Miracle Big Fish Catch

100% should not have caught this bass. Fishing can be crazy at times! GET FACE SHIELD HERE - http://bit.ly/FACESHIELD FREE RANGE TRADING/COFFEE - http://bit.ly/FreeRangeTrading ► Subscribe Here - http://bit.ly/SubtoLUNKERS ► My Apparel - http://bit.ly/LUNKERSTVapparel ► Googan Monthly Shirt - http://bit.ly/Monthlysubscription ► Bait Casting Rods -http://bit.ly/castingrodsIuse ► Spinning Rod - http://bit.ly/SpinningRod ►Send Mail Here- Googan Squad 1001 East Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Suite 118 ► Buy LunkersTV Gear Here → http://bit.ly/LUNKERSTVapparel - - - - FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW!! - - - - ► INSTAGRAM → http://bit.ly/InstagramLunkers ► TWITTER → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVtwitter ► FACEBOOK → http://bit.ly/FacebookLunkers - - - - My Go To Senko Colors- - - - ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/266QJqY ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/23frlh0 ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/24V8Ai1 ► Wacky Rig Tool For Senkos → http://amzn.to/266RWOU - - - - My Camera Gear - - - - ► Advanced Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2rArkb7 ► Beginner Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2q5sXf2 ► Starter Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/24KtxMD ► Starter Lens For Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/2qAobtm ► Starter Mic For Vlogging → http://amzn.to/25SgJty ► Wind Screen For Mic → http://amzn.to/1sBfg92 ► Advanced Vlogging Camera → http://amzn.to/2q2pXkp ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Lens → http://amzn.to/2rmGfIQ ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Mic → http://amzn.to/2q2fe9t ► Memory Card For Camera → http://amzn.to/1UjHTRn ► Bendy Tripod For Vlogging Camera→ http://amzn.to/1sBfq0e ► The GoPro I Use For Filming On Boat → http://amzn.to/21hax7O ► Micro SD For GoPro → http://amzn.to/1UjI7I8 ► The GoPro Batteries I Use → http://amzn.to/1tlj6TU ► Mic Adapter For Go Pro → http://amzn.to/21hcMb9 ► GoPro Mic Setup For Chest Cam → http://amzn.to/1WKRaW0 ►The Tripod I Use On The Boat → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► Bank Fishing Tripod → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► The Case I Use To Store My GoPro → http://amzn.to/21hb2i5 Outro Music - http://bit.ly/2ljN8F7 *above are associate links*

Miracle Big Fish Catch sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 149,030 views

100% should not have caught this bass. Fishing can be crazy at times! GET FACE SHIELD HERE - http://bit.ly/FACESHIELD FREE RANGE TRADING/COFFEE - http://bit.ly/FreeRangeTrading ► Subscribe Here - http://bit.ly/SubtoLUNKERS ► My Apparel - http://bit.ly/LUNKERSTVapparel ► Googan Monthly Shirt - http://bit.ly/Monthlysubscription ► Bait Casting Rods -http://bit.ly/castingrodsIuse ► Spinning Rod - http://bit.ly/SpinningRod ►Send Mail Here- Googan Squad 1001 East Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Suite 118 ► Buy LunkersTV Gear Here → http://bit.ly/LUNKERSTVapparel - - - - FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW!! - - - - ► INSTAGRAM → http://bit.ly/InstagramLunkers ► TWITTER → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVtwitter ► FACEBOOK → http://bit.ly/FacebookLunkers - - - - My Go To Senko Colors- - - - ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/266QJqY ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/23frlh0 ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/24V8Ai1 ► Wacky Rig Tool For Senkos → http://amzn.to/266RWOU - - - - My Camera Gear - - - - ► Advanced Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2rArkb7 ► Beginner Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2q5sXf2 ► Starter Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/24KtxMD ► Starter Lens For Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/2qAobtm ► Starter Mic For Vlogging → http://amzn.to/25SgJty ► Wind Screen For Mic → http://amzn.to/1sBfg92 ► Advanced Vlogging Camera → http://amzn.to/2q2pXkp ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Lens → http://amzn.to/2rmGfIQ ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Mic → http://amzn.to/2q2fe9t ► Memory Card For Camera → http://amzn.to/1UjHTRn ► Bendy Tripod For Vlogging Camera→ http://amzn.to/1sBfq0e ► The GoPro I Use For Filming On Boat → http://amzn.to/21hax7O ► Micro SD For GoPro → http://amzn.to/1UjI7I8 ► The GoPro Batteries I Use → http://amzn.to/1tlj6TU ► Mic Adapter For Go Pro → http://amzn.to/21hcMb9 ► GoPro Mic Setup For Chest Cam → http://amzn.to/1WKRaW0 ►The Tripod I Use On The Boat → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► Bank Fishing Tripod → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► The Case I Use To Store My GoPro → http://amzn.to/21hb2i5 Outro Music - http://bit.ly/2ljN8F7 *above are associate links*

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Most popular comments
for Miracle Big Fish Catch

Bobby Brooks
Bobby Brooks - 7 years ago
So close to 800k!
Jeff Mabry
Jeff Mabry - 7 years ago
Now 801
Nicholas Schied
Nicholas Schied - 7 years ago
Broke it.
Christina Heeney
Christina Heeney - 7 years ago
Soooooo soooooo close!!!
Simmy Sim
Simmy Sim - 7 years ago
Bobby Brooks good job penis mouth
scarecrow _
scarecrow _ - 7 years ago
Down here in Texas was always measure our big ones. 23 and 17 is a 8 lber for sure. Props!
Fish & Disc
Fish & Disc - 7 years ago
For the health of your channel you need to ban LFG from dancing
Tucker Dorsey
Tucker Dorsey - 7 years ago
LunkersTV that’s my home lake man I know the area well and how the lakes run and the fish patterns if y’all are ever in the area and need some lakes or want to hit some ponds I know the area well
Jenson Hughes
Jenson Hughes - 7 years ago
Disaster pretty past monument retire extent gym there appear military restaurant manage incredible.
wahoo strike
wahoo strike - 7 years ago
do we need the gay dance
Dylan Robbins
Dylan Robbins - 7 years ago
I fish this lake a lot great lake for giant crappie! one of my three go to lakes
Backwoods Bassin
Backwoods Bassin - 7 years ago
Great video Rob. Can’t wait to meet up with you again and maybe fish you. My name is Lane Galloway and I met you at the lake Wylie high school tournament a few months ago. I have my a small company that I’m trying to grow and I need a little help. I hand tie jigs and I have a Facebook page. It’s called GallowaysCustomJigs and I would love it if you could tell everyone about it in one of your videos. Thanks Rob for the amazing videos.
Skyler Camper
Skyler Camper - 7 years ago
What fluorocarbon and braid do you use?

10. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch

Lane Visele
Lane Visele - 7 years ago
Hey Rob, i grew up by a small lake called St. Marys River State Park. I think it would be a perfect lake for you and the guys to fish. It literally has anything from trees growing strait out of the water, to huge shallow bedding flats. Think yall would dig it.
florida bass edition
florida bass edition - 7 years ago
Fish clermont chain in Florida the water is black.
Christian Messenger
Christian Messenger - 7 years ago
How do you start with mystery tackle box
The Forgotten
The Forgotten - 7 years ago
Can someone please explain Lunkers' outro to me...
Loghan Stevens
Loghan Stevens - 7 years ago
The clip when you stepped on the boat it didn’t have power poles, but when you were giving the rundown about how the water was dingy the boat does have power poles. Either my life is a lie or I’m crazy. Anybody else notice that??
Larry Doner
Larry Doner - 7 years ago
Congrats on the big Catch, i’m still trying to break 3.8 hopefully this year I will break it
Colin Weeks
Colin Weeks - 7 years ago
What’s the white stuff on ur reels?
Chris Willauer
Chris Willauer - 7 years ago
What kind of caster reel do you use?
AR FISHING - 7 years ago
Nice video. Let me know what you think about first video everyone.
Rj Dom
Rj Dom - 7 years ago

20. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch

Rj Dom
Rj Dom - 7 years ago
Tha Donkey dance
Rj Dom
Rj Dom - 7 years ago
Call that a monkey dance
ATL Fisherman
ATL Fisherman - 7 years ago
It is good to see the other side of the video. In Justin's video the camera was just bouncing. That was a monster bass. Sick.
Daniel Butcher
Daniel Butcher - 7 years ago
Update: 801K!!
Scott Stokes
Scott Stokes - 7 years ago
Yo battle, your model still isn’t available on favusa’s site. What’s the deal?

