UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT!

Ugliest Ancient Fish on earth! We Catch em all at the Loxahatchee River Center: at STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online Topwater Trev Youtube Channel!: Use our MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO TEAM Catch em All Promo Code: CATCHEM - - to Save $10.00 on your own MYSTERY TACKLE BOX subscription and join the strongest growing family in fishing! PERIOD! MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 189

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 87,420 views

Ugliest Ancient Fish on earth! We Catch em all at the Loxahatchee River Center: at STORIES FADE, but REEL LEGENDS NEVER DIE! My Apparel Store is Available Online Topwater Trev Youtube Channel!: Use our MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO TEAM Catch em All Promo Code: CATCHEM - - to Save $10.00 on your own MYSTERY TACKLE BOX subscription and join the strongest growing family in fishing! PERIOD! MY SECOND CHANNEL is CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing:

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Most popular comments
for UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT!

Golden /CS:GO
Golden /CS:GO - 6 years ago
here we have some of those pacus in paid lakes that are like 90 to 100 pounds fight so fcking much
Slimey Slimes
Slimey Slimes - 6 years ago
you look like them
Deathbystupidity - 6 years ago
looks like sloth from the goonies
GEORGE RANGO - 6 years ago
Poor fishy
logang from indonesia crystal rainbow cat
logang from indonesia crystal rainbow cat - 6 years ago
That fish look like hulk
Mikaela Treadwell
Mikaela Treadwell - 6 years ago
U are soo mean to that poor fish i think HeS cute bit THEY HAVE FEELINGS TO GEEZ
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 6 years ago
Stilllove the voice impressions
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 6 years ago
goddman those people were rude
KrazyMuncher - 6 years ago
no it is so cute

10. comment for UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT!

Isaac Walker-Dupont
Isaac Walker-Dupont - 6 years ago
It is the fish under taker
Isaac Walker-Dupont
Isaac Walker-Dupont - 6 years ago
Reincarnation or the under fish / under taker
Isaac Walker-Dupont
Isaac Walker-Dupont - 6 years ago
No that is not Benadryl it is Buckley’s cold and sickness and now that fish has has to ware that suit now
Isaac Walker-Dupont
Isaac Walker-Dupont - 6 years ago
The fish looks like it is allergic to fish
Almighty Cannoli
Almighty Cannoli - 6 years ago
He looks like the autistic kid drew a fish with his left hand.
rvidal13rv - 6 years ago
It's so cute I want it
Almighty Cannoli
Almighty Cannoli - 6 years ago
Well… I look at this fish and think really? That's the sperm that won?
Noob Apocalypse
Noob Apocalypse - 6 years ago
Hes uglier than a cow on steroids who landed on his face five times
Noob Apocalypse
Noob Apocalypse - 6 years ago
Hes so ugly it makes jeff the killer frown
derpfrog - 6 years ago
RESPEC YOUR ELDERS! So says benadryl but he be looking like half cooked blackened catfish tho straight out the pan.

20. comment for UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT!

Hudson Campbell
Hudson Campbell - 6 years ago
Jeff:hey guess what I went to a place with fish.
Nick:were the fish cool.
Jeff: yes but there was pacu that was so ugly.his name was benny
Nick:man I feel so bad for went to that place that pacu is as ugly as a 1000 donkey
Jeff: yeah that’s a really good comparison
player number0
player number0 - 6 years ago
Im just gonna roast you instead of the fish. Your so dumb you think the fish is uglier than you and why do you say ugly fish look at you you look like that ugly fish but uglier i kinda roasted you and the fish bro.
player number0
player number0 - 6 years ago
And you look so ugly you need facial hair to cover it
Barbara Cox
Barbara Cox - 6 years ago
that fish so ugly it makes Hillary Clinton cry
John Kendrick
John Kendrick - 6 years ago
Ever see that movie mask from the 80s
game4life 4
game4life 4 - 6 years ago
Fish lives matter
Døg ;-;
Døg ;-; - 6 years ago
Nuu, he’s adorable! Fish meanie !
Dante Ramirez
Dante Ramirez - 6 years ago
Sloth from the goonies lookin ass
Just Sav gaming
Just Sav gaming - 6 years ago
Benny is cute
Richard Hicks
Richard Hicks - 6 years ago
I think those turtles are love making
Brayden31 - 6 years ago
Looking like Chuck from The Goonies

30. comment for UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT!

kakashi Hatake
kakashi Hatake - 6 years ago
Boi look like he got in an under water car 2 accidents one with his neighbor and one with his mirror. BOI
ur give me that neck oh witch neck head as p.s ask pysoco pie0 to roast the fish
jesse wilson
jesse wilson - 6 years ago
How did you find my mother in laws winter hangout
Florida Living
Florida Living - 6 years ago
Liking the beard catch em all
Get Frogged
Get Frogged - 6 years ago
Teeth what are you talking about
Kheiron Harris
Kheiron Harris - 6 years ago
Got to it met It is ugly
Kirk Evans
Kirk Evans - 6 years ago
-Hilarious! Ruth, Ruth, Ruth, Baby Ruth?
Killa Kam
Killa Kam - 6 years ago
says he's gonna give them a Fat Donation then slides em a 20 spot on the way out ...lmao
Hunter Frye
Hunter Frye - 6 years ago
This fish look like sloth from the goones
Kirk Evans
Kirk Evans - 6 years ago
Ruth Ruth Ruth Baby?
Tara Scott
Tara Scott - 6 years ago
it looks better n' catch em' all. JK
Eric Fish 123
Eric Fish 123 - 6 years ago
U think the pacu is so ugly but he probably thinks the same about you
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 6 years ago
Steven hawking fish?
Tuna Vic
Tuna Vic - 6 years ago
Benny and the Jets!
codfishing180 - 6 years ago
The pacu looks like an orc from lord of the rings
GamerBoyVlogs 1
GamerBoyVlogs 1 - 6 years ago
I'm sorr y but I got to give this video a thumbs down
GamerBoyVlogs 1
GamerBoyVlogs 1 - 6 years ago
Andy Galambos
Andy Galambos - 6 years ago
if the fish looks like that I can't imagine what his mom looks like :) :) :)
GamerBoyVlogs 1
GamerBoyVlogs 1 - 6 years ago
Every thing is else is nice I like all the parts of this video just not the part you were making fun of the fish I bet you will not want somebody to make fun of you
GamerBoyVlogs 1
GamerBoyVlogs 1 - 6 years ago
So you gotta stop laughing

50. comment for UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT!

