Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

Using a few scoreboard operations, I made tropical fish rotate through every listed Variant. 18w10a: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/18w10a 18w10b: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/18w10b 18w10c: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/18w10c Variant = (PatternColor * 16777216) + (BaseColor * 65536) + (Pattern * 256) + Shape PatternColor = 0-15 BaseColor = 0-15 Pattern = 0-5 Shape = 0-1 Function: https://pastebin.com/Jq2uCScc Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGSKj0udpVI -------------------------------------------------------------------- #PokeCA is generously hosted & sponsored by Shockbyte Receive a 10% discount on your first month on a Server with the code "PHOENIXSC"! Link: https://shockbyte.com/billing/link.php?id=49 -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoyed watching, consider dropping a LIKE or even SUBSCRIBE! SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/phoenixsucksat WEBSITE: http://phoenixsc.me TWITTER: http://twitter.com/phnixhamsta TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/phnixhamsta FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/phnixhamstasc Questions about #PokeCA? Please refer here: https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenixprojects Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang. That is all. Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/ Mojang: https://mojang.com/ Outro music: Silent Partner - Sad Past

Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 16,899 views

Using a few scoreboard operations, I made tropical fish rotate through every listed Variant. 18w10a: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/18w10a 18w10b: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/18w10b 18w10c: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/18w10c Variant = (PatternColor * 16777216) + (BaseColor * 65536) + (Pattern * 256) + Shape PatternColor = 0-15 BaseColor = 0-15 Pattern = 0-5 Shape = 0-1 Function: https://pastebin.com/Jq2uCScc Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGSKj0udpVI -------------------------------------------------------------------- #PokeCA is generously hosted & sponsored by Shockbyte Receive a 10% discount on your first month on a Server with the code "PHOENIXSC"! Link: https://shockbyte.com/billing/link.php?id=49 -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoyed watching, consider dropping a LIKE or even SUBSCRIBE! SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/phoenixsucksat WEBSITE: http://phoenixsc.me TWITTER: http://twitter.com/phnixhamsta TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/phnixhamsta FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/phnixhamstasc Questions about #PokeCA? Please refer here: https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenixprojects Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang. That is all. Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/ Mojang: https://mojang.com/ Outro music: Silent Partner - Sad Past

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Most popular comments
for Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

LeggoJoe - 6 years ago
Bruh here I am thinking, I should try and collect all the new fish.
Henrique Carballo Aranha
Henrique Carballo Aranha - 6 years ago
Gotta complete the FishDex
The RPGAdventurer
The RPGAdventurer - 6 years ago
the ones naturally generating have a limit tho.
InterstellarCat - 6 years ago
LeggoJoe made the advancement Waste Several Lifetimes.
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan - 6 years ago
Before you attempt collecting every fish varient, you should consider achieving imortality first. You'll need it...
Ace Athor
Ace Athor - 6 years ago
►When are they remove the flowing water on the glass block... It's orrible if if you want to do an aquarium. (sorry for bad english i'm a french guy)
Thla Thang
Thla Thang - 6 years ago
Make a video about making Air Block that allows red stone signal to pass through like any solid block
Lapis Septo Flufftail
Lapis Septo Flufftail - 6 years ago
But how many fish MODELS are there for these tropical fish?
Lapis Septo Flufftail
Lapis Septo Flufftail - 6 years ago
from the screenshots ive seen they appear to have more than one type of each of the fins on each model
One Mad Scientist
One Mad Scientist - 6 years ago
Lapis Septo Flufftail
There are two models, one big and one small, five patterns for each model, that's ten patterns, and any given variant always has two variable colors. Hence the 3072 different possible combinations.
The voice J
The voice J - 6 years ago
Hey Phoenix? Have you noticed that resource packs using damage overrides have stopped working and if so, do you know of a fix?
FindableFlyer - 6 years ago
3000 variants of fish? Holy shit
Lo Pikachu
Lo Pikachu - 6 years ago
jeb_ fish!
Timothy Lei
Timothy Lei - 6 years ago
This will kinda be a cool light decoration that maybe you put a light source above a water block and then stuff a ton of these fish in the water block
Lőrinc Ottó
Lőrinc Ottó - 6 years ago
Umm, ey, Phoenix! Can you make a treasure map that locates to a stronghold? (I tried to do it myself but i've failed :( )

