top 10 tropical fish

My opinion on the top 10 freshwater fish to buy
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Most popular comments
for top 10 tropical fish

jason masters
jason masters - 6 years ago
artmakersworlds - 7 years ago
Ok, pretty fair list. However, the cherry barbs are one of the ones that will chew up your guppies. All barbs will. Ok, with everything else on your list, just not with guppies.
Plecos… (I like them too) but there are TONS of them. Some species can grow HUGE! Some don't. Some can be a royal pain to feed so do your homework. The ones you pictured are in the hypostomus family and are among the ones that can reach darn near a foot long. Bristlenose plecos are often sold in stores and will keep a modest size. If you really want to see a gorgeous one, look up the royal pleco. Striped with orange eyes. (And one of the more picky eaters.) Blue eyed plecos are another one of my favs. But again, they need feeding. Don't just count on them "cleaning" the tank to stay fed. And they get kinda big too. But sure are cool.

I'd take discus off the list. They really are the royalty of tropical fish and do best in a tank just for them. They like particularly warm water. PH and hardness is important to watch with them too. And they will also need some live or at least frozen foods. Flakes alone won't cut it.

BTW… bettas? I had 4 living in the same tank. IT was a BIG tank. They each had their own territory and did just fine. I wouldn't suggest trying that unless you have another tank to move one to if they fight.

Lastly, there are neons, and there are cardinals. They are NOT the same fish. Easiest way to tell… the red only goes half way up on neons. Cardinals the red goes nose to tail. Neons are cheap, easy to find. (Actually there are sub species of neon too but darn near impossible to tell apart.) Cardinals not so much. Many shops won't even stock them because most wholesalers won't guarantee them. They don't handle stress as well as the neons.
However, IF you can get some, and once they are established, they can live longer and even grow just a bit bigger. Being slightly more colorful too.
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 7 years ago
I prefer Bristlenose Plecos over Common Plecos. They're relatively small, they eat algae and they're better for planted tanks.
Jacool 101
Jacool 101 - 7 years ago
The likes are 666 weird
Uma Shankar
Uma Shankar - 7 years ago
WTF neons are costly in our place
Alex Ledezma
Alex Ledezma - 7 years ago
all my fish ate my swordtail
Holly Jones
Holly Jones - 8 years ago
what is a pleco
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 7 years ago
Plecostomus ... There are several species. Common Plecos grow huge, but some of the other species (Clowns, Bristlenose, etc) are small.
flyingrabbit - 8 years ago
I like the plecos too!
TheDragonMazter TheDinoMaster
TheDragonMazter TheDinoMaster - 8 years ago
You should get a corydora
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 7 years ago
They like to live in schools.

10. comment for top 10 tropical fish

Brandon Russell
Brandon Russell - 8 years ago
I have a pleco
Thomas Spiby
Thomas Spiby - 8 years ago
plecos are always awesome
Undercut Bros
Undercut Bros - 8 years ago
These are best to worst
Blaze The Kid
Blaze The Kid - 8 years ago
lynda dent
lynda dent - 8 years ago
My late dad had most of these fish. Great soundtrack of Marty Robbins Devil Woman.
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
No top 10 tropical fish list is complete without angelfish!!!!! I recomend this fish to all beginners! Really good fish.
SharpShot Gaming
SharpShot Gaming - 8 years ago
What about angelfish
Ben Haryo
Ben Haryo - 8 years ago
nice list. but I think macrobrachium shrimps does a much better job than plecos to clean your tank.
Lizzi Bee
Lizzi Bee - 8 years ago
nice music
Carl Shayne Castillo
Carl Shayne Castillo - 8 years ago
Bettas are the best!

