Snorkeling With Tropical Fish! -- Honeymoon (2 of 5)

October 27, 2011: While on honeymoon in St. Lucia with his new wife, Jon takes a boat ride across the Caribbean Ocean to visit the nearby island of Martinique, and go snorkeling with some tropical fish. Video 2 of 5. Honeymoon Video #1 -- Honeymoon Video #2 -- Honeymoon Video #3 -- Honeymoon Video #4 -- Honeymoon Video #5 -- ~~ Jon's Adventure Vlog ~~ Whenever Jon ventures out into the world to do something exciting, he will take you along for the adventure! New episodes are posted sporadically, often in small bursts immediately following any traveling Jon does, so the schedule depends on when Jon actually goes on an adventure! Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Facebook ----------- Twitter --------------- The World ---------- Game Time -------- Main Channel ----- My Best Movies -- FAQ Video --------- T-Shirts ------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Panasonic DMC-FZ150 Software --------- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Computer ------- • Jogwheel Productions © 2011 • ~

Snorkeling With Tropical Fish! -- Honeymoon (2 of 5) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Tropical fishing 13 years ago 14,248 views

October 27, 2011: While on honeymoon in St. Lucia with his new wife, Jon takes a boat ride across the Caribbean Ocean to visit the nearby island of Martinique, and go snorkeling with some tropical fish. Video 2 of 5. Honeymoon Video #1 -- Honeymoon Video #2 -- Honeymoon Video #3 -- Honeymoon Video #4 -- Honeymoon Video #5 -- ~~ Jon's Adventure Vlog ~~ Whenever Jon ventures out into the world to do something exciting, he will take you along for the adventure! New episodes are posted sporadically, often in small bursts immediately following any traveling Jon does, so the schedule depends on when Jon actually goes on an adventure! Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Facebook ----------- Twitter --------------- The World ---------- Game Time -------- Main Channel ----- My Best Movies -- FAQ Video --------- T-Shirts ------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Panasonic DMC-FZ150 Software --------- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Computer ------- • Jogwheel Productions © 2011 • ~

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Most popular comments
for Snorkeling With Tropical Fish! -- Honeymoon (2 of 5)

Storm Surge Productions
Storm Surge Productions - 11 years ago
That costs money for something he pretty much already has
Cam Makes Vids
Cam Makes Vids - 13 years ago
spike67 - 13 years ago
@Jon Thanks for the video parts. I know where my Honeymoon is gonna be!
Kevin Granger
Kevin Granger - 13 years ago
The Thumbnail looks like the Cover to Nirvana "Nevermind" album LOL
Lazaruz - 13 years ago
Do you have "flat lens" for gopro? Or did you use standard lens under water?
Peter Bell
Peter Bell - 13 years ago
@youbeat2008 It's because it was in a waterproof caseing. Still bad normally though.
chris94 - 13 years ago
@xdiesease watch his updates video on his main channel. he explained that he will be making a show of some sorts of it, and it will premiere in january or so, when season 3 of rcc is over
sirkyar - 13 years ago
i snorkel with tropical birds.
Tedmeister - 13 years ago
Such beautiful underwater footage! I'm amazed that such a small camera can record such crisp video! If you don't mind me asking, though, what type of camera did you use?

10. comment for Snorkeling With Tropical Fish! -- Honeymoon (2 of 5)

The Local Gnome
The Local Gnome - 13 years ago
The ocean was a beautiful shade of blue around the end.
Jon Hart
Jon Hart - 13 years ago
jon can you do more geocatching videos
Jessica Coyle
Jessica Coyle - 13 years ago
Isn't it annoying sleeping vertually outside with all them crickets?
MitenSoni - 13 years ago
This is one of my favorite adventure vlogs. Really great stuff.
Alyssa Stire
Alyssa Stire - 13 years ago
This is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. :)
Melissa Kensington
Melissa Kensington - 13 years ago
were you at pax east 2011?
dan - 13 years ago
@Jon It looks like him when he was in Jurrasic Park a little, just a little fatter. Only problem with what you said was that he died in deep blue sea,
cowboyup3638 - 13 years ago
Amazing underwater views! Glad you guys enjoyed the honeymoon
kingalberich - 13 years ago
that opening scene reminds me of my vacation at mackinac island... I miss that place...
FAB12UCB - 13 years ago
Did the goggles have any leakage? Also, why was you exchanging money to the Euro, they don't use the Euro do they?

