top 10 tropical fish
Tropical fishing 12 years ago 149,966 views
My opinion on the top 10 freshwater fish to buy
Tropical fishing 12 years ago 149,966 views
My opinion on the top 10 freshwater fish to buy
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Plecos… (I like them too) but there are TONS of them. Some species can grow HUGE! Some don't. Some can be a royal pain to feed so do your homework. The ones you pictured are in the hypostomus family and are among the ones that can reach darn near a foot long. Bristlenose plecos are often sold in stores and will keep a modest size. If you really want to see a gorgeous one, look up the royal pleco. Striped with orange eyes. (And one of the more picky eaters.) Blue eyed plecos are another one of my favs. But again, they need feeding. Don't just count on them "cleaning" the tank to stay fed. And they get kinda big too. But sure are cool.
I'd take discus off the list. They really are the royalty of tropical fish and do best in a tank just for them. They like particularly warm water. PH and hardness is important to watch with them too. And they will also need some live or at least frozen foods. Flakes alone won't cut it.
BTW… bettas? I had 4 living in the same tank. IT was a BIG tank. They each had their own territory and did just fine. I wouldn't suggest trying that unless you have another tank to move one to if they fight.
Lastly, there are neons, and there are cardinals. They are NOT the same fish. Easiest way to tell… the red only goes half way up on neons. Cardinals the red goes nose to tail. Neons are cheap, easy to find. (Actually there are sub species of neon too but darn near impossible to tell apart.) Cardinals not so much. Many shops won't even stock them because most wholesalers won't guarantee them. They don't handle stress as well as the neons.
However, IF you can get some, and once they are established, they can live longer and even grow just a bit bigger. Being slightly more colorful too.
10. comment for top 10 tropical fish
20. comment for top 10 tropical fish
1. khuli loach
2. swordtails
3. gouramis
4. molly's
5. neon tetras
6. Cory doras
7. danios
8. plecos
10. siemies fighters
30. comment for top 10 tropical fish
50. comment for top 10 tropical fish
depends where you get them.if you get them that cheap they'll most likely be sick and the money you saved buying them will be spend curing them.
100. comment for top 10 tropical fish