Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees

Use space under trees to partially shade tubs for fishponds. This relaxing tub and barrel setup works well for raising some tropical fish like guppies and gouramis.

Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 6,186 views

Use space under trees to partially shade tubs for fishponds. This relaxing tub and barrel setup works well for raising some tropical fish like guppies and gouramis.

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Most popular comments
for Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees

Who said Aqua?
Who said Aqua? - 6 years ago
Can you do video on what food you feed, and how often?
Who said Aqua?
Who said Aqua? - 6 years ago
Thank you for the response!
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 6 years ago
I don't have enough material with this subject to make a video. I feed TetraMin flakes, twice a day. That's it.
An͋gȅlos͍ - 7 years ago
Hello sir where to find this black ponds?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
at a local store called:  Waimanalo Feed Store. 
You can also find online.  Brand name is:  Tuff Stuff
MainliningTanks - 7 years ago
Can we please get some videos of said wild guppies? =D
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Others have asked me for this, but unfortunately no. Reason: Many of Oahu's freshwater streams (where wild guppies are) are contaminated with Leptospirosis. In fact, there are numerous warning signs up posted along the banks of these streams. It's a very serious illness, if one gets infected.
VINAYAK J NAIR - 7 years ago
What kind of gourami is that
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Blue gouramis (Trichopodus trichogaster)
Krishna prasad
Krishna prasad - 7 years ago
My guppies are one and half month old but is not big as this! They are barely 1 inch or less , i feed them crushed yolk and crushed started food for fries , i keep 20-30 fries in a 5 gallon bucket changes water in weekely basis !
Tip me some of your idea to grow them fast?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
I've posted numerous tips on raising guppies. Find them throughout my postings on this channel. 20 - 30 fry is way too much for a 5 gallon bucket...
Santa Monica Filtration
Santa Monica Filtration - 7 years ago
The algae on the walls consumes nutrients from the water, keeping the water clear.
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Thanks for calling that out to folks. When I do partial water changes, and even for the rare 100% water changes, I siphon the water, removing debris from the bottom of the tub, but I leave the growth of algae on the walls of the tub intact. So that attached type of algae scavenge the nutrients from the water column, so that green water has less of a chance of setting up.
H.C. Aqua
H.C. Aqua - 7 years ago
Great video. You got yourself a new sub. I live in Oahu as well and breed some things in tubs. This made me want to try grummies too.
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
I don't know if fragile or not. Dwarf types are probably more popular than my types, but I like the larger ones.
H.C. Aqua
H.C. Aqua - 7 years ago
Dwarfs would be cool to me. They seem fragile though.
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Thanks, good luck with your gouramis. What kind will you try?
Randy Guangzhou
Randy Guangzhou - 7 years ago
I have a question about male guppies . when they are young they have a anal fin same as the females.but when they grow up the males loose their anal fin but the females stay there. Please reply I need to know
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
The males don't loose their anal fin. Rather, their anal fin transforms into their gonopodium (a rod-like structure that is used to transfer sperm to the females oviduct). This transformation happens between one and two months of age.
Jayson Javier
Jayson Javier - 7 years ago
Hi! Good to see you having great progress~
May I ask how many hours of sunlight do your tubs get?
Jayson Javier
Jayson Javier - 7 years ago
Wow! It's great that you don't get green water! Thanks for the reply :D
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
10 hours of partial sun.

