NEW Micro Fish Tank - Collection Gets bigger!
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 22,461 views
Finally winter is over, down south finally experiencing some awesome fishing to share with you guys!! Subscribe here — Thanks a bunch for watching, be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! Connect with me on social media! Instagram: Bulawc Want to contact me? My Camera: GREAT starter camera: My lens: My drone: Best GoPro to use: *The above links are Amazon Associate links*
10. comment for NEW Micro Fish Tank - Collection Gets bigger!
20. comment for NEW Micro Fish Tank - Collection Gets bigger!
The good work! As an amateur keeper of lizards, frogs and fish, the most important lesson I learned is that your pets are what their prey eats!! It might be a good idea to get a high quality fish food to feed the shiners, as a lot of feeder food items like minnows, shiners, crickets etc get shipped all over the place without much thought given to their well being. Your animals will be much happier and healthier if their prey items are well fed and healthy. Looks like you are on the right track with the aquarium for your feeders. Good luck with the pets and at the lake!! Keep the vids coming! How bout an early spring/prespawn vid where you give your thoughts on shallow lake/pond patterns?
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