Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017

Unboxing some Rainbow Sharks to get ready for Shark Week. Lots of other cool stuff in this tropical fish unboxing as well. Our Website: Facebook: Instagram: http://www.instagram/aquariumcoop Podcast: Advertising Inquiries:

Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 132

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 55,520 views

Unboxing some Rainbow Sharks to get ready for Shark Week. Lots of other cool stuff in this tropical fish unboxing as well. Our Website: Facebook: Instagram: http://www.instagram/aquariumcoop Podcast: Advertising Inquiries:

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Most popular comments
for Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Support us by buying on our online store:
Hotdog in da house
Hotdog in da house - 6 years ago
I got a rainbow shark and a silver shark I bought them when they were babies now their massive
Cindy Lu Roman
Cindy Lu Roman - 7 years ago
Thank you, love these unboxings..
Tommaso Bobini
Tommaso Bobini - 7 years ago
where do you order fish?
Johnny Cos
Johnny Cos - 7 years ago
What store is this
Shaun Parker
Shaun Parker - 7 years ago
Cory, what meds do you use in quarantine? I want to quarantine my fish but idk what meds to use, and what ratio to use. All help is greatly appreciated. Love the vids. Would love to see a Christmas store tour!! Keep it up! Thanks
Joseph Grove
Joseph Grove - 7 years ago
What store do you order from and or do you know where i can get apistogrammas in pa
David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
Him: There's no way I only got twelve!
Me: There's no way I got a whole twelve!

Lmao 20 Gallon Aquarium life
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks - 7 years ago
Aquarium co op have you subscribed
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Make even better content and people will start subscribing you you!
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks - 7 years ago
Please subscribe my friend
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks - 7 years ago
So search my Aquarium updated with cover, lights, and new fishes. You will get video of this title
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
no, I haven't. I get asked to sub to channels all day long.

10. comment for Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017

AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks - 7 years ago
I have like it
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks - 7 years ago
I have already subscribed

And I have seen your nice videos
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks
AJ Aquarium And Creative Hacks - 7 years ago
From where you order your fishes

Can I order. I am an Indian

Aquarium Co op please see my video type AJ Aquarium. You will see one channel which is having 4 videos. My friend please subscribe and like it
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+AJ Aquarium we currently don't ship any fish and unfortunately can't ship anything outside the USA
jhgannon1 - 7 years ago
Nice Gracie Jiu Jitsu hat! Parabens!
BraydensBettas - 7 years ago
I've got a 55 tall with 11 kuhlis, 3 angels, 1 Yoyo loach, 2 bristlnose and a peacock eel. My angels will often beat on each other and one is always hiding up the back looking like a grey blob with no colour. What should I do to help with this aggression issue? remove the bully angel? Get dithers (I was thinking swordtails or danios?)? Or Get another angel?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Probably removing angels since it's a tall tank.
PRJ since1990
PRJ since1990 - 7 years ago
Jimmy is doing an excellent job with the editing. The fade ins/outs, logo, everything. I only wish he would do a shot of each fish in a tank while you are pulling the bag out of the box. It's a perfect blend of "what's in this bag... oh it's X" and here's a shot of X in a tank all colored up. More of that please!

The content is getting better and better.
Mokong - 7 years ago
Love unboxings!
Ash - 7 years ago
Love the Pseudomugils! The gertrudae eggs I hatched out a while ago are now gorgeous juveniles. Super pleased with them :)
mandalynFSU - 7 years ago
I know y'all are experimenting with the format, and I've no doubt you two will dial in the right formula. I just thought I'd add my perspective re: why I didn't finish watching.

This is the first fish unboxing I haven't watched all the way through. I watch to see the fish, and when the Apisto Borelliis weren't shown later in their tank, I was disappointed. Then, I noticed that not all were going to be shown, so I lost interest. My favorite thing about fish unboxings (which are my favorite videos) have always been the before and after shots of the fish (no color...coloring up and happy).
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
Beautiful Keyhole Cichlids with the Geophagus.

