PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?)

One of the questions that's been asked over and over again since the beginning of time by pike anglers from all over the world is: which lure color works best? Those super realistic dark lures to imitate the real stuff or is it better to use those ultra bright patterns to really stand out? Well, in this *scientific* challenge we're going to find out! GIVE AWAY! Do you want to join us on a fishing day in the making of a YouTube video? If so, make sure to like this video, share it with your friends and leave a comment why you'd like to join! When we reach 1000 likes, a winner will be chosen. In this episode of TEAM HAJMAT, Pontus and Mille goes pike fishing from their Alumacraft Competitor 175 Sport in the archipelago. The rules of the challenge are simple: - One angler starts using bright lures while the other is using dark lures. After 60 minutes, the anglers switch colors and the one who started with bright lures must now use dark ones. After 60 more minutes, it's time to change again. - As soon as someone catches a fish on a lure, the angler must put that lure down and is not allowed to use it anymore. The winner is the pile of lures - bright or dark - with the highest number of lures at the end of the day! Are you ready? All the lures and gear used in this episode can be found here: https://www.kanalgratis.se/en/bright-vs-dark-lures-challenge Subscribe to kanalgratisdotse: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=kanalgratisdotse Folllow Pontus on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pontus_sjolund Follow Mille on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/millepettersson Watch more of our videos in the TEAM HAJMAT playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnDj4GODT_QqNKf-v9fF-FZ0lfdxvLXGl

PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 23,296 views

One of the questions that's been asked over and over again since the beginning of time by pike anglers from all over the world is: which lure color works best? Those super realistic dark lures to imitate the real stuff or is it better to use those ultra bright patterns to really stand out? Well, in this *scientific* challenge we're going to find out! GIVE AWAY! Do you want to join us on a fishing day in the making of a YouTube video? If so, make sure to like this video, share it with your friends and leave a comment why you'd like to join! When we reach 1000 likes, a winner will be chosen. In this episode of TEAM HAJMAT, Pontus and Mille goes pike fishing from their Alumacraft Competitor 175 Sport in the archipelago. The rules of the challenge are simple: - One angler starts using bright lures while the other is using dark lures. After 60 minutes, the anglers switch colors and the one who started with bright lures must now use dark ones. After 60 more minutes, it's time to change again. - As soon as someone catches a fish on a lure, the angler must put that lure down and is not allowed to use it anymore. The winner is the pile of lures - bright or dark - with the highest number of lures at the end of the day! Are you ready? All the lures and gear used in this episode can be found here: https://www.kanalgratis.se/en/bright-vs-dark-lures-challenge Subscribe to kanalgratisdotse: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=kanalgratisdotse Folllow Pontus on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pontus_sjolund Follow Mille on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/millepettersson Watch more of our videos in the TEAM HAJMAT playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnDj4GODT_QqNKf-v9fF-FZ0lfdxvLXGl

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Most popular comments
for PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?)

BunnyRabbitinator YouTube
BunnyRabbitinator YouTube - 6 years ago
Att få fiska med er skulle vara både roligt och lärorikt. Ni som har varit förebilder för mig sen jag såg den första videon med er
Jeff Potter
Jeff Potter - 6 years ago
Watching you two fish is very enjoyable, but the chance to actually fish with you sounds much more appealing.
Adrian Rosario
Adrian Rosario - 6 years ago
Why should you pick me? Well, quite easy, your PB on pike is probably 10+, on perch 2+ and on zander 5+ but what's your PB on Spaniards? I'm a 90+ so you definitely want me on that boat!

And why should I get the cap? För att den är skit snygg!
Johan Sörmlind
Johan Sörmlind - 6 years ago
dont you allways need a frkking good hat? ;)
Georg Wallmon Fülep
Georg Wallmon Fülep - 6 years ago
I’d love to come fish with you guys. Reason for that is I’d like to increase my personal best. Love your videos guys. Keep it up!
Ruben Malmberg
Ruben Malmberg - 6 years ago
I need to go fishing with you guys so that you can make me a better fisherman and so that I can improve my pb of only 4,7kg. And of course i want to tast that delissious Food by mille!
DaSePike - 6 years ago
Rolig video, alltid stor fråga mellan ljusa eller naturtrogna beten!
Skulle vara underbart att få hänga med på en fisketur med er, har fiskat större delen av livet men börja satsa seriöst på gädda förra året. Att få följa med er, få lite tips och tricks hade varit guld värt. Om Mille vågar kan vi ha en egen tävling om matlagning i det fria! Kepsen är jävligt snygg, perfekt som en tur-kepa!
Marcus - 6 years ago
Who dont want a pikehat like that? ;)
Mr. L. Murray
Mr. L. Murray - 6 years ago
Good food is paramount when I fish too, the time sacrificed is 100% worth it!

