Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish

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Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 58

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Most popular comments
for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish

JacobsAquarium - 6 years ago
My Website ➤
Russian Bot
Russian Bot - 7 years ago
Julie's hot.Go Julie!!
Sue Wiseman
Sue Wiseman - 7 years ago
Great looking store. Maybe next time show more tanks and fish while you talk, already know what you look like. Very handsome btw.
stelthTEN AU
stelthTEN AU - 7 years ago
maybe stick to FW plants.
Jimmy H Fishes
Jimmy H Fishes - 8 years ago
Jan's is great.. too bad I live in Northern Cal... one of the better LFS I have seen as of late..
Lucky Days Poms
Lucky Days Poms - 8 years ago
Quick question! I've been to jan's fish store. and I was curious why you did not review their bettas behind the front desk? They were my #1 before I moved for their bettas only! Now I live in the countryside so I just order straight from Thailand but still. Why did you not review the betta in the jars behind front-desk? A response would be great!
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
Lucky Days Poms I was waiting for the bettas. I bought one dumbo betta from them 2 months ago. Now he lives in a 5 g aquarium with 2 ghost shrimps. So sad they keep them in the little cups.
Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan
Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan - 8 years ago
I like little tetras. Did they have a nice selection of them?
Howard Dixon
Howard Dixon - 8 years ago
more time on the fish and a link to the store
Carlos Reyes
Carlos Reyes - 8 years ago
Jan's is a awesome fish store, very helpful and respectful every time I visit . One of the best fish shops in the Inland Empire.

10. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish

Christine Dayao
Christine Dayao - 9 years ago
These are by far the best kept fish and plants I've ever seen in a LFS. Congrats to Jan for doing things right :)
Shana Crockett
Shana Crockett - 9 years ago
gutted i live in london! Jans store looks fabulous!!
johnny G
johnny G - 9 years ago
johnny G
johnny G - 9 years ago
Alex G.
Alex G. - 9 years ago
lol I've been watching your videos for a little while now and I've also been going to this place for a while now... yet this is my first time watching this video.
TheHunterN - 9 years ago
Well then. I have three more bettas now. :l
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 9 years ago
What was the fish at 25:03 again?
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 9 years ago
Thank you
xNESx - 9 years ago
Pegasus shark
Cosmic Ehrhart
Cosmic Ehrhart - 9 years ago
Question, Jacob, would you ever consider putting subtitles on your videos to help out Deaf/HoH hobbyists? And if so, would you ever accept volunteers to help you subtitle your videos?
Keynu Lee
Keynu Lee - 9 years ago
I wish I lived near some of these stores you showcase! Great job.
TOOSTICKY - 9 years ago
Take your time on the tour and do tanks in order otherwise you miss fish!! Good going otherwise

20. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish

Elle Ziehl
Elle Ziehl - 9 years ago
That store is AWESOME!!! I mean just look at the selection of products! I will definitely visit that store. The fish looked healthy as well, always a plus. Great video!
James Shunk
James Shunk - 9 years ago
Sand bar pet shop in mission viejo ca
Crazy fish
Crazy fish - 9 years ago
That's by my house woop woop lol
taylorgoudie - 9 years ago
Great video !!
Steve Heavens
Steve Heavens - 9 years ago
Love watching your store tours. Keep them coming ☺
Kyles Aquariums
Kyles Aquariums - 9 years ago
Hey bro! In Eastern Ky here.. I'm a new subscriber but I'm always interested in buying plants from people like you, instead of huge stores and what not. But I've never actually bought online and HD them shipped. If I bought some from you, and I do have PayPal credit card, whatever form of payment you would need. What is the process, what would I actually have to do, and maybe a price estimate, final cost. I know it will vary with what plants I get but what's a normal bundle, full price for it to arrive at my front door. If this turns out to be easy enough, maybe I can become repeat customer, as I am starting to raise aquatic plants and distribute to aquarist in my area as we don't have a constant and reliable plant dealer.. Thanks. I'm not 100 percent familiar with the YouTube messaging and all that so I will leave my email in the comments. Or feel free to Facebook message me, which besides text, is the best way. Kyle Johnson. My profile pic is purple. Pretty easy to recognize. Thanks a lot look forward to your reply. I honestly don't ever know if somebody responds to my comment on here lol.
Kyles Aquariums
Kyles Aquariums - 9 years ago
+Kyles Aquariums I made this YouTube account so I could start doing video journals updates and all that and to be honest I've tried multiple times and can't seem to upload it. And if I do I try to search it and see if people can see it, but it doesn't show up in search results, don't know if that's cause its new or what. But that's my current situation.
Kyles Aquariums
Kyles Aquariums - 9 years ago
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 9 years ago
Could you do a tour of Aquarium Concepts, in Dublin, CA? Nice video!
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+Timm Lombardo I'd love to. But its just a matter of the store saying yes. So many turn me down when I ask. I've pretty much given up on asking and now leave it up to the stores to contact me instead.
THE MINECRAFTER - 9 years ago
What's a mum and pop store
Donnavan Dillon
Donnavan Dillon - 9 years ago
Pretty much the opposite of chain stores such as petco and petsmart that are pretty much local businesses found in your community
jason pham
jason pham - 9 years ago
omg i go to jans every week lol, cool to see it on video
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
+jason pham Thanks for watching! :)
Sceptic Aquariums
Sceptic Aquariums - 9 years ago
I love Jan's every Wednesday when I'm in the area I browse out their store to see if there's anything new occasionally I'll buy something like I recently got a beautiful bristle nose pleco for 30 bucks

30. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish

Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 9 years ago
I really like their variety of fish and how they have their backgrounds. The prices are expensive but are worth it because of how healthy the fish look!
subfusioN - 9 years ago
Just watched It I'm a New Subscriber Also I do Also Like the Guppies Can you Buy some And Then Make a Vid About them? I  don't Know If you have a Guppy Video Yet. Sorry If I ask you Even though you even have some I'm Probably Not Aware About them.
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 9 years ago
Thanks for tour!!!! Wish i had a lfs like that
Danny Giberson
Danny Giberson - 9 years ago
it is pronounced red platy
Livena Tso
Livena Tso - 10 years ago
those fake plants would be great for a goldfish tank :D
Sergio Mendoza
Sergio Mendoza - 10 years ago
I'm totally going here. It only 20 minutes away from my home!!!
drychalice - 10 years ago
Thumbs up....
NC-66-1 - 10 years ago
I was wondering why the camera was all wonkifide, then you were like "dad". Nice to see pops helping out. Nice video. I wish my local shops were that nice. I
AwesomeAirsoft - 10 years ago
3:24 to 4:34 you can sorta tell the girl in the white shirts wants to be in the camera shot
Mr scales924
Mr scales924 - 10 years ago
Lee Galecio
Lee Galecio - 10 years ago
Great store. Julie is very nice and helpful. Been going to JTFS since I started the saltwater hobby. Great video!
JaydenGaming - 10 years ago
Very nice fish store. Would love to go there
InfinityPets - 10 years ago
This place is in a great location and it near my uncles house lol and a lot mall near it
ANGEL GANDIA - 10 years ago
do they have a website keep up the good work jacobs
Dilophosaurus - 10 years ago
And the bettas ?
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
Dilophosaurus 31:29 you can see just a few. But they didnt want to show them
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
Dilophosaurus they have a lot of bettas but they didnt show them. They keep them in the cups.thaťs sad. But they look healthy even they are in the cups. Buy they have really nice ones. I bought from them a dumbo betta. And he is one happy buddy. He has a 5 g aquarium just for himself.
Bruce Ashcraft
Bruce Ashcraft - 10 years ago
You do a great job on your tours...Greetings from Canada
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Bruce Ashcraft Thank you so much! :)
dan hill
dan hill - 10 years ago
great job Jacob
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+dan hill Thanks Friend! :)
Lance Garcia
Lance Garcia - 10 years ago
Do u ship to washington state
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Lance Garcia Yes. We ship nation wide. 
raz_R_yaj - 10 years ago
That's a very nice store.
audioman628 - 10 years ago
Do they take orders over the phone to deliver fish? Also would they deliver to N.Y.C. Beautiful store and such a super large variety of everything. In NY there aren't hardly any mom and pop fish stores left, just Petco and Petland discount and they are terrible. Great video.
Kyle Maners
Kyle Maners - 10 years ago
platy not (plady) your camera man made me sick

50. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish

Bestvineslols - 10 years ago
Awesome youtube channel!!
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job there
Pavel Drapal
Pavel Drapal - 10 years ago
Can you please send me Jans topical fish store address? Thank you 
ThePetLife - 10 years ago
"I think I know what those are called... actually I dont... yea I dont." I honestly started laughing when you said that, really entertaining tour vid i hope you are able to do more of these :)
Nidal Kobiljar
Nidal Kobiljar - 10 years ago
its awsome that you have soo much subscribers and still answer the koments!!
Nidal Kobiljar
Nidal Kobiljar - 10 years ago
no prob
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Nidal Kobiljar I try my best to get to everyone, thank you so much for acknowledging this daunting task. Thanks for watching my friend :)
Skyzz tK
Skyzz tK - 10 years ago
Please go to Irving Tx and go to a store called saltwater paradise they would need more costumers and I would like to me you there
Dennis Chiu
Dennis Chiu - 10 years ago
do you ship plants to canada?
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Dennis Chiu I don't ship internationally because UPS or Fedex 2 day international is very expensive, I'm also not sure what invasive species restrictions Canada has, lastly I cannot offer a live arrival guarantee because its just too far of a distance and anything can happen during the plants time in transit. It honestly is just not worth it for the customer to spend $80 on shipping. 
Ton Crush
Ton Crush - 10 years ago
what state
Kaveen Patel
Kaveen Patel - 10 years ago
is there any bettas. i love betas
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
Kaveen Patel they have a lot of bettas. I bought a bumbo betta from them.
Dru injun
Dru injun - 10 years ago
LOL @ 40:50 can tell you can have kids when you read the names off that quick without looking at the labels lol or maybe you just like spongebob?
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Haha yup. My little cousin is practically my son, he's with me all the time and when ever we're at home he's watching spongebob :)
Yeng Thao
Yeng Thao - 10 years ago
Nice and interesting store
rdk21805 - 10 years ago
im finally getting my 55 gallon angel tank updated, picking up new eco complete substrate tomarrow, new canister filter and quad t5 light coming in the mail this week, now i want to add new plants , really been looking for some scarlet temple, i cant find it it any were . do you have or can you get that plant
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 10 years ago
Nice tour, jacob......
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thank you so much :)
Euan - 10 years ago
Nice vid
Euan - 10 years ago
I bought 2 gold fish from a local pet shop in 6 days 13 fish died because they don't take care of their gold fish so I'm not happy so I changed and they have been fine P.S. don't buy fish from Ryan's pet shop in Dumbarton in Scotland
CopyrightedSubject - 10 years ago
I like it! I have 2 fantails and 1 black moor. All happy and healthy.
Manbir Basra
Manbir Basra - 10 years ago
Nice video
pittbully13 - 10 years ago
Nice man. I enjoy watching your videos. Keep them coming, big props to pops!
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+pittbully13 Thank you so much :)
Supa Tanks
Supa Tanks - 10 years ago
Must be fun, being able to visit all these awesome fish stores :) i only have big chain around my area
Ryan Alvarez
Ryan Alvarez - 10 years ago
jacob you the man. keep them coming. 
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Ryan Alvarez Thank you so much :)
Abel Delgado
Abel Delgado - 10 years ago
Omg I've been there so many times
J B - 10 years ago
dang that is a big store.  at least by my local standards.
donttazemebro93 - 10 years ago
True airfare is very expensive these days. By the way my name is Sean and I love all your videos also I have a 20 gallon angel fish aquarium with some tetras, a gourami, pictus catfish, clown loach, and a red tailed shark.
donttazemebro93 - 10 years ago
You should come down here to Louisiana just to go to Tropical Fish & More. The name basically says it all. Whenever I go I literally spend an hour to 2 hours in the store. They have the most exotic collection of fish I have ever seen. They have both fresh and saltwater, but freshwater is the main selection. The store has fish from your normal guppies to peacock bass, gar fish, shovel nose catfish, the list is endless. I know it's far but it is truly worth the trip!
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
I tried doing a kickstarter campaign to fund a project like that where I would travel the country filming store tours but no one would fund it. I realistically don't have the money to fly anywhere right now or drive for that matter.
ZenScapes4U - 10 years ago
Excellent tour Jacob....enjoyed.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thank you so much :)
Fabian's FishRoom
Fabian's FishRoom - 10 years ago
Dude I've recently moved out here and was looking for a local fish store and I went to Jan's and bought myself a long fined black oscar ... It's the best store ever I spend hours looking at the fish lol But I recommend this store too and nice vid dude :)
Trolly Polly
Trolly Polly - 10 years ago
