$30M WallyPower

an expensive yacht by Wally This is really nothing compared to the $300 million dollar yacht named "A" owned by a Russian billionaire. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu4p3zdB1f4 or google "russian billionaire's 300 million yacht"

$30M WallyPower sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Yacht 17 years ago 258,410 views

an expensive yacht by Wally This is really nothing compared to the $300 million dollar yacht named "A" owned by a Russian billionaire. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu4p3zdB1f4 or google "russian billionaire's 300 million yacht"

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Most popular comments
for $30M WallyPower

Capt Eric Bergeron
Capt Eric Bergeron - 8 years ago
Great video & thumbs up. Cheers from sunny Sint Maarten
W M - 9 years ago
Disgusting. While people starve
bittasweet symphony
bittasweet symphony - 10 years ago
this is money that has fallen into the wrong hands,   should be illegal to waste so much of the earths ancient oils.
RSBSTEADICAM - 11 years ago
That's why they are called the 1% there guy!
RSBSTEADICAM - 11 years ago
I agree and this has got to be one of the ugliest things afloat I've ever seen. Actually I've seen barges with more style that this!
RSBSTEADICAM - 11 years ago
I really wish these feature "reporters" would graduate grammar school before they get these jobs! All they seem to be capable of doing is qualifying ana qualifier. Hey there guy: something is unique meaning: one of a kind. Saying it is truly unique (or truly revolutionary) just makes you look like the jerk you are who really has run out of words!
Mafi maf
Mafi maf - 11 years ago
And now u can hear the airconditioning
WhatTheFucckk - 11 years ago
Rich assholes just don't know what to do with their money.
Gargarensisspire - 12 years ago
he's right, u could buy this yacht with lottery winnings, but u would eventually run out and be poor once again, waste of winnings

10. comment for $30M WallyPower

Isreal Brownlow
Isreal Brownlow - 12 years ago
If it's only going 400+ miles on a single tank of fuel, where would you gas it up.
ravago1989 - 12 years ago
I hate it when people pretend my boat is theirs...I'll never lend it out again. By the way, 22000 liters, thats 33000 EUR each time I have to fill it up. About the same as what my secretary makes in a whole year ;)
Christopher Kreschollek
Christopher Kreschollek - 12 years ago
How many people have that much money? Jesus...
Pen Cil
Pen Cil - 12 years ago
God I hate Aussies
Rasco Kajtezovic
Rasco Kajtezovic - 12 years ago
cplai - 12 years ago
Thanks for letting me know. I have removed the dead links.
Rasco Kajtezovic
Rasco Kajtezovic - 12 years ago
the videos are removed?
tanner87 - 12 years ago
fingers crossed for the £126m Euromillions tomorrow
tobigforyou - 12 years ago
Even if you win the lottery you still can't afford this(the maintenance alone is usually 20% of the yacht) These types of things are out of limit to even most artists, movie stars, athletes etc... Stuff like this is mostly for captains of industry, entrepreneurs.
MrLouiethethird - 12 years ago
That shit better be James Bond Tricked out if IM goin to spend 30MILL., im talkin bout bullet proof, missle proof, and gov't proof

20. comment for $30M WallyPower

Romanos Bolotas
Romanos Bolotas - 13 years ago
@CAMNZ117 also man i am sure that wally needs a lot of gas but 1 lt per second is at the top speed, and usually boats are not driven in tops speed
cplai - 13 years ago
@CAMNZ117 When the filthy rich need a way to burn money, they can do it in gasoline form much faster than in paper form. :-)
CAMNZ117 - 13 years ago
i bet a tank of the turbine gas would cost at least $50,000 to fill. 1l per second is insane!
looonger - 13 years ago
@cplai The $450 million one is not accessible. These things are really crazy...
Lil Scotchy
Lil Scotchy - 13 years ago
It's like the Lamborghini Countach of the ocean. I'd like to see them make an updated version, though. Something with more rounded lines, something a bit more "nautical" looking.
slava1000000 - 13 years ago
17000 коней и всего 70 узлов
donte092 - 13 years ago
dear santa..
Howard Mora
Howard Mora - 13 years ago
Man .... I've had boats all my life. This is a helluva boat....but you can't ever get away from salt on the ocean....and that thing is sucking in a lot of salt air. I'd hate to see what it costs to keep this boat ship shape! There's so much to go wrong. Salt water just kills everything.
Howard Mora
Howard Mora - 13 years ago
Man .... I've had boats all my life. This is a helluva boat....but you can't ever get away from salt on the ocean....and that thing is sucking in a lot of salt air. I'd hate to see what it costs to keep this boat ship shape! There's so much to go wrong. Salt water just kills everything.
KohRong - 13 years ago
Ferry :)

