how to set up a nano fish tank (office aquarium)

hot to set up a nano (small) tropical fish tank. music : SANDR - Frozen voices
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Most popular comments
for how to set up a nano fish tank (office aquarium)

Bradley H. Vlogs
Bradley H. Vlogs - 6 years ago
Guys chill he could’ve waited then filmed the rest of the video so it’s cycled and what if he was adding some of the water that comes in jugs at the pet store or conditioned water that was token care of out of the tank
FRZ FAB - 7 years ago
sigh ... another torture chamber
Gabriel Collins
Gabriel Collins - 7 years ago
way too small for neon tetras, maybe shrimp or Killy fish, or Chili Rasbora
H Hoveyda
H Hoveyda - 7 years ago
And the fish start dying as you did not add any chemicals to remove ammonia,chlorine and cholaramine..,nitrates. Unless you`ve forgotten to add it to the video.
The Choco Man
The Choco Man - 7 years ago
Neons are no nanos
jayden chow
jayden chow - 7 years ago
What tank is it like brand
Jvian Gonzalez
Jvian Gonzalez - 7 years ago
That tank is better for cherry shrimp
Jvian Gonzalez
Jvian Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Don't listen to this guy
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga - 7 years ago

10. comment for how to set up a nano fish tank (office aquarium)

brynsta - 7 years ago
Cloclo's Life I worked at the shop that's why I used the water from their, i also used mature filter media from the shop but yes a tank should be cycled. This tank has since been used as a shrimp tank and a beta tank. These fish were returned to the shop after a few weeks as it was just for the purpose of this video. But I agree with your concerns. When I made this video I was still learning about YouTube and making videos and I mist bits of by accident. It wasn't that I didn't take care of the animals. Thanks for the comments :)
Cloclo’s Life
Cloclo’s Life - 7 years ago
Also no nitrogen cycle or water conditioner which is very mandatory bc it allows the tank to be fully ready and cycled along with no Chemicals or led or anything that may be in in filtered water with what you did so far the poor fish may die
Cloclo’s Life
Cloclo’s Life - 7 years ago
Maybe it would be better just to have like 1 small beta female fish or make that into a shrimp tank I personally think there’s not enough room for those fish when they all get older all 7 will just be to crowded so maybe I would suggest a shrimp tank instead
hitman harvey
hitman harvey - 7 years ago
This is the tank I thinking about to get
Patton Janssen
Patton Janssen - 6 years ago
what tank is it?
my awesoms pets
my awesoms pets - 7 years ago
seow mingjie
seow mingjie - 7 years ago
nothing is special ,LOL...haha!
Julia C
Julia C - 7 years ago
Neon tetras are not nano fish
Hannah The Banana
Hannah The Banana - 7 years ago
Guys you never know if he cycled it or not he could have just done it off camera.
trixi. Com
trixi. Com - 7 years ago
I Like that then he buy that the First he fo is Take all the filtration out But it was ready
The Penta Gamerz
The Penta Gamerz - 7 years ago
for better lok add led lihts its good for the plants and the look.

20. comment for how to set up a nano fish tank (office aquarium)

