STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 4,277 views
This was the day before tropical storm Jose hit the cape last september and the Stripers were feeding recklessly on mackerel making for a very exciting day. We started fishing at 3am, and for the first hour it was dead, but once we heard that first fish pop in the night, it turned into a fish or bite every cast. Around dawn I got tangled pretty bad with the guy to my left (sorry evan) so decided it was time to make a move, the canal was shoulder to shoulder this morning and I biked until I found an open stretch where there weren’t as many big fish, but still good… after that, I moved around all day and caught fish here or there, also got to meet the legendary Jon B-roll. Rod is a 12' star Reel is a Penn Clash 5k Used 30lb The best original Fish grips my camera
10. comment for STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm
I saw so many breeders being dragged up the hills it really saddened me.
20. comment for STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm
Tight Lines
Everyone loves fishing and this is were its at,you know that.
Sea money is just experiencing what we've been doing for 20 years plus.
Good job sea money
30. comment for STRIPERS GONE WILD!! Cape Cod Canal - Blitz Before the Storm