Tropical Fish Make A Lot Of Noise - Tank Cam; Gourami Tank

This is a video from inside my 55 gallon planted Gourami Tank. You'll get a few glimpses of my South American Bumblebee Catfish, as well as hear how my various Loaches and Gouramis sound while feeding on Algae Wafers. The Loaches click, the Gouramis pop, and the Otocinclus (Otos) scrape. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Tropical Fish Make A Lot Of Noise - Tank Cam; Gourami Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 6,487 views

This is a video from inside my 55 gallon planted Gourami Tank. You'll get a few glimpses of my South American Bumblebee Catfish, as well as hear how my various Loaches and Gouramis sound while feeding on Algae Wafers. The Loaches click, the Gouramis pop, and the Otocinclus (Otos) scrape. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

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Most popular comments
for Tropical Fish Make A Lot Of Noise - Tank Cam; Gourami Tank

Daniel Keeping Fish
Daniel Keeping Fish - 7 years ago
Great idea, thanks for sharing this.

I wonder if fish perceive sound the same as we do though. Obviously they detect it but I wonder is it exactly the same for us when we are under water.
I would imagine it would be intensified for them for one thing. I imagine they might even almost feel the sound waves as well a hear them and if they have a facility or ability to compensate for the elevated levels if that is the case or if they do indeed experience it exactly as we do.
That would sure be good to know.

I mean we know they interpret light differently but I've never looked at the physical makeup for a fish's sense organ for sound and how they operate.

It is an interesting area you have opened up here.
Daniel Keeping Fish
Daniel Keeping Fish - 7 years ago
Dan Hiteshew yep makes sense. Which explains why the likes of your fish, dolphins, etc would use clicks. They would travel better and be more distinguishable than some other sounds.
I do have a school of Tiger Brabs that talk though. They whisper to me when I'm sleeping that if I forget to feed them before I go to work they are going to eat all my plants.

Keep the videos coming won't you. I watch them all and enjoy them. I know you said a while ago YouTube were making it hard for you to find your motivation but here's your motivation; I guarantee I'm not the only one who looks forward to your next episode and saves it for a quiet minute to properly enjoy it.

Take care bud.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 7 years ago
I think they "feel" it more than "hear" it. Sound travels 7 times faster in water than air, and for much longer distances, so they are probably equiped for "hearing" things and producing sounds and frequencies very different from us. There's a good reason you're not supposed to tap on the glass.
E. J. Brinegar
E. J. Brinegar - 7 years ago
Mr. Hiteshew:
I saw your video in which you said that you’d never buy another bumblebee catfish.  I searched until I was able to get the species of bumblebee that won’t get longer than 3” (Microglanis iheringi).  I quarantined it for 10 days and then, today, put it in my 75-gallon with Columbian tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus).  That was 6 hours ago.  The bumblebee hasn’t stopped skirting along the glass, since.  I really that think this fish is great and would recommend them.  But, I understand your feeling that they are pointless if you never see them.  This video is my favorite of yours (that I've seen), so far.  The underwater footage is amazing!  Keep up the great work!
mlp universe
mlp universe - 7 years ago
one of my bettas knocks his thermomater against the glass to get my attention
Will Sullivan
Will Sullivan - 7 years ago
what are those tree looking plants
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 7 years ago
Temple plant.
Van WangYe
Van WangYe - 7 years ago
good vid. as i learn as i dive.. sound wave travels 4 times faster than in water than in air. thats why fishes just need low frequency clicks sounds to pass messages around.

I agree some viewers mentioning on not to tap your fingers on the glass. thats terrible noise polluction to the fish.
imagine they will hear that 4 times louder than us.
cichlidhybrid martel
cichlidhybrid martel - 8 years ago
are your skunk loach aggressive in the tank and wath do you think they would do with a cribenzi couple in a 75g
Matias Roman
Matias Roman - 8 years ago
1,000th viewer! omg!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Giovanni Haro
Giovanni Haro - 8 years ago
Awesome Video!!
bigrhom55 - 8 years ago
Very cool vid, you should def make more of these
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
I have a Tank Cam playlist, but don't have a ton of videos yet.

