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Most popular comments

psygnale - 7 years ago
"Carrying a submarine and her own missile defense system, it will still travel in excess of 32 knots powered by a combination of two gas turbines and two diesel engines with a total power output of 70 MW (94,000 hp)"

(source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azzam_(2013_yacht) )

wow. Just...wow.
?, ?,
?, ?, - 7 years ago
Azzam is not the largest yacht in the world , it is the longest , largest yachts by volume are Al said and dilbar , this idea to say which yacht is bigger based on it's length only without taking the beam into consideration is very misleading .
daniel kinney
daniel kinney - 7 years ago
It must be wonderful to SAIL around in these mega structures while children are dying of hunger as they watch you pass by their Country.
daniel kinney
daniel kinney - 7 years ago
The 1% Elite are the only ones that will ever have things like this unless the other 99% wake up and stop allowing these Rich Elites to keep us all in slavery and the only way to achieve that is to STOP using Credit Cards do not Finance anything do not pay one penny of interest.  If we would all stay home from work 1 day and do not buy any GAS FOOD or do any shopping it would send a message to the ELITE, imagine if we all did this for 7 days then imagine 30 days we would cause Wall Street to CRASH and the BANKERS would FALL DOWN.  We should remove all money from the banks as well.  This world is getting ready for a shift.  The Elite are putting the ONE WORLD GOV in place.  But we are all to comfortable with our faces buried in our iPhones while driving cars and walking down the streets , people cannot even eat dinner without holding their iPhones.  WAKE UP.  MY REASON FOR COMMENTING is THIS:  They float around wasting so much GASOLINE and yet they tell us to conserve that we are causing GLOBAL WARMING?  the 99% need to conserve?  When they are floating on these mega yachts wasting gasoline yet they say the 99% of the human population should CONSERVE.   WE have cities that tell us that we cannot water our lawns because there is not enough water in CA.  Yet they have all the wealth to ride around in these. massive yachts while telling us to conserve.  What a JOKE. #SLAVES2THEELITE1%
Neil Mckinney
Neil Mckinney - 7 years ago
There is only day crew no crew quarters it's a boat to take Arabs to an island off Dubai to drink alcohol and fuck prostitutes...
Freddie Bluk
Freddie Bluk - 7 years ago
Neil Mckinney that’s insane man!
Neil Mckinney
Neil Mckinney - 7 years ago
Freddie Bluk yep
Freddie Bluk
Freddie Bluk - 7 years ago
Neil Mckinney really? That is crazy
bradyfilm - 7 years ago
This boat is severely limited in its Ocean going capacity due to its surface drive but that should not be a surprise as the middle eastern customers have no stomach for anything other than anchoring off Cairns or Monte Carlo and pretending to be a ship!
Elias Berdiyev
Elias Berdiyev - 7 years ago
I want to see boats not a bunch of people complaining how poor they are..dont care
a customer
a customer - 7 years ago
I like turtles. Someone give me a million dollars so i can make a billion. Thank you.
giuse 1964
giuse 1964 - 7 years ago

10. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show

Jessie Jones
Jessie Jones - 7 years ago
It's funny how he went immediately to justification of the money...no in a situation when wealth distribution was more equally distributed...this WOULD be impressive...but in our current economic condition this is just a symptom of monetary expansion and someone sipping from the top before it "tickles down"
cenexes 12
cenexes 12 - 7 years ago
you want equal distribution of wealth then get off you ass and go to work cause they do
Siam Sattar
Siam Sattar - 7 years ago
Now a 1 billion dollar yacht is being built with a size of 823 feet
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson - 7 years ago
Best comment around 2:00 indicates that this yacht employed 6 million man hours covering the livelihood of 4,000 families. So some rich fat cat can keep his money to himself or purchase such a great employment item as this yacht.
Cool Jesus
Cool Jesus - 7 years ago
It's a speedy fucker...
Brennan Avellino
Brennan Avellino - 7 years ago
I'm about 90-100% sure that this isn't actually the largest yacht it's the longest yacht. The largest yacht by volume is dilbar.
jjaus - 7 years ago
So boring. Show us the yacht.
تكتيك تكتيك
تكتيك تكتيك - 7 years ago
What an ugly big fat yacht !!
Sultan of Oman own the largest yacht in the world Al-said then the royal family ask for azzam to be bigger than Al-said in less than 4 year and this is the results
تكتيك تكتيك
تكتيك تكتيك - 7 years ago
Royal family of UAE
Mobin Ziahi
Mobin Ziahi - 7 years ago
Is this my ship? I want to know that because i did the conversation with telepathie. my name is also bull gates
Nick Parker
Nick Parker - 7 years ago
That's what I call stunning!
Ryan Knight
Ryan Knight - 7 years ago
this guy acts like its the first big ship ever built

20. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show

Robin T
Robin T - 7 years ago
Sometimes less is more and that is a fuel guzzeling maintenance
nightmare. Nothing beats the simple freedom of a much smaller boat with
the unlimited range of clean travel and reliability that a sail offers.
Park it at a city pier and maybe market it as a multi-unit floating condo.
Robin T
Robin T - 7 years ago
I live on a coast in Halifax, Canada, and i do see every type and size of watercraft. I also see the dead zones of ocean, toxins and plastics becoming excessive also. Have it here by the weekend and we can talk about retrofitting a kite or some sails to assist :)
RENOVATIO - 7 years ago
Robin T You realize this boat can travel accross the world and be at your service at any port you wish?
Cryptaris Protocol
Cryptaris Protocol - 7 years ago
+Robin T I think people buy yachts mainly for the prestige when a yacht is purchased you usually pay %20 of the price it cost to make the total yacht on maintenance and paying the crew and engineers of the yacht. Such a purchase is just riddled with a sign reading "I'm gonna fucking bankrupt your arse if you buy me..." on these yachts. Which is why you don't see every multi-billionaire or millionaire with a yacht.
Ms. Eel
Ms. Eel - 7 years ago
That's how I feed my eel
Jonathan Grunwald
Jonathan Grunwald - 7 years ago
Is there a person who really need this super yacht, what this represents, power,status,$$$$$,why big fish needs big boat,and there always be a bigger fish.I wonder if the owner of this yacht really enjoys his toy fully and for haw long. TH
carkod - 7 years ago
Create employment? For how long?
Cryptaris Protocol
Cryptaris Protocol - 7 years ago
+carkod for a really long time, paying the crew that maintenance, monitors and administer the yacht costs about %20 of the price it cost to build the entire yacht. These things are just massively raping your wallet if you ever chose to buy such ships as a millionaire or billionaire, which is why not every wealthy person has yachts.
Mark Tibbetts
Mark Tibbetts - 7 years ago
Everyone has that one thing that they really love,weather it be cars,boat or planes. This yacht is flipping beautiful. Even if I had the money I would not buy a yacht, but to each his own.
Mark Tibbetts
Mark Tibbetts - 7 years ago
Sooo many yachts look like crap nowadays. This one is drop dead gorgeous.
cesarzYT - 7 years ago
yeah shit I AM SO THANKFUL to the super rich that they spent this llittle part of their private money for this futile attempt to make their lives less miserable
Zbriu - 7 years ago
The only one entitled to evaluate if buying a ship like this is a waste of money or not, is the person buying it. All others should be thankful that he "put back" on the market something like 600 million dollars. That money goes to a company that has a lot of employees with families. All the materials, electronics, every part of that ship, in some way, came from suppliers who also have employees with families.
Just think of the amount of money the owner of a super yacht like this one "scatters" among companies around the world!
Anual expenses with a "common" super yacht (Azzam costs more than this...):
Fuel: $200,000
Dockage: $350,000
Vessel insurance: $240,000
Maint./Repairs: $1M
Crew: $1,4M
Maybe the owner of one of the companies that got a share of this money, was able to open that restaurant where you go on Sundays and speak wonders of the food. So the next time you go to a restaurant, remember that you could have done diner at home, the restaurant was your "little" luxury. Yet you pay for the meal and help the man's bussiness. Just as the rich guy who bought the boat.
People can complain about billionaires bussiness practises or the way they manage employees or whatever, but buying over-priced luxury items like this is actually good for the society.
Richard Getz
Richard Getz - 7 years ago
Is this a video of the Assam yacht, or the designers hands???
Bob Boberson
Bob Boberson - 7 years ago
Exactly. The designer said it himself: Azzam is noted because of it's length and size. It's not exceptional in the design.

30. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show

KMT15 - 7 years ago
Liberals will never understand how many jobs the rich create. Without the rich, there are no extravagant toys which puts many people out of work
JONG MIN KIM - 7 years ago
They own the biggest boat but they have micro penises and rape boys and goats.
underwaterlights - 7 years ago
Dave James
Dave James - 8 years ago
blood money
Bosingr - 8 years ago
Would like to have seen the interior. If it's really all that, why didn't they show us more?
Jim Beck
Jim Beck - 8 years ago
Good for the rich. How many jobs did this purchase support? How many jobs did it create? Remember when the Clinton administration decided on the luxury tax? I was around a few people that while the 10% really didn't make a difference on whether or not they could afford it they were just tired of being picked on! Boat business went out of business, high-end car dealerships went out of business. Bush 1 was trapped into cutting T&E write off. Liberals thought it was terrible people could get together over a dinner to discuss business and get to write it off. Do you know how many NYC restaurants went out of business after that? How many cut back hours, employees?
TheVern18544 - 8 years ago
so, it's around $10k/month just to dock it? sheesh, what a beast.
Stephen Livers
Stephen Livers - 8 years ago
skip all the bull shit.....let me see this boat in big seas.....or even moderent seas with big swells..you never see it.......
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
a fantastic boat but it is obscene that an individual has so much wealth when so many are poor
Lenmar Sinadjan
Lenmar Sinadjan - 8 years ago
this boat is wasting all that precious frontal decks that are not being used
taly dyanna
taly dyanna - 8 years ago
Ouvir FALAR que o AZZAM é de um Ator de HOLLYWOOD , noooossa ! Ele Deve ser muito RICO na vida REAL, pois 500 Milllion em Um Yati . hehehehehe...
taly dyanna
taly dyanna - 8 years ago
Porfavor , EU não Estou CRITICANDO, é Apenas que ... JESUS CRIST ... não Gosta de MENTIRAS, só Isso!
Ms. Eel
Ms. Eel - 8 years ago
That's how I feed my eel
Patthon Sirilim
Patthon Sirilim - 8 years ago
largest super yacht ever build the owner wants to remain image caution its not a race to have the biggest yacht that sound abit contradictory
Furoki - 8 years ago
Nononon fucker, they should be criticized for having so much of the PEOPLES wealth.
Im a prom night dumpster baby
Im a prom night dumpster baby - 8 years ago
what are those circle things on the roof?
Whalecome - 8 years ago
بو بطي ١٩٩
بو بطي ١٩٩ - 8 years ago
Im a prom night dumpster baby satellite receivers
Héctor F G A
Héctor F G A - 8 years ago
peter yeung
peter yeung - 8 years ago
Which billionaire owned it?
mussi yussu
mussi yussu - 7 years ago
Azam he is Tanzanian from Zanzibar.
Donnie Meijer
Donnie Meijer - 8 years ago
peter yeung its the king of abu dhabi
powerxp_mx - 8 years ago
Michael Klein that is so wrong the president of the United Arab Emirates owns it
Michael Klein
Michael Klein - 8 years ago
Saudi Arabian Royal family...so they basically have unlimited money
Jim Marshall
Jim Marshall - 8 years ago
I applaud anyone who can provide income for the people who design, construct, furnish, pilot, maintain & serve on such vessels.
Don Wolfberg
Don Wolfberg - 8 years ago
Anyone who feels entitled enough to criticize what other people do with their money is trash
Ray Reyes
Ray Reyes - 7 years ago
Make as much money as you want, as long as you don't screw people over to make it.
Sara Anbarestani
Sara Anbarestani - 7 years ago
Bob Boberson nah it's called jealousy.
Bob Boberson
Bob Boberson - 7 years ago
Entitled? It's called free speech, douche.
Drew Labat
Drew Labat - 7 years ago
marty fowler looking at his pic he's probably and old crime boss shitting on people so he gets offended easily..
Baleares Expert
Baleares Expert - 7 years ago
Ifk 1899 But they spend it - they are not sitting on it like f.e. Mr. Kamprad from IKEA driving a 14 year old Volvo.
Ifk 1899
Ifk 1899 - 7 years ago
"Their money"?? We're talking about corrupt Sheiks and Russian criminals. Every $ they have was stolen.
jamezz34 - 7 years ago
Don Wolfberg well assuming you are not financing wars or political upheavals then I would agree
Cosmic King
Cosmic King - 7 years ago
marty fowler
marty fowler - 8 years ago
entitlement has nothing to do with people having the freedom of making an observation and voicing their opinions and criticism. if a person makes a video and put's it out on youtube for billions to watch is and will be subject to criticism. if you can't handle the criticism or feedback. then don't put out the video on youtube. The Triple Deuce is 222m and is now the largest yacht in the world.
Brasspineapple Productions
Brasspineapple Productions - 8 years ago
Drew Labat
Drew Labat - 8 years ago
It's not an entitlement its there right of freedom.. But it's all relevant to ones income to me, if someone spends $35,000 on Bass boat and they can ok, If someone spends $500,000, 000 then ok. I just thing some believe it's all blood money because it probably is..
TheBleach - 8 years ago
+powerxp_mx You didn't understand the sentence and I am not gonna explain. Get better at English
powerxp_mx - 8 years ago
TheBleach and how exactly do you know he doesn't give a fuck
TheBleach - 8 years ago
Anyone can criticize anyone they want, it is upto the owner to not give a fuck, so long as he doesn't give a fuck, it doesn't matter what people say.
powerxp_mx - 8 years ago
Don Wolfberg you do know that you are talking about the president of the United Arab Emirates
austin1839 - 8 years ago
But will such a toy save the owner from hell?
RENOVATIO - 7 years ago
Kaguya Kurosaki a weeaboo that masturbates to cartoons is surely grown up to tell what exists and what note
The Original Hybrid
The Original Hybrid - 8 years ago
Hell doesn't exist. Grow up.
Don Wolfberg
Don Wolfberg - 8 years ago
a small piece of heaven on Earth
Born Villain
Born Villain - 8 years ago
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
why is everyone so interested in my boat?

50. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show

moonsalam - 8 years ago
Epic guys..epic:)✨
Tulsatom Bob
Tulsatom Bob - 8 years ago
Very nice, but does it include a bowling alley?
newbyfollome - 8 years ago
haha nice try cunt now its the "triple duce"
ForkYouPresents - 8 years ago
Well done on rich people spending money to create employment , I know a lot of people here think all rich people are evil and should share their wealth with poor people , but why should people who take all the risks in business have
to share their wealth with people who sit on their ass looking for a free handouts .

