Stop! Don't put your Goldfish in with your Tropical Fish

Bit of a rant/good information on why not to mix tropicals with goldfish. I have seen this a lot lately or have seen too many people asking if they can do this. Really the answer is no if you care about all the fish involved.

Stop! Don't put your Goldfish in with your Tropical Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 104

Tropical fishing 11 years ago 38,257 views

Bit of a rant/good information on why not to mix tropicals with goldfish. I have seen this a lot lately or have seen too many people asking if they can do this. Really the answer is no if you care about all the fish involved.

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Most popular comments
for Stop! Don't put your Goldfish in with your Tropical Fish

topbanana travels
topbanana travels - 6 years ago
I have gold fish in a tank with a male and female betta 2 angel fish 2 Danos and a bunch of fancy gupies and thay have been fine.
Dixie Fish 01
Dixie Fish 01 - 6 years ago
So ya basically your saying population control? lol
Elf - 6 years ago
Ihave the same exact breed fish of that one with many colors I just have it with tetras but what breed is it?
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 6 years ago
Elf pearl scale
HIROSHIMA - 7 years ago
Goldfish are not aggressive fish! I've kept gold fish for years and in tropical tanks with smaller fish such as cories and tetras and even with larger fish such as plecos and they do fine but they do make a lot of mess and can end up killing your fish if if your not cleaning your tank properly. So-called "Professionals" will get paid to say that shit "you can't put that in there" it pisses me off every time I go to a pet store.
James Fillbrook
James Fillbrook - 7 years ago
I think this guy is forgetting that goldfish come from warmer water , they have just managed to cope with colder water because there hardy
Carlos Hall Jr.
Carlos Hall Jr. - 7 years ago
If goldfish originates from China how are they not tropical
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 7 years ago
Caleb Phillips lol no
Betta 55
Betta 55 - 7 years ago
I did it cause I'm a savage I put a betta with a goldfish I keep it at 73 degrees
andrew byer
andrew byer - 7 years ago
Wasn't you know so much why do you have three goldfish and what appears to be a 20 gallon tank when Each goldfish is supposed to actually have 55 gallons of water to them self

10. comment for Stop! Don't put your Goldfish in with your Tropical Fish

the amphibian and fish channel
the amphibian and fish channel - 7 years ago
their motabolism goes faster in warm water and grow faster and eat more. when its cold they grow slow and barely eat dumbass
Ruby Livermore
Ruby Livermore - 7 years ago
What about one goldfish in a 50 L tank with, 20 c temp and constant ph reading of 7.2. Would that be okay?
Lolz 73839
Lolz 73839 - 7 years ago
Golfish are coldwater fish so they won't go in a tropical tank it's the wrong temperature
Jen Taylor
Jen Taylor - 8 years ago
that's just the thing if you know anything about fish at all you should know better.
Efficientlion !
Efficientlion ! - 8 years ago
But but but goldfish are hardy enough so that they don't mind
goldfish can be in 90 degrees
Franz Ichthyo
Franz Ichthyo - 8 years ago
u r cool
MrAustin2478 - 8 years ago
goldfish are sub tropical.
john Robson
john Robson - 8 years ago
are you still alive ?
Just with the water leaking down the back hope it wasn't near the electrics ;-)
populer pebble
populer pebble - 8 years ago
plus my cousin keeps tropicals with goldfish
CardboardDragon - 8 years ago
i keep cory catfish withy goldfish

