Every summer, thousands of baby tropical fish are taken from the Caribbean up the east coast of the USA by the Gulf stream. Some make it all the way to New England, where they will die in the fall when water temperatures drop. Jonathan joins the New England Aquarium Dive Club on a rescue mission to save these baby fish before winter. JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD is an Emmy Award-winning underwater science/adventure program that airs on public television in the United States. ********************************************************************** If you like Jonathan Bird's Blue World, don't forget to subscribe! Support us on Patreon! You can buy some Blue World T-shirts & Swag! You can join us on Facebook! Twitter Instagram @blueworldtv Web: **********************************************************************

Tropical Fish Rescue | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 159,424 views

Every summer, thousands of baby tropical fish are taken from the Caribbean up the east coast of the USA by the Gulf stream. Some make it all the way to New England, where they will die in the fall when water temperatures drop. Jonathan joins the New England Aquarium Dive Club on a rescue mission to save these baby fish before winter. JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD is an Emmy Award-winning underwater science/adventure program that airs on public television in the United States. ********************************************************************** If you like Jonathan Bird's Blue World, don't forget to subscribe! Support us on Patreon! You can buy some Blue World T-shirts & Swag! You can join us on Facebook! Twitter Instagram @blueworldtv Web: **********************************************************************

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Most popular comments
for Tropical Fish Rescue | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Annabella Nuth
Annabella Nuth - 7 years ago
I found cheeses friends!!!!(from Taylor Nicole deans channel look it up )
keira miller
keira miller - 7 years ago
jinyoung baek
jinyoung baek - 7 years ago
Hi my real name is Jeremy and I'm only 7 year old
jinyoung baek
jinyoung baek - 7 years ago
Slepu Pu
Slepu Pu - 7 years ago
jinyoung baek
jinyoung baek - 7 years ago
How old are you
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Crazy Jojo
Crazy Jojo - 7 years ago
Yuvraj Patil
Yuvraj Patil - 7 years ago
i want ot come with you
Sarah Alvaro
Sarah Alvaro - 7 years ago
Ano pangalan. Mo

10. comment for Tropical Fish Rescue | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Udo Van Den Brock
Udo Van Den Brock - 7 years ago
so the fish wode di if it wodent be reskud
call the doctor baekhyun gave me a heart attack
call the doctor baekhyun gave me a heart attack - 7 years ago
are those cow fish?? (sorry if i'm wrong)
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Some are yes.
Jojo Mar
Jojo Mar - 7 years ago
Me to
Jasmine Day
Jasmine Day - 7 years ago
I really like your vids. I would like to be a marine biologist when I'm older :) You are just sooo interesting for me
Sports Dude
Sports Dude - 8 years ago
BlueWorldTV is like a teacher for me!!
Herowebcomics - 8 years ago
Heck yeah!
using plastic bottles to save tropical fish instead of throwing them away?!
Now that's what I call recycling!
Shøna Callanan
Shøna Callanan - 8 years ago
This video makes me so happy!!!!
wilsocn - 8 years ago
The juvenile butterfly looks like the same tiny fish that I see around rocks in Panama City Beach but I have never seen an adult there.
alfredo Aliaga
alfredo Aliaga - 8 years ago
I LOVE your videos
LilacKoala23 - 8 years ago
Love your videos <3 legit cant stop watching and my love for marine life is growing every time i watch!

20. comment for Tropical Fish Rescue | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Pengiwen Fin
Pengiwen Fin - 8 years ago
do a draw my l,ife
Golden Fish
Golden Fish - 8 years ago
amazing video. Fish are my favorite animals
nab hil
nab hil - 7 years ago
Sriram R
Sriram R - 8 years ago
any plans of encountering siphonophorae in one of your expeditions
THEIRONHITMan 77 - 8 years ago
can I be your assistandent when I grow up
Jasmine Day
Jasmine Day - 7 years ago
Achira Goswami
Achira Goswami - 7 years ago
Jonathan is mlg cool vin alallaalal
Adventurous gaming101
Adventurous gaming101 - 8 years ago
You da man
Whatever - 8 years ago
This was one of my favorites you should do another one like this.
Whatever - 8 years ago
Indeed. At this point I have about watched them all. :)

I did not expect to get responses let alone to multiple comments. I feel special. Keep up the good work with your shows. I have told anyone who might be remotely interested in the ocean to check your videos out. I might have to resort to sitting my friends down in front of the computer to get them to check it out.
BlueWorldTV - 8 years ago
Did you see this one? It's similar.
The Kimiluga Whale
The Kimiluga Whale - 8 years ago
This is why I love the ocean
xuemei lu
xuemei lu - 8 years ago
U already did this .-.
Alpha Howl videos
Alpha Howl videos - 8 years ago
I went to this aquarium during my last semester oceanography class. Wish I could have taken the class for another semester :P

Edit: also, to get your attention. The talk that this video was from 7 years ago may be true. Because the aquarium (when I visited) only had one species of shark, and they were at the petting exhibiting. And you can see at 5:25 a sand tiger shark passing by the window. I did ask one of the volunteers if they had any more sharks and he said that they USED to have a sand tiger shark in that same exhibit but he grew too large for it and they relocated him.
Alpha Howl videos
Alpha Howl videos - 8 years ago
Get to see the sand tiger shark from 7 years ago, sweet, now I've seen everything :D
BlueWorldTV - 8 years ago
Yes, this video is a re-post in HD.
Nick - 8 years ago
saving Nemo and Dory!