20. comment for Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017

Fancy Tail Aquatics
Fancy Tail Aquatics - 7 years ago
If I click on one of your videos, I will stay the entire time. If you have a live stream on say Goldfish, I won't bother watching as I don't keep them nor care for them, otherwise I have stayed on for your 8 hour streams! keep it going, because of you, I have expanded out.
Becki L
Becki L - 7 years ago
This video is funny because I just got a powder blue male gourami yesterday and added it to my tank and now I noticed my platys are hiding and they weren't before.
Maddy Mae
Maddy Mae - 7 years ago
where do you order your fish from?
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
He doesn't tell
Blue Veins
Blue Veins - 7 years ago
I like that you guys are experimenting, and in my opinon, I like this new filming idea! Only request I have is to show more of the fish in the tanks. And I understand, it is a lot of editing, but i'll be happy with just about anything you guys put out as videos! Keep up the amazing work!
Tropical Fish Success
Tropical Fish Success - 7 years ago
Cory, Can you explain why you like seeing poop in the bag? In all my years, I've never heard of anyone that wants ammonia in the bag during shipping. Everyone I know in the industry wants to purge the fish a few days before shipping so they do not poop like crazy in the bags. Thanks!
Tropical Fish Success
Tropical Fish Success - 7 years ago
Thank you Cory.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Because most fish are so underfed this day in age that they die due to starvation during qt.
amanda watson
amanda watson - 7 years ago
I do like watching Aquarium Co-op but this one was missing something,, a view of the fish Cory was unboxing.
Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 7 years ago
wews you changed your way of video taping
Mike Gordon
Mike Gordon - 7 years ago
Prefered the old way, cannot see the fish, sorry :(
steven miller
steven miller - 7 years ago
Cory I live in Illinois and there isn't pet stores anywhere close do you know a good website were i can find black dragon guppies and koi guppies for sale.
steven miller
steven miller - 7 years ago
thank you
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I would watch
My Fish Corner
My Fish Corner - 7 years ago
Nice fish, always love your unboxing. And looking forward to your 800 gallon if i don remember wrongly. Correct me if i am wrong.

30. comment for Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017

michael li yun fong
michael li yun fong - 7 years ago
what was that prestige worldwide thing at 20 seconds?
Blair's_ Aquatics
Blair's_ Aquatics - 7 years ago
Congrats on 72,000k subs!
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 7 years ago
Very Nice....
Carlos Alcaraz
Carlos Alcaraz - 7 years ago
Hey my lampeye fish keep dying my fish tank is fully cycle I live in Japan is hard to know the stuff how can I raise my pH everything else is is super good my pH level is at 6.4 . in Japan where I live I can't find anything to raise my pH am keeping neon tetras with lampeye the tetras are fine .
Ryo Watanabe Tanks
Ryo Watanabe Tanks - 7 years ago
Thumbs up always for trying new things and doing your best. Keep up the good work team co-op!
Braiden Saville
Braiden Saville - 7 years ago
Put the rainbows in the 800
Braiden Saville
Braiden Saville - 7 years ago
Please show each fish straight after pulling out the bag instead of just some
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
Wow some raving reviews on this video lol it's a change of pace and I don't mind it one bit, different perspectives are welcome!
its fish
its fish - 7 years ago
would like to see the fish in the bag please cory
Antonio vera
Antonio vera - 7 years ago
That background noise tho
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
GAAH i've been looking for emerald corys! #jelly
TheGoldenDoggo - 7 years ago
I had 2 rainbow shark fish, one and of the cunts the other fish and lived to 7 1/2 years and at grew to about ~6 3/4 - 7 inches
Objective Fishkeeping
Objective Fishkeeping - 7 years ago
This is way better than what Cory used to do. I dont see the beauty in having the camera dance around while he tries to open bags with just one hand.
I still havent gotten over the weird camera angles and over edition of other videos but this looks like a step in the right direction. The better camera angles and some different camera views have definitely retained me more altough I still havent watched most videos completely.
ChaosCorrupter - 7 years ago
Do you still use your Birdman sand and gravel filter? What media did you use in it?
DUB.REXY21 - 7 years ago
Where would you recommend me too buy from in Australia ??
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
Just one fan's opinion, but unboxing videos are more fun when we can see the fish in the bag. Except for the dead, fuzzy ones, of course.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
I see a lot of negativity about the filming...i dont mind the new angles but for all that want the "old" unboxing videos should just leave it be for a little bit and view more of the future unboxing with the new view. If you really feel like its bad, just give some constructive criticism or dont watch the videos at all. I have seen his comment about the new version of his videos so dont be afraid, this is only him testing.
Peter Lyck
Peter Lyck - 7 years ago
So people are buying clown loaches because of the 800, i didn't because i knew they would get big for our 60 gallon. I bought 2 yoyo loaches because of the 800 gallon, they are very charming and will soon get company from 2 or 3 more yoyo loaches
Waidon Nielson
Waidon Nielson - 7 years ago
Love the new editing! I also really enjoy the little pieces of feed back on some of the fish as you are going through some of the bags. I've always really enjoyed the videos, but I definitely think you guys are making some major improvements!
I know you didn't ask... but the only improvement i'd make would be instead of having the camera down below looking up, maybe move it closer to you so you can put the bags up to it so we can see the fish.
David Chan
David Chan - 7 years ago
May be strap a camera on your head or chest like a go pro. Without the fisheye view of course.

