Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

Ten tips that can help establish and maintain a successful African Cichlid tank. Taken from some hard won experience. A big shout out to the following YouTube channels that have been very helpful to me: KG Tropicals, Pond Guru, Jay Wilson, Lou9294, Cichlid Madman, Mbuna Marcus, Steve Poland, Robert Lee, IFG, HalfMan HalfCichlid, robOzwrld and those I know I missed (sorry). Resources: How to acclimate: and PondGuru "Pimp Your Canister": Canister set up Tips: Good web reference: FaceBook pages: Tank Talk, Cichlid Nation, Cichlid Insanity, Fish Tank Talk More videos from my channel that you might enjoy: Something funny, "Cichlids are Crack!" More funny: "African Cichlids - 5 Reasons Why You SHOULD NOT Get Into this Hobby!" Canister Filter Tips: "Canister Cleaning & Filter Media Tips" Water Change Tips: "Water Change Day" Defeating Ich: "African Cichlids & Ich - How I Won the Battle!" I now have a Facebook page for my YouTube fish friends: "Ben O'Cichlid" at: I'm also on Instagram: "ben.o.cichlid" Never forget: YOU ROCK!!!

Tropical Fish: 10 Tips sentiment_very_dissatisfied 117

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 348,180 views

Ten tips that can help establish and maintain a successful African Cichlid tank. Taken from some hard won experience. A big shout out to the following YouTube channels that have been very helpful to me: KG Tropicals, Pond Guru, Jay Wilson, Lou9294, Cichlid Madman, Mbuna Marcus, Steve Poland, Robert Lee, IFG, HalfMan HalfCichlid, robOzwrld and those I know I missed (sorry). Resources: How to acclimate: and PondGuru "Pimp Your Canister": Canister set up Tips: Good web reference: FaceBook pages: Tank Talk, Cichlid Nation, Cichlid Insanity, Fish Tank Talk More videos from my channel that you might enjoy: Something funny, "Cichlids are Crack!" More funny: "African Cichlids - 5 Reasons Why You SHOULD NOT Get Into this Hobby!" Canister Filter Tips: "Canister Cleaning & Filter Media Tips" Water Change Tips: "Water Change Day" Defeating Ich: "African Cichlids & Ich - How I Won the Battle!" I now have a Facebook page for my YouTube fish friends: "Ben O'Cichlid" at: I'm also on Instagram: "ben.o.cichlid" Never forget: YOU ROCK!!!

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Most popular comments
for Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

Devon Flaherty
Devon Flaherty - 7 years ago
Thanks Ben!
Pengu - 7 years ago
Would it be good if u put 2 females for every male?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Not something I know a lot about. Some add females, like 3 for every male, and they keep a sub-dominant male in there, and this supposedly brings out the best color. Others say it creates aggression. It's a subject that you'll have to do some research on. Let me know what you thing.
Tony Williams
Tony Williams - 7 years ago
thank you for your tips, I'm really inspired by the beauty of your fish, clarity of your water and over all tank setup. I'm brand new to the cichlid world and loving every minute!
Thanks again, you've gained a new subscriber :)

Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thanks you Tony, much appreciated.
Ryan Stitt
Ryan Stitt - 7 years ago
The "overstock the tank" tip - is that for only african cichlids? I have some tropical south american and central american cichlids and my firemouth is just a total jerk to anything else I put him with.... Maybe I need to overstock the tank?
Ryan Stitt
Ryan Stitt - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart A journey it is!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Ryan, at this point in my fish journey I'm moving a little away from the overstock since it creates other stress, in particular water quality issues. Perhaps that will change as I move into sump filtration. Sometimes, as discussed in my recent "Jerk Fish Award" video, a fish is just EVIL and needs to be re-homed, removed or as I just did, put in a tank where he can be kept in line.
Kyle's aquatics
Kyle's aquatics - 7 years ago
Check out my YouTube channel am starting up Kyle's aquatics
Rand - 7 years ago
KGTropicals says to simply net your fish directly into a tank vs adding some water to their bag water to acclimate the fish to your tank's water chemistry? That's the first person in the fish hobby that I've ever heard recommend that, and I have to say I strongly disagree. It simply defies logic.

Why would one person saying something that is contrary to just about everyone else mean we should listen to the one person? I agree, watch tons of video and read and research, but remember; anyone can put up a video on YouTube and present themselves as an expert. It's up to the viewer to use some common sense and judgement.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I've become a "flop and drop" person and have not lost a single fish since doing so. Here's the science of why that works:
But ultimately, you're right, the advice you follow must be your own.
Tarantula Pabelic
Tarantula Pabelic - 7 years ago
Cool color fishes!!!:)
clubtc05 - 7 years ago
Thank you for making this video. Got a question though, is it okay to use tap water even though it hard water? I am afraid of doing weekly water change because of that and getting fish water is a long drive and alot of work, haha.
Paul Patterson
Paul Patterson - 7 years ago
pretty fish, but seem like dicks. I'll stick to the hippie fish.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Yes, these are not for everybody. I currently have a very mellow assortment of fish, but with African Cichlids that can change in an instant.

10. comment for Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

Ben I need subcribers go on my channel great fish on my channel, like and subscribe. Again you have some beautiful fish
Demigod - 7 years ago
i don't like this is called a hobby, like reading is a hobby, and they talk about them like they're books and not live animals
Demigod - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart yes that sounds much better!!:)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
What should we call it? How about a passion?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you CSH! Much appreciated.
michael mcguire
michael mcguire - 7 years ago
I've got a 125 gallon tank with a fx5 canister filter I want to start an African tank but I don't know much about haps peacocks and mbunas which are these
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
That's a huge question. I suggest you start with a google search and a visit to and start looking at the different types.
With a 125 you could go with Haps and Peacocks or go all Mbuna. Good luck, it's a fun adventure.
ttables2007 - 7 years ago
Wow, awesome video! Do you have any experience with saltwater fish? Thanks!
joe Vasquez
joe Vasquez - 7 years ago
Great video!!!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thanks Joe, I appreciate the kind words.
Animal Lover
Animal Lover - 7 years ago
Hey man just wanted to let you know I'm getting cichlids and this was so helpful I watched all your videos in your description. Thanks so much. :)
bobl78 - 7 years ago
aren´t that too many / too large fish for a 60gal tank ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
No. Plus a larger tank was in the works to phase over into as growth occurred.
Reeny MO
Reeny MO - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank and Very good video! Filtration and overstock is the main things with cichlids. I’ve had cichlids for almost 10 years been through it all. Theyre very aggressive and don’t even think about trying to do a nice aquscape with live plants. I’ve tried about 3 times and nope nope nope hahaha
Reeny MO
Reeny MO - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart wow that stinks! And yes I learned that lesson a couple times lol frustrating but that’s a cichlids for ya! Haha
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
That was an expensive lesson for me. Respected authorities in the hobby assured me that cichlids would leave anubias and java fern alone. They told me that they tasted sour to cichlids. Well my fish didn't get the memo. As soon as they put on size they destroyed the plants. I salvaged what I could and put them in the grow-out tank. The smaller fish seem to ignore them.
call me pops
call me pops - 7 years ago
I added yellow body blue head blue stripes chichlid about 2 inch long to my tank i had already other chiclids in it one in particular is all yellow with black fins and he started vibrating infront of the blue head one and chasing all other chiclids away does that mean its a female or who is female in this case if you can tell me what to look for so i can educate myself thanks
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Well, hard to tell. I've had male fish do their dance around similar looking male fish. I would need to see pictures and ideally some video. Come over the Facebook group page and post it up there. Either myself or some of the helpful members of the group will be happy to comment.

20. comment for Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

juli victoria
juli victoria - 7 years ago
your community is beautiful! why did you call that fish what sounded like 'frontosa'?
I have two very large convict cichlids that look very similar. I'm a novice and trying to learn. thanks for all your tips as well as the lead on sites and forums to learn from.
much appreciated <3
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello Juli. The Frontosa (Cyphotilapia frontosa, sometimes called "front" for short) is a Lake Tanganyika (east Africa) fish.  They get very large and can live many years, like over 20 under excellent conditions.  I ended up giving mine, "Eeyore," away to a friend that had a Front only aquarium.  I believe he will be much happier and thrive in an environment that is specific to Tanganyika fish.  Fronts prefer to live in groups of other Frontosas.  Also, it's not a great idea to mix lakes since conditions and diet requirements can be very different.  I am now 99.9% Lake Malawi.
Thanks for watching and good luck in the hobby.
Robbie Hayes
Robbie Hayes - 7 years ago
on tip 3 but have been given 6
B.A. Cichlids
B.A. Cichlids - 7 years ago
Hey Ben , what is that red fish at the 9:00 mark ?
B.A. Cichlids
B.A. Cichlids - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart ...Thanks Brother .... Beautiful Fish !
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
BENNY AVILES That was my German Red peacock.
B.A. Cichlids
B.A. Cichlids - 7 years ago
Ben ..... It's actually at the 6:05 Mark
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Benny, I can't tell which one you're referring to. Does the fish have spots?
i love coyote peterson
i love coyote peterson - 7 years ago
i think it depends on how many fish you have , i only have three fish so i do bi weekly water changes for my 20 gallon .
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
They should not ever not eat. Either they hate the food, you're feeding too much, or something is wrong. Try feeding less or once a day a smaller amount. If they still don't eat consistently, than skip a day and see if that changes things. Cichlids should devour their food in 10 - 20 seconds.
Even when they are eating great you're still going to have waste in the gravel. The only real solution for that is vacuuming. If you had sand you could run some powerheads low in the tank and that would suspend everything and let the filters suck it up. I do that that in my 135 with a sand bottom and hardly ever have to vacuum. With gravel, because of the space between the rocks, you will always have to vacuum.
i love coyote peterson
i love coyote peterson - 7 years ago
im going to get two more fish so i might have to start doing weekly changes. do you have any tips for keeping food from building up in the gravel ? i feed my chichlids and sometimes they eat alot and sometimes very little , most of the time very little or not at all so the food goes into the gravel and i know that's just more ammonia
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
i love coyote peterson True. It's a balancing act
Ryan Kelly
Ryan Kelly - 7 years ago
Love the positivity here mate. Great video!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Ryan!
Steve Burton
Steve Burton - 7 years ago
What's the purple/pink colour plant called?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
No, but Dustin at Dustin's Fish Tanks or Cory at the Aquarium Co-op would know. They are plant experts.
Steve Burton
Steve Burton - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart .couldn't tell it was a fake plant.searched on internet for something like thinking it was a real you know of any real plants that type of colour for a cichlid tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello Steve, that plant was a high quality plastic plant that has since been removed from the tank and replaced with real anubias.
DUB.REXY21 - 7 years ago
This was a great talk! I feel more comfortable knowing I'm still learning everyday. Thank you from Australia
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello friend down under! Thank you for watching and I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
Jared's channel
Jared's channel - 7 years ago
What kind of substrate is this????
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
It's "caribsea eco-complete cichlid specific" and is mostly shells and coral to buffer the tank. It comes loaded with beneficial bacteria to help jump start the tank.
Cassie Bean
Cassie Bean - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank
Jacob Streiff
Jacob Streiff - 7 years ago
Overstock, I love it! I can get more!

30. comment for Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Holly. Your kind words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.
Cory Summers
Cory Summers - 7 years ago
Can I ask how how u keep that water so clear? is it ph or ppm or ??? Great job though, awesome!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Cory for watching and commenting. You're asking a big question that could be the subject of an entire video. I'll give some basics:
1. Don't overfeed
2. Stay on a regular maintenance schedule that includes filter service, vacuuming the substrate, water changes (I suggest that you keep a log book where you record what and when so you can track changes and keep on your schedule)
3. Use something in your filter that "polishes" your water like Pinky Floss, Poly-fil (untreated crib batting available in fabric stores) and/or a chemical polisher like Seachem Purigen and/or Boyd Enterprises ChemiPure products (I suggest that you set up your filters so that any chemical filtration products are touched last as the water returns to your tank)
4. Be sure that your filters are turning your water over 5 to 10 times per hour. For example, if you have a 50 gallon tank, your filters should be 250 to 500 gph (keeping in mind that the rated gph of your filter will go down when you put media in the unit).
I hope that helps.
audionut - 7 years ago
With canisters I have found getting a better quality one it the got sick of generic canisters getting loud and losing power but they do work good for a while
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
My SunSun's have been strong and trouble free for quite some time. But I have heard horror stories and I'll admit that I love my Fluval FX 6. It's built like a tank.
Tommy Bernatek
Tommy Bernatek - 7 years ago
You kinda sound like the fluval guy
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
LOL, well, I'm not the Fluval guy but he does seem to know a lot about filtration, LOL.
Thanks for watching.
Meade Skelton
Meade Skelton - 7 years ago
These are the most beautiful fish, and hard to believe they are freshwater. They are more vibrant looking than most salt water fish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
That is the best compliment a fresh water fish keeper can get since the colors of salt water fish are spectacular.
Thank you for the kind words, much appreciated!
Marcos Santiago
Marcos Santiago - 7 years ago
I’m thinking about getting a 75gal with these same cichlids... their beautiful! But around how much money would be spending? How much does the filtration system effect ur electric bill??
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Marcos, there are so many variables that make this question very hard to answer with anything more than a wild guess that could be totally off.
Tank and stand, will it be new or used? What kind of lighting, substrate, decor, background, etc. Then there's filtration. HOB, canister, sponge, sump??? Media, inexpensive like scrubbers and pumice or high end like MarinePure or Biohome??? And we haven't even started talking about fish. Would you be stocking with young juvies or colored up adults? Too many factors for a simple answer.
On the cheap, maybe $200 (used tank, a couple of HOB or sponge filters, gravel substrate, juvie fish) all the way to $1,200 with high end new tank, stand, sump and stocked with 5 - 10 colored up males.
Mangesh Saroj
Mangesh Saroj - 7 years ago
My yellow lab is losing color!!! :(
What to do?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hard to say without knowing a lot of data. Water parameters, is he eating, is he being bullied, does he have a cave that is just his (Mbuna like that), is his belly sunken? Lots of factors. How big is he? Is there a chance that's he's old and nearing the end of his life? So many factors to consider.
AlexBirdieBronze - 7 years ago
Ummm, do you name all of those fish? I name all of mine. But you have too many :/
AlexBirdieBronze - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart ofcoure dude.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
BirdieBronze You're right, too many to name all of them. Sometimes they get names. Thanks for watching.
MrSmallpoxSatan - 7 years ago
Great video guy! Subscribed.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you! Appreciated!
Jamal Walker
Jamal Walker - 7 years ago
Thank very much. Great tank! I have a 55 Gallon Mbuna tank. I have been in the hobby for a few years and just took on 9 mbuna ciclids in my tank.
Yolanda White
Yolanda White - 7 years ago
What do you feed them?
Yolanda White
Yolanda White - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank and fish.
Tony Simsek
Tony Simsek - 7 years ago
How do they do with plants?
Jimmy James
Jimmy James - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video Ben, I've just cycled a new 28 gallon 36" long tank and I want to add Cichlids. I have some local basalt, spiderwood, and mixture of sand and ada amazonia substrate. I have no idea how many Cichlids I should add nor what sub-species. This is a tank for my kids so I'd like the most vibrant (and relatively semi-aggressive). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :)
newerafrican - 7 years ago
Incredible water quality!! Those are lucky fish!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Newerafrican!
Pleco Zone
Pleco Zone - 7 years ago
I watched the video! We have the same hobbies. I'm uploading a similar fish video!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello Pleco Zone. I'll check yours out too.
Thanks for stopping by.
hardlivinglife - 7 years ago
I like your positive attitude thank you.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Gotta stay positive. Thanks for watching.
Jo Gu
Jo Gu - 7 years ago
Very nice fish and advice. I like ur number 10. I need to apply that, as i tend to obsess over my tank and forget to enjoy it
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
We all have those moments. We lost power at my house for a few hours yesterday. I had some anxiety going for sure. All turned out well.
Thanks for watching and commenting. It's appreciated.
Xania Astill
Xania Astill - 7 years ago
Lucky I separated my two, when I noticed they were going all hannible on each other, used a clear plastic tank separator n they still try to get each other through that, they used to get on in other tank but eat all the other fish almost so took them out, solitude f Each of them, thank you for video x
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Great that you took action. Thanks for watching.
REEMIKS - 7 years ago
It's like this video was made for me. I also have a 60 gallon tank.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thanks Reemiks.