Chanar Studios
Chanar Studios - 6 years ago
Lesley Stevens
Lesley Stevens - 6 years ago
What kind of fish was that?
Colin Kaczor
Colin Kaczor - 6 years ago
Catchemall, except that thing oh hell no!
levi dirt bikeing and rc driveing
levi dirt bikeing and rc driveing - 6 years ago
Its not nice to make fun of that fish god made that fish the way he wonted dont laph at the por fish wat if that fish was you would u be happy with someone makeing fun of u
Paul Feaster
Paul Feaster - 6 years ago
I love your videos and I meant the fish and I am 12 years old please forgive me
RGinfofound - 6 years ago
The movie The Fly 2 at the end when the doctor comes out to eat from the food dish... First thought that popped up to mention. Very interesting fish however.
Patrice Le
Patrice Le - 6 years ago
This is The movie “Wonder” as a fish
Fable14 CoC gaming
Fable14 CoC gaming - 6 years ago
He so old mannnn!
Paul Feaster
Paul Feaster - 6 years ago
I am sorry for the comment
Lynx cayden
Lynx cayden - 6 years ago
Maybe give Benny R.L.N.D. merch and he'll be happy
Lynx cayden
Lynx cayden - 6 years ago
This fish got in a fight with the samoli pirates
Erik Salgado
Erik Salgado - 6 years ago
He looks like sloth from the goonies. “Hey you guysssss”
DEAD DEVIL - 6 years ago
Why are you looking at the slug ; )
Sprite the Bird
Sprite the Bird - 6 years ago
anyone else think that pacu was adorable
the deisel buizel
the deisel buizel - 6 years ago
Poor pacu
Murthy Balusu
Murthy Balusu - 6 years ago
I looked like that fish because I ate to much chicken nuggets and McDonald’s and thats a fact
Donovan Castro
Donovan Castro - 6 years ago
Looks like the guy from the goonies
yobani TM¿
yobani TM¿ - 6 years ago
Professor trev by your side to "help" you get information for fish
yobani TM¿
yobani TM¿ - 6 years ago
Catch em all does that include the "different" ones?
james nichols
james nichols - 6 years ago
Hills Have Eyes lookin mother foker.
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus patient! - 6 years ago
Omfg guys! XD That fish is cute. XD
Borik Quesada
Borik Quesada - 6 years ago
U said roast him ,so ur so UGLY ur momma dropped u out at the dog pound
Dragonslayer2016 - 6 years ago
Benny chose team Logan paul
Cayden Carpenter
Cayden Carpenter - 6 years ago
Y’all are mean
Jj M
Jj M - 6 years ago
Goonies fish lmao
Massiel Jiménez
Massiel Jiménez - 6 years ago
When the ugly fish whent to an ugly contest they said no profesionales allowed
Massiel Jiménez
Massiel Jiménez - 6 years ago
Darkride 3
Darkride 3 - 6 years ago
He look like a exploded twinke
deanthetieguy - 6 years ago
It’s sooo cute tho
Ion - 6 years ago
That fish looks like tupac and Kim Kardashian had a child
DOMS WORLD Outdoors - 6 years ago
I respect stephen hawking but that's kinda what benny looks like
Braeden F-
Braeden F- - 6 years ago
we need to roast catch em all
Shannon Solimine
Shannon Solimine - 6 years ago
Down syndrome isn’t possible for that fish......he has UP syndrome
Dj envy
Dj envy - 6 years ago
I just went there about 2 weeks ago and saw benny and I could not breath I was crying for like a hour
Dylan Bartlett
Dylan Bartlett - 6 years ago
it igor the pocu
Tate McVicker
Tate McVicker - 6 years ago
Yes get a puffer
reptile king
reptile king - 6 years ago
thats sloth from the goonies lol
Tate McVicker
Tate McVicker - 6 years ago
It is the bell tower apochow
Alex king zomibe killer
Alex king zomibe killer - 6 years ago
This is for the fish.... Your so ugly your mom said you are a ugly fat kid and she said that she whises you were never alive
CrAzY gOoMbA
CrAzY gOoMbA - 6 years ago
That fish looks like egor
Ackack11 - 6 years ago
He looks like brain coral
khaled alatteyah
khaled alatteyah - 6 years ago
Respect animals YOUR UGLY
Josh Knowles
Josh Knowles - 6 years ago
He was flicked by Chuck Norris
Evan Castellanos
Evan Castellanos - 6 years ago
This fish is so ugly, it look like the monster from goonies had sex with Igor , misbirth, he shit it in the toilet and that's why it's a fish
Crazzzy Cait
Crazzzy Cait - 6 years ago
Everytime you show him all I hear in my head is “ heeeeeey youuu guuuyyyysss” in sloth voice.
Kathleen Archila
Kathleen Archila - 6 years ago
It looks like my brother. Lol
Moredead Girls
Moredead Girls - 6 years ago
That's not very nice he might think your ugly
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Moredead Girls Thank you for being very nice to this fish try to help me start roasting people back to try to treat them and get what they get and they better not throw a fit because they’re being really rude to these fish
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
It’s now or that you think that the fish is cute it’s just I like it basically it’s a pretty sweet fish
Jigi Solomon
Jigi Solomon - 6 years ago
Get some triops
Julian Wyant
Julian Wyant - 6 years ago
I very dislike you
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Julian Wyant Thank you for trying to save the fish start roasting people with me to try to give me back what they get this fish is a living thing and so are you don’t judge a book by its cover I should I should I don’t judge a fish by its cover
Dominic Holdcroft
Dominic Holdcroft - 6 years ago
The fish looks like the end boss of a pro fishing game.

100. comment for UGLY FISH on Earth 45 Years Old ANCIENT!

