SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata

Days like this are far and few between!!! I Thank God for the opportunity to do stuff like this!!! be sure to check out my fillet knife, best you'll ever own! for new DMFD gear, go to: for 20% off and free shipping, go to: use promo code DEERMEAT20 for the best spices you'll ever eat, go to: for the best coolers at the best prices, go to:

SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata sentiment_very_dissatisfied 68

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 122,004 views

Days like this are far and few between!!! I Thank God for the opportunity to do stuff like this!!! be sure to check out my fillet knife, best you'll ever own! for new DMFD gear, go to: for 20% off and free shipping, go to: use promo code DEERMEAT20 for the best spices you'll ever eat, go to: for the best coolers at the best prices, go to:

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Most popular comments
for SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata

joey - 7 years ago
Hi Rob. I was looking for EVERGLADE here in the UK and I can only find it in Ebay or Amazon, but my God they expensive here. Amazon is selling the cactus for like £24. Lol. Shipping from the US is also expensive. Maybe when I get back to Florida, I will buy a lot. I started watching your vids last year when my Mom was on holiday here in the UK. Ever since she went back to the Philippines, she is always asking hows you channel doing because she could not watch it back there, internet connection in the province is not very good, so she cant watch youtube.
MD BOAT GUY - 7 years ago
Rob, Great video. Appreciate the fishing and cooking pointers. Keep up the good work. Thanks
arnold emmanuel
arnold emmanuel - 7 years ago
Send me some Everglades spice lol god bless
Geo - 7 years ago
I wanna go fishing!!
Herbert Broughton
Herbert Broughton - 7 years ago
Livin' the Life, Brother Robert. Livin' the Life.
janv a pinoy life in dubai productions
janv a pinoy life in dubai productions - 7 years ago
Lizeth Silva
Lizeth Silva - 7 years ago
Can we just appreciate the sunset for a second
Shinji Bing
Shinji Bing - 7 years ago
Dear Robert, Sarah, Arya and Emma, I have been a subscriber of yours since you were still under 100k back and I always say this but you and your family and friends just fill me with so much joy and show me that happiness from the simple things and not taking them for granted truly is the meaning of life and love. I hope one day to make a family of my own like yours! I used to dwell and be down about not having a father but after watching Rob and Sarah you two just proved to me that I too can have a happy family and life even though I didn’t have it growing up. Thank you so much and if you are ever in SoCal Orange County I will show you all of the great fishing spots!!!
chronic2001n - 7 years ago
More Gabe and Jake! Great vid as always!

10. comment for SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata

stilcrazychris - 7 years ago
My husband caught a 58lb catfish on a bait caster with 20 lb line with a black & blue spinner bait in a 8 foot john boat. He had to run the boat to the shore after being pulled around for over an hour. The conservation ranger was watching & laughing @ him & was amazed @ the same time. Ranger told him he wasn't for sure if he was going to land it or not.
He brought it home & told me he didn't know which was bigger the fish or our daughter age 9. I said right. Daughter jumped up on the truck, jumps back & said OMG THAT'S BIG.... I was shocked.
We called Bass Pro, where it was started, Springfield, Missouri, & they wouldn't take it @ the time, 1993. They said a fish that large would tare up there tank @ that time. So my husband & I cut it up in stake sized, one per bag is all you needed & it fed a family of 4 plus my grandparents for a whole year. We had to use a hammer & a chisel to make those steaks. It took us 2 & half hours to cut that thing up. It was massive. I took a picture, 35mm one, & we had it on a 6 foot picnic table & my husband holding our 7mo old son, & that thing could of ate him. Plus are small poodle got up there to smell it & it could easily fit in it's month.
I loved how the stakes came out. You have this giant + & in between the plus bone are these perfect like medallions of fish meat that all you did was lift the bone right out of these 4 chunks of fish meat. Lemon, garlic, salt, pepper, & butter that's all you need, besides your side dishes to go with the fish. Had to make it healthy. And it just melted in your month. Yummy, yummy.... That's all I can say about that fish.
Had to share that story with you since you caught a catfish on a top water lure.
Chris from Missouri
Bpk Suhadi
Bpk Suhadi - 7 years ago
No fish this is pork based meat and what happend to the fish bone
thomas Brice
thomas Brice - 7 years ago
I enjoy the knife work filleting the fish.
danny foshee
danny foshee - 7 years ago
i just love sarah.such a beautiful young  lady.such a wonderful family on both sides rob you're such a blessing to e1 in your family.
Hajong Lee
Hajong Lee - 7 years ago
please answer the kid hahaha
J - 7 years ago
looks delicious as always
Jack Allison
Jack Allison - 7 years ago
Rob u make great videos
Michael Lamphere
Michael Lamphere - 7 years ago
love yea buddy from stuart fishin is everyday for me beacase for u man
Michael Lamphere
Michael Lamphere - 7 years ago
love yea buddy from stuart fishin is everyday for me beacase for u man
James Thomas
James Thomas - 7 years ago
Hope you feel better sunshine!!! But sounds like Lil Robert may be next.....TO BE
Honest feel better soon....I am making this tonight!!! PLZ keep the videos coming!!! #DMFD4LIFE

20. comment for SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata

Roosters Fishing TV
Roosters Fishing TV - 7 years ago
What's up man love the channel would like to ask you about the camera mount that you use and where I can get one so that I can start use the one that I've got that I got 7 years ago if you could help me out with that I would much appreciate it. I started me first video last year and would like for you to help me invite more people to the channel .thank man and as always love the video and keep them coming
TheMemeSquadYTp's - 7 years ago
have you ever caught one of these before? "ive caught like a thousand"
7citiesfishing - 7 years ago
awesome video man!! we get the sheepshead huuuuge in the chesapeake bay 10lbs!
Bill Etling
Bill Etling - 7 years ago
Time to go hunting again, what do you think!!??
Bill Etling
Bill Etling - 7 years ago
Did you get her pregnant again, I thought you were going to wait/?
Josiah Fleming
Josiah Fleming - 7 years ago
This is amazing. We caught a 34 and a 30 inch sheephead on Lake Michigan, but the man said we couldn't eat them because they tasted bad. Any comment?
Robert Andy Baggett
Robert Andy Baggett - 7 years ago
What kind of baby monitor did Sarah have in her hand at the end man? Looks so clear, need one for the kiddos here at the house. Thanks man
pat obrien
pat obrien - 7 years ago
Everglades !!??
BarryEssex - 7 years ago
God I love white people
Richard Sousa
Richard Sousa - 7 years ago
Awesome video, great ending.

