Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14

In this video I present some survival items which should go into your survival rucksack when visiting a tropical island. Here is the list of items: - Matches or/and firesteel - Full tang K.N.I.F.E - Shemagh and bandana - Fishing kit and gill net - Canteen and Cup - Camping stove and fuel - Paracord - Signal Mirror - First Aid Kit and medication - Wide brimed hat and sunscreen - Headlamp Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Survival Kit For Tropical Islands survival

Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 187

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 141,355 views

In this video I present some survival items which should go into your survival rucksack when visiting a tropical island. Here is the list of items: - Matches or/and firesteel - Full tang K.N.I.F.E - Shemagh and bandana - Fishing kit and gill net - Canteen and Cup - Camping stove and fuel - Paracord - Signal Mirror - First Aid Kit and medication - Wide brimed hat and sunscreen - Headlamp Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Survival Kit For Tropical Islands survival

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Most popular comments
for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14

Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
The knife shown in this video is crap and I don't recommend buying it anymore. Why? I am going to make a video about it soon! If you want to get a good knife get this one: I havent tested it in 3V steel tough. My old SRK is still AUS8 A steel which I really love. Thanks for watching :)
David Jeffrey Spetch
David Jeffrey Spetch - 7 years ago
It would be nice to see someone craft their own sunscreen Lilly, hint hint ;)
joe cristie
joe cristie - 7 years ago
you should try the mora knives! you dont need a big knife!
ItzTheRealKiller Xx
ItzTheRealKiller Xx - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly Du sprichst doch eigentlich Deutsch oder?
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Is this place in Thailand or Malaysia?
nerf & lego & pokemon
nerf & lego & pokemon - 7 years ago
hi lilly
2nd Texas Cavalry
2nd Texas Cavalry - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly I have a cold steel master hunter that is about 25 yrs old. Never had a problem with it.
Quikmick - 7 years ago
I like turtles.
josh p
josh p - 7 years ago
What low budget knifes do you recomend
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
How many rounds per magazine?
gamebox5872 - 7 years ago
Lilly ich liebe deine Videos und ich bin auch Österreicher und Lebe in Salzburg
JimmyGunXD556 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly
I feel one of the most underrated knives is the Glock 81. it is absolutely indestructible for the money.
Иван Родионов
Иван Родионов - 7 years ago
Really interested in your opinion about SRK in 3V steel. You definitely shoul try it.
Jeff Keller
Jeff Keller - 7 years ago
Cold Steel reminds me of the old Sears catalogs. They would offer items in three grades: Good, Better, Best. I think Cold Steel patterns that philosophy. Offering you the best knife you can afford, but always ready with an upgraded version too. Just my opinon
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
nope I speak about the S1
Jacob jacoby
Jacob jacoby - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly ha savage dude!
Dozer1642 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly you are so dang cool. I would chose you as my one item to have on a deserted island, just because I know I wouldn't die.

I didn't mean it to sound creepy, it just came out that way.

Stay cool.
smoogles - 7 years ago
My opinion of cold steel isn't good because of their other products I've tried, if you have the time, browse through BladeForums and find something second-hand someone nearby is selling.
African puddle water
African puddle water - 7 years ago
i have that same hat great vid
R Horacio Castillo
R Horacio Castillo - 7 years ago
amazing white sand beach !!! congratulations Lilly !!!!
StandsWithABeer - 7 years ago
...back to the good ol' SRK...good move.
Jeff Keller
Jeff Keller - 7 years ago
Have the S1 never had any issues. Upgraded to the S1PRO with the COS steel. Super wicked blade! For the money though Lilly is right, hard to beat Cold Steel SRK in 3V -edge retention is really outstanding. Quite curious to see what went wrong with her S1!
Alex T
Alex T - 7 years ago
Yes-Go isn't the fjallkniven what she was using in the video?
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Will you show how to make a spear gun with the large rubber band and get a fish? Thanks
Scrooge - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly did it start to rust with the sea spray?
Óscar Lago
Óscar Lago - 7 years ago
woah woah woah
meshmellow - 7 years ago
What made you change your mind about the FK A1? genuine curiosity
Andy Roy
Andy Roy - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly what water bottle are you using why is red
OutWestBound - 7 years ago
Is the one she rejected in this video the Falkniven A1? I don't know what that knife is above.
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
better of with a plain stainless steel won`t rust on you!... I got plenty of scuba knives in my collection and razor sharp titaniums too.
베넷한나 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly love ur videos
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Thanks for you honest review of the Fällkniven S1 Forest Knife. I'm quite surprised. Because, Swedish knives in general are known for their good quality. But, sometimes even the "best" get it wrong. Thanks for sharing.
Douglas MacCullagh
Douglas MacCullagh - 7 years ago
I look forward to the "bad knife" video. Do you think a SCUBA diver's knife would make a serviceable survival knife? The blade on my knife is very thick, but the knife is almost indestructible.
Kombinatsiya - 7 years ago
YEah, the Coldsteel SRK is legit. A even better but more expensive option is Fällkniven A1 :)
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Cool video Lilly. That place looks like paradise. Can I move there? A survival solar water still would also come in handy on a deserted tropical island. An improvised solar water still can also be made from a few large empty plastic bottles, or even just a large clear plastic trash bag. You're the best. Thanks for sharing.
Junjung Akbar W A
Junjung Akbar W A - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly where is this? Belitung island at Indonesia?
shorea27 - 6 years ago
Bug net or bug lotion is totally essential in tropical islands or u run the risk of getting malaria and dengue. I hope it's in the med kit.
ralf norenberg
ralf norenberg - 6 years ago
better machete for coco,knife no good
blockprime300 - 6 years ago
I would bring all that you described plus many rolls of duck tape
Er Jerry
Er Jerry - 6 years ago
....good advice
warren brown
warren brown - 6 years ago
u forgot space blanket an big sheets of alfoil/aluminium foil also clear plastic bag or clear sheet useful for getting water.. dig a hole put a cup in it then surround by green plants then put clear plastic on top like a lid an most important no air gaps photosynthesis creates moisture then a rock placed outside on clear plastic sheet creates funnel angle for condensation to drop in cup... or here in australia i big plastic bag over bush branches an rock inside to draw it down funnel point.. desert an tropical u will always get water as long as u have sun light an magnifying glass for fire.. also machetes big knives better that lil knives in jungle or aus bushlands similar/same for cutting paths etc general uses :D
Freedom Justice
Freedom Justice - 6 years ago
What island are you on?
Trev Cornwall
Trev Cornwall - 7 years ago
Don't you just love the way a redheads skins blinds you in the sun xD don't forget to pack your sunglasses :-p jokes..
Olaf Winands
Olaf Winands - 7 years ago
you're the best, Lilly!

10. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14

Rebecca Rolph
Rebecca Rolph - 7 years ago
Remxx GD
Remxx GD - 7 years ago
What happens if your allergic to all types of sunscreen?
animist channel
animist channel - 7 years ago
Another tip for survival in hot, sunny places:  learn to be nocturnal.  This has advantages in so many ways...
James Conway
James Conway - 7 years ago
Anyone know where this location is????
Jack Duffy
Jack Duffy - 7 years ago
And you will not need a loud sports whistle on a dessert island. Passing ships will not hear you. Over and Out.
ItzzzAFangirl - 7 years ago
where is your dog?
Anthony Ivan Aglugub Jr.
Anthony Ivan Aglugub Jr. - 7 years ago
White Wedding Billy Idol Used Your Swedish Arab Survival Cloth.
joe cristie
joe cristie - 7 years ago
i live in the tropics and it gets freezing at night!
NICK DUFFY - 7 years ago
Did you shout wilson Lilly?
saravanan san
saravanan san - 7 years ago

20. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14

Robert Taml
Robert Taml - 7 years ago
Nice video. You may also want to checkout the review of Survival Kit on my blog at noahreviews. com/survival-kit-review/ Thanks. Ddt Gearard.
Jesse Rockwell
Jesse Rockwell - 7 years ago
*Should bring something to stay warm. Hypothermia sets in normally at 50F or below, but even on a tropical island the winter combined with the wind from the ocean at night will get you there. Already have the mylar blanket but it will wear out very quickly in that climate.
Retta - 7 years ago
Looks like she's on Magnetic Island Australia.
Eye Ore
Eye Ore - 7 years ago
Cyanoacrylate was original developed as a liquid suture. It is very handy, stops bleeding, and works to repair fingertips if you abrade them off. Put on the ends of rope to stop fraying.
ThatOneKidThatEatsBurritosInTheCorner - 7 years ago
rubber band for doing heroin /\/( ͡°͡° ͜ʖ ͡°͡°)\/\
littlesaresare - 7 years ago
Should include materials to build a solar water distiller. All you need is two plastic sheets to make one in the sand.
boowonder888 - 7 years ago
how long will that little stove last you, lilly? What kind of fuel is that?
Locke's Node
Locke's Node - 7 years ago
I would also recommend insect repellent, mosquitos are very annoying and malaria can be a death sentence.
Efrat Solomon
Efrat Solomon - 7 years ago
Can you make a video of you in the desert?
I see that none of your video talks about surviving in the desert.
Lord Shenanigan
Lord Shenanigan - 7 years ago
Storm matches are good for starting fire in adverse conditions; however, you should also bring at least two butane lighters (preferably a major brand, such as BIC) for common, everyday use such as melting ends of the paracord. Have one lighter readily available, and the other(s) secured in a watertight container.

30. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14

Dave LaRocque
Dave LaRocque - 7 years ago
Lily you are so beautiful!
Lilly, thanks for your informative videos, I really love watching, I am from a tropical island ;-)
bubba - 7 years ago
Where is the kitchen for making sandwiches ?
Anwar Rajab
Anwar Rajab - 7 years ago
this has nothing to do in survival
Anwar Rajab
Anwar Rajab - 7 years ago
i am a fan of you and i was not hating but i was just saying
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
who says that? when you get lost but you still have your rucksack with you, you can still have survival items with you. for example when hikers go hiking, some bring a rucksack. when they get lost in the woods they still have their rucksack and the content of it
Anwar Rajab
Anwar Rajab - 7 years ago
because in a real survival situation you would pretty much have nothing with you
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
since when has a "survival kit" nothing to do with survival?
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Is this place in Thailand or Malaysia?
Christoffel derTaucher
Christoffel derTaucher - 7 years ago
Paradigm2012Shift I think the Island's are the Seychelles. Located in the Indian Ocean , and she gave a tip that she's near the equator, what the Seychelles are too !
USS_Boom - 7 years ago
You can take the Solar Blanket and Cook set and Make a Solar/Cooked Still to Desalinate Salt water also.  I think a Solar/Crank Rechargeable 2 way Radio/Light is good Idea to.
Mountain Homestead
Mountain Homestead - 7 years ago
Interesting video. Hal
Mirco - 7 years ago
Hab erst gedacht du bist im Tropical Island in Berlin :D
Taiwan Camping
Taiwan Camping - 7 years ago
oh... dun forget GoPro and Goal Zero Nomad, otherwise no ones knows your story... :)
Gerito000 - 7 years ago
If you're able to take with you all of those things, you should consider also bringing some steaks, beer, a hammock, and a radio for listening salsa
Crazydiamond Bear
Crazydiamond Bear - 7 years ago
When you're so ginger that you reflect tropical sunlight on camera. Also, something a lot of people don't think about with the sun is getting sun poisoning especially if you've never dealt with sun in tropical or sub tropical regions.
Ernie Lra
Ernie Lra - 7 years ago
lilly, have you tried to qualify for a spot in History channel's survival contest ALONE?
GC Knives
GC Knives - 7 years ago
I think a small pair of goggles would be extremely important on a tropical island, since your main source or food is from the sea and it's much more difficult to get it if you can't see clearly underwater.
thecommanderjb - 7 years ago
I was wondering if any of you guys now good islands to go surviving on, that is not to expensive to get too( I live in the UK)
عمار ذوالفقار
عمار ذوالفقار - 7 years ago
you look beautiful girl
Homenet 1976
Homenet 1976 - 7 years ago
Lilly You german have you agerman chanel?
Homenet 1976
Homenet 1976 - 7 years ago
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Hi, Lilly is from Austria.
ief kaizer
ief kaizer - 7 years ago
Dear Lilly
, can do a video about making arrows, I 've a Samick Red Stag I 60" Recurve Bow. but the problems is with the arrows. I train with on a bag of hay at 50m, but when i'miss the target, my arrows are sometimes damages. Is there a easy way to make bows or repair them?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
you have to get a backstop behind the hay bag. or go closer to the hay bag so you dont miss.
Sparta TV
Sparta TV - 7 years ago
bangalorebobbel - 7 years ago
Nice set, Lilly.
But what I would highly recommend to add is an insect repellent (cream or spray is best if you stay always out of closed rooms). And for sleeping I would highly recommend not to stay on the ground - you do not really want to stay in contact with sand flees, bugs and snakes. Best would be for such a survival set maybe a simple and light hammock with a mosquito net.
And forget about the knife. A simple pocket knife (I would recommend a 111 mmm Vic with a saw) plus a good machete or billhook (nothing better to process coconuts, banana leaves, coconut leaves etc.) is a much better choice.
Ah, and what I miss in almost all these survival sets: please, please add some soap, and maybe also tooth powder and a tooth brush would be a good idea. You don't have everywhere soap nuts and toothbrush trees, better to keep such items always ready in your kit. You sweat there the whole day, and you will catch whatever kind of dermatitis, fungus and what not if your personal hygiene isn't at least at a minimum level of modern civilisation.
Just my 2 ct of course ;-)
ATB, Robert
JoeFrohlich - 7 years ago
The gill net is a good idea. I would add a fishing kit. I have one by Best Glide.

50. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14

Stephan Strauss
Stephan Strauss - 7 years ago
sun glasses would be an essential item to have not to get snow-blind ;)
Lori Devlin
Lori Devlin - 7 years ago
I was just thinking that she's totally screwed if a freak blizzard rolls in
Onkel Pencho
Onkel Pencho - 7 years ago
Tolles Video Lilly.Wo warst du denn da? LG Sven
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
ist geheim :D
MrDynamitd - 7 years ago
not getting much of a tan,,,,,spending a lot of time indoors ???
MrDynamitd - 7 years ago
A bully ? , mudslinging provocateur, holy fuk man , move on with your life and get over it , or you could be a poster boy for Trump . some people are great at slinging words when they have no possible negative outcome in doing so , so grow up and stop wasting electrons.
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
What you call a "Fun" comment  is not fun from other perspective. I do believe some bullies have a problem understanding that. Nobody than you seen anything "funny" with that rather personal comment on another persons looks and considering the context (her being an outdoor persona), a bit of a provocation that could be mistaken for plain mudslinging.
MrDynamitd - 7 years ago
Might be rude , may also be arrogant , just made a fun comment on Lilly and you come along and want to take it to the next level,,,, stop wasting electrons and just enjoy her videos , a**** .
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
That didn't make much sense.
Different generations you and her or you and me? You don't know what generation I am in. Saying little more than ""my point just went way over your head" isn't very impressive, just a bit arrogant. Same goes for "I shouldn't have to explain any more as it may be embarasing,,,,,,,,,,". Clearly arrogant. Who is embarrassing here?
The rest of your reply doesn't say anything at all. I think your first post and the reply are odd, bordering to rude. I don't think you put forward your "question" in a nice way to begin with.
MrDynamitd - 7 years ago
I am from a different generation and my point just went way over your head , and we know sunscreen stay white etc been there done that , so I shouldn't have to explain any more as it may be embarasing,,,,,,,,,,
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Eh. A lot of people doesn't focus on getting a tan or simply have a different natural  tolerance for the sun. You don't need to be "a lot of time indoors" for that. Seriously, did you think this was all fake or what?
Robert Young
Robert Young - 7 years ago
another reason for the hat and the sunscreen...sun poising, if you live on the beach you see it alot with people that don't get out in the sun much. it will make you very sick and can kill you from dehydration, diarrhea, and fever.
Dave Dickinson
Dave Dickinson - 7 years ago
I unsubscribed lilly I thought you had quite utube ? I'm glad you're back il subscribe again.
all the best dave
Eugene Titron
Eugene Titron - 7 years ago
симпатичная барышня
The Tschoni
The Tschoni - 7 years ago
Suncreem???? You are building a survival kit and not a holyday bag... you just want to survive!...
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
IF the clothes you have doesn't protect enough and you simply must stay out in the sun, any added protection seems to make some sense. People have been pretty badly burned by the sun, probably not the main concern, but not making anything easier. An important thing in an emergency situation is to not make it worse and to take as best care of yourself as possible.
As I have learned, Zinc oxide is useful for a wide range of lighter issues. Some sun screen lotions uses zinc oxide so there you go.

