Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas

I travel to Nassau, Paradise Island in the Bahamas! While other vacationers are relaxing on the beach, you can bet that I'll have my rod and reel in hand exploring the island! I get a bit over-hyped in this vid, but anytime I get to explore a new location AND catch fish, I can't help but get excited :D Be Sure to SUBSCRIBE for New Videos Every Week!!! ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Gear used Lure: Berkley Gulp Swimming Mullet (5" pearl white) Berkley Gulp Ripple Mullet (4" bone) Hook: 1/4 ounce jighead Line: Suffix 832 braid (10 lb) Seaguar Tatsu fluorocarbon leader (7 lb + 12 lb) Reel: Team Daiwa Tierra Spinning Reel 2000 Rod: 13 Fishing Omen Black 2-piece rod 7'0" med/fast ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Camera Gear: Gopro Hero 4 silver External audio Skeleton housing Chest Mount Portable Tripod Sony a5100 Editing Tools: Final Cut Pro X ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Location: Atlantis Resort - Nassau, Bahamas Date: July 27th, 2016 Primary Pattern: Swimming gulp plastics and covering water Time Fished: 6:00 am - 8:30 am Air Temp: 84 degrees Water Temp: 87 degrees Water Clarity: 25+ feet Conditions: Sunny with winds from the E up to 6 mph ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Playlists: How To Vids - Collabs with Legendary Anglers - Fishing my home waters - Epic Fishing Challenges - Bass Tournament Vids - Fishing with my Subscribers - Fishing around the U.S. - Multi Species Vids - Saltwater Fishing - Subscriber Fishing Tournaments - Mystery Tackle Box Slams - My Tackle Collection - Other Playlists - ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Support me on patreon for awesome perks! $1 - One bonus video per month + a private patreon only live stream! $2 - Lure Guide to Bass Fishing (21 pages) + a guide to growing a fishing YT channel (23 pages) (Plus all $1 perks :D) Instagram (Daily fishing pics!): Facebook (Picture albums): Snapchat (Daily uploads of random stuff :P): mhsiao8 Periscope (Live streams!) - 1Rod1ReelFishing ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Email - (business inquiries only) Subscribe for new videos every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday!

Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas sentiment_very_dissatisfied 429

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 858,774 views

I travel to Nassau, Paradise Island in the Bahamas! While other vacationers are relaxing on the beach, you can bet that I'll have my rod and reel in hand exploring the island! I get a bit over-hyped in this vid, but anytime I get to explore a new location AND catch fish, I can't help but get excited :D Be Sure to SUBSCRIBE for New Videos Every Week!!! ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Gear used Lure: Berkley Gulp Swimming Mullet (5" pearl white) Berkley Gulp Ripple Mullet (4" bone) Hook: 1/4 ounce jighead Line: Suffix 832 braid (10 lb) Seaguar Tatsu fluorocarbon leader (7 lb + 12 lb) Reel: Team Daiwa Tierra Spinning Reel 2000 Rod: 13 Fishing Omen Black 2-piece rod 7'0" med/fast ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Camera Gear: Gopro Hero 4 silver External audio Skeleton housing Chest Mount Portable Tripod Sony a5100 Editing Tools: Final Cut Pro X ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Location: Atlantis Resort - Nassau, Bahamas Date: July 27th, 2016 Primary Pattern: Swimming gulp plastics and covering water Time Fished: 6:00 am - 8:30 am Air Temp: 84 degrees Water Temp: 87 degrees Water Clarity: 25+ feet Conditions: Sunny with winds from the E up to 6 mph ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Playlists: How To Vids - Collabs with Legendary Anglers - Fishing my home waters - Epic Fishing Challenges - Bass Tournament Vids - Fishing with my Subscribers - Fishing around the U.S. - Multi Species Vids - Saltwater Fishing - Subscriber Fishing Tournaments - Mystery Tackle Box Slams - My Tackle Collection - Other Playlists - ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Support me on patreon for awesome perks! $1 - One bonus video per month + a private patreon only live stream! $2 - Lure Guide to Bass Fishing (21 pages) + a guide to growing a fishing YT channel (23 pages) (Plus all $1 perks :D) Instagram (Daily fishing pics!): Facebook (Picture albums): Snapchat (Daily uploads of random stuff :P): mhsiao8 Periscope (Live streams!) - 1Rod1ReelFishing ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------------------------------- Email - (business inquiries only) Subscribe for new videos every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday!

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Most popular comments
for Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas

Maximo Saigg
Maximo Saigg - 7 years ago
The third fish u caught was snapper
Maximo Saigg
Maximo Saigg - 7 years ago
The first fish u caught wasn’t a barracuda it was houndfish
Katelyn Luce
Katelyn Luce - 7 years ago
I don't think you suck at any type of fishing
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 7 years ago
That was a houndfish
Jenny Ahmed
Jenny Ahmed - 7 years ago
You cort a sord fish
Matt Kitch
Matt Kitch - 7 years ago
Great fun to watch, I’m still learning did you use any sinkers on your line or was it in the jig heads?
Sam Cato
Sam Cato - 7 years ago
Angela Joseph
Angela Joseph - 7 years ago
Fish 1 was a hound fish
sav.c03 - 7 years ago
Trust me you will love it

10. comment for Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas

sav.c03 - 7 years ago
Come fish at destin florida
Ace Ej
Ace Ej - 7 years ago
The first fish was a hound fish
ilham sanjaya
ilham sanjaya - 7 years ago
Lebay... Terlalu ribut.
Sebastian Trejo
Sebastian Trejo - 7 years ago
Sam Van Leuven
Sam Van Leuven - 7 years ago
I’m talking about the first catch
Sam Van Leuven
Sam Van Leuven - 7 years ago
Dam that’s a longtom
Finesse God
Finesse God - 7 years ago
This isn't bass fishing 1rod you gotta really set that hook hard
Jeff Wolfe
Jeff Wolfe - 7 years ago
10:10 I think it's a trevally
Jeff Wolfe
Jeff Wolfe - 7 years ago
Your dad can't even hold a rod right
Jeff Wolfe
Jeff Wolfe - 7 years ago
Your dad is so annoying

20. comment for Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas

Juan Velazquez
Juan Velazquez - 7 years ago
In what resort did u stay at N how did u pack everything to take ur fishing gear on the plane? Please helpppp !!!!
jnilsson225 - 7 years ago
that was a big cuda
Amanda Clark
Amanda Clark - 7 years ago
neadle fish
Brian Walker
Brian Walker - 7 years ago
TEAM EVAN BREWER - 7 years ago
The first one is a hound fish the second catch was a jack the third catch was a snapper
jost skrivarnik
jost skrivarnik - 7 years ago
One fish a needle fish
Robert Hensley
Robert Hensley - 7 years ago
that fish is a hound fish
xhuljeta bejko
xhuljeta bejko - 7 years ago
I like using live bait idk I never can catch salt water fish with jigs or any saltwater lures the live bait I use Is shrimp and squid
Aidan Reilly
Aidan Reilly - 7 years ago
classic needlefish
Liam Crawford
Liam Crawford - 7 years ago
I want to visit the Bahamas and fish there one day. By the way, you don't suck at SW fishing.

