TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

In this episode of the tiny lure challenge i battle frustration and end up catching a new personal best! Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 618fishing.com - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear* Lure 1---------------------------------- https://tinyurl.com/ycxlhzs7 Lure 2---------------------------------- https://tinyurl.com/yaofg63t rod-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ycs2mrv5 line-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/yd2td59o boots----------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ybyysajp Sunglasses ------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/k9jkyrv backpack----------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y94ebaxv Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC by Safakash: 1st Song: "Thai Food" by - https://soundcloud.com/safakash/sex-a-phone 2nd Song: "Jazz Slammin" - https://soundcloud.com/safakash/jazz-slammin *Amazon Associate links

TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 52,587 views

In this episode of the tiny lure challenge i battle frustration and end up catching a new personal best! Don't send me stuff!... but if you want to I'd really appreciate it! 618 Fishing P.O. Box 462 Hamel, IL. 62046 618fishing.com - (coming soon!) Follow me on these SWEET Social Media apps!! Instagram -------https://www.instagram.com/618_fishing/?hl=en Twitter-------------https://twitter.com/618Fishing Facbook----------https://www.facebook.com/618-Fishing-1538151783175095/timeline Fishing Gear* Lure 1---------------------------------- https://tinyurl.com/ycxlhzs7 Lure 2---------------------------------- https://tinyurl.com/yaofg63t rod-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ycs2mrv5 line-------------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/yd2td59o boots----------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/ybyysajp Sunglasses ------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/k9jkyrv backpack----------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/y94ebaxv Camera Gear* Drone---------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Drone Case------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gnol9aw Big Camera------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic------------------ http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod----------------------- http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod--------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens-------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro--------------------------------- http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic------------------------------ http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k MUSIC by Safakash: 1st Song: "Thai Food" by - https://soundcloud.com/safakash/sex-a-phone 2nd Song: "Jazz Slammin" - https://soundcloud.com/safakash/jazz-slammin *Amazon Associate links

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Most popular comments
for TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

Pheaktra Nuon
Pheaktra Nuon - 7 years ago
I love the cambodian music intro! Much love!
Adi Wit
Adi Wit - 7 years ago
Fuck yes
Michael Hosdo
Michael Hosdo - 7 years ago
barbless, why?
Brian Rossman
Brian Rossman - 7 years ago
Try fishing a tiny crappie jig under a small float
Mia Mas
Mia Mas - 7 years ago
Try the crappie crank silver minnow
robert frederick
robert frederick - 7 years ago
what knot are you using? Seems like your lure is slipping off more than is should.
Nicholas Tidwell
Nicholas Tidwell - 7 years ago
for sure that is not a quantum smoke PT lol
Geoffrey Rogers
Geoffrey Rogers - 7 years ago
I've tried a barbless lure one time bc I didn't pay attention to the package that said barbless, it was like that crawfish you used in the past and it was already a slow day and out of the 4 bites I got I only landed one. I was ready to throw the lure in the pond because I was so tired of losing fish. From that point on I've started paying attention to the package and the lure itself to make sure it has a barb.
TheDankMelon - 7 years ago
Everytime i watch this guys videos i always run down to the local pond and catch some bass

10. comment for TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

nah - 7 years ago
Try The Dot by K&E Stopper Lures. Minuscule.
G Jenkins
G Jenkins - 7 years ago
Stick to the barbless! Unless you are catching to eat - I believe it is supposed to be much better for fish health (the lack of a barb)
Sunny Island
Sunny Island - 7 years ago
Might you try a zebco 22 spincaster reel on a shortgrip bass rod, 4lb line.
The kind of on-foot fishing you do....
Maverick Graham
Maverick Graham - 7 years ago
These videos have inspired me to fish these tiny lures
Bau Nguyen Ba
Bau Nguyen Ba - 7 years ago
Use a tiny jerk bait
haru glory
haru glory - 7 years ago
Dude i dont know if u believe me, but i already finish all your video, please more update cant wait too long :((
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor - 7 years ago
Where does he live
Katie Turner
Katie Turner - 7 years ago
Awesome vid!
Mjjr gaming
Mjjr gaming - 7 years ago
You should do a multi lure. In this challenge you have a big lure a average lure and an small lure in one video. It would be great if you did this challenge