Also, how’s fishing with Matt Ryan?
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
It’ll be up this week
FLYABLE - 7 years ago
Nice catch!
shakeyfly - 7 years ago
Where is the fish or die hat?
BigBearFishing - 7 years ago
Grats on 800K Rob!! Great video too!! That was a big bass! What trailer were you using on that Chatterbait?
Daniel O
Daniel O - 7 years ago
I never really load my reels all the way .. mostly because I fish alot of smaller rivers and back waters so I don't need a full spool .. kinda goes the same for big lakes as well except for my bigger rods for swimbaits and deep water
Brandon Rifkin
Brandon Rifkin - 7 years ago
Great visit video

30. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch

Carl Dahlstrom
Carl Dahlstrom - 7 years ago
9:00 take the L from fortnite
Aaron Nygren
Aaron Nygren - 7 years ago
Loving the vids man. Keep it going
Isaac Watts
Isaac Watts - 7 years ago
800K SUBS!!!
Brandon Barber
Brandon Barber - 7 years ago
Recently just sprayed that lake for salvania and killed the grass in it
Brandon Barber
Brandon Barber - 7 years ago
Fish that lake all the time lots of big ones
Byron Brush
Byron Brush - 7 years ago
I love that muddy water
Brandon Kyle Mckibben
Brandon Kyle Mckibben - 7 years ago
I see 800,000 subs man congrats!
Perry Yutzy
Perry Yutzy - 7 years ago
Why does wragly have flip flops a three inch thick jacket on
DUGJigginVA - 7 years ago
Keep giving the praise to the Good Lord !!! it goes a long way !!!
DUGJigginVA - 7 years ago
you are so funny lol... great video !!!
Eric Villeneuve
Eric Villeneuve - 7 years ago
I bet there's a few people out there who would really like to have LunkersTV and LFG fishing in front of their place....and some of those
people would make it really awkward for LunkersTV at first, just like that sensitive lady a few videos ago...Lol
Gunner Butler
Gunner Butler - 7 years ago
Somebody been gettin to skinny and smokin some shit...better quit that bro
Mitchell McKay
Mitchell McKay - 7 years ago
randand1 - 7 years ago
Dude, show some emotion. You really need to come out of your shell.
Mike Caruso
Mike Caruso - 7 years ago
Slow down when you're talking at the end of these videos, dude.
Josiah Gifford
Josiah Gifford - 7 years ago
That is a tank son!!!!!!
Alex Bryer
Alex Bryer - 7 years ago
Congrats on 800k!
JEEPER!!! / - 7 years ago
HAPPY 800’000 SUBSCRIBES YOU ARE 200’000 FROM 1’000’000 keep up the good work you should take sara hunting,,,,,, LIKE IF YOU AGREE
Paul Stevens
Paul Stevens - 7 years ago
Is that lake of the pines
CONNOR CAMERON - 7 years ago
That was a crazy fish, good job. I wish I could come down to Texas to see you guys but I live in Montana and can't get away, I have never been to Texas as far as I can rember, and I have only caught like a 2 oz bass before out of a private pond I got permission to fish once. And yes I said 2 oz bass and I thought it was crazy because I caught it on a fly rod and it was the only bass I have caught. I do bait fish but there is not a whole lot of spots close that I can take the time and fish them. So thanks for what you do.

50. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch

Robert Kinney
Robert Kinney - 7 years ago
Love the LFG dance bud lmao.....
Carter Nissen
Carter Nissen - 7 years ago
Hey Rob, have you ever gone Muskie fishing in Minnesota? If not, would you want to? Leech lake is the place to do it
wyatt aronson
wyatt aronson - 7 years ago
Happy 800k subscribers.
Scott Gary
Scott Gary - 7 years ago
You are famous for casting out of your zone dude!! LOL You cut off the guy running the trolling motor!!
Jaylen Scott
Jaylen Scott - 7 years ago
congrats on 800k
GoodTimeFishing - 7 years ago
Congrats on 800k
Chuck B. Jr
Chuck B. Jr - 7 years ago
:)) willy wonka's chocolate factory :))
Dylan Pauly
Dylan Pauly - 7 years ago
What kind of sunglasses would you recommend for bed fishing and how much do they rang in price?
DJ Slaughter
DJ Slaughter - 7 years ago
Can you do a EDC
Zachary Green
Zachary Green - 7 years ago
I live in Texas but never have had the chance to go out on a lake. I pond hop a lot
Tim L
Tim L - 7 years ago
lots of big fish, great video. I gotta say though, how come there is never a working scale?
Squidy Plaz
Squidy Plaz - 7 years ago
Guess bass like mud cakes fish here next vid maybe
akaNarwhal - 7 years ago
Omg LFG with the “Take the L” fortnite dance
Caleb Kennedy
Caleb Kennedy - 7 years ago
Great fish great video
moodyjan - 7 years ago
new lake new line a new mando fish oo ya a new big n sexy road
Fishing the Woodlands
Fishing the Woodlands - 7 years ago
My names ethan and I’m from Idaho, my pb bad is 4.3 lbs. if I could go down there with y’all that would be a dream come true. Love you and the vids. Keep it up and thank you for your service.
Samitch - 7 years ago
@LunkersTV what is the reason you can't name the lakes on your videos, mane?
Samitch - 7 years ago
Makes sense, thanks for the reply!
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
If I did the lake would be flooded with people and would ruin it for the locals. It’s better to use what you see and apply it on your own lake to find your own fish
Kris-to-pher - 7 years ago
Bruh, what sunglasses are those?
Hunting with Hadyn
Hunting with Hadyn - 7 years ago
Can u help me start my channels first video
Luke - 7 years ago
Congrats on 800k!
Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 7 years ago
Awesome vid. You guys spanked em. Being from n.y. I would have no confidence in that chocolate milk. Props to L.F.G on the crab dance!
Adam Blessing
Adam Blessing - 7 years ago
How the heck do you guys never have scales
Lupapo - 7 years ago
Hey Rob, if you’re tired of trolls on Instagram try Go Wild. It’s like Instagram but for hunters and fishers
Nolan McGraw
Nolan McGraw - 7 years ago
Is the LunkersTV defender rod good for cranking
Todds Outdoors
Todds Outdoors - 7 years ago
10 subs away from 800 k
Kevin Krauel
Kevin Krauel - 7 years ago
I love your videos. Thank you for creating them.
Gustavo Gutierrez
Gustavo Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Nice catch Rob! Crazy that mondo was landed.
Finesse Anglers514
Finesse Anglers514 - 7 years ago
YaY Happy Dance!!!!!!!!!
FukLuck Ed
FukLuck Ed - 7 years ago
How come you never have a working scale I smell a conspiracy
Mike - 7 years ago
I can't believe how many videos I've seen of you guys catching big bass with no working scale. Personally, if I caught what might be my PB I would want to know what it weighed. I usually have 2 or 3 scales in the boat. They do have a way of dying.
Jaeden Davis
Jaeden Davis - 7 years ago
Could you do a review on your baits
CABS productions
CABS productions - 7 years ago
Gonna hit 800k today! I can smell it......
Derfla313 - 7 years ago
didnt chris bulaw fish this lake??
MLG BEASTLY - 7 years ago
Rob you think that water is dirty. I cri man that's what the water around me looks like on a good day. Have the 11th dirtiest river in the country run through my city.
Wild Thang
Wild Thang - 7 years ago
What is the best color for a whopper plopper in the spring
Big Head
Big Head - 7 years ago
Damn man get a scale !!!!
R3ZZYY - 7 years ago
lfg dance LOL
SmokeScreen81 1212
SmokeScreen81 1212 - 7 years ago
Dude now I dont feel so bad, I thought all the dumb shit that happens to me fishing only happened to me. lol
Elio Salinas
Elio Salinas - 7 years ago
What ever happend to your boat that u got last year on September
JUGoWATER - 7 years ago
0:45 what do you mean by "backing"... is there something you put on before you put the line on?
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
Fishin Noob
Fishin Noob - 7 years ago
How much was the polarizing lens?
will west
will west - 7 years ago
hey wheres, rackileys link to his channel!!! I would like to check it out too!!!!
ColoradoFishingFreak - 7 years ago
take me out I live in Colorado no big bass here
brandon willis
brandon willis - 7 years ago
exact measurements of my 8lb 2 oz! NICE BASS!
Nathan Kaht
Nathan Kaht - 7 years ago
Also youre the may lunkers
Nathan Kaht
Nathan Kaht - 7 years ago
hahahahaha awesome dance justin
Matt Ray
Matt Ray - 7 years ago
Come do a video at coleto creek. This is my favorite lake.
Toilet Baby
Toilet Baby - 7 years ago
Toilet Baby
Toilet Baby - 7 years ago
On my way.
jayden Cole
jayden Cole - 7 years ago
Lit bra
Josh Staehling
Josh Staehling - 7 years ago
Right on the bank. But was it "on the shore"