Fish Species Identification list:

At: (1:57 - 3:45), I think that was a houndfish. (that was a funny how you hooked it 10 times).
At: 4:45, It was a crevalle jack or "jack crevalle" (you were correct).
At: 5:05, What a strike!!! Couldn't quite tell what it was but it looked like some kind of jack.
At: 5:58 and 7:40, I think those were mahogany snapper. (I heard those things are RARE).
At: 8:50, that was a blue runner.
At: 10:05, I think that was a bar jack.

I'm not entirely sure about all the species but these are my guesses.

You must've had a blast. I know I would've

30. comment for Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas

crazy kids
crazy kids - 7 years ago
That first fish was a hound fish
The fishing life stile
The fishing life stile - 7 years ago
Snapper ,needle fishes
Pat Kinlaw
Pat Kinlaw - 7 years ago
I coat a shark on it
Kasen Cate
Kasen Cate - 7 years ago
It’s a houndfish
Roland Deschain
Roland Deschain - 7 years ago
Your Pops is a G. Aint takin no guff from noone!
hardison .family
hardison .family - 7 years ago
You are right
hardison .family
hardison .family - 7 years ago
It is not a bercotu
Katie Turner
Katie Turner - 7 years ago
When I was in Panama city at a pier their was a bunch of houndfish and it was huge and my big brother hook ed a big catfish
Wc Vlogs
Wc Vlogs - 7 years ago
Cant let the tension slack with sortbaits
ZayaNBit Cardona
ZayaNBit Cardona - 7 years ago
The first fish was a needle fish
Dim_Does_ Clash
Dim_Does_ Clash - 7 years ago
You caught a small long tom
Gus Angga
Gus Angga - 7 years ago
in indonesia we called LAYUR. the meat is have really good taste
Daniel Avitan
Daniel Avitan - 7 years ago
Go to my new fishing channel
finlay Buckley
finlay Buckley - 7 years ago
You lost way too many fish on that hook
Heather De Leon
Heather De Leon - 7 years ago
that is a ribbon fish or a needle fish
circusmime - 7 years ago
That qas a hound fish
Noah reacts
Noah reacts - 7 years ago
It's a needle fish
Amarion Lewis
Amarion Lewis - 7 years ago
It’s a needle fish
Max Raderer
Max Raderer - 7 years ago
Is it wrong i really wanted the houndfish to nail his arm?
eric gamboa
eric gamboa - 7 years ago
Ang sarap ng isda sabawan sa batwan yan...tawag sa ilonggo BALO,,sarap yn..hehehehek

50. comment for Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas

David Li
David Li - 7 years ago
David Li
David Li - 7 years ago
David Li
David Li - 7 years ago
Elesa Wedemeyer
Elesa Wedemeyer - 7 years ago
Fun watch! I just got back from the Bahamas and didn't catch nearly as many as you but caught a few, and hooked a few that I couldn't get in. One took all the line, broke it, and swam to Africa. Would have loved to at least know what that was. Great video!
Mr. HappyFunGuy
Mr. HappyFunGuy - 7 years ago
Needle fish, cool!
Dom Lawson
Dom Lawson - 7 years ago
Ryder Gage
Ryder Gage - 7 years ago
Hound fish are really good Barracuda bait
Ryder Gage
Ryder Gage - 7 years ago
It a hound fish
JD Faye
JD Faye - 7 years ago
The first fish was a sword fish
Brock Blazier
Brock Blazier - 7 years ago
JD Faye wow
Pink Flimingo
Pink Flimingo - 7 years ago
If that Jack you said was really a Jack but I think "bitch you guessed ho I was right" 1like=1 real jack
Alan Končar
Alan Končar - 7 years ago
It is houndfish
Ancil Marcantel
Ancil Marcantel - 7 years ago
That first fish was s needle fish
Trent Berkey
Trent Berkey - 7 years ago
The first fish was a houndfish
Trent Berkey
Trent Berkey - 7 years ago
You were fight that was a jack
stiwer - 7 years ago
It's a guglia or belone
SarsOffical - 7 years ago
best video on your channel
Michael Wagner
Michael Wagner - 7 years ago
He thinks everything is a barracuda
Jamie Davis
Jamie Davis - 7 years ago
The first fish is an houndfish
Red Lion
Red Lion - 7 years ago
the first fish is a wahoo
MooshieGaming - 7 years ago
That first fish had me laughing my ass off
Bassman Dan
Bassman Dan - 7 years ago
Crevalle Jack
2 Mahogany Snapper
Blue Runner
Bar Jack (and a solid fish)

By the way, that jet skier telling you that you weren’t allowed to fish there was a dick.
moonbewidowed - 7 years ago
First fish was a houndfish. Watch out for their teeth! Looks like a great time!
z900 kawasaki
z900 kawasaki - 7 years ago
fishing is a fun....
Debbie Swain
Debbie Swain - 7 years ago
I'e literly caught11 fish in one haf our in the Bahamas
Parker Adair
Parker Adair - 7 years ago
It was a mutton snapper
Parker Adair
Parker Adair - 7 years ago
You should have got a castmaster spoon
Alexander Ketchen
Alexander Ketchen - 7 years ago
3rd fish = Croaker
Ijaz Khan
Ijaz Khan - 7 years ago
why is he shouting too much??????
Lucas’s fishing world In Australia
Lucas’s fishing world In Australia - 7 years ago
Lol I can Identify salt water red black spot Moses perch not a red snapper boi know yooooo fish plus love ur vids tho but u need to read a book about salt water fish
SuperStumpy6 - 7 years ago
LMAO! Barracuda! LOL!
Angel Greenwell
Angel Greenwell - 7 years ago
the first fish was a pin fish
Anominal 15
Anominal 15 - 7 years ago
His family looks like Kim jung un
Prestige Bleach Gaming
Prestige Bleach Gaming - 7 years ago
The first fish was a hound fish
Joshua Wong
Joshua Wong - 7 years ago
Hey , i wanna buy a new fishing rod . I wanted to buy a heavy action rod but the shop only has hollow rods that are heavy action. The solid rods they have are all light to medium action rods . Should i buy a hollow cored heavy action rod ? Will the break easily?
Guillermo Ferrer
Guillermo Ferrer - 7 years ago
The second it's a parg?
Guillermo Ferrer
Guillermo Ferrer - 7 years ago
In my country, the first fish called "aguja"
Luke Hogue
Luke Hogue - 7 years ago
Or hound fish
Luke Hogue
Luke Hogue - 7 years ago
Its a nidle nose
AWESOME242 - 7 years ago
The first fish was a hount fish
JUDE indoors and outdoors
JUDE indoors and outdoors - 7 years ago
That was a houndfish
b r
b r - 7 years ago
It’s a long tom
Renee B.
Renee B. - 7 years ago
bad words
Pam Hospital
Pam Hospital - 7 years ago
The fjsh you called a snapper is a finger mark
Afiq Akhtar
Afiq Akhtar - 7 years ago
Nah the fish is not dumb. You played yourself
Joshua Rice
Joshua Rice - 7 years ago
It's a mutton snapper.
stariondrifter - 7 years ago
It’s a schoolmaster snapper
stariondrifter - 7 years ago
That was a red tail snapper
stariondrifter - 7 years ago
It was a yellowtail snapper
Xatir Daeva
Xatir Daeva - 7 years ago
And that one he fall is a baby bonit
Xatir Daeva
Xatir Daeva - 7 years ago
It's an Orphie i live Guadeloupe in Caribbean island the second is an carangue and the 3 a pagre