10. comment for PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?)

Alexander Rechnagel
Alexander Rechnagel - 6 years ago
i wanna come fishing! im a danish dude and i love your vids, and i really wanna try out the sweedish fishing- cuz its freaking awesome!
mikael strumpan
mikael strumpan - 6 years ago
Om ni lär mig lite mera om gäddfiske lovar jag att lära Pontus göra en god lunch. Tack för filmen hälsningar Mikael
Aaron Garrett
Aaron Garrett - 6 years ago
Aaaaand now i'm friggen hungry.
R. Aarts
R. Aarts - 6 years ago
Nice pikes
Pikecatcher1980 - 6 years ago
Wanna Join fishing and have this insane lunch with you guys!!!!
sMiztahh - 6 years ago
Såg att ni använde oviktade offset krokar. Vad heter de och vart är de köpta?
Adam Persson
Adam Persson - 6 years ago
Would be super fun to fish with you guys. Easy.
jerkker i
jerkker i - 6 years ago
Tror jag aldrig blivit lika snål på mat som efter denna video! skulle gärna hänga med och fiska!
Petteri Helanne
Petteri Helanne - 6 years ago
I can do lunch for you, Napolitan pizza in the boat!
Wild Fish Stories
Wild Fish Stories - 6 years ago
We would say that the sample size is not big enough. The more fishermen the more theories ;) Anyway Very interesting content as always. Keep it going!

20. comment for PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?)

T P - 6 years ago
Why do I need such a cool pike hat?
Because I FEEL like a pike, I THINK like a pike and that is why I also need to LOOK like a pike now in order to reach the next level: BEEING a piky pike - yee haw!!!
Jesse - 6 years ago
Would be cool to fish in Sweden with some pros.
Tim Paradiž
Tim Paradiž - 6 years ago
Awesome stuff. Would love to fish with you guys.
sundbrandt93 - 6 years ago
Den kepan såg ju riktigt Nice ut!! ;) grym video som vanligt grabbar!
Andrew Maryniak
Andrew Maryniak - 6 years ago
Another great film. I particularly loved the pike with the unusual markings. Anyhow, keep 'em coming!!!
Hey_hausen - 6 years ago
I would really like to join u guys!!
Brendan Jory
Brendan Jory - 6 years ago
Tja, I think Im the lucky one to fish with you guys. I’m an Australia who has been living in Uppsala, Sweden for the last 18 months. Jag flyttade hit för att min flickvän är svensk och jag ville lära kanna hennes rötter. So i brought a fishing rod with me, lucky you don’t need any mates to enjoy the nature and fishing! As that’s were I spend most of my free time. Im still looking take a 100cm Gädda, Maybe that’s your next YouTube vid. Just saying : )
Tom Andersson
Tom Andersson - 6 years ago
dags för motion sickness igen! hoppas denna förbannade go-pro trenden försvinner snart...
Oskar Andre
Oskar Andre - 6 years ago
Jo men hade ju inte vart fel å fiskat med dom bättre gäddfiskarna
Jakob Lund
Jakob Lund - 6 years ago
Jag skulle vilja hänga med er för att jag Älskar både att spinnfiska effter gädda och att äta god mat. Skulle vara grymt kul om jag fick äran att åka med ut med er.

30. comment for PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?)