Timothy Strozier
Timothy Strozier - 6 years ago
it looks beater then you
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Timothy Strozier Thank you for roasting people keep on doing this do you know why am so we can give people that were roasting the fish a taste of their own medicine I don’t judge a fish by its cover keep up the good work
dfgh4844 - 6 years ago
what is the outro song name?
Brock Theriot
Brock Theriot - 6 years ago
Christian Lopez
Christian Lopez - 6 years ago
That fish looks like you
Gaming with Clara
Gaming with Clara - 6 years ago
Alicia Cassidy
Alicia Cassidy - 6 years ago
Yeah go up to a deformed person and roast them see how funny it is then
Lucas Giles
Lucas Giles - 6 years ago
You so ugly you don’t deserve a roast
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Chris Royal Jr Do you really mean that or are you just joking because I want to know cause I really don’t wanna have to start roasting you so you better mean
emanuel vega
emanuel vega - 6 years ago
Fish lives matter
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
emanuel vega That fish does it matter that fish is a living thing
Aaron ho
Aaron ho - 6 years ago
Porr fish
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Aaron ho thank you for saying that fish is cute well I know you didn’t really say it but thank you for trying to help roast a roast person That is trying to roast this fish it is a living thing and they will not like it was someone else roasted them
Mourad Weslati
Mourad Weslati - 6 years ago
Cute fâché
Darian Ramlochan
Darian Ramlochan - 6 years ago
You only care about eating them
caitlin pahler
caitlin pahler - 6 years ago
That’s so mean he was born that way
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
caitlin pahler He is born that way try to help me start roasting people and giving a taste of their own medicine it is not cool do that to this living thing don’t judge a fish by its cover thank you
Baseball king
Baseball king - 6 years ago
That was a schoolmaster snapper
Miguel i
Miguel i - 6 years ago
It looks like he paid 5cents to to a face job
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Miguel Gaming I may not know you and but it looks like you paid one cent a dude on the street had to do your face that’s how bad your face look
Phil Stone
Phil Stone - 6 years ago
Hey you guyyyys! Looks like sloth from goonies
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Phil Stone Do you know what you look like you should just wait no never mind you look like when your mom gave birth to you you weren’t even ready so stop roasting the
Jesus Feris
Jesus Feris - 6 years ago
Get a saltwater pond
Joris Ouwehand
Joris Ouwehand - 6 years ago
Dont call him Benny call him Joey
Shwifty Entertainment
Shwifty Entertainment - 6 years ago
Derpa derpa derp derp
The official Bobby graham
The official Bobby graham - 6 years ago
Anton J
Anton J - 6 years ago
Christopher Featherstone Jr why do you want that loser?
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Anton J Could you just please die thank you
Kailash Lang
Kailash Lang - 6 years ago
Fish lookin like Freddy kueger
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Kailash Lang You looking like a predator stop roasting the fish maybe look in the mirror and you can roll something and you know what that is yourself
Radiant Light
Radiant Light - 6 years ago
Benny was reanimated to many times no wonder he is 45 years old
the OG potato
the OG potato - 6 years ago
He's adorable! In a pancake kind of way...
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
the OG potato Isn’t even really really cool like that like I took I like how he looks how about you because I had to parrotfish better really really chunky and they look awesome
William Biggs
William Biggs - 6 years ago
Christopher Featherstone Jr who tf are you trynna roast me in some comments
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
William Biggs Have you ever checked her face in the mirror it looks like you guys chickenpox and kids also like to roast you
Ike Mcknight
Ike Mcknight - 6 years ago
Love it
Damian360sniper Gaming
Damian360sniper Gaming - 6 years ago
Yo mama is so ugly when the devil saw her he started going to church
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Damian360sniper Gaming Wait what I don’t know if the fish is mom or your mom I’m pretty sure your mom
Bray Gibson
Bray Gibson - 6 years ago
I could play bowling on his head it so big
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Bray Gibson And I could play it’s not funny to roast a fish look in the mirror and most yourself a rose what are your friends or maybe and your mama so ugly roast your mom
Tristan Oleary
Tristan Oleary - 6 years ago
That pacu is the definition of down syndrome
Liberty Nupdal
Liberty Nupdal - 6 years ago
Rude I am not risking a fish and also I think he might just be a little older wait a day is it is it I think I Kinda did something
Eric Fish 123
Eric Fish 123 - 6 years ago
Yo Y U bulling the fish !!!???
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Eric Fish 123 You’re welcome I just wanted to be nice also can you start roasting the ones that are trying to roast the fish thanks
Eric Fish 123
Eric Fish 123 - 6 years ago
Christopher Featherstone Jr thanks
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Eric Fish 123 Thank you for trying to help me stop people bullying fish roast people and give them a taste of their own medicine they will not like it but you have to do it to stop them roasting the fish thank you and please
ThatChillVlogger !
ThatChillVlogger ! - 6 years ago
The fish looked like the guys from The Goonies...”Hey You Guys”
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Krukass - 6 years ago
He looks like Sloth from the Goonies.
Krukass - 6 years ago
Christopher Featherstone Jr maybe you go back to school and learn when and where to put commas, so you don’t have run on sentences.
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Krukass Why are you being so rude to the fish you’re really stupid to being rude to an awesome fish maybe look in the mirror and start roasting you so I think it’ll really improve your face
Paul Feaster
Paul Feaster - 6 years ago
I know he is not the good nore bad but he is ugly
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Paul Feaster I may have never ever seen you but I’m pretty sure you’re ugly and I don’t really know if you’re trying to roast the fish but it really looks like it
Cam Donaldson
Cam Donaldson - 6 years ago
They used the fish for sloth for the Goonies
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Cam Donaldson I didn’t do use you for that movie because of how bad your face looks they were like oh it’s the buyer enough that everybody who watch it like all your friends never want to be your friend again
Bannen Pospisil
Bannen Pospisil - 6 years ago
Love the fish and be nice fr
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Bannen Pospisil Thank you you are trying to help me and other people to stop bullying the fish start roasting people and giving them a taste of their own medicine don’t judge a fish by its cover it is also beautiful am I right
Paul Feaster
Paul Feaster - 6 years ago
I wander if his mother look like that
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Paul Feaster I wonder if your mom looked like that and I’m not trying to be rude to the fish I’m trying to be rude to you because you’re really pushing me bro
Nicholas Dobson
Nicholas Dobson - 6 years ago
Goonies liking ass boy
Max Viselli
Max Viselli - 6 years ago
i love you sooooooooo much cach em all you rock!!!Is that a PACU!!!
Van Lian
Van Lian - 6 years ago
Poor thing :(
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Van Lian Thank you for helping people to stop roasting the fish we need you to start roasting people that are roasting the fish give them a taste of their own medicine don’t judge a fish by its cover
Vincent Buttofuco
Vincent Buttofuco - 6 years ago
All of you are horrible that fish is amazing