50. comment for Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017

MainliningTanks - 7 years ago
IDK why, seriously no clue, but I loved these videos with cory struggling to do this himself. These are less personal and just feel like mass produced crap, but it's not. Can't explain it, it's like you sold out to corporate which doesn't even make sense but I can't explain it so I'll stop trying. Still my fav fish channel and I love Jimmy more than I should as a man.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
WizzleThump I sorta agree but aquariumcoop is a company basically. Yt channel, website, and store selling fish stuff. For his company to thrive, he needs more people to step in and help out. Jimmy is behind the cam so we know its not a pro camera man he hired so its not really feeling like a mass production of videos to me.
Tyson Anderson
Tyson Anderson - 7 years ago
This is probably the best way I've seen it put without explaining one thing, but he's right. Something feels mass produced.
UndergroundVideos - 7 years ago
+10 Pains me to do this, I love you Cory, but this doesn't feel right and looks like a lot of people agree which is why I'm going to speak up, the masses are speaking.
AquaBeard - 7 years ago
Jimmy! Keep up the good work! I'm loving the"link" and the "prestige world wide" subliminal messages!! Has me rolling!
Mark L
Mark L - 7 years ago
Can a betta live with congo tetras?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I think the congos would be a bit nippy and dominate the food, so I'm not sure I'd try it.
The Slick Fish
The Slick Fish - 7 years ago
Personally am a fan of this setup
Eddie Ka
Eddie Ka - 7 years ago
I gotta agree with what others are saying. This angle feels weird. Its like im spying on you working in a back room somewhere. The low angle was especially weird feeling. It was like a horror movie , monster watching its victim, shot.

Maybe if he set the camera up a bit closer? Then he wouldnt have to be zooming in an out? and for the second angle, go high looking down instead of low?
heatherwanderer777 - 7 years ago
Anyone else notice the big stream of water that came out of the side of gourami bag when Cory squeezed it? Thankfully they're all safe now :)
So since everyone is offering editing tips, I'd suggest having a camera on a tripod in addition to the other shots. Have the tripod be one that you can do a good close up of the fish in the box. Other then that, I much much prefer this view since its not so jumbly.
Tom Dover
Tom Dover - 7 years ago
Also! What are 6 of the best cory catfish to breed. Something more rare and pricey.
Same with guppies?

