Unexpected FISH SNAGGED while Walleye Fishing!!!

Northwoods sets out on the river for a day of walleye fishing. While dragging baits - Luke snags into an unexpected fish and it turns out to be a MONSTER Flathead! Click here to subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2oAR9ZQ --NORTHWOODS ANGLING MERCH-- Trucker Hat: http://bit.ly/2k3WKr9 Beanie Winter Hat: http://bit.ly/2BiFP7H River Warrior Flathead T-shirt: http://bit.ly/2ibLkky River Warrior Flathead Sweatshirt: http://bit.ly/2CAulMY Logo Sticker: http://bit.ly/2ztt5ub ----EQUIPMENT USED FOR FILMING---- Main Camera: http://amzn.to/2fQ0KIN B Camera: http://amzn.to/2w01NfL Photo Camera: http://amzn.to/2fUl86K Photo Camera: http://amzn.to/2gRiCjE Audio Recorder: http://amzn.to/2gJSV47 Lavalier Micophones: http://amzn.to/2gRgngx Camera Rig: http://amzn.to/2h3xaQu Camera Rig Phone Mount: http://amzn.to/2g276DB Camera Rig Mini Ball Head: http://amzn.to/2g22Qns DJI Extension Arm: http://amzn.to/2fUq9vZ Memory Cards: http://amzn.to/2gwfP1o Drone: http://amzn.to/2vqwyqx Drone Battery: http://amzn.to/2wzGTpr *The above links are Amazon Associate links* ----ABOUT NORTHWOODS ANGLING---- We are a few regular guys with regular 8-5 day jobs that stop at nothing to chase big fish anywhere this may take us. This passion occupies our minds constantly and propels us to chase our dreams, usually up and down a river. Fishing has always been something each of us has been passionate about. So passionate that we find ourselves juggling 50 hour work weeks, families and the sport we love in order to put out great content. Our sole purpose is to catch big fish and have a great time doing it. We will document each step of the way as best we can to capture the beauty of the places we go and the raw emotion tied to catching these big fish! ----------------------------------------­---------------------------------------------------- Check out our shop: http://www.northwoodsangling.com/shop View Tomcat Rods website at: https://www.tomcatrods.com Check out Bottom Dwellers Website: http://www.bottomdwellerstackle.com for all of your cat fishing gear needs. ----------------------------------------­---------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Facebook: northwoodsfishing Instagram: northwoodsangling Twitter: Northwoodsfish

Unexpected FISH SNAGGED while Walleye Fishing!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 5,633 views

Northwoods sets out on the river for a day of walleye fishing. While dragging baits - Luke snags into an unexpected fish and it turns out to be a MONSTER Flathead! Click here to subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2oAR9ZQ --NORTHWOODS ANGLING MERCH-- Trucker Hat: http://bit.ly/2k3WKr9 Beanie Winter Hat: http://bit.ly/2BiFP7H River Warrior Flathead T-shirt: http://bit.ly/2ibLkky River Warrior Flathead Sweatshirt: http://bit.ly/2CAulMY Logo Sticker: http://bit.ly/2ztt5ub ----EQUIPMENT USED FOR FILMING---- Main Camera: http://amzn.to/2fQ0KIN B Camera: http://amzn.to/2w01NfL Photo Camera: http://amzn.to/2fUl86K Photo Camera: http://amzn.to/2gRiCjE Audio Recorder: http://amzn.to/2gJSV47 Lavalier Micophones: http://amzn.to/2gRgngx Camera Rig: http://amzn.to/2h3xaQu Camera Rig Phone Mount: http://amzn.to/2g276DB Camera Rig Mini Ball Head: http://amzn.to/2g22Qns DJI Extension Arm: http://amzn.to/2fUq9vZ Memory Cards: http://amzn.to/2gwfP1o Drone: http://amzn.to/2vqwyqx Drone Battery: http://amzn.to/2wzGTpr *The above links are Amazon Associate links* ----ABOUT NORTHWOODS ANGLING---- We are a few regular guys with regular 8-5 day jobs that stop at nothing to chase big fish anywhere this may take us. This passion occupies our minds constantly and propels us to chase our dreams, usually up and down a river. Fishing has always been something each of us has been passionate about. So passionate that we find ourselves juggling 50 hour work weeks, families and the sport we love in order to put out great content. Our sole purpose is to catch big fish and have a great time doing it. We will document each step of the way as best we can to capture the beauty of the places we go and the raw emotion tied to catching these big fish! ----------------------------------------­---------------------------------------------------- Check out our shop: http://www.northwoodsangling.com/shop View Tomcat Rods website at: https://www.tomcatrods.com Check out Bottom Dwellers Website: http://www.bottomdwellerstackle.com for all of your cat fishing gear needs. ----------------------------------------­---------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Facebook: northwoodsfishing Instagram: northwoodsangling Twitter: Northwoodsfish

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Most popular comments
for Unexpected FISH SNAGGED while Walleye Fishing!!!