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Vincent Buttofuco Thank you for standing up to bullies I need you and I did other people recruited him to stop other people from billing this fish roast people and give them a taste of their own medicine thank you
Jadon LaGorio
Jadon LaGorio - 6 years ago
That fish looks like someone who got a face lift and now that its older it looks terrible
Jadon LaGorio
Jadon LaGorio - 6 years ago
If trolling people on youtube comments makes you happy go for it. You also might want to retake english class
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Jadon LaGorio You look like you want done developing in your mom’s tummy
Tyran Jackson
Tyran Jackson - 6 years ago
Y'all all ugly
Erik and Stuff
Erik and Stuff - 6 years ago
Bois face looking like a scrambled egg
Karma Ishikawa
Karma Ishikawa - 6 years ago
Looks like the guy in the basement from Goonies
lugia 101
lugia 101 - 6 years ago
Derp fish
Richard Okalski
Richard Okalski - 6 years ago
yo mama so ugly you turn that way
MyM Trigger
MyM Trigger - 6 years ago
Where is Joey Slay’em
shubhankar patil
shubhankar patil - 6 years ago
Benny is different.
B H - 6 years ago
They average out at 20 years old before they die, i refuse to believe the Ugly One is that old :'D
Tate Hunley outdoors
Tate Hunley outdoors - 6 years ago
That fish is so ancient he’s cuter den u
Ammar Jawed
Ammar Jawed - 6 years ago
bro you should never make fun of a animal what if someone roast you how sad are you going to feel have you ever thought about that think about it bro
Creek toads
Creek toads - 6 years ago
Bro he looks like Hailey brumits pussy on a holiday
Aiden Sheridan
Aiden Sheridan - 6 years ago
That fish looks like the thing from goonies
mega z
mega z - 6 years ago
G gjuug
Mason Dean
Mason Dean - 6 years ago
Benny the fuc*ed up face fish
Austin Phillips
Austin Phillips - 6 years ago
old bubble head looking ass, teeth knocked out looking, grandpa starting fights he can't finish looking ass pacu
Vincelavacca Vlogs
Vincelavacca Vlogs - 6 years ago
Ur head looks like a oversized watermelon fishy
Theo Lucas
Theo Lucas - 6 years ago
U r an idiot why roast the fish just coz it has problems (like u) if it was a person would you there's no difference in feeling with any creature or animal or human
Nicholas Narido
Nicholas Narido - 6 years ago
It's godzilla's baby
That's contsapaited
Fortnite Video's!!!
Fortnite Video's!!! - 6 years ago
I thought you were a pacu. Not a pufferfish.
Animal lover 450
Animal lover 450 - 6 years ago
That fish is so ugly your mom died looking at him
Ethan the gaming legend
Ethan the gaming legend - 6 years ago just remove the teeth from the picture and cant tell the difference
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 6 years ago
When benny went to an ugly constest, the judgest said, NO PROFESIONALS
Gavin Alderman
Gavin Alderman - 6 years ago
You are such a fucking dick head you are making fun of a special needy fish he can not help it he was born like that you are the worst for laughing at it for that
Owen Anthony
Owen Anthony - 6 years ago
He looks like the character from The Goonies
Shirley Nicholes
Shirley Nicholes - 6 years ago
Do you know who what is ugly you are
Vivj Jon
Vivj Jon - 6 years ago
Talk about a face a father can love
brian scalerbriny
brian scalerbriny - 6 years ago
bro that fish look like the rock guy from the fantastic 4
hunting and fishing 101
hunting and fishing 101 - 6 years ago
Benny you must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen
Jesse Ogden
Jesse Ogden - 6 years ago
We found your long lost brother
Oscar Dehoyos
Oscar Dehoyos - 6 years ago
I feel bad for you boy I think your Mom hated you
Chris Wood
Chris Wood - 6 years ago
Nash Miller
Nash Miller - 6 years ago
He’s so abonoxius
Abdullah Ahmed
Abdullah Ahmed - 6 years ago
Its obvious that that fish was left alone so it could not produce any other of its kind
Abdullah Ahmed
Abdullah Ahmed - 6 years ago
Man chop that ugly ass fish and feed it to mighty shamu
That is if he does not puke after seeing that smacked up face
BenBo 123
BenBo 123 - 6 years ago
He looks like you
TrotGallopandWhoa - 6 years ago
Benny is so ugly he is cute
Randy Farquar
Randy Farquar - 6 years ago
Benny looks like he lost the rest of the gooneys he's shouting HEY YOU GUYS!!!
Rex90Pawprint - 6 years ago
The rel indominous rex looked like that
Nightrunner 2030
Nightrunner 2030 - 6 years ago
That fish is inbred
Roger Fishermen
Roger Fishermen - 6 years ago
Schoolmaster snapper
floridafishing northern b
floridafishing northern b - 6 years ago
What if everyone roasted shamu
Mauricio Duran
Mauricio Duran - 6 years ago
Orc version of fish
floridafishing northern b
floridafishing northern b - 6 years ago
Your wrong for that
gamingwolf - 6 years ago
This is not cool
Dr.Prem N Yadav
Dr.Prem N Yadav - 6 years ago
That Pack is the aquarium world's Hunchback of Noitre Dam..............
Zack Mullen
Zack Mullen - 6 years ago
Yo that fish looks like sloth from the goonies
Raymond Flannery
Raymond Flannery - 6 years ago
baby Ruuuuuuth
Cw fishing
Cw fishing - 6 years ago
I feel bad for that fish
theTallPolitic - 6 years ago
fish look like Rocky Dennis
MyLife - 6 years ago
You Chunk. Me Slaw.. Baby Ruthy.
theTallPolitic - 6 years ago
fish look like glen from walking dead when he got his head bashed in
theTallPolitic - 6 years ago
looks like he’d talk like Sylvester Stallone
theTallPolitic - 6 years ago
the Quentin Tarantino of fish
theTallPolitic - 6 years ago
Fish look like that deformed nigga in the goonies.
Jasminko Fetibegovic
Jasminko Fetibegovic - 6 years ago
get a puffer
violin 42199
violin 42199 - 6 years ago
That fish.... I shall call him.. Quasimodo...
Jonathan Alvarez
Jonathan Alvarez - 6 years ago
You call it ugly but you are uglyer than it
flash gt
flash gt - 6 years ago
Get that fish with its lopsided head that dude look like a piece of crap he look like somebody tried to cut him but he got away and a panda sat on her head bro
croutons croutons
croutons croutons - 6 years ago
He looks like Mike tyson slapped him in the face.
Dominique Messick
Dominique Messick - 6 years ago
He looks like sloth from the goonies
Allan Rodriguez
Allan Rodriguez - 6 years ago
The fish looks like YOU
Joseph B
Joseph B - 6 years ago
When Benny went to hell the devil said damn son you ugly and that is why he is 45 years old.
Toriell Simon
Toriell Simon - 6 years ago
They said 45 years that's more like 45 million
Toriell Simon
Toriell Simon - 6 years ago
He's the ugly duckling that never grew
Maximo Mendoza
Maximo Mendoza - 6 years ago
Wow why don’t we roast you bitch
shamise hampton
shamise hampton - 6 years ago
Cuz boy you look like a deformed hourse
Fabrizio C
Fabrizio C - 6 years ago
it’s a schoolmaster snapper
Richard Yingling
Richard Yingling - 6 years ago
I think that pacu was Donald Trump Jr.
shamise hampton
shamise hampton - 6 years ago
Leave the fish alone
Geo-s-85 - 6 years ago
Zak you might look like that at 45 never know
Phillip Smith
Phillip Smith - 6 years ago
ol psyclops from the Goonies looking ass boi!!
Tyler Cameron
Tyler Cameron - 6 years ago
He looks like sloth
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 6 years ago
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 6 years ago
aww dont make fun of it :( :( :( :( D:
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 6 years ago
BRuh pacu looking like a Frankenstein a55 looking no eyes boy crusty grandpa looking no mouth bruh
LPS June
LPS June - 6 years ago
Guy:pucker up
Me:"turns to Benny"
Jordan Newsome
Jordan Newsome - 6 years ago
That fish looks like the monster from the goonies
Vitali Coggon
Vitali Coggon - 6 years ago
Love the channel
Loganfarms - 6 years ago
Get a puffer fish and name it mrs puff
Vitali Coggon
Vitali Coggon - 6 years ago
Love the channel
Mansoor Sakha
Mansoor Sakha - 6 years ago
Shame on u , I think it's cute fish, none the less
Kell Sweat
Kell Sweat - 6 years ago
What can you feed baby bass ??
Buddy’s Outdoors
Buddy’s Outdoors - 6 years ago
Looks like the witch from Wizard of oz.
Buddy’s Outdoors
Buddy’s Outdoors - 6 years ago
