Using salt for freshwater fish in aquariums and ponds

Dr Loh discusses the use of salt in a freshwater pond and aquarium. We describe which salts are safe to use, when and how to use salt to treat freshwater fishes* (*read note below). *IMPORTANT NOTE: some aquatic species are very sensitive to salt and can be harmed or even killed by the use of salt, so you must always research the specific species you are keeping before you decide to add salt in your aquatic system. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this channel and by Dr Loh are created for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional Veterinary advice, diagnosis and treatment. If you have a question or concern about your own fish, please consult a local Veterinarian or professional to address your needs or concerns, or for advice on specific treatments for your aquatic pets. The Fish Doctor Channel does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation. Names are for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above on the channel does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by The Fish Doctor channel or Dr Loh.

Using salt for freshwater fish in aquariums and ponds sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 7,892 views

Dr Loh discusses the use of salt in a freshwater pond and aquarium. We describe which salts are safe to use, when and how to use salt to treat freshwater fishes* (*read note below). *IMPORTANT NOTE: some aquatic species are very sensitive to salt and can be harmed or even killed by the use of salt, so you must always research the specific species you are keeping before you decide to add salt in your aquatic system. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this channel and by Dr Loh are created for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional Veterinary advice, diagnosis and treatment. If you have a question or concern about your own fish, please consult a local Veterinarian or professional to address your needs or concerns, or for advice on specific treatments for your aquatic pets. The Fish Doctor Channel does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation. Names are for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above on the channel does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by The Fish Doctor channel or Dr Loh.

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Most popular comments
for Using salt for freshwater fish in aquariums and ponds

Amanda G
Amanda G - 6 years ago
this is the best explanation ive found! thanks!
Tiger Barbs
Tiger Barbs - 6 years ago
I appreciated the explanation and have always wondered on when and how much to use. I will have to re-calculate for amount per gallon but I can figure that out. The problem that I see with using Salt Baths is that the stress of trying to catch the fish and put them into the bath and then returning them to the aquarium can likely be much more stressful for the fish than for the benefits of the salt bath itself. Most of the time, the fish don't wish to be caught and with the type of fish that I have, they would rather jump out of the tank long before jumping into a net. However, I am thinking that if the fish were first put into a quarantine tank, perhaps that would make it all easier. Again, however, that's added stress. Thanks for the explanation too of the types of salts NOT to use. That's good to know. I am subscribed and look forward to the next video presentation. -- Michael
Akshaya Satapathy
Akshaya Satapathy - 6 years ago
Plzzzzzzzzzz... arowana is so stressed all the time... I don't know what to do...
If anyone will go in front of aquarium or near to aquarium he is just getting mad and scared.. don't know what to doooo...plz reply
AL Lan
AL Lan - 6 years ago
Not suitable for my aquarium/pond needs for now, but solid info. Looking forward to more information.
Gioacchino Galizia
Gioacchino Galizia - 6 years ago
Hello dr. Loh, I watch all your videos, they are very interesting.
I do not understand how long I can keep a fish that tolerates salt at a concentration of 5 grams per liter for improving his immune response.
Thanks a lot to you and to all how like to help me.
Gioacchino Galizia
Gioacchino Galizia - 6 years ago
The Fish Doctor thank you Dr. Loh, thanks for answering.
We are talking about sodium chloride.
How much time I could keep a fish in these conditions (5 grams per liter)?
I understand for some external parasites I could do a short bath (up to five mins) with 20/25 grams per liter.
I am Italian and I’m practicing with English.
Thanks again.
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 6 years ago
Gioacchino Galizia it helps conserve energy, and divert energy towards its immune response and repair.
Salvador Velasquez
Salvador Velasquez - 6 years ago
Very important stuff, thank you for your time and video.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 6 years ago
Great information. I would also mention that salt greatly alters the waters ph which can result in long term ph shock of fish are subjected to salt dips long term suddenly
Gaurav Dudi
Gaurav Dudi - 6 years ago
More videos like this...
joey prince
joey prince - 6 years ago
I had a great idea for a educational video. A video about aquatic disease and how to counter them. I know what your thinking, there’s a bunch o theses videos on YouTube. But there isn’t any good ones that go into detail with pictures of different bacterial infections, how to identify them and which meds work for each different infection . And the same for parasites in our aquarium. With pictures of different parasites and ways to combat them. I believe that this would be a good video and or talk to present. There are far to many aquarists out there losing pets simply because they don’t know how to identify the difference between parasitic and bacterial infections and have no clue what to do with either problem. Heck you could make a 3 or more part series out of it. Bacterial, Parasitic, and Viral infections. Just an idea and I thought you would be a awesome person to make it ✌️