50. comment for Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

flamepeace - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
B.A. Cichlids
B.A. Cichlids - 7 years ago
Hey Ben that fish at 4:35  ?  What Cichlid is that ?  Dark greyish bluish with yellow finnage ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I think that you're referring to the Lwanda. He was a real handful, rather mean, I ended up giving him away.
flyhigh48212 - 7 years ago
I change water with python water fill n drain. I have confusion about adding conditioner before, after or during the water filling up the tank. Can you please let me know which is the safest option? For now i usually put conditoner after the tank is full.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I suggest that you add as you are filling the tank. To do it after does two(bad) things, it exposes and stresses the fish to whatever is coming out of your tap, and it can harm the beneficial bacteria that you've built up. So, I suggest that you either add while filling or just do a full dose before you start to fill the tank. You really can't overdose, unless you use like 100x the recommended dose. Also, if you're filling from the tap to the tank, be sure to dose for the full volume of the tank, not for the % of water being replaced. For example, I dose for the full 135 gal, even though my water change was only 50%, or 60 - 70 gallons. Hope this helps.
Scum-chan Senpai
Scum-chan Senpai - 7 years ago
This is prob late but what species is the one with the yellow tail? Its a beautiful fish and looks saltwater.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Not positive which one you are referring to...
Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler - 7 years ago
I love your videos. They're super helpful and you have an awesome voice. Thanks!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Rose! Very nice of you.
DoNnEgRoW - 7 years ago
i bought a frontosa about an 1 1/2" a week ago and noticed he hadt a cloudy left eye last night and came home after work with melafix and pimafix and was dead. He was with 18 one inch yellow labs and kenyi's, and one 4 inch yellow lab. I wonder what happend. Just checked the water parameters (ph 8.2, amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 80ppm) .that was my first most expensive fish from having common cichlids, any recomendations on giving it another shot. or did i do something wrong? Thanks
75 gal
seachem prime
seachem cichild lake salt
fluval 306
temp 78-80
DoNnEgRoW - 7 years ago
Hey Ben he did not come with the cloudy eye from the lfs, and i guess your prob right about him bumping on something since him and the 4 inch yellow lab would chase each other occasionally. Funny thing was that the frontosa would stay real close to the yellow lab like provoking him. I did a 40% water change yesterday, thanks for the advice will do. I had seen the frontosa's in KGtropicals and thought i would be fine and then seen them in this video and I'm like i need to do this again :) but maybe not
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
He came with the cloudy eye or did he get it in your tank? If he got it in your tank, he might have bumped something or been attacked and hurt. It that was the case, he was probably under stress. I'm just guessing here ... I do suggest a 60 - 75% water change to bring those nitrates down. Other measurements look good. Fronts are from a different lake and prefer to be in groups with other Fronts.
DoNnEgRoW - 7 years ago
beautiful tank! would you please tell me the name of all the gray looking fish and the tiger looking fish names please? thanks :)
DoNnEgRoW - 7 years ago
0:19 - 0:25 gray and yellow fins
thanks for the info ;)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
If you give me a timestamp (where do they appear on the video) I'll take a look. I suspect that the gray fish you're referring to is a Buccochromis nototaenia and the "tiger" ones are my Clown loaches.
Téa M
Téa M - 7 years ago
Do you name all of your fish?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Only a few (but usually I don't).
Téa M
Téa M - 7 years ago
This helped a lot, thx for making this video!
Luis Suarez
Luis Suarez - 7 years ago
Is Ben actually Alec Baldwin?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Luis Suarez LOL!
The Meme Informer
The Meme Informer - 7 years ago
Hey I know this is an old video, but how many african cichlids would you recommend for a 75 gallon?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Just one man's opinion ... around 15 - 20 with great filtration (10x gph filtration) and weekly water changes. The very big haps, like Fusco, Malawi Trout, etc, probably should go in a bigger tank, but Z Rocks, VC 10's, Red Fin Borley's, and smaller haps can be mixed in there. Good luck.
Mamie Fletcher
Mamie Fletcher - 7 years ago
We just bought 4 of them, trying to learn about them ,they will shoot across the thank so fast, like their scared of something, scares the hell outta me,what's up with that? I just got them cause they look like big azz gold fish!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Be sure that you don't have any rocks in your tank with sharp edges. Cichlids can really damage themselves when the get startled.
Snow Snow
Snow Snow - 7 years ago
Gorgeous aquarium
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Snow Snow!
Daniil Ant
Daniil Ant - 7 years ago
Can Africa cichlids live in the same tank with gold fish, Please help me.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Daniil Ant I wouldn't, eventually the Cichlids will start to destroy those goldfish. Plus the water needs and diet requirements might be very different. That being said, I'm not a goldfish expert. Cory at the Aquarium Co-Op would be a much better source of info on GF.
Donnie Kimbrough
Donnie Kimbrough - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank and fish. Quality video. My goal is a large cichlids tank sometime next year. I just setup a 29 gallon community. Thanks.
Donnie Kimbrough
Donnie Kimbrough - 7 years ago
Will do. Thanks.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Feel free to ask questions during your set up process or come to the "Ben O'Cichlid" Facebook group page where other fish keepers can provide advice.
Ian James
Ian James - 7 years ago
Substrate isn't very clown coach friendly.
Ian James
Ian James - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart it's not that I don't like it. I just think finer substrate is better for loach
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Check out some of my more recent videos and see if you like that substrate.
skiboyscuba - 7 years ago
I'm getting back into the hobby. Thanks for this video upload.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You are very welcome.
Donise Everett
Donise Everett - 7 years ago
great video, thank you!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Donise.
Hunter - 7 years ago
How many cichlids do you have in your tank right now and how many peacocks would you recommend for a 55 with 3 clown loaches?
Hunter - 7 years ago
Ok Thanks!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
H K in this set up there were around 15. This tank is now being used as a grow out tank. I'd say 10 - 15 Peacocks would be okay with regular maintenance and good filtration that turns the tank over 5 to 10 times an hour. Just one man's opinion.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello, my stock list has changed over the years (see some of my more current videos for an update) but in this tank I had a Yellow Benga, a German Red, an OB, an Electric Blue and a few others. I would recommend that you stick with Peacocks in a 60 gal (maybe a few of the smaller Haps, like the Electric Blue and Z Rock). I would also recommend a Lemon Jake, a Ruby Red (if you can't find a German) and an Otter Point. If you end up with around 10 to 15 peacocks and filtration that turns the tank over 5 - 10 times per hour and do your weekly water changes (30 - 40 %), you'll be fine.
Zoha - 7 years ago
Wow I can't believe in my eyes that tank is tooo perfect
IOS Game Reviews
IOS Game Reviews - 7 years ago
Farhan ok thanks I might buy me some soon
IOS Game Reviews
IOS Game Reviews - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart where's the water
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thanks Farhan.
Jizzus Christ
Jizzus Christ - 7 years ago
you should overstock because it stresses the fish less....yeahh right, makes sense /s
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Jizzus Christ Different taste and different opinions, but thanks for watching.
Jizzus Christ
Jizzus Christ - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart it is still stressful for the fish and i think it doesnt look as Gold. If you only have one male and a few females of a kind and maybe a male and some females of another kind there should be no concurrence between them.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Spreads aggression and helps prevent a fish singling out another of fish. This would certainly be done in a reasonable fashion (the tank in the video is technically "overstocked") and would have to include proper (extra) filtration and maintenance such as frequent and regular water changes. Does that make sense?
adam newell
adam newell - 7 years ago
can i just say that cichlids dont live in open waters. they live in lakes that are full or rocks and driftwood and all other things. so they like caves and vines to be able hide and swim in and out of
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hiding spots are mostly rocks that they can squeeze under or between. Lake Malawi is enormous (11,429 square miles) that's a lot of open water. Not much drift wood. Check this out:
Lucio Martinez
Lucio Martinez - 7 years ago
como saber el sexo de ciclidos comandos...?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hay un modo pero yo no se como. Para me solamente espero para color pero eso puede tomar mucho tiempo. Por esta razon mucha gente compra adultos.
Kyle Parker
Kyle Parker - 7 years ago
Even after my tank is cycled
Kyle Parker
Kyle Parker - 7 years ago
So if I add 4 fish at once, will I get an ammonia spike that crashes at tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
No. You shouldn't. A cycled tank should be able to support the addition of 4 fish without too much of an overload on the beneficial bacteria. Certainly test your water as you add stock, but, in my opinion, adding 4 will not crash a cycled tank.
Nikolas Pradipto
Nikolas Pradipto - 7 years ago
How to feed the loaches? Mine never get the food because the chiclid eat like crazy
Nikolas Pradipto
Nikolas Pradipto - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart Than you.. Just realized my loaches is very skinny compared to yours. Very nice tank btw
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I feed to both sides of the tank. When everybody is busy on the right, I toss some in on the left. I also throw in some kelp wafers, so the loaches always get something.
sharon terry
sharon terry - 7 years ago
also i heard that overstocking can be useful to mbuna but that the main priority is to make sure all the fish have a cave to hide, sleep, breed etc.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Yes, they love their nooks and caves. One fellow built them upward, stacked the caves, like condos, and the fish claimed one and that became their hang out.
sharon terry
sharon terry - 7 years ago
A really good informative video. 2 questions. I have heard that changing hardscape will breed insecurity among my fish which are malawi cichlids.. 2 I have heard not to overdose tank with dechlorinator. although i slightly do at times. what is your opinion on these question? thx for a good video.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hallo Sharon, I heard that changing things around can mix up things and curb aggression. I haven't, from personal experience, found that to be true. I recently moved some things around in the 135gal and the Otter Point went absolutely nuts and started going after everything, even fish that are much larger. When I put the large rock back on the right side, he calmed right down. Regarding overdosing dechlorinator, I use Seachem Safe and sometimes Prime and I don't thing that you can overdose those products. I make it a rule to stick to the recommended doses. For example, because I use an Aqueon hose from tap to tank system, I have to dose for the entire vol. of the tank, even though I"m only replacing 40% of the water. But Seachem suggests to dose that way when going tap to tank directly.
Randall Huff
Randall Huff - 7 years ago
I always wondered how the stores had so many aggressive fish in one tank. I am looking to get back into a larger tank (75 gal). I think you have inspired me to try African cychlids. Love all the fish colors. Thanks
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Hello Randall, Come over to the FB page and you can get some advice along the way. Good luck.
Willi Billi
Willi Billi - 7 years ago
wondering - what type of "bottom gravel" do you use and is that a real plant or plastic?
Thanks for the great tips!!
Willi Billi
Willi Billi - 7 years ago
thanks for your response!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I believe the plants in that tank were plastic. The substrate is "Caribsea eco-complete - Cichlid Specific"
Jessica Johnson
Jessica Johnson - 7 years ago
Can you please tell me what type of fish could go with African Cichlids? The people I buy my fish from said they can't go with ANYTHING and I don't believe that.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Well, they might be right to an extent. I've mixed in Clown Loaches, plecos and just recently a synodontis catfish. But, otherwise, in my journey, not only do I only keep African Cichlids, but I am moving into a sub-category and will eventually have haplochromis only and peacock only tanks. Anything else you put in there is a risk that it will get killed.
That being said, there certainly is a lot of variety among African Cichlids that you will have plenty to choose from.
chris A A
chris A A - 7 years ago
Very nice tank. I just set up a 75 gal after a 10 year break and will be stocking it with Africans . Looking forward to it. Thanks for the info.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You're welcome Chris. Feel free to come over to the "Ben O'Cichlid" FBook group if we can be of any assistance.
Tim Vleugels
Tim Vleugels - 7 years ago
how many mbunas would you put in a 125g? im at 14 so far + 4 clown loaches
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
This is just a guess, but I think, IMO, that you could go with 20 - 30 and be okay. You might, as the bio-load increases you might want to increase WC % to 30 - 40%
Tim Vleugels
Tim Vleugels - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart 8x water volume filtered with hydra filtration, because of that filter 2x 20% a week
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Not an easy question. How often do you do a WC? How much water do you change? What's your filtration? Too many factors to consider.
Anny Maslowski
Anny Maslowski - 7 years ago
Is that a live plant you have in the tank? I love it
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
No, at this stage I was using only plastic. In my more recent videos you will see live anubias plants.
Juan Jose Cid
Juan Jose Cid - 7 years ago
nice video thanks a lot help me soo much i really need to know all of this cuz i wanna set up the same tank thank you
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Juan.
Matthew Sharp
Matthew Sharp - 7 years ago
thanks for the info what are the smaller orange and black striped fish i love em
andrew padilla
andrew padilla - 7 years ago
Matthew Sharp you can pretty much put clown loaches with anything. They get along with everything from my experience.
Matthew Sharp
Matthew Sharp - 7 years ago
I've read that too I will probably get 4
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Matthew Sharp I'm not sure how they would do with SAs. I've only kept them with ACs and the ACs leave them alone. I do know that Clowns do much better in groups of 3 or more.
Matthew Sharp
Matthew Sharp - 7 years ago
After I left that comment I started googling lol I found out what they was thanks I will be getting some can they be tank mates with South American chichlids??
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Matthew Sharp I love them too. They add color and diversity and they clean up, like catfish. They are Clown Loaches.
Avy Aulonocara
Avy Aulonocara - 7 years ago
I just want all your rocks... and that one OB with all the beautiful oranges, pinks, and the blue head. It wants to live with me.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
LOL! Thanks for watching and commenting Avy!
Kenny Pyatt
Kenny Pyatt - 7 years ago
i acted too slow and my little electric blue one is dieing im very sad and is there a certain breed that is black with blue stripes bc idk
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear. Are you referring to the  Demasoni cichlid pershaps?
Ben Hoeft
Ben Hoeft - 7 years ago
Where did you get your fish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Many sources. Recently I've used my local fish store, Live Fish Direct and Tampa Bay Cichlids. I've also seen some good reviews recently for Cunningham Cichlids, The Wonder of Cichlids, The Cichlid Shack and Southeast Cichlids.
The Tank Files
The Tank Files - 7 years ago
Great looking set up. Just got back into keeping African Cichlids myself. Hoping to get a breeding set up going. Thanks for the Info!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You are welcome and good luck with your new venture.
Ray Calligan
Ray Calligan - 7 years ago
I'm not sure a Clown Loach is a good tank mate for African Cichlids. Clown Loaches require a lower ph of 5-7 while Africans need a higher ph in the high 7's.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Mine seem to have really thrived.
Thanks for watching.
Gurg Mesh
Gurg Mesh - 7 years ago
My chiclid died yesterday, he was 14 years old :[
Gurg Mesh
Gurg Mesh - 7 years ago
+Ben Ochart​ Thank you. That makes me feel not as sad :]
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
That's amazing that he lived that long. As Dr. Seuss once said, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." 14 years is an incredible run for a fish kept in a glass box and attests to your exceptional fish keeping skills.
Glendaly Pudsey
Glendaly Pudsey - 7 years ago
loved this video!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you GP, I appreciate the kind words.
4S _
4S _ - 7 years ago
hello, I have a Malawi cichlid tank that has 3 females (one sulfurhead, one Red zebra, one Red Top hongi) and 1 male sulfurhead, a Pygmy Leopard catfish and a common pleco. My male is REALLY territorial and I was wondering how many fish you would suggest per gallon (if the fish are between 3-5 inches.)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Too many factors to consider and there's no simple answer. Filtration, total potential size of the fish, cleaning schedule, compatibility of the fish, etc.
What is the size of your tank? Are there a lot of nooks, caves and hiding spots?
MnM Cichlids
MnM Cichlids - 7 years ago
This actually first video I ever watched about African Cichlids. Great video Ben.
MnM Cichlids
MnM Cichlids - 7 years ago
It is a pleasure. If you get a moment drop by and watch one of my videos. I would really appreciate some constructive criticism Thanks Ben.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you so much MnM and welcome to the YouTube cichlid universe. It is loaded with content. Some accurate and informative and some a total waste of time. All fun regardless.
I appreciate you stopping by my channel!
Gold Universe 7
Gold Universe 7 - 7 years ago
Nice tank
Nemo Vanlenten
Nemo Vanlenten - 7 years ago
my fish store done have big rocks like in your tanks where can I find them
Nemo Vanlenten
Nemo Vanlenten - 7 years ago
Thanks again my tanks super clean and crystal clear and yes I have African Cichlids I just need more rocks
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
If I could start over I'd avoid lava rock. I'll tell you why. It has sharp points and ACs get into chases and sometimes get startled and dart around. This can result in eyes getting scratched, scrapes, cuts, etc. I'd recommend lime stone or other kinds of rocks that are smooth.
Nemo Vanlenten
Nemo Vanlenten - 7 years ago
Thank you yes I do have African cichlids.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Ebay can off nice size lava rock. Just search "Lava Rock" and check with the seller to make sure that what they are offering is safe for fish. You still want to give them a scrub down when you get them. You might want to consider limestone as well since it doesn't have sharp edges and it releases minerals into the water that can help with keeping pH where it should be (if you're going with African Cichlids).
Mihael Mihalovic
Mihael Mihalovic - 7 years ago
Very usefull tips, thanks for that! What is the plant on the right btw?
Toby_1122 - 7 years ago
Will these mix with guppies and neon tetras
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Toby_1122 Only if you're using the guppies and neons as food.

100. comment for Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

corina waugh
corina waugh - 7 years ago
I have 20 gal I bought blue african chiclid a stripped demasoni and a beige elgea as per pet smart person home 3 days african killed my elgea my demasoni is staying in one corner and african is digging up gravel and plants and swimming around back and forth tank I was told cause sz of tank because we were Betta lovers before and now recently chiclid we are wondering if behavior is normal? and your comment about having more how many over stock could I put in my now I'm worried for demasoni as I also read about mating if they are male and female they won't breed correct? Thanks for viewing my comment and expressing your view or advice in advance..
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Not sure that I entirely understand the question but I do know that a 20 gal is much too small for African Cichlids. They are very territorial and there's just not enough area in there, so the strongest will claim the entire tank and bully the other fish into a corner (or just kill them).
Regimen Gonzalez
Regimen Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Good vibes man keep it up!.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you RG, I appreciate the encouragement!
C. Jerome Williams - Digital Visual Effects Compositor/Arch. Job Captain/Photographer
C. Jerome Williams - Digital Visual Effects Compositor/Arch. Job Captain/Photographer - 7 years ago
Very Nice, great looking collection bro.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Jerome, much appreciated!
William Beauregard
William Beauregard - 7 years ago
those are some awesome looking fish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
William Beauregard Thank you!
Seth Overbeek
Seth Overbeek - 7 years ago
I have a 60 gallon tank 48"L x 12"w x 24"H. I have a lot of hiding spots. What is a good stocking list for this tank. and how many??
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Seth, that's a huge question with lots of variables. I'd go Peacocks or Mbuna. Lots of rocks and caves if you go Mbuna. More open space with Peacocks.
Filtration, how often you do water changes, filter maintenance, all those things will impact how many fish you can keep in there. Personally, I pick up 15 - 20 nice young ones and let them grow up in there.
Budder People
Budder People - 7 years ago
Hello, I have a 29 gallon tank and was gonna buy some African cichlids. I was wondering what those fish sight the stripes are in the tank. Are they Panda Corydoras??
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Budder People I think that you are referring to my Clown Loaches.
Steve Lawrence
Steve Lawrence - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank! Thanks for the tips!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You are welcome. I hope they help.
kirsti farrar
kirsti farrar - 7 years ago
Hi nice tank beautiful fish subscribed I'm new to this whole posting on youtube thing so any subscriptions welcome ☺️
Treatz Gaming
Treatz Gaming - 7 years ago
So you add water conditioner before adding tap water. That's good to know I was adding bits to each bucket (I'm getting a hose system soon haha)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
When using a hose I add to the tank as I'm adding the water. When using buckets I dose each bucket.
When filling from a hose from tap to tank you dose for the full volume of the tank (not just for the amount that is being added).
Geoffrey Jenkins
Geoffrey Jenkins - 7 years ago
Thank you for the tips Ben,you have a wealth of knowledge,
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Geoffrey Jenkins Thank you for the kind words. Like everyone in the hobby, I'm always learning.
WaldoUnited - 7 years ago
Wow you have a really messed up mix of fish. I get the dithers but mbuna+haps+peacocks+tangankens? wtf man. Tip 11 pick a fish type and stick to it.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
WaldoUnited LOL, watch one of my more recent videos. I promise you'll find them far less disturbing.
Shannon Collins
Shannon Collins - 7 years ago
Thank you for all your advice. It was much needed by me.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You are very welcome.
Lenio Trigoli
Lenio Trigoli - 7 years ago
hi Ben, I'm new to this type a fishs , what ph level you keep in your tank, and the temperature, thanks
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I run my tank at around 78 degrees F. My pH is averaging 7.8 or 7.9.
Good luck with African Cichlids. They are challenging but very beautiful.
Michael.___ Saad
Michael.___ Saad - 7 years ago
What plants would be beneficial to a cichlid tank? And would sand be good as bedding for the tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
All varieties of Anubias and Java Fern will do okay in a cichlid tank. Also, with the 135 gallon, I started using sand and I really like it. It seems to stay a lot cleaner and the fish love sifting through it.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
James R. Warren Jr.
James R. Warren Jr. - 7 years ago
Great video! I just recently, yesterday, lost my last Butterfly. Had it for almost 10 years! Wish I would have watches videos like this before setting up my tank. I'm a former Oscar and Pacu hobbyist, but had to switch up species because my wife was getting afraid of having these monsters in the house, LOL. So I'm still learning about African Cichlids. Keep the videos coming!
James R. Warren Jr.
James R. Warren Jr. - 7 years ago
Awesome! Thanks.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
37 gal will be good for growing them out, but you'll want a bigger tank in a year. In the meantime, with some sand and rock work (hiding spots) you could go with 7 - 8 Mbuna, maybe Electric Yellow Labs, some Yellow Tails, and a few more of the more peaceful labs. Gotta think long term, just in case you don't get that bigger tank. Peacocks and Haps would outgrow that size very quickly.
If you don't mind the sound of water, a good HOB filter (hang on back) would do the trick and they are easy to clean.
If you're pH needs buffering, go with crushed coral or aragonite as a substrate to help raise pH.
Go to and get an Eheim-Jaeger 200 watt heater on sale. You'll be set to go.
James R. Warren Jr.
James R. Warren Jr. - 7 years ago
Yes, keep them coming! I want to restart my African Cichlid tank any ideas on substrates, community size (I have a 37 gallon tank), filters, etc?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Sorry about that Butterfly, but very well done to you for giving it such a long life in a tank!
I'll keep the videos coming and I thank you for the encouragement.
zhewitt4235 - 7 years ago
Nice Video. Been keeping Africans for 3 years and found some good tips in your video. I also agree with your tips.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you. I'm glad you've been helped, that is the purpose of my channel (and to have some fun).
Busta Ruckus
Busta Ruckus - 7 years ago
Can you list all the species and brief color description in your description?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Busta Ruckus Here's the most recent stock update:
Nina Marmolejo
Nina Marmolejo - 7 years ago
lmao i do #1 all the time
lgassen231 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video! I've recently become much more interested in my girlfriend's smaller 30 gallon African Cichlid tank. We had 6 cichlids between 2.5" and 4" (my best guess). We recently bought 2 more smaller Cichlids about 1.5" and 2". How many smaller Cichlids do you think a 30g tank can hold? She thinks the tank is about full but I feel like we could have 4 to 6 more(overstock?). Also, we bought more pellet food, but noticed that the last bag had smaller pellets that float to the bottom "for smaller Cichlids". I'm wondering if I should get some smaller pellets to accommodate the new smaller Cichlids. Also, I sometimes hear that when they are young you should "power feed" them but as they are older you have to watch how much you feed them; does this mean I shouldn't have the smaller Cichlids in the same tank as the larger Cichlids(smallest is about 1.5" and largest around 4")? They all get along fine and haven't seen any fish being aggressive towards other fish. Thanks again!
lgassen231 - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart Thanks Ben. I really appreciate the response and videos. I'm planning on looking at a used 75 Gallon this weekend!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Those fish are all going to get a lot bigger, so unless you have a larger tank to move them to, you might want to stick with what you've got. .
Yes, I feed my fry / juvies twice a day and I feed the adult fish in the 135 once a day.
That's good on the aggression. Another reason not to mess with things. More fish will shake up the territories.
22ndifante - 7 years ago
Hi Ben I love your tank very beautiful! I was wondering what would be a good way to lower water hardness in my tank. I have a brand new 55 and I am fairly new to keeping cichlids and I want to do everything right I was also wondering how many fish you would recommend for my tank I was thinking around 26 would that be OK? thank you for your help!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Depends on what fish you put in there. If you're putting just Mbuna with a lot of rock work and caves, then, maybe, 20 + might work, but that number might be too many for peacocks and certainly too much for Haps, especially if you get some of the ones that get bigger.
I'm curious, what is your current pH? I ask because most African Cichlid keeper are trying to raise pH, not lower it. Ideal pH should be around 7.8 - 8.2. Where is yours at?
Limitless Kings
Limitless Kings - 7 years ago
Hey Ben I wanted to know where can I order AC I live in the Tampa area.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Try David Estes at Tampa Bay Cichlids. He's on line at
Good luck.
Fred Hajji
Fred Hajji - 7 years ago
great advice ben. your tank and fish are beautiful
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Fred, I appreciate the kind words and your support of my channel.
Ray Ray
Ray Ray - 7 years ago
just subbed you. thanks for the info.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Canon_Ray you're welcome and thanks for the sub!
dannyg - 7 years ago
that blue electric is making me miss mine...:(
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
He's a real stunner. They are one of the fish that from time to time show up at local fish stores and big box stores like petco and petsmart. Keep an eye out and you'll find one for sure. Mine was like $7 at petco.
Torrence McSwain
Torrence McSwain - 7 years ago
I just purchased a 90 gallon specifically for cichlids. What is a good over stock number to shoot for??? Also, what are some good support fish??? Corys? Plecos? Maybe an African butterfly? Also, when I do water changes, I dose in the bucket for the amount that's in the bucket, then I dose the remainder after all the water is added. When using a water change system like the aqueon, do you dose the full amount before added tap water and do you turn off your cans while you perform a water change???
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Also, on the canisters during WC, I tend to leave them on but some prefer to turn off. I don't think I'm harming the BB in the cans because the water I'm adding is getting conditioned as I add it (and my local water tests near zero on chlorine). When I do a large WC I do have to turn them off because they stop pulling water when the level gets too low.
Torrence McSwain
Torrence McSwain - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart thanks so much Ben. Great vids and tips
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Torrence McSwain That's a lot of question...
The number of fish depends on the type of fish, filtration, and the maintenance schedule you're going to stick to.
With an Fluval FX6 or a couple SunSun 704B's, monthly canister maintenance and twice a week water changes, you could support a lot of fish in a 90 gal. That's a big time and $ commitment.
How many fish? Just a guess, with some rocks and cave work you could put, IMO, 25 - 30 Mbuna. However, Peacocks get bigger and Haps even bigger (some too big for a 90 gal), so with less rockwork maybe 20 Peacocks or 15 haps. All just my opinion and you should research each fish. The next guy will tell you 35 Haps...
Support fish...synodontis catfish. I have clown loaches but they're strictly speaking a soft water fish. I've also had success with green plecos. Both the pleco and the clowns get huge and would eventually need a new home.
Regarding water changes, get a python, not an aqueon. The python is better quality. Dose your water conditioner for the full 90 gallons, adding it as you are refilling the tank. Buckets are too much work.
Good luck and have fun.
putnamehere hold ma doodle
putnamehere hold ma doodle - 7 years ago
I love red devils and flower horns you ever owned them. I'm going to get another red devil soon.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Never owned one.
I once saw a video of a flowerhorn doing tricks. One very smart fish.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Deo Singgih
Deo Singgih - 7 years ago
that was it. they turn the ally mode on and beat up the new guy. i wonder.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Yes, just like that first day at school for the new kid. It's not easy.
Thanks for watching.
Ian R
Ian R - 7 years ago
It is incredible how important overstocking is with Africans
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
FX 6 is perfect! Thanks for the sub, much appreciated!
Ian R
Ian R - 7 years ago
Really like your style, I subbed. I have an FX6 on my 110G ... how about that for overfiltration
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
And understanding all that goes with that like extra water changes, extra filtration (and extra cost).
Thanks for watching!
Gregory Keet
Gregory Keet - 7 years ago
Interesting that you have large gravel as your substrate when they naturally shift finer sand as part of their behavior. Maybe have a look at that.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Gregory Keet They shift it around quite a bit, but take a look at the 135 gal in my more recent videos. You'll like what I did :-)
C Ris
C Ris - 7 years ago
great video! what are the little orange and black striped guys swimming around the bottom? they almost look like a catfish of some sort?!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Those are Clown Loaches and they are the "catfish" of my aquarium. I tried cory cats but they were beaten up by the cichlids. The Clowns are left alone by the cichlids.
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 7 years ago
Those are great fish.. sub'd up and wanted to say hello .. great fish keeping , keep up the great work :) stop by my channel sometime and check out my sponsor store tour and more :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you and I will check out your channel.
Omar Torres
Omar Torres - 7 years ago
Love the Setup. Would you mind sharing your Fish list. You have some I am not entirely sure what their names are. Second what type of 60 Gallon tank did you end up going with? Thanks again
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Omar. The fish stock list has changed since this video was filmed. Check out my more recent video and see if there's a particular fish you are interested in.
The 60 gal. was purchased from a local tank maker, I think they're called "Master Tanks" (not entirely sure). I wanted black silicone, otherwise I think most tanks are pretty good. My 135 is an old tank that I resealed with black silicone. You can see it in my newer videos.
Thanks for watching.
Peter Shannon
Peter Shannon - 7 years ago
Thks for your comments, I have seachem buffer and purchased a large rock from my local pet store to help raise my PH.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
What kind of rock? So, like lava rock, don't buffer. Limestone however is a good buffer.
Peter Shannon
Peter Shannon - 7 years ago
One of your tips worries me, 40-50% water change seems extreme for me. I also have a 60G tank and my tap water seems to be a bit on the low PH side. Adding so much water at once I would think could shock them?? I do 15% weekly, is that too little? How many fish do you have total right now, is 30 a good number or too much? Thks for your comments
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Peter Shannon Hello. Your concern is a valid one. I have a higher pH from the tap so my water changes are less likely to create a big pH shift. Do you add baking powder or have limestone or coral in your tank to buffer?
Peter Shannon
Peter Shannon - 7 years ago
Thanks for your video, it has been extremely helpful!! You are the man!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You are welcome Peter and my favorite kind of comment is one like yours where someone says that my info was helpful. That's actually why I make the videos (except for my funny ones which are me just goofing around). Thanks for watching!
JuJu Bes
JuJu Bes - 7 years ago
They are so beautiful man
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you VV!
Izzy mmoja mwaminifu Irons
Izzy mmoja mwaminifu Irons - 7 years ago
A very wise vidoes that has a beginner like my more laid back and enjoying what journey I have chosen to take part in. I thank you for this video and enjoy your other ones as well. I actually watched this video twice and probably would again lol great stuff!!!
Limitless Kings
Limitless Kings - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart I wanted to asked you where do you get your fish from
Izzy mmoja mwaminifu Irons
Izzy mmoja mwaminifu Irons - 7 years ago
You are very welcomed and the thanks goes to you!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Izzy, I really appreciate the kind words and find them encouraging.
I often re-visit videos from other YouTubers and I'll get something different out of the second viewing because I've gained more experiences to compare things to.
Thanks for watching and supporting the channel.
Dee mus
Dee mus - 7 years ago
very nice tank...I would like to know what kind if substrate you have in your tank...I read somewhere that sand is more ideal for cichlids...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Dee mus This is a "Cichlid specific" substrate, but if you watch my more recent videos you'll see a new 135 gallon tank with a sand (black aragonite). a Also, below the more recent videos I list the details of each tank, including substrate.
Thanks for watching.
curly787 - 7 years ago
your advice, your attitude, the comments you make....excellent....a true asset to the hobby
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you so much curly!
craig mauldin
craig mauldin - 7 years ago
why did my bumble bee turn totaly black with darker black stripes??
Arnold Flores
Arnold Flores - 7 years ago
craig mauldin this happens when they are stressed out. probably being bullied by another fish.
Christopher Junior
Christopher Junior - 7 years ago
craig mauldin ready to breed
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I'm not too familiar with bumble bees. I do know that Auratus will go from yellow to black as they get older if they are a male.
Tracy Riffel
Tracy Riffel - 7 years ago
Hi Ben, Thanks for the video. I've watched it several times and it has really helped in the care of my tank. I'm fairly new to African cichlids. I started a couple of years ago with your typical fresh water tetras etc and about 2 months ago I got a 55 gallon to get cichlids. I have cichlid sand as substrate and rocks. I'm using a fluval 306 (for 70 gallons). (I will be getting another fluval here shortly as you suggested in your video.) I have a pretty good stock of around 25 fish. My water is reading is normal. Sometimes the ammonia is reading a shade of green (one above normal) on the API test kit and I do a water change which brings that back to normal. I followed your suggestion of fasting and the number of water changes per month. I too, waited to long to get the python system. What a difference. Anyway, I wanted to ask if there is something I am doing incorrectly. All of my cichlids are looking like they are chewing. They are swimming around but they look like they are chewing or gasping or something. I am pretty sure they aren't holding as my males are doing the same thing. They aren't at the top of the tank doing this. My water is crystal clear. I just don't want them to be unhappy and if this is normal then great but I've noticed in the 100's of videos I've watched, that this isn't normal. I can't seem to google this question correctly because all of the answers are dealing with fish at the top of the tank which is not the case for mine. Thank you and feel free to ask me anything. -Tracy
Tracy Riffel
Tracy Riffel - 7 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply! I was a little reluctant to ask online because people can be jerks sometimes and have been so i just read and see if other people have asked the questions I have. People get so ridiculous at times. I'm too old for that s#!t, :) Anyway, When I heard your tip about people acting that way, I thought I would ask you. I did put the same question out on Cichlid nation. They all responded the same as you did. I just added a bubbler and have already noticed a difference. They are already more active and the gasping is slowing down if not stopped. I didn't know how important water agitation was. I'm headed to grab a check valve and a nicer bubbler. Again, Thank you so much. I've subscribed to your channel.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Tracy, I'm glad that you have found my videos helpful.
Regarding the chewing ... the only thing that I can think of is a that you're a bit short on oxygen. If you were real low they would be at the top gasping, but you can also be a little low and they will not go to the top but still have to work a little harder to get the oxygen that they need.
What are you doing currently to break up surface water tension in the tank? Filter outputs? Power heads? Bubblers? Let me know and I'll help if I can.
You might also want to tap the knowledge available at Facebook group pages, like my group, "Ben O'Cichlid" or "The Aquatic Lounge" (Jay Wilson's group), "IFG Tips & Tricks" (Eaven Alexander's, "IFG" group) and Tank Talk (John Hudson's group / KGTropicals on Youtube).
Some Fishy - Discus
Some Fishy - Discus - 7 years ago
Hey Ben ...You have a beautiful tank it is a pleasure watching your tank. Keep going. I have subbed to your channel.