Paul Rößler
Paul Rößler - 6 years ago
Had the same lunch today. Roedeer is by far the best meet you can eat
Willi M.
Willi M. - 6 years ago
I Need the hat because I always got pike on my mind!
CäptenShaakiee〈3 - 6 years ago
Ja vill fiska med er eftersom ja tycka det är bra.I hope thats right swedisch :D
eric van nuland
eric van nuland - 6 years ago
Awesome video guys! Great to watch all those different lures catch pike!!
Johan Alkawas
Johan Alkawas - 6 years ago
Jag skulle bli sjukt glad om jag fick äran att följa med er ut. Men då måste ni lova att det inte är svamp i maten. ;)
Pieter Moerman
Pieter Moerman - 6 years ago
Hi Pontus & Mille,

I'm a fanatical pikefisher form the Netherlands and would love to go fishing with you guy's!
I realy like to watch your video's they are fun but also a lot to learn form, you guys are hilarious but also real skilled anglers. I have used a lot of your tips and tricks and they realy improved my pikefishing skills. But what's better then getting them tips in real life?! I will be in Sweden on fishing holiday this year in may in the south of Sweden close at Karlshamn soo... just let me know ;)

With kind regards,

DanniiGTR - 6 years ago
This would be sooo awesome!
Tobias Johansson
Tobias Johansson - 6 years ago
Skulle vara sjukt kul att tjöta tips o ideér i samma båt som er X)
viggenman - 6 years ago
Riktigt härligt o se er dra alla dessa fiskar.. det vore väldigt skoj o testa med er ;)
Argo Hein
Argo Hein - 6 years ago
When in doubt, use bright! Frankly, I would like to have a fishing trip for perch, rather than pike
Das Boot
Das Boot - 6 years ago
Jag skulle behöva en kebba! Mest pga av avsaknaden av hår på huvudet :)
Adrian Lundberg
Adrian Lundberg - 6 years ago
skulle va sjukt kul o få komma o fiska med er under en dag o snacka och även utmana er lite=)
David Svedberg
David Svedberg - 6 years ago
To go pikefishing with two cool guys like you would be a dream come true:-) and the food looks amazing
SAMPE 3HD - 6 years ago
Jag skulle verkligen vilja fiska med er jag är 13 år och tycker ni verkar fett sköna och roliga så det hade varit helt sjukt om jag fick följa med!
Jonatan Rundgren
Jonatan Rundgren - 6 years ago
Dendär kepsen skulle sitta fint i kajaken i sommar! Skit fiske på er!
Dirk Dähn
Dirk Dähn - 6 years ago
I would like to taste the food, maybe with a perch!?
Mathias Kersting
Mathias Kersting - 6 years ago
Can't help but think that lure colour is more attractive to the angler than it is to the fish...that's how it is for me at least :p
Vissen bij de waterkant
Vissen bij de waterkant - 6 years ago
Great video!!!!

Nice color pike on 17:35
ND-Fishing Kanal
ND-Fishing Kanal - 6 years ago
Det hade varit riktigt roligt att fiska med er och om fisket är inte bra kan vi ha matlagnings tävling ;)
Fredrik Högström
Fredrik Högström - 6 years ago
Vem skulle inte vilja äta gott och fiska gädda- fått nästan alla stora gäddor på naturlig färg-

50. comment for PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?)