100. comment for Saltwater Fishing gets me HYPED!!! Beach Fishing in the Bahamas

Tara Blignaut
Tara Blignaut - 7 years ago
Jack crevalle fish
FishingLife - 7 years ago
Those 2 fish were lane snappers
jackson_ 15beast
jackson_ 15beast - 7 years ago
hi blacktipH i love your vids Thea are soo coll
aryan yousefzadeh
aryan yousefzadeh - 7 years ago
If I'm not mistaken that first catch was a houndfish
Vinton Garden
Vinton Garden - 7 years ago
the fish u first got is a needle fish
Jack Hayes
Jack Hayes - 7 years ago
first fish was a barracuda/pike
Agustin A.
Agustin A. - 7 years ago
Who else is watching this in 2018
Jett McCauley
Jett McCauley - 7 years ago
You gotta be careful when holding the fish cause the flop harder when you get the hook out and they fall out of your hand a lot if you don't hold them tighter
Mohamad Elmansy
Mohamad Elmansy - 7 years ago
-1st fish (Needle fish) which is very easy to catch while salt water fishing because it is the dumbest fish alive.
-The next couple of fish were snapers
- The 4th fish was a (jack cravelle)
- The 5th one was a king fish

Btw i go salt water fishing daily and its more awesome and harder than freshwater fishing
Max fishing vlogs
Max fishing vlogs - 7 years ago
Carp fishing is epic in uk
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing - 7 years ago
Spoiler for the 1st catch