20. comment for top 10 tropical fish

krisma12234 - 8 years ago
plecos do clean ur tank but have a biiig bio load.
too cool 56
too cool 56 - 8 years ago
i used to have a pleco but it grew half a foot so we sold it :\
Aussie_bassen08 - 8 years ago
I have rainbows and clown loaches and plecos there so cool
Javier Diaz
Javier Diaz - 8 years ago
dumb ass you stupid learn how to spell
Wayne Lie
Wayne Lie - 8 years ago
I have the 4th one the loaches I have 2 of them both of them are dark
Raymond Cendana
Raymond Cendana - 8 years ago
Sirdiggar - 9 years ago
where is nemo and dory?!
Chode - 8 years ago
Haha good one (: Unfortunately both the clownfish and the blue tang are saltwater fish. They're awesome though
Sirdiggar - 9 years ago
+Jacob Koenig lol
Jacob Koenig
Jacob Koenig - 9 years ago
+Sirdiggar ^
Jacob Koenig
Jacob Koenig - 9 years ago
+Abraham elias ya asshole leave my boyfriend alone
Sirdiggar - 9 years ago
I didn't know, I don't know the first thing about fish! doesn't mean I'm dumbass you dickhead.
Abraham elias
Abraham elias - 9 years ago
+Sirdiggar its freshwater dumbass
kevin ray singson
kevin ray singson - 9 years ago
Is janitor fish and pleco are the same ?
Aaron Hartfield
Aaron Hartfield - 9 years ago
my favourites are
1. khuli loach
2. swordtails
3. gouramis
4. molly's
5. neon tetras
6. Cory doras
7. danios
8. plecos
10. siemies fighters
Aqua Roma
Aqua Roma - 9 years ago

30. comment for top 10 tropical fish

Remco Vrinzen
Remco Vrinzen - 9 years ago
I disagree so I dislike
Alex Fernandes
Alex Fernandes - 9 years ago
The fuck why were the credits "Please Don't Dislike" I disliked just for that!
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Thats hypocritical u dumbass
Might plays Minecraft
Might plays Minecraft - 9 years ago
fighting fish does not fight if u know how to
FatUnicorn - 9 years ago
I'm actually going to get a Betta I've been thinking about it for a few days their just so beautiful
Karen Reissmann
Karen Reissmann - 9 years ago
great advice, helpful comments for caring for them. thanks
Iron Platypus
Iron Platypus - 9 years ago
I actually love dis list, Plecos, contrary to popular belief, are great beginner fish (in my opinion) because they are efficient, and look nice as long as you pick the right type for your tank (don't get a common or sailfin unless you have 55 + tank)
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
The music is terrible lol. Nice pictures anyway.
Aquarium Maintenance Experts
Aquarium Maintenance Experts - 9 years ago
The pleco's look like something out of a Jules Verne novel. Not the prettiest of fish IMHO but to each their own I think.
Ken Berne
Ken Berne - 9 years ago
+Aquarium Maintenance Experts Awww I love mine!
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 9 years ago
Plecos can get a foot long not really a beginner fish to me.
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 9 years ago
years ago I bought a pleco it was about 2 inches it grew to like 10 and pooped like crazy had I knowing that I would not of got it.
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 9 years ago
years ago I bought a pleco it was about 2 inches it grew to like 10 and pooped like crazy had I knowing that I would not of got it not a beginner fish to me.
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 9 years ago
years ago I bought a pleco it was about 2 inches it grew to like 10 and pooped like crazy had I knowing that I would not of got it not a beginner fish to me.
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 9 years ago
years ago I bought a pleco it was about 2 inches it grew to like 10 and pooped like crazy had I knowing that I would not of got it not a beginner fish to me. the rest of the list was great.
Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 9 years ago
years ago I bought a pleco it was about 2 inches it grew to like 10 and pooped like crazy had I knowing that I would not of got it not a beginner fish to me. the rest of the list was great.
Holly H
Holly H - 9 years ago
I have a massive plecostomoss and 23 neon tetras from my birthday.
Drew Ferguson
Drew Ferguson - 9 years ago
Blue gouramis and three spot gouramis aren't the best community fish they are aggressive
Sega Wolf
Sega Wolf - 9 years ago
Plecos are cool but I wouldn't suggest it to any beginners cause they get pretty big and they do poop a lot.
topoluc12 - 9 years ago
Got 2 more.
Flip Out
Flip Out - 9 years ago
+Sega Wolf Yeah they do get really big. I have one and he is about 1.5-2.0 feet. And yes they do poop a lot:)
topoluc12 - 9 years ago
+Sega Wolf There is ALOT of smaller pleco species. I have 1 i have had for about 1 and a half year, and he was 3 cm when i get him, i think he is 5 cm now. He dosnt grow very fast anymore and i think hes about full size :) And he is awesome when he munches on the glass :D
ಠ_ಠ Vee
ಠ_ಠ Vee - 9 years ago
I followed this and all my fish get along really well this helped thanks!
DJ SHUTTLE - 9 years ago
i have plecos but only 1
John Smithy
John Smithy - 9 years ago
You spelled WHICH wrong you spelled it "wich" learn how to spell!

