Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru

Click 'SHOW MORE' for full video description and important links - watch in HD. Filtoclear 20000: http://geni.us/4OR Aquamax Eco 8000 pond pump: http://geni.us/1Eby Tradux wall fittings: http://geni.us/4OR BIOHOME FILTER MEDIA, FILTER UPGRADE KITS AND FOAMS HERE: http://www.filterpro.co.uk Video showing a raised fish pond construction. An above ground fish pond which is approx. 10' x 6' x 4' deep (3m x 1.8m x 1.2m). For a full 'how to' video which includes how to make the wooden frame, check out the video 'How to build a pond - Raised wooden patio pond construction by Pondguru': https://bit.ly/2H93ACa Check out my other videos - there are hundreds. Thanks for watching and if you are not already subscribed, subscribe - it doesn't mean we have to get married and it's much appreciated. sales@filterpro.co.uk Additional aquatic tags: pondguru, tyne valley aquatics, tropical fish for sale, mail order tropical fish, how to build a koi pond, how to make a wildlife pond, how to make a diy filter, how to set up an aquarium, how to light a fire, rabbit shooting guide, how to build an aquarium, how to set up a mbuna tank, how to clean an aquarium, how to build an igloo, tropical fish, koi carp for sale, newcastle, durham, gateshead, sunderland, carlisle, leeds, nottingham, manchester, london, scotland, .17hmr, .22, bushcraft, how to breed tropical fish, cascade, stream, oase, aquamax, filtoclear, corydoras, caridina, angelfish, discus, plec, pleco, tetra, guppy, swordtail, platy, electric blue ram, how to make a fish pond, planted tank, shrimp tank, apistogramma, clown loach, goldfish, air pump, moving bed filter, K1, cichlid, oscar, piranha, waterfall, landscaping, hoselock, natural stone pond, raised, breeding fish, blue, red, green, monster, giant, livebearer, malawi cichlids, tanganyikan cichlids, snake, newt, frog, toad, aqua one, aquarium maintenance, how to breed discus, beach detecting, fish tank, diy filter, for aquarium, how to build a fish tank, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, litre, gallon, monster, huge, massive, biggest, oscar eats, piranha eats, arowana eats, howto, how to set up an aquarium, installing filtration, make a 3d background, freshwater aquarium, saltwater aquarium, marine tank, blackwater, breeding, set up, step by step, build, sump, tank filtration, overhead, external, efficient, best, homemade, home made, bottomless aquarium, construction of a, community species, community fish, cichlids, reef, nano tank, micro, shrimp, crab, algae eater, cutting glass, overflow, weir, wier, bulkhead, wet and dry filter, wet/dry, wetdry, easy, effective, cheap, moving bed, fluid bed, inch, work out volume of pond, aqaurium, aqarium, plywood, solid, hardwood, stand, cabinet, ceramic, sintered glass, surface area, bacteria, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, acrylic, nitrate cycle, acrilic, flowerhorn, arowana, danio, predatory, eating, feeding, ultimate, longest, fishing, catching, river, lake, aqua one, eheim, hagen, oase, new trailer, liner, underlay, cementing, mix for cement, mortar, rendering, home, cave, gravel or sand, peat balls for sale, gph, lph, fishtank, coral, polyp, polip, flow, regulator, tap, plumbing, pressure, valve, shoutout, competition entry, shoal, amano, planted, lighting, replace, repair, silicone, method, co2 system, water change, gravel cleaner, top 10, care tips, killifish, apistogramma, rainbow, soft water, hard water, gourami, betta, corydoras, zebra, air pump, pond pump, water pump, filter pump, frog, snake, lizard, amazon biotope

Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

Tropical fishing 11 years ago 242,207 views

Click 'SHOW MORE' for full video description and important links - watch in HD. Filtoclear 20000: http://geni.us/4OR Aquamax Eco 8000 pond pump: http://geni.us/1Eby Tradux wall fittings: http://geni.us/4OR BIOHOME FILTER MEDIA, FILTER UPGRADE KITS AND FOAMS HERE: http://www.filterpro.co.uk Video showing a raised fish pond construction. An above ground fish pond which is approx. 10' x 6' x 4' deep (3m x 1.8m x 1.2m). For a full 'how to' video which includes how to make the wooden frame, check out the video 'How to build a pond - Raised wooden patio pond construction by Pondguru': https://bit.ly/2H93ACa Check out my other videos - there are hundreds. Thanks for watching and if you are not already subscribed, subscribe - it doesn't mean we have to get married and it's much appreciated. sales@filterpro.co.uk Additional aquatic tags: pondguru, tyne valley aquatics, tropical fish for sale, mail order tropical fish, how to build a koi pond, how to make a wildlife pond, how to make a diy filter, how to set up an aquarium, how to light a fire, rabbit shooting guide, how to build an aquarium, how to set up a mbuna tank, how to clean an aquarium, how to build an igloo, tropical fish, koi carp for sale, newcastle, durham, gateshead, sunderland, carlisle, leeds, nottingham, manchester, london, scotland, .17hmr, .22, bushcraft, how to breed tropical fish, cascade, stream, oase, aquamax, filtoclear, corydoras, caridina, angelfish, discus, plec, pleco, tetra, guppy, swordtail, platy, electric blue ram, how to make a fish pond, planted tank, shrimp tank, apistogramma, clown loach, goldfish, air pump, moving bed filter, K1, cichlid, oscar, piranha, waterfall, landscaping, hoselock, natural stone pond, raised, breeding fish, blue, red, green, monster, giant, livebearer, malawi cichlids, tanganyikan cichlids, snake, newt, frog, toad, aqua one, aquarium maintenance, how to breed discus, beach detecting, fish tank, diy filter, for aquarium, how to build a fish tank, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, litre, gallon, monster, huge, massive, biggest, oscar eats, piranha eats, arowana eats, howto, how to set up an aquarium, installing filtration, make a 3d background, freshwater aquarium, saltwater aquarium, marine tank, blackwater, breeding, set up, step by step, build, sump, tank filtration, overhead, external, efficient, best, homemade, home made, bottomless aquarium, construction of a, community species, community fish, cichlids, reef, nano tank, micro, shrimp, crab, algae eater, cutting glass, overflow, weir, wier, bulkhead, wet and dry filter, wet/dry, wetdry, easy, effective, cheap, moving bed, fluid bed, inch, work out volume of pond, aqaurium, aqarium, plywood, solid, hardwood, stand, cabinet, ceramic, sintered glass, surface area, bacteria, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, acrylic, nitrate cycle, acrilic, flowerhorn, arowana, danio, predatory, eating, feeding, ultimate, longest, fishing, catching, river, lake, aqua one, eheim, hagen, oase, new trailer, liner, underlay, cementing, mix for cement, mortar, rendering, home, cave, gravel or sand, peat balls for sale, gph, lph, fishtank, coral, polyp, polip, flow, regulator, tap, plumbing, pressure, valve, shoutout, competition entry, shoal, amano, planted, lighting, replace, repair, silicone, method, co2 system, water change, gravel cleaner, top 10, care tips, killifish, apistogramma, rainbow, soft water, hard water, gourami, betta, corydoras, zebra, air pump, pond pump, water pump, filter pump, frog, snake, lizard, amazon biotope