U hooked that fish (barracuda) 9 times :P
The Gypsy Prince
The Gypsy Prince - 7 years ago
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing wtf are you a retard? Calling you the 12 year old isn't even fitting, there is no way you're that old
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing - 7 years ago
The Gypsy Prince what do u have to do w/ this? Just stop swearing!
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing - 7 years ago
The Gypsy Prince umm, boi 'shut up' is swearing now huh :P
The Gypsy Prince
The Gypsy Prince - 7 years ago
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing you're faggot ass said shut up or I will report you lmao who's 12 now?
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing - 7 years ago
queef okie and btw 12 year olds shouldnt be swearing, just keep on playing roblox
queef - 7 years ago
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing report me stupid bitch
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing - 7 years ago
queef shut up and no, im not now shut up or i will report u
queef - 7 years ago
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing dumb ass i bet ur not even from florida so u don’t know what a cuss looks like
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing
The main Fisherman - vlogs and fishing - 7 years ago
unknown gamer it was a baracuda
unknown gamer
unknown gamer - 7 years ago
it was a houndfish
Riley Aldenderfer
Riley Aldenderfer - 7 years ago
10:00 "ow my nuts"
Alecia Gossett
Alecia Gossett - 7 years ago
It's not a red snapper
Mel Makavali
Mel Makavali - 7 years ago
Shit you talk so much
MikeyPlayZ 101
MikeyPlayZ 101 - 7 years ago
Third fish Yellow eyed snapper
prohunter2015 - 7 years ago
Carolina Abril
Carolina Abril - 7 years ago
If it was croaking it's a yellow fin crocker
Joe Cruz
Joe Cruz - 7 years ago
Hound fish mangrove snapper blue runner buddy I named all the fish you caught
Zachary Warren
Zachary Warren - 7 years ago
its a ribbonfish
Riaz Abdul
Riaz Abdul - 7 years ago
Hound fish
Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller - 7 years ago
I love when u fish with your dad
Lucas’s fishing world In Australia
Lucas’s fishing world In Australia - 7 years ago
First one was a long Tom slender
Tim Rosewarne
Tim Rosewarne - 7 years ago
Your pulling on the fish to hard and to fast the hooks just rippin* out of his mouth
Jaden Check
Jaden Check - 7 years ago
that first fish was not a barracuda it was a needle fish. great video though
Eloy Cardenas
Eloy Cardenas - 7 years ago
Hey 1 rod is it easier to catch saltwater fish or fresh water?
Lauren Bhalai
Lauren Bhalai - 7 years ago
The first fish was a hound fish
mikhail catch em all
mikhail catch em all - 7 years ago
Its a big hog fish
Dennis Young
Dennis Young - 7 years ago
The first fish was a Ribbon Fish
Love Buzz Love Buzz
Love Buzz Love Buzz - 7 years ago
I think he only name the one fish right
Donald Touma Touma
Donald Touma Touma - 7 years ago
That is a needlefish,
Makayla Debnam
Makayla Debnam - 7 years ago
It looks like a pompano
Lemonoise - 7 years ago
Makayla Debnam I thought the same, but the bright yellow tail made me think otherwise
Kade Nugent
Kade Nugent - 7 years ago
Mangrove snapper
Eden Wheeler
Eden Wheeler - 7 years ago
It is called a longtom we get them here in Australia every where but watch for there teeth if you get bitten it is not very pleasant
last night 202
last night 202 - 7 years ago
Red snaper
Yunis Masonis
Yunis Masonis - 7 years ago
Its a grouper ×20
Ryan's Fishing clips
Ryan's Fishing clips - 7 years ago
The first fish was a hound fish
Arcade Playz
Arcade Playz - 7 years ago
I thing that the first fish is named balihoo
Arcade Playz
Arcade Playz - 7 years ago
Lemonoise ok thank u
Lemonoise - 7 years ago
Arcade Playz I'm aware, that's not a ballyhoo. Looks like a hound fish
Arcade Playz
Arcade Playz - 7 years ago
Lemonoise i m speaking for the first one
Lemonoise - 7 years ago
Arcade Playz That's not a ballyhoo
solo pesca
solo pesca - 7 years ago
une visualizza is aguglia
kimberly donohue
kimberly donohue - 7 years ago
that was a yellow tailed snaper
Abdul Al Salti
Abdul Al Salti - 7 years ago
Its called Garfish
Renee Schumm
Renee Schumm - 7 years ago
it was right
mystic 77098
mystic 77098 - 7 years ago
Fuck sake gar fish
Trevor S
Trevor S - 7 years ago
Definitely a jack. Learned that from Blacktiph
The first fish was a pencil fish.
amir Nikseresht
amir Nikseresht - 7 years ago
i wanna shove a shovel down your throat! you're way too annoying
ejay arcega
ejay arcega - 7 years ago
late comment
ejay arcega
ejay arcega - 7 years ago
hound fish
MR. MCGRATH - 7 years ago
From 2:00 wtf is wrong with you (you don’t know how to fish in saltwater
Braiden Satterfield
Braiden Satterfield - 7 years ago
Blue runner
Cole Thoburn
Cole Thoburn - 7 years ago
Gulps are ok
JR Baller
JR Baller - 7 years ago
2nd fish is a papeo we also have that in hawaii
JR Baller
JR Baller - 7 years ago
that was a ava we have that is hawaii
Preston Molitor
Preston Molitor - 7 years ago
Guys i think salt water fishing gets him hyped
Claudia Maldonado Fernandez
Claudia Maldonado Fernandez - 7 years ago
Hi I am Andres I like your video and so you know I am 10 years old and I love fishing.
jomar vlogs 129
jomar vlogs 129 - 7 years ago
You are good
Donald j. Trump
Donald j. Trump - 7 years ago
The first fish was a hound fish
James Gedalanga
James Gedalanga - 7 years ago
its a needle fish..
B-Rice 65
B-Rice 65 - 7 years ago
These are my favorite videos of yours to watch!!!!!
Jonathan Stephens
Jonathan Stephens - 7 years ago
RyanG2018 - 7 years ago
2nd fish is called a yellowtail
RyanG2018 - 7 years ago
the 1st fish is a houndfish
Roxanne Leigh
Roxanne Leigh - 7 years ago
That's a red snapper one rod one reel my name's Jacob
The first fish is a needle fish
Owen Carter
Owen Carter - 7 years ago
What you called red snapper was a tellowtail
Dan Thiele
Dan Thiele - 7 years ago
Hound fish
Suzy Hoover
Suzy Hoover - 7 years ago
hound fish anyone
jak kelly
jak kelly - 7 years ago
The next fish does not exist here
jak kelly
jak kelly - 7 years ago
The next fish u cught is called a tailor in australia
jak kelly
jak kelly - 7 years ago
Another fingermark
jak kelly
jak kelly - 7 years ago
Here we call the third fish a fingermark but we call the smaller ones a moses perch
jak kelly
jak kelly - 7 years ago
Here we call that second fish a giant trevally or what somepeople call it a GT
jak kelly
jak kelly - 7 years ago
In Australia people mainly fish saltwater rivers but here we call that dumb fish a long tom
Maroef Lamidi
Maroef Lamidi - 7 years ago
Blacktip and 1rod1real fishing you guys have to come to Bonaire en come fishing
yamoo king White
yamoo king White - 7 years ago
1 rod 1 real:"i literaly hooked it 20,000 times
Matthew Williams
Matthew Williams - 7 years ago
Salt water fishing looks so mush fun
Matthew Pierson
Matthew Pierson - 7 years ago
I think that fish is called a hound fish. Barracudas eat them.
SeyStoner 420
SeyStoner 420 - 7 years ago
It's a needlefish
RORY VEGA - 7 years ago
The first fish was an aha and the second fish was a papio
Danny Hagreen
Danny Hagreen - 7 years ago
How many times did he say "it's a grouper!"
Michelle Kelly
Michelle Kelly - 7 years ago
Blackfish I watch you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle Kelly
Michelle Kelly - 7 years ago
Neddle fish
Dylannh 808
Dylannh 808 - 7 years ago
you are right about the fish. In Hawaii we call it papio
Paul Testerman
Paul Testerman - 7 years ago
No it's a skip Jack
Gamingha Flips
Gamingha Flips - 7 years ago
That’s a needle fish
Lil Man
Lil Man - 7 years ago
2nd fish was a jack
MikeyPlayZ 101
MikeyPlayZ 101 - 7 years ago
Lil Man or a porgy
Lil Man
Lil Man - 7 years ago
I think that 1st fish is a hound fish
unknown gamer
unknown gamer - 7 years ago
Gavin Meyer
Gavin Meyer - 7 years ago
hound fish
Ben 10 Fan
Ben 10 Fan - 7 years ago