20. comment for TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

Danny N.
Danny N. - 7 years ago
dude, you made it on fail armys close calls: best of 2017
MG Fishing
MG Fishing - 7 years ago
Do the big bait challenge
That Murder Inc.
That Murder Inc. - 7 years ago
After a day filled with plowing snow, shoveling snow, attending a funeral, fighting a case of chronic gastritis and coming home to a busted hot water heater... This brings me peace of mind, much respect.
The_Fish_Boy - 7 years ago
Do another catch and cook
zalbatt07 - 7 years ago
Looks like you made Fail Army's video. https://youtu.be/gGQ2xKSF5VA?t=3m2s
Mr. Ammarjie
Mr. Ammarjie - 7 years ago
I also have a channel about fishing, and you are one of my inspirations in creating video content. I want to thank you very much for all the videos that have inspired me. Once again, thank you.
Woahhhmrman - 7 years ago
I catch toads on it
Woahhhmrman - 7 years ago
Bro I love the cricket
RHINO 54 - 7 years ago
A very merry Christmas to you. Best wishes for the new year. Thanks for another year of great entertainement.
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
Heck yea buddy

30. comment for TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

BassGeek - 7 years ago
Man no barb looks like it is a pain. Way to overcome.
Muchamad Solechan
Muchamad Solechan - 7 years ago
what kind of music u use in early in this video? i like that music
Ron Mehringer
Ron Mehringer - 7 years ago
90% of my UL fishing (2 or 4#) is done barbless. You just have to develop the right techniques to keep the bass on. Most important is keeping a good bend in the rod so there’s never any slack. Enjoying your UL videos. Thanks.
lurefishingMNL - 7 years ago
Try top water micro lures!
teamflanneloutdoors - 7 years ago
Rockin' the FlannelLike a BOSS.
ty spradlin
ty spradlin - 7 years ago
the grass hopper lure actually floats I caught a lot in the summer just by letting it float
timothee mekri
timothee mekri - 7 years ago
The realisation of your videos is closed to professionnal quality. Really fun to see. But most of all, I love your musical selection, "Holly Cow", it's awesome ;)
Captain Hook
Captain Hook - 7 years ago
Not applying enough tension..
DESIRAE SUES - 7 years ago
These tiny lure challenges are all I look forward to on YouTube. Keep up the good work
vtec matt
vtec matt - 7 years ago
Not too many fishing videos I enjoy but your vids are actually entertaining and enjoyable. Thanks.
redline251 - 7 years ago
You should do a fly fishing challenge
teamflanneloutdoors - 7 years ago
Area code-southern Illinois
Zakary Valencia
Zakary Valencia - 7 years ago
What size line we're you using
Estoy viendo tus videos hace mucho tiempo saludos desde chile
Jake Armstrong
Jake Armstrong - 7 years ago
Tighten your drag its to loose
Tony Santoro
Tony Santoro - 7 years ago
That barbless hook is dumb. I've fished some of these tiny lures you've shown, they attract the fish, then you lose them cuz of the barbless hook. If you like that Strike King Minnow, get a Rapala CD-1 if you haven't tried one...
Zach Novosad
Zach Novosad - 7 years ago
That strike King is my go to and my favorite lure.
Fire Storm
Fire Storm - 7 years ago
TINY lure ??
That is Huge compared to what I fish...
M79Man - 7 years ago
gotta keep max pressure on fish with a barbless hook...the rod must be bowed to the max, especially with a buggy whip rod...keep the rod bowed and set drag as much as possible (without breaking line)...your rod (in the video) was pointed at the fish with minimum bow...also, not sure what pound test line you are using...4 pound test and lower is for open water and low drag...I suggest you use at least 6 pound test...and get a longer rod....the lure you are using is not a winter lure (runs too shallow), but it shines in spring, summer and early fall...sorry this comment is so negative, but I think I get as frustrated as you...trying to help...
Winter Dragon
Winter Dragon - 7 years ago
M79Man woah thanks for the tips I just got into fishing(using rod and other stuffs)btw I'm used to fish only with bare hands...
Mario Armijo
Mario Armijo - 7 years ago
Trout magnet? Always great content

