What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby

Lessons from an old school hobbyist. Bonnie has been keeping and breeding tropical fish for over 50 years... wow! She is the OG (old guy hahaha). Bonnie was a huge blessing to spend time with and learn about her life in the hobby and how the hobby saved her through live. This fish room tour will always be one I remember as Bonnie was such a great person to spend time with. Bonnie is currently breeding corys, rainbows, chiclids and some angelfish. She has over 40 aquariums and she isn't stopping there. She even has one of the coolest antique aquariums I have ever seen! Check out some of the other fish room tours I have done: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkj2jEAp8whnpPwljykc6nmXlYUGBp09-

What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby sentiment_very_dissatisfied 159

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 324,339 views

Lessons from an old school hobbyist. Bonnie has been keeping and breeding tropical fish for over 50 years... wow! She is the OG (old guy hahaha). Bonnie was a huge blessing to spend time with and learn about her life in the hobby and how the hobby saved her through live. This fish room tour will always be one I remember as Bonnie was such a great person to spend time with. Bonnie is currently breeding corys, rainbows, chiclids and some angelfish. She has over 40 aquariums and she isn't stopping there. She even has one of the coolest antique aquariums I have ever seen! Check out some of the other fish room tours I have done: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkj2jEAp8whnpPwljykc6nmXlYUGBp09-

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Most popular comments
for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby

Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Bonnie was such a fun time! We love doing these fish room tours. If you want to support us to make more of these, check out our Patron here:
Laurel McClendon
Laurel McClendon - 6 years ago
Does Bonny sell any fish?
Fuster Cluck
Fuster Cluck - 6 years ago
Flip Aquatics

OG you should change to Old Gal.

Youre welcome.
very curious
very curious - 6 years ago
nikko187 - 6 years ago
Buffalo NY?
David Ong
David Ong - 6 years ago
how much her monthly utilities bill cost?
Charlie Sebastian
Charlie Sebastian - 6 years ago
Fairly New to the hobby what are the blue striped cichlids? I thought I heard you say demansoni?
Peter Bell
Peter Bell - 6 years ago
What a great fish room and lady! I had to move 15 years ago, and had to give up my fish hobby. Missing it so much looking at this video.
Marty Browning
Marty Browning - 6 years ago
I love her!! bless her heart.. Im into the hobby myself, with 6 tanks...Couldnt do 40!! wow thats a lot of work...But im also into bigger fish so big tanks... But Im sure when i retire i will have a lot...Its very important that you keep active when your older!! what a better way to do it
Ryan B.
Ryan B. - 6 years ago
this woman is gangsta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin Rosenberg
Kevin Rosenberg - 6 years ago
Wow this is incredible!
Dennis Nakashima
Dennis Nakashima - 6 years ago
Interesting! How old is she, if you don't mind me asking?
Joeseph Wang
Joeseph Wang - 6 years ago
She can be called a legend.

10. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby

Marion Cobretti
Marion Cobretti - 6 years ago
I just made a koi pond out of a summer wave pool from Walmart , 3000 gallons of fun for my koi's.
Smuk Plays
Smuk Plays - 6 years ago
Oh old guy? How bout old gal or old girl or even o'le grams
Irving Jay Jimeno
Irving Jay Jimeno - 6 years ago
I love your videos. From the Philippines! We have cool kinds of fish here, man!
BenReeves88 - 6 years ago
This is in buffalo?!?! Im from buffalo!
Kieran Wasuek
Kieran Wasuek - 6 years ago
Is this guy Canadian? I’m getting strong Canadian vibes.
Amanda Mammana
Amanda Mammana - 6 years ago
I hope to be like Bonnie one day!
Amanda Mammana
Amanda Mammana - 6 years ago
This. Was.......AMAZING
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
She's a DOLL!
Dabbie - 6 years ago
Mister Moose
Mister Moose - 6 years ago
What a neat video and an adorable old fish lady.
Thank you, you just got another subscriber.

20. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby

Jake Schnee
Jake Schnee - 6 years ago
This is so beautiful. I want my entire house to look like this.
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
Too bad she doesn't have a channel/ Seems like a good friend to have. Maybe she needs an intern.
EmmausRoad - 6 years ago
Fish are definitely cathartic. I am 62 and am finally able to indulge my fish habit. Four aquariums and counting. I have a debilitating lung condition that makes life difficult but when I'm at my big natural pond or with my aquariums, I am HAPPY.
Kevin - 6 years ago
Omg most of her fish i never seen before!!
SYNERGISTIC123 - 6 years ago
10:03 Amazed that N. leleupi has not been killed by the pair of N. pulcher....
Sarah Becker
Sarah Becker - 6 years ago
A women that has been in the hobby for 50 years. I love it. I have been in the hobby since 1998. I wish I had a basement for all the tank I would want to keep. I would have SO many question for her. Like, What got her into the Hobby? Did you ever take a break? What fish was your first? What is your favorite fish? What do you love about the hobby? How has the hobby changes and what do you like about the change? I got more questions. I would love to meet this women.
Jizzy Jay
Jizzy Jay - 6 years ago
Gotta love that generation who grew up without staring into screens and phones. They really grab life by the balls and just accomplish so much. I love this bitch reminds me of my grandma and that bitch can cook!
Giovanni Ziselman
Giovanni Ziselman - 6 years ago
this was weird small world I guess listening from Lockport lmao
Logan Nguyen
Logan Nguyen - 6 years ago
Now that’s being dedicated to your hobby
steve rosse
steve rosse - 6 years ago
Jesus, twenty minutes of listening to you struggle to think up a question?  I bailed after three.  Best to prepare for interviews, Dude.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
steve rosse All genuine here :) thanks for the view and comment!

30. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby

Multi Music Art
Multi Music Art - 6 years ago
soooooooo Amazing
Doryismyhero Iforgot
Doryismyhero Iforgot - 6 years ago
She’s so cute!
Hamhead 3
Hamhead 3 - 6 years ago
OMG!! I absolutely LOVE Bonnie! She’s such an inspiration! I’m 60 and am setting up my 11th tank tomorrow and wondered if I should be expanding like this... well now I know the answer is YES! I enjoy the hobby so much... it does a body good!
austinpetemo - 6 years ago
Just 37 more years to go for me XD Her fish room is awesome. I cant wait to have my own some day.
C.G.W Gaming
C.G.W Gaming - 6 years ago
I really hope to be like this when I'm older
Jon - 6 years ago
Bonnie is my spirit animal
Killakay Y's Up ICG King Tut
Killakay Y's Up ICG King Tut - 6 years ago
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
Hi all Bonnie's fish room has lots of fish for sale. You can go to Bonnies sons face book page and ask for there fish list. We do ship fish. "Chris Gifford on facebook.
Thanks my mom is doing well but we have way to many tropical fish. Have to sell some.
Thanks Chris
Darius Hadi
Darius Hadi - 6 years ago
there are so many Chris Giffords on facebook, could you add a link?
Hakim Ali
Hakim Ali - 6 years ago
Bonnie remind me of my late grandmother..she really like petting fish in jar..
Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 6 years ago
fivetengarage - 6 years ago
There's something fishy about her. Jk. Bonnie is super cool.
helene s
helene s - 6 years ago
awesome video! her fish room is amazing!! just subscribed :)
AquaWoman - 6 years ago
Love her! Would love to be able to chat with her!
Heinrich Zeltrohr
Heinrich Zeltrohr - 6 years ago
14:13 Don't know why, but this made my day. lol
Ohhhrrr HUGE problem
hundreds of tanks BUT
the shrimp nursery is leaking!

