrot fish.
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
they aren't supposed to be accurate
Kirill Ramdan
Kirill Ramdan - 6 years ago
click preview version download 1.13 optifine !
Frona - 6 years ago
Don't. It's alpha. It screws with colour maps, destroys fps, and cuts animation frames in half. It's insanely buggy; do not use.
Benjamin Aouzir
Benjamin Aouzir - 6 years ago
saint chuck I confirm. The 1.13 update is laggy, but installing optifine alpha wrecks my fps
saint chuck
saint chuck - 6 years ago
Still buggy. Not recommended for someone who creates content.
PapaWoofs - 6 years ago
Cichlid = SICK-LID. Awesome fish.
bluemario8 - 6 years ago
Gotta catch em all gotta catch em all Fishemon
Pele raz
Pele raz - 6 years ago
Omg false will love this
DreN - 6 years ago
thank god they fixed that drowned bug where they wouldnt spawn with tridents. i still dont have a trident!
Carrots Moon
Carrots Moon - 6 years ago
DreN same
Zorange saft
Zorange saft - 6 years ago
Mr Doge
Mr Doge - 6 years ago
I play PE, which is why I don’t like life a lot
Amazoncheesecake - 6 years ago
Cichlid = Sick-lid (I used to raise some African Cichlids, and am a fish nerd XD )
Troy Gales
Troy Gales - 6 years ago
where did u last see ur sanity?
legobmw99 - 6 years ago
Xisuma, the performance of water was not about FPS, but server ticks. On the F3 screen, look at the "Integrated Server" line. If a tick ever takes over 50 ms, the server slows down. In 1.13, that meant the water updates were causing the server to run at less than half normal speed.
Da Purpleguy
Da Purpleguy - 6 years ago
Gotta love those chunky fish
No - 6 years ago
Wait hold on they named a fish an anemone,the heck!
Log Lab
Log Lab - 6 years ago
I wish they made it so that certain species of tropical fish were edible, like red snapper, so that it rewards fish recognition in game.
SomeoneOnTheInternet - 6 years ago
That would require thousands of different items. Besides, they’re all already edible
Peki - 6 years ago
What's Misplaced Sanity? A song?
glitchforce 999
glitchforce 999 - 6 years ago
what happend to lets play minecraft together
Marko Polic
Marko Polic - 6 years ago
Hey Xisumav I have a somewhat stupid question:what do I have to do to play on hermitraft with you guys,btw love your videos
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Marko Polic you mustnt ask, the hermits must notice you. 100% of hermits are youtubers.
Raven Danger navy
Raven Danger navy - 6 years ago
You have tO have over one hundred episodes of Minecraft let's play, impress the hermits and I think have a decent amount of subscribers. I don't know the actually number if that is the case.
One of the last surviving doges
One of the last surviving doges - 6 years ago
Cool video!
Robert O Meara
Robert O Meara - 6 years ago
Hey quick question, when exploring shipwrecks or ocean ruins when I open a chest it appears empty but if I close it and try to open it again it takes like 50 attempts and when it opens the chest has items in it, this usually happens with chests that have the treasure maps in it, is this a bug or is there a specific reason for it is assume that it is because it needs to generate the map/treasure chest
Skillfull - 6 years ago
The problem tango has with his mob farm isn’t the hit to the FPS, it’s the hit to the tps. He and gnembon did some investigating into the tps problems that water causes in 1.13. Gnembon made a video about it too. So, you shouldn’t compare the FPS of the farm in different versions, you should compare the tps/mspt
Adam Zackheim
Adam Zackheim - 6 years ago
That bug explains why there are no sea creatures on Hermitcraft... All the puffer-fish you placed and the aquariums people have built...
RADZIO895 - 6 years ago
Since when slimes can swim? Is that a 1.13 feature?
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
RADZIO895 since more than 4 years ;)
Gurkis - 6 years ago
RADZIO895 Since 1.9 or later idk
skyrising - 6 years ago
There are two sets of names in the jar file:
a: "flopper", "stripey", "glitter", "blockfish", "betty", "clayfish"
b: "kob", "sunstreak", "snooper", "dasher", "brinely", "spotty"
corresponding to patterns textures/entity/fish/tropical_[a/b]_pattern_[1-6].png and translation entity.minecraft.tropical_fish.type.[id]
Franci Christen
Franci Christen - 6 years ago
Great Job, Xisuma! :) Thanks for always figuring this stuff out for us! <3
MJ - 6 years ago
I really hope you don't pronounce Nautilus as Nutella. Kinda like you pronounce Acacia as Achacha.