10. comment for Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

Tyler Thunder
Tyler Thunder - 6 years ago
Is this coming to PS4? The Aquatic update
AshGamezAlot :3
AshGamezAlot :3 - 6 years ago
Somebody gotta make a command website to make your own designed fish! (No not a texture, more of your own.. varient?)
M. Masaber
M. Masaber - 6 years ago
put the over world under bedrock
Stupid Potato
Stupid Potato - 6 years ago
I thought it was from the book
T Minus
T Minus - 6 years ago
In the top left corner of your next snapshot video, have a noAI color changing tropical fish for 2 mins to show us all the varients :)
ThePC007 - 6 years ago
Phoenix SC doesn't know much about bit shifting? Well, that's surprising, to be honest...
euanpc - 6 years ago
how do you access the snapshots from the old client?
Sam Teinert
Sam Teinert - 6 years ago
I want a name tag like Jeb_ to do this to the fish...
PlayCraft39 - 6 years ago
Is it possible to make custom generated structures? If so, how?
Ned M
Ned M - 6 years ago
You would only need 66 of these fish (randomly) for the chance of 2 being identical to be greater than 50%
(given that there are 3072 varients)

The maths if anyone wants it:
Number of pairs ---------------------------- 2145 = (66 * 65)/2
Chance of a unique pair ---------------- 99.9674% = 3071/3072
Chance of 2145 unique pairs -------- 49.74% = (99.9674%)^2145
Chance of some match ----------------- 50.26% = 1 - 49.74%

20. comment for Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

Killkor - 6 years ago
This should be a secret feature, if you use a special renamed name tag on a fish.
Starshowed Nightdown
Starshowed Nightdown - 6 years ago
i love this video. <3
DO 87
DO 87 - 6 years ago
Mario's Invisible/starman music play
Hugo The Dog
Hugo The Dog - 6 years ago
I love these new fishes. Those three fishes weren't enough. So I like them
//RGSM// - 6 years ago
wait...3072?! VARIANTS ONLY?!
Pijo - 6 years ago
Starting to think the ocean is more exciting than above ground!
DJ PLAT - 6 years ago
Thats what should happen when you name them jeb
Eagle Force Leader
Eagle Force Leader - 6 years ago
time to get a colourful riding fish on the riding fish on the riding fish etc...
Brownski Kuca
Brownski Kuca - 6 years ago
They should add that if you name it _jeb it would cycle throught colors like sheep
Random deslime
Random deslime - 6 years ago
invincibility mario music plays

30. comment for Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

Ryver C
Ryver C - 6 years ago
How did they add so many???
Eyal Levy
Eyal Levy - 6 years ago
In your small "aquarium" you missed the sea grass
fireballJJ1 - 6 years ago
Phoenix I have an idea for a video. Try and make it so when you place an item frame in an item frame it does show the item, instead it places a smaller or same sized item frame in the frame.
nolarify - 6 years ago
Hey not related to the video but, how do I turn PvP off on my server? Is there a way?
Cody Brice
Cody Brice - 6 years ago
Honestly, even before the aquatic update, the ocean floors should have been sand I mean come on, what country has gravel shores?
Darius - 6 years ago
Cody Brice a lot of them. Smh.
Cody Brice
Cody Brice - 6 years ago
They put way too much effort into this......GREATEST THING EVER
Astrocore C
Astrocore C - 6 years ago
This fish is gay.
KaedeLanyo - 6 years ago
Is this what happens when you drop a starman into the sea?
FrappyTex - 6 years ago
I saw nemo
Davi van den Berg
Davi van den Berg - 6 years ago
Noooo, it will take forever to catch em all!
Ross Roo
Ross Roo - 6 years ago
Rainbow fish
VioletWhirlwind - 6 years ago
3072?! Wow, that's awesome.

Slightly unrelated question though...will reeds (sugarcane, whatever...) still be able to grow in the water? Cuz, I like my underwater reeds...
Phoenix SC
Phoenix SC - 6 years ago
They could never grow in water though.
MrAnimazing - 6 years ago
Tried using a fishing rod. The hook sunk straight down to the bottom. I think we got too distracted by the fish to realise that we can't fish normally
James Clanevans
James Clanevans - 6 years ago
Can you please explain all the new selector stuff please. Specifically “distance” because I am stumped!!!!plz
James Clanevans
James Clanevans - 6 years ago
Phoenix SC so would 5 on its own be the like [rm=5]?
Phoenix SC
Phoenix SC - 6 years ago
"distance" is "radius". Use "distance=..5", for example, to target entities within five blocks of the executor.
iMozk - 6 years ago
so you are setting their color pattern right?, why not add them to the original fish so they are all diffirent but rainbow
Phoenix SC
Phoenix SC - 6 years ago
I am setting them to the original fish. If you don't want all of them to do this, use "sort=random,limit=1".
Phoenix SC
Phoenix SC - 6 years ago
It's really not worth it. =)
Onomis - 6 years ago
Alex Gramada
Alex Gramada - 6 years ago
Water should be seen better trough from the outside, we need that for aquarium creation.
Brad Haupt
Brad Haupt - 6 years ago
Sooo... who’s gonna catch them all?
afyber - 6 years ago
Awesome job for this video!