50. comment for top 10 tropical fish

happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 9 years ago
Those are really beautiful fish but betta can go to gether in a big tank
whitegizebra - 9 years ago
Had male and female gouramie they fought constantly. Ate the tale of the small ones
Snowy Aaron
Snowy Aaron - 9 years ago
Cold you keep a beta and a pleco together?
Noah Beres
Noah Beres - 9 years ago
Cherry barbs are annoying as fuck! They eat all your live plants but otherwise they are good fish.
samuricexful - 9 years ago
I have 3 male bettas in a 5 gallon and they never kill each other?
Zayne Gray
Zayne Gray - 10 years ago
Zayne Gray
Zayne Gray - 10 years ago
Nxy Dxy
Nxy Dxy - 10 years ago
I have 11 betta in a aquarium and they never kill each other
Edwin Ramirez
Edwin Ramirez - 9 years ago
I wanna see the 11 betta
Edwin Ramirez
Edwin Ramirez - 9 years ago
Make a video of it please
Nxy Dxy
Nxy Dxy - 9 years ago
Drew Ferguson
Drew Ferguson - 9 years ago
The tank could be a bit crowded
Nxy Dxy
Nxy Dxy - 9 years ago
30 Liters probably
Drew Ferguson
Drew Ferguson - 9 years ago
How bigs the tank
Nxy Dxy
Nxy Dxy - 9 years ago
All male
Drew Ferguson
Drew Ferguson - 9 years ago
R they female or male if they are female that will be why
Jamie C
Jamie C - 10 years ago
you miss one out molly fish
Kyle Lemon
Kyle Lemon - 10 years ago
Nice vid I don't agree with all of them but nice vid
mihajlo525 - 10 years ago
You'll actually be surprised how well Plecos clean! I had about 6 rocks covered in algae that were IMPOSSIBLE to scrub off. And after the plecos first day 4 of them had ABSOLUTELY no algae!
mihajlo525 - 10 years ago
Reticulated stingray FTW. they're really only for more experienced keepers and one's with quite a budget but they're easily one of the most exotic and affordable "large fish". They're SUPER intelligent and grow to 12" in diameter.
Ian Cruickshank
Ian Cruickshank - 10 years ago
I like tetras because they form shoals. My favourites are cardinals and rummy nose. I like clown loaches for their colours.
ChaosCorrupter - 10 years ago
Some people will disagree but I love pelcos my is awesome, I don't know for sure but he is about 7 inches long which I love
Sahadi420 - 9 years ago
+ChaosCorrupter Plecos are great..........but the Siamese Algae Eater (SAE's) is the top dog of algae consumption. They'll eat the dead skin right off your hands as you feed your fish!!!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
you might want to put a size warning on here.
Werner John
Werner John - 10 years ago
There is no "best" fish to buy, they are all different! ;) But my favorite are bettas, for me, they are the most "worth it." However, the easiest water creature is Ramshorn snails. SOOOOO easy. Just put 'em in a 1 gallon tank w/ food, and change water 1x a week. Done! All fish I've tried are hard to care for. They are not for young children if I have a say in it. You have to figuer out heating, lighting, filter, uhhhh. I never spend any time doing non-fish things! But if you have the time, & you love fish (like I do) you can absolutely have LOTS of fun w/ them. You just have to know what you'r doing!
Robert Sorrentino
Robert Sorrentino - 10 years ago
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 10 years ago
Neon tetras are expensive as hell.. also female betta fish can be kept together as long as they have enough room (they may become aggressive if in too small of a tank)
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+Holly H woah they must look beautiful in a big shoal. I have 6 black neons, 6 penguin tetras, 2 glowlight and 3 neons. All my tetras swim in a big shoal. The gouramis and barbs look at them.
Holly H
Holly H - 9 years ago
I have 23 neon tetras from my birthday.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
+Alexis Gass
depends where you get them.if you get them that cheap they'll most likely be sick and the money you saved buying them will be spend curing them.
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 9 years ago
Neon tetras are cheap 2.42
Snipercube - 9 years ago
I can get 6 neons for £10 ($13) and they cost £2 each ($2.65)
Wirty - 9 years ago
at my local 5 neon tetras is £2.50
Nxy Dxy
Nxy Dxy - 10 years ago
Actually in here its about 50 cents
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 10 years ago
I never said that couldn't be kept with other fish..
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
actually bettas can be kept in with most peaceful,non fin nipping fish that don't look like them just so long as you have a big tank and they go in last.
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 10 years ago
they're like 3 dollars each where I live
tuby0805 - 10 years ago