Super nice video!
Great channel!
Thisisnotmyrealname8 - 6 years ago
What are those plants at about 6:36 that look like green dreadlocks?
Thisisnotmyrealname8 - 6 years ago
nevermind, it's a mop
Nathan Frey
Nathan Frey - 6 years ago
That mop thing is a fantastic idea. I’ve been doing this for 20 years and have NEVER heard of a mop! Wow. What a great idea!
Zac'i Ti'szen
Zac'i Ti'szen - 6 years ago
Wow Finally YouTube dropped me a gem video.... thank you for this I'm subscribed for sure
Zac'i Ti'szen
Zac'i Ti'szen - 6 years ago
Joey slay em
is a good fish Youtuber
I liked catch em all at one time, now he seams to stress out his fish to no end
The Fish Tank Guy
The Fish Tank Guy - 6 years ago
nice vid, thx for tour
Patrick Sherwood
Patrick Sherwood - 6 years ago
Bonnie is legit
mitch rawles
mitch rawles - 6 years ago
thanks-keep it up-

50. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby

Mily Oti
Mily Oti - 6 years ago
What are the black and blue striped fish you showed right after the angel fish?
John Fisher
John Fisher - 6 years ago
O.G actually means ocean grown!
BlackRaBBitz SweetDreamz
BlackRaBBitz SweetDreamz - 6 years ago
Fish and aqua plant help me from bipolar
Jessica Hisle
Jessica Hisle - 6 years ago
Sooo glad to see someone like her!!!
Warhero666 - 6 years ago
respect !
Dom Lee
Dom Lee - 6 years ago
134 people disliked the video. they are the negative people
Trevor Holland
Trevor Holland - 6 years ago
This lady needs to have a sink installed in there with with all the tank slightly higher then and water changes would be simple
Sociedade Etilista
Sociedade Etilista - 6 years ago
I wonder if this lady knows Barcelos, in Amazon, Brazil.
Curtis Powers
Curtis Powers - 6 years ago
Wow 50 years I can't imagine, and she is still using old school stuff to incredible. Those blue stripe cichlids are epic
Kiwi_91 - 6 years ago
you'd think after 50 years she'd discover background, different gravel and nicer scape designs.

im still very impressed though
Ashley jump
Ashley jump - 6 years ago
Never heard any one talk about fish for PTSD but that's what I do for my PTSD and tbi and I'm just now trying to start a pond for me it's been a dream for a while
Brandon Roberts
Brandon Roberts - 6 years ago
No doubt the fish keep her healthy and happy.physically she is doing well I'm sure that's alot of work
MizzzKitty - 6 years ago
Steven Killeen
Steven Killeen - 6 years ago
Totally helps with my ptsd and it was bad when I first got out military
Kimberly Lynn
Kimberly Lynn - 6 years ago
the ones that leak can be used for other animals such as reptiles and furry friends like pygmy hedge hogs gerbils hamsters anything even vivariums ;-) therefore not a total waste of loss ;-) ♥ very nice fish collection :-) ♥
Kimberly Lynn
Kimberly Lynn - 6 years ago
correction ** or loss not of loss and no can't edit sorry :-\
very curious
very curious - 6 years ago
Dave England
Dave England - 6 years ago
I was really stressed going through Law school and securing a job at a firm etc. During that time I got really into fish keeping. I was in a skyscraper looking up the nitrogen cycle and learning all the basics at 25. Buying a tank, getting it settled, decorating it, and getting my fish etc really helped me through that time. Fishkeeping is definitely therapeutic.
daniel1980ization - 6 years ago
great video
Epik Blue
Epik Blue - 6 years ago
Hey Flip Aquatics ,
I am diagnosed with PTSD and what you say about fish is true. I used to have nightmares daily, but after getting some fish in my room the nightmares stopped. If I'm having a bad day my fish always cheer me up because their goofy behavior and dumb looking eyes make me laugh . my fish are cichlids so they are always digging , or watching me or begging for food. they fight alot but i've managed to calm the aggression down and am working on getting a bigger tank soon.
grennyfell97 - 6 years ago
Best retirement plan. #Goals
Julio Puac
Julio Puac - 6 years ago
This is awesome, I subbed you because of this:)
Julio Puac
Julio Puac - 6 years ago
Who does the water changes? (Without a breath in between) she says me.... she is awesome
Brantov - 6 years ago
Very nice you video. I subscribed to your channel, I'm an aquarist, please piss on my videos.
Raj Mohan
Raj Mohan - 6 years ago
wow . i have nothing to say im a fish keeper i am been in the hobby say 3 to 5 months .. and if any one wants to join the hobby i will tell you one thing you have to be patient and you have to take care of your fish
james fields
james fields - 6 years ago
That's great
Deni Widodo
Deni Widodo - 6 years ago
Love her! Way to go mam!
thomas patterson
thomas patterson - 6 years ago
yo you from ohio?
Juanda Kasenda
Juanda Kasenda - 6 years ago
love it <3
TrueCrimeRIP - 6 years ago
wow bonnie isnt much of a talker isnt she? seems so relaxed!
Blue Ehrich
Blue Ehrich - 6 years ago
You're good with people. ;)
Blue Ehrich
Blue Ehrich - 6 years ago
You don't have to breed convicts, lol. Just buy some, they'll eat all your other tank inhabitants and make tons of babies, haha!!
David  Rivera
David Rivera - 6 years ago
Lol old G i love this video she is awesome.
Richard Lagrimas
Richard Lagrimas - 6 years ago
electric bills??
Lolita Garcia
Lolita Garcia - 6 years ago
Can anyone help me with the type of fish at 3:53 please? X
David Fisher
David Fisher - 6 years ago
your fish are great quality, do you sell any fish?
Fish R Relaxing
Fish R Relaxing - 6 years ago
Great vid! Fish are a total escape and relaxation for me every day after work. Also nothing better then getting some pointers from an OG. We easily forget with all the new tech how easy and basic keeping fish can be.
jose vicente
jose vicente - 6 years ago
BEST XI - 6 years ago
So.. she is doing a business ..not for his entertainment
BEST XI - 6 years ago
It's not her hobby she earns by selling the fishes
Anthony Lueth
Anthony Lueth - 6 years ago
At 6:33 where can I get some of those rainbows!?
Jeff Arab
Jeff Arab - 6 years ago
So cool i am gonna be in the hobby till im older Love it
ctophercs - 6 years ago
Bonnie was awesome. Please spend more time with her. I'd really enjoy seeing more videos. She has so much knowledge.
EingeL - 6 years ago
this is absolutely awesome
Thomas Volpe
Thomas Volpe - 6 years ago
Hey I'm adoptable, I'd love to be there.
Jacob Beatty
Jacob Beatty - 6 years ago
It's not a distraction, it's a passion
Carlos Silva
Carlos Silva - 6 years ago
This is one of my life goals, honestly!
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
Hi all this this is Bonnies Son, Just an up date. She is doing well. My mom would like to thank everyone for the nice comments everyone has said about here. A little overwhelming but it keeps her going and she appreciates it, that people love what she does.
To let everyone know the name of bonnies fish room is, "Simply Fish Breeders" When we have to many fish we do sell stuff on EBay and facebook. We are still learning and would like to make a Simply Fish breeders facebook page. Showing everyone what she has going and for sale.
To the person who mentioned about the metaframe fish tanks she is selling some of them if interested. So she can make room for other stuff. She is not trying to make money off this. She just wants here fish room pay for it self.
Thanks again!
Chris Gifford Facebook.com
Bonnie son.
Zaku186 - 6 years ago
Thats even better. you get to spend quality time with your mom, and do something fun. and she gets to stay in the hobby and pass on her knowledge. and i wish i could go but Pittsburgh is a long way away from me. have fun yall!
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
+Zaku186 Hi it is are hobby now. I am more in to it then she is.
I will be at the Pittsburgh aquarium societies fish auction next month.
We are selling a lot of fish.
Zaku186 - 6 years ago
Very good of you to help your mom out with her hobby.
Austine Amandy
Austine Amandy - 6 years ago
She's so awesome!
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
Tim my back ground is the jellyfish my profile picture is a picture of me with New York City behind me.
I hope that helps because there's a lot of Tim Jordan's on Facebook.
Tim Jordan
Tim Jordan - 6 years ago
Chris Gifford is Chris Gifford the name?
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
Tim Jordan jellyfish on my Facebook page
Tim Jordan
Tim Jordan - 6 years ago
Chris Gifford my name on Facebook is Tim Jordan I syracuse new york if you can find mine
Tim Jordan
Tim Jordan - 6 years ago
Chris Gifford what is your profile picture on Facebook? There are a couple chris Giffords ha
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
Hi Tim Jordan send me your facebook info or phone number and I will text you with my info and I will let you know what we have for sale..
Chris and bonnie at simply fish breeders
Tim Jordan
Tim Jordan - 6 years ago
When you guys get a Facebook page going post the link. I'm in syracuse and would love to buy some!
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
Thanks Amy Cupido it is nice meeting you..
Amy Cupido
Amy Cupido - 6 years ago
Your mom is awesome! I live in Buffalo and was cool to hear you guys mention it in the video!
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thanks for the update Chris!
Azgar Hosen
Azgar Hosen - 6 years ago
Fish grandmom
2 - D
2 - D - 6 years ago
"They're all my favorite" ❤️
SeabassFishbrains - 6 years ago
This video is so pure, what beautiful fish and what an awesome lady!
Sonicplasma - 6 years ago
Hi, I love your videos and passion for the hobby. I have been looking many of your videos and learned that for keeping shrimp you do not need to do weekly 25% water changes. You mention that for shrimp you can go Ok 15% change once or twice a month... However, I would like to know how many water changes do I need to do in aquariums were you have fish and shrimp? Which is the best way to keep shrimp and fish in the same aquarium? Can you talk more about that in your future videos? I will really appreciate it.

100. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby

Russ Kinloch
Russ Kinloch - 6 years ago
move your camera slow enough so we can see what you are filming . too frustrating to watch. Shut up a bit also, you talk too much.
Don’t ansa 1, Don’t ansa 2, Don’t ansa 3
Don’t ansa 1, Don’t ansa 2, Don’t ansa 3 - 6 years ago
3:17 basically sums up that fish room with that expression “wooo a a a owww”
Enkii Muto
Enkii Muto - 6 years ago
Put this in /r/aquariums!
JadeRain Hans
JadeRain Hans - 6 years ago
those are some pretty top notch fish
Megan Landsperger
Megan Landsperger - 6 years ago
I need to meet her.
Nick The Dick
Nick The Dick - 6 years ago
Old gal not old guylol
Chuck Keough
Chuck Keough - 6 years ago
Bonnie is my mom's name, it's the most beautiful name in the world.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean.
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.
Essex fishkeeper
Essex fishkeeper - 6 years ago
Amazing woman and tanks!
Chilled Ants33
Chilled Ants33 - 6 years ago
Bonnie is so amazing. If she does decide to get into keeping shrimp, that would be really cool. She has so many beautiful fish in very clean tanks. We can learn lots from her.

The great thing about shrimp tanks is that you don't need to do regular water changes as they are a natural born cleaners. I made the mistake of doing a half tank water change of my cherry shrimps and lost them all that same night. I used to do a quarter tank water change on my 30 gallon tank every 4 days or once a week if there was baby shrimp. I found out the hard way that baby shrimp are even more sensitive to water temperature, hp levels and having very clean water quality. I might get more shrimp in future, but in a different colour.

