how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 36,458 views
It's the beautiful time of year for sheepshead around the rocks. Sheepers are fun to catch and taste tasty. Wanted to get this vid out earlier but I got hella sick. Couple things on the rig and sheepshead fishing in general. First of all the has to be fish to catch fish as always. This rig is just one way to catch sheepshead. I think it was the best tactic for the amount of sheepshead and the jetties I was at. If there are already a billion sheepshead at the jetties might just best to drop the shrimp on the bottom outside the rocks. If there are a billion sheepshead you can save money and use fresh dead shrimp but sometimes they are picky and need live shrimp. fishing and filming gear -
10. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead
Thanks for the tip man.
20. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead
30. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead
50. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead
keep it up
100. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead
Which jetties are these?