SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)

In this video I do something I've wanted to do for a very, very, very long time.. Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram ------- Twitter------------- Facbook---------- Fishing Gear* Fly fishing kit----------------------- rod-------------------------------------- reel-------------------------------------- line-------------------------------------- Favorite Lure----------------------- hoodie--------------------------------- jacket---------------------------------- boots----------------------------------- Sunglasses ------------------------- backpack----------------------------- Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- Drone Case------------------------- Big Camera------------------------- Big Camera Mic------------------ Small Tripod----------------------- Big Tripod--------------------------- Zoom lens-------------------------- GoPro--------------------------------- LAV Mic------------------------------ MUSIC by Dyalla Swain -" *Amazon Associate links

SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 29,403 views

In this video I do something I've wanted to do for a very, very, very long time.. Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram ------- Twitter------------- Facbook---------- Fishing Gear* Fly fishing kit----------------------- rod-------------------------------------- reel-------------------------------------- line-------------------------------------- Favorite Lure----------------------- hoodie--------------------------------- jacket---------------------------------- boots----------------------------------- Sunglasses ------------------------- backpack----------------------------- Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- Drone Case------------------------- Big Camera------------------------- Big Camera Mic------------------ Small Tripod----------------------- Big Tripod--------------------------- Zoom lens-------------------------- GoPro--------------------------------- LAV Mic------------------------------ MUSIC by Dyalla Swain -" *Amazon Associate links

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Most popular comments
for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)

MaydewithLoveProductions - 7 years ago
I am so proud of you, Nick! I love how positive you always are!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
MaydewithLoveProductions thanks for the fly rod baby!!!!!
Joshua Skorick
Joshua Skorick - 7 years ago
looks so much fun, I just bought a $800 fly rod, but one thing to try is bed bass with a streamer fly.
Colin MacMillan
Colin MacMillan - 7 years ago
Love the new content Nick!
Noah S.
Noah S. - 7 years ago
Fly Fishing for panfish is a BLAST, and a great way to get into the sport! I have been fly fishing since I was six and that is the exact way I started. I have a few tips for you for your next fly fishing outing- 1) When you are striping the fly back to you, try to slow down the retrieve. this will entice more fish to bite. 2) when fishing for panfish hopper droppers are your best friend (! some hoppers I suggest are the Baby Boy Hopper/Charlie boy hopper ( also the S. S. Panfish Killer ( Good luck, Have fun and Tight-lines!
BADFISHHHHHH - 7 years ago
See ya later buddy
RouseOutdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome, man! I’ve been wanting to get into fly fishing for a while. Looks like a blast!
Daniel Caballero Fernández
Daniel Caballero Fernández - 7 years ago
Congratulation!! I'm fly fisherman too, and if you want any advice, I think you should do shorter stops in the cast and try to cast with your wrist, it will improve them. If you like this type of fishing I reconmend you tying your own flys and try to go fishing for trout with flies. Any questions you have, please ask me if you want.
BassGeek - 7 years ago
Look like a pro to me. Of course I couldn't tell you what a pro looks like I haven't touched a fly rod.
Jooson Kim
Jooson Kim - 7 years ago
also they aren't called lures, they are flies when you are fly fishing.....keep up the good work mate. Also, roll casting is key for bank fishing if you dont have waders. I roll cast about 75% of the time...

10. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)

Jooson Kim
Jooson Kim - 7 years ago
life changing is right!!!! I love fly fishing, a little too Welcome to the community!!!
L P - 7 years ago
You are so nice to the fish “see you later buddy”
OccasionalGamer - 7 years ago
Also, learn to roll cast. It will really help you in those brushy areas!
OccasionalGamer - 7 years ago
Fly fishing is so much fun. It is a whole new dimension to the activity,.
Vicente Herrera
Vicente Herrera - 7 years ago
That's a pretty sick set up you got there
VitalFishing - 7 years ago
fly fishing looks like a blast, might have to give it a try
Jonathan Petty
Jonathan Petty - 7 years ago
Your technique wasn’t that bad but when you are casting try bringing your rod from 10-2 like on a clock
Bradley Larson
Bradley Larson - 7 years ago
Tie your own flies go buy bps beginner kit for 100 bucks you can tie some pretty good flies
Roy G
Roy G - 7 years ago
youre annoying af
Fanboy 765
Fanboy 765 - 7 years ago
And also try to use a net more often cause it is easy to damage a rod when lifting fish ive broke a couple in my day by doing that

20. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)

Fanboy 765
Fanboy 765 - 7 years ago
Try some wooly buggers and poppers for bigger bass
Arnoud van den Heuvel
Arnoud van den Heuvel - 7 years ago
Very nicely done! Not bad at all for a first time! And quite a few caught on the first day... Been addicted to it for maybe 2 years now, still feels like the first time... ;-)
Cheng Lee
Cheng Lee - 7 years ago
Bro, look into roll casts. It'll be super useful with your style of fishing. Thank me later!
Anyway, that's an insane rod setup you got there for a beginner! Your gf is a keeper! Not going to forget to mention the bonus FIL you're gonna have.
Robertas Klemanskis
Robertas Klemanskis - 7 years ago
I was addicted to spin and feeder fishing.. but after I took on fly fishing I cant let it go all my other gear is just siting in the corner :D It seems like the only way to fish... exploring the rivers almost neck deep sometimes :D , making my own flies and etc... The possibilities are endless with a fly rod.. you will fish in so many places that you would have not thought of it ... :) Good luck and all the best :)
Chanro Du Toit
Chanro Du Toit - 7 years ago
I loved this video I'm addicted toe this vid it's so satisfying
Chanro Du Toit
Chanro Du Toit - 7 years ago
That was probably one of the most relaxing fishing vids I've ever seen
BFries55 - 7 years ago
My first time went a lot worse lol
Grizzly Beard Outdoors
Grizzly Beard Outdoors - 7 years ago
You look so different all clean shaven bro but you look good man
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
jhann990 - 7 years ago
Nice one Nick. Great to see you catching on the fly! Sending thanks for your great videos from the UK.
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Adrenalinejunky - 7 years ago
When are you gonna release ???
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:

30. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)

Skidin Dingo
Skidin Dingo - 7 years ago
hey, 618, im pumped to see you fly fishing. i wanted to extend you an offer of getting some flies from me. i tie them, and over the winter i worked out a few patterns, but have no way to test them myself for another month or so, and i want a wider test range. is there some way i could send you a half dozen flies to try out as kind of an "experimental fly challenge" or something?
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Tony Santoro
Tony Santoro - 7 years ago
Nick, for a slower steady retrieve, learn the hand twist technique. 1:10 in this video:
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Mash Bassing
Mash Bassing - 7 years ago
Some of my favorite flys are Cooper John's wooly buggers poppers streamer's for big bass and spider fly's and nimphs for big bluegill
mjwiley75 - 7 years ago
form looks good for beginner! Glad to see you with fly rod. Was wondering if you had ever tried it. Have to get you up to NE Iowa with me for some stream fishing for trout! Streams/rivers present the need for more technique (mending line) than when you fish still water. Keep it up, you are doing great!
James Lewis
James Lewis - 7 years ago
Try a roll cast for those tight areas along the bank where you can't cast as well. Congrats and welcome to flyfishing. Great job for your first time.
Texan1048 - 7 years ago
Good job! You did great! Catching fish with any new set-up or technique is always nice! Keep at it and you'll be flying that thing all over the lake in no time! I've always wanted to get into fly fishing.. I actually inherited a cheap martin rod/reel from an uncle. I snapped it in two on the first cast lol. Oops.
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Carroll Ault
Carroll Ault - 7 years ago
I think it's awesome that you have picked up fly fishing some of the largest fish eat the smallest fly I hope to see more fly fishing videos you can catch countless species great video bro
mahoganychinchilla - 7 years ago
OMg I'm from the northern part of IL and just got my first fly setup this chirstmas and have been waiting to get out to fish. I got into fly tying as well and have tied so many flies already. I would recommend trying that out as its really cool to make your own lures. Love the channel!!
PEnCaRi kAYu
PEnCaRi kAYu - 7 years ago
Great dude...
Connor J
Connor J - 7 years ago
I have been fly fishing in Utah for a long time, in fact, I learned to fly fish before I learned to cast fish. One of the best drills that I did learning was, take a small towel and put it under your arm then put a belt around your torso with your casting arm in above the elbow as well. This will make sure you are only using your elbow to control the cast, which is the best way to start. Also, I noticed that you were breaking your wrist. In cast fishing you want your wrist to bend, but in fly fishing, this is the kiss of death. Hope this helps!
James - 7 years ago
I could tell you'd love fly fishing. anyone who loves using 2lb test is just the person to love fly fishing. why? That is my story. I am self taught and have lots to learn. I have only caught very small fish, but I have caught some on the fly. just keep at it.
Bravo25 - 7 years ago
Bravo25 - 7 years ago
Sweet new sounds...I am just learning to fly fish. Love it!!
Fat Neck
Fat Neck - 7 years ago
Great video. I love your excitement no matter what size fish you catch. Keep up the good work sir.
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Disciple - 7 years ago
That looks sick!
David Donahue
David Donahue - 7 years ago
Nick, super happy you've turned to fly fishing. Always wondered if you would. I've been fly fishing for about 2 years now and it's hard to go back to a casting reel. Keep up the great videos and tight lines!
Joseph Tranquillo
Joseph Tranquillo - 7 years ago
practice your "D" loop casting for tight quarters, and summertime popper fishing is even more exciting. congrats you did well!
Hamid Baaoui
Hamid Baaoui - 7 years ago
I don't know what I'm doing. Best technique. :)
nicksteroni - 7 years ago
Awesome video ! One tip- Before picking up the line off the water to make your back cast, MAKE SURE you first remove all of the slack in the line from the reel forward towards the fly. This includes any curves laying on the water or even line bowed between the guides. You want the energy of your back cast to be used exclusively on moving the line straight back in your back cast, not taking up slack. This will greatly increase the line speed which will eliminate the line dropping behind you and catching the brush / trees. Keep up the awesome vids !!!

50. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)

Logan Kitchen
Logan Kitchen - 7 years ago
Dude, I've been watching for a long time, but it's even better now that you've "seen the light". Haha. I switched to a fly rod a few years back and love it.

To get some big bass try a sinking or sink tip line and some clouser minnows and Wooley buggers. Going a bit deeper with those flies is awesome.

You can also tie a smaller fly behind a bigger one. I've hooked up two fish that way.
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Brady Jhonson
Brady Jhonson - 7 years ago
Pls do a lot more fly fishing
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
The River Steward lol
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Pwrcritter - 7 years ago
Welcome to a new obsession!
Ray Day
Ray Day - 7 years ago
That looks like the perfect spot to throw a dry dropper (generally a very small nymph tied to the shank of a dry fly) any time especially a hatch because you can cover two areas of where fish are going to be feeding, top water and subsurface, and you can adjust the length of the leader between the two flies to work with the depth of wherever you're fishing, it works best first and last hour when it's calm but there's still just a little bit of ripple to make your top fly move up and down slightly which will make your bottom fly do the same and it'll look like natural moment. it's basically bobber fishing with a worm but now your bobber catches fish too. And if those fish only bite streamers, a bead headed woolly bugger and any thing chartreuse over white will both catch fish
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Nisha Singh
Nisha Singh - 7 years ago
Check into a casting lesson at a local shop....they will start you off on the right casting stroke for you to improve quicker and fly fishing will be even more fun.
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Nisha Singh
Nisha Singh - 7 years ago
Welcome to the addiction!!!
cgvoxakis - 7 years ago
I love how you show your snags, "horrible technique" and miscues. I can certainly relate to that much more than if everything went perfectly every time!
Charles D Parker
Charles D Parker - 7 years ago
Marry her! Gifts of Orvis, well she is obviously into you.
Andre Rose
Andre Rose - 7 years ago
618 Fishing Can you make the videos a little bit more brighter light brightness or contrast just a little bit
quadorean - 7 years ago
Pro tip 1:
Practice, practice, practice!

