Tropical Park Miami Bass Fishing Micro Fish
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 1,588 views
We had one hour to kill and so we headed out to Tropical Park, Miami looking for largemouth bass, we had a great time fishing, caught a few largemouth and it was awesome. Bait used was live shiners, we tried some lures but they didn't bite In this channel we love to go Kayak fishing, bank fishing Fresh and Saltwater Fishing, unbox products, fly drones and talk about Fishing Subscribe for awesome fishing content: Thank you for taking the time to read this and watch this video, and If you have any tips or want me to make a video about a certain fishing topic, drop a comment below! Socials: Twitter: aliexfolgueira Instagram: aliexfolgueira Facebook: aliexfolgueira Twitter: afishingtv Instagram: afishingtv Facebook Groups: Afishing tV Emails: THANK YOU! Aliex Folgueira
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