50. comment for TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

WickedDealer - 7 years ago
Saw those tiny baits at a local walmart the other day, debated about getting one, then realized they were like $5 each and bought something cheaper for crappie fishing.
Elijah Fountain
Elijah Fountain - 7 years ago
Btw where do you get those little lures.
Elijah Fountain
Elijah Fountain - 7 years ago
Hey man love your vids. Just subscribed.
Colorado Bassin
Colorado Bassin - 7 years ago
Hey that second lure you caught the new pb on is actually called the strike king bisty minnow. I know cause I caught my pb bass on it
Thomas Rhim
Thomas Rhim - 7 years ago
Talk a little slower in the intro man lol. Other then that nice vid happy holidays
DKFishing - 7 years ago
what’s with all your clickbait
Sam Taylor
Sam Taylor - 7 years ago
Please just do a normal bass fishing video or do big bait challenge video
Casting with Connor
Casting with Connor - 7 years ago
To much tiny lure where's big lure
jordan marshall
jordan marshall - 7 years ago
U never caught your PB
Ico Icov
Ico Icov - 7 years ago
I recommend - ANRE'S BUG MINNOW SR , Pontoon 21 cheerful SR 34, SMITH CAMION SR 32
The_Fish_Boy - 7 years ago
You are soooo good in fishing!!!!!!
Alex Lloyd
Alex Lloyd - 7 years ago
Nice Vid
Hayden Ball
Hayden Ball - 7 years ago
You make small fish look so big. It's impressive. Also...I was frustrated for you!!!
Auto Slay
Auto Slay - 7 years ago
DOPE EDIT MAN. Just as if not better than Jon B.
B - 7 years ago
I want to send you a new hat for Christmas.
Seth Williams
Seth Williams - 7 years ago
Nice job
Garret McMullen
Garret McMullen - 7 years ago
Bend that little hook into a micro circle hook! Might work
Saluch Sien
Saluch Sien - 7 years ago
Love your video brother and thanks for adding our music.
440 Fishing
440 Fishing - 7 years ago
Haha I see you love the lures from Rebel . My favorite is the wee crawdad
Colin MacMillan
Colin MacMillan - 7 years ago
Love the video Nick!!!
z33tec - 7 years ago
What lb braid are you using? Also, love your videos. They are my favorite. I love the ultralight fishing and the tiny lures you use!
Mukhlis Sabri
Mukhlis Sabri - 7 years ago
New ep!!
Manu Et fish
Manu Et fish - 7 years ago
Super vidéo
Abraham Robles
Abraham Robles - 7 years ago
Why don't you put a little barb on it?
TheMasterCasters - 7 years ago
Love these videos! Keep posting the tiny lure challenges! You should try them in Florida next time you go
lojo.fishing - 7 years ago
Diggin the beard man, it's gonna help you catch more fish. Guaranteed!!!
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
lojo.fishing Heck yea
Christopher Melendez
Christopher Melendez - 7 years ago
lojo.fishing LOJOOOOO!!!!!!!
Samuth Monychann
Samuth Monychann - 7 years ago
Is that some Cambodian music I need that someone send me that music lol
Saluch Sien
Saluch Sien - 7 years ago
Here it is brother. https://youtu.be/I77tkSSQLRo
Fishunter40 - 7 years ago
Michael Morris
Michael Morris - 7 years ago
Love these videos how do you not have more subscribers
Hawkster - 7 years ago
We need big baits
Timothy Mcnees
Timothy Mcnees - 7 years ago
Call you sick Nick cause that drone shot in the beginning was badass, leaves blowing and all. Cool shot
teamflanneloutdoors - 7 years ago
I know right? 618 always blows my mind with at least one SAVAGE sequence per vid.
Victor outdoors
Victor outdoors - 7 years ago
Great vid
Danny Cal
Danny Cal - 7 years ago
Great video as always, really dig the music on this one.
Abels Exploring
Abels Exploring - 7 years ago
Nice vid mik
Eric Lain
Eric Lain - 7 years ago
Tighten your drag, damnit!
Eric Lain
Eric Lain - 7 years ago
Balderdash. It ain't gonna snap for crappies and sunfish, you kiddin' me? Not to mention, you underestimate the strength of decent line. Surely, he ain't using a big wheel of cheap Zebco. I've landed freak catch two to three pound bass on quality two pound test with letting some drag out and having patience.
Christopher Melendez
Christopher Melendez - 7 years ago
Eric Lain he is using only 2 pound test line. He can’t put to much tension on the line; it will snap.
Stephen Kapushoc
Stephen Kapushoc - 7 years ago
Why does that lure have a barb-less hook?
Finger Lakes Fishing
Finger Lakes Fishing - 7 years ago
There are plenty of locations that only permit the use of barbless hooks. It's easier to remove the fish from a barbless hook which is good when you land them but Nick is showing us the downfall of easily removed hooks! Hooks without barbs are also safer for kids to use (though I as a kid used the real deals).
Piloulegrand - 7 years ago
Right. And to be honest, If you know how to handle/use it, a barbeless hook is really good, you just have to be aware of it and use a different technique. Even when I intend to keep fish, I sometime use barbeless hooks, so I don't harm (too much) the fish I don't want to keep.
