Visiting My Favorite Tropical Fish Store!

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Visiting My Favorite Tropical Fish Store! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 92

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 113,323 views

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Most popular comments
for Visiting My Favorite Tropical Fish Store!

Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
Do they have galaxy rasboras?
Nova Animations
Nova Animations - 7 years ago
that's pretty cheap
sean nealey
sean nealey - 7 years ago
Whats the cheapest plants store??
tarun bharathi
tarun bharathi - 7 years ago
i love how in america silver arowanas are like 15 bucks and here in australia their 1200 bucks
Ruben - 7 years ago
so cheap!
ARNE DRAWS - 7 years ago
Mustache at 3:52
FRAZZdoesgames - 7 years ago
I want a peacock bass as a pet
Janny Pham
Janny Pham - 7 years ago
$16 For Arowana @.@ at my local petco.It's cost $50 other fish store be like $62......
Jota Santos
Jota Santos - 7 years ago
I love oscars

10. comment for Visiting My Favorite Tropical Fish Store!

HOMIE Croc - 7 years ago
To small
Waffleiron 11
Waffleiron 11 - 7 years ago
Pretty good prices on Discus and Arowana's. Both where I'm at in Texas are $50+
Adreneline - 7 years ago
wheres the store
lilo saint
lilo saint - 7 years ago
where was this at agian
Gordo Maldito
Gordo Maldito - 7 years ago
Lmao, the reflection. I have that same Guns N Roses shirt.
The Zone
The Zone - 7 years ago
Atmosphere Supreme
Atmosphere Supreme - 7 years ago
Where is this? Blue angels for stupid cheap!
Aquaswordz - 7 years ago
I got a fishing commercial before the video
I'm so shook
I'm so shook - 7 years ago
Dam those arowanas are cheap I see they sell those arowannas for 100 the same size
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
Toyota Prius But those are rare ones. The ones in this video are really common, meaning lower prices
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 7 years ago
1:15 i almost died after all that cringe from that gravel ...

20. comment for Visiting My Favorite Tropical Fish Store!

tsfcancerman - 7 years ago
Ive had some many freshwater tanks but always dreamt about saltwater but it cost so much here in norway/scandinavia to get things for a nice saltwater tank. Always wanted a colorful tank
tsfcancerman - 7 years ago
There might be some big shops that hired a guy who cares for the animals but thats not normal.
Cmoney Dom
Cmoney Dom - 7 years ago
Man I wanna go
Ruben morales
Ruben morales - 7 years ago
Arowana for 16 bucks? Thats an awesome deal. $60 here in Texas.
_Noah_trap_ - 7 years ago
Wow such low prices lol I have never seen such low priced fish in my life
Tee Nguyen
Tee Nguyen - 7 years ago
Fuking Uk stores in london selling them £75 each !!! i always try to ask them if they know he much they were
Donna - 7 years ago
Tee Nguyen £50 here in Manchester for a baby. My LFS has an adult red crossback for £3000 though, no surprises the poor thing has been there for like 3 years now..
Joey Givan
Joey Givan - 7 years ago
Yea those baby arrowanas have to be the cutest I've seen. Thanks for posting, and getting to see some of the off the beaten path stores like that with those arrowanas.
R.K. Beatz
R.K. Beatz - 7 years ago
16$$ for a Arowana I thought they were like 300- 1,000$
Kayla H.
Kayla H. - 7 years ago
Yeah silver arowanas are very common so they're cheap. The expensive ones that you're thinking bout are called Asian arowanas :)
Earl Andrei Luis Luis
Earl Andrei Luis Luis - 7 years ago
R.K. Beats Silver Arowana are common I have a Golden Arowana and ive just bought it $200
Arcmist - 7 years ago
Here in phillipines the silver arowana is just $10 , Jardini is $25 and Malaysian Gold is $30
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 7 years ago
silver arowana is common. the rare ones go to the hundreds and thousands
Paul Kleinhenz
Paul Kleinhenz - 7 years ago
R.K. Beats here in California they sell like 15-60 bucks and redtail catfish are about the same
Ragnarok - 7 years ago
That red tail cat tho <3 and that Oscar is one of the nicest I've ever seen.
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 7 years ago
What's the address to the store?

30. comment for Visiting My Favorite Tropical Fish Store!

Motivated Pain
Motivated Pain - 7 years ago
They have great prices
that fish guy
that fish guy - 7 years ago
I think it's fortunate that we don't have any big box fish stores in my country, and we have quite a few small but awesome fish stores.. Support local businesses ! :)
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 7 years ago
Ahhhhh my favorite intro ever. SO MANY AROWANA
Tori Henning
Tori Henning - 7 years ago
I wish we had one like this near me. The one we have in town is local but super super super dirty
guppy backyard
guppy backyard - 7 years ago
The green fish is a peacock bass
Lam Le
Lam Le - 7 years ago
It gets me livid that your arowana costs $16 while it goes does $55 in Florida.
Suyi Kiyohara
Suyi Kiyohara - 7 years ago
Lam Le Location Location Location
ChrisDaFish - 7 years ago
I love those discus!
Aryan Narang
Aryan Narang - 7 years ago
Who Also thought the thumbnail was phototoshoped
Scarredninja - 7 years ago
WHAT THE FUCK 17 dollars for a silver arowana?? Fuck thinking about living in canada. Arowanas where its at
Paul Kleinhenz
Paul Kleinhenz - 7 years ago
Scarredninja I'll send you a silver Arowana if you pay for the fish and shipping
goodwja - 7 years ago
Great web site setup, will definitely be buying from you in the future.
James Couvillion
James Couvillion - 7 years ago
love the silver dollars
Sergio Romero
Sergio Romero - 7 years ago
The Reef is awesome, and its around the corner from my house.
James Sun
James Sun - 7 years ago
LOL This is the store I always go to. I love this place too. They have an insane selection of fish.
Calleja - 7 years ago
in Australia Silver Arowanas sell for $1100 each !
Haon C.
Haon C. - 7 years ago
how much does an asian sell for?
hugo chen
hugo chen - 7 years ago
Felix Yi lol not really pool supplies cost so much lol a toy gun is triple its price and a small basket ball hoop for pools goes for like 300
Van Tilsley
Van Tilsley - 7 years ago
In nz usually a silver arrow about double that size is 150
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 7 years ago
yea i guess u are right :)
Duck Chop
Duck Chop - 7 years ago
capten murica well in Australia they really protective of there native wild life and they don't want any animal owners releasing non native animals into the wild which will destroy the environment Florida is an example because it has the most invasive species out of any place in the world
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 7 years ago
pets and supplies are so overpriced. and restricted too in australia
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 7 years ago
Are they small or large size?
Seany Dorney
Seany Dorney - 7 years ago
Those silver arowanas are so cheap ! Here in Australia the only place I can find them for sale they are $1100
SoCalMalawi Cichilds
SoCalMalawi Cichilds - 7 years ago
i been here before . im from the Inland Empire . and its worth the drive.
Phil Collins Jr.
Phil Collins Jr. - 7 years ago
They have great prices! 35 dollar for a discus?
Sagara Extra
Sagara Extra - 7 years ago
it's a red Oscar
Leafeon Gamer
Leafeon Gamer - 7 years ago
You should do a guppy project of breeding
Xavier Dreams
Xavier Dreams - 7 years ago
Cheap arowanas

50. comment for Visiting My Favorite Tropical Fish Store!

Paul Willis
Paul Willis - 7 years ago
just went to this store and it was one of the nicest lfs I've been to. thanks for sharing
gameplayer 11
gameplayer 11 - 7 years ago
those arowanas are cheap
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
they have great fish and aqua scape. fun video. tank you
GreenHouse Exotic
GreenHouse Exotic - 7 years ago
i love it you do it right and dont put a big growing fish into a bottle
Ariana Ramirez Beltran
Ariana Ramirez Beltran - 7 years ago
K.J.D Projekt 0
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 7 years ago
do red rummy nose go well with a rainbow fishtank? it's a new heavy planted tank, lots of plants to the sides of the tank. will put rainbow. with some rummy nose maybe!
Jimmy H Fishes
Jimmy H Fishes - 7 years ago
do they have any African Cichlids?
Jimmy H Fishes
Jimmy H Fishes - 7 years ago
JacobsAquarium nice... looking forward to it...
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Yes! I will make a video about the cichlids on my next visit :)
SolidGoldShows - 7 years ago
hey photos! 0:15
sveaplutoner - 7 years ago
Hahaha xD
James Kilgore
James Kilgore - 7 years ago
John Hrman
John Hrman - 7 years ago
lfs by me has every tetra for 75 cents and platties for 88
Jared August
Jared August - 7 years ago
get in to salt water
Eric Luna
Eric Luna - 7 years ago
Looks like thats a cool place
Metal Head 323
Metal Head 323 - 7 years ago
I love that spot the owner is a nice helpful guy. I bought my flowerhorn from them about 3 months ago.
Naurt Jimenez
Naurt Jimenez - 7 years ago
East Los Subie how much did you pay?
Johnny - 7 years ago
At 3:10 was that a juvenile peacock bass?
Nova Animations
Nova Animations - 7 years ago
It's a paco
Triggered Feminist
Triggered Feminist - 7 years ago
so weird to see them as pets LOL
stargirl12387 - 7 years ago
Big Al's is a great fish store!
Akwarium Chudego
Akwarium Chudego - 7 years ago
Great fish :)
Dae - 7 years ago
ill probably visit now haha
kyle wilson
kyle wilson - 7 years ago
If you have a chance I'd say check out new wave tropical fish off of meats and Tustin ave. it's not far from the reef
Mako's Fish Water
Mako's Fish Water - 7 years ago
If you went a few weeks ago, those arowanas still had the yolk sac. This is the best lfs in oc for freshwater imo. I'd rate tongs second.
Mako's Fish Water
Mako's Fish Water - 7 years ago
I shop at both. Generally, I go to Reef for live stock and I like Tongs for plants but they are both the best stores I have seen in OC.
Scarredninja - 7 years ago
Mako's Fish Water i love tongs
SoFlo Exotic Life
SoFlo Exotic Life - 7 years ago
totally agree in supporting our local fish stores. I keep reptiles as well and I support my local reptile stores as well.
The Maniac
The Maniac - 7 years ago
SoFlo Exotic Life you should make Youtube videos you seem kool
SoFlo Exotic Life
SoFlo Exotic Life - 7 years ago
I hope your dream comes true. the hobby needs enthusiast like you to grow.
The Dro
The Dro - 7 years ago
just be careful, some of the shops down in south fl I used to work with didn't care for their animals that well. It's a shame and even when employees speak up they'd get shot down about the way some of the animals are kept. Always support the ones you know are taking great care and have good knowledge of all the animals they are selling and not just a handful.
Shaz Zuan
Shaz Zuan - 7 years ago
I like to see all of them. and I hopr next video will be more fish than before... I'll be you subscribe. Big thumbs up from me.
Rantics - 7 years ago
Jose - 7 years ago
Rantics hello!
j.r.d.l - 7 years ago
that's alot of arowanas
The Rickiest Rick
The Rickiest Rick - 7 years ago
Jesus Peralta
Jesus Peralta - 7 years ago

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