игорь волчик
игорь волчик - 6 years ago
Hi guys. Good video. What material for a lead do you use?
Richard De Boer
Richard De Boer - 6 years ago
Hello again guys from kanaal SE and always great videos you have for us.
Dark or bride . . . at last, and to be seen on this video its all about colours and differend meanings over it.
Fish do see colours, but not tru ur eyes !
Also to put the comment into the video . . . video Interactiv great !
Nice Pike-print cap, hope to see more from you Guys
Thumbs up !
Annelie Bernson
Annelie Bernson - 6 years ago
I could feel how good that food tasted only by listening to you :-)) would love to spend a Day with you ;-)
Theo Sundin
Theo Sundin - 6 years ago
skulle va askul komma och fiska med er
Joell Fishing
Joell Fishing - 6 years ago
Mina nya favoriter på kanalgragis
Sebastian Wulf
Sebastian Wulf - 6 years ago
Amazing Food :)
John Schaefer
John Schaefer - 6 years ago
I don't know if being from the united states matters, but i have always wanted to fish for big European pike. they are my favorite fish species. fly rod or gear they are awesome to catch.
Oliver Reich
Oliver Reich - 6 years ago
Awesome video guys, would like to see more from U. The cap is needed for my next trip to Rügen
Ac - 6 years ago
Hade gärna fiskat med er men bor i Dalarna :'(
Gunnar Glimm
Gunnar Glimm - 6 years ago
because you one can never get too many caps!
Joel Esselin
Joel Esselin - 6 years ago
Skulle va skit kul att hänga med proffsen och lära mig mer! Jag är hyfsat ny med gäddfiske men kan en del. PB=8,5kg
Paweł Liso
Paweł Liso - 6 years ago
I need pike hunter hat! Hat on head and I will catch more pikes!
Michael Almquist
Michael Almquist - 6 years ago
Ni e ju så sköna:Vilken suverän video å både intressant å skitkul å kolla på!Å som matglad fiskefreak så e jag ju impad Haha :)
F. Falvo
F. Falvo - 6 years ago
I have been a fan of canalgratis for about 2 years. I love to catch big pike and have some amazing lunch
L.M.S Studios
L.M.S Studios - 6 years ago
Tjenare! Skulle vara skitkul att få följa med på ett pass! Ni är grymma!
Christoffer Coffe
Christoffer Coffe - 6 years ago
hänger gärna på och kör med er fast med fluga ;)
let's go fishing 247
let's go fishing 247 - 6 years ago
Skulle va Nice att få följa med och se hur fisket är på Åland.
Teo Bomark
Teo Bomark - 6 years ago
Det skulle vara roligt att hänga med om jag får för farsan. :)
JNT swe
JNT swe - 6 years ago
Båtbrist, fiskeabstinens och en förjäkla aptit för god mat ! klart man vill med :)
hans van Koppen
hans van Koppen - 6 years ago
Hej Grymt tävling ni två ! Det skulle vara jätte kul om min son Lars skulle få vara med,med er. Vi är båda helt fiske-tokig men på grund av min hälsa kan vi bara fiska korta turar
MrT08031970 - 6 years ago
very nice lunch guys looks amazing!!!
Why wouldn’t I join you! It looks awesome!
Hawallt tibian
Hawallt tibian - 6 years ago
I will give mille a derby in pikefishing. AIK vs Dif. Dont wimp out man ;)
Skitfiske - 6 years ago
Skulle vara grymt att fiska och filma med er, göra ett riktigt crossover episode :D
Mille-mealen ser himmelsk ut!
Damien Beltrami
Damien Beltrami - 6 years ago
What belly weighted weedless hooks are you using? The linked page does not have them.
Rasmus Gudbergsen
Rasmus Gudbergsen - 6 years ago
And the recsan for the hat is so i can camoflace me whit The pike so the dont be schert and then cach a big one!
Rasmus Gudbergsen
Rasmus Gudbergsen - 6 years ago
Becase your food is insan! And i not have chach a big pike jet and i form Bornholm Denmark.
Alfred Monié
Alfred Monié - 6 years ago
