Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 141,355 views
In this video I present some survival items which should go into your survival rucksack when visiting a tropical island. Here is the list of items: - Matches or/and firesteel - Full tang K.N.I.F.E - Shemagh and bandana - Fishing kit and gill net - Canteen and Cup - Camping stove and fuel - Paracord - Signal Mirror - First Aid Kit and medication - Wide brimed hat and sunscreen - Headlamp Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Survival Kit For Tropical Islands survival
I feel one of the most underrated knives is the Glock 81. it is absolutely indestructible for the money.
I didn't mean it to sound creepy, it just came out that way.
Stay cool.
10. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14
20. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14
I see that none of your video talks about surviving in the desert.
30. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14
, can do a video about making arrows, I 've a Samick Red Stag I 60" Recurve Bow. but the problems is with the arrows. I train with on a bag of hay at 50m, but when i'miss the target, my arrows are sometimes damages. Is there a easy way to make bows or repair them?
But what I would highly recommend to add is an insect repellent (cream or spray is best if you stay always out of closed rooms). And for sleeping I would highly recommend not to stay on the ground - you do not really want to stay in contact with sand flees, bugs and snakes. Best would be for such a survival set maybe a simple and light hammock with a mosquito net.
And forget about the knife. A simple pocket knife (I would recommend a 111 mmm Vic with a saw) plus a good machete or billhook (nothing better to process coconuts, banana leaves, coconut leaves etc.) is a much better choice.
Ah, and what I miss in almost all these survival sets: please, please add some soap, and maybe also tooth powder and a tooth brush would be a good idea. You don't have everywhere soap nuts and toothbrush trees, better to keep such items always ready in your kit. You sweat there the whole day, and you will catch whatever kind of dermatitis, fungus and what not if your personal hygiene isn't at least at a minimum level of modern civilisation.
Just my 2 ct of course ;-)
ATB, Robert
50. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14
Different generations you and her or you and me? You don't know what generation I am in. Saying little more than ""my point just went way over your head" isn't very impressive, just a bit arrogant. Same goes for "I shouldn't have to explain any more as it may be embarasing,,,,,,,,,,". Clearly arrogant. Who is embarrassing here?
The rest of your reply doesn't say anything at all. I think your first post and the reply are odd, bordering to rude. I don't think you put forward your "question" in a nice way to begin with.
sunscreen stay white etcbeen there done that , so I shouldn't have to explain any more as it may be embarasing,,,,,,,,,,all the best dave
As I have learned, Zinc oxide is useful for a wide range of lighter issues. Some sun screen lotions uses zinc oxide so there you go.
As a side note: in the armed forces in my country, there was not only small tubes with black and green for your skin, but also a skin lotion mainly for basic skin protection and basic general self-care. We soon learned many different uses on this classic skin lotion. It was like a small, very compact and light tube (army green ofc) with a lotion stick. Used it all year around. Some used it on their skies, some on their face and lips, some used it as fat in the frying pan, some even ate it as-is. Many uses: perfect.
I also learned that some skin care vaselin worked very well together with other things as tinder. Cotton balls soaked in vaselin is a classic, works very well.
Fluid fuel you buy on site (locally while arrived) regardless I think. I am not sure I see the problem with solid fuel. Never seen or heard it would be an issue to bring in the luggage. Fuel can be many things... Not talking gas or fluids here, but solid fuel.
Try this updated list instead:
As for knives, its a tricky situation, you will use it a lot and will also wish that yo had a machete to get through the unbelievable thick undergrowth. Its seems obvious to go with stainless steel because carbon steel knives rust and dull quickly in that environment. Unless you are a world class expert in maintaining and sharpening a carbon steel blade then it might be smarter to go with a premium stainless steel knife, or if budge is a problem then go with a stainless Mora and a good stone. The same problem exists for the machete so you'll have to figure out which priority is best for you.
You can make fire with a couple of sticks.
You can capture / kill animals, cook them, and eat them.
Make a bow and arrows, and shoot them like the goddess Dianna.
Tell non-alcoholic beer from regular.
Shoot a gun better than most men I know.
And now....
You make a slouch hat look pretty!
Keep being awesome Lilly!
By the way... nice videos you make every times!!
pranked XD
Also I would replace the rubber strip with surgical rubber tube. It can still be used for Hawaiian style spear fishing but also use it as a straw to drink the water from the transpiration bag without removing it or easily drink from small pockets of fresh rainwater caught in rocks and leaves.
Just some ideas, great video as always!
100. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14
: ))
Sun block, not sun screen. the white zinc stuff. Sunburn can happen in as little as 20 minutes. Also, you need to protect your eyes from all that UV, so a good pair of POLARIZED sunglasses. (not only will they protect your eyes, but the polarization can help you see into the water to spot potential food)
Water is a BIG issue. One quart will last you an hour, maybe two, if you are active in the sun... You need to have the capacity to store/process/carry a gallon. Stainless bottles are the way to go.
Forget the emergency blanket. A couple of heavy grade contractor bags are the way to go. They make great ponchos for the rain that crops up and speaking of rain, they can also be used to help collect rain water.
Most protein will be under water. A pair of swimmer's goggles are small and will be a big help in getting into the water and collecting food.
Fire is difficult to start, because of the heavy humidity. Forget a friction fire. Bring two or three ways to make fire. Matches, Lighter, good quality ferro rod. A tin of Blistex will help protect your lips/skin from sun damage, but can also keep your knife from rusting in the salt water, AND can be an 'accelerant', especially combined with some cotton balls from the first aid kit, to help get a fire going.