20. comment for Snorkeling With Tropical Fish! -- Honeymoon (2 of 5)

Spectrallink - 13 years ago
Freaking awesome! Hope you're really enjoying yourself Jon! Loving these videos =D
Mike Hockin
Mike Hockin - 13 years ago
The opening shot is so beautiful!
Cory N
Cory N - 13 years ago
I thought that was Spanish?
Scott McMillan
Scott McMillan - 13 years ago
I went swimming in the Caribbean Animals were hiding behind the rocks. Except one little fish, bumped into me Swear it was trying to talk to me. Where is my mind? Sorry, that song has been in my head a lot recently, and this video pushed me over the edge. :)
dan - 13 years ago
Why does that guy at 2:03 look familar.
0Tanaka0 - 13 years ago
I paused at 1:49... Saw a black guy and the KFC sign above his head ._.
giammyzanna - 13 years ago
Biblioteca is also italian.
aprilsitaly - 13 years ago
That water was absolutely beautiful!
Bryer17 - 13 years ago
@Jon Thanks Jon
F - 13 years ago
@olmatenightfox He's subscribed to ShaneDawson and other such unfunnies. I think you know what his humour is like...

30. comment for Snorkeling With Tropical Fish! -- Honeymoon (2 of 5)

Kyle Treger
Kyle Treger - 13 years ago
Absoloutely beautiful.
pyr0ph1L - 13 years ago
Fuck you Jon! Nah I love you <3
AJ - 13 years ago
Not to take anything away from what seemed like an awesome experience, but the snorkeling is literally 1 million times better in Maui, I've been snorkeling in the Caribbean and then in Maui, and I must say, there is such a HUGE difference. Maybe 10 year anny?
Zyquux - 13 years ago
>Go snorkeling in the Caribbean >Is excited to try out underwater camera Yep, you're a YouTuber.
minim4n - 13 years ago
I'M JEALUS!!!!!!
CanadasAce - 13 years ago
OMG just watching this makes me wish i was some ware tropical swimming in teh ocean not in the fucking Canadian north fuck my town i live in
olmatenightfox - 13 years ago
@appleinfl You apple fags can never take a joke can you?
Drew Saunders
Drew Saunders - 13 years ago
Jon you are a pretty damn good photographer :) it helps that you have a great camera and beautiful scenery but those stills were great.
Mayacka - 13 years ago
Great thing about vlogging everything on YouTube is that you always have the footage of the awesome places you've gone. The 21st century version of the home movie.
iDigidroid - 13 years ago
St. Lucia looks awesome. Guess I know where I'm going when I get married
Mary West
Mary West - 13 years ago
Bibliothek is the same in French, Spanish, and German! :D
Shawn Grenier
Shawn Grenier - 13 years ago
@TheMontanaDave Giggity!
Leafs580 - 13 years ago
that under water camera was so awesome! Can't believe how clear it is.
PunkFuckinRock - 13 years ago
1:00 the water is so blue! what a freakin Beautiful place
N0616JC Productions
N0616JC Productions - 13 years ago
@Jon Now I know, probably I was having a hard time comprehanding the first answer. Thank Jon, and sorry if I had troubled you.
austins830 - 13 years ago
@jasleil The audio and video of the go pro was better than expected.
cal920c - 13 years ago
No shots of Ms Paula?
Julian Moberly
Julian Moberly - 13 years ago
Why no wife in this one?
N0616JC Productions
N0616JC Productions - 13 years ago
@Jon Huh? I'm confused.
TheMontanaDave - 13 years ago
exhausted from lack of sleep huh...?

50. comment for Snorkeling With Tropical Fish! -- Honeymoon (2 of 5)

