Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 6,186 views
Use space under trees to partially shade tubs for fishponds. This relaxing tub and barrel setup works well for raising some tropical fish like guppies and gouramis.
You can also find online. Brand name is: Tuff Stuff
Tip me some of your idea to grow them fast?
May I ask how many hours of sunlight do your tubs get?
10. comment for Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees
20. comment for Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees
They inspired me to keep guppies in tubs as well, since I am from the Netherlands unfortunately I can not keep them outdoors, Now I got my greenhouse filled with tubs :).
Some plants I use are Ludwigia Helminthorrhiza and Hygroyza aristata. They create a nice shade, while filtering out all the nutrients out of the water. They are fast growing, so you can fill all your tubs with them in no-time!