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for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru

Pondguru - 8 years ago
Click 'SHOW MORE' for full video description and important links - watch in HD.
Filtoclear 20000: http://geni.us/4OR
Aquamax Eco 8000 pond pump: http://geni.us/1Eby
Tradux wall fittings: http://geni.us/4OR
Video showing a raised fish pond construction. An above ground fish pond which is approx. 10' x 6' x 4' deep (3m x 1.8m x 1.2m).
For a full 'how to' video which includes how to make the wooden frame, check out the video 'How to build a pond - Raised wooden patio pond construction by Pondguru':
Check out my other videos - there are hundreds.
Thanks for watching and if you are not already subscribed, subscribe - it doesn't mean we have to get married and it's much appreciated.
David Young
David Young - 6 years ago
Hi i love your channel. I am looking to so a raised pond like the one in the video and you said you'd put the link to how to build the pond I cannot find it anywhere thanks and give up the good videos
Pondguru - 6 years ago
It is in the pond playlist on my channel titled 'How to build a raised wooden patio pond' and it is in the related videos on this page, plus there is a direct link to it in the video description on this video and also in the pinned comment on this video.
If you are viewing on a mobile device you may need to click something to get the comments and video description up.
David Young
David Young - 6 years ago
Pondguru hi I have looked for that video for the last 5 days or so and I cant find it. If u can describe what picture is when you're scrolling through your playlist or try and send it to me I really want to see this video thank you
Pondguru - 6 years ago
No worries, this is a 'how to video' to a certain extent but if you search for 'how to build a raised wooden pond' or look through my pond building playlist on my channel you will find it for sure.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
No worries, sometimes I wish I was still making ponds as it was a great creative outlet.
Freshwater Jay
Freshwater Jay - 7 years ago
have you ever built a pond for anyone in the UK purposefully to keep Freshwater Rays ? I'm looking at building a small, 8x4 indoor pond out of wood - but need advice as far as heating costs/ reducing the cost to heat mass amount of water with such a big open space to? I don't really want a lid as it'll be in a living room and I want a viewing panel in the front. Check my channel, my Asian Arowana is out growing his 6 x 2 x 2 so think cheapest alternative would be wooden pond?
Freshwater Jay
Freshwater Jay - 7 years ago
Pondguru just got carried away with his site!! Such amazing pond builds, shame there isn’t a section for small wooden ponds as his builds are beautiful
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I've not done a heated / indoor pond so I wouldn't be much good to advise on that but if you check out this site from a guy who makes viewing windows you may get some design ideas: https://mrkoi.co.uk/gallery
Dave Cox
Dave Cox - 7 years ago
Awesome, great job
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I'm glad you enjoyed the video - This was a satisfying project to be involved with.
ill shepherd
ill shepherd - 7 years ago
Where is it possible to buy this type of underlayment? Also, dose anyone knows an exact name for the underlayment.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
In the UL it is known as polyester underlay and this was from a company in UK called Gordon Low products - this is the 300g / square metre version.
Charles Orinda
Charles Orinda - 7 years ago
how much does Aquamax Eco 8000 pond pump cost and also the price sale for Filter clear
Pondguru - 7 years ago
The links in the video description and pinned comment will take you to an Amazon link - most places sell the Oase gear for the same price.
Charles Orinda
Charles Orinda - 7 years ago
I would like to know how much fish can that pond hold
Pondguru - 7 years ago
The guy I did this for had about 10 koi and that was probably heavily stocked by the time they grew large.
kirsten trap
kirsten trap - 7 years ago
How was the electric wire hidden in this project?
Pondguru - 7 years ago
As far as I remember it came over the top of the frame just under the back corner decking top section then ran along the wall through the side of the shed where the electrics were.
Either that or it went down back corner of pond and under a paving slab and up through shed floor.
To be honest I have made so many ponds and it was so long ago I can't remember clearly.

10. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru

docoluv9 - 7 years ago
Hey my names brian. i just subbed and wanted to ask a question. Could this pond be used for fish for food like perch or tilapia?
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I presume so but something like a bakki shower filter would make for a much better filter system for heavy stock associated with food fish production.
jaaasgoed - 7 years ago
I miss your pond video's
jaaasgoed - 7 years ago
Looking forward to that then. And you gotta do what you gotta do. Do what makes you happy and what gets the bills paid. I do remember seeing some videos about a large glass tank you had. Anny plans with that?
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I miss making them too - especially on sunny days but I had to give up installing ponds to concentrate on trying to save my shop at the same time as building up an online store. The online sales took off and I closed the shop so now I work from a cabin in my garden.
In the back end of this year I will be clearing out the large space under my cabin and making a huge filter to filter my pond so that will be filmed for the benefit of anyone wanting to make a huge DIY filter.
daniel okelly
daniel okelly - 7 years ago
how much would this cost?
Pondguru - 7 years ago
It was so long since I made this I can't remember what the cost was - some of the answers to older comments may have that information.
Richard Hodkinson
Richard Hodkinson - 7 years ago
Hi mate I've built a very similar pond 20ft x 6ft x 5ft 2 years ago, my question is would me putting a window in weaken the structure
Richard Hodkinson
Richard Hodkinson - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoors
OK mate cheers
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I wouldn't be able to advise how to go about adding a window inn a lined pond as it is something I have never done but as long as it was securely fixed I can't see why it would weaken the structure.
Keith Martell
Keith Martell - 7 years ago
hahaha. it does flex.
Just Dempsey
Just Dempsey - 7 years ago
This is one of my favourite pond builds.
John Southern
John Southern - 7 years ago
Hiya Pondguru, I plan on making a 15x7x4 (2' below ground level) koi pond inside a polytunnel based on watching your video. Would you recommend plywood or OSB? And when it comes to the frame work does it matter if the timbers are placed length or width ways? Cheers in advance!
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Yes always best to go over the top on building anything I reckon.
John Southern
John Southern - 7 years ago
Cheers pal, good to know. Better to go secure than worry about the pond falling apart in the night!
Pondguru - 7 years ago
If by OSB you mean a compressed chip board (sterling board?) I would say that the best choice would be marine ply as it is extremely strong compared to chip board. As long as the frame is well made it will withstand the pressure no matter which way round the frame supports are but if you're going to go for a 15' x 7' pond I'd go for 4" x 2" frame with 18mm marine ply on inside and decking on outside. There won't be a huge amount of pressure against the frame with it only being 2' above ground but unless you can make the 15' section in one piece having a join will be a definite point of weakness.
AQA History B Advice
AQA History B Advice - 7 years ago
Hi, we're busy attempting to build a new pond in our new house. I want part of it to be below ground level and part raised- similar to this one in the video but we can't find the first video showing how you got to this point? Could you update load the link to it. We're not sure how to join the two?Thanks
Pondguru - 7 years ago
There is not a previous video to this but in the related videos you should find a video of me making a raised patio pond from wood and that shows the full process.
jackwednesday - 8 years ago
Do you make these to order? I live in southern England. Brighton. Many thanks.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I gave up installing ponds a few years ago to concentrate on trying to get my shop working properly then closed that 2 years ago to focus on my online business so I don't do pond work any more. I leave the videos up simply to share ideas for the benefit of viewers.
Kilua Sepeku
Kilua Sepeku - 8 years ago
Very nice one, I like it..

20. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru

haveibeenheretolong bob
haveibeenheretolong bob - 8 years ago
I made a pond in 2002 using a similar structure, and lined with plywood. . It's 2017, and there's been a leak. he level dropped. 15 years was good length of time, I'm patching it up today , replacing the plywood , which gave in where there were voids. sorry the image i'm trying to paint is unclear without images.I'm so connected to the fish , scraping the pond was not possible. But it's old. It's difficult to rebuild as I can't use treated timber either.But I'm trying.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Sounds like you've had a busy time of it and as long as the wood was treated a few months prior to using it (to give the chemical salts a chance to 'sweat' out) it will be no problem around a pond. Avoid planting live bamboo anywhere near a lined pond as the roots grow so strong and sharp they will easily pierce a liner and drive through plywood if it has become softened with age.
haveibeenheretolong bob
haveibeenheretolong bob - 8 years ago
Thank you for your reply.I pushed against time and daylight,to re-ply the inside, I covered the ply individually in pvc sheeting, then nailed it in . Added more timber to reinforce the spaces , Washed and dried the old liner, used it to double skin for practicality. Added new liner .Partially filled it, to reshaped the old liner skin, drained it and removed the water. Added new skin , thursday 23,12,16, Filled pond. Left it to friday evening , reintroduced plants.The following day , Christmas eve, reintroduced 14 fish. It was a push because a had only a water butt to store the fish in , and the weather was getting colder.My only real mistake was buying hard wood decking. To place as a new surround. I changed my mind upon reading about toxins in the woods. I though untreated hardwood would be suitable. But have come to understand that it might in fact have had a treatment . I am looking at using bamboos.at the moment.The volume is roughly 1000 litres.equal to approximately 1 ton weight
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Yes if the timber has started to rot then its a case of where do you stop with the repairs? 15 years is a decent time for a raised wooden pond.
walt russell
walt russell - 8 years ago
Iv seen a lot of your videos you always do a Awsome job
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I miss making the ponds as it was a great way to be creative and see the pond owners smiles is always a good feeling.
Just Dempsey
Just Dempsey - 8 years ago
I was going to make a raised concrete pond but after seeing this I'm making a wooden framed one. it looks fantastic and I love the decking board on the outside it looks so smart. I'll be making mine 6ft by 4ft because I'm just keeping small fish like gold fish but I'm looking foward to getting started in the new year. I'm also going to make a video for my channel. this video is absolutely brilliant. thank you for all the great tips.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
No worries, I'm glad so many of my pond videos are used for reference - feel free to post links to your pond in any of the comment sections when you get it done.
Joel Crocker
Joel Crocker - 8 years ago
you might want flex seal liquid pant for fish ponds you can paint it right on the plywood to seal it , I am going to use it on my 4 x8 build
cody kochan-erdman
cody kochan-erdman - 7 years ago
Would that be cheaper than liner?
anas raddii
anas raddii - 8 years ago
Congratz, looks beautiful. I’ve also been busy woodcrafting with Hyezmar’s book (look for it online?) Mark agrees, he’s been busy and is swamped with new projects!
Uncle NichtBob
Uncle NichtBob - 8 years ago
Are you from another Country or do you have a special accent in Newcastle ? :D
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Most people think I am German but in the North East we speak the original dialect of England as this is where 'English' developed in Saxon times. Everyone else in the UK has an accent, lol
geoff Hammond
geoff Hammond - 8 years ago
like your video and making a start on my small pond tomorrow . plan is make a 6'x4' pond raised by 2' alongside my existing decking . from what I can see from the video's the frame will be with 2"x2", 30mm decking on the outside and 18mm Ply on the inside. i'm not sure what to use for the base so i'm laying a small concrete base of 100mm. i'll then put a DPC over the concrete and screw the frame down to it . any helpful comments greatly appreciated
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I hope the weather stays good for you.
geoff Hammond
geoff Hammond - 8 years ago
frame is all complete and very strong , looks great and very pleased. will get the liner tomorrow and install that on Tuesday
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Dear Geoff,
With a concrete base there will be no real need for a wooden one on top of it but all the details you have in your comment are correct. If you go for marine ply it is more expensive but will last way longer than standard ply as it is bonded better and I think it uses hardwood for construction. Best of luck with the project.
lisa Edwards
lisa Edwards - 8 years ago
When you put your tradux connectors on did you just drill a small hole through the 18mm ply because when i have done mine there seems a lot of play in the tails
lisa Edwards
lisa Edwards - 8 years ago
Thanks for you reply!. I have changed the ply from 18mm to 12mm. This has done the trick! Thanks once again
Pondguru - 8 years ago
When the fittings are screwed together there should be no play at all in the fittings - is the liner and underlay lying totally flat withing the fitting? That is the only thing I can think of which would prevent them fitting together tightly.
I can't remember what size the hole was in the ply but looking at it in the video it looks like it is around 2" - 2.5" diameter. It was certainly big enough to get the whole fitting through and really needs to be big enough to get the tradux fitting through plus space for fingers to tighten the fitting. The tradux fitting would pass through the ply, not sandwich it.
richard downton
richard downton - 8 years ago
can I make a 10ft x 10ft or will I get lots of flex?
Pondguru - 8 years ago
It would depend on how high that was raised above the ground but you would just step up the materials accordingly. For something of that size you're probably getting on for sleepers as a wall if you want a wood effect and the pond is raised more than 2' or so above ground.
CrazyCamo - 8 years ago
Nice to see you got a good workout doing this video! haha The filter media just arrived! I was going to use it in my current pond, which I unfortunately didn't seal correctly and is loosing about 50 gallons every day.. Slightly embarrassed to say that, but I guess I messed up somewhere along the way. I think at this point i'm going to have to build a new pond to house my fish while I somehow fix the problem with my, what should have been about 1.5k gallon pond..      Have you done a video on joining liner? I'll get around to watching more of your videos before I really get into the build, just wondering about that one key aspect.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Joining new liner is no problem as long as you have the correct gear to prepare, stick and seal it properly but trying to join more liner to an used liner will be almost impossible as it builds up a film on it which prevents old liner sticking to new liner properly no matter how much joining tape or preparation liquid is used. It is fine for patching small areas but not for joining decent sized lengths of old + new liner together.
I've seen people try and join old to new and it has never worked so the area where it is short is generally filled in to allow the existing liner there to be raised above the water line.

30. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru

luke lyons
luke lyons - 8 years ago
just wondering what did you use for the frame? as the how to video wont load for me thanks
luke lyons
luke lyons - 8 years ago
Thanks for your help! Time for the project to begin!
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I would personally go for 4" x 2" for extra strength as the extra area / volume will put extra pressure on the frame. the 18mm marine plywood and the cladding of decking should be fine to ensure that it does not deform under pressure. If in doubt use sleepers for the pond as they are much stronger.
luke lyons
luke lyons - 8 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors thanks again! any reccommendations on how to do the frame for a 4 meter by 2.7 meter pond? 4 foot tall also
Pondguru - 8 years ago
It was 2" x 2" and marine plywood 18mm. Not sure why the guide video will not work - try clicking this direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2YkzoIx-cU
colin price
colin price - 8 years ago
A where can I get the pipe fittings u used to run pipes though the sides
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Links to gear used are in video description (click 'show more')
Mitchell Staley
Mitchell Staley - 8 years ago
Whats the purpose of the liner cushion?
Pondguru - 8 years ago
It protects the liner from being punctured from below.
F3ARxSMITHY - 8 years ago
Do you do installs? Would love a pond like this!
Pondguru - 8 years ago
That's a major bummer. As long as the hole is cut out correctly the rest goes in easily from there and if you're worried about the cascade (where 99% of leaks occur) go for a preformed one like the Rockways streams from Oase: http://geni.us/enebFc8
F3ARxSMITHY - 8 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors no worries! Id love to try it myself but we all know that'd end in a disaster. Ive looked into the pond kits like the 500gal ones but they don't have any features like plumbing etc
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Arrrgh...I don't know anyone down that way unfortunately.
F3ARxSMITHY - 8 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors im in Norfolk kings lynn, yeah nobody seems to have all the knowledge to carry out the job
Pondguru - 8 years ago
If you're in the north east I can recommend a couple of companies but trying to find anyone for a reasonable price who knows what they're doing is extremely hard as most landscapers won't touch ponds. Some of the builder types of 'have a go heroes' may be able to do the construction if it is blocks / bricks but often struggle on the pumps, electrics and filters.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Unfortunately I gave up installing ponds a couple of years ago to concentrate on my shop which I closed early 2015 and I now work from home selling filter media http://www.filterpro.co.uk
Richie T
Richie T - 8 years ago
Hi mate ... just a couple of q s .. i notice you did nt fot bottom drains ..also where is the air going back into the pond air stone ? Above water return . I think your videos are good but in my opinion a koi pond should have bottom drain and lots of aeration . Not knocking what you did though . Im sure you have helped many people . Hope the new business is going well .
Pondguru - 8 years ago
+Richie T Yes a proper koi pond would have beefed up filtration and a bottom drain like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89KxdMPtla8 (forgive my super-boring voice in the video) but where cost is an issue sacrifices have to be made. 
I'd rather increase the volume of the pond within a fixed budget than go for a small pond with bottom drain as I see way too many ponds built to a price point filled with humpy back, pot bellied koi, lol

Aeration can be added later as the stock increases and provided the base of the pond slopes down to one corner (and a good solids handling pump is used) the build up of dirt won't be an issue.
The guy did have an air pump for this pond but it was running on his smaller pond so would be swapped over with the fish a couple of weeks after the pond was finished.

Shame this one is a long way from my house as it would be interesting to see how it is doing now since I swapped 5 really nice Japanese koi for the guys mountain bike a few weeks after finishing this pond.
If at a later date the stock requires more filtration for this situation it would be a simple matter of splitting the flow and adding another similar filter.
Yes, working from home selling online is awesome except for the 24/7 nature of it. I do miss making ponds on the sunny days but when it is cold and lashing down with rain I'm grateful for the change of work situation.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Macro VIGILANCE - 9 years ago
this wood make such a good outdoor jacuzzi-spa - shame to let the fish have all the fun - great video!!
akiaanderson - 9 years ago
How would you line a koi pond with glass?
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+akiaanderson It is something I have never done but if you are looking to install a koi viewing window check this website out: http://mrkoi.co.uk/
moh - 9 years ago
what the hell?!! where did the beard go?? lol
moh - 9 years ago
hahhaa lol
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+moh It was so windy one night that it blew off, lol
Zoe Hannah
Zoe Hannah - 9 years ago
Like what the video shows, however, is there any video showing the pond construction as I am very interested in building one myself.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Zoe Hannah This one in link shows construction of raised wooden pond from star to finish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2YkzoIx-cU
jobby onewards
jobby onewards - 9 years ago
Do it right fit a bottom drain
Edwin Arroyo
Edwin Arroyo - 9 years ago
Pondguru one more nice biutiful pond man very very nice job
draytec - 9 years ago
Prize 16
Ann R Davis
Ann R Davis - 9 years ago
We have a wood framed patio fish pond which at present has a leak somewhere. Any advice on how to find the leak, how to clean the area when we find it, in order to apply a patch???
Ann R Davis
Ann R Davis - 9 years ago
Thanks. Taking your advice, which is very helpful. Scrubbing than band around the sides. looking for the leadk, with a scotchbrite today.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Ann R Davis If you allow the water to drop down to a level where it stops then drain out a further 6" look around that 6" band and there should be a hole somewhere - assuming the water does not leave pond and travel to filter / cascade which would be the most likely place for any pond leak. If there is a hole in the liner remove all algae and grime from liner then simply use a tyre patch if it is a small hole or some pond repair tape (available online). The liner will have to be extremely clean for either method to work so clean carefully with wire brush / coarse scrubbing brush etc. to ensure all algae is off around affected area.
James Gray
James Gray - 9 years ago
I have my name is james gray how much is the underlay and pond liner
and pond pump and filter Because I'm going to build a POND!
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+James Gray You'd be best to price that based on the size of your pond from a local dealer as I have closed my shop so don't know current prices of liner, underlay etc.
OdinX316 - 9 years ago
Lol, I loved your use of the "hands like a Mongoloid"!!   Call it the way you see it, the PC police are what is wrong with this world.  Love your video and your chat!!
Lynne R
Lynne R - 7 years ago
"The way you see it?" He obviously hasn't seen it, if you're referring to Mongolian people's hands. They're not any larger than those of other people. Sheesh. Ignorance.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+OdinX316 lol, glad you enjoyed the video as I loved making the pond videos. The biggest thing I miss about not making ponds is not making the associated videos.
Arron G
Arron G - 9 years ago
I learned a lot. Thanks for making the video.
gazzaellisx furnell
gazzaellisx furnell - 9 years ago
hi I can find  the video or link on how to build the structure thank you also where is the best place to buy the oase pump and filter.im in Nottingham thank you
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+gazzaellisx furnell It is a different pond built in exactly the same way. Whoever is selling the pump / filter can advise on best type / size as it will depend on fish stock, sunlight, if there is a cascade / waterfall etc. no worries.
gazzaellisx furnell
gazzaellisx furnell - 9 years ago
Is the video of the pond your standing on there because I clicked on the link and it took me to the pond in the decking what's the best filter and oase pump.i want my pond to stay spotless.pond is 12 foot Long 8 foot wide 5 foot depth it's being built into a summer house so will have a roof and sides restricting the sun exposure cheers.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+gazzaellisx furnell Link is in video description - click 'show more' to see full description and link will take you there. Not sure where nearest store for Oase is around Nottingham but for online sellers SwellUK is as good as any and service is excellent.
bill hutchins
bill hutchins - 9 years ago
after watching this video I am going to build one but I will use glass fibre,  thank you Pondguru
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+bill hutchins Sounds good to me - best of luck with that.
Frank McMahon
Frank McMahon - 9 years ago
The inside 18mm ply you said goes all the way to the Base. Is that below the slabbed shelf to where you were standing? From the video looks like the ply on the frame is only about 2 foot.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Frank McMahon Yeah, I don't think I got any footage from the house door to pond but that would have shown that the shelf only goes round 2 sides. On the sides with no shelves there is a single piece of ply which goes from top to bottom of structure.
Frank McMahon
Frank McMahon - 9 years ago
Ah that's answered it. The inside of pond where your standing is approx 4 foot deep. The shelf is 2 ft deep with slabs. I was wondering if the ply went to 4 foot deep then the shelved slabbed area was backfilled against the ply.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Frank McMahon I don't quite understand what you are asking here but the inside of the pond is totally lined with ply except for where the concrete slabs are as there wasn't much point putting ply over them since they were secure and level.
Joseph Barr
Joseph Barr - 10 years ago
Sir, great videos, but i tried to go and watch the video about how you built the frame of this tank, could you please email the new or correct link for that video, because the one in the description has been deleted or removed. Thank you.
Riya S
Riya S - 9 years ago
Pondguru - 10 years ago
No worries - correct link is there now. Not sure what happened with the last one but half the address was missing. Looks like I didn't copy and paste (or check) properly.
Glad you enjoy the videos and best of luck with your pond building.

50. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru

Stephen Hodge
Stephen Hodge - 10 years ago
Love your skill! But in the sensitive US
 watch out the internet police will get you for Mongoloid huge hands!!!!
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Yeah, that's probably true.
There will no doubt be a whole host of other politically incorrect sayings scattered throughout my other videos too, lol
Amber Nectar
Amber Nectar - 10 years ago
needs l.e.d lighting to finish it off good tho
Antonio - 10 years ago
Brill vid, thanks for sharing it. I wanna make more ponds now. Cheers
Pondguru - 10 years ago
No worries, glad you enjoyed the video
Gates and Railings Direct
Gates and Railings Direct - 10 years ago
Hi you inspirered me to create my own pond made by decking. Thank you for all your tips and info. The video is on youtube search ....wooden pond made by decking. Its uploaded by Paul Carver.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Excellent job and I am very impressed. Great video too.
I have put a link to this video on the Tyne Valley Aquatics site and one of the 'likes' on your video is mine.
skidplate123 - 10 years ago
Keep the fish out put humans in,now you have hot tub through the master bedrooms window/?MR.PONDGURU, would this be strong enoughf for two humans?THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FREE VIDS..YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR OWN SHOW...You are more interesting to watch than anything on T.V..LOVE FROM VEGAS WHERE LAKE MEAD IS MY POND
tuforu4 - 9 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors wonder will you go africa,.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
That's a decent size pond, lol
I used to love installing ponds but gave up last year due to building an online sales business up from home (never made any money from pond building, lol).
There are some really varied videos coming up over the next few months and I'm excited about the outdoor ones as I have a passion for bushcraft / survival which I will be filming more of.
Ethan'sHerps - 10 years ago
How much would a pond like that cost?
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Around £2.5k? My memory is the worst.
Richard Swinney
Richard Swinney - 10 years ago
Where's the video? How to make a Raised Wooden Pond. Looked every where. I need details man, details, lol. This is by far the tank I want to build for my system, maybe several. Rev. Rick
Pondguru - 10 years ago
The link is in the video description - just click 'show more' to bring up the whole video description then click the link.  That one shows every stage of building, no worries.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Adam Mills
Adam Mills - 10 years ago
You are awesome. Would you come to west Yorkshire to build me a pond?
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Unfortunately I had to give up making ponds late 2013 due to the growth of my online sales business so I couldn't spend more than 5-6 hours out in any given day which is a bummer as I enjoyed making the ponds and the pond videos.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Richard Britt
Richard Britt - 10 years ago
I plan on building a contained and controlled fish pond that will be inside a shed that will be connected to and be part of my larger than life (for a single family that is) aquaponics garden. The design of this pond would be easy to shift the water over to plants first then back to the filter if need be.  This would allow the pond owner to grow their own veggies organically using fish water.  Maybe aquaponics could be something to expand your pond business with. Just a thought. Later before I build, I'll bounce my design off you to see if you think it is sound.  Great video by the way.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
That sounds awesome and although I'm interested in aquaponics it is something I have not been involved with so far.
Best of luck.
Dave Allan
Dave Allan - 10 years ago
Typical, I struggle to build an above pond to feed in to my smaller lower one and then find a great video to show how I should have done it, even better from a fellow northerner too..
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Groovy - Glad you enjoyed the video, man.
I'm glad I put these together as if I ever make one in the future I can look back and get tips from myself, lol
Scott d'chaundy
Scott d'chaundy - 10 years ago
I don't know what size liner I would need my pond is going to be 6ft long 5ft wide and 3.5-4 ft deep :)
Scott d'chaundy
Scott d'chaundy - 10 years ago
okay thanks :)
Pondguru - 10 years ago
You would need liner 16' x 15' and that would give you 1' overlap on all sides.
Scott d'chaundy
Scott d'chaundy - 10 years ago
can I ask how much this would cost to build and I haven't got a patio would it be okay to put it on grass or should I do a concrete foundation love these videos helping me so much :)
Scott d'chaundy
Scott d'chaundy - 10 years ago
okay thanks
Pondguru - 10 years ago
I can't remember exactly may have been around £2k. Yes it can be made on grass but it would be best to put a concrete foundation around to delay rotting of wood.
Fellatio Belsen
Fellatio Belsen - 10 years ago
8:10 "if you've got hands like some mongoloid".  ?
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor - 10 years ago
Have added 3 new videos, just for your opinion
Riya S
Riya S - 9 years ago
Pondguru - 10 years ago
The skimmer seems to be working OK but the connecting pipe and the pipe going up to filter looks like 32mm pipe, not 38mm pipe (internal) judging by where the clip is on pump. Can't see exactly as it is under water but pipe connecting to skimmer may be too long and not wide enough?
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor - 10 years ago
Think I'd best keep taking the shark cartilage capsules ;) Did you get the msg I sent you about that skimmer problem?
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor - 10 years ago
Me too lol...thanks again dude, you are a great help
Pondguru - 10 years ago
I have sent reply.
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor - 10 years ago
Dig the way you jumped into the pond like a spring chicken hehe...I wouldn't have cleared the edge
Pondguru - 10 years ago
I can move quite well for a fat man, lol
Jamie Tuckey
Jamie Tuckey - 10 years ago
How much would you charge for that pond installation ? its a super quality job
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+Jamie Tuckey
I think that's how much it was but my memory is terrible, lol
Yes I had to give up construction as my children have many more clubs etc. and my wife has a few late nights with her new teaching job. Added to that my internet sales business (of filter media) has taken off to the point where I can do 90% of my work from home and something had to give, Unfortunately that was the pond construction as family always comes first and I need to give my support wherever I can..
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Jamie Tuckey
Jamie Tuckey - 10 years ago
You had to give up :( im sorry to hear that, its a great loss for the pond world. 2.4k is the entire cost for everything start to finish ??? if so thats a bargain :) thanks for the quick reply :)
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Although I had to give up installing ponds late last year (so this is irrelevant) I think it was around £2.4k? Not sure exactly as I have a terrible memory.
Neil Cook
Neil Cook - 10 years ago
Is the circulation of the water through the filter enough to oxygenate the water?? Also how did u hide the electrical wire to the pump in the pond?