20. comment for Stop! Don't put your Goldfish in with your Tropical Fish

populer pebble
populer pebble - 8 years ago
goldfish are not coldwater fish they are sub tropical fish plus they wont be happy in cold temptures
Road Man
Road Man - 7 years ago
Um yes they do like cold water r u stupid they r cold water fish do your research retard
Donald Shores
Donald Shores - 8 years ago
Goldfish are not cold water fish. They are sub tropical fish.
Craig Jordan
Craig Jordan - 8 years ago
I put my gold fish in my 250 liter tank and was with tropical fish also lived for years then ended up getting big and putting them in the pond. still alive to this day
Benjamin Beachy,
Benjamin Beachy, - 8 years ago
what is that gold goldfish called
Ron L
Ron L - 9 years ago
ive put convicts ,spoted barb mollies and plecos in with goldfish  with no problems feed the goldfish first with pellets  then feed the others .. simple
Skyrider1107 - 9 years ago
I have a 75 gallon tank with 21 freshwater Topical fish and 5 goldfish. They have been cohabiting for 6 months and are very healthy. I did have to follow some rules when bring them home before placing in tank. I leave the Goldfish in the purchase bag for 25mins. So they can adjust to the water temperature which is usually 76-78 degrees. When they are ready to go in the tank I put some water from the aquarium in a bucket. I pour 1/2 of the store water from the bag in a bowl and the remaining goes merge in the bucket with the Goldfish to be release . They remain in the bucket for 2 mins to adapt to the aquarium water. then in they go! :) they are happy:) 2Min later I pour a 1/4 cut of Aquarium salt to add essential electrolytes for the new members. Last 5min. later I feed them some blood worms (freeze dried food come in a can) and Trtracolor tropical flakes as a welcome to the family. I just added five more since Oct 23,15 at $17. cents beautiful color Goldfish. So far all are well and alive. Oh They are very smart and will come up to the corner of the tank in a group when feeding time is near. I have also an1 1/2 angle fish, 4 molly 4 sliver sharks** Remember to Make sure the Goldfish are the same size as your other fish*
Vignesh - 7 years ago
Skyrider1107 what food do you feed them, can I feed only tropical food for all of them??
Kyle Harris
Kyle Harris - 9 years ago
Rant much? Although some valid points, you're forgetting how hardy goldfish actually are and like most things it all depends on circumstance, I currently have 5 baby comet goldfish, 6 tiger barbs, 3 angels and 2 spotted doras, in a 100 litre tank, I like to keep baby goldfish in a heated tank for first 3-6 months simply to help with growth before i move them to a cold water indoor pond with full grown goldfish
Martin Ramirez
Martin Ramirez - 9 years ago
i like your video.what kind of plants are those?
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 9 years ago
+Martin Ramirez thanks they were anubias
Sr John Deans
Sr John Deans - 9 years ago
Care for a fish do you guys know how ridiculous that sounds.
Omar Diaz
Omar Diaz - 9 years ago
i have goldfish in my tropical aquarium and they seem to get along fine i've had them in their for about 6 months, i keep the temp at 72 and no signs of stress, i also do weekly 25 percent water changes and have yet to get a dead goldfish

30. comment for Stop! Don't put your Goldfish in with your Tropical Fish

Kyle Sirloin
Kyle Sirloin - 9 years ago
I have a 15 cent feeder fish in my 55 gallon HEATED tropical tank
Kyle Sirloin
Kyle Sirloin - 9 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL You're a dead goldfish in my tank.
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
why would have a dead goldfish in your tank?
Akil Jaber
Akil Jaber - 9 years ago
i had some tetras with my goldfish next morning i woke up found none of my tetra had heads with them
Akil Jaber
Akil Jaber - 9 years ago
got oscars, pacu, argas, love heart parrot, and one  alligator gar
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
+Akil Jaber wow
Akil Jaber
Akil Jaber - 9 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL it wasnt nice so now its all fine all the goldfish are gone 
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
escoville Ink
escoville Ink - 9 years ago
how about plecos and african dwarf frogs with goldfish?
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
Probably the best fish to keep with goldfish are other goldfish, or perhaps white cloud mountain minnows which are extremely hardy fish. They're cold water like goldfish.
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
theyre tropical ugh
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+escoville Ink ADFs are essentially tropical
Shelly - 9 years ago
I just want to say this... My mother has a 50 gallon tank she has had gold fish with tropical fish before and we had the goldfish first for about 10 years then we got tropical fish she had the goldfish another 10 before one died from a stroke the other died the next day from a broken heart. She still has the tropical fish. All I'm saying it can be done they just need more maintaining. If it's your first tank I would say don't do it. I have kept fish of both kind on my own but not in the same tank because I wouldn't know what to do. Not trying to be rude or anything.
Francisco Penado
Francisco Penado - 8 years ago
+Jose Duran I'm sure you realize that goldfish average lifespan is actually 30 years. If it lived for 3 years, you basically reduced its lifespan by 27 years or 90% of its average lifespan.
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 9 years ago
I also have my goldfish with tropical and there fine for 3 years
Chris - 9 years ago
to the idiots in the comment section, yes the fish may survive. but by putting the goldfish in the tropical tank, you are putting the lives of both fish in jeopardy. Even if you do survive you, the fish won't be happy and their lifespan is shortened. By the way, you can't just look at a fish a determine if its happy.
Shane de Munter
Shane de Munter - 9 years ago
i have 2 goldfish with 5 angelfish and 6 corydoras in my tank and since my goldfish moved from a bowl into the 25 degrees celcius tank they started being really active and so on. they do so great and they live happily with the angelfish. sometimes they act like corydoras. so there is no reason why they wouldnt be tankmates
Andy thegamer
Andy thegamer - 9 years ago
U can put goldfish in a tropical tank , and no they don't eat small fish and snails I have both so ye learn your stuff .
Roger Etienne Dela Cruz
Roger Etienne Dela Cruz - 9 years ago
With regard to temperature, the goldfish can acclimatize to tropical temperatures. In the tropics where I stay, the indoor temperature can range from 78-82F. I keep my 4 shubunkins with rosy and cherry barbs, sparkling gouramis and otos. 