Adam Vansant
Adam Vansant - 7 years ago
It causes less harm to the fish and make unhooking fish much easier, in some parts of Canada you can only use barbless hooks
Cape Cod Canal Fishing
Cape Cod Canal Fishing - 7 years ago
Tighten your drag a little more using the barbless lure, will keep the hook pinned better
itisjustmedude - 7 years ago
He never sets the hook, he just holds the rod higher and reels. Sharpen the hook and give it a little snap when you've confirmed something hit. I debarb everything so I can get the fish off quicker.
Andy D
Andy D - 7 years ago
Cape Cod Canal Fishing in his other tiny bait challenge video be says he's spooled up with 2lbs flouro
Cape Cod Canal Fishing
Cape Cod Canal Fishing - 7 years ago
Andy D he never indicated he was using 2lb test. (Or I at least didn't hear) But even if he was, he's gotta realize a barbless hook and 2lb test doesn't mix well in your landing percentage. He should step up to 6lb so he can tighten that drag up just a little bit more, and he would keep that hook pinned much better. Not trying to tell anyone your doing it wrong and you gotta do it this way cuz that's my way and it's the right way, I'm just giving a tip to try and help him land more of those fish!
BUSHCRAPPING - 7 years ago
Andy D
Andy D - 7 years ago
Cape Cod Canal Fishing that sounds like disaster with 2lbs test line
Cape Cod Canal Fishing
Cape Cod Canal Fishing - 7 years ago
Still the drag was set to light though. Even the crappie were able to pull enough line (with ease) to put slack in the line which is when there able to spit it
Mike Radcliffe
Mike Radcliffe - 7 years ago
I believe he’s using two pound line. Can’t tighten the drag down. The lure is for panfish anyway, not bass.
lash clone
lash clone - 7 years ago
just pay attention to your line never leave any slack at all and you should be right. seen a lot of your vids 618 fishing and you know what your doing . just adding my dollars worth of advice. cheers from oz.
Jonathan Serrano
Jonathan Serrano - 7 years ago
makes sense.
SuperDuper Outdoors
SuperDuper Outdoors - 7 years ago
Nice vid bro! We've all had those days...
Vekta - 7 years ago
Kind of odd how your line snaps on the cast with the grasshopper. Then again you did cast into a tree a couple times. Welp, at least you got the lure back.
Isaac K
Isaac K - 7 years ago
Your videos are amazing! Never stop fishing!
Bass_tards Adventures
Bass_tards Adventures - 7 years ago
Yo that’s Cambodian music
SHUTUP C*NT - 7 years ago
is it new Cambodian music because the vocal sample sounds old
That Murder Inc.
That Murder Inc. - 7 years ago
Whatever song starts at 0:14 is amazing
John Om
John Om - 7 years ago
i heard the beat and i was like yeah thats cambodian
GONE FISHING - 7 years ago
Hello my friend it has been a while since i have commented on your videos. I have been really busy so im back and wow what a video to come back on. Congrats on getting your PB crappy and also Congrats on 131,000+ subscribers. When i first found you on YouTube you had the same amount of subscribers as me. But now you have stormed ahead well done. Im almost at 1000 and if im honest im so happy. keep up the good work my friend
Anthony Chen
Anthony Chen - 7 years ago
bring back the big bait challenge
Louis Roose
Louis Roose - 7 years ago
You should have as much subscribers as Jon.b
Austin Dominguez
Austin Dominguez - 7 years ago
618 is no where near Jon b.
Louis Roose
Louis Roose - 7 years ago
NE Bassing true
Nebraska Bassing
Nebraska Bassing - 7 years ago
Louis Roose jon B is a god compared to this guy
shltplease - 7 years ago
Top water blow up in the background @7:30 ??
AlexT435 - 7 years ago
looks like it
Billyboy - 7 years ago
Love the video,congratulations on the new pb lol.
Outdoors Tv
Outdoors Tv - 7 years ago
Awesome video big fan
Gregory Barham
Gregory Barham - 7 years ago
Dude how do you still have leaves on the trees?? I live in north Mississippi. And we are bare. Is 618 not south Illinois ?? Warm winter?? Anyway tight lines dude. And I have a chair very similar to that one at my on pond. Hahahahaha funny. Also the crickhopper is my go to in regular brown color and I have caught sooo many fish on it since I was a kid. Like 1980 kid!!! I got my bro in law hooked on em. Also I got me a penny board !! Love it. Hahahahahaha
50 in 07
50 in 07 - 7 years ago
Gregory Barham maybe this was filmed a while ago
theman1477 - 7 years ago
Love your videos dude I do know with barbless hooks you really got to learn to hold the tip up when up u hook in to a fish will stay on better
A Person
A Person - 7 years ago
Z viber
A Person
A Person - 7 years ago
Creme frisky frog

