STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm

This was the day before tropical storm Jose hit the cape last september and the Stripers were feeding recklessly on mackerel making for a very exciting day. We started fishing at 3am, and for the first hour it was dead, but once we heard that first fish pop in the night, it turned into a fish or bite every cast. Around dawn I got tangled pretty bad with the guy to my left (sorry evan) so decided it was time to make a move, the canal was shoulder to shoulder this morning and I biked until I found an open stretch where there weren’t as many big fish, but still good… after that, I moved around all day and caught fish here or there, also got to meet the legendary Jon B-roll. Rod is a 12' star Reel is a Penn Clash 5k Used 30lb The best original Fish grips my camera

STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 4,277 views

This was the day before tropical storm Jose hit the cape last september and the Stripers were feeding recklessly on mackerel making for a very exciting day. We started fishing at 3am, and for the first hour it was dead, but once we heard that first fish pop in the night, it turned into a fish or bite every cast. Around dawn I got tangled pretty bad with the guy to my left (sorry evan) so decided it was time to make a move, the canal was shoulder to shoulder this morning and I biked until I found an open stretch where there weren’t as many big fish, but still good… after that, I moved around all day and caught fish here or there, also got to meet the legendary Jon B-roll. Rod is a 12' star Reel is a Penn Clash 5k Used 30lb The best original Fish grips my camera

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Most popular comments
for STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm

Dakota Clark
Dakota Clark - 6 years ago
Love the vids, but work on your fish handling
Brady Schwabach
Brady Schwabach - 6 years ago
What was the music?
dtkrob - 6 years ago
Chris what was that white lure you kept throwing glade bait ??????
Handberrydea - 6 years ago
You know it’s epic when you treat 40 inchers like schoolies. Dope video bro
flashy5150 - 6 years ago
Awesome fishing day. I've always dreamed of catching Striped Bass, especially at that size. I envy the fun you had. Hopefully some day I'll get the chance.
Humaid Alhammadi
Humaid Alhammadi - 6 years ago
you add one letter to the title and this becomes a very interesting video
John Thomas
John Thomas - 6 years ago
Love the vid sea money. Keep em comin.
Justin Johnson
Justin Johnson - 6 years ago
Mehmet Han
Mehmet Han - 6 years ago
You could make a challanges when you meet that much fishes..Like Catch with pen catch with ex-iphone catch with shoes..Catch with wood etc catch with condoms etc :)

10. comment for STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm

محمد العنزي
محمد العنزي - 6 years ago
where is this place
MrGfishing - 6 years ago
The canal it is becoming so overcrowded its a shame.
Kyle Pires
Kyle Pires - 6 years ago
John Rich with all the people their now it is frustrating.
I saw so many breeders being dragged up the hills it really saddened me.
REVENUEBOYZ 1 - 6 years ago
What set up are you fishing with .
PMA531 - 6 years ago
Killa Killa Killa
Cheng Xiong
Cheng Xiong - 6 years ago
This is going in my bucket list
National Guardsman
National Guardsman - 6 years ago
Will a 9 ft rod do in a situation like this? Sea money and John B. .... Down by the sea! Woot!Woot! hell of a video.
National Guardsman
National Guardsman - 6 years ago
I see! Make sense. Thanks man.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 6 years ago
a heavy 9' sure. heavy heavy heavy... tight drag. strong current plus crowds, if the fish are on and your fighting a fish a hundred yards down the bank you will not be making any friends. most guys use a 10-11' rod.
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips - 6 years ago
Murder she wrote
old school hawking
old school hawking - 6 years ago
It looks too easy man. And I envy you. OSH :-)
Joseph Rutigliano
Joseph Rutigliano - 6 years ago
This is what dreams are made of

20. comment for STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm

AbyssKiddoh - 6 years ago
"Smaller, Smaller Fish. Hopefully He Pops Off. Fuck This Fish" hahaha
AbyssKiddoh - 6 years ago
Nice to see two YouTubers meeting out there.
Long Le
Long Le - 6 years ago
Umut Çeliksoy
Umut Çeliksoy - 6 years ago
Nice fish. Love the channel
Canal Angler
Canal Angler - 6 years ago
As a local, I find it sickening to see so many videos on the canal. Growing up here and fishing it my whole life, Ive never seen it crowded like I have the past couple seasons...What a shame to all the locals and people who fish it on a regular basis to have to have to put up with it because people want to show off with these “youtube” videos...Do you guys ever just go fish anymore and not take a gopro or camera?! The canal is now a circus because of this youtube crowd...stick to those location X’s or other places and show the canal and its locals some respect...Im sorry I have to write this Sea-Money...You know youre shit but since you are a stand up guy, hopefully youll understand about how many of us locals feel around Cape...And believe me, youre welcome to share a tide with me anytime at the canal! I just have to say it how it is...You and Jon B are better than that in my eyes...You guys can out-fish 95% of fisherman anywhere else, why put videos on of the canal? The canal may forever be different from here on out with these videos, I hope not because the supposed glory from these videos doesnt exist....just people wanting to spotburn and people thinking there is fish all the time at the canal...Thats my rannt....As a fellow fisherman, hopefully you can relate? Either way its probably too late, and or you dont care...but regardless....