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Yes although the guy we did the pond for added an air pump I think.
The cable for the pump came in under the top decking so couldn't be noticed.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
swapnil kahar
swapnil kahar - 10 years ago
Super sexy concept and work as well...great work... I have one question in my mind... how to frame a glass panel into a cement tank as a viewing window..?? If you know how to do. . Kindly share ..
Waiting for your reply
selena chisholm
selena chisholm - 10 years ago
where can i get tradux fittings from please
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Any Oase dealer. Not many will stock them (we don't) but they should be able to get them for you. Try www.swell.co.uk as they do loads of Oase fittings and do next day delivery.
Dawn Dennell
Dawn Dennell - 11 years ago
Hi are these a specialist screw for fixing the pond to paving I can't find any
Pondguru - 11 years ago
You emailed me and phoned with the same so hopefully you will have found them. If not here is a link to the same size concrete screws as I used. There ones are on ebay:
Rich Mead
Rich Mead - 11 years ago
I'm making a raised pond with sleepers not sure how to join them together if anyone can help
Gray Taylor
Gray Taylor - 11 years ago
Cheers, sounds like a plan
Gray Taylor
Gray Taylor - 11 years ago
This video has helped me a lot but I have used railway sleepers to increase the height of my pond, new liner and underlay. I have bought the tradux hose connector so I can hide the hose underwater but I'm struggling to work out how to make a hole big enough to get the clamping nut to fit on the outer side of the sleeper. Basically the sleeper is too thick and the thread on the fitting not long enough, any ideas?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Just cut a big hole. You'll have to pack it out so the liner and fitting doesn't get forced into the hole. Will probably be easier if you cut the hole where sleepers join then you just need to cut that before structure is fixed together.
Tony Kennedy
Tony Kennedy - 11 years ago
The pipe fittings that u drilled two holes for in this vid , sorry for my spelling mistake it should be traduced
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I don't know what you are asking / stating there man. 'Traduced' means to disgrace or publicly humiliate.
Tony Kennedy
Tony Kennedy - 11 years ago
Would at radix be suitable to use in breeze block
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If I had a clue what 'at radix' was I may be able to help there, man.
Mandy High
Mandy High - 11 years ago
im trying to build a pond in my garden but im not sure what type of filter would be best, my pond will have gold fish and kio
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Have a look at my pond construction playlist on my channel - there are loads of different videos on ponds there.
lookoutleo - 11 years ago
your videos are really informative, keep them coming
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Will do although there may not be any / many construction videos this year since I have changed my work to enable me to work from home on an internet based sales business which I have been building up over the last year.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Richard mace
Richard mace - 11 years ago
Yh a fish tank have u got n online shop with all ur products
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If you check my latest videos (the aquarium related ones about filtration) or my channel there are links there to ebay shop.
Richard mace
Richard mace - 11 years ago
Wat size external filter shall I use for a 400lt tank for koi with 15 3 to 4" koi in jus til there bigga then take sum out shud it b filtering more than 600l n hour
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I take it you mean a tank in a house?
A sump would be best as you can fit loads of media in there. If no room for a sump then two large externals as you would use for tropical fish filled with good media and effective foams.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Mark Liao
Mark Liao - 8 years ago
Great. Thanks for sharing. I am really into building 1.
Neil Cook
Neil Cook - 11 years ago
would this pond work with a bottom drain system?
Neil Cook
Neil Cook - 11 years ago
great advice thanks
Pondguru - 11 years ago
+Neil Cook
Ideally you would have a gravity fed filter with pump after it then the UV.
Neil Cook
Neil Cook - 11 years ago
thanks for the reply. i intend it fit a bottom drain but would it work with the same filter and an external pump??
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yes. Bottom drains can be fitted to lined ponds (at time of construction)
Richard mace
Richard mace - 11 years ago
Nice pond
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
trev knott
trev knott - 11 years ago
hi in the first minute you give size and materials and show us the fitting for the pipes,where can i get these fittings ?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
They are 'tradux' fittings from Oase. We sometimes have them in our shop but none at present. Available from larger Oase dealers.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Tresna Wardhana
Tresna Wardhana - 11 years ago
thanks for the video... i just subscribe
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Glad you found them useful.
Steve Black
Steve Black - 11 years ago
nice vids mate - looking to build a fish pond in my back garden - some great tips picked up watchin your vids - cheers :)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol, thanks for the invite. I will bear that in mind. If I took everyone up on the offers I get I could do a world tour for metal detecting.
Brant Reese
Brant Reese - 11 years ago
I really like the look of this pond. Great job! If you get ready to head to the states get intouch with me, the family and i would be more than happy to give you a place to stay. Make sure you bring your metal detector and gear, because there are a lot of cival war locations to visit. :-)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol, it's just practice, practice, practice and learning new construction methods each time to make the next project easier and better. Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Big Ian Builds
Big Ian Builds - 11 years ago
and you made it look so damn easy.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I do sometimes put them in but since this one has a convenient way to lower the level by the filter (just turn the dial as if you were cleaning the filter and drain excess through pipe to garden) I did not put one in. There is nowhere to drain water to from pond as it is surrounded by paving.
Joshua Bloodworth
Joshua Bloodworth - 11 years ago
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Groovy. Glad you liked that one, man.
tony dawson
tony dawson - 11 years ago
LMAO at mongoloid!!! I'm sure I'm not the only person who LOLED.... hard
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Would be great but I don't think it will happen as I can't master the false emotion which seems to run in all the shows which are made today. I normally avoid TV and only watch movies, football and the walking dead, lol
candy cane
candy cane - 11 years ago
Defo get your own tv show called the pond guru I;)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol, would love to take an extended visit over in the US but not sure about being on TV. Never say never though...
rustygrendle - 11 years ago
you are a badass dude. I subscribed. You should have your own TV show on american cable TV.