Have a look at my Electochromis Molimo

Sub to me as well
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I checked out your video. Very nice. Sub'd you back ;)
Christina Rutherford
Christina Rutherford - 7 years ago
Gorgeous fish!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Salem Almaskari
Salem Almaskari - 7 years ago
Cool tank love the simplicity of your tank and love this yellow fish.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you Salem!
st85100 - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing Ben. Just bought an aquarium and plan on cichlids. Funny, I'm already obsessing over the tank and water and don't even have cichlids yet. Great video!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
The hobby should relax you, not stress you out, right!?
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Fish Addicts
Fish Addicts - 7 years ago
fishermanroly - 7 years ago
How many gallons? I want to do this in my 280 gallon tank your video is inspiring.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
fiishermanroly Thank you. This is a 60 gallon. I've also starred a 135 gal that you can see in my more recent videos. Check it out.
fishermanroly - 7 years ago
man that's a nice Tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thank you !
K Moody
K Moody - 7 years ago
I have 3 cichilds.... a green terror a firemouth and a jack demp. two are new and the green terror I've had for a month when i put the the two new ones in the tank the green...well it's a one vs two...and the green is the problem he is fighting both and winning...what can i do ?
K Moody
K Moody - 7 years ago
I have 3 cichilds.... a green terror a firemouth and a jack demp. two are new and the green terror I've had for a month when i put the the two new ones in the tank the green...well it's a one vs two...and the green is the problem he is fighting both and winning...what can i do ?
K Moody
K Moody - 7 years ago
I have 3 cichilds.... a green terror a firemouth and a jack demp. two are new and the green terror I've had for a month when i put the the two new ones in the tank the green...well it's a one vs two...and the green is the problem he is fighting both and winning...what can i do ?
K Moody
K Moody - 7 years ago
thanks ben
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I don't think Terrors can really play well with anybody. I'm not an expert on New World or South American cichlids but what I've come across seems to indicate that Terrors can even kill their mates.
Do a little research on them would be my first suggestion. You might have to keep him alone or rehome him to be able to have other fish.
carmalethia craigs
carmalethia craigs - 7 years ago
thanks for information. i have convits. ... should i get a bigger filter i have a 55 gallon.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You're welcome. Convicts are certainly popular. Very pretty fish but I've never owned one.
Regarding filtration, try to go with 10 times tank volume. In other words, go with a filter or filters that will give you GPH of 550 (turning the tank over 10 times per hour). Whatever the filter is rated at, it's usually slower after you stuff it with media. But 10X is a good rule of thumb IMO.
Asif Waryam
Asif Waryam - 7 years ago
can you suggest me what kind of quality food should i used for my fishs.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Asif Waryam I've had great success with NorthFin.
If you have Mbuna, be sure to include veggies in the diet.
Geo HVL - 7 years ago
Explain how you keep clown loaches with Cichlids?
Matteo Narducci
Matteo Narducci - 7 years ago
Geo HVL I also had clowns in with my large ACs and my 35cm Oscar. the clowns where only about 8cm, he survived. clown loaches have sharp barbs under thier eyes, they pop out when they become threatened. they look peaceful, but they have a nasty side.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Saw them in many AC tanks, needed a bottom feeder (cats like corys get destroyed by ACs), tried 3 of them (Clowns) and they are thriving. ACs leave them alone (they actually chase the ACs). I'm very happy with them in there.
I've heard all the discussions on soft/hard water, pH, etc. I made a call and happy with the decision.
Thank you for watching and commenting.
Geo HVL - 7 years ago
Very good tips. On the water changes which I have always despised. I learned from DYI to install a drip system. I got all needed from the 1/8" tubing the connecters and a control time plus the adjustable dripper which I calibrated to ~2g/Hr. also a pressure reducer to 20 psi. I set the controller to for 4h/day 7 days. It does about 250 g/month. I ran a 1" drain from my main room to the basement sink drain with a 1/8" tubing back up to my 55g. I drilled a hole in the tank with a 1" bulkhead fitting in the lowest part on the tank with a stand pipe up to the water line with 6 - 5/16ths holes about inch down. I tested the water over flow by removing the dripper with a ~flow of 5g/min. the 1" stand pipe was able to drain that with no problems. I am on a deep water well so no chemical treatment is needed. Very soft water .003 TSD with a PH of 7.0.
Asif Waryam
Asif Waryam - 7 years ago
My cichlid fishs colour has been faded so much so can you please help me in this regard and tell me how can fish colours can be darker. pls do my help
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
One investment I suggest is a water testing kit. API Master Test Kit is the one usually recommended. If not available, consider even something like "test strips" that are not precise but at least give you an idea of where you stand.
Be sure to do 40 - 50% water changes each week to keep your nitrates down. High nitrates can stress fish and contribute to them coloring down.
Unfortunately some fish stores sell fish that have been treated with hormones that make them look good in the store, but then they lose the color after a few weeks (when the hormones wear off). I hope that wasn't the case with your fish, but certainly a possibility.
Asif Waryam
Asif Waryam - 7 years ago
Actually I am new comer in this hobby and don't have any experience.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
It sounds like you might have an over crowded tank that might be creating stress. It might have been good when they were smaller, but now there isn't enough room for territories.
Usually an increase in filtration might be recommended but honestly you need a bigger tank.
What are your nitrates at, parts per million (ppm)?
Asif Waryam
Asif Waryam - 7 years ago
Let me thanks for your prompt reply and i have only 5 pairs of cichlid fishs family. My tank size is L.2fit x H 1.5ft W 1ft. I have biological filter, power headfilter, temperature kit and heater. My fishs are so active and feed very well. But very warried about colors have been faded but how i don't know. Pls do my help. Please
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Asif, I understand your frustration. First, tell me about your set up. Tank size and mix of fish and filtration. Also, tell me about your maintenance schedule, water changes, filter cleaning. Also, how is your water testing out? Is there any reading that is off, like ammonia, nitrite, pH or nitrate. Thanks.
castro the sampler
castro the sampler - 7 years ago
What kind is the blue one when th the white or lighter blue running along the middle
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
That's my Electric Blue Hap, Sciaenochromis fryeri.
castro the sampler
castro the sampler - 7 years ago
About 20 seconds in he swims into frame, than 26 seconds he looks right at the camera. Nice tank by the way. Can't wait to get mine setup after i move
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
castro redone Plz tell me where he appears on the video (time) and I'll ID for you.
Red Hawk
Red Hawk - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for this video.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
You are welcome Red Hawk!
Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister - 7 years ago
Brother I am with you there! I watch an extensive amount of videos on whatever fish I am looking into next. I thought I was just crazy, but I see I am not.
Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister - 7 years ago
+Ben Ochart Haha! No problem.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Thomas McAllister It's a GOOD kind of crazy :-)
Thanks for watching!
Down south Cichlids
Down south Cichlids - 7 years ago
Good info Ben. You are right on with you have to act fast.
Down south Cichlids
Down south Cichlids - 7 years ago
Yep! If you're in this hobby or have been for long you know all about it.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
I lesson we all learn sooner or later. Thanks for watching and commenting.
nicole gold
nicole gold - 8 years ago
How many can I have in a 55? right now I have 4 cichlids and 2 pleco I was thinking of getting an Oscar figured he would be fine as a juvenile and eventually he would kill the rest I have some very old goldfish hoping they'll kick the bucket before that happens
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
nicole gold Hello, thank you for watching. Well, some would argue that a 55gal is too small for adult African Cichlids. But with plenty filtration, like a couple canister filters, weekly water changes with vacuuming, you could go with 15 Peacocks without a problem. If you get into the bigger "Haps" you'll need a bigger tank, like a 125.
You could also go with Mbuna with a lot of rocks and probably put 15 - 20 in there.
Don't mix goldfish, Oscars and African Cichlids. Different water and good requirements. Not a good mix, even for a limited time.
Good luck.
Matthew Chapman
Matthew Chapman - 8 years ago
Excellent video and fine words, appreciated.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Matthew Chapman Thank you, for watching and commenting.
Ohiogoodfella - 8 years ago
enjoy your videos Ps. your narration sounds like Alec Baldwin is talking hahaha
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Ohiogoodfella I'm glad you like the videos. Baldwin... I like it, thanks :)
Henro de Bruin
Henro de Bruin - 8 years ago
Thank you for some real mature advice!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome sir and I thank you for watching and commenting.
Animal Lady
Animal Lady - 8 years ago
How many cichlids should I keep in my twenty gallon
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Claire the gamerxox Lover123 Maybe 3 or 4 South American Rams.
Wes P’s World
Wes P’s World - 8 years ago
GREAT VIDEO!!!! I'm fixing to start my own 135 gallon African Cichlid tank.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Wes. In the next few weeks I'm going to put out a full, piece by piece breakdown of the 135. You might want to tune in.
Prakash Trading
Prakash Trading - 8 years ago
Very nice tank ;thank u for great tips;
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
prakash gyawali Thank YOU and you are welcome.
Mira - 8 years ago
gread chichlid .   please look at  my Video
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I did. Beautiful fish.
Eric Carcamo
Eric Carcamo - 8 years ago
Love ur cichlids and that purple plants
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Eric!
AceBangerTheGuru - 8 years ago
triple gravel and use jars under for caves, homes, the more homes with seperation keeps them accupied and I have found over 40 years of chiclids a red tail shark works well as a police of the tank, they hate fighting and will break it up
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Nice tips! My big (and thank God peaceful) Taiwan Reef helps to keep the peace.
AceBangerTheGuru - 8 years ago
I disapline the bullies ;-)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
How Ace? I'm curious.
William Bennett
William Bennett - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips, i'm thinking of setting up my own... in the tank videoed, are your cichlids all male?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I try to have an all male tank. Sometimes what I think is a male turns out to be a female, but my intention is to have them all be male. In my most recent videos you'll see several fish (BuccoNotto, Eyebiter, etc) that I was hoping were male but are turning out female.
Thanks for checking out the channel. It's appreciated.
Fernando Conde
Fernando Conde - 8 years ago
Thank you for the great tips!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Fernando Conde You are welcome!
Joe Mitchell
Joe Mitchell - 8 years ago
Nice tank.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks Joe.
Pete Orta
Pete Orta - 8 years ago
I just converted our Community Tank to a African Cichlids Tank. This is a good start for me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge—it can be intimidating.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're in for a adventure. The best advice I can give is: patience and research. If you'd like, come over the Facebook page, "Ben O'Cichlid" where a lot of fish keepers of all levels get into friendly discussions and share tips.
Mark Ross
Mark Ross - 8 years ago
that surely is not a 60 gallon tank looks way bigger my 60 gallon looks small to me how many african cichlids would go well in my 60 gallon 48Lx20Hx15W
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Mark Ross If you like, come over to the FB page, "Ben O'Cichlid" where there are a lot of fish keepers willing to provide advice.
Mark Ross
Mark Ross - 8 years ago
Oh great im new to the african cichlids just trying to find, out how many of these i can put in the tank without having to upgrade to a bigger aquarium
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Mark Ross Yes it's a 48" across 60 gal. The camera angle might be making it seem larger.
Thank you for watching.
Angel Munoz
Angel Munoz - 8 years ago
thanks for your research and sharing your info. good man!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Angel and I hope it helps.
kcrunchone hill
kcrunchone hill - 8 years ago
I would like to add some clowns for color to my tank but they will eat my assassin snails
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've heard that before. Maybe there's another kind of loach that will not eat them?
gregorychine greg
gregorychine greg - 8 years ago
the clow loch is amazonian fish , what is here ?
gregorychine greg
gregorychine greg - 8 years ago
thank for the reply
clown come very big , enjoy your tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Very common in African Cichlid tanks. They co-exist quite well together despite the Clowns coming from lower pH water.
Shadow334 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the info. Ben, I need some guidance with a problem. I have a 60 gallon mbuna tank with around 20 males and 4 cuckoo catfish. I am having a major problem with hard water stains. I have a Fluval C4, Fluval 406, Hydro IV Sponge Filter, and two Aqueon 500 running at all time. I test the water on a regular basic. Can you give me any idea of what I may be causing the stains.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Sounds like mineral deposits / mineral build up. Not sure what you can do since it's probably coming from your tap. I suggest that you go on to a forum like the Facebook page "Ben O'Cichlid" or on Tank Talk or The Aquatic Lounge on FB. Someone on there might be able to help.
JOHANNA BOSTON - 8 years ago
I love your fish aquarium. I had a mixture of African Cichlids with a few Angel Fish. I added them in at the same time and they actually grew up together. I also had some snails that had babies. Unfortunately. I lost them all due to a power outage during an ice storm. Thank you for the tips. They are very useful.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about that ice storm. Did you start over?
Thank you for watching and commenting.
Sparks044 - 8 years ago
Hello!! Thanks for the tips! Can you please tell me what kind of fish is the calico looking one in your video? Looks orange colored with black splotches and a blueish face? I have seen a few videos with that type of fish and no one has mentioned what it is.
Sparks044 - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart Thank you!! Personally, I thought it was the prettiest one! Reminds me of a Koi fish :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
The fish you are talking about is a hybrid often referred to as an "Orange Blotch," "Orange Blossom" or just "OB." Some folks don't like them because they are a mix of different breeds, but I happen to think that they are very beautiful. I've seen them with red and blue and yellow bodies.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
GeekLabs - 8 years ago
Awesome tank and nice video! thanks for the tips.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for the kind words test4 and you're welcome.
Dan Heath
Dan Heath - 8 years ago
Nice Video. I am currently in the process of setting up a cichild tank. I have a community tank at the moment. I was going to keep my 2 large Clown loach, Big Angel. and a red fin shark. You reckon these guys will survive in a tank like this?
Dan Heath
Dan Heath - 8 years ago
Thanks Ben. Appreciate it
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Dan Heath The Loach yes, the other ones would eventually have a problem (in my opinion).
Lito - 8 years ago
nice tank
Ryan Brooke
Ryan Brooke - 8 years ago
I didn't know you could have clown loaches with cichlids
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
One of the best things I ever did was add those Clowns. They add color, constantly clean and are a lot of fun to watch.
bornjust2003 - 8 years ago
Good tips
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for watching.
Melodramatic One
Melodramatic One - 8 years ago
Great Video Bub! I just got into Cichlids and I'm loving them! Very relaxing hobby and beautiful fish!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Christopher. Yes, I find it very enjoyable and relaxing. Certainly some work involved but I find that work very rewarding. Thanks for watching and commenting.
eliotness100 - 8 years ago
Good information dude thanks a lot I'm about to change from regular tropical fish to cichlids so I'm going to take your advice and stock up with at least 6 to 8 because I have one full grown Labrador very aggressive had to put in a separate tank...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Spell check turned your fish into a dog (Labrador, LOL). But I got the message. Yes, Mbuna can be VERY mean, but any cichlid can go that way at times.
I've also been able to add a single fish from time to time by: 1) feeding the current fish, 2) floating the new guy, 3) turning the lights off and releasing the new one into the tank.
Good luck with the transition to cichlids and certainly feel free to come by the Facebook page for advice: "Ben O'Cichlid"
Mav NZ78
Mav NZ78 - 8 years ago
How come you put Tanganyika and Malawi fish together... This is not good idea to do that..
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Mav NZ78 Thank you. I've seen it done successfully in other tanks, however, please watch my more recent videos to see what I'm doing now.
Thanks for watching.
James Cain
James Cain - 8 years ago
Your welcome
James Cain
James Cain - 8 years ago
beautiful tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you James, I appreciate the compliment.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
James Cain Thank you James!
Tito Brozzi
Tito Brozzi - 8 years ago
My advise to anyone looking to learn about Cichlids is : Observe your fish , you never stop learning is true , about acclimating fish I have learned to move the new fish into the tank without taking it out of the water , I drop the water from the bag to the minimum and deliver the fish into the tank including the remaining water , never had a problem but that is just one little detail about proper housing cichlids ... To finish , over stocking is a good idea but adds stress as well , in reality you can only minimize , from my experience if you control size and breed type you can be one step ahead , Texas Cichlids are very good once they have grown , they are aggressive but slow , having a couple of those can balance you african bullies ... Good luck amigos
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Tito for watching and commenting. You're right, an over-stocked tank creates other issues, like too heavy a bio-load.
Carlos Lopez
Carlos Lopez - 8 years ago
I like the yellow fish with the blue face .
C. Joyce Hall
C. Joyce Hall - 8 years ago
Hi, I like your tank. I just got a 55 gallon tank and I want to set it up as a cichlid tank. I was wondering what your stocking list for this tank is. Thanks!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It's a work in progress, always changing, as you will see in my more recent videos. I currently no longer have any Mbuna and only have Haps and Peacocks. My stock includes: Taiwan Reef, Tangerine Tiger, OB, Electric Blue, Eyebiter, BuccoNoto, Z Rock, Orange Shoulder, Ethelwynnae chitande, 3 Clown Loaches, a common Pleco and one or two I've probably forgotten. You can see them in my recent videos. Good luck with your new tank. if you want some advice, come over to the Facebook page: Ben O'Cichlid. Lot's of friendly fish keepers there.
Denny's Aquatics
Denny's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hey Ben, I really enjoyed this video. It is very much obvious that you learned a lot about African Cichlid fish keeping when you filmed it. Thanks very much for sharing
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're welcome Dennis. I appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos.
E Mc7147
E Mc7147 - 8 years ago
I have baby cichlids hanging at bottom, a few that survived and were not eaten. i culled and raised most in my tank now, the mother fish was killed due to aggression from others.They can hide in lots of rocks.One is getting bigger, I'm glad. So the other medium size fish are mating. About 20 or so African Cichlids in a 50 gallon. 1 parrot fish and catfish. Parrot is king brute. (nobody bothers him) I hope they don't eat the babies. I always noticed the mouth brooder hiding.Most aggressive one is larger blue cobalt, and I think he's the primary mater, he swims erratic and shakes it's body. Really aggressive, other smaller ones hide from it. I been thinking of a new bigger tank but too much work. But I try to rearrange rocks every now and again. I have an emperor 400 bio wheel filter. Nice Tank!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Cool. I'm glad that everyone is getting along.
E Mc7147
E Mc7147 - 8 years ago
The parrot is ok.. He just tolerates them. Had them together years now. He just chases one away if they come close. I don't want to get rid of it. The catfish is fairly big. An. Upside down one that's ok for cichlid tanks.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Honestly I'm surprised the parrot is not going after the other fish, and that the catfish is still alive (if it's a corey cat, cichlids tend to destroy them pretty quickly). Rearranging the landscape can help mix up territories and I've heard help with lowering aggression.
mickey blue eyes
mickey blue eyes - 8 years ago
why would people even dislike these videos. fucking assholes. thanks for the vid
Jamal Walker
Jamal Walker - 7 years ago
I agree. This video is great.
fishermanroly - 7 years ago
mickey blue eyes Haters
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're welcome Mickey.
Jeremiah Smith
Jeremiah Smith - 8 years ago
I have a 60 gallon tank every fish in there is a South African cichlid ranging from peacocks to a red devil face and a jewel. I have 5 of them. The ones I have been adding is peacock cichlids. I have lost 3 of them. And they were some of the most distinctive and colorful ones I've ever seen. I have them in the bag for about 15 to 20 minutes. None of them have lasted longer than 24 hours and I recently lost my 4th one that I tried putting slime coat protection in the bag before he went in the tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
The consensus is that South Americans should never be mixed with African Cichlids and will kill ACs if they are bigger. That would be my first guess.
Certainly water factors might have something to do with it. ACs needs hard water with a high pH, while SAC's require a softer, lower pH water. So, if your water is perfect for your SACs, it's not going to be what ACs need to thrive in.
I have seen some mixed tanks and one could argue that since the fish we buy are usually tank bred and raised, the water needed can be a bit flexible ... but your ACs are dying, so it must be something along those lines, IMO.
What was the "GH" and "pH" reading in your last water test? If you don't have a test kit, take a sample to the local fish store and they can test it for you.
If you pH is around 7.0, and GH is soft to medium hardness, then that might be what's killing off the new additions.
Or, maybe the ACs are being ambushed and killed after the lights go out by the SACs.
Let me know what those test results show and also ask your fish store what the keep their water at. The shock from the difference might be killing your new guys.
Jeremiah Smith
Jeremiah Smith - 8 years ago
Ben lately every time I try to add a new Cichlid they have been dying within 24hrs. My routine has been let the bag acclimate dim lighting put my new fish in watch for aggression from the other fish. there is some aggression if they do mild out has a little bit of time goes by but then the next day when I come home from work they're dead this has happened 3 times in the last 2 weeks. nitrates nitrites are all good to go there low on my test strip as well as the ammonia another normal higher pH levels for the cichlids. I feel like my issue is acclimating them I believe that's where I'm failing. I noticed you said just drop them in and don't introduce one at a time but a minimum of four any other tips. my only concern is purchasing for cichlids and losing for cichlids until I find out why can't stabilize one. I do believe it's the aggression output through the day I have a big piece of Driftwood and multiple plants to break up and spread out the sight of one another
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Jeremiah Smith Sounds frustrating. A couple questions, what size tank do you have and what fish are in there currently, and, what are you trying to add? And, how long are you floating the bag?
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
great information
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for watching.
TimTheWiner - 8 years ago
Are those live plants? What kind of African‘s are in there? coloring is gorgeous
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Tim, Yes the sword shaped plants are real, they are African "anubias" and do well in the high pH required for African Cichlids. Thanks for watching and commenting.
jenna garnett
jenna garnett - 8 years ago
Very nice and helpful video. Thanks.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're welcome Jenna. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Julie Vu
Julie Vu - 8 years ago
Thanks so much for your tips. Big big help for us. Thanks again! Happy New Year 2017!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome Julie and have a wonderful 2017.
Brendon Taylor
Brendon Taylor - 8 years ago
Noticed you don't have an air stone, love to hear your POV? Nice tank BTW...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
The purpose of airstones, as far as I know, is to help with the breaking up of surface tension allowing the bad gases to escape and good O2 to come in. I am accomplishing that with the four water movement devices I have in the tank. Two canister outlets pointed toward the surface and two powerheads, one low and one near the surface (they also have sponge filters to help with the creation of beneficial bacteria).
Having said that, I'm not opposed to airstones are they are certainly a valid way of helping to move water around and break up surface tension (oxygenate the tank).
Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown - 8 years ago
Hey Ben! I'm having a problem with one of my peacocks. Maybe you might have a suggestion for me if you watch my video below. Just Follow the Link.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I did and I commented at your page. Let me know how things turn out.
jon mcmanus
jon mcmanus - 8 years ago
Hi Ben, I'd just like to say I think your tank and your fish are stunning one of the best that I follow on YT. I also love your insight and the way you deliver your videos. Kept up the great work. Merry Christmas!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
jon mcmanus Thank you very much Jon.
Erina - 8 years ago
I have a 40 gallon tank but my water is hard. Any suggestions?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hard water is considered "hard" because it contains minerals like calcium. This is a good thing for African Cichlids and those minerals will help to neutralize nitric acid which mean that they will help to keep pH high which, again, is what African Cichlids like. So, if you're considering keeping ACs, you're in good shape. That having been said, I will warn you that a 40 gallon tank is a bit small for ACs. It will be okay when they are young, but when they start to get some size you will want to upgrade to a larger tank.
Richard C
Richard C - 8 years ago
So Ben just had to let you know, add 5 new fish today and damned if everyone isn't chill and just hanging out! My two big boys just swimming around, no aggression, everyone just being cool.