Keep up the good work! You persuaded me to start an aquarium maintenance business and I'm 16 and almost making a living off the business and its only been a year! Now looking to breed cory catfish and guppies but not sure which ones!
Thanks :)
Tom Dover
Tom Dover - 7 years ago
Whats the 24 hour camera he uses for the 800 gallon?
tacoyaki84 - 7 years ago
Go back to old format this sucks
Luis  Alvarado
Luis Alvarado - 7 years ago
Does activates carbon affect a planted aquarium?
Luis  Alvarado
Luis Alvarado - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op I have a HOB filter with carbon inside of the pad on a planted tank with porous clay planted aquarium substrate. I don't add any extra fertilizer. Would you recommend removing the pad with the carbon in it? Thanks for the input and content Cory.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yeah it can remove fertilizers from the water column.
Daniel Davis
Daniel Davis - 7 years ago
I was gonna buy fish online what company should i use to get the fish
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I would look at
Belle 12
Belle 12 - 7 years ago
Were you filming?
Belle 12
Belle 12 - 7 years ago
Were you filming?
Belle 12
Belle 12 - 7 years ago
Were you filming?
Jeff Frank
Jeff Frank - 7 years ago
I think the new format works. Lots of people are complaining they see you Cory and not enough of the fish. I think they are dumb. You show the fish lile you always had and we get to see Cory not just hear him. The only thing I would do differently is show an up close of every bag of fish. I think this would please the ones that think they are not seeing enough of the bagged fish.
Lars K
Lars K - 7 years ago
Please do a "Here's my staff" video
Lars K
Lars K - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op very cool. I was into fish 30 years ago and life got in the way. Here we are in 2017 and I ask my wife, what do you think about a 20 gallon tank, my wife being her usual self answers sure. Well 3 months later have a 65, 20, and a 5 for the rescued feeders for my Oscar's. Next weekend is 2 40 breeders for a planted and shrimp tank. And I found You Tube and all you guys. Thanks for all the usable info, greatly appreciated!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We do plan on doing something with that in the future.
XnFM - 7 years ago
Love the in tank shots but you really need to do them for all of the fish. It was really annoying having the bag get in the way all the time previously, but you're not really showing us anything for some of these fish.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of all the camera movement, and the low-angle shots. It feels a bit like you're doing things because you can, not because you have a good reason to. I think you might want to consider looking into shooting these like it's a talk show. Use stable cameras with fixed angles, maybe try doing a picture-in-picture type shot to show the fish Corey's talking about in-tank while they're being taken out of the bag.
Joel Stevens
Joel Stevens - 7 years ago
Rant Alert! In the words of Cory "Someone's getting fired!" I love your store, staff, and channel! Please show the fish in every bag and share a tip or two about the breed. Honestly, I feel like you both need to be fired after this one. I'm voting with my view time and not watching any further. I still love you guys. Remember you didn't get here by accident. Stick to the format that got you here and build on it. Its easier to shoot bag shots and visit the quarantine. Cory and Jimmy will always be Cory and Jimmy but each bag in an unboxing video is an opportunity to learn something new and share the hobby. P.S. Your Dab thumb nail was epic! Sorry for the rant!
PineTreeLooms - 7 years ago
Cory, I love your channel and videos! Your One of my favorite YouTubers, BUT to be honest I did not like the way this turned out. I was really excited to see A fish unboxing episode but I was deeply disappointed with the way you filmed this. Jimmy did a great job but I could not see the fish! When you pulled them out of the box all I saw was a bag with water, no fish. I'm glad when you pulled out the bag a little video of the fish in a tank was there! But really I did not like this. I'm glad you tried something different but it not the different that I like. It's your channel Cory and you can do whatever you want, I just wanted to say my opinion.
Chris Gunn
Chris Gunn - 7 years ago
I really like the new editing. Good job guys.
Adam K
Adam K - 7 years ago
your new system for unboxing isnt working.
we used to see close ups of every bag, now we just see you holding up bags.
Lars K
Lars K - 7 years ago
Sooooooooooo glad Jimmy is there, this is awesome with two
Blair's_ Aquatics
Blair's_ Aquatics - 7 years ago
Good work guys the videos are looking awesome and I love unboxing !
Nomad - 7 years ago
14:36 lol
Samuel Lopez
Samuel Lopez - 7 years ago
Unboxing + pictures = many many hours of entertainment !
Lauren - 7 years ago
The noise in the background made this really difficult to watch. I liked the unboxings where you had the camera and you could see into the bag, and I think if we had Jimmy's new added shots of the fish in the tanks it would be a great combination of your old style + the new style
Lauren - 7 years ago
Also a bit disappointing because theres some fish that aren't shown in the tank after and we can't see into the bag, so we're basically missing out on a lot of the bagged fish being seen. I'll still watch all the video tho to support u
2056761 - 7 years ago
Show the fish
jonas martin
jonas martin - 7 years ago
The Siamese algae eaters look like small bala sharks
Ben Pearce
Ben Pearce - 7 years ago
Sorry Cory. I always look forward to the unboxing vids, but in this one I didn't feel like I got to see any fish
Joshua Burkard
Joshua Burkard - 7 years ago
Thumbs down from view. Cory, shoot these yourself.
Mason McLean
Mason McLean - 7 years ago
Hey guys what fish are colorful that I can put with my congo tetras and GBRs in a 75 gallon planted aquarium? I liked the odessa barbs but are those too aggressive?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They wouldn't be any more aggressive than the congo tetras, so should work out.
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
Subliminal messages in this video?
Thibault Boeraeve
Thibault Boeraeve - 7 years ago
If you film it like this, you should get a close up for every fish. Then it would be really cool
IQ 200
IQ 200 - 7 years ago
Hi cory, try putting a gopro on your chest that would be the best, it will be easier for you to work and it will be nicer to look at fish while in the bags. You'll have very good material and you'll be the first fish keeping youtuber to do it as far as i know. Plz like so cory can see
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I see every comment. I won't be putting a go pro on my chest, it's been tried and the footage is not usable.
Offishal Aquatics
Offishal Aquatics - 7 years ago
Could a rainbow shark be able to live in a 29 g with a Bolivian ram and serpae tetras? If not, what other singular bottom feeding fish can I add that doesn't need to be in groups?
Danielle Charles
Danielle Charles - 7 years ago
My favorite way to watch this video would be if you had corys perspective of the fish in the bag and the nice clips of the fish in the tank.
LJ Aquatics
LJ Aquatics - 7 years ago
I know 1- handed was more difficult, but I loved seeing them close up in the bag.
Mac Coker
Mac Coker - 7 years ago
Rainbow sharks are the best! mine is about 4inches
Extracted_ - 7 years ago
where does he order from?
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
Jimmy he doesn't tell
Virgil Caine
Virgil Caine - 7 years ago
Happy video. I wanted to see the red tail shark. great scavengers and great to watch. not too aggressive, but mine t boned an angel. stunned the angel for awhile.
The King Ninja
The King Ninja - 7 years ago
wuuuo is so cool fish
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Joe Croydon Same....maybe if he doesnt want to hold the camera with the fish at the same time, he could buy a head strap for a go-pro or something so we still get the nice close ups of the fish :)
Alivia Manuel
Alivia Manuel - 7 years ago
Last time I bought a rainbow shark it wiped out my community tank, it was crazy. Ended up with half blind fish, and a couple partial neons. That's the last time I'm buying a rainbow shark that was raised alone in a big tank. He was a bully. Love these guys though.
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 7 years ago
71k wow really grown a lot the past 12 months '
Jayden - 7 years ago
You should put a rope fish in the 800 !
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Rope fish are amazing, who knows what will live in there long term.
Seth Maurer
Seth Maurer - 7 years ago
That's so funny! I am having kamakas delivered in the mail today!!!
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
is there anything i can keep with agressive dwerd gourami in 6 gallo n?
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op it won't tolerate fish.i think i will go with snails
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
malaysian trumpet snails, possibly some pygmy corydoras?
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
Hi cory. Love the new editing. Although that noise in the background is very annoying lol.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
That's a problem with the retail store being so busy, and the warehouse being busy.
fuzzy wuzzy
fuzzy wuzzy - 7 years ago
love the video as always but can you film closer to bag seems to be what alot of others missed too
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
I am planning on getting some new fish and there are 2 fish I really want and each is 20 dollars and the fish are synodontis petricola and black ghost knife fish. Which should I get or can I get both?
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ok thanks.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
they can live together yeah.