Also it might help with your control and distance if you refrain from letting your line and fly hit water on your false casts. All in all, if really was your first time, you're not gonna have any issues.

LOVE your channel btw!
Victor Herrera
Victor Herrera - 7 years ago
What fly did you use?
Dwayne D
Dwayne D - 7 years ago
Good job! Watch the Orvis 'Learn to Fly Fish' videos. Also, you are dropping your rod tip too soon on your forward cast (I am only saying this because it is the only real mistake I can see you making, which is amazing for a newbie).
Jon Cagle
Jon Cagle - 7 years ago
You should learn the roll cast. It eliminates the back cast when you have brush behind you
Carter Hotchkiss
Carter Hotchkiss - 7 years ago
Love your videos!!
cool and relevant
cool and relevant - 7 years ago
I've got a tip. Don't let your line hit the water until you need it to!
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
i am deb
i am deb - 7 years ago
Your special me !
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
i am deb
i am deb - 7 years ago
+MaydewithLoveProductions jk
MaydewithLoveProductions - 7 years ago
i am deb it’s me silly girl
SofaKing's StupidFishing
SofaKing's StupidFishing - 7 years ago
Keeping your line off the water can make all the difference for finicky fish. I was fishing a mountain lake with clear water and I outfished a guy with WAY better gear and way more skill than me. I was tossing a free-lined wooly bugger on spinning gear, the legit fly angler was using a hopper dropper. I caught 3 trout, lost one, he caught nothing there. I think it was because he was dragging the high-vis line over their heads. I kept my line completely off the water and that's why I got more hookups. It doesn't always matter though. I've caught trout on 10 lb fluoro and 8 lb mono in crystal clear water.
The EastBayAnglers
The EastBayAnglers - 7 years ago
This changed your life, Wow!
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
yauck1 - 7 years ago
orvis for a first time flyfisherman is awesome. And I don't believe you've never touched a fly rod before. ;) good work man. Now get hooked on tying flies!
timothee mekri
timothee mekri - 7 years ago
You are right.
I dont know many girlfriend who offer such a good material. If mine do so... i should worry why she let me go fishing so often...!
The EastBayAnglers
The EastBayAnglers - 7 years ago
Gavin Ent
Gavin Ent - 7 years ago
That song is really annoying, sorry dude. But I had to turn the volume off, I can’t stand that, it’s just too repetitive.
ES - 7 years ago
Great video. Very cool.
eric robinson
eric robinson - 7 years ago
I live in the 618 ... ;)
Jay Bietila
Jay Bietila - 7 years ago
look up line shooting if you want to get that fly a little further
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Wesley Hackney
Wesley Hackney - 7 years ago
You are brave to show first experience fly fishing. Hats off to you my man!
The River Steward
The River Steward - 7 years ago
I just caught a fish on a weed eater! See for yourself:
Gordon Gretsinger
Gordon Gretsinger - 7 years ago
You cast better than most people that have taken hours of expensive casting classes! Thats the way to do it. Just observe, copy, and try.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Gordon Gretsinger thanks Gordon!
Phillip Lopez
Phillip Lopez - 7 years ago
Hi Nick. How about trying some of your bigger streamers for bigger bass? Also, you may have heard this but, keep your wrist straight on your back cast.
Lip_ripper Fishing
Lip_ripper Fishing - 7 years ago
Try using a copper John if you are planning on going creek fishing
CT and Sons Outdoors
CT and Sons Outdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome video!
You'll love it even more when the weather warms up and they are hitting popping bugs!!
ADAM SZCZUDLUK - 7 years ago
You should tie your own flies
ADAM SZCZUDLUK - 7 years ago
welcome to the addicting world of fly fishing
Aiden Fleming
Aiden Fleming - 7 years ago
Plz do another big bait challenge
Taylor Souder
Taylor Souder - 7 years ago
I love this video. Like you I have no idea what I’m doing but I bought a fly rod and flies and I’m going to give it a try. I hope I fair as well as you did here!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Taylor Souder thank you! good luck!
Brady Benson
Brady Benson - 7 years ago
Hey Nick, use the reel on the rod to bring in the fish instead of pulling the line
Marco Rath
Marco Rath - 7 years ago
As a beginner, you are already doing quite well! You should try to cast more vertically instead of horizontally
Jack Dawson
Jack Dawson - 7 years ago
Very impressive for your first time time with a fly rod! Awesome job man!
Brendanglo - 7 years ago
Damn Homie. Fly fishing where I’m at is closed until May 15th and you just got me craving it!
HellJae - 7 years ago
This content is absolutely amazing! great video, and great catches mate!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
HellJae thank you!
Brandon Victor
Brandon Victor - 7 years ago
You should really consider trying Dry flies the topwater blowups are epic!
isdon isgood
isdon isgood - 7 years ago
First time fly fishing! Really? You are an absolute fucking liar!
Guilherme Espírito Santo
Guilherme Espírito Santo - 7 years ago
Really good for a first timer! As basic tips, don’t let the line go so low on the back and front casts. Stick to the 10 and 2 positions, and don’t let the line touch the water on the false casts. I wish I was that good when I first started, now you should move on into trout!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Guilherme Espírito Santo appreciate the tips!
matt long
matt long - 7 years ago
Work on learning how to roll cast. its an extremely handy technique in brushy areas where you have limited room for backcast
jasonflyfishercolorado fortcollins
jasonflyfishercolorado fortcollins - 7 years ago
Now you're fishing!
matt long
matt long - 7 years ago
Never underestimate the lil guy. I once caught a 12 lb triploid rainbow on a size 12 irresistable adams and 2lb leader! chased him down like a marlin ..great memory
LSK - 7 years ago
You should go fly fishing for trout put up a good fight but are a bit harder to catch.
Michael brajkovich
Michael brajkovich - 7 years ago
Learn the roll cast. You can fish tighter areas and you won’t get hung up behind you as much. It’s a very good skill to know
M.O.S - 7 years ago
it's looks good for 1st time ;)
but be more relax. Let rod do casting.
Pättes - 7 years ago
Nice. Thumbs up!

100. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)

Skylar L
Skylar L - 7 years ago
Also, get some beadhead or conehead woolly buggers in various sizes and colors. Most versatile fly out there, I think. You can catch almost anything on them! To work on casting, one on one learning really helps. It is way easier to show someone in person how to do it than it is to explain. I'd recommend going with someone you know and have them help you out!
Patrick Davies
Patrick Davies - 7 years ago
Way to go nick!
haikal angler
haikal angler - 7 years ago
The line will snag at anything you could imagine . I know how you feel. I hope next time you can make a your first time fly tying video.
Ne Angler
Ne Angler - 7 years ago
Stop stripping in Fish they're alot easier to handle when reeling in
haikal angler
haikal angler - 7 years ago
I alredy knew that you will get your hand on fly fishing soonee or later
Millennial Gardener
Millennial Gardener - 7 years ago
Give tenkara a try better for small ponds and streams!
Abraham Hazel
Abraham Hazel - 7 years ago
i suggest you cast by bringing your rod back to two oclock and then to ten oclock and while your doing this count 1-2,3-4 and this will give you perfect casts
E4T6 - 7 years ago
fly fishing is light years more gratifying than any other way.. good to see you getting into it.
Landon West
Landon West - 7 years ago
Great video!
Whos Dovahkiin
Whos Dovahkiin - 7 years ago
You look like a natural out there man, I can't fly fish for shit but I'm gonna keep trying haha
Richard De Boer
Richard De Boer - 7 years ago
Throw youre car or bike with it
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Danny Kyle haha
Most amazing Vids
Most amazing Vids - 7 years ago
April volley has a podcast called anchored that helps and there is also one called fish on the brain
cr0cket01 - 7 years ago
well done i got fly gear but still not had chance to use it
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
cr0cket01 hopefully that will be soon!
Craig Borrenpohl
Craig Borrenpohl - 7 years ago
YES Yes yes! There was a moment when I thought in the excitement of your first fish on a fly you'd forgot to say bye buddy, than you snuck it in there.
Have fun.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Craig Borrenpohl Hahahaha thanks for watching!
Bradley Garrett
Bradley Garrett - 7 years ago
Avoid heavy tree cover when fly fishing hahaha easy way to lose flies. Golf courses are fun to fly fish on. But you got the basic technique pretty well. #keepfishin
Max Slaten
Max Slaten - 7 years ago
great that you have taken up fly fishing. Definitely invest in some more flies. Honestly, in the lakes that you fish, it would not surprise me if you have more success with the fly rod than with the spinner.
Chelsea Allen
Chelsea Allen - 7 years ago
Aww, your excitement is so inspiring! I want to start fly fishing now too!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Chelsea Allen I highly recommend it!
Manu Et fish
Manu Et fish - 7 years ago
Salut super vidéo bravo à toi bonne journée
Connor Miller
Connor Miller - 7 years ago
I recommend to get the book 1001 fly fishing tips it helped me a ton its like 3 bucks
The triple Hobbyist
The triple Hobbyist - 7 years ago
That's not a lure it's a fly
Evan - 7 years ago
Nice video I'm just wondering how those really tiny crank baits would do on a fly rod like idk if it's possible but would be cool to see
Danilo Deleon
Danilo Deleon - 7 years ago
Makes me want to get a darn fly rod lol
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Danilo Deleon do it!!
Youth Golf
Youth Golf - 7 years ago
When you real it in you hold the slack and real it up and then you can real the fish in
Michael Salazar
Michael Salazar - 7 years ago
if you haven't already, watch the orvis guide for fly fishing series
ZZ430T56 - 7 years ago
Thumb down. You didn't catch even one fly!! Just kiddin. Have fun
Yonis Velasquez
Yonis Velasquez - 7 years ago
Can u do a big baits challenge or weird lure challenge for one of the future videos
Serge Marcoux
Serge Marcoux - 7 years ago
Well..... You got me into ultralight fishing and now I wanna learn fly fishing too!!! Hahahaha. Good job Nick as always!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Serge Marcoux haha thanks Serge! I highly recommend it!
B - 7 years ago
Awesome video. Hot dog!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
B haha thanks!
Fresh2Salt Fishing
Fresh2Salt Fishing - 7 years ago
Wow! I’ve never seen anyone close to this good when fly fishing their first time. You are a natural. Keep it up. It is a whole new realm of fishing that you will definitely enjoy.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Fresh2Salt Fishing I appreciate it thank you!
Charles Thorp
Charles Thorp - 7 years ago
Great job Nick!! I have wanted to try it too but never have
Bradley Miller
Bradley Miller - 7 years ago
You have fallen into the black hole called fly fishing, Welcome! I started last spring and I absolutely love it. I find myself using spinning gear less and less.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Bradley Miller I don’t know why it has taken me this long!
Fishin4Food - 7 years ago
Need to throw streamers with the 8wt
Isaac Bjorge
Isaac Bjorge - 7 years ago
Don't let your line hit the water when your casting. You will have a better chance at big fish because they won't be spooked
Daniel O'Connor
Daniel O'Connor - 7 years ago
Glad you picked it up man been doing it for years. Your cast is good for being a beginner. Try dropping your wrist that last three inches a bit more delibrately it will keep you from slapping the water.
THE BATTLE MASTER - 7 years ago
I have never fly fished before but does anyone know why the fly line is bright green
Michael brajkovich
Michael brajkovich - 7 years ago
THE BATTLE MASTER no problem. Good luck if you ever try fly fishing. It can be frustrating in the beginning, especially on small streams with trees everywhere. But catching fish on a fly rod is as satisfying as it gets
THE BATTLE MASTER - 7 years ago
Wow 618 just liked this
THE BATTLE MASTER - 7 years ago
Michael brajkovich thanks so much
Michael brajkovich
Michael brajkovich - 7 years ago
THE BATTLE MASTER visibility. Fishing in rivers and streams especially you need to see what’s going on with your line so you can mend and control it. Some guys prefer a natural color for maximum camouflage, but it’s harder to follow and I use bright orange line and catch just as many fish. If I fished lakes or ponds I’d probably go with a green/grey line just to be safe
eluv - 7 years ago
10 o’clock to 2 o’clock on the cast and things will be much easier. Tie the rod butt to your forearm and practice that way. It will help. Great video!
Alan S.
Alan S. - 7 years ago
You made it fun to watch you fly fish for the first time. Misleading vid title, but I still enjoyed watching. Have fun.
Garrett Mahoney
Garrett Mahoney - 7 years ago
When your striping line keep your rod tip almost touching the water
Per Vormeland
Per Vormeland - 7 years ago
As long as the flys look like somthing in the water it dosent matter how cheap they are
Natural State Angle
Natural State Angle - 7 years ago
Man just started fly fishing last year. Was instantly hooked! I would do it more if less wind and trees. Haha Great video!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Natural State Angle thanks man!
Davey Jones
Davey Jones - 7 years ago
What weight fly rod are you using?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Davey Jones 5wt
Noah Hobbs
Noah Hobbs - 7 years ago
Do a Nother big bait challenge
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 7 years ago
Very nice video. There is bass flies on Amazon. You should do a video fly fishing using the bass flies. Keep up the good work. I love fly fishing!
Chris Rose
Chris Rose - 7 years ago
You’ll find your rhythm and flow buddy! Practice makes perfect.
baby beel
baby beel - 7 years ago
Nice man, if you like micro fly fishing give tenkara fishing a try.
Christopher Thurman
Christopher Thurman - 7 years ago
Love your excitement! Love that you show your fails as we all have them. Tiny ultralight fishing rocks keep it up. Congratulations on fly rod success.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Christopher Thurman thanks Christopher!
Ron Mehringer
Ron Mehringer - 7 years ago
Welcome to the wonderful world of fly fishing. The tug is the drug.
Simple tip for casting, imagine you’re doing a short back and forth karate chop. Smooth acceleration to a hard stop, back and front.
Bob Manzi
Bob Manzi - 7 years ago
Welcome to fly fishing Nick! There’s no turning back once it bites u! (Watch ur back cast )
Danny Cal
Danny Cal - 7 years ago
That combo looks so sick! May one day give this a try, but for now big blue cat season is upon us!
Everything Outdoors MN
Everything Outdoors MN - 7 years ago
should have brought that to colorado
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Everything Outdoors MN I know!
Jody Dorsett
Jody Dorsett - 7 years ago