100. comment for TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

Robert Canalas
Robert Canalas - 7 years ago
Barbless is not really the problem, it is the shape of the lure. Wide gap and long shank paired with the rigid body give the fish much more leverage.
CardShark - 7 years ago
Grasshopper might not be the best imitation to use in winter :/
Bob pop
Bob pop - 7 years ago
That's some serious hostility quin. I don't know if you've ever done any fly fishing, but a tried and true saying that transcends to other types of fishing is "Match the hatch." It means to pick your bait by mimicking as closely as possible whatever the fish are feeding on. In this case, grasshoppers don't often show themselves in the winter, so Cardshark makes a very good point. While it would probably be a killer lure in the summer, you see in the video that it didn't produce as many bites as a small baitfish in the winter. Now I hope you've taken something from this, so that you may allow for more open discussion in the future, rather than attack someone for something so trivial as holding a different opinion.
CardShark - 7 years ago
Oh yeah? Then feel free to explain me why.
Quin Dukes
Quin Dukes - 7 years ago
CardShark your fuckin stupid yes it is
Afishaholic - 7 years ago
Bring back the big lure challenge
Rocky Raab
Rocky Raab - 7 years ago
Stretchy 2-lb mono and barbless hooks do not work well together.
Benjamin S
Benjamin S - 7 years ago
I always use more drag with barbless hooks.
Old Lady Angler
Old Lady Angler - 7 years ago
that barbless hook doesn't look like much fun! Nice crappie!
tom keo
tom keo - 7 years ago
Love all your video. Never thought I would hear Khmer music on here. Who is the artist and song?
tom keo
tom keo - 7 years ago
Felipe Velazquez thank you
Felipe Velazquez
Felipe Velazquez - 7 years ago
tom keo there is in the description
Odin Stansbury
Odin Stansbury - 7 years ago
I new the challenge was going to be hard because of the barbless hook
Isaac K
Isaac K - 7 years ago
Odin Stansbury I knew your spelling was bad when you spelled knew “new”
CM-Active - 7 years ago
Tiny lures look hella fun, but way too much grass in my area... awesome video as always!
Ulster_county_ outdoors
Ulster_county_ outdoors - 7 years ago
same with me I live up I new York and I am a youtuber
Alex Broskoff
Alex Broskoff - 7 years ago
Always stop what I'm doing to watch your videos man haha another awesome one!
Andre Rose
Andre Rose - 7 years ago
You look like manager Jeff from Logan Paul’s vlogs
Eric M
Eric M - 7 years ago
Andre Rose I don’t think anyone knows who “Jeff” is but you. Why you watch Logan Paul lol
York Hunt
York Hunt - 7 years ago
Nick uses tiny lures to compensate for his big **ck
Andre Rose
Andre Rose - 7 years ago
I like watching your videos but it sucks they only show two seconds of the fish that you catch and then release it you should do a catch and cook at least
McLaughlin Adventures
McLaughlin Adventures - 7 years ago
Try the rebel cricket hopper. It is awesome!!!
McLaughlin Adventures
McLaughlin Adventures - 7 years ago
Love your channel. Like if you agree!!!
Adam Howell
Adam Howell - 7 years ago
Same comment as last week. Crappie catch and cook?!
Ich Phan
Ich Phan - 7 years ago
Thai music...damn I thought I hearing thing....lol
redneck teddy
redneck teddy - 7 years ago
Cya later buddy
Bryan Rosensteel
Bryan Rosensteel - 7 years ago
So, I'm not sure it is the barbless aspect of the hook that is causing issues. My bet is that the poor landing rate is more to do with the hook being inverted on a hard crank bait. If the barbless hook pointed does, I bet it would be better.