Sjukt Najs käk å fiske med er hade vart något!
nan jiang
nan jiang - 6 years ago
David Keuzenkamp
David Keuzenkamp - 6 years ago
love to join you guys. Not only for the fishing but also the food and the environment. What a nature you have there.
Jonas Hüttlinger
Jonas Hüttlinger - 6 years ago
Awesome video guys rly cool, i would try to join u fishing. But i m sitting in the south of germany. The pike hat would be rly cool on my head, because i lose a lot of hairs since my Birthday yesterday :D fk 27 years
Mathies Hartvigsen
Mathies Hartvigsen - 6 years ago
It would be nice to join :)
SalzburgDucksTV - 6 years ago
Very nice Video, but lunch can be improved by having a Kaiserschmarren cooked by me after the mushrooms ;-) So take me fishing.
Florian LM
Florian LM - 6 years ago
Hello guys, i would like Fishing one day with us for pike and lunch Time!!!!!!
Tobias Rundgren
Tobias Rundgren - 6 years ago
9 gånger av 10 kör vi ärtsoppa i båten så vore trevligt med någe annat! ☺
kanalgratisdotse - 6 years ago
Testa gulaschsoppa och vitlöksbröd! Sviker aldrig. /Mille
Adam Leach
Adam Leach - 6 years ago
Ide love a pike hat, there aren't enough of them in Canada. Ide probably be the only one, just like me and all those swedish swimbaits I have that no one else I know does. love the show thanks so much.
Уральский рыбак
Уральский рыбак - 6 years ago
Hello guys! Great video! Am going this year to discover the world large silicone. Watching your videos. Thank you for the huge positive!
arnaud fishing
arnaud fishing - 6 years ago
nice video guys, would love to come to sweden one day (and fish with you) but i it's a bit too far from nantes, france for the competition ;-) for the next challenge would be nice to try hard vs soft lures :)
Roger Franzen
Roger Franzen - 6 years ago
behöver kepsen så jag får en på 15 kg,grymt bra video
Arttu Korpunen
Arttu Korpunen - 6 years ago
I'd love to join team hajmat for a fishing trip. Cause usually they're located in Åland and i have been wanting to go for a fishing trip in Åland for ages. Also i have been following kanalgratis for some years now and team hajmat is my absolute favorite show! Cap would also come in handy, my current has lost almost all colour because i wear it all the time in my fishing trips.
casualgamerguy - 6 years ago
Skulle älska att åka med ut och fiska/äta! Pratar flytande engelska och älskar att fiska gädda! Bor vid en sketen liten sjö så att komma bort och fiska andra vatten vore super spännande! Bra video!
Matt Fast
Matt Fast - 6 years ago
Would love to come and fish with you guys! Would you consider someone from Canada?
Joshua Weisz
Joshua Weisz - 6 years ago
Jag vill vara med för att jag vill fiska med legendarer
ScurKKen - 6 years ago
I need that hat because that´s really ridicilous + positive that it will give me fishing luck!
powrider911 AKA REELBROTHERZ - 6 years ago
thats such a sick hat i need it so my 2 daughters will stop making fun of my current hat!
Terry Smart
Terry Smart - 6 years ago
Would love to fish with you guys because i have only fished for pike in the uk (iam in uk) especially on the fly (never had a pike on the fly )
Erik Hillebrand
Erik Hillebrand - 6 years ago
Fixar ni lunchen. Låter bra.
Patrik Andersson
Patrik Andersson - 6 years ago
Vore grymt kul att testa lite gäddfiske :D
Lee Ferguson
Lee Ferguson - 6 years ago
I’m only 16 and struggle to catch big pike so I’d love too fish with you guys
Roger Nilsson
Roger Nilsson - 6 years ago
Jag och frugan skulle vilja utmana dig och Mille :) Det hade varit roligt ;) Cool film förresten, gillade det annorlunda upplägget !