100. comment for Tropical Fish Unboxing. Eartheaters, Rainbow Fish, Rainbow SHARK WEEK 2017

Irvin - 7 years ago
I like how you show the fish in the tank after saying what they are called. I wish you would do so after every bag.
Keeping IT Fishy
Keeping IT Fishy - 7 years ago
Red head tapajos also work well with lemon tetras
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Very long video. Love this video mate . I am watching you and editing my fish videos to put on my channel at the same time lol . I love the corys u have they are amazing and L134 are great fish and can get a good size
Gibs - 7 years ago
Best surprise, double the unboxing!
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual - 7 years ago
Un-Boxings Are Way Cooler form the un-boxer's point of view. IMO this new format was like watching someone stock groceries or something way less epic then all these cool fish. Ims gonna Thumbs down the vid ONLY BECAUSE I DONT LIKE THE ANGLE. Sorry #AquariumCo
Parker Fenton
Parker Fenton - 7 years ago
Rainbow sharks are my favorite fish!
Emmuzka - 7 years ago
Could we get both a close shot of the fishes in the bag (best thing in the unboxing videos) and the aquarium shots?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We are trying new filming ideas. There is no way to please everyone. We are reviewing what is working from analytics. Every change we make we have people who love it and people who dislike it.

In the past we were lead more by the subscriber opinions than by the data. Since taking a closer look at data and experimenting, our stats on key metrics metrics we feel are important are up by a large margin. Things like Retention rate is a very important one to us. This tells us how much of the video the viewer is actually watching. Youtube itself cares more about how many minutes are watched. So a video that you watch 10 minutes of the 2 hour presentation is better in Youtube's eyes than a video that is 10 minutes where you watched 9 of them. It is our goal as a company to produce content that viewers stay engaged with.

At the end of the day we are a business. We will do what makes sense for the business. This is also what is most in line with the consumers or audience. Times change, trends change, capabilities change, consumers change. With an ever changing landscape we must constantly test and review our work to see what is working.