A hat is important. Yours isn't big enough... :) A straw hat that covers the shoulders is the way to go. Find a local to make one out of palm fronds.
vida salvaje supervivencia
Eu queria está com você nessa ilha deserta, só nós dois.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy highly recommends one. ;)
"Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, no breath nor motion,
Sailing as a painted ship, upon a painted ocean."
"Water, water everywhere, and yet the boards did shrink,
Water, water everywhere, yet not a drop to drink!"
You forgot the rum ....
Because there is a ship and I don't want to die here.
I wish my real last name were something cool ... like " Whiskey "...
I immediately flashed over to it being a pirate name ... like Edward Teach ...
" Aye ... Robert Whiskey ... not your run-of -the-mill freebooter , that one ...
Fast ... that would be how I'd describe the man ... like a snake ... with that brace of pistols at his waist , or cutlass on the hanger at his side ...
A smile that would make the Devil himself look away ...
No man crossed the Cap'n ... not and lived .
And if he didn't get you , his First Mate would ... Higgins , by name . Jacob Higgins ... giant of a man ... covered in scars and tattoos ...
As loyal to the Cap'n as the day is long ...
Those two ... now ... those two were somethn' to be reckoned with ..."
I always keep some around ... for medicinal purposes , of course !
I felt as confused and violated watching that as Jack did ...
Good GOD , woman ... what were you thinking ???
I don't know if she would have survived long enough to be rescued , if that had of been me ...
Thankfully , I don't have a woman around to threaten my liquor supply ... so mine is safe ...
I may be running low on food , fuel , and other sundries at times ... but we will ALWAYS have enough alcohol and ammunition to see us through , if I have anything to say about it !
I have been known to be a bit loquacious at times , bordering on pedantic , if you ask my ex-wives ...
However , I have found that a companion who can maintain an interesting conversation , through bad times and good , is almost as essential on an adventure, as the aforementioned spirits ...
As Steve Earle so elegantly put it in his song ...I Feel Alright ...
"I bring you precious contraband ...
and ancient tales from distant lands ...
Of conquerers and concubines ,
And conjurors from darker times ...
Betrayal and conspiracies...
Sacrilege and heresy ... "
It helps to pass the time ...
An essential part of every good adventurers' travel kit ...
Especially in the tropics .
Happiness in a bottle ... good will by the glass ... joy by the sip .
A boon traveling companion on any expedition .
Enjoy , my dear ... the time , the place ... the experience ...
There is no better place to be than where you are now .
It isn't so much the location ... though it IS beautiful... but the state of mind .
Relax and enjoy .
Although the sun isn't quite over the yardarm where I am now ... when that happy event occurs, I will toast you and your endeavors today .
Salud !!!
Pretty good kit by the way , one thing i would recommend bringing aswell would be some repellent for mosquitoes , making smoke doesn't always suffice and mosquitoes on top of being very annoying can be dangerous for your health ( malaria , chikungunya , zika etc.)
I love to see you build suff in tropical conditions cause i happen to live on a tropical island so i might try these out someday .
Running another camping trip for kids and building shelters next weekend. Cheers to you!
unless you are very provident and pass the security check in airport with your survival knife
Thank you!
Very generally speaking, I think there is good weight and bad weight. Also, in some civilian survival situations you probably is better to just stay and wait and not move, hence no need to carry until you reach a decision point where you must put your stuff and yourself together and leave instead of stay and wait. I think the general rule of thumb advice is too stay, like stay with your broken car, crashed airplane etc.
I think some people stranded out in the sun have been badly burned by the sun.
Also melanomas are no joke : (
Nadando num mar tropical com peixe ferido. Os movimentos com a faca foram muito toscos, muito risco de se cortar e detonou muito a faca desnecessariamente. muitos erros grosseiros juntos. E muito ruim na pesca. Um kit de pesca bostão e a rede nem se fala. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Critico de mais? Porra, ela tem um canal grande, gastou uma grana fudida pra ir na tal ilha e o canal seria um conteúdo pra instruir sobre sobrevivência... porra, muito ruim.
A hammock, net and basha are all required for sleeping anywhere in the tropics. These should be in any tropical survival kit; and will be necessary anyway if camping...
When I was in GUYANA, the ground in the jungle was alive with insect life, sleeping on the ground would have been dumber than dumb, sleeping in the hammock with net and basha kept me well protected. The coldest it got at night only required I cover up with my towel to stay warm.
and if nothing else, the silicon inlay is a good water container or emergency bandaid!
" Call me Ishmael..."
A Herman Melville reference on YouTube !!!
I'm impressed .
In search of the great white whale ... ahhh yes ...
Read it when I was in Jr High ...
Jawohl ... good Austrian engineering , should make it reliable , simple , easy to use ... a bit technically complex , as they do tend to over design everything... but fine craftsmanship, nonetheless...
A fine instrument ...
I would be proud to own one !
Now THAT is dedication to a product .
I would never have guessed ...
Although having a hand cranked masturbatory aid seems a bit redundant , I would be tempted to buy one , just to see how it worked .
No ... on second thought ... I HAVE to get one of these .
Will modern wonders never cease ?
Every time I think technology has reached its limits , they come up with a new gadget that just blows me away ... in this case ... quite literally .
Definitely on my Christmas wish list !!!
Hey +Platzhallter ... I think we have just found a must-have item for our survival kits ...
But you have no one to play volleyball with hahah