30. comment for SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata

saltflyz - 7 years ago
Jenson Beach- made the run from Virginia to Stuart every summer for a decade or more for 2 weeks in July during the 70's and 80's.. 17 hours in the car. Lots of sand dollars from Jenson Beach. We also fished the St Lucie and Indian rivers hard with my grandfather. Caught all kinds of fish. Good stuff.
BarryEssex - 7 years ago
Arent the shjrim in payn :::(?
txhypnotist - 7 years ago
Robert, if you didn't know already. The Everglades seasoning has a bunch of MSG in it. Pupils dilate due to this product which effects the eyes and causes headaches or migraines in many people. DR/ ADVICE
JPF 215
JPF 215 - 7 years ago
Love catching and eating sheepshead. great blackened.
Singh Kanwarinder
Singh Kanwarinder - 7 years ago
you make me hungry averytime I you're video.......but I lve it
Afterhours FM Radio
Afterhours FM Radio - 7 years ago
bet you dont know how sheepshead fish got it name ..
Lupe Aguero
Lupe Aguero - 7 years ago
u make that look easy man
David Guerreiro
David Guerreiro - 7 years ago
Here in Portugal we never fillet the fish. It is grilled whole (gutted of course) with just some sea salt. And it is delicious because, the skins holds de flavor and juices.
Nikita Liutarevich
Nikita Liutarevich - 7 years ago
Was that a tuna in the river?
baldwinandbeacon - 7 years ago
power lines and some sort of power plant In the background....trash
Jose Gracia
Jose Gracia - 7 years ago
Go tigers! Class of 2004 here!
NameTaken_ - 7 years ago
I swear you could win an episode of chopped
Jeffrey Doyle
Jeffrey Doyle - 7 years ago
Please do some video Fish and Game, maybe show how turtles are protected or a Fishery
John Wood
John Wood - 7 years ago
Robert, may I move in next door to you? that way you can stop throwing all those fish back in and just give them to ME!! love watching your family and your adventures...God bless and keep you in His hands!
Daniel McGrath
Daniel McGrath - 7 years ago
It's cold aka for people who live in Florida 60 degrees
Sean B
Sean B - 7 years ago
Sooooooo much butter
Daniel Fisher
Daniel Fisher - 7 years ago
I think youare using too much butter !!! its not that healthy with that quantity..Can you cook fish in a healthier way ?:)
Hussmeister12 - 7 years ago
Great video!
Zoey Chick
Zoey Chick - 7 years ago
That looks delish
Malith Samarasigha
Malith Samarasigha - 7 years ago
rob please tell me good fishing rob brand name for small fishing

50. comment for SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata

Michael Colombo
Michael Colombo - 7 years ago
That looks awesome. Makes me mad that I lived in south west Florida for almost 6 years and hardly did any salt water fishing. I have very few regrets in life but that's definitely one of them. Love your channel.
Dayton Still
Dayton Still - 7 years ago
Your videos really make me so happy!
kapitaencook70 - 7 years ago
y'all guys who know about it: i fish a lot so would you recommend the Silver Stag Bone & Fillet or the Woods & Water? let me know pls.. Thx :D
Unforeseen Outdoors
Unforeseen Outdoors - 7 years ago
why would you say that's a perfect fillet, when you missed like 30% of the bottom portion of meat?
Msupa Rowzee
Msupa Rowzee - 7 years ago
You are actually wasting a lotbof meat. People eat even the head!!!!
daaood39 - 7 years ago
Robert you have me hooked on everglades seasoning. That is some great seasoning.
Rick Ross
Rick Ross - 7 years ago
Robert that dish looks DELICIOUS!!!!
SHAWN HAGEN - 7 years ago
Gabe for President cause he puts the heat on em!
Jamal Hassan
Jamal Hassan - 7 years ago
You are a great and loving man
And she is so lucky to have you.
Always be happy god bless you
josh ray
josh ray - 7 years ago
Texas state champs Katy Tigers
B. Robinson
B. Robinson - 7 years ago
Katy Tigers!!! Didn't know you guess were out that close to Houston. Good stuff
Christopher Brown
Christopher Brown - 7 years ago
what looks like it would go good with this Rob,would be a lemon & honey risotto
Telly Love
Telly Love - 7 years ago
Love y’all
Michael Olson
Michael Olson - 7 years ago
It's always good to see the family
grant almeida
grant almeida - 7 years ago
Have you ever caught a fish and about to cook it when you see worms?? What do you do?
Gourav Dey
Gourav Dey - 7 years ago
i like it...!!!
Chandra Sport
Chandra Sport - 7 years ago
Good evening from BATAM Island and Thank's alot for ur response......
cranesfc - 7 years ago
Sarah’s smile makes all that work worthwhile. Keep making her happy Rob.
Jordon Liverett
Jordon Liverett - 7 years ago
Sick vid as always. Relates to alot of ppl who cant go offshore to fish. Thx rob
HoosierPiper - 7 years ago
You guys are so quality! Love your videos, love your channel, love that you share your lives so openly, and love that you love Jesus. Be blessed and keep on putting out great content! ~Mark, HoosierPiper
Andrew Turco
Andrew Turco - 7 years ago
Where did you get the Katy Tigers shirt!? I live in Katy Texas! Outstanding football team!
Caleb Jeffery
Caleb Jeffery - 7 years ago
I want more of Gabe and Jake
ReoH Oner
ReoH Oner - 7 years ago
Hi I like your videos
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 7 years ago
Rob, can you sub in something for the wine? I don't cook with alcohol, but the dish sounds good!
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 7 years ago
More of them!
Gonzalo Alvarez
Gonzalo Alvarez - 7 years ago
Finally got my Silverstag and love it! Great video as always.
Jeff Heffner
Jeff Heffner - 7 years ago
Yes! love to see more videos of you & your little bro. Roberto, stop catching Jake's FISH. "GRIN"
Cony Gutierrez
Cony Gutierrez - 7 years ago
I live closs by ther
MIAthe305 - 7 years ago
Yah Rob!! More of your family and the kids, I love watching the way you teach little kids because as a beginner/amature angler I got a lot to learn but the KISS method you teach kids really helps my fishing. Love your video man, thankyou for all the work you put into them
Labworks Vapes
Labworks Vapes - 7 years ago
We have a species that is just like that here in Australia...they are called Bream
Hamid Baaoui
Hamid Baaoui - 7 years ago
1M Subs before 2019.
dukenukem252 - 7 years ago
Rob needs to start releasing every fish he catches when he’s with his little brother just to annoy him lol. His brother gets so mad, I love it
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
it's hilarious!!! Gabe get's so pissed!
Xxoax - 7 years ago
Great Video You need to do a turkey hunt with your Brother, But with a twist Bow hunting Turkey!!
Michael S
Michael S - 7 years ago
I absolutely love this channel. I'm not the least bit surprised that its grown to what it is... on its way to 1M subs! Its great seeing the different dynamic between each of your brothers. Gabriel certainly has a different flavor to him than Burrito Mas Grande. And its great to see the next generation of Arringtons grow to carry the torch of your values and lifestyle.
Mack Hite Productions
Mack Hite Productions - 7 years ago
You should do a catch clean cook with a wale they’re so good
jose morales
jose morales - 7 years ago
Hello Robert what's that reel that you using look small and strong?
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
Shimano stradic
Mark Nagy
Mark Nagy - 7 years ago
Has to be one of your top 10! Great job!
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
the video is a pretty good video, but the video didn't do the day justice. it was one of the most epic afternoons ever! one of those magical days!
mike 05
mike 05 - 7 years ago
That Dude needs to get his foot checked massive inflammation 19:37
Gayon Benjamin
Gayon Benjamin - 7 years ago
Hey Rob have u ever cooked a lamb's head....i saw a Mongolian recipe that looks really great u probably can give it a try. Honestly when I saw the caption for this video I was super exited believing it was an actual sheep's head lol!!!
Barry Adams
Barry Adams - 7 years ago
Mmm!!!!! I’d be tempted to mix in just a little heavy cream to that awesome sauce.
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
sounds perfect!!! thanks!!!
cydo sancho
cydo sancho - 7 years ago
God bless Rob, and your beautiful family.
Flatsjam - 7 years ago
Great vid Rob, I was wondering have ever eaten Gafftop cat suppose to be good. Yeah like to see more vid's wth your brother.
Amitzy Raizy
Amitzy Raizy - 7 years ago
More of jake and gabe plzzzz. It was 20 mins of enjoyment for me. One of ur best videos.
OceanLife69 - 7 years ago
As always, another great video.
That looked delicious!
bhaskar saikia
bhaskar saikia - 7 years ago
Nice robart
mustluvkatina - 7 years ago
Oh man that shop is still there!!!
JEEPER!!! / - 7 years ago
Those caper spices looked like rabbit droppings!!! Like if you agree
Alicia Davidson
Alicia Davidson - 7 years ago
Edward English
Edward English - 7 years ago
The white meat of that Sheepshead would be fantastic dusted with flour, dipped in egg, and coated with a 60/40  mixture of Panko bread crumb/Coconut flake mixture and fried.
flash.gordon - 7 years ago
Hi! i AM A Field marshal (or field-marshal, abbreviated as FM) (About this sound listen)) AND I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!

