People always ask where they can buy fish. I usually tell them to buy from online hobbyist/breeders. This shipment came from Goliad Farms. http://goliadfarms.com/ Our Main Channel: www.youtube.com/aquariumcoop


Tropical fishing 7 years ago 22,229 views

People always ask where they can buy fish. I usually tell them to buy from online hobbyist/breeders. This shipment came from Goliad Farms. http://goliadfarms.com/ Our Main Channel: www.youtube.com/aquariumcoop

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Most popular comments

Crusader knight
Crusader knight - 6 years ago
Oh well i cant buy fish online since The Post sucks and it Will take +2 weeks
GreenThumb Scapers
GreenThumb Scapers - 7 years ago
Watch the scuds around moss and fine leaved plants, the little stinkers will eat at them.
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
I thought your name waz cory ?
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
Aquarium co-op ?
LyikosW - 7 years ago
I grow scuds in a 1 gallon, in my experience they are hard to kill and easy to maintain. I started by collecting a 1.5 pint jar of Florida lake silt and 1.5 pints of lake water and added a gallon of RO water and it took off. Until recently I only fed light, but I started giving them shrimp food to increase production.
Casey Somers
Casey Somers - 7 years ago
Any chance that any of those platys will be sold in the retail store in the future?
Casey Somers
Casey Somers - 7 years ago
Jimmy of Aquarium Coop I think they would be really cool in a summer pond. Hopefully you have good luck with them!
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
if they breed for for me, it would be likely.
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
Do you believe that a heater is necessary for a tank with some cory cats, zig zag eel, goldfish, and some giant danios??
H.C. Aqua
H.C. Aqua - 7 years ago
I hate scuds! So hard to get rid of. Compete with shrimp and eats plants and plant roots. I got a vid on how to control their numbers, but even that is just control, not eradication. I do feed um to my puffers tho.
bigdreams - 7 years ago
Will cardinal tetras, gourami or Cory fish eat scuds??. I feel like ordering some after watching this video. Been wanting to feed some live food for a while but haven't found anything "easy" yet. Scuds would probably do the trick
bigdreams - 7 years ago
Great video. You didn't net the fish out of the bag, just dumped the fish and bag water into the tank... Gangsta!! (I have become a fan of plop and flop, but I net the fish out of the bag water).
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Yeah, Cory has an auto water change and if he trust's the breeder he'll plop and drop.


Morgana Moonshard
Morgana Moonshard - 7 years ago
I always love this unboxing video! ❤️
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Thanks Sayuri. Hopefully we can put out more on this channel.
Lazy Cunt²
Lazy Cunt² - 7 years ago
no joke im trying to breed some chilli into japan endlers ;D
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
That sounds like a nice mix.. Please let me know how that goes for you.
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
Have you had luck on aquabid with international sellers.
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
awesome platys
Davie J
Davie J - 7 years ago
The good thing about living in Florida is cheap shipping from Fish farms.  I'm also lucky enough to have an Aquabid transshipper live on the other side of my city.
Steve Story
Steve Story - 7 years ago
What type of moss is the giant clump in the tank on the left?
Michael Lou
Michael Lou - 7 years ago
Why is the cost insane? I bought two big crown pearlscales goldfish at 100neach and the overnight from ca to Boston was 75....so 275. That's what happens when you want nice things.
BrettBeMe Fish Fanatic
BrettBeMe Fish Fanatic - 7 years ago
You have any Cacatuoides left?
BrettBeMe Fish Fanatic
BrettBeMe Fish Fanatic - 7 years ago
How would skud be for discus?
HopArt Studio
HopArt Studio - 7 years ago
The platy are gorgeous ❤️


Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 7 years ago
Now those are great looking platies! Charles has also done a bit of writing for various fish magazines.
Bob Caylor
Bob Caylor - 7 years ago
The platys are amazing! Another great vid!
CubbysAquatics - 7 years ago
I love that you are taking another shot at scuds. I think it was the low number that caused them to fail last time. Believe me, once they get going, you're going to be trying to figure out how to reduce their numbers. They make great live recreational food. My platies love them.
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 7 years ago
Those are some cool looking platies! What is the longest life span of a platy you have kept personally?
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
I really like those Platys!
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
fish rule
Chris Hofmann
Chris Hofmann - 7 years ago
Why would you dump their water into your tank.. even if his water is perfect I still wouldn't dump their water into my tanks
wyzemann - 7 years ago
Chris Hofmann I personally prefer discarding foreign water at all times & under all circumstances as a safeguard against my inherent laziness. Too many times I've approached this hobby with procrastination and the "need for ease", and way too often it has BACKFIRED ON ME!
Chris Hofmann
Chris Hofmann - 7 years ago
wyzemann I think it depends on what you believe and or get the fish from.. mine are always imported from german or African from my buddy so I never dump water into the tank but I also don't doing daily water changes either. I've been keeping fish since I was 12 im 29 now and had a fish room of over 22 tanks at one point. I was actually in one of those viewer fish tank video you put out... I'm too nervous to dump water into my tank unless I know the person
wyzemann - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-op Thanks, Corey, I literally took my time scrolling through dozens of random comments hoping you would engage this important topic. We often times forget that you've been a seasoned & professional fish keeper FOR YEARS; yes, some of our religious adherence to hobby rules are necessary for our own good.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Chris Hofmann well most people probably should t add the water because they won't know what was in the water and have auto water change systems. As someone who opens 100 bags of fish a week, you become familiar with what to look for etc. as a home hobbyist it is better to be safe than sorry.
Chris Hofmann
Chris Hofmann - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op oh thanks for the clarification... I have always been told never to do it but you would kno better then I do
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Chris Hofmann why would t you dump the water in? It's it's ammonia my systems are well established with auto water changes ever day which makes it a non issue. If it's disease then the fish are already carrying it. If it's meds, they weren't shipped with meds.

