What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 324,339 views
Lessons from an old school hobbyist. Bonnie has been keeping and breeding tropical fish for over 50 years... wow! She is the OG (old guy hahaha). Bonnie was a huge blessing to spend time with and learn about her life in the hobby and how the hobby saved her through live. This fish room tour will always be one I remember as Bonnie was such a great person to spend time with. Bonnie is currently breeding corys, rainbows, chiclids and some angelfish. She has over 40 aquariums and she isn't stopping there. She even has one of the coolest antique aquariums I have ever seen! Check out some of the other fish room tours I have done: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkj2jEAp8whnpPwljykc6nmXlYUGBp09-
OG you should change to Old Gal.
Youre welcome.
10. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby
Thank you, you just got another subscriber.
20. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby
30. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby
Thanks my mom is doing well but we have way to many tropical fish. Have to sell some.
Thanks Chris
Ohhhrrr HUGE problem
hundreds of tanks BUT
the shrimp nursery is leaking!
Super nice video!
Great channel!
is a good fish Youtuber
I liked catch em all at one time, now he seams to stress out his fish to no end
50. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby
im still very impressed though
I am diagnosed with PTSD and what you say about fish is true. I used to have nightmares daily, but after getting some fish in my room the nightmares stopped. If I'm having a bad day my fish always cheer me up because their goofy behavior and dumb looking eyes make me laugh . my fish are cichlids so they are always digging , or watching me or begging for food. they fight alot but i've managed to calm the aggression down and am working on getting a bigger tank soon.
To let everyone know the name of bonnies fish room is, "Simply Fish Breeders" When we have to many fish we do sell stuff on EBay and facebook. We are still learning and would like to make a Simply Fish breeders facebook page. Showing everyone what she has going and for sale.
To the person who mentioned about the metaframe fish tanks she is selling some of them if interested. So she can make room for other stuff. She is not trying to make money off this. She just wants here fish room pay for it self.
Thanks again!
Chris Gifford Facebook.com
Bonnie son.
I will be at the Pittsburgh aquarium societies fish auction next month.
We are selling a lot of fish.
I hope that helps because there's a lot of Tim Jordan's on Facebook.
Chris and bonnie at simply fish breeders
100. comment for What She Keeps in Her Fish Room after 50 Years in the Hobby
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean.
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.
The great thing about shrimp tanks is that you don't need to do regular water changes as they are a natural born cleaners. I made the mistake of doing a half tank water change of my cherry shrimps and lost them all that same night. I used to do a quarter tank water change on my 30 gallon tank every 4 days or once a week if there was baby shrimp. I found out the hard way that baby shrimp are even more sensitive to water temperature, hp levels and having very clean water quality. I might get more shrimp in future, but in a different colour.
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing video and for introducing Bonnie, she's such a wonderful and very knowledgeable lady :)
I got a kick in the butt when I saw them getting weak and started making changes got them a new aquarium, better canister filter, changed gravel to sand to match their natural habitat I also got rocks, new lighting, heater and everything. I've been with them for 3 years and I would cry if I see them die.
"Are they? They look like Philippine Blues"
She is Nice
50 years
I know that they said it but i dont know how to write it ;)
The reason that Bonnie's shrimp tank kept collapsing is because of the copper frame of the tank she was using
Hope she learns how to keep shrimps :O)
A friend of mine did it and a few are actually bass and he grew them into full sized fish.
Lol. She's a riot
I love those Angels! Oh the gold ram tank is beautiful !