Tropical Fish Memes, Oscar Jumping Out of Tank Check these guys out. Not really an update on the tank just showing it off and shouting out some cool dudes. Also be sure to like Tropical fish memes on facebook! Thanks for watching. Additional tags: Silver arowana tiger Oscars red albino smokey angels 150 55 20 29 40 10 gallon aquarium fish tank sump diy wet dry filter ehiem fluval top fin gourami black ghost knife monster fish grow out cichlid south American African convict pink uaru joey overflow freshwater co2 planted outdoors sunlight driftwood decorations sand gravel petsmart Red Ludwigia Plant diyfishkeepers attacking cleaning stand canopy all grown up behaving badly delta California rainbow shark bala red-tailed tiger barb high how to setup aquascape fired up fish tanks fisheye sony handycam dcr-sr68 anubias lilies lily java fern fry free swimmers blue diamond discus heavily planted tank contest fintastik winners planted aquarium central unboxing Malaysian trumpet snail ghost shrimp cherry blue red eared slider yellow belly turtle Australian shepherd algae scrubber rummy nose, zebra danio pearl weed rotalla hygro moss val repens cpd shrimp nano

Tropical Fish Memes, Oscar Jumping Out of Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Tropical fishing 11 years ago 55,999 views Check these guys out. Not really an update on the tank just showing it off and shouting out some cool dudes. Also be sure to like Tropical fish memes on facebook! Thanks for watching. Additional tags: Silver arowana tiger Oscars red albino smokey angels 150 55 20 29 40 10 gallon aquarium fish tank sump diy wet dry filter ehiem fluval top fin gourami black ghost knife monster fish grow out cichlid south American African convict pink uaru joey overflow freshwater co2 planted outdoors sunlight driftwood decorations sand gravel petsmart Red Ludwigia Plant diyfishkeepers attacking cleaning stand canopy all grown up behaving badly delta California rainbow shark bala red-tailed tiger barb high how to setup aquascape fired up fish tanks fisheye sony handycam dcr-sr68 anubias lilies lily java fern fry free swimmers blue diamond discus heavily planted tank contest fintastik winners planted aquarium central unboxing Malaysian trumpet snail ghost shrimp cherry blue red eared slider yellow belly turtle Australian shepherd algae scrubber rummy nose, zebra danio pearl weed rotalla hygro moss val repens cpd shrimp nano

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Most popular comments
for Tropical Fish Memes, Oscar Jumping Out of Tank

bodmon pj
bodmon pj - 7 years ago
my oscars always jump when im feeding them and finally it happened. one jumped out the tank. he propelled on the the floor a good 3-4 foot drop to the floor. hes okay for now though
Kirbyhiro MJ
Kirbyhiro MJ - 7 years ago
Dillon Tan
Dillon Tan - 8 years ago
how many galloms is this?
Slimebeast Pug
Slimebeast Pug - 9 years ago
Haha, they're so enthusiastic! Truly one of my favorite fish. Lovely fish.
hello there
hello there - 9 years ago
Hey guys i have a question that for many of you might think im stupid hopefully not. Can someone tell me in a oscar tank (just oscar) is there alot of aggression cause ive tried doing loads of research cause ive been wanting a oscar tank but i can find no answers all of the links are about cichlids and then 1-2 oscars. If you could please respond that would be great! And one more thing what are you feeding them cause they seem absolutely love it i feed my oscar bloodworms :)
ali parvizi
ali parvizi - 10 years ago
do u still have them ? they are awesome ! please do an update ! i have a question i have 68 gallon tank with 4 baby oscars and a few other fish my plan was to move 2 of the oscars into another tank when older sell the other fish except the oscars and then keep the 2 oscars in  this tank probably the smallest out the 4 do u think this is possible i have the 2 tanks already thought it would be easier to keep one tank for now till they grow still 2 inchs what do you think ? is it possible i cant sell the tanks to get a new one because they are quiet old tanks if this isn't possible i will probably end up building another tank maybe a 150 to 200gallons and add another oscar to the 4 but i really don't want to that thats if i have no other option and i don't want to give away any of the oscars i thought i should do it and see how it goes . what do you think ? i would really like your opinion 
MELODY MUNRO - 10 years ago
Did you raise these guys together from juveniles and are they mixed sexes or all male or all female?  Planning on doing a oscar tank, everywhere I go says 1-2 max together and then I see this!! I am getting a 160G built...will have a sump....I'd like 4 oscars.
MELODY MUNRO - 10 years ago
I have been doing my research and have decided to go with 1 red oscar, 1 chocolate cichlid and 1 severum + school of silver dollars...will be getting them all as juvenilles so hopefully will get some chill fish who get on...I think I will enjoy the different colours and behaviours more ...thanks for reply.
BayAreaAquatics - 10 years ago
4 of them were raised together and then I added one more. I honestly have no clue on the sex because there was no mating behavior, just normal aggression 
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
He didn't jump out of the tank he just took his head out of the water.
Zach Grill
Zach Grill - 10 years ago
My oscar jumped out of my tank and I saved him