30. comment for $30M WallyPower

carl barino
carl barino - 13 years ago
its bruce waynes creation!
Jack Nguyen
Jack Nguyen - 13 years ago
i think im gonna save up too buy this thing XD
Louis Barcel
Louis Barcel - 13 years ago
i feel like a hobo
wonka - 13 years ago
I knew a guy that had this yacht but he said it was so anoying everytime he would turn the engine on the police would stop him and check his boat cause it was too loud, so he sold it. useless boat.
kzd209 - 13 years ago
why am i still alive
cats400 - 13 years ago
@XtronGraphics youre just jealous u dont have one
Will Sullivan
Will Sullivan - 13 years ago
Holy poop
golfmaniac007 - 13 years ago
@UNDIQUE01 $120 million lottery winner cannot afford this unless they want to go broke in a couple years. the owner of this boat has to be nearing the $1 billion mark. Can you imagine the cost of maintenance on this thing? its a money pit like many of the yachts.
Robert Diebel
Robert Diebel - 13 years ago
cash or credit?
D0cT0rFaTE - 14 years ago
sounds like an abrams tank!!
Russell Carter
Russell Carter - 14 years ago
@fran21ish Im with you. my life seems like nothing compared to this. lol
UNDIQUE01 - 14 years ago
@MustangJohn1967 Lottery winners could never afford this...The biggest jackpot winner was around $174M and he walked away with about $120M, he could afford this...average big lotery winners win about $30M...they couldn't afford this unless they matured their money after investing it or starting a successfully business...Besides, a down payment on this would be around $5M and thats a huge chunk if you only have $10M or less...Only CEO's and Old money ppl can afford this type of luxury. Nice boat!
james serrato
james serrato - 14 years ago
i wanna be adpoted by him that way wen he dies everything would be left in the will. i so would be happy with that
dasautomega - 14 years ago
'This thing is a one off super yacht, but he is happy to make you one too'!!!!!
turbowargen - 14 years ago
This is the coolest boat on the planet. If I had a couple of millions I'd buy it. But it's not very good for the environment now is it? 1 l/sec......!
zeffrey666 - 14 years ago
@fran21ish Hahah right what the fuck
jibster94 - 14 years ago
why didnt he beat him up and throw him overboard? thats worth it about a few weeks on that yacht even on the run is TOATLY worth the time you will spend in prison seriously :O
NeonAerox - 14 years ago
love this boat!
cplai - 14 years ago
@fran21ish wait till you watch the video on the $450 and $300 million yachts. Follow the links in the description section.
MrBRL - 14 years ago
@cplai wow,thats crazy.

