saving the life of a fish from cruel humans

People can be savages. This is a bad habit that has been going on for a long time but it needs to be stopped. Some people throw these "trash" fish on land while others trap them in pools. Besides this PSA, Thresher and I catch some fish that were much needed since I haven't been able to fish much this year. fish saved at 8:30 Don't follow Thresher if you are easily offended: reel: rod: 30 pound braid 15 pound flouro leader 1/8th ounce jighead ► instagram: ► email:

saving the life of a fish from cruel humans sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 7,728 views

People can be savages. This is a bad habit that has been going on for a long time but it needs to be stopped. Some people throw these "trash" fish on land while others trap them in pools. Besides this PSA, Thresher and I catch some fish that were much needed since I haven't been able to fish much this year. fish saved at 8:30 Don't follow Thresher if you are easily offended: reel: rod: 30 pound braid 15 pound flouro leader 1/8th ounce jighead ► instagram: ► email:

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Most popular comments
for saving the life of a fish from cruel humans

South Texas Inshore
South Texas Inshore - 7 years ago
Saving a hardhead is the equivalent of saving a rat on land.
Getting Bent With Bo
Getting Bent With Bo - 7 years ago
looking at the footage id 100% guess that the fish got itself trapped on the outgoing tide. I cant imagine people just putting the fish there to try to kill it.
S F - 7 years ago
How do you know he didn't just get stuck in there from the tide?
Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 7 years ago
Tip # 1 always fish next to a giant shrimp! BTW steller releases there Butterfingers bonahm
Joe Anthony
Joe Anthony - 7 years ago
Thanks Jeff for the adventure from Corpus Christi to Japan. Tight lines never stop!
OutDoors with Marz
OutDoors with Marz - 7 years ago
Good to see you back.
Charlie - 7 years ago
With my luck I will catch that hard head next trip down there...THANKS! LOL
jimmy wilkinson
jimmy wilkinson - 7 years ago
Hey bring you back some nice jap girls . One for you one for Thesher
Carl Dean Williams
Carl Dean Williams - 7 years ago
jimmy wilkinson Jap girls? What kind of ignorant remark is that?
Yo Mismo
Yo Mismo - 7 years ago
where is that place

10. comment for saving the life of a fish from cruel humans

Wolf: Outdoors
Wolf: Outdoors - 7 years ago
Good to see you back on the channel Jeff, solid video Tokyo looks badace. Keep killin’em and stay safe out there.
Josslivesit - 7 years ago
Linda Carranza
Linda Carranza - 7 years ago
Thats like saving a roach or rat great job bro
J G - 7 years ago
Good job Jeff. Thanks for saving that hardhead. These catfish are in there for a reason. They keep inshore floors clean from rotting shrimp and fish.
Average Joe
Average Joe - 7 years ago
Why are you in tokyo
JW Yakangler
JW Yakangler - 7 years ago
I like the look of those egret wedge tails. Will have to order some, haven't seen them in any stores here.
ThrillOfItAll - 7 years ago
Awesome edit putting those lure names in like that. You never dissapoint Mr.Boneham
Vinfish F
Vinfish F - 7 years ago
What did cooper do now???
Retz - 7 years ago
Are you sure people threw it in there? Maybe it got itself in there at high tide and then got stuck.
Gulf Coast Yakin
Gulf Coast Yakin - 7 years ago
Yeah same
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 7 years ago
Retz That’s what I was thinking
Trace Reed
Trace Reed - 7 years ago
Head over to indianola fishing marina. We landed 31 of the big bull drum in one night

20. comment for saving the life of a fish from cruel humans

Allen Gallion
Allen Gallion - 7 years ago
Hey Jeff, where did you get that Blk Terez cork handle rod you used in the infamous jetty Tarpon spooling incident??
Allen Gallion
Allen Gallion - 7 years ago
Jeff Bonham *Terez Waxwing
Allen Gallion
Allen Gallion - 7 years ago
Jeff Bonham Yea it has. I can't find it anywhere. I believe they call it the waxing terez
Jeff Bonham
Jeff Bonham - 7 years ago
local store, I think the cork handle model has been discontinued though
Paul Brand
Paul Brand - 7 years ago
I love you guys man! Very informative and very respectful to people and nature!
Paul Brand
Paul Brand - 7 years ago
Leopold yeah I see how that could happen
Leopold - 7 years ago
Hard to say about the one in the video though. Fish do move to live inside rocks and there are some that get stuck during low tide.
Sean Connors
Sean Connors - 7 years ago
What do you do for work Jeff? Great vid as always!
Texas Redfish Hunter
Texas Redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Government contractor aka super secret spy
Jeff Bonham
Jeff Bonham - 7 years ago
thanks! government contractor
Wesley Carl
Wesley Carl - 7 years ago
its the same people that leave their trash behind as well
Lazy Akers Fishing
Lazy Akers Fishing - 7 years ago
First. What up Jeff?

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