Rest assured we are trying our best to produce what we think is the greatest content we are capable of making at the time.
Unlucky - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op whoops didn't realize this is 3 months old I thought this was today's video LOL.
Unlucky - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op if you did it this way with another camera right next to you that you can show the bag to close up would be an extremely high quality unboxing. Kind of like the camera you had with that other angle of you, but instead just used to show the bags of fish up close.
Doodle Doodle Nope
Doodle Doodle Nope - 7 years ago
I subscribed to you specifically for your unboxing videos. While I prefer the other style, I really like the in-tank shots in this video and as long as I still get to see fish I'm happy :)
Kong Da savage
Kong Da savage - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op has any fish in the box died?
Johnnybravo60025 - 7 years ago
He made a reference to the movie Step Brothers ("So much more room for activities") and Prestige Worldwide is a company that Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly came up with in the movie.
Peter Lyck
Peter Lyck - 7 years ago
I watch all the unboxing, and most short videos from start to finish. The liveshow very much depends on the theme.
michael li yun fong
michael li yun fong - 7 years ago
what was that prestige worldwide symbol popping up at 20 seconds into the video?
Lucas Smith
Lucas Smith - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op how much do blue phantom plecos cost and what do they eat
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I have that video already done, you can see it here.
Formal Tuna
Formal Tuna - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work. Would love to see a video on plant nutrient deficiency. Signs that we should dose iron,potassium etc
Baran Demir
Baran Demir - 7 years ago
Lisa S yyyeeessss!!!
Lisa S
Lisa S - 7 years ago
I don't mind yall doing it this way, but it would be nice if when you say what the fish is to then go to a shot of them in their quarantine tank. ALL of the fish, not just a few of them. I've never seen a lot of the fish you get in b/c my LFSs don't carry them so I'm always super interested to see what they all look like :D
Sarah Stubbs
Sarah Stubbs - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op All I can say is keep on doing as you are doing, I think all your videos are fantastic, so keep up the great work.
Debbie George
Debbie George - 7 years ago
awesome video.
TheGreatKellee - 7 years ago
I've been watching you for a while now, you and other fish keepers/store owners. I used to have tons of aquariums and Bettas, guppies, etc. After watching your videos I decided to go out and buy a little 5 gallon and start a little planted tank with a Betta. I've never done a planted tank before, but watching your videos have made me confident I can do it :) I'm just waiting to buy my plants and eventually the Betta right now because my tank is cycling!
Bentley Pascoe
Bentley Pascoe - 7 years ago
Robert informed me you stole the Kamakas, I'm jealous as those ones you got look amazing - let me know if you get bored with them Cory! They can hang out with the rest of mine.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We ordered some more for this week so hopefully they'll ship us some more in.
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 7 years ago
Satanoperca jurupari or leucosticta? They rarely ship the true jurupari. Bob has hypnotized you, more rainbows for the 800....
Aventurine Bettas
Aventurine Bettas - 7 years ago
I liked the way you unboxed before, then you talked more to "us" and you showed us the fishes in the baggs :)
Zarek Goeken
Zarek Goeken - 7 years ago
Whens the next fishstore tour?
Kevin Cunningham
Kevin Cunningham - 7 years ago
Prestige Worldwide!
BoJo Ford
BoJo Ford - 7 years ago
Could I feed a pea puffer clams on the half shell?
BoJo Ford
BoJo Ford - 7 years ago
Thank you
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They might pick at it, but it would be pretty large for them and they are unlikely to bite the shell at all.
cat caty
cat caty - 7 years ago
IMO preferred the old camera angle. But do like shots of fish in the tanks.
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
Cool video format
Michael Rodriguez
Michael Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I prefer longer videos in general. I miss the half hour videos.
Teddy Bonkers
Teddy Bonkers - 7 years ago
Do you think if I lied and said my address was a business, I could order from a wholesaler? How would they know any different? I'm sick of eBay, a lot of them scam in shipping $35
Teddy Bonkers
Teddy Bonkers - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op you know for people who aren't lucky enough to have a real LFS like yours in their area.
Teddy Bonkers
Teddy Bonkers - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op is there a general reason they don't typically sell to normal people? Seems to me they are missing out on a lot of business straight to the customer. I'd rather buy my fish direct from them than from nasty a pet shop in horrible dirty tanks who let them get sick and die.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Well typically they'll want your business UBI number, your resellers permit, address so they can look it up on google maps street view and pictures of your facility at the minimum.
Lisa S
Lisa S - 7 years ago
When do odessa barbs color up? We bought some about a month ago. They were tiny, but have grown a considerable amount but none of them have gotten that great male coloration yet. Wondering if they just need longer to grow or if we just got really unlucky and got females lol.