50. comment for $30M WallyPower

cplai - 14 years ago
@MrBRL Do you know that in the US lotto is also known as the "poor man's tax"? The lotto payoff is so low that people who knows math would not play. eg. in California, the odd of winning the lotto is 1 in 47 million, but the jackpot is usually $7M. So the expected return is 15 cent for every dollar you put in. It is similar to playing on a roulette table in the casino, but they only pay you 5X instead of 35X when you bet on the winning number.
cplai - 14 years ago
@MrBRL In California, there are numerous lotteries. many scratcher games that you can buy anytime, and 2 semi-weekly lottos. The California-only lotto pays $7M normally. The jackpot will grow only when nobody won for weeks. It can grow to $60M+ at times. There is also a multi-state lotto that pays $12M to start with and it can grow to $200M+ in rare occasions. but $7M and $12 are the norm.
cplai - 14 years ago
@felixXH12 In California, there are numerous lotteries. many scratcher games that you can buy anytime, and 2 semi-weekly lottos. The California-only lotto pays $7M normally. The jackpot will grow only when nobody won for weeks. It can grow to $60M+ at times. There is also a multi-state lotto that pays $12M to start with and it can grow to $200M+ in rare occasions. but $7M and $12 are the norm.
felixXH12 - 14 years ago
@cplai Not in Germany the highest i think was 43 million Euro
MrBRL - 14 years ago
@cplai its £14 million in the UK,and our euro lottery pays up to £110 million straight up.I must start playin lol,only £1.
barthoedemaker - 14 years ago
The hull design looks like those old wooden boats
kopfwolle - 14 years ago
das ist das mit abstand hässlichste boot der welt. und dann 30mio$. unglaublich
Christopher Manusk
Christopher Manusk - 14 years ago
If I'm lucky enough to win the lottery I will buy a oceanfront home with this yacht dry docked right next to the water, ready to be launched.
jude deshan
jude deshan - 14 years ago
@cplai witch is highly unlikly
Paullex - 14 years ago
One day, after I shake hands with the devil.. It will be mine! mwhahaha
pepewiwi - 14 years ago
..da behalt' ich doch lieber mein Klepper - Faltboot!!!!
southport97 - 14 years ago
This boat was featured in the movies: The Island and Miami Vice.
ProjectVRD - 14 years ago
Typical Aussie host. He knows nothing about Monaco, he assumes this is a place for Millionaires lol... This is Monico, a place for Billionaires. Millionaires just don't cut it there! But this is Europe, not Australia... they don't have anything like these places down under.
MrEasyCash - 15 years ago
I will have to get some rod holders : )
MaxSafeheaD - 15 years ago
Lovely boat, it'll also make it relatively easy to spot the worlds most evil bastards.
shockwave1986 - 15 years ago
Yeah that would definitely hurt - in the video they say the water jets come out at 350 km/h that's what's able to make such a huge boat go so fast. Well imagine that jet hitting you in the face, Easily break your neck me thinks. Pretty scary huh ?
Richard Anthony
Richard Anthony - 15 years ago
Wow, a drug lord's meating office on the see, good for evil plan, or just meat Darth Vader and explain how to take over the world... muah ah ah ah euh... hold up ain't that Pinky and the Brain's plan?
R.D. Matney
R.D. Matney - 15 years ago
cplai - 15 years ago
@MustangJohn1967 The regular California lotto only pays $7M over 26 years. If you want one time payment, it only worths $3 or so. You'd need 10 lotto winning to buy this boat. :-)
EF61 - 15 years ago
"If Darth Vader were a pirate, this would be his ship" (Hammond, Top Gear)
Leonardo gonçalves
Leonardo gonçalves - 15 years ago
This is the most beautiful floating Coffin in the world!!!
Green Goose
Green Goose - 15 years ago
Had a walk around this amazing Yacht when it moored up in Portofino & Rapallo Italy this year. It took hours to refuel. You can hear it coming from miles out at sea. Stunning vessel. I will post my video footage shortly.
Hallgord H
Hallgord H - 15 years ago
only 33 million! I´m gonna buy 33 wallypower
cplai - 15 years ago
check out the boat called Earth Race. It can pierce through ocean waves. Not entirely a submarine, but it can go underwater in short periods of time.
Steve Chacon Jr
Steve Chacon Jr - 15 years ago
Whew! That's an immense amount of dead presidents let me tell ya; $33M is a lot of green! Hakuna matata...
Dolo Williams
Dolo Williams - 15 years ago
I want this for a yacht and a Reventon for my car. Understand??????
Yb - 15 years ago
if your boat is 33 million how much is your house?
Paul Milne
Paul Milne - 15 years ago
Dolo55..... What has a lambo got to do with this?
Jonathan Lo
Jonathan Lo - 15 years ago
bloody hell!
SoBeBousi - 15 years ago
well, you won't fall into the jets since it's going too fast for you to fall a couple feet in less than a fraction of a second, but I'm pretty sure you could break something falling into the water at that speed
Dolo Williams
Dolo Williams - 15 years ago
Give me this and a lambo reventon and I would never complain again!!! i'd be to busy having threesomes with supermodels lol
Tony - 15 years ago
i want one
the Legit
the Legit - 15 years ago
you have my blessing on that :P
Reddragon816 - 15 years ago
My Fourwinns is way nicer!! lol
Juggernaut - 15 years ago
i have seen one last year in porto rotondo sardegna italy, the owner was the head of bticino industrys
AlexPham95 - 15 years ago
i want it!
the Legit
the Legit - 15 years ago
how many people actually own this boat?
candofitness - 15 years ago
HUMMER of the high seas???????? What ???? A tug boat is a hummer. This is a Veyron or a CCX. I would have thrown this guy overboard.
swamigal - 15 years ago
but when I dream, yeah I see myself ripping Ocean's apart with this Bad Ass Power Toy
swamigal - 15 years ago
it's not a thing in havng 33M.....it's more like that is toy good to play with if You are around 3 billions on a side, than lets say it would be great fun to have it,but if you are under 100 or 200 M its ridiculous buy, same shit as I see some small time millionaires pumping Lambo but laming about full insurance costs etc.......I actually own Atlantis 51 boat which I enjoy last 2 summers, but i am limited in going overseas for example (or at least not adventures kind of guy:)).
Nicholas Iglesias
Nicholas Iglesias - 15 years ago
i agree but im sure if u got $33million i think u can afford a few extra dollars to make the windows darker
Nicholas Iglesias
Nicholas Iglesias - 15 years ago
the first yacht u can use to waterski
swamigal - 15 years ago
I love this boat, but lack of privacy inside is critical turn off....:/
Steve Winfield
Steve Winfield - 15 years ago
tell me all you know on Luca.
Walter E. Kurtz
Walter E. Kurtz - 15 years ago
The problem is that this is Luca Bassani's boat, it allways will be. Nobody as rich as him want's "his" boat, even if it's a hull no.2. It's just too personal...for this cash, one wants HIS OWN yacht, personal to him, not to Luca Bassani. For the rest, great boat, Luca.
UFOSPACEMAN - 15 years ago
samwattele What a Ignorance!! That was an intelligent sentence right?
UFOSPACEMAN - 15 years ago
Are you trying to say something?
Jong Lee
Jong Lee - 16 years ago
To someone that can afford a 30 million dollar boat that's like a full tank on your Suburban. Say a full tank for a suburban costs $93 (at $3/gal...given that the gas price is most likely to go up...) And Wally 118's full tank costs $17,400 at $3/gal. A new suburban costs about $40,000 and Wally 118 costs about $24 million dollars. Then, Suburban's full gas tank costs about 0.23% of the price new vehicle. And Wally118's full gas tank costs about 0.0725% of the price of new boat. lol...
michael smith
michael smith - 16 years ago
get a life g a y italian b i t c h and learn english
UFOSPACEMAN - 16 years ago
The only down fall is that it is not Fuel Efficient. And because of that its not worth 1 Mil. At most about 400,000$ If you payed more then that. You got robbed. Have a nice day!