100. comment for SHEEPSHEAD {catch clean cook} How to make Home made fish Piccata

Mindy Kirk
Mindy Kirk - 7 years ago
hursteric331 - 7 years ago
What happened to your foot yikes.
Sam Nettleton
Sam Nettleton - 7 years ago
So blessed!
Sam Nettleton
Sam Nettleton - 7 years ago
~ 7:55 - 8:15 was an incredible chase sequence caught on film, love it!
jaffa tyree
jaffa tyree - 7 years ago
Here in the UK, my granny used to make Potted Meat, with a Pigs Head and 2 Trotters (pigs feet),..
i can nearly taste it now, mmm delicious....
That was over 50 years ago, and i never did get her recipe, went to the grave with her, shame..
do you have anything similar to ''Potted Meat'' in the US, ??...
maybe if you could find an old recipe, you could try it yourself and start a new US food trend,..

No Small Waste, Only BIG Taste..

i do get carried away sometimes, lol, sounds good anyway...
Cody Machen
Cody Machen - 7 years ago
That was a cool show.
bdc3360 - 7 years ago
Forever FAN you guys. FREE chef tip! Squeeze citrus to juice and crush 1/2 of those capers to release that flavor. Your recipes looks delicioso!
Josiah Spino
Josiah Spino - 7 years ago
I love to see you and your family fish together it reminds me of how me and my grandfather was before he passed he would always love it when the family would get together to fish and hunt
Anthony L
Anthony L - 7 years ago
Wait. why does sarah have a Katy Tigers shirt? Thought yall were from florida
life is good moose\
life is good moose\ - 7 years ago
Smothered Chicken with a new TRUCK!!! Sunday FUNDAY!!!!
Chandra Sport
Chandra Sport - 7 years ago
What's a great vd but I like your fillet knife .
What's it brand ....?
jslfc S
jslfc S - 7 years ago
Chandra Sport Check out the description. There's a link.
NoDox John
NoDox John - 7 years ago
Peterstanley216 - 7 years ago
I fished that same canal by the power plant last week. Over to the left by the manatee zone sign is a great spot for bluefish in the evening on jerkbaits. Awesome video
Spartan 351
Spartan 351 - 7 years ago
Love watching your videos Rob!! A little too cold to go fishing out here in WV, can't wait to be able to go out there!!

Hope you feel better, Sarah!!
Farooque Shaikh
Farooque Shaikh - 7 years ago
Hi rob I Love your channal deer meat for dinar I am from India Mumbai
goku713 - 7 years ago
Awesome vids with awesome catch
abdullah alsaif
abdullah alsaif - 7 years ago
Where are your dogs
5000 Subscribers And I'll Do Something Epic!
5000 Subscribers And I'll Do Something Epic! - 7 years ago
Are those zebra sea breams?
ridinhi530 - 7 years ago
She likes to exaggerate huh ? Lol
morris hawkins
morris hawkins - 7 years ago
my grandad hated catching sheepshead fish.. he called em shitheads lol
MrLmaca - 7 years ago
I speak English and pigeon English good fun watch your videos and da eating time broke da mouth da food you cook and speak Ilocano naemas means taste good
Harlem Vaught
Harlem Vaught - 7 years ago
OmgYES more about this
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 7 years ago
Great video. The top water action captures were fantastic. The piccata looks delicious.
Calvin Deo
Calvin Deo - 7 years ago
Wow little boy so cool
Jj Ssb
Jj Ssb - 7 years ago
Do a collab with demo ranch
jjule1222 - 7 years ago
돌돔 아니여????
prem penku
prem penku - 7 years ago
That knife sucks....
Enlighten - 7 years ago
what a beautiful supportive wife, rob what a great channel. all i can ask is more videos!!! deer meat for dinner, one of my favorite YouTube channels, been watching from the beginning. God, family, guns, and LIVING.
Kortney Ennis
Kortney Ennis - 7 years ago
I'm so sad I've never had any other see food besides abloney and trought and just got tonsils removed and crab or any see food u make looks so good I'm only 12 years old but my opinion is just like every body else's a good one
James Husted
James Husted - 7 years ago
Love the channel keep it up your greatly appreciated!
RoboTech - 7 years ago
Just ordered my new DMFD shirt! Can't wait!
LemonGrease - 7 years ago
The only fishing experience I have is when i go to a family blueberry farm. There's many ponds that you can fish in. Only family access though
Just Being Mary Lewis
Just Being Mary Lewis - 7 years ago
Hey Robert, can you please do a catch, clean, and cook of some catfish? That’s one of the few fish that I can actually eat, besides gar fish. I would love to see that. Maybe fry it up, or bake it with some good old Italian dressing marinade, and some broccoli rice, and some sort of beans, or Mac and cheese I would love to see a video of that!! That’s a request I have GOD bless
JDADDY27 - 7 years ago
Why did you throw back the sail cat Rob.
Michigan Mister
Michigan Mister - 7 years ago
so weird to say this about thisTube channel but i don't care. i love you!
Jesus Flores
Jesus Flores - 7 years ago
Hello Rob and Sara. From Katy Texas. Go Tigers!!
AirOwnage20 - 7 years ago
I was fishing in Jensen today!
Cheng Xiong
Cheng Xiong - 7 years ago
I love top water when the fish come in like a shark like that awesomeness
orandy angler
orandy angler - 7 years ago
Great video, you make it look so easy good job.
Scourdej - 7 years ago
Adopt me
Flyingwombat - 7 years ago
A Katy Tigers shirt?? Thought she was from Wisconsin... Oh well way to rep Katy and the H-TOWN. God bless you guys
Nick Bodeker
Nick Bodeker - 7 years ago
Hey Robert I was thinking about ordering a silverstsg knife, do you prefer the woods and water knife or bone and fillet knife for filleting fish?
weld_ on fire
weld_ on fire - 7 years ago
"Some of us gotta work tomorrow" lol good times man
BUSHCRAPPING - 7 years ago
Talk to the kid!!!!
swagbucksman34 - 7 years ago
I've always hook a live shrimp under that spike they have
Robert Joel
Robert Joel - 7 years ago
More Gabe and jake dude
Steezymann - 7 years ago
I really want to fish with you haha you're so genuine, and awesome. Great video!
Mohamad Nurhafiz
Mohamad Nurhafiz - 7 years ago
I’ve lived and grown up in the city for like forever and so fishing as well as diving aren’t really common past times but I have to say that I love watching you do your thing. I love your videos and I always look for forward to new ones especially the “catch, clean & cook” ones!!

