Unboxing a BiG BoX of Fish from The Wet Spot Tropical Fish + A Couple Updates
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 4,539 views
Unboxing a BiG BoX of Fish from The Wet Spot Tropical Fish + A Couple Updates, one on the new 240 and one on the new fry racks. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lrbaquatics Website/Online Store: https://lrbaquatics.com/ ________________________________________________________________ Get to Know Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gUWvEF9FCA Fish Room Tours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2BZe-ERR5I&list=PLrenBs2J6Hs0e0YPZDLgs49W64FnSl9mu Fish Breeding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DQk87sROFI&list=PLrenBs2J6Hs3yjBT9-ufRuWrfK5xoH_Dx Species Profiles and Tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzIyaG8N8DM&list=PLrenBs2J6Hs2Q0za0mb62g96iV8mkC5NE Tips, Tricks, and Much More!: https://www.youtube.com/user/lbknuggs/playlists?shelf_id=2&view=1&sort=dd
10. comment for Unboxing a BiG BoX of Fish from The Wet Spot Tropical Fish + A Couple Updates
Dam I feel good!
My first surgery fused the 5th, 6th, and 7th vertebrae together and that didn't stop the pain. Then they fused the 4th to the mix. It made the pain switch from the left to the right.
They finally said maybe let's do physical therapy and within 3 weeks she had me 100% pain free for about 10 hours today. I must have done something wrong as it came back tonight here but at least I know where it's coming from and knowing she can pop it back out.
31 years ago when i was 16, I hit a pick up truck head on with my 71 Chevelle doing 100mph, the truck was doing 30mph. I walked away from that without a scratch but the next day my neck was all jacked up. Never told anyone and never saw a doc about it. In a few weeks it went away and I was fine. Fast forward 20 years and I did something at work and the pain dropped me to me knees and it hurt just to breathe. In a week that too went away. Every so often I would get severe pain in my neck or shoulder blade but it alway went away on its own.
Then 3 years ago the pain never went away and that's when I finally went and saw a doctor for it. The first PT I went to asked me if I ever had a major car accident and that's when the light bulb went off about what I did with my first car.
I hope you can get some help for your pain. It sucks living with this.
Ps, I also suffer from extreme neuropathy pain from a botched open heart surgery I had 5 years ago. So if I can get half my pain to leave I can then concentrate on dealing with my neuropathy. My body is broken... and I'm only 47.
Love the new tank, can't wait to see it filled and all set up.