100. comment for PIKE FISHING: Bright vs. Dark Lures CHALLENGE (Which color works best?)

Prognose Narkose
Prognose Narkose - 6 years ago
I am just for the Lunch here:)
You guys have an good Spirit!
I am an Pike fanatic and really n Joy your Film.

Many greetz from Hamburg!

Ps: nice try Justin Bieber.. 5 Dislikes haha
JLpikeBUSTERS NL - 6 years ago
Great video guys!
IanB GP - 6 years ago
For the cap: to catch the pike you must first become the pike!!!

I live your chalanges
ZeroBravo3 - 6 years ago
Please make a challenge rubber baits against hard baits.I need this cap its so Beautiful! I hope i can fish with u guys.
kanalgratisdotse - 6 years ago
Great idea mate. Never thought of that. Definitely something we have to consider for the future. /Mille
Eliot Almqvist
Eliot Almqvist - 6 years ago
Det skulle vara en grymt häftig upplevelse! har följt era videos och skulle otroligt gärna åka med er på lite grymt gäddfiske och såklart utsökt mat!
James Garrett
James Garrett - 6 years ago
How come these guys dont really rest the fish that much instead just chuck it back? Seems to be quite common with fishing in a lake on a boat? Is it because they chin them in the water usually and remove hooks there and then? I fish from the bank and take upmost care netting the fish giving it a chance to rest before bringing it onto the bank to unhook it then release it. Just wondering
kanalgratisdotse - 6 years ago
Wazzup James! Erik stole the words out of my mouth, no need to add anything to it. Of course, the few times we happen to catch a big on, we let them rest for a little while in the net. /Mille
Erik Nordén
Erik Nordén - 6 years ago
I can add I would be very happy to join them going snatching some nice pikes
Erik Nordén
Erik Nordén - 6 years ago
Colder water and 30 second fights allows for it, fish will not be exhausted and if you give it a swan dive back it can get a good sip of exigen and good speed down to the colder water. I think unless you handle the fish a long time/have a long fight/fish is in the conditions it can clearly support its balance its better to let it run free "directly" as these guys do
Hugo Nilsson
Hugo Nilsson - 6 years ago
Jag vill va med er för jag älskar att fiska gädda
Teuvvoo - 6 years ago
I need that pike cap because i love pikefishing! Catch and release all day!
cristi dragoi
cristi dragoi - 6 years ago
Vem vill inte fiska med er !!??? ;),och vem vill inte äta kantareller!!?? :) :)...I want! :)
Michelangelo Schenone
Michelangelo Schenone - 6 years ago
Would love to fish with you guys as I have never fished for pike in scandinavia!
Petter Westman
Petter Westman - 6 years ago
Because i want that lunch! Haha
denfra - 6 years ago
Sviiiingo keps!!
Fortsätt med ers härliga filmer gubbs!
TobagoBo - 6 years ago
I need that cool looking hat to be dressed right to fish with you guys!
Ruben Vicente Garcia
Ruben Vicente Garcia - 6 years ago
If its posible I wnat to join because I love pike fishing nad food gg , love this type of vids
maNukush - 6 years ago
And I need that hat because im always just catching them pikes, seems to fit :D And yea I need a fishing hat!
handcannon - 6 years ago
Both subtle and vivid color schemes catch pike. A good compromise is to fish lures that have features of both. Lures that somewhat resemble natural forage, but with flourescent accents, make a lot of sense for a starting option - or when tackle is limited.
maNukush - 6 years ago
I want to join you! :D Finland, near tammisaari now in the summer! Kom igen team hajmat! :D Fan va jag ble hungrig..
maNukush - 6 years ago
ned that exp... xD
ScurKKen - 6 years ago
haha expaa
Joakim Hakulinen
Joakim Hakulinen - 6 years ago
Vem skulle inte vilja följa med liksom
Lars Vegas
Lars Vegas - 6 years ago
Where is the lunch recipe! that stuf looked tastyy!!
NarrowBoat Brewer
NarrowBoat Brewer - 6 years ago
That fish @ 17m40.....you say that you’ve caught a few of these, do you think it could be a new subspecies?
Aaron Carr
Aaron Carr - 6 years ago
I think its all about the lures that you have confidence in
Jordan Jensen Fishing
Jordan Jensen Fishing - 6 years ago
would love to fish with you guys! the american pike are awesome but i need a new challenge! also love that pike hate. would definitely love one
Alexander Lundström
Alexander Lundström - 6 years ago
Tjena! Kollat på båda Kanalgratis och Hajmat i snart 7 år nu! Skulle älska att ta en tur med er och fiska gädda :D Skulle heller inte vara fel att få några filmtips vid sidan av! Mvh/ Alex
Jani Laiho
Jani Laiho - 6 years ago
I would like to fish pikes with you guys because your fishing looks so fun and hilarious, but still you guys know what you do!☺
Elias Vasseur
Elias Vasseur - 6 years ago
Jag skulle viöja vara med för att få lära mig och uppleva maten och fisket!! Tycker också mycket om era videor och jag skulle vilja se lite behind the sceans hur man filmar en video!
Daan Siderius
Daan Siderius - 6 years ago
And i would love a pike hat because well it will probably make the big ones want to eat my bait more. Due to cannibalism
torp3d3n - 6 years ago
Tack för ännu ett bra avsnitt, Pontus & co!