Charlie Cox
Charlie Cox - 7 years ago
Yes it is a red snapper
Gia Cipolla
Gia Cipolla - 7 years ago
I think the the 3rd fish he caught was a mutton snapper
Gia Cipolla
Gia Cipolla - 7 years ago
Or the 4th fish was a mutton snapper
Jamarcus Graham
Jamarcus Graham - 7 years ago
Dunno dumb fish
Jamarcus Graham
Jamarcus Graham - 7 years ago
Give me a lure please
Jakes World
Jakes World - 7 years ago
That was a hound fish and you were write on the jack reval and you got a red snapper
unknown gamer
unknown gamer - 7 years ago
the first one is a hound fish
BaitBusters Fishing
BaitBusters Fishing - 7 years ago
i think your 3rd fish was a mutton snapper
Jayden Rose Gambon
Jayden Rose Gambon - 7 years ago
Yo that thing ain't a red snapper
Hunter Murray
Hunter Murray - 7 years ago
It is a jack
Racer75x - 7 years ago
Mr Happy Badger
Mr Happy Badger - 7 years ago
You are just the worst type of angler.
Dragon Lord
Dragon Lord - 7 years ago
It was a mutton snapper
EnderSwagO4 - 7 years ago
That first one was a needle fish
RJ Russell
RJ Russell - 7 years ago
The first fish is a gar
gimme my chicken nugget
gimme my chicken nugget - 7 years ago
RJ Russell ur fucking stupid
Baden Cardy
Baden Cardy - 7 years ago
First one I think is a hound fish
the dirty hacker
the dirty hacker - 7 years ago
that fish was a jack crevalle
moises morales
moises morales - 7 years ago
Dude.. stfu!
Kobi Marshall
Kobi Marshall - 7 years ago
Mangrove snapper
Jordan 60000 Clever
Jordan 60000 Clever - 7 years ago
He said it was a red snapper hahaha
The One
The One - 7 years ago
Needle fish I think
LiamRogers10111 - 7 years ago
That fish you caught was a hound fish
Big belly bass fishing
Big belly bass fishing - 7 years ago
That was a hound fish
ChompZ XD
ChompZ XD - 7 years ago
U suck at fishing yo
Isaac Teichman
Isaac Teichman - 7 years ago
It was a needle fish i catch them all the time in the keys
GoDz Gaming
GoDz Gaming - 7 years ago
Thats a houndfish
Thomas F
Thomas F - 7 years ago
Did you see any baitshops to rent poles and buy gear on PI or Nassau?
Michael Follin truesdale
Michael Follin truesdale - 7 years ago
That is a needlefish
Jaxon Hall
Jaxon Hall - 7 years ago
It is that fish u said
Legendary fishing
Legendary fishing - 7 years ago
anyone else catch salt water fish
Daniel Ebeltoft
Daniel Ebeltoft - 7 years ago
Thats one big houndfish
Miguel Morel
Miguel Morel - 7 years ago
That is a needel fish
runway heading
runway heading - 7 years ago
Pink Snapper?
runway heading
runway heading - 7 years ago
Horse eyed jack
runway heading
runway heading - 7 years ago
Actually not a Trumpet but a needle fish
runway heading
runway heading - 7 years ago
That is a Trumpetfish
runway heading
runway heading - 7 years ago
You need to chill out young man! Glad your having fun but wow!
kyrie irving
kyrie irving - 7 years ago
Bro you put to many fucking ads in your videos please stop
Elye Davis
Elye Davis - 7 years ago
Plz do a Cherokee lake fishing plz
Dawn Atkinson
Dawn Atkinson - 7 years ago
there's a freshwater garfish into saltwater garfish but a lot of people call them garthe freshwater ones
akash mahase
akash mahase - 7 years ago
the fish not dumb you is the one
who is dumb
Lennon McEldowney
Lennon McEldowney - 7 years ago
That is a sordid fish
Alex Nelson
Alex Nelson - 7 years ago
This video was so funny
Sean Kidd
Sean Kidd - 7 years ago
That first fish looked like a needle fish
JaysGaming - 7 years ago
Yeah you tell him dad. I wouldn't listen to just some person on a jetski to say no fishing.
Dos Los
Dos Los - 7 years ago
Oh it's a barracuda mike 2016
De' Swann
De' Swann - 7 years ago
I love how excited you get....I think I'll go fishing this weekend! Glad you had a blast in my home....Most of the fish you caught were various types of snappers....the one you accidentally dropped was a Jack fish, so was the next one...the 1'st one I'm not so sure tho...You're hilarious!
Rex Hickman
Rex Hickman - 7 years ago
1: needlefish
2: jack crevalle
3: red snapper
4: red snapper
5: blue runner
6: green jack I think
BaitBusters Fishing
BaitBusters Fishing - 7 years ago
"dude this fish is so dumb" so so true
Matthew Ramsey
Matthew Ramsey - 7 years ago
the first fish that you caut was a jack fish
Matthew Ramsey
Matthew Ramsey - 7 years ago
actualy poor man marlin
Trushna Rama
Trushna Rama - 7 years ago
needle fish
Rattlerjake1 - 7 years ago
Second fish was a yellowtail jack! Not a jack crevalle. Third and fourth were mahogany snappers NOT red snapper. Next (that you put you finger in it's mouth) is a Bar jack.
pika blackgameradcf
pika blackgameradcf - 7 years ago
u are an idiot the fish can remember only for 3 seconds
all fish are idots
Easton Isbell
Easton Isbell - 7 years ago
2 fish was albino red
Jason Hollingshead
Jason Hollingshead - 7 years ago
It's called a yellowfin croaker
angle lovely
angle lovely - 7 years ago
are u phillipino
isaac ducharme
isaac ducharme - 7 years ago
Yuor first fish was a gar
Brock Blazier
Brock Blazier - 7 years ago
isaac ducharme yuor an idiot
unknown gamer
unknown gamer - 7 years ago
nah kid it was a houndfish
isaac ducharme
isaac ducharme - 7 years ago
Wassup my dudes srry
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
isaac ducharme no it was a hound/needle fish, gar fish are only in freshwater not saltwater
Noice McNoiceFace
Noice McNoiceFace - 7 years ago
"What a dumb fish" Processeds to unhook 10+ times
Jovany Sauceda
Jovany Sauceda - 7 years ago
This guy gets to excited it's annoying it's like if he's 8
Kronovi IV
Kronovi IV - 7 years ago
Jovany Sauceda get a life... why comment hate? When I catch fish I get excited also... it's a fun experience for him to go salt water fishing. He is a fresh water fisher so he isn't use to going in the ocean and catching a lot of different speices. So don't comment hate there is no point
zTrixx - 7 years ago
Jovany Sauceda He enjoys the sport. Whats your problem?
Saniu Abdul Sattar
Saniu Abdul Sattar - 7 years ago
It's a Banded Needlefish. Scientific name: Strongylura leiura.
Jack Bernal
Jack Bernal - 7 years ago
I had fun watching this video, thanks for sharing... BTW, your dad is awesome
Jack Bernal
Jack Bernal - 7 years ago
I had fun watching this video, thanks for sharing... BTW, your dad is awesome
Jack Bernal
Jack Bernal - 7 years ago
I had fun watching this video, also, your dad is awesome
Jack Bernal
Jack Bernal - 7 years ago
I had fun watching this video, also, your dad is awesome
bo meesup
bo meesup - 7 years ago
gar fish
Kyndel Clark
Kyndel Clark - 7 years ago
dude you're so annoying
Abe Melek
Abe Melek - 7 years ago
First fish was a hound fish
Keenan Chock
Keenan Chock - 7 years ago
its a papio. Thats what us hawaiians call it.
BPL Outdoors
BPL Outdoors - 7 years ago
It's a pompano not a jack
Rolando Does stuff
Rolando Does stuff - 7 years ago
Neeedle fis
Raphael Souza
Raphael Souza - 7 years ago
First fish is a hound fish
jarvsie - 7 years ago
1 and a half minutes of a crap ad to then watch an idiot....
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
i think the first fish you got was a penlicel fish
Emilia Flores
Emilia Flores - 7 years ago
The first fish you caught was a hound fish
bigdc202 - 7 years ago
Must be a lot of fun catching a bunch of different fish you've never seen before.
Jacob Weinsheimer
Jacob Weinsheimer - 7 years ago
Its a needle fish
Casmir - 7 years ago
Its a grouper lol stop lying
Jake Kama
Jake Kama - 7 years ago
Should of ate the first fish poor mans marlin
Henry Glover
Henry Glover - 7 years ago
That's awesome! I love in Chesapeake too
Hugh Mc
Hugh Mc - 7 years ago
And not a red snapper
Hugh Mc
Hugh Mc - 7 years ago
That's a gar fish first fish
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Sea water Spray gar fish only live in freshwater
Offical_ Monster
Offical_ Monster - 7 years ago
Do more saltwater fishing!
dip'nJake - 7 years ago
1rod: (catches long skinny fish in salt water) Barracuda!