Thanks man, so excited.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Richard C Great to hear!
Richard C
Richard C - 8 years ago
So Ben, just to give me a point of reference, how many cichlids would be in your mind a good number to have in a 40 gal? I know there are a lot of other factors besides size of tank but just in general. I had 6 at one point and it was a much more calmer tank.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
10 - 15 Mbuna, or 8 - 12 Peacocks, or 6 - 7 Haps. Lots of rockwork with the Mbuna, moderate rockwork with the Peacocks and very little decor with the Haps.
Just an off-the-cuff guess. You're right, there are other factors and regardless of these estimates I would encourage you to plan on eventually moving into a larger tank.
Erik Anderson
Erik Anderson - 8 years ago
Is this fresh or salt water ?
Erik Anderson
Erik Anderson - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart thank you !! Will do
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
So, I understand, you have two HOBs that are each rated at 150gph, providing a total of 300gph? And you have Fluval filters as well? Or are the Fluval the HOBs? If your total gph is around 300 and you're going to keep a good number of cichlids in there, then I suggest that you add some tank turnover, like a SunSun 302 and get your total gph closed to 10x tank vol. per hour. Keep in mind that the actual tank gph that the filter is delivering, after being stuffed with media, is less that the rated amount since the manufacturers test them while empty.
Regarding charcoal, I don't use it. It can get exhausted in a month or so and become useless. I do use it after I've medicated the tank to remove residual medication, but I pull it out after a week.
I do like to use Seachem Purigen in my canister filters.
If the water is crystal clear, then whatever you're doing seems to be working, and that is the ultimate test. Certainly test your water with an API Master Test Kit or Tetra EasyStrips to make sure that you're cycled before adding any fish (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 10 - 20 nitrate).
Do you know what the pH is of your tap water? If it's low, like 6.5 - 7.3, then I suggest adding a substrate that will help with buffering, like crushed coral and/or aragonite. If the tap test is giving you a high pH, over 7.5, then you can go with a substrate that is inexpensive, like playsand or blasting sand.
Come over to the Facebook page: "Ben O'Cichlid". We can continue speaking there and there are lots of members that can help you along.
Erik Anderson
Erik Anderson - 8 years ago
Ben , Scratch that - 300 gph each - so 600 gph ,60 gallon tank - fits your 10x rule !
Erik Anderson
Erik Anderson - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart Great ty ! I believe my gph is @ 150 gph and I have 2- they are hob... is that ok ?
Also , I do have a few more questions - hopefully you can assist

1- I have 3 air bubble wands , 1 with multi color Led lights , creates great oxygen and surface disruption .. my question is , is this ok to run 24/7?

2- and my second question is I have 2 fluval filters running in my 60 gal , thick sponge layer 1, carbon layer 2 and some rocks ina bag ( maybe bio?) later 3-water is clear as day .. I already set the tank up and added gravel , 3 decorations ( some hiding spots and some just nice decor ) .. is it imperative that I switch to sand ? I would hat to go back in and start over , but will if it's necessary .. After watching your videos along with some others this seems to be important for African cichlids ( haps and pea)

3- my temperature is a steady 78/79 - anything else I should know before adding the fish ? Ph level etc??..

Thank you for your time !!! Videos are great
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Do you happen to know the GPH of the filters? Try to turn the tank over 5 - 10 times an hour.
Also, before adding fish I highly recommend that you consider sand. If your tap water is high pH, then go with cheap playsand. If your tap pH is lower than 7.5 then I recommend aragonite or crushed coral which will help buffer. Also, go with smooth rocks, not sharp edged rocks like the lava rock in my video. ACs dart around when startled or chased and bang into them and can get scraped. Limestone is good since it releases minerals into the water which buffer (raise pH).
Erik Anderson
Erik Anderson - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart thank you for the response ! I am currently letting my 60 gal cycle before I add my fish ! I am highly considering African cichlids after watching your videos ! Can you please advise me on temperature and anything else I should have In tank- as of now it's gravel , some nice led and air bubble ornaments and 2 filters
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It's a freshwater tank.
Thanks for watching.
Richard C
Richard C - 8 years ago
Great advise and good point I need to educate myself more. For example I have a 40gal with just two fish and I have been trying to expand on but I keep adding just one fish and sure enough they kill it every time. No one ever mentioned adding multiple at once. I've since given up trying to add fish but now you have me wondering is it too late? I have a Black Convict who is really big so is it too late to try and add some fish?
Richard C
Richard C - 8 years ago
Thanks Ben
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Richard C You'll need to add fish big enough to hold their own. I usually add three or more at a time when possible. If I'm needing to add a single fish, I feed everybody, add these new fish, then turn the lights off which settle everybody down.
Ernie Fern
Ernie Fern - 8 years ago
check out my tank im new to cichlids.
Ernie Fern
Ernie Fern - 8 years ago
someone please tell me if the spotted pinkish cichlid in my video is a dragon blood?
Ernie Fern
Ernie Fern - 8 years ago
thanks so much
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I did. Fish look good. Gave you a sub.
Christopher Cavazos
Christopher Cavazos - 8 years ago
Very nice tank Ben. I enjoyed the video. Makes we want to go back to freshwater. I tore down my last SW tank before we moved accross country. Thanks.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Christopher Cavazos Do it, it provides a much needed and relaxing change of pace in life's day-to-routine.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
acuarios y mas en HD
acuarios y mas en HD - 8 years ago
hi ben .how many african cichlids do you have in your tank .
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
acuarios y mas en HD Around 20 on average.
Snarfhimself - 8 years ago
Leuke clip, kan ik veel van leren...
Julie Thoms
Julie Thoms - 7 years ago
Snarfhimself 8b.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you and I'm glad you feel that way.
One Bad Banana
One Bad Banana - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips! I was thinking about getting into cichlids, b/c I was given a 55 gal from a friend and I wanted to put something colorful and active in there. However after listening to what you said about them, they are not for me. I was also able to pick up some good general insight for running a large tank too! Thanks again!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
One Bad Banana They are amazing fish, but they're not for everybody. Good luck with whatever you end up with.
Ron Anderson
Ron Anderson - 8 years ago
Hey it's me again, lol. I was just watching some vids on acclimating fish and I do basically the same thing as you describe here. The only difference for an extra safety precaution is that I dump the fish into one of those cheap mesh breeder boxes after I float the bag for half an hr. then just hang the breeder box in the tank and watch. I did this because I almost lost 2 fish that got stressed by the water difference and on top of that having to deal with the others as "the new guys". In the breeder box, they are in the tank water but there is a separation between them and the established fish in case they need an hr or so to be ready to deal with their tank mates.
Ron Anderson
Ron Anderson - 8 years ago
Sounds good!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hey, we each come up with bright ideas that work for us. I've starting feeding everybody before adding fish, then, after adding, turning the lights out. That tends to mellow things out.
By the way, be sure to watch my next video, I'm gonna throw out there the subject of our last conversation and see what kinds of comments I get. It's entitled, "Are We Killing Our Fish!" It should generate some lively conversations.
Thanks for watching and commenting Ron!
Shadman Wahid
Shadman Wahid - 8 years ago
Where did you buy your cichlids from?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Shadman Wahied Check out Southeast Cichlids and Tampa Bay Cichlids.
Shadman Wahid
Shadman Wahid - 8 years ago
central florida.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Shadman Wahied What part of the country are you in?
Shadman Wahid
Shadman Wahid - 8 years ago
malawi cichlids preferably, but also thinking about south american. Btw bro would you have any specific store recommendations?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Shadman Wahied Many places. Is there one fish in particular that you're asking about?
Jerry Y
Jerry Y - 8 years ago
hey Ben. the fish that comes in at the left side at 9:05 it's blue with yellow top n tail fin. is it a mbuna? I just picked one up not knowing really what it is. can u please tell me
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Yes, a Mbuna. A "yellowtail" Pseudotropheus sp. "acei" A very nice fish.
Jacinthia Jones
Jacinthia Jones - 8 years ago
Any thoughts on aeration? I see you have a live plant, but do you use those air stones in addition to your normal filtration? I keep losing fish, I think, because I don't think had enough oxygen in the bottom of the tank. I have a 55 gallon.
lanie gerstein
lanie gerstein - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart yes! My male kribensis is very territorial and at 1st thought he was exhibiting breeding behavior, but now I'm questioning my water quality.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Jacinthia Jones Are your fish gasping, constantly opening and closing their mouths? Are they at the top, looking like they're eating but gasping for oxygen?
Ricardo cichlid
Ricardo cichlid - 8 years ago
nice tank . I see others with clown loaches as well , is there a particular purpose they have in your setup .
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello, and yes, they are the "cat fish" of the tank, constantly digging around and helping to keep the tank bottom clean. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Mishal Shahid
Mishal Shahid - 8 years ago
what lighting do you use? looks great!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It's a standard T-5 48" fluorescent light. It's really all you need for a low-wide tank like mine.
Thank you for stopping by.
Allen Navarro
Allen Navarro - 8 years ago
my cichlids got little black spot I have no idea what it is could you help me out man?
Allen Navarro
Allen Navarro - 8 years ago
yeah Ben everyone is fine water is good. it's been about a week now. it kinda weird the dots don't poke out its almost like its inside the skin extremely small dots
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Allen Navarro How is he acting? Is he eating and swimming like normal?
Yolanda Herbert
Yolanda Herbert - 8 years ago
Great tips!!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Yolanda.
Nikhil Julka
Nikhil Julka - 8 years ago
nice, subbed ya buddy!....
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
thank you!
Ron Anderson
Ron Anderson - 8 years ago
Lmao, I just wanted to share one last comment. I've read so much negativity about keeping so many different species of male/female combos. That's the half-breed or hybrid worry. Unless you want to actually breed to sell, no one should consider a worry about this. This is the best part I love about mbuna, the self population control. I've had 15-20 batches of different fry and yet to have a single survivor!! So the hybrid "false worry flag" has no need in the world of mbuna. I cannot say that about other species, because i don't know.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Good point Ron. Nature will handle it, unless as you say, we pull 'em and raise the fry.
Ron Anderson
Ron Anderson - 8 years ago
Yeah the apartment/condo idea was what prompted my idea. I lost 2 fish had to rescue 3 more, before I thought of this. But now rarely see a nipped fin. Well except I have 2 ice blue males I'm watching closely. Waiting for one to take dominance and then sell the other. They seem to be more tolerant of each other than the 3 females are of either of them. I'm sorry, I don't have facebook, but I was thinking of uploading a video sometime on here. I just really want to stress my appreciation for fish keepers like you. I started this tank about a year ago and at first, I found it almost discouraging by reading many of the forums. Seems like a lot of negative ego, people making others feel like anything you do or did was wrong. Like their tank and only theirs was the only one that would work. I've got 5 different breeding harems with misc individuals (including the "killer" kenyi and auratus) and even a peacock thrown in the mix, all in a 60g and only lost 2 fish in a year. So, I love hearing others stories without judgement. Thanks again. Ps, the ego in others telling me that my tank would fail has kept me from sharing too much.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks Ron. In the end it is YOUR tank and you have the freedom to do with it as you please, doing what works for you. People can be mean and judgmental and condescending. This doesn't help the hobby.
Ron Anderson
Ron Anderson - 8 years ago
I will add a tip, because I too have a 60g tank (48 length, 13 wide and 25 deep). It's a mixed mbuna with only one peacock, accidentally bought because the store sold it as a acei (long story). Anyways, I was having aggression issues and of course a bigger tank can usually solve this but sometimes what you have is what you got. Overstocking helped to distribute the aggression but it was still there. I figured that I don't have the footprint available but I do have 25" of depth for territory. I centred my decor from front to back to keep 2 paths the full 48" length. Then I went with fake rock decor (in case of upset, no broken glass or squished fish) and I made high rise territories about 20 inches on one half and 15 on the other half. After that the aggression has almost disappeared. So my tip is on a 55g or 60g, where footprint space is limited, use the height. It's there, so why not? Thanks for listening and I agree totally with your tip of don't take others negative opinions. It's your tank, it's your creation and no one can say for sure what is or what isn't a mistake.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Ron, that's awesome advice. Kind of using the Manhattan / Hong Kong, go up, idea. I like it. Have you considered attaching the rocks to each other with 100% silicon? Hey, I now have a Facebook group called, "Ben O'Cichlid". I'd love to see a picture of your set-up. Come on over. Thanks!
Kristy Simmons
Kristy Simmons - 8 years ago
Thank you! As a newbie to the world of cichlids I appreciated your attitude and positivity!! I just lost 2 of my originals to bullying and tomorrow I am visiting a breeder to purchase some more to over stock my tank. Take care and thanks for sharing!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Ree Simmons Thank you for watching Ree and if you want some on going advice come on over to our Facebook group, "Ben O'Cichlid." Lots of friendly fish keepers willing to give advice.
Shane Meenaghan
Shane Meenaghan - 8 years ago
What are the orange and black fish that are near the front of the tank?
Shane Meenaghan
Shane Meenaghan - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Shane Meenaghan hello, those are called Clown Loaches, Chromobotia macracanthus.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
i know that a 26 gallon is kind of small, but can some cichlids can fit in it? andhow many could i keep? i will put a lot of place to hide of course... Im not sure if i trully want cichlids, but i never had one before, so I would like something new...
Pete Miera
Pete Miera - 8 years ago
Jean-Michel Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
thanks :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
South Americans like "Rams" might work. Check them out. They are small and very pretty. Good luck.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
thanks for the suggestion, but the fact is that right now, the 26 gallon is the home of 2 goldfish, and i want to upgrade for them to have a bigger tank, so after that upgrade, i will not have the space to have a 125 gallon. one day i will, but not now. so im looking for permanant fish in the 26... maybe cichlids are a bad choice for such a small tank after all, except for the american cichlids...but thanks for the suggestion, when i will owne a bigger tank, i will look more seriously into the cichlid family. they seem very interesting :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Jean-Michel Gervais Perhaps some very young Mbuna, like a Yellow Tail, an Electric Yellow Lab but in six months you'll want to offer them more territory. So start saving $ for that 125gal, or larger.
Shiquella Wheeland
Shiquella Wheeland - 8 years ago
is there a reason there are no air stones?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Shiquella Wheeland Airstones are great but I'm not big on bubbles so I use surface tension break up with canister outputs and power heads.
Sukumar Patel
Sukumar Patel - 8 years ago
Lovely video and a lovely tank. What size is your tank and how many chichilds do you have?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Sukumar Patel Thank you. I currently average between 18 - 20 fish in this 60 gallon tank.
Morgan Sauer
Morgan Sauer - 8 years ago
How many Malawi Cichlids do you think would go in a 20 gallon starting out? I would get a larger tank once they grew out of it. Love the video! Keep them coming!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
A lot of factors. Mbuna? Peacocks? Haps? Haps grow real fast and get the biggest, so I suggest you avoid them with a 20 gal. Maybe 5 or 6 peaceful mbuna (yellow tails, electric yellow labs, etc), but you'll need to upgrade soon. Remember, it's all about territory, so you'll need a bigger footprint. One person suggested building up rocks, caves etc. That would be a good idea with mbuna. Good luck and start setting aside some $$$. Go for a 125 gal next.
Karin Lefevre
Karin Lefevre - 8 years ago
Thanks man!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Karin Lefevre You're welcome!
wee_u - 8 years ago
Great Video!! I am a beginner african cichlid keeper. Really helpful. Thank you!