Hector Rodriguez
Hector Rodriguez - 13 years ago
Jon, are you going to post any of the footage from the road trip?
Bunkersboy - 13 years ago
I got want I wanted now I want MORE
FoxtheDarkWolf - 13 years ago
since you where under water how long can you hold you breath under water?
TheMightyMagic - 13 years ago
Would you recommend the DMC-FZ150?
Iron Sheik
Iron Sheik - 13 years ago
Check out the KFC at 1:47....ha!
Paul Cornean
Paul Cornean - 13 years ago
Very good video!
Psoewish - 13 years ago
Hey Jon, trade me your life. Thanks.
N0616JC Productions
N0616JC Productions - 13 years ago
they use euros!? wow
chuklz - 13 years ago
bibliotech is also german i believe
Pondos3 - 13 years ago
@Jon tee hee you said dongle
BusRider - 13 years ago
@Jon Why do I find "dongle" to be a funny word? Maybe I'm just that immature.
Jeremy Gordon
Jeremy Gordon - 13 years ago
sounds like a great time. Haha I went snorkling in florida once, I was so scared to take my nice camera in the water with me. I put it in a Dicapac, it worked! Glad yours did too
OfficialOpinion - 13 years ago
@Jon - Your Dongle?
Daniel Irving
Daniel Irving - 13 years ago
@matthewsmattsmac8 That was my fav triangle at school.
matthewsmattsmac8 - 13 years ago
@TheCheat2011 In that case its a Right-angled.
Daniel Irving
Daniel Irving - 13 years ago
@matthewsmattsmac8 Whatever triangle you want it be.
Daniel Irving
Daniel Irving - 13 years ago
@SpartanStig117 I know that...but what is added to the device to make it waterproof.
matthewsmattsmac8 - 13 years ago
@TheCheat2011 Acute Triangle???
bigguy1028 - 13 years ago
0:42 Rainbow! 3:50 the ocean is sooo blue.
appleinfl - 13 years ago
@olmatenightfox If his wife won't show up on camera fully clothed what makes you think a sex tape is happening anytime soon?
Commander6444 - 13 years ago
I'm guessing that the whole thing with PETA saying that Mario kills animals is going to be the next "World According to Jon," right?
Brian Molhoek
Brian Molhoek - 13 years ago
hey jon i have a question. how have you been liking your panasonic DMC fz150? i was thinking about possibly purchasing this camera myself and i was just wondering what a professional thought about it. thanks
Daniel Irving
Daniel Irving - 13 years ago
@matthewsmattsmac8 Triangle
14Mew - 13 years ago
You did look very tired on the last little clip. I could see it in your eyes, but it was the "I had a blast" kind of tired. It looks amazing there, but I'm not really one for water. Still, I'm enjoying seeing some footage of your honeymoon!
Kellylogs - 13 years ago
first person snorkler!
matthewsmattsmac8 - 13 years ago
@TheCheat2011 Really?
Sagerronan - 13 years ago
@alexandreH100 though it is a little personal
Sagerronan - 13 years ago
I'm sorry to say asking how much it cost is a legitimate question, maybe somebody else wants to do it, just saying.
Bryer17 - 13 years ago
Jon when and why were you in Europe
amvoverwizzle - 13 years ago
0:42 Rainbow!
theguy23able - 13 years ago
Under Water camera!
beatlesfan464 - 13 years ago
@olmatenightfox February 30th.
Selrahcthewise - 13 years ago
Since you mentioned slat water i am surprised that your cameras did not break down on you,Jon
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island.
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island. - 13 years ago
When will you upload Game Time & RCC? PLEASE RESPOND!
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island.
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island. - 13 years ago
When will you upload Game Time & RCC? PLEASE RESPOND!
Scott13012 - 13 years ago
that looks so fun
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island.
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island. - 13 years ago
When are you doing Super Mario & RCC? PLEASE ANSWER!
Daniel Irving
Daniel Irving - 13 years ago
Jon can you explain to me how a camera protects itself from the water ? I don't understand how it works.
InfinantGamers - 13 years ago
I dont wanna get to personal but on youtube do you get paid good enough for this to be a full time job?
Daniel Irving
Daniel Irving - 13 years ago
KFC 1:49. Wonder if they taste the same ?
danty411 - 13 years ago
How much WAS your honeymoon? And was it worth it? That place just looks so beautiful and like a great place to go for honeymoons.
SuperChase101 - 13 years ago
@olmatenightfox That made my day xD
Daniel Irving
Daniel Irving - 13 years ago
It's 2am now in the UK. Talk about true fans -_-
Benjamin Barnes
Benjamin Barnes - 13 years ago
Hey guys! I've started making game videos again! MW3, BF3 and Halo! Also a vlog here and there coming soon! If you enjoy that sorta thing check out my channel and sub! TTTT
olmatenightfox - 13 years ago
so whens the sex tape coming out Jon?
mikeydo00 - 13 years ago
1:07 YAY I know how to spell swing!!! :D
LabRat - 13 years ago
@shadyguy999 No, I'm in fird.
LabRat - 13 years ago
@shadyguy999 No I'm fird.
LabRat - 13 years ago
fird just thougt i'd put that out there. like a dick.

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