I think maybe needle fish?
Marvin Markham
Marvin Markham - 7 years ago
Needle fish but i call them Gar
SIDESILVER - 7 years ago
Gar fish
Brendan Peterson
Brendan Peterson - 7 years ago
The first fish is a needle fish
Kaya Raagas
Kaya Raagas - 7 years ago
I think the first fish you caught was some type of gar
Bro perfect Trick shots
Bro perfect Trick shots - 7 years ago
1rod1reel it's a garfish aka a houndfish
Thedeadhunter Gv
Thedeadhunter Gv - 7 years ago
That fish that he caught I think it's a finger mark
Ryan Bevan
Ryan Bevan - 7 years ago
finger mark perch
Max Pardo
Max Pardo - 7 years ago
First one was a hound fish or needle fish (depends on were your from I guess) and he also over reacts on the size of fish lol
Night for Everybody
Night for Everybody - 7 years ago
Am the only one wipe off the screen because is blurry then I noticed is his go pro the is blurry not my screen lol
Anorak Green
Anorak Green - 7 years ago
That's a needle fish
Alex Macdonald
Alex Macdonald - 7 years ago
The first catch was a needlefish
Jaxon K.
Jaxon K. - 7 years ago
Stop panicking, holy hell.
Owen - 7 years ago
omg let the fish eat it more
Morgan Prince
Morgan Prince - 7 years ago
The first fish was a needle fish
Reelinnpeelin Fishing
Reelinnpeelin Fishing - 7 years ago
Dumb fish? Says the one who thinks a houndfish is a cuda lol.
Austin Calardo
Austin Calardo - 7 years ago
I think at 6:10 is a pompeno
jose Ibarra
jose Ibarra - 7 years ago
Sub to me i will sub
Sky Rulis
Sky Rulis - 7 years ago
The first fish was a hound fish
Brandon Godfrey
Brandon Godfrey - 7 years ago
That looks awesome
L30C0R3_17 - 7 years ago
The first fish is a needle fish
Jason Just
Jason Just - 7 years ago
That first fish is a needle fish
DylanBanta16893 - 7 years ago
I think that was a kroker
Propane and propane accessories
Propane and propane accessories - 7 years ago
With all those fish with sharp chompers right there, if hate to be swimming in it lol
Propane and propane accessories
Propane and propane accessories - 7 years ago
Do you use any other weight on the line with jigheads? Or just the weight of the jig enough to cast?
Mike damskey
Mike damskey - 7 years ago
Mike damskey
Mike damskey - 7 years ago
You need to relax son. You ran your mouth the entire time and said nothing at all. You drove me crazy couldn't even finish the video.
Jack Merritt Official
Jack Merritt Official - 7 years ago
U Speke way too soon
Angel Hernandez
Angel Hernandez - 7 years ago
For me is a yellow fin croaker because you said it was croaking
Rad Reeling Fishing
Rad Reeling Fishing - 7 years ago
I love watching your videos. What did the wave runner guy say to you?