Frona - 6 years ago
The way he says acacia is a meme from Keralis a long time ago. He's also not the most well-spoken individual when it comes to spelling and grammar, so.
Verruckter Schakal
Verruckter Schakal - 6 years ago
X did it, he found Dori!

(Blue tang!)
Wublisaur - 6 years ago
0 Dislike? I applaud.
Remtori - 6 years ago
So the missing fish in the hermitcraft ocean is basically because X's puffer fish prank capping the water mob cap?
Carlos L.
Carlos L. - 6 years ago
I hope they fix MC-125007
Ripstikerpro - 6 years ago
There was a 5x decrease in mspt for the water updates in the snapshot, that's the improvement they were talking about.
Messy Nessie
Messy Nessie - 6 years ago
Emi 56 haha "bucket list." Perfect
Muhammad Saad Afzal
Muhammad Saad Afzal - 6 years ago
777 oml
Rumbo Jumbo
Rumbo Jumbo - 6 years ago
Interesting! ❤️
João Silva
João Silva - 6 years ago
Wow 348 likes and no dislikes..
RandomEverything - 6 years ago
João Silva
João Silva - 6 years ago
RandomEverything well i guess someone lost their hand since the video has 1 dislile
RandomEverything - 6 years ago
João Silva anyone who dislike xsuima deserves to loose their hand
Cofii - 6 years ago
ciclid is pronounced sick-lid
ToPi167 - 6 years ago
gotta catch em all
new HERMITTRON with fish :D
agustin Campanelli
agustin Campanelli - 6 years ago
6:35 thats the bug that messes with acuatic mob-spawning on the hermitcraft server that you noticed a couple videos ago
Tomáš Kondr
Tomáš Kondr - 6 years ago
There is a bug that you can take damage from armor stands with thorns enchanted armor (I even died because of it) - it didn't do it in 1.12.2, but a moderator on the bug reporting website told me it works as intended. What do you think about it?
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Tomáš Kondr armorstands have no health though (i know what i am talking about, i'm not saying that because they arent animated, it's just a fact their health attribute isnt used as such in the code), so the damage mechanics have no effect on them and neither should thorns
WiresReborn - 6 years ago
When it comes to the water lag, if you look at the ms per ticks counter on the top left of the f3 menu you can see that the farm causes around 4 times more server-side lag in 1.13 compared to this snapshot. It also even runs at 20 tps now which is fantastic, definitely an improvement.
LispyLeaf - 6 years ago
Aye nice video
heavyh751 - 6 years ago
Thx for the info X
Early Reflections
Early Reflections - 6 years ago
X, you tested the water optimizations from the wrong angle. You checked the FPS (client-side) instead of checking "ms ticks" (server-side). In 1.13, you got over 125 mspt when water was updating. That is tremendous server lag for a single mob farm (~8 tps). In 18w33a you were getting around 40 mspt, which is a bit heavy, but still under 50 ms. The server would still go over 20 tps.

Liquids were indeed optimized in 18w33a, and quite a lot!
ChameleonGrip - 6 years ago
you can see the difference in the speed the mobs drop off the platforms
Scrooge McHaddock
Scrooge McHaddock - 6 years ago
With the aging CPU in my gaming desktop, I was having real performance issues with Minecraft. Every time I turned on my redstone contraptions, FPS would go way down because the CPU had to do client and server work. I installed a server in my laptop and the game runs smoothly even with all the redstone updates. Java is absurdly hungry for CPU cycles. Splitting the load of the server and the client is the best thing for performance, despite the network lag in a LAN.
anus kan
anus kan - 6 years ago
Early Reflections s u s
Early Reflections
Early Reflections - 6 years ago
@Ryan Vickers - You have to consider that in single player, the game still runs a server and client "separately". The server does performs better, but probably by using processing power to the detriment of the client. If X tested this farm on the actual Hermitcraft server, the fps drop would have been much less, and the server wouldn't have lagged, like it actually does.
Company Keeper
Company Keeper - 6 years ago
Literally just because a higher tick per second means more lighting updates and whatnot, which is more strain on the processor, which is where the FPS drops are coming from.
Ryan Vickers
Ryan Vickers - 6 years ago
Interesting info. Good to know. But, we still can't deny the drop in fps. So server-side processing was improved but client side rendering was made worse?