100. comment for $30M WallyPower

UFOSPACEMAN - 16 years ago
Ive been a fan of this boat for years. I love the Design.
WeirdoProductions - 16 years ago
the boat form of the Y2K.
Dante Quercia
Dante Quercia - 16 years ago
Where I can rent this boat??? yeah right...
Thailandinfo - 16 years ago
Where can I order a boat like this.
mjpd345 - 16 years ago
Would like to charter for a weekend.
nikolin deda
nikolin deda - 16 years ago
just a dream!!!
forkmaster - 16 years ago
Not nice boat.
cplai - 16 years ago
So you think the congressional hearing with the executives from the 4 major oil companies was also media hype? The crude oil price was raised because of the speculators. The gas pump price was set by the oil companies, they argued that was driven by the supply and demand. The public cut down energy demand this summer and the speculators made the wrong bet. The price came down a little but the gas pump price didn't go down as fast. I think the Saudi benefit from the speculation.
Eimhin1 - 16 years ago
uh oil companies make the same amount of profit as Coca-Cola does. It is only the media making it look like that. Take a look at the facts.
cplai - 16 years ago
You are quite wrong about this. The Saudi didn't make record profit recently. The oil company such as Shell, Chevon, BP etc. are pocketing all our hard earned cash.
Eimhin1 - 16 years ago
The Saudi's could buy a FLEET of those things with how much they charge us for a barrel of oil lately.
crazedADDICTION - 16 years ago
lol one comment 12000 views? lol imagain having a party on there then it just starting up at full speed xD

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