50. comment for Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

RealMrCheese - 6 years ago
How skittles are made: 1 rainbow fish meat
weshuiz13 - 6 years ago
Under da sea down where its happier down where it is better
Untill the boss comes out
Suprem Hatchet
Suprem Hatchet - 6 years ago
Unfortunately i missed the livestream :(
Andrew Cai
Andrew Cai - 6 years ago
Name it jeb_
Endertrot - 6 years ago
"So I'll make sure the video lasts at least three minutes." Oh come on Phoenix, make them slower an you would've had the perfect excuse for that sweet, sweet ad revenue :p
That, and if they were slower they probably would've looked more like Jeb sheep than an epilepsy hazard, which would be interesting to see. (Especially on the puffers!)
Marijn Adriaanse
Marijn Adriaanse - 6 years ago
As far as I know the pufferfish doesn't have this. These are the new tropical fish that drop clownfish. They keep their values when you put them in a bucket though.
Phoenix SC
Phoenix SC - 6 years ago
trending games
trending games - 6 years ago
Do the same thing but with sheep
CrazyMonkey Dude544
CrazyMonkey Dude544 - 6 years ago
okay, then the hunt begins to collected all 3075 fish, the first three are easy.
thylacinesandbaryonyxs100r - 6 years ago
thats a lot OF FISH
Alexi - 6 years ago
Subnautica in minecraft when
Youtube University
Youtube University - 6 years ago
Who else wants a slowed version as a new name tag easter egg?
Min3craft Maniac
Min3craft Maniac - 6 years ago
jeb_ for the fish?!
ian12641 - 6 years ago
i do
Jonathan Schoenick
Jonathan Schoenick - 6 years ago
I would actually love if they could do this for pretty much every mob. Maybe not as many as this fish, but seeing cows, sheep, pigs and even zombies with different variants would be awesome
Adrian_ Zombturtle
Adrian_ Zombturtle - 6 years ago
3072 might be a bit much for like 4 fish shapes
Master Craft 874
Master Craft 874 - 6 years ago
3000 new fish ??? LMFAO..
The Iguana
The Iguana - 6 years ago
Time to collect them all in survival!
Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones - 6 years ago
rosiodo - 6 years ago
Try pausing the vid at a random moment to see if the variant looks cool
Cool Bug
Cool Bug - 6 years ago