(you earned a subscriber, and a like :D)
wee_u - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart  Okay, thanks.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
badgertheinsurgent Some of the basics in tank care apply across the boards, but as to details, I'm not an expert in the needs of South American Cichlids (water hardness, pH, did, etc).
wee_u - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart  Thank you for your response, thanks a lot! I just got my 200 gallon aquarium with 3 Sunsun HW-302's. I'm setting it up but it's a south american cichlid aquarium.... I already have african cichlid aquarium in a 55 gallon. will these methods apply to south american cichlids as well?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're welcome Badger and thanks for the sub.
As a beginner, if you need help, come over to the facebook group, "Ben O'Cichlid" There are a lot of fish keepers there that are willing to answer questions and help out.
Ryan Cabonce
Ryan Cabonce - 8 years ago
Your a good man. We need more ppl like you in the hobby
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Ryan Cabonce Thank you Ryan, I appreciate the kind words.
Jake Ryder
Jake Ryder - 8 years ago
I got 10 in a 36 good amount u think? to much to few? and u didn't mention when u do a water change if u do a gravel vac Everytime?
Jake Ryder
Jake Ryder - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart I have 3 bumbles, 3 assorted as describe by PetSmart, 1 convicted, 1 parrot, 2 johanni, and they all get along great, trust me man if I could if gone bigger I would off I use to have a 75 however where I live now is not permitted so I went with a 36 cause moving a fish tank to another house is a pain!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Depends on what kind of 10. Ten Haps, then, no, you're going to have issues within 6 months because they grow so fast. Juvie Peacocks or Mbuna, they might be okay for a few months, maybe a year, but you're going to want a bigger tank. If you have the space and the money a advise a 125 (6' wide). I wish I had gone with that size initially.
Regarding your other question, yes, I vacuum every time and now I do two 50 - 60 percent water changes per week. Every other water change I move the decor around to get the gunk that builds up under there.
shmaz123 - 8 years ago
you have a south american cichlid in there
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Nope, they are all African. When this was filmed there was a Frontosa in there that is not from Lake Malawi, but from one of the other African rift lakes (Tanganyika). There are also some Clown Loaches in there that are not from Africa, but all the other fish are African.
Cichlid Fanatic
Cichlid Fanatic - 8 years ago
great tips and your fish look amazing. I subbed you
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Cichlid Fanatic Thank you! :-)
Marissa Adams
Marissa Adams - 8 years ago
your tank is so pretty
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Marissa.
neeraj sharma
neeraj sharma - 8 years ago
my aquarium water ph is 7.0 can you tell me is it safe for my cichlids ?? if not how to rise ph
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Well, if the fish look good, don't panic. However, African Cichlids from Lake Malawi (I assume you have ACs), do better at higher pH, like 7.4 - 8.6. But you don't want to do anything drastic that will shock the fish. You might want to add some coral or limestone to the tank and maybe some baking soda. Check out this article:
(By the way, this is a good question for the group page at Facebook. Come on over if you wish. It's "Ben O'Cichlid" on Facebook.)
Chevy Cruising
Chevy Cruising - 8 years ago
your tank is fantastic!! love the knowledge you spread. Thank you.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
felepe Gomez You are welcome and thank you for watching and commenting.
Tiffany Parsons
Tiffany Parsons - 8 years ago
Great video.  Your fish are beautiful and your tank is spotless.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Tiffany.
D. S.
D. S. - 8 years ago
The crystal clear water is breathtaking . I envy you so much now. :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you. In other videos I talk about how I got the water to be like that. Thank you for watching.
HENRY POSTELL - 8 years ago
Great information will go a long way. Love your tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Henry, I appreciate the kind words.
Almightysha - 8 years ago
hey ben what kind of lighting do you use
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
almightysha I use a basic 48" T5 fluorescent. Plenty for a low tank.
Michael Bareman
Michael Bareman - 8 years ago
Wow Thanks for all the great advice!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Michael Bareman You are welcome Michael
MikeeThe Gamer
MikeeThe Gamer - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon and im deciding to get some african cichlids and the ones im getting are babies from my friend whos a breeder and the babies are like 1 inch so how much should i put in the 10 gal
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Unless you are 100% committed to getting a 60+ gallon tank in around 9 months to a year, I wouldn't put any in there. If you are 100% certain that you will be upgrading to a larger tank in the very near future, then sure, you can put five or six in a 10 gal when they are that size. But keeping them in there for any time beyond, like six months, would be cruel. Just my opinion. If they are Mbuna or Peacocks, you might be able to go six - months. If they are Haps, which grow faster and larger, at six months you better be setting up a bigger tank.
You can get a good deal on big tanks on craigslist. Sometimes people just want to get rid of them.
Good luck and thanks for stopping by.
Stephen Weems
Stephen Weems - 8 years ago
Thanks you have inspired me to start a tank!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Stephen Weems Awesome!
Robert Guest
Robert Guest - 8 years ago
im starting a 55 gal tank and im brand new but like the cichlids. how many should i put in the tank. i also ordered a 100 gal canister filter how should it be set up?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Robert Guest depends on the type of Cichlids. Some might be okay for a while but others will outgrow the tank in a year. I suggest that you start with a few, five or six peacocks or Mbuna.
Regarding the canister, they are set up differently. Watch my two canister tips videos. That will help.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Floydset Thank you!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
excellent video I've saved this one as one of my favorite's
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
COOPER'S CICHILDS Thank you Cooper. I appreciate you watching and commenting.
Jacob Adams
Jacob Adams - 8 years ago
Love the tips and love your tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Jacob. I hope they help.
Robin Roy
Robin Roy - 8 years ago
Nice setup.. Would like to know what kind of lighting is used in this tank.... And is there any background paper used ?? I liked the black background with the fishes being colorful ...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Robin Roy Thank you for watching. The background is just thick black material (felt) that I attached. The lighting is a standard white "T5" fluorescent light.
Atanawaz Kaladgi
Atanawaz Kaladgi - 8 years ago
BANGSHOTA - 8 years ago
Nice info.. I once heard loaches prefer sand rather than gravel because gravel wears down there whiskers after a period on tine.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
BANGSHOTA Thanks. This is coral and shells. Whiskers seem okay. I do want to switch to sand at some point. It's covered in my recent video on the battle to control nitrates.
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
I hope you didn't mind me trolling your comments but like you said and I agree, Never stop learning !!
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
Thanks !!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
If you say you're trolling, you're not really trolling ;), your comments are welcomed here.
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
I learned that, as well as size. Keeping fish with similar needs of diet and water perameters makes it easier to balance the tank for all its inhabitants. Having those requirements met, its easier for the fish to achieve full potential size, color, and lifespan.. Good stuff sir.. Thanks !
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks FS.
charlie velenovsky
charlie velenovsky - 8 years ago
great video and advice
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
charlie velenovsky Thank you.
Peter Paul
Peter Paul - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Peter Paul Thank you for watching and commenting!
You-Tube Junkie
You-Tube Junkie - 8 years ago
You said,.....'' tap water''. ..that's water with chlorine ?
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
Amquel or Prime removes chlorine..
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Phill Slavin Where in the video? Any tap water that gets near my tank is treated and media is washed only in tank water. So no worries.
Marv G
Marv G - 8 years ago
great vid! thanks for the tips
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Marv G You are welcome and thank you for watching.
Brittany Bridgham
Brittany Bridgham - 8 years ago
You have a beautiful tank! What do you use for the substrate and rocks?
Brittany Bridgham
Brittany Bridgham - 8 years ago
Thank you very much!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Well, based on experience (some good and some bad) and some research, I've concluded that water movement AND surface agitation are the key.
How you do this is up to you and is often determined by the size of the tank (how much surface area) and how many fish (bio-load).
For example, a powerhead on a 20 gallon might be overkill and an HOB filter would create all the agitation you need.
However, as you move up into larger tanks, and add more fish, much more breaking up of the surface tension is needed. This releases "bad gas" (just like my brother-in-law) allowing the O2 percentage to increase, and move into the fish, exchanging with their bad-gas.
I use four surface agitation sources in my 60 gallon. Two rotating powerheads and attachments to my two canister outlets that move up and down, creating break-up in surface tension. You can see them in my more recent videos.
Come over to my Facebook page, "Ben O'Cichlid" and you can get a lot of info from all the members there (and me).
Brittany Bridgham
Brittany Bridgham - 8 years ago
Thank you, what are your opinions on aeration within the tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Brittany Bridgham Thank you. The substrate is a CaribeSea Cichlid specific substrate made up of shells and coral. It helps buffer the water, keeping the pH around 7.8. The rocks are lava rocks which look great but the have sharp edges and sometimes can scratch the fish. So if I did it over I'd go with a smoother rock.
Thanks for watching and commenting!
Arthur W
Arthur W - 8 years ago
I notice you don't use sand are your pH levels good
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Arthur W Yes. The shells actually buffer quite well. My pH is 7.8 - 8.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Paul Atherton
Paul Atherton - 8 years ago
thanks for the video ..ive just purchased my first 4 african cichlids panicking about as I have a large air stone in they like calm water or water with a good flow
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I add it as I'm filling up the tank (is how I do it currently). A little bit at a time.
Paul Atherton
Paul Atherton - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thanks mate ..water changes if I heard you right on the video add the water conditioner to the tank then add the tap water
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Okay, that's about 66 U.S. gallons. So you don't need such powerful powerheads. A couple, or even one that pushes around 300+ GPH would do fine and give you plenty of surface agitation. Your fish should do okay. The dolphin gets big but grows very slow. I would suggest adding a small SunSun canister, like a 300 or 400 series. Two canisters and a powerhead will hold you for quite some time. Good luck.
Paul Atherton
Paul Atherton - 8 years ago
sorry my tank is 250 litres
Paul Atherton
Paul Atherton - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thanks I only have a fluval 04 filter at the moment I know I need a bigger one ..the sooner the better...they came from a small tank at the shop wen I put them in my tank they was all swimming up and down the tank in a this normal
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Nice combo of fish and lots of room. I'd add, to a tank that size, two dual-head 1600 gph SunSun (magnetic mount) powerheads to a tank this size. You can them for about $17 each on eBay.
Paul Atherton
Paul Atherton - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart hi I got 1 dolphin..2 iceburg malawi and 1 colbolt blue... its a 250 gallon tank 3.5 feet wide but a high tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
No need to panic. They will thrive either way. However, as they grow and as you add more fish, you might want to add more surface agitation in the form of a powerhead. What's the size of your tank and what four cichlids did you buy?
mikeymouse1985 - 8 years ago
are those clown loaches they look amazing
ROWEN DAVID - 8 years ago
keeping Malawi
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Never. On the contrary, the cichlids flee from the clowns from time to time. The loaches are fearless.
Tan Yi Xuan
Tan Yi Xuan - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart do the cichlids fight with the clowns?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Yes they are, and they work hard cleaning up any food that gets caught in the substrate or between rocks. I love the color and activity they add to the tank.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Michael Solis
Michael Solis - 8 years ago
Very informative. Thank you sir!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome and I'm very glad that you found it informative.
Ermin Velic
Ermin Velic - 8 years ago
Really nice tank I am going back again to keep fish it's been really long time I had it thanks for the great tips !
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome Ermin. If you ever need some tips, come to "Ben O'Cichlid" on Facebook. There's a great group of fishkeepers that willing to help out.
Thanks for watching.
ad78 - 8 years ago
i lost 2 cichlids when i ran 80deg.. i thought my water parameter is bad, these fish are very delicate with temperature. its started with fungus, then i noticed when i change it to 75deg after 3days all white slime gone away! after water change, the only product im using is Seachem neutral regulator.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
ACs have a pretty high temp tolerance, 85 is not uncommon, especially when treating for ich. The raise in temp has to be slow or it will shock the fish. I'm thinking that you might have lost the fish for another reason. What were your tank test results? Also, I'm not familiar with Seachem neutral regulator. I use "Safe" and sometimes "Prime", both from Seachem.
ad78 - 8 years ago
Ben, i used to have sunsun 704b but i decided to go for FX6. You have running 106watts total on your canisters vs 43 on FX6. Nice setup and amazing fish you got
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
ultimate youtubers Come over to the Facebook page, "Ben O'Cichlid" and you'll get a lot of good input.
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
75 gallon tank is workable with Cichlids. Think of adult sizes/colorations/and heavy bio-load when you purchase your stock.
ultimate youtubers
ultimate youtubers - 8 years ago
I just got new tank for Christmas that's a 75 gallon, and I was going to get a lot of African cichlids
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Ultimate, My current tank is a 60gal. I'm going into a 135 shortly, so stay tuned.
ultimate youtubers
ultimate youtubers - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart hi what size of tank is that you have
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Yolanda! PondGuru has moved almost entirely into pond and treasure hunting (metal detection) videos, so if you watch his content, go to his early stuff. The ones I follow closely today are KGTropicals, IFG (Inquisitive Fish Guy), Jay Wilson and Inventory King. For specialty projects, like my recent re-sealing of an older tank, I go to Joey the King of DIY.
Search around, you'll find your favorites and you can set it up, by clicking on the alarm, to get a notification when they post new material.
Yolanda Herbert
Yolanda Herbert - 8 years ago
Watching this again to revisit your tips. Please list Youtubers you said to watch. I wasn't sure how to spell palmgrew?
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
Thanks for comment back..
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Sounds like an awesome set-up to me.
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
I run a large sump with 1800gph turnover, a FX6, and a sunsun 304b.. wattage yes but overfiltration on a 360 gallon tank is a good thing.. Good thinking on power saving but I splurge on filtration.. My wife gave me permission lol
ad78 - 8 years ago
My bad, thought they were 304's :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've heard great things about the FX canisters.
The SunSun 302s are 17 watts each, so I'm using 34 watts for both.
Thanks for watching.
Chewy Fuzzy
Chewy Fuzzy - 8 years ago
Nice fish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you!
hageman18 - 8 years ago
Amazing diversity in this tank!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Over time I've pared it down to Peacocks & Haps. Eventually I will have two tanks, Peacocks in one and Haps in the other.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
lizzyanthus1 - 8 years ago
Thank you for the tips. Cichlids are just a tiny thought in my mind right now. You made a comment down below somewhere about adding salt when doing water changes. I thought, "salt?" Clearly I have to do a lot more research before this tiny thought about setting up a cichlid tank gets any bigger! LOL. So, thanks very much for the great tips. This was a good place to start!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Yes, watch a lot of videos before starting. There's lots of great advice out there. once you're under way it's very easy and a lot of fun.
Yaro - 8 years ago
very nice tank and good explain.thank You
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Limitless Kings Items from an ocean or beach, if totally clean, seem to do okay with African Cichlids, perhaps because of their tolerance to salt.
Limitless Kings
Limitless Kings - 7 years ago
@Ben Ochart can I put reef rocks in a freshwater tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
Ciarand123 78° usually
Chiken - 7 years ago
lloyd trent What temp do you keep your tank at? Nice video
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 7 years ago
lloyd trent Yes, over the next ten years.
lloyd trent
lloyd trent - 7 years ago
Ben Ochart doesn't the clown fish get huge
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome and thank you for watching.
Bryson West
Bryson West - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips because I'm setting up a 55 gallon cichlid tank and what kind of fish is that orange and black with red fins
Kyler Owenby
Kyler Owenby - 8 years ago
Bryson West Clown Loaches
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Bryson, tell me where he shows up in the video and I'll ID him for you.
Jess Bell Lebert
Jess Bell Lebert - 8 years ago
I just bought an established 90g Cichlid tank to help my cancer recovery. Thanks so much for your posts. We are never too old to learn.
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
I second positive thoughts for awesome recovery !!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for watching and I hope your recovery goes well.
phanatik11 - 8 years ago
You video was great.. Thank you.. for a bunch of great tips that I will definitely use.. Good job keep it up
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for the encouragement!
metcalfe87 - 8 years ago
Very well put together video.. Nice tank as well.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Aaron Carrillo
Aaron Carrillo - 8 years ago
very well done man, i really like your tank, very useful info, keep it up.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you, I appreciate the kind words of encouragement.
Trish Holbrook
Trish Holbrook - 8 years ago
Very nice looking setup. :) how many hours per month would be required for this?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I would estimate 2 - 4 hours a month, maybe less since I started using an Aqeon siphon/hose water change system.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Star Mole
Star Mole - 8 years ago
Great tank, great vid, u talk a lot of sense
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Star!
Romek Stanek
Romek Stanek - 8 years ago
Great video and beautiful tank. I am wondering what is your experience wit SunSun canisters? I have bought my tank with exactly the same canister (second hand) but I cannot use it. Compare to my old Fluval the SunSun is to loud. I have change rotor, pipes, and done general cleaning. The constant noise was annoying. Good in the garage but not at home. Was is your experience with them?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've been running two SunSun 302s continuously for two years with no issues. They are running quiet and strong.
If the rotor screw-down cover is not seated absolutely perfectly (and it's not easy to screw it down perfectly unless do it in bright light so you can see what you're doing and can be sure it's lined up right) it will rattle.
Also, any air in the canister/hoses will create noise. That can be handled by rocking and tipping the canister in different directions until air stops coming out of the output.
Last, be sure the baskets are seated in perfect position.
I hope this helps. Good luck.
Luqman Hakiem
Luqman Hakiem - 8 years ago
I have 2 red parrot fish what fish can I mix with it
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but I don't know much about Parrott fish. I suggest you search "Parrott fish" on YouTube, I'm sure there must be a lot of videos that can help you.
Wassim Znaidi
Wassim Znaidi - 8 years ago
Yes Albino Aulonacara always be attacked :(
Wassim Znaidi
Wassim Znaidi - 8 years ago
Yes Right !! Aulonocara Dragon blood is so aggressive speacially if it big than the others,
But the albino is not the dragon blood. !! search it in google image !! the difference is Albino has a orange eye and orange skin.
Dragon blood has a normal eye and there are some orange skin or flower skin.