As a side note: in the armed forces in my country, there was  not only small tubes with black and green for your skin, but also a skin lotion mainly for basic skin protection and basic general self-care. We soon learned many different uses on this classic skin lotion. It was like a small, very compact and light tube (army green ofc) with a lotion stick. Used it all year around. Some used it on their skies, some on their face and lips, some used it as fat in the frying pan, some  even ate it as-is. Many uses: perfect.
I also learned that some skin care vaselin worked very well together with other things as tinder. Cotton balls soaked in vaselin is a classic, works very well.
Richard Bucker
Richard Bucker - 7 years ago
bug spray
Richard Bucker
Richard Bucker - 7 years ago
keep in mind that fero rods and certainly fuel is not permitted on commercial airplanes.
Lori Devlin
Lori Devlin - 7 years ago
when you're that cute you can get away with it xD
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Not allowed even in the isolated luggage storage...?  Never hear that. You can even bring a knife in pretty much all commercial airplanes, just not on your person and NOT in your hand bagage you bring into the cabin! As far as I know, there should be possible to bring a firearm also in the luggage, as long as you are clear on customs and any local/national permissions. Obviously, again, I am not talking about bringing it on your person or in hand bagage into the cabin..
Fluid fuel you buy on site (locally while arrived) regardless I think.  I am not sure I see the problem with solid fuel. Never seen or heard it would be an issue to bring in the luggage. Fuel can be many things... Not talking gas or fluids here, but solid fuel.
Richard Bucker
Richard Bucker - 7 years ago
understood. Let me qualify that I have an email from the TSA that denied my request to travel with a fero rod... even though it's essentially inert in the belly of a plane. (probably the same for the esbit, however, if I recall esbit must be shipped by ground and not air.)
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
they opened my luggage, but they didnt take out the ferro rod nor the fuel. If you take vaseline and cotton instead it is certainly no problem
Jimmey Solari
Jimmey Solari - 7 years ago
your awesome lilly.
CristalClear - 7 years ago
As for your list Lilly, I probably would change headlamp for a head cranked flashlight, ditch thesolid fuel stove, add mosquito net, insect reppelant, a hammock, a small knife sharpener and some larger plastic bags (water procurement/destilation).
Outdoor- Moni
Outdoor- Moni - 7 years ago
Ohh WoW! das ist ja eine Traum-Insel :)
Jonny C
Jonny C - 7 years ago
credit card would be handy
Killer B. Killed
Killer B. Killed - 7 years ago
thank you, superstar!
ted a
ted a - 7 years ago
allan harville
allan harville - 7 years ago
the prob with a tropical isle is that rain can be a life saver but also can be life threatening. You are warmed by the sun, sometimes to a painful degree and then get a tropical rain storm that might last 2 minutes to 2 weeks and then your tempature will plummet. so the survival blanket does have a use in a tropical paradice!(sorry bout the spellings )
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 7 years ago
I've spent a lot of time on tropical islands and the list in the video is very old. The tropics are very hot and humid so all sorts of wildlife is growing everywhere, and they don't like it when you invade their space.

Try this updated list instead:

As for knives, its a tricky situation, you will use it a lot and will also wish that yo had a machete to get through the unbelievable thick undergrowth. Its seems obvious to go with stainless steel because carbon steel knives rust and dull quickly in that environment. Unless you are a world class expert in maintaining and sharpening a carbon steel blade then it might be smarter to go with a premium stainless steel knife, or if budge is a problem then go with a stainless Mora and a good stone. The same problem exists for the machete so you'll have to figure out which priority is best for you.
Kurt Jensen
Kurt Jensen - 7 years ago
I would also highly suggest a mosquito net it doesn't take up much room it weighs nothing at all and it pays for itself I thousandfold
Alessandrovert - 7 years ago
Olá Lilly, estou acompanhando suas aventuras kkk muito bom...
Norman Mallory
Norman Mallory - 7 years ago
Very good layout, you always have it right on for what a person should have along with them....good job ..
Samuel cobra
Samuel cobra - 7 years ago
show de bola
American Outlaw
American Outlaw - 7 years ago
What do you look like without your glasses on ?
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
What do you look like with your face biting a pillow?
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
Do not get stranded on a desert island without a half gallon of rum and several limes. Cheers and good luck.
Lori Devlin
Lori Devlin - 7 years ago
Half gallon? What are we supposed to drink after breakfast?
gamebox5872 - 7 years ago
Lilly ich bin auch Österreicher :D
Daniel Funchion
Daniel Funchion - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly can you teach survival knowledge about colorados mountains because I live in colorado
Alex Donnett
Alex Donnett - 7 years ago
where exactly are u?
Will Wasson
Will Wasson - 7 years ago
Is there anything you can't do?
You can make fire with a couple of sticks.
You can capture / kill animals, cook them, and eat them.
Make a bow and arrows, and shoot them like the goddess Dianna.
Tell non-alcoholic beer from regular.
Shoot a gun better than most men I know.
And now....
You make a slouch hat look pretty!

Keep being awesome Lilly!
gene johnson
gene johnson - 7 years ago
where are you...?? nice video... suggest you get a little tan... in all situations my issued K bar is the knife... although in tropical situations all iv ever needed was a credit card with a high limit and a smile...
HermitAndHappyAboutIt - 7 years ago
Lilly, I am enjoying your videos showing how to fend for yourself on a tropical island. Are you stuck at the Fyre Festival in the Bahamas?
Samurai Angel
Samurai Angel - 7 years ago
i want to see more..more of you..
Chris K
Chris K - 7 years ago
How would you know you were going to have to survive on a tropical island?
Neil Huff
Neil Huff - 7 years ago
Lilly, with 4 yrs experience in Belize and many hours spent spear fishing, I suggest you never swim with a bag of bleeding fish attached to your belt.  It attracts sharks, barracuda and morays.. Always take your kill directly to shore when you spear or catch a fish. Stay safe!
Jesus Freak
Jesus Freak - 7 years ago
Could you also make a video about your fishing kit? That would be nice!
By the way... nice videos you make every times!!
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
Fish have feelings. Can you try the wild rutabaga instead?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
it is nothing special. hooks, weights, and fishing line. thats it
rocky honrado
rocky honrado - 7 years ago
machete, mosquito net, water container, fishing rod and ropes, with these you can survive on a tropical island.. finding water might be difficult.. but u have a portable drinking filter..
homie fox
homie fox - 7 years ago
handly for my minecraft survivzl

pranked XD
dark night
dark night - 7 years ago
thank u so much my 12 year so is a very big fan of yours he watch all your video
bhhardgr01 - 7 years ago
Or you can just stay at the Hilton......ha.ha.....
Mishawaka Post
Mishawaka Post - 7 years ago
You look really cute in that hat, Lilly.
rgoad - 7 years ago
What?!?! No blender??  How will you survive?  But seriously, good suggestions.  I recommend adding a mirror and whistle.  If you are surviving, you may want to be rescued and both of those send signals a long way with very little effort and they can be used with equal effectiveness even if you are injured.  The mirror is very useful for viewing and removing splinters from areas of your body you may not easily see directly as well as inspecting your face for scratches, bug, bites, etc.  For fire you can use dried palm fronds that are still above the ground and not damp.  Shave and strip them with your (better) knife until they are like a tinder.   Continue to have fun and relax.  I miss your Austrian adventures.
Michael Sidusky
Michael Sidusky - 7 years ago
I couldn't find my message to edit it,but I really like that you have these skills and are willing to share them,awesome.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Thanks I fortgot to mention that I have a signal mirror in my first aid kit.
JimmyGunXD556 - 7 years ago
one item I feel people are missing is a bug net to sleep in. I hear on Tropical Islands sand flies can drive you crazy.
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
I have a suggestion to modify the kit slightly, perhaps have a large clear plastic bag (even a clear 240L trash bag) instead of the space blanket. You can still use it for shelter if you have to but also as a transpiration bag to collect drinking water from plants, or as a way to keep gear dry / float gear between islands.
Also I would replace the rubber strip with surgical rubber tube. It can still be used for Hawaiian style spear fishing but also use it as a straw to drink the water from the transpiration bag without removing it or easily drink from small pockets of fresh rainwater caught in rocks and leaves.
Just some ideas, great video as always!
Nik Survive
Nik Survive - 7 years ago
You use the microphone?
Survival Mindset
Survival Mindset - 7 years ago
Good looking kit!
African Twin
African Twin - 7 years ago
dont forget your yaesu ft817 and solar.
King Tut
King Tut - 7 years ago
U r sooo cool
Annette Smith
Annette Smith - 7 years ago
I would add mosquito repellent and clear plastic for a solar still.
4energy - 7 years ago
First time watcher. This is awesome. I have a lot to catch up on but I love these kinds of videos so... I'll be watching and subscribing.
PJ Pug
PJ Pug - 7 years ago
the only tropical island I'll see is in my dreams.
YASR YASR - 7 years ago
PJ chug من
garden gnome
garden gnome - 7 years ago
love what you do.. keep it up
alaskankare - 7 years ago
great video! and actually you can become hypothermic in any temp not at 98.6f. its just a matter of how long it takes.sit in a rain storm with wind in 80 deg'll be hypothermic in a couple of hours
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
Party pooper.