To admit i am never first but its ok :D
Diadrite - 6 years ago
3072... I knew there were a lot but I didn't think there were that many. Wow what an update...
T Minus
T Minus - 6 years ago
Well most are just small color changes to existing base fish bodies, I think there are about 10 "chasis" (lol) for tropical fish
Ryan B
Ryan B - 6 years ago
3072 + the three other type of fish ( Cod, Salmon, Puffer Fish).
= 3075
Diadrite - 6 years ago
I know!
Ryan Carrell
Ryan Carrell - 6 years ago
Diadrite to think just a few years ago we needed a mod for any fish to be swimming at all
Zachary Perkins
Zachary Perkins - 6 years ago
Do all 3,072 variants naturally spawn?
pedromaneiro123 - 6 years ago
Zachary Perkins yes
Caleb Weiberg
Caleb Weiberg - 6 years ago
Color update ALONG TIME AGO???? It was just the last major update!!!!!
Caleb Weiberg
Caleb Weiberg - 6 years ago
Well, I play on xbox one, so it wasn't for me.
pedromaneiro123 - 6 years ago
Caleb Weiberg actually the last update
Mohawk2 - 6 years ago
Now the goal is to catch them all in the wild and put them in a fishtank.
Dylan Ristich
Dylan Ristich - 6 years ago
I'm confused. Is the fish going to flash colors like it was doing or are there going to be lots of different colored fish?
AaronPlayz - 6 years ago
Is This Comment Satire Or Are You Really Retarted
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan - 6 years ago
There will be lots of randomized fish varients. He was just using commands to cycle through every possible fish varient to show all of us what we can expect to see in the oceans. :)
DoppelDragon - Butters
DoppelDragon - Butters - 6 years ago
I don't like the new fish because it bothers my ocd so much that there are this many fish and they all drop the same thing
AaronPlayz - 6 years ago
You Don't Have OCD And It Doesn't Relate To Your Problem At All. Even The False Stereotypical OCD Definition Doesn't Relate To Your Problem
ShinyChiaki - 6 years ago
3072...wow, ok. o_o
vicous__diamond - 6 years ago
Phoenix put a boat under water and get in it then go in survival and then you have a submarine
AW_rekt - 6 years ago
Will this be the update to bridge mcbe and mcje?
wigglebot23 - 6 years ago
AW_rekt yes indeed
Nonfictional Yeti
Nonfictional Yeti - 6 years ago
Who cares about Minecraft when smash Bros 5 just got announced for switch
Noah Hughes
Noah Hughes - 6 years ago
I'm sorry, I couldn't tell it was rhetorical. Stupid internet :P
Nonfictional Yeti
Nonfictional Yeti - 6 years ago
Noah Hughes it was a rhetorical question. The purpose of it was not to get an answer, but to point out that I was glad smash bros 5 got announced for the switch
James Clanevans
James Clanevans - 6 years ago
Game developers or coders who are interested in the creation of applications and additions
Alex Gramada
Alex Gramada - 6 years ago
I don't
RealMrCheese - 6 years ago
RealMrCheese - 6 years ago
I dont have a SWITCH
Julien Gómez
Julien Gómez - 6 years ago
Sweet Brew It's not a port.
Eric Sharp
Eric Sharp - 6 years ago
Me?... XD
Ryan Carrell
Ryan Carrell - 6 years ago
Can we call it 5mash?
Sweet Brew
Sweet Brew - 6 years ago
It's a port of Smash 4 though, so we've already had most of the content for years.
Tropical rainbow trippy hippy fish we have not.
Flamederman Albhis
Flamederman Albhis - 6 years ago
u wot m8?
Alexander Dimitrov
Alexander Dimitrov - 6 years ago
Noah Hughes correct
Noah Hughes
Noah Hughes - 6 years ago
A youtuber who makes videos about Minecraft does.
[AP] Antoine
[AP] Antoine - 6 years ago
Over 3000?! Whaaaaaat?!
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 6 years ago
They should add butterflies and have the same type of system :-)
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan - 6 years ago
Post this on the minecraft subreddit. Now.
AlphaCentauriA1 - 6 years ago
3072???? Wtf mojang I thought they were lazy
AlphaCentauriA1 - 6 years ago
oh no, I gotta take that back they fucked up the coral reefs.
[AP] Antoine
[AP] Antoine - 6 years ago
AlphaCentauriA1 lmao right?
Sam Hem
Sam Hem - 6 years ago
I love fish, so this update is my favorite so far. :3
Comet OS
Comet OS - 6 years ago
yee coli is noice.

