Tropical Fish Make A Lot Of Noise - Tank Cam; Gourami Tank
Tropical fishing 8 years ago 6,487 views
This is a video from inside my 55 gallon planted Gourami Tank. You'll get a few glimpses of my South American Bumblebee Catfish, as well as hear how my various Loaches and Gouramis sound while feeding on Algae Wafers. The Loaches click, the Gouramis pop, and the Otocinclus (Otos) scrape. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
I wonder if fish perceive sound the same as we do though. Obviously they detect it but I wonder is it exactly the same for us when we are under water.
I would imagine it would be intensified for them for one thing. I imagine they might even almost feel the sound waves as well a hear them and if they have a facility or ability to compensate for the elevated levels if that is the case or if they do indeed experience it exactly as we do.
That would sure be good to know.
I mean we know they interpret light differently but I've never looked at the physical makeup for a fish's sense organ for sound and how they operate.
It is an interesting area you have opened up here.
I do have a school of Tiger Brabs that talk though. They whisper to me when I'm sleeping that if I forget to feed them before I go to work they are going to eat all my plants.
Keep the videos coming won't you. I watch them all and enjoy them. I know you said a while ago YouTube were making it hard for you to find your motivation but here's your motivation; I guarantee I'm not the only one who looks forward to your next episode and saves it for a quiet minute to properly enjoy it.
Take care bud.
I saw your video in which you said that you’d never buy another bumblebee catfish. I searched until I was able to get the species of bumblebee that won’t get longer than 3” (Microglanis iheringi). I quarantined it for 10 days and then, today, put it in my 75-gallon with Columbian tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus). That was 6 hours ago. The bumblebee hasn’t stopped skirting along the glass, since. I really that think this fish is great and would recommend them. But, I understand your feeling that they are pointless if you never see them. This video is my favorite of yours (that I've seen), so far. The underwater footage is amazing! Keep up the great work!
I agree some viewers mentioning on not to tap your fingers on the glass. thats terrible noise polluction to the fish.
imagine they will hear that 4 times louder than us.
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