100. comment for Survival Kit For Tropical Islands - Tropical Island Part 3 of 14

HackanHacker - 7 years ago
ohhh shittt i want to be there with you :D :P ;)
Itsa Frap
Itsa Frap - 7 years ago
my survival kit for a tropical island is lily.....
girafmad - 7 years ago
Desalination kit. Why not bring that instead of just the water bottle and cup?
garvin centcia
garvin centcia - 7 years ago
Hay grate day to you Lilly, another grate over looked idiom is a clear shower curten it can be used to make water for you by the green house effect you dig a hole in the sand ,,, place a cup in the middle of the hole,,, then place the shower curten over the hole putting sand at the ends of the shower curten ,' then place a rock in the center of shower curten above the cup it will perfume clean water . As well you showed place a hose in the cup cumming out of one of the sides of the plasitc clear shower curten .
Charles Loveday
Charles Loveday - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly...this is a very useful kit. One thing that U can add to this kit & most any other kit would b a strong sewing needl. They can b used for sewing up cuts with the fishing line & for sewing clothes if needed. There may b small game the hides could b tanned...especially with all the saltwater available. U could of also brought Our skateboard wheel for starting fire with a bow drill. The coconut oil can replace the sun tan lotion. Just a few thoughts for tropical settings. Great to see U back at the survival videos. Keep up the great videos & looking forward to the new videos as well!
Spirit Forest
Spirit Forest - 7 years ago
Looks so pretty there. You brought all this stuff on your vacation?
Bonnie - 7 years ago
Lilly,if you were to write a message in a bottle.Would it say "save me!" or would it say"just to let you know I'm ok and living the dream"?
stephen smitty
stephen smitty - 7 years ago
i would personally bring 2 jars of peanut butter and a pot for boiling crabs in aswell
Cool & Quiet
Cool & Quiet - 7 years ago
Dramatic cutaway editing. If you're on island with 2 people, Schnapsen card game is a good idea. I've posted advanced tutorial.
Conservative Views by Christine
Conservative Views by Christine - 7 years ago
I like that. very cool.
Greener12ga - 7 years ago
OK I'll ask. Which island is it ?
Jeffry Ice
Jeffry Ice - 7 years ago
thats not a bad set up for short time survival, in fact it is a very good one. Its minimal with out being to heavy. As a side note, the only 2 other things i would add would be a small sewing kit since it is small enough and not weigh a whole lot. That kit you have would be a great start to help you get started in survival on an island. I would drop sunscreen though in place of a bug net. they would weigh about the same but sunscreen will run out.
NLboondockers 206
NLboondockers 206 - 7 years ago
You should make a qna video if you do my question is how did you get into survival stuff
roninbudo - 7 years ago
if 10 thing to bring dive goggles and snorkel would be maybe #4 ON MY LIST
woodyandy2001 - 7 years ago
I'd probably opt for at least another means of firestarting alongside the matches. And a means of making a solar still - too many coconuts can lead to dehydration due to their laxative properties, if you catch my drift...! And you should be in control of your water needs, not be a the mercy of mother nature if/when rainfall occurs. Nice vid though!
life seeker
life seeker - 7 years ago
: ))
hard yakka
hard yakka - 7 years ago
So very pleased you mentioned a HAT. Very important heat stroke happens fast. A machete is all you need no fancy knives. A strong stick sharpened both ends and driven into the ground can be use to open Coconuts Lilly watch the natives I-2 minutes and the nut is out. Water can be got on the beach just by digging Lilly. Top layer is always fresh water. If the island is all sand water can be gotten anywhere on it by digging. Living on a tropical island is pretty easy if your dark skinned a bugger for fair people to much strong sun light.
carl bernsen
carl bernsen - 7 years ago
Great video Lilly, I watched the 'Coconut' and 'Catching fish' ones first and they're all really good. I appreciate the effort it takes to make these videos and I'm sure you're an inspiration to many. Just a thought, though; if someone's able to choose what they take as a survival kit to a desert island, they'd be wise to take a machete or parang or a saw for shelter building rather than rely on a knife, take a decent first aid kit with antisceptic and clean dressings instead of a dirty bandana in case of injuries (especially cuts from fishy knives which turn bad very quickly) and a decent size shelter cloth or basha or hammock rather than rely on a survival blanket which won't last long. A bic lighter will give many more flames than the matches, dries out quickly if it gets wet, and still makes a spark when the gas runs out, and a solar or wind up torch won't run out of batteries. I agree with other comments about insect repellant and a long sleeved shirt and trousers will last longer than sun screen. A big water container and a solar still and Sawyer type filter to guarantee water supply is also vital, as well as something to catch rain. Having to boil a cup of water several times a day on damp smoky wood is a drag, and the stove will quickly run out of fuel. In a 'real' survival situation it's likely we wouldn't have any of the equipment we'd like, so the skills to use only natural materials found around us is the really essential 'kit'. If we're able to choose eqiupment to carry we might as well take all the really good stuff that makes simple living easy. Choosing to practise with things that still make life hard is weird! (I know, I used to do it too).
Thomas Chase
Thomas Chase - 7 years ago
Black Fly season has begun in my neck of the woods and I've never been to those Islands Is a netted hammock any good there abouts, Lilly? I today noticed a place I can get a bug net shirt. Rather than a mere hood. Original Fair had a video showing the frailty of fauna on some of the larger islands with an added problem being of highly poisonous and thrones plants in more remote areas where someone my feel the urge to bumble about with a machete. I replaced one recently I hoped to use for removing small branches from coniferous trees.
Steven Szabo
Steven Szabo - 7 years ago
Great suggestions Lilly, but IMO you missed a CRITICAL item that pretty much EVERYONE overlooks or misses but seems obvious, at least to me. IF you are going to have to survive on an island for an extended period of time, and will be fishing or spear fishing specifically for a lot of your food, you MUST have a pair of swimming goggles or a scuba diving mask. I would probably bring the swim goggles because they are super light and compact and would be easy to take along. With them you will increase your fishing success exponentially. Your thoughts?
Steven Szabo
Steven Szabo - 7 years ago
Right on. I think I remember that episode!
Fra Dee
Fra Dee - 7 years ago
Steven Szabo i saw that on naked and afraid. they're allowed to bring one item and the guy brought swim goggles.
Ajudante 09
Ajudante 09 - 7 years ago
legendas em português por favor
MysticKnight38 - 7 years ago
I would of thought the first thing on the list would be a desalinator.... Yes, I know they are a pain in the ass, but it is better then dehydration if you can not find a fresh water source.
abed hossini
abed hossini - 7 years ago
hiy lila is not nessery to talk abot survival people liek you talk abot evry things you want .sey abot your life and advancher you had
Lori Devlin
Lori Devlin - 7 years ago
Speak for yourself, some of us are here to learn how to open coconuts
Autism Family
Autism Family - 7 years ago
A good list, I would want to add a good still or at least a clear tarp or poncho to collect rain or still water from the ocean. Some large ziplock bags will also wrap around leaves on trees and sap out the moisture leaving water in the bag. You're right, water is hard to come by on an island. ;)
CplSki USMC - 7 years ago
I would highly encourage that insect repellent be added to your list since tropical areas are mosquito infested and malaria is a huge concern.
Josef Krakel
Josef Krakel - 7 years ago
I would add sunglasses, mosquito net and a solar still.
Findergordianus - 7 years ago
I would really be interested in seeing a survival kit for a spa or perhaps the opera...
Redsorgum - 7 years ago
I would add a bandana, sun glasses, Swiss Army knife, dance partner, left handed fork, and an underwater basket weaving kit.
Stephen Carter
Stephen Carter - 7 years ago
sun glasses, insect repellent, fishing hooks, mirror, good going LILLY.
morelanmn - 7 years ago
