New Coral & Fish in this Saltwater Reef Tank Update of the Red Sea Max C-250 Aquarium. Aquarium Maintenance, Setup, Tips, and New Additions including Banggai Cardinal Fish, Hammer Corals, Frogspawns, and more! CORGI T-SHIRT SHOP: http://www.corgionfleek.com "GATSBY" Promo Code Gives you 10% off (expires May 1, 2016) Aquarium Video on My Second Channel LifeAfterCollegeVids: https://youtu.be/21bGdqEMLF0 Send Us Mail: VlogAfterCollege P.O. Box 111124 Campbell, CA 95011-1124 MY WEBSITE = http://www.lifeaftercollege.com/ FACEBOOK = http://www.facebook.com/VlogAfterCollege TWITTER = https://twitter.com/ryenlung INSTAGRAM = http://instagram.com/vlogaftercollege CORGI PUPPY = https://www.youtube.com/user/GreatGatsbyCorgi - Red Sea Max C-250 Saltwater Reef Aquarium Full Tank Shot playing Ukulele (The Moon Song) - Red Sea Max Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSNl3BqEY-3qSKGluQyWryk2RdJVgvQOZ - Doing a Water Change for my Aquarium - Breakfast: 3 Eggs, 4 Toast - Gatsby the Corgi's Morning Walk POV (Smiling Dog) - Bay Area Coral http://www.bayareacoral.com my friend's shop: picking up some coral - Acclimating Corals: gold hammer coral, green hammer coral, purple frogspawn, candy apple red paly, utter chaos paly - Mounting coral in the aquarium - Petting my Fish - Golds Gym Workout in Strong Lift Wear - Shopping at Target for Dinner - Haircut: medium Fade, disconnected with a faux hawk - Neptune Aquatics Aquarium Store for Banggai Cardinal Fish - Cooking Chicken, Rice, and Napa Cabbage with Ponzu Sauce for Lunch - Acclimating Banggai Cardinalfish in Aquarium - Corgi On Fleek T-Shirts and Giveaway - Dogs at the Park: Great Dane, Corgis, and Labradors - Cooking Meat sauce Spaghetti for Dinner with ingredients from Target (Rao's Artichoke Spaghetti Sauce) - Going to The Jungle Book Movie with Shawnsecrets - Reviewing The Jungle Book Movie - Check out LifeAfterCollegeVids: https://www.youtube.com/user/lifeaftercollegevids

UNREAL SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH TANK SETUP? - Life After College: Ep. 482 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 188,392 views

New Coral & Fish in this Saltwater Reef Tank Update of the Red Sea Max C-250 Aquarium. Aquarium Maintenance, Setup, Tips, and New Additions including Banggai Cardinal Fish, Hammer Corals, Frogspawns, and more! CORGI T-SHIRT SHOP: http://www.corgionfleek.com "GATSBY" Promo Code Gives you 10% off (expires May 1, 2016) Aquarium Video on My Second Channel LifeAfterCollegeVids: https://youtu.be/21bGdqEMLF0 Send Us Mail: VlogAfterCollege P.O. Box 111124 Campbell, CA 95011-1124 MY WEBSITE = http://www.lifeaftercollege.com/ FACEBOOK = http://www.facebook.com/VlogAfterCollege TWITTER = https://twitter.com/ryenlung INSTAGRAM = http://instagram.com/vlogaftercollege CORGI PUPPY = https://www.youtube.com/user/GreatGatsbyCorgi - Red Sea Max C-250 Saltwater Reef Aquarium Full Tank Shot playing Ukulele (The Moon Song) - Red Sea Max Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSNl3BqEY-3qSKGluQyWryk2RdJVgvQOZ - Doing a Water Change for my Aquarium - Breakfast: 3 Eggs, 4 Toast - Gatsby the Corgi's Morning Walk POV (Smiling Dog) - Bay Area Coral http://www.bayareacoral.com my friend's shop: picking up some coral - Acclimating Corals: gold hammer coral, green hammer coral, purple frogspawn, candy apple red paly, utter chaos paly - Mounting coral in the aquarium - Petting my Fish - Golds Gym Workout in Strong Lift Wear - Shopping at Target for Dinner - Haircut: medium Fade, disconnected with a faux hawk - Neptune Aquatics Aquarium Store for Banggai Cardinal Fish - Cooking Chicken, Rice, and Napa Cabbage with Ponzu Sauce for Lunch - Acclimating Banggai Cardinalfish in Aquarium - Corgi On Fleek T-Shirts and Giveaway - Dogs at the Park: Great Dane, Corgis, and Labradors - Cooking Meat sauce Spaghetti for Dinner with ingredients from Target (Rao's Artichoke Spaghetti Sauce) - Going to The Jungle Book Movie with Shawnsecrets - Reviewing The Jungle Book Movie - Check out LifeAfterCollegeVids: https://www.youtube.com/user/lifeaftercollegevids

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Most popular comments

Georgia Butler
Georgia Butler - 6 years ago
When I saw Gatsby eating that cabbage I was like damnnn that’s gonna be one gassy corgi
Corgi Butts
Corgi Butts - 7 years ago
I have fish but I never actually pet it because I would be touching its pee eww also Ryen are your parents from Hawaii? If not, are you Korean, Chinese,Vietnamese,Taiwanese?
Legendary King
Legendary King - 7 years ago
How rich are U?
Connor Mcguire
Connor Mcguire - 7 years ago
Melonarus wrasse are not peaceful they eat clean up crew and pick on other wrasse and are just a total nightmare I can not get mine out of the the tank
It's yaboi 123
It's yaboi 123 - 7 years ago
The marine not tropical
Christopher MacQueen
Christopher MacQueen - 7 years ago
that dog looked like James's old dog snoopy from TheOdd1sOut
Squash Man!!
Squash Man!! - 7 years ago
What is your flow unit called
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
You should get a clam!!!
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
You should gat an shark

10. comment for UNREAL SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH TANK SETUP? - Life After College: Ep. 482

TaylaD01 - 7 years ago
Oh my god I just went and begged mum to get some Murch and she did can't wait to get it. Love you guys
Ender playzYT
Ender playzYT - 7 years ago
Smile getsbi smile
MorrisUK1990 - 7 years ago
have i missed something? what happened to the other clown fish?
VitoTron 417
VitoTron 417 - 7 years ago
Get a fire fish
Ramir Govantes
Ramir Govantes - 7 years ago
also you should get a small starfish
Ramir Govantes
Ramir Govantes - 7 years ago
you should get a lobster
RileyPlays - 7 years ago
His seatbelt is twisted
Dantae Clarke
Dantae Clarke - 7 years ago
Your dog is awesome
Sachin Roy
Sachin Roy - 7 years ago
chutiya tu mera muh me le
Carolyn Vaikhuma
Carolyn Vaikhuma - 7 years ago
Sachin Roy oh my gawd hahahahhaha. So random!
Justin Genovis
Justin Genovis - 7 years ago
Cute corgi search for burrito bisson

20. comment for UNREAL SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH TANK SETUP? - Life After College: Ep. 482

Dustin Dang
Dustin Dang - 7 years ago
Fire fish
lacixchase - 7 years ago
i'm so used to taylor nicole dean having exotic ass fish so seeing three basic saltwater fish was underwhelming lmao it's still really cool though
Platypus - 7 years ago
Hers aren't that rare or exotic. Almost all of her fish are in at least one fish shop near me.
Kerwin Ronquillo
Kerwin Ronquillo - 7 years ago
Wow Santana Row looks great in a dog's eye view!
Rubby Lee
Rubby Lee - 7 years ago
Don't get trick

Read more
Jacob Brown
Jacob Brown - 7 years ago
You should get a chromi they look so good
Clara Schmidt
Clara Schmidt - 7 years ago
what is his job?
Alpizzle604 - 7 years ago
thats awesome just misshing the crab
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Wow!! amazing setup man liked n subbed
Doge Doge
Doge Doge - 8 years ago
I love you videos
Revulsion OK
Revulsion OK - 8 years ago
What did you use to fill up the water? Pleaseee tell meeee.. I had to keep lifting buckets to my 300gal tank.. changing water sucks lol

30. comment for UNREAL SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH TANK SETUP? - Life After College: Ep. 482

Ase Ase
Ase Ase - 8 years ago
plastiqui food
Miguel Tario
Miguel Tario - 8 years ago
Do a draw my life please
kira fuentes
kira fuentes - 8 years ago
i love how gatsby eat his veggie! <3 :)
4thGloryMonday - 8 years ago
what about the white guy barber? haha
TheFlip Fam
TheFlip Fam - 8 years ago
Get a puffer
alex king
alex king - 8 years ago
Porcupine puffer
Awesomo04 - 8 years ago
you should get some small catfish
Muhib Maknojia
Muhib Maknojia - 8 years ago
how much does it cost to maintain your reef tank everymonth.. because i wanna start my own reef tank....
Kpribbit - 8 years ago
I love going to Neptune Aquatics! The people there are so nice, and they have a good selection of fish, corals, and tanks C:
Byron Lin
Byron Lin - 8 years ago
thats exactly how i eat my eggs...
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
what a fucking clown.......
Daniel Vargas
Daniel Vargas - 8 years ago
Gatsby can't stop smiling
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
U should get a goby
John - 8 years ago
Hey, how come you only keep 1 cardinal? Aren't they school fish?
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
Johnisfy 1 died
Ruffles777 - 8 years ago
Nice tank the you do every time 10g water change every week? How may gallos is? Are you dosing?
shadow falls
shadow falls - 8 years ago
are u working?
Vulture Smash
Vulture Smash - 8 years ago
He Looks like Cory/Coby (they're twinz) from Dude Perfect
jaime vargas
jaime vargas - 8 years ago
what kind of white tank is that ?
Ramon - 8 years ago
Please give us a update on the tanks!
RadReefs - 8 years ago
is it impressive that I just liked and subscribed with my nipple?