10. comment for Tropical Fish Memes, Oscar Jumping Out of Tank

Hector Gomez
Hector Gomez - 11 years ago
They didn't jump out
Steven Miller
Steven Miller - 11 years ago
love your aquascape of all rocks. How big is that tank? That's a lot of Oscars and you have a Pink convict in there?  is that what that fish was?  Whats your wc schedule like with that many O's in 1 tank and is there any aggression?  Rocks look awesome though, may try that with my O tank.
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
I'll admit that 5 is a bit much, 4 would be better. Some people go by the book too much, but many of them haven't kept 5 oscars. Good luck with yours
Keith Whiteside
Keith Whiteside - 11 years ago
Nice tank....I'm setting up a 140 gallon tank today. Well putting oscars in today, tank has benn setup for about 4 years now. I asked in a forum what I could stock in the tank, and several people told me....only ONE. Well I planned on two, and still just wanted to see what they had to say. I have had oscars in the past and never had any problems with them.. I had two in a 75 gallon for 5 years, and not one issue. I'm thinking of a tiger and a albino tiger
Zahid Pervez
Zahid Pervez - 11 years ago
Get another albino tiger oscar
Sif - 11 years ago
i have a grown Oscar in a 25gal tank he is fine for over a year now no probs his healthy 75gal to 1 oscar is a myth to go spend more money on a bigger tank.
Dude-Dude Petty
Dude-Dude Petty - 11 years ago
Beautiful Oscar's my friend
Relemdeen - 11 years ago
yeah haha i know how you feel XD i had 1 oscar in a 80 gallon and people give me shit. im like "i know its the minimum guys... but its what i got" tactical just wanted to know if they are friendly fish, so i was trying to say it can go either way. they are "personality fish"
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
All is forgiven, I thought you were giving me hard time. I hear people all the time thinking they can tell me that I mistreat my fish and I'm a terrible person. Thanks for clearing it up
Relemdeen - 11 years ago
sorry if you thought i was bashing ur tank. i was telling tactical that GENERALLY you want at least a 75 gallon for 1 oscar. once you have a large enough tank that they arent getting in the way of each other you are fine. the 1 for every 60 gallons doesnt apply in huge tanks. 4 oscars dont need a 240 gallon tank. they would be happy in a 150. its just a rule of thumb for 1 or 2 oscars. what you have seems like its enough room. 10 oscars in a 600 gallon tank, is crazy. there is a line somewhere.

20. comment for Tropical Fish Memes, Oscar Jumping Out of Tank

BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
I disagree. it easy to understand your confusion because you haven't kept 5 oscars for 4 years, but I can tell you they are perfectly happy. No stunted growth or any signs of stress, disease, etc. They actually shoal, never excluding 1 oscar. There is fighting because 1. they're cichlids and 2. I keep the temperature at 82-84 which spikes their aggression. you can;t always rely on a rule of thumb when you get a large group of fish.
Relemdeen - 11 years ago
general rule of thumb is that you need 60 gallons of water for each oscar. they can be very docile fish, or very territorial and aggressive. just depends on how you treat them, if they are used to being in a tank with other fish since the oscar was small, and if the tank is open enough and has enough space. 2 oscars need a 125 gallon tank, and for a single oscar, i wouldnt recomend anything smaller than a 75 gallon.
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
no, they're constantly fighting. they dont really hurt each other as far I can see though. I try and keep the temp low so they calm down
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
9-12 inches
DBUULIK - 11 years ago
Nice oscars! How long are your oscars?
Oscar Keeper
Oscar Keeper - 11 years ago
nice tank would u mind cheaking out to my new channel
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
150 gallon
AquaticBreeder3000 - 11 years ago
Nice oscars and what's the tank size?
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
Thanks man
AquaStudent - 11 years ago
Awesome Oscarlover. Well done spreading some help around the community. Props for that. Those oscars are also amazing. They have such personalities! +1

30. comment for Tropical Fish Memes, Oscar Jumping Out of Tank

BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
c'mon mr.H, all the cool kids are doing it! You want to be cool dont you? lol
MrHoney2U - 11 years ago
Im subbed to Ron and God of fish tanks. Not on face book so cant see it funny pics. Nothing like a good oscar jump.
jaysonmetsfan - 11 years ago
Ill go check out that Facebook page! Good stuff!
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
no, it would be more trouble than it's worth.
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
Links are in now.
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
Love those oscaritos!!
Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez - 11 years ago
Never thought of keeping plants with them?
GodofFishtanks - 11 years ago
Juggernaut's a BOSS!! Nice vid funny memes!! Thanks for the shout out also!:)

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