Testecal head
Ean Raine Dubiao
Ean Raine Dubiao - 6 years ago
Cute fish
king bay
king bay - 6 years ago
the fish looks like you and joey slayem had a child
GoneFishingForGood !
GoneFishingForGood ! - 6 years ago
I think it’s a school master snapper
H-E-B Abel
H-E-B Abel - 6 years ago
Hey you guy's
vincent drozeski
vincent drozeski - 6 years ago
thats fish bullying
Leel_T667_To_Fly Im the real gamer
Leel_T667_To_Fly Im the real gamer - 6 years ago
Did he get hit by a hammer
R u Gud Bro
R u Gud Bro - 6 years ago
This fish's grandpap is a trap
bryce Strait
bryce Strait - 6 years ago
I would not roast that fish if I was starving
aicon1986 - 6 years ago
8:47 yes it IS!!!
Aden Foor
Aden Foor - 6 years ago
peta going ham rn lmao
cody's fish room
cody's fish room - 6 years ago
He woke up on the Rong side of the bed and he has bed Head
Chrono - 6 years ago
Is it the child of a blob fish
Nicolas Radichel
Nicolas Radichel - 6 years ago
Looks like @therealwings had sex with a Pacu.
Melli Mendelson
Melli Mendelson - 6 years ago
That ole ugly Pacu used to be at FWC tropical fish sciences and research ..his name is IGOR
AmazingAnimalTV - 6 years ago
stop bulling this pacu!
Ganesh Lutchmedial
Ganesh Lutchmedial - 6 years ago
i feel like benny survived through hiroshima
Jasmine Rose
Jasmine Rose - 6 years ago
That was rude I am unsubscribing
Mercy_lone - 6 years ago
He rosted him self bye just being alive
DJMSTER12334 - 6 years ago
Don’t make fun of the fish 1 like = I prayer
Jonathan Estrada
Jonathan Estrada - 6 years ago
Don’t let that fish breed other wise it will spread
Jonathan Estrada
Jonathan Estrada - 6 years ago
That fish looks like it has Down syndrome
Jonathan Estrada
Jonathan Estrada - 6 years ago
That fish looks like it’s on meth
super undertale ryder
super undertale ryder - 6 years ago
I dont want to roast the fish his so cute
Christian Mitchel
Christian Mitchel - 6 years ago
burnt fish head ass one eyed willy head ass in beetween her leg stank fish head head ass
Beau Little
Beau Little - 6 years ago
That’s what happens when you smoke weed every day
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Beau Little Why don’t you smoke weed and see what happened because that thing was born like that and I and I hope you were born like that because you were negative people roasted you so keep it moving and then roast to fish
Eddjone Johnson
Eddjone Johnson - 6 years ago
The fish look like he could be a pet for the hills have eyes monsters
jonny gamers
jonny gamers - 6 years ago
You cant talk he looks better than u
Manny Smith
Manny Smith - 6 years ago
Be nice to the fish that’s like making fun of a disability kid
Frank Iannaggi
Frank Iannaggi - 6 years ago
Benny is one of those people who like to run into door
Aaron Vann
Aaron Vann - 6 years ago
When you're feeling "down" look back at Benny and remember he is the most special Messiah
Jaxston Klutz
Jaxston Klutz - 6 years ago
That fish look like qazimoto
Cristina Laux
Cristina Laux - 6 years ago
that fish is so ugly, you know what it's just so sad I'm not going to roast it
Kill It
Kill It - 6 years ago
That fish just looks like u exactly like u ....
Topwater Trev
Topwater Trev - 6 years ago
Thing gave me nightmares!
Eddyboiii !!!
Eddyboiii !!! - 6 years ago
That fish is so ugly that the other fish’s didn’t eat him.
Razorrblazerr - 6 years ago
he looks like a rock thats eroding
Blesson Roby
Blesson Roby - 6 years ago
I think the pacu is cute
Felipe Reyes
Felipe Reyes - 6 years ago
KILLERKITTEN 13 - 6 years ago
The ending was perfect
Atticuss Gaming
Atticuss Gaming - 6 years ago
I picture that if that pacu could speak it would sound just like like Patrick from spongebob
MTK 7173
MTK 7173 - 6 years ago
#leaves fish alone
funny one
funny one - 6 years ago
Pierce Harbuck
Pierce Harbuck - 6 years ago
Lane snapper
David Lopez
David Lopez - 6 years ago
Homie look like he slipped and fell on a stove while making sammiches
Tristin Peden
Tristin Peden - 6 years ago
He looks like sloth from the goonies
ernyern - 6 years ago
Carrie Shahbahrami
Carrie Shahbahrami - 6 years ago
thats so mean it has feelings to
Orlando 0.0
Orlando 0.0 - 6 years ago
Nice Song at The end
Daniel O
Daniel O - 6 years ago
Its a schoolmaster snapper catchem all ya yeet
G A M I S H {Android & iOS}
G A M I S H {Android & iOS} - 6 years ago
Piranha's like Yankee doodle i'm born this way
flipsider films
flipsider films - 6 years ago
1 known it
flipsider films
flipsider films - 6 years ago
Schoolmaster snaper
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
OMAR AND YOUNIS You look so ugly that you that pulled out of everything you got done country there is cause your face look like a burnt potato get out of here boy don’t judge a book by its cover but maybe you can judge yourself I think that’ll work
Savage Bart
Savage Bart - 6 years ago
your a bully
Stanley Guiton
Stanley Guiton - 6 years ago
The fish looks like he tried to hit his head on the wall like squid ward and it didn't work
Samantha Maresca
Samantha Maresca - 6 years ago
Frankensteins assistant igor( yes master)
Samantha Maresca
Samantha Maresca - 6 years ago
He looks like fish version of sloth of goonies (hey you guysssss) lol
Franky Gomez
Franky Gomez - 6 years ago
Bro I thought it was a manatee
Nathan Hobbs
Nathan Hobbs - 6 years ago
Dude I feel so bad for it, it looks so innocent.
Aiden Fleming
Aiden Fleming - 6 years ago
School Master snapper
Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson - 6 years ago
I think you should get a puffed fish too
Mick Lawson
Mick Lawson - 6 years ago
The fish look half dead it like the zombie fish
Chinggum tolee
Chinggum tolee - 6 years ago
Just4fun -Family
Just4fun -Family - 6 years ago
Anybody think that the alligator attacked it and that lady is just covering it up by saying it was a deformity at birth.. Poor fish LOL
0m3ga m4g3
0m3ga m4g3 - 6 years ago
i once caught a deformed grasscarp and i was like this is the most ugly fish ever but now i see this fish and i forget all about that magicarp.
jace baker
jace baker - 6 years ago
Yourmom so fat she eats that fiwh
Grill 'n' thrill
Grill 'n' thrill - 6 years ago
That face lookin like a topographical map of Utah
Gabriela BSF
Gabriela BSF - 6 years ago
My roast to the’re ugly.........thats all I got
Genesis - 6 years ago
Look like his birth certificate expired
Shaun Brawner
Shaun Brawner - 6 years ago
It the fish version of the hunchback of notre dame disney movie lol
Owen Hill
Owen Hill - 6 years ago
Nemo reference, that Pacu's egg was scratched in more than one place
Razorrblazerr - 6 years ago
Beeper None
Beeper None - 6 years ago
Tank Them All
Tank Them All - 6 years ago
spuspu Absher
spuspu Absher - 6 years ago
soth for ida...hmm sound like a catchem all disease.
Evan Bennett
Evan Bennett - 6 years ago
He looks like road kill
Savage Playboi
Savage Playboi - 6 years ago
Schoolmaster snapper
Vanessa Rivera
Vanessa Rivera - 6 years ago
That’s messed up man
shemuel john casao
shemuel john casao - 6 years ago
Alissa Kutac
Alissa Kutac - 6 years ago
Yellow fin snapper
Centipede Carter
Centipede Carter - 6 years ago
You are so rode gosh
Ben Ogston
Ben Ogston - 6 years ago
Other facial get that they can’t tell which If it upside down or right side of because one side is up and one side is down
Bebop boy 77223
Bebop boy 77223 - 6 years ago
Yo mamas so ugly oh wait it’s you that’s ugly
Bebop boy 77223
Bebop boy 77223 - 6 years ago
I’m talking about the fish
Savage Playboi
Savage Playboi - 6 years ago
That fish look like the elephant man
Jacob Lukaszek
Jacob Lukaszek - 6 years ago
He looks like Sloth from the "Goonies"
Pablo Arceo sings
Pablo Arceo sings - 6 years ago
I’m not rousting the fish I’m going to roust you
SHARON BROWN - 6 years ago
The fish it looks like poop
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
SHARON BROWN you look like number three poop and Pee
Jomz - 6 years ago
85% roasting the fish
15% other
SHARON BROWN - 6 years ago
Anonymous Guy
Anonymous Guy - 6 years ago
I know that you're all healthy and stuff.. But the laughing at 10:55 sounds like a 10 year smokers laugh :p