50. comment for UNREAL SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH TANK SETUP? - Life After College: Ep. 482

Faith Walker
Faith Walker - 8 years ago
the tank is so soothing. i'd sit and look at it all day.
Mariana Chiulli
Mariana Chiulli - 8 years ago
What did you do with the old tank?
prime blocks
prime blocks - 8 years ago
The aquarium song reminds of a song i listen too in 3rd grade
amir davis
amir davis - 8 years ago
sail fin
Press The Button GT
Press The Button GT - 8 years ago
you should buy some fish and coral-friendly shrimp
Press The Button GT
Press The Button GT - 8 years ago
They eat algae
Joseph o
Joseph o - 8 years ago
Joseph o
Joseph o - 8 years ago
I do
Ase Ase
Ase Ase - 8 years ago
Anda when do you work?
Binh Thach
Binh Thach - 8 years ago
LOL Youtube must be small. I feel like most vlogger are all in California much less Santana Row in my hometown. LOL.
Nuggetlover96 - 8 years ago
I always am afraid Gatsby will get run over by the big dogs and then I remember that corgis were bred to herd cattle and sheep so they won't get hurt...
arok tops
arok tops - 8 years ago
make a blog of how u keep ur tang healthy
arok tops
arok tops - 8 years ago
how do u keep your tang looking healthy in the 60g
Clara Solis
Clara Solis - 8 years ago
I came here for the fish but I enjoyed the vlog and subscribed
Daniel Park
Daniel Park - 8 years ago
oh god i LOVE your channel
HTR IOUS - 8 years ago
@2:04 Hahaha awesome
Im Dooley
Im Dooley - 8 years ago
What do you feed all of your corals?
Double A Ron
Double A Ron - 8 years ago
Im Dooley he feeds em with love
vanderley3 - 8 years ago
loved how your dog went for that flower
Ghost Gaming
Ghost Gaming - 8 years ago
Megan Annaliese
Megan Annaliese - 8 years ago
OMG cutest corgi jump to try to eat the flower
JRF BRO - 8 years ago
Get a zebra eel
Maria Corazon Saez
Maria Corazon Saez - 8 years ago
He has a very happy life
3 - 8 years ago
i love the music
nancy matthews
nancy matthews - 8 years ago
What kind of lights are in your tank?
Alex Trlin
Alex Trlin - 8 years ago
Watching these makes me SOOO happy
HazVegasVlogs - 8 years ago
Get a clown trigger
Reef Share
Reef Share - 8 years ago
Hey Buddy, I really like your videos! Your Red Sea is amazing! Great layout too! Hope you visit my channel too and see my Red Sea tank too! Cya. ReefShare From Brazil!
Kat Zuhaa
Kat Zuhaa - 8 years ago
Get the dory fish lol idk wat the name is
Phantom 360
Phantom 360 - 8 years ago
A clown trigger
Phantom 360
Phantom 360 - 8 years ago
A clown trigger
Melissa Moon
Melissa Moon - 8 years ago
If u let the noodles soak for an hour, you can boil them faster
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Your tank is awesome keep up the good work
Lupita Duarte
Lupita Duarte - 8 years ago
this is so dope!!
Heyits Stephanie
Heyits Stephanie - 8 years ago
U should get a sea horse or a star fish
FireJewelAJ - 8 years ago
You should get a orca :)
EyeBall The Ruby
EyeBall The Ruby - 8 years ago
FireJewelAJ it cant fit
Alexei balsdon
Alexei balsdon - 8 years ago
get a emrald crab
potato - 8 years ago
Blue Tang
Bitter_Lemon - 8 years ago
Does ur tank have a sump?
lalo campos
lalo campos - 8 years ago
What are those dogs name
unicorns - 8 years ago
I'd love to see another update
victor chui
victor chui - 8 years ago
U should get a walrus or a plankton ;)
Filipino ThundA
Filipino ThundA - 8 years ago
Blue tang
Gdyjn Yio
Gdyjn Yio - 8 years ago
This guy has the best life
Shannon Turner
Shannon Turner - 8 years ago
Do you have backup tank power?!
I At least tryed
I At least tryed - 8 years ago
get a white sucker
Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson - 8 years ago
Sailfin tang
clem - 8 years ago
gasby is the happies corgi in the world ^-^
Cong Pei
Cong Pei - 8 years ago
What brand is that tank
Hana M
Hana M - 8 years ago
Happy dog, happy owner
Scarredninja - 8 years ago
What race are you? Btw great vlogs. Best vlogger ever.
Charlatte - 8 years ago
Half Japanese, Half Chinese making him full asian but he was born and raised in Hawaii
Hana M
Hana M - 8 years ago
He's from Hawaii so I'm guessing Japanese Asian mix
Hectic Flex
Hectic Flex - 8 years ago
You should get a bamboo shark
Hectic Flex
Hectic Flex - 8 years ago
+HPD7D cool. I just got a 70 gallon fish tank on Sunday I'm hoping to put Oscars and some other cichlids in it but I can't find any black small gravel for it /:
HPD7D - 8 years ago
+Hectic Flex i have only fresh water fish too but i know alot about salt water and i'm going to try it someday
Hectic Flex
Hectic Flex - 8 years ago
+HPD7D no I didn't. I have freshwater fish so I don't know much about saltwater so yeh /:
HPD7D - 8 years ago
...you know they get waaaay to big for that tank right?

100. comment for UNREAL SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH TANK SETUP? - Life After College: Ep. 482