I realise you like to fillet the fishes instead a cooking them whole. Is there any particular reason or is it just preference? I’m used to eating fish with all the bones still in tact.

Thanks for making these videos, Robert! Wishing you and you family good health!

Nurhafiz from Singapore
phatboy 64
phatboy 64 - 7 years ago
Huge fan love your channel..
Mike Pedersen
Mike Pedersen - 7 years ago
We are big fans here in Lone Tree, Colorado, and just got our son in Fresno California 'hooked'. A big shout out to David in Horsens, Denmark... your newest fan! You must tell us how you almost lost that left foot, You must also have had a great surgeon and lots of prayers from Mom.
Kylee Rochon
Kylee Rochon - 7 years ago
2:10 I laughed SO HARD when that kid just about knocked out that fish on the side of the boat
karen mosavi
karen mosavi - 7 years ago
نوش جان .. ماهی عالی با اسفناج .. و ماهیگیری فوق العاده هیجان انگیز بود .. درود و سپاس من
Stephen West
Stephen West - 7 years ago
One of the two things I hate about sheepshead that I hate is that you don't seem to get much meat for the size, but what you do get is amazing!
Stephen West
Stephen West - 7 years ago
One of the two things I hate about sheepshead that I hate is that you don't seem to get much meat for the size, but what you do get is amazing!
Kim L
Kim L - 7 years ago
Great video.. as always! I especially find the camera man/woman did a great job!!
Brittney Rose
Brittney Rose - 7 years ago
i dont wanna see that kid on your channel ever again
Fatmans Fishing
Fatmans Fishing - 7 years ago
Love the video but whant to see a Texas version look at my channel
DOg Daddy
DOg Daddy - 7 years ago
What’s the name of the top water lure
redsnapper11 - 7 years ago
Sara you have a wonderful husband who loves to take good care of you I'm proud of Robert. I watch all of your video on fishing, hope some day I get a chance to meet the both and get to go fishing. God Bless your.
CentralCharger27 - 7 years ago
Nice vid
Chantis Roberts
Chantis Roberts - 7 years ago
I was at snook nook that same day he was there.
OLDBD1 - 7 years ago
Nice !
Calvin H.
Calvin H. - 7 years ago
That sail cat is good eating.. It's just as good as some of the grouper i'v had.. If you've never tried it, you really should.. And i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who likes using sour oranges for things like that.. Those sour oranges even make great "lemon" aid.. Peace!!
Christopher Moore
Christopher Moore - 7 years ago
Can I order the big cutting board?
David - 7 years ago
why is it called a sheepshead?
Grant Tabor
Grant Tabor - 7 years ago
Hate to see/hear begging for recognition !!!! Kinkda like "I'm the first commenter" . So ????? who cares.
Charles Culver
Charles Culver - 7 years ago
How do you personally dispose of the fish carcass?
Betsy Campbell
Betsy Campbell - 7 years ago
Nice sheepshead
Cory R
Cory R - 7 years ago
I live right in PSL lol, took me by surprise when I saw the Snook Nook pop up lol. Been there a few times.
Jasmine Rojas
Jasmine Rojas - 7 years ago
Love your videos!
Alekk - 7 years ago
Serious question, is the flour really necessary with that cooking method? Seems like it’s just washes off with the butter
Calvin H.
Calvin H. - 7 years ago
I use to hit the Snook Nook before I headed to Jensen Beach Causeway.. But it's been many years since i'v been over/down that way, but the biggest Snook i have ever seen in my life was always laying in the shadows of Jensen Beach Causeway.. And they were HUGE!! Peace!!
ChyJQ Quirarte
ChyJQ Quirarte - 7 years ago
Did anyone else laugh when you heard in the background, "some of us gotta work tomorrow"?? Lol
Quincy Dotson
Quincy Dotson - 7 years ago
I love you guys
Gary C
Gary C - 7 years ago
In Texas, Sheepshead is known as Poor Man's Lobster. Good eating.
down2play 21
down2play 21 - 7 years ago
17:04 robert becomes master chef
ATV HogHunter
ATV HogHunter - 7 years ago
A pompano!!!
Neil B
Neil B - 7 years ago
Another great catch clean and cook brother.
Blessings to you and the deer meat for dinner family
Neil B
Neil B - 7 years ago
Hey Rob
Do you ship DMFD gears/clothing to Canada?
ATV HogHunter
ATV HogHunter - 7 years ago
Bend in the rod, better then any day of the year...!
L&S OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Awesome video
MUSICANDDREADS - 7 years ago
wow rob i go theer every time before we go out on the boat.. I also grab one of the best hot dogs from the little stand thats been there for years.. snook nook what an awsome place to go get what you need and the people that work there are family
Dreeko19 - 7 years ago
I have a question and I’m not trying to sound rude at all but doesn’t seasoning it with the Everglades every time make a lot of the fish taste similar? Not a huge fish person myself so I was just curious
Cheryl McIntyre
Cheryl McIntyre - 7 years ago
Gabe and Jake....hells Ya!!!!
tcole77083 - 7 years ago
Sarah with the Katy Tigers shirt!!!! Go TIGERS!
Scott Neville
Scott Neville - 7 years ago
The real question is, Was that the same catfish the kid caught?
Colleen McCarthy-Zeigler
Colleen McCarthy-Zeigler - 7 years ago
Mr. Arrington, what do you think about taking a nice fillet and using Your Flour, Eggwash & instead of Panko, cuz I can't find any in Houston Texas? Using crushed up potato chips? I'm new at this so, that recipe is a little bit out of my league Sir!
down2play 21
down2play 21 - 7 years ago
Man the only good fish we have in kansas are catfish and bass
Fukie Youie
Fukie Youie - 7 years ago
Love your show! Is it true that if I watch the commercial before your video that you make more money? If so I will always do it!,, good job with your family and great videos.
Erasmo Reyes
Erasmo Reyes - 7 years ago
Rob you come and fish at Marco Island it in Florida there beautiful fishes there
Terrence Irving
Terrence Irving - 7 years ago
I love top water action
David H
David H - 7 years ago
Pound for pound jacks are the toughest fighting fish. Always a good time.