Xavier Garcia
Xavier Garcia - 6 years ago
Schoolmaster snapper
golden creeper 301
golden creeper 301 - 6 years ago
That's a face not even a mother can love
Caden Mayfield
Caden Mayfield - 6 years ago
There's these tiny freshwater pufferfish call pea puffers I think you should put them in mini mus tank
River fishing
River fishing - 6 years ago
that fish look like he got eyebrows from angry birds
cronomoly death
cronomoly death - 6 years ago
1 like= 1 drug for #fishondrugs
Braden DeShazer hunting fishing loving every day
Braden DeShazer hunting fishing loving every day - 6 years ago
He looks August off of wonder
Joseph Park
Joseph Park - 6 years ago
Benadrill looks like when you cook one side of the pancake more than the other!!!
Liam horan
Liam horan - 6 years ago
He looks exactly like you
James Chan
James Chan - 6 years ago
I don’t even know what’s funny about that fish. Just because it’s born a different way, doesn’t mean you should laugh at it and make fun of it.
Leiron - 6 years ago
He isn‘t ugly... you are the ugly one, the fish have feelings too !!1!!1!!!1!eleven
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Welcome back Joey Slay Um =)
chris martin
chris martin - 6 years ago
It's not that Paco Paco's fault because he seen Joey
Keegan Hansman
Keegan Hansman - 6 years ago
I don’t think the fish is 45 Years I think it’s 45,000 Years
Kim Schuelke
Kim Schuelke - 6 years ago
crazystang69 s
crazystang69 s - 6 years ago
Your are vids make me happy
Ty Verdin
Ty Verdin - 6 years ago
It’s special ed!!!!!!
PYRO 1 - 6 years ago
brady parker
brady parker - 6 years ago
My mom said I was beautiful she lide
Morgan MSP
Morgan MSP - 6 years ago
ayeee I go there allll the timeeee
PYRO 1 - 6 years ago
Christian Figueroa
Christian Figueroa - 6 years ago
It’s a lane snapper
PYRO 1 - 6 years ago
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
PYRO 1 Help me trying to roast people so I can so we can get them to stop it is not cool that they are roasting this awesome fish do you wish you could buy the fish and treated I’m not like that you know Roastery I mean you know like give it food and have it as a pet
PYRO 1 - 6 years ago
Mystic Wolf
Mystic Wolf - 6 years ago
The fish looks like it was dropped on a road and run over
The Savages Elite12
The Savages Elite12 - 6 years ago
Almost looks as bad as your 50 inch TV screen 4 head
The Savages Elite12
The Savages Elite12 - 6 years ago
PYRO 1 - 6 years ago
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
PYRO 1 That fish is beautiful am I right but people are trying to roast you of how it was born
Turtle king
Turtle king - 6 years ago
Get a puffer for the indoor tank
Seamus de la Bastide
Seamus de la Bastide - 6 years ago
Benadryl (fish) is so old he’s got wrinkles on his wrinkles
Turtle Power
Turtle Power - 6 years ago
It looks like that one guy that got chained up in the goonies
Jayden Wicks
Jayden Wicks - 6 years ago
What happened to joey
Just Youtuben
Just Youtuben - 6 years ago
Yo mama so ugly when the fish saw her he turned inside out
cyberleader 66
cyberleader 66 - 6 years ago
That fish is so ugly that he looks like Sid the sloth from ice age.
Teezy Subben
Teezy Subben - 6 years ago
Shout out to Joey Slayheem ... RIP Legend
Alexander Priemer
Alexander Priemer - 6 years ago
nazim amorali
nazim amorali - 6 years ago
lol I will need pepper and salt to roast that fish
Laura Campbell
Laura Campbell - 6 years ago
He's so ugly that just by looking at him you roast him
Riley Davis
Riley Davis - 6 years ago
That picture is not called ugly fish it's called a fish with Down Syndrome that got stung by killer bees 50 million times that's how ugly it is
Jonah Taylor
Jonah Taylor - 6 years ago
its a blub blub snapper
Erick Rivera
Erick Rivera - 6 years ago
Boi ! that
Jonah Taylor
Jonah Taylor - 6 years ago
he was probably born in Canada cuz we have some ugly fish here
blah blah
blah blah - 6 years ago
The paku looked like sloth from the goonies
Thorp Price
Thorp Price - 6 years ago
That fish is very cool and he or she can't help its face why are you roasting it
Jose Herrero
Jose Herrero - 6 years ago
I could have ex-rayed my balls 69 times and they would still be less cancerous than that fishes face
Lilly 2Poppin
Lilly 2Poppin - 6 years ago
Do a planted pea puffer aquarium! They're completely freshwater.
matthewtiii - 6 years ago
Yo momma so ugly, she thought that pacu was her reflection. Just joking, that fish is way prettier than yo momma.
Hector Luis Marrero
Hector Luis Marrero - 6 years ago
His 45 years but he looks like 122
yoyo 187
yoyo 187 - 6 years ago
Jk I'd fuck the dog shit out ur girl
Hector Luis Marrero
Hector Luis Marrero - 6 years ago
Man hes fat at frunt but in the back. Skinni
Kiri Rodway
Kiri Rodway - 6 years ago
It’s so ugly that it’s kinda cute
Vuk Stojanovic75
Vuk Stojanovic75 - 6 years ago
zach beauftul like pacoo
Fartyo Egg
Fartyo Egg - 6 years ago
That snapper is a called a fish #facts
Sovannarith Chhun
Sovannarith Chhun - 6 years ago
Benny benedril
Cooper Fishing
Cooper Fishing - 6 years ago
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Fartyo Egg You look stupid boy fix yourself you need to get some milk some chocolate milk and some eggs and a life three things the way did you want to be treated and also another thing don’t you judge a fish by its cover and just judge yourself dust yourself
Razorrblazerr - 6 years ago
what type of raisin do you eat
Cooper Fishing
Cooper Fishing - 6 years ago
UGLYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!#Kind of cute
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Cooper Fishing It is cute all The Way try to stop people from roasting it thank you
Fartyo Egg
Fartyo Egg - 6 years ago
The meme fish it's actually a fush
The Mudkip Lover
The Mudkip Lover - 6 years ago
Ha ha ha I see that catch em all sang "beny park" theme song
The DutchGamingNoob
The DutchGamingNoob - 6 years ago
I don't think you need to roast that fish... It speaks for itself...
The DutchGamingNoob
The DutchGamingNoob - 6 years ago
My greenspotted puffer ate all my other fish.. Even the ones that were three times bigger!
One morning i woke op to see him bite off the whole face of a diamant fish...
doc - 6 years ago
What are thossssssssssssss
Ju 3100
Ju 3100 - 6 years ago
His name is The Blob
the best the king
the best the king - 6 years ago
School master snapper
the three mustachians
the three mustachians - 6 years ago
Joey slayem probably slayed that fish.
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
the three mustachians Joey slim probably sleeved you Joe chain Coalinga looking so
Kahlil Wilson
Kahlil Wilson - 6 years ago
Can you go fishing more, I'm kinda sick of these videos where you just walking around, go rip some lips
Katie Turner
Katie Turner - 6 years ago
What is that ? Is it a deformed carp?
anthony kuhn
anthony kuhn - 6 years ago
Well that dr. Scholl's fish is not a dr. Scholl's fish it's a remora
anthony kuhn
anthony kuhn - 6 years ago
Probably all the ugly fish you see probably had cocaine with their fish pellets
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
anthony kuhn Do you have you ever thought of having cocaine I think it’ll really help you because you’re looking dumb stop trying to roast the fish look in the mirror and roast yourself a roast your friends
Razorrblazerr - 6 years ago
cocaine? B that thing had fentanyl
anthony kuhn
anthony kuhn - 6 years ago
Yo you just read my mind
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
anthony kuhn Why are you being so rude to the fish roast yourself
anthony kuhn
anthony kuhn - 6 years ago
Bro this dude looks like the hunchback of Notre Dame from that Disney movie
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
anthony kuhn Could you please stop talking about this awesome fish I hope you were born like that and people started roasting you
Razorrblazerr - 6 years ago
the hunchback of notre dame from.... THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME
Catherine Maisie Sta. Maria
Catherine Maisie Sta. Maria - 6 years ago
That pacu is now my child.