Gwenny Cake
Gwenny Cake - 8 years ago
What''ll happend when the corgi goes to heaven? No more vlogs?
Gwenny Cake
Gwenny Cake - 8 years ago
Erica Tran
Erica Tran - 8 years ago
Wow! That's so awesome! :)
Gwenny Cake
Gwenny Cake - 8 years ago
+Erica Tran Nah! I got my quad raced dog, Rotveiler, Pyrene, Hunting-Labrador, Quail. ;) He's my life <3
Erica Tran
Erica Tran - 8 years ago
Your welcome! Just remember: CORGIS ARE LIFE! ❤️
Hana M
Hana M - 8 years ago
He would probably get another dog. Besides he'd be like 35 by then and probably won't be blogging anymore
Gwenny Cake
Gwenny Cake - 8 years ago
+Erica Tran Oh.. Okay.. Thanks for answering! <3
Erica Tran
Erica Tran - 8 years ago
That won't be soon. They live from 12-14 years so Gatsby has many more years to go! Maybe even more if it's healthy!
Kevyn Bamboo
Kevyn Bamboo - 8 years ago
Lol you rap every song exactly the same
Jodi Truong
Jodi Truong - 8 years ago
omg i love ur videos so much theyre basically all i watch on yt!!1
Shane Mitchell Gaming
Shane Mitchell Gaming - 8 years ago
get a go pro and put it in the fish tank
GIANNIS RODITIS - 8 years ago
hello do you have dosing pump or reactor?
Personal Attributes
Personal Attributes - 8 years ago
this vlog was so relaxing it literally eased my soul
Cameron Crayford
Cameron Crayford - 8 years ago
when's the next aquarium video
CrestedGeckoKing109 - 8 years ago
You should get a Midas Blenny (Ecsenius midas). I have one in my reef aquarium and he is super awesome and very friendly. It originally made its home near my short tentacle fungia plate coral, but has since moved to another spot in the tank.
Ruth Hersh
Ruth Hersh - 8 years ago
That was so beautiful!
Westin L.
Westin L. - 8 years ago
Whats the rice seasoning you use called? Is it seaweed?
Timmy boy
Timmy boy - 8 years ago
Love vlogaftercollege, always fun to watch! I also started with a "small" reef aquarium, i learned alot while whatching your video's, thanks for that!
Happy lily happy
Happy lily happy - 8 years ago
You make such great content! Keep it up!!!
Dolly - 8 years ago
I adore you! Kind hearted, funny, smart and handsome! You can tell so much about a person by how they treat "pets"
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 8 years ago
my melanurus and yellow tang are so shy it's so annoying
joku hyybä
joku hyybä - 8 years ago
U deserve like million subs, cuz ur videos are loads of fun to watch! Ur videos have a great quality! Gatsby has a great owner! Keep it up Ryen!
crippling depression
crippling depression - 8 years ago
crippling depression
crippling depression - 8 years ago
+dun madun then get a starfish
dun madun
dun madun - 8 years ago
catfish is not saltwater lol
Irah.Wong - 8 years ago
hey Ryen, I'm going to get my hair cut differently this time and I want something like yours. what should I ask them to do other than a faux hawk and medium fade? like is there any layering or chopping into it? thanks!
Candy Green R1
Candy Green R1 - 8 years ago
you should get a ora red planet acropora bro
josh1000100 - 8 years ago
Hey Bro, wear gloves when you are working with Zoas/Palys, especially ones that have been cut. They have a deadly neurotoxin.
Kanochoo - 8 years ago
omg u eat so much
Lucas Ang
Lucas Ang - 8 years ago
+Hana M yep
Hana M
Hana M - 8 years ago
+Lucas Ang she's just making an honest point. Stop getting offended at everything. Oh let me guess I just offended you.
Kanochoo - 8 years ago
+Lucas Ang sorry ;^;
Lucas Ang
Lucas Ang - 8 years ago
U sound offensive
Zathauntie - 8 years ago
@2:04 corgi butt! @2:05 corgi high fives a flower!?!! What a guy! <3
Jack'sFishTanks - 8 years ago
purple tang all the way i have 3 right now. they add great color and movement and are super easy to care for. he should be fine with your yellow because he is already in.
TheTanman2011 - 8 years ago
Looks good man. Good to see you started mixing your own saltwater. If you want to upgrade salts mix switch to HW Marinemix Reefer
Moonfruit777 - 8 years ago
Hey, the frogspawns don't need acclimation at all, they are fully deflated after the transport and will only soak up your tanks water anyways so the dripping doesn't do much - but it wont hurt if you do :3 You inspired me to maybe do tank vlogs once in a while but where to start the best? my last vid is over a year old and there happened so much in this time :D
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
I love reef fish, I always wanted a reef tank but knowing almost all reef fish are taken from their natural habitat is what puts me off as i don't agree with that.
socom gaming
socom gaming - 8 years ago
lion fish
Lucas Ang
Lucas Ang - 8 years ago
Too dangerous it will eat everything and it needs live feeding
Steve Duncan
Steve Duncan - 8 years ago
What would you want for your nanocube?
myreefblog Marco
myreefblog Marco - 8 years ago
Hey man. Question - what is type of torch coral do you have on the left next to green metal torch coral and what is the one below. Thanks:)
it me
it me - 8 years ago
u eat a lot
Cody - 8 years ago
gotta eat alot of protien for muscle buddy
Cre8ive Eye
Cre8ive Eye - 8 years ago
Yous should get a Surgeonfish, unless it doesn't live in salt water then never mind
Unknown - 8 years ago
That's just sad
Unknown - 8 years ago
You know the name of the fish by the name that it doesn't usually gets called by it usually gets called blue tang or Dori and you don't even know if it's saltwater or fresh
scwushy - 8 years ago
How much did your tank cost
PDBlackOps - 8 years ago
You should get a puffer fish
ANGRYmuffin9000 - 8 years ago
They adding some English black sauce to the beef and a spoon of mustard before frying.
Taylor Marcum
Taylor Marcum - 8 years ago
Get 2 more banghai cardinals cause they are schooling fish and would be a lot more comfortable
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Nice update!!
air_ rick
air_ rick - 8 years ago
get a blue tang because they are very friendly to other saltwater fishes and plus sometimes they can be easy to take care or you can get an angle fish/flame fish because they are beautiful and very nice to any kind of fish
Agnieszka Kielb
Agnieszka Kielb - 8 years ago
Stop at 6:44
deezy - 8 years ago
I LOVE Your Vlogs !
Bryan Poopie
Bryan Poopie - 8 years ago
get a Baby Shark
Claudia Murillo
Claudia Murillo - 8 years ago
I like your Chanel and am a boy
Claudia Murillo
Claudia Murillo - 8 years ago
How much was all that and in it fish tank
Half & Half
Half & Half - 8 years ago
Blue tang
Half & Half
Half & Half - 8 years ago
Purple tang or a hawk eye fish
iheartblubber 345
iheartblubber 345 - 8 years ago
Dori! I'm uneducated, therefore I dont know the actual fish name, but if its compatible with everything else you should get one!
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 8 years ago
iheartblubber 345 no it need à way bigger tank and are caight in the wild.
CHALLENGE BROS! - 8 years ago
I love your Channel so much I want to get a corgi and name it matsby
sophia leon
sophia leon - 8 years ago
i think you should have millions of subscribers because you are the best!!!!

by the way i love gatsby he is so cute! ;)
Eric Serobyan
Eric Serobyan - 8 years ago
Do you do water changes using tap water or RODI water?
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 8 years ago
RODI If I had to guess.
Dannys Fishtanks
Dannys Fishtanks - 8 years ago
What is the name of the glue you use for your corals?
Lizzylazy Brand
Lizzylazy Brand - 8 years ago
flame angle fish!
Angie Vasquez
Angie Vasquez - 8 years ago
the beginning part of the vlog just made me feel so happy omg
fall3nange11 - 8 years ago
Tbh i love how Gatsby keeps looking at Ryan during the walk <3 :D
Yemillito - 8 years ago
Cool intro
Mico Plays
Mico Plays - 8 years ago
Ryan what are your shoes?
Pew - 8 years ago
So salty
etphibang - 8 years ago
Really enjoy your Vlog! You got yourself a new subscriber
CHALLENGE BROS! - 8 years ago
I want another episode
Angela Gizzi
Angela Gizzi - 8 years ago
Angel hair is better!
knocknockify - 8 years ago
Do you call Gatsby "Old sport" lol
Sanky Blader
Sanky Blader - 8 years ago
whats the name of The song you use in the vlogs whenever there is a gym scene?
Usernam E
Usernam E - 8 years ago
The tank looks good so far. Those all-in-one tanks are a good idea conceptually, but there are severe limits on their filtration robustness since there is no spacious sump. For example, you could never have a monster skimmer on that system so you can't have have the tank teaming with fish like a real reef. You'll want to keep the fish stocking very light or hair algae and bryopsis will be in your future. But keep the stocking light and the tank will be very successful.

Is there room for a real GFO/carbon reactor? Not media bags, but a real reactor with its own pump...

How's the heat in your house with those T5's? When are you planning to swap the bulbs with fresh ones?