However, I have a jungle of plants in my tank with a lot of 2 forms of filtration as you said it, goldfish poop and create a lot of nitrogenous wastes. 

In my tank, I only have anacharis, tiger lotus, foxtails, anubias and Java ferns that are tough and fast-growing. 

Other ornamental goldfish do not mix with most tropicals because they are slow moving and their flowing fins. Comets and shubunkins are able to stand on their own with certains barbs (cherry barbs) and probably not with tetras and cichlids (maybe angels).
Emma Martinez
Emma Martinez - 9 years ago
I keep goldfish and tropicals together. You have to really think about tank mates and have a very good filtration system. Goldfish in the wild will experience warmer weather just like tropical fish will experience colder weather. You have to make sure your tempter is not to high, so they will be some you can not put in with goldfish. As for they will never meet in the wild so will some tropicals never meet each other in the wild.

Having said all this i think before you put goldfish and tropicals together do your research.
Faizul Izwan
Faizul Izwan - 9 years ago
+Emma Martinez I agree with you, I actually put them together and nothing bad happen to both..they looks healthy and friendly..hehe
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
I kinda of have an emergency reason for putting goldfish and rosy reds cause some poisons got in my I kinda of had to put them in with my tropicals while it gets cleaned up.

can I keep them in there for a week while it gets fully scrubbed down?
Plague Gaming
Plague Gaming - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter possibly, but keep a close eye on them. If they seem less active or not eating, take them out immediately and move them to a bucket or something with cold water.
KaptainKpop - 9 years ago
Goldfish can live with dojo loaches and plecos because dojos are subtropical and plecos can resist
kellskells - 9 years ago
Why do you have heater ?
Goldfisher - 9 years ago
I have a 240 gallon tank with goldfish (comets) and tropical fish (oscar and marble catfish) and they've been happily co-existing for years, there is no reason that you can't keep goldfish with tropical fish.
Terry man
Terry man - 6 years ago
Cat fish get along with Catfish very well.
MuggzyDubzy - 7 years ago
yeah i know, everyone's stupid for thinking you cant. Gold fish are resilient creatures
The Evil Genius
The Evil Genius - 7 years ago
Goldfisher make a video about your fish tank. I would really like to see it.
Jamie C
Jamie C - 9 years ago
i have some tropical fish they are platys and  we got a prolem we what to put are fish in my tropical tank with my platys we only have 1 but my friend has goldfish with some corys and some platys i what to put in a black moor fish but i do not no we have other tank but one for my frogs and the other 2 are for my guppys so what should i do my friends fish get on well with the other fish but he got a bigger tank it a 70 gallon and my one is a 20 gallon what a little small we went to the shop and the man at the shop said i can have gold fish but just 3 or 4 so what should i do
Sergio Rosario
Sergio Rosario - 9 years ago
I have my goldfish in a tropical tank and he's seven years old
Jeroen - 10 years ago
You are talking about not putting goldfish with tropical fish. But instead you dont have any gravel on the floor in your tank?? Thats the number one reason you dont understand goldfish. They need gravel!

