Swarmed by Tropical Fish | Aruba Travel Diary
Tropical fishing 8 years ago 82,674 views
Swarmed by Tropical Fish | Aruba Travel Diary - We visit historic downtown Aruba and then encounter Flounder, Octopus, and an Eel! ********* ENTER THE Apple Watch GIVE AWAY HERE*********** https://goo.gl/TckXQ8 ❤ Subscribe for upcoming videos here: https://goo.gl/htJqju ❤ Daily Vlogs: https://goo.gl/QWRoMY Podcast Questions: carlvlogspodcast@gmail.com **Twitter** carlandjinger - jingerrific **Instagram** carlandjinger - carl_and_jinger **Snapchat** carlandjinger - jingerrific **facebook** Carl & Jinger Carl and Jinger is a fun variety show with family game night Adventures, jokes, comedy skits, a fun family vlog, travel, traveling, how to travel with kids, road trips and more! All our movies are family friendly and safe for kids. Carl & Jinger have three children Gage, Luke, and Kyle. Make sure to check out our other channels - Carlgames and MySuperheroVideo where we live stream video games and gaming and do superhero kids videos! FTC Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored
10. comment for Swarmed by Tropical Fish | Aruba Travel Diary
I just wanted to tell you how fun your videos are, we really like you guys and enjoy that you love animals as much as we do. The only thing that would make our up-coming trip better is if you (Carl and Jinger,) were going to be there at the same time. :)
Anyways, my other half (who would also order the Nutella Dutch Pancake,) would like to know what kind of drone you are flying?
Nice to meet you both,
Brian and Jewel
20. comment for Swarmed by Tropical Fish | Aruba Travel Diary
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