how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead

It's the beautiful time of year for sheepshead around the rocks. Sheepers are fun to catch and taste tasty. Wanted to get this vid out earlier but I got hella sick. Couple things on the rig and sheepshead fishing in general. First of all the has to be fish to catch fish as always. This rig is just one way to catch sheepshead. I think it was the best tactic for the amount of sheepshead and the jetties I was at. If there are already a billion sheepshead at the jetties might just best to drop the shrimp on the bottom outside the rocks. If there are a billion sheepshead you can save money and use fresh dead shrimp but sometimes they are picky and need live shrimp. fishing and filming gear -

how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 36,458 views

It's the beautiful time of year for sheepshead around the rocks. Sheepers are fun to catch and taste tasty. Wanted to get this vid out earlier but I got hella sick. Couple things on the rig and sheepshead fishing in general. First of all the has to be fish to catch fish as always. This rig is just one way to catch sheepshead. I think it was the best tactic for the amount of sheepshead and the jetties I was at. If there are already a billion sheepshead at the jetties might just best to drop the shrimp on the bottom outside the rocks. If there are a billion sheepshead you can save money and use fresh dead shrimp but sometimes they are picky and need live shrimp. fishing and filming gear -

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Most popular comments
for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead

tony garcia
tony garcia - 6 years ago
Where are these jetties located im down in corpus for work and want to do some fishing on the weekend
Millers Landing
Millers Landing - 6 years ago
Karate Thundersocks
Karate Thundersocks - 6 years ago
Change your smoke detector battery!! The beep is annoying and it can save your life. You're welcome!
Albert Torres
Albert Torres - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing your skills.
Yodaddi Jim
Yodaddi Jim - 6 years ago
Thank u so much for taking time in making a detailed explanation of the rigs u were using.
andres sainz
andres sainz - 6 years ago
I loved this video! Thank you so much!!!!!!
abdul barnes
abdul barnes - 6 years ago
awesome vid but would have loved it to be a catch and cook
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 6 years ago
everyone was catching them but me i was like wtf man lol
Anthony Vu
Anthony Vu - 6 years ago
Attach the weight with a small rubber band that way if u get hung up u won’t lose your whole rig

10. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead

werm88 - 6 years ago
I am a big drop shot fan myself! Been using tungsten weights and a long leader with swivel snap and a good drop shot or circle hook. Throw on a live shad, bluegill or tilapia (or shrimp at the coast) and I catch the freshwater redfish we have at Calaveras lake, satx. Great for searching and identifying the bottom.
G.O.M Fishing
G.O.M Fishing - 6 years ago
Bro the headline is how I felt this weekend slammed on some sheepshead and everyone on my left and right just watching me just wondering What i was doing it lol
G.O.M Fishing
G.O.M Fishing - 6 years ago
What jetty’s is that ? I went to Seawolf Park and I hit national seashore in the same day it was a lot of driving bro lol
pulse-TV - 6 years ago
"Dude" "sheeper" "that's what I'm talkin bout" "yeah boy" "brother" "yeah" count how many times lmfao
TheKRiddler - 6 years ago
Very informative video and funny
HTXonfly - 6 years ago
it would be awsome if you did a fly fishing video
Shawn McHenry
Shawn McHenry - 6 years ago
"Am I hung up?" Sheephead in a nut shell.
Arturo Cubos
Arturo Cubos - 6 years ago
Where is the spot?
Arturo Cubos
Arturo Cubos - 6 years ago
ThresherFishing I know but where mate ??!
ThresherFishing - 6 years ago
Joseph Thompson
Joseph Thompson - 6 years ago
Coop changing the gaaaame
Thanks for the tip man.
RA- MEME - 6 years ago
u fish in rock prt TX,I fish in galveston TX
GONZO - 6 years ago
Is he in galveston

20. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead

Ian O'kane
Ian O'kane - 6 years ago
Why don't you use a bobber instead of a lemon bottle? Some one explain
Martha Herff
Martha Herff - 6 years ago
Appreciate the explanation at the end. Love your videos, keep um coming.
Sebastian Chavez
Sebastian Chavez - 6 years ago
Yo! This is by far one of the best videos I've seen by you, very instructional. thanks for sharing that awesome technique! going out to the SPI Jetty soon!
Michael T
Michael T - 6 years ago
Nice catches! Your dress like a sheephead lol.
Stephen Pantin
Stephen Pantin - 6 years ago
i use that rig, we call it a banking rig
Roy G
Roy G - 6 years ago
Olee - 6 years ago
boy boy bowy boi boy bowi bhoy
Laguna Madre 361
Laguna Madre 361 - 6 years ago
i use a wire leader and a small small circle hook and dead shrimp and i would cast out as far as i could and reel it in fast af until i got to the jetties then i would let it lay on a rock and the reason i would cast it far and reel it fast was for Spanish and if there is sheephead spawn there its tons of trout and Spanish
Jonathan Almaguer
Jonathan Almaguer - 6 years ago
My luck with that rig is that I always get stuck. I use old spark plugs for weight
jermzdee - 6 years ago
If you can't catch fish on live shrimp you not going to catch fish. (inshore)
jose trevino
jose trevino - 6 years ago
I cant catch fish at all. Lol. I had a good day once where i was catching back to back, no keepers but enough to be having fun. I only drank 3 beers. The whole morning. Ive used all types of bait, i think its my lack of technique and understanding, but its fun and relaxing nonetheless

30. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead

TOMMY SOTOMAYOR - 6 years ago
IF you don’t know the difference between being hung up and having a fish on your line you should NEVER give advice on Fishing
giles mike
giles mike - 6 years ago
Hell yeah, love the whiteboard
REobeastie - 6 years ago
Is that a dolphin at 7:08?
Frogliza - 6 years ago
What happened to the Penn Battalion?
Joe Anthony
Joe Anthony - 6 years ago
Nice catches Coop but next time, draw a shrimp bro. Make a video of catch and cook like you use to. Tight lines never stop!
tomjnhan - 6 years ago
You need to make some sheepers creepers shirts
Finna Fish
Finna Fish - 6 years ago
Awesome, tactical
The Hearing Dock
The Hearing Dock - 6 years ago
What jetty or state is this ?
American Hostage
American Hostage - 6 years ago
Where are you?
Michael Burr
Michael Burr - 6 years ago
Great video as always....excellent tip for the jetties
Hope Crawford
Hope Crawford - 6 years ago
Can you do this type of instruction for shore fishing?
exotitan - 6 years ago
I've been targeting Sheep most recently. Water is still a bit too cold here in Charleston. Cant wait to tear them up this spring
jesus ortega
jesus ortega - 6 years ago
Where do you live
jesus ortega
jesus ortega - 6 years ago
Where are you from
Chris Miller
Chris Miller - 6 years ago
It would be okay to go more than 2 seconds without talking. ;) Like the fishing but have to mute it.
David Clute
David Clute - 6 years ago
Thumbs up for sweet new drone B roll and great breakdown of your rigs. I'm surprised you never said sheeperkeeper
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 6 years ago
alot of people catching sheephead at the jetties yestderday
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 6 years ago
were can i get fresg shrimp in port A
TheBestShittyPlayer Br00k3yyy
TheBestShittyPlayer Br00k3yyy - 6 years ago
Extreme Philly fishing uses this all the time. Very effective for multi-species.
Eddie Doyle
Eddie Doyle - 6 years ago
What shoes do you wear when fishing the jetty

50. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead

TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 6 years ago
7:07 who else thought that was JAWS
BarbERICan - 6 years ago
What kind of hook and size are you using?
Mr CleanMagicEraser
Mr CleanMagicEraser - 6 years ago
Can you catch sheepshead in catherby?
Vladof - 6 years ago
Your editing game has really improved man. Love the drone shots
Righteous1 - 6 years ago
I'm craving fish now
TherdKoast - 6 years ago
I use a slip bobber rig for sheepshead-That looks cool though
Marcelo Albuquerque
Marcelo Albuquerque - 6 years ago
Great info dude, I'd love to go out fish'n with you some day!
Gulfside Fishing
Gulfside Fishing - 6 years ago
I love using knocker rigs for sheep! Lets you leave a little slack in the line and still feel it. They'll pick it up because there isn't any resistance.
GamesWith Taco
GamesWith Taco - 6 years ago
Is this in new smyrna
Jason Fewell
Jason Fewell - 6 years ago
On smaller rocked jetties in Louisiana we often times use a popping cork for the sheepers. Dem sheepshead go great in a couvillion shy.
jairoidr - 6 years ago
Nice tips bro those sheepheads are fun. You should try using oysters in a sack I saw a video of an old dude catching a whole bunch of sheepheads... try it out, heard that crushed hermit crabs or filler crabs work too.
jnguyen7425 - 6 years ago
I drop shot all my shrimp.
GreasyFish - 6 years ago
Keeper red and drum will be mixed heavy in there with the sheeps around this time of year. Along with mangrove and trout. Happens every year.. sheeps will be in there everyday for several weeks and the other 4 species thicken up on sunny days with good to great clarity. Flounder will began to move back in THICK too
Jay Whitmire
Jay Whitmire - 6 years ago
What the difference with a slip corp
removefromme - 6 years ago
I did notice the guy fishing next to me off the pier was using a drop shot style rig for sheepshead. He was catching so much sheepshead he gave me one because he had enough for his liking.
E J - 6 years ago
I always use either a drop shot or 1/4 oz jighead tipped with bait everytime
Michael Barocio
Michael Barocio - 6 years ago
Nice video and explainaction after.
Aqua addict
Aqua addict - 6 years ago
Dope vid man
mark rodriguez
mark rodriguez - 6 years ago
Is there a live bait shop close by ?
Jonathan S
Jonathan S - 6 years ago
I've found out after 10 years of searching for the right hook for live shrimp a 2/0 thin wire circle hook is the best!
jonnywaselectric - 6 years ago
That lemon rig is interesting, I've not seen it before, I'll try it
texas fishing legend
texas fishing legend - 6 years ago
I whould rather keep 30 inches redfish than a sheepshead
abe frohman
abe frohman - 6 years ago
Nice catch. Good day on the water.
Mike McDonald
Mike McDonald - 6 years ago
Thresher bobblehead. Make a million. Thanks for sharing.
Over the edge
Over the edge - 6 years ago
Give me a video of how to fillet , and cook.
ROD BEND - 6 years ago
you should bleed your fish for better meat