10. comment for Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees

Joel Drabsch
Joel Drabsch - 7 years ago
love he videos I'm thick about do the tubs in my back yard keep up the good work
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Fishing In The Hood
Fishing In The Hood - 7 years ago
Nice video brotha. I'm doing one setup like you but the problem is my lilly barley growing and is small. Then I realized I got Mosquito larvae in it. I'm not sure if I'm ready to put the guppies because I'm not sure if there enough oxygen in the water
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
read my answer to the commenter's question about mosquito larvae immediate below...
Jody Oliverson
Jody Oliverson - 7 years ago
Do you have to worry about mosquito larvae?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Yes. Any standing water vessel without guppies in a wam climate like mine, is sure to harbor mosquito larvae (and is irresponsible). But fortunately, if the tub isn't super crowded with plants, and one has enough guppies in it, the mosquito larvae can't hide, and I doubt that any will survive the 3 or 4 days to make if from egg to morph into a functioning adult mosquito. Guppies are good at finding and eating mosquito larvae. I started to get very small, just hatched, mosquito larvae in the gourami fry tub. I placed about 10 to 15 three week old guppy juveniles with these gourami fry in this 50 gallon tub, and by next morning, I couldn't find mosquito larvae. Furthermore, the gourami fry, although much smaller than the guppies, are larger than the guppies mouths at this age, and it doesn't appear that the guppies were any threat to the gourami fry. I got lucky. Whew!
Jack Skelington
Jack Skelington - 7 years ago
Hi.... Gouramis dont eat the guppys ?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Probably only large gouramis eat baby guppies
Ty' Gaskin
Ty' Gaskin - 7 years ago
you have wild Guppy's in your area?
Ty' Gaskin
Ty' Gaskin - 7 years ago
Kaimuki Backyard wow you should catch a few and show us
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Rithwik Sree
Rithwik Sree - 7 years ago
'Liked ' it before watching the video. Thanks for the video.
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
you're one of my earliest subscribers and you know my style already
Manickam j
Manickam j - 7 years ago
hi bro for new born guppies what is the water level to be maintened in a bucket or tub
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
anywhere from 4 to 15 inches or so
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
Kamuki: how do you get green water, and is it useful?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
just keep water in a tub with some fish in partial direct sunlight. it's useful for raising fry.
Alexir ope
Alexir ope - 7 years ago
will you sell or keep your gouramis please keep them
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Unlike the short-lived guppies, where I get rid of the breeders; gouramis are long-lived, so I'm definitely keeping the breeding gouramis.
Alexir ope
Alexir ope - 7 years ago
Kaimuki Backyard how long intill the next video?
Alexir ope
Alexir ope - 7 years ago
Kaimuki Backyard ok i hope the breeding experience was a great time but are you going to keep the breeders
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
I'm not certain how many I can get to live yet. as you saw in the first video, I only got five from the first batch which are shown in this video. we'll see. if i'm lucky to end up with a bunch, unfortunately, i'll have to sell them. why? because I don't know a lot of people who are into gouramis. also, gouramis live a long time, and I've already got my main two (the breeders). and I don't want to set up that many tubs. some extended family members do have aquariums in storage, so i'll ask in case they may want to try keeping a gourami or two. this way, whenever I visit them, I can do update videos. :-)
Anthony Mohammed
Anthony Mohammed - 7 years ago
awesome video hope to see more
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
okay, will do

20. comment for Raising Tropical Fish (Guppies, Gouramis) In Tubs Set Up Under Trees

jaya kumar inbaraj
jaya kumar inbaraj - 7 years ago
How often you are making water changes on Gourami fries? In 2 weeks time, what is the percentage of survival of Gourami fry?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Nothing wrong with using water lilies, I've done so for years, and will do so again.
jaya kumar inbaraj
jaya kumar inbaraj - 7 years ago
Kaimuki Backyard Understandable... But the reason behind my question is, do you feel anything bad in keeping the fry or breeding part in lily? because if I remember correctly, you have tried last breeding in lily tub along with leaves.
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Water lilies can't grow under the trees. They need about 4 hours of direct sunlight to survive.
jaya kumar inbaraj
jaya kumar inbaraj - 7 years ago
Kaimuki Backyard you didn't use lily... any reason?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Due to the small size, I haven't changed the fry's water yet. Once they're easier to see against the tub's dark background, and their weaned onto crushed flake food, I'll do a partial water change. So far, the survival rate if very high, I'm not sure what it is. I don't see any dead ones. I gave away three portions of about 100 fry each, and I still have anywhere from 60 to a 100. Their difficult to count.
عبد الرحمن ثوغ
عبد الرحمن ثوغ - 7 years ago
انت تقوم بعمل رائع ياصديقي
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
RmS Rms
RmS Rms - 7 years ago
i got excited when you said wild guppies!! hahahahhaha!
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
I thought about this, but then my stuff (nets, bottles) would be contaminated with disease. So I've put it off.
RmS Rms
RmS Rms - 7 years ago
Kaimuki Backyard btw sir can you make a video searching for wild guppies around your area? that would be very very interesting..
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Okay then: "Guppies, Guppies, Guppies, GUPPIES!!!" LOL :-)
hoodie baba
hoodie baba - 7 years ago
bro watch out for dragon fly larve like last time
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
yup, I've been watching out for this. so far (knock on wood), the clear water has helped me confirm there's none
meowey55 - 7 years ago
Any plans on breeding other gouramis?
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
not for now, even though it's not much, it's the right amount of fish for me.
Tim .-l
Tim .-l - 7 years ago
First of all thank you for your video's!
They inspired me to keep guppies in tubs as well, since I am from the Netherlands unfortunately I can not keep them outdoors, Now I got my greenhouse filled with tubs :).

Some plants I use are Ludwigia Helminthorrhiza and Hygroyza aristata. They create a nice shade, while filtering out all the nutrients out of the water. They are fast growing, so you can fill all your tubs with them in no-time!
Syed Majid
Syed Majid - 7 years ago
I got inspiration from your video and now have two guppy tubs... thanks
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
thanks for your detailed comments. i'll look back if ever I decide to raise aquatic vegetation!
Alexir ope
Alexir ope - 7 years ago
i am raising 4 week old fry and do not know what to feed them and i dont have a lot of money
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
check out earlier videos, I have some on raising fry through a few months old. I hardly spend anything on this hobby
Ishaan Kourav
Ishaan Kourav - 7 years ago
thanks your videos help me very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
you're welcome!
eauliangsa cris
eauliangsa cris - 7 years ago
First baby.....
Kaimuki Backyard
Kaimuki Backyard - 7 years ago
Wow... Nice

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