Tropical fishing 8 years ago 188,392 views
New Coral & Fish in this Saltwater Reef Tank Update of the Red Sea Max C-250 Aquarium. Aquarium Maintenance, Setup, Tips, and New Additions including Banggai Cardinal Fish, Hammer Corals, Frogspawns, and more! CORGI T-SHIRT SHOP: http://www.corgionfleek.com "GATSBY" Promo Code Gives you 10% off (expires May 1, 2016) Aquarium Video on My Second Channel LifeAfterCollegeVids: https://youtu.be/21bGdqEMLF0 Send Us Mail: VlogAfterCollege P.O. Box 111124 Campbell, CA 95011-1124 MY WEBSITE = http://www.lifeaftercollege.com/ FACEBOOK = http://www.facebook.com/VlogAfterCollege TWITTER = https://twitter.com/ryenlung INSTAGRAM = http://instagram.com/vlogaftercollege CORGI PUPPY = https://www.youtube.com/user/GreatGatsbyCorgi - Red Sea Max C-250 Saltwater Reef Aquarium Full Tank Shot playing Ukulele (The Moon Song) - Red Sea Max Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSNl3BqEY-3qSKGluQyWryk2RdJVgvQOZ - Doing a Water Change for my Aquarium - Breakfast: 3 Eggs, 4 Toast - Gatsby the Corgi's Morning Walk POV (Smiling Dog) - Bay Area Coral http://www.bayareacoral.com my friend's shop: picking up some coral - Acclimating Corals: gold hammer coral, green hammer coral, purple frogspawn, candy apple red paly, utter chaos paly - Mounting coral in the aquarium - Petting my Fish - Golds Gym Workout in Strong Lift Wear - Shopping at Target for Dinner - Haircut: medium Fade, disconnected with a faux hawk - Neptune Aquatics Aquarium Store for Banggai Cardinal Fish - Cooking Chicken, Rice, and Napa Cabbage with Ponzu Sauce for Lunch - Acclimating Banggai Cardinalfish in Aquarium - Corgi On Fleek T-Shirts and Giveaway - Dogs at the Park: Great Dane, Corgis, and Labradors - Cooking Meat sauce Spaghetti for Dinner with ingredients from Target (Rao's Artichoke Spaghetti Sauce) - Going to The Jungle Book Movie with Shawnsecrets - Reviewing The Jungle Book Movie - Check out LifeAfterCollegeVids: https://www.youtube.com/user/lifeaftercollegevids
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100. comment for UNREAL SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH TANK SETUP? - Life After College: Ep. 482
by the way i love gatsby he is so cute! ;)
Is there room for a real GFO/carbon reactor? Not media bags, but a real reactor with its own pump...
How's the heat in your house with those T5's? When are you planning to swap the bulbs with fresh ones?
Are you dosing Ca/Alk by hand? (aka "2-part")
Btw the shirts are awesome
If only there were tanks too haha XDDDD
what was the song you played at the beginning of the video?
Ryen is officially the coolest vlogger ever!
If you ever want an idea for something in another tank I would like to see a Jewel Crab but you probably couldn't keep any fish in there with it. They go after everything. We had one when I was little and it was so much fun to watch but my parents had to bring it back to the fish shop because it was trying to catch all the fish. xD
Great vlog. Thanks!
You like challenges, you're competitive, you should test your skill with a Mandarin Fish. You need to have a good population of "pods" naturally growing in your tank first, i've heard. Seems like a fun challenge, and they are beautiful and good reef safe fish.
Have a good day buddy!
I snorted my coffee up.
Also, a yellow butterflyfish would be awesome, beautiful and reef-safe ;)
Also i suggested to buy ''Lysmata amboinensis'' or my favorite Fire Shrimp ''Lysmata debelius''.
And king of the Sailfin Tang ''Zebrasoma veliferum''
All best Nemanja
please give him the morning walk more often ^^
sweet intro btw :D
not sure if they work for your tank but, a moorish idol would be cool. leopard wrasse. Coris wrasse. Green spotted mandarin.
bubble coral and gsp are nice.
because he will pick his master in the train station but he didn't come everyday he will do that until nine years past he fell asleep where he sits and where he stays then when he fell asleep he saw his master again in his dreams then when he really fell asleep he died
I have to say it was a true story it this story was from japan and if you don't believe me go and see the movie to see for your self
if you have watched it reply some thumbs up to me ok
Corgi or Golden Retriever?
I'll be adopting a corgi soon enough! :D
I am right. People who love cooking have at least 1 cookware from Pyrex. Hahaha. I saw yours.