EddieMunster - 6 years ago
Thanks for the tips brotha!
ROD BEND - 6 years ago
Lemonoise - 6 years ago
ROD BEND with very white flesh fish like sheepshead, it makes very little difference unless it's a very large fish.
Charlie - 6 years ago
With my luck there is a bunch of little rocks next to the big rock and keep getting hung up and breaking off! LOL Good vid bro. I like the Packery Chnanel jetties. So easy to fish and so many species, more than Galveston.
David Ger
David Ger - 6 years ago
great video. I normally fish in the surf here in Peru and when i saw your microphone setup on you hat i thought it might work for me. Can you share the setup please?
keep it up
Mitchell Pierce
Mitchell Pierce - 6 years ago
Sheep head is good to eat
Aj Moreno
Aj Moreno - 6 years ago
6:09 sliding into her dms
Ryan Chow
Ryan Chow - 6 years ago
The white board tutorial was awesome!
jimmy wilkinson
jimmy wilkinson - 6 years ago
Did you get the shrimp at the chum bucket
Sam Canales
Sam Canales - 6 years ago
I’ll be at the Pack in two weeks trying this. What time was this?
Hon Lam
Hon Lam - 6 years ago
Please tell me where is your location to cach these fish Tks.
Isreal Rodriguez
Isreal Rodriguez - 6 years ago
I do a similar drop rig at Sea Wolf Park in Galveston.. It works good on sheephead, croaker, and the occasional red. Great video as always.
AUSTIN GARCIA - 6 years ago
i feel like i seen this vid before
JCII - 6 years ago
You're my favorite fishing youtuber!
Eric Interiano
Eric Interiano - 6 years ago
Is the lemon bottle empty?
Eric Interiano
Eric Interiano - 6 years ago
Actually yes. No one does that here in Florida. I would I like to know the details
Lemonoise - 6 years ago
Did you really feel the need to ask that
karatosa - 6 years ago
Good job, keep making them videos.
Nichols Cruz
Nichols Cruz - 6 years ago
Love the vids. Can you make a vid on how to rig jigs to catch certain fish
Ibrahim Can
Ibrahim Can - 6 years ago
Fuck you bitch
Casey Idol
Casey Idol - 6 years ago
I’m subscribed to your channel with three different accounts
Jerome Torrez
Jerome Torrez - 6 years ago
You need to get your self a net so you don’t gotta get down. Good job on the fishing but you have a girl sounding voice.lmao
General Hobbies
General Hobbies - 6 years ago
good day!
Rad Reeling Fishing
Rad Reeling Fishing - 6 years ago
Your videos area always good. I've discovered the knocker rig works best for sheepshead.
Alejandro Martinez
Alejandro Martinez - 6 years ago
while i dont support eating redfish and snook those sheepshead are tasty
nick taylor
nick taylor - 6 years ago
Great video. Thanks for the tips! Hope to see the white board in future videos!
Memo's life
Memo's life - 6 years ago
I always use the dropshot technique but when the current isn't so hard I just use a size 2 j-hook and let it slowly float down. They both work like a charm but it depends on conditions
Anders Hoejerslev
Anders Hoejerslev - 6 years ago
I love This <3
Legacy Rant
Legacy Rant - 6 years ago
Frickin love the whiteboard diagrams. Great channel homie!

100. comment for how to catch fish faster than everyone next to you - sheepshead

Chris Machen
Chris Machen - 6 years ago
@Thresher fishing
Which jetties are these?
picture this
picture this - 6 years ago
I got it right it was 24
Supreme Boi
Supreme Boi - 6 years ago
Nice vid
Matt's Saltwater Fishing
Matt's Saltwater Fishing - 6 years ago
The Sheepshead Master.
Andrew Sandoval
Andrew Sandoval - 6 years ago
ThresherFishing: This is awesome, I love that you are teaching how to do it! I just got back from two days down there (CC) where my 16-year-old daughter and I caught a few Sheepshead from the boat using drop shop (bass fishing style) and dead shrimp not far from the boat ramp by the jetties. I'm sure we would have done better with live shrimp but I had planned to fish with lures for trout, etc. Anyway... I need tips like this. It's a long drive to the coast and I hate it when my kids don't have a good experience because I don't know enough! So thank you! Next time we may just try the jetties and save the gas from pulling my bass boat all the way to CC. I'd love to have more tips like this! We also went out (Friday) and fished by the bridge between Nueces and CC and caught a couple of small trout, but couldn't take it too long (getting seasick) because of the swells. We bought gear for wade fishing too, but don't really know enough yet. Most people seem reluctant to share tips and locations, but I will tell you this much -- when I go down and have success I'm much more likely to come again and more often, which probably does more for helping the economy in the area than when I decide to just fish at a local lake. I hope our presence and $$ spent, helped a bit with repairs from the hurricane! :) [Even if the "live" shrimp I bought on Friday morning didn't make it alive from the boat launch/bait shop to the bridge...]
babahobo - 6 years ago
diagrams at the end were crucial! thumbs up for the end tips!
Da Bad Azz
Da Bad Azz - 6 years ago
Awesome tips and illustrations. I'm in florida now near daytona , not to blow up your spots but what area are you in?
Ryan Luna
Ryan Luna - 6 years ago
amazingmato - 6 years ago
I really appreciate all the effort you put into these videos besides just the gopro footage. B rolls and second angles are awesome (and whiteboard demonstrations)!
Fish GanG Tours
Fish GanG Tours - 6 years ago
Hey your videos are awesome bro but you may want to stir away from saying "boys" and "gentlemen.. I know some women that out fish men lol, just saying I'm pretty sure woman watch this video as well and you don't want to limit your audience that way, tight lines!!
TheMasterCasters - 6 years ago
Lol cmon man... you know that’s just how he talks. He doesn’t purposely just mean men
Nick S
Nick S - 6 years ago
Was using the drop shot with a 2 oz. pyramid and 1/0 hook there last Friday. Wound up with 4 keeper sheepers and a bunch of smalls. Found the 1/0 hooks worked great as I wasn’t losing much bait(except when I got hung up), just let it sit there til I feel the run then set. Probably set some really light test line to the drop weight though. Had a couple times where I believe the weight got caught in the rocks when I had a fish on and when I snapped the line I lost the weight and the fish. Wish I had more time to fish though. Tight lines!
Carlos Andrade
Carlos Andrade - 6 years ago
How do you make a lemon rig?
Mr. Pooples
Mr. Pooples - 6 years ago
Love the vids you make and music that goes with them. The shots you get with the drone are awesome.
Face Man
Face Man - 6 years ago
RESPECT!! Jettie fishin is the best.. we out there next week. Respect face man from Philly
Noodles - 6 years ago
Fun drinking game: take a shot every time you hear “sheep”
Gabriel Rice
Gabriel Rice - 6 years ago
Noodles - 6 years ago
umm... I meant any word with the phrase "sheep" in it, because he says sheepshead a shit ton of times too.
Scorba D
Scorba D - 6 years ago
Umm... it's "sheeper"
Jeff Mann
Jeff Mann - 6 years ago
Nope. "Dude"... i don't think you would make it to the end of the episode.
James Martin
James Martin - 6 years ago
Or boy
SHiFT x FLUFFY - 6 years ago
Limited out with 3 of my friends on sheepshead on same jetties
djmastermixed - 6 years ago
New subscriber here, where is this fishing spot? I'm down in Houston
Carlos Munoz Arjona
Carlos Munoz Arjona - 6 years ago
Great video and always love fishing tips.
SHiFT x FLUFFY - 6 years ago
Saw you at jetties
Joseph Brewer
Joseph Brewer - 6 years ago
SHiFT x FLUFFY which jetty are u guys at?
deepseamasterdm - 6 years ago
Those are big sheepies
3825Yourself - 6 years ago
Where are you? What waters are you fishing?