10. comment for Tropical Fish Make A Lot Of Noise - Tank Cam; Gourami Tank

Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
sorry, I should have specified. your tank cam? thanks
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
OK, thanks. Will have to check that out.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
I like it!! I want one. Where did you get it?
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Get what?
Tina Cuppernell
Tina Cuppernell - 8 years ago
And this is why we have fish tanks.!
Dave Sorensen
Dave Sorensen - 8 years ago
That loach clicking is amazing. But man... that filter hum. Makes me wonder how all our fish stand it constantly.
Daffy XxcooxX
Daffy XxcooxX - 7 years ago
Dan Hiteshew I like oto catfish on the camera its satisfying
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
I think the same thing. lol You should hear the HOB tanks!
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 8 years ago
That was awesome to be actually "inside" the tank! I can hear my clown loaches quite well clicking on wafers. Dan is that bumblebee cat a Vespa ? If not what kind or how big will it get? I just got a Vespa bumblebee cat and love the interesting little guy! Supposed to stay small.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
No idea. There are a lot of similar species called "Bumblebee" catfish. The other Bumblebee Jelly I had came from the same tank, and was labeled the same. (Petsmart)
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Ha that's really interesting! My sparkling gouramis made croaking noises that were quite loud.
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Dan Hiteshew It's quite interesting. I remember hearing that they croak by rubbing their pectoral fins on their body like a cricket. When they croak their whole body vibrates. I want to get a few of those fish again!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
I'd love to hear the gouramis croak. I know some can do it, but I've never heard it.
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 8 years ago
Great perspective. After hearing the sounds that occur in the audio, you could show very accurately why it's not good to tap the glass if a tank. Great shots. Love it.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
+Fish Behind Glass Lol. That's awesome.
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 8 years ago
+Dan Hiteshew The other interesting thing is that's it's possible to hear your voice. I tend to talk to my pets, but not my fish. I figured they couldn't hear my voice. So yeah... It's gonna get weird in my house.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
I always think about that. It must be like a small shockwave going through the tank. You should hear how loud falling, or spraying water makes!
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 8 years ago
Beautyfull fish
hanfsoph 1
hanfsoph 1 - 8 years ago
Hi Dan, do you use a GoPro? After watching your in-tank vids I'd really like to see what my fish look like from in the water too haha
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
It's a GoPro hero4 session.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago

20. comment for Tropical Fish Make A Lot Of Noise - Tank Cam; Gourami Tank

48tomw - 8 years ago
That was FarOut Dan! I watched the video on my big screen HD TV and it felt like I was in the tank with your fish! Your da Man Dan!!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
That's awesome!
Jax A
Jax A - 8 years ago
great video, my neighbours cat watched the whole thing intently on my phone, was fascinated!
Mikasa Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman - 7 years ago
Dan Hiteshew would if it was a girl
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Lol I'm glad he enjoyed it. You too!
HPD7D - 8 years ago
i have an opaline gourami too in my community tank :) my favorite! (don't tell the other fish!)
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Your secret's safe with me.
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 8 years ago
Everybody love the greens!
Kollol Chatterjee
Kollol Chatterjee - 8 years ago
Amazing perspective..
Vivid - 8 years ago
really cool video!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 8 years ago
See now this is freakin AWESOME. Love Tankcam. This is by far the best video you have made to date. Don't get me wrong I like hearing your thoughts but tankcam rules.
Mitch McCardell
Mitch McCardell - 8 years ago
Are you in Maryland? If so, have you ever hit up Loch Raven Reservoir?
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 8 years ago
+Dan Hiteshew Excellent idea, can't wait to see that. You go Jacque Cousteau.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Once I get stickers for my boat, I'll be doing some underwater stuff at Prettyboy too. I hope to get some Bass or other cool fish.
Bradford Aquatics
Bradford Aquatics - 8 years ago
That was awesome!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
Pretty cool stuff Dan!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
thanks man!
Brian and Xman's Aquariums
Brian and Xman's Aquariums - 8 years ago
that was a great video. looking forward to more vids like this on your other tanks.

30. comment for Tropical Fish Make A Lot Of Noise - Tank Cam; Gourami Tank

Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 8 years ago
cool vid. that camera is super sensitive to sound. i actually heard the wafers hitting the substrate.
Sector 001
Sector 001 - 8 years ago
This is really cool!!! What cam are you using?
Sector 001
Sector 001 - 8 years ago
You wasn't kidding! This is a really, really cool fish eye view of their world. Thanks for posting!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
gopro hero 4 Session.
Combat Wombat
Combat Wombat - 8 years ago
i like those clown loaches
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
thanks. I can't believe how big they're getting!
Brian's Pet's
Brian's Pet's - 8 years ago
Its awesome you got the Otos eating algae wafers.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
+Brian's Pet's so I've heard. I've never tried it.
Brian's Pet's
Brian's Pet's - 8 years ago
+Dan Hiteshew I threw a piece of Cucumber in my tank a while back, they really liked that.
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
They love them. Those and herbivore granules.

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