Tight Lines
Kyle Pires
Kyle Pires - 6 years ago
Canal Angler seriously dude.
Everyone loves fishing and this is were its at,you know that.
Sea money is just experiencing what we've been doing for 20 years plus.
Good job sea money
Born Lucky
Born Lucky - 6 years ago
Just dont fishes at night. You all welcome to fishes in the
Slow burn_172
Slow burn_172 - 6 years ago
Sea money should've double dropped kicked Jon B! Aka little rich spoiled D-bag right in the ditch, 100% positive a million views and insta hero !
Dan Stephens
Dan Stephens - 6 years ago
Reminds me of the first day of trout season around where I am
turkey2003 - 6 years ago
Vladof what? What you said makes zero sense. I never said for people to give up the canal. Anyone in the world is free to fish it with a valid fishing license. And anyone is free to film in a public location. Like I said before it's your right to stay quite just as much as it is the next guys right to film and post that film where he wants. What ISN'T your right is to have a quite fishing spot. And it isn't your right to keep others from filming and posting.
Tackle Advisors
Tackle Advisors - 6 years ago
I watched it over the past few're not hard core unless you have a stella 14k and a saltiga......canal this canal that.....not even naming spots or even what they caught.But the constant chatter about it really brought it a ton of attention..And the fact that half the world broke their personal bests last year....(reminded me of 2010 in NJ) .....Judghing by the show season that just passed...and how many saltigas, twinpower and stella 14k's that were's gonna be quite a bit worse...And that was at the NJ show where guys were gobbling them up for the trek north. And it's funny how people think spot burning doesn't exist......lmao....It's gonna be a crowded few years up there.....hope no access is lost due to the slobs
bassmaster 401
bassmaster 401 - 6 years ago
Tackle Advisors you're right. The forums did burn the canal way before fishing on YouTube got popular
Tackle Advisors
Tackle Advisors - 6 years ago
The past few years all the canal regulars where chest thumping on message boards and facebook groups about how hardcore it was.......they reaped what they sowed. Amazing how much the canal was touted as the holier grail than block or M......The exact reason why I delete spot burns on the big board and don't post many on the water vids on my channel....Losing access to a spot for the 100$ i'd make on a youtube vid isn't worth it.
Dalton Robertson
Dalton Robertson - 6 years ago
How about you stop fucking crying because you don't own the bank, the water or the fish. Go back to preschool and learn to share you entitled dick face.
Vladof - 6 years ago
@turkey2003 You just got tricked by your own logic. ''Why should someone give up what they like so you can have something you like''. What should people on the canal give up their healthy quiet spot so youtubers have something they like? That's a classic sophism right there.
Angler Adams
Angler Adams - 6 years ago
Canal Angler damn I was about to ask when would be a good time for me to come up and try to get in on that action but after that comment maybe I'll just stick around down here
turkey2003 - 6 years ago
Vladof There is no difference. Like I said why should someone give up what they like so you can have something you like? Some people's hobby is making fishing videos. Regardless of local or out of towner It's equal if they will trash or not. Pigs are pigs regardless of where they live.
bassmaster 401
bassmaster 401 - 6 years ago
The canal would be find if it was just people from mass and rhode island fishing it. But when people start driving 5 hours to fish it that's when it turns into the overpopulated googanville that it is today
Vladof - 6 years ago
i don't think exclusivity is bad @Canal Angler. I'm thinking about the long term for the biological conservation of the spot. I live in Canada and this principle works for some lakes and domains, and it solves a lot of problems. It's not selfish, it's preserving a healthy environnement.
Vladof - 6 years ago
@turkey2003 There's a difference with sharing a public waterway to people and mass difusing it everywhere on the internet, where there's people who will not give a fuck and put trash everywhere.
turkey2003 - 6 years ago
Canal Angler It's public water. It doesn't belong any more to the locals than it does to a guy from Florida or weekend warrior. If people want to make vids and help others catch fish in public waterway that is their right same as it is your to keep fishing quite. Do your thing and quit trying to force your beliefs unto others. Basically saying "please don't do what you enjoy so I can do what I enjoy" why would someone give up their hobby of making vids to make you happy?
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 6 years ago
trust me I was a fisherman way before a "youtuber". I only started doing this around 2015 when I saw what had become of fishing and the internet, when bites were so blown up that the spots had become unfishable. The biggest problem is when theres a hot bite and it gets blown up online in realtime. I know better than to post anything while the bite is still happening. I do feel shitty about promoting the canal but like I said the damage has already been done. I had my share of mornings where I couldnt squeeze in anywhere due to overcrowding, before ever posting a video. even still, on this day, after a shitshow of a season, I still found blitzing fish with no one in sight. Nothing but respect to you and all the locals. you have every right to feel sickened by what has happened, and when you get to the canal and cant fish due to the crowd.