BTW, check out the cotton cordell big o crank bait in black and chrome....if you haven't fished it it will change your world.
PluzZLe Yt
PluzZLe Yt - 7 years ago
Yet another Great Upload by the man! <3
Sasha Vlogs
Sasha Vlogs - 7 years ago
Great video
Tx Bass Pastor
Tx Bass Pastor - 7 years ago
What do you do for a living??
Adam Whitney
Adam Whitney - 7 years ago
I will never get sick of these
Rowan Coetzer
Rowan Coetzer - 7 years ago
Love watching the challanges
Why not try the Rebel frog lure?
Would like to know if it works on that side as well as it works in South Africa
Charsept - 7 years ago
I do this sorta stuff every time I'm out. Big bass fishing gets slow; I break out the nano cranks and tiny jigs and go for crappies and gills.
I've been skunked too many times to ignore the little guys.
GrandStrandCats - 7 years ago
Charsept yep. I'm a catfisherman and the cats school up and go deep during the winter and I can't get to them. I still have to do some fishing even if it's bluegill or other sunfish. Sometimes if I'm lucky I catch a big bass or two
Shawn M
Shawn M - 7 years ago
I just bought one of those tiny lures and I can't wait to try it out.
Jack Bittner
Jack Bittner - 7 years ago
Awesome video!!
Aiden Fleming
Aiden Fleming - 7 years ago
Big bait plz
UpNorth Bassing
UpNorth Bassing - 7 years ago
Enthusiastic Fisherman
Enthusiastic Fisherman - 7 years ago
Man! I wish I had as many subs as you! Great job man!
Tien_Nguyen48 - 7 years ago
How are you still alive? A average lifespans of a G.O.A.T is 15 years
Texas fishing outdoors
Texas fishing outdoors - 7 years ago
Hunter Smith
Hunter Smith - 7 years ago
These episodes are getting a little boring. Some people may think otherwise though. Bring back Big Bait Challenge!
Murky Water TV
Murky Water TV - 7 years ago
Hunter Smith they arent boring and he has been
Rookie Orange
Rookie Orange - 7 years ago
Bailey Thiele
Bailey Thiele - 7 years ago
3rd, and also I don’t understand why people are so bad at writing comments that they feel the need to edit their comment.
Dean the BEAST
Dean the BEAST - 7 years ago
Second, love these challenges! Keep them coming
Bailey Thiele
Bailey Thiele - 7 years ago
David Haigh same
TJ's - 7 years ago

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to TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

About TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)

The "TINY Lure Challenge!!! - Ep.10 (NEW PB!)" video is part of the category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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