Pro tip. Ask her dad to teach you.
Darryl Jackson
Darryl Jackson - 7 years ago
No way I'd pay that much to catch small fish.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Jody Dorsett haha thanks Jody! - 7 years ago
dang I thought you'd be throwing that on a baitcaster lol, fly fishing looks so much fun!!!!
Joshua Sattaboot
Joshua Sattaboot - 7 years ago
gavin,s outdoor channel
gavin,s outdoor channel - 7 years ago
I fly fish it's fun on that light rod too
Great channel keep it up nice music too
Oregon Outdoors
Oregon Outdoors - 7 years ago
Biggest tip: Use strike indicators if you are just starting out. Also you might want to use a line 1 weight heavier than your rod weight to feel the rod load when you are casting.
Johnny George
Johnny George - 7 years ago
I had the same reaction when I started fly fishing and still feel that same way every time I go it gets in the blood. I love fighting a largemouth on the fly rod.oh and you can spend as much or as little as you have available on fly gear.
Matt Frownfelter
Matt Frownfelter - 7 years ago
Fly fishing in the 618
day man
day man - 7 years ago
That is one expensive reel for a first-timer setup!
TheOutdoorfiend - 7 years ago
Try working on your roll cast. It really helps me when in tight spots on lakes and ponds where there’s not a lot of back casting room. Great video!
Cam Pickford
Cam Pickford - 7 years ago
Also use the 10 and 2 method like hands on a clock ! Don’t drop your arm past 10 on the forward and don’t let it go back further than 2 on the back cast then on your final drop to the water then bring your arm down to direct your fly. It’s all in the wrist
Richard De Boer
Richard De Boer - 7 years ago
Cam Pickford
Dont use your whirst, first thing you learn in flyfishing not to do that !
Bad habbit and not easy not to do, its noob fishing.
I know he mean well but ita not a good advice too you !?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Cam Pickford thanks for the tip!
Jerome Hawkins
Jerome Hawkins - 7 years ago
I'd even tell him to try 10-12 since you always will go back farther then it feels. Good advice! Fun sport. Never liked lake fishing much, but you got to start somewhere.
Enddy Ahmad
Enddy Ahmad - 7 years ago
next.... saltwater fly fishing
Geyote Pilkington
Geyote Pilkington - 7 years ago
Love the music and enthusiam
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Jnay Jnellius haha I still managed to catch plenty of those
Jaco Pgame
Jaco Pgame - 7 years ago
If you want to practice accuracy. Places white plate on a field and try aiming your fly to hit it. It will help when you start learning advance techniques
torrey self
torrey self - 7 years ago
Yeah you are hooked now! I fly fish for everything that swims and it's always a blast.
sgtpavlov - 7 years ago
Years ago I got into fly fishing as well,and I bring my flyrod with me,along with my other spinning,and bait casting setups. It is just a permanent part of my arsenal. I sometimes won't bring it along,if it's too windy out though. You should learn to tie your own flies,and use them. They don't need to be sophisticated,or even need to look really good. The same fish you were catching in the video,will eat unperfect flies,without hesitation. You can get small packs of aberdeen hooks at wamart for under a dollar,tie some flies on those,and they will work for you. I'd look for size #10 and #8. Also,at walmart,you can find foam sheets,and foam door handle hangers,that are very useful for making poppers. Grab a 1/4" paper hole punch too,and you can cut out perfect round discs,you can stack on the hook. The foam door handle hangers are thicker then the sheets,and 2 cut out discs of those should be good enough. Probably need 5-6 of the thinner foam sheets. You can always experiment in a cup of water to see if they float good enough,and add more if needed,and if there is enough room on the hook. You may need to order the feathers and other materials online,or go to a basspro shops,or cabelas. Fly fishing small buggy nymph flies,is a very effective way for fishing early in the year. Sometimes the flyrod catches,when the other fishing gear won't,and for me it has saved the day numerous times.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
sgtpavlov I really appreciate the info, thank you! Looking forward to tying me own flies in the future
jeremy stauffer
jeremy stauffer - 7 years ago
more fly fishing please!! I literally just bought an orvis encounter fly rod. I'm taking my first steps with it just like you did.
John Paul Carmody
John Paul Carmody - 7 years ago
I’ve been hoping you’d make a fly-fishing episode!! Rock on dude! Congrats on your first fish on the fly!! You think you’re addicted now with a nymph pattern, get some top water poppers and clouser minnows for big bass and see how you like fly fishing a lake then!
John Paul Carmody
John Paul Carmody - 7 years ago
Right on dude! Best fishing channel on youtube. I learn a ton from your videos. keep hookin' em!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
John Paul Carmody I can’t wait!!!
Cary Smith
Cary Smith - 7 years ago
its kind of funny my pb crappie was also on a fly rod when i mostly fish for them with spinning tackle
Hellosh Klosh
Hellosh Klosh - 7 years ago
The way your killing it with that fly rod, Im going to have to get one and get hip to the fly game!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Hellosh Klosh I highly recommend it!!
m oc
m oc - 7 years ago
You were terrific with your casting, given that it was your first time. The bank behind you being somewhat elevated makes it tricky. Stripping in the line by hand instead of getting the fish up on the reel, as you did, is normal. Switching to the reel is a tricky step. I've stripped in 9lb coho salmon without any problems.
Ben Cesena
Ben Cesena - 7 years ago
My friend gave me this tip, when casting answer the phone then hammer the wall not the floor. Man now I wanna go out!
Mike Vincent
Mike Vincent - 7 years ago
If you want to see some really tiny flies, look for some midges and nymphs in a size 22. You would be amazed
Brian Minsk
Brian Minsk - 7 years ago
fishermans life and him should collab!!!!
Benjamin S
Benjamin S - 7 years ago
Very good technique for the first time. Fighting fish on the fly rod is so fun. I recommend flyfishing for rainbow trout!
Keith Nelson
Keith Nelson - 7 years ago
Woooo doggies!
mycal berkey
mycal berkey - 7 years ago
Its not that great most so called. Fly fisherman are the worst thing for anybody of water
Hellosh Klosh
Hellosh Klosh - 7 years ago
mycal berkey What are you saying?
Ben Daniels Outdoors
Ben Daniels Outdoors - 7 years ago
best thing ever. learn a roll cast ASAP. it will get in the "Tight to reach places"
Gauge Hagerman
Gauge Hagerman - 7 years ago
You should catch a carp on your fly rod
Tony Jackson
Tony Jackson - 7 years ago
Love the video man. I've been fly fishing since I was probably 10 or 11. You probably have more money in that one setup than I do in all my fly fishing gear over the years, haha.
my only tip for you would be to get a pair of cheap neoprene waders and get a little farther out into the water. The neoprene will keep you warmer in the spring and fall (as well as rivers) and you'll have more room for your back cast.
~See you later buddy.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Tony Jackson I’m thinking that’ll be my next fly fishing purchase
Gui Jo
Gui Jo - 7 years ago
You keep letting dinner go free???
Richard De Boer
Richard De Boer - 7 years ago
Gui Jo
Its a sport, not a everthing is for eating Mr Dude
Kevin B
Kevin B - 7 years ago
Love fly fishing! My best fish was an 8 pound largemouth bass, what a blast!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Kevin B dang! I bet that was a lot of fun to battle on the fly rod
Trout Fishing
Trout Fishing - 7 years ago
You should make more videos with fly fishing
Peter Collin
Peter Collin - 7 years ago
Nick, congratulations on starting a new chapter in your fishing life. If you send me an address, I can mail you some flies I tie for you to try. (I have a few fly tying vids on my channel)
Skidin Dingo
Skidin Dingo - 7 years ago
im planning on sending him a few sub surface flies, a little popper, and a clouser weighted heavily enough to cast with spinning gear just because i want to see him fish a fly with spinning gear
Peter Collin
Peter Collin - 7 years ago
618 Fishing some of the flies I sent are weighted, so they may be difficult to cast. At least I didn't put any big spun Deer hair flies in!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Peter Collin my fly rod is a 5 wt, sorry for the delayed response
Skidin Dingo
Skidin Dingo - 7 years ago
I'm probably going to send a few flies too. Just some experimental bugs I worked out over the winter
Peter Collin
Peter Collin - 7 years ago
Cool. By the way, do you know the weight of your fly rod? I'm guessing 5,6, or 7.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Peter Collin thank you! that’s awesome, I really appreciate that! Here’s my P.O. box:

618 Fishing
P.O. Box 462
Hamel, IL. 62046
Eric M
Eric M - 7 years ago
I’ve fly fished once for trout with a guide and did okay for my first time but I only caught one in 5 hours so it kind of ruined it for me lol. I will try again sometime. Only problem is getting snagged in bushes behind you, unless you are wading
Michael brajkovich
Michael brajkovich - 7 years ago
Eric M watch a video on the roll cast. You definitely won’t get hung up behind you as much fishing from the bank
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Eric M I highly recommend giving it another try!
Tim Weber
Tim Weber - 7 years ago
Tim Weber
Tim Weber - 7 years ago
Peter Collin
Peter Collin - 7 years ago
Tim Weber in conventional fishing, the weight of the lure pulls out the line. In fly fishing, the weight of the line carries out the lure. Enabling you to cast flies that are too light to cast otherwise.
Cameron Hrad
Cameron Hrad - 7 years ago
fly fishing is amazing. once you master the finesse you can catch any species on th fly. i have caught 15+ pound northern pike. stick with it. its hard. but stick with it.
Punch Fukker
Punch Fukker - 7 years ago
Keep a 1000 spinning reel with 4# fluoro with you when fly fishing, fly rods can double duty perfectly as great micro/finesse fishing setups as well if you get the itch or end up in a situation where a 16th oz shaky head or dropshotting a 1-2" fluke would shine. Basically, one rod to rule them all summertime smallie stream fishing, I even use 16th/8th oz mini chatterbaits and inline spinners on em too.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Punch Fukker that’s a cool tip, thank you!
Garrett Bone
Garrett Bone - 7 years ago
Do some smallie fishing in a creek with your new fly rod for a vid or 2
lukkyluciano - 7 years ago
not my thing but definitely looked fun. I've fly fished a few times and always left frustrated. Caught fish but never the target species
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Pierre Joubert thanks for watching!
masons outdoors adventures
masons outdoors adventures - 7 years ago
You should try a olive green Wolly bugger flies they work awesome in Colorado today me and my dad together caught 36 trout ( get the pistol Pete's) and you have to use a clear bobber. For more info watch a pistol Pete fishing video
Robert Illes
Robert Illes - 7 years ago
wear some waders that go up to your waist line so u can walk in the water so u can cover more water and u get snagged less in the trees
Phu Hung
Phu Hung - 7 years ago
i very like all you video about small lure i hope you can do more video about it
grease hammer
grease hammer - 7 years ago
Congrats! I have also always wanted to fly fish.
Matthew Miltenberger
Matthew Miltenberger - 7 years ago
If u aren’t donating flies ur doing something wrong
Matthew Miltenberger
Matthew Miltenberger - 7 years ago
I love your editing skills! Would love to see a vid of trout on flies!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Matthew Miltenberger haha
Matthew Miltenberger
Matthew Miltenberger - 7 years ago
Cheese Fisherman
Cheese Fisherman - 7 years ago
Matthew Miltenberger especially if it's the only one of that kind that you have lol
Kyle Merrigan
Kyle Merrigan - 7 years ago
its soo much fun
Ciaran McCarron
Ciaran McCarron - 7 years ago
Finally!! Finally!! Lets see that double haul!!! #flyordie
pflick13 - 7 years ago
I had a regular customer working in a grocery store, turned out it was Gary Borger, an avid fly fishing expert. He has written quite a bit about the subject. Check him your videos!
Natefisher - 7 years ago
Nice video dude!! Nice job editing by the way!
Savage - 7 years ago
you should only use your elbow to move the fly rod and use your left hand to give and jerk the line so its easier to cast and give, orvis makes videos explaining this. welcome to fly fishing its hard as hell figuring it out but once it clicks, it stays with you forever
GreenLink 64
GreenLink 64 - 7 years ago
Hey 618 I’m a 16 year old guy from Kansas City Kansas I hand make fly boxes and I tie flies for them I’m thinking about sending you a box so tell me what you think when it comes your way
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
GreenLink 64 that would be awesome man! My P.O. box is