You are kidding right? I can buy them for a dollar at my place
snouty snouterson
snouty snouterson - 10 years ago
Hey man I disagree so I disliked the hell out of you!! Nah just kiddin I liked : )
EosVenom - 10 years ago
My pleco has just died at the age of 14
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+Alex Harrison no problem.
Alex Harrison
Alex Harrison - 9 years ago
+Snipercube​ I think I will check out the garden center, thanks
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+Alex Harrison yeah my cousin used to buy fish from pets at home but they all die but the one I go to has great fish, I only buy them from there or the garden centre.
Alex Harrison
Alex Harrison - 9 years ago
Must have just been the one that we used
Snipercube - 9 years ago
Plecos are very immune to disease as they have armor, I've never had any problems with pets at home.
Alex Harrison
Alex Harrison - 10 years ago
I also had a pleco that died, it was a couple of years old and it died from a disease from some other fish from pets at home
Annabel Costa
Annabel Costa - 10 years ago
I'm so sorry! I love plecos as well.
Will B
Will B - 10 years ago
I have a pleco and he is awesome but.........he is beggining to get very territorial ever since his bristles came out (thats how we know he is a boy)
SNiTCH - 10 years ago
a pleco killed my Oscar
SNiTCH - 10 years ago
ryan jansen
ryan jansen - 10 years ago
That's weird my oscar ate my pleco
Samuel King
Samuel King - 10 years ago
I got a snowball Pleco it cost me £50 but it was worth it I keep it with 8 guppys and 4 cherrie balbs 2 male and 2 female 3 dwarf Congo frogs and 3 cherry shrimps and 5 shoulder fish I don't know what there are but they got a sort of black diamond on their side.
Kaan Ataroglu
Kaan Ataroglu - 10 years ago
Ich liebe kampffische
Gabriel Csoka
Gabriel Csoka - 10 years ago
Angel fish????
Dom Hill
Dom Hill - 11 years ago
Plecos half the time don't clean shit Cory do tho
Think Fish
Think Fish - 11 years ago
Nice! My fave are Angelfish :D
neoian94 - 10 years ago
me too, well that and discus.
Butterfly banana
Butterfly banana - 11 years ago
my favorites are the catfish
BadlndsBob - 11 years ago
Yes, I like neons and cherry barbs. Colorful, peaceful, easy to care for. Don't need big tanks. Easy to feed, not too sensitive to water conditions.
Nick Gonzalez
Nick Gonzalez - 11 years ago
I love my red tail shark, probably my favorite fish, but as far as an algae eater i'd go with my twig cats, they're awesome
stfu idiot
stfu idiot - 11 years ago
red tail catfish number 1
stfu idiot
stfu idiot - 11 years ago
plecos poo more than the poo they eat
stfu idiot
stfu idiot - 10 years ago
imagine you have one fish and one pleco, the fish poops once a day but the pleco poo's 2 times a day
neoian94 - 10 years ago
how is that even possible, think about it bro.
Tom Harvey
Tom Harvey - 11 years ago
my pleco isn't very good at it's job. :'(
Dan Howard
Dan Howard - 11 years ago
Plecs don't actually make your tank cleaner, they poo like crazy and actually cause more of a mess, however my Royal Plec has teeth so he does a good job cleaning my glass.....
7lonewolf - 11 years ago
Make a new video with cichlids. Those are cool fish they actually pay attention to you. Not hating just saying.
william james steel
william james steel - 11 years ago
what is the real name of the 7th fish? because i have it and really want to know whats it called....
Clara Beatriz Balbinot Korobinski
Clara Beatriz Balbinot Korobinski - 11 years ago
I have 3, 5 and 10.
Alexander Mileski
Alexander Mileski - 11 years ago
pleco ftw
hasaan Tirani
hasaan Tirani - 11 years ago
Plecos produce waste, more than they clean algae!
FreshwaterPro Abrar
FreshwaterPro Abrar - 11 years ago
Fighting fish don't fight to the death tone the opponents give up and you can keep the keep them with certain fishes. Thanks for the video.
Jack Young
Jack Young - 11 years ago
i just got a betta today and it is awesome
charlie fowler
charlie fowler - 11 years ago
awesome coolest thing ever OMG
SaltLakeSPL - 11 years ago
Just bought my first tank! Very useful video!
Lindsay Lonsdale
Lindsay Lonsdale - 11 years ago
they actually are cool.plecos
logunlad - 11 years ago
until mr pleco decided to start latching onto your fish when its older
SamCrowe98 - 11 years ago
/watch?v=Yib3NUJhA_8 /watch?v=4hWM7zimE9U
SamCrowe98 - 11 years ago
/watch?v=Yib3NUJhA_8 /watch?v=4hWM7zimE9U these are the best
Amathusukx - 11 years ago
Nice choices, I agree with you on the Pleco, don't think I've ever had a tank and not had one. Excellent algae eaters. :)
Ali Bushehri
Ali Bushehri - 11 years ago
I love angel fish
Charlie Price
Charlie Price - 11 years ago
I love the Betta fish and neon tetras! Also the cleaning fish would be very useful! :)