Are you dosing Ca/Alk by hand? (aka "2-part")
Crispy Vlogs
Crispy Vlogs - 8 years ago
What camera do you use?
Jake Smith
Jake Smith - 8 years ago
Moon Song !
Zero Dexerius
Zero Dexerius - 8 years ago
Wait Ryan , What happened to the other clownfish? Theres Rosalina but the other one is dead?
Zero Dexerius
Zero Dexerius - 8 years ago
Oh :(  by the way i love so much your videos :D
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Zero Dexerius No, I had to give him away. I mentioned it at the beginning of this episode. He was in the previous vlog.
Jacob Costa
Jacob Costa - 8 years ago
get a pasha goby and a pistol shrimp, so cool and they pair up
Kuhas - 8 years ago
Get dori
Parker Brower
Parker Brower - 8 years ago
get a fire golby
Lucky Star House
Lucky Star House - 8 years ago
Nice tuning there Ryen. Great Vlog. Don't know any fish names, but a red coloured one could be a good contrast against the wall.
Kelly Ann Parsons
Kelly Ann Parsons - 8 years ago
My favorite vlog with my favorite dog. Ryen & Gatsby!
An Liu
An Liu - 8 years ago
What brand of camera do u have?
Charlotte Kean
Charlotte Kean - 8 years ago
VlogAfterCollege what happens to the clown fish
An Liu
An Liu - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege thx
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+An Liu Canon G7X
Dubz - 8 years ago
Richard S
Richard S - 8 years ago
XxSiLvErStArSx - 8 years ago
What happened to the other clown fish?
Rachel Pempsell
Rachel Pempsell - 8 years ago
He said it in the video...he got rid of it. It was attacking his coral.
Digwiggles YT
Digwiggles YT - 8 years ago
Midas blenny if there compatible
timmy timmy
timmy timmy - 8 years ago
song at the beginning please???
masso172 - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege Bravo!!!
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Michael Yun The Moon Song
billy cc
billy cc - 8 years ago
Hey I have a 40 g saltwater reef and fish tank now looking to go 120 g , how is the Red Sea all in one ? I know it has the sump in the back but do you feel it's better then a sump under a tank?
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+billy cc I've never had a sump under the tank so I wouldn't know... But I'm happy with the Red Sea Max
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Great update!
Erica B
Erica B - 8 years ago
I want a gastby shirt so bad I love corgi but I can't buy stuff online and I hope I can win a shirt from the giveaway that I entered.
whalelover1231 - 8 years ago
@vlogaftercollege i think you should get a bottom dwelling creature next! maybe a crab or shrimp or sea star! (of course i dont know anything about aquarium keeping so i'm not sure if you can put any of those in with the fish you already have but it's a thought!)
stacey McAvoy
stacey McAvoy - 8 years ago
you should get a blue hippo tang
crippling depression
crippling depression - 8 years ago
I have a question for u and gatsby; when ur German Shepherd died, what made u decide to get a corgi???
crippling depression
crippling depression - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege oh,but what made u adopt a dog???
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Daniel Kim I already had Gatsby before my German Shepherd died
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 8 years ago
Great Vlog Ryen!!!!!! Say hi to Gatsby for me.
Play kpop at my funeral BTS A.R.M.Y
Play kpop at my funeral BTS A.R.M.Y - 8 years ago
You should get a sea star or a star fish
Papalareis - 8 years ago
Ryen, you're growing a mustache!
mstoriag - 8 years ago
the aquarium looks awesome can't wait to see what else you add to it!
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
Great Vid, Tank looks great! What are you going to do with the biocube? are you going to set it up again?
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege Oh. You said to suggest other fish, how about a Bicolor Blenny
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Neill Jansen van Vuuren I already sold it ;)
llKodzanll - 8 years ago
Dudes Its better if you make videos twice a week your vids is so FUN!!!
Prickmyfingeronarose - 8 years ago
I just discovered your vlogs and love them! Not only is Gatsby the most super adorable Corgi I know but its so interesting to see all the awesome things you get up to! I enjoy the cooking segments especially and I really want to know how you capture Gatsby walking at Corgi level LOL
LifeOfLaj - 8 years ago
I know they're not the cheapest, but maybe a pair of hefrichi fire gobies? Not too common but their colors really would look amazing in ur tank!
Arwen Goward
Arwen Goward - 8 years ago
get a shrimp and goby pare
spacecats - 8 years ago
wait sooo this is basically a reef aquarium? Also how much did all of this cost as I am starting to get into saltwater fish.
Yilena hsue
Yilena hsue - 8 years ago
how do you spell that beutiful fishes name????????
Tropical Mango
Tropical Mango - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege what part is when you got the yellow tang
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Yilena hsue Melanurus Wrasse
Tactical Sloth
Tactical Sloth - 8 years ago
Fire fish
mary tsui
mary tsui - 8 years ago
Queen angle fish, they are beautiful
915Mang - 8 years ago
My fav glue, BSI.You got some nice corals, man you always make me hungry,lol. BAM!
shunylugia21. - 8 years ago
after that fish u should get a midnight anglefish there so cute and only get like 4 inches max but be cation around zoas with them
Green Fellow
Green Fellow - 8 years ago
Get a blue tang fish
Veronica Rubi
Veronica Rubi - 8 years ago
omg, I love this
Ashley Yuan
Ashley Yuan - 8 years ago
a turtle
ItsFluorite - 8 years ago
The song at the beginning was amazing. It reminded me of The Last of Us soundtracks
littlevictories - 8 years ago
the moon song by Karen o from the movie HER
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift - 8 years ago
Umm don't mind my username but ryen can you use human toothpaste to brush dogs teeth? and is it safe?...plss answer!..
Charlene - 8 years ago
Lol when u said Fishy, then filmed the dog, u should have said doggy!
unbiasly - 8 years ago
who's taking the video on your walks with Gatsby?!
WadePW - 8 years ago
Should look into a dwarf angel fish :) I have a coral beauty in my tank, gorgeous fish. Flame angel is by far my favorite. Just keep an eye it's a 50-50 shot they may nip at coral.
James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 8 years ago
Can you do a movie review again sometime?
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+James Nguyen Haha, ok. I'll do it in the next vlog ;)
melody - 8 years ago
The beginning was beautifullllllll ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Btw the shirts are awesome
If only there were tanks too haha XDDDD
Melchor Dacanay
Melchor Dacanay - 8 years ago
oh sweet to your dog
jameal francesco
jameal francesco - 8 years ago
get a flame angle fish they are so nice
V- PAN - 8 years ago
Does anybody know the Ukilele song in the beginng?
Nicolas Yim
Nicolas Yim - 8 years ago
Get a baby octopus
V- PAN - 8 years ago
The beginning is perfect...
iiPandaP00 :3
iiPandaP00 :3 - 8 years ago
Ryan ur da best could u respond that would make my day
jon salt
jon salt - 8 years ago
How often do have to clean the salt water tank?
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+jon salt (KILLjoy5) Every 10 Days
Noah Maez
Noah Maez - 8 years ago
You should get a flame angel
Lucas Coxall
Lucas Coxall - 8 years ago
A goby and shrimp pair they work together.its really cool.
marius sulla
marius sulla - 8 years ago
nice intro
NEMO20G - 8 years ago
good video boss :) them musical skillllssss!!
Here's a Potato
Here's a Potato - 8 years ago
Ryan, I really love your vlogs especially when it comes to Gatsby. How did you trained him when it comes to separation anxiety?
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Cheyenne Mari Rodriguez It's all about not making a big deal when you leave and return. I just left and came back (pretending he didn't exist) and he immediately calmed down. It's all the meaning you put behind it that the dogs pick up
cool kid
cool kid - 8 years ago
flame fish
I'm watching you
I'm watching you - 8 years ago
When we eat spaghetti we have spinach with it my sister hates it.
PeaFlare71 Productions
PeaFlare71 Productions - 8 years ago
Nice Ukulele Song
what was the song you played at the beginning of the video?
Edward Cavendish
Edward Cavendish - 8 years ago
Edward Cavendish
Edward Cavendish - 8 years ago
Did you accidentally include an ocean sound? Damn, that is very relaxing.
Benjamin McLeish
Benjamin McLeish - 8 years ago
you could put a sea urchin in the tank
Justin Rae
Justin Rae - 8 years ago
hey sir. do you do full bodyworkout everyday?
Mary Callieros
Mary Callieros - 8 years ago
A fire fish would be great! They are a little shy but if you get a purple fire fish the colours are amazing!
Lukáš Guhl
Lukáš Guhl - 8 years ago
Emil Egelund
Emil Egelund - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege say to say this but im not gonna watch your videos in til i get over my dogs death it died by a car it ran without a robe for the first time and i sayed íts should stay here with me and When the car came it just ran out to it
Emil Egelund
Emil Egelund - 8 years ago
Sort i ment sort in the start
yoko9898 - 8 years ago
That's the moon song right? :) Huge fan of yours~
Amy Nguyen
Amy Nguyen - 8 years ago
The song from the movie "her"?
CloudeeDragon - 8 years ago
Didn't you have two clown fish?
Bean Boozled Channel
Bean Boozled Channel - 8 years ago
Woo! Fishie! :D
Bean Boozled Channel
Bean Boozled Channel - 8 years ago
Snowballs. Lol. Luv ur vids.
Aquarium Fanatic
Aquarium Fanatic - 8 years ago
this may depend on the amount of sand you have but I think a hi fin red banned shrimp goby with a pistol shrimp (with the shrimp due to the symbiotic relationship) would look amazing.
Anthony Patino
Anthony Patino - 8 years ago
Get the Blue Glass Guppy fish
Kanye West
Kanye West - 8 years ago
Was that The Moon Song from HER in the beginning?
Ryen is officially the coolest vlogger ever!
Raul Gonzalez
Raul Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Katharine Erb
Katharine Erb - 8 years ago
Kelly Huang
Kelly Huang - 8 years ago
Helena Lee
Helena Lee - 8 years ago
exactly my reaction !!
matty burrows
matty burrows - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege you need to mix the water at least 12 hours before putting it into your tank.have a look at nutrifix by d-d..best invention ever
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Jose Yup! ;)
Fox Heart
Fox Heart - 8 years ago
Would a Tomato Clownfish be as aggressive as the normal Clownfish?