Isaac Gonzales
Isaac Gonzales - 6 years ago
He looks like an orc off lord of the rings lol
Sneaker Head
Sneaker Head - 6 years ago
PooR thing it’s deformed
Go-karts or Gone Fishin
Go-karts or Gone Fishin - 6 years ago
Fish says...get my good side
DBestgamer 20
DBestgamer 20 - 6 years ago
That is a fish I thought it was top water treves dick
Randomz Channel
Randomz Channel - 6 years ago
That fish is so ugly that when One Direction saw it, they went the other direction.
Lord_JJ_ 05
Lord_JJ_ 05 - 6 years ago
That fish look like the hunchback of Notre Dame
Dylan riley
Dylan riley - 6 years ago
That one ugly ass fish
GB İs awesome
GB İs awesome - 6 years ago
That fish looks like a over nine thousand mashed potato
Okaygrace_ _
Okaygrace_ _ - 6 years ago
And btw all of yall getting mad at him for not telling us what happened to joey “salam” zak prolly doesnt want to share personal info on someone elses life without their permission so im pretty sure if sth happened to you you prolly wouldnt want someone you know to tell everybody what happened cause it could very much so be imbarrassing
Angel Lugo
Angel Lugo - 6 years ago
I'd roast him but it looks like some already did ohhhhhh!
J M - 6 years ago
That fish is the reincarnation of Mason Verger from Hannibal
Beastmaster64 - 6 years ago
Lol. That fish looks like sloth from the goonies
J M - 6 years ago
They raised that fish on pure Peruvian cocain
Danny Woo
Danny Woo - 6 years ago
You kill me, your a wiener but not like the hot dog. I love your slightly under the table or should I say slightly under your breath salutations? Keep talking that shrit, and print on your T-Shrit's and make that shit immortal. Tried talking that friendly shrit with your friend, Paul, but I think he took it without a grain of shrit, so I had to stop and apologize if I went too far.
Tomos Edwards
Tomos Edwards - 6 years ago
Leave the fish alone you bully! haha
ZrofCA - 6 years ago
I kinda want that fish tbh
John Joseph
John Joseph - 6 years ago
I used to date a girl that looked just like Benny!
STITCHES The Clown - 6 years ago
Looking like Sloth, off of the Goonies
Giovanni Schepper
Giovanni Schepper - 6 years ago
If you would eat that fish you will by like him!
Jayden Saw
Jayden Saw - 6 years ago
Dis ugly ass fish look like dis dood called catch em all fishing ahaha jk
Paul Martin
Paul Martin - 6 years ago
Thats a famous fish. He was sloth in the fish version of goonies. He's so ugly he's kinda cute.
William Campbell
William Campbell - 6 years ago
That pacu looks like Sloth from goonies
richard duke
richard duke - 6 years ago
Hi Zac, I am Richard, and I am from India. I love your videos. Oneday i will come to your house to see Mighty Samu. :)
richard duke
richard duke - 6 years ago
Sorry forgot to tell the golden words, Catch'em all
Brad Comer
Brad Comer - 6 years ago
Pacu=my only MySpace friend
zin zwagger
zin zwagger - 6 years ago
My mom told me not to burn trash
Jacks Fishing
Jacks Fishing - 6 years ago
Lane snapper
Anadel Paez
Anadel Paez - 6 years ago
Your so cool keep it real
AGM Adam
AGM Adam - 6 years ago
When you eat too much unicorns dicks to look beautiful
Fred Espinosa
Fred Espinosa - 6 years ago
What drugs did the pacu take
Fred Espinosa
Fred Espinosa - 6 years ago
He looks like 2 face from batman
brad phillip
brad phillip - 6 years ago
The special pacu does not care what catch em all has to say about his looks, He thinks of him self as jawsome
PotatoFromAnotherPotato - 6 years ago
Is Joey Slay 'em gonna be back?
Remmi manga ink
Remmi manga ink - 6 years ago
I can't roast this fish he's so cute
Anthony DeFoe
Anthony DeFoe - 6 years ago
Heyyyy you you guys, sloth from the gooneys head ass
Andrew & Ryan
Andrew & Ryan - 6 years ago
It doesn’t need roasting because it’s already been burned
guacamole - 6 years ago
2:45 he looks like his face was on fire and somone put it out witha baseball bat
Kenneth Bynum III
Kenneth Bynum III - 6 years ago
It's sloth from the goonies
Theo Oliver
Theo Oliver - 6 years ago
Yellow eyed snapper
Angelo Miranda
Angelo Miranda - 6 years ago
The John Goodman of fish
guacamole - 6 years ago
0:38 That guys like get ur dam hand off me XD
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 6 years ago
i would of like to roast Benny, but i think is face is a roast itself XD... he llok like that weird orc comander with the deforme face in lord of the ring
joebmx - 6 years ago
Y is Joey stuck in a fish tank?
Mark Almadin
Mark Almadin - 6 years ago
your a fish bully
AQUAVIDZ - 6 years ago
Tahl Strydom
Tahl Strydom - 6 years ago
It is cute
Fcomedy l
Fcomedy l - 6 years ago
He is a good fish
Lol Pop
Lol Pop - 6 years ago
jacob diack
jacob diack - 6 years ago
f you
TropiCalGamer - 6 years ago
Wont roast him..cuz i aint mean...chillllllll your vids tho
Magdy Farag
Magdy Farag - 6 years ago
Savedg fat fish
Hog riding Gamer
Hog riding Gamer - 6 years ago
Love this vid
Sohail Dewakaran
Sohail Dewakaran - 6 years ago
Why must you roast the paco you would not like it if we roasted you
RICHMOND - 6 years ago
Yup, most pacu's can live upto 40yrs above
Lance Quirke
Lance Quirke - 6 years ago
bruh fish lookin like meatwad.
ol' ikea meatball lookin ass pacu
Skinny Keys
Skinny Keys - 6 years ago
That fish belongs in loot lake just by him self anyway great videos bro they are really entertaining love them
EggBox360 - 6 years ago
I kind of feel bad for the fishy
Lito James Custodio
Lito James Custodio - 6 years ago
I have a roast here i go you look like a peanut well you cant it them beacuse your ugly enuf like a peanut they will chop you in half and see inside that you have a peanut thats why elepahant are big beacuse they eat peanut also you are named ugly peanut thats weirder
Neil Braganza Antao
Neil Braganza Antao - 6 years ago
Hey. Man thats bad. Imagine yourself in place of that fish. Ppl would be roasting u in place of that poor creature. Respect it mann.