A good video young lady. I would recommend you also take two large ORANGE plastic trash bags. On some days you have to bag yourself to get away from the bugs. Plus orange is easy to see. Industrial supply houses sell them. I used them on my motorcycle trips for raincoats to safety markers. As always I have enjoyed this. Keep up the good work.
Lori Devlin
Lori Devlin - 7 years ago
How's she gonna sneak past the pirates undetected?
12gaugegunnut - 7 years ago
Hi Lily if you are looking for a great knife you should check out Dragon Tech Designs. All hand made and he will make whatever you like. Thanks for the great video's.
Gulao Pira
Gulao Pira - 7 years ago
lily is very hot i love videos nice nice
BelieveTheHype - 7 years ago
Survival lilly is the best!
Charles Larson
Charles Larson - 7 years ago
Good basic kit....I've spent a lot of time in the jungle environment.....triple up on that sun screen, or stay in the shade a lot. Many tropical islands have agave plants....and their sap is a natural sun screen. And I am a big fan of those "Esbit" German style small folding stoves. They simply work great. And dead palm fronds make great tinder so add a good fat ferro rod. And a manual truly basic spear gun. The ocean will provide. I'm a well seasoned certified scuba diver at my training when I was 18 by a USMC heavy master! LOL!!! And...make damned sure that your survival knife is Stainless Steel......1/4 inch you can and will be using it in the ocean to collect food from limpets to scallops, etc.
Charles Larson
Charles Larson - 7 years ago
Indeed....flash flooding especially during the summer monsoon storms. People camp in an arroyo under clear skies.....15 miles away up in the mountains, a thunderstorm lets loose.....done deal.
Fred Thorne
Fred Thorne - 7 years ago
Charles Larson - Hah! Go figure. Flash floods? I love the desert.
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
agave, that's the one. thanks for sharing
Charles Larson
Charles Larson - 7 years ago
Fred Thorne.....the Esbit style stoves can also be used with wood as fuel......takes a constant feeding, but food is hot food. should be understood that the most common cause of death on a tropical island is lack of water....and here in the desert where I now live, the most common cause of death is drowning. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fred Thorne
Fred Thorne - 7 years ago
Charles Larson - I agree, I like the versatility of the Esbit stove. I'll use fuel blocks, tea lights, "fancee feest" stoves. They hold virtually anything like a cast iron frying pan. They're abundant, inexpensive and fit with any kit.
Misa Kofs
Misa Kofs - 7 years ago
Lilly are you doing back in Austria
Fah2adA Ω
Fah2adA Ω - 7 years ago
haw com u look so clean in a tropical island
C Tripps
C Tripps - 7 years ago
You travel alot Lilly! What airline do you use?
MrKenthepainter - 7 years ago
Nice .... looking forward to my hol in August . Got to keep saving !!
Charles McIver
Charles McIver - 7 years ago
Another great video. I'm glad to see you at a fun place. Thanks for sharing.
Tim Hell
Tim Hell - 7 years ago
maybe a Solar charging Set, Powerbank Radio etc.
Sunny Wu
Sunny Wu - 7 years ago
wow you could really use a polarizer on that camera. :) your face was really washed out by the sun.
Myles Nicholas
Myles Nicholas - 7 years ago
Best treatment for sunburn is a soluble Aspirin in a glass of water, better than any cream.
Peter Charles
Peter Charles - 7 years ago
I've lived on St Thomas USVI for almost three decades. You're list isn't bad, but...
Sun block, not sun screen. the white zinc stuff. Sunburn can happen in as little as 20 minutes. Also, you need to protect your eyes from all that UV, so a good pair of POLARIZED sunglasses. (not only will they protect your eyes, but the polarization can help you see into the water to spot potential food)
Water is a BIG issue. One quart will last you an hour, maybe two, if you are active in the sun... You need to have the capacity to store/process/carry a gallon. Stainless bottles are the way to go.
Forget the emergency blanket. A couple of heavy grade contractor bags are the way to go. They make great ponchos for the rain that crops up and speaking of rain, they can also be used to help collect rain water.
Most protein will be under water. A pair of swimmer's goggles are small and will be a big help in getting into the water and collecting food.
Fire is difficult to start, because of the heavy humidity. Forget a friction fire. Bring two or three ways to make fire. Matches, Lighter, good quality ferro rod. A tin of Blistex will help protect your lips/skin from sun damage, but can also keep your knife from rusting in the salt water, AND can be an 'accelerant', especially combined with some cotton balls from the first aid kit, to help get a fire going.
A hat is important. Yours isn't big enough... :) A straw hat that covers the shoulders is the way to go. Find a local to make one out of palm fronds.
DAY IN THE PARK - 7 years ago
Supervivencia Lilly In
vida salvaje supervivencia
Xeromorphic - 7 years ago
I would always bring diving goggles to a tropical island, pretty handy when diving for clams and other food.
Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond
Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond - 7 years ago
Don't forget the treasure map
Explore Outdoors
Explore Outdoors - 7 years ago
No treasure map?
water fire
water fire - 7 years ago
i think a hammock that can be used as a fishing net would be cool. great vid though, thx.
BohoBushcraft - 7 years ago
Nice to see change of location/different items! TFS
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
I lived in south america half of my life next to the pacific ocean and fished the other half there too ; my main concern of all of them would be WATER! ... most people can die of thirst if water is not available within 3 days! , good coconuts are not easy to come by or non at all in most caes and can`t survive on just green ones because of diarrhea will kill you faster from loosing all you fluids!... what other methods of producing water can you show?... I would rather had a clear plastic sheet (not even the mylar) than the net ... I would even add swimming googles or mask to my kit because waters are not always crystal clear in most places on top of hunting with blurry vision with out any eye mask.... it is easy get 3rd degree burn just from being under the uv sunrays most of the day ,specially white skin people, cancer is the least of your problems in a survival scenario, just keep your clothe on, cover your skin, Can`t do nothing with out drinking water!what would you do? steam? condensation?drinking your pee only 1 cycle then gets toxic? I am curious of other methods!...thank you for your videos and insights!
OutWestBound - 7 years ago
Rock on!!!!!!!!!
Alexis brus
Alexis brus - 7 years ago
watch my channel
oprean andrei
oprean andrei - 7 years ago
Also GAS for insects.They tiny vampires can contaminate you so they shoult be gased up
kadapi dapi
kadapi dapi - 7 years ago
you should never foget mosqouito net...i beg of you...
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 7 years ago
the only thing i need on a tropical island is lilly
Poly Warfare
Poly Warfare - 7 years ago
Serkan Ister I'm not sure me meant it that way
Serkan Ister
Serkan Ister - 7 years ago
Joe Blow just bring your right hand and imagine with u
GrasDeRost - 7 years ago
Which isle is that?
Chris Neves
Chris Neves - 7 years ago
what island is she on?
Dave Williams
Dave Williams - 7 years ago
So glad I found your channel, by the way, why are you on a tropical island ?
Lori Devlin
Lori Devlin - 7 years ago
Austria was too warm? Just a guess
Urban Survivalcraft
Urban Survivalcraft - 7 years ago
That palm tree behind you is a great source of fire making material. The furry material between the fronds for tinder and dry fronds themselves for fuel. Not to mention you can make good cordage with the fur. Very similar to jutte twine. Great vid as always.
Bill - 7 years ago
Interesting list Lilly...A knife is a knife when you need one to survive. Thanks Lilly for the info..
Rick Griffin
Rick Griffin - 7 years ago
Looks just like the kit I keep in my kayak. Great vid!
Gut Instinct
Gut Instinct - 7 years ago
The only thing I take when visiting a tropical island is my credit card for the hotel bill lol.Why does she not show what are the best leaves to use a toilet paper ,or what to use for sanitary towels for know .important stuff =P
xSenne - 7 years ago
I love your video's keep going
lisa dovas
lisa dovas - 7 years ago
No insects-spray?! you should ad it to your list it's rly important against mosquitos (and I know what im talking about xd )
GearandaltheFirst - 7 years ago
Especially with all the bug-borne diseases spreading around the tropics right now