Hey Robert you ever go flounder gigging? :)
Kalai farmer
Kalai farmer - 7 years ago
I would like ur all efforts work i am ur fan from India
Kobe Whittington
Kobe Whittington - 7 years ago
Love the longer videos!! I love em all, but really love the longer vids!
Buckdodgers1906 - 7 years ago
What considered "Chilly" in Florida...70 Degrees...? lol.
Tonic Martin
Tonic Martin - 7 years ago
Fell in love with your channel man! Such a good personality you have that makes me want to keep watching & the food looks amazing!
Alex Fisher
Alex Fisher - 7 years ago
That katy red shirt...all the way in Florida. Wow.
LoserJ7 - 7 years ago
Love it.
More cooking videos please
Jonathan Woolard
Jonathan Woolard - 7 years ago
Could you do a video on the rod and reels you use ?
bionicsjw - 7 years ago
Nothing better than taking kids fishing.
Jim Sattler
Jim Sattler - 7 years ago
My favorite fish.
logan 42605
logan 42605 - 7 years ago
Make your own rod and reels
Monica Heenandez
Monica Heenandez - 7 years ago
Ive been waiting for you doing a video like this
Bobby Baldridge
Bobby Baldridge - 7 years ago
I've watched a lot of catch and cook videos and have been watching yours for probably a year and I've gotta say you have got to be the best fish cleaner out there. So many people on here completely butcher the filet
Edsh Mercgo
Edsh Mercgo - 7 years ago
Hi Rob!!just Curious..What happened to your left foot??
Andrew K
Andrew K - 7 years ago
Watch his old videos about his left foot graphic warning
Dan Dixon
Dan Dixon - 7 years ago
The sheep.head Dish was good-looking but it fed one person how do you do that for 15 or 20 that we have here every Sunday, not trying to be ugly but it takes a lot of work to feed the people that we have every Sunday,Keep having fun love your videos
Noham Roger
Noham Roger - 7 years ago
disappointed version stumble evmvies where guarantee needle communication corporate scale unexpected unemployment golf.
2 scoops With Sprinkles
2 scoops With Sprinkles - 7 years ago
Are all of your fishing videos in Florida?????
Deathman gaming
Deathman gaming - 7 years ago
This channel is very entertaining when I'm not doing anything around my house and some other things
Ro - 7 years ago
Aligator Gar catch and cook
Jesus Tapia
Jesus Tapia - 7 years ago
Real the same stove. How do you keep yours looking so dog on clean when frying or cooking.
Bill Bussler
Bill Bussler - 7 years ago
Oh I love it....he told you Rob "I've caught a THOUSAND of them!!!" Lol ya gotta love kids!
Kamran Haris
Kamran Haris - 7 years ago
so i was wanting to know if i wanna plant a food plot what time of year would be best so it would be most beneficial to antler and body growth for the next season?
Yakin with Jack
Yakin with Jack - 7 years ago
Haha bill dance with that hoot set
HeerezJohnny - 7 years ago
I love this channel... You are such a great teacher when it comes to learning about different fishing techniques...
Louie Lars
Louie Lars - 7 years ago
I got stabbed by a baby gaftop sail
christopher sheridan
christopher sheridan - 7 years ago
sheepshead is by far my favorite eating fish! thats great fishing catching those on shrimp. I never have luck with shrimp for sheepshead. Fiddler crabs on the other hand are my go to!
Christopher Pereyra
Christopher Pereyra - 7 years ago
Rob I remember when you only had 90k subscribers congratulations on your 770k
J Ok
J Ok - 7 years ago
Why do you only use Everglades? Can you use any other seasoning? Does Everglades pay you?
stretch - 7 years ago
Your life is incredible, be thankful everyday. I live in UK and we have nothing like this
Gregor Miller
Gregor Miller - 7 years ago
...ya ever caught one of these? 'I've caught like ah thousand' response ever!
ZMFishing - 7 years ago
this vid is an instant classic
Great vids
Jared Robinson
Jared Robinson - 7 years ago
Is that a Katy Tigers shirt? HTX
Brian Arabie
Brian Arabie - 7 years ago
What tips do you have for keeping your filet knife so sharp?
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
+Brian Arabie A) start off with a good knife. B) kept the edge clean with a quality steel
Nicholas Ferraiolo
Nicholas Ferraiolo - 7 years ago
love the family videos man... why don't you do a Sail Cat Catch Cook Clean?Flesh is Rated very high especially Cajun Style. HUGE TIP I got from a ole creole man in Alabamas MOBILE BAY...try cookin some sheepshead in with the next Blue crab Boil WHOLE. FREEZE a sheepshead after gutting and Scales and toss in with the crabby crab!
Nicholas Ferraiolo
Nicholas Ferraiolo - 7 years ago
P.S.... I can tell you where to catch GIANT 10LB Purple Heads on what we call grass shrimp on a #4 mustad , split shot and a cane pole Mobile bay!
Arierll Castaneda
Arierll Castaneda - 7 years ago
You guys should try using the UGLY STICK rod and reel. Im from GUAM and I personally use that brand cause the pole is really strong.
Arierll Castaneda
Arierll Castaneda - 7 years ago
Nice video, i watch all your catch and cook videos, hunting videos and i love them, I subscribed the moment i was done watching one of your catch clean and cook videos.
Dave Boerema
Dave Boerema - 7 years ago
Your little nephew is a really cool young man. I would like to see him on more videos.
David Oyama
David Oyama - 7 years ago
Great catch , clean , and cook of the sheepshead fish ! Looks good thanks !
David Youmans
David Youmans - 7 years ago
Yes Rob more of Gabe and Jake!
Dailey Life
Dailey Life - 7 years ago
Looks so good, I’ll have to try that. I couldn’t stop catching them in my last video .
Nick Petrancosta
Nick Petrancosta - 7 years ago
Your awesome
James Harper
James Harper - 7 years ago
Need to see more of your brother. That sheep's head looked amazing
Jan Post
Jan Post - 7 years ago
She always says this is her favorite.
carlos queliz
carlos queliz - 7 years ago
Hey, Rob thank for the video. Can you make a video on the right steps on how to plan a fishing trip and how to find the perfect location?
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
+carlos queliz that's a great idea!!!
William Games
William Games - 7 years ago
hi rob, what are we going to put in the pond that range came out of?
Larry - 7 years ago
Piccata of any type is my daughter Melody's favorite meal. I love making it for her and her family when I am at their home. I personally can't abide the pith of the rind, so when I make it at my home, I always remove it. Great fishing, cleaning and cooking as usual Robert. I so love to see Sarah enjoy her meals. Love you all.
Rob Ayers
Rob Ayers - 7 years ago
Hey Rob great video like ur bro said time for turkey fun time all y'all get together bout 4.30/5am get to Huntin hope to see it soon thank u sir just greatness Airringtons y'all r great best on YouTube
Bobby Salmon
Bobby Salmon - 7 years ago