Sam Hem
Sam Hem - 6 years ago
I quit playing for a while then came on and found I had a ton of gems. I dunno what I was saving them for, so I used them to buy Bee. If you just bond with familiars and sell stuff for gems you can get them up pretty quickly! You can grind in the coli too if you are into that.
Comet OS
Comet OS - 6 years ago
ooh I've been tryin' to get bee...
Sam Hem
Sam Hem - 6 years ago
Thanks! It's actually an outdated pic of him. He has Bee now!
Comet OS
Comet OS - 6 years ago
that coatl is sexy.
Eric Sharp
Eric Sharp - 6 years ago
At first, when I saw the new addition of fish I got SO confused and I just was like "What?!?! They added all these new fish!??" and then I found out they were all just tropical fish... FAIL
AndyTom - 6 years ago
You obviously don't understand what would be involved in creating 3000 unique mobs and implementing them. it would take a decade minimum.
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 6 years ago
PastyCayk **3072
Ryan Carrell
Ryan Carrell - 6 years ago
There is also salmon, cod, and puffer fish
Crafty Carlos
Crafty Carlos - 6 years ago
No, 3000 color variations of the SAME fish.
PastyCayk - 6 years ago
3000 color variations my dude... That's 3000 new fish
RedstonePixels - 6 years ago
when fish eats star
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan - 6 years ago
Shooting fish?
pedromaneiro123 - 6 years ago
2:13 "A long time ago". It's still the most recent release.
pedromaneiro123 - 6 years ago
star wars theme with underwater sounds in the background plays
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan
Monty Pig of the Doodle Clan - 6 years ago
A not so long time ago, in an update, not so far away... FISH WARS
Jman Rip
Jman Rip - 6 years ago
Matthew Lyons
Matthew Lyons - 6 years ago
331st veiw!
Mmshh - 6 years ago
is it time to recreate the finding nemo scene in the fish tank (shark bait)
The magical dancing Christmas Yeti
The magical dancing Christmas Yeti - 6 years ago
Ooo la la
BenTheMiner / MTA Railfanner
BenTheMiner / MTA Railfanner - 6 years ago
This is the best thing I have ever seen.
FROST_BOYS2 Gaming - 6 years ago
Yes finally im early so please give me likes. thanks
James Clanevans
James Clanevans - 6 years ago
How ‘bout no?!
FROST_BOYS2 Gaming - 6 years ago
yay a like
OrangeC7 - 6 years ago
Edit: they are adding this, so I'll just say that I love the new swimming mechanics ^-^
They should also add improved water rendering for transparent/partial blocks. They don't necessarily have to change the fundamental "flow" of the water, though. Basically what I mean is that a chest immersed in water (see video) should have water surrounding it, and not have a small space of air around it. The same goes for slabs, doors, fences, torches, stairs, etc. Like I said, they don't have to make it so that water flows through these semi-transparent/transparent blocks, unless they want to. For me it would be a welcome addition either way, as long as they add something to replenish the player's air if they DO update the way water flows fundamentally.
Kory - 6 years ago
i am pretty surre that this is what they wanted water to achieve
James Clanevans
James Clanevans - 6 years ago
Yea most they are slowly making all the partial blocks waterlogged! I love it
The Major
The Major - 6 years ago
AS Mikeman91 said. Just turn on F3 mode on and look at the blocks if they have the waterlogged tag you can even right click them with a waterbucket to fill them with water.
If you want a good review of the snapshots just go watch Xisumavoids videos...
Mikeman91 - 6 years ago
18w10c fixed some of the air pockets for blocks, though they still have few left to do.
OrangeC7 - 6 years ago
Really? Cool! I've got to check the snapshots, then. =D
Dion6103 - 6 years ago
They already did add this for a lot of blocks like slabs and stairs... There are a few like anvils, doors, signs, etc. that havn't gotten fixed yet but most likely will! :D
Delta Kitten
Delta Kitten - 6 years ago
Clownfish USED to be really rare. Now I can get them a lot easier!
drizzziit - 6 years ago
You really like salmons.

And fishes.
Red Salmon
Red Salmon - 6 years ago
*ghost* ninja
*ghost* ninja - 6 years ago
Shibe Doggo
Shibe Doggo - 6 years ago
You are my favorite bird
Phoenix SC
Phoenix SC - 6 years ago
Thank you. =)
EnderDoesStuff - 6 years ago

oh i see it just has multiple parts of the texture which are interchangeable i get it now
Edgiest Microbe
Edgiest Microbe - 6 years ago
You should make each of them different elementals, like Eevee.
anonymous - 6 years ago
Edgiest Microbe no........ Think of the fps ;-;
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago
Yeah! And like different colors w/ powers. :D
Not A Cool Dog
Not A Cool Dog - 6 years ago
Hi :3
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago
connor l
connor l - 6 years ago
That rainbow fish needs to become an actual mob
Min3craft Maniac
Min3craft Maniac - 6 years ago
Eric Sharp
Eric Sharp - 6 years ago
Jeb Fish
connor l
connor l - 6 years ago
ThugPug43 I like the idea of slowing it down and having it work with a name tag
atm12 - 6 years ago
LOL Productions na that doesn’t exist let’s let Mother Nature do it’s work
ThugPug43 - 6 years ago
Slowed down, it could be like the jeb_ sheep. I would propose a MyLady_ in honor of LadyAgnes who did a lot of work on this update from what I can tell.
connor l
connor l - 6 years ago
oh yeah... rip...
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago
Have you heard of epilepsy?
Steven - 6 years ago
Dubstep Doge
Dubstep Doge - 6 years ago
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago

100. comment for Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

Tator_Tot _256
Tator_Tot _256 - 6 years ago
First maybe
Dylan Ristich
Dylan Ristich - 6 years ago
No but your second
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago
maybe next time
Sour Biscuit
Sour Biscuit - 6 years ago
That’s cool
Sour Biscuit
Sour Biscuit - 6 years ago
LOL Productions actually I watched the first 10 seconds and once I saw the different colors Of fish i though “that’s cool”
Dylan Ristich
Dylan Ristich - 6 years ago
Your first
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago
You didn't even watch it. lmao. You just read the title idiot.
Kostas Sterling
Kostas Sterling - 6 years ago
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago
LOL Productions
LOL Productions - 6 years ago

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About Rainbow Fish in Minecraft 1.13

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