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing video and for introducing Bonnie, she's such a wonderful and very knowledgeable lady :)
Arthur Andrews
Arthur Andrews - 6 years ago
Grandma has beautiful aquariums
Arthur Andrews
Arthur Andrews - 6 years ago
Y'all are totally right fish helps me with depression
Izaih Paponette
Izaih Paponette - 6 years ago
Janan J
Janan J - 6 years ago
wow, best video I watched in a long time!! thank you. what a lovely lady!!!
Johnos Organic Shrimp Farm
Johnos Organic Shrimp Farm - 6 years ago
So cool! what a positive influence!
ExigennT1 - 6 years ago
i live in buffalo and go to the fish place semi frequently, need me some of those rams!
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 6 years ago
Always love a Bonnie
Mike Gosse
Mike Gosse - 6 years ago
Happy Mothers Day Ladies
Reuben Lalmalsawma
Reuben Lalmalsawma - 6 years ago
inspiring :D
Brian Larsen
Brian Larsen - 6 years ago
Angel fish and tankanika fish dont belong together..
Pappa Shug
Pappa Shug - 6 years ago
@flip Aquatics When I first started keeping fish, I used my fish to help kick a drug habit. I know have been clean for 7 years and I still have the very first fish that helped me kick the habit. I love the this hobby. Just though I share that with you on this video
Mike Piscitello
Mike Piscitello - 6 years ago
Is Bonnie from Buffalo, NY?
Takeaway Aquarium
Takeaway Aquarium - 6 years ago
I love this video. I love Bonnie. I think I will become Bonnie :)
lincolnroad3 - 6 years ago
Great vid. More interesting than public aquariums....
Ash suley
Ash suley - 6 years ago
What a cool lady
tsfcancerman - 6 years ago
I got fish when i worked and had problem sleeping at night before going to work, and the tanks sounds and relaxing view made me fall asleep every night
Huỳnh Vũ
Huỳnh Vũ - 6 years ago
Lovely lady ❤❤❤
JustAnotherOne1 - 6 years ago
man... you gotta do what you love lol... thats the real winner... just got back into the hobby after 15 years... it does help me sometimes when im stressed out or feeling down. bonnie is awesome! love the fish room!
Douglas Jeffries
Douglas Jeffries - 6 years ago
damn nice setup that woman has going there.
paul oliver
paul oliver - 6 years ago
gorgeous lady gorgeous fish
Cranium Rex
Cranium Rex - 6 years ago
Talk about dedication - thank you so much for this tour and interview. "Enjoy the fish" - wonderful advice.
Pamela Martin
Pamela Martin - 6 years ago
That was the best video on fish I have ever seen. I would love to be Bonnie's next door neighbor - the things I could learn from her! Thank you.
El Stealtho
El Stealtho - 6 years ago
Bet she remembers when fish tanks had metal frames on the corners and slate bottoms.
James Bryan
James Bryan - 6 years ago
Name the angel fish Bonnie Blue Chocolates. Get them to breed and that keeps her name sake going.
W4RD1N8ER - 6 years ago
She is living my dream! I would just like to wake up everyday and do this for the rest of my life if I could retire today. If I won the lottery I would set up tanks that I could swim in fresh and salt water a room filled with plants and tanks surrounded by green and water. I love her angel fish huge beautiful fish great colors I used to have the blue angels and I did breed for awhile it can be a lot of work when you have lots of mated pairs.
Chase posella
Chase posella - 6 years ago
Omg I live near you
John Jonesson
John Jonesson - 6 years ago
Respect to the vet. Clean and simple.
旧姓佐藤さん[とまちゃん] - 6 years ago
Great fish room and so adorable lady. I am aiming to become like her from now on.
Galavanta - 6 years ago
What a nice lady.
Honey B
Honey B - 6 years ago
This sweet lady is just pure awesomeness!
Яся Воскобойник
Яся Воскобойник - 6 years ago
Ostravia - 6 years ago
I know someone who has been keeping fish continuously for 80 years and his biggest tip is to try and see things from the perspective of the fish.
catyear75 - 6 years ago
My family had one of those metal frame aquariums when I was little ... I wander what became of it ...?
Grabbel Ton
Grabbel Ton - 6 years ago
Love the hobby hate the noise that the airpomp makes.
Stan R
Stan R - 6 years ago
Wow! I would love to help her out with cleaning. It's my favorite part of the hobby.
Eco Geek
Eco Geek - 6 years ago
As a modern aquacultural expert, I find it astonishing that after 50 years people still do water changes, instead of building a proper external nitrate biofilter and removing those nitrates with plants. Such a waste of water.
AquaticEm - 6 years ago
Love this video! It's actually a coincidence for me because this video was posted on my fishaversary! It was my 3 year reunion of fishkeeping. :D
Mike Blotzer
Mike Blotzer - 6 years ago
awesome. subbed. \m/
Jose Pastor
Jose Pastor - 6 years ago
I love this lady. She is freaking awsome!
extoL - 6 years ago
I love this video! Best video I've seen in a long time. Extremely inspiring! Please more of these :)
about ale
about ale - 6 years ago
love to italy
Gurvinder Parmar
Gurvinder Parmar - 6 years ago
God bless Bonnie and her unwavering dedication.
James King
James King - 6 years ago
Too many tanks causes something I call burnout. I have had fish tanks for 62 years starting with quart jars of guppies. Burnout happens when you get tired of the work and the challenge of keeping them alive.I have seen burnout many times over the years. It is a natural consequence of getting tired of a particular hobby. Some of my fish are 30 years old. Bonnie is an unusually dedicated fish keeper. Full time tank keeper.
Marion Cobretti
Marion Cobretti - 6 years ago
Ya as a former park ranger I try to remake a natural habitat. I stick to ponds that don't require filters and clean themselves. I'm a truck driver so Iam only home once a week.
James Bromley
James Bromley - 6 years ago
Yeah I’ve been keeping with breaks here and there for 35yrs. I think that’s totally natural and life is all about cycles of on/off. Most go through this in most aspects of their life-like my job/ hate this boring job, like living here/I need a change, I love spending time with my wife/ Lol better not type this one. Life itself is setup like this so you don’t get burnt out-you have the experience of life and then bam the switch shuts off. Omg I’ve been watching too much Alan Watts. Sometimes a species change such as her leaving angels can revive you.The most impressive dedication I’ve seen in person to a species was visiting old Jack Watleys discus room back in the early 90s. He had been working with them breeding from wild form to what we have today since he traveled down to get his breeding stock in 1963.
James King
James King - 6 years ago
You have done very well congratulations.
Stan R
Stan R - 6 years ago
James King incredible right!?! I have owned my cichlids for approximately 3 years now and burnouts happens at a point I stopped caring for a while I stopped cleaning or feeding.