618 Fishing
P.O. Box 462
Hamel, IL. 62046
Immanuel Can
Immanuel Can - 7 years ago
Welcome to the dark side. We've been here for awhile.

For where you're standing and the size of flies you're using, buy yourself a Wolff Triangle Taper line, and learn to spey it out there. You can power it a mile, with no backcasting. And just wait until you experience a tarpon on a 10 weight. You'll never cast a regular rod again.
MrSuperSativa - 7 years ago
The horizontal side arm cast works great as well, if you have the room side to side.. good technique for casting down the bank..
Immanuel Can
Immanuel Can - 7 years ago
Here's what I'm talking about. Can you see yourself doing that?
Immanuel Can
Immanuel Can - 7 years ago
You did really, really well on your first try, like everybody's saying. I assume that's the 5 weight Orvis you've got there? I own that rod, among others. It's a sturdy little piece of greatness. The more you fish it, the more you'll like it. But like I say, spey techniques for casting would make your job a whole lot easier, and keep you out of any trees behind you. it's nowhere near hard to learn...just takes a bit of practice and thinking at first. So do yourself a favour, and pick up a single-handed spey line for it, and learn how to pull the line off the surface and roll it out. You won' the sorry. You'll spend more time fishing, and no more time picking your fly out of the underbrush.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Immanuel Can catching a tarpon is on my bucket list... catching one on fly gear is wayyy up on my bucket list
Griffin fishing
Griffin fishing - 7 years ago
No tips needed bud that's ur first attempt and u slayed it. Most people struggle and have a lot of frustration there first time. Well done nick the only thing I can say is the smoother u feel in ur back cast the further the cast and the straighter ur line shoots
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Griffin fishing I appreciate it man thank you!
joakin2300 - 7 years ago
llevo pescando al stilo fly fishining por medio año, en este video pescaste mas peces que yo en todo lo que llevo pescando con este estilo
Samuel Warden
Samuel Warden - 7 years ago
Ok Nick I gotta say I got into fly fishing last summer and I practiced casting in my back yard before I even went. So you my friend did very well for your first time. Oh and I also learned to tie my on leaders. Thumbs up buddy
adirondack rebel
adirondack rebel - 7 years ago
I have a eagle claw black eagle 8'6" carbon fiber 5 weight I love it use it for everything for Brook trout to salmon and it only cost me $30 for the rod and $15 for the reel
Franklin Wattimena
Franklin Wattimena - 7 years ago
Congrats u doing just fine! Great video keep it coming!
Greetings from the netherlands
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Franklin Wattimena thank you!
SnakeFreak24 - 7 years ago
That's pretty impressive for your first try! Took me about a year to catch my first fish. Well done!
KEEPCASTING - 7 years ago
Very impressed. I’ve never done it but it definitely didn’t look like your first time
The Old BASSer
The Old BASSer - 7 years ago
Congrats! You've given me hope that I can do the same thing.
Garrison H
Garrison H - 7 years ago
awesome! fly fishing is the best...learn the roll cast , it works great in tight quarters, also when do forward cast-keep your wrist straight . You did really well the first time out.
Ray Leroux
Ray Leroux - 7 years ago
The fly rod suits your style much more enjoyable to watch than the ultra light. looking forward to future videos!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
Ray Leroux thanks Ray!
Daniggu englezu'
Daniggu englezu' - 7 years ago
Great video, something new always feels good :)
Gabriel Moline
Gabriel Moline - 7 years ago
This is cool and all, but those fish are absolutely starving. Least you could do is throw a handful of crickets in there when you're done.
itcouldrain - 7 years ago
Also if you're going to use such a small fly use a slow figure of 8 retrieve instead of stripping the line as the fly will move much more naturally and will induce more takes
Hunter Smith
Hunter Smith - 7 years ago
Cat Master Catfishing have seen you comment on videos of this channel and many other fishing channels for months but all the sudden you disappeared lol nice to see you back
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
TWISTED NRG haha nice man thanks for watchin!
kevbot31 - 7 years ago
awesome! I've had my rod and reel for a while now but i just finally got some flies can't wait to get out soon!
Maester Aemon Targaryen
Maester Aemon Targaryen - 7 years ago
Why would you fish for fly?
in water?
dude they are in the air.
Hunter Smith
Hunter Smith - 7 years ago
Maester Aemon Targaryen if you've ever been to a pond, you would have seen bugs and flies that are on top the water
tada32 - 7 years ago
Always use glasses when you fly fish. Seen many a people lose an eye.
tada32 - 7 years ago
On a fly line it's still hard to control the line. Even for seasoned fly fishermen.
LuMiDon - 7 years ago
recently I saw a video where someone had a barbed hook right in their pupils and it looked horrible
tada32 - 7 years ago
By the way, just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
tada32 - 7 years ago
That's nice. When I say many it's still a handful of people but still more than not. I have guided for years and have seen it all.
Cooca Fishing
Cooca Fishing - 7 years ago
"Many people" ? lol
I've been fly fishing for years and never seen anyone lose an eye.
It's still good advice to wear glasses, but I find it very hard to believe you've seen "many people" lose an eye!
tada32 - 7 years ago
yes really. Its a lot more common than people think. Especially if you are using split shot or heavy tungsten flies.
Vire - 7 years ago
Hellosh Klosh
Hellosh Klosh - 7 years ago
tada32 Are you being serious?
Grugan - 7 years ago
Best fishing youtuber from far!!! Keep on whith your amazing job!!!
Vinfish F
Vinfish F - 7 years ago
Looks fun finding new buddies
Frederick Daye
Frederick Daye - 7 years ago
She did great picking out an outfit for you begin Flyfishing on. She deserves a congrats for be wife material.
Adam Akers
Adam Akers - 7 years ago
YES! So glad you picked up a fly rod!
Steven W Outdoors
Steven W Outdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome video!!! If you think fly fishing is addictive wait till you start tying your own flys!
Bradley Larson
Bradley Larson - 7 years ago
Steven W Outdoors yeah I just started like a week ago and I find it more fun than fishing sometimes
JustinBraunFishing - 7 years ago
That's awsome man fly fishing is pretty amazing sometimes!!
RecordReelers Pro
RecordReelers Pro - 7 years ago
I love fly fishing I do a lot myself
Hyper Splash
Hyper Splash - 7 years ago
Fly fishing???