One advice : if you find Aulonocara Albino dont buy the small one. bring the big one.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've also heard that sometimes, if they are albino "Dragonbloods," they call be very aggressive.
Thanks for watching.
Ryan Sandilands
Ryan Sandilands - 8 years ago
Your tank looks awesome! I really like the diverse community which is probably my main goal. I also really like the way you talked very open and chilled and reflected in your first tip watch heaps of you tube. Soooo much beauty in humility I love your walk heart
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad that you enjoyed the video.
Ryan Sandilands
Ryan Sandilands - 8 years ago
Warm heart soz lol
Lorri Paustian
Lorri Paustian - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing! Just started a 60 gallon cichlid tank and appreciate any knowledge.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome and good luck with your new tank.
devingibson4 - 8 years ago
how many fish you got in there
devingibson4 - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It's always a work in progress, right!?
devingibson4 - 8 years ago
awesome tank...thanks for the informantion....I have a 55 and probably about 25 in.....I will probably be removing 2 or 3 in the near future....
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Back when this was filmed there were around 20 fish in there.
Thanks for watching.
Farhan Khan
Farhan Khan - 8 years ago
subscribed very useful channel.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you very much Farhan Khan. Your support is appreciated.
Anthony Laura
Anthony Laura - 8 years ago
I'm just getting back into fish and my question is ..... what is the best alge eater out there?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Funny you should ask that question. I just added a new pleco, a standard green pleco, and he has cleaned off all the brown algae I had on my lava rock. Check out my most recent video and you'll see what I'm talking about. There may be better algae eaters out there but I've never seen such a dramatic change in a tank.
Also, watch how long you have your lights on and if you're getting any sunlight on the tank. Those factors can impact algae.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Farhan Khan
Farhan Khan - 8 years ago
hi Ben how do you keep clean the gravels and rocks cleaned from growing algae ? mine turns dark green and black in just 10 days ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm not too familiar with what is compatible with a flowerhorn. He might destroy the pleco. I know albino plecos get beaten up by cichlids. The substrate does contain some beneficial bacteria, but I see many successful bare bottom tanks. If you have good media in your filters, you will still have plenty beneficial bacteria.
Maybe if you cut out some light time and add a UV sterilizer the algae will decrease?
Farhan Khan
Farhan Khan - 8 years ago
thank you for very useful hints, i use led lights 8 hours a day , there is no sunshine on my tank through out the day, should i remove gravel just keep the rocks? if i remove the gravel so isnt it good for bacteria ? i have 40 Gallons tank and only one fish "flowerhorn" i dont think i can have a green pleco am i ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Do you have a lot of sunlight hitting your tank? If yes, then you need to block it with a curtain or something.
Also, how many hours a day do you keep your lights on? That can have an impact as well.
One thing I do is turn the rocks over when I do water changes, this prevents too much from growing on one side.
Also, I vacuum every week. And recently I've added a standard green pleco and he's doing a wonderful job.
I don't have one but I've heard that a UV light can also help keep algae under control.
Hope this helps.
Jennifer Norris
Jennifer Norris - 8 years ago
How many african cichlids do you recommend for a 15 gallon tank? I started with 6 and have had a very tough time getting the water right. Now I have just one left.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
15 gal is too small for African Cichlids. Except maybe for a few juvies. Perhaps 3 or four small South American Cichlids, like German Rams ... but it's really too small an enclosure.
K Khan
K Khan - 8 years ago
Fantastic video and information. Thanks for Sharing !
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome K and I thank you for watching and commenting.
Dhru Dave
Dhru Dave - 8 years ago
Can you give a list of the fish you have in there?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm in the middle of restocking and will do a new "Stock List" video in a few weeks. Please watch for it.
Connor Tierney
Connor Tierney - 8 years ago
There is no such thing as over filtration
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
What I refer to is going beyond the manufacturer stated capacity / recommended use on the filter.
If I have a 75 gal tank and the filter says "good for up to 75 gal" you know I'm going to throw at least two of them on there!
We're on the same page.
TotalNick41 - 8 years ago
So why would not acclimating your fish be better than slowly over time? I'm alittle confused by your explanation. great vid though!
TotalNick41 - 8 years ago
wow thanks for the response!!! I've been asking people at my lfs but will have to check out those sources you sent me!!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
There's a great recent video by "The King of DIY" on YouTube that does a great job explaining the science of "flop-and-drop". Also some great videos by Rachel O'Leary and KG Tropicals on the subject.
As soon as you open the bag, especially if it's been sealed for a long time, like when fish are shipped, a reaction takes place that can spike ammonia (or something like that). So, it's best to float the bag a bit to minimize temp shock and then quickly open the bag and pour water and fish into a large net over a bucket, and quickly put the fish in the tank. No water from the bag should go into the tank.
John Hudson at KG Tropicals (TankTalk on Facebook) says he's being doing it this way for years and has never lost a fish due to the effects of acclimating.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
EZ, thank you!
Evan Fraser
Evan Fraser - 8 years ago
Is it ok to have a cat fish with cichlids in my tank I thinking about getting cichlids
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hiding places are always a good idea in an AC tank. But I can't comment on something I'm not sure about. I'd hate to say, "Throw him in there," and then find out his was killed.
Evan Fraser
Evan Fraser - 8 years ago
Thanks my grandad has them and he said it will be fine if I give I hiding spots that the cichlids can't get to is that right ???
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Not sure... Ask at my FB page, "ben o'cichlid" or at Tank Talk, or at the web page and I'm sure someone with direct experience will reply.
Evan Fraser
Evan Fraser - 8 years ago
I have a bristle nose cat fish will that be ok or will I have to change it
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
My Corey cats were destroyed by the Cichlids, but I have seen Synodontis catfish doing well in Cichlid tanks. I use the Clown Loaches as my clean up crew and will be adding a bushy nose Albino Pleco.
Thanks for watching!
Stuart Paton
Stuart Paton - 8 years ago
What's the orange and black ones? Look like tiger barb?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Those are Clown Loaches and they work as my clean-up crew.
Thanks for watching!
swapnil watane
swapnil watane - 8 years ago
Hi there, what gravel do you use in this tank?? looks awesome.
swapnil watane
swapnil watane - 8 years ago
thanks for info :-)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
CaribeSea EcoComplete cichlid specific substrate. Mostly shells that help buffer the water since African Cichlids like a high pH.
driveboy42 - 8 years ago
Great info. I have a Fluval 306 on a 60 gallon tank and definitely thinking about adding a SunSun to help keep the water levels A1. Thanks!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Can't go wrong with SunSun and a backup canister is never a bad idea.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Tony Ramirez
Tony Ramirez - 8 years ago
Nice tank .and advise
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks Tony, I appreciate you taking the time to watch.
chad osimer
chad osimer - 8 years ago
Great info I'm going to start a tank it's 75 gallons. Can you tell me how many fish I should add to start?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
15 - 20 young peacocks and two bushynose plecos and three or four clown loaches
Vaughn Pruess
Vaughn Pruess - 8 years ago
Great info...From everyone THANKS.. keep them coming
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
More like "as I'm adding the water"
I have some Prime and Seachem Malawi Lake Salt mixed in a cup that I pour in as the tank is filling up.
devingibson4 - 8 years ago
question for say you treat the tank before adding the tap put the chemical for the water in before you add the water?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Vaughn, I appreciate the kind words and support of my channel.
BADFISHHHHHH - 8 years ago
how many fish do you have in there? i need to stock my 55 gallon
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Badfishhhhhhh, I average 12 to 18 depending what I'm moving back and forth from the grow-out tank.
holmgr3n.17 !
holmgr3n.17 ! - 8 years ago
thank you so much greater advice
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome and I thank you for watching.
Рухлан Алиев
Рухлан Алиев - 8 years ago
Hi, Ben! Thanks for great video and your tips! They useful for me (i acted quickly and saved my albino ;) I'm new to this hobby.
I have some fish like in your tank and i dont really think that i know real name of them. For example I have two big boys i think: Aulonocara baenschi and another with blue head and brown body, can you tell me the exact name of this fish? On your video Baenschi chasing "brown" always. I have the opposite situation ^)
p.s. sorry for my English
Рухлан Алиев
Рухлан Алиев - 8 years ago
ok, waiting for aproval :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello, please go to my Facebook page "Ben O'Cichlid" and post a picture of the fish you're referring to. I'll see if I can help.
nick 55555
nick 55555 - 8 years ago
nice apart from the 3 fish that shouldn't be in that tank I have the same fish plus a, jack Dempsey  a lovely peacefull big boy and very pretty,a calvus a Bacardi a julidochromis a lamprologus cylinricus these are my shell dwellers the secret to those is plenty of caves though they swim freely with all the others but plenty of caves is a good tip, and it works my last fish to replace the frontosa is my sexfesciatus a yellow fish with 6 brown bars that grows to 5/6  inches is a peacefull lookalike to the frontosa and a much better choice than the neolamprologus tretacephatus also known as the 4 bar cichlid or the poor mans frontosa which does share a lot of the frontosa type behaviar,i have had all these fish for 7 7 years all live peacefully together,always only get 1 of each type and no females it will cause a lot of grief,and like the man says any trouble makers take them back,i to have 2 filters,oh I nearly forgot my golden catfish,all live in peace and are a joy to keep,my biggest tip is not only see what other people keep together but read up on the fish before you buy
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Great points. Thanks for watching and commenting.
What Ricers Do What Ricers do
What Ricers Do What Ricers do - 8 years ago
oh and also how do you get that beautiful dark inside the tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+What Ricers Do What Ricers do No, that's just a reflection of the back.
What Ricers Do What Ricers do
What Ricers Do What Ricers do - 8 years ago
I see. did you do the same thing for the sides?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I actually use a thick, cut to fit, piece of felt fabric, available at any fabric store, on the back of my tank. Very easy and inexpensive and if I get tired of it or want a different color I can just swap it out.
What Ricers Do What Ricers do
What Ricers Do What Ricers do - 8 years ago
yes the walls look nice and dark and the light color accommodates and it looks really good.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to? The background?
What Ricers Do What Ricers do
What Ricers Do What Ricers do - 8 years ago
what color is that light?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
basic T5 white
DARRYL BELLFIELD - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Darryl.
DARRYL BELLFIELD - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you sir.
Martin - 8 years ago
Nice video! Quick question, what kind of lighting are you using?
Martin - 8 years ago
Ahh nice, looks great in the video, colours pop!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've considered LED but being a low wide tank, the standard T5 48" fluorescent lighting works great.
Savas Beatie
Savas Beatie - 8 years ago
How in the world did you get Clown Loaches to survive? Start them all out together? I tried to put them in an established tank and they were all four dead within 2 days.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I put all three in at once, they were around two inches. The Cichlids have ignored them, even the most violent ones (that are no longer in the tank, like Mpanga, Auratus & Lwanda).
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
I wish I knew about this stuff before my entire tank died. I only had Malawi Eye-biters and Frontosa's, but the water quality thing got them.
nick 55555
nick 55555 - 8 years ago
frontosa ,very aggressive,should never be in a tank with malawis also why do you think there called eye biters,plus 1 of each type is a golden rule
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
That's too bad, but now you can restart with some good understanding. Thanks for watching.
孙岩 - 8 years ago
Hi, first, I want to say this is a really good vedio and I learn a lot from it.
Then, I am going to ask one question that do I need to keep the air pump on all the time since I don't see your tank has the air pump. Thank you
孙岩 - 8 years ago
Thank you so much!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Nope. Does the output breakup the surface of the water? That helps. Also, keeping the temperature 78 - 80F. If you make it hotter, like when treating ich, it can lower oxygen in the water and an airstone might be needed. Most importantly, look at your fish. Are they gasping for air, mouths rapidly opening and closing or do they seem pretty calm? If calm, no worries, they are getting enough air. If gasping, you need to break up that water surface with, ideally, something like a powerhead/wave maker. Good luck.
孙岩 - 8 years ago
I think my circulation is pretty good that I have a 54 gal tank and my filter is fluval 405 which is good for up to 100 gal tank. So in your opinion that I really don't need a air pump then?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
If you are getting good circulation with the outlets of your filter, you really don't need any air pumps or bubbles. I hope that helps.
david dubbèrly
david dubbèrly - 8 years ago
hey my jack demsey keeps tearing up my pleco
stamus is that normal
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
My opinion, Get that pleco out of the tank or he'll soon be dead.
FlowRida - 8 years ago
What type of fish is the large blue one with the yellow pectoral fin? That one is my favorite!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
The largest that you can afford and fit into your home. 180gal is good, a 126 6' wide is a good choice but a 60 or 75 is okay with young fish but you'll be wanting a bigger tank in a couple of years.
FlowRida - 8 years ago
Thank you. I have been thinking about starting an African chiclid aquarium. What size of aquarium would u recommend?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I think you're referring to my Electric Blue Hap (Sciaenochromis fryeri)
John Meyer
John Meyer - 8 years ago
Excellent video Ben. I love all your videos
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you John. I appreciate the encouragement.
COOL CANADIAN - 8 years ago
2 of my adult male electric yellow cichlids have black around their mouths any idea on what it is? please and thank you!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
That's an Electric Blue (Electric Blue Hap Sciaenochromis fryeri)
COOL CANADIAN - 8 years ago
also 7:15 what is that type of blue cichlid? i do have a lot of Females that are holding at the moment
Nisha Jagasia
Nisha Jagasia - 8 years ago
Thanks for the tips. I am new to the hobby. I acquired a tank with a new home and it had 3 cichlids. We prepared the tank very well and had everything cleaned and water checked then added 4 more african cichlids 2 months ago. Today one of them died.... I had not noticed any bullying behaviour like you described but the fish i lost was always separated from the others and on many days didn't feed.. they are all roughly the same size and don't seem to be aggressive toward each other. I am not sure if I could do anything better, and am paranoid about getting more because I am not sure why this little fellow died? Any tips?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Sorry about your fish. It could be numerous factors and I'd be totally guessing. It sounds like parasites which are pretty common. The fish get run down, stops eating and dies. Might not be a bad idea to treat with something like API General Cure, just to be sure. The other possibility is age. Some of these fish are older than they look. But it does sound more like parasites. Good luck.
Bill Koepsel
Bill Koepsel - 8 years ago
very good good info thanks……where are from located?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching Bill. I don't understand your question, I'm sorry.
Andrew C
Andrew C - 8 years ago
Some of the best advice I have heard, and I don't even keep Africans. This goes across the whole hobby. Ive heard so many opinions in videos, social media, and in person and you got it right lol.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Andrew, I appreciate the kind words.
Eve Clark
Eve Clark - 8 years ago
omg, thank you so much for this video. i love these fish, i just started cichlids tank and i love them. but i have them for a 3 week and i do a water add on and after words one dies every time, can you help. just lost a blue one, and was very upset, i just learnded from you that a weekly water change is important , didnt know that. i have a cat fish and another big cichlid and a silver dollar, but do want more. i will be watch you more. was wondering what your temp on for these fish?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Please watch a lot of YouTube videos. KGTropicals has a great video series.
If you're losing fish after water water changes it could several things, like:
1) not matching water temperature before adding new water (I run at around 80°)
2) cleaning filter media with tap water instead of tank water and killing beneficial bacteria
3) not correctly treating the water before adding to the tank with something like Prime
Watch my "water change day" video and my canister filter maintenance videos. There's lots of good tips in there.
Good luck.
Jordan Hamer
Jordan Hamer - 8 years ago
Now I have recently started to keep african cichlids and I am wondering how many litres per fish you can have with these.
Jordan Hamer
Jordan Hamer - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart yea the biggest I have right now is around 2.5cm big so they are still very young. Thank you for the advice and great video Aswell :) will be coming back to check for others in the future
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Try another four and see how that goes. You'll be okay for a while if they are young.
Jordan Hamer
Jordan Hamer - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart I currently have 5 in a 200 litre tank as that was my first introduction just wondering if adding another 8 (4 at a time) would over stock the tank to much
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
As an example, I'm upgrading to a 475 liter tank and may someday outgrow that one. African Cichlids get big and need a lot of swimming room.
Arkadiy Antonenko
Arkadiy Antonenko - 8 years ago
tell someone to buy, I am from Odessa Ukraine Aulonocara Binche
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Arkadiy in Odessa and thank you for watching.
Zaa İksde
Zaa İksde - 8 years ago
What is the name of fishes that yellow black ones ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It sounds like the clown loaches (big black strips on yellow body).
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 8 years ago
Where do you keep your pH to be able to keep clown loaches? because i know they like a low ph and most cichlids prefer a high ph. And do your cichlids do well with the clown loaches?
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart I've seen where some cichlids are in a tank and the pH is around 8.5-8.6 and their colors tend to be more bright in the higher ph. That's the only reason why I keep my ph kinda high. But I'm just worried that might be a Lil to much for the clown loaches. But Thank you for replying (:
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
The way pH is measured, 8.1 - 8.3 is a LOT higher than just a few decimal points would suggest. However, that being said, I see clowns in quite of few cichlid tanks all over YouTube, so I would think it would be okay, but do more research and ask other cichlid keepers. Mine seem to be thriving.
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart My pH is around 8.1-8.3. Is that to high for clown loaches ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello, pH is in high 7's, but clowns are doing great. Cichlids leave them alone and, look at them, they are thriving.
A .joker
A .joker - 8 years ago
very nice video .. good tips subd .. I have a question .I maked a new tank for cichled it's 52 gallon tank how many cichled can i keep in it?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're welcome and enjoy your fish adventure.
A .joker
A .joker - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart yeah I watched some videos and they have 120_125 gallon tanks I will upgrade the 75 g to 125g thx allot man
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Well...your paco and walking cfish need a lot of room so I would leave them in the 120. 125 gal, (six feet across) if you watch a lot of YouTube videos, seems to be a very popular size for African Cichlids.
A .joker
A .joker - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart I have 120 gallon tank it where I keep my paco piranha and walking catfish and some American cichled so dont you think 125g is too much for African cichled ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
If you've got the room go 125 gal, 6 feet wide. You'll thank me in 18 months to two years.
A .joker
A .joker - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thanks man going to get new tank in 5 months from now it's 75 gallon thx thx agian man
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Depends on the type of Cichlid. Small South Americans, like Rams, you could keep 8 - 10. African Cichlids get pretty big. Maybe 8 or 9 mbuna. 6 or 7 Peacocks and Haps, will be fine as juvies but you'll want a bigger tank in 18 months to 2 years.
I love America
I love America - 8 years ago
right on bro sweet tank and video...............thanks
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Pablo.
Brian Smith
Brian Smith - 8 years ago
Great video. The tips were right on point.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Brian
Amanda's-Discus-Saltire08 - 8 years ago
Do the cichlids bother your clown loaches?
Amanda's-Discus-Saltire08 - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart cool, I have 3 in with my discus .
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Never. On the contrary, I've seen the clowns chase one of the cichlids. Just be sure the clowns are 2"+ and in a group of 3 or more when adding and they'll do fine. They really add a lot of fun to the tank. Thanks for watching.
Zachary Cheng
Zachary Cheng - 8 years ago
good vid,really helps
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm glad you found it helpful
Amanda De Jesus
Amanda De Jesus - 8 years ago
All of my fish died from a water change. 100 gal tank. Trying to figure out what i did wrong
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Amanda De Jesus Do you do water tests? If yes, what are your current readings?
Amanda De Jesus
Amanda De Jesus - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart yea my husband and i believe it was the temp. Bc just two weeks ago i did the same thing and it was fine...i just took out all the dead fish and decorations we r going to start over but my two plecos and two cichids lived im just seeing if they die or not....ima wait till after i get my uv filter before we add more
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
If all you did was take water out and put water back in, what killed then was some kind of shock due to a sudden spike or drop in: pH, temperature, chlorine or some such thing.
Did you temperature match the water before adding?
Did you correctly (exact dose) treat the water with a conditioner, de-chlorinator like Prime?
I'm sorry you lost them.
DAAC86 - 8 years ago
well an advice for you is to get a few more loaches as the go best in groups of 5-7 or more they are very social fish who like to swim close to eachother and play and if they are to few they can get bored when they get older and bigger and go after the other fish

