Minecraft 1.13 EXPLORING The Coral Reef! (Snapshot 13w10d)
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 12,678 views
Minecraft Aquatic Update | Minecraft 1.13 - Snapshot 18w10d TeamTC! PLEASE POKE THAT LIKE BUTTON! *pokes* SUB and join TeamTC HERE! → http://goo.gl/nGHJ06 Hello! Welcome today to a look at the Minecraft 1.13 snapshot 18w10a. In this version we can start to see some of the changes for the Aquatic Update! With a huge ocean overhaul we can now find ocean ruins of ancient villages, new fish, turtles, kelp, tridents & Much more! Let's go for a swim! We also have awesome Hidden treasure maps which lead to loads of awesome loot! Coral plants and new tropical fish have also been added! Please hit LIKE and SUB for more Minecraft Done Fun :) LINKS TO T SHIRT STORES - UK/EU - http://thnxcya.spreadshirt.co.uk USA - http://thnxcya.spreadshirt.com Grab my music! - iTunes http://tinyurl.com/72sk55f Follow Me - Twitter http://twitter.com/ThnxCya Instagram - https://instagram.com/thnxcyahere Like Me - Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Thnxcya BandCamp http://thnxcya.bandcamp.com Music - incompetech.com This video contains Minecraft let's play / mod showcase and or song/parody gameplay, uploaded under standard youtube license by ThnxCya. Please do not re upload
Don’t you mean 18w10d?
10. comment for Minecraft 1.13 EXPLORING The Coral Reef! (Snapshot 13w10d)
-Thnxcya, 2018
20. comment for Minecraft 1.13 EXPLORING The Coral Reef! (Snapshot 13w10d)
can someone get me a like?
30. comment for Minecraft 1.13 EXPLORING The Coral Reef! (Snapshot 13w10d)
Technical & Mechanic Changes :
- Furnace now stored Exp
*If an item that being smelt in the furnace is transferring to hopper, you will be able to recieve the exp that was from the item being smelt once you've collected or break the furnace*
- Remove Ghost Block
- New Sound [Ambient , Going Underwater, Out of Water]
- Rain & Thunderstorm are more common now
- Water can be placed inside of Non-Solid Block
- Remove Flowing Water & Lava from the new mechanic
- Water flows through Stairs , Slabs , Chests , Ladder , Trapdoor , Paintings & Item Frame
- Maps can now display Banners [Optional]
- Water will destroy Torch automatically when being placed
- Smoothen the Sneaking Animation
- Ability to remotely swim when sprinting underwater with a new animation
- Bone Mealing underwater can generate Sea Grass & Kelp underwater
- New Water visual for every different Ocean Biome and a Biome itself like Swamp
- Shulker Box can be undye using cauldron
- Tweaked Horse Model
- Items now float on water
- Added Recipe Book to fuel
- Whenever you grew a 2x2 Dark Oak Tree, it'll generate Podzol all over it
- Pumpkins and Fence Gate no longer need supported block beneath it
- Item Frame can be placed in the ceiling and on the ground
- Pumpkin when carved will drop it's seed
- New Sound when drowning underwater
- New Death Message
- Breath Bar no longer regenerate instantly when out of water
- Chest can be separated without turning it to double chest by sneak placing it.
- Improved Item Throwing Mechanic
- Levers now provide red particles when turned on
- Mobs can no longer control Minecart while riding it
- Improved visual effect when underwater
- Added Water Columns
*Provide Air Columns*
World Generation :
- Underwater Ravines & Caves
- Underwater Ruins
*Can be generate above and below sea level*
*If there are multiple generate at the same area, it consider Underwater Villages*
- The time taken for the world to generate have been improved
- Mushroom in the flower pot now generate in the Witch Hut
- Ravines can now be properly spawn in Desert and Mesa
- The End Island now have separated Biome Name [Floating Island , Barren Island , Medium Island , High Island, etc]
- Ocean now have separated Biome [Normal , Frozen, Cold, Deep Frozen, Deep Cold, Lukewarm, Deep Lukewarm & Warm]
- Burried Treasure [With new loot chest!]
- Coral Reefs
*Generate in Deep Warm Ocean*
*Rare Generation*
Items :
- Raw Fish and Cooked Fish have been renamed into Raw Cod & Cooked Cod
- New Texture for the fish
- Firework Rocket [Can be found in Creative Inventory]
- Trident [Melee & Range Weapon]
- Crute
- Turtle Shell
- Sea Grass
- Kelp
- Debug Stick
- Turtle Egg
*Can be break while stomping on it*
*Obtainable with Silk Touch Enchantment*
*Zombie , Pigmen & Husk would automatically break it*
- Burried Treasure Map
*Can be found in Underwater Ruins*
Enchantment :
- Riptide
- Channeling
- Loyalty
Blocks :
- Pumpkin [Can be carve with shear]
- Stripped Log
- Bark [Craftable]
- Smooth Varients [Can be found in Creative Inventory]
- Farmland and Path Block [Can be found in Creative Inventory]
- Mushroom Block [Can be found in Creative Inventory]
- Dried Kelp Block
*Can be used as fuel source and smelt items up to 20 Items*
- Coral
*Consist of different color variation*
*When it's not in touch with Water, it'll automatically turn into Dead Coral*
Blocks Variation :
- Slabs [Prismarine Varients]
- Stairs [Prismarine Varients]
- Buttons [All Wood Type]
- Pressure Plate [All Wood Type]
- Trapdoor [All Wood Type]
- Undye Shulker Box have been split into its own variation and Purple is on its own Variation
Entity / Mob :
- Phantom
*Attracted to Insomnia*
*Spawns when players do not go to sleep in 100 minutes or 5 In-game days*
*Burn in Day Time*
- Roaming Fish
*Obtainable with bucket of water or through fishing rod*
*Pufferfish spawn in Warm & Lukewarm Ocean*
*Cod spawn in Normal, Warm & Lukewarm Ocean*
*Salmon spawn in Frozen & Cold Ocean as well in River*
*Tropical Fish with thousands of different Varients!!!*
-Turtle & Baby Turtle
*Lay eggs on their home beach*
*Always head to the nearest water source when hatched*
*Can be fed/breed with Raw Fish & Sea Grass but can only lure it with Sea Grass*
- Squid now shoot ink when being attacked
Command Changes :
- You can now click on the coordinate after you /locate it's location
- Command Suggestion UI [Option to turn it off]
Json File :
- Customizable Crafting Recipe
- Customizable Fuel Recipe
We have a gigantic update for the worlds second most successful game (Minecraft)
We have Super Smash Bros unknown title
We have a cool new update for splatoon 2. Ok maybe not as big as the other two.
We have VR consoles becoming more popular and some phenomenal games coming for it (Like Vr CHAT)
And we are only in March. This year is only gonna get better!
50. comment for Minecraft 1.13 EXPLORING The Coral Reef! (Snapshot 13w10d)
Violets are blue
James is legendary
And you know it too
James you are so cool you are my fav YouTuber you are always sausaging around and you always make me smile don’t stop being amazing your the best!
Nice video love u
But not me