This Fish Made my Day!
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 7,221 views
First day fishing on a new tropical island and it couldn't have ended any better! Literally on the last cast of the evening right on sunset a massive fish destroys my popper! The lure was autographed and given to me as a gift by Duncan from FishHeads. He personally caught a 50kg GT! on this exact lure, and although my fish wasn't quite that big it fought like it!!! SUBCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL MORNINGTIDE FISHING MERCH THANKS FOR WATCHING GUYS N GIRLS!!! CHEERS CAVY
My pecker is confused
10. comment for This Fish Made my Day!
20. comment for This Fish Made my Day!
Great video once again mate
could you please tell us why Brooksy is not in morningtide any more?
30. comment for This Fish Made my Day!
Fully Frothed on that Effort Cav !!
Also Duncan from Fish Head is cooler than the other side of the pillow! How sick to catch it on that lure man?? You won that big rock off back in the day against the boys for Duncan’s CSP-220 too haha! You guys are GT brothers in arms!
50. comment for This Fish Made my Day!