100. comment for Miracle Big Fish Catch

Owen Stanley
Owen Stanley - 7 years ago
Nice video I now known chocolate milk water can be key for pre spawn scenarios
Brandon Gagnon
Brandon Gagnon - 7 years ago
if your friend doesnt dance like LFG when you catch a mondo then are you really friends?
520BassAssassin - 7 years ago
you always be breaking and using everybody else's stuff cuz you're 'clumsy' af like as clumsy ass blonde chick.. blonde jokes apply to you.. i mean you can't even run without tripping over your two left feet
Luc Martin
Luc Martin - 7 years ago
amazing fishing guys great work !!!!!!
Brandon Smith
Brandon Smith - 7 years ago
What brand chatterbait you using? Thank you
Oper8or - 7 years ago
What a MONSTER! Great catch man!
ZackGOutdoors - 7 years ago
Heck of bass! Keep it up! I gotta feeling you’re gonna catch an 11+ lb. largemouth this year.
Sin City Outdoors
Sin City Outdoors - 7 years ago
Dang, congrats on 800,000. If you do go Pro hopefully we get to battle it out on a lake one day. Im 1 tourney away from being on my state team.
TexasSon - 7 years ago
When y'all get around Taledo bend/Sam Rayburn areas for your 'ET Tour' I'll go with you guys.
John DeBault
John DeBault - 7 years ago
Andrew Mitchell
Andrew Mitchell - 7 years ago
Wow, I remember when you had 20k subs. Congrats, man
Drofumi Dragon
Drofumi Dragon - 7 years ago
Google earth updates daily? My lake only shows the latest as one day in march and one day on august of 2016.(not even sun time) Am I missing something?
Jason Nibbe
Jason Nibbe - 7 years ago
Lunkerz if you ever get a chance come up to minnesota there s a lot of people up here that want to see and fish with you!!
Matthew Carson
Matthew Carson - 7 years ago
I want to come out and catch Avery sized BASS!
kegan pillay
kegan pillay - 7 years ago
you guys are getting boring af, pls do some crazy shit to entertain us. we pay u afterall
J.J. Clingman
J.J. Clingman - 7 years ago
Lunkers I've been wanting to go fishing in Texas so bad!! I've never fished out of Iowa!! & im pretty sure that's exactly what I need to get my mind off of my big big surgery I'm sauposed to have in the middle of April!! That would be so awsome!! Let everyone no what they have to do to maybe be able to go fishing with two of my favorite fishing you tubers! You guys put out great video content absolutely love all the info!! I definitely love to catch my PB bass with you two for sure!!
Steve Norby
Steve Norby - 7 years ago
Way to go. Nice fish!
Fletcher Burchell
Fletcher Burchell - 7 years ago
is this ray roberts?
Stevie Ethridge
Stevie Ethridge - 7 years ago
I live in east Texas about 100 yards from lake Sam Rayburn
Would love to meet up with y’all and go catch some giants
ATX King
ATX King - 7 years ago
Can’t wait to see where you go next! Spent 3hrs on my Yak this past Saturday not one fish!
SWAYD 3 - 7 years ago
Can u do another best setups for pre spawn. They really help out
Adam Shiek
Adam Shiek - 7 years ago
Tank!!!! Love those days your confidence is low and the Fishing Gods surprise you!
FishingForeverFilms - 7 years ago
Wicked video there Lunkers, you did well to land that fish. Congratulations on you hitting 800K subscribers very soon, currently at the moment you’re sitting on 799,563 so you’ll be there in a matter of minutes.
Stetson Cupp
Stetson Cupp - 7 years ago
how do you not have a scale
Erick Saklak
Erick Saklak - 7 years ago
If I'm not mistaken google maps is just a picture within the last couple years or is there a real time maps???
Houston Texas
Houston Texas - 7 years ago
Bass resource.com says that fish weighed 9.3 lbs, given the measurements.
johndeer 6.6
johndeer 6.6 - 7 years ago
Nice fish you caught there and what time is the meet and greet Sunday
Darien Aguilar
Darien Aguilar - 7 years ago
I have two different type of polarized glasses. One pair makes everything dark when I put them on. And the other pair makes everything bright when I put them on. Can someone tell me the difference between both of them and when its the best time to wear one of each pair?.
James Wilson
James Wilson - 7 years ago
I cant find the fish or die hat
Matthew Shelton
Matthew Shelton - 7 years ago
Awesome bass
Buck Rid
Buck Rid - 7 years ago
omg LFG's happy dance is funny as hell
PONDMASTER12 - 7 years ago
What’s that app called u used to get the weight on the fish?
UNCLE BUZZ - 7 years ago
All liberty rods are out of stock .WTF?
I live in the Communist Republic of California now,originally from The Great state of Texas,
Every time I try to order a freedom rod extra heavy and reel ,OUT OF S T O C K ! !
There are some Huge Bass and very clear water ,in this state.
I grew up bass fishing in and around South east Texas,I love it,as I am an old fart I'd like to find out where to find an outlet or dealer around here.
American Pie
American Pie - 7 years ago
Bro sorry for not commenting early u r so close!!!!!!
Preston Carpenter
Preston Carpenter - 7 years ago
You should come to Missouri some time
Njbassin 04
Njbassin 04 - 7 years ago
Great dance LFG
clay davis
clay davis - 7 years ago
Lfg grabbed that fish quick. Nice
UNCLE BUZZ - 7 years ago
Even muddy water fish have to eat...That being said ,do you wonder how many huge bass you have missed by passing up muddy or stained water ?
What' s the temp of water ?What moon phase,and what does the lake clarity usually look like ?
The big factor the fishing pressure, during spawn, pre-spawn .
Those are good bass no matter where you are at!
Great video Saved the best for last IT WAS RACKLY's LINE , ALL YOUR SKILL:-)
Ryan Fusco
Ryan Fusco - 7 years ago
Lunkers is the new AP
sam shepherd
sam shepherd - 7 years ago
Thats reason i watch this channel! Love to see lunkers catch big fish! Damn what happen to hitem with a squat? Love the video
Mitch Hines
Mitch Hines - 7 years ago
Would fly from Sydney Australia to fish with you guys and try all the different techniques for your bass it’s completely different to our Australian bass
Tony Patey
Tony Patey - 7 years ago
Great show, polarizing lens, #hellyeah.
Connor 1998
Connor 1998 - 7 years ago
That was giant and awesome vid
Musky Hunter
Musky Hunter - 7 years ago
take dis viral
Joshua Her
Joshua Her - 7 years ago
Revive them please
Scott Crabtree
Scott Crabtree - 7 years ago
Rob I'll pay my nephews way if you all take him out. He has bought 3 of your rods and watches all your vids
Charlie Overstreet
Charlie Overstreet - 7 years ago
What was the bait y’all were using?
Brandon Horn
Brandon Horn - 7 years ago
Richard Sturdivant
Richard Sturdivant - 7 years ago
I’ll be in Splendora in two weeks I’m from wa planing this trip for a year now looking for my pb
smf117 - 7 years ago