Jag skulle vilja följa med er och fiska. Som tvåbarnspappa som får man inte så mycket tid att fiska. Och att få komma iväg med två grymma gäddfiskare som er hade varit helt sjukt kul! Sen att äta er fantastiska lunch hade ju inte skadat direkt. Haha. Och kepsen syns ju att den bringar tur! Så den skulle jag vilja vinna eftersom jag donerat min BFT keps till en yngre förmåga som ville bli gäddfiskare.
Malms kanal
Malms kanal - 6 years ago
Man skulle ju inte tacka nej till en fiske tur;)
Nicklas Östlund
Nicklas Östlund - 6 years ago
Kepsen hade inte varit helt fel, då kanske jag inte skulle bränna mig på flinten hela tiden.. haha
Daan Siderius
Daan Siderius - 6 years ago
Uhm duh! Awesome food and awesome people with fishing in Sweden. I keep dreaming about this and wishing i could go but since i am 20year old i can't go for a fishing holiday really easily
Jelle Vd Wiel
Jelle Vd Wiel - 6 years ago
d4rkcheet - 6 years ago
I would like to join you, because I like challenge :D
TheSlumpen - 6 years ago
Why? Laughs, fishing, a nice lunch and just a great day. What more can an angler wish for?
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 6 years ago
You guys are such fun to watch,really enjoying yourself it shows. Is Mille a chef? Looks delicious. The pike cap is awesome ,a real Pontus item,so cool to become. Well done guys,thanks great vid.
Steffen Schönewolf
Steffen Schönewolf - 6 years ago
You're using the iron t rod right? Up to 80 or 140g? An what kind of reel ? :).
masomaf - 6 years ago
What a coincidence, talking about that hat. In our chat group 2 days ago we discussed those hats because we have seen them on an online store. I like the pike one and the blue yellow one, the perch fishers liked the perch hat off course.
Ekmanjohnny - 6 years ago
Välj inte mig ang tävlingen för ja kan inte bete mig runt folk
Daniel M B Kristensen
Daniel M B Kristensen - 6 years ago
would love to have the hat
Pontus - 6 years ago
Skulle va jäkligt kul att följa med ni ser ut att ha så sjukt roligt hela tiden ni fiskar! Ha det bäst och fortsätt göra ett grymt jobb!!
Kjell-Remi Westlie
Kjell-Remi Westlie - 6 years ago
You have to count every take ;) If the pike bites it bites... The test was about which lures that worked the best right.. ;)
MrHutentut - 6 years ago
Yeah like edgar lesinskis said...also a big thing ist if the fish are feeding or not. WHEN they feed they really go for almost everything in my opinion.Of course how you the work the Bait is Important. Anyway youre good dudettes :p Like to fish and cook with you greetz from GER Peace
Linus Femtvik
Linus Femtvik - 6 years ago
Awesome. Need to ramp up on the brights
kanalgratisdotse - 6 years ago
Tja Jens! Jag kan meddela dig att så inte är fallet. I detta nu är det typ 30 cm is runt om oss så båtpremiären får allt vänta lite längre än vanligt. :) /Mille
MMEbikers Jansson
MMEbikers Jansson - 6 years ago
Skulle va fett att fiska med er på Åland Fiskar mestadels Åland därför jag har landställe på föglö så kan en del om hur gäddorna beter sig där, men tror jag skulle lära mig en massor av er då ni kan Åland vatten bra Mycke bättre än mig!
robert söderberg
robert söderberg - 6 years ago
Varför körde ni leadertouch regeln?? Var ju inte en tävling riktigt utan en fakta challange bara för o veta va de small bäst på. Då kan ju lika gärna en gädda som drillas i 2-3 sek gillas :p. Är väl värt o räkna fångade o drillade för o få ett större antal gäddor o få en mer legit score ;)
john nilsson
john nilsson - 6 years ago
Tjenare grabbar! Gillat och delat:)
Skulle jag på något konstigt vis bli utvald av er skulle det betyda så mycket, min passion är fiske, jag är en 22årig två barnspappa som är ute och fiskar varje ledighet! Det vill säga 1-2 ggr i veckan.
Jag fiskar alltid ensam för att har inga vänner som intresserar sig för min passion till fiske. Som sagt skulle vara en stor ära att få fiska med er.
Ps. Jag älskar mat och matlagning dessutom:p
David Haraldsson
David Haraldsson - 6 years ago
Skulle älska att få fiska med er. Fiskar oftast tyvärr själv och har tyvärr inte hittat några riktigt bra ställen runt där jag bor. Lite tips och tricks hade varit guld värt.
Johan Eriksson
Johan Eriksson - 6 years ago
Vill förbättra mitt pb! Och med er känns det som om det vore en stor chans för det ;)
Erik Letfors
Erik Letfors - 6 years ago
Would Love fishing with u guys
Jure Gombač
Jure Gombač - 6 years ago
it would be super awesome to fish with you, but i would also be happy with a hat since i'm far away from you =)
Maxime - 6 years ago
Why should i come and fish with you guys ? Because :
- I love Pike fishing
- I love Good Food ( chanterelles are one of my favorite mushrooms with morel )
- I need a break from my Job
- I've never been to Sweden , Haha ;)