other then that fine video and some good advices got cichlids my self but mostly the bigger south american cichlids
DAAC86 - 8 years ago
yeah they are lovely fish i am getting a group for my big tank aswell they are so funny to watch
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you and I agree. I'm going into a 125 gal, 6' tank and will add a few then. Totally love the way they interact.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
S Clazy
S Clazy - 8 years ago
Great video. I'm currently buying a new 180g after selling my last one 2 years ago which I regretted moments after selling it. So can't wait for my new one and getting back into African cichlids. I miss sitting down after a long day at work and watching them
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Yes, it's very relaxing. It will be fun getting a new tank going. You might want to share the set up on YouTube. It will give you a video record of the journey and help others embarking on a new tank.
Giod luck and thanks for watching.
Tony Cadden
Tony Cadden - 8 years ago
Great comments not keeping fish at the moment but you talk a lot of sense keep it up
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Than you Tony.
Damien Boath
Damien Boath - 8 years ago
I see the 40% weekly water change all the time. Ive had my 4ft tank for a couple of years now and initially when I'd do the 40% i found my PH levels would be all over the place, after a change they would plummet within an hour. Would lose fish regularly. Since Ive gone to changing maybe 15% every fortnight, i haven't lost any fish and all levels seem to be far more stable. I put it down to the crap water quality in my area. Only downside of this is my water isn't crystal clear.
Damien Boath
Damien Boath - 8 years ago
Ive just gone and filmed it, will narrate over it for better audio quality when i get a chance.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Post some tank vid's, would love to see the set up.
Damien Boath
Damien Boath - 8 years ago
It was a lot. Spent a good couple of hours cleaning it all in plain warm water. Did a 40% water change too.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Damien Boath Pretty normal. Plecos could handle that algae for you.
Damien Boath
Damien Boath - 8 years ago
I'm doing a major sand and ornaments clean today. Noticed a bit of algae even though we rarely have the lights on.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Damien Boath I'd be curious what your tap pH is vs. where it moves to one in the tank.
Maybe some Lake Salts and coral substrate would help stabilize.
Damien Boath
Damien Boath - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart in my 4ft tank I have 6 cichlids and 2 small plecos. convicts and acaras
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Do you have an intentionally overstocked AC tank?
David Large
David Large - 8 years ago
Great video with references to other great videos as well. I'm right there with you on getting a longer shorter tank with real rocks versus the 3D background currently being used in my 90 gallon. What kind of substrate will you be using in your six footer? My cichlids love to sift the fine sand through their gills.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm thinking black sand, black background and white smooth river rock. Simple. Nothing that destracts from the fish.
wazzawar19 - 8 years ago
what kind of lighting do u use look nice and clear
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Your basic T-5 fluorescent 48" light. I've thought about an LED but being a low and wide tank, the T-5 seems to do a good job. I place the light near the front of the top which seems to light up the tank better.
Thanks for watching and commenting.
Alex G
Alex G - 8 years ago
Excellent presentation and very useful tips. Many thanks
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome Alex. Thanks for watching.
Patti Hanson
Patti Hanson - 8 years ago
I really enjoyed your video. It was filled with good tips and common sense. This is a hobby I am just starting to research and you seem knowledgeable and kind. Could you recommend a few species of "pretty" freshwater fish for a newbie, please? Some that are more resilient would be great to offset inexperience until I mature as an aquarium keeper. I have heard various opinions about beta sorority tanks. Could any of the following be mixed: guppies, discus, African cichlids? Would you recommend Ghost shrimp, a pleco, or snails? Again thank you for the tips you already gave. Your tank is lovely.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Patti, Some fish that are good for starters are live bearers like sword tails, mollies, platys, and some neons like neon tetras, cardinal neons and maybe some angles and zebras.
To help keep things clean pick up some cory cats, a small pleco (just keep in mind that common Pleco's can grow very large in a short period, like 6 - 9" or larger).
Those are all pretty common, pretty, and inexpensive.
Pick up some basic fish care info or watch a lot of youtube videos so that you don't unintentionally kill too many of them.
Good luck, it's a great hobby.
perfecttrunks2000 - 8 years ago
dude u sound so much like alec baldwin..
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
LOL, one person said I sound like Darth Vader, so Alec B is a bit better. Thanks for watching!
remnant1978 - 8 years ago
Your tank would not be the same without the loaches, love the puppy dog personality. And they are gorgous.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I agree. I call them "Los Tres Amigos." Thanks for watching and commenting.
Waterman Chwee
Waterman Chwee - 8 years ago
how many ft is your tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It's 4' across. I'm transitioning to a 6' over the next few months. Thanks for watching.
It's Limited
It's Limited - 8 years ago
that electric blue is just amazing would love to get my hands on one.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
He is quite impressive. I picked him up at a big box pet store for $7. He had a bit of a sunken belly but has filled out nicely. Thanks for watching.
Derek Marrs
Derek Marrs - 8 years ago
Coming from salt water, its going to be hard for me not to worry about every little thing.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've found that over-thinking and anxiety can kill some of the enjoyment of having a nice tank and can lead to messing too much with the tank which can cause stress for the fish.
You have to stay on top of things. There's a happy medium there somewhere.
John Compoccia
John Compoccia - 8 years ago
,Can I put 2 cichlids a bala shark and a plecos and finally a catfish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Cat fish, like corey cats, no, because they get destroyed by ACs. If the others are juvies, then you'll be okay for a few months, but you will have to move to a bigger tank after they start gaining size.
John Compoccia
John Compoccia - 8 years ago
In a 20 gallon tank
Migs Ballesteros
Migs Ballesteros - 8 years ago
Great advice... I read before that they need a little salt in water, is that right? How much salt?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Some people use salt, some don't. I've seen beautiful tanks both ways. I use some Lake Salts (a Seachem product) that helps to add trace minerals to the water. Some people use Epson Salts (less expensive than lake salts). Just search YouTube or go to and you'll get a lot of advice.
Joseph Ryan
Joseph Ryan - 8 years ago
i just got back into the hobby after 20 years. I have forgot how to control the nitrates and amonya any sugestions?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
That's a big question. Start by watching YouTube videos on "cycling your tank." You'll need to develop good beneficial bacteria in your media, on rocks and in the substrate. Watch a few videos before putting any fish in your tank. KG Tropicals is a good place to start on YouTube.
Kona Edwards
Kona Edwards - 8 years ago
could you tell me what kinds of cichlids you have
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello, these are called African Cichlids. They are different and require different tank conditions than South American Cichlids.
There are three kind of African Cichlid in my tank which are commonly referred to as Haps, Pracocks and Mbuna. Mine is a mixed tank. Some prople prefer to keep only one kind of African Cichlid.
Jim Gittum
Jim Gittum - 8 years ago
Great Vid
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Jim!
John Compoccia
John Compoccia - 8 years ago
Good vid
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you John.
John Compoccia
John Compoccia - 8 years ago
Can they be with a bala shark
John Compoccia
John Compoccia - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Not an expert on Bala Sharks but Cichlids should be with Cichlids to thrive.
dale cupidd
dale cupidd - 8 years ago
great lookin tank ...bro
I've got ah 20 gal tank how often should I feed dem (8 chiclids)
dale cupidd
dale cupidd - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Currently I'm feeding twich a day, only what they can eat in 30 seconds. I might skip one day a week to help clean them out and avoid bloat.
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
what do you do with the bully fish after removing?
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart will he continue to bully other fish after you remove him?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I sell then or exchange them at the local fish store for store credit.
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
what is flop and drop? sorry in new to this
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart if you any tips on how I can pull this off before Monday, I'd appreciate it
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
it's s way of adding new fish to a tank. Some people float the bag for 15 - 30 minutes, adding tank water to the bag.
The flop and drop method might include floating the bag to match temperature but then pours out the fish into a bucket, catching the fish in a net and putting him in the tank. It's a faster way of getting the fish into the tank where the water is much healthier
KG Tropicals has a YouTube video on it. Search: "acclimating fish."
Minh Nguyen
Minh Nguyen - 8 years ago
Is that a pothos plant that you had in your tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It's a fake one.
Julie Anderson
Julie Anderson - 8 years ago
thankyou for your generosity in sharing your common sense knowledge. helpful for newbies like me
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are very welcome and thank you for watching and commenting.
3drhodes - 8 years ago
I have been in the hobby for 3+ years great tips. Regarding water changes, I fill 3 five gallon water jugs, treat the water, and let it sit for one week to adjust the water to the temperature of my tank works great for me
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
If it works, keep doing it. I think some are too quick to change things. If it works, why change? Thanks for watching.
Cheryl Campbell
Cheryl Campbell - 8 years ago
I am down to two convicts. 55 gallon..what can I start to add with these two..shall I go out and just throw in a bunch at once , or add slowly? there is so many choices of cichlids, I'm at a loss anymore.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but I'm not that familiar with South American Cichlids and don't want to give you bad advice.
I suggest that you search some YouTube videos on SA Cichlids.
If you go with African Cichlids, I suggest adding 4 - 6 at a time to spread aggression.
Good luck.
twas brillig
twas brillig - 8 years ago
well balanced tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks twas.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're welcome and I'm glad you found it helpful
jerry daniels
jerry daniels - 8 years ago
great info. I'm looking for some dither fish any suggestions? I have red terrors, purple rose queen, jaguar, black diamond ect. it's a 125 gallon
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Those are not fish that I am familiar with, So I can't give you advice I feel confident about.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Carl
Erkan Genc
Erkan Genc - 8 years ago
how can i difference male and female for african cichlids (mlawi)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Not easy when they are young and haven't colored up. There is some way (venting???) that I've heard of but I'm no expert on that. Check out They will have more info on this.
CICHLID.ADDICT - 8 years ago
one of your best videos!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you CA, I appreciate it.
Jonathan Ashcraft
Jonathan Ashcraft - 8 years ago
Great tank and pointers thank you! I am just starting my first Cichlid tank, she just finished cycling yesterday and my fish are arriving tomorrow !!! thank you again.
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart forgot to mention that the water force broke the glass thermometer in the tank. wonder if that also killed them
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart im trying to get the tank redone before he gets home Monday but I'm so overwhelmed and disheartened. seems so complicated to me and im afraid ill just kill more fish
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart sorry for all the typos. silly phone
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart so basically I did everything wrong because I wasn't educated. I would to refill the tank and add fish again before he gets home from North Carolina and flips his shit
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart yes unfortunately I have filter media because a few days ago I killed all of my boyfriends cichlids. he is on vacation so I wanted to change the water because it was very cloudy and green. I removed 95% of the water then refilled with tap water that want treated and most likely hot in temperature. I also poured the water in super fast so maybe I knocked them unconscious because they immediately fell to their sides and then bellied up and died one by one. I was so hurt and my boyfriend is super passed and upset
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Kayla Ramos Kayla, watch my tank set up videos. There are fast simple techniques you can use to get a healthy tank going, especially if you can get a hold of some filter media from an already established tank.
Jonathan Ashcraft
Jonathan Ashcraft - 8 years ago
+Kayla Ramos there are tons of articles on "fishless cycles" I used ammonia and continued to add ammonia until the tank fully cycled
Kayla Ramos
Kayla Ramos - 8 years ago
how do you cycle your tank before you add fish?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Very exciting. Enjoy!
Arturo Figueroa
Arturo Figueroa - 8 years ago
Very informative video and very beautiful tank/fish!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Arturo!
al pacino
al pacino - 8 years ago
Hey Ben, hope you don't mind a question or two. Would you recommend a canister pump or an external power pump with the two filters?? Thank you very much! I have always used the external pumps but recently bought another 75 gallon tank and it came with a canister pump.
al pacino
al pacino - 8 years ago
You can see my tank if you search al pacino 75 gallon African cichlid tank. See what you think. I'm not sure why the video is so narrow though. First time uploading a video on Youtube.
al pacino
al pacino - 8 years ago
I'm not sure Ben, but its a Magunum 350. I just wasn't sure if I should use that one or stick to the small pump that hangs on the back of the tank. They just seem cheesey! LOL....Hope I'm not being a pain.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Well, no doubt you'll be adding more fish as you go, but for now I'd say go ahead and get a two canister system going. Do you know the Gallons Per Hour (GPH) of the canister you have now?
al pacino
al pacino - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart I have nine small cichlids at the moment. Hoping they all do well and grow to a nice size. All babies at the moment. Thanks for any advice on the pump!! 
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
A lot of factors to consider. There's no "one size fits all" answer.
Number and type of fish is where we should start. Give me an idea of what kind of tank you're trying to create.
al pacino
al pacino - 8 years ago
Great video! Thanks for the help.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
My pleasure and thank you for watching.
tmrldw13 - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are very welcome and thank you for watching and commenting.
edwardsdeacon - 8 years ago
Great video. Helpful advice and some beautiful fish. Thanks for posting it.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Ed!
Phoenix Cichlids
Phoenix Cichlids - 8 years ago
good stuff my friend and nice fish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you !
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
what kind of substrate is that (Brand Name) looking to start up a new tank which i dont want sand.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart ooohh nice i see. Thanks for that.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+news wick it should be offered in different colors. Mine looked a tan color when I ordered it but it's become pretty white over time.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thanks a lot. I checked the link out its just yours looks a lot brighter than the links substrate i like your look better.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Eco complete Cichlid specific substrate. you can see it here:
Tony Rios
Tony Rios - 8 years ago
Subscribed! Great vid man
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Tony!
David Olivier
David Olivier - 8 years ago
Nice looking arrangement. What's the violet colored plant on the right hand side? Is it always that color?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I still have to take them out an scrub them. I think algae grows on everything, real or plastic.
David Olivier
David Olivier - 8 years ago
8-) Still looks good! Must help reduce algae growth too.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Don't be too impressed, it's plastic from China :)
David Perrin
David Perrin - 8 years ago
Love your tank.clowns look good
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you sir and thank you for watching!
Sean Tran
Sean Tran - 8 years ago
Hi there Ben,
I am just getting started in this addiction of African cichlids lol..I was wondering what kind of cichlid is the one with the bright blue head and the kinda orange body and fins? Ps beautiful tank and fishes:)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You'er welcome Sean and thanks for being a fan. You're appreciated.
Sean Tran
Sean Tran - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart
Thanks Ben! I looked it up and it's the German red! It's a beautiful peacock for sure! I'll keep watching your videos and learning!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Sean, there are two fish in the tank that fit your description. One is a Benga Sunshine (more yellow) and the other one is a German Red (darker red-orange). Good luck with your tank and thank you for watching!
Conner Higgins
Conner Higgins - 8 years ago
what is that rainbow colord fish
Conner Higgins
Conner Higgins - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart 11 seconds in its at the top
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Where is he in the video? Tell me the time when he does up and I'll try to name him.
paulette hyman
paulette hyman - 8 years ago
What are the black and orange catfish looking things in the tank? Looks like you have three or four of them...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello Paulette, those are called Clown Loaches and are the "cat fish" of my tank. I had Cory cats and they were destroyed by the Cichlids. I love the clowns. They add a lot of fun and color. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Michael Green
Michael Green - 8 years ago
nice tank sir, nice and clean.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you sir and thank you for watching.
Chris Cox
Chris Cox - 8 years ago
Great video. Thank you for the information. We just bought my son his first aquarium and waiting for the water to be ready for some fish.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
A fun water chemistry lesson for your child. My Mom brought home a 10 gal when I was seven. A lifetime of enjoyment. Thanks for watching and commenting.
hondagoal - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank Ben. Thanks for the upload.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome and thank you for watching and commenting.
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
Could you make a list of all the cichlids you have, I wanna start a tank similar to yours!
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thanks you very much
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart travertine reg, LOL, spell check on crack. It should read: Tangerine Tiger.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Liam White Mbunas can be very mean to each other, especially as they get bigger and defend territory more aggressively. My usually peaceful Electric Yellow Lab has suddenly started terrorizing the other two Mbuna, a Yellow Tail and a Chewere.
I would go all peacock but do your research because even some peacocks can develops a bad attitude.
A good resource for research is
What I suggested above, with a Red Empress, Travertine Reg and Taiwan Reef would be awesome.
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart hey there again. My 55 gallon turned into a 75 gallon. I like mbunas because they are more colourful and they're cheaper but I've heard they're very aggressive. I am wondering if you would suggest an all peacock, an all mbuna, or a mixed tank and what species to put in or if it doesn't really matter what specific species I get as long as it's mbunas or peacocks. Everywhere I read on the Internet seems to give me different opinions and it's very confusing for a beginner.
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thank you very much! I'll be buying my tank in Saturday and starting it's cycle period then.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Liam White All males, but you'll pay more for sexed fish. Some people buy little guys cheap and take their chances, eventually giving away the females. If you go that route you'll probably end up with fry that present a whole new aspect to the hobby (grow out tanks, etc).
I can't really comment on South Americans. I've seen beautiful specimens and I used to keep discus and rams, but I love the activity level, attitude and variety of African Cichlids.
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart are those all males?
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart for a beginner would you suggest African or South American cichlids?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Okay, so unless you want to be forced into re-homing fish or moving into a bigger tank within two years I would suggest you go with either all Mbuna or all Peacocks, avoiding Haps that grow very quickly and can get real testy. I'm going to have to get into a 120gal pretty soon, or have to give away my Fusco and Frontosa.
My ideal 55 would include a Ruby Red, a Lemon Jake, a Bi-color 500, a Ngara Flametail, a Sulfer Head, a Benga Sunshine, an Otter Point and a bushy nose albino pleco and three or four clown loaches. I would also suggest smooth rocks since lava rocks, like I'm using, has sharp edges and can scrape the fish (I'll be swapping out my rockscape in the near future). Also, consider using two canister filters like I have set up. I hope that helps. I know I missed a few fish ... so many to choose from.
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart it's a 55 gallon
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I appreciate the compliment. What is the size of the tank that you will be setting up?
jcashisking - 8 years ago
Awesome video, wish there were more like it
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for the kind words and thank you watching.
Casey Keil
Casey Keil - 8 years ago
Any tips on PH or GH on the tank you have set up there? Beautiful collection of Africans, but what do you keep your PH and GH at?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. I have very hard water in my area and the pH is handled with the shell substrate. Here's a great resource for you:
John Arco
John Arco - 8 years ago
NICE video
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you John!
Ginny Ward
Ginny Ward - 8 years ago
Awesome video and glad I subbed you =)!
Ginny Ward
Ginny Ward - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart You're welcome=)!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Ginny and thanks for the sub!
Matthew Penny
Matthew Penny - 8 years ago
love your set up!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Matthew and thanks for watching.
Matthew Penny
Matthew Penny - 8 years ago
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I checked out your link and love the tank. I gave you a sub.
Rita Taylor
Rita Taylor - 8 years ago
You have a very nice set up.  I enjoyed watching your video.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Rita! :-)
wc77mitch - 8 years ago
Wow, beautiful fish! Healthy and very clean!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Mitch and thank you for watching and commenting.
Jared Gaiser
Jared Gaiser - 8 years ago
What tips do you have to get your fish to color up as nicely as the ones in the video? Also, if your water is crystal clear, your ammonia and nitrate levels are at 0 ppm, what benefit are you really getting out of changing 50% of the water once a week? Are you not interrupting what would otherwise appear to be a healthy ecosystem? I generally do ~30% every 4-6 weeks with weekly vacuuming of the hot spots for crap to collect. Edit: I should clarify that the weekly spot cleanings usually end up to be about 5-10% per week, and then there is the 20-30% every 4-6 weeks.
Jared Gaiser
Jared Gaiser - 8 years ago
In my 75 breeder, I am working with about 1 AC per 3 gallons (various flavors of course). I use 2 Marineland Penguin 350 HOB filters (by choice after experimentation) and am able to keep my ammonia and nitrate levels at 0 constantly. I never go more than 6 weeks without a 25% change, and I have never tested positive for any notable ammonia or nitrates in this tank. I agree completely that the over-filtration is a must (which would kind of make it, the right amount of filtration), but I find that the frequent water changes can actually hurt the ecosystem that is meant to deal with the issues you are trying to prevent with the water changes. The one thing I can't quite get down is how to get them to color up.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hey Jared, regarding color, clean healthy water, low stress and NorthFin fish food from Canada all play a part. Regarding the water changes, as you probably know ACs are waste factories. Add to that over-stocking to spread aggression and we have a nitrate time bomb waiting to happen. The best safeguard is a combination of over filtration (in my case two SunSun 302s, adding up to 530, loaded with Biohome Ultimate, Marine Pure, Seachem Purigen and sponges) and weekly water changes. I'm getting perfect test results, so I'm not changing anything which is hard for AC keepers who always want to compulsively change things.
Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson - 8 years ago
good vid, good advice. just getting started and will keep those tucked in the back of my mind. thanks
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You're welcome Daniel. Come back and rewatch after you're up and running.
Liam Davis
Liam Davis - 8 years ago
Very good video. I have a 45 gallon cichlid tank * Planning to upgrade soon* and have 12 in it at the moment. I have not seen any fighting and they are now two years old. This video taught me a lot of things , some I was doing , I have a filteration system for a 100 gallon tank on my system at the moment.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
At some point you might have to separate the JD and Blue Johanni. Different kind of cichlids that usually don't play nice. Fingers crossed that your are mellow.
Liam Davis
Liam Davis - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Yeah unfortunately mine didn't survive my move. Got some new fish today though and they are doing amazing in their new home. Ended up getting more than originally planned on though.

A male and female Blue Johanni
a male Interruptus
a male and female jack dempsey
3 baby cichlids (not sure of species yet)
and a pea puffer

The babies and puffer fish are in seperate tanks away from my larger fish. Babies will be moved once bigger.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Well, wecome back. Don't ask me how many fish I killed because I didn't really understand how to create a healthy environment.
Liam Davis
Liam Davis - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Thank's so much. People like you are what inspired me to get back into the hobby. I used to breed peacocks when I was a teenager then lost my fish sadly.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
He'll love his own tank and 55 gal is a good size. Good luck.
Liam Davis
Liam Davis - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Yeah my Green terror will be in his own 55 gallon tank along with some cleaner fish. I know how mean they are same with the dempseys ( though they do get along with africans if you get them young. so I hear)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Green Terror, as the name implies, I hear, can be quite a terror. Be sure you have the right tank mates. He's a South American (different from my African Cichlids). They are very pretty.
Liam Davis
Liam Davis - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart You have some of the most beautiful cichlid's I've seen. I'm planning to get a Green Terror soon and this game idea's on what to do. I've always done the buying more than one at a time thing only once did I buy a single fish and release it. It's not my breeding female so I guess it worked out for me, never knew about the long hose system planning to get one of those now.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm glad it provided some new ideas. I'm constantly learning. Thank you for watching and commenting!
Yugal Limbu
Yugal Limbu - 8 years ago
what type of lights do u use?
Yugal Limbu
Yugal Limbu - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thnx ur fish looks very healthy
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello, I use a standard T-5 48" fluorescent light
Tanked With Aussie
Tanked With Aussie - 8 years ago
My personal tip for you is to take out the loaches... They do well in lower pH levels and in tanks a little more chill. Not to mention, they can outgrow your tank!
Tanked With Aussie
Tanked With Aussie - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart true. i guess this is where options differ. :)
i find that loaches do well in peaceful tanks, where a large school of 8 or more individuals with other large(ish) but peaceful species.... preferably anything over 6 x 2 x 2 ft in size... as they can grow up to and over 2 ft if given the chance. (look at Marie the clown loach)
i understand that everyone has their own option but i personally believe that rift lake cichlids should stay with rift lake fish... only.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've looked at this question for a while. The opinions vary. My loaches seem to be thriving, very active and colorful. My pH runs around 7.5 - 7.8, not on the high end for AC tanks. I will be going to a 120gal, so the size issue is not of concern to me. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Jon Snyder
Jon Snyder - 8 years ago
I switched from a 55 to 1:25 is so much easier to clean and I'm up to about 25 fish in there and yet it still doesn't look nearly stocked enough but not sure how many more I'm going to add if any.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I checked out your tank and really like it.
Jon Snyder
Jon Snyder - 8 years ago
nice set your fish look great and I cannot agree more kgtropicals and IfG are great resources for people to learn I also enjoyed Jay Wilson has some good information Mambo Marcus is very well at what he does. I've been keeping for about 6 years just upgraded to a 125 could not be happier most of my fish are juvenile I did post a video if you're interested
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching and I will check out your video since I'm seriously considering a 120 6' set up.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome and thank you for watching and subscribing!
Kalyn Ferrini
Kalyn Ferrini - 8 years ago
I would love to pick your brain! After falling for cichlids beauty, the sales associate allowed me to purchase two African cichlids as my first fish in my ready tank. After one night of trying to protect one from the other, i awoke to a belly up fish. I was devastated and took BOTH back. After never wanting a cichlid again, after another week of an empty tank I brought home one cichlid for my tank. im disappointed, I want a community tank but fell in love with these fish. I need help!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Kalyn Ferrini Rams are very sweet, except sometimes with there own kind they can be nippy. If you originally had a bumblebee, I understand that they can be real mean.You might want to continue with Mbuna. Avoid ones known for being mean (Auratus, pseudotropheus, etc). Do research at websites like Rams are South American, so if you go with them you will not want to mix with Africans.
Kalyn Ferrini
Kalyn Ferrini - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Yes it has lots of caves for the fish to discover, it didnt help. My interest in cichlids, is a brand new adventure. I went from only ever owning a Betta, to owning a fully loaded fish tank with water testing and management. I've become addicted! Im still learning but the first two I had brought home was a yellow cichlid that was very similar to a bumblebee cichlid, and the other was a lighter blue with black? The yellow zeroed in on the blue later that evening (once the store was closed) and that was it. the blue passed and I brought the yellow back with the blue the very next day. After research and really thinking about it I went back for another and now have the Johanni (is that right) and have had him for a few days but originally bought the second aquariam for a community tank. but I am fascinated by this species. Do you think I should bring him back and start with ram cichlids?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I try to never add less than 3 - 6 at a time to spread the aggression around. Also, what are the fish you got? You might have put together a couple of fish that shouldn't be together. And, does your tank provide plenty of hiding spots, nooks, caves? That's important.
nidhin chandran2121
nidhin chandran2121 - 8 years ago
Sir..thanks for your video..
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
My pleasure and thank you for watching.
christopher samsudeen
christopher samsudeen - 8 years ago
nice tank,but why are you not using fine sand?awsome colors the fishes haveA+++
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+christopher samsudeen Good to know. My Fusco and Front are forcing me into a bigger tank. I'll seriously consider sand. Thank you.
christopher samsudeen
christopher samsudeen - 8 years ago
hey ben,i have been in this malawi hobby  since 2000.and i allways had fine sand to give my little friends a natural as possible dont have to worry at tall about your canister filters but only if you running a undergravel filter.currently i run 2xeheim pro4 canisters on my 350 gallon tank and i do not at all have issues with sand in my canisters.the fish play a lot with the fine sand.nuffsaid anyhow thats my opinion.but i love your video and fishes are really awsome ben :o))) i cant wait til next wensday to go to my local pet store to purchase my 5x Aulonocara "Red" / "Firefish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello and thanks for watching. The reason I use the crushed coral / shell substrate is because I had heard too many horror stories about sand getting into canister filters and messing up the motors. This is a cichlid specific substrate that helps buffer. The fish pick it up and move it around, it's pretty funny to watch. If I start another tank I might try black sand since it looks so awesome. I'll just place the intakes a bit higher.
Dark Spark
Dark Spark - 8 years ago
Nice tips and nice blue dolphin! My BD is a bit bigger than the one you've got and so is my OB. I've made a few vids. I'm trying to prove that cichlids can be happily cared for in smaller tanks once they are in the right conditions. You can check them out here:
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+SlimKalHoone They are both beautiful. I was just ready for a different kind of challenge and a wider variety of fish. I might start up a discus tank again someday, but not in anything smaller than 125g.
Dark Spark
Dark Spark - 8 years ago
Np. Question, you mentioned you've kept Discus in the past - why did you switch over to cichlids? I'm asking because after my cichlids are larger I might want to try out some Discus.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I will. Thanks for stopping by.
Dmv african cichlids
Dmv african cichlids - 8 years ago
Nice tank, fish, and video
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you KC, I appreciate the kind words.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
BEN thanks for all the tips you put up
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome. I appreciate the support.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
I also use 2kg biohome in a fluval 306 plus mechanical and chemical in a juwel internal in a 450l tank with centrel and south american cichlids
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
Ben informative content,
My nitates are gradually decreasing in my cichlid taank and I made two new filters for a gold fish tank with bbiohome
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
The Biohome is working. I'm getting perfect test results. Thanks for watching!
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
yes true. I saw KGs video on flop and drop,
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I was very reluctant to flop-and-drop but this video put me over the edge:
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
if you think about the reason for changing water, normally to reduce chemical impurity in the tank or as a result of gravel vacuuming the substrate to remove waste.
I do about 15% as a result of gravel cleaning the tank parameters remain stable and in acceptable levels,
The now side of large changes is the water chemistry can be radically altered adversely effecting the fish
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
That's exactly what I'm talking about. It sounds like you've found what works for you. Definately stick with that.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
why 40-50% water change ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've seen recommendations from 25% to 90%. Considering my bioload (#of fish, amount of filtration and size of tank) 40 - 50% done weekly seemed right. My test results are consistently good, so I'm sticking with it. The test results are no doubt also related to the amount of high quality media in my canister filters. I'm using a couple kilos of Biohome Ultimate and Marine Pure. One thing I love about SunSun canisters are the large media baskets. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 8 years ago
Im not sure that flop and drop is proven to be better than your previous method?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It's worked for me but everyone has to go with what they feel comfortable with. There are some good YouTube videos on it by people far more savvy than me, like John Hudson at KG Tropicals. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Tony - 8 years ago
Wow Nice tank bro Great video thanks for the advice Really needed it .!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you. YouTube videos helped me a lot when I got started. I'm glad you found this video helpful.
Anarchy91 - 8 years ago
i wish i could get these :/
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Maybe someday... Thanks for watching.
DBzee Hey
DBzee Hey - 8 years ago
Great insight! Beautiful tank! Loved the last tip!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I'm glad you liked both the tips and the the tank. Yes, that last tip is vital to enjoying this hobby. Thanks for watching and commenting.
jodi mccosh
jodi mccosh - 8 years ago
What are the black and yellow stripey fish swimming back and forth on the bottom? Are they Malawi? Do they clean? Thanks :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Those are clown loaches. Not Lake Malawi but they do well in my tank and dug around in the substrate. They do better in groups of 3 or more. Thanks for watching.
Dylan Zarrabi
Dylan Zarrabi - 8 years ago
What are the dimensions of this tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
4' across, 18" high, 16" front to back, 60gal (if I recall correctly).
Seth B
Seth B - 8 years ago
Amazing tank. What type of rocks are those and what's the gravel type?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Can't comment on Jack's, no experience there. Discus, with regular monitoring of water and frequent water changes was pretty easy. The African Cichlids, when you figure in the aggression, is a bit more of a challenge.
Seth B
Seth B - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart what type of gravel would you reccomend for jack dempseys? And is keeping discus harder than chiclids ?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you. That's lava rock and the substrate is a cichlid specific type made up of mostly shells. It helps buffer pH. Thanks for watching and commenting.
AES CICHLID - 8 years ago
Great video very helpful!! i need to overstock the smaller fish keep getting picked on
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Even with over-stocking, you can still have a fish go crazy on you and go on a killing spree. I'm always watching. Thanks for watching.
Raj Singh
Raj Singh - 8 years ago
Great tips
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you. I hope they help. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Dit & Dat
Dit & Dat - 8 years ago
Hey Ben,