10. comment for Using salt for freshwater fish in aquariums and ponds

Cheryl Clemenson
Cheryl Clemenson - 6 years ago
What an awesome channel! I don’t know how you ended up on my recommended list but I like your video
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 6 years ago
I add 1 tablespoon of epsom per 5 gallons in every water change on African cichlid setups and have always done so for over 5 yrs. Now mostly to keep my fish from getting bloat and giving me a high GH ........ I wonder why everyone has always said add salt for ich if it never does anything???? What about if the fish is all beat up will salt help heal or just burn???
stelthTEN AU
stelthTEN AU - 6 years ago
Thank you. Very informative as always.
Manuel T
Manuel T - 6 years ago
I witch YouTube allow to upload pictures in the comment section! so you can diagnose my fish or give me suggestions
Roberto Abarca
Roberto Abarca - 6 years ago
Awesome! TY!
Veronica V
Veronica V - 6 years ago
Awesome video thank you!
Thomasgolen Golen
Thomasgolen Golen - 6 years ago
Great video, new subscriber here! What’s up with all the Flowerhorns in the background?
buruburu inu
buruburu inu - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video! I always look forward to seeing them so I can learn more tips for my darling fish in case they ever get ill. Thanks for sharing your expertise and knowledge to those of us in the hobby with no fish vet anywhere near them.
American Aquarium
American Aquarium - 6 years ago
Great info. Any opinion about dosing other electrolyte salts?
UBOYAGAMAY - 6 years ago
Hello, my Betta fish had fin rot for a while and I have tried using aquarium salt and as it got worse I switched to bettafix and have been using that for nearly 4-5 months and have seen no improvement. Since 1.5 months ago the tail that was effected has completely rotted away and has proceeded onto the base of the swim bladder. He has been slowly losing blood and is very pale and stays on the top of his tank on a side. I recently read in a site to give fish like these a product called Stresscoat and was wondering if it will actually work for his condition. He is nearly 6 years old so I'm not sure if it's because of old age.
UBOYAGAMAY - 6 years ago
The Fishy Life ! Oh I never knew that. I read online that they live to 10 years so I thought he was still too young to die. The problem is we don't have a fish vets in my area. I really have no idea how I'd put him down anyways since he is quite dear to me.
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 6 years ago
Considering the life expectancy of a betta is 1-2yrs he's probably broken the world record for longest living betta! I would try API general cure being it's a actual medicine unlike bettafix and stress coat which are just remedys or I would seriously consider putting the old man down (if he is suffering)
pOpoY - 6 years ago
UBOYAGAMAY almost 6 years old?

20. comment for Using salt for freshwater fish in aquariums and ponds

Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 6 years ago
Thank you for putting the dosage rates in the video.
Aquarium Sunshine's Valley
Aquarium Sunshine's Valley - 6 years ago
commercial aquarium seasalt also contains anti-cacking agents...
zeon dsouza
zeon dsouza - 6 years ago
Sir can i put coral sand in my flowerhorn tank
The HolyWafflePowder
The HolyWafflePowder - 6 years ago
I just want to say I really appreciate your work man- both the channel itself and the pets you help along the way
meimei chen
meimei chen - 6 years ago
I helped my baby kois because they had bruises so I gave 1 tsp disolved with water. And had them soak in it for a little bit. They are healed
H.C. Aqua
H.C. Aqua - 6 years ago
This is the clearest explanation I have seen. Thanks for the information.
SuperGarbonzo - 6 years ago
Thank You Dr Loh
Rainy Perez
Rainy Perez - 6 years ago
I have Epson salt with lavander is that good to use on my Betas?
The Fish Doctor
The Fish Doctor - 6 years ago
Rainy Perez I would not use anything with additives.
Rainy Perez
Rainy Perez - 6 years ago
Buttered Thanks for the tip. No, I won't use that kinda Epson salts on my babies.
Buttered - 6 years ago
No, the scented shit will kill them. epson salt would only need to be used if a fish is backed up and then it HAS to be pure epson salt
Phoenix - 6 years ago
Perfect, thank you very much for this information! I didn't even know there were a difference between the 2 types of salt, what is aquarium salt usually classified as?

I was also wondering, what are some signs of DGIV for my Dwarf Gourami? Thank you!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 6 years ago
Very good guide in using salt!

30. comment for Using salt for freshwater fish in aquariums and ponds

Badandy538 - 6 years ago
Interesting I thought the epsom salt was used to reduce osmoregulatory stress. For example in the case of dropsy what I've been told is to use epsom salt and not sodium chloride.
Badandy538 - 6 years ago
thank you, will take a look.
graphicsforever2 - 6 years ago
Doc knows the correct salt and how much to use. There is so much misinformation on the internet and among fish hobbyist who think they know because they are just going by what someone told them without asking a vet or looking in the medical books to reference it. I always reference by using the MERCK Veterinary Manual Book which is available to the public. It has reference to fish symptoms, fish meds and how much to dose. There is a whole page on the salt and fish subject and explains which salt to use and when to use it.
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 6 years ago
Wonderful , thank you
Emilo MTV
Emilo MTV - 6 years ago
sumair ali
sumair ali - 6 years ago
My fish r dying with parasites long hairs like on their hole body and theirs mouth r looking chocolate colour all r koi
sumair ali
sumair ali - 6 years ago
graphicsforever2 thank you can you tell me about any medicine for this
graphicsforever2 - 6 years ago
Sumair Ali look up "Anchor Worms” and look for pictures to see if thats it. Hairy could be fungus too. look for pictures to help confirm what it is then look for treatments right away! ask a vet to help too.
sumair ali
sumair ali - 6 years ago
M first

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