Queen of kings
Queen of kings - 7 years ago
Your supposed to wash the sand
Lothian Fishkeeper channel
Lothian Fishkeeper channel - 7 years ago
I love nano setups! you make this one seem so simple - Ive just subscribed.
Hovnou787 - 7 years ago
Never put the fish store water in your tank, the only fish you can really put in that is a pea puffer, bumblebee goby, and chili ras boras (2 or 3 of one species)
brynsta - 7 years ago
+Hovnou787 I worked at the store at the time so knew what the parameters were
Raul Rubio
Raul Rubio - 7 years ago
otro video tonto sobre nanoacuarios
Ryan Dryer
Ryan Dryer - 7 years ago
Plus he didn't add dechlorinator
Ryan Dryer
Ryan Dryer - 7 years ago
He didnt even cycle it?
ST0RM - 7 years ago
brynsta I’m on your side I loved the video
brynsta - 7 years ago
+ST0RM if anyone did ask I would have told them it was cycled, the water was from a cycled tank, the tank was then cycled.
ST0RM - 7 years ago
Are you telling or asking
Ryan Dryer
Ryan Dryer - 7 years ago
Pokeman 97 when I was 9 I had a goldfish in a bowl for 5 years and I didn't cycle it either but hopefully your not that young
Pokeman 97
Pokeman 97 - 7 years ago
Ryan Dryer just cause one of his fish died doesn't mean shit I've never cycled my tanks and all of my fish have grown and been fine the whole time I use rocks from some of my other tanks to give bacteria but you definitely don't have to let the tank set for a week or two maybe if you want a nice planted aquarium but just fish no
Pokeman 97
Pokeman 97 - 7 years ago
Ryan Dryer ha that's where your wrong I've had my tank set up for 3 years and nothing has happened besides the lesser eating some of my guppies
Ryan Dryer
Ryan Dryer - 7 years ago
Pokeman 97 that can be the case but it's going to cause problems later on
Pokeman 97
Pokeman 97 - 7 years ago
Ryan Dryer I never cycle my tanks and they always turn out fine I have like 40 guppies 3 algae eaters and a lesser siren
Mr Animaniak
Mr Animaniak - 7 years ago
no neon in nano tank !
Harriet Selleck
Harriet Selleck - 7 years ago
What tank is that?
Kairon gozales
Kairon gozales - 7 years ago
Harriet Selleck iq3 dymax
Lilly McBreezy
Lilly McBreezy - 7 years ago
well.. a fish should be added after the tank is fully cycled and stabilized (around 2 weeks after you put the water in) it takes even more in such small tank, i mean compare peeing into a glass of water and into a pool for example, even a bit of nasty stuff in the tank and there are many problems to deal with.
And NEVER add the water from the fish bag, you don`t even know whats in there, and there can be many bacteria or other things causing illness and getting rid of it after they move into the tank is really hard without harming the fish .
Also I think the tank size is good for shrimps and not fish, way too small for keeping healthy thriving fish .
Lilly McBreezy
Lilly McBreezy - 7 years ago
doesn`t really matter cause bacteria do not live in the water but in filter media and gravel ect. it needs a surface it can`t just flow in the water.
Crypt Artic
Crypt Artic - 7 years ago
Lilly McBreezy All the water he used was from the previous tank the fish were in
Erik Broos
Erik Broos - 7 years ago
Why is there one cardinal tetra and the rest is neon??

30. comment for how to set up a nano fish tank (office aquarium)