I got a kick in the butt when I saw them getting weak and started making changes got them a new aquarium, better canister filter, changed gravel to sand to match their natural habitat I also got rocks, new lighting, heater and everything. I've been with them for 3 years and I would cry if I see them die.
Scott Bridgeforth
Scott Bridgeforth - 6 years ago
Scott Bridgeforth
Scott Bridgeforth - 6 years ago
People like Bonnie Inspired me early on and I reef keep and raise Discus because of People like her Thank YOU
Nonya Busi
Nonya Busi - 6 years ago
Notice the sponge filters and crystal clear water. No hang on back filters. Live plants, no over doing it on decor, nice rocks.
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 6 years ago
I swear this lady is me in the future lol I love fish !
BIG RICAN - 6 years ago
Really enjoyed the vid!
Chang Yang
Chang Yang - 6 years ago
lmao "Cold Marcies"
Amani Battle
Amani Battle - 6 years ago
animals are not hobby you love them and they love you back this made me mad
Michael Harto
Michael Harto - 6 years ago
such a lovely woman
Starla Morgan
Starla Morgan - 6 years ago
Precious lady. Her aquariums are beautiful so clean and well maintained
kalexander777 - 6 years ago
It'd been a lot easier to maintain with a little filtration equipment. Who uses just bubbler sponges on all of them?
lynx2cross - 6 years ago
Bonnie is kickass Awesome!!
tk45440 - 6 years ago
"What are these? ...
"Are they? They look like Philippine Blues"
Okay. - 6 years ago
All of her tanks look beautiful.
Michigan fan
Michigan fan - 6 years ago
Man this lady is so awesome i would love to sit down and talk to her she seems to really now her stuff
Barry Mcclinton
Barry Mcclinton - 6 years ago
Love this vid!!
Denis Ramirez
Denis Ramirez - 6 years ago
You are absolutely right about the fish being a stress reducer. Thanks for the video brother, such a sweet lady! GOD BLESS.
Stephanie Marzell
Stephanie Marzell - 6 years ago
She needs her own channel!!!
Elvenin - 6 years ago
All the tanks are perfectly clean also, cant spot any algae at all. Awesome.
anonymous artist
anonymous artist - 6 years ago
she is worthy of the fishes
james nichols
james nichols - 6 years ago
very cool.
Jamie Aguilera
Jamie Aguilera - 6 years ago
She is life goals❤️
Sumann Raaz
Sumann Raaz - 6 years ago
I am 34 and i have kept aquariums for more than 2 decades. Its all about love. You are so attached with it that every individual fish becomes a family member. Some really grow big n some hatch numerous babies. You keep on adding tanks to make room for them or even build ponds. They deserve that. Lucky me, i have 10 tanks, very big and very small n a DIY pond too with a total of 200+ fishes. I m sure i will keep expanding bcoz my son is a bigger fish lover than me.
Murry Ambrusfy
Murry Ambrusfy - 6 years ago
My tank keeps going green and I have tried so many things any ideas??
Isabela - 6 years ago
She is so cool! I have a tank full of cichlids too! What a terrific fish room!
Andrew Doan
Andrew Doan - 6 years ago
I want to know where she lives or this guy lives bc they sound close to me, I'm in Niagara Falls ny
umberto tucci
umberto tucci - 6 years ago
Fantastic lady...she says the same things I always said about our hobby (at that extreme)...becomes therapeutic and helps you get along with the all many problems one has to face daily...
dope sack
dope sack - 6 years ago
Who the asshole thumb down this nice lady go fuck yourself
Robin Gagan
Robin Gagan - 6 years ago
Yikes I have a metal frame with an African dwarf frog in it. Should I get rid of the tank?
Dexter Macmillan
Dexter Macmillan - 6 years ago
Bonnie is such a legend :)
Wes P’s World
Wes P’s World - 6 years ago
I’d take the ones she’s wanting to get rid of!!!!. Lol.
Justin Brown
Justin Brown - 6 years ago
Awesome to hear buffalo mentioned. It's my home city! Lots of fish nuts here in the 716!
SassyTheSkyDragon - 6 years ago
What heartless souls downvoted 37 times?
Crni Mihailo
Crni Mihailo - 6 years ago
Great room, great fishkeeper, great video, thank you - but - boring fish man, when big platys are the monsters in the room its kind of meh.
Darren Fish
Darren Fish - 6 years ago
This was awesome! Great video and what a nice collection and lady.
al g
al g - 6 years ago
This video was incredible. Filled with knowledge! Its good to hear from a 50 year veteran! I listened to every word!
TheLoachGuy - 6 years ago
Love those old metaframe tanks.
AcuarioSbd - 6 years ago
WoW that last the truth is that it is incredible everything that the lady has, it is a pleasure to know and see from so much experience good video greetings from Spain mate
Quintin Tube
Quintin Tube - 6 years ago
I like this video
She is Nice
50 years
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 6 years ago
Excellent interview she's a gem
Brad Summers
Brad Summers - 6 years ago
Amazing vid. Lots of knowledge from this wonderful women
Guinea pig Galore
Guinea pig Galore - 6 years ago
I have a 40+ year old fish tank but it is still running
Lecodelsur - 6 years ago
amazing video
osmic - 6 years ago
Am I the only one that notices that he treats the old lady like a little kid
Stained Brain
Stained Brain - 6 years ago
I mean that how I treat old ladies. But I also suck at socializing with people.
BrutalRiotGirl01 - 6 years ago
Very cool video loved watching the OG
Big Baller Brand
Big Baller Brand - 6 years ago
Got electrocuted and flew across the room at that age and just brushes it off. A GOD AMONGST PEOPLE.
Sharath Chandra
Sharath Chandra - 6 years ago
Lovely lady.. Respect her passion..
Julie Mae
Julie Mae - 6 years ago
This is so me when I get old..
fish lovers bang bang
fish lovers bang bang - 6 years ago
awesome vedio and fish
Elizabeth Gibson
Elizabeth Gibson - 6 years ago
Wow, what a cool lady, you keep it up!
Ed Montoya 500 Gal African Cichlid printers/diary
Ed Montoya 500 Gal African Cichlid printers/diary - 6 years ago
Inspiration, my 500 gal being built is from tank envy, I have 150 gal Tall, it will be a aquaponics Grow bed Anoxic biocenosis clarification baskets filters hooked to my 288 gal wet dry sump with k-1 Kaldnes & Poret foam & submerged media, edmontoyatrucker@gmail.com