Lisa S
Lisa S - 7 years ago
Thanks for replying :) Hopefully they'll start to show their mature colors in the new few months then :D
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
usually at the 6 to 8 month mark of their life.
I234 Internet Street
I234 Internet Street - 7 years ago
Hi Cory! I'm going to be setting up another tank soon. I wanted to do a tank exclusively for assorted guppies and wanted to breed them. The tank is 29 gallons. How many guppies should I start with, and what additions to the basics should I get for the tank to help them breed?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I address this question in the podcast from wednesday, but I'd start with like a group of 6.
SophiaAthena89 - 7 years ago
you didn't show the fish in the bag this time... unamused lol
Austin mckee
Austin mckee - 7 years ago
How much do you sell the baby goldfish for?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I believe we sell them for 9.99
freshlyunreal - 7 years ago
Love these unboxing videos cory! i like the old setup a bit better
Tina Cuppernell
Tina Cuppernell - 7 years ago
Great video. I love the unboxing ones.
Reece - 7 years ago
Where do you order your fish??
Reece - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ohhh ok thank you Cory!! Love your videos :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Reece - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op awe ok do you have any recommendations that would sell to someone who doesn't have a fish store?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Tropical fish wholesalers who will sell only fish stores.
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
This was awesome
I love the new angles and the Amazing shots of the fish right after in a tank
Keep up the Incredible Work
Thanks for sharing
Tazawa Tanks
Tazawa Tanks - 7 years ago
Cory and Jimmy - I like the new format with the multiple camera shots showing both the fish in the bag and then a shot of them in the tank. A great channel is getting even better!
raizinhell1 - 7 years ago
1st person view is better!
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 7 years ago
Personally I really like the new filming style. I love the shark week idea LOL! I am currently watching 3 shark weeks, Nat Geo, Discovery, and now Aquarium Co-Op!
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
The Fish Life
The Fish Life - 7 years ago
Great video
VillagerSparky - 7 years ago
Cory could wear a head cam, also I couldn't help but feel that Cory was like "Here's fifty Neon's, here's fifty more!" And then pulls out the same bad twenty times.
Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 7 years ago
Cory's getting rainbows!!!!
Lee Rose
Lee Rose - 7 years ago
rainbows in the 800
DirtyNaan54 - 7 years ago
Have u ever kept Thai micro crabs
Mr Walleye
Mr Walleye - 7 years ago
Good to know the freshwater gobies are coming into season. Have been looking for more to add to my goby collection for quite a while
jh s
jh s - 7 years ago
# Rainbow shark is best fish.
Brandan Cortez
Brandan Cortez - 7 years ago
I love all your videos two days ago was the first day I ordered plants from y'all plants came alive and well
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Thanks for ordering from us!
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell - 7 years ago
beautiful fish brother...when you get those rainbows to your home tank, it would be awesome to see em in a video!....thanks for what you do Cory, this is my favorite channel!.... love the 800 gallon!
Aquatic Jack
Aquatic Jack - 7 years ago
Love the new way of box opening. The before and after with names is extremely helpful
XxFluffyPawnxX - 7 years ago
Who does he whole sale fish from
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
He doesn't tell
Teddy Bonkers
Teddy Bonkers - 7 years ago
XxFluffyPawnxX probably from Floriduh
TheEddie2u - 7 years ago
Feed the puffer at end of videos please!
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Those rocket gar look pretty sweet!!
I also love the B footage showing the fish in a tank rather than only in a bag.
rhys sutherland
rhys sutherland - 7 years ago
Hey cory you should put silver tip tetras in the 800 gal
Lonely Hound
Lonely Hound - 7 years ago
I love your videos!
TheSpeedy0108 H
TheSpeedy0108 H - 7 years ago
I don't like this new set up, it's kind of weird just watching you look at the fish while we don't see anything.
Michael - 7 years ago
Another easter egg jimmy!! prestige worldwide!!
Richard O'connor
Richard O'connor - 7 years ago
You did not show us half the bags or the yanked fish.
Return to the old format, or hire a model in a bathing suit hold the bags. Not talking Jimmy in bathing suit ether.
Casmary Kay
Casmary Kay - 7 years ago
We've already seen Jimmy in his trunks. THAT was an interesting video! :D
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
Really a big fan of the shots of the fish in their tanks
Lisa S
Lisa S - 7 years ago
Yeah, I wish they did it more. He says what the fish is, then cut to a clip of the fish in quarantine so we can get a look at them please!
Joshua. N. Knoebel.
Joshua. N. Knoebel. - 7 years ago
Are rocket gars the same as freshwater barracudas.
Chanski 85
Chanski 85 - 7 years ago
Cory, will assassin snails hurt nerite snails, or are they too big? Love the channel.
rurutu M
rurutu M - 7 years ago
Chanski 85 I've had assassin snails kill pond snails that were three times their size. They might have ganged up on it at night and ate it
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They could kill them but typically go after any smaller snails first.
Andrew M
Andrew M - 7 years ago