Largest bass I've ever caught was 23 x 17'3/4 in the summer heat from a 5 acre pond. Caught it on a large Texas rigged black worm right off the bank. What did you use to calculate the weight? I would love to plug the numbers in to see what it shows for mine.
Kuduguy - 7 years ago
Aye 800k let's go!!!
Victor Brown
Victor Brown - 7 years ago
Caught my pb today I was hype as shit lol
Joe Vang
Joe Vang - 7 years ago
Looks like you need to customize that broken reel!
Bass fishing 101
Bass fishing 101 - 7 years ago
Hey rob I have a lung disease and haven’t been in the hospital for a while but when I was a kid I was in the hospital for a long time I’m a teenager no just wish I had money to come and see u man I’ve been watching since 100k and still here keep up the good work man and as always thank u so much for your service my uncle has done 3 to 4 tour of duty to Iraq and places like that
Scott Blesi
Scott Blesi - 7 years ago
Hey lunkers, what Do you think of nanofil line ? I think your not into spinning reels. Please give me your thoughts thx
FISHINGVIBES BaltimoreCountyFishingGroup
FISHINGVIBES BaltimoreCountyFishingGroup - 7 years ago
Send me down to Texas lol pleaseeeeeee !!! Maryland sucksssss I need me some giants
Bama Boyz
Bama Boyz - 7 years ago
What app did you use to find out the weight by the measurment of fish??
dean counts
dean counts - 7 years ago
what is up with you googan boys never have a scale?
Joshua Ellis
Joshua Ellis - 7 years ago
lfg was so salty in this vid
The Man With a Dream
The Man With a Dream - 7 years ago
I’m actually taking a trip down there during my spring break in the upcoming week. Me and my brother were looking for a place to fish and are from Illinois and has always wanted to catch big fish. The biggest we’ve ever had are 4 pounders. He is currently training in the marine corps at 29 palms and this would be an awesome surprise for him if we could do a subscriber meet up and fish with you and Rackley.
m2hmghb - 7 years ago
"Adapt and overcome" You're starting to sound like a Marine there lunkers. Congrats on 800k
Matthew Wohlfeil
Matthew Wohlfeil - 7 years ago
Love your videos. Would love to to get the chance to fish with you. I'm going down to Texas the beginning part of April with my sister. Never been their and would love to catch a Texas size bass. My PB is 8lbs out of a small pound.
Craft Beer Saint
Craft Beer Saint - 7 years ago
I fish dirty water all the time wiht the darkest plastic I can find and do fine. Dad always said darker the water, darker the lure. Maybe he was wrong but I usually catch fish on most days.
FatBoyFishing - 7 years ago
Dude what are those dope af glasses
BoRn Icey
BoRn Icey - 7 years ago
Mono or flouro?
Daniel Butcher
Daniel Butcher - 7 years ago
Let’s share these videos and get ol’Rob to 800k.
Daniel Butcher
Daniel Butcher - 7 years ago
Any hogs in the trap yet??
Nygel Graham
Nygel Graham - 7 years ago
i hope your not using brother
Christian Preece
Christian Preece - 7 years ago
I love your vids. Never know what your going to get. Great content rob.
Soulfisherman 84
Soulfisherman 84 - 7 years ago
I wish you guys pick this Georgia boy.
Charles Adamcryk
Charles Adamcryk - 7 years ago
Lake Murvaul in my back yard one of my favorite lakes to fish
Mkess30 - 7 years ago
Lfg with the fortnite dance at 9:01
H & H
H & H - 7 years ago
I subbed when you used to do the underwater pool vids. Crazy how big your channels gotten.
H & H
H & H - 7 years ago
ColbS Cc
ColbS Cc - 7 years ago
Watcher 01A
Watcher 01A - 7 years ago
Nice catch Rob. I myself, love fishing the muddy, wind blown banks, coves, and points. It blows the bait-fish right into them, and the bass know this. So they either stage up and wait to ambush them, or they follow them in. Either way, when all of the other guys on the lake are trying to get out of the wind, I'm the guy going straight for it. And it usually always pays off. Just like it did for you guys here. Nice job fellas.
Evan Greenlee
Evan Greenlee - 7 years ago
Almost 800K what a fat girl you caught!!!
IA. BassFishing
IA. BassFishing - 7 years ago
Damn bro that's a stuuuuuud!!
Mark Gordeuk
Mark Gordeuk - 7 years ago
What happened to jimmy????
gambit martinez
gambit martinez - 7 years ago
Lunkerssssss!!!! Whoooooop whhhhoooop
FISHING FOR HAWGS - 7 years ago
That was an awesome video ..!!!...#8lber
Yamaha Man 400
Yamaha Man 400 - 7 years ago
What lake
Mark C
Mark C - 7 years ago
WHAT? The ET Tour is over? What da pho man.  I love how you and Justin just go to a random places like ET and find these big toads.  I swear you two are so conical some days I can't stop laughing so hard.  I know for  a fact that you and LFG are long lost brtuhas from anther mutha!
Mark C
Mark C - 7 years ago
Rob I think you need to tell LFG any big toads that you catch over 8lb he needs to do the ET dance.  That was as funny as heck.
Mark C
Mark C - 7 years ago
Ahhhh I see.  I can't believe that went over my head.  It's Monday!.  Either way Rob that was a big mama!
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
It hasn’t started yet. That was just scouting
Christopher Eilers
Christopher Eilers - 7 years ago
I think I saw you today on 380 in denton Texas. Is this possible?
Christopher Eilers
Christopher Eilers - 7 years ago
I saw the truck and knew it had to be the one
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
Bassanator - 7 years ago
Ian going to say early congrats on 800k
southern_flied _outdoors
southern_flied _outdoors - 7 years ago
Sarah's gonna kill u
Ronald Hugonnett
Ronald Hugonnett - 7 years ago
what happen to his lip
Ethan mears
Ethan mears - 7 years ago
what lake was that ? you should hit up Grapevine lake also.
Blake Gordon
Blake Gordon - 7 years ago
hey man you should come down to my lake in mississippi it lake eddins and we will catch some lunkers bro have a good one buddy
Kevin Souvanpheng
Kevin Souvanpheng - 7 years ago
What floro do you use
Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete - 7 years ago
Such cool dudes and great fun. Good luck and God bless, so glad I found your channel.
TravisM89 - 7 years ago
800k is damn close
Gus O
Gus O - 7 years ago
wish they were that big in michigan. but great fish. nice job.
Robert Terry
Robert Terry - 7 years ago
LFG, that dance needs a name!!!!
Montana Pete
Montana Pete - 7 years ago
Awesome fish!! I live in Montana and I haven't caught anything like that! Then again, I have slowed down fishing due to my Muscular Dystrophy. Went to San Diego once and took a charter out of Oceanside and the biggest fish we caught was my pound to pound and a half rock bass. It'd be nice to catch a decent bass once! You guys make it look easy! lol
Mitchell L
Mitchell L - 7 years ago
What kind of sun glasses are those
