SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 29,403 views
In this video I do something I've wanted to do for a very, very, very long time.. Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram ------- Twitter------------- Facbook---------- Fishing Gear* Fly fishing kit----------------------- rod-------------------------------------- reel-------------------------------------- line-------------------------------------- Favorite Lure----------------------- hoodie--------------------------------- jacket---------------------------------- boots----------------------------------- Sunglasses ------------------------- backpack----------------------------- Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- Drone Case------------------------- Big Camera------------------------- Big Camera Mic------------------ Small Tripod----------------------- Big Tripod--------------------------- Zoom lens-------------------------- GoPro--------------------------------- LAV Mic------------------------------ MUSIC by Dyalla Swain -" *Amazon Associate links
10. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)
20. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)
Anyway, that's an insane rod setup you got there for a beginner! Your gf is a keeper! Not going to forget to mention the bonus FIL you're gonna have.
30. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)
50. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)
To get some big bass try a sinking or sink tip line and some clouser minnows and Wooley buggers. Going a bit deeper with those flies is awesome.
You can also tie a smaller fly behind a bigger one. I've hooked up two fish that way.
Practice, practice, practice!
Also it might help with your control and distance if you refrain from letting your line and fly hit water on your false casts. All in all, if really was your first time, you're not gonna have any issues.
LOVE your channel btw!
I dont know many girlfriend who offer such a good material. If mine do so... i should worry why she let me go fishing so often...!
You'll love it even more when the weather warms up and they are hitting popping bugs!!
but be more relax. Let rod do casting.
100. comment for SMALLEST Lure I've Ever Used! (Life Changing)
Have fun.
Simple tip for casting, imagine you’re doing a short back and forth karate chop. Smooth acceleration to a hard stop, back and front.
Great channel keep it up nice music too
Dont use your whirst, first thing you learn in flyfishing not to do that !
Bad habbit and not easy not to do, its noob fishing.
I know he mean well but ita not a good advice too you !?
my only tip for you would be to get a pair of cheap neoprene waders and get a little farther out into the water. The neoprene will keep you warmer in the spring and fall (as well as rivers) and you'll have more room for your back cast.
~See you later buddy.
Its a sport, not a everthing is for eating Mr Dude
618 Fishing
P.O. Box 462
Hamel, IL. 62046
618 Fishing
P.O. Box 462
Hamel, IL. 62046
For where you're standing and the size of flies you're using, buy yourself a Wolff Triangle Taper line, and learn to spey it out there. You can power it a mile, with no backcasting. And just wait until you experience a tarpon on a 10 weight. You'll never cast a regular rod again.
Greetings from the netherlands
in water?
dude they are in the air.
I've been fly fishing for years and never seen anyone lose an eye.
It's still good advice to wear glasses, but I find it very hard to believe you've seen "many people" lose an eye!
I guess a new underwater fly species was discovered... jk guys
Its flyfishing not a eating video Those eaters
Heck yeah it would! If he ever did that I would for sure buy one