Since Arowanas are illegal. Is it also illegal to sell them.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Itzael Meza If you're selling Asian Arowanas, then yes. Silver, Jardini or Australian varieties are not illegal to own or sell in the United States.
My Planted Tank
My Planted Tank - 10 years ago
Going to have to check this place out! Thanks again for your informative channel. I look forward to your videos. How long does it take for you to edit something of this length?
Hugh Mungus
Hugh Mungus - 10 years ago
Hello Jacob love your videos
Dorie is a regal tang!!:)
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching! :) It usually takes me a good two days, I currently use an older model gateway laptop, I can't afford to upgrade right now, I wish though, so I first have to render the video files and that can take 12 to 14 hours. After I finish editing the video, it takes another 5 to 6 hours to export it from the editor. Then another 3 or 4 hours to upload it. So its pretty taxing, but I enjoy it. One of the kicks I get out of being a YouTuber lol. Thanks again for watching friend :)
Julio Lozano
Julio Lozano - 10 years ago
I was just there last friday. Really enjoy the store and I found it thanks to you jacob. Thank you , awesome tour
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thank you so much :)
Gabe Kribbs
Gabe Kribbs - 10 years ago
I love discus, but they are so expensive. I would loose my marbles if they died
Gabe Kribbs
Gabe Kribbs - 10 years ago
Their so large. They seem worth the prices
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
+Gabe Kribbs I've had Discus before, they're not as hard to keep as people make them out to be. I am actually considering going back to jans and buying the Discus seen in this video. The bigger ones.
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 10 years ago
I love this place, my fish people. I only buy fish from this shop, I've never had any problems with them.
Hindsight Aquatics
Hindsight Aquatics - 10 years ago
I have plat angels in a planted tank. They're awesome!
beam19 - 10 years ago
This has been my go to shop for this place.
Nihar kolhatkar
Nihar kolhatkar - 10 years ago
I must say the shop has each and everything an aquarium hobbyist
needs.Great job
Corey Helmbold
Corey Helmbold - 10 years ago
Great video Jacob! Wish I could visit that store. And it's pretty cool of your dad to film.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching :)
Sergio Sinay
Sergio Sinay - 10 years ago
I can't believe that she have otocinclus, cardenals and balck neon tetras, I'm waaay closer to South America than they are and I can't find them :(
Lance Garcia
Lance Garcia - 10 years ago
There are fish breeders in practically every for all of those fish except for otos
Jason K
Jason K - 10 years ago
Shame that I live in Michigan. We barely have anything over here, or some trustworthy stores for fish. One thing I can say though, is that I have about 5 fish from PetSmart that are still alive. The one over where I live is trustworthy, but it is a big chain store.
Jason K
Jason K - 10 years ago
+Noe Beltran I go to the one in Utica right off of Hall Road. They do actually have quality fish there. Now of course it isn't "ma and pa" quality, but half of my fish tank is from there, and I have had no problems.
Noe Beltran
Noe Beltran - 10 years ago
I live in Michigan too what petsmart do you go to ?
Matt NYC
Matt NYC - 10 years ago
I went there the other day! I went on a trip to LA and I went to the store and I told the employee that you were going to film over there. Its a great store!
Jesus Acevedo
Jesus Acevedo - 10 years ago
Great tour
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching :)
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
They have it all
Keith's Planted Aquariums
Keith's Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Lovely store!
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching :)
Maarten488 - 10 years ago
Great tour, nice to see these kind of video's even though I can never visit those stores. Next time be sure to film the fish for a little bit longer, you(or the cameraman :P) skipped over them to quickly
Char Lee
Char Lee - 10 years ago
Nice store, the tanks were beautiful.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching :)
MA Fishguy
MA Fishguy - 10 years ago
Great tour.
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching :)
MrSnuggs - 10 years ago
Too bad this store is in SoCal
Gervy Ramirez
Gervy Ramirez - 10 years ago
Gervy Ramirez
Gervy Ramirez - 10 years ago
I like all the vídeos u make, keep up the good work
Josh the Linguistic Vegan
Josh the Linguistic Vegan - 10 years ago
who recorded you?
Josh the Linguistic Vegan
Josh the Linguistic Vegan - 10 years ago
oh I thought he had a girlfriend or friend. He's a good cameraman anyway
CopperGiraffeHD - 10 years ago
his dad aka the "camera man"
Crankin' Reels
Crankin' Reels - 10 years ago
Great video!
JacobsAquarium - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching :)
ShamuAquariums - 10 years ago
very nice store :) those rainbow sharks at 28:18 look pretty big compared to the ones I see at fish stores lol

100. comment for Tropical Fish Store Tours: Jan's Tropical Fish

Adoinc - 10 years ago

Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 10 years ago
Beastmode that's a nice store...deff like the cam man lol he was doing his show
Mark Abeja
Mark Abeja - 10 years ago
Love the vid u looked very nervous lol

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