Tropical Fish Memes, Oscar Jumping Out of Tank
Tropical fishing 11 years ago 55,999 views Check these guys out. Not really an update on the tank just showing it off and shouting out some cool dudes. Also be sure to like Tropical fish memes on facebook! Thanks for watching. Additional tags: Silver arowana tiger Oscars red albino smokey angels 150 55 20 29 40 10 gallon aquarium fish tank sump diy wet dry filter ehiem fluval top fin gourami black ghost knife monster fish grow out cichlid south American African convict pink uaru joey overflow freshwater co2 planted outdoors sunlight driftwood decorations sand gravel petsmart Red Ludwigia Plant diyfishkeepers attacking cleaning stand canopy all grown up behaving badly delta California rainbow shark bala red-tailed tiger barb high how to setup aquascape fired up fish tanks fisheye sony handycam dcr-sr68 anubias lilies lily java fern fry free swimmers blue diamond discus heavily planted tank contest fintastik winners planted aquarium central unboxing Malaysian trumpet snail ghost shrimp cherry blue red eared slider yellow belly turtle Australian shepherd algae scrubber rummy nose, zebra danio pearl weed rotalla hygro moss val repens cpd shrimp nano
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