Odin Olsen
Odin Olsen - 6 years ago
Mah man
Oliver's pets
Oliver's pets - 6 years ago
yo fish mama so ugly that when she gave birth you looked even ugler
LloydRJr - 6 years ago
Hey you guys!!! Goonies never say die! Lmaooo!
kB23 - 6 years ago
You look like that fish
Hakanboas - 6 years ago
Boy that fish so ugly he can scare of penny wise
Ian Carnell
Ian Carnell - 6 years ago
That pacu looks like Sloth from the Goonies
CoolFinn69 - 6 years ago
Its a dunkeleoteus
Randy888 - 6 years ago
What Happened To Joey Slay Em????
Darth Sarkoa
Darth Sarkoa - 6 years ago
That pack looks like his face got fucked up by a coffee pot another fish must have done it one he tried to kill
LegendaryPyro YT
LegendaryPyro YT - 6 years ago
Boi looks like a downy
DOCTOR IRON-SIGHT Robert - 6 years ago
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the ugliest ass fish of them all you are
ducksy49 - 6 years ago
The fish should be sayin “ Heyyyyy you guyyyyyys”!!
Lloyd Lewis
Lloyd Lewis - 6 years ago
This fish looks like a drunk person took a shit, and then fell back and sat into the shit they just took.
the real kirito
the real kirito - 6 years ago
Bro he looks like he had plastic surgery and it failed
Trash Can
Trash Can - 6 years ago
Catch em girl should pic the next fish for tank
Shahin Faraj
Shahin Faraj - 6 years ago
that’s fishes momma tried getting an abortion and this is the result
Andrew Hastings
Andrew Hastings - 6 years ago
Fish lookin like the toxic avenger not even playing google it
Samurai Channel
Samurai Channel - 6 years ago
Andrew Hastings
Andrew Hastings - 6 years ago
Bruh if sloth from the goonies was a fish
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Xristos Kesanidis you are right I feel very sad for this fish but people keep on roasting it and I keep on trying to stop it try to help me by commenting on people that are trying to roast this pacu
Akai Gomez
Akai Gomez - 6 years ago
My mans built like a chicken strip
Joe Leyva
Joe Leyva - 6 years ago
He looks like burnt chicken nugget
ThatLow2V - 6 years ago
Hes not ugly :(
CHARZER Gaming - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the fish also what the hell is wrong with you telling people to roast that old fish he just has no one to be nice to him god dammit sometimes I really don't know why people came up with roast sure its funny but not to those who are different SOMEONE GET MARTIN LUTHER KING AND TEACH ZAK SOME MANNERS TO HIS ELDERS kinda being serious tho don't judge it because he's ugly
alpaca vlogs
alpaca vlogs - 6 years ago
That fish was sooooo cute he seriously looks like my dog. I honestly like him.
Derick Huynh junior
Derick Huynh junior - 6 years ago
Cute fish is very mean and Ugly fish is very friendly.
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Derick Huynh junior it has only thank you and try to stop people from Roasting it
Aracely Ahumada
Aracely Ahumada - 6 years ago
Call him mrs penuts
David Martin-Wilkinson
David Martin-Wilkinson - 6 years ago
the pacu looked like sloth from the goonies
Jancarlos Coimbre
Jancarlos Coimbre - 6 years ago
Heeey you guys! He reminds me of sloth
Ãshlëy hølö pêõplēs
Ãshlëy hølö pêõplēs - 6 years ago
The fish looks like sloth from goonies tho
FallOut Titan
FallOut Titan - 6 years ago
Stung like a bee
Aidyn Alston
Aidyn Alston - 6 years ago
Boy look like my freshly wet poop
Mason Stephens
Mason Stephens - 6 years ago
Fish looking like Keaton Jones
Max Gray
Max Gray - 6 years ago
he looks like sloth from gonnies
Dyl Hayes
Dyl Hayes - 6 years ago
It's the things from the goonies lol
Jeremiah Griffey
Jeremiah Griffey - 6 years ago
Eric Fernandez
Eric Fernandez - 6 years ago
Fish looks like catchem girl
Christopher Featherstone Jr
Christopher Featherstone Jr - 6 years ago
Focus RSN [PS3] Have you ever gotten bullied and you don’t like it why are you trying to bully
C_SNVP - 6 years ago
were is Joey slam
Leticia Jacobo
Leticia Jacobo - 6 years ago
You are so fucked up bro u said in the intro that he wants to kill him selve, bro if you were him or be in his shoes you would onestly be a pussy and kill you’re selve, luckyly fish don’t judge each other, maybe we should learn from they FUCK YOURE MERCH I AM CANCELING MY ORDER
lil fire
lil fire - 6 years ago
Beni is sad that Jurassic park wouldn’t take him bc he’s to ugly
Red SC
Red SC - 6 years ago
I've never wanted one of your videos to end so much just so I could read the comments...He looked like the kid from The Goonies!!
jor6933 - 6 years ago
Roast For Fish: You are so ugly that you make the people around you die. ( of laughter )
Thesuperderp 137
Thesuperderp 137 - 6 years ago
“Roast this fish” never thought I’d hear that ever
Ruben Corral
Ruben Corral - 6 years ago
maybe the bigeye yellow snapper
Ruben Corral
Ruben Corral - 6 years ago
I am a dummy it say it in the vid :) great video dude
Desno Walrus
Desno Walrus - 6 years ago
Well... Roast the fish? I could do that. But you just classified yourself as a jerk for asking us to roast it. Congrats. Jerk
You Can't Stop The Scout
You Can't Stop The Scout - 6 years ago
3:28 his eyes look like a Picasso painting!
Tom Hallahan
Tom Hallahan - 6 years ago
Theres a horrible b rated horror movie called castlefreak. Benny is the star! Google it. At one point benny eats a womans boob. Thanks benny.
Zion Maghoney
Zion Maghoney - 6 years ago
I love ur videos
Nebraska Nerd
Nebraska Nerd - 6 years ago
That fish looks like sloth from the goonies
lil fire
lil fire - 6 years ago
Beni might be big but mini muu will crush his shiiiiii
Red-Kun [Call me Red Senpai]
Red-Kun [Call me Red Senpai] - 6 years ago
I cant roast something that's hotter than me!
SuccoTheDucco - 6 years ago
He's a special fish
Nebraska Nerd
Nebraska Nerd - 6 years ago
Miguel Garduno
Miguel Garduno - 6 years ago
That fishes eyes are so off just like my future.

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