Thanks for the look into your family life. Wish my brothers and I could make time to get out on the water more often! By the way...I was in Pensacola last week visiting my son (Navy Pilot) and his family and found the Everglades at Publix. Picked up the regular, Fish & Chicken, Heat, and Cactus Dust. NOW I understand why you use it on everything!!! Thanks again and may God continue to bless you, Sara, and the girls!!
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
+Bobby Salmon a navy pilot and everglades!!! This is a great comment!!! You're awesome!!!
Seeram Ramsamooj
Seeram Ramsamooj - 7 years ago
Robort I never see u catch a strip bass
Aces Santana
Aces Santana - 7 years ago
Awesome video bud
Nick Desouza
Nick Desouza - 7 years ago
Rob i live your vids. I live in tampa florida. I wish i could go saltwater fishing with you
215 Outdoors
215 Outdoors - 7 years ago
Hey Sarah I like your shirt. I went to Katy high school here in TX. Do you have family out here??
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 7 years ago
More Gabe and Jake please.
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 7 years ago
ItzDemSkillz Gaming
ItzDemSkillz Gaming - 7 years ago
I love your videos a year ago I went sheepshead fishing and made some good fish sticks I also went to snook nook to get bait before.
Tromat - 7 years ago
Hey Rob another awesome video, I recently got a herniated disc in my back I’m in pain 24 hours a day, your videos are so relaxing and enjoyable and they give me just a little bit of an escape when I watch them. Keep up the good work and thank you
Jack Wellborn
Jack Wellborn - 7 years ago
Man I have been begging my uncle to take me inshore fishing to stock up on some redfish and sheepshead and then I see this video on my feed lol. Sheepshead makes the best fish tacos!
fiki Inc
fiki Inc - 7 years ago
What happened to Rob's foot
Noobie Gamer
Noobie Gamer - 7 years ago
I really hope that some day I'll be half the man you are. You're such an amazing husband and father and the world needs more people like you. Thanks so much for the awesome content you keep putting out for all your viewers. God bless you, sir.
Dirt Hawk
Dirt Hawk - 7 years ago
Rob , I'm A huge Fan , Thanks for your great family videos ! Keep E'm Com'in Brother !! Got 1 Question ! Have you ever been a Chef or Taken culinary training ? Looks like it to me !!! Thanks for taking us along !!! Dirt Hawk !!
Orion Lopez
Orion Lopez - 7 years ago
almost 1M subs wooo
FetusStomper - 7 years ago
Ur wife is so hot
TJ Grizzell
TJ Grizzell - 7 years ago
I’ve heard it helps to bleed your fish. What do you think? I never see you bleed yours so I’m guessing it’s not a big deal. I love watching your videos because I’m from West Palm Beach and have fished off Jupiter so many times. Thanks in advance for your input.
Mark N
Mark N - 7 years ago
Sarah, Mark here, checking in from Katy, Texas. Nice Katy Tigers shirt.
bottomland Brothers
bottomland Brothers - 7 years ago
We're dose your brother work
Lysa Wilson
Lysa Wilson - 7 years ago
I definitely want to see more of your brother and nephew..awesome video. I also like seeing your wife and the girls too!!! So don’t leave them out
SouthFloridaLove - 7 years ago
Florida is the greatest state in america.
All Logan's Life
All Logan's Life - 7 years ago
Texas is
SouthFloridaLove - 7 years ago
BR SALT I get it, if u have a lot of money in Florida you will enjoy life
BR SALT - 7 years ago
If have a lot of money already.if u don't ...forget.thats why all u see there is old farts
Mr. Woofwoof
Mr. Woofwoof - 7 years ago
SouthFloridaLove Wrong, Texas has that title, We even have our own toast. Do you guys have your own toast? yeah, I didnt think so.
EXTREME RC - 7 years ago
More jake and gabe plz
killas dont run
killas dont run - 7 years ago
Nice vid
GQ speed
GQ speed - 7 years ago
Please go on some kind of cooking competition!!!
craftyladydi - 7 years ago
Baby number 3?
Alfred Paxton
Alfred Paxton - 7 years ago
Looks good!!!
Alex Robbins
Alex Robbins - 7 years ago
Please go turkey hunting tomorrow here in Missouri it don't start until April 16th and ive got bird fever!! Great content God Bless!!
Redemptions Only
Redemptions Only - 7 years ago
I always watch all your ads bc you really do put effort in your videos and have a beautiful family
coffeeTandMe - 7 years ago
sheepshead is the poor man's lobster.
Nigga YouNasty
Nigga YouNasty - 7 years ago
Awesome video thanks Robert for sharing!!
Adam Rowe
Adam Rowe - 7 years ago
I finished at that exact spot a month ago and didn’t catch anything
Kevin Lindberg
Kevin Lindberg - 7 years ago
You should go after Bobby Flay
ladybug poop
ladybug poop - 7 years ago
I love you
Austin Kmiec
Austin Kmiec - 7 years ago
Rob, what happened to your foot?!?!
Austin Kmiec
Austin Kmiec - 7 years ago
For anybody else curious!.
Austin Kmiec
Austin Kmiec - 7 years ago
Sic narf thanks!
Sic narf
Sic narf - 7 years ago
He made a video on this topic. Look it up
rachel w
rachel w - 7 years ago
I noticed his foot a couple videos ago. I hope everything is ok. Looks rough.
Devin Dickinson
Devin Dickinson - 7 years ago
Heck yeah
EDventures *
EDventures * - 7 years ago
Looks delicious
Chantis Roberts
Chantis Roberts - 7 years ago
What top water lure is that you are using.
Chon Rubio
Chon Rubio - 7 years ago
Yeah, looks like a Super Spook Jr.
Richard Vue
Richard Vue - 7 years ago
Chantis Roberts
Looks like a type of spook. I have a few like that but mine don't have the feather thing on it.
07Liizz Cruzz
07Liizz Cruzz - 7 years ago
elk hunter
elk hunter - 7 years ago
You're a good man Rob. I've cooked for my wife for 37 years. I'm pretty sure that's what's kept her around this long. It's not my charming personality I will bet:). Great video brother. God bless.
BarryEssex - 7 years ago
What did she do?
The Gerd
The Gerd - 7 years ago
elk hunter I guess I should start learning how to cook lol
Kamal Muhammad
Kamal Muhammad - 7 years ago
Did anyone else notice that he said lemon slices but instead those are orange slices
Richard Speirs
Richard Speirs - 7 years ago
I noticed that, but I also noticed that he corrected himself by stating it is a "sour orange, not a lemon or a lime".
Two Kids
Two Kids - 7 years ago
Sarah are you expecting?!!!
Two Kids
Two Kids - 7 years ago
BR SALT Dude I was implying morning sickness. I was trying to be funny. Let’s keep this site troll free and positive.
BR SALT - 7 years ago
Two Kids if she ain't u just called her straight up!!
Marcelo Carrasco
Marcelo Carrasco - 7 years ago
How in the world is she wearing a Katy Tiger shirt??? Way to represent Texas on the tube!
Gregory De La Rosa
Gregory De La Rosa - 7 years ago
Marcelo Carrasco I was wondering the same thing.
Richard Phelps
Richard Phelps - 7 years ago
You guys are the best
LIL.P KING - 7 years ago