Great video guys, really enjoy ;) best regards
Jānis Katkovskis
Jānis Katkovskis - 6 years ago
because I need black one .
John Bergeron
John Bergeron - 6 years ago
The hats nice but it's not worth $42
Banaani70cc - 6 years ago
Tjena grabbar, gillat och delat! Jag skulle gärna komma och fiska med er. Har följt er i många år redan. Minns "LakeGroove"-kanalen bra. Videorna från Åland, hälsingland och tävlingarna mot Team Hajmat var de bästa! Hör gärna av er :) // Jean H.
kanalgratisdotse - 6 years ago
Jodu Jean, det var tider det. Finns få saker som slår att kika tillbaka på den kanalen, minns hugget på mitt dåvarande pers (från Hälsingland) som om det vore igår. :) /Mille
elian day fishing
elian day fishing - 6 years ago
I need a pike hat because it looks freakin sikk
Elias Nordin
Elias Nordin - 6 years ago
i want to win because i barely catch any pike :(
Danny Colleran
Danny Colleran - 6 years ago
Great video again guys! I could do with that hat to keep all the rain off my head while fishing in Ireland!
Mathias Söderström
Mathias Söderström - 6 years ago
Hade varit så sjukt att få hänga med er en dag ute på sjön! En dag i Hälsingland skulle väl ni 2 inte säga nej till där man själv bor och är uppvuxen! :D
Edvin Löf
Edvin Löf - 6 years ago
Jag behöver en gädd keps för att jag inte får några gäddor.
Jp-fishing - 6 years ago
I would like this just for the food :)
KKPrimus - 6 years ago
Very nice movie, I like the idea of comparing different lures. But I belief, that it's much more important if the lure is UV active or not. Many of your natural lures like motoroil can be seen as bright lures, due to the high UV activity. However a really nice clip. And i would love to fish with you guys. :)
Anja Becker
Anja Becker - 6 years ago
Dream big... catching pike and to eat some gloryus food..
Felix Pettersson
Felix Pettersson - 6 years ago
Jag vill fiska med er för jag vill visa alla era tittare att jag faktiskt kan fånga gäddor över 1,5kg även om det inte märktes i pikehero. Hade varit roligt att testa lite mörkerfiske med er också för att se vad ni går för där ;)
petri perttula
petri perttula - 6 years ago
nice video and cool dolphin :) i want that hat!!
bjorn marklin
bjorn marklin - 6 years ago
I need that hat because i love The colors of a pike
Emil Kvicker
Emil Kvicker - 6 years ago
Jag har precis börjat med gäddfiske och vill lära mig mera. Mitt PB är på 4 kg.
Jyrize - 6 years ago
I just have get that cap! Iam turning into pike even more if i can get that :D Great vid guys.
KUKO - 6 years ago
Liked & shared & packing the suitcase ;) Ready to share my recepies..
Filip Vestelind
Filip Vestelind - 6 years ago
Need one of those hats to be better camoflagued, the big pike seems to detect and avoid me every time! :)
AquaticDesign - 6 years ago
5:49 dolphin pike, haha.
putte - 6 years ago
Jag vill fiska med er för jag behöver bättra mitt pb
edgars lesinskis
edgars lesinskis - 6 years ago
I'd say that the weather water and time of the year is changing things... I'd suggest to fish all possible weather in two lakes... one clear one murky water with the same rules and do it for more than 5 seasons maybe then we all could get quite clear answers...
esko ikäläinen
esko ikäläinen - 6 years ago
precis som det ska va t och bra fiske
Ben Dover1
Ben Dover1 - 6 years ago
I think natural colors are the best! I love baits who resemble bait fish.

(Fav lure: Soft4play 13cm roach)
Janne Hautamaa
Janne Hautamaa - 6 years ago
Epic fishing hat!!! I need one.
apacut87 - 6 years ago
I Love Pike i Love food and i Love you crazy guys
Thijmen van de Graaf
Thijmen van de Graaf - 6 years ago
I think the best lure color is the color you feel comfortable with
Daniel Östman
Daniel Östman - 6 years ago
motoroil is not a natural color :P look at in the uv light :P
Daniel Östman
Daniel Östman - 6 years ago
it is a UV color, it glows green in the uv light and you always have uv light from the sun, so in the water when de light is low, the uv light makes the lure glow. so the fish dont se the lure as we do.
Zan Bolders
Zan Bolders - 6 years ago
I'm curious how "looking at it under uv light" is an evidence of motoroil not beeing a natural color?
Pokèmon*Per Svensson
Pokèmon*Per Svensson - 6 years ago
Kian C
Kian C - 6 years ago

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