lisa dovas
lisa dovas - 7 years ago
Dirt Diver a little rock lost in the middle of the indian ocean; a beautiful landscape and a volcano in bonus ❤
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
Haha fair enough :) btw just googled reunion island, it looks amazing!
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
or if you can find the right campsite a good coastal breeze can sometimes keep them off you
Sunny Wu
Sunny Wu - 7 years ago
lisa dovas I think if you build a fire most insects would avoid.
Crowblack - 7 years ago
The main thing about survival situations is that you don't get to  plan them. The only tools you will have if you are unfortunate enough , is your knowledge , mental fortitude and physical condition. Survival situations happen when you least expect them, so it's unlikely that you will have a kit at the ready. Good video though
Leonardo Oliveira
Leonardo Oliveira - 7 years ago
Linda linda, você é muito linda, estou apaixonado por você.
Eu queria está com você nessa ilha deserta, só nós dois.
gabriel d
gabriel d - 7 years ago
Lilly in the sky with diamonds
Hangassan - 7 years ago
I would add only a multi-tine fish spear head, and a machete....even a short machete (12") makes short work of most tropical vegetation....
Russ Hendrix
Russ Hendrix - 7 years ago
I know who i want to be my survival buddy to be!
Paranoid JD
Paranoid JD - 7 years ago
Bear spray. You forgot the bear spray!
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
That's right, polar bears swim and with rising sea levels they could surf right in.
Laughing PumpkinKing
Laughing PumpkinKing - 7 years ago
Lilly, do you ever keep a towel on hand too for survival packs?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy highly recommends one. ;)
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
lol xD
achigurh - 7 years ago
Der Name dieser Insel ?
Retired Tony 1970
Retired Tony 1970 - 7 years ago
Great video gorgeous thanks!
adamaj - 7 years ago
Survival kit for tropical islands? Sun screen and beer?
Zold Outdoors
Zold Outdoors - 7 years ago
Great info Lilly. Did you make that gill net at home or buy it somewhere?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Hi Zold, nice to see you here :) I bought it on German amazon. Was very cheap and good quality! All the best. Lilly
Kanuckbrewer o
Kanuckbrewer o - 7 years ago
Number one for survival is water. You curse it while it's raining and crave it on a hot day.
FalconVI - 7 years ago
The tropical rainforest is the largest grocery store there is. All you need is a big knife like a bolo and a small knife like a dagger to survive all your life. Even in a small island (not tiny that they disappear during high tide)? Yes, Philippines has > 2000 of them out of the 7600+ of them and Indonesia 9000+ out of the 17,000+. Just be careful on the mushrooms.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
yes it is true. this survival trip felt more like vacation because everything is easy. fishing no problem. catching crabs no problem. collecting snails and fruits no problem....
Douglas MacCullagh
Douglas MacCullagh - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly, although this comment is not a survival kit discussion, it is something I learned living in the Philippines. Tropical bamboo is a great survival resource, but never grab it with bare hands. Scrape it down with your knife first. The bamboo is covered with very fine spines. The spines will cause a very painful rash, like a bad allergic reaction, and make it very hard to hold on to anything. But scraped bamboo makes great shelter material, and can even be made in to a cooking pot. (Rice cooked in bamboo is delicious.) Bamboo can even be split into a fiercely sharp knife.
YK - 7 years ago
you forgot to mention a poncho for rain...
mono blanco
mono blanco - 7 years ago
Nice video
gundree - 7 years ago
You forgot rum, can't forget the rum.
Dino Man
Dino Man - 7 years ago
I have never heard your voice before it's cool though
virginia gibson
virginia gibson - 7 years ago
Tomasz Starega
Tomasz Starega - 7 years ago
Missing device or items that would allow to distill the water would be a fatal error. If you are talking about Island survival kit you cannot forget this subject.
CHAOSNCHECK T - 7 years ago
Dirt Diver - check out Sea Survival - Adrift by Steven Callahan. He had three and destroyed one to learn how to use the other two. They kept him alive for days and fortunate for him, when the last one failed he was rescued a few days later. What i took away from the story was; know your gear before you have to use it. Anyway, the solar stills are great. If this is something you are really interested in, check out "". I have a few of these as I live on the coast of Florida and they work great.
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
Ah! I get you now, sorry I was imagining something else. That is interesting though, I had not heard of this particular type used by pilots though, thanks for sharing.
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
+Dirt Diver "In 1952 the United States military developed a portable solar still for pilots stranded on the ocean, which comprises an inflatable 24-inch plastic ball that floats on the ocean, with a flexible tube coming out the side. A separate plastic bag hangs from attachment points on the outer bag. Seawater is poured into the inner bag from an opening in the ball's neck. Fresh water is taken out by the pilot using the side tube that leads to bottom of the inflatable ball. It was stated in magazine articles that on a good day 2.5 US quarts (2.4 l) of fresh water could be produced. On an overcast day, 1.5 US quarts (1.4 l) was produced." (Source: Wikipedia)
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
+Paradigm2012Shift Solar stills often don't yield much water in my experience, have you got a specific type of set up in mind / found a good one for use on coasts?
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things - 7 years ago
+Survival Lilly - Excellent choices for your kit. The fishing kit could also be used to catch birds. You're right - most islands in the Pacific, especially those close to the equator - receive quite a bit of rainfall, so catching rainwater should be simple, provided that one has something to catch it with. I was born on a tropical island in the South Pacific - a coral atol in fact, and it had no source of fresh water other than rainwater collection and a small desalination plant. Between those two sources, there was enough to meet the needs of the two dozen or so inhabitants. Have fun, stay safe. Cheers.
Fred Thorne
Fred Thorne - 7 years ago
Paradigm2012Shift - The Ryme of the Ancient Mariner
"Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, no breath nor motion,
Sailing as a painted ship, upon a painted ocean."
"Water, water everywhere, and yet the boards did shrink,
Water, water everywhere, yet not a drop to drink!"
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
It depends on the island as well. Many small islands that just have a few plam trees are as barren as deserts. An improvised solar water still can be made from a few large empty plastic bottles (which can be found as floating trash on most islands nowadays), or even just a large clear plastic trash bag.
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
"Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink." Oceans are the biggest deserts in the world when it comes to fresh drinking water.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
nope you can use coconut water and catch rainwater. and most islands have a good watersource. you just need to keep looking.
Joe MacDonald
Joe MacDonald - 7 years ago
The second leading cause of skin cancer is the application of sun screen. Look it up. .
Lori Devlin
Lori Devlin - 7 years ago
Plus it's full of morgelons
Martin g,p 40624
Martin g,p 40624 - 7 years ago
Most amugy mindent odavitt a szigetre?
Akasha nee
Akasha nee - 7 years ago
thank you for the tips :) the stove is amazing! so small very handy :)
dj PeK
dj PeK - 7 years ago
love the hat, very Aussie looking
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things - 7 years ago
Looks like a "booney." ;)
Government IS Slavery
Government IS Slavery - 7 years ago
But I couldn't take the knife on the plane and they lost my checked bag...
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
But what about the rum ??!
You forgot the rum ....
Emanuel Stefan
Emanuel Stefan - 7 years ago
GearandaltheFirst - 7 years ago
wakes up to massive smoke cloud
Because there is a ship and I don't want to die here.
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
I wish my real last name were something cool ... like " Whiskey "...