Thomas Liebel
Thomas Liebel - 7 years ago
Lfg you good bro
Dan Bailey
Dan Bailey - 7 years ago
Holy shizz u boys gonna need a bigger boat
Pie - 7 years ago
just got my fish or die jacket cant wait to fish in it haha
Mike  Mc
Mike Mc - 7 years ago
TSA. Steve keep sharing the video with your friends
Noble Lundberg
Noble Lundberg - 7 years ago
I heard LFG mention lake Livingston, that place is very dirty. I’d look on sam Rayburn or naconiche for clear water
Matthew Brinson
Matthew Brinson - 7 years ago
Dude, you're almost at 800k subs. Congrats. I subbed about a month or so ago and i think you were in the 730-750 range. Super stoked to see your channel doing well. Keep it up!!
tinncan - 7 years ago
East Texas full of chlorophyll and tannins? No way?!
Matt tyler
Matt tyler - 7 years ago
Y’all picked a Great Lake, one of my favorite places to fish.
Lucas Parsons
Lucas Parsons - 7 years ago
why dont you cast in front of rackley some more you dick
Adam Renfro Jr.
Adam Renfro Jr. - 7 years ago
I just realized this is the lake that I live close to and fish all the time.
Alfonso Gonzales
Alfonso Gonzales - 7 years ago
That lake is clear compared to the mud puddle I fish lol
Johnny021 - 7 years ago
What did he caught the 8 pounder with?
Skylar Bailey
Skylar Bailey - 7 years ago
What's the name of that app you used to estimate the weight of the big fish
JWC art
JWC art - 7 years ago
Enjoying the Lunkers+LFG vids!
nashguy207 - 7 years ago
Another awesome day with lunkers and lfg. Awesome fish rob wish you would of had scales to get true weight. Have a great day today and a better day tomorrow. God Bless!!!
bassbeast117 - 7 years ago
that is just not fair at all. you catch a monster of a fish that gets wrapped up in a dock but when i get a giant bass to bite my 17lb fluro to 80lb braid uni to uni knot breaks on the hookset
GW Wood
GW Wood - 7 years ago
I’m tired but know I gotta go watch lfg’s video
fully_hooked - 7 years ago
Hell yes man! Nice fatty!
331slash - 7 years ago
That was the best vid by far...my kinda stuff, muddy, moving baits, big bass. Yall need to go back to that one
MichiganFishing - 7 years ago
I would love to come catch a Texas hog! Invite me out man.
Josh Czerwiec
Josh Czerwiec - 7 years ago
I would love to fish with you 2. I am new to fishing in Michigan and my PB is 3.5lb bass.
Joe Littlejohn
Joe Littlejohn - 7 years ago
Rob I bet you are glad you didn't just go have a beer!!!!!!! sounded good but payed off.
Aaron Wooten
Aaron Wooten - 7 years ago
What sunglasses do you use?
Payton Blake
Payton Blake - 7 years ago
Have any of y'all broke a rod by boat flipping the fish?
Kaleb Hull
Kaleb Hull - 7 years ago
What a chunk!
JoeMcbassin em
JoeMcbassin em - 7 years ago
What exactly were you talking about when you said you forgot the backing? Awesome tour ending bass!!!
Mike - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure he was talking about the practice of filling the reel about half full of cheap line then putting the good stuff on top. FahyOutdoors was right also. Most people put a little mono on under braid to keep it from slipping.
FahyOutdoors - 7 years ago
JoeMcbassin em mono hacking for braid spool. You spool a couple dozen feet of mono the tie the braid to it and spool the rest of the reel with your braid. Prevents slip and keeps your braid looking good
Ronald Eaton
Ronald Eaton - 7 years ago
Nice job buddy. Go Army!
Carson Henley
Carson Henley - 7 years ago
That fish is ready to fuck hard
Frank Bradley
Frank Bradley - 7 years ago
Rob goin try hard bed fishing I thought. Nope chocolate milk pre spawn tanks.
Jay Cooley
Jay Cooley - 7 years ago
would love to fish with Ya'll!!!!!
Solocam 725
Solocam 725 - 7 years ago
Swarp the ol slaunch ! Aweosme veideo brother
BancroftOutdoors - 7 years ago
Haha, when you shushed flair.
Austyn Otteson
Austyn Otteson - 7 years ago
I want to come down!! I am from North Dakota and have never tried bass fishing!!
kyle jones
kyle jones - 7 years ago
Bad ass video bro. Keep catching toads!!
Michael Crook
Michael Crook - 7 years ago
Got a buff on the way.
bailey ludwig
bailey ludwig - 7 years ago
That trip would be amazing I’m form northern Indiana and biggest fish I ever caught was 5lb and love the video
BancroftOutdoors - 7 years ago
Giant fish boat parkour!
Rod Ston
Rod Ston - 7 years ago
When are you going to fish the northwest?
shane phillips
shane phillips - 7 years ago
Rob "all thst dirt right there" lunkers
DJ Skylon Fishing
DJ Skylon Fishing - 7 years ago
Would really appreciate that trip! PB Bass is a 6lb and never fished down south since I’m from the Midwest
badboymorales - 7 years ago
Thank god. Polarized lenses. Thank u roberto. We need that so badly
Cameron Stewart
Cameron Stewart - 7 years ago
What do you call Rackleys dance at 9:02
Dominic Cassaro
Dominic Cassaro - 7 years ago
Dude your almost at 800k
infamous ej8
infamous ej8 - 7 years ago
Invest in a scale. Guesses don't count if it ain't properly weighed.
infamous ej8
infamous ej8 - 7 years ago
Daniel Rivera you have your opinions I have mines
Daniel Rivera
Daniel Rivera - 7 years ago
infamous ej8 not that big a deal pal
Zack Haynie
Zack Haynie - 7 years ago
That’s how I caught my PB she rapped up and I caught a 8.7
Mario Saldivar
Mario Saldivar - 7 years ago
Would enjoy the chance to fish with y'all,
Cameron Stewart
Cameron Stewart - 7 years ago
Why is Rackley sniffing the fish at 4:19
Matt Ryan
Matt Ryan - 7 years ago
What sunglasses are those?
Jason Nichols
Jason Nichols - 7 years ago
How about teaching some young kids about bass fishing. 12-17 year olds. I enjoy watching the videos I watch at least every night because of my 12 year old son. Before bed we watch the new updated videos you post Rob, and Justin. Keep it up. Good luck to you both.
Fist Smith
Fist Smith - 7 years ago
Getting that auctioneers voice at the end...congrats on almost 800k subs great pre spawn fish
The Avid Outdoorsmen
The Avid Outdoorsmen - 7 years ago
We’re u using a trailer and if so what kind
L&S OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
That was a tank bass
Mike Chapman
Mike Chapman - 7 years ago
Every time you and lfg fish together its lit the fuck up so Sik!!!!
Alex vaan
Alex vaan - 7 years ago
Is he using a chatter bait?
Nix Fishing
Nix Fishing - 7 years ago
Love your vids almost to 800k
Dane Moran
Dane Moran - 7 years ago
Hey Lunkers can you make a video how how to properly use a baitcaster? I have bought many in the past and end up returning them or just giving it away. Please help!
EkiaBeast - 7 years ago
I will be at Toledo Bend in 1 week
Kyle Barn
Kyle Barn - 7 years ago
Can you explain the chatter bait you were using please??
Deegan Norman vlogs
Deegan Norman vlogs - 7 years ago