Rob. You should definitely do some sort of. Master chef competition youuu woulddddddddd crush the competition
ridinhi530 - 7 years ago
LIL.P KING not even close
Scott Selkey
Scott Selkey - 7 years ago
Nice job Rob!
Daphne Lattimer
Daphne Lattimer - 7 years ago
Feel better, Sarah!
CaLt HD - 7 years ago
I don't want to sound disrespectful in anyway and im sorry if i come across as it but what has happened to your foot??
CaLt HD - 7 years ago
Ion Vision ok thanks dude just wanted to know
EDventures *
EDventures * - 7 years ago
CaLt HD He got hit by a car crossing the road when he was young riding an atv three wheeler
Ion Vision
Ion Vision - 7 years ago
At least that’s what he said in a crabbing video a while ago
Ion Vision
Ion Vision - 7 years ago
I believe that he was hit by a car
CaLt HD - 7 years ago
NerdySloth 12:07
NerdySloth - 7 years ago
CaLt HD what’s the time at where you seen his foot
Michael Bute
Michael Bute - 7 years ago
Good stuff.
George Stalnaker
George Stalnaker - 7 years ago
Love the videos, love the Katy Tiger tee shirt, I live in Katy Texas. The Katy Tigers have the biggest and best high school football stadium in the US. It goes along with the best football team in Texas. Keep up the great videos.
bogipepper - 7 years ago
Sheepshead, sheepshead, sheepshead rules.
Chris & Keller
Chris & Keller - 7 years ago
Human teeth fish?
Ryan Kieth
Ryan Kieth - 7 years ago
Great catch and cook. And for the record, even when she's not feeling 100% she's still beautiful.
Mr C U
Mr C U - 7 years ago
We don't fry our fish or anything for that matter. Do you have any recipes with baked fish ? We love your videos...keep them coming !!
EDventures *
EDventures * - 7 years ago
Mr C U I would just bake it using what he used, just cover with tin foil so the butter don't splatter
Mike H
Mike H - 7 years ago
Robert, how is Cliff and family and how is uncle Larry doing. Could you do a trip to the keys to see how they are rebuilding that area?
Tim M
Tim M - 7 years ago
Joe Engelwood
Joe Engelwood - 7 years ago
“Some of us have to work tomorrow.” Ain’t that the truth.
Nick - 7 years ago
great vid
Stan Williams
Stan Williams - 7 years ago
Once again. Great video. I appreciate family coming together and having a day. Keep up the great work. God Bless..
faisal kalifa
faisal kalifa - 7 years ago
Awesome fishing and a great idea for that plate nice nice nice
Dan Hartley sr.
Dan Hartley sr. - 7 years ago
Great video as always. Hope Sara gets well soon.
Nathan Craig
Nathan Craig - 7 years ago
Hey I don't want to sound stupid but I've been looking for that Everglades for about 3 weeks now where do they sell it at a Food Lion Walmart or where
MrPixof - 7 years ago
This kid is worse than Carl in Walking dead
Logan Cartwright
Logan Cartwright - 7 years ago
Blue Addiction
Blue Addiction - 7 years ago
nice video
BigWrig Outdoors
BigWrig Outdoors - 7 years ago
sheephead is awesome! bit tricky to hook and ive had some bite threw my hook lol
Darrell Joyner
Darrell Joyner - 7 years ago
Another Winner Rob!
Reel News OCMD
Reel News OCMD - 7 years ago
I found this channel in the comment section of a how to video where someone said “you don’t know how to do anything, go watch dmfd” so I did and I now have found m6 favorite channel on this site.
Scott Evans
Scott Evans - 7 years ago
Could you please do more hunting on land with a bow. for pig or turkey and cook them.
Terry Hebert
Terry Hebert - 7 years ago
katy tigers?
BarryEssex - 7 years ago
Sure you are, we all are
BarryEssex - 7 years ago
Uh more like $15
Rico Lewis
Rico Lewis - 7 years ago
Jonathan Guillen the way he have fixed it yes I will buy that because it looks very good to me
Rico Lewis
Rico Lewis - 7 years ago
jose morales yes it is fun catching fish but I have money and I'm a food critic
jose morales
jose morales - 7 years ago
Rico Lewis the fun is catching it not buying.
Jonathan Guillen
Jonathan Guillen - 7 years ago
I'll pay $110 for that meal
Sam Wells
Sam Wells - 7 years ago
45$ you're a dumbass! It's just a sheepshead nothing special about it lmao. 45$ lmfao get outta here
Ian Aguilar
Ian Aguilar - 7 years ago
Same and yes very well plated
SAMBO - 7 years ago
Rico Lewis well come to my house on friday nights if youll pay 45 dollars for that ill hook you up i eat sheephead all the time just bring the cash lol
Maxwell Cox
Maxwell Cox - 7 years ago
Miles Fairley
Miles Fairley - 7 years ago
His foot
Schmaukofatz Plautz
Schmaukofatz Plautz - 7 years ago
dream q
dream q - 7 years ago
Yes your brother and nephew are great on the vid but sometimes you can't tell who's who both sound the same and look the same
TheMonkeyboykev - 7 years ago
I live right in Jensen beach
Lui Dalessio
Lui Dalessio - 7 years ago
Holy crap that is a great fishing spot. It's only a 3 day drive from my house.
Junior Cayton
Junior Cayton - 7 years ago
Junior Cayton
Junior Cayton - 7 years ago
Colton Roth
Colton Roth - 7 years ago
i would love to fish but theres snow here Ugh you guys lcuky
MrRican341 - 7 years ago
No lifesaver for the kid? I love your videos by the way!
Ray Finkle
Ray Finkle - 7 years ago
Awesome video. Your nephew is gonna have memories that last a lifetime and he’s even more lucky that it’s caught on camera and will last forever on the internet!
Dilo Moura
Dilo Moura - 7 years ago
Que o Altíssimo Senhor e Reis e Criador e Pai Celestial, abençoe mais e mais essa família linda.
Acompanho os vídeos e me divirto e aprendo muito. ♥
gary messer
gary messer - 7 years ago
Hey Rob love you videos please check out my Facebook tubz bar-b-que please tell me what you think
Cielos's ASMR
Cielos's ASMR - 7 years ago
Guess who's who's on fire, ROB
Mike Reese
Mike Reese - 7 years ago
Gonna have to try this one. Looks awesome. Just went sheeps head fishing a few days ago. Nailed em.
William Alloway
William Alloway - 7 years ago
diana keller The_Fam
diana keller The_Fam - 7 years ago
omg dinner looks so guys are awesome hope you feel better
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 7 years ago
Where did your wife get that awesome Katy Tigers Shirt!!
Mako Makowski
Mako Makowski - 7 years ago
You're about three and a half miles north of the best redfish hole in Jensen Beach and on the other side of the river the east side.
Shaun Kz
Shaun Kz - 7 years ago
Yes we want to see your brother more in videos for sure by the way!
Steven Cook
Steven Cook - 7 years ago
Plus he is close to my hometown and I have fond memories of the Snook Nook from my youth.
Steven Cook
Steven Cook - 7 years ago
For a Jesus Freak Trump lover this guy is pretty cool
Bad ass Outdoors
Bad ass Outdoors - 7 years ago
When are you going to do a turkey hunting video
puppy boo!!
puppy boo!! - 7 years ago
i should go to snook nook
Theman40 2
Theman40 2 - 7 years ago
Do you bleed out your fish to get the meat that white?
deermeatfordinner - 7 years ago