The production quality is sooo much better! I don't get motion sickness from Corey holding the camera now
Thomas Perkins
Thomas Perkins - 7 years ago
Who's your supplier
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
He doesn't tell
Victoria R
Victoria R - 7 years ago
"oh look, one was assassinated!" xD dead.
Derpy Wolf
Derpy Wolf - 7 years ago
I have a 2 inch rainbow shark
Ash - 7 years ago
I find it really hard to see fish in the bags when people are unboxing so having a clip of them swimming around to show what they actually look like is nice shrug
samantha henry
samantha henry - 7 years ago
The fish in the tanks is nice. But I'd prefer more in bag shots for sure.
Alex Gabriel
Alex Gabriel - 7 years ago
ya I feel that! I'm just saying the quarantine tanks seem to be brighter? maybe? idk just seemed like a better view before.
Ruthlyss Targaryen
Ruthlyss Targaryen - 7 years ago
Alex Gabriel I like those shots of the fish in the tank
Joey Molnar
Joey Molnar - 7 years ago
Is someone running a Hibachi grill behind you?? lol
chees e
chees e - 7 years ago
54Punchie - 7 years ago
I would want to keep them ALL for myself
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Great video again!
I love unboxing videos!
And with the help of Jimmy the videos are even more awesome!
Love the different shots!
Cory, you should put a lot Kuhli loaches in the 800 gallon! It'll look awesome!
I was about to record a video and then I got the notification!
Keep up the good work! And as always thumbs up!
#FishFam #TacoUnion
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Cory if you have time could you answer this: If you had brown algae what would you do?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
probably add some otocinclus
Aiden Meredith
Aiden Meredith - 7 years ago
i see what you did with the title.... click baiting like a mofo
Richard O'connor
Richard O'connor - 7 years ago
No offense bit we want to see the fish , not Cory looking at fish was better you shot it your self.
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
They showed fish in the tanks.
VashBismark - 7 years ago
I personally liked the first person perspective that Cory used to do - it made me feel like I was really a part of opening the box. Just my opinion, but utilizing that perspective and also including the scenes of the fish in the tank would be a home run.
XnFM - 7 years ago
Half the time you couldn't see the fish in the bag because of the glare, or the printing on the bag. Sure it was nice seeing what Corey was talking about specifically, but getting more shots of the fish in tank is completely worth losing that.
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Richard O'connor I agree you want to see the fish but he is trying new filming ways .
Zarek Goeken
Zarek Goeken - 7 years ago
Richard O'connor We? I dont mind how hes doing it. Also he shows a preview of the fish after they've been acclimated and established.
Carlos TMA
Carlos TMA - 7 years ago
What's the noise?!
Ruan Jacobs
Ruan Jacobs - 7 years ago
What was that at 0:20?
Joey Molnar
Joey Molnar - 7 years ago
prestige worldwide hidden Easter egg
Spencer Conio
Spencer Conio - 7 years ago
Sullivan Proctor
Sullivan Proctor - 7 years ago
I like fish. How about you?
Sanyog Polkam
Sanyog Polkam - 7 years ago
Where do u get these fish. Like whatbwebsite
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 7 years ago
He doesn't tell
Rhys Tomlin
Rhys Tomlin - 7 years ago
Now the Kamaka Rainbows would create an amazing contrast in the 800 gallon!
Maria Ochoa
Maria Ochoa - 7 years ago
I have 1 rainbow shark
Chris Friedermann
Chris Friedermann - 7 years ago
Maria Ochoa do whatever is closest in size the closer the size they won't get picked on as much
Maria Ochoa
Maria Ochoa - 7 years ago
Chris Friedermann so i put some Odessa barbs or German blue Rams
Maria Ochoa
Maria Ochoa - 7 years ago
mine is 7 inch so i can get Odessa barbs or a medium sized chiclid
Chris Friedermann
Chris Friedermann - 7 years ago
Maria Ochoa I have 3 6" rainbows fully grown and they do well with any type of barb and other sharks I also have catfish and a pleco with them
Maria Ochoa
Maria Ochoa - 7 years ago
can anybody tell what are good tank mates for rainbow sharks
Fuerx - 7 years ago
I like this new format with the multiple cameras but i wish that there was still close up shots of the bags. Maybe if cory held a camera.
Ash - 7 years ago
Yeah everyone knows fish look their very best through cruddy plastic bags, right after they have been shipped ;)
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Fuerx yer I do like the close up of the fish tbh too
Aquarium Tech
Aquarium Tech - 7 years ago
Sashimi Whiskey the names of the fish that pop up in the corner. The first couple letters are getting cropped off.
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
Aquarium Tech is it the titles in the thumbnails or title itself? Or fish titles?
Aquarium Tech
Aquarium Tech - 7 years ago
Sashimi Whiskey no problem. Also, noticed that your titles are getting clipped a little bit when I view the video on my tv. I think you might be slightly out of the title safe area. Great job with all the editing!
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
Haha. Great suggestion Aquarium Tech. I'll ask him for sure. Thanks for the tip.
Aquarium Tech
Aquarium Tech - 7 years ago
Sashimi Whiskey strap a GoPro to Cory's head. #CoryCam
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
We're experimenting but we could totally try that!
Jk Exotics
Jk Exotics - 7 years ago
Great video
Jk Exotics
Jk Exotics - 7 years ago
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Damn late af

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