I guess a new underwater fly species was discovered... jk guys
Ty. W
Ty. W - 7 years ago
Hyper Splash haha funny
Cathy Mazzittello
Cathy Mazzittello - 7 years ago
you did really well for your 1st time. sure did better than I did lol
MATAS barkauskas
MATAS barkauskas - 7 years ago
Catch and cook vid pls!!
Richard De Boer
Richard De Boer - 7 years ago
MATAS barkauskas
Its flyfishing not a eating video Those eaters
Cathy Mazzittello
Cathy Mazzittello - 7 years ago
Awesome Video you have me so pumped up myself, i need to get my Fly gear out tomorrow and give this a try, very cool video keep them, coming thx C
Brandon Victor
Brandon Victor - 7 years ago
Wow nick your really picking up your fishing game and making new content
Lane Strand
Lane Strand - 7 years ago
welcome to the family fly fishing!
Traditional Fishing Videos
Traditional Fishing Videos - 7 years ago
I love the way he releases the fish.
Abraham Robles
Abraham Robles - 7 years ago
Man that looks like fun!!!
Skylar L
Skylar L - 7 years ago
Awesome! Be careful, fly fishing can get reeeeally addictive haha
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 7 years ago
Fly not just messing around. Catching your first fiah on a fly is quite an experience. Like with anything practice makes perfect. In tight areas with lots of brush on the bank a roll cast helps a ton. Now just wait until you decide to tie your own. You'll be broke in no time.
Dakota's Logos
Dakota's Logos - 7 years ago
I would love to fly fish if I had the rod and reel but you were a great example if I ever want to try it thanks man.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
itcouldrain thanks for the tip!
Jordan some german last name:p Blah
Jordan some german last name:p Blah - 7 years ago
And keep your elbow tight to your torso. Hold a thick book between your elbow/arm and body..keep that rod closer to you for starter tips
Adrenalinejunky - 7 years ago
You should make a shirt that says see you later buddy
Hellosh Klosh
Hellosh Klosh - 7 years ago
Bryan Tran one of you guys should jump on that
Bryan Tran
Bryan Tran - 7 years ago
Adrenalinejunky Most definitely!
Adrenalinejunky - 7 years ago
Bryan Tran
Heck yeah it would! If he ever did that I would for sure buy one
Bryan Tran
Bryan Tran - 7 years ago
Adrenalinejunky was thinking that would be good for the back and Fish on, Fish on to be on the front
TheMasterCasters - 7 years ago
That’s awesome! I just got a new fly rod and I can’t wait to test it out! Sick video
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 7 years ago
TheMasterCasters thanks man!
Shawn Medvar
Shawn Medvar - 7 years ago
Jaden Polkow
Jaden Polkow - 7 years ago
U should include ur gf in some of your vids
Brock Blazier
Brock Blazier - 7 years ago
Senko skipper ruinedhis channel
BRSH - 7 years ago
Jaden Polkow only a few though. Like MAYBE once a week. It completely changes a channel for the worst in the most recent situations I've encountered.
aidan's outdoors and maybe gaming
aidan's outdoors and maybe gaming - 7 years ago
Duhhhhhh in lol was up
The Rice God
The Rice God - 7 years ago
Ur my favorite youtuber
Elite Bassin
Elite Bassin - 7 years ago
First comment!! Awesome vid!!!... p.s that is a awesome fly fishing reel
Tim Eubanks
Tim Eubanks - 7 years ago

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