Eli Nettlebeck
Eli Nettlebeck - 6 years ago
It must be incredibly hot in that room.
Melleefrase - 6 years ago
This is so cool. Were you able to help her with breeding shrimp?
R Sublett
R Sublett - 6 years ago
Luv her
Charitha Heshan
Charitha Heshan - 6 years ago
a legend
Shelby Morgan
Shelby Morgan - 6 years ago
Wow, it's amazing to see someone her age still doing what she loves. Glad she is okay from that electrical shock from those old metal tanks.
Pam Espinoza
Pam Espinoza - 6 years ago
Wow she is amazing. I love fishes! They are just so fun.
jootai - 6 years ago
in my old age i have learned that you shouldnt shit in your fishtank. It ll make your hobby a lot more enjoyable.
vis man
vis man - 6 years ago
9:30 name of the fish?
I know that they said it but i dont know how to write it ;)
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
This is bonnies son witch fish are you looking at for the name?
Robin Gagan
Robin Gagan - 6 years ago
vis man daffodil brichardi
majestic cichlids
majestic cichlids - 6 years ago
She is adorable and has a wealth of knowledge, God bless her . Great video
Miranda Elaine
Miranda Elaine - 6 years ago
This woman is a legend :)
Aditya P Sarmah
Aditya P Sarmah - 6 years ago
thank u for 50 years of experience
Carla Jones
Carla Jones - 6 years ago
She can sell the metal tanks to reptile owners. Unique tanks
John Gayle
John Gayle - 6 years ago
Bonnies fish room awesome tour and nice lady!
Alcoco - 6 years ago
This is great YouTube channel. This ladie's collection is awesome! I'm so jealous. This better be me in 40 years.
sorapokeball - 6 years ago
She's so inspiring, awesome video!
josejuan rosales
josejuan rosales - 6 years ago
That's a a one badass grandma! Seriously the dedication this grandma shows is astonishing!.It makes me want to take my fish Hobby to a next level.
Ask For Quentin L
Ask For Quentin L - 6 years ago
This made my day. enough to comment on!!!!!!
daya Ma
daya Ma - 6 years ago
Love this!
David's Fish Tanks
David's Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
great video
Jacob Arnold
Jacob Arnold - 6 years ago
This is the best fish room video on the internet hands down
Avinesh Chitrakar
Avinesh Chitrakar - 6 years ago
Whats this plant called in 7:54 ?? The one stemmed long plant?
Stained Brain
Stained Brain - 6 years ago
It's Hornwort.. I looked it up. I know I've seen it before, I just couldn't remember what it was called.
Sheri & Will
Sheri & Will - 6 years ago
Bonnie is so cute! Love her fish room!
Megatone230 - 6 years ago
Beautiful! Thanks for the awesome tour
The Sleep Tights
The Sleep Tights - 6 years ago
Wow! Bonnie, what a treasure! She's the real deal!
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 6 years ago
Love her
HCBchemistry - 6 years ago
7:10 they look like 2 boys. I had some.
Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown - 6 years ago
I have a metal framed 20-30 gallon tank. How much should I sell it for
Alex's Reptiles/Fish
Alex's Reptiles/Fish - 6 years ago
Damn! Wow! I'm only 21 with 21 tanks.
International Awakening
International Awakening - 6 years ago
So lovely!
Egy Aquatic
Egy Aquatic - 6 years ago
Copper kills shrimp
Big the wig
Big the wig - 6 years ago
What a great lady and a super room tour, I really enjoyed that so much, thanks man!
Lisaa - 6 years ago
got to love yt subs laughing my head off with what it writes
Ray-an ragucos
Ray-an ragucos - 6 years ago
Hands down the real OG of fish keeping! Nice video man! You got yourself a new subscriber :D
Mushroom Elm
Mushroom Elm - 6 years ago
40 tanks? JEEZ! Imagine that water bill when water change comes around!
Craig torr
Craig torr - 6 years ago
Dream job
Craig torr
Craig torr - 6 years ago
It's not a hobby it's a life style to be enjoyed
Sakar Panse
Sakar Panse - 6 years ago
Such a beautiful video to make !! What a wonderful lady bonnie is :) .. Thanks dude for sharing this ..
nickaa121212 - 6 years ago
Thanks for opening your doors to us
Austin Johnston
Austin Johnston - 6 years ago
Shes amazing!
66toogy - 6 years ago
Very nice lady. Reminds me of another nice lady I know. ...love ya' mom.
Sean templonuevo
Sean templonuevo - 6 years ago
She’s an inspiration for all of us fish keepers!!
uNiTy - 6 years ago
Is she from PA? I would love to go check out her fishroom.
BettaJanggut 75
BettaJanggut 75 - 6 years ago
Love the angel fish & the young beautiful owner...
AQUAPROS - 6 years ago
Crushin it fam
Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay - 6 years ago
AQUAPROS nice to see you here
Laura - 6 years ago
I'd love to spend an afternoon with her
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 6 years ago
I just love bonnie! Wealth of knowledge and a spitfire!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 6 years ago
That is so awesome!
Heath Crowther
Heath Crowther - 6 years ago
Elys D'Clar
Elys D'Clar - 6 years ago
Does 42 years (plus import export business) count as being an OG? I would love to be Bonnies neighbor- we could have so much fun!
StripperTipper-405 - 6 years ago
I'd say...
ReeferGil - 6 years ago
Really awesome that you covered her tanks. She looks like she appreciated you.
Dani Kbob
Dani Kbob - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing your fish room with us, Bonnie! What a great gal :)
Aganos Gaming
Aganos Gaming - 6 years ago
Hello and good job ! From a french subscriber !
Caitlin P
Caitlin P - 6 years ago
How cool! I'd love to go do water changes with her
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 6 years ago
I have just seen a glimpse into my future! This woman is amazing!
Goodwin's Aquatics
Goodwin's Aquatics - 6 years ago
give me a heart
Leo Sanders
Leo Sanders - 6 years ago
a pleasant watch, got to see some fish I had never seen before....and dang she keeps a clean tank.
オレンジ-フゥードゥゥー - 6 years ago
Bonnie the OG. I love it.
Deborah Libby
Deborah Libby - 6 years ago
I LOVE Bonnie and her fish room! I wish I lived next store to her. Because I would help her do her water changes!!! :)
Aaden Trn
Aaden Trn - 6 years ago
Those marci/parkinsoni rainbowfish looks like they're both males.
Tyler de Jong
Tyler de Jong - 6 years ago
To Flip Aquatics:

The reason that Bonnie's shrimp tank kept collapsing is because of the copper frame of the tank she was using
Kenny Swett
Kenny Swett - 6 years ago
50 years of so much fun. Happy for you Bonnie. Keep it up :)
Ed Jacovina
Ed Jacovina - 6 years ago
Great video but I'm concerned for Bonnie. If you start a go fund me to raise money to install GFI breakers for Bonnie's fish room I'll be the first one to contribute. Lets make that fish room safe.
Tiffany N
Tiffany N - 6 years ago
I also noticed she had a power strip flat on the floor.
Michael Finney
Michael Finney - 6 years ago
good video i watched til the end
Mike Perez
Mike Perez - 6 years ago
Been crusing through you vids appreciate the quality and info! I noticed your based in ohio does flip aquatics have a physical store front? Thanks in advance
wyzemann - 6 years ago
This woman knows her fish. Every specimen was lively, colorful, and SUPER HEALTHY! Bonnie's Gold Rams were the showstopper; no one on YouTube has a colony more beautiful...at all. She's truly one of a kind in our ever-expanding fish universe. Thank You, Flip for bringing her fish room to our attention.
Bowser from Sonic
Bowser from Sonic - 6 years ago
The fish place in north tonawanda?
Mike Piscitello
Mike Piscitello - 6 years ago
Bowser from Sonic that's what I was thinking. Buffalo was mentioned in the video too. Awesome knowing this lady is local.
Bowser from Sonic
Bowser from Sonic - 6 years ago
Discus breeding?
xSPYDRx - 6 years ago
well, she was shocked. if she was electrocuted she'd be dead.
xSPYDRx - 6 years ago
also that wasn't real texas holey rock, it was resin cast. sold at petsmart.
Brandon Thompson
Brandon Thompson - 6 years ago
Lflower1 Stars
Lflower1 Stars - 6 years ago
God Bless Bonnie! What she can show her grandkids....Imazing Fish Room...what I can learn from her...first tanker here...
Jimmy SirLonewolf
Jimmy SirLonewolf - 6 years ago
Love Bonnies stories.
Hope she learns how to keep shrimps :O)
kennikitty - 6 years ago
I love this lady.
Alkos International
Alkos International - 6 years ago
u talk really well but your camera skills are bad lol..thumbs up anyways :D
jon james
jon james - 6 years ago
Bonnie is such a great lady
Combed Autumn
Combed Autumn - 6 years ago
Lol old lady next door innocently asks the neighbours to feed her fish once a day while she's on holiday... little do they know
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 6 years ago
Why is she trying to spawn two males?
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 6 years ago
She's amazing...wow and the quality of those tanks and species are outstanding
Eric K
Eric K - 6 years ago
She’s adorable. What a treasure.
Dave Giles
Dave Giles - 6 years ago
I just turned 57 and my fish room only has half that many tanks, with no auto water change either, total respect to her, god bless her, I wish her many more years with her hobby
Rebecca Susai
Rebecca Susai - 6 years ago
he skipped the guppy why?!
Tips & Tricks By Q8
Tips & Tricks By Q8 - 6 years ago
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 6 years ago
I'd love info on the brooms. They look cool
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 6 years ago
+dylon davis Hey babes! Long time no see! It is a small world, isn't it? Hugs to Courtney.
dylon davis
dylon davis - 6 years ago
Dawn Ruhl hello stranger
Sharon Buening
Sharon Buening - 6 years ago
What a lovely woman fish keeper, she looks a lot like my mom. I’m a old gal fish keeper too!
Techno Rad Fish
Techno Rad Fish - 6 years ago
Lucas Chen
Lucas Chen - 6 years ago
How old is Bonnie?
dennis - 6 years ago
Hey great tour!
Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson - 6 years ago
Wow u go girl.them tanks are the best.
Aquadad 570
Aquadad 570 - 6 years ago
The three that disliked this video are ridiculous
Aquadad 570
Aquadad 570 - 6 years ago
Awesome lady!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 6 years ago
lots of demasoni thats for sure!
Pranav Vaidya
Pranav Vaidya - 6 years ago
So many awesome tanks..
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 6 years ago
wow! thats a fish room!
HgnCalifornia - 6 years ago
I been watching a lot of videos on YouTube and research a lot! I want to buy my own tank! But before that I want to get knowledge from different sources. This week I had so much fun watching fish tank videos! I am so excited!
redwolf - 6 years ago
i would like to know the state and town she in
AL Lan
AL Lan - 6 years ago
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 6 years ago
Bonnie has some amazing looking fish. Whomever is buying them is getting some goodies. I remember metaframe tanks, but that brass tank is a treasure. Someone needs to get all these long time hobbyists together and let them swap stories... with a camera running of course. Nice video!
Philthy Tanks
Philthy Tanks - 6 years ago
Dammit! Every time I hope you ask or identify a fish you don’t hahahah then when it’s something I know, I’m like “well yeah I know that....”
Cold Blood in Cold Climates
Cold Blood in Cold Climates - 6 years ago
Phil R just thinking the same thing!!! What’s the blue cichlid??
DaFishyGuy - 6 years ago
Just found this channel and I'm loving it your sir got you self a sub.
Victor Diaz
Victor Diaz - 6 years ago
Where is she located??
ren sevilla
ren sevilla - 6 years ago
what kind of rainbow 3:35?
INDIA PUBG MOBILE LIVE Skumar - 6 years ago
Woow 50 year ! Just enjoy it ... Amazing
EJ Fishes 76
EJ Fishes 76 - 6 years ago
Great fish room, thanks Rob!
BillMc89 - 6 years ago
Bonnie, You are truly an inspiration! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jason Clark
Jason Clark - 6 years ago
My favorite fishroom so far and I watch a lot of YouTube
Dylan VonBargen
Dylan VonBargen - 6 years ago
What kind of rainbowfish were they? Gold marcies?
Linda Navarro
Linda Navarro - 6 years ago
Bonnie is a boss!
Groomer Girl
Groomer Girl - 6 years ago
So impressed to see a woman fish keeper...50 years in the hobby WOW!!!
UncommonKIBBLES - 6 years ago
we need more Bonnie Tips
Candy Corn
Candy Corn - 6 years ago
Platronix3D - 6 years ago
Awesome video! Have been spending a lot of time on your channel while my first shrimp tank cycles.
Ella Gregory
Ella Gregory - 6 years ago
What is the VAP ?
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby - 6 years ago
Awesome fish and fish room. Hope you were able to find that fish tank ad on the computer! I started with odd sized little metal tanks like that. They're all we had back then. Keeping the stainless clean, and on the hood, was a source of fish keeping pride. She's so sweet to take all that time with you. You were so respectful and admiring of her. Good stuff Rob.
Hymer Aquatics
Hymer Aquatics - 6 years ago
So great!!!!
Ella Gregory
Ella Gregory - 6 years ago
What's going on in Youngstown this weekend
Chris Affinati
Chris Affinati - 6 years ago
That grandma is so bad ass
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 6 years ago
What a great lady! Awesome fish! Thanks for a great video!
Swhiskey - 6 years ago
I freaking love her!!! Hope this video never gets thumbed down!
Kyle McGlothen
Kyle McGlothen - 6 years ago
I've always wanted to buy a bunch of minnows and see what they grow into. Has anyone ever done that?
A friend of mine did it and a few are actually bass and he grew them into full sized fish.
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 6 years ago
This video really inspired me. Thank you so much for sharing, Rob!
SusiQf - 6 years ago
"The Fish Place"? In the North Tonawanda, N.Y. area? We've been there, if so. Only caught snippets of your conversation. Does she allow anyone to come see her fish room? We'd love to chat with her. We've been in the hobby (for real) for about 3 years. Learning new things all the time. It amazes me that we kept a community 10 gallon going for so many years knowing nothing! Ha Then again, we would lose fish and not know why. Even know my husband was the one who claimed he knew stuff. Now I'm teaching him and he still gets it wrong. He almost killed my royal pleco by dumping it in a tank I was getting ready for bubble eye goldfish. Luckily he saw it was in trouble right away, got it back in it's original tank and it was fine. I nearly killed him! We mostly have different types of cat fish, a couple different kinds of plecos, a few bettas, my 2 bubble eyes goldfish, shrimp and TONS of cichlids!! My goal is to be the next Bonnie! :P We are thinking of having the basement finished or set up a large garage/shed type enclosure in the backyard just for our fish hobby. You're an inspiration Bonnie!! Truly an amazing woman. :)
Big Stank
Big Stank - 6 years ago
SusiQf I live down the street from the fish place
Fuad Jacobs
Fuad Jacobs - 6 years ago
letmeshowyouhow2stunt - 6 years ago
Good video
bxkid7 - 6 years ago
did you guys notice all her tanks are simple
bxkid7 - 6 years ago
You can use aquarium salt
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 6 years ago
What a wonderful woman.. im speachless.. thank you so much.. this is one of your best mate.. loved this tour so much.. every aspect of this tour.. and i to have been shocked by one of those old tanks. Thanks again flip
Michelle Scheer
Michelle Scheer - 6 years ago
This is a wonderful video and a wonderful lady! I hope to be just like her when I get older!!
Matthew Gross
Matthew Gross - 6 years ago
Great video! What is the name of the rainbows she got from Canada? She said they weren't Boesemani. I can't seem to find them.. I'd love to get some for my rainbow display tank :)
TheMRjakob - 6 years ago
wow amazing!! :-O
Janet Whittenburg-batchelor
Janet Whittenburg-batchelor - 6 years ago
I got one of the old metal tank. A 10 gal, for free. The man just gave it to me with a bunch of other fish stuff.
Brenda Morris
Brenda Morris - 6 years ago