30. comment for Tropical Fish Rescue | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Potato Durp
Potato Durp - 8 years ago
Oh, that's the exact same aquarium I went to not long ago!
Swenglish Gaming
Swenglish Gaming - 8 years ago
Always love your videos. I'm a PADI rescue diver myself and am always reminded of why I started diving every time I see one of your videos. Keep up the great work and look forward to your next video.
BlueWorldTV - 8 years ago
Mark Said
Mark Said - 8 years ago
Great quality footage! Also, it is always nice to give Mother Nature a helping hand. It will help us back, in the long run.
Thanks for the video, Jonathan and Team.
Natalie Michelle JACKSON
Natalie Michelle JACKSON - 8 years ago
i loved this video you have to do more stuff like this
SuperShadow Martinez
SuperShadow Martinez - 8 years ago
Keep up the good work Jonathan your doing great
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
Are any of those introduced into the aquarium trade? I'd love to hav one of those instead of one caught specifically for the aquarium. Y'know where the purpose is saving the animals life then getting it a home.
BlueWorldTV - 8 years ago
A lot of aquarium people go down and rescue fish that time of the year.
Ruli Warner-Rosen
Ruli Warner-Rosen - 8 years ago
That guy had such a calming voice at 1:51 he calmed Jonathan right down
Gabe Luculescu
Gabe Luculescu - 8 years ago
Hey Johnathan I have a question for you: What are your thoughts about people especially outside the USA who catch sharks for their fins and use it for shark soup etc? Without sharks, it will destroy all marine life and the oceans ecosystem. It's illegal here in the USA, but people are trading it across the world. I would love for a reply!
Markich C
Markich C - 8 years ago
Just in time when pokemon generation 2 got released for Pokemon GO game!
Jakiyah Bolden
Jakiyah Bolden - 8 years ago
I'm in love with your vids
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 8 years ago
Love it. One of the few ways wild caught saltwater fish does not destroy tropical reefs.
Classy Doggo
Classy Doggo - 8 years ago
Awesome Video! :D earned a new sub!
Septimus Heap
Septimus Heap - 8 years ago
This looks so fun!
Potato Durp
Potato Durp - 8 years ago
They didn't, this is an HD reupload from a long time ago.
Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown - 8 years ago
So this is the prequel to Finding Nemo?
Jasdian Ng
Jasdian Ng - 7 years ago
Charlie Brown a
Nikos Ntousikos
Nikos Ntousikos - 8 years ago
hi from greece
Leanne Campbell
Leanne Campbell - 8 years ago
I feel like I just watched Finding Dory all over again.
Nelson Tenorio
Nelson Tenorio - 8 years ago
Chatting with Mark Stise
Chatting with Mark Stise - 8 years ago
I had to like and Subscribe!!
This is awesome!!!
Yuri DDLC - 8 years ago
great video can you please make a video about some sea cucumbers?they are very amazing and fascinating animals!

50. comment for Tropical Fish Rescue | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Patrick HEPPER [6A]
Patrick HEPPER [6A] - 8 years ago
Can I get 2 likes and a pin
BonnieOBC - 8 years ago
No one called it so first.
Allen Laymon
Allen Laymon - 8 years ago
Notification squad?
Allen Laymon
Allen Laymon - 8 years ago
Chris H. It's when you get a notification for a new upload on a video!
Chris H.
Chris H. - 8 years ago
I don't know what that is.
Allen Laymon
Allen Laymon - 8 years ago
ecb15551 - 8 years ago
Isn't this the same video from 7 years ago?
BlueWorldTV - 8 years ago
Yes, it's an HD re-upload. For a while we were under a contract with a TV broadcaster that we would not put anything up on YouTube in HD. Now that contract is expired and we are going back and putting up one back episode a month in HD, plus of course a new episode and some extras.
Potato Durp
Potato Durp - 8 years ago
I think it's an HD reupload, hence the title
Jasper Kuragin
Jasper Kuragin - 8 years ago
Emily_love I'm pretty sure it is, maybe in better quality? ?
jelly man
jelly man - 8 years ago
i love it
That Øne Rebeł
That Øne Rebeł - 8 years ago
If u can of course
JohnHoleston - 8 years ago
That title sounds awesome
That Øne Rebeł
That Øne Rebeł - 8 years ago
Plz reply
That Øne Rebeł
That Øne Rebeł - 8 years ago
BlueWorldTV yay :3 thx
BlueWorldTV - 8 years ago
Bryson's Adventures
Bryson's Adventures - 8 years ago
I love your vids!
Jakiyah Bolden
Jakiyah Bolden - 8 years ago
Bryson's Adventures awesome

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