Victor Alanis
Victor Alanis - 7 years ago
What kid of nano tank is this and how many gallons
brynsta - 7 years ago
Victor Alanis iq3 dymax
berkay lol
berkay lol - 7 years ago
a good way to kill tetras
Kat  M.
Kat M. - 7 years ago
Everyone is saying they didn't use water conditioner. If they were paying attention , you would have seen that before they put the fish in, they showed a close up of the tank. There were tiny little bubbles on the side of the tank. This means water conditioner was used, because that is what happens when it is put into tap.water.
T'naigha Wannamaker
T'naigha Wannamaker - 8 years ago
one lonely cardinal tetra
jorgedaniel2002 - 8 years ago
inaccurate information
Jeremy Flener
Jeremy Flener - 8 years ago
No decholrinator. No nitrogen cycle. Fish will be dead in less than a week. You have to let a new tank set for at least a week. Then add a couple fish. A week later add a couple more. You have to allow good bacteria to grow in the tank to convert the fish waste to harmless chemicals that the fish can tolerate.
Marco Elkes
Marco Elkes - 7 years ago
Jeremy Flener no such thing as cycled water the bacteria don't live in the water column since they need a surface to live on.
Ryan Wloch
Ryan Wloch - 7 years ago
A week. Wtf. You need like 2 days
Loi Yong Sheng
Loi Yong Sheng - 7 years ago
Mya Miller-Ahsan So why are you here?
Martin Erhard
Martin Erhard - 8 years ago
Yes we can....we also kill plants on a daily basis....thats called life. What do you want to eat? Sand?
Mya Miller-Ahsan
Mya Miller-Ahsan - 8 years ago
ThatSharksFan__ "fish" fish that we kill on a daily basis because people just think we can. we take animals from the wild and cram them into tiny little cages and tanks just so we can sit there and watch them.
ThatSharksFan__ - 8 years ago
Jeremy Flener Bruh chill it's a fish lol
brynsta - 8 years ago
Jeremy Flener cheers bud that's a fair comment :)
Jeremy Flener
Jeremy Flener - 8 years ago
It is best to use some cycled water as well as plants and scaping material from an established tank. You can add fish right away. I wasn't calling your skills to question, I just see a lot of videos that don't give those sort of details. Just making sure people are aware it isn't this easy.
brynsta - 8 years ago
Jeremy Flener the water was all from the shop the fish came from so no need for water conditioner or decholrinator. the tank had regular water changes during the 6 weeks of cycling. I worked in the shop I got these animals from for 7 years as an aquarist and the worked in a sealife center as part of the animal care team all manor of animals. I'm not doing research at a university on coral mortality. I understand how to keep aquatic animals and understand water chemistry very well. this video was to show people what can be done and what to think of.
Stuff Tv
Stuff Tv - 8 years ago
7 neons in a nano tank... ok, it doesn't even matter if the filter is oversized that's just wrong! after a year when they grow fatter they won't have space to swim. Cruelty.
That setup is better for Cherry Shrimp, or nano fish.
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Kacper Szulc <------looks like someones triggered
Kacper Szulc
Kacper Szulc - 7 years ago
shut up u stupid cunt
The Reincarnated
The Reincarnated - 7 years ago
let the human go through puberty quickly by feeding it hormones. then it will stay the same
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Djhuddy Psarras 2 gallons isn't even good for a betta. You could but they need 2.5 gallons or more but 5 gallons is mostly recommended
Djhuddy Psarras
Djhuddy Psarras - 7 years ago
Is a 2 Gallon tank still to small for the fish
Queen of kings
Queen of kings - 7 years ago
Stuff Tv ikr
Chapzer - 7 years ago
i agree its not right but im gonna add that neon tetras dont get much larger than that.
Potato Munchies yes their bodies will stop growing but their internal organs won't and there won't be enough space for the organs after awhile
Rada Simion
Rada Simion - 7 years ago
I thought I counted 7 swimming in the bag before adding them. :))))))
roup - 7 years ago
Definitely not Goat i fucking hate people who dont realize this, bacteria takes well over a week to grow, so even putting it in a tank for only a week can kill your fish. as long as you have a high plant load and do big frequent water changes your fine.
Goat - 7 years ago
H ANT Studios the fish will die within a week, the tank wasn't cycled or dechlorinated. It's pointless and just killing the fish
roup - 7 years ago
Stuff Tv agreed. but in smaller tank water parameters change drastically. and for cherry red shrimp they are super sensitive to huge changes in water parameters
Doragon - 7 years ago
Hunter Antill what do you mean. Only saying it will kill the fish if the tank is too small.
H ANT Studios
H ANT Studios - 7 years ago
Lmao, keep freaking out sjw.
Doragon - 7 years ago
Callum Cameron does it matter. In both ways their internals will get scrunched up.
Potato - 7 years ago
Stuff Tv very true
Potato - 7 years ago
Doragon fish are actually different to us even though we did evolve from them
Stuff Tv
Stuff Tv - 7 years ago
The worst thing is that a new aquarist may follow this ridiculous tutorial...
Doragon - 7 years ago
Callum Cameron let's keep a human in a small box. Won't it grow to the size of the box... see my point.
Potato - 7 years ago
Gbass Tv don't they grow to the size of the tank though??
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 8 years ago
You didn't add conditioner.
terry panayiotou
terry panayiotou - 8 years ago
Great video. If anyone is interested i sell organic Guava leaves for these tanks
Nind 10do
Nind 10do - 8 years ago
where do you get all the supplies from
YoloYounis - 7 years ago
brynsta The Fish is FUCKING Dead
terry panayiotou
terry panayiotou - 8 years ago
brynsta - 8 years ago
A local fish store in Birmingham called Angel aquatics, brilliant shop. I used to work there 3 years ago but moved on to work in public aquariums. Still go there now though as there so helpful.
Preston Sanders
Preston Sanders - 8 years ago
I have a 30 gallon tank how much sand do you think it would take and I have all freshwater fish
Ben Lunn
Ben Lunn - 7 years ago
It doesn't matter if you use sand or rocks. Use nothing if you want. There's no rule stating you just use rocks for 30 gallon or more.
Cameron Lau
Cameron Lau - 7 years ago
Preston Sanders naw use sand, I would say depends on how much sand layers. Like 2 inches in height? I have a 40 gal. with guppies and we used like 3 inches of sand since it moves around
Ruthna Begum
Ruthna Begum - 8 years ago
Preston Sanders use rocks for 40l not sand
Preston Sanders
Preston Sanders - 8 years ago
so for fish like this in the video I could get any sand
brynsta - 8 years ago
yes you can. just be aware that if using coral sand your PH will be slightly higher than most takes and to take care when acclimatising fish, they will be a bit more sensitive. the most important thing of fish keeping is to get your water tested, that way you will know it's ok for fish. most good shops should test water for free.
Preston Sanders
Preston Sanders - 8 years ago
does it say clean and what kind of sand ?
brynsta - 8 years ago
yes it stays clean just needs a small water change once a week. and for marine you would need coral sand. for tropical you could use anything almost.
Preston Sanders
Preston Sanders - 8 years ago
is this saltwater ?
brynsta - 8 years ago
unfortunately not its fresh water. it could be salt water though, you would have to use like rock in the tank and filter.
Justin Sanders
Justin Sanders - 8 years ago
Pretty sleek
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 8 years ago
Nicely done. Love the video quality
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 8 years ago
Keep it coming. This community is awesome. You'll be glad you did.
brynsta - 8 years ago
hey thanks. :) hopefully doing some more soon.

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