I immediately flashed over to it being a pirate name ... like Edward Teach ...

" Aye ... Robert Whiskey ... not your run-of -the-mill freebooter , that one ...
Fast ... that would be how I'd describe the man ... like a snake ... with that brace of pistols at his waist , or cutlass on the hanger at his side ...
A smile that would make the Devil himself look away ...
No man crossed the Cap'n ... not and lived .
And if he didn't get you , his First Mate would ... Higgins , by name . Jacob Higgins ... giant of a man ... covered in scars and tattoos ...
As loyal to the Cap'n as the day is long ...
Those two ... now ... those two were somethn' to be reckoned with ..."
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
SURREY CROSSING Aye , my friend ...
I always keep some around ... for medicinal purposes , of course !
ShadeSlayer1911 - 7 years ago
Of course a guy with the last name "Whiskey" would think about the rum.
SURREY CROSSING - 7 years ago
Romeo Whiskey/// Sweet Yesus let's not forget the dark rum rum!! Good for cuts too.
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
+Sinra Industries One of the funniest parts of that movie .
I felt as confused and violated watching that as Jack did ...

Good GOD , woman ... what were you thinking ???

I don't know if she would have survived long enough to be rescued , if that had of been me ...

Thankfully , I don't have a woman around to threaten my liquor supply ... so mine is safe ...
I may be running low on food , fuel , and other sundries at times ... but we will ALWAYS have enough alcohol and ammunition to see us through , if I have anything to say about it !
Sinra Industries
Sinra Industries - 7 years ago
Romeo Whiskey where's all the rum gone ?!
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
if you are going to die, might as well die happy!
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things - 7 years ago
Tropical island - there's bound to be some rum and a pirate's treasure chest buried in the sand. All you need is a good treasure map - or a metal detector.
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
I have been known to be a bit loquacious at times , bordering on pedantic , if you ask my ex-wives ...
However , I have found that a companion who can maintain an interesting conversation , through bad times and good , is almost as essential on an adventure, as the aforementioned spirits ...
As Steve Earle so elegantly put it in his song ...I Feel Alright ...

"I bring you precious contraband ...
and ancient tales from distant lands ...
Of conquerers and concubines ,
And conjurors from darker times ...
Betrayal and conspiracies...
Sacrilege and heresy ... "

It helps to pass the time ...
FlyingAxblade - 7 years ago
I'm guessing you were the runner up in the Most Interesting Man campaign =)  well spoken and truer words are an adventure of themselves.
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly
An essential part of every good adventurers' travel kit ...
Especially in the tropics .
Happiness in a bottle ... good will by the glass ... joy by the sip .
A boon traveling companion on any expedition .

Enjoy , my dear ... the time , the place ... the experience ...
There is no better place to be than where you are now .
It isn't so much the location ... though it IS beautiful... but the state of mind .
Relax and enjoy .

Although the sun isn't quite over the yardarm where I am now ... when that happy event occurs, I will toast you and your endeavors today .
Salud !!!
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
so true...
Hawaii Volcano Squad
Hawaii Volcano Squad - 7 years ago
Mosquito repellent is a MUST for tropical locations. Aloha! 8D
raphael drayton
raphael drayton - 7 years ago
survival lilly build a shelter !!!
Dean Haggerstrom
Dean Haggerstrom - 7 years ago
don't forget the rum....
Haydan Wyatt
Haydan Wyatt - 7 years ago
thanks for the video!!
stinkydroolface - 7 years ago
I would like to see you try to start a fire with that particular piece of fire steel on that match container.
Seymour - 7 years ago
Ayy Lily , there should be an option called " Shutter Speed" or ISO in your point and shoot cameras , try lowering them it should fix the overexposure of the image .
Pretty good kit by the way , one thing i would recommend bringing aswell would be some repellent for mosquitoes , making smoke doesn't always suffice and mosquitoes on top of being very annoying can be dangerous for your health ( malaria , chikungunya , zika etc.)
I love to see you build suff in tropical conditions cause i happen to live on a tropical island so i might try these out someday .
Thomas IV
Thomas IV - 7 years ago
Lilly, I really enjoy the the cross section climates you endure.
cammoguy2 - 7 years ago
You forgot the ukulele!
Rob Aldridge
Rob Aldridge - 6 years ago
have Uke will travel
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
You have to have a sense of humor to play a ukulele.
Kali 808
Kali 808 - 7 years ago
Poncho! That would my first item. Why? Rain! Rain, rain and more rain. Great for shelter. Paracord too. Also small hamoc and bug spray.
Kali 808
Kali 808 - 7 years ago
Sean Combrink
Sean Combrink - 7 years ago
Kali-Man DP yeah poncho and parang
azmaddog6 - 7 years ago
Poncho is good for catching rain water to drink.
L O R I S B - 7 years ago
Great kit!
Botha Lissom
Botha Lissom - 7 years ago
essential: long sleeve shirt, long pants.
Bobby A
Bobby A - 7 years ago
Cover venomous fish, lionfish, stone fish etc. very dangerous for infection and possibly death.
Edison Tamis
Edison Tamis - 7 years ago
Great video, I like it. I live in the tropics, I suggest you bring a longer knife, like a jungle bolo or machete with you, better suited for making tools and shelter in the tropics and hacking thru the thick jungle. Oh don't forget to bring a mosquito and insect repellant. There are lots of critters and snakes in the tropics, you might also want to bring a jungle hammock with mosquito net and a poncho tarp. Kudos to you Lilly!
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
Para cord, why you kinky bastiche. No more rum for you.
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
Paracord (possibly in conjunction with the gill net) could be used to make a hammock in a pinch? Totally agree with insect net
Muhammed Tan
Muhammed Tan - 7 years ago
I would love to be there now without worries of everyday life and work. Cute hat btw :)
Tales From Thailand
Tales From Thailand - 7 years ago
You've inspired some of my lessons to teach kids outdoorsmanship. Thank you for that and keep up the great work.

Running another camping trip for kids and building shelters next weekend. Cheers to you!
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
Right who is going to clean up that mess when your done?
Zod - 7 years ago
Great list. I'd only add toilet paper, diving mask and scuba fins. None are required but sure are nice to haves.
Fred Thorne
Fred Thorne - 7 years ago
You did not mention the medicinal herbs you can gather to get rid of the hangover from all the RUM that was consumed the night before. Hangovers will kill because they slow your reaction time.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
lol :D
Seymour - 7 years ago
Ah yes , the classic Wild RUM a species to hunt in moderation .
Festivaille Que Vaille
Festivaille Que Vaille - 7 years ago
a toothbrush is not essential but not bulky?
Festivaille Que Vaille
Festivaille Que Vaille - 7 years ago
the thing is when you're stuck on a tropical island, you have not planned it, unless you want to make a survival kit video, so you have more chance to bring a toothbrush and a sunscreen in a holiday package :)
unless you are very provident and pass the security check in airport with your survival knife
CHAZER 2222 - 7 years ago
yes, its not essential but also its not bulky if you want to have one
Dan Suratos
Dan Suratos - 7 years ago
ShrapnelYeti - 7 years ago
I'm not early enough ):
Diana Hammond
Diana Hammond - 7 years ago
I would add a bug net since most tropical climates are mosquito swarmed, and you can also use it to catch small bait fish.
Zaidi Badron
Zaidi Badron - 7 years ago
Protosalas Outdoors
Protosalas Outdoors - 7 years ago
Well done Lilly! I am looking into a new bushcraft backpack. Any recommendations for ones you like? :D
Protosalas Outdoors
Protosalas Outdoors - 7 years ago
I am looking for a combo day/overnighter. I use minimal gear however the ability to take a 2 person tent/sleeping bag would be nice! PS: I like the rustic/canvas look.