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips - 6 years ago
Canal Angler loose lips sink ships man if I'm ever fortunate to get out that way during a run like this I will show nobody looks like bass bliss! Good fishing to you.
Canal Angler
Canal Angler - 6 years ago
Robert Phillips I feel your pain man
Canal Angler
Canal Angler - 6 years ago
Vladof Good point but I dont want to make it exclusive just for us, everyone who wants to enjoy it should. Im just thinking long term, in terms of crowds, trash, parking, etc on a regular basis. (Weekend warriors/googans) ill admit it, I get carried away and tell others what I think...and glad I can get others ideas on the subject as well
Robert Phillips
Robert Phillips - 6 years ago
Canal Angler hey buddy they did it to me on nj not sea $ but just other people in general Facebook YouTube you name it they post on it but it's a different world now different everything I'm not a fan but at the same time I watch it so lol
Carlos Santos
Carlos Santos - 6 years ago
Let’s take out the income aspect of this argument. How about the 30 channels that were made in august and September all of sudden to glorify themselves to the whole world. As well as making tutorials videos and tips on how to fish the canal. Let’s get serious most of these guys caught there first 30lber and think they’re are some type of local legend. Just go out and fish and look at your footage in the off season for yourself if you want to record it. Why do these guys need to prove to people that they can catch fish. They aren’t making content to make and income. It’s solely for the ego!
Vladof - 6 years ago
Damn that sucks... I'm a big big fan of sea-money but I understand how you feel, and I like the way you said it, without insulting him. The only solution I see is with the establishment of a resident-only right to fish the canal. Maybe you could try to sign a petition. I'm sure there's a solution.
sk88rat - 6 years ago
I get your point but disagree wholeheartedly. That's just how life is these days in the internet era. You can't blame a guy who hears of where fish are biting and then he goes there, recording and posting on the net or not. There are plenty of my local fishing holes now on the internet and now "burned", I do get the frustration. But, if you think there is any one person or group of "Youtubers" to blame, that's where I disagree. I absolutely respect your opinion and the fact that you posted, tho. Also, they don't fish without their gopro or cameras because this is their source of income, this type of footage. You have to know that already, of course they're going to record everything.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 6 years ago
I understand it completely. The canal was shoulder to shoulder before I ever fished it or posted videos from there, theres no going back at this point. There will still be days when you will have the blitzes to yourself, and the nights when youre the only guy out there bailing fish. Definitely sucks seeing it unfishably shoulder to shoulder, days like that are inevitable, but there will still be times when you have it all to yourself.
King_Az - 6 years ago
lmfao this guy...
Space Skull
Space Skull - 6 years ago
Now we know who the 1 dislike is from. You’re a little late for that rant
Matt Danielson
Matt Danielson - 6 years ago
If you think the canal was crowded because of YouTube then you're an absolute fool. It was so crowded because it was very good last year.
TheTriggerMan - 6 years ago
Awesome! Can't wait until they hit Maryland and Virginia
dfguko - 6 years ago
when you are C&R then all of you are just a crappy bunch of fake fishermans, so better you idiots stop this nonsense fish piercing and start real fishing and keep only what you real need to eat!!! If you don't want wasting natural resources.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 6 years ago
this nonsense is a multi billion dollar industry, we catch and release to keep the species thriving, nearly all of these released fish survive. Fish are not mammals they dont have the brain matter to feel pain like your dog or cat does regardless of what peta tells you. we catch these fish and they go right back in the water and continue eating.
Limited Anglers
Limited Anglers - 6 years ago
Wow dude amazing outing, the days we all dream of ......nice underwater shots too
Lucas Berg
Lucas Berg - 6 years ago
"hopefully he pops off…Fuck this fish".

30. comment for STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm

Darrin Moneer
Darrin Moneer - 6 years ago
Jose Castillo
Jose Castillo - 6 years ago
when was this
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 6 years ago
if you check out Jon B's channel you will see his footage from the same day
sk88rat - 6 years ago
This was the day before tropical storm Jose hit the cape last september
Michael King
Michael King - 6 years ago
Nice fish! Love the channel
Florida Fly Fishing
Florida Fly Fishing - 6 years ago
I thought i was first but i had to number 2
thomas greeff
thomas greeff - 6 years ago
Jacob V Maine Fish For You
Jacob V Maine Fish For You - 6 years ago

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