Just wanted you to know that I think you make some nice vids. While I've kept fish for more than 30 years, 25 of those years with cichlids, I'm new to east African Rift Lake cichlids (less than a year) and love to hear other people's tips and tricks. I'll keep watching!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for the kind words. I'm always watching and learning as well. Lots of good ideas out there. Thank you for watching and commenting.
redjack56 - 8 years ago
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but I would suggest going with a good pump and your garden hose with a quick attachment coupling for water changes. This makes it so much easier and you can use the water in your garden if you have one. I refill with my tank via aquarium tubing and faucet. This has made a world of difference with my back and it saves time.
One other quick suggestion, instead of using Prime water conditioner you can get the same product in powder form , it's called Safe. This powder dissolves instantly and goes nearly 4 times as far as the liquid, it will save you a ton of money.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I've started using Safe. So far so good. Thanks for the tip.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
LOL, you absolutely must watch my most recent video. It's like you read my mind, or I read yours. Thanks for watching and commenting.
MrMarbledude - 8 years ago
if you are doing everything right and you fish look health stop doing test all the time. like he said it will drive you crazy .
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Yes. Instead of being relaxing it can become stressful. Thanks for watching and commenting.
havelyn solomons
havelyn solomons - 8 years ago
Thank u for the tips
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome.
Yvonne Jensen
Yvonne Jensen - 8 years ago
Ben, you have a fish in your tank that has a blue face with red body could you please ID it for me.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Yvonne Jensen Yes, that's the German Red. Got him as a baby and watched him color up.
Yvonne Jensen
Yvonne Jensen - 8 years ago
He was up front to start then he goes to the back like he is hiding.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
German Red (Aulonocara stuartgranti) or the Red Fin Borleyi. Where does he show up in the video?
pur3 x nitro
pur3 x nitro - 8 years ago
Nice fish you got thier I've subbed
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Subbed you back :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you South Coast!
J.T Amazing Cichlid Man
J.T Amazing Cichlid Man - 8 years ago
Good info People!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching and commenting!
iya Flores
iya Flores - 8 years ago
Very informative Ben..thanks for sharing!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
You are welcome. Thank you for watching and commenting.
Gustavo Reyes
Gustavo Reyes - 8 years ago
Great Video Man! I just started a cichlid tank a couple months ago when I got a great deal on craiglsist but they are totally different than a planted aquarium. How can you tell what type of African cichlids you have? I have just 4 cichlids in a 40 gallon tank so I wanted to buy some more but the store owner said I needed to know what type of African cichlids I have before I should add more to decrease aggression?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I suggest that you take pictures with your phone and show them to the local fish store owner. You might have South Americans, African Haps, Peacocks our Mbuna our any combination of these. If you put the wrong ones together, eventually, there can be serious outcomes. You might consider filming your tank and posting a video asking for help identifying the fish. Go to Facebook cichlid forums like Cichlid Insanity, Cichlids Nation and Tank Talk. People at these FB locations will watch your video and comment. Good luck and thanks for watching.
MsKelleyh1 - 8 years ago
Watched a lot of videos as a new comer to cichlids. Yours was one of the best I've seen, thanks for the info.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
It pleases me that I was able to provide you with some help. Thanks for watching and for the kind words.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Jason Babcock
Jason Babcock - 8 years ago
I have dwarf puffers in a small tank and they love the blood worms, i just got chiclids in a different tank and they also love the blood worms. I also feed my chiclids the pellets as well, but i noticed that the pellets seem to float at the top of the tank and the fish dont always get them. Any suggestions?
Jason Babcock
Jason Babcock - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart ok thanks for the quick response, i will try this tonight when i feed them.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
First, thanks for watching, it's appreciated. Here's my suggestion, keep a plastic cup near your tank and soak the pellets in tank water for 5 or 10 minutes prior to feeding. Softens them up so they're easier to swallow and they will sink faster.
Ian Batchelor
Ian Batchelor - 8 years ago
A very good example of how to keep African cichlids good job!..
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for the kind words Ian. I appreciate it.
MTRott !!!!!!!!
MTRott !!!!!!!! - 8 years ago
where did you get your loaches
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Marcichlids !!!!!!!! I got lucky and picked them up for $5 each at a local fish store. They dig around and clean up like cat fish. Thanks for watching!
Dave Woods
Dave Woods - 8 years ago
Great Video! Thanks for your wisdom! I love your relaxing and informative style. I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Dave Woods Thanks Dave I'm very glad you liked it. I received a lot of help early on from YouTube vid's, so I'm just playing it forward.
Garrett Rothe
Garrett Rothe - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish! Very effective and pleasant video. I think I would feel bad for the fish if I added more than 12-13 fish in my 55g...certainly as they grow (which will most likely cause my wonderful impulsive instincts to kick in and I'll be buying a larger tank in no time). I have ten Africans Cichlids and two Figure Eight Puffers. They are all babies right now--just set the new tank up over the last month. I had an African Cichlid tank in high school and I am very excited to finally establish a new tank after so many years. Everything is going great--do you think I'm good with this team I've built? Add more to the roster?
Garrett Rothe
Garrett Rothe - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Thanks! They are a lot of fun and more than hold there own in there! you use carbon/ammonia media in your tank?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Looked up Figure Eights, very nice.
Garrett Rothe
Garrett Rothe - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Thanks for the response. It appears all my fish (other than the Figure Eights) are Mbunas.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Hello and thank you for watching and commenting. I, as you can tell, abide by the "over stock to spread aggression" method. As long as one over filters and maintains excellent water quality, it works out fine. Ten to fifteen Cichlids, all peacocks, might be a perfect amount for a 55gal. Are there Haps and Mbunas in your tank? I don't know anything about puffers. I'd certainly keep an eye on things since things can change very quickly with Cichlids. I understand the urge to get a bigger tank. As my Frontosa, Malawi Trout and Fusco grow larger, I will have to go bigger or be forced to re-home them. Good luck with your tank. It's a great hobby.
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 8 years ago
is that a young tetrastigma at 4:05?...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+stebbz36 I believe he is a young Tramitichromis sp. "Intermedius"
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 8 years ago
on the left, the silver looking one with black spots
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
At 4:05 there's an electric yellow lab and a clown I looking at the right spot in the video?
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 8 years ago
i learned everything from youtube fishkeeping community..especially kgtropicals..great video bro...respect
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you. Yes, there's a wealth of great info out there on YouTube.
The Cichlid Nut - Tim Howard
The Cichlid Nut - Tim Howard - 8 years ago
Ben best video I've watched in a while! Great advice and I subbed you too. I'd love to get your opinions on my tanks if/when you have time.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks Tim. I checked out your channel and you have a GREAT selection of Peacocks. I subbed ya!
rosham gaitan
rosham gaitan - 8 years ago
Hey I really like your setup. What kind of rock and plants you use if you don't mind telling. I'm a beginner. I'll appreciate
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Lava rocks and plastic plants. If I was starting over I'd go with a smoother river rock that doesn't scrape the fish. Good luck, it's a great hobby.
Dude, That's Cichlid!
Dude, That's Cichlid! - 8 years ago
PS Subbed
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Dude, That's Cichlid!
Dude, That's Cichlid! - 8 years ago
Ben, great stuff... thank you! Beautiful tank, fish on!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Albert Ramsay
Albert Ramsay - 8 years ago
Good Stuff.
can the 2 thumbs down explain yourself.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Albert for watching and commenting.
Dan Kerns
Dan Kerns - 8 years ago
watch out for that malawi trout tho i had one nd he got too big and ate alot of my fish :(
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Dan Kerns If you check out some of my earlier videos you'll see a beautiful Venustus. He grew twice as fast as teammates, from an inch to 5" in a year, and then started keeping everyone in a state of terror. I hated to do it but I dad to sell him. Part of the hobby.
Dan Kerns
Dan Kerns - 8 years ago
Yea i got one when i first started nd he got out of control lol i had to re home him
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching and commenting Dan. I watch their interaction very closely. It changes all the time. I know that in the wild the trout is an ambush predator, so once he gets bigger, no more young fish in the tank. Eventually I'll have to re-home him or get a bigger tank since a 60 gal is not going to be big enough for him.
Dan Kerns
Dan Kerns - 8 years ago
tank looks great man!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks Dan.
TheGuardianFID - 8 years ago
Great video, even better advice. 8)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you for watching and commenting. I'm glad you found it useful.
Chitown Cichlids
Chitown Cichlids - 8 years ago
great video. Tank and fish looking awesome! just subbed.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks and thx for the sub!
Daniel S
Daniel S - 8 years ago
I was curioud how much do you feed your cichlids? How many times per day and how many grams per feeding? Any feeding-free day?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Daniel S Hello Dan. I feed them two teaspoons of NorthFin, with some veg pellets mixed in for the Mbuna, once a day. I usually skip the Saturday feeding as a precaution against Malawi Bloat. Thanks for stopping by!
volcann91 - 8 years ago
Recently came across your channel! love the content and great quality of both entertainment and knowledge in all your videos. Thanks for making these videos and please keep them coming.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement
Chicagofishkeeper - 8 years ago
great tips man
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you CFK.
Yessy Estrada
Yessy Estrada - 8 years ago
awwww all of your fishies look so happy and healthy :) Can you please do a video on what you feed your fish please
Yessy Estrada
Yessy Estrada - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Yessy Estrada Go into my channel and look at "Feeding Frenzy" I feed them mostly NorthFin (with a little veggie pellet in there for the Mbuna's). Thanks for watching.
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
I watched tonnes of videos on african cichlids for a whole year before I bought my first mbuna....I found African cichlid hub extremely helpful...+ the others you named.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+ORANGE FISHHEAD Very wise of you O.F. The African cichlids are so pretty that it's easy to want to rush in and start enjoying them. Then you end up having to re-home a few that shouldn't have been in the mix to begin with. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Daniel S
Daniel S - 8 years ago
Thanks Ben, very nice video. What is the video camera you used for this vid?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Daniel S Thank you Dan. My "high tech" camera is a Samsung S6 cell phone. I'm pretty happy with the HD quality considering that it's a phone. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Joel Claflin
Joel Claflin - 8 years ago
Great tips sir. Love that you mentioned Pondguru, I found him early after starting this hobby. I feel his knowledge of filtration is second to none. His products are worth more, they never wear out. This is a very rewarding hobby. I always remind myself it's not about me, it's about my babies.(fish) Thanks for sharing.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks Joel. You're right, PondGuru made canister care simple for me. And I agree, it's about creating the best living conditions for the fish (our babies).
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
thank you for the tips great VID
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Chefcoop69 Cooper Thank you for watching and commenting. I'm glad you liked it.
David L
David L - 8 years ago
Nice quality video Ben. Solid fish selection you have there. If you have time check out some of my cichlids videos. Thank you.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+David L thank you David. I will!
Troy Hodapp
Troy Hodapp - 8 years ago
Wow, very nice video. I learned alot by just that video, I will have to check out your other videos for sure! Do you have a preference on media to use? Was thinking of having sponge, floss, bio balls, matrix, and then having chemi pure blue on the top tray. Also, what is your take on wavemakers for cichlids? What type of food do you prefer? Thanks!
Troy Hodapp
Troy Hodapp - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Thank you for all that info! I use purigen right now, but want to switch and try chemi pure blue eventually. I didnt know that about the bio balls. I was also hearing matrix is good stuff. I ordered the magnetic sunsun 800gph wavemaker as i love my sunsun canister filter as I have had it for nearly 2 years without any issues. I do agree with trying to keep mbunas seperate from the peacocks/haps as I used to have the mbunas act more agressive on the peacocks. Rock setup and hiding places always do help the activity, but their diet is so different so it can be tricky. I'll have to check in with that North Fin. I do feel like New Life Spectrum was talked about alot as well. Thank you so much and keep up the awesome fish!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Troy Hodapp Hi Troy, let's see...Yes, please watch my other videos, rate, comment, share and subscribe. That being said, I'll attempt to answer some of your questions. BioBalls seem useless to me. Why? Because there is beneficial bacteria that grows on the outside of media where there's a lot of water (and O2) moving around and there's BB that grows deeper in the media. To get those two kinds of bacteria going I use Biohome Ultimate and Cermedia by MarinePure. Watch my canister tips video for more info on this and the media I use. I also have a bag of SeaChem Purigen in each of my canisters. It's the final thing the water hits before returning to the tank (placed at the top of my trays, different from how I had it in my canister tips video. My sponges filter the water from corse to fine/floss so that the cleanest water hits by benefical bateria media and big pieces of gunk don't clog up the media. Regarding wavemakers, I think they are a good idea. I will be adding one to my 60gal, but because it's not a huge tank I will not be getting one of those 800+gal per hour units. I'll get something probably half as powerful and point it toward the lava rock where detritus gets built up. The wavemaker will stir it up and move it toward the filter intakes. SunSun makes some wavemakers at a good price. I've come to trust SunSun products, usually they are a good value. My current food of choice is NorthFin but I add some veggie pellets for the Mbuna I have in my mixed tank. Honestly, if I could do it over, I'd go with only peacocks and haps. My electric yellow and yellow tail seem mellow but the other three Mbuna have issues. There you have it. Good luck and feel free to ask for advice any time, always keeping in mind that it is "one man's opinion" and ultimately you need to check with several sources, do your own research and come to conclusions that work for you.
Mark Wright
Mark Wright - 8 years ago
That's a beautiful tank.....
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you Mark.
inventoryking - 8 years ago
There are such great videos out there! I agree!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
A wealth of info on every subject, right?! Thanks for watching.
San Diego South Americans
San Diego South Americans - 8 years ago
Can you keep multiple colonies of 1 male 3 females in one aquarium and would they breed?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
I can't answer since I have no experience with that. You might want to ask John Hudson at KG Tropicals (Tank Talk on Facebook). He would know. Sorry I can't be of help. Thanks for watching.
Ritzis - 8 years ago
Good stock, maybe you try to change the ground it's Shell break and too sharp for the Malawis... here is my tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. I looked at your tank, it's beautiful. Gave you a sub.
Steve Poland Aquatics
Steve Poland Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great video Ben. Thanks for the shoutout!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Steve Poland Cichlids You're welcome Steve and thanks for watching and commenting.
CP CICHLIDS - 8 years ago
Great video buddy. subbed
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you CP. I subbed u back.
paulone65 - 8 years ago
Wow that green plant looks real,i have live plants in my two tanks but are a pain to clean brown algae off the leaves
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+paulone65 I hear you. That's why I went with the plastics.
paulone65 - 8 years ago
Ben due you have life plants in your tank
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
No, those are good looking fake plants. I used to have live ones, you can see then in older videos, but it got too messy. Thanks for watching.
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Love the video Ben.. great points! Beautiful fish/tank as well.. Thanks for sharing
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+DebTim A CANADIAN Girl Thanks for watching and commenting. It's appreciated.
Andino Rodriguez
Andino Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Great tips.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Andino Rodriguez Thanks Andino.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
You have good tips Ben. Thanks.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
No problem.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+NYCity Cichlids Thank you. You're welcome and I appreciate taking the time to watch and comment.
Travis Graham
Travis Graham - 8 years ago
Great tips, thank you for your time Ben
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Travis G I was concerned about temp because of how long it might take to get the pH in range, but it sounds like you've got it wired. Be sure to post a vid of your new fish, I'd love to see what Amy sent you.
Travis Graham
Travis Graham - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart I don't think getting the water temp correct is a challenge. As an example, whenever I do water changes, I hold a thermometer lead into the stream of water coming out of the faucet and adjust the temperature as needed at the faucet until I am getting a steady 78-80 degrees coming out. Then I just put the thermometer lead into the bucket (i use a 18gal tote usually) and monitor the temp of the water as it is filling up, and adjust water temp as needed. By the time you have a bucket/barrel/tote (whatever you use) full of water, the temperature should match almost exactly what your tank water is.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Keeping the bucket temp correct would be the challenge but a pH shock is worse than a temp change so what you're saying should work. Let me know how it goes. Always learning.
Travis Graham
Travis Graham - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart I watched it, and she certainly has more knowledge than I do that is for sure!! I am pretty new. But I still don't think you should plop and drop if you have a high pH in your tanks. You need to test the water in the fish bag to see what the pH is. If it is substantially different, you probably need to acclimate the fish. Here is what I think I will do when all my fish arrive from Aim's Altitude Aquatics (They got delayed, but should be arriving today).... Open ONE of the bags just enough to grab the 5ml water sample and run a pH test. If the pH difference between the bags water and my tank water is greater than say 0.5, I think I will fill a bucket with some warm tap water (closely matching the tank water temp), then treat it with prime/de-chlorinate and then add all the fish into the bucket, and slowly add small ammounts of seachem buffer until I have raised the ph to match closer. Not sure how long to take to raise the ph in the bucket before adding them into the tank. I am thinking an hour.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Travis G Yes, I've heard that pH changes can be more harmful than temperature changes. Check out the youtube video resource, the one from Rachel O'leary and what she says on what happens to water when one does the traditional drip acclimation. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what she says.
Travis Graham
Travis Graham - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Always enjoy your vids.
About one of the tips in the video... You talked about when getting the new fish, just to strain the fish thru a net (getting rid of the water) then dropping them in the tank (as opposed to the gradual acclimating the water). I too had seen that video. But I would add a caveat that one should be mindful (I suggest doing a ph test) of the pH differences between the tank water the fish are about to go into, and the water that they are sitting in (in the transport bag). I almost lost a fish (he went into a state of shock for about 1-2 days) when he went from water in the 7.5ish ph range to 8.3. I have heard fish can die from extreme pH differences when they are not acclimated at all.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Travis G My pleasure Travis. Thanks for watching.
AQUA NUT - 8 years ago
Not a big fan of the plop and drop method. Most fish have not been in a bag for 3 days other than shipped fish. Great tips Ben.
AQUA NUT - 8 years ago
Alright that's good to hear Ben
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+AQUA NUT Not one bit. And I'm sincere when I say we have to go with what we feel comfortable with. In the final analysis, my videos are just what works for me, my "opinion" and I'm not wanting anyone to think I'm preaching cichlid gospel, right? Again, you were not taken one bit as a "hater"  ;)
AQUA NUT - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart im not hating bud i hope you didn't take it like that.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+AQUA NUT The best method, I think, is the one that you have found works best for you ;) Thanks for watching and commenting.
Stevo Hoppa
Stevo Hoppa - 8 years ago
Great video Ben! I agree with all of your tips! Keep up the good work.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Stevo Hoppa thanks Stevo. Your input and encouragement is appreciated!
Frank Wite
Frank Wite - 8 years ago
Great video Ben! I plan to make a video with my tips as well.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Looking forward to it!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Looking forward to it!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+PsychedelicBabe Thank you. Some of it, like a lot of us, was learned the hard way. Thanks for watching and sharing, you are appreciated.
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 8 years ago
Great tips Ben...thanks for the shoutout :)
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More You're welcome Marcus and thanks for watching and commenting.
Robert Lee Cichlids & Travels
Robert Lee Cichlids & Travels - 8 years ago
Thanks For The Shout Out... Great Video and Points... Water Looking Crystal Clear... That Sunshine Benga On Fire...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+RobertLee Cichlids Thank you sir. He's really blossomed and he's a real ham when I'm filming. Always flashing and challenging the German Red but they never really hurt each other. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
O ya Ben I just dropped a gang of cash on bio home media do you think it's worth it?
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thank you,I'll keep you posted
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Give it a good rinse in tank water before using, it comes with a lot of red dust. He'll send good good bacteria packets that you can add (I didn't use it since I had an already established tank). Let me know how it goes.
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart ,yes I did get it from great wave ,should be here in a few days . I'm pretty excited
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Damion Markham Yes. It took a month but my tests have been perfect once the biohome kicked in. I highly recommend it. Did you get it from the U.S. distributor, Don Chamberlain at GreatWave Engineering?
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
great top ten
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Damion Markham Thanks for watching Damion!
Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 8 years ago
some good tips ben. informative video.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Dave Bandish Thanks Dave for watching and commenting.
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 8 years ago
Ben, thanks for the call out to HalfMan HalfCichlid, I appreciate your channel too. After 50+ years in the hobby, and 25 years with Africans I am still tweaking a number of aspects of keeping africans. Two that I am continuously trying new things on are cichlid agression and Malawi bloat. Some of my trials and experiments will be in my future videos. I tend to not mix mbuna with peacocks and haps because of cross aggression, but this seems to work ok for you.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+HalfMan HalfCichlid I might be going in the direction of peacock only tank. We'll see. The yellow lab and yellow tail seem very peaceful but the rusty struggles and the other two (cobue and chewere) can get testy. I'm keeping a close eye on it. Thanks for watching and commenting. You are appreciated.
Corey Hecker
Corey Hecker - 8 years ago
second to last tip is the best, but all tips are on point. Ben you are such an inspiration. Love all the info and amazing fish! Keep up the good work bro!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thanks for the reply Corey. I included that tip because I read so many comments on fish blogs from people agonizing about points that are not always that vital. Seems it would take some of the fun and joy out of the hobby to worry so much.  I also have very little patience for people who are mean spirited. There are polite ways to convey, "If you do that all your fish will die!"  Be well.
Corey Hecker
Corey Hecker - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart tip number 10, but 11 is great too.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Corey Hecker Corey, I shout out to you was missed...sorry. Is the second to last the #9, #10 or #11 bonus tip? Just curious as to which one you thought was best. As always, thanks for watching. Your input is appreciated.
J Smith
J Smith - 8 years ago
Love your videos man. I completly aggree with ya on over filtration. I'm going to add another filter real soon...I love your electronic yellow lab. I wish mine would hurry up and grow lol
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Never a problem. The cichlids tore up a Cory Cat, killed an albino pleco, but they leave the clowns completely alone.  Love having them in there. They did around and do the work of a cat fish. Plus I love watching they hang with each other.  I highly recommend them, and, yes, three or more since they do better in groups.
J Smith
J Smith - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart Do you find it hard having the clown loaches in your tank with the Cichlids??? I been thinkin about adding 3 to my tank...
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Joshua Smith Thanks Joshua. I appreciate the kind words.
Chris Niemeyer
Chris Niemeyer - 8 years ago
Another great video Ben!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Chris Niemeyer Thank you very much Chris.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Thank you CCC.
Justin P
Justin P - 8 years ago
Good stuff again. Always enjoy your vids.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Justin P Thanks Justin, I enjoy making them.
T-Man - 8 years ago
great stuff Ben, fish & tank r looking flawless!!!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+T-Man 428 I appreciate the compliment. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Robert Reese
Robert Reese - 8 years ago
On point again.
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Joseph Tamakloe German Red (Aulonocara "German Red")
Joseph Tamakloe
Joseph Tamakloe - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart what fish is that with the blue face and red body
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Robert Reese Thanks Robert!
luvmywetpets - 8 years ago
Top 10! Great vid!
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+luvmywetpets Thank you Sir!
Efrain's Cichlids
Efrain's Cichlids - 8 years ago
nice video Ben, also how many times you feed your fish, ones a day or twice?
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
Don't we all ;)
Efrain's Cichlids
Efrain's Cichlids - 8 years ago
+Ben Ochart thanks for the tip, I just keep learning
Ben Ochart
Ben Ochart - 8 years ago
+Efrain Garcia Hello and thanks for watching. I feed the big guys once a day and the guys in the grow out tank twice a day. I skip one day a week, usually Saturday on the big tank and one morning (or two) on the grow out tank.

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Little Tropical Fish: with a Big Bite poisonous. It is a small fish, only a couple of inches long, and its bright...

Tropical fishing

Catching tropical marine fish: Why you need to...

8 likes 1,966 views 7 years ago

Catching tropical marine fish is not easy. Check how Kenya Marine Center (KMC) has managed to do it for the last 10...

About Tropical Fish: 10 Tips

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