So I live in northern va do you have any idea when the spawn starts because I have gone fishing every weekend for weeks and have been skunked
Bass Matters
Bass Matters - 7 years ago
Deegan Norman vlogs Bass generally spawn when the water surface temps reach 65 to 68 degrees. Full moon makes it better.
Stephen Ellis
Stephen Ellis - 7 years ago
Deegan Norman vlogs hang in there buddy i live in va beach and ittl start as soon as you get a good solid week of it being atleast 60 degrees
NickZ55 - 7 years ago
Take me with you !?!?
Braden Taylor
Braden Taylor - 7 years ago
What lake were y'all fishing
Hunter Bennett
Hunter Bennett - 7 years ago
What brand mono do you use?
Kameron Lasserre
Kameron Lasserre - 7 years ago
Love the vid
Dirty Bird
Dirty Bird - 7 years ago
whats your flipping setup
Rowdy Broomstick
Rowdy Broomstick - 7 years ago
Dude in the back boat flip's two fives back to back, damnit!!
Garret Gbare
Garret Gbare - 7 years ago
Please fish a tournament some time
mark Roper
mark Roper - 7 years ago
what is with lunkers jumping the forward position.......seriously:P
Fred Davis
Fred Davis - 7 years ago
LMAO lfg's happy dance when you caught the mondo bass lol
Bob Wieters
Bob Wieters - 7 years ago
Definitely want to win the trip! Would love to go out and learn from the pros!!!
Zach Ellis
Zach Ellis - 7 years ago
I can't stop watching your videos, there just too good to pass up!!!
Joe Rivenbark
Joe Rivenbark - 7 years ago
LFG got the fortnite take the w emote
Samuel Farish
Samuel Farish - 7 years ago
Yes I would love to come fishing with you guy's. Great catch Rob you were very lucky to get that big o girl in...
Xeshai - 7 years ago
You caught a lunker but you didn't call it a lunker!
Corey L
Corey L - 7 years ago
Lmao someone needs to make a meme GIF for that LFG happy dance when he landed the miracle bass
Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes - 7 years ago
After 3 straight storms up here in Massachusetts, fishing with you and LFG(the chance to fish with you both) would be awesome.
Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes - 7 years ago
Ja B sounds good man! My Instagram is Pete_hayes40
Ja B
Ja B - 7 years ago
Peter Hayes hell ya man I’m in Belmont. I’ll send you a dm after work
Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes - 7 years ago
Ja B Lol, I'm with ya man. Then we are looking at another storm this week?! Wtf! I'm in south eastern mass(bridgewater). I fish a couple private ponds down on the Cape that hold some huge largemouth(9+ pounds).....along with trout and other species. If your ever want to fish, I can give you my info.
Ja B
Ja B - 7 years ago
Peter Hayes yea, eastern mass. Not the best place for bass fishing in general and the freezing march we have had has me pissed off lol
Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes - 7 years ago
Ja B I hear ya! We got 23 inches then another 14 inches back to back. SUCKS! You live in New England?
Ja B
Ja B - 7 years ago
Peter Hayes fuckin sucks my dude. I’ve been fishing in 38 degree weather
Michael Grantz
Michael Grantz - 7 years ago
"...Flair ssshhh...." Love it...
bass noob 512
bass noob 512 - 7 years ago
I wish I could bed fish but I have two problems, no boat and all the lakes near me are chocolate milk
Cameron Shaffer
Cameron Shaffer - 7 years ago
Nice bass
Bob Weaver
Bob Weaver - 7 years ago
Lunkers TV   Rob, when was your EOS and what was grade?  Just wondering.
Ricardo Quezada
Ricardo Quezada - 7 years ago
Man I go out but I rarely catch a fish during the warmer months and the wind sucks
matt ford
matt ford - 7 years ago
Take us fishing. Can’t wait to see the bed fishing with the new lens
Zach Monahan
Zach Monahan - 7 years ago
Can you do a sac fishing vid
Nic Rodriguez and Johnny Skipworth hunting/fishing
Nic Rodriguez and Johnny Skipworth hunting/fishing - 7 years ago
If u need to know the weight and don't have a scale do this. Length × with × with ÷800
Nic Rodriguez and Johnny Skipworth hunting/fishing
Nic Rodriguez and Johnny Skipworth hunting/fishing - 7 years ago
Leo Wood
Leo Wood - 7 years ago
Where did you get those gloves
Bow tie Chris
Bow tie Chris - 7 years ago
Hey rob, what brand/style of glasses do you have on?
Kian Abbott
Kian Abbott - 7 years ago
Ty Woodard no. PS4
Victor Brown
Victor Brown - 7 years ago
Ty Woodard u got friends
Ty Woodard
Ty Woodard - 7 years ago
Kian Abbott I know right u got Xbox
dakota nugent
dakota nugent - 7 years ago
I think I have a good idea what lake that is
Hunter McDaniel
Hunter McDaniel - 7 years ago
Anyone know what those sunglasses are Rob is wearing?
HAZMAN THE GREAT - 7 years ago
I was waiting all day for this video Rob!! Now you made my night. Also nice catch like always!! God bless you Sir and God bless your family. Take care and be safe.
Todds Outdoors
Todds Outdoors - 7 years ago
LFG got some moves there
Tyler johns
Tyler johns - 7 years ago
what line do you use
Fish Pursuit
Fish Pursuit - 7 years ago
I likes fishes
Kenny Baron
Kenny Baron - 7 years ago
Rob what happened to jimmy
Travis Davis
Travis Davis - 7 years ago
That's why they call you LUNKERS. Nice hawg!
Dylan Hamilton
Dylan Hamilton - 7 years ago
What reels are Rob using? They don’t look like Favorite reels
Cade Ruoff
Cade Ruoff - 7 years ago
What are your sunglasses
Paul Wefelmeyer
Paul Wefelmeyer - 7 years ago
LFG was doing that L dance from fortnite
DD and Flinter Are the best
DD and Flinter Are the best - 7 years ago
Great fish love your vids and thanks for your service
CoreyBama Machinist
CoreyBama Machinist - 7 years ago
I'm in Alabama an know all about these southern pigs but I would love to come fish with you guys I think all of us would.
Roy Dibble
Roy Dibble - 7 years ago
I would love to have the chance for me and my wife to come down and catch some monster bass her p b is like 2.5- 3 lbs my p b is only like 4.5 lbs and I would love to see her hook into a monster bass
Joe Wylie
Joe Wylie - 7 years ago
What gloves do you ware
H&J Outdoors
H&J Outdoors - 7 years ago
Best time of the the year, no doubt!!
Brandon Ho
Brandon Ho - 7 years ago
Didn't get a chance to get your Fish or Die hat and really want one!!
Catching with Carto
Catching with Carto - 7 years ago
So close to 800k!
Josh Cordonnier
Josh Cordonnier - 7 years ago
23x18= 8.1 lbs according to this bass calculator I use for all my fish. I prefer just using this instead of owning a scale. Tape measure is easier to carry with ya.
Josh Cordonnier
Josh Cordonnier - 7 years ago
Ha! I paused the vid and posted my comment- then saw you using the calculator website I posted.
The Old BASSer
The Old BASSer - 7 years ago
Holy Crap! That thing is a giant!!!!
CoreyBama Machinist