Research some more.
noahanddiinnoo _
noahanddiinnoo _ - 10 years ago
my friend wants to put like 4 goldfish with his turtle and his fish but one his tank is warm and 2 the turtle will eat the goldfish. i kepp telling him that goldfish r cold water
noahanddiinnoo _
noahanddiinnoo _ - 10 years ago
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 10 years ago
thats because im online :-p
noahanddiinnoo _
noahanddiinnoo _ - 10 years ago
ya i know, that was a fast response
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 10 years ago
depending on the size of the goldfish and the turtle, the fish won't last long...
Stonemaze99 - 10 years ago
 My cat sez: 'Fish.....Mmmmm....*Jumps up on side of tank and bats at the surface of the water*  'Hi fisheez!' *Licks whiskers.*
PorySean - 10 years ago
What breed is the Golden Goldfish? Just want to know
Nick Weeks
Nick Weeks - 10 years ago
Daniel _1ner
Daniel _1ner - 10 years ago
This guy don't know shit
Ajplayer1212 articwolf
Ajplayer1212 articwolf - 7 years ago
Jessica's Nerd Life godfish
the amphibian and fish channel
the amphibian and fish channel - 7 years ago
dumbass HE never their stupid XD
the amphibian and fish channel
the amphibian and fish channel - 7 years ago
Daniel _1ner i agree with u
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 10 years ago
firstly im a girl. secondly go on any good goldfish forum and see what they say. not any stupid tropical fish forum actual godfish forum or experts. you would be surprised that there are people who actually LOVE goldfish. they are not just some dumb pond fish or feeder fish. 

50. comment for Stop! Don't put your Goldfish in with your Tropical Fish

Ritvik Ganapatineedi
Ritvik Ganapatineedi - 10 years ago
can we keep gold fish with loches 
George Price
George Price - 10 years ago
ive had 5 goldfish and 1 plecastoma and 20 tetras in the same tank at 78 degrees. they have been living happily for 7 years now and still going sooo
Tom Carter
Tom Carter - 10 years ago
You people keeping COLDWATER fish with TROPICAL fish obviously can't care less about either of there basic care needs for a start. It even hints the differences between them in those 2 categories.

So please stop saying how you HAD some goldfish with gourami or platy etc Because they wouldn't have been happy.There body would have adapted to their environment but they wouldn't have been happy with it. Also keep in mind goldfish can live for. 30 + years and if you only had yours for 0-5 years... Well therefore they obviously weren't okay. More than half of you guys probably keep yours in a tank under 20 gals which will stunt there growth if kept in the small tank for life and it will just be such an uncomfortable living space especially how fancy goldfish get up to 6-8" as explained in video and single tailed goldfish can grow to 45 cm! Whilst also produce alot of ammonia it would be like living in just a bedroom with having poop everywhere. Disgusting.

So please. Stop harming these amazing animals!
Tennesseekid1234 - 10 years ago
I've had goldfish tanks with goldfish in 76 degree water with tropical for 2 yrs
Random Roger
Random Roger - 9 years ago
same here
Robbie - 10 years ago
Having Goldfish in a Tropical Fish tank is a bad idea as it will make the Goldfish grow faster and die faster.. That's why they are in cold water at all times to slow down there growing. One more thing why never do it. Gold fish are messy fish and Tropical Fish needs clean tanks. Having Gold fish in a Tropical Fish Tank will make very bad problems in your water for the Tropical Fish.
UnseenSpirit - 11 years ago
Nice tank, it's shocking how many put both together, but they nosy the 10 years of more that they should
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 11 years ago
yep, cause in the wild they are together right...
The Animal City
The Animal City - 11 years ago
keeping goldfish and tropicals together i think is fine i dont think there is anything wrong with it
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 11 years ago
I think so too! :) i find they are more interesting to watch than most other fish
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl! - 11 years ago
Goldfish are so cute!
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 11 years ago
Nice, im sure he will get super big

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