Wow 50 years, that's crazy, what a pleasant lady she seemed to be, Rob you are so lucky to have met her, she beamed showing you her collection. There were a lot of fish i had never seen before. Is that green yarn hanging in her tanks? The tanks are so clean and pristine.
Luc Hoofd
Luc Hoofd - 6 years ago
Amazing women
MAF - 6 years ago
Sweetest thing I saw today!! much <3 from holland
Marcia Yother
Marcia Yother - 6 years ago
Best video I have seen in a long time, just awesome!
boscoitalics - 6 years ago
love all her tanks! animals help everyone :)
Bluefish Aquatics
Bluefish Aquatics - 6 years ago
You’re a sparky! Ha! I knew you were cool beyond all the shrimpies. Great trade. I love it.
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium
The Secret History Living in Your Aquarium - 6 years ago
She is my new hero. Awesome Awesome video Rob!
Mark Taber
Mark Taber - 6 years ago
Amazing woman, great tour
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Amen! Love her so much haha
mastiff people
mastiff people - 6 years ago
Fish keeping keeps you young
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Most of the time :D it definitely keeps us going though
Robert Fletcher
Robert Fletcher - 6 years ago
That was so good and eye-catching. Bonnie is such a wonderful person.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Agree 100%! What a woman. I love meeting people like this
Suzy - 6 years ago
I love her :) how incredible to have a lifetime with fish
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Amen! She lived quite the life and has seen a ton. Old School :D
Prateek srinivas
Prateek srinivas - 6 years ago
Best tour❤️
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you :)
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 6 years ago
They look like Philippine blues
Lol. She's a riot
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
hahahaha I know, right? She had me cracking up
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 6 years ago
When you askef her how she got through life I had the funniest feeling she was going to say "Smoked Tarrington's." What a great gal Thank you so much for the interview and tell her we wish her all the best.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
hahaha that's funny! I will definitely tell her when I see her next :)
Viola Hops a lot
Viola Hops a lot - 6 years ago
That was a fun video. It's nice to see that people enjoy that hobby for such a long time
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you :) I agree, it is so good to see.
Magz 123
Magz 123 - 6 years ago
The tanks are amazing. So clean and crystal cool. Bonnie you rock
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
For an older gal, she gets things done!
Magz 123
Magz 123 - 6 years ago
Clean and crystal clear!
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 6 years ago
I love Old G fishroom tours, as others have said, Bonnie has forgotten more about fishkeeping and breeding than I will ever learn, and done it all without benefit of the internet back in the day. THESE are the folks we need to learn from.
Emie Togonon
Emie Togonon - 6 years ago
did she sell sometimes ? another type of income
El rey
El rey - 6 years ago
Are you saying that you're stupid?
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Amen! She has so much knowledge and learned everything through trial and error then through others in fish clubs. Such a different generation and so much to learn from them.
karen peppe
karen peppe - 6 years ago
Isn’t she a pip! What a doll. A living treasure ! She warmed my heart! It’s nice to see such an experienced woman fish keeper. I love her tanks and fish room. Beautiful.
I love those Angels! Oh the gold ram tank is beautiful !
karen peppe
karen peppe - 6 years ago
Flip Aquatics - LupDiesel yes it is! It’s wonderful that she is doing something SHE loves all this time! Such an inspiration !
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
hahah I love her! Such a sweet heart! It is good to see old school gals being experts in this hobby
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 6 years ago
Man I picked up a few tips..... wow
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Great to hear! Learning from a generation that won't be around for forever.
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 6 years ago
Incredible fish room......
Riley Bordelon
Riley Bordelon - 6 years ago
Great tour, I regret that I have but one "like" to give!
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
haha thank you so much Riley!
Bentley Pascoe
Bentley Pascoe - 6 years ago
Love this fish room and nice to see another fellow rainbowfish fan. Those Daphodil Brichardi though, the color and trailers are amazing on the males.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Traveling the world for all the good stuff :D Thanks for the comment!
klcpca - 6 years ago
Wow!!! The amount of knowledge in her head!! Folks like her are a treasure in the hobby....she has probably forgotten more than many will ever know!!! And the changes she has seen!! Loved the old tanks!!! Thank you Bonnie and Rob for the tour!! :)
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you for watching!~ She was amazing! What a great time and you're right, the amount of knowledge is so immense! These are the types of tours I love.
Heather Nielsen - Scarlet Aquatics
Heather Nielsen - Scarlet Aquatics - 6 years ago
Bonnie is amazing! So is her fishroom! :-)
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you Heather! Bonnie will love reading these comments
The Aquarium Noob
The Aquarium Noob - 6 years ago
This was cool! What an awesome lady!
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Amen! haha She was such an amazing person!
Mars World
Mars World - 6 years ago
Awesome video. I wanna be like Bonnie when I grow up.
Mars World
Mars World - 6 years ago
Flip Aquatics - LupDiesel I've had fish of and on for about 33 years . Currently on. have 3 tanks.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
haha keep with the hobby, you will :)
Chris Meredith
Chris Meredith - 6 years ago
Really enjoyed that tour! Bonnie's such a sweetheart :)
Chris Meredith
Chris Meredith - 6 years ago
You're quite welcome Rob.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
She is :) Thanks for watching Chris!
Tanner M
Tanner M - 6 years ago
That shock probably got her heart running really really good. She reminds me of my grandmother how she talks.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
hahaha you're probably right! Poor thing though. She had some hilarious stories.
Mahitha Reddy
Mahitha Reddy - 6 years ago
Bonnie is such a lovely lady
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
She truly is! Loved her so much!
Ruben - 6 years ago
Wow she has a great looking fish room. Her fish water is nice and clear no yellowing that means she does her water changes. You can deffinetly learn a lot from her. Thanks for sharing the video.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
8 hours of maintenance each day... how incredible! She is definitely someone we can all learn a lot from!
Alex Royster
Alex Royster - 6 years ago
Great video!
Chris Gifford
Chris Gifford - 6 years ago
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you Alex :)
Priscilla MK Art
Priscilla MK Art - 6 years ago
Awww she's adorable.
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
hahaha i love her :D
Martin Ramirez
Martin Ramirez - 6 years ago
Awesome tour!!! Thanx for sharing...
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you Martin :)
Craig Francis
Craig Francis - 6 years ago
I love this lady!
Craig Francis
Craig Francis - 6 years ago
I have family in Ohio, I wish I could work with yall. Such a positive attitude and all the building and aquariums.... dream come true lol
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
You and me both Craig!
V. Stag
V. Stag - 6 years ago
Awesome video Thanks for sharing #FishFam #NJAE18
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you V. Stag :) Good to see you brother!
044 Aquatics
044 Aquatics - 6 years ago
Great fish room
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you :)
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
No awesome LEGENDERY
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Legendary fish room tour :)
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
She was awesome! What a great time it was :)
Villiam Yaj
Villiam Yaj - 6 years ago
Wow amazing so many tanks
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
For an old lady, she gets it done!~
K-reef Aquarium hobby
K-reef Aquarium hobby - 6 years ago
Bumpy - 6 years ago
Gather her knowledge, the people in the hobby this long are infinitely better then the opinionated forums or most books. Ty for the videos!
Carlos Silva
Carlos Silva - 6 years ago
Yes! The knowledge possessed by these aquarist veterans must be preserved
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Amen! I love learning and hearing experience from the people who started this hobby for people like me. Love Bonnie! Thanks for commenting!
RogueBun - 6 years ago
0:50 into this video and I already like this lady lol
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
hahahaha I agree 100%. She had me cracking up like crazy.
fish_geek9 9
fish_geek9 9 - 6 years ago
Oh wow
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
haha I love it :)
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 6 years ago
Only 2 minutes in and it's already amazing!! Bonnie is so cool!
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
I love her so much haha I smiled so much editing this video :)
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Nice video
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Your welcome
Flip Aquatics
Flip Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thank you :)
Catfish Aquatics
Catfish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Hey flip

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