CoreyBama Machinist - 7 years ago
Maybe I should finish the video before I comment.. lol the wind puts your bait RIGHT where it needed to be at 8:50 then WAMMO.. that's a tourny winner
Ty Lewis
Ty Lewis - 7 years ago
Is that lake Murval?
Mike  Mc
Mike Mc - 7 years ago
Bobby F'n Lunkers
Josh Henderson
Josh Henderson - 7 years ago
catchin big doinks in amish!
BoilerRoomRadio - 7 years ago
LOVE these vids!!
Ken Kimmel
Ken Kimmel - 7 years ago
So.........is this just an all fishing channel now?
Oio Boio
Oio Boio - 7 years ago
Ken Kimmel no, he’s just running a series in Texas atm, I assume he will return to his regular mix of fishing and other stuff
lojo.fishing - 7 years ago
praise jesus hallelujah!!!
lojo.fishing - 7 years ago
Austin Lott
Austin Lott - 7 years ago
You watch him to, im subbed to both
Samuel Farish
Samuel Farish - 7 years ago
Good Ol Boy #76
Good Ol Boy #76 - 7 years ago
That would be AWESOME to go fishing with yall. It is now a bucket list idem for me.
CoreyBama Machinist
CoreyBama Machinist - 7 years ago
4:25 is a pretty ass fish
Pilot Bassin
Pilot Bassin - 7 years ago
1. We want military Monday back
2. Traditional fishing videos are a lot more entertaining than watching fish come off beds
Pilot Bassin
Pilot Bassin - 7 years ago
Oio Boio bass are usually in every stage (pre, spawn, post) this time of year. But obviously the big girls are easy to find on beds. I’m just talking from an entertainment perspective.
Oio Boio
Oio Boio - 7 years ago
Pilot Bassin I agree with the military Monday’s coming back, however almost all the bass are on beds and you can’t really go for them other than bed fishing.
iamcartey - 7 years ago
Such "Assholes" lol
Jeff Mabry
Jeff Mabry - 7 years ago
So length ×girth×girth= 7.45 almost 8
JHodgdon73 !
JHodgdon73 ! - 7 years ago
I’m so jealous in Maine it’s still snowy and water is super slushy and I’m learning bait casters and I have mastered the open and closed
Tony Mace
Tony Mace - 7 years ago
Hey rob when are u going to restock ur spinning rods they are out if stock
Chadderbox - 7 years ago
Who killed Fozzy Bear to make that camera case cover? I want one. Great vid
M3mE ArT¡śt
M3mE ArT¡śt - 7 years ago
Daniel Moua
Daniel Moua - 7 years ago
I don't even bass fish but enjoy watching your videos. Keep it up.
Duck Stuff
Duck Stuff - 7 years ago
LFG done got that hawg mama
Treevor 123
Treevor 123 - 7 years ago
How do you catch big bass all the time?
Jeff Mabry
Jeff Mabry - 7 years ago
Treevor 123 that time of year
Fishing Infinite
Fishing Infinite - 7 years ago
Creeping on 800k
Vedran Cavara
Vedran Cavara - 7 years ago
What up Robbo
Brody Metcalf
Brody Metcalf - 7 years ago
That’s murvaul for anyone wondering
Clay Poole
Clay Poole - 7 years ago
I've only been on the lake one time at night and I knew that's where they were. I bought my boat there
Cade Nelson
Cade Nelson - 7 years ago
I thought that was murvaul
Trent Findley
Trent Findley - 7 years ago
Man I love that lake! But I'm still waiting for them to hit caddo up
Doug Hassell
Doug Hassell - 7 years ago
That’s my pb lake!!! 12 lb in November 1998! Old bridge. White spinner bait. 29”. Skinny fish!
Noble Lundberg
Noble Lundberg - 7 years ago
I knew it, I love that lake
Brody Metcalf
Brody Metcalf - 7 years ago
Bryce Payne yeah they might have had 2 that were over
Bryce Payne
Bryce Payne - 7 years ago
That’s what I was thinking but half the fish they caught were In the slot
dakota nugent
dakota nugent - 7 years ago
Brody Metcalf I said the same thing
Brody Metcalf
Brody Metcalf - 7 years ago
Gerald Figley i just heard they killed all the reeds in the lake
Brody Metcalf
Brody Metcalf - 7 years ago
Gerald Figley i live around 40 minutes from that lake
Gerald Figley
Gerald Figley - 7 years ago
Brody Metcalf right you are that's my home town
Jason Beauvais
Jason Beauvais - 7 years ago
Epic! Overcome and conquer!!!
Arrow Boys
Arrow Boys - 7 years ago
I loved military Monday
jtyarb 19
jtyarb 19 - 7 years ago
Can’t wait for May because I get to start fishing and I will be going out almost every day
the great outdoors
the great outdoors - 7 years ago
I love your vids never stop you are the best
Deborah Edwards
Deborah Edwards - 7 years ago
Hi from Kosciusko, Ms.
Danny Miller
Danny Miller - 7 years ago
The fish you guys slay is insane
Salt and Pepper
Salt and Pepper - 7 years ago
t rot
t rot - 7 years ago
LFG-Thats the best "big fish dance" I've ever seen!!!!!!!! Awesome fish Lunkers!
Coach Luke
Coach Luke - 7 years ago
I giggled.
Dan Claunch
Dan Claunch - 7 years ago
that was the fortnite dance minus the arms
Big Head
Big Head - 7 years ago
That was the cotton eye joe mondo version
Ty Woodard
Ty Woodard - 7 years ago
It loooks like best mates from fortnite
khengharhu - 7 years ago
just makes you smile watching him do that!
Stuart Lupinski
Stuart Lupinski - 7 years ago
Rob I am so glad for these videos thanks. thumbs down my comment if your are not watching this googley eyed .
Allen Toler
Allen Toler - 7 years ago
Bubb I stumbled across your videos couple weeks ago and Awsome !! Oh yea killer footage and one of the best bed fishermen I've seen in a long time. Would love to fish with you guys have a great Year. God bless uns
James Allen
James Allen - 7 years ago
i wish i had fish that big in CT
Jose Cruz
Jose Cruz - 7 years ago
What kind of sunglasses do you wear
Greg Kotschwar
Greg Kotschwar - 7 years ago
Eight lbs. Dang that's a nice fish !!
Thomas Baxley
Thomas Baxley - 7 years ago
You would be close to lake lavon if you think about going don’t go through I️ have fished there 27 times and the only fish I️ have ever got was a small blue gill
Raging_Dogs7 - 7 years ago
Ive never fished in my life but I still enjoy watching your videos and hopefully one day I will! You should do a military monday video those were great.
Rekless12/7 - 7 years ago
Do you have any tips for fishing for pre spawn bass in San Diego I've been struggling only caught 3 biggest one about 2 pounds
Rome Acuna
Rome Acuna - 7 years ago
No screaming ladies at the edge of the lake this time??
Robert Luther
Robert Luther - 7 years ago
Holy big bass Batman!
Parker Casteel
Parker Casteel - 7 years ago
I would sell both kidneys to fish with lunkers and lfg
Jacob Whitfield
Jacob Whitfield - 7 years ago
justin was one salty boi this episode...
Mark thewalleyeguy
Mark thewalleyeguy - 7 years ago
That was a great show of what a good angler you are great fish with some luck too nice video bud
Zach Wood
Zach Wood - 7 years ago
Live in Alberta Canada we dont have the climate for bass fishing monster pike tho
Zach Wood
Zach Wood - 7 years ago
SoHectic_ heard there is good bass fishing in ontario i would love to make it out the one day
Adam Hamlet
Adam Hamlet - 7 years ago