100. comment for Raised wooden fish / koi pond in Newcastle by Pondguru

Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol Check out the related videos. There are dozens of pond builds I have done for other people. The pond in this video just ended up with a mix of fish. I visited it a couple of weeks ago but the guy had it half drained for cleaning so it wasn't worth filming unfortunately.
Durian - 11 years ago
Thats neat! What fish are you planning to put in there, Koi fish? Do you build ponds for other people?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Most people would use a sump for that which would incorporate a wet/dry part under the initial foams - check sump filtration videos to see how people set them up. They can be made very efficient.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I'd maybe go for a self made trickle tower filter simply made of graded foams and good media. I really should do a video showing how to make one but I guess there will be plenty of them on Youtube. They don't rely on high flow rates to work well and are hyper efficient.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I would love to give it a go in Australia, no worries, lol Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I really should get back to it and video it now as we put three awesome koi in there. Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I would go for a trickle tower as they are very simple. I made one for my shop from a large water butt and all it used was a tank connector at the bottom and top, filled with alfagrog and 3 layers of foams above it. Works very well.
joe campbell
joe campbell - 11 years ago
Im about to turn a wheelie bin into a filter for my pond im just wondering what way you would suggest to put it together? Ive got a couple of ideas but thought id ask you too. Thanks
Pondguru - 11 years ago
So it is fully above ground 3'. I'd definitely use a minimum of 3" x 3" (75mm x 75mm) or more likely 4" x 3" (100mm x 75mm) for frame.
Mark Lawson
Mark Lawson - 11 years ago
sorry ment soil
Pondguru - 11 years ago
This one is only 2" x 2" (50mm x 50mm) for frame and 6" x 1.5" (150mm x 38mm) decking for outside wall. Interior wall is 18mm marine plywood. Not sure what you mean by 'sole' so don't know how to respond to that part.
Mark Lawson
Mark Lawson - 11 years ago
hi was just askin what kind wood ur usin as the beams as im buildin one 10ft by 6ft by 3ft deep on sole as i dont want it to buckle out i know uv got to brase every 12inc but i was doing it every 10"
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It will have to be soon as I'm cutting way back on pond jobs before the end of the year as my online business is taking up more and more of my time.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I'm sure it was in some of the earlier comments. Maybe £1800-£2000? I can never remember.
Raylan Liang
Raylan Liang - 11 years ago
what was the cost of this project?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I will make them whenever I can, no worries. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
leann lewis
leann lewis - 11 years ago
Of the dozen or so pond/gardening channels I watch, you by far build better ponds & make more useful videos. Please keep on sharing all your interesting videos with us. Thanks.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I'm on with 2 big ones at present so they should make good videos. One is a large koi pond with viewing window.
SuperTR0pical - 11 years ago
you got any new pond build vids coming up?
Jon Sowerby
Jon Sowerby - 11 years ago
straight forward love it :)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
As the average depth (allowing for the shelf on two sides) is about 3' the volume is approx. 1125 gallons (5100 litres) Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
David Riley
David Riley - 11 years ago
very nice tidy job, how many gallons?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
NY HUNTERGUY - 11 years ago
Good job!!!!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
There are many reasons why young fish could die. Just ensure that the pond is very well planted and you feed them well. Many may still die but the survival rate may improve a bit.
bobby brown
bobby brown - 11 years ago
I was wondering how to prevent baby koi from dieing
A Hole
A Hole - 11 years ago
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries - will check it out.
gtariman03 - 11 years ago
If you want some fish related projects, I recently started a new channel for fish only. If you search "upgraded my 20 to 29 gallons" here in Youtube, you might find the channel named Gabriel Tariman. I will soon have more videos about my new fish tanks.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for the sub. Subbed you back.
gtariman03 - 11 years ago
Filters for ponds and aquariums has these fancy spinning and light things attached to it in 20 different stages of filtration that's developed by "scientists". All you really need is water flowing through filter media with bacteria lol. I subscribed so I can get the latest news.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, at the heart of it, filtration is a simple process and many of te manufacturers try to add all levels of complexity to it. Filters are very easy to make and I think when I get more time in the Autumn I will do a few videos on how to make a pond filter or two.
gtariman03 - 11 years ago
Oh ok. When I build my pond, I will probably have 2 barrels: one for settling chamber and another one for the biological media. The settling chamber will have a bulkhead fitting with a valve on the bottom so when it gets full, I can just open the valve and let all the crap go. If I get enough money, I can probably mix the settling chamber and biological media in a single barrel by using a moving bed filter media and connect strainer to the valve, so when I clean it, the media won't exit too.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The ponds I am making in the videos are for other people so filters need to be of excellent quality and very easy to clean and maintain. I sometimes do alter existing filters though. Just did one a week or so ago so I will get a video of that hopefully when I call in there tomorrow. It is a very simple filter set-up.
gtariman03 - 11 years ago
Great videos, will try some of the methods you use here in the states. The only question I need answered is why are you using expensive filters instead of cheap homemade ones from large food grade drums? powered by pump and gravity?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos. HH
Stuart Chambers
Stuart Chambers - 11 years ago
Hi Pondguru, Aneither great video mate. The ponds you do are amazing thay look great. Good luck happy hunting mate
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol I'll take that as a compliment. I do tend to express myself with hand gestures.
rpeagram - 11 years ago
I believe I could get what he was saying with the sound off; best talking hands on the net... LOL
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I don't keep any records of previous jobs apart from videos of some of them and there are plenty of those. My accounts summary is the most basic thing you can imagine, lol. There may be 100, 150? don't know and my memory is so shot I could be way out.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Clown loaches do much better when there is 3+ but bear in mind they grow to over 6" (often to 8") long.
Ethan Vargas
Ethan Vargas - 11 years ago
can i keep one clown loach by its self with some cory catfish
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Look up care of elephant nose on seriouslyfish on the net - they are not the easiest fish to keep alive. Many fish will live fine with tetras: Gouramis, Rasboras, Danios, Loaches etc.
Ethan Vargas
Ethan Vargas - 11 years ago
Hey man i need help what fish can go with tetras and will not eat cory catfish and can i try a elephant nose
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Sounds complicated, man. I can't put any link in the reply so have added my email address to the video description, no worries.
Fight the power
Fight the power - 11 years ago
I've got some rough sketches and ideas , any help would be very much appreciated
Fight the power
Fight the power - 11 years ago
Ill also have a small pump in the upside down tank that takes in air aswell as water.
Fight the power
Fight the power - 11 years ago