Matthew Shaw
Matthew Shaw - 6 years ago
water is optimised server-side. look at the mobs when they are falling. that a whole lotta server lag
TheGreenNinja - 6 years ago
For the improved performance of liquids in the world, it was talking about server performance (i.e. ticks per second, or ms per tick) not client performance. notice how in the 1.13 you were at about 150 mspt, when you were getting a steady 20-ish in 1.13.1. If that number is more than 50, then the server is lagging since it won't be able to do 20 ticks per second (the normal rate).
For more information, check out this video by gnembon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9GZHYTk6nk
Robert Skitch
Robert Skitch - 6 years ago
Does the blue tang look like Dory?
Frona - 6 years ago
Dory is literally a blue tang, so it should.
Baum Miner
Baum Miner - 6 years ago
@Xisumavoid you clearly had no idea of what the problem was with the bad water updates in 1.13- as you can clearly see in 5:13 mobs fall VERY slowly. my guess would be interacting with inventories and playing/mining blocks is just as bad.
In the snapshot 4:55 mobs clearly fall at a more normal speed.
Pi 100 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253
Pi 100 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253 - 6 years ago
it is the MS ticks on the debug screen (lower better),you can see on the snapshot it is around 20,but on 1.13 it is more than 50(that means the server can't run at 20tps)
Rico Querubin
Rico Querubin - 6 years ago
Matthew Shaw
Matthew Shaw - 6 years ago
maybe 1.13 will be ready for relase soon
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
it's already released
C2P0 - 6 years ago
Xisuma you are great bro
HexagonNico - 6 years ago
Tropical Fishmon! Gotta catch ‘em all!
OrigamiMarie - 6 years ago
I've been playing 1.13 and I seem to have a fish collecting habit. So far no fish tank (because my attempt at one failed), but clearly I'm going to have to do something with them before I get them all because hundreds of buckets are pointless and expensive. I'm starting to think I'll just make a grid of glass cubes. One little water pocket per fish. I need to figure out a deposit system though, and they're slippery little things.
Spyder Rain
Spyder Rain - 6 years ago
Hermitron cane first
KarimGo - 6 years ago
I want mojang to change guardian spawning in minecraft bedrock
ChGa X
ChGa X - 6 years ago
Mojang is working on Minecraft Java. You need to ask Microsoft/Minecraft Redmond. They work on Bedrock. The only Mojang employee working on Bedrock is Jeb. And he is working on Java too.
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
good for you
Neurixis - 6 years ago
Xisuma how do you get these snapshot videos out so fast?!?!?!
Its amazing :o
Igorn Drapple
Igorn Drapple - 6 years ago
Neurixis imho he gets them out so fast by not focusing on quality. There often are mistakes in these snapshot video that could be avoided with a tiny bit of research.
Dennis Kurama
Dennis Kurama - 6 years ago
Search bar: "Misplaced Sanity".. Well then, that hurt.
Nocturn Adrift
Nocturn Adrift - 6 years ago
plz mojan
Sofia Sofi
Sofia Sofi - 6 years ago
The mistery is the pattern of collors they have.
Different pattern = Different name.
Omar Jesse
Omar Jesse - 6 years ago
1.13.1 is soon cuz that's kinda pre-pre-release
Domino - 6 years ago
Yeah, I'm definitely not going to remember any of the Tropical Fish Names. That would require too much effort.
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
violine1101 - 6 years ago
For the performance tests, you should have looked at the server tick rate, not the fps. It was the server that extremely struggles with water updates.
DeltaNedas - 6 years ago
He means tickrate by ms, not ping. He never said ping.
Gamebuster1990 - 6 years ago
Ping is simply the time it takes for data to traverse from one point to another.

Anything that transfers information has ping, otherwise information would travel instantaneously, and that is not possible.
Frona - 6 years ago
TheN0XUS Ping is not tickrate, and servers cannot have ping.
nNanob - 6 years ago
The mobs fall way smoother in the snapshot than in 1.13, it's definitely the server tick rate
TheN0XUS - 6 years ago
Ye, new snapshot tick stays around 20 ms, old one jumps to over 150 ms
SuperDeadSix - 6 years ago
Exactly, I was going to post this as well, hopefully he sees this.
Johnhitbox - 6 years ago
Not to mention that on average you would see most of these in fresh water, and the not so vibrant fish in the fresh water.
Johnhitbox - 6 years ago
They seem to be accurate on a few. But Cichlids don't go by color's, but by types.
puzzle order
puzzle order - 6 years ago
fishy business :)
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
The Ice Crafter
The Ice Crafter - 6 years ago
You should bring back Mini Metro videos! Although the Minecraft vids are amazing as usual! :D
No No
No No - 6 years ago
X - I - Zoomer here lol please say it to grian
Eekdaddy - 6 years ago
Cichlid is pronounced "sick-lid'
1Cichfishy - 6 years ago
Thanks m8.
Guillo 15
Guillo 15 - 6 years ago
Netsong, that's where the Grai-an and X-I-Zuma debate started
Netsong - 6 years ago
Xisuma doesn't care of the pronouncing that much.
Pyro - 6 years ago
that's some information i will never use, but still remember. xD
Mrcreeper Gam1ng
Mrcreeper Gam1ng - 6 years ago
This snapshot would be cool for a Challenge! Mobs at night and day
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
or you could just leave it at night time permanently
#Because I'm Batman
#Because I'm Batman - 6 years ago
saint chuck was listening at 1.26 speed. they sound very similar
saint chuck
saint chuck - 6 years ago
My sympathies for people always inventing derps for you.
#Because I'm Batman
#Because I'm Batman - 6 years ago
xisumavoid Apologies! I’m American.
xisumavoid - 6 years ago
Thel - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Mrcreeper Gam1ng
Mrcreeper Gam1ng - 6 years ago
In Bedrock Edition whenever you pick up a fish in a bucket, it will say the fish name!
- - 6 years ago
Mrcreeper Gam1ng yeah
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
don't understand what? it's your fault you didn't make it clear what you were talking about
Mrcreeper Gam1ng
Mrcreeper Gam1ng - 6 years ago
Luke the Nuke Yes that is what I meant. Some people just don't understand I guess.
Luke the Nuke
Luke the Nuke - 6 years ago
I think what he means is that it dosen't say "Bucket of Tropical Fish" in Bedrock, it says "Bucket of Red Snapper" for example
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
did you even watch the video?
Fazl Rahman
Fazl Rahman - 6 years ago
73 like
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Dev Patel
Dev Patel - 6 years ago
tang are a type of fish dummy
yellow blue and black are their names
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
enderknight47ex squad
enderknight47ex squad - 6 years ago
F L E X T A P E - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
#Because I'm Batman
#Because I'm Batman - 6 years ago
Thx for letting me know I shouldn’t do this one in survival!
GunCartoon 7
GunCartoon 7 - 6 years ago
Mumbo was right in that video
GunCartoon 7
GunCartoon 7 - 6 years ago
Ddd - 6 years ago
These snapshot weeks must be agonizing.
GunCartoon 7
GunCartoon 7 - 6 years ago
The one that said what's inside xisuma
Ddd - 6 years ago
Which one?
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Logix - 6 years ago
Using those description tags, I see ;)
Cyber Ninja
Cyber Ninja - 6 years ago
pp extendus
pp extendus - 6 years ago
what 3rror200 said
Green Dragon
Green Dragon - 6 years ago
Harigan - 6 years ago
3rror200 - 6 years ago
Cyber Ninja
Cyber Ninja - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Ralph Kenneth Apita
Ralph Kenneth Apita - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
ALVYN GAMING - 6 years ago
It say 0 views and 7 likes

enderknight47ex squad
enderknight47ex squad - 6 years ago
Love your vids
XeroO - 6 years ago
I subscribed!
Jelly Joe
Jelly Joe - 6 years ago
you wont regret it
Snowy121 - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
YouGo DK
YouGo DK - 6 years ago
Oreole1 - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Lythic Seasons
Lythic Seasons - 6 years ago
YouGo DK
YouGo DK - 6 years ago
And its true
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
enderknight47ex squad
enderknight47ex squad - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
YouGo DK
YouGo DK - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
minefortress 2005
minefortress 2005 - 6 years ago
no views
Orange Pineapple
Orange Pineapple - 6 years ago
This is so helpful!
I’m here I guess
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Alti - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
Joshua Bradley
Joshua Bradley - 6 years ago
enderknight47ex squad
enderknight47ex squad - 6 years ago
Debosmit Karmakar
Debosmit Karmakar - 6 years ago
Hi. Luv ur vids ♥
Dhirendra Shukla
Dhirendra Shukla - 6 years ago
Tilted Salt
Tilted Salt - 6 years ago
XeroO - 6 years ago
LoekTheKing - 6 years ago
I love your videos <3

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