Thank you!
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
how big do you want it?
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Serkan Ister.  Yes, I agree.
Very generally speaking, I think there is good weight and bad weight. Also, in some civilian survival situations you probably is better to just stay and wait and not move, hence no need to carry until you reach a decision point where you must put your stuff and yourself together and leave instead of stay and wait. I think the general rule of thumb advice is too stay, like stay with your broken car, crashed airplane etc.
Serkan Ister
Serkan Ister - 7 years ago
ghanaboyz in survival situation your basic needs important, rest of it just weight and can slow u down
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Frank C yes, it is a good rule of thumb. Still, there is quite a difference in the protection level depending on what clothes you have (thickness, color of the clothes and type of material are major factors, so I read and so I felt myself). Back in the days, when forced to walk with "normal" covering clothes (long trousers, long sleeve shirt, head gear) and backpack in extreme sun, I still burned just about every piece of skin not covered or not covered with the proper material. Would have loved to be able to complement the protection... even if it had to be re-applied on a regular basis due to sweat.
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
just keep your clothe on... keeps you protected.
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Well, it IS a very sunny place or so it seems. You might find out you simply must be out in the sun a lot without the best covering clothes or any other good, mobile, cover.
I think some people stranded out in the sun have been badly burned by the sun.
Seymour - 7 years ago
Prevents really bad sunburns , if you get sunburned really bad you can't expose yourself to the sun which means you can't hunt or fish or do anything basically it's incapacitating .
Also melanomas are no joke : (
K1NG M1D4S - 7 years ago
Where was this?
MagiCraft - 7 years ago
Cadê os BR aqui
Lucas Soares
Lucas Soares - 7 years ago
Realmente ben incompleto. Incompetência e falta de estudo da parte dela. Começo a pensar que ela faz videos apenas em ambientes controlados e durante pouco tempo.
Wilson Miranda
Wilson Miranda - 7 years ago
Achei ela bem fora do nicho. kit muito ruim. Sem nada pra coletar água da chuva, ou destilar, ou mesmo reverso osmosi. Nenhuma lona, sem um facão, sem rede, sem repelente e mosquiteiro.
Nadando num mar tropical com peixe ferido. Os movimentos com a faca foram muito toscos, muito risco de se cortar e detonou muito a faca desnecessariamente. muitos erros grosseiros juntos. E muito ruim na pesca. Um kit de pesca bostão e a rede nem se fala. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Critico de mais? Porra, ela tem um canal grande, gastou uma grana fudida pra ir na tal ilha e o canal seria um conteúdo pra instruir sobre sobrevivência... porra, muito ruim.
Tatyana Salarolli
Tatyana Salarolli - 7 years ago
Lucas Soares
Lucas Soares - 7 years ago
MagiCraft huehuehue BRBRBR
Andrei De Guzman
Andrei De Guzman - 7 years ago
Jeff Thomas
Jeff Thomas - 7 years ago
Where's your tan?
Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson - 7 years ago
A Scotsman is walking on the beach one day and happens upon a pale naked woman at the waters edge. Dates being hard to come by in northern Scotland, he promptly decides to make the mad passionate love to her. Two British Bobbies happen upon the scene and promptly arrest him. At the Queen's court, the barrister asked the Scotsman why he was making love to a poor lifeless drowned woman to which he replied, "Honest Your Lordship, I didn't know she was dead, I just thought she was Norwegian!"
Karl Foster
Karl Foster - 7 years ago
Those of us with Pale, Euro-Skin just burst into flames.  :-)
writerconsidered - 7 years ago
She's Austrian she doesn't tan she burns.
Peter Charles
Peter Charles - 7 years ago
I live on ST. Thomas, You can get a burn in 20-30 minutes at mid-day.
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
people get 3rd deg burns by the 3rd day under the sun with no clothe on... she is so pale she might be reflecting the uv ?
FlyingAxblade - 7 years ago
now THAT is funny, sad, and true
Botha Lissom
Botha Lissom - 7 years ago
don't tan! if you tan, they'll see that you're not really a god!
신민철 - 7 years ago
영상 잘보고 있어요
Jessica Davis
Jessica Davis - 7 years ago
I'm liking the different angles with the camera, but switching between them quickly is a bit jarring.
Brian Jenkins
Brian Jenkins - 7 years ago
I like the tropics. A good stainless steel knife is want you need due to the humidity and the salt water. Frankly a machete is good too. One thing you missed was insect repellent -- often really needed especially in sand fly, tick and mosquito seasons (which is about all the time).
treeefrogUK - 7 years ago
Agreed. Tarp and hammock is the way to go for light weight and small size. The One Tigris hammock with zipped mozzie net is pretty good. Just don't tie the support strings for the net too tight or it will rip the hanging loops out (at best) when you climb into it. Only used mine once before I dropped on an absolute bargain - a 2nd hand (but hardly used) Hennessy Assymetric Explorer Deluxe for less than I paid for the One Tigris off Amazon! The Hennessey really is the bee's knees, the cat's whiskers, the mutt's nuts, the ... well, you get the idea ;)
Brian Jenkins
Brian Jenkins - 7 years ago
SpooderPig1 Heck. Come up to Northern Ontario in June and see if you can separate them. They may take the machete.
Jeremy Bullock
Jeremy Bullock - 7 years ago
Any mosquito fears me with a machete... i will slice it in half mid air.
GearandaltheFirst - 7 years ago
Lots of insect borne diseases in the tropics rn
Rick Sanchez C137
Rick Sanchez C137 - 7 years ago
They have mosquito nets designed to wrap around the Hammock so that it is not resting on you as you sleep but neither can the bugs get to you.

A hammock, net and basha are all required for sleeping anywhere in the tropics. These should be in any tropical survival kit; and will be necessary anyway if camping...

When I was in GUYANA, the ground in the jungle was alive with insect life, sleeping on the ground would have been dumber than dumb, sleeping in the hammock with net and basha kept me well protected. The coldest it got at night only required I cover up with my towel to stay warm.
Brian Jenkins
Brian Jenkins - 7 years ago
Fra Dee Great idea, though only for head so not ideal if in bathing suit or shorts or don't have gloves. Usually. In tropics can get a finer mesh called in US a noseeum net which would be the mesh you want.
Fra Dee
Fra Dee - 7 years ago
Brian Jenkins mosquito net... you can also use it to catch small fish
life seeker
life seeker - 7 years ago
whats Deet ?
FlyingAxblade - 7 years ago
<--drinks Deet
escargotiskuhol - 7 years ago
Consider also a pair of sunglasses
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
make it out of leaf ... slots
James Ricci
James Ricci - 7 years ago
Good vid
Serkan Reis
Serkan Reis - 7 years ago
Another must-have is a volleyball if you are alone on a tropical island. :)
Platzhallter - 7 years ago
at leats it will help you to keep sane.
and if nothing else, the silicon inlay is a good water container or emergency bandaid!
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
+Ish Mael
" Call me Ishmael..."
A Herman Melville reference on YouTube !!!
I'm impressed .
In search of the great white whale ... ahhh yes ...
Read it when I was in Jr High ...

Jawohl ... good Austrian engineering , should make it reliable , simple , easy to use ... a bit technically complex , as they do tend to over design everything... but fine craftsmanship, nonetheless...
A fine instrument ...
I would be proud to own one !
Ish Mael
Ish Mael - 7 years ago
Self sufficient, self propelled masturbation is the height of Austrian Technology and wont contribute to sea level change. Sea level change on a desert island could be disastrous and interfere with dinner reservations at the local Resort.
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
+captmoa Wow ... they make a sex device that has radio / light / SOS features ... AND is solar and hand crank powered ???
Now THAT is dedication to a product .

I would never have guessed ...

Although having a hand cranked masturbatory aid seems a bit redundant , I would be tempted to buy one , just to see how it worked .

No ... on second thought ... I HAVE to get one of these .
Will modern wonders never cease ?
Every time I think technology has reached its limits , they come up with a new gadget that just blows me away ... in this case ... quite literally .

Definitely on my Christmas wish list !!!

Hey +Platzhallter ... I think we have just found a must-have item for our survival kits ...
captmoa - 7 years ago
Yes. Google them, there are radio/light/SOS available in solar and hand crank.
Hüseyin AYDIN
Hüseyin AYDIN - 7 years ago
serkan reyiz s.a
kadapi dapi
kadapi dapi - 7 years ago
Serkan Reis yeh bro..and you should call him wilson..
Platzhallter - 7 years ago
oh sweet summer child.
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
+Platzhallter Batteries would be the sticking point ... do they make solar-powered fleshlights ?
Platzhallter - 7 years ago
i would prefer a fleshlight
Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 7 years ago
Mine is named " Spaulding " ... does it still count ?
Festivaille Que Vaille
Festivaille Que Vaille - 7 years ago
K1NG M1D4S - it's a joke about cast away with tom hanks
Fred Thorne
Fred Thorne - 7 years ago
Serkan Reis - "WILSON!"
K1NG M1D4S - 7 years ago
Serkan Reis
But you have no one to play volleyball with hahah
Djandria - 7 years ago
Hubert Romanowski
Hubert Romanowski - 7 years ago
good film but is wery short ples do long films
weedXD38 - 7 years ago
excellent vid you hit it out of the park,I would love to get stranded on any deserted island with you any day lol...Thank you for for the vid...:-) :-) :-)
DiosGamer 21
DiosGamer 21 - 7 years ago
Woow buen Vídeo
Superman - 7 years ago
10th comment
Samuel Smith
Samuel Smith - 7 years ago
9th comment
YASR YASR - 7 years ago
هاي بيتي
titi valentin
titi valentin - 7 years ago
21 like 7 komentar
Dean Sapon
Dean Sapon - 7 years ago
Abel Ramirez
Abel Ramirez - 7 years ago
not first
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
sorry mate :P
Lellelindstrom - 7 years ago
Corey Vasquez
Corey Vasquez - 7 years ago

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