Okay I've got it ... if a rich man goes broke will the poor people help him pay off his debts . I didn't think so , it's a one way street for bitter lazy people , yeah rich people should pay more to the poor people unless they goes broke , then they are on their own .
Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker - 7 years ago
Alot of what you said is wrong... but the biggest thing is will the middle and lower class help the higher class? YES many of these customers you can bet have been in debt or recieved government bail outs... so yeah.
Jim Beck
Jim Beck - 8 years ago
Spoken like someone that has made some bad decisions in their lives. If you have a job it is a given you are supposed to work hard. Working hard is only a small component of making it big. And making it big doesn't necessarily mean being happy.
L.P De Best
L.P De Best - 8 years ago
ForkYouPresents tr
fn132788 - 8 years ago
How much harder must a CEO be working if the salary is 1.000 times higher than that of a nurse? I guess, that debunks the myth of the idea, that so much money was "earned" (by hard work - if hard work is an indicator, than more nurses would be millionaires).
So, in the end it all comes down to the lottery of life. I am not saying work is unimportant, I am merely saying its not the most important factor. ;-)
Adrian Bye
Adrian Bye - 8 years ago
Well said.
SlowStacker47 - 8 years ago
shut the fuck up freeloader
Edward Greenberg
Edward Greenberg - 8 years ago
Perhaps you should take a look at Mr. David Geffen's yacht. Mr. Geffen is left of center politically, but likes his toys very, very large and expensive. Think of the fuel consumption each time Mr. Geffen refers to the environment.
nsodc nsodc.
nsodc nsodc. - 8 years ago
Wow you had to go half way around the world to blame Hillary Aren't you the cunt of the day
the artist
the artist - 8 years ago
It employeed 4,000 families during its construction, that is very good!
Bruce Chandler
Bruce Chandler - 8 years ago
The problem is not with the boat. The problem lies with the guy that bought the boat and has enough money to give hundreds of millions of dollars to politicians that help them keep control of OPEC. Politicians Lake Hillary Clinton. Their ability to control oil prices sucks the money out of your pocket. Everything that is purchased becomes more expensive.
brainwashedliberals - 8 years ago
murat öztutan
murat öztutan - 8 years ago
Very ımpressıve yacht Looks very Amazıng congralatıon to lursenn
Mario Souza
Mario Souza - 8 years ago
bom pra navegação
Roger Huffman Jr.
Roger Huffman Jr. - 8 years ago
james moisson
james moisson - 8 years ago
if wealth were diveded eqwally among men we wouldnt need those "jobs"
cenexes 12
cenexes 12 - 7 years ago
socialism does not work , Stalin was a socialist and look at his legacy, Venezuela is a socialist country and look at it. socialism breeds freeloaders who think they shouldn't have to work for their living and then you have no real value cause no work no value. hell look at the US , the people complain about Mexicans taking jobs they know damn well they would never do, that is why they brought slaves over to America in the first place cause they would not get out in the fields
The Monrovian
The Monrovian - 7 years ago
MrOperettalover 1000 upvotes!!! Exactly.
MrOperettalover - 8 years ago
+Φίλιππος Κωστόπουλος
And on the other hand, if people were focused at being clever and making useful products everybody would be a billionaire. Stupid people don't understand the amount of money is only a reflection of production. That's why they lapse to nonsense about re-distribution rather than mind work.
Φίλιππος Κ
Φίλιππος Κ - 8 years ago
If all money were divided equally everyone would get about 10k. What are you going to have with that? half an appartment and a 70 year old crappy car?
MrOperettalover - 8 years ago
+Lino Andrade

"Being wealthy is a choice and so is being poor!"

Well put sir.
ForkYouPresents - 8 years ago
Everything you said is correct , why should people who take risks have to share with the people sitting on their ass looking for a free handout .

Okay I've got it , if a rich man goes broke will the poor people help him pay off his debts . I didn't think so , it a one way street for bitter lazy people , yeah rich people should pay more to the poor people unless he goes broke , then he is on his own .
Lino Andrade
Lino Andrade - 8 years ago
Being wealthy is a choice and so is being poor! You have own a business to make any real money. Working a job will never get you anywhere. Time, money and patience...
Noneofyourbusiness - 8 years ago
It is divided equally. Money get creates out of thin air....you can get it just like the rich did. BUT you have to get off your ass, help people, take risks and work hard and smart. Most people are too lazy so they remain poor and complain on the internet about how evil the rich are and how the wealth should be divided. Take money away from a rich person and they will be rich again, same with poor people. Distribution and equality is a pipe dream of leftist losers.......communism and socialism are just as, if not more corrupt than capitalism.....that's why they always fail
Genius Noble
Genius Noble - 8 years ago
If wealth was going to be divided equally there would be no wealth because people would stop working and wait for their equal
MrOperettalover - 8 years ago
But look at him more closely. He wants the money, but still don't want to work.
spaceman sproggit
spaceman sproggit - 8 years ago
Interesting comment by the CEO at around the 7 minute mark, where he is discussing the length (LOA) of the vessel and commenting that the foreship is some 60 metres in length. The comments come across in a somewhat defensive tone, as if he is trying to play down the "size isn't everything" interpretation. Except, in this one case, he might be wrong...

The "maximum hull speed" - i.e. the maximum speed in knots that a vessel can travel (without planing) is a function of the submerged length. See here


In simple terms, the maximum speed in knots is equal to 1.34 x the Square Root of "Length at the Waterline" (measured in feet) and computed in knots.

According to her Wikipedia page, Azzam's length is quoted at 590 feet. On that basis, then, her maximum speed in knots would be 1.34 x 24.289915603 (square root of 590) which is 32.5485 knots... The same Wikipedia page suggests that her actual top speed is 30 knots. That is a remarkable feat of engineering for any sea-going vessel, doubly so for a private yacht.

Wouldn't want to be paying her fuel bill though...
cuddley coyote
cuddley coyote - 8 years ago
review the princess 72 motor yacht
Azzam Naaman
Azzam Naaman - 8 years ago
hey that me yea its my boat lol
El Diablo
El Diablo - 8 years ago
Oh Alla wont you buy me a Superyachty, my friends all drive Bugatties and I must make amends. Never worked all my life time, with help from daddy. Im counting on you Alla, please dont let me down. I wait for delivery each day until three, so Alla wont you buy me, a SUPERYACHTY !
Born Villain
Born Villain - 8 years ago
+El Diablo Yea he was there lol... When I told em who asked they were like "pfft.. HELL no! Tell that MF to just stfu!" lmao... It was weird. Idk wuts up between y'all... Sounds like some bad history or something :P
El Diablo
El Diablo - 8 years ago
+Born Villain He said no to El Diablo. He must have talked to Santa Clause, he said no too.
Born Villain
Born Villain - 8 years ago
wait... yea I know him. I assumed you didn't have his number so I took the liberty of calling and asking for you... he said "No" and "they know why..." whatever that means... ;)
Φίλιππος Κ
Φίλιππος Κ - 8 years ago
Why should god gift you with something that costs others countless of work hours while you do nothing?
ATL - 8 years ago
You must also think of all the people the rich guy pays to maintain the boat and staff the boat. He probably employs 50-100 people throughout the lifetime of the boat to simply keep it operational.
G.I Juicer
G.I Juicer - 8 years ago
+ATL Shogun Try 60 million according to cnn website.
ATL - 8 years ago
captain, first mate, 2-3 cleaning crew, cook, plumber, electrician, carpenter, welder, butler, engine technician, hull technicians, satellite/communications technician, docking technician, fuel technician on and on and on. The maintenance on this thing would be insane. 1 million per year easily. All of the people I mentioned would need to be full-time. He would need Human Resources to simply manage his boat personnel. He would also need a dedicated accountant just to manage his boat costs. He would also need full-time security. Just in this list 20 people he would need to manage this thing properly. He could single-handedly support a small town just with his boat maintenance. Amazing.
Jason M. Farrant
Jason M. Farrant - 8 years ago
how about a customized submarine
Stefano Fabiani
Stefano Fabiani - 9 years ago
In italiano no?
Skyhighblu - 9 years ago
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
With it taking years to build these ships anyone would be stupid to invest. With Europe being invaded who knows if they will still be around!
itsmebrandaman - 8 years ago
Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan owns it, so the man has some spare cash to blow regardless of the depreciation of the asset. haha
Ruben - 9 years ago
+John Smith No one buys these as an investment. It would be pretty hard to sell and if you are a multi Billionaire you probably aren't stupid.
David James
David James - 9 years ago
Panthers1521 - 9 years ago
did he say 38,000 cars in paint?!
Carl Lelandt
Carl Lelandt - 8 years ago
Also note that the type of paints used on a salt water vessel like this are also going to be much more expensive than highest quality auto paint.
General Turgidson
General Turgidson - 9 years ago
+Panthers1521 Yes he did. lol
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 9 years ago
Azzam is a beautiful yacht and that is because of the simplicity of its design. A yacht that big has to have a design than doesn't knock you back, like for instance the 170' Palmer Johnson KHALILAH, which to me is an over-the-top, ugly design.
Lawrence Musci
Lawrence Musci - 9 years ago
haha 4,000 families.. thats a hell of a rationalization for mega yacht
cenexes 12
cenexes 12 - 7 years ago
plus he has to hire the crew and buy the food and other stuff. even though the owner is the president of the UAE and his money did not come from taxes cause the UAE is tax free on most stuff
Flyingferrets5 - 7 years ago
Think of it this way: The owner put $620 million back into the economy instead of hoarding it away inside his mattress!
Erik Hill
Erik Hill - 9 years ago
This boat is realllllllllll!
Andy Mullen
Andy Mullen - 9 years ago
Built for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Emir of Abu Dhabi and President of the United Arab Emirates.
dekic13236 - 9 years ago
+Andy Mullen Al usrah supermarket hehehehehe
Adrian Larkins
Adrian Larkins - 9 years ago
Apart from looking at a bunch of boring faces instead of the yacht, I maintain "Eclipse" is the one to beat. She has refined taste whereas I bet "Azzam" is pure bling AND no booze!! Ahaaaaaa.....!!
General Turgidson
General Turgidson - 9 years ago
+Adrian Larkins I always thought the Serene or Solandge has been the best looking yacht out there. I just think this is big and white, plain in my opinion. But of course, I have no room to talk. lol
Photo314159 - 9 years ago
Definitely a beautiful boat. So many of these mega yachts are ugly. This one is well proportioned and flowing. Excellent work.
SlowStacker47 - 8 years ago
eclipse is nicer
goaspiritoflove - 9 years ago
Blab Pete
Blab Pete - 9 years ago
How much?
Ahmet Can Taşpınar
Ahmet Can Taşpınar - 9 years ago
+Tom May 500 million euro
E500 Tunes
E500 Tunes - 9 years ago
BTY .. Your neck tie's color ..FAIL.
Tom Waite
Tom Waite - 9 years ago
Lets see more yacht and less talk.
Stephan Weaver
Stephan Weaver - 9 years ago
terrible waste of stolen Western money
cenexes 12
cenexes 12 - 7 years ago
stolen western Money ? how do you figure , oh wait I get it your an Ameri-nazi who thinks everything belongs to the US. you must be poor and gay, with self esteem issues
Zauh Desmond
Zauh Desmond - 9 years ago
The fuck is this, came here to see it!!
TheKaffeeKlatsch - 9 years ago
Listed as a charter but not being chartered..... that's how you avoid paying taxes on the ship. Yeah, we should be grateful, sure. Normally I'd go along with the idea that wealth creates jobs and constructs works such as Azzam, but don't sugarcoat it if the thing is set up under a tax shelter that others don't have the option of using.
R Lyle
R Lyle - 9 years ago
+TheKaffeeKlatsch if you dont pay, you go to jail. voluntary?
TheKaffeeKlatsch - 9 years ago
+Law19157 The US is a voluntary system.
Law19157 - 9 years ago
+TheKaffeeKlatsch I don't know where you live but in the U.S. everyone in every income bracket has a way around paying taxes.
Nik Lac
Nik Lac - 9 years ago
No outdoor pool? Ok, I'm not buying this.
TrangleC - 9 years ago
What I find strange about this one is that it just seems to be big, but doesn't show any of the usual amenities and features you normally would expect of a mega yacht, like a swimming pool, a whirl pool, a big sun deck, a bathing platform, a hub for smaller boats and water scooters and stuff like that. This looks like a yacht build for somebody who thought he just needed a giant yacht but had no actual interest in doing and enjoying any of the things people usually do with giant yachts.
This looks like a swimming office building.
Siam Sattar
Siam Sattar - 7 years ago
It has a sub marine and 2 helipods
Siam Sattar
Siam Sattar - 7 years ago
TrangleC why the fuck would arabs want to take sun bath?? R u dumb? It has swimming pool
Dale Church
Dale Church - 9 years ago
Thank you kind Sir for allowing the 4000 families to have the privilege to work on your ultra expensive, totally unnecessary, fuel guzzling, ego maniac icon of a yacht for which I will never ridicule since you did the world such a big fricken favor!  Give me a break!
Sales - 9 years ago
0.o Only in my dreams will I ever have one
Zatoichiable - 9 years ago
There are many ways to waste.
Berzerk Likeyou
Berzerk Likeyou - 9 years ago
if i ever win the loto i want to buy one of these and just live in it
Boglenight - 8 years ago
The powerball pot is often shared, isn't it?
Xelbiuj - 8 years ago
The powerball routinely breaks $100m, earlier this year it hit a record billion.
Christopher Maze
Christopher Maze - 9 years ago
+Berzerk Likeyou lmao I don't think a lottery will cover all the expense that needs to go into taking care of the ship and its crew members
Boglenight - 9 years ago
If you can find a lottery more than 100 million please tell me, you definitely won't find any lottery that is the same price as this yacht... Let alone the cost of the upkeep
vrccb - 9 years ago
Well, the yacht is simply, completely and utterly divine, full stop. But what is even more interesting, is Peter Lurssen's eyes - absolutely mesmerising!
Retry - 9 years ago
ita no
Hermann TheGerman
Hermann TheGerman - 9 years ago
all this work for it to struggle with its sea trails and have flaws
dekic13236 - 9 years ago
+Hermann TheGerman Nice picture of President TITO. Greetings from Serbia.
Matthew Walkley
Matthew Walkley - 9 years ago
Talk talk talk and the same couple shots of the yacht over and over again, I thought this was supposed to be about a yacht and not an ego trip for the guys who built it
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
Im sure bill gates could easily build a bigger one. He probably more of a house person though.
RENOVATIO - 7 years ago
Puzzoozoo What are you talking about. Ofc he could.
Patthon Sirilim
Patthon Sirilim - 8 years ago
look he trying to say that bill gates could have bought a bigger and more impressive ship and afford to maintain it if he have enough interest in such a hobby with out to much issue with his wealth paul allen bought a yacht similar in size to this as well as a few fighter jet and he was the number 2 man in Microsoft back then and he is still doing fine
Suddenly, a wetrat
Suddenly, a wetrat - 9 years ago
Puzzoozoo - 9 years ago
+Im a Fox M$ like most corporations is up to its chin in debt, if the US ecomony goes down the pan which it will, it'll take M$ with it.
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
+Puzzoozoo Even if he only owns 10% of MS and his other investments. He could still buy and maintain it without breaking a sweat. Microsoft and its holdings are global. Even if the US market crashes he will still be able to buy one and not break the bank. 
Puzzoozoo - 9 years ago
+Im a Fox After you have built your big boat, you still payout 10% per year of what you paid to maintain it, and an additional 10% put to one side for the big jobs it'll requiire,and Gate$'s income is probably based on the share price, and M$ stock is pretty shitty, as like the other corporations in the US its been buying back its own shares to keep the price high to give the illousion of prosperity. It's all a bubble, as the US economy is tanking big time.
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
+Puzzoozoo I know. But he can definetly dish out enough coin to get the biggest one.  
Puzzoozoo - 9 years ago
+Im a Fox Gateses fortune is solely based in the value of the MS shares he owns, he doesn't have 60 billion in the bank.
Pat Rigdon
Pat Rigdon - 9 years ago
Gorgeous. Flat out gorgeous. Would LOVE to have a day or two on her. OK......at least a week.
nakternal - 10 years ago
The billionaire who spent the money to keep all those families fed is an ARAB. Muslim. lol
243wayne1 - 9 years ago
+nakternal Exaaaaaaaaaaactly...
Brandon Fenske
Brandon Fenske - 10 years ago
i wanted to see the boat not you talking...

100. comment for [ENG] "AZZAM" LARGEST LUXURY SUPERYACHT EVER - The Boat Show

Финансовая Группа  И.К.С.
Финансовая Группа И.К.С. - 10 years ago
andrew grijalba
andrew grijalba - 10 years ago
This yacht is not the biggest as in 2015 the worlds biggest yacht would be the Everest yacht which 600'
Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw - 10 years ago
I love the fact that she doesn't look gargantuan. Peter can expect a call from me very soon:)
Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw - 9 years ago
Oh yes.
AmerikanGrizzly - 9 years ago
looks a bit like an old destroyer, profile wise. badass
Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw - 10 years ago
Cant disagree with you on any count.
Capt777harris - 10 years ago
She's got very clean lines.  She a very sleek looking vessel.  The way a yacht of any size should look, in my opinion.
Sidney Palmer
Sidney Palmer - 10 years ago
I came here to see the yacht, NOT to listen to a bunch of assholes toot their own horn.
soulassassin0g - 7 years ago
I would too if I was responsible for creating the world's largest private yacht. Hell I toot my own horn just by building a RC boat lol.
Everett Cox
Everett Cox - 9 years ago
+Adrian Larkins Yes good points and I would have loved to have seen some of the interior like the pilothouse and the engine room. Speaking of which, those four jet drives are HUGE(as Trump would say lol). Does anybody know who built the engines and the power?
Adrian Larkins
Adrian Larkins - 9 years ago
I agree the info is interesting BUT why not show us the yacht whilst the experts are talking? Who wants to see their ugly mugs? As I sarcastically said in my previous comment -nice picture of the mans' glasses!!.
Pep Cradled
Pep Cradled - 9 years ago
+Sidney Palmer This is the only video to find this information about this boat. It's interesting, not some show off shit. They deserve to show off themselves, even if they aren't. These are factual observations.
Adrian Larkins
Adrian Larkins - 9 years ago
+Sidney Palmer I quite agree. Wonderful picture of the guys glasses.
Ineke Mateman
Ineke Mateman - 9 years ago
+Sidney Palmer You wish..., you'll be that asshole...!
Puzzoozoo - 9 years ago
+Sidney Palmer If it wasn't for those horn tooting assholes Azzam wouldn't have been built.
Jason B
Jason B - 9 years ago
Then go find a different video, we're not forcing you to be here.
John Smith
John Smith - 10 years ago
No outdoor pool?
Osama Bayyoumi
Osama Bayyoumi - 9 years ago
i have met billionaires that are living at a standard lower than me.
Osama Bayyoumi
Osama Bayyoumi - 9 years ago
not all of them. never ever generalize. it is the definition of racism 
Fugedibobo - 9 years ago
+Osama Bayyoumi Hahaha you can't take a joke.. bigoted retard :D

Everyone knows Arab billionaires are only playing the good muslim till nobody can see them. Then they drink, fuck and do drugs just like their European and American counterparts.
Osama Bayyoumi
Osama Bayyoumi - 9 years ago
+Fugedibobo you are a racist pig
Fugedibobo - 9 years ago
+John Smith It's because of their religion, they prefer tons of cocaine, alcohol and Eastern-European hookers to stay inside the ship rather than letting them just walk all around :D
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
+TheLastMinecrafter It's because of their religion aswell.
Osama Bayyoumi
Osama Bayyoumi - 9 years ago
+John Smith basics to arab society. gulf arabs aka saudi , qatar , kuwait. extremely private. while the rest are more westernized egypt,lebanon , syria
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply, makes sence.
TheLastMinecrafter - 9 years ago
+John Smith  most Arab owned yachts have very little outside amenities compared to western yachts, due to the much more private culture compared to the huge parties most western yacht owners throw, though a few Arab yacht owners do throw massive on board parties.