100. comment for top 10 tropical fish

gkribbs - 11 years ago
i think the zebra pleco s best
D GW - 11 years ago
I have a female gourami who lives with my discus very peacefully, that being said, her mate a 2.5" long male was so aggressive he lives in my Oscar tank now(3 10" tiger o's) and bullies them...just a heads up. Some gouramis have very bad attitudes. enjoyed watching your list. Cheers.
Becky Morris
Becky Morris - 11 years ago
I have some platys. Very hardy and nice to watch.
will s
will s - 11 years ago
i subscribed your fish videos are nice please sub back
Random Sam
Random Sam - 11 years ago
You probably could, but you need to get a small arowana. Clown loaches get to about 30cm, but will grow quite fast, try to get the bigger ones.
Random Sam
Random Sam - 11 years ago
Nah, Rainbow Shark, I got 1 in my tank, definitely not a loach
Max Valdes
Max Valdes - 11 years ago
Great video man all was accurate and helpful, . My parents recently surprised me with a nice 55 gal aquarium. Been looking into what fish to buy . You're absolutely right about the Betta. I had a red one and bought a blue one , woke up the next morning and the blue was dead and the red died 2 days later. I agree with you on the pleco to man, they get pretty big and it isn't too much of a hassle to clean all the time thanks to them :)
WAATTAHHH DOOOEZ - 11 years ago
thanks man now i can finally choose a nice fish for my aquarium thanks man
Arnel Porciuncula
Arnel Porciuncula - 11 years ago
i agree with the fish you chose especially the plecos love thos fish and theyre algae eaters.
AznPrideEatsRice - 11 years ago
I love pleckos keep my tank clean!
GrizzlyGaming - 11 years ago
I have pleckos
Dale Parkinson
Dale Parkinson - 11 years ago
TheOnlyGHOST1015 - 12 years ago
Nice pics
James Galvan
James Galvan - 12 years ago
im pretty certain that no7 is also a loach. i could be wrong though
Point Blank
Point Blank - 12 years ago
love the fish that you choose

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