don't forget the muskies. I live in ottawa ON and the bass fishing up here is awesome you just gotta wait until june
SoHectic_ - 7 years ago
I live in Ontario but wheee i am i cant fish for bass until 4th saturday in june so im waiting a long time for it
Decoy 11
Decoy 11 - 7 years ago
hey I live in Alberta to, yeah it sucks there is no bass here but I'm pretty sure there're are some in B.C but at least we do have some pretty cool fish here like white fish walleye and like you said pike jack slew sharks what ever you would like to call them and we do have sturgeon goldeye oh and cant forget about the all mighty perch and trout fishes plus the ones that I forgot about
leejproductions27 - 7 years ago
Lunkers is hunting Megalodon Bass. No small bass need bother to bite the hook. LOL
Fishermanguy44 - 7 years ago
When lunkers and LFG both upload on the same day
nathan freeman
nathan freeman - 7 years ago
so jelly right now. i look out my window and see snow piles and ice patches in my yard and end of driveway here in central MN. but on the plus side of things i get to pick up my new boat in 2 weeks. then the wait for ice off of the lakes .
leeann anderson
leeann anderson - 7 years ago
nathan freeman same
Remstir - 7 years ago
I feel u
Jack Wiger
Jack Wiger - 7 years ago
nathan freeman take me fishing I live in menomonie Wisconsin
Clinch Mountain Outdoors
Clinch Mountain Outdoors - 7 years ago
That's a Lunker
Michael Obrien
Michael Obrien - 7 years ago
Can’t wait to see the truck
Enrique Gonzales
Enrique Gonzales - 7 years ago
That is giant fish right there bro, good job and nice catch.
Ella Littlefield
Ella Littlefield - 7 years ago
Go sub to yakpak outdoors please
Dyllon Schneiter
Dyllon Schneiter - 7 years ago
wish i didn't have school
LEGO , vlogs and dogs
LEGO , vlogs and dogs - 7 years ago
Plz bring back military Monday
Enrique Gonzales
Enrique Gonzales - 7 years ago
When you adapt to certain things that you like doing, you will be suprised by the positive outcome.
Paul Walters
Paul Walters - 7 years ago
love you and your vids
Erik Lovejoy
Erik Lovejoy - 7 years ago
Chris Mata
Chris Mata - 7 years ago
Yo nice bass. Hey I want a gs back pack. How do I get one. Where can I purchase one
cali bassin
cali bassin - 7 years ago
Wow man thats a good looking fish
Elias Aamot
Elias Aamot - 7 years ago
You know hes a pog because he said adapt and overcome instead of sitting in the corner eating crayons
bo jangles
bo jangles - 7 years ago
I have always wondered why lunkers whites out the logos on his reels. I assume it has to do with his partnership with favorite.
wade caudle
wade caudle - 7 years ago
What if I live in Arlington tx and never had the chance to catch one that big?!
nukem bear
nukem bear - 7 years ago
Its ok rob i have trouble with baitcasters too.
Isaac Waffle
Isaac Waffle - 7 years ago
8:16 thank me later
Jacob Ritchie
Jacob Ritchie - 7 years ago
great vid! how's that paintball injury healing up? haha
ThatDublife - 7 years ago
Nice one man!
Slaunch Master Outdoors
Slaunch Master Outdoors - 7 years ago
9:02 they should add lfg’s victory dance to fortnite
david Grieco
david Grieco - 7 years ago
Unreal catch
auggie angling
auggie angling - 7 years ago
Nice vid duuude
Eric Lochman Outdoors
Eric Lochman Outdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome fish man! Can't wait for the spawn here in PA
John Coldani
John Coldani - 7 years ago
Polarized lenses for the Go-Pros yay! Finally!!!!
Alex vaan
Alex vaan - 7 years ago
He been
Thomas Liebel
Thomas Liebel - 7 years ago
Hey what's up with lake fork guy
future guitarist
future guitarist - 7 years ago
I miss military Monday
Plainsic - 7 years ago
jtyarb 19
jtyarb 19 - 7 years ago
future guitarist same
Jabok Blackwelder
Jabok Blackwelder - 7 years ago
Former marine USMC ura
Jabok Blackwelder
Jabok Blackwelder - 7 years ago
USN_Ret 84-05 lol
USN_Ret 84-05
USN_Ret 84-05 - 7 years ago
Hey, Jarhead!
Donnie Parker
Donnie Parker - 7 years ago
rob I would lov to fish with u some day bud come to Maine
jacob lee
jacob lee - 7 years ago
jacob lee
jacob lee - 7 years ago
I was asleep
Will Ludeman
Will Ludeman - 7 years ago
More thermal hog hunting!
CABS productions
CABS productions - 7 years ago
Thanks for the great out doors content Rob!
Faranth - 7 years ago
Where I live in Wisconsin, everything is 0 inch clarity. It's awful. Can't ever bed fish for bass
Faranth - 7 years ago
If I want to fish clear water, I usually just go up north.
sman7290 - 7 years ago
Faranth. You could always come to Michigan. Some days were get almost 3 inches of water clarity.
bailey ludwig
bailey ludwig - 7 years ago
Faranth same and I live in Indiana
Marshall Smith
Marshall Smith - 7 years ago
My PB is 7 1/2 pound
wade caudle
wade caudle - 7 years ago
Tell LFG to speak up.... Pretty much always... But you guys are awesome though!
cali bassin
cali bassin - 7 years ago
Whatz up rob
Kris-to-pher - 7 years ago
Yo, what type of glasses are those.
Jabok Blackwelder
Jabok Blackwelder - 7 years ago
Hi Robert love this Channel catch those fishes
Steven Alford
Steven Alford - 7 years ago
JAW Fishing
JAW Fishing - 7 years ago
All viewers of this comment help me get to 100 subs
Breken Stone
Breken Stone - 7 years ago
Connor Martin
Connor Martin - 7 years ago
Create military Monday vid!
The Fishing Ginger aka TFG
The Fishing Ginger aka TFG - 7 years ago
GETEM brother!!! Love your vids
diediey12 - 7 years ago
I love military monday
Gunnar Walker outdoors
Gunnar Walker outdoors - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Moises Rodriguez
Moises Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Best YouTuber
Brance Simpson
Brance Simpson - 7 years ago
Alex Nardone
Alex Nardone - 7 years ago
Thanks for everything keep up the good work
G&H Bassing
G&H Bassing - 7 years ago
Emily Griffin
Emily Griffin - 7 years ago
I’ve literally been waiting all day for one of you goons to post a video!
MachineGun Billy97
MachineGun Billy97 - 7 years ago
1st comment love your vids rob
Karson Hutchins
Karson Hutchins - 7 years ago
Nice vid rob!
Nicobutter the great
Nicobutter the great - 7 years ago
Hail hydra
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
Eddie Schall
Eddie Schall - 7 years ago
Hi Rob
ASHTON FILMS - 7 years ago
robbb....mah boiii
Kayak bass fishing Yt
Kayak bass fishing Yt - 7 years ago
Be Awesome Outdoors
Be Awesome Outdoors - 7 years ago
Kayak bass fishing Yt I would like to invite you to my channel if you haven't checked it out yet. Also, we are giving away a fishing lure to one lucky person.
Nick Jolly
Nick Jolly - 7 years ago
Zackary Little
Zackary Little - 7 years ago
Nick Jolly that is getting old

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