Skyla Maximus
Skyla Maximus - 6 years ago
Thank you! I live on Lake Simcoe, ice fishing capital of North America! I watch many fishing channels and love watching your kind of fishing! I just want to say your channel wins hands down! Not that I will ever fish for sheepshead but I feel like I am there! You are doing an awesome job getting your fishing content out and your personality is amazingly wonky! Good job! I'm a share and like sub! (Just don't know where you talk on live streams!)
Will England
Will England - 6 years ago
How do you choose where to start casting on the jetty? Any thing to look for? Never fished a jetty before. May go give the Galveston jetty a shot next weekend.
Will England
Will England - 6 years ago
John Burgess Yeah I more meant what to look for in the water. Color changes, movement, wind directions etc.
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
Will England I think based on his explanation he looks for a spot where it would be easier to land a fish without having to climb a mountain of rocks or breaking an ankle.
OutDoors with Marz
OutDoors with Marz - 6 years ago
I need to get out there and do some fishing.
steve clair
steve clair - 6 years ago
Why not use a slip bobber instead of the lemon bottles
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
steve clair because lemon juice bottles are free after they are empty and would normally be thrown away. Bobbers cost money. Saving a buck by repurposing trash.
Jerry Portillo
Jerry Portillo - 6 years ago
Just got back from corpus and Port A. Drop shot got me some good fish off the jetties.
Jeff Bonham
Jeff Bonham - 6 years ago
The ending is like Casually Explained
ZACHARY RANGEL - 6 years ago
EricCY - 6 years ago
Here in South Carolina getting "bad" shrimp is rare :)
Brett Eid
Brett Eid - 6 years ago
You should make some Thresher Fishing Merch brother, personally I would purchase one of everything!!
Farm boy Outdoors
Farm boy Outdoors - 6 years ago
I said that my guess for how long the red fish was and I guess 24 but not 24 and a half
Mr Narwhal
Mr Narwhal - 6 years ago
Farm boy Outdoors same
ThomasW - 6 years ago
Friendship with Lemon Rig ended. Now Drop Shot Rig is my best friend.
Malcolm Lockahart
Malcolm Lockahart - 6 years ago
Coop I think you forgot than
ThresherFishing - 6 years ago
Malcolm Lockahart
Malcolm Lockahart - 6 years ago
Coop I think you forgot than
Mud Duck FishingTV
Mud Duck FishingTV - 6 years ago
If you had to guess, and current didn’t play a factor in moving lures around. How many lbs of lost lures do you think would be resting at the bottom of the jetties.
Brock Blazier
Brock Blazier - 6 years ago
69th like
Retz - 6 years ago
That second rig is the rig I use nearly all the time, the only difference is I put a swivel on. It's the perfect rig for catching bait because you can put multiple loops and hooks on. Also good for big fish if you just bump up what leader you use. It's basically an all-around good rig to use, and super easy to make for beginners, you only need to know how to do 2 different knots and you're good to go.
Peter Kim
Peter Kim - 6 years ago
Catch n cooks please!
Ian Adams
Ian Adams - 6 years ago
How do you avoid the sheeps head from just eating your bait without getting hooked
Bob The Buider
Bob The Buider - 6 years ago
Ian Adams long shank j hook, and keep a finger on line so you can feel when they bite.
Roy Mendez
Roy Mendez - 6 years ago
Great work with the drone bro! Keep it up
Retz - 6 years ago
I think you missed out a 'than' in the title.
Lillian Esparza
Lillian Esparza - 6 years ago
Can you please show us your tackle bag and what’s inside it
MikENY - 6 years ago
Damn boy you a beast. Fish on.
Average Joe
Average Joe - 6 years ago
Try using a slip bobber and a bobber stop and you’ll be able to cast so much better than a lemon rig
George Kyriacou
George Kyriacou - 6 years ago
We need thresher fishing merchandise
andres sainz
andres sainz - 6 years ago
id buy it!
Puddle Dragger
Puddle Dragger - 6 years ago
Lol he said ish
ThresherFishing - 6 years ago
It will be done soooon! ish
Mike McDonald
Mike McDonald - 6 years ago
George Kyriacou Thresher bobblehead
Jacob Vosler
Jacob Vosler - 6 years ago
Fishing at The jets
Tsunami Sam
Tsunami Sam - 6 years ago
Anytime this spring rolling to the northeast? We use the setup in the northeast all the time for tog n sheeps Head
BOSSD3STROY3R7 - 6 years ago
I’m number 3
Is_A_ Boss
Is_A_ Boss - 6 years ago
BOSSD3STROY3R7 - 6 years ago
doo doo buns
doo doo buns - 6 years ago
Wordy squiggle line thingy
Wordy squiggle line thingy - 6 years ago
Spicy skrimps

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