Then there's the alternative by ripping scales with a net and causing infections etc.
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
I hope you and Cory can make it out and film at that farm. Sounds very cool!
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
The shot of the platy was stunning!
Saswati Roy
Saswati Roy - 7 years ago
You selling India?
Gregory French
Gregory French - 7 years ago
Jimmy and Cory I'm super jelly on those Coral Platy. I've been wanting Corals for months, but they're so hard to find in the states. When you're breed out, keep me in mind!


Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 7 years ago
Enjoyed as usual. Great fish.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
The Fish Life the 75g is essentially their quarantine since I loved the guppies out
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
So scuds are gammarus... I get them from a Creek near my home, I have a "colony" in a 5L tank and for me they do well eating frozen sardines and fruits.
Emerald Pets- Natasha
Emerald Pets- Natasha - 7 years ago
Wow that is awesome. It's always nice to know where the icons of the hobby get a their personal fish or shrimp stocks from. Thank you for that.
MacTX - 7 years ago
it's weird seeing someone buy scuds. my 55 gallon dirted tank was filled with them. it was a never ending supply of live food for my fish, they would snatch any of them that ventured out of the gravel bed.
Deacon Erin Kirk
Deacon Erin Kirk - 7 years ago
Jimmy has a real easy stock list lol
Fancy Tail Aquatics
Fancy Tail Aquatics - 7 years ago
How is the best guppies ever going? I want to order from Guppy Train, need to hear from you...
Casey Somers
Casey Somers - 7 years ago
Normally not a huge live bearer guy but I really like those platys, also digging the AC hat!
Harriscovery - 7 years ago
Gotta love these unboxing videos. Although when I saw the title on this channel I was like, "doesn't Jimmy get his personal fish at Aquarium Co-op??"
Nick K
Nick K - 7 years ago
Awesome looking platies! I have a bunch of mutts and I might have to order some from goliad and try to line breed them true, no more muddy colors! And they have African cichlids, awesomeness. Very cool unboxing.
David Booher
David Booher - 7 years ago
Love the channel. Did you count the scud to make sure you guys received 1000?
matt - 7 years ago
David Booher ya, you might wanna count twice
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
I don't want no scuds, scuds is a guy that can't get no love from me, hanging on the passenger's side of his best friend's ride, tryin' to holla at me... I don't want to scuds....

Sorry. I couldn't help myself.
wyzemann - 7 years ago
You're forgiven....it was quite irresistible, wasn't it?
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
Jeeez Cory, I could have loaded you up with female, healthy Endlers!!
Vince Smith
Vince Smith - 7 years ago
This platies are ridiculous!
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 7 years ago
I just got a small scud culture today! It might take them a while to get enough of a population to be able to feed consistently, but I'm ok with that ;) That was really interesting about the plant filtration that Goliad Farms does, wow! I would love to see a tour of his farm. I wonder what his ratio of plants to fish is if he is able to filter completely with plants.
P0HTAT0 - 7 years ago
Do you by chance still have some of that special order packing foam you were thinking of getting rid of? Come the 14-15th I should be up that way and would like to grab some if you happen to have it still.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Nope, unfortunately I have given it all away to make room for the new projects.
Bryan Black
Bryan Black - 7 years ago
Do you know of any good places to get good glowlight danios? I am about to order a good sized batch for my new tank. (I went to your website but it seems you do not sell your fish there)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
aquabid.com is where I would look.
209Control - 7 years ago
Hey cory & jimmy great video! Where would I find those square tubs/ponds??
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
They are known as apple bins I think.
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
I bought my tiger endlers through a breeder...now I am trying to get my numbers up ..
mummaV2 - 7 years ago
Cory emptied the shipping water into the tanks!!!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Definitely. My systems are stable to handle it no problem.