If you ever want an idea for something in another tank I would like to see a Jewel Crab but you probably couldn't keep any fish in there with it. They go after everything. We had one when I was little and it was so much fun to watch but my parents had to bring it back to the fish shop because it was trying to catch all the fish. xD
Wolfie - 8 years ago
Me and my dad were thinking to get a pomeranian puppy boy
Sarah Derfelt
Sarah Derfelt - 8 years ago
Moon song!! It's my favorite to play on the uke
MasterFrog7 - 8 years ago
See if your tank will be able to sustain a mandarin goby!!! They are the most awesome fish lol
Jack Lantern
Jack Lantern - 8 years ago
Get a cleaner shrimp. Need some bottom dwellers in your tank
Bro Da
Bro Da - 8 years ago
What do you do as a job?
Bobby Chung
Bobby Chung - 8 years ago
you are best
ApplesThatRead - 8 years ago
tawanna lewis
tawanna lewis - 8 years ago
I really love your vlogs.....you have this normal everyday life,but you make everything fun....keep up the cooking and corgi videos
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+tawanna lewis Aww thanks!
mitian - 8 years ago
Awesome video...
John Cao
John Cao - 8 years ago
@VlogAfterCollege , ryan i tried using the PROMO "GATSBY" but it gives me the error "This coupon has already been used 1 times and has now expired?"
John Cao
John Cao - 8 years ago
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+John Cao Hey John! Got the PROMO CODE to work again after speaking with the Spreadshirt people ;) Thanks for your patience!
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+John Cao I contacted Spreadshirt about this. They should get this fixed in the morning. Sorry about that!
Spencer Gaconnier
Spencer Gaconnier - 8 years ago
Get a firefish as your next fish, and also get some green star polyps.
KaraKitty - 8 years ago
I was happy to hear "The Moon Song" at the beginning of the video. His way of playing it sounds pretty.
Happy Singh
Happy Singh - 8 years ago
flame angel get tht fish or a midas blenny
Akillerd 201
Akillerd 201 - 8 years ago
I dare you to get a tiger fish
Akillerd 201
Akillerd 201 - 8 years ago
Very good vid keep it up
HappyComfort - 8 years ago
Liked your intro with the ukulele and the variety you always put into each vlog. Makes it so much more interesting than some that drone on and on about the same subject. Even though the peeps are really nice. Also liked the fish tank! With the new additions it's really starting to look so cool! :D
Jorge Jackson
Jorge Jackson - 8 years ago
get a coral beauty
Ajay khelawan
Ajay khelawan - 8 years ago
An Angel Fish would look nice in your tank !
Anthony Barraza
Anthony Barraza - 8 years ago
Aw I loved that song from the movie. You always amaze and inspire me.
FeedThatReefAddiction - 8 years ago
Tank is coming along nicely!
bork - 8 years ago
This is the best bday present ever
timmy timmy
timmy timmy - 8 years ago
Bruh  :"D You made my day
bork - 8 years ago
Somehow, it involves math. Don't ask.
timmy timmy
timmy timmy - 8 years ago
+Poopstain Bruh, im done....Your username tho :'D
monika - 8 years ago
+Poopstain So is your username ;)
Andre Warszawa
Andre Warszawa - 8 years ago
Get a shark
Jóa - 8 years ago
Lol u are funny it will kill everything XD
Frostang - 8 years ago
what song were you playing please tell me <_<
R.A.R.Gaming - 8 years ago
Where does he live because I like the area?
Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 8 years ago
What's Gatsby's favorite kind of toys?
Matthew Jimenez
Matthew Jimenez - 8 years ago
you should get a angelfish the minature one but ur choice
squidward tentacles
squidward tentacles - 8 years ago
get a Moorish idol
lidsman22 - 8 years ago
What makes some of the corals cost $500?
Great vlog. Thanks!
tawanna lewis
tawanna lewis - 8 years ago
that song was so beautiful
Melissa Mcbryde
Melissa Mcbryde - 8 years ago
A couple of fire gobis :) My old clown female attacked me every time I put my hand in the tank :(
Random Cat
Random Cat - 8 years ago
2:03 Gatsby: wait before we go I need to kill this flower
Orion Frias
Orion Frias - 8 years ago
I think a crab would be a nice addition to the tank. Or a Peacock Mantis Shrimp (then again though, beautiful as it is, it would probably kill everything that moves). and some things I saw in the vlog, the Starfish from 7:10 or that beautiful looking fish from 7:24.
I Love Jacksfilms
I Love Jacksfilms - 8 years ago
luzzflywidme - 8 years ago
What happened to Katniss!!! :(
rich little
rich little - 8 years ago
finally a fade!!!!!! I'm sorry but before the fade it didn't look that good!! BUT NOW!!!! YESH!
Moonlight Princess
Moonlight Princess - 8 years ago
+0 fks given wtf why would you say that!
Vivian Dinh
Vivian Dinh - 8 years ago
+0 fks given Whats wrong with you :(
B M - 8 years ago
+rich little I rly think he might die soon :/
Ryne - 8 years ago
I would like to see a pufferfish of some sort
The Legend
The Legend - 8 years ago
Nice shirt.
SIIGHHH - 8 years ago
gatsby should get his own line of dog clothes
Lauren Si Tu
Lauren Si Tu - 8 years ago
Gatsby's walk made me smile the whole way, you're such an inspiration!!
Cheryl Reitz
Cheryl Reitz - 8 years ago
love the tank everything looks super clean and healthy with beautiful fish and Gatsby is such a cutie pie
ari nahum
ari nahum - 8 years ago
get a goby
Polskaboy33 - 8 years ago
Congrats on 100,000 subs!!
Brice Jones
Brice Jones - 8 years ago
My favorite fish of all time is the blue hippo tang!! I saw them while snorkeling in Hawaii and I had one a few years ago!!
Alex Le
Alex Le - 8 years ago
Ur really good at ukulele!!
Daniel Spier
Daniel Spier - 8 years ago
Love the intro
ilikecreamcheese - 8 years ago
Do P.O box hauls!!!!!
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
The reef looks awesome.
Willow Hawkins
Willow Hawkins - 8 years ago
Also check out my vids pls
Willow Hawkins
Willow Hawkins - 8 years ago
Pls get a bi colour blenny i have one awesome cheeky little fish
Tsundere Maiden
Tsundere Maiden - 8 years ago
That song in the beginning. I'm in love.
Michelle Chow
Michelle Chow - 8 years ago
That intro was beautiful! Also thanks for the aquarium timelapse :D
Mad-Hattress-Ari - 8 years ago
More morning walks! It was so fun to watch. And Gatsby was so happy during the walk, I loved when he took a bite at the flower. Lol
Kathleen Gumela
Kathleen Gumela - 8 years ago
can you get a starfish for your tank?
Orjo Michael
Orjo Michael - 8 years ago
Right on! You have awesome ukulele skills. Hands down! Favorite vlogger in my book.
SmoothieGames - 8 years ago
+Orjo Michael Right! He's such a good player!
Salvatore Brinker
Salvatore Brinker - 8 years ago
what is your workout routine???
Heather Luu
Heather Luu - 8 years ago
Harris Kramer
Harris Kramer - 8 years ago
I think it would be really cool if you looked into getting a mandarin goby.
Ellie Kahle
Ellie Kahle - 8 years ago
get a surgeonfish!
Reef tankTV
Reef tankTV - 8 years ago
Get a green mandarin fish
Dyranitar - 8 years ago
Is coral alive?
Willow Hawkins
Willow Hawkins - 8 years ago
Yes but they don't have a brain
Esteban Garcia
Esteban Garcia - 8 years ago
Get a dart fish
Soni Redx
Soni Redx - 8 years ago
I dont know if you have done a draw my life video yet, but if you have not do one please ^-^
Lester Raca
Lester Raca - 7 years ago
Soni Redx I
Alex Stewart
Alex Stewart - 7 years ago
Whats the song he plays in the beginning called
Hana M
Hana M - 8 years ago
I kno he does tons of vlogs and stuff but I think he's actually a rather private person and seems to want to keep certain aspects of his life private
小fairy - 8 years ago
Omg please !!!
Digital Doritos
Digital Doritos - 8 years ago
Joshua Fegalquin
Joshua Fegalquin - 8 years ago
I agree! :D
Angela0427 - 8 years ago
thibak rajaratnam
thibak rajaratnam - 8 years ago
ryen how I can send you the email if I am in Canada and you live in calafornia
thefadingmoonlight - 8 years ago
Banggai cardinalfish are listed as an endangered species under the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) red list. They are endangered in the wild because of the aquarium trade. Though some are bred in captivity, most banggai cardinalfish you see in aquariums have been taken from the wild.
Brayden Mowery
Brayden Mowery - 8 years ago
he's buff af for an Asian just saying haha
Kaden S
Kaden S - 8 years ago
Get a goldfish
Isaac TV
Isaac TV - 8 years ago
Ryen I think u should get the fish that fades from red to white that would look so cool in ur tank btw keep going with ur channel I love it I click right on it as soon as I see it and I love gatspy
Matt and Killian
Matt and Killian - 8 years ago
Amazing video. 5 idiots watched this.
Angelica Jazmin
Angelica Jazmin - 8 years ago
This video is kinda different somehow. Maybe it's the editing or something but I love this video.
Clayton SBC Bassin
Clayton SBC Bassin - 8 years ago
Trigger fish
tony Wang
tony Wang - 8 years ago
Thanks for making this video you have made my day and i thing you should have 6,000,000 subs keep making good videos thank you
astromoji - 8 years ago
loved the intro
brock weissman
brock weissman - 8 years ago
Get dori
brock weissman
brock weissman - 8 years ago
I meant the red maul sorry
brock weissman
brock weissman - 8 years ago
A blue face angle fish and you should get an utter caos zoa
TheChudynasty - 8 years ago
Get a trigger fish or a goby!
Hume Nam
Hume Nam - 8 years ago
the moon song from Her, thank you for having such awesome taste in movies and songs!!
yessmile8 - 8 years ago
How can you stay so positive all the time?
Pilar Seiss
Pilar Seiss - 8 years ago
Today I had a very stressful day, I come home and I sat on the couch when I remembered that came out today a new video. And , at the very beginning , I see you playing the ukelele! Your music, gatsby smiling, and the image of the aquarium... you've really cheer me up. Thankiu so much for sharing good vibes, your vlog really help people to leave behind days like the one I had, and its kinda amazing when you are a person who is that far away. Thankiu one more time, and still been so happy like you are :)
Aljaž Ferenc
Aljaž Ferenc - 8 years ago
omg i'm sooooo buying a melanurus wrasse!!! really nice tank dude :D
Sarah Sophia
Sarah Sophia - 8 years ago
I love u so mutch❤️❤️
Isac - 8 years ago
lovin' the new ukulele music!
Stephanie Oh
Stephanie Oh - 8 years ago
You should get a sea horse!
Nihilokkk - 8 years ago
whats the difference between spaghetti? just marketing
Paul Nguyen
Paul Nguyen - 8 years ago
sunburst anthias or midas blenny
ERIKA DOWDY - 8 years ago
A Man and His Dog & Fish Tank!!! great ukelele playing.
as as
as as - 8 years ago
do you have tourettes syndrom or is the eye twiching something else? :P
xpromisex - 8 years ago
Very nice learning that song. It fit well
Mardy Bum
Mardy Bum - 8 years ago
Beautiful music ❤❤❤
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman - 8 years ago
You should get a starfish⭐️
ThatBoiDJones - 8 years ago
Ryen, you are now the vlog King!
James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 8 years ago
Thanks Ryen! You encouraged me to get a dog. Now I have a Beagle named Shiloh that is one year and 2 months old!
Karina Carlson
Karina Carlson - 8 years ago
You should get a pagama cardinal for your fish tank it it works! I really like them. Like if you agree!! <3
Janella71 - 8 years ago
What is the name of the ramen you get from the Asian Food market?
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+Janella71 It's just a Shoyu Ramen. I believe the brand is Sun Noodle. But you can get whatever is available ;)
doubtfuldreamer - 8 years ago
What's up with the area you took Gatsby for a walk? It looks like a movie set or something, artificial. Is that really how cali is?
Little Miss Twist
Little Miss Twist - 8 years ago
Yeah for the Ukulele music!!!!!
Huna J
Huna J - 8 years ago
the beginning part was gorgeous
NMP TV - 8 years ago
The moon song awsome but i think your a little to high mabey tune an note lower.
toxis706 - 8 years ago
Ryen!! can you do a tutorial on that ukulele song you played at the beginning? Your vlogs just got a billion times better because I learned that you play too!! :D
toxis706 - 8 years ago
or maybe just the name of the song?
1withwolves - 8 years ago
Angel hair is thinner than thin spaghetti. not by much, but the cooking time is different (dont always follow the box) since the thin spaghetti is thicker than the angel hair.
Elizabeth Dianne Stravinsky
Elizabeth Dianne Stravinsky - 8 years ago
Joseph Nassif
Joseph Nassif - 8 years ago
get a six line wrasse, flame angel, blue tang, batfish !! one of those would look so good in that tank goodluck:D
Shawn Dunmire
Shawn Dunmire - 8 years ago
Regarding the type of fish you should get:
You like challenges, you're competitive, you should test your skill with a Mandarin Fish. You need to have a good population of "pods" naturally growing in your tank first, i've heard. Seems like a fun challenge, and they are beautiful and good reef safe fish.
Shawn Dunmire
Shawn Dunmire - 8 years ago
Not sure what you did in this video Ryen but the quality of shots and transitions were top notch!
Have a good day buddy!
Joseph Nassif
Joseph Nassif - 8 years ago
make more of these videos!!
Melisa Lopez
Melisa Lopez - 8 years ago
dose Gatsby have a girlfriend
AtReef - 8 years ago
Hello, i love your videos and your dog please check out my channel as well
Gabby_D - 8 years ago
You should get a dory
Alissa Lyn
Alissa Lyn - 8 years ago
The tank at 7:17 <3
sleepyfacedangel ♥
sleepyfacedangel ♥ - 8 years ago
+Stalker (✿◠‿◠)/ ♥ Thought it was cute how he tried to nip at the flower as he walked by.. lol
lildiamondboy - 8 years ago
the beginning had me in my feels
Nerdyartsmart - 8 years ago
"Hmmm....what do I need...what do I need....pinatas?"