+Theman40 2 nope. Just ice
Rachell Ann Agregado
Rachell Ann Agregado - 7 years ago
I love your channel and your family :) i almost watched all your videos.. Please do more catch clean and cook
Unique. Human
Unique. Human - 7 years ago
I love you videos
Belle De Sade
Belle De Sade - 7 years ago
AHH!! Snook Nook! I grew up in Jensen Beach fishing! I haven't been there in so long! This makes me smile as I know exactly where you are! And how beautiful it is!! It's so nice to watch your content and just instantly feel like I'm at home again.. And fishing on the water growing up! Even though live in Okeechobee now this makes me want to go back and fish in Jensen again!
Justin High
Justin High - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Mitchell Crouse
Mitchell Crouse - 7 years ago
Hi love your channel
Rock Wood
Rock Wood - 7 years ago
Sheepshead? It's illegal to throw them back in Minnesota, we used to drop kick em into the parking lot.
Sabrina Sweeley
Sabrina Sweeley - 7 years ago
Rock Wood why is it illegal to throw them back?
Unique. Human
Unique. Human - 7 years ago
Grant Hartzheim
Grant Hartzheim - 7 years ago
Under 60 comments hey deermeatfordinner have you ever thought about fishing the Columbia for sturgeon if so come on down and get my #we could go out sometime and have a fun time sturgeon fishing and walleye on the same day it is awesome fishing and I’m 15 my dads 52 and I would really enjoy to see you in real life.
mikozera - 7 years ago
JIGGY ROSS - 7 years ago
Hey buddy I live right there I Tex u 3 time 2 ask u when is the best time 2 get snapper off shore in Jupiter inlet and fo u charged too take people on ur boat?
HOLY HORUS - 7 years ago
Dope video
fishing in florida
fishing in florida - 7 years ago
52 comment
Outdoor kids LF
Outdoor kids LF - 7 years ago
I have heard it’s rather hard to clean sheeps head
CNY Angler
CNY Angler - 7 years ago
I just requested this video about a week ago!
Hello - 7 years ago
Ahahaha I like how your brother gives you shit.
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 7 years ago
It’s sheepshead season down here in Texas Also!
Shaun Kz
Shaun Kz - 7 years ago
Always hearing from who you’re with about how you throw so many fish back but I think it’s great! You are the definition of a conservationist Rob! Much respect for that!
gaming with jc
gaming with jc - 7 years ago
I wish you guys had 1m subs like if you agrey
gaming with jc
gaming with jc - 7 years ago
Can you sub to my canel plssssss
Inferno Playz
Inferno Playz - 7 years ago
Damn dat looks gooood!!!
Mako Makowski
Mako Makowski - 7 years ago
You are right next to my place Rob when are you going to take me fishing brother? I don't want to turn into a crazy stalker LOL but seriously right there the $0.10 bridge the small one is a killer snook spot as well as Tarpon on the incoming tide. Tell Henry Mako said you can have whatever you want inside the Snook Nook and put it on my tab.
Evan Reliford
Evan Reliford - 7 years ago
45 comment
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 7 years ago
That’s an Iconic sheepshead Spot
JJPOD Gaming
JJPOD Gaming - 7 years ago
hey rob, love the vids, keep up the good work
ALBERTO RAMIREZ - 7 years ago
I love the fish and cook videos
Eeveelutionary Master
Eeveelutionary Master - 7 years ago
Spadefish catch and cook please
MAtthew WUest
MAtthew WUest - 7 years ago
Rob I have been too snook nook all the time!!!
I would love if i could put my PB bass in your pond! It is 7.4 pounds!
I would love if that happened! Great vid
PLEASE Respond Rob!!!
Like Rob can see!
God bless
MAtthew WUest
MAtthew WUest - 7 years ago
Grant Tabor well if he puts bule Gil in they will be eaten but it would not eat anything else
MAtthew WUest
MAtthew WUest - 7 years ago
Mathew Graham yeah I do I know I have to wait but I just want to put out the offer
Grant Tabor
Grant Tabor - 7 years ago
Why put in a fish in a new pond that is going to eat everything ????
Mathew Graham
Mathew Graham - 7 years ago
If he wants to respond he will I imagine he wants to get everything set up first plus put some of his own fish in first know what I mean
Kevin Sklar
Kevin Sklar - 7 years ago
Always great to see the catch clean and cooks!!!!
Outdoor Passion
Outdoor Passion - 7 years ago
Awesome video
Chris Cogsdell
Chris Cogsdell - 7 years ago
Hey Rob love the channel by far the best channel on YouTube would love to see catch clean and cook catfish with one of your amazing thrown together recipes. Y'all have a bless day, and Everglades is the best
Neon Rose
Neon Rose - 7 years ago
You make amazing videos and i love fishing!!!!!!
Jose Castrejon
Jose Castrejon - 7 years ago
Love your videos rob keep them going
Kody Williams
Kody Williams - 7 years ago
4th person first comment. Love content. Would love to see a catch clean and cook on an alligator gar. Every youtube video is bad quality.
Abel Hernandez
Abel Hernandez - 7 years ago
Rob u getting close to a million subs man love your channel best youtuber in my opinion
Clinton Hyre
Clinton Hyre - 7 years ago
I want to do a hunt with you
Ryan Critser
Ryan Critser - 7 years ago
I love your channel I subscribed as soon as I could
Tyler Medina
Tyler Medina - 7 years ago
I love your content been watching since 10k keep it up
jelly cakes
jelly cakes - 7 years ago
Hi bro love your vids watch them everyday
Angelic Deberry
Angelic Deberry - 7 years ago
2 nice fish
Fishing western NC
Fishing western NC - 7 years ago
Love your videos keep them up
Tiko 818
Tiko 818 - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work you’re killing it
Kolton Rudy
Kolton Rudy - 7 years ago
Ayden Quinn
Ayden Quinn - 7 years ago
First to watch hi deer meat for dinner
Kaiden Divers
Kaiden Divers - 7 years ago
You're awesome and inspiring
Michael the fisherman
Michael the fisherman - 7 years ago
Love the videos keep them up
Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 7 years ago
HecG - 7 years ago
2nd what's up Rob great videos
Tiko 818
Tiko 818 - 7 years ago
Reel Silly Outdoors
Reel Silly Outdoors - 7 years ago
Mohammed Omar
Mohammed Omar - 7 years ago
ALBERTO RAMIREZ - 7 years ago
Clinton Hyre
Clinton Hyre - 7 years ago
You are awsome
Jay Bietila
Jay Bietila - 7 years ago
BottzBoss85 - 7 years ago
I live your vids plz answer
patrick yorty
patrick yorty - 7 years ago
3rd view
Parker How
Parker How - 7 years ago
Marcos Nino
Marcos Nino - 7 years ago
Deuntai jackson
Deuntai jackson - 7 years ago
Adil ،08
Adil ،08 - 7 years ago
Rainbow six Siege
Rainbow six Siege - 7 years ago
H&E FISHING - 7 years ago
Roberto 3440
Roberto 3440 - 7 years ago
Kaiden Divers
Kaiden Divers - 7 years ago
Bob Wieters
Bob Wieters - 7 years ago
As always, super awesome! Love you guys and God Bless the entire family.

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