Pond guru. Not sure how to send private messages. I've got some ideas for a pond but family say it won't work. Do you have an email I could send you some pictures and ideas? I plan a bottom drainer using 4 water butts as a filter. I'm also planning on a window at the bottom of the pond, and at the top, an upside down tank with a water fall dropping over it. I imagine as long as I don't let the water levels of the pond don't go lower than level of the upside down tank it should stay full
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The nearest you'll get to that is a summary of what a couple of people catch in a week or so when they try and remove the bottom feeders for relocation into a larger weedy pond on a country estate. That should throw up a few surprises if Mr. Otter has left any for them to catch, lol.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The link was wrong, well spotted, man. I have put the correct link in there. I used copy and paste and must not have copied the full address? Works now. The 'HOW TO' video also shows up as the first recommended video on the right of this page if viewing from a computer, no worries. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Grey Bird Man
Grey Bird Man - 11 years ago
Hey great looking pond :) one question where has the building of this pond video gone seems the above link to it is broken :( well i assume its the building of this pond :)
Oliver - 11 years ago
please could you do a netting of your pond / small lake
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries. Good luck with the project. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I just hope meg does not chew the pond as there were half a dozen destroyed footballs in the yard. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
CEFishEssentials - 11 years ago
Great work, more of Meg please :-)
Chee Sem Soon
Chee Sem Soon - 11 years ago
Your simple - easy to build ponds have inspired us. Thank you
Axeman02 - 11 years ago
This is True.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, when we were building it I lost track of the amount of times 'hot tub' was mentioned by the residents.
oakland002 - 11 years ago
You could turn it into a mini pool or a hot tub ... Hehehe , love these videos
Connor Grimes
Connor Grimes - 11 years ago
Or a ball/bat to the nuts in the nineties lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
We've sent it to You've Been Framed as the kids are desperate to get one of their videos on TV. Probably get rejected like all the rest as they only seem to take videos of fat women falling over, lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Consett is the roof of the world where the mountain men live. Their women walk around in bra and knickers in the dead of winter so I'm sure the fish will be OK. I remember seeing a news report of a Consett resident wearing a coat but it was later confirmed to be a tattoo of a coat, lol Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Axeman02 - 11 years ago
propa taak that ! whey aye ! haha im trying to persuade me mother into getting one of these for her back garden as she wants a water feature but her reply was..."but they will freeze to death in winta, it get caad in consett!"...bless her, its an age thing :)
Connor Grimes
Connor Grimes - 11 years ago
Oldest trick in the book lmao...3:40
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol I salute you back, man.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That makes at least 1% of my 1100 videos which are above average, lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
peter buckley
peter buckley - 11 years ago
great vid well enjoyed watching it pal and you did not torch the liner hands of experience, and your humour was great as well.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
My hands are more midget digits than mongoloid hands, lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
There will be a few more to come before the end of the year, no worries.
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 11 years ago
You're just a very funny guy. You say different things, and you have an accent. So it all mixes together to be pretty funny stuff. For the record, I don't have mongoloid hands :P
KING - 11 years ago
God tier pond.
DJ Scottdog
DJ Scottdog - 11 years ago
i like that pond its cool
David Phillips
David Phillips - 11 years ago
Another great video
David Phillips
David Phillips - 11 years ago
Well done a
CJ W - 11 years ago
POND GURU - I salute you!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, go for it, man. Best of luck with the build.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, thanks for watching.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It was great to build as the weather was warm and sunny.. Makes a change from most of my other videos which are done in the rain, lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Getting the folds around shelves is always tricky but if you don't have shelves there are only the corners to worry about which makes it way easier.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Should be interesting and sound provided the walls are sweet.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, there was insulation in this one too. I didn't go into that in this video but you can see the whole construction process on one I did last year in 'How to Make a Raised Patio Pond' Best of luck with the build, man.
TACO LORD - 11 years ago
Love your vids one day (when more cash flows in) I am planning to build 2 ponds and a pool in my backyard I will show a video response
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol. Thanks for appreciating that one, man.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yes, no worries.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That dog has a head like a battering ram, lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It was the most convenient place to have the pond as it was the only semi-level piece of ground in the yard. Would be groovy to feed the fish from the window too, lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Hello yourself. Thanks for watching.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
We are doing a large wildlife pond very soon and it has a long stream so that one should be a good video. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yes in the winter but never super cold. The walls of the pond are insulated - full process of construction can be seen on the 'How to make a raised patio pond' video in my playlist.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Nah, just me and the lad who helps me, lol
rrey0456 - 11 years ago
You guys don't get freezing weather over there?
Les Bell
Les Bell - 11 years ago
Very cool video I need to go find one still for a small koi pond good luck Sir on your next endeavor... Les
Jeremy Caudil
Jeremy Caudil - 11 years ago
God i've missed this vid's mate......amazing as usual
Classic Rave
Classic Rave - 11 years ago
Amazing Pond!
1989SPT - 11 years ago
Another great job did they have the pond close to the house so they can feed the fish through the window by any chance lol ? A nice option to have when it's raining
Hannahcode1 - 11 years ago
sebpearce - 11 years ago
As always fantastic job :)
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
Thts a cool raised pond:) great job
Tyler D
Tyler D - 11 years ago
wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
Lovely pond job and great dog at the end too.
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 11 years ago
Can you use a double layer of the under layment?
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 11 years ago
ROOOOFFFLLLL!!! Hands like some mongoloid?! HAHAHAH!!!!
Joshua Chavez
Joshua Chavez - 11 years ago
Great job man!!.
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 11 years ago
Man I wish I used your liner method, you make it look easy.
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 11 years ago
Oh, I'm using a liquid rubber in mine.
Chris Foster
Chris Foster - 11 years ago
Dude NO WAY, as we speak, I'm down stairs building a wooden pond. 40" Wide, 84" long, 28" tall. Sorry, I do inches because I'm American and not familiar with the oh-so-handy metric system :P Probably going to do dovii and jaguar cichlids again. My last ones died when I moved. I like your decking. My pond will be in a garage, between my framing and decking I"ll have insulation b/c mine will be heated.
njw1383 - 11 years ago
That is one big ass pond! Nice work my friend
J Donnelly
J Donnelly - 11 years ago
nice one
zunedog31 - 11 years ago

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