Miracle Big Fish Catch
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 149,030 views
100% should not have caught this bass. Fishing can be crazy at times! GET FACE SHIELD HERE - http://bit.ly/FACESHIELD FREE RANGE TRADING/COFFEE - http://bit.ly/FreeRangeTrading ► Subscribe Here - http://bit.ly/SubtoLUNKERS ► My Apparel - http://bit.ly/LUNKERSTVapparel ► Googan Monthly Shirt - http://bit.ly/Monthlysubscription ► Bait Casting Rods -http://bit.ly/castingrodsIuse ► Spinning Rod - http://bit.ly/SpinningRod ►Send Mail Here- Googan Squad 1001 East Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Suite 118 ► Buy LunkersTV Gear Here → http://bit.ly/LUNKERSTVapparel - - - - FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW!! - - - - ► INSTAGRAM → http://bit.ly/InstagramLunkers ► TWITTER → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVtwitter ► FACEBOOK → http://bit.ly/FacebookLunkers - - - - My Go To Senko Colors- - - - ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/266QJqY ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/23frlh0 ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/24V8Ai1 ► Wacky Rig Tool For Senkos → http://amzn.to/266RWOU - - - - My Camera Gear - - - - ► Advanced Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2rArkb7 ► Beginner Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2q5sXf2 ► Starter Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/24KtxMD ► Starter Lens For Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/2qAobtm ► Starter Mic For Vlogging → http://amzn.to/25SgJty ► Wind Screen For Mic → http://amzn.to/1sBfg92 ► Advanced Vlogging Camera → http://amzn.to/2q2pXkp ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Lens → http://amzn.to/2rmGfIQ ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Mic → http://amzn.to/2q2fe9t ► Memory Card For Camera → http://amzn.to/1UjHTRn ► Bendy Tripod For Vlogging Camera→ http://amzn.to/1sBfq0e ► The GoPro I Use For Filming On Boat → http://amzn.to/21hax7O ► Micro SD For GoPro → http://amzn.to/1UjI7I8 ► The GoPro Batteries I Use → http://amzn.to/1tlj6TU ► Mic Adapter For Go Pro → http://amzn.to/21hcMb9 ► GoPro Mic Setup For Chest Cam → http://amzn.to/1WKRaW0 ►The Tripod I Use On The Boat → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► Bank Fishing Tripod → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► The Case I Use To Store My GoPro → http://amzn.to/21hb2i5 Outro Music - http://bit.ly/2ljN8F7 *above are associate links*
10. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch
20. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch
Also, how’s fishing with Matt Ryan?
30. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch
people would make it really awkward for LunkersTV at first, just like that sensitive lady a few videos ago...Lol
50. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch
100. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch
Would love to meet up with y’all and go catch some giants
I live in the Communist Republic of California now,originally from The Great state of Texas,
Every time I try to order a freedom rod extra heavy and reel ,OUT OF S T O C K ! !
There are some Huge Bass and very clear water ,in this state.
I grew up bass fishing in and around South east Texas,I love it,as I am an old fart I'd like to find out where to find an outlet or dealer around here.
What' s the temp of water ?What moon phase,and what does the lake clarity usually look like ?
The big factor the fishing pressure, during spawn, pre-spawn .
Those are good bass no matter where you are at!
Great video Saved the best for last IT WAS RACKLY's LINE , ALL YOUR SKILL:-)
2. Traditional fishing videos are a lot more entertaining than watching fish come off beds