I snorted my coffee up.
VLADFUTURE - 8 years ago
Get a yellow clown goby and some mushroom corals.
Nick Walker
Nick Walker - 8 years ago
Get a Midas Blenny. They have awesome personalities
Nick Walker
Nick Walker - 8 years ago
Go follow houesoffrags on instagram! Guarantee they will have some of then nicest corals you will ever see!!!!
Nicolai Larsen
Nicolai Larsen - 8 years ago
Give gatsby a treat from me
carolinah araujo
carolinah araujo - 8 years ago
I'm gonna send you some cooking utensils on your P.O box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darknoob Saibot
Darknoob Saibot - 8 years ago
Awsome aquarium!!!
Gabe - 8 years ago
What you played on the ukulele sounds like it should be in Animal Crossing
Maria Flores
Maria Flores - 8 years ago
its the moon song
YJ - 8 years ago
Thanks Ryen! Your vlog always made my day! I love how simple your vlog, without any other complicated stuff. Hopefully you will continue to keep that 'authenticity' in your vlog! Thanks!
Crystal Kim
Crystal Kim - 8 years ago
Happy family!! Gatsby and Ryen!!
Crimetimegamez - 8 years ago
More aquarium
Lu Qin Khor
Lu Qin Khor - 8 years ago
Get a unchin idk how to spell or a whale
TheDudeNamed Nyles
TheDudeNamed Nyles - 8 years ago
tacoburger5 - 8 years ago
nice ukulele song omg
Joey_6058 - 8 years ago
Get dory from nemo
StardustNobody - 8 years ago
For your next fish you should get a a magikarp
StardustNobody - 8 years ago
+Lu Qin Khor it was a joke
Lu Qin Khor
Lu Qin Khor - 8 years ago
It not pokemon in real life
Simon Tran
Simon Tran - 8 years ago
get the utter chaos zoanthids i think they are cheaper in your part of the world and update me on how it goes
HeatFAN.06.12.13 - 8 years ago
What happened to the other clownfish
JennsDelight - 8 years ago
Get a Puffer!!!
Sigve Barlaug
Sigve Barlaug - 8 years ago
You shoud do a draw my life!!
Ya I like disney
Ya I like disney - 8 years ago
do you have to do water changes everyday on the saltwater aquarium? I have a freshwater and only have to do a water change and clean once a week.
Stacia Hill
Stacia Hill - 8 years ago
No, it's the same.
Phillip DeCheescake
Phillip DeCheescake - 8 years ago
Get a blue fin Tuna XD
5tudent_Loans - 8 years ago
get a lion fish :D
得Naruto祝 - 8 years ago
Gatsby <3
darling0610 - 8 years ago
+VlogAfterCollege What course did you take and where did you work?
Shin's Fish and reptiles
Shin's Fish and reptiles - 8 years ago
This fish tank is really turning out amazing! Keep up the good work!
Planesfordayz! - 8 years ago
Anyone know a corgi breeder in Ontario?
Planesfordayz! - 8 years ago
+Sophia Jackson-Kelso Ok! Thanks!
Sophia Jackson-Kelso
Sophia Jackson-Kelso - 8 years ago
+Planesfordayz! try "Waggyapp" ! It's an app that sets you up with dog breeders in your area and I know there is an english corgi breeder on the app based in south eastern Ontario!
Annica Harris
Annica Harris - 8 years ago
Idk, but i want one! ( i live in southern Ontario, where in Ontario do you live?)
_Mmhmm_ - 8 years ago
Thumbnail perfection!! How'd you get him to collaborate so well
Luptuous Life
Luptuous Life - 8 years ago
Gatsby melts my heart with his big adorable smile... and ears... and butt. ^_^
toolmgr1 - 8 years ago
Get a shark for the tank or a whale
ted vinnitchouk
ted vinnitchouk - 8 years ago
How much so the fish cost
MaestroCygni - 8 years ago
Ryen, you might want to get a couple of gobies for the tank, they are part of the cleanup crew.
Also, a yellow butterflyfish would be awesome, beautiful and reef-safe ;)
Jo Eng
Jo Eng - 8 years ago
Dose it have a kids sise than yes
Jose B Perez
Jose B Perez - 8 years ago
star fish
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
I need you to make me a song with whatever that was u was playing at the beginning. tank is looking awesome man.. and the bowls you use are huge.. perfect size for some capt crunch cereal! every man need at least 1 big bowl in the house lol
Purple Mangoz
Purple Mangoz - 8 years ago
get a juv orange shoulder tang
luca 313
luca 313 - 8 years ago
Get a great white shark
David - 8 years ago
quality, quality vlog, instant like!
mmmollusk man
mmmollusk man - 8 years ago
The moon songggg
Annie Tran
Annie Tran - 8 years ago
After watching this vlog, I immediately went to go listen to the song!
Tyler Robb
Tyler Robb - 8 years ago
3:00 min in, look at Gatsby's floppy pink food receptor
Tactical gaming & vlogs
Tactical gaming & vlogs - 8 years ago
cj pooh
cj pooh - 8 years ago
Thanks Bro! Hugs
MAGA3575 - 8 years ago
you, i like.
Riley Gellin
Riley Gellin - 8 years ago
What do you look like without the spiked hair
Jack Migely
Jack Migely - 8 years ago
Get a Pirhana(plz don't)
TuluBaz - 8 years ago
I love you
AdornThyHeadset - 8 years ago
I think you ask about angel hair vs. thin spaghetti like every other time you go to Target, haha!
Syafiq Rahman
Syafiq Rahman - 8 years ago
2:03 when small kids try to touch the ceiling.
Suyeon Lee
Suyeon Lee - 8 years ago
omg did you guys see that gatsby jumped to the flower? incredible super cute
Majinichigo57 - 8 years ago
You ever think about getting another dog?
Avelina Mendez
Avelina Mendez - 8 years ago
your aquarium is on fleek
Tech Showdown
Tech Showdown - 8 years ago
Awesome vlog, how do you not get copyright pinged for having the radio in your vlogs though?
Tech Showdown
Tech Showdown - 8 years ago
+Declan Corradi Thats true, I suppose cause he is singing over it, its sweet
DasBoSchitt Is Dead
DasBoSchitt Is Dead - 8 years ago
Well he is making a parody using the "fair use" rule so probs not
Crazy Cupcake collection
Crazy Cupcake collection - 8 years ago
I am getting a corgi named timber
Helen Chan
Helen Chan - 8 years ago
Love how gatsby looks into you
littlecatchico - 8 years ago
nice ukulele playing! feels like your editing/filming is improving a lot too!
Paandemonium - 8 years ago
Ever considered acros for the aquarium?
Paandemonium - 8 years ago
a super fuzzy mille would provide some movement 
MaestroCygni - 8 years ago
+Paandemonium I think he likes movement more than anything else, so lps are perfect. BUt, yes, some acros would indeed be awesome.
nmvd1987 - 8 years ago
How do you know all these songs by heart? :)
Kaci Beckman
Kaci Beckman - 8 years ago
i vote for maybe a flame angel, or some kind of butterfly, or goby fish.
Nemanja Mijatovic
Nemanja Mijatovic - 8 years ago
I like to suggest for next fish Goby, Sailfin/Algae Blenny or Royal Gramma Basslet.
Also i suggested to buy ''Lysmata amboinensis'' or my favorite Fire Shrimp ''Lysmata debelius''.
And king of the Sailfin Tang ''Zebrasoma veliferum''

All best Nemanja
nancy - 8 years ago
gatsby looks so happy when he get the morning walk ^^
please give him the morning walk more often ^^
sweet intro btw :D
TotallyNotAnAlien - 8 years ago
Am I the only one who enjoys watching Ryan cook? :D one of my favorite part of the vlogs, so satisfying :DD
Keserü Tímea
Keserü Tímea - 8 years ago
+MaRiE_Ot yup ^^ the foods always look tasty :))
TotallyNotAnAlien - 8 years ago
+Keserü Tímea Right? :D so nice to watch
Keserü Tímea
Keserü Tímea - 8 years ago
same xD i love cooking time parts :)))
Justin Swisher
Justin Swisher - 8 years ago
ukulele song in beginning is "The Moon" from the movie "her" I think.
VACasian - 8 years ago
Time for a new transition, bro!
RageElixir - 8 years ago
Do you still use the G7X? The quality is amazing~
VlogAfterCollege - 8 years ago
+RageElixir Yup, still using the G7X.... the autofocus is a little iffy, otherwise it's pretty nice ;)
DolphinBread - 8 years ago
Planesfordayz! - 8 years ago
Haii rage :D
Angelo Wagan
Angelo Wagan - 8 years ago
Ryan please get a LION FISH!! :D that would be awesome because of it's majestic appearance! : D
Paandemonium - 8 years ago
It would eat most of his fish lol
nancy - 8 years ago
isn't lionfish aggressive towards other fish?
Angelo Wagan
Angelo Wagan - 8 years ago
yeah too bad :/
TheGamingFrog - 8 years ago
True, but they're pretty big and aggressive
Bridey Gtv
Bridey Gtv - 8 years ago
I am learning ukulele at school and learning guitar at tuton what's better
Bridey Gtv
Bridey Gtv - 8 years ago
JOHN CENNA jk gutar
ale es
ale es - 8 years ago
literally one of the only channels i'll comment on to try and help out ryen!
zer0 95
zer0 95 - 8 years ago
this guy deserves an oscar for shooting this, damn that morning walk was so awesomeeeeeeee
Khanh Bui
Khanh Bui - 8 years ago
Vietnamese :)) >.<
knicksxiv - 8 years ago
Ahhh the moon song from her!
ztarbuck - 8 years ago
gotta love this channel
Jesus Ibarra
Jesus Ibarra - 8 years ago
Dog people, which other breed was that chihuahua mixed with?
Toop Sriramatr
Toop Sriramatr - 8 years ago
get a harlequin shrimp there really colorful
zoe g
zoe g - 8 years ago
Such a cute vlog
Spaul Green
Spaul Green - 8 years ago
n1 gatsby the corgi
TheMudbugJuggler 9
TheMudbugJuggler 9 - 8 years ago
Very cool video, as always! Btw, my favorite coral is frogspawn. Star polyps are nice too. Thank you for a great video!
Peter Chen
Peter Chen - 8 years ago
Gatsby's the happiest corgi ever hahaha
yellowfin321 - 8 years ago
You still have the skills to pay the bills with the ukulele :) Fun fact: ukulele is not actually of Hawaiian origin. Its Spanish, most likely a cultural exchange between friends during the plantation era. Why I love Hawai'i even more. Bet you feel the same, Ryen:)
Ashley Nguyen
Ashley Nguyen - 8 years ago
aquarium footage + the moon song = a slice of heaven
PrettyFly4Wifi - 8 years ago
what was the beginning song?
PrettyFly4Wifi - 8 years ago
+mmtastywhale like w/ the whole strumming part?
mmtastywhale - 8 years ago
+PrettyFly4Wifi The Moon Song
Stanley Ma
Stanley Ma - 8 years ago
What background is ryen? i cant quite fiquire it out he looks viet and chinese or am i wrong?
Stanley Ma
Stanley Ma - 8 years ago
AdornThyHeadset - 8 years ago
+Stanley ma He's said he's half Japanese, half Chinese.
T Nguyen
T Nguyen - 8 years ago
The corgi on the shirt should've had Gatsby's signature "what??" pose
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
Mmmm...spaghetti is my favorite! :)
Sabrina Leong
Sabrina Leong - 8 years ago
get a goby fish!
The Fur Monsters
The Fur Monsters - 8 years ago
Your vlogs ALWAYS put me in a great mood, even on ugly rainy boring days like today. :D
Vivian Lee
Vivian Lee - 8 years ago
Ryen if we send you mail, will you respond to us? Also how come there hasn't been any ukelele/guitar footage since your time in Hawaii?! We need more!!
eckojerry - 8 years ago
I love watching your videos! Thank you for posting! I consider your Vlogs one of my favorite feel good channels! Gatsby is very infection! I love your little buddy!
Emily - 8 years ago
Why am I having Déjà vu about your opinion on Thin Spaghetti and Angel hair
amy guzman
amy guzman - 8 years ago
he said that in another video saying that thin spaghetti is basically angel hair but that was like a couple weeks or months ago
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
You should get a firefish or a flame anglefish
mlbelle - 8 years ago
Juvenile Emperor angelfish orrr Flame angelfish orrr Snakeskin Discus fish are all pretty
Lil Mo
Lil Mo - 8 years ago
buy an octopus!
CVRLO J - 8 years ago
Where do you life it's so pretty!!?? Sorry for bad English I am from Switzerland :))
CVRLO J - 8 years ago
I mean when you went for a walk with gatsby
GAWD DAM - 8 years ago
Ryan have you seen deadpool
Gb J
Gb J - 8 years ago
tanks looking great.
not sure if they work for your tank but, a moorish idol would be cool. leopard wrasse. Coris wrasse. Green spotted mandarin.
bubble coral and gsp are nice.
vikintseto - 8 years ago
amazing as always <3
Mwasha Mutale
Mwasha Mutale - 8 years ago
do a vlog about your job?
Jiliean Claire Serrano
Jiliean Claire Serrano - 8 years ago
hi Ryen i am just gonna say that you have to take care of your dog Gatsby because i just watched a movie that is called Hachiko and the dog is really faithful because when he was discovered by his master his master taked care of him and and his dog comes in the train station just to pick his master and he does that everyday and whrn his master died he was very sad and even when the dog moved to another house with the master's daughter he the dog would always ran away from the master's daughter
because he will pick his master in the train station but he didn't come everyday he will do that until nine years past he fell asleep where he sits and where he stays then when he fell asleep he saw his master again in his dreams then when he really fell asleep he died

I have to say it was a true story it this story was from japan and if you don't believe me go and see the movie to see for your self

if you have watched it reply some thumbs up to me ok
Ryne - 8 years ago
Do you know if saltwater fish act the same as tropical freshwater fish? I'm asking because some of mine have died because they didn't have a group or a friend to be with, but your clownfish have lasted so long by themselves so I'm just wondering if they're different.
Daryl Chin
Daryl Chin - 8 years ago
Cook mac and cheese
mary bao
mary bao - 8 years ago
Loving the song at the start! cannot wait for more videos!
J diirtyy
J diirtyy - 8 years ago
Anyone know what song was he playing at the intro???
J diirtyy
J diirtyy - 8 years ago
+James Lee Thank you sir!
James Lee
James Lee - 8 years ago
+J diirtyy It's called The Moon Song, by Karen O. It was in the movie, Her
Shawn Secrets
Shawn Secrets - 8 years ago
gatsby looked way too happy during that walk in the beginning lol
Singly - 8 years ago
+amy guzman I know right that was adorable!!!
amy guzman
amy guzman - 8 years ago
2:03 was my favorite part of the walk because gatsby was like fuck that plant
Dhawal Jina
Dhawal Jina - 8 years ago
marcoscruz04 - 8 years ago
Love the gym tank. Looking huge!
_IISINOFGLUTTONYII _ - 8 years ago
the shirts are really cool
Harsh - 8 years ago
You're literally one of the only good YouTube'rs left. Best YouTube channel in my opinion. Been subbed since you had 20,000 subs. Glad I stuck with you and enjoy every minute of all of your videos. Keep it up, and PLEASE don't change, like so many others!
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
Very down to earth channel! Love it! :)
Wan Tjhen
Wan Tjhen - 8 years ago
Salvador Trevino
Salvador Trevino - 8 years ago
Pink tale trigger or blue jaw trigger
Rea Arvie Fernandez
Rea Arvie Fernandez - 8 years ago
i need new videos i love watching you guys
DSkiter - 8 years ago
Ahhhhhh! I don't know which ones to adopt!
Corgi or Golden Retriever?
Unknown - 8 years ago
Blue nose pitbull
Hana M
Hana M - 8 years ago
Half corgi half retriever
joku hyybä
joku hyybä - 8 years ago
+joku hyybä i mean corgis C:
joku hyybä
joku hyybä - 8 years ago
+Rainbow Dragon yup vorgis are pawsome family pets!
Bryan Poopie
Bryan Poopie - 8 years ago
and Corgis are a lot smaller and in water there but chikes flot and corgis have less engey
thevine2010 - 8 years ago
+DSkiter I had a Golden Retriever as a kid, and now I have a Corgi. Get the Corgi. Retrievers need a lot of exercise and space while Corgi's adapt (single life to family life) and are easy to train. Problem is with smart dogs (and both are very intelligent) is that they get bored easily.
Bryan Poopie
Bryan Poopie - 8 years ago
Rainbow Dragon
Rainbow Dragon - 8 years ago
+Bridey Gtv that is wrong. Corgis are great family pets. Plus you shouldn't judge a dog by its breed. Corgis are really good with children I heard.
sally wong
sally wong - 8 years ago
+Bridey Gtv can you please share where can you adopt a Corgi??? I've been looking for one forba very long time
Marquis King
Marquis King - 8 years ago
Get both of them
Izzy - 8 years ago
Well you can either get a sausage or a golden retriever xD
Lily's Pets
Lily's Pets - 8 years ago
Both dogs make great pets, family or single. Corgis tend to be higher energy than GR. GR's have higher health issues than Corgi's due to mass breeding. Also, GR's a substantially larger than Corgis so that may be something to consider too. :)
Annie Tran
Annie Tran - 8 years ago
+Bridey Gtv corgis are good family pets too
Granny LaLa
Granny LaLa - 8 years ago
+DSkiter Golden Retrievers are awesome but have more genetic problems. They have a 60% chance of getting cancer. http://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask449 They're extremely smart and great pets but they don't tend to live long.
Haker15 - 8 years ago
+DSkiter Just get both.
DSkiter - 8 years ago
Thank you guys! 
I'll be adopting a corgi soon enough! :D
Bridey Gtv
Bridey Gtv - 8 years ago
But if you in a family , you need a golden retriever, corgis are for single.
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
definitely corgi! Goldens drool! lol
lalalaland - 8 years ago
I'm so happy Ryan is over 100,000 subs, he deserves way more!!!
The Fancycat
The Fancycat - 8 years ago
oh my gosh today at school i lost my phone in the morning good thing my friend saw the phone and gave it to my teacher but my teacher gave it only after school ends which i had to wait for more than 6 hours
Anusuya Lodh
Anusuya Lodh - 8 years ago
I amped up the video quality to HD because the 240p was not doing justice to the aquarium.
Kay Mell
Kay Mell - 8 years ago
omg the intro was just the escape i needed
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
I agree. very sweet intro
killer toast
killer toast - 8 years ago
Wesley Muehlhausen
Wesley Muehlhausen - 8 years ago
Get the fish at 7:15
Jay Wynd
Jay Wynd - 8 years ago
Thats a lot off corales rian
Marjorie Mabry
Marjorie Mabry - 8 years ago
I always look forward to your videos!
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
+Marjorie Mabry True! :)
Marjorie Mabry
Marjorie Mabry - 8 years ago
+Yet Another VlogGrrr yeah 3 hours behind me too here in Maryland, but when you think about it he uploads at like a regular time it just seems late to us because we are east coast people lol!
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
+Marjorie Mabry Yeah he does upload late, although, he lives in California which is 3 hours behind me in Florida
Marjorie Mabry
Marjorie Mabry - 8 years ago
Lol they always come out at like 2 am where I live and I watch before bed!
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
me too! :)
Sasha Nein
Sasha Nein - 8 years ago
BEST INTRO EVER!!!!!!! <3 I'm going to cry. I love that song :)
_IISINOFGLUTTONYII _ - 8 years ago
love your vlogs
Lucy Son
Lucy Son - 8 years ago
I have been waiting for the whole day! Since your last ig post
Juliet Valdez
Juliet Valdez - 8 years ago
YAY!!!!!!!! New vlog! Missed ya
Tjandralala - 8 years ago
My dad was so into aquarium 10 years ago and I remember well he liked this Pomacanthus imperator fish (Emperor angelfish) but it kept dying all the time. Get this fish for your tank! It has a beautiful colour.

I am right. People who love cooking have at least 1 cookware from Pyrex. Hahaha. I saw yours.
Paandemonium - 8 years ago
+Tjandralala They aren't the easiest to keep.... but certainly beautiful
Tjandralala - 8 years ago
Oh I did not know that. Sorry, I have 0% of fish knowledge. Perhaps that fish died in my dad's aquarium all the time because my dad didnt have those coral.
Paandemonium - 8 years ago
That fish doesn't fit his aquarium, it also eats coral
One Kitchen - A Thousand Ideas
One Kitchen - A Thousand Ideas - 8 years ago
The fish tank is really starting to look amazing!
Adrianna Q.
Adrianna Q. - 8 years ago
Yesssss right when I watch all the videos in my subscription box you post a new video! Always my favorite to watch. :)
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift - 8 years ago
Love you! ryen! congratulations for 100,000 subcribers!
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift - 8 years ago
And you deserve more!
Meerkat Ratcliffe
Meerkat Ratcliffe - 8 years ago
I've written you a letter I just need to get a 1st class stamp AND an airmail stamp!!
poke noob
poke noob - 8 years ago
do fan mail
SketchyYoon - 8 years ago
Pasta, the easiest dish to make when you're in college xD
VlogGrrr - 8 years ago
easy and yet satisfying! my favorite!
Colemanb46 - 8 years ago
amazing vlogs but you need a girl friend
Colemanb46 - 8 years ago
I didn't mean in a bad way lol I love blog after college
eckojerry - 8 years ago
That wasn't very nice.
Tjandralala - 8 years ago
+Colemanb46 Lol you made it sound harsh
Antonio Miguel
Antonio Miguel - 8 years ago
Lel that's some good ukulele playing skills right there also that looks really small comparing to you
Travis Mitchell
Travis Mitchell - 8 years ago
Get a powder blue tang or powder Brown Tang
pewcrybuscus1123 - 8 years ago
blue tang
Sophia rice
Sophia rice - 8 years ago
dangggg skillls
Budget Reefing with Alex
Budget Reefing with Alex - 8 years ago
love the tank and the ukulele skills :) great work
Joseph Ung
Joseph Ung - 8 years ago
who else gets really hyped for the new vlogs? cause I am everytime
Vivian Lee
Vivian Lee - 8 years ago
Over here!!!
sharon no
sharon no - 8 years ago
meeee too
Joseph Ung
Joseph Ung - 8 years ago
Yvonne Un
Yvonne Un - 8 years ago
Nice ukulele skills :)
Wrath Of Awesomeness
Wrath Of Awesomeness - 8 years ago
A K - 8 years ago
Hurray! New vlog!
Wrath Of Awesomeness
Wrath Of Awesomeness - 8 years ago
Bart_ Thuglife
Bart_ Thuglife - 8 years ago

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