Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru
Tropical fishing 11 years ago 242,207 views
Click 'SHOW MORE' for full video description and important links - watch in HD. Filtoclear 20000: http://geni.us/4OR Aquamax Eco 8000 pond pump: http://geni.us/1Eby Tradux wall fittings: http://geni.us/4OR BIOHOME FILTER MEDIA, FILTER UPGRADE KITS AND FOAMS HERE: http://www.filterpro.co.uk Video showing a raised fish pond construction. An above ground fish pond which is approx. 10' x 6' x 4' deep (3m x 1.8m x 1.2m). For a full 'how to' video which includes how to make the wooden frame, check out the video 'How to build a pond - Raised wooden patio pond construction by Pondguru': https://bit.ly/2H93ACa Check out my other videos - there are hundreds. Thanks for watching and if you are not already subscribed, subscribe - it doesn't mean we have to get married and it's much appreciated. sales@filterpro.co.uk Additional aquatic tags: pondguru, tyne valley aquatics, tropical fish for sale, mail order tropical fish, how to build a koi pond, how to make a wildlife pond, how to make a diy filter, how to set up an aquarium, how to light a fire, rabbit shooting guide, how to build an aquarium, how to set up a mbuna tank, how to clean an aquarium, how to build an igloo, tropical fish, koi carp for sale, newcastle, durham, gateshead, sunderland, carlisle, leeds, nottingham, manchester, london, scotland, .17hmr, .22, bushcraft, how to breed tropical fish, cascade, stream, oase, aquamax, filtoclear, corydoras, caridina, angelfish, discus, plec, pleco, tetra, guppy, swordtail, platy, electric blue ram, how to make a fish pond, planted tank, shrimp tank, apistogramma, clown loach, goldfish, air pump, moving bed filter, K1, cichlid, oscar, piranha, waterfall, landscaping, hoselock, natural stone pond, raised, breeding fish, blue, red, green, monster, giant, livebearer, malawi cichlids, tanganyikan cichlids, snake, newt, frog, toad, aqua one, aquarium maintenance, how to breed discus, beach detecting, fish tank, diy filter, for aquarium, how to build a fish tank, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, litre, gallon, monster, huge, massive, biggest, oscar eats, piranha eats, arowana eats, howto, how to set up an aquarium, installing filtration, make a 3d background, freshwater aquarium, saltwater aquarium, marine tank, blackwater, breeding, set up, step by step, build, sump, tank filtration, overhead, external, efficient, best, homemade, home made, bottomless aquarium, construction of a, community species, community fish, cichlids, reef, nano tank, micro, shrimp, crab, algae eater, cutting glass, overflow, weir, wier, bulkhead, wet and dry filter, wet/dry, wetdry, easy, effective, cheap, moving bed, fluid bed, inch, work out volume of pond, aqaurium, aqarium, plywood, solid, hardwood, stand, cabinet, ceramic, sintered glass, surface area, bacteria, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, acrylic, nitrate cycle, acrilic, flowerhorn, arowana, danio, predatory, eating, feeding, ultimate, longest, fishing, catching, river, lake, aqua one, eheim, hagen, oase, new trailer, liner, underlay, cementing, mix for cement, mortar, rendering, home, cave, gravel or sand, peat balls for sale, gph, lph, fishtank, coral, polyp, polip, flow, regulator, tap, plumbing, pressure, valve, shoutout, competition entry, shoal, amano, planted, lighting, replace, repair, silicone, method, co2 system, water change, gravel cleaner, top 10, care tips, killifish, apistogramma, rainbow, soft water, hard water, gourami, betta, corydoras, zebra, air pump, pond pump, water pump, filter pump, frog, snake, lizard, amazon biotope
Filtoclear 20000: http://geni.us/4OR
Aquamax Eco 8000 pond pump: http://geni.us/1Eby
Tradux wall fittings: http://geni.us/4OR
Video showing a raised fish pond construction. An above ground fish pond which is approx. 10' x 6' x 4' deep (3m x 1.8m x 1.2m).
For a full 'how to' video which includes how to make the wooden frame, check out the video 'How to build a pond - Raised wooden patio pond construction by Pondguru':
Check out my other videos - there are hundreds.
Thanks for watching and if you are not already subscribed, subscribe - it doesn't mean we have to get married and it's much appreciated.
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Either that or it went down back corner of pond and under a paving slab and up through shed floor.
To be honest I have made so many ponds and it was so long ago I can't remember clearly.
10. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru
In the back end of this year I will be clearing out the large space under my cabin and making a huge filter to filter my pond so that will be filmed for the benefit of anyone wanting to make a huge DIY filter.
OK mate cheers
20. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru
With a concrete base there will be no real need for a wooden one on top of it but all the details you have in your comment are correct. If you go for marine ply it is more expensive but will last way longer than standard ply as it is bonded better and I think it uses hardwood for construction. Best of luck with the project.
I can't remember what size the hole was in the ply but looking at it in the video it looks like it is around 2" - 2.5" diameter. It was certainly big enough to get the whole fitting through and really needs to be big enough to get the tradux fitting through plus space for fingers to tighten the fitting. The tradux fitting would pass through the ply, not sandwich it.
I've seen people try and join old to new and it has never worked so the area where it is short is generally filled in to allow the existing liner there to be raised above the water line.
30. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru
I'd rather increase the volume of the pond within a fixed budget than go for a small pond with bottom drain as I see way too many ponds built to a price point filled with humpy back, pot bellied koi, lol
Aeration can be added later as the stock increases and provided the base of the pond slopes down to one corner (and a good solids handling pump is used) the build up of dirt won't be an issue.
The guy did have an air pump for this pond but it was running on his smaller pond so would be swapped over with the fish a couple of weeks after the pond was finished.
Shame this one is a long way from my house as it would be interesting to see how it is doing now since I swapped 5 really nice Japanese koi for the guys mountain bike a few weeks after finishing this pond.
If at a later date the stock requires more filtration for this situation it would be a simple matter of splitting the flow and adding another similar filter.
Yes, working from home selling online is awesome except for the 24/7 nature of it. I do miss making ponds on the sunny days but when it is cold and lashing down with rain I'm grateful for the change of work situation.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
and pond pump and filter Because I'm going to build a POND!
Glad you enjoy the videos and best of luck with your pond building.
50. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru
watch out the internet police will get you for Mongoloid huge hands!!!!
There will no doubt be a whole host of other politically incorrect sayings scattered throughout my other videos too, lol
I have put a link to this video on the Tyne Valley Aquatics site and one of the 'likes' on your video is mine.
I used to love installing ponds but gave up last year due to building an online sales business up from home (never made any money from pond building, lol).
There are some really varied videos coming up over the next few months and I'm excited about the outdoor ones as I have a passion for bushcraft / survival which I will be filming more of.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Best of luck.
I'm glad I put these together as if I ever make one in the future I can look back and get tips from myself, lol
I think that's how much it was but my memory is terrible, lol
Yes I had to give up construction as my children have many more clubs etc. and my wife has a few late nights with her new teaching job. Added to that my internet sales business (of filter media) has taken off to the point where I can do 90% of my work from home and something had to give, Unfortunately that was the pond construction as family always comes first and I need to give my support wherever I can..
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
The cable for the pump came in under the top decking so couldn't be noticed.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Waiting for your reply
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
A sump would be best as you can fit loads of media in there. If no room for a sump then two large externals as you would use for tropical fish filled with good media and effective foams.
Ideally you would have a gravity fed filter with pump after it then the UV.
100. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru