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The "[ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show" video is part of the Yachts, sailing, boating category, which contains similar videos like this one.
(source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azzam_(2013_yacht) )
wow. Just...wow.
10. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show
Sultan of Oman own the largest yacht in the world Al-said then the royal family ask for azzam to be bigger than Al-said in less than 4 year and this is the results
20. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show
nightmare. Nothing beats the simple freedom of a much smaller boat with
the unlimited range of clean travel and reliability that a sail offers.
Park it at a city pier and maybe market it as a multi-unit floating condo.
Just think of the amount of money the owner of a super yacht like this one "scatters" among companies around the world!
Anual expenses with a "common" super yacht (Azzam costs more than this...):
Fuel: $200,000
Dockage: $350,000
Vessel insurance: $240,000
Maint./Repairs: $1M
Crew: $1,4M
Maybe the owner of one of the companies that got a share of this money, was able to open that restaurant where you go on Sundays and speak wonders of the food. So the next time you go to a restaurant, remember that you could have done diner at home, the restaurant was your "little" luxury. Yet you pay for the meal and help the man's bussiness. Just as the rich guy who bought the boat.
People can complain about billionaires bussiness practises or the way they manage employees or whatever, but buying over-priced luxury items like this is actually good for the society.
30. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show
50. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show
to share their wealth with people who sit on their ass looking for a free handouts .
Okay I've got it ... if a rich man goes broke will the poor people help him pay off his debts . I didn't think so , it's a one way street for bitter lazy people , yeah rich people should pay more to the poor people unless they goes broke , then they are on their own .
So, in the end it all comes down to the lottery of life. I am not saying work is unimportant, I am merely saying its not the most important factor. ;-)
And on the other hand, if people were focused at being clever and making useful products everybody would be a billionaire. Stupid people don't understand the amount of money is only a reflection of production. That's why they lapse to nonsense about re-distribution rather than mind work.
"Being wealthy is a choice and so is being poor!"
Well put sir.
Okay I've got it , if a rich man goes broke will the poor people help him pay off his debts . I didn't think so , it a one way street for bitter lazy people , yeah rich people should pay more to the poor people unless he goes broke , then he is on his own .
The "maximum hull speed" - i.e. the maximum speed in knots that a vessel can travel (without planing) is a function of the submerged length. See here
In simple terms, the maximum speed in knots is equal to 1.34 x the Square Root of "Length at the Waterline" (measured in feet) and computed in knots.
According to her Wikipedia page, Azzam's length is quoted at 590 feet. On that basis, then, her maximum speed in knots would be 1.34 x 24.289915603 (square root of 590) which is 32.5485 knots... The same Wikipedia page suggests that her actual top speed is 30 knots. That is a remarkable feat of engineering for any sea-going vessel, doubly so for a private yacht.
Wouldn't want to be paying her fuel bill though...
This looks like a swimming office building.
The powerball pot is often shared, isn't it?
100. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show
Cant disagree with you on any count.
Everyone knows Arab billionaires are only playing the good muslim till nobody can see them. Then they drink, fuck and do drugs just like their European and American counterparts.
hope this helps!
If you had $5B and earned a return of 5-10% a year on that $5B, then you can afford it but it would be expensive.
So, regular billionaires need not apply. :)
Minimum net worth of $10B to make this yacht a luxury you can afford without feeling it.
Let's be clear. The population is quickly awakening to the reality that everyone needs to contribute and the pitchforks and torches are being prepped.
This trend where the super rich think they can control the government and impose their will on the lower classes will come to an end one way or another.
Care about your head others could be looking on your little lot and questioning why you should have so much. Study the French revolution heads just kept on dropping.