hope this helps!
Maloy7800 - 10 years ago
Too much talking, too little video.
John Fisher
John Fisher - 10 years ago
$605 million, people.
jpracingph - 9 years ago
+243wayne1 Ouch indeed. ;)
243wayne1 - 9 years ago
+jpracingph Hahaha!  Ouch...
243wayne1 - 9 years ago
+jpracingph Agreed.
Skyhighblu - 10 years ago
+jpracingph Oh I may have that wrong then. I was just going off of a Forbes video I saw, but I may have heard that wrong
jpracingph - 10 years ago
+Skyhighblu Not on any of the 5 megayachts I've worked on.
Skyhighblu - 10 years ago
+jpracingph the 10% yearly standard maintenance includes the fuel, the cost of the crew as well as the berth
jpracingph - 10 years ago
Let's do the math. If you were a run of the mill billionaire with about $5B in the bank, it would take more than 10% of your wealth to build the yacht plus another 1% of your wealth a year (Thats 10% of the cost of the yacht which is the maintenance standard) to keep her in good order not including gas. 
If you had $5B and earned a return of 5-10% a year on that $5B, then you can afford it but it would be expensive.
So, regular billionaires need not apply. :)
Minimum net worth of $10B to make this yacht a luxury you can afford without feeling it.
John Fisher
John Fisher - 10 years ago
+Corn Fed Exactly my friend, hold on...my tongue is stuck in my cheek. 
Corn Fed
Corn Fed - 10 years ago
Is that it? I'll take 2. One to use and a spare when the other is in the shop. 
Fe goo
Fe goo - 10 years ago
Malfoys father
Briggs Porter
Briggs Porter - 10 years ago
6 million man hours and designed, built and launched in 4 years. Those are more impressive numbers than the 180 meters.
?, ?,
?, ?, - 7 years ago
Briggs Porter even more impressive (or idiotic) is how much it cost per year
Xelbiuj - 8 years ago
~680 people working 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week, for 4 years. The yacht itself is a business.
Boat Show Avenue
Boat Show Avenue - 10 years ago
John Salazar
John Salazar - 10 years ago
Yacht owners should not be criticized for when they do spend money. It is after all their money and they have the right to enjoy it. However the fact remains that those with resources are more likely to evade paying fair taxes by hiding their money. Whether that be by using loopholes in tax code or by stashing their money in off shore accounts. Recently we have seen a disturbing trend towards allowing the super wealthy to pay less and less in taxes meanwhile the burden on what remains of the middle class and the poor increases year after year. 

Let's be clear. The population is quickly awakening to the reality that everyone needs to contribute and the pitchforks and torches are being prepped. 

This trend where the super rich think they can control the government and impose their will on the lower classes will come to an end one way or another. 
cenexes 12
cenexes 12 - 7 years ago
people should stop complaining about how much taxes the rich pay when all the taxes are for is to start wars not build jobs, the rich people create jobs by starting more companies with said could have been taxes money, which is better jobs or war?
cenexes 12
cenexes 12 - 7 years ago
news flash they own the governments therefore they own the military's who's salary comes from them so good luck with your pitchfork against their M4's and missiles
Im a Fox
Im a Fox - 9 years ago
+John Salazar Taxes, if put too high can actually block innovation. No one wants to live in a country where you get penalized for working harder and being more creative. Thank goodness it's going down. You shouldn't feel so entitled to other peoples money.
John Salazar
John Salazar - 10 years ago
Secondly I know most folks have a short memory (and attention span). But I for one very clearly know that I pay less in taxes (percentage to income) now, compared to 15-20 years ago. 
John Salazar
John Salazar - 10 years ago
+Badsellcut Perhaps you should look at what has happened to the tax rate for the top 10% of earners in the last 30 years. At one time the highest rate was almost 90% (for those in the top 1% of income brackets). Perhaps before posting a stupid comment you should take a moment to use the google to educate yourself. I understand that some folks don't understand  google so let me do it for you.... http://visualizingeconomics.com/blog/2013/8/14/historical-tax-rates-of-top-01
TQ - 10 years ago
How about earning ones own wealth instead of complaining about others for once?! Peasants m
Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw - 10 years ago
+Jim Jones
Care about your head others could be looking on your little lot and questioning why you should have so much. Study the French revolution heads just kept on dropping.
khamid1 - 10 years ago
+Jim Jones Good luck with that :)
Jim Jones
Jim Jones - 10 years ago
off with their heads!
MoveMakerTV - 10 years ago
+Puzzoozoo I don't think there's a clearer,more concise or more relatable response to be stated than that
Puzzoozoo - 10 years ago
+John Salazar The villagers have no idea of what to replace it with, in order to maintain their current standard of living.  But their march will be a nice day out for them.  Hope the weather stays fine.  :)
John Salazar
John Salazar - 10 years ago
+Puzzoozoo The villagers are sharpening their pitchforks and lighting their torches. More and more people are realizing that Capitalistic ideas such as trickle Down Economics have failed. 
Puzzoozoo - 10 years ago
The plebs have been saying that for over a thousand years.  There will always be wealthy people who control the levers of power and finance, so get used to it.

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