I just started my channel and am learning a lot from watching you.
Carsonplayzgame - 7 years ago
The first fish was a I needlefish
The Basketball Player
The Basketball Player - 7 years ago
the first fish is a needle fish
unknown gamer
unknown gamer - 7 years ago
The first one was a garfish
Wendy Fox
Wendy Fox - 7 years ago
1Reel the first fish you caught was a NeedleFish I've seen them in Florida outside my house
Brandon Carton
Brandon Carton - 7 years ago
Mike caught that first fish like 5 times lol
Trev G
Trev G - 7 years ago
You cought a needlefish
imkayy14 - 7 years ago
My name Jahari Williams
Nicholas Roberts
Nicholas Roberts - 7 years ago
First fish was a needle fish
Luke Bever
Luke Bever - 7 years ago
Its a hound fish we have many in the keys and Tampa bay I have a boat maybe we could fish sometime
hong ben
hong ben - 7 years ago
The long looking fish is called a garfish and it taste real nice
Jennifer Duckworth
Jennifer Duckworth - 7 years ago
Hound fish
Oh BuddyBoi
Oh BuddyBoi - 7 years ago
"OH CRAP! OH SHIT1 oh-oh crap!"
Nick Teel
Nick Teel - 7 years ago
At 10:00 Hahaha so funny
Jus mula
Jus mula - 7 years ago
The first fish was a needle fish
b17 - 7 years ago
Mike that wasn't a barracuda lol
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
It's a blue runner
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
But it St a snapper
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
Not a red snapper
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
Some kind of snappper
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
Was a jack Corvallis
Nile Menon
Nile Menon - 7 years ago
That first fish was a gar
Jake Harrap
Jake Harrap - 7 years ago
Red gill
FISH ON - 7 years ago
The first fish was a needle fish
maite mendoza
maite mendoza - 7 years ago
go dowfishing
Kat Lyn
Kat Lyn - 7 years ago
1st was a needle nose eel im thinking,,,,2nd is a mangrove snapper
KD Films
KD Films - 7 years ago
First fish is a hound fish
Lucas Wright
Lucas Wright - 7 years ago
"I literally hooked him 20,000 times" LOL
Jarred Fields
Jarred Fields - 7 years ago
the first fish you caught was a needlefish
Kasen Cate
Kasen Cate - 7 years ago
Hound fish
C.S Gamer11
C.S Gamer11 - 7 years ago
Dap 99 Neo
Dap 99 Neo - 7 years ago
Lara Jill Jones-Munoz
Lara Jill Jones-Munoz - 7 years ago
Looks like baby Amber jack
Pemancing 101
Pemancing 101 - 7 years ago
2:00 Houndfish
branko nisevic
branko nisevic - 7 years ago
first fish is needle fish
marcus balkaran
marcus balkaran - 7 years ago
The first fish is a needle fish
M&M Outdoors
M&M Outdoors - 7 years ago
That was a needlefish you caught aka the one you called the barracuda
JACE CRAZY - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure that that fish is a bonita
Bradley Haring
Bradley Haring - 7 years ago
The first fish with a needle fish
Jeremy Mushensky
Jeremy Mushensky - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is that that he reeled in at 2:19
Jesse Croxton Jr
Jesse Croxton Jr - 7 years ago
First fish is a nedel fish
Jamaal Hosein Jr.
Jamaal Hosein Jr. - 7 years ago
10:34 that's a baby albacore
Michael Jordon
Michael Jordon - 7 years ago
will 12# floro work on a handline for these fish. Will using floro mean you have to use a lighter weight jighead because floro falls faster than mono
Ajax Gaming
Ajax Gaming - 7 years ago
That first one I think that was a gar or a Norther pike
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Ajax Gaming both of the fish you just mentioned are freshwater fish
Kai Don
Kai Don - 7 years ago
the fish that you called a jackrevell is a trevally
SETH NORTON - 7 years ago
1rod that is a saltwater gar
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
SETH NORTON its a hound/needle fish not a gar
Rave Dropz
Rave Dropz - 7 years ago
Definitely not a barracuda
Maybe a hound or something?
Patrick McCambridge
Patrick McCambridge - 7 years ago
I am a fly fisherman and going to the Bahamas for a few weeks and want to try salt water from the surf. What type of travel rod (and reel) did you purchase? Low or high end? Thanks and nice job.
Prexxure - 7 years ago
Whats your set up?
Jordan Blackstock
Jordan Blackstock - 7 years ago
Yup it was a mahogany
Jordan Blackstock
Jordan Blackstock - 7 years ago
I believe that was a Mahogany snapper or silk snapper
Anderson - 7 years ago
And your first fish was a needle fish
Anderson - 7 years ago
I think that the first fish that you cought on the rocks was a type of snapper
Trent Williams
Trent Williams - 7 years ago
More!Great video.
ABIGRED PANDA - 7 years ago
Your dad looks like Mr. Chow
Margaret Weiss
Margaret Weiss - 7 years ago
Margaret Weiss
Margaret Weiss - 7 years ago
Pike eel
Carolina Gaming Syndicate
Carolina Gaming Syndicate - 7 years ago
Why they make you leave.
Ryan Kensinger
Ryan Kensinger - 7 years ago
Mitchell Ruttley
Mitchell Ruttley - 7 years ago
that was a gt
Blaze - 7 years ago
1:07 u sound so English
Wrench - 7 years ago
Me: catches a big bass that is small to 1r1r
Caleb Oconnor
Caleb Oconnor - 7 years ago
The fish you thought was a cuda is a hound fish
Caleb Oconnor
Caleb Oconnor - 7 years ago
The fish you thought was a red snapper is a porgy
Sebby Out having fun
Sebby Out having fun - 7 years ago
That first fish i think was a houndfish
Jason Inigo
Jason Inigo - 7 years ago
That pink was a pink salmon
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Jason Inigo *red snapper
Joeys sports/gaming Challenges
Joeys sports/gaming Challenges - 7 years ago
The first is a needlefish
Joeys sports/gaming Challenges
Joeys sports/gaming Challenges - 7 years ago
A needlefish
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly - 7 years ago
First fish is a wahoo
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Robert Kelly its a needle/hound fish
hello - 7 years ago
Robert Kelly nope
Debbie Agar
Debbie Agar - 7 years ago
It's not a red snapper but that long fish you caught its a long Tom
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Jack Agar hound fish
Xander Daugherty
Xander Daugherty - 7 years ago
That's a needlefish
BeastOLeast FTW
BeastOLeast FTW - 7 years ago
What he said was a red snapper was acctually a mangrove snapper really great eating personal experience and the first one with teeth was a hound fish
Noah Peralto
Noah Peralto - 7 years ago
A blue runner is in the jack family so you weren't wrong when I said " it's a jack"
hellonearth1066 - 7 years ago
Haha that first fish is a needlefish. I was fly fishing for bonefish in the seychelles and these bastards kept nailing my flies.
Dawn Atkinson
Dawn Atkinson - 7 years ago
He got a freaking monster garfish
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Dawn Atkinson that's a freshwater fish not a saltwater one, it's a hound fish
Skywolf 1103
Skywolf 1103 - 7 years ago
First fish was a ballyhoo dumb ass
Cameron Howe
Cameron Howe - 7 years ago
a blue runner is a speices of jack
Cameron Howe
Cameron Howe - 7 years ago
the first fish was a Atlantic needle fish
Miguel Mata Games
Miguel Mata Games - 7 years ago
that was a needle fish dident know they got that big
camrob 7
camrob 7 - 7 years ago
the fish is called wahoo
Isaac Bos
Isaac Bos - 7 years ago
1st fish was a hound fish
Jesse Ogden
Jesse Ogden - 7 years ago
not a cuda
Adrian Thomas
Adrian Thomas - 7 years ago
The first fish is a gar
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Adrian Thomas its a hound fish
Glen Sanders
Glen Sanders - 7 years ago
The red one was a red runner
Glen Sanders
Glen Sanders - 7 years ago
The first fish was a gar fish
Xaviee TA
Xaviee TA - 7 years ago
That fish is called a hound fish but in my island we call them Gar fish
Michael Chavez
Michael Chavez - 7 years ago
The really red gulp with purple flakes works like a charm!!! It's impressive how many fish i've caught with it, you should try it :D
Anthony Sciarretto
Anthony Sciarretto - 7 years ago
is that near atlantis, because those same wave runner rental dudes will let you rent a jet ski and scavenge through your stuff, every year i go there on a cruise and those same people look through our stuff
Philip DeAngelis
Philip DeAngelis - 7 years ago
That was a needle fish
Jane Smith
Jane Smith - 7 years ago
3:37 needle nose gar
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Jane Smith stop being stupid its a fucking hound fish not a needle nose gar
Nick Dreier
Nick Dreier - 7 years ago
Mad Spinner 13
Mad Spinner 13 - 7 years ago
I recommend a fishing vide in crystal river
Tyler Fernsebner
Tyler Fernsebner - 7 years ago
It was a pink snnpper
American Bros
American Bros - 7 years ago
The first fish was a saltwater gar
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
American Bros its a hound fish
The South Will Rise Again
The South Will Rise Again - 7 years ago
Think that was a blue runner
kyle rudig
kyle rudig - 7 years ago
fish 1 is a needle fish, fish 2 is a jack, fish 3 and 4 were mutton snapper, fish 5 blue runner, fish 6 is another blue runner,
CoolBoyBoss - 7 years ago
thats now a red snapper
CoolBoyBoss - 7 years ago
u guys thats a aha right peeps even the perfetionals like me and blacktipPH r bosses BTW im a lil kid boii
AssitanaFishing - 7 years ago
3:38 He is called in German "Horn-Hecht"
Rancid YT
Rancid YT - 7 years ago
First fish was.a needle fish
Ryan Hale
Ryan Hale - 7 years ago
Hound fish
P W - 7 years ago
after the blue runner you caught a yellowfin tuna
Dana Johnson
Dana Johnson - 7 years ago
the dumb fish is called a needle fish
Sunny Days
Sunny Days - 7 years ago
Lmao at that guy on the jetski that tried to scare you out of his favorite fishing spot
Wilderness outdoor
Wilderness outdoor - 7 years ago
The first one was a needle fish
Mason Helms
Mason Helms - 7 years ago
First fish is a hound
lil'angler Ashfaaq
lil'angler Ashfaaq - 7 years ago
I fish those kind of fish everyday
Jason Harris
Jason Harris - 7 years ago
First fish was a houndfish
Geoff Smith
Geoff Smith - 7 years ago
the first one was a hound fish
Black Person
Black Person - 7 years ago
First fish is like " I'm gonna eat it I'm not gonna eat it but I'm gonna go eat it"
Steven Garcia
Steven Garcia - 7 years ago
lmao nice video
Emilee Fox 13
Emilee Fox 13 - 7 years ago
I was there 2 months ago.
Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Your right
Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I think it's a neadle nose
Hunter Chapman
Hunter Chapman - 7 years ago
Its a needle fish
creed dearden
creed dearden - 7 years ago
Tsimneej Vang
Tsimneej Vang - 7 years ago
Its a houndfish
Noah Staab
Noah Staab - 7 years ago
it was a needle fish
Nothin nonya
Nothin nonya - 7 years ago
The fish at 6:00 and 7:50 were the same fish they were both lane snapper
Evan Polk
Evan Polk - 7 years ago
These people suck at there fish skills in the comments calling hound fish pinfish lane snapper mutton snapper and perch
Isles Rule91
Isles Rule91 - 7 years ago
That looks like a needle fish
unknown gamer
unknown gamer - 7 years ago
welp it's a houndfish
Christian Contreras
Christian Contreras - 7 years ago
First fish is a hound fish
Canadian airsoft
Canadian airsoft - 7 years ago
Do a video of you catching a stingray
Regan Rushing
Regan Rushing - 7 years ago
Needle fish
Blake Pagdilao
Blake Pagdilao - 7 years ago
The dumbest fish is a needle fish
RacingRhino1708 - 7 years ago
That first fish would be like thinking a shark is his brother
Kimberly Mohigan
Kimberly Mohigan - 7 years ago
it's a nittle fish
Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy - 7 years ago
10:01 "ow my nuts"
CE Life
CE Life - 7 years ago
the first fish is a needle fish its the biggest one I've ever seen
Squirrel Gaming
Squirrel Gaming - 7 years ago
1st fish was a hound fish
Griffen Napier
Griffen Napier - 7 years ago
needle dish they are a pain fishing with live bait
Emmanique Bootle
Emmanique Bootle - 7 years ago
Bei he caught a Red snapper man!! And a Jack!
Chimua Moua
Chimua Moua - 7 years ago
Needle fish
Judd Markham
Judd Markham - 7 years ago
that was a trevally, also dont set the hook like bass fishing
Ty Curtis
Ty Curtis - 7 years ago
Judd Markham im guessing your aussie like me what we call trevally they call jack what we call mangrove jack they call mangrove snapper
Minecraft IOS Pro Gamer
Minecraft IOS Pro Gamer - 7 years ago
The first fish you caught was a garfish
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Jazy Racer its a hound fish
KingBoy Gamer_101
KingBoy Gamer_101 - 7 years ago
that i gar i think
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Teddy Gang its a hound fish
Fishinonamission 1
Fishinonamission 1 - 7 years ago
How were you working the bait while on the rocks?
Kelvin Lopez
Kelvin Lopez - 7 years ago
That's a needlefish
Rabbi Sherman
Rabbi Sherman - 7 years ago
Lane snapper, not red snapper
Tyler Johnston
Tyler Johnston - 7 years ago
it is a dog fish
Eric C
Eric C - 7 years ago
The first one was a needlefish. It is also known in some places as a Houndfish. The next fish was a Yellow or Bar Jack. The next two were Lane Snappers. The Snappers are pretty good eating. The next one on the rocks was a Blue Runner.
Jaeden Pfeiffer
Jaeden Pfeiffer - 7 years ago
needle fish
Cole Johnson
Cole Johnson - 7 years ago
It's a needle nose you idiot
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Cole Johnson its a hound fish idiot
JakeT2004 - 7 years ago
who else heard at 10:00 of my nuts
JakeT2004 - 7 years ago
hound fish
Jack Creval
Lane snapper
Brandon's fishing and gaming
Brandon's fishing and gaming - 7 years ago
the first fish was needle fish
Brandon Barker
Brandon Barker - 7 years ago
The 1st fish he caught that was so dumb is called a hound fish not a barracuda. The fish he stupidly said was a red snapper was not a red snapper it's called a croaker. The fish that got off that he called a grouper was not grouper don't live that close to land and they don't live in rocks like that.
DerpTurtle - Minecraft
DerpTurtle - Minecraft - 7 years ago
Some great fishing
Tristan Simpson
Tristan Simpson - 7 years ago
That was the needle fish
Jaymurray Murray
Jaymurray Murray - 7 years ago
its cald a pike
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Jaymurray Murray pike are freshwater fish it was a hound fish
Breyer Lance
Breyer Lance - 7 years ago
I don't fish salt water but I wanna try so what is the motion you use on those Berkeley plastic fish. Like how do you work it?
Brennan Schmitz
Brennan Schmitz - 7 years ago
3rd fish was a snapper
matthew plute
matthew plute - 7 years ago
take your dad again. this is funny and entertaining
Cindy Russell
Cindy Russell - 7 years ago
That is called a 'Hangie'. I don't know if that is the official name but we grew up calling that type of fish, hangie. Yes it is a Jack. What type of bait did you use?
Official Russian Empire
Official Russian Empire - 7 years ago
Fish #1 houndfish #2 jack crevalle #3 and #4 are both mahogany snapper #5 blue runner #6 yellow jack
Wayne Johnson
Wayne Johnson - 7 years ago
Elvado Curry
Elvado Curry - 7 years ago
It's a sword fish
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Elvado Curry hound fish
Joni Shortt
Joni Shortt - 7 years ago
Jake Nguyen
Jake Nguyen - 7 years ago
Mangrove snaper
semir Cazanovic
semir Cazanovic - 7 years ago
the first fish is a houndfish
EthanDaylorBassFishing Edbf
EthanDaylorBassFishing Edbf - 7 years ago
The 4th fish is a lane Snapper
EthanDaylorBassFishing Edbf
EthanDaylorBassFishing Edbf - 7 years ago
Derek Petrisko oh thx can you subscribe
Official Russian Empire
Official Russian Empire - 7 years ago
EthanDaylorBassFishing Edbf it was a mahogany snapper, they look very similar
Eagleplaz Minecraft
Eagleplaz Minecraft - 7 years ago
it is a hound fish
Profishency - 7 years ago
Mike, the first one you caught is a houndfish or "needlefish." Imitating houndfish using tubelures for barracudas makes for VERY exciting top water action.
redbull_ 01
redbull_ 01 - 7 years ago
When I fish near rocks, my line gets caught/stuck on the rocks. Me and my dad aren't very good. What should I do???
julie johnston
julie johnston - 7 years ago
that fish was a needle fish
cOLe910 Sumner910
cOLe910 Sumner910 - 7 years ago
Ok so I know the first fish is a needle fish/Hound fish
Virginia Bomber
Virginia Bomber - 7 years ago
is this in DUBIA
Jaidon Johnson
Jaidon Johnson - 7 years ago
Virginia Bomber Bahamas
Giovanni Gutierrez
Giovanni Gutierrez - 7 years ago
I think the first fish was a needle fish
Jano Bulterman
Jano Bulterman - 7 years ago
it is a houndfish
Mason Franklin
Mason Franklin - 7 years ago
sea bass
James Floyd
James Floyd - 7 years ago
hound fish
North Florida Pond Fishing
North Florida Pond Fishing - 7 years ago
I think it's a hound fish
Jayden Lappan
Jayden Lappan - 7 years ago
Ya I think you are right
Echo Z
Echo Z - 7 years ago
you need to stop yelling
wyatt ritter
wyatt ritter - 7 years ago
your right
Robert Whalen
Robert Whalen - 7 years ago
First fish was a houndfish
Tyler Fernsebner
Tyler Fernsebner - 7 years ago
It was not a red snapper
Louie W
Louie W - 7 years ago
You think everything is a barracuda hahahahha
James Brown
James Brown - 7 years ago
houndfish, mutton snapper, blue runner, almaco jack
Matthew Walsh
Matthew Walsh - 7 years ago
1st fish was a needle fish (garfish)
Amber's DIY Factory
Amber's DIY Factory - 7 years ago
that's not a barracuda that was a needle fish
abraham zaldivar
abraham zaldivar - 7 years ago
This idiot calls everything a cuda
Parallel Burrito
Parallel Burrito - 7 years ago
Haha...your dads story was the best part. Awkwardly funny.
dhl671 - 7 years ago
lmfao!! totally agree with nother post: "you talk so much but yet say nothing". so completely very true. your talk is annoying, pointless and simply too much nonsense
Alejandro Ramos
Alejandro Ramos - 7 years ago
cant you keep any of thise
Marcos Alaniz
Marcos Alaniz - 7 years ago
Relax fam, you screaming like you got a 20 pounder
Sea House
Sea House - 7 years ago
thats a pin fish
Chris Stewart
Chris Stewart - 7 years ago
The first fish was a needle fish
reilly mohrmannvlogs
reilly mohrmannvlogs - 7 years ago
that is a needle fish
Logan Wilson
Logan Wilson - 7 years ago
y the fuck do you reel all your fish in super fast u dumb shit
Fishing with Eric Smithson
Fishing with Eric Smithson - 7 years ago
Learn ur fucking fish
RacymTv - 7 years ago
i don't understand why you release them
Yo Boii Roby Fan Club Widener
Yo Boii Roby Fan Club Widener - 7 years ago
Vermillion snapper
Eddy Kuz
Eddy Kuz - 7 years ago
that fish u called a snapper, in australia we call them a finger mark or a golden snapper
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth Smith - 7 years ago
the fish with black spot is call a moses pearch/ fingermark bream
Vonice Parker-Pestano
Vonice Parker-Pestano - 7 years ago
Ryan R
Ryan R - 7 years ago
The third fish was a snapper good fish
Geronimo Stilton
Geronimo Stilton - 7 years ago
That was a big ass squirrel fish
Cris Gelman
Cris Gelman - 7 years ago
Those red fined fish were mutton snappers
Aguywholikes brownstripes
Aguywholikes brownstripes - 7 years ago
im going to bahamas next week and im bringing my fishing rod
Chicken Permission
Chicken Permission - 7 years ago
the first fish you caught was a big ass needlefish nice catch
Lucky luck
Lucky luck - 7 years ago
The same blue runner
Marshall Gomez
Marshall Gomez - 7 years ago
wonder if it was a grouper
SnowZero16 - 7 years ago

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