The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
I might try housing some scud's in the sump filter of my turtle pond...see if I can get them to culture in there...
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Awesome! I've heard of Charles Clapsaddle but I didn't know you could order his fish online!! Going to go check it out
russ peck
russ peck - 7 years ago
So, Yeah. Yeah
froggielovelove - 7 years ago
His farm is about a two hour drive from me, are his fish worth the drive? Considering starting a 20L Molly tank
Lars K
Lars K - 7 years ago
Has the heat up there affected your outdoor fish?
fuzzy wuzzy
fuzzy wuzzy - 7 years ago
on outside fish do you need to catch them and bring them in for winter or once they establish are they good
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
I know you love live bearers like I do. Have you ever kept the 5-eyed fish, Anableps Anableps? Each eye ball has two separate lenses and retinaes so they do have four eyes. One pair to see in the water below and in front of the fish and one pair to see above the surface.
SininStyle - 7 years ago
need to give that lawn some fish water lol
Paul Harris
Paul Harris - 7 years ago
You should put the aquarium co-op shirt in the middle instead of diy fish keeper
Dewey Bussell
Dewey Bussell - 7 years ago
Once again crashing it with a nice video the quality of your latest videos are amazing don't listen to the haters
Travis Hemming
Travis Hemming - 7 years ago
These videos are sooo good lately! All the effort and new equipment have really made a big difference, and it's so appreciated. Plus that editor guy is pretty good too. What's his name again....Jeffrey? :P
Dank Tanks
Dank Tanks - 7 years ago
That hat. I need it.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Working on it. Waiting back from quotes from different embroidery places to mass produce them.
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
HAHA. Was it the close up that sold ya? Or Cory rockin it like a cowboy.
Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 7 years ago
nice fish and scuds!!! i was looking at his scuds when Lucas sold me some of his :)
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
So many scuds!! Great prices.
April Wood Art and Pets
April Wood Art and Pets - 7 years ago
Those platies are gorgeous! Hope the scuds are prolific. :)
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Yeah, we do hope they spread and stay alive in the tnaks we put them in.
Johnny Salaza
Johnny Salaza - 7 years ago
How about the best places to find loaches? Clown, Angelicus, Dwarf...
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Do you have koi angel fish
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Where can I find them?
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Jimmy of Aquarium Coop ....yes,yes,yes.....I want them small .....like in the other video of Dean's....dime size ...I want like six or so....I have a 55g cycled tank set up and ready to go.....I want the angels and I have three convict fry in a grow out tank .,...I also need some type of bottom feeder ...would this make a good combo ? I want them small so I could add them to the tank all together and grow them out together....I want to add them all at the same time to my 55g so there's no territory fights ....
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
We have the Super Red Koi's if that counts.
Blair's_ Aquatics
Blair's_ Aquatics - 7 years ago
Will there be a fish room tour coming out soon? Haven't seen one in ages and the fish room looks amazing from what I seen!
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Yes, I finished the video. Should be out soon.
Matt Shaw
Matt Shaw - 7 years ago
Why dont you do any cichlid based videos i would find them very fun and interesting
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
I cannot get enough content from you guys, I've been watching old episodes all day long
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 7 years ago
For health reasons, I stopped watching for most of the videos for almost a year --- Aquarium Coop is the first channel I caught up on!!! Totally agree with you folk!
Esteban - 7 years ago
Ah, the good old Coop binge fase, yup, been there!
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Sweet! Thanks so much for taking your time to watch them. We appreciate it.
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome video cool fish thanks for sharing
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Well, thank you for watching.. and always commenting.. Much love to ya V.Stag
Dan - 7 years ago
Cory, play both cameras. When you use camera 2 it feels awk... like when someone is standing right next to you but you won't say hi. Besides that, Ima Big fan keep it up.
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Those platies are awesome!
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Jimmy of Aquarium Coop
Welcome anytime
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Thanks JW!
Millerific - 7 years ago
This is awesome! Cool fish!
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Yup and Scuds! #Iconcur
KillerCroc Gaming
KillerCroc Gaming - 7 years ago
Do you know if Ember Tetras need to be heated? My room temp is 70 degrees
Cap'n Spicy
Cap'n Spicy - 7 years ago
I have kept Hyphessobrycon amandae at around 20 Celsius, That's around 68 Fahrenheit, I personally think 21 Celsius 70 Fahrenheit is fine.
KillerCroc Gaming
KillerCroc Gaming - 7 years ago
Ok, thanks for the quick response!
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
+Will Harris I wouldn't keep them less than 72 degrees. Even if you're running low temp. They are susceptible to stress.
Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 7 years ago
i love your unboxing vids. Keep up the amazing work
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago
Why thank you John. Thanks for stopping bye.
Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 7 years ago
hi cory
Real Fish Talk
Real Fish Talk - 7 years ago

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