HoosierbackOD - 6 years ago
Ben Datres
Ben Datres - 6 years ago
Some nice fish there!
Texas Fish Slayers
Texas Fish Slayers - 6 years ago
Great job guys!
Soua Yang
Soua Yang - 6 years ago
Wow biggest walleye I ever seen lol
John Wangen
John Wangen - 6 years ago
Very nice Walleye Jacob! Wow Luke that flatty was huge? Is that a new PB?
FISH ON - 6 years ago
NiiiiCE !!
JK Outdoors
JK Outdoors - 6 years ago
That's a really nice Flathead! Awesome!
Chatt Cats Fishing
Chatt Cats Fishing - 6 years ago
Bill Forshey
Bill Forshey - 6 years ago
Naw below gavin point dam on missouri

10. comment for Unexpected FISH SNAGGED while Walleye Fishing!!!

Anthony Soto
Anthony Soto - 6 years ago
I live where the bridge is
Kentucky Catman
Kentucky Catman - 6 years ago
That’s awesome!!!! Wish we had walleyes here!!!!
pee dee fishing /
pee dee fishing / - 6 years ago
I love ot when that happens. Flathead r still asleep then bam. Got one
Big Easy Quest
Big Easy Quest - 6 years ago
Holy buckets lol awesome video guys!
Peeling Drag Catfishing
Peeling Drag Catfishing - 6 years ago
Good job. Nice one
muddyrivercatfishing - 6 years ago
Northwoods Angling
Northwoods Angling - 6 years ago
Thanks Kris!
DTroFishOn - 6 years ago
That fish sure doesn't look snagged to me. It's not like you were rip jigging like half of the other guys out there probably were. :) Nice catch!
Nicholas Nutter
Nicholas Nutter - 6 years ago
Nice flat Luke! Take that over a white tip any day:)
ron rodermund
ron rodermund - 6 years ago
Sick of the commercials!!!!!!!
Bill Forshey
Bill Forshey - 6 years ago
Thank you
Try ed yesterday for anything. Skunked, water temp 32 to 33. Saw only 2 small waleye caught.
rakeremis6730 - 6 years ago
Bill Forshey pool 4?

20. comment for Unexpected FISH SNAGGED while Walleye Fishing!!!

Catfish Weekly
Catfish Weekly - 6 years ago
Ok that was a great flathead! Pass me a burger and lets watch that again!
Josh Carpenter
Josh Carpenter - 6 years ago
Please don't put away your lures with the hooks in the actual eyelets. The movement of the barb puts small scratches in your line everytime you cast. I'd hate to see you lose a monster to your line breaking off.
Kevin Curbow
Kevin Curbow - 6 years ago
Nice video! I gotta know, what gear did you land the flatty on?
Steve Dingman
Steve Dingman - 6 years ago
Omg stop putting back that great food !!! The females I understand but those males they’d meet my fillet knife
Northwoods Angling
Northwoods Angling - 6 years ago
# 1- Flathead season is closed, # 2- We release all bigger fish # 3- We fish for the sport and hope to catch it again another day #4- It was snagged in a wintering hole and would have been illegal to keep even if it was in season
Chuck Englert
Chuck Englert - 6 years ago
Nice flathead.
Dana Heint
Dana Heint - 6 years ago
Really nice flat, congrats on a great fish, really enjoy watching you guys
Anthony Xiong
Anthony Xiong - 6 years ago
awesome episode! putting P2 on the map!
Utah Fishing
Utah Fishing - 6 years ago
idk how that was a snag, regardless awesome fish!!
Bill Forshey
Bill Forshey - 6 years ago
What was water temp?
Northwoods Angling
Northwoods Angling - 6 years ago
Jeff Pena
Jeff Pena - 6 years ago
Fishing now for blues and flats in Chattanooga

30. comment for Unexpected FISH SNAGGED while Walleye Fishing!!!

Water and Ice Outdoors
Water and Ice Outdoors - 6 years ago
I mean he has made it known he's not big on walleye fishing........
wayne eickert
wayne eickert - 6 years ago
Where is this at?
Northwoods Angling
Northwoods Angling - 6 years ago
p2 and p4 of the Mississippi river
Scotty Hill aka Catfishnfreak
Scotty Hill aka Catfishnfreak - 6 years ago
Very nice catches!!!
Live and cut bait fishing with Jerry And Max
Live and cut bait fishing with Jerry And Max - 6 years ago
Great video nice flathead ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
joebuck66 - 6 years ago
Nice! What a great surprise. Good job man!
Jesse Ogden
Jesse Ogden - 6 years ago
I am a fello fishing YouTubeer it would mean a lot if you would sub to me please.
Matt Mataya
Matt Mataya - 6 years ago
Congrats on an Awesome Flathead!
Matt Mataya
Matt Mataya - 6 years ago